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    File :1218063197.jpg-(35 KB, 480x258, 28-days-later-empty-street-small.jpg)
    35 KB Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)18:53 No.2314383  
    Okay, fa/tg/uys, it's a normal day. Could be tomorrow, could be next week, could be October 22nd. You wake up, have a shower if your self-neglect hasn't advanced too far, turn on your computer and post a few shitty threads while saging a few good ones, maybe even checking the news or something if you're not completely shut off from the world outside of tiny army men and pretending to be a little girl.

    Everything's pretty normal, everything's pretty cool.

    Except shit, there's no food in the house. And you're hungry.

    Resigning yourself to brave the outside world, you get dressed, grab your keys and some cash, then head out the door. It's a quiet day, looks like - though considering the howling wind outside, people could be forgiven for staying inside. But even though the horrible noise provides an unpleasant background to the day, the air feels curiously still.

    Finally reaching the nearest grocery store, you head inside - it's open, after all. But no one's inside... everything's fully stocked, everything's in it's proper place... just no shopkeeper, or other shoppers for that matter.

    Puzzling over this development, you look back out onto the street, eyes scanning one direction and then another. That's when it really hits home.

    There's no one else here.

    No pedestrians. No traffic. No pigeons, no seagulls. Nothing.

    What do you do, fat/tg/uys?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)18:55 No.2314397
    Whip it out
    >> Two 08/06/08(Wed)18:56 No.2314399
    Call in the Ice Cream Rhino.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)18:56 No.2314400
    Steal various things, set fire to the biggest bank in the vicinity.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)18:56 No.2314401
    I take the food I want, tally up how much it would cost, put the cash behind the counter and go home to post some shitty threads and age some good ones.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)18:56 No.2314407
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    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)18:57 No.2314409
    I head to the nearest military base with nuclear weapons and launch them at all the major capitals of the world.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)18:59 No.2314419
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)18:59 No.2314422
    Start lootan.

    Then, after getting enough money and nice stuff, try contacting the outside world.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)18:59 No.2314424
    Revel. Then grab food, head to a mall(well, you DID assume I was somewhere else, otherwise this would never have happened), and start grabbing awesome stuff.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:00 No.2314425

    4chan is as ever a staple in your life. Your threads are responded to with saging, and several tripfags take exception to your aging of threads they deem to be shitty.

    Outside your window you can still hear the wind howling pervasively, but you are undisturbed in your lair. No one disturbs you, whether by phoning or knocking on your door.

    When the day grows late, you decide it is time for dinner. Picking up the phone to call for pizza, you're dismayed to find that it rings out. Calling several other takeouts gives the same results.

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:01 No.2314434
         File :1218063697.jpg-(304 KB, 900x892, HappyAlice.jpg)
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    "Everybody's preparing a surprise party for me!"
    >> Claudius !.rJAKvns6g 08/06/08(Wed)19:02 No.2314437
    Head to walmart, lift as many guns as I can along with propane and a camp-stove. Then head to an RV dealership and steal the most gas-efficient one I can find. Take it back to the grocery store, toss as much bottled water and canned goods as possible into the RV and then finally drive it back home.

    Keep browsing the internet till I figure out whats going on, or the power dies. If the power dies before I figure whats going on, I drive out of the city-center and head generally west, attemping to get to Alpine Arizona, a town thats about 60 miles from anything and high altitude, with its own food source (fishing and hunting; its a resort town) and its own water source (Mountain run-off rivers). It also happens to be several hundred miles from any major city center, and its two road-approaches both go through passes that can easily be dynamited to seal them.

    Pick up a sattelite radio and some solar panels on the way, just in case.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:02 No.2314438
    Check the post-it notes.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:02 No.2314439
    I'm a gestalt with levels in /tg/, /ck/ and /b/.

    I make my own damned pizza.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:03 No.2314442
         File :1218063816.gif-(88 KB, 256x256, barrelroll_28dayslater.gif)
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    barrel roll, do an
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:05 No.2314451
    You're one of those fags who actually has a zombie apocalypse survival plan, aren't you? I bet you keep it in a sealed container in a wall safe behind a painting, underneath your pokemon cards and the letter from Amanda Tapping's solicitor demanding you cease and desist sending her pictures of your penis.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:05 No.2314454

    No one stops you from your larcenous ways, and although alarms sound when you liberate your firearms, no one appears to take exception to it.

    Gathering all your needed supplies, you return home and hit up the internet. Everything seems normal there - people are posting bullshit on 4chan, and none of the news sites are mentioning anything out of the ordinary - there's even new stories that have come up since you went off on your supply run, though nothing relevant to your situation.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 08/06/08(Wed)19:06 No.2314462
    Get in my car and make a cursory scan of the area. Should I truly fnd nobody is around, the next course of action would be to ramraid a military surplus store for more weaponry, ammunition, night / infrared goggles, body armor, MREs, and comms devices.

    Once basic needs are out of the way, build a battlewagon/killdozer equivalent and make for an island, preferably my summer house in Puerto Rico. Any other survivors, if any, would be either assimilated into my group or eliminated depending on usefulness.

    Once I make it to my summer house, work would begin on fortifications, defenses, and basic food/water provisions. Once all is set up, everything should go smoothly from there, and I can focus on more important things, like science.
    >> Claudius !.rJAKvns6g 08/06/08(Wed)19:07 No.2314467

    Nah, though I did read the Zombie Survival Guide all the way through once when prepping an All Flesh Must Be Eaten campaign I ran, in order to make survivors seem more realistic.

    Its an interesting mental exercise, honestly.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:08 No.2314469
    >the letter from Amanda Tapping's solicitor demanding you cease and desist sending her pictures of your penis.
    It's almost the same as her writing a letter to me!
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:08 No.2314472
    OK, now I'd start to worry about the Langoliers.
    >> 008 08/06/08(Wed)19:11 No.2314486
    Gather up weapons should zombies be involved. Visit some supply stores, grab a geiger counter and a rad suit if I can find one because, you know, unattended nuclear power plants.
    >> Claudius !.rJAKvns6g 08/06/08(Wed)19:11 No.2314489

    If its Langoliers you are pretty much fucked no matter what you do though. So, in that case, why worry? Just set as much shit on fire as you can, then caper around till you hear the chainsaw-through-concrete sould in the distance, then eat a bullet.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:12 No.2314495
    put on my robe and wizard hat
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:14 No.2314501

    wake up
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:14 No.2314505

    do you actually plan these things?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:14 No.2314507
    >"Langoliers", small demonic beasts with fast legs that chase down the purposeless and lazy, and eat them alive.

    Looks like >>2314401 is fucked.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:15 No.2314511
    I'd attempt to contact friends and family, via phone & internets. On the way to/once back from the grocery.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:16 No.2314521
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    >"Langoliers", small demonic beasts with fast legs that chase down the purposeless and lazy, and eat them alive.

    >Looks like >>2314401 is fucked.

    Oh, come on, as if any of us would survive.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:16 No.2314522

    Yeah. Same here.
    >> Sym-kun :3 08/06/08(Wed)19:17 No.2314528
    I post about it on /x/ and make some damn food. Also a gestalt of /ck/, /tg/ and /b/ - I make a lego block cake that has :awesome: on the pips and longcat coiling around it.
    >> Not a Heretic 08/06/08(Wed)19:18 No.2314529
    I work on a farm half of the year, so fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:19 No.2314533

    The phone is useless, merely ringing out fruitlessly or going to voicemail.

    However, you have better luck online, as your Instant Messages are responded to promptly by whichever friends would normally be awake and online at this time, and they don't seem at all perturbed by anything out of the ordinary.

    When you tell them about your own situation, they express marked disbelief and tell you to stop joking around.
    >> Drawde [BlueSlayer Acolyte] !F8wHraWURw 08/06/08(Wed)19:19 No.2314537
    October 22nd? Sweet. Birthday in 9 days! I better get the spiderwebs ready and someone better have ordered me a goddamned cake.

    Huh... gonna be a lonely party without anyone to come over...

    But then again, it always is ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:21 No.2314547

    Tell one of them that I lost my cell phone (which is right beside me) somewhere in my apartment and ask him/her to call it.
    >> Not a Heretic 08/06/08(Wed)19:22 No.2314550

    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:23 No.2314558
    Curious. I ask one of the local friends what are online to swing by my place when they can, after reasserting my self that I'm not fucking joking around, and I seem to be the only person in the area.

    Oh, what about animals? Domestic, wild, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:23 No.2314559
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:23 No.2314560

    They confirm that they're calling but your cell phone does not ring - although you can easily tell it's getting a signal.

    A moment later they ask if you've found it, since it's been ringing out for a while on their end.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:24 No.2314564
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 08/06/08(Wed)19:24 No.2314565

    I try to plan for any and all events, both expected and unexpected. Having the basis of a plan allows for the most optimal approach to a problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:24 No.2314566
    So wait, there are people presently alive elsewhere on the planet, whom I can contact, but my immediate vicinity is abandoned? I contact CNN/BBC/Al-Jazeera, not necessarily in that order, and inform them holy shit my hometown of 300,000 people is abandoned.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:24 No.2314567
    Also, this.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:25 No.2314574

    One of your nearby friends says that they'll come round while you have a quick look around for any animals, finding none at all, from vermin to housepets - it's as if you're the only living non-plant in the area.

    Plants seem fine, by the way.

    Half an hour later you get an irritated IM from your friend asking why the fuck you weren't at your house or answering the phone.
    >> Not a Heretic 08/06/08(Wed)19:26 No.2314579
    I think what is going on is that you got a passive locate city nuke that constantly goes off in your general area, and only targets humans.

    Done by wizard, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:27 No.2314586

    Right. At that point, some shit's going on. I'll thank them and tell them to go ahead and give up; I probably have the damn thing on silent.

    Now, if any of my local friends are one, I'll ping them and see if any of them are home and bored. Come up with some bullshit about thinking about bopping by if I don't find something around here to do. If any of them are going to be home, just let them know I might swing by later (though I might not be able to call them first, seeing as my cell is "missing"). Making sure I have something either sharp, heavy, or shooty, I'll then head to that friend's place and see what happens.
    >> Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 08/06/08(Wed)19:28 No.2314591
    I whip out my laptop, try to find the nearest wifi hotspot, and see if there's anyone on 4chan.


    If so, I make a thread about it. THEN I COMMENCE ZE LOOTING.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:28 No.2314592
    No, it's only you. You're the problem.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 08/06/08(Wed)19:28 No.2314594

    so we were warped to another dimension? In that case, my plan does not change.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:29 No.2314599
    meh...I see
    so I already dead and ghost that can interract with machine.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:30 No.2314604

    One of your friends living about a mile away is happy for you to come on over.

    Heading to his house either by car or walking, you find no one else en route - you did find one car and two lorries that were stopped in the middle of the road, but no one was inside either.

    Reaching your friend's house, you try knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell, but there's no response.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:32 No.2314622

    Saw this coming. All right. If this guy lives in a house, I'll try all the doors, windows, etc. If none of them open, I'll make a careful survey of all of the rooms I can see into and determine if anyone's home. If it doesn't look like it, I'm smashing a window open with whatever I can and heading in, with whatever weapon I brought at the ready.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:33 No.2314627
    I break his windows with rock
    go home and check on any responses in my computer
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:33 No.2314632
    Have a brief freak out, then commence lootan. After coming up with some bullshit to attempt to pacify my friend.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:34 No.2314635
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    Sounds to me like someone was learning how to Seal.
    >> sage 08/06/08(Wed)19:34 No.2314637
    Set it on fire.

    And watch the city burn.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:34 No.2314642
         File :1218065691.jpg-(19 KB, 490x367, =[.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:35 No.2314647

    Your careful survey doesn't show anyone inside. A convenient rock allows you to smash open the window and carefully gain entrance, weapon held ready.

    Performing a thorough room to room search, you find the place looking pretty much the same as it normally does when you visit, but no one at all is there.

    As your friend is a fastidious sort, the place is rather neat and tidy, except the bed which seems a bit rumpled and unmade, though entirely empty.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:37 No.2314657

    4chan thinks your thread is lulzy and tells you to loot some porn.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:37 No.2314660
    Don't open the closest. Don't look in the closet. DON'T GO NEAR THE FUCKING CLOSET!!!

    ...I open my friends closet.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:37 No.2314661

    All right. At this point, I'm fairly confident that I am either in another reality connected via the Internet to my true world, or I'm slightly shifted from reality, but still able to interact with it. So, to test this, I'm going to go sit at my friend's computer and start typing.

    "Did any of your windows just shatter?"
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:37 No.2314663
    rolled 6 + 0 = 6


    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:39 No.2314671

    Inside the closet you find a few shirt and trousers, all in all looks pretty... wait a second. Is it just you, or does it seem deeper on the outside than on the inside?

    Investigating more thoroughly, you uncover a false panel at the back, behind which lies a ball-gag, a whip, a gimp-suit, and several other items of S&M paraphenalia.

    Well, your friend certainly never mentioned anything like this before.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:40 No.2314672
    AFMBE. OotL. Croatoan.
    >> Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 08/06/08(Wed)19:40 No.2314680
    So... I've got an entire, empty world to myself, with the only connection between here and the normal world is the internet?

    It's like only-survivor of the apocalypse fantasies, only there's no potential for other survivors and no corpses.

    Well shit. I think I'd probably become an hero.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:41 No.2314685
         File :1218066099.jpg-(31 KB, 445x333, 115894418_8bfd5cfc0d.jpg)
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    BTW, this is me.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:41 No.2314686

    Logging onto your preferred IM program with your own user details on your friend's computer, you send forth your query regarding broken windows.

    No one has a broken window.

    And the friend who's house you are in right now asks when you'll be coming over.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:41 No.2314687

    Other anon here. You think the two of us need to adopt different trips? Or just treat both lines of action (since we seem to be following the same course) as one?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:42 No.2314692
    Okay, we can use this, but we have to do it correctly or else our friend will just think that we're a creepy stalker.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:45 No.2314707
    I'm down with hivemind, anon. Though feel free to #af893riasfdb it up
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:45 No.2314710
    Inevitable conclusion. Just a matter of getting the most out of your time while you can.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:46 No.2314713

    i ask where in the house he is, telling him im already inside. i begin shouting,] verbal contact has not tried to be established directly in the thread yet, its worth a shot
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:46 No.2314719

    Okay, that makes things interesting. I'll go ahead and excuse myself, claiming a non-mutual friend and I are going to go get into some shenanigans. I'll take a quick look around the house and see if anything's changed. If so, I'll take note of it. Either way, I'll leave and go look for a house that--were it not for my current situation--would be occupied.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:48 No.2314731
    As an aside, fellow anons, I'm thinking we'll probably want to avoid directly claiming anything too bizarre to anyone yet. Right now, those are the only links we have, and if there's any other connection besides the Internet, we may need them.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:49 No.2314732
    I do everything in my power to contact mankind through whatever working means of communication I have at hand. Should that fail, I kill myself. If, somehow, I turn out to be immortal, then I set out to gather all the gold on Earth and build it into a luxurious palace, learning what I need to along the way.

    Then, I will concentrate my efforts into making male and female clones of myself, and engaging in eternal wincest and god-king-hood. Should that fail, I'll just try to build a race of sex robots. If everything else fails and I can't die, I'll launch myself into space and just float around forever, or try and eat myself or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:49 No.2314735

    He says he's in the bedroom, and seems rather confused you'd ask, since you know that's where his computer is and how else would he be IMing you. He also doesn't have wi-fi so wonders how the hell you could IM him from inside his house.

    Your shouting and hollering engenders no response, however, only echoing hollowly off the walls.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:51 No.2314743
    You know, to be honest? I havn't talked to a living person in 2 weeks now. Had to cancel D&D, have 20 online credits and shop/pay bills online.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:51 No.2314747

    Making your excuses, you leave and step back out onto the street, your friend's house no different than how you found it aside from anything you've moved yourself.

    There's plenty of houses up and down the street, surely any number would normally be occupied by at least some people who don't have work/school?
    >> shenanigans? Kamina 08/06/08(Wed)19:52 No.2314750
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    >> Lil piece o´fluff 08/06/08(Wed)19:53 No.2314752
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    OH GOD.


    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:54 No.2314757
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:55 No.2314763
    I swear to God, if any one else says shenanigans, I'm gonna pistol-whip them.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:56 No.2314773
    I transfer myself to my friend through the internet.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:56 No.2314775

    All right, then I'll find one that has at least a couple of cars sitting in the driveway/on the street/whatever. Same modus, knock, try doors and windows, if none are open, confirm no one's home and break in. This time, though, I'm going to sit down where I can see either the family room or the kitchen (whichever one seems most trafficked by this particular family, judging by what I can tell), and just watch.

    If someone answers, by the way, I'm fairly certain they will be just as confused.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 08/06/08(Wed)19:57 No.2314787
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    Hey guys I just got a gift certificate to Shenanigan's! Anyone want to come?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:58 No.2314794
    I unplug my modem and try to browse 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)19:59 No.2314798
    Didn't work for Rimmer, won't work for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:00 No.2314806

    Breaking into a likely looking house, you find it has much the same layout as your friend's, albeit the furnishings are more homey and there's a few children's toys scattered about in the living room.

    No one objects to your transgression, and you park yourself down in the sitting room with the nearby kitchen door open, passing the time with naught but the howling wind outside for company.

    After perhaps an hour of watching and waiting, you're starting to zone out a bit when you somehow thought you heard something amidst the wind, like a voice or maybe many voices. The realisation startles you to alertness, but as you gather your wits the monotonous howling is all you can hear, unbroken by any hidden messages...
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Anonymous, Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 08/06/08(Wed)20:00 No.2314808
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    I always wanted to try Shenanigan's lobster plate!
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:00 No.2314809
    Worked for Pizza the Hut, if you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:01 No.2314817
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:01 No.2314818
    MySQL connection error
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:04 No.2314832

    All right. Nothing's changed in the house, I assume. Right, I'm going to check the time here, preferably on a computer if this family has one, and comparing it to the time on my watch and/or cell phone. Then, I'm heading back over to my friend's and checking the time on his computer. I'll note the difference (or lack thereof) and head back home. I'll secure myself there, and check the local news (but not logging into IM for the time being).
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:06 No.2314847

    i try falling back asleep, listening for voices again
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:09 No.2314861
    1) Check if there's anyone to run the country (I live in a capital).
    Y) No problem. Start lootan. (Guns, cars, gas, food, 40K, PCs & games, money etc.)
    N) Oh shi- Start wonderan, then lootan. (See above.)
    3) Get back home. To the interbutts. Everything outside my city seems normal, so I head there, after fillan a van I looted with mah properteh. (Which has grown a lot...)
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:09 No.2314862

    Your watch is two minutes behind the time on this family's computer, and your friend's.

    Returning home, you can check the news by a variety of sources.

    The radio is utterly silent. TV has a bit more luck - when you turn it on you can see a Friends rerun is playing. Switching to the 24 hour news channel of your choice results in seeing nothing but a test card. Trying the other news channels is likewise fruitless.

    Hitting up the internet, however, does provide you with up to the minute news for your area. According to the weather report, it's overcast with rain expected in the afternoon, which matches what you can see outside. The rest of the local news is rather uninteresting, and nothing particularly relevant to your situation.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:09 No.2314866
    I try to find a web cam and get a friend to use a client that supports it. Also I try to get a friend to turn on a web cam to see if we can see each other.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:11 No.2314881

    Trying to listen for strange voices amid the incessant howling of the wind is rather mentally taxing, and you find yourself feeling rather tense and on edge.

    Sleep does not come easily, and you hear no voices that you can recall before you finally drift off.

    Waking up several hours later, you feel irritable and not at all rested. You don't remember having any dreams, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:12 No.2314888

    Ooo! Good call! I'll just let you take over for a while.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:13 No.2314892
    >On August 22nd, I went to bed after saying goodnight to my wife and three children. It was the last time I saw any of them.

    >The next thing I knew, a week later, I was wandering the streets in my pajamas. After that, I hooked up with a bunch of other frightened people. We didn't know what had happened or how the dead had managed to return from the grave. But in the end we just tried not to think about it; nothing quite like impending death to keep your mind off things.

    >Eventually, we managed to escape from the city and start over. It's been twenty years since I lost everything that mattered in my life. I won't lose this. This is my home and I will never let it go as long as there's a breath left in me.

    >But if they're right about what's coming out of those cities, that might not be long...
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:13 No.2314894

    It's easy enough to steal a webcam from an empty shop, and it is soon enough hooked up to your computer. It takes a bit of fiddling, but eventually you manage to get a connection with a friend of yours, and are confronted with his cheerful cheeto-stained face.

    He asks you what's up.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:16 No.2314923

    I like the subtle sinister difference.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:17 No.2314927
    I'd go back to his house if I wasn't already there and connect it there. Then I would show him I was in his room. Then I would wait to see what his response was.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:19 No.2314940
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    I would dance naked in a church to Edwin Starr's "War (What is it Good For?)"

    Until the mutants show up to eat my skin.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:19 No.2314942
    I remove the flash drive from my camera that I had been recording footage with since entering his house and calling and talking to him, I then transfer it to my computer and send it to him &/or play it back for him to see & hear.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:20 No.2314950

    His response is an eloquent "Woah, dude, what the fuck."

    He is entirely mystified as to how you've set up such an accurate copy of his room from which to pull this prank. You do notice a few slight differences - the blinds are closed where you are but open on the webcam, there's a cereal bowl on the desk on the webcam that isn't there on 'your' side. Minor things, really.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:22 No.2314960

    Your friend watches the footage with a growing air of being freaked the fuck out.

    A few times he gets up from his computer and goes to look out the windows, as if to confirm that the real world is still there.

    As your demonstration finally concludes, he seems very unsettled and asks you what you're going to do, now.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:23 No.2314963
    ... this is creepy.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:23 No.2314965
    On top of just the video here, point it at his computer and start browsing his files. Also check what the most recent timestamp is.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:23 No.2314966
    So I show him I am indeed in his room by pulling things out of drawers and closet, then I proceed to tell him about my situation.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:25 No.2314977

    The most recently saved file appears to be 1216040467773.jpg in his My Pictures folder.

    It is a picture of a bearded man in a viking helmet attacking a raptor with a monocle that is being ridden by a girl in a maid outfit. It was saved at 11.46pm last night.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:25 No.2314978
    I must say, the webcam thing was a stroke of genius.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:25 No.2314983
    Inform my "friend" that it was not wise of him to let the sleeping tiger wake.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:26 No.2314988

    He needs no further convincing after the video demonstration. Taking in all the details of your situation, he is entirely clueless as to what has transpired. And somewhat afraid.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:28 No.2314999
    He needs to contact my family.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:29 No.2315007

    He readily agrees to do so, and wants to know exactly what he should tell them.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:29 No.2315009

    I agree there. By the way, I'm thinking our best move at this point is to give our friend time to mull things over while we take whatever daylight we have left to go stock up on supplies and fortify our home. There's no telling what could happen.

    Also, we need to find out if the LHC went online recently. Call it a hunch.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:30 No.2315021
    I like the way you think, Anon.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:31 No.2315024
    since there was a 2 minute lag mentioned in the tv channels, I would probably have to assume I kind of lost my sync with time so I would exist in the world from 2 minutes ago, but everyone else would be in the now. My guess would be that I must be in a time shifted pocket which may or may not move with me and that the only reason I got internet and tv was because of the satellites. I'm just not sure how. Maybe other less powerful transmissions are bouncing off the pocket and satellite transmissions are strong enough to punch through, albeit there would probably be some degradation to the signal.

    Was the TV signal a little fuzzier than normal and was there a little artifacting to the webcam?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:31 No.2315025
    >Also, we need to find out if the LHC went online recently. Call it a hunch.

    >Okay, fa/tg/uys, it's a normal day. Could be tomorrow, could be next week, could be October 22nd.

    >The collider is currently undergoing commissioning while being cooled down to its final operating temperature of approximately 1.9 K (−271.25 °C). LHC will be officially unveiled on October 21. [2]

    Well played, OP. Well played.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:31 No.2315028

    telling him to hold on, i disconnect and go steal a laptop, set up the cam again, and take him for a tour of the world im inhabiting
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:33 No.2315039

    The TV signal seems fine on the channels where you get something besides a test card. Webcam signal was likewise about what you'd expect.

    You notice that your friend's alarm clock is one minute faster than the time on his computer, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:33 No.2315040
    LHC will only go online in a few months. The whole thing needs to be cooled down to about ten degrees Kelvin IIRC.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)20:34 No.2315046

    This is >>2315009, figuring that it might be a little easier to keep everything straight in this thread with a name/trip (both temporary). I'm not thinking this is a time-lag, since nothing else changed except the time.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:34 No.2315049
    Is that in the web cam stream or in the room?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:35 No.2315057
    Oh lawl. Good work, OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:35 No.2315058
    Go home. Retrieve rifle, ammo, glass of wine, boombox (or equivalent), classical music, and a chair. Get on roof. Sit. Wait while watching everything around me, drinking wine, and listening to music on very low.

    Re-plan as more information becomes available to me. Prepare to get the fuck out of dodge if I see no signs of life within the bottle of wines lifespan. (Note I'd be sipping quite slowly so it should last hours.)
    >> Tempfag 069 !ZnBI2EKkq. 08/06/08(Wed)20:36 No.2315064
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:37 No.2315071

    Asking your friend to show you the clock on his webcam, you can see that it and the one in the room are synched up perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:38 No.2315072
    sounds like this event happened AT MIDNIGHT.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:38 No.2315073
    So if the clock visible in the web cam is 1 minute faster than the one in the room, that pretty much supports the theory of a time lag. So I would set my watch to the actual time in the other end of the web cam and proceed to investigate what may have caused the shift according to physics.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:38 No.2315074

    Heading outside with your laptop, you find wi-fi hotspot in a nearby Starbucks, which is naturally deserted.

    Your friend is still there on the other end of the webcam, and asks how you can bear that horrible noise in the background, but jokingly suggests you could break into famous people's houses for the lulz. Something about his tone seems off as he makes the joke, however, and if you were of a mind to look you'd see a haunted look in his eyes.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:38 No.2315078
    Nice find.

    In regards to the family, just have the friend show up asking if you're there? Act like nothing is wrong? I dunno, but at least this thread makes an interesting read.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:39 No.2315084
    Seach online news articles for things happening at the last midnight.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)20:39 No.2315085

    All right, it's not time-lag. I'm gonna jump in real quick and say that, while talking to my friend, I'm going to check the news and see if anything's come up with the LHC. We might as well follow up on this.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:41 No.2315092
    Before I head out, I whip out my boxcutter and scratch lulz into the alarm clock on the left side, and ask my friend to do the same on the right side, from his end. I'll make sure to check it when I get back.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:41 No.2315095
    what noise ._.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:42 No.2315098
    And call the fucking media. Maybe you'll get your own TV show.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:42 No.2315099

    Checking up on the news you find an article about how the Large Hadron Collider was activated last night at 03.02 in your time zone. There's a number of light-hearted comments in the article about how we didn't all get turned into goo or sucked into a black hole, so all those doomsayers must surely have egg on their faces, now.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:42 No.2315104
    Maybe he's referring to the odd howling wind? Actually, let's ask him that. If he means something else, ask him to record the sound and play it back to us.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:44 No.2315110

    That howling wind, man. Can't you hear it? Feels like something stabbing into my ears... into my head. Your friend seems physically pained by the noise.

    It is somewhat annoying for you, but you're mostly able to tune it out as all-pervasive background noise.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)20:45 No.2315122

    I'll make sure to, if not now, later find out if any of my friends were still up then. If so, we may be able to pinpoint when this anomaly happened.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:48 No.2315139

    Man, looking out the window, there's one sweet ass stormfront rolling in, it's just dark enough that the top of it's blue-white, and you can see lightning flashes within the clouds. Fucking win.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:50 No.2315149
    OH SHI-

    Okay. Uh, Langoliers scenario sounds plausible now. Do I live near any experimental particle physics labs?

    Or even something like NIST?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:50 No.2315151

    None of your local friends were up at that hour. But sending out a few IMs you get a response from an online friend overseas who was still up at that comparatively early time for him.

    He doesn't recall anything unusual occuring, however.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:50 No.2315154
    Just a quick question, am I still hungry? Seeing as how I've been running back and forth all day without eating. Or drinking anything for that matter.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:51 No.2315161

    I figure out which direction the wind is going, and try to use visual clues (swaying trees, etc) to see which direction it's moving in the distance.

    fuckfuckfuck we're boned. I'm sorry anon, it was nice knowing you
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:51 No.2315164
    Did I walk into /x/ or something? Cause I thought this was /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:52 No.2315172

    Well, there's the university in town, but you doubt their physics equipment is that advanced. Might have something you could use... if you were a physicist.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:53 No.2315178

    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:54 No.2315183

    also GM get a trip, easier that way
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:54 No.2315185

    But this is epic crazy shit here. Something I'd expect to come from /x/.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:55 No.2315186

    You had a decent breakfast after visiting the grocery store earlier. You're not starving or anything, but a bit to eat or drink wouldn't go amiss.


    The sound of the wind seems to come from all around, but the air is perfectly still.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)20:55 No.2315190

    I don't think so. Worst case, we're isolated in a shunted off world that is just us and whatever non-humans were around at 3 a.m. Hopefully, though, we're not alone.


    Okay, I'm posting a thread Reddit. "So, we're not all dead from the LHC, but how many of us are stuck in a parallel reality with this damn annoying wind?"

    Hopefully, anyone who knows that isn't a joke will contact us privately.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:57 No.2315197
    We have more imagination than /x/ thanks to our ROLEPAYAN GAEMS.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)20:57 No.2315202

    >...thread on Reddit...

    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:58 No.2315208
    Shh, sit back and enjoy the Thespians.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:59 No.2315216
    lol, sarcasm. Sides, more like LARPers with the LA cut out, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)20:59 No.2315218
    I doubt that's worst case.

    Alone? That might be better than some of the other options.

    Our situation reminds me of "The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door..."

    Whatever's out there is sure to come


    for me
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:00 No.2315220
    The twist at the end of this thread is the same as the twist at the end of the Sixth Sense: LOL UR A GHOST WHO FORGOT DEAD
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:01 No.2315224

    Your Reddit thread is posted, and gets lots of hilarious joking replies.

    You do, however, get two private messages. One is from a woman on the other side of the country who tentatively asks if you're serious because she's all alone except for a constant howling wind and is very scared.

    The other message comes from a teenager overseas in a fortunately English speaking country. He seems more open about sharing the same situation as you and postulates that this is the buildup to some sort of Highlander situation. You think he's joking.

    Both of them provided IM details if you wish to pursue this further.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:02 No.2315235
    Everyone Is Jesus In Purgatory. /thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:04 No.2315243
    Chat up the woman. Joke about if she's been feeling regular before breaking into the freaky shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:04 No.2315253

    I head to my crazy friend's house (the freak that collects knives and anything else with a blade) and get a fucking sword. Just in case.

    I IM the chick and say to set up a webcam.

    Same with the dude but I tell him to point it out at the street so I know he's serious.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:05 No.2315257
    This is massive win OP. You win many internets, and I hope to god that this gets archived and that you have more where this came from when this is over.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)21:05 No.2315263

    Right. On it. I'll be getting in touch with both of them, possibly setting up a three-way chat if we can.

    Oh! See if either of them have working phones. I'll try to call them, just to see if it works.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:06 No.2315269
    Okay, I want to check something. IM works, webcam works. Does voice chat over IM work? If so, I open skype and try dialing the telephone numbers of friends. If that doesn't work, I'll sign into my own account, have the friend who knows about this call me then add a landline number to a conference.

    The other thing I'll do is order something to my place or my friend's place, fastest delivery I can get. I want to see if it turns up. Make it something useful in bad scenarios, just in case.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:07 No.2315272
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    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:07 No.2315275
    It would be a pretty good version of immortality to be a ghost that can communicate well, and even on video. But the TV channels? Some things not updating any more? No animals either? This story is not dismissed easily.

    I heat up some meat and milk; which I leave out to see if it decays.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:08 No.2315281
    Siphon some gas from a car, see if it burns
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:08 No.2315282
    The Internet works? And we haven't tried PHONING anyone?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:09 No.2315285
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    1st. Get a firearm and/or blunt object.
    2nd. Grab a cigerette, a light.
    3rd.. Kill EVERYONE
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)21:10 No.2315292

    Phoning was the first thing a couple of us tried once we knew the internet worked. Can't receive calls, and I don't think we can call out. I'm hoping that rule doesn't apply to other people trapped in Wind-World.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:11 No.2315294
    guy has eaten already. Didn't notice food having no flavour, he's driven around.
    Ergo, we're not looking at the langoliers themselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:11 No.2315296

    You are able to call both of them by phone, and the teenager has a webcam set up already. The woman lacks one, but says she'll be back shortly with one and then goes offline.

    Getting their phone numbers, you find that phoning them does work.


    Using Skype you seem to have no trouble calling people in the 'real' world. Ordering an online pizza to your friend's house gets one delivered in reasonable time on his end, which he is grateful for in spite of his continual state of creeped-out-ness.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:12 No.2315300
    Before responding to the two, I grab the spare & full gas can from the shed out back, walk across to the house on the opposite side of the street, enter, soak the living room blinds, furniture, and flooring with the gas, leaving just enough to leave a trail back out the front door. I grab my lighter, light it up, and head back across the street to my house.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:14 No.2315314

    Your arson goes without incident, your neighbour's house going up like a bomb thanks to all the fuel you've provided.

    The fire seems to be spreading quickly to the surrounding houses, you notice, the crackling of flames sounding almost soothing compared to the ever-present howling.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)21:15 No.2315315

    Okay. If that's the case, then I'll wait for the woman to get back so the three of us can compare notes. In the meantime, I go to /x/ and give a write-up of my situation, requesting that any anons experiencing something similar call my cell. I'll give anyone who calls my IM info so that we can get them in on the chat as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:15 No.2315319
    Just a word of advice:


    We're probably a fat pasty nerd, or maybe a skinny pasty nerd. The Brock Samson route isn't going to work too well if this is a Highlander scenario. Befriending people then cutting off their heads while they're asleep would work much better.

    Easy possibilities that come to mind so far:
    1) Highlander
    2) The Sixth Sense
    3) The Langoliers.
    4) Second Coming???
    5) ???

    In any case, it's probably the Large Hadron Collider that fucked everything up. Suggesting to others that it might be a Highlander scenario might be bad. If that is the case, we want our competition to be dead before they realize they are competition.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:19 No.2315339
    If it eases my mind a little, I can cope with a little heat & flame.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:19 No.2315340

    The woman returns shortly, and your post on /x/ gets lots of people complaining about you not answering your phone. None of the posts are especially helpful, and the thread soon degenerates into a load of stale creepypasta.

    Comparing notes, you find that the other two experienced similar situations to you - the teenager seemed to figure things out about as quickly as you did, while the woman seems less net-savvy - she looks to be in her mid-forties and seems very distressed and teary from the whole experience - having only figured things out when she turned on her computer and outlook gave her an email that had arrived after she'd noticed everyone missing. A friend in the 'real' world had pointed her to your Reddit link.

    Comparing locations, you do notice that the three of you seem to be on what could form a straight line towards Switzerland.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:22 No.2315355
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:24 No.2315366
    Stopping for a moment to think on this, I pull up a map of the real world, open paint, draw this line that connects our three locations and lines up with Switzerland, then post this image to the boards
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:24 No.2315367
    The Swiss?

    I KNEW IT!
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:25 No.2315376
    Psst, that's where the LHC is.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:26 No.2315377
    And then, the OP went on to write episodes for Doctor Who.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:26 No.2315378

    /x/ posits that the line is some sort of eldritch ley-line of arcane power, and that if you can find a way back to the real world you will be imbued with fantastic abilities the likes of which mortal men can only dream of.

    You suspect they're making fun of you.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)21:27 No.2315385

    Hmm... Okay, I figured it was a long shot that any 4channers who had this shit go down would post to /x/. At any rate, I'll go ahead and advise the woman (and the kid if he hasn't done so) to arm themselves as soon as possible. I'm not sure we're the only ones here, and other people might not have taken it so well.

    Also, if I haven't yet done so, I'll be wanting to arm myself as well when I get the chance.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:27 No.2315387
    I would have said Twilight Zone, but I'm pretty sure they've already done this...
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:28 No.2315389
    And looking at the map that I had so hastily posted, I read aloud these three locations to my friend, and ask him to say them back to me.
    >> Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 08/06/08(Wed)21:29 No.2315396
    This is some engaging shit. I wish the OP was my DM, or at least >>2315377

    Because this is grade A awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:29 No.2315399
    so the LHC did it.
    My theory:
    Intended or unintended, we do not know which. However, the LHC has fucked us. Now, the LHC is looking for the higgs-bosun, which is what causes inertia. In other words, if the higgs-boson field were not there, all matter would be able to accelerate instantly to lightspeed like light, which ignores said field.
    We've been mashed by the beam and thrown into a photonic state for the fraction of a second the LHC fired. This means that we've been relativistically fucked over because things moving at lightspeed experience time at a different rate.
    Sadly, I can't think of how to undo this. In addition, if CERN intended this to happen then letting them know where it fired will just let them calibrate their relativistic superweapon capable of excising people from time like a four-dimensional scalpel in the hand of a vengeful god.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:29 No.2315400
    On a related note, perhaps we should find out what other cities pass through this line? Any nearby? We could try physical contact or be on the lookout for where potential targets will come from. All depends on how we want to interact with other people.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:30 No.2315409
    This is like something that Moffat would write.
    Moffat is taking over from the useless russell t davis.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:30 No.2315411

    The woman has her husband's handgun, but the teenager says that firearms aren't legal in his country and doesn't know where to find any. He has a crowbar, but comments that a katana would probably be more appropriate.

    With the city to yourself, you have little trouble arming yourself with any sort of melee weapon you choice, and a choice of small arms are readily available if you know where to look. Anything heavier will take some doing, however.

    As everyone stocks up, the woman suggests that you could all head to Switzerland to find answers, while the boy instead suggests that if you follow the line you might find others in the same situation.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:31 No.2315412
    Well, yes.

    But more significantly, they devour REALITY ITSELF. Specifically, discarded or misplaced threads/subdimesions of reality.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:31 No.2315420
    We just need to get in a plane, and fly back on the same exact vector, just in the opposite direction.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:32 No.2315427

    Your friend repeats the same locations you just said back to you, seeming rather confused as to the point of that exercise.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:33 No.2315429
    Hm. I shoud check http://www.unit.org.uk/ for any suspicious news that don't make it into the mass media.
    PROTIP: Password is badwolf
    >> altworld Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:33 No.2315437
    can we even make our way to switzahlahnd on da lahnd?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:33 No.2315438
    No. You did not move, the higgs-bosun was temporarily removed from around you. The problem is that if anyone is capable of forcing you to interact with it more strongly, it'll be CERN. Ergo, you're going to have to throw your lot in with them.
    >> Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 08/06/08(Wed)21:34 No.2315440
    Which is exactly where this is occurring.

    There's no plane, jackass. They've gotta get to the LHC and somehow operate it in exact reverse, which will restore them to normal time.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:34 No.2315445
    >This is the story of how fa/tg/uy, housewife & asian... nah, I'm out.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)21:36 No.2315453

    First of all, I'm thinking >>2315399 has the right idea about what's going on. Or, at least, it's a good working theory.

    Hmm... If the kid's brave/physically sure of himself enough, suggest he head to the wrong side of town. If he looks hard enough, he should be able to find a few illegal arms kicking around.

    Anyway, I think the line thing may be the best plan at this point. If we can swing it, the woman and I should probably try to follow the line toward each other first, then find a way to meet up with the kid and any other victims the three of us find. For the record, what cities are the woman and kid in?

    (Also, OP, when this thread autosages, should we just wait for you to make a new one?)
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:37 No.2315462
    It isn't exactly a line. It's a great circle route, since the earth's surface is roughly spherical.

    Still, it seems like as good a place as any to start, so I follow it.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:37 No.2315464
    Why so serious? O right, rickrollin your way to a 1up. GLWT
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:39 No.2315473
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:39 No.2315476
    >For the record, what cities are the woman and kid in?

    OP here, breaking character for a moment, I've been leaving the locations deliberately vague so Anon can imagine it being his own location. Use whatever works best for you.

    >(Also, OP, when this thread autosages, should we just wait for you to make a new one?)

    Well, I'll probably be going to bed soon anyway. Lets just take it as it comes.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)21:39 No.2315478
    And... There's the autosage... Which actually came at a dramatically appropriate time. I am mildly amused.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)21:40 No.2315487

    Eh, I'm in favor of calling it a night here, if the other anons are with me.
    >> Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 08/06/08(Wed)21:40 No.2315490
    I suggest that this thread should be archived.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:41 No.2315494
    I go back outside, and whistle for a cab...
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:41 No.2315499

    The kid seems a little geeky and skinny, and doesn't look older than 14. Still, he's got plenty of spunk, and agrees to go hunting for weapons, promptly vanishing from your impromptu webconference.

    The woman agrees that meeting up is probably the best. She doesn't like having to travel across the country to meet a stranger, but anything's better than staying where she is and going slowly insane from loneliness and despair.
    >> 39er !0Ad54StZsM 08/06/08(Wed)21:43 No.2315507
    >>2315399 here
    Thinking about this... there is a problem.
    The LHC is not built to work in "reverse". The best we can hope for is to operate it and fire it at ourselves again. This will need one two people at the LHC and one at a location that was affected. Then we try to communicate with the person we LHC'd. Best case scenario they get home, we somehow rig the LHC to fire later on and similarly do so. Worst case scenario they end up in hell, or back even further from us.

    If it comes to it, we can try getting CERN to LHC the entire world. This will put the three of us back in sync (TIME MIND SYNC WARP) with the rest of the world.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:44 No.2315515
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    I make sure to tell her to only travel during the day, and an hour or so before sunset, to look for a place to bunker down for the night. I inform her that I'll be doing the same, and suggest we meet somewhere in the middle.

    My ride, since they should be easy enough to find.
    >> Meta-anon !B1XQ.jMi9Q 08/06/08(Wed)21:46 No.2315529

    Not a problem, OP. Trust me, I was just as bored. We'll be waiting for part 2.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:47 No.2315533
    OP here, what with all the autosaging I think I'll call it a night. Someone already archived it on suptg, so at least that gives us a reference if we pick it up later.

    Thanks for playing and helping amuse me on a dull night, everyone!
    >> Not a Heretic 08/06/08(Wed)21:50 No.2315556
    This was an interesting read, guys, and now my writefag senses would stop tingling. Highfives all around, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:52 No.2315564

    The hell?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:53 No.2315575
    OP prolly posted his last message, then delete to fix something before reposting it.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:54 No.2315579
    Password is always badwulf
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:54 No.2315581

    That's exactly what happened. It's happened a couple of times in this thread already. No big in this case, I was only fixing a typo (although one that did change the meaning of my sentence).
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)21:54 No.2315582
    Holy shit. I'm dead D:
    >> 39er !0Ad54StZsM 08/06/08(Wed)21:59 No.2315616
    except when it's "buffalo"
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)22:01 No.2315633
    Hmm, can't argue with that.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)22:02 No.2315643
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    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)22:02 No.2315646
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    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)22:03 No.2315652
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    >> Anonymous 08/06/08(Wed)22:04 No.2315667

    a riddle?

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