sup /x/


Yet more proof that THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT IS LYING TO US! I just got this from a conspiracy site in the comments section for a chemtrail article, turns out THE MAN is slowly poisoning the atmosphere so these GREY-HEADED BASTARDS will be able to walk around without ANTI-OXYGEN MASKS. I am totally writing my congressman and demanding a full accounting for this behavior when I finish off the last of these mushrooms.


it keeps the fbi's mindrays out


I saw this in one of those old horror books from when I was a kid, AND IT TOTALLY LOOKED RIGHT AT ME WHILE I WAS READING IT, and I was so scared I dumped my bong all over my dog and ran out of the room pissing down my leg, has this ever happened to you guys?


it keeps the fbi's mindrays out

Totally Proof!

Fuck guys, I just found this on the internet, it was on a page with a black background and upside-down spinning pentagrams, so it's a totally legit source. LOOK AT THIS GIRL FLOAT, it's totally proof ghosts exist, I KNEW IT


it keeps the fbi's mindrays out