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    File :1206221019.jpg-(27 KB, 760x342, multigun1.jpg)
    27 KB STEAMPUNK FEATS Mysterious Licensed Physician 03/22/08(Sat)17:23 No.1383719  

    You are so all-encompasingly gentlemanly and courteous it is almost disgusting. Your extreme politeness nets you a +5 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks. However, if you exceed the check by 10 or more, the person your are conversing with gets viciously and excrutiatingly nauseated by the sheer force of your manners. They may attempt to kill you.

    Your uptight, stuffy personality makes you difficult to sway. You gain a +2 bonus to Sense Motive checks and Will Saves, but a -2 penalty to Diplomacy checks with people who are not also stuffy conservative grumps.

    You are exceedingly adept at bending the laws of science to your will. You may reroll any roll to create, utilize, pilot, or repair a a mechanical device a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence modifer. You can create working devices out of complete rubbish as long as you have a sufficiently nonsensical bullshit scientific explanation to go along with it.

    If a firearm is ramshackle, thrown together, and completely unlikely to leave you and everyone in the vincinity unharmed, you are considered proficient with it. You gain a +10 bonus on all checks to keep it from backfiring in whatever horrific, destructive, glorious way it may be prone to backfire.
    >> STEAMPUNK FEATS Mysterious Licensed Physician 03/22/08(Sat)17:24 No.1383722
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    Your facial hair is well kept to such a degree that it seems to radiate charm and grace. You gain a +2 charisma bonus to all Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Bluff checks.
    Prereqs: Must have at least 10 sentences on your character sheet describing your facial hair

    Your facial hair is well refined; enough to hide several hidden razor blades within it. You may use your facial hair as a natural weapon that deals damage according to size (ie. Chaplin: 1d4, Standard Lip Caterpillar: 1d6, Standard + VanDyke: 2d4, Handlebar: 1d6+2, Mutton Chops: 1d8, Full Beard: 1d10, Rutherford B. Hayes: 2d6, Van Winkle: 4d4. Intermidiate sizes and variations are at the DM's discretion.) Your facial hair requires half an hour of grooming per day to maintain its sharpness. Failure to do so causes the loss of this attack until you are properly barbered.
    Prereqs: Supremely Dapper Moustache

    Your facial hair is so dapper in its form that it intertwines with the mysterious luminiferous aether of our universe. You may permanantly apply one minor magic enchantment to your moustache. The applied effect can be changed with 2 hours of careful work by a master barbermancer.
    Prereqs: Supremely Dapper Moustache (and Bladed Moustache, if you wish to use a weapon enchantment)
    >> Aegis is a faggot with your mother !!RHJOq2Xf4eC 03/22/08(Sat)17:24 No.1383724
    I lol'd three times, keep it up
    >> Penis Machine D !f1Ld/VulFU 03/22/08(Sat)17:25 No.1383729
    >> STEAMPUNK FEATS Mysterious Licensed Physician 03/22/08(Sat)17:25 No.1383730
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    Your facial hair is so elegant and glossy that it may be used to instill fear in your enemies. An amount of times per day equal to your charisma modifier, you may, as a free action, attempt to Dazzle everyone who can see you for 1d4 rounds. You may use 2 of your daily uses to attempt to Stun them for 1d4 rounds, and three of your daily uses to attempt to instill a Fear effect for 1d4 rounds.
    Prereqs: Supremely Dapper Moustache

    Your facial hair is a sight to behold, legendary the world over. Your daily uses of the Dazzling Moustache effect doubles. Additionally, through the sheer virility your facial hair exumes, it now effects even those who cannot see you, as long as they are within 30 feet of you. You can use 1 daily use of your Dazzling Moustache to completely negate a fear effect against you.
    Prereq: Dazzling Moustache

    Through what can only be describe as a parodoxial space-time continuum fuck up, your facial hair has gained sentience. You may use it as a specialized Moustache Familiar (see nonexistant chart 1.3)
    Prereq: Supremely Dapper Moustache, the ability to use a familiar.

    Your facial hair can only be called a defect of nature. It is mishapen, scraggly, patchy, and sickly, and unfortunately for us, coarse and indestructible. You recieve a -2 penalty to Diplomacy, Bluff and Gather Information checks. Your facial hair can never be trimmed, shaven, or otherwise changed, except via powerful magicks. If your facial hair ever becomes non-repulsive, you lose this feat, as well as the bonus feat.
    Special: Choose 1 bonus feat that does not involve facial hair.

    *All facial hair feats are negated if your facial hair is damaged, and remain ineffective until it is repaired.
    >> STEAMPUNK FEATS Mysterious Licensed Physician 03/22/08(Sat)17:26 No.1383734
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    Whenever your character is subject to what can be deemed as a surprise attack (caught flatfooted, sneak attacked, etc), their sheer shock can propel their monocle or other eyewear forward with such velocity as to do damage. This technique uses a standard attack roll. Damage is based on the eyewear. (ie. Standard monocle: 1d4, Heavy Monocle: 1d6, Pince Nez: 1d4+2, Motorized Chainsaw Monocle: 1d8, Glass Eye: 1d4 with a 15+Character level Fort save vs. nausea, Diving Helmet: 1d12. Intermidiate sizes and variations are at the DM's discretion.)
    Prereqs: Must wear a monocle or other piece of removable eyewear which is somehow tethered to the body for this to be in effect.

    By using a controlled burst of sheer outrage, this character may launch their monocle or other eyewear as an offensive attack. This can be used a number of times per day equal to your charisma modifier and is considered a free action. The damage is identical to Defensive Monocle Popping.
    Prereqs: Defensive Monocle Popping

    You are superhumanly proficient in the upkeep, maintenance, and wearing of top hats.
    Special: These feat is silly. It does not count against your total feats.
    Prereqs: Must wear a top hat at all time.
    ALL times.

    >> Aegis is a faggot with your mother !!RHJOq2Xf4eC 03/22/08(Sat)17:28 No.1383744
    Again, moar
    >> Aegis is a faggot with your mother !!RHJOq2Xf4eC 03/22/08(Sat)17:29 No.1383747
    fuckmints he's finished
    >> Aegis is a faggot with your mother !!RHJOq2Xf4eC 03/22/08(Sat)17:30 No.1383754
    I take it upon myself to make at least one person laugh by thinking of a silly feat
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:31 No.1383758
    Grant us some moar, you cantankerous featsmith!
    >> Neil Arthur Hotep 03/22/08(Sat)17:32 No.1383762
    As awesome as some of these are, I'd really like to know what that think in the OP's pic is.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:33 No.1383764

    That, my friend, is the only travelling companion you'll ever need.
    >> Aegis is a faggot with your mother !!RHJOq2Xf4eC 03/22/08(Sat)17:34 No.1383767
    You are a cad. You gain a +2 on all checks so long as your character is being a bit of a bastard whilst performing the action
    Prereqs: Supremley Dapper Moustache or Stuffy Old Codger
    >> Neil Arthur Hotep 03/22/08(Sat)17:35 No.1383773
    Are you implying that I have a ridiculous gun fetish?
    >> Aegis is a faggot with your mother !!RHJOq2Xf4eC 03/22/08(Sat)17:36 No.1383774
    You are a bounder. You gain a +2 on all checks, cumulative with cad, so long as your character is being a massive bastard whilst performing the action
    Prereqs: Cad
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:37 No.1383779

    It slices, it dices. Removes embarassing stains from conduit sheets. Finds you a job. Hell, it IS a job. And it's only a dollar!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:38 No.1383782
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:40 No.1383785
    Prerequisite: Dex 13, Cha 13, Top Hat proficiency
    You are proficient in the use of the bladed top hat in all its forms. If you miss your target when attacking with a bladed top hat, You can roll either a Dexterity check or a Charisma check (you must chose one when you select this feat) against DC 10. If you succeed, your top hat returns back to you like a boomerang. If you fail by 5 or less, it lands within 5 feet of you, in a random direction. If you fail by more than 5, it lands within 5 feet of the target square, in a random direction.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:41 No.1383791
    You are the best thread ever.
    >> Aegis is a faggot with your mother !!RHJOq2Xf4eC 03/22/08(Sat)17:42 No.1383792
    Gain +2 to your wealth bonus. You may never speak to a character of a different skin colour to your own ever again.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:42 No.1383794
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    We stuffy gentlemen need to have SOMETHING that keeps us above you... riffraff.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:45 No.1383804
    UNFLAPPABLE-Suffer absolutely no social penalties whatsoever, whenever, as they affect you. While you may be able to keep your cool while covered with writhing snakes, and still manage to stay a perfect gentleman, the lady you are speaking to may be somewhat flustered by their reptilian presence.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:45 No.1383806
    Didn't Lord Faggotron kick your ass?
    >> Papa Bear 03/22/08(Sat)17:46 No.1383812
    Is a bowler hat covered by top hat proficiency?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:47 No.1383817

    Only if it's silly.
    >> Aegis is a faggot with your mother !!RHJOq2Xf4eC 03/22/08(Sat)17:48 No.1383824
    Top hats are more steampunk than bowler hats
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:50 No.1383832
    Req: Cha13 and Int14, or Int16, mount as a class feature
    If you select this feature, you replace your normal mount for a Zeppelin instead. The Zeppelin is a Gargantuan sentient Construct and requires a Piloting (Zeppelin) roll to use in combat.
    The Zeppeliner is from the Celestial Realms and thus Good-aligned.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:51 No.1383835
    ENTIRELY SHAMELESS- Any time you engage in an act outside of your alignment, and anyone complains, you point to this text, and give them the smuggest nod you can.

    JUSTIFIED- Requires "Entirely Shameless." Any time you do something horrible, like enslaving an entire continent and putting them to work for your profit, and any NPC raises an objection, you may gain a +5 bonus to your diplomacy check to explain it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:51 No.1383837
    Not OP but here goes..
    one for the ladies

    Your organs are aphyxiated of blood supply, you can't breathe or feel your legs but shit your ass and breast look great. You get -10 to hp, dexterity decreases by 2 and due to constant torture to your organs and diaphram you get the "vapors" and pass out for 1 D10 turns on a roll of 8 with 1D8 on anything the Gm considers physical exertion. On the positive side you get +8 to diplomacy, Gather information, charming spells and get to wear armor one size class smaller then you usallly wear. Also due to the tightness of your corset, for every succesful attack to your torso roll 3D6, if the result is above 16 your corset catastrophicly fails injuring all players and creatures within 10 feet as they catch corset based shrapnel with their bodies for 1D6 damage. After catastrophic corset failure you are left naked and unconcious for 2d6 turns and a situation which requires one to explain why you are naked and potentially surrounded by corpses. Corset is obviously needed for this to Feat to take effect.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:51 No.1383841
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    Unlike the common oiks who surround you, you are a man/woman of noble bearing and speech. You may intimidate people of lower social standing by making a diplomacy check against DC 10 + their level. You gain a +2 bonus on any subsequent diplomacy, bluff or gather information checks against an intimidated lesser. If you manage three successful intimidate checks then, rather than fleeing, the NPC becomes meekly subservient for one hour per point of charisma bonus you have. An NPC may make a will save (DC 15 + your CHA modifier) to break subservience if you give them any suicidal or near-certainly suicidal orders.
    PREREQUITISE: Charisma 14+, Resources class ability.

    Your impeccable manners strike those you pass mute with terror. Panniers and chimneysweeps throw themselves under trains rather than sully the streets you walk upon. You may intimidate everyone with lower social standing within 30 foot as a free action, a number of times per day equal to your charisma modifier. Any of your inferiors under the influence of your Superior Breeding feat obey you without question, and do not get a will save if ordered to commit even directly suicidal acts.

    (Pic unrelated; but it's always time for Brunel)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:53 No.1383849
    ORPHANOPHAGE-You may eat orphans, urchins, and ragamuffins.
    >> Aegis is a faggot with your mother !!RHJOq2Xf4eC 03/22/08(Sat)17:54 No.1383853
    You should also only be able to take these feats at first level
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)17:56 No.1383858

    Dark, bloody and ardurous training has enabled you to wield the art of scorn. You easily drive your opponents to senseless fury, with your short bursts of vocalised contempt, with effective cheek gymnastics and eyebrow curling.

    Gain +6 to taunt checks, but only if the opponent(s) is within fifty feet and within line of sight of your face. This bonus lowers to +3 you are using a language that the target(s) is not proficient in.

    You may increase this bonus to +8 if you elect to and successfully hit the target with an unarmed strike(slap) immediately after the taunt action.
    >> Papa Bear 03/22/08(Sat)17:59 No.1383867
    I think I'll have a go.

    A skill used by many of the base-born to earn a living. The Chimney Sweep feat allows a bonus of +5 to escape artist checks and may assume an aura of being beneath notice on a successful Bluff role. Also, if the GM allows, you may purchase the skill Perform (Singing) as though it were a class skill.
    Restrictions: May not take the Superior Breeding (the blue bloods would never stoop so low) or Dapper Mustache (bits of hair would cling to it making rather undapper).
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)18:05 No.1383901
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    Your face bears both a thick coat of soot and a perpetual smile, which combined with your chirpy demeanor endears you to all folk you meet. If you fail a sleight of hand, sneak, move silently or other skill check when using it in a manner likely to cause offense (i.e. half-inching stuff) or when failing a sneak-attack you may immediately make a bluff check at the same DC. If passed, you suffer no ill reaction to your act; you successfully pass off the razor to their throat or handful of their coin as part of your charming street patois, and may have a friendly conversation with them.
    PREREQUISITE: CHA 14+, At least 4 ranks in Speak (Rhyming Slang), Social Standing of Lower-Class.

    PREREQUSITE: One or more levels in Chimney Sweep.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)18:08 No.1383908

    so what you're saying is, in the victorian age, only the fat kids got punished ?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)18:08 No.1383910
    You are well mannered in your less than honest profession. Any time you would make an Open Lock, Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently or Sleight of Hand check, you may instead use a Diplomacy check at a 5 point penalty to the DC. If you fail this Diplomacy roll at any time, you are caught with your pants down, as it were, and cannot use this ability until you redeem your social standing.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)18:10 No.1383923

    So you couyld use this feat to gain the moniker "The Lockwhisperer" ? 'They say he can ... speak to them locks, smooththalks 'em roight open he does, s'not proper I tells ya' ?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)18:14 No.1383949
    I smell a PrC
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)18:14 No.1383950
    Do any of these feats allow saves?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)18:15 No.1383953
    any age requirement for this?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/08(Sat)18:18 No.1383967
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    Nope, we can't risk excluding Dick van Dyke.
    >> Mysterious Liscensed Physician 03/22/08(Sat)18:19 No.1383977

    That is a good point. I forgot those entirely.

    I am an idea man, not a mechanics monkey.
    >> Papa Bear 03/22/08(Sat)18:21 No.1383993
    There are those that make a living and life on the streets taking what they can from others and often leaving them with a smile. The Artful Dodger is revered by the less skilled urchins around him for his knowledge and skill. He gains a bonus of +3 to all charisma (or similar stat) based checks performed in the company of others with the Lovable Rascal feat.
    Prerequisites: Chimney sweep, Lovable Rascal, charisma16, and 3 ranks in pickpocket.
    >> Papa Bear 03/22/08(Sat)18:22 No.1384000
    My inspiration for the Chimney Sweep.
    >> Dagda !hTbo821v7U 03/23/08(Sun)00:10 No.1385716
    Very nice, though as written there's no reason to take Rotten Moustache, since it's just going to grant you a feat you could have already taken instead of Rotten Moustache. Just say that it's a Flaw.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)00:29 No.1385828
    Freedom Fighter
    Gains +3 circumstance to Intimidate checks, attack rolls vs. bourgeoisies and government aligned characters.

    Gains +5 circumstance bonus to Bluff,Diplomacy and Gather Information when communing with the lower class.

    Charisma: 16+
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 03/23/08(Sun)00:33 No.1385853
    You know, Winston has at least half of these feats.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)00:42 No.1385901

    Renders you immune to all stuns.
    >> подметно 03/23/08(Sun)00:58 No.1386015
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    You can make, repair, clean, reassemble and reprocess goggles of brass. In addition to all benefits gained from brass goggles, you gain a +4 bonus to all saves vs gaze attacks when wearing a pair.
    PREREQS: CHA 13, craft (goggles) 5 ranks

    You know a pair of brass goggles from 100 ft, and can tell how soon it needs repairs, needs replacement lens, and how long ago and who made them. In addition to the benefits granted by brass goggle proficiency, you gain an additional +2 to saves vs gaze attacks, and may reflect monocle based attacks back upon their owners.
    PREREQS: brass goggle proficiency, CHA 13 craft (goggles) 8 ranks

    You are the god of brass goggles. In addition to all other benefits, you can now shoot eye beams from your brass goggles. They deal type awesome damage according to size d6 (brass plated goggles) d8 (solid brass goggles) d10 (atomik steamed goggles of brass) 2d8 (rotary blade powered plutonium reinforced brass dual monocles)
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:16 No.1386107
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    Archive this motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:21 No.1386140
    Yay! Doc Aquatic is back!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:26 No.1386165
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    Niven on the left.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:31 No.1386194

    You are one dapper motherfucker, with pristine clothing and a snappy hat. People stand in awe of you when you pass by, adding +5 to all bluff rolls.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:31 No.1386197
    Isn't that Lord Faggotron?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:32 No.1386203
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:33 No.1386210
    Requesting it now...
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:33 No.1386215
    Not if you're a Pinkerton "prestige" classed rogue.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:35 No.1386224
    >Whenever your character is subject to what can be deemed as a surprise attack (caught flatfooted, sneak attacked, etc), their sheer shock can propel their monocle or other eyewear forward with such velocity as to do damage
    >Diving Helmet

    Someone better drawfag this!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:37 No.1386234
    Which ones?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:38 No.1386242
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:38 No.1386244
    Not anymore.

    Poor Winchester...
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:45 No.1386294
    bump for archival!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)01:59 No.1386388
    MOAR archive request, faggots!
    >> Mysterious Licensed Physician 03/23/08(Sun)02:04 No.1386430
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)02:26 No.1386585

    (Duly noted. I meant to saw flaw.)
    >> Lord Cuthbert Fappington 03/23/08(Sun)02:30 No.1386613
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    Faggotron! I challenge you to a duel!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)02:31 No.1386622

    Cuthbert is a really awesome name.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)02:35 No.1386638
    Not as awesome as Reginald Bertram.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)02:39 No.1386667

    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)02:42 No.1386691
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    Greatest thread in months.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)03:23 No.1386926
    lololold at the unarmed strike
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)05:31 No.1387436
    Sootdiver [General]
    Years of living around coal and oil burning furnaces, fireplaces, and boiler rooms have given you a special tolerance for smoke.
    Benefit: You need to make fortitude saves against coughing half as often as normal (once every other round you spend within the smoke). You gain a +4 resistance bonus to these saving throws.

    Additionally, you may re-roll the concealment miss chance caused by smoke as long as both you and your target are within the area of the same smoke effect.

    Steam Monkey
    Years of working around boilers and pipes has given you a natural resitance to steam, and better understanding of its nature.
    Benefit: You gain Energy Resistance 5 against the heat daamge inflicted by steam.

    Additionally you gain a +2 insight bonus to saving throws caused by steam. This bonus applies to saves caused by the steam itself, such as a reflex save to avoid a jet of steam from a ruptured pipe. It does not apply to machines or tools powered by steam, such as a steam-driven chainsaw or drill.

    Spit and Polish
    You're quite adept at polishing and maintaining the brass, copper, and steel workings of your equipment.
    Benefit: Metal equipment you own and maintain gains Acid Resistance 2 and has a +2 resistance bonus to saves against acid and rust effects. Mundane equipment you maintain gets to make saves against acid and rust even if it would not normally be allowed. Its saving throw bonus for all saves is +0.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)06:06 No.1387571
    Bartitsu [Tactical]
    Prerequisites: BAB +4, Improved Unarmed Strike, Proficiency with Cane(or similar weapon)
    You are skilled at the dapper martial art of Bartitsu, which emphasizes using the walking stick or cane both as a weapon, and as a focus for leverage. When fighting with a cane, baton, short staff, or similar weapon Bartitsu grants the following manuvers:

    Oh no, after YOU: When fighting defensively or using the full defense action, you gain an additional +2 dodge bonus against the attacks of charging foes. If your attacker should miss, you may immediately attempt to trip them.

    Unhand me Ruffian!: Using your cane as a focal point for leverage, you can break an opponent's hold. You gain a +4 bonus on opposed grapple checks to Escape From a Grapple or to Break Another's Pin. Additionally you may strike a foe in a grapple with your cane using the Attack Your Opponent action, even if it is not a light weapon for you. You still suffer the normal -4 penalty for attacking with a weapon while in a grapple.

    Keep Your Hands to Yourself, Cur: If an opponent attacks an ally you've designated as the target of your Aid Another action, he provokes an Attack of Opportunity from you. Taking this attack of opportunity, however, negates the normal Aid Another bonus your ally would othewise recieve.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)15:32 No.1389483
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)15:49 No.1389554
    This is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)15:50 No.1389557
    fukken saved
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)15:59 No.1389586
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)16:03 No.1389605
    great appreciation to you, fa/tg/uys.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)16:05 No.1389614
    LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY (Queen's English)
    Due to your long sojourn in the British Empire, you are adept at recognizing the various accents associated with its multifarious provinces. This gives you +2 Diplomacy, as your knowledge of others' origins allows you to better understand and negotiate with them.

    I don't play much D&D, so I'm sure that my writing is horribly off, but hopefully the intent is clear.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)16:18 No.1389673
    Time for some races.

    Hardy yet barbaric, the Northerner's rough manners are the result of his ceaseless toil and grim environment. Despite their industrious nature, the Northerner is often an object of ridicule by his betters for his appalling taste in cuisine, fashion and speech.
    ATTRIBUTES: +2 Con, -2 Cha
    BONUSES: Resist Cold 5, immunity to fatigue and exhaustion.
    PENALTIES: -1 penalty to Social Standing when interacting with non-northerners.

    All but ignored by the wonders of the steam age, the countryfolk encompass both those gentry who seek to escape the inevitable forces of progress by retreating to their country estates, and the serfs they own. Both live in fear of the smog clouds and iron-plated monstrosities issuing from the cities of the realms at an ever-increasing pace.
    BONUSES: Survival, Handle Animal, Ride, Knowledge (Nature) are class skills. Gain Track as a free feat.
    PENALTIES: Countryfolk are spooked by steam chariots, dirigibles and all manner of clockworks. Countryfolk must make a DC 10 + (Mechanic level of creator) will save when encountering new technology, or be shaken for one hour per mechanic level of the creator.

    With the advent of the miraculous dirigible, the steam-boat and the brass whirligig, foreigners are now able to brave new shores, forging a trail of confusion, admiration and hate wherever they go.
    ABILITIES: No change.
    BONUSES: Speak language (Foreign), one free Exotic Weapon or Technology Proficiency.
    PENALTIES: Funny food- a foreigner must make a DC 10 fortitude save when eating any proper food, or be sickened for d6 hours.
    SPECIAL: Roll 1d6 when interacting with a non-foreign NPC. On a 1, reduce effective social standing by 2. On a 2, reduce it by 1. On a 5, raise it by 1. On a 6, raise it by two.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)16:31 No.1389725
    Prequisites: Cha 13
    Enemy must make will save (dc 10+1/2hd+cha mod) or put down all weapons and fight with fists. Sneak attacks, monk fist damage increase and similar abilities don't work. Effect is broken if affected creature is hit by creature other than one that used this feat or by weapon other than unarmed strike.

    You always have a cane. If it's even broken or stolen it regenerates in one day from your hands.
    It gives you +3 to diplomacy and intimidate checks.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)16:43 No.1389751
    Steampunk campaign setting /tg/!
    >> Aegis is a faggot with your mother !!RHJOq2Xf4eC 03/23/08(Sun)16:44 No.1389754
    Yeah we tried that, it was called Uberstadt, and then we got bored.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)16:46 No.1389762
    Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Cane-Sword)
    A new application of the pre-existing feat.

    True Blue
    Preresiquite: Cha 13+
    You may use your Charisma modifier instead of your Strength modifier on your intimidate checks.

    Fistful of Pounds
    Preresiquites: True Blue
    You may add your current wealth (Divided by 100,000) to your intimidate checks.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, reduce the division of your wealth by half.

    Cease these Shenanigans!
    Preresiquites: Intimidate 4+, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Cane Sword), True Blue, Cha 15+
    When confronted by enemies, you may draw your cane sword as a free action and make an intimidate check with a +5 bonus against their sense motive. If you succeed, your opponents are shaken. If you succeed by 5 or more, your opponents are frightened. If you succeed by 10 or more, your opponents are terrified.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)16:49 No.1389777

    Crap. I forgot, my DM houserules it to be either/or.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)16:49 No.1389778
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    >True Blue
    >Preresiquite: Cha 13+
    >You may use your Charisma modifier instead of your Strength modifier on your intimidate checks.

    But Intimidate is already a Charisma-based skill.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)16:50 No.1389784

    Why did you delete the post just to add a different picture?
    >> Inquisitor G 03/23/08(Sun)17:02 No.1389828
    This is one HUGE Victorian victory of a thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:07 No.1389855

    Utter Cock
    -2 Charisma but as a suprise attack to a non-hostile opponent, you may put your cigarette out in their eye. 1D2 damage, and on a roll of over 2 on a D6 you stun the opponent. If attack is done succesfully again, opponent is blind.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:09 No.1389878
    May also be done if BBEG is monologueing.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:15 No.1389910
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    I lol'ed for the last 5 minutes.
    You've earned this.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:15 No.1389911
    "may i have one last cigarette?"
    "if you must as your end is nigh, but as you can see there is absolutely nothi..AHHHHhh mY EYE...oh good god why did AHHHH my other eye YOU SHIT you Munching SHIT AHHHH!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:18 No.1389930

    If the power of the “Britaboo” Metamagic Feat is used on a PC that character takes permanent CON damage equal to 1 per every 500 miles the birthplace of her player is from Greenwich, London.

    Players are allowed one saving-throw to avoid this fate if the nation of their birth was part of the British Empire at one point; players may, if necessary re-role a second time if Elizabeth II is recognised as their current Head-of-State.
    >> Britfag 03/23/08(Sun)17:20 No.1389942
    This is great, I can now stat myself!

    LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY (Queen's English)
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:24 No.1389959

    This feat has an additional synergistic feature if SCOFFMASTER is used immediately after the stun, including the slap.

    This successfully combined series of feats immediately grants you a critical success on your taunt roll as well as rendering the target berserk for the next two turns. In this state, he is immune to mind-affecting effects and will attack the offending player and him only.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:28 No.1389974
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    Mounted Combat (Penny-Farthing)
    You can ride a penny-farthing velocipede in combat, steering with your knees, thereby leaving your hands free for fisticuffs, pugilism, or batting rapscallions about the ears with your cane.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:32 No.1389993
    Upper Class Vision
    with your head turned up high, your eyes at a squint you are unable to hear or see anything that you find offensive. Which in this case is anybody who is not as you deem "upperclass". When dealing with upperclass people you gain +5 charismah but in order to even witness anyone below middle class you have to do a succesful spot check at - 5. People with chimney sweep trait are invisible to you and actual magic is required for you to see them (so in every sense of the word treat them as invisible).
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:32 No.1389995
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:35 No.1390010
    Wow, this thread is as awesome as it was like twelve hours ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:42 No.1390057

    You are one with the portable canopy, an indispensible tool of all civilised peoples. Used in the off-hand slot.
    Otherwise known as an umbrella, using this device when you have this feat allows you access to the Improved Parry feat. If you exceed your riposte roll by ten or more, you may elect to trip the opponent.

    Riposte dam. as light spiked shield - Standard brolly
    Med. - Large brolly
    Large. - Steel plated brolly
    Tower. - Ancestral brolly

    Req: Shield proficiency, any
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:51 No.1390093
    Oldy TIme Remedist
    You know every remedy that everyones grandma knows about any condition.
    90% of which involve herbs, garlic and stuff you can find under the kitchen sink. Given access to a kitchen your character can heal up to 4 hp per level of this trait. The only downside being sue to the "nature" of this type of healing, the healed patient has -1 charismah per Hp healed, due to a trout being tied to his eye or garlic rubbed into his wounds.etc..
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:52 No.1390097

    >-1 charismah per Hp healed

    no bad bad
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:55 No.1390115
    trout based remedies are not pretty!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:56 No.1390118
    oops forgot to add..only for one day
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)17:59 No.1390131
    Language Expert.

    An English speaking character with this feat can communicate perfectly with any Dago, Darkie, Frog, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Yellow Devil, Kraut, Kaffer, Mohammedan or Hindoo by shouting, adding the letter O to the end of words and gesticulating with his cane.

    English language ONLY and no additional languages. Pith helmet or binoculars. Moustache.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:01 No.1390136

    Olde-tyme Remedist:
    You have picked up the ancient wisdom of your grandmother, affording you an expansive knowledge of remedies for nearly any ailment. Provided access to a well-stocked kitchen or a marketplace, you may make a Heal check to create a cure for ability damage, blindness, deafness, disease, exhaustion, fatigue, nausea, sickening, stun, and poison. The DC for each of these ailments is listed in Table 4-4: Remedies. Alternatively, you may make a Heal check to restore lost hit points to a character. You may restore one hit point for each point you exceed the DC of the check, which is 15.
    Any character who has been treated (successfully or un-successfully) by the remedist suffers a -6 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks due to the bizarre appearance and foul scent of the cures.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:02 No.1390137

    Oh goddamn that's wonderful.

    I'll like to add that the feat probably also requires that the player speak slowly as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:03 No.1390146

    >> That Paranoid Guy 03/23/08(Sun)18:08 No.1390172

    Once per hour, you may make a Charisma check versus your opponent. If you succeed, your opponent is given tea and incapacitated for two rounds. You may perform a Coup de Grace during the time which will not provoke attacks of opportunity.
    >> HALMAN 03/23/08(Sun)18:09 No.1390177
    I'm going to allow this feat in any game I run, and I'm going to take it at any opporotunity possible
    >> Omniczech 03/23/08(Sun)18:22 No.1390257
    I read this thread, then promptly came.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:24 No.1390267
    >allow this feat
    >take it

    DMPC much?
    >> HALMAN 03/23/08(Sun)18:26 No.1390287
    actually, I've never had one. but the people I play with rotate DMship as we play the different campaigns. and I'm pretty sure I can wheedle my DMs into letting me have it at some point.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:27 No.1390299
    Incapacitation and subsequent coup de grace on time for tea is fucking stupid and you're a dumbass for thinking it should be that powerful. The actually intelligent version would be that it immediately causes everyone within 30ft to fail a will save to sit down and have tea time for X minutes, causing them to become flatfooted or, if EVERYONE fails the save combat completely ends. Attacking ANYONE during tea time breaks the tea time and combat begins anew. Higher standing people receive negative penalties to the will save.

    Also; combine feats "Time for Tea" and "Utter Cock"
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:28 No.1390308
    Iron Will.

    When faced with alluring, tempting sights such as shapely piano legs or woodcuts of untamed, heathen tribeswomen the character gains a +10 bonus on his rolls to avoid an embarassing attack of hysterical priapism.
    >> LOLSHAD 03/23/08(Sun)18:39 No.1390374
    Dashing optimist

    With your superior charm and unerring ability to make the best of a bad situation, you are able to devise a cunning plan that will save the day when all looks lost. Gains +10 to saving throws, must be accompanied with the phrase "I have a plan, it's a long shot but it might just work". Succesful saving throws must be followed by, "by jingo we'll be back in old Blighty for Tea and biscuits in no time!"
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:39 No.1390376
    Oh man... this is, against all odds, solid gold. Thus, age.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:39 No.1390379
    you have a pipe, and you smoke it.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:41 No.1390392
    This greatly fits classy marines.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:44 No.1390404
    Not get eaten:

    When travelling in dangerous, barbaric environs including but not limited to Ceylon, Zanzibar, and anywhere North of London and threatened with unsporting devourment at the hands of savages the player can instantly escape this fate worse than death in a way deemed suitably dashing by the DM. This feat can only be used once per day, as any true gentlemen wouldn't be spending that much time among the darkies anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:46 No.1390422
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:48 No.1390439
    Why doesn't /tg/ just make "VICTORIANA: A Game of Bigotry and Class"
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)18:51 No.1390463
    Surprise, half the guys in this thread are also brits. Taking the piss out of ourselves is a proper British trait.
    >> Papa Bear 03/23/08(Sun)18:55 No.1390486
    Due to your ability and social standing, you may sit in luxury as a workforce of foreign natives (or domestic convicts, if your efforts remain in Britain) exploit themselves and their surroundings for your pleasure and fortune. Imagine, your East Indie Trading Company producing a plush and beautiful zeppelin without your having to possess any technical knowledge.
    Effects: May us his resources (wealth divided by 50,000) as points in Craft, Repair, or some other laborious task. After the job is done, resources used in this way are spent and lost.
    Prerequisites: Superior Breeding, upper class social standing, Cha 15, and may NOT be Lawful Good.
    >> Inquisitor G 03/23/08(Sun)19:00 No.1390524
    This stuff should be available to all charisma based characters in all settings.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)19:07 No.1390576
    we really should
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)19:14 No.1390607
    Bringing the full weight of your breeding and class to bear, you can belittle someone so thoroughly that it causes them physical harm. As an attack action, you can make an opposed charisma check against one target within 30 foot. On a success, you deal 1 point of damage per rank of Social Standing, and stun the enemy for a number of rounds equal to your charisma bonus.
    PREREQUISITE: Any non-good alignment.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)19:15 No.1390613
    Time for Cock?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)19:20 No.1390631
    Because as soon as it becomes an official project it'll be completely ignored. See: Uberstadt, that Dieselpunk setting, World War Vril, everything else ever. That said, d20 Victoriana would be a great sourcebook, and it's probably less likely to fail as there's a strong emphasis on rules and a preexisting system. It's easier to push homebrew alterations and setting than to push entire homebrew games.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)19:23 No.1390646

    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)19:29 No.1390667

    I do say my dear fruit, but I saged your mother ragged this morning, and by god it was like seeing the bleeding sunrise over the misty thames!

    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)19:30 No.1390675
    Mix with Soot Monkey >>1387436
    Pipe never goes out and you can use it for fire starting.

    A variation of Defensive Monocle Popping could be that you blow out your pipe at the person that made the attack, causing them to be burned slightly and be blinded by soot, ash and smoke.

    Anyone that knows what they're doing wanna stat this?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)19:51 No.1390794
    Threads like this are what I live for.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)20:03 No.1390851
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    This thread is GOLD.
    I thank you with one succubus.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)20:29 No.1390939
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)20:58 No.1391047
    Your dress is huge, slowing you down to a crawl and making you unable to fit in any gap 8 feet in diameter. On the positive side this behemoth of iron work and fabric means enemies with short weapons have to make a dexterity roll to even reach you. If the dexterity roll is failed they trip or fall humerously into your bossom.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)21:01 No.1391065
    If worn with CORSET ADDICTION, causes extra 1D6 damage due to extra shrapnel during corset explosion.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)21:06 No.1391079
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)21:10 No.1391086
    You can charm the socks off and person of the other sex.. as long as you have a mask.. you get initial +2 Charisma plus +1 for every 500 wealth put into mask for up to a maximum of +5 charisma. The illusion is destroyed when mask is removed leaving you with -1 initial charisma to that character as you just don't live up to what they thought you would look like.
    You may even take this feat with rotten moustache, but if in a romantic situation mask is removed, witnesses become hostile.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)21:16 No.1391102
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    You must be Asian and of Evil alignment to take this feat, or have your eyes taped back a little. You gain +5 to intimidate against caucasian do gooders, +5 diplomacy when dealing with other Asians. You add your Int modifier, in addition to Cha, for these checks.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)21:20 No.1391117
    I like the idea that high society duels would basically come down to attending a masque ball and trying to slap the mask off your foe's face, at which point the rest of the room piles on him and beats him to death.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)21:37 No.1391164

    This is 100% historically accurate to Victorian England.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)21:37 No.1391167

    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)21:42 No.1391182
    Use these rules to break the game
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)21:44 No.1391189
    Your upper class breeding enables you to laugh at the face of adversity. This feat may be used three times a day. You may give any Fortitude save or a save versus charm and mind control effects an additional +4 bonus. You may also use this to negate any adverse effects of a failed skill or attribute check and try again, even if you are not allowed to retry.You may recharge a daily use by having tea and biscuits.

    You may use Stiff Upper Lip up to six times per day.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)21:59 No.1391225
    Class feature: Turn Ruffians

    Clerics of The Gentleman gain Turn Ruffians instead of Turn Undead. This class feature functions similarly to Turn Undead. When normally an Undead would be turned by this ability, all Ruffians within 30-ft. (90-ft. in daylight) are exposed and any law enforcement within the district is notified of their presence by your gentlemanly bellows. When normally Undead would be destroyed by this ability, all Ruffians within 30-ft. (90-ft. in daylight) are immediately taken home by their mothers and given a sound bare-bottom spanking (regardless of age, both of mothers and Ruffians). Should a Ruffian's mother be dead, she gains the Necropolitan template.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)22:00 No.1391227
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    oh lord
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)22:02 No.1391233
    A true gent is never late, not by any excuse. Thus, you always must make time. Once per day, this feat allows you to retreat out of anything. With a quick excuse and a tip of your hat, you may withdraw from battle. The thugs will smile and wave, understanding your commitments.
    >> Doc Aquatic !qtfTMdDxaQ 03/23/08(Sun)22:08 No.1391245
    I absolutely love you guys. I didn't think you'd go this far when I thought up those first few, but damn.

    You've made this old goat happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)22:18 No.1391270
    Prerequisites: Bartitsu, BAB +6
    Taking this feat grants you the use of following maneuvers:
    * Oh no you don't: You give a stern admonishment and apply quick snap with your cane upside someone's head. If your attack is successful, the target's next action is cancelled.
    * Stay for some tea: Your trip maneuvers using a cane gain an additional +4 bonus.
    * Fly-swatter: Twice per round, you may use your cane to harmlessly swat aside any projectile from slings, bows and handguns.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)22:20 No.1391279
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)22:22 No.1391296
    Holy fuck, he has to have Supremely Dapper Moustache at least.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)22:39 No.1391342
    you are a knave, you fight in a most un-gentlemanly manner and as such are generally considered unlikeable.

    -2 charisma and -2 to all diplomacy checks
    +4 bonus to sneak attack rolls, and +1D4 sneak attack damage for "bad form"
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)22:40 No.1391347
    "Ma'am, I do say, your tumblers and latch look marvelous this eve" ~ROOD, Doorforged
    Prereq: Gentleman Thief, CHA 15
    Benifit: If you use Gentleman Thief to make a Disable Device or Open Lock check, if you exceed the modified DC by an additional 10, your fine stature and composure cause the effected device to become an animate object for the next 10 rounds, following whatever whims you place upon it (A door relocking itself behind you, or a trap only triggering against certain individuals). Commonfolk and savages who know not the ways of etiquette will see such as supernatural devilry and will react in kind.

    Like an illusionist, you can make things disappear. But you know the true secret to the trick is simply asking with the proper tone, and none of that smoke and mirror rubbish.
    Prereq: Gentleman Thief, CHA 15
    Benifit: When you use Gentleman Thief to make a Sleight of Hand check and beat the DC by an additional 10, the objects in question become animate objects and follow a single request you make of them. You may get a few funny looks as you drop the animate lighter into the Count's jacket pocket, but you're just so regal as you do it, everyone can't help but think it's the natural thing to do.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)22:41 No.1391348
    >>Should a Ruffian's mother be dead, she gains the Necropolitan template.

    HAH! Nice.
    remind me, where's that template from? I know I have seen it before...
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)22:44 No.1391362
    Libris Mortis
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)22:50 No.1391386
    You are a member of a country club. You have access to a members-only club house where you can fraternize with like-minded gents. Additionally, you have +2 to all diplomacy and bluff checks against gentry who are not members of any club.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)22:56 No.1391401
    we need stats for the Brash American, Borneo Savage, Lesser Asian and Greater Asian
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:04 No.1391420
    >You must be Asian or of other Evil alignment...
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:06 No.1391424
    No British Gentlemen breaks the game, they play up , play up and play the game. See John Steed.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:07 No.1391428
    BZZT incorrect. Gentlemen's clubs are located in the city.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:09 No.1391433
    >Improved Parry

    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:09 No.1391434
    RUGGER BUGGER (flaw, +1 feats)
    Preq: Public School Education, CON >13, INT & WIS <10, level 1

    Due to your suspicious girth, lack of nous, and the well known but unspoken events that everybody succumbed to at Eton, but you enjoyed, you are always volunteered for combat, hazardous duties, or sitting in the Saraha for three months taking celestial observations.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:15 No.1391449
    Brash American.

    Brash Americans are the degenerated offspring of colonial detritus. Tall, lanky and addicted to the worship of their national god, præzdint, they are also known for their out of fashion striped and ill fitting clothing. Should you see one, avoid putting it out of its misery.

    All Brash Americans must take an additional language "American" and are required to explicitly take "English" language if they wish to be understood.

    STR +1 CON +1, CHR -2

    Restricted classes: Gentleman, Lady, Proletarian, Countryfolk

    Class Benefits:

    Brash American rogues may take the Pinkerton prestige class from level 1 without needing other rogue levels.

    Brash American mechanics may take the Inventor prestige class from level 3.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:20 No.1391464
    Prerequisite: Charisma 17+
    Benefit: You are never considered flat-footed against anyone with a lower Charisma score than you.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:22 No.1391470
    You're right, it'll get really far, just like that other project we completed.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:33 No.1391517
    I'm not that guy, but he could be talking about the rules for parrying, including an Improved Parry feat appeared in Dragon Magazine a while back. Only problem with them was that the only class that could even be decent at it was Fighter.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:34 No.1391522


    you are an utter bastard, the sort of person polite society looks down upon with contempt. this lack of social obligation makes life much easier, in some ways

    requires: KNAVE, 14+ int

    -2 charisma
    once per day, you may execute a sneak attack against an opponent who is not flat footed, even if their attention is focused on you, by claiming defeat and feigning surrender.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:36 No.1391532
    My good sir, I wish to inform you that I am currently applying my personal thoughts onto this discussion, known as a "post", and verily wish to inform you that this is indeed quite acceptable material. Pip-pip, tally-ho!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:41 No.1391552
    A true gentleman never goes anywhere without a slight buzz.
    -1 to all Charisma, Intellect, and Dexterity rolls, +1 to all Strength rolls
    It seems you've tipped back more than a few, the effects are quite visible.
    -2 to all Dexterity and Intellect rolls, +2 to all Strength and Charisma rolls. Also, any perceived threat to your honour must be met with a duel.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:53 No.1391621


    your actions are so outrageous and offensive to common decency that polite society can't bring themselves to believe you just did that

    requires BASTARD, 13+ dex

    +6 bluff to talk your way out of a bad situation, even if you're still holding the murder weapon.
    bystanders who observe you performing a sneak attack are stunned for 1D3+1 rounds due to the sheer bastardy of your actions.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/08(Sun)23:58 No.1391642
    Unwed parents should be a requirement.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:00 No.1391647
    Goes well with Utter Cock feat
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:07 No.1391689
    well, you have the literal bastard, whose parents are unwed, and then you have the moral bastard, whose actions make you say "what an utter bastard"
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:09 No.1391697
    your monocle due to some quirk has such magnification that you can use it as a sniper scope when using a gun. Spot checks are also increased drastically.

    Brass Balls
    Your balls are actually made of brass.. Do not ask how but they are.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:11 No.1391711


    YEARGH! what the hell!

    oh god, i'm so sorry. my hand slipped, palsy you know, and i just, oh, i'm so sorry...


    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:13 No.1391727
    We're talking high class prejudice here, those two things are never apart.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:19 No.1391776
    this really could be made into a functional D20 add on. just make race templates for the various nationalities with appropriately racist stat modifiers, classes based on social class/profession, a couple new cleric domains like "proletariat" "machines" "gentleman" etc, and new wizard/sorceror spells.

    i may have to work on this
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:22 No.1391789
    Heir to the Throne
    You may be 6000th of the possible heirs in the list but your practically royalty! You get all breeding feats free of charge and your wealth is limitless. Sadly due to general inbreeding of said royalty you have to pick 5 deformities from (nonexistantchart 2.5). Ranging from pencil dick, Hemophilia , a complete lack of a lower jaw and or teeth that you could saw through a tree trunk with.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:24 No.1391796
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:26 No.1391812
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:31 No.1391843
    Unbrella affinity
    Your umbrella acts as is it were an extension of your own arm allowing you use the crook of your device to gain penchant, swing or grapple with foes with unrivaled and instinctive finesse (+something to escape artist, saves and so on). Furthermore you are able wield your device as a weapon. Prerequisite: Umbrella saint.

    You are far too civilised or ladylike to engage in combat and instead are protected by a strapping great manservant or gentlemanly butler. If the player is female then the manservant gains the buff "Defending ye'/m'lady's honour" during combat (+x to willpower, con etc. immune to fear effects).
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:31 No.1391846
    Raised on the circuit of county fairs, live stock auctions, or the urban hustle, an American with this feat can unleash a barrage of verbage, haphazardly mixing Queen's english and their staccato native babblings, to befuddle people of better birth or origin. Once per day, on a successful CHA check, the Fast Talker cause one target to be flatfooted, as the gentleman or lady attempts to make sense of the colonist's gibberish.
    Prereqs: CHA 13 or Swindler
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:35 No.1391875
    You snort snuff on a regular basis leaving a sinus so packed with tobacco it has formed a natural air filter. You Dex is decreased by 1 due to only a survivable amount of air getting through to your lungs but you are allowed to re-roll saves against airborne poisons. You also have to snort snuff every 20 rounds otherwise you suffer -2 con..you just need it o.k.. don't look at me like that ..SNIIFFF ahhh....
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:37 No.1391893
    Wow. Something creative other then drawfaggotry in /tg/?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:42 No.1391922
    Dastardly Hun-

    A congenitally viscious and evil race, the Hun is perpetually scheming to dominate the Continent. Known for their affinity for sausages and fiendishly clever engineering, the Hun is a brute recognizable by their consistantly out of date fashions and their taste for variously spiked head gear.

    All Dastardly Huns must take an additional language "Hun speak."

    Int +1, CHR -1

    Restricted classes: Gentleman, Lady, Chimney Sweep, Nanny

    Excluse Classes: Baron

    Dastardly Hun mechanics may take the Zeppelineer prestige class from level 3.

    Dastardly Hun mechanics may also take the Flesh Engineer prestige class from level 1, though at a cost of -2 CHA.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:43 No.1391936
    Classy Marines: We have ALL these feats.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:44 No.1391938
    >>Your upper class breeding enables you to laugh at the face of adversity. This feat may be used three times a day. You may give any Fortitude save or a save versus charm and mind control effects an additional +4 bonus. You may also use this to negate any adverse effects of a failed skill or attribute check and try again, even if you are not allowed to retry.You may recharge a daily use by having tea and biscuits.

    >>You may use Stiff Upper Lip up to six times per day.

    with "This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time you take this feat, you gain three additional uses of Stiff Upper Lip per day. ?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:45 No.1391954
    You are absolutely clueless to the point of nausea. Your ignorance of the country you are in gives you a -2 to any knowledge rolls. If you fail a knowledge roll, any surrounding natives must make a DC 15 check or become nauseated. You also gain a +2 to intimidate and bluff checks due to either your frightening misuse of local slang, or completely misunderstanding you.

    Prereqs: Brash American

    I couldn't think of much else to do with this.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:47 No.1391962
    needs some icelander stats.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:47 No.1391967
    i love this thread so much.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:50 No.1391984
    >Prereqs: Brash American

    Were not all stupid jack-asses....
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:51 No.1391989

    The game's about stupid stereotypes in a british mindset.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:51 No.1391992
    This has been archived, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:52 No.1392002
    Sorry, all the Amerihate as made me quite butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:53 No.1392008
    prereq = you have to take Brash American first before being a Clueless Foreigner.

    Maybe it could be a flaw instead of a feat...
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:53 No.1392009
    i'm glad you d7d fags are keeping it all in one thread to tonight.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:55 No.1392023
    >i'm glad you d7d fags
    >you d7d fags

    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)00:58 No.1392040
    Scuffy little dog
    you have a scuffy little dog named patches. He's old but you raised him since he was a pup. In order to have this trait you have to be over 40 and less then 50 wealth. Patches can make 5 coins a day by holding a hat in his mouth. He adds +2 Charisma. If you are attacked patches will attack the opponent. If the death blow is about to be struck against you patches will take the hit and will die in the process. If patches dies you immediately gain +4 strength, + 2 con and + 5 Dex as you avenge your only friend in the world, whilst under the influence you may only attack the attacker who killed patches. The effects last until you or the attacker is dead. After you recover, you lose 2 con permanently as life without patches isn't worth living anymore
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:01 No.1392064

    Doesn't say how many dogs you may have, and whether or not said dog(s) may be Raised. I say we use this to make a Barbarian destroy ... a lot.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:03 No.1392077

    If it helps you out, I'm an americunt and I made that one post stating orks == americans.

    So at least some of the hate is self-deprecating fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:05 No.1392094
    Just imagined a BBEG with patches.. Where you are winning and bam patches dies.. And all you see before you get torn in two is a face wracked with such sadness and rage he made you pause for just too long.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:07 No.1392107
    Lesser Asian

    the asian underclasses, their sickly yellow skin and slanted eyes are repulsive to civilized peoples. however, their warlike history leaves the savages with brutal cunning

    all lesser asians must take the aditional language "jap speak" or "chinese gobbledygook"

    -1 cha, -1 con, +2 int

    restricted classes: manservant, farmer, labourer, miner

    exclusive classes: opium dealer

    class benefits

    lesser asian fighters may take the ruffian prestige class at level 1
    Lesser asian clerics may take the opium refiner prestige class at level 3
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:10 No.1392119
    Only the sickest and most depraved players would ever conceive of doing that
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:12 No.1392130

    Your sorid braying is so shockingly uncivilised that you are able to (while out of combat) randomly turn, stun or leave a gentalmanly foe flatfooted once per day (On a failed roll the victim is forced to attack the character). If the victim is a lady then repace flatfooted with faint. Useable once per victim.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:12 No.1392135

    Well. Let's go /b/ait a while, m'sure someone'll turn up.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:13 No.1392141
    You leave Patches alone or I will personally hunt you.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:14 No.1392149
    >>Lesser Asian
    Lesser Oriental?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:20 No.1392182
    let's require patches to only be able to be taken by any good alignment
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:21 No.1392194
    Served in the Navy
    Your grizzled, your bloods been replaced with salt water and your tougher then a brick shit house with walls 5 feet thick.
    You get +2 con but roll a 6 sided dice whenever you talk to someone. Over 4 you offend the person and it would be as if you -3 charisma, on a roll of 6 on the other hand you start a fight, or they do, you don't actually recall but a fight happened and it was a bloody good one. Anyone over middle class causes the fight to occur on any roll over 4.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:22 No.1392203
    maybe just non-evil alignment. nihilists love puppies too!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:23 No.1392217
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    Oh god, this is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:24 No.1392220
    to be fair to the cat lovers

    you have one.. sometimes it eats your food

    Fuzzy cat
    Adds plus 4 Charisma if you stroke it whilst talking about evil plans.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:25 No.1392228
    Classy Marines: ALL these feats.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:28 No.1392236
    Diabolically fuzzy white cat. in addition while monologuing while stroking the cat, no offensive actions can be taken against you.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:29 No.1392241
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    Using secret techniques passed down from one generation of barbers to the next, you can utilize your sleeve garters as deadly weapons, treating them as the equivalent of a spiked buckler.

    The fob and chain of your pocketwatch can be used as the equivalent as a spiked chain, but with only a 5' reach.

    Requirements: DAPPER MOUSTACHE, straw hat, sleeve garters, must be male
    If you and three other men have this feat you gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls if you are all within 5' of the same opponent. Also, when one of the four uses the Aid Another action for another one of the for, the bonus is +4. All four men must sing loudly while using this feat for anyone to benefit. If any one man is unable to sing (silenced, dead, etc.) no bonuses are given.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:29 No.1392243
    Classy Marines: Even the ones with the scruffy dog and the living mustache.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:33 No.1392256
    If cat is fuzzy enough, pistol may be hidden under cat
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:39 No.1392274
    Creator of patches here.. I don't mind evil people having patches.. I like to think it may be their last bastion of good.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:42 No.1392283

    You may also blame the cat for all your evil plans and claim that he is the real mastermind.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:45 No.1392297
    and whilst they're trying to figure out if thats true, you shoot them.. BRILLIANT!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:47 No.1392308
    Prereq: At least one level in Chimney Sweep, Loveable Rascal, Dex 14+, Tumble 8+

    Benefit: Character receives +2 to his next Tumble check if an ally within 15 feet of him has succeeded a Tumble check in the last turn. If he succeeds his Tumble check, he may have a humanoid within 5 feet make a Will save (DC= Tumble check+ character's Charisma.) If he fails, the target must make a Tumble check next turn at a +2.

    Never need a reason never need a rhyme!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:52 No.1392322

    Prereq: Step In Time, Lovable Rascal, Dex 14+, Tumble 18+, At least one level in Chimney Sweep

    Benefit: As Step In Time, except creatures with the Upper Class subtype get a minus -5 to their save.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)01:52 No.1392323
    "I say, I do believe that you are full of codswallop!"-
    After failing a will save to disbelieve an illusion, or after falling victim to a bluff, you may re-roll that result once.

    Petticoat use- after years of training,and spilling various tea-based drinks on it, you can maximise the protection given to you by the petticoat you wear. It counts as a chain-shirt with regards to armor.

    Prehensile moustache/beard- So trained are you in controlling your facial hair, you can actually grasp and operate fine machinery, hold firearms, and serve tea with it. It counts as a third hand, and you now take multiweapon fighting instead of two-weapon fighting.

    Organ-Grinder (prereq. Dapper moustache, perform (sing)4, and handle animal)4, - you carry a large box containing a crank-shaft music player and a small monkey in a suit. This monkey is treated as an animal companion, and can be commanded through various tunes. Each time you wish to command it, you must make a perform check opposed by the monkey's will-save. If you win, the monkey follows your commands as best it can. If encouraged to do something suicidal, or something that will obviously cause self-harm, it instead goes apeshit and throws its own feces at you.
    New Skill:

    Profession (chimneysweep): Treained in the secret arts of the chimneysweep, you have the power to clean other's chimneys for a nominal fee. The DC of the check required is 10+ 1/2 the chimney's height in feet + the condition the chimney is in (with regards to nonesistent chart 4.3)

    when around anyone of middle-class or above, you may use the hide-in plain sight ability.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)02:06 No.1392360
    Bartitsu? You mean savatte
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)02:19 No.1392422
    two very different martial arts. birtitsu is a variant of english singlestick fighting, savate is a french kickboxing style
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)02:24 No.1392446
    >> MonkeyToho 03/24/08(Mon)02:33 No.1392487
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)02:34 No.1392490
    frontpage for great justice
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)02:39 No.1392504
    You Own a Warship
    You own one, and due to some technological trickery it knows where you are at all times. By speaking into your cane you can cause anything within 5 miles of the coastline and within 200 meters of you disappear in a violent explosion. To the uneducated this may look like the hand of god.. which it basically is. shots may be fired 4 times a day and 800 wealth is used with every shot. 2000 wealth a day is required to man and maintain the boat
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)02:39 No.1392506
    oops forgot to add, you can ride it
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)02:40 No.1392511
    It's the master step in time! It's the master step in time! Never need a reason, never need a rhyme! It's the master step in time!
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)02:40 No.1392512
    Brash American is a "race", not a feat.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)02:42 No.1392521
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)02:45 No.1392534

    Yellow perilous
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)02:49 No.1392550
    You refer to yourself as one. You get +1 diplomacy when it comes to dignitaries. Though useful with the upper class it just baffles the lower classed. When referring to yourself - 4 charisma as they figure if your talking about the number, one of them or yourself.
    >> Sawyer !FRWjNqKRGE 03/24/08(Mon)02:54 No.1392567
    Along those lines...

    Imperial Ambiguity

    Prereq: Asian Foreigner, Diplomacy 10+, Intelligence 13+

    Benefit: +4 to all Innuendo checks against Europeans.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)03:43 No.1392743
    Req: Inscruitability
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)03:49 No.1392766
    Johnny Reb
    prereq: former Confederate soldier
    The South may rise again, but until it does you have become something of a romantic fascination as countless plays and novels have portrayed your misguided determination, fierce courage, deep gentlemanly honor, and the general mystique of being the survivor of a lost cause. You may lay Yankee housewives as a simple action and suffer under no charisma penalties for social interactions while in defeat or retreat.

    Races from the sourcebook "American Adventures"

    Yankee: +1 Intelligence, +1 Constitution; -2 charisma. Yankees are known for their wily industry and either surviving brutal factory conditions and pollution or being brawny mountain men or Maine fishermen. However their impatience and insufferable demeanor gives them a bad reputation all over.

    Feat: Dashing American
    prerequisite: Yankee
    This feat allows the Yankee to ignore his racial charisma penalty while interacting with members of the middle-class or urban lower class. However country folk rich and poor and proper society members continue to loathe them. This feat has surprising effects, some good some bad, with exotic Foreigners.

    Southron, High: +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma. Treated as having -4 dexterity for purposes of speed not manual dexterity.
    People from the American South have a certain charm about them and widely value good common sense, but suffer from a courtly manner that makes them go leisurely about all things, a habit which the proper British gentlemen have learned to counter with English efficiency for the proper gentlemanly but purposeful gait.

    I guess we still need Suthern: Low, Negro, and so forth.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)04:05 No.1392829
    Combat feat

    Whether benighted by unmentionable horrors or base hoodoo trickery, all a respectable gent requires is the weapon he already has.
    When using normal revolvers or muskets in combat, your weapon bypasses any damage resistance up to +4. This includes damage types like /slashing, /sonic, etc.
    Your firearms will also ignore concealment.
    This works only with british guns firing british ammunition, made either by a british blacksmith or the PC himself.

    free racial feat

    Any non-british firearm will always fail to perform when used in combat. After the initial miss, the PC automatically screams a colorful epithet and uses the offending object as a melee weapon on the nearest available hostile target. Treat this as a free action, called shot to the head, +3 to hit.
    The weapon deals it's expected base damage upon contact and sunders immediately.

    (fixed and complemented an old feat I posted earlier)
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)04:20 No.1392896

    You have gone a bit native. You gain +5 to all Charisma-based checks against natives and other monsters.


    You have proven your loyalty to your Queen and your Empire. You may ignore all CHA penalties for being a native.


    You are an outstanding representative of your people. Once per adventure, you may be treated as though you were British for the rest of the scene.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)04:30 No.1392943
    racial feat

    Any desecration of Queen and Country is enough to set even the most placid british male to incalculable feats of heroic fury.

    +1 morale bonus to attack and saves - Moderate offenses i.e. Sneering or otherwise acting contemptuously to the British Flag Itself/The Queen

    +2 bonus - Significant offenses i.e. Cursing the British Flag Itself/The Queen

    +3 bonus - Massive offenses i.e. Spitting on the British Flag Itself/The Queen

    +4 bonus - Incredible offenses i.e. Urinating on the British Flag Itself/The Queen

    +5 bonus - Unspeakable offenses i.e. Defecating on the British Flag Itself/The Queen
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)04:42 No.1392969
    Workingman's Charisma

    You a Commoner who works in the factories but you have the right words the right skills to get your fellow workers to fallow you.
    5+ to all Charisma that affects: Factory workers,Orc Laborers and Leftist Party members
    -5 Charisma to all High born,factory owners, and socialites
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)05:07 No.1393051
    Two Monarchs, One Chalice.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)05:09 No.1393058

    I beg your pardon
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)05:13 No.1393072
    Have you not seen the lantern slides of what dirty Belgian and Danish princesses will get up to for an African Colony?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)05:57 No.1393163
    (Bay Colonist)

    A Gentleman or Lady from The Hudson's Bay colonies gains a +1 bonus to all checks that involve INT or CHR when speaking to Middle or higher classed individuals, who are amazed to see a gentleman of the far north's colonies back in the homeland, and hang on his every word (unless they are well-travelled as Language Experts tend to be, or generally hard to impress as Stuffy Old Codgers usually are.)

    A Language Expert attempting to speak to a Bay Colonist in what he would consider the colonists' local tounge will inadvertantly Taunt him instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)08:47 No.1393523

    The secret ways of Her Majesty's underground rail-road are open to you. The uncharted, the theoretical, the past and future lore of the locomobile, this untameable and glorious gaslit land of mystery.

    All travel done in Great England with this feat present in the party reduces the time passed by half that of what gyrocopter flight would require.
    Yes, the comparative flight path is to be considered a straight line to the destination.
    This feat is granted automatically to British gentlemen once they meet the prerequisites.

    Req. Total character level 10(non menial/foreign), INT 10, WIS 16, 30 years residence in Great England, Pipe.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)08:49 No.1393532
    There needs to be sum sherlock holmes related feats here.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)09:08 No.1393575

    Generations of aristocratic in-breeeding has left your blood perfectly pure, but given you a tendency toward hemophilia. Once per day you may bleed on a foe as a touch attack, doing normal unarmed damage in addition to the effects of holy water.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)09:11 No.1393579

    Don't you mean COMBAT BLEEDING ?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)09:12 No.1393584
    /tg/ - always taking it so far that the funny is ALWAYS squeezed out

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