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    File :1234415816.jpg-(261 KB, 1024x768, HW__Wrecks_by_MK01.jpg)
    261 KB Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:16 No.3687417  
    New thread, continuing from

    This is number seven.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:18 No.3687437
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    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:19 No.3687442
    Have you no mercy?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:22 No.3687458
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:22 No.3687459
    Scenario #12:

    Fleet Intelligence is aroused and knocks on your door. What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:22 No.3687462
         File :1234416175.jpg-(66 KB, 600x750, Long way home....jpg)
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    I didn't think anyone was crazy enough to actually make a new one.


    Here's hoping there is still some momentum left in this.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:23 No.3687463
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    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:24 No.3687474
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    "This is Gold Leader, all units on the medical frigate!"
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:26 No.3687482
    I still think Homeworld is the best bet for a tabletop space game. Resources would have to be a very important part of the game, so asteroid fields and nebulas would be a standard battleground, and you'd have to work with fighter squadrons as the smallest unit... or maybe even fighter wings and corvette squadrons.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:26 No.3687485

    It's 400k. And occasionally 300k, if you're not on the frigates pounding the damaged cryotray right away. What you need to do is have your salvage corvs ready from the previous mission and then get capping like a motherfucker.

    If you have to first build them there, or decide to start rescuing cryotrays before snagging Taidaani frigates, you're boned.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:26 No.3687487
         File :1234416413.jpg-(60 KB, 800x600, 14193.jpg)
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    "This is Fleet Command! All ships defen-" *static*
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:29 No.3687503
         File :1234416599.jpg-(46 KB, 680x510, 16128.jpg)
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    "Oh shi..."
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:30 No.3687507
    Man /tg/ is the best board ever.

    We discuss anime and video games better than either /a/ or /v/.

    Also i played HW again cause of all these threads.

    I captured everything. I mean fucking everything frigate sized and higher. I captured all the fuel pods heck i even have a couple of swarmers left over. All of my fucking Ion Array Frigates survived and i captured every single multi-beam frigate from the Cathedral of Kadesh.

    Also that Ion frigate sphere from The Bridge Of Sighs?

    Every single one of them, mine. In fact i have so many ships that i can't hyperspace anymore. The game would get stuck in the process of aligning the ships since the gamemap has a maximum length.

    This why i love homeworld. LOOTAN SALVAGAN DISABLAN LOOTAN.

    marine frigates disappointed the fuck out of me in HW2 but i still played it nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:31 No.3687513
    If this happens, I demand we use PDS 7.3 ships. Homeworld ships look cool, but their armanents are fucking silly. 2 ion turrets and a tiny machine gun? I want my battleships BRISTLING WITH GUNS.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:33 No.3687529

    Hiigarans are like space-kobolds, they sneak in and before you know it everything is looted. They don't even build offensive ships, cruisers or destroyers, that shit was just for the history books so they'd impress their kids.

    Their entire fleet was nothing but fucking salvage corvettes. The Battle of Hiigara ended when the Taidaani Emperor was dismantled into nutrient gruel for 200 hungry crewmembers by the Mothership's molecular disassembler/reassembler-array.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:34 No.3687531
    Look at all that Dakka GODDAYUM!
    Must search for HW2 CD again and get that.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:34 No.3687535

    Fuck. This.

    Even the Heavy Cruisers were useless against fighters.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:35 No.3687540
    What's better, Homeworld 1 or 2?

    Also, moar.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:36 No.3687554
    They both have their good and bad points. I'd rather play PDS though.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:37 No.3687557
    Both are equally awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:39 No.3687585
    1 had the better story, 2's engine is far superior.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:39 No.3687586

    Homeworld 2 has a worse plot, but somewhat more impressive visuals, and with the PDS-mod, the ships really look fucking crazy and awesome(even though it fucks the actual gameplay to shit, because the tooltip for any given ship is like 5 pages of pretend military history and armchair space-general wanking rather than: "This thing fucks up fighters, yo!").

    Cataclysm is personally my favourite, it lacked some of the REALLY oppressive resource shortages of HW1, and some of the REALLY annoying fights, too(looking at you, fucking supernova mission. Fucking killer radiation and mines. Fuck that.), had better graphics than HW1 and a far better story than HW2.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:40 No.3687594
    Homeworl 1 was superior obviously.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:40 No.3687596

    Homeworld 1 has a vastly superior story.

    Homeworld 2 has much better graphics.

    Homeworld Cataclysm has more badass, but with what is essentially Homeworld 1 graphics.

    Chose wisely.
    >> Lived 02/12/09(Thu)00:41 No.3687604
    Huh. Well let's hope so since I spend a day downloading that one..
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:41 No.3687606
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    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:43 No.3687615
    Nothing can take us far enough
    Emotion... far enough together
    As the light shines so bright
    Bright enough to let us in

    Nothing can bridge our souls'
    Devotion... fast enough together
    As the power proves you right
    Right enough to let you begin

    So many displaced among the future dreamers
    Realised their doubles
    Took a new step
    A question of origin
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:44 No.3687622
    Only in the recent past
    Seeking for to realise
    Skyward shone
    Like beacons
    A question of origin

    Ten thousand millions free
    To the westward light
    The dreamers represent
    This arc of peace

    As the poets entranced
    The anchor redeemed
    Secrets of science
    The history of the future
    Was surely made
    >> 008 02/12/09(Thu)00:44 No.3687623
    HW2 does have a better engine, but it's got it's peculiarities. If you have a large enough fleet, it can take up to 10 minutes from map load before they're done launching. That drove me up the wall every time.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:44 No.3687624

    Am I the only one who loved that fruity song?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:44 No.3687626

    Homeworld 2 just screamed in your face HARD FUCKING COUNTER the entire game, PDS has its quirks but its so much better. I just wish my ships were less suicidal in CHARGE THE ENEMY, also the pop cap is really tiny, but easily modded.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:45 No.3687627
    Just what keeps us so alive
    Just what makes us realise
    Our home
    Is our world, our life
    Home is our world

    Nothing can take us far enough
    Emotion... far enough together
    As the light shines so bright
    Bright enough to let us in

    Nothing can bridge our souls
    Devotion... fast enough together
    As the power proves you right
    Right enough to let you begin
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:45 No.3687629

    Homeworld 1 has this guy. He single handedly won the war.

    Homeworld : Cataclysm has workers, which suck cause they can't capture past the pop cap

    Homeworld 2 has marine frigates, which suck too.
    >> 008 02/12/09(Thu)00:45 No.3687643
    For anyone interested
    This mod adds reflectmaps and bumpmapping to nearly all the ships and structures in HW2. It's still a work in progress though.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:46 No.3687645
    I have seen the passion
    That's in the hope that everyone
    Will find their way into
    The secret of
    The home of your heart

    Living within the vision
    Within the power, beyond belief
    We see that hate destroys the soul
    Of anyone who tries to teach it

    I have seen the dream
    That's in your heart
    That's in your eyes
    To bring you closer to the one
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:47 No.3687650
    It's what keeps us so alive
    It's what makes us realise
    Our home is our world, our life
    Just what keeps us so alive
    Just what makes us realise
    Our home
    Is our world, our life
    Home is our world, our life

    Send, ascending to the secrets
    All is pure and clear to resolve
    Nothing can change us now
    Send, ascending to the future
    Nothing can ever change us now
    We follow the sun
    We follow the sun
    We follow the sun

    Truth is a simple place
    Here for us all to see
    Reach as it comes to you
    As it comes to me
    As I will always need you inside my heart

    Peace is a word we teach
    A place for us all to reach
    Sing as it sings to you
    As it sings to me
    As I will always need you inside my heart
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:47 No.3687652

    While that might be more awesome however, since (I seem to recall, it's been a while) projectiles have their own velocity/vectors/etc, it would make the games system requirements go through the roof.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:47 No.3687654
    HW1 and HWC were all about preserving your fleet and being strategic about ship movements and capturing whenever you can.

    HW2 shat on all of this became a meatgrinder for ships. It was just HIT THE ENEMY UNTIL HE IS DEAD.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:49 No.3687666
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:50 No.3687676

    To be fair, HWC had enough resources that fleet conservation was less vital... EXCEPT that your ships ranked up through surviving combat, which could make a difference at times.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:53 No.3687690
    I wonder why they didn't incorporate veterancy in HW2.

    I thought it was a really nice feature in HW:C
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:54 No.3687692
    I hope III has the Galactica mass launch ability. God, I'd love terrorizing people with my carrier strikes.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:57 No.3687717
    It's on my iPod...
    >> 008 02/12/09(Thu)00:58 No.3687722
    The best part about these guys is they could send enemy frigates spinning around wildly if only one or two managed to latch on.

    They also served as great distractions as all Taiidan ships would drop everything to chase one down.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)00:59 No.3687732
    Fuck, I can see it now. My capital ships will slowly creep into firing range, drawing their escorts away.

    Then *BAM*, carrier and frigates jump behind the enemy flotilla.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:03 No.3687759
    Most heavy ships like the Heavy Cruiser can rotate their turrets to fire on the corvettes unless all their salvage points are occupied.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:03 No.3687760
    Did anyone else love harassing people with assault frigates and heavy corvettes?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:05 No.3687774
    Heavy Cruisers did have 100% coverage. Best bet would be 6 salvage corvettes + support frigates. 1 would be the decoy while the others latch on to it.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:10 No.3687801
    I remember capturing 4 Taiidan heavy cruisers (and hitting the upper pop limit) in HWC. then in the next mission they got hit by Beast infection missiles.

    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:10 No.3687808
    My favorite memory from Homeworld Cataclysm was from the last mission:

    I was doing the final mission and I was having a hell of a time trying to destroy the Naggarok since it would dart off every time I'd get near it. After a while I got good at guessing where it would dash/teleport off to and was already preparing to fire the siege cannon at it. Alls going well when it fires but right then the naggarok started to dart off again (Shit!)...


    Right in front of my mothership.

    Yay point blank siege cannon :D I lost most of my motherships escort but I took it out.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:12 No.3687820
    ah yes the point-blank siege cannon. I call it the Fishbone.

    a cool thing you could do with it, the hiigaran heavy cruiser's deflection ability actually deflects siege cannon shots. if you place it right you can deflect it right back.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:13 No.3687829

    Bah, the Somtaaw were never interested in capturing.
    They'll fucking kill you dead. They'll kill you and your family. And then they'll turn you into Resource Units. They may even skip to the Resource Units part.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:18 No.3687867
    You could lock it with EMP. It stays locked for a very long time
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:19 No.3687872

    PDS's requirements are quite a bit larger than Home World 2's but they're not unreasonable and the battles look effing spectacular.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:21 No.3687889
    I'm listening to the "A New Hope" Soundtrack, "Throne Room".

    Don't make me squeal like that again. -_-
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:33 No.3687959

    WHAT? you had 4 taiidan heav cruisers?

    i captured every last one that i saw and all i had was just 2!
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:34 No.3687973

    Nah bro, that song made the credits something special. Specially the last little bit, 'you are here' just as it's coming to a close. Fuckwin.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:36 No.3687981
    holy fuck this is still going since yesterday night?

    Fuck yea somtaaw!
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:36 No.3687984
    It sits still if you leave it frigates to eat. Although by the time I figured this out I had a few dozen Super Acolytes. Which were promptly arrayed in sphere formation around it.
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)01:40 No.3687999

    I'm going to bed. May this thread continue on until tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:43 No.3688019
    I am a save load faggot.

    finished the game quite easily.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:44 No.3688022
    we need a somtaaw motivator in the same genre
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)01:45 No.3688034
    So... the Cataclysm upload?
    I'm fucking dying here.
    >> 008 02/12/09(Thu)02:11 No.3688190
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    Couldn't find a better image though.
    >> WE 02/12/09(Thu)02:19 No.3688233
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    Seven is the magic númber baby!
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)02:27 No.3688266
    Yes? Fruity? How can that be?
    Love Yes though, and this song.
    >> Da Red Kommanda 02/12/09(Thu)02:32 No.3688294
    Yes up in this... Well, up in ANY bitch, really.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)02:43 No.3688348
    three days.

    three fucking days

    i loev you /tg/
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)02:45 No.3688352
    where the hell did I put my HW2 disc! I HAVE TO PLAY AGAIN
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)02:45 No.3688354
    homeworld in BFG

    make it so
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:02 No.3688438

    Just finished a game, HW2 is still awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:02 No.3688439
    Would lose its awesome without the altitude control.
    Suprising people by flanking them VERTICALLY and hiding by moving to the top of the map was fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:04 No.3688447
    >flanking them VERTICALLY

    shit, why didn't i think of that before!

    brb, trying it out
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:10 No.3688482
    That is... literally... the first thing I thought of when I played HW1.
    How could you NOT come up with that?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:22 No.3688543
    i never got into it when i first got it
    >> Da Red Kommanda 02/12/09(Thu)03:34 No.3688625

    To me it was the paranoid counterpart of that. "Jesus, fuck! Soon they'll be on me from every fucking direction!"
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:36 No.3688636
         File :1234427789.jpg-(41 KB, 339x565, endersgame.jpg)
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    The goal is down.

    That's the kind of mentality you have to have when you play Homeworld.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:47 No.3688696
    just downloaded HW1 and HWC, no wonder people told me to play this game.

    I just got to the second mission with the third race in HW1 (two after the asteroid mission which was gay gay gay LOL DID YOU SAVE 500 GOLD?)

    as the campaign has a persistent fleet, what should i do to keep from frustrating myself later on?

    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:53 No.3688739
    That's good, but I'd always recommend sending a small party, but big enough to be considered a threat. Then, flank them horizontally with another, bigger party. All the while, the main force attacks head on.

    The maleable and fluid army is the victor.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:56 No.3688753



    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:57 No.3688761
    Balance your forces, and don't overextend yourself.
    They'll come at you with everything eventually, and you'll be fucking glad you put off some extra ion frigates when they swamp you with fighters.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:58 No.3688773
    ahhh higarans, lootier then the orks
    And the somtaaw, killier and with enough dakka to make an ork weep.

    I think the only thing lootier then the hiigarans/somtaaw in full swing was the beast.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)03:59 No.3688775
    >if we can make the enemy show his position while we are formless, we will be at full force while the enemy is divided
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)04:01 No.3688793
    I used to play botgames against 7 armies with no Mothership. I'd keep it around long enough to research everything i wanted and then scuttle the bastard.
    I'd tear apart 8 enemies with just a single carrier and an endless stream of frigates and fighters in about 12 hours.
    Good times.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)04:03 No.3688801
    No Destroyers? No Battlecruisers? No Shipyards? Like... eight wings of fighters max?
    I think you're lying.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)04:04 No.3688813
    That's what marine frigates are for, my man.
    Also, hit-and-run attacks burning through ru's like a fiend hyperspacing in and out.
    You just make them pay for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)04:11 No.3688842
    The world or go grab 8 or cash iptorrents pussytorrents hay card? says this thread? u want to read abot the ? limits of ratios of funtions tricky if they can look that and cons pic related random? niggers off the street there's, a lot of crazy.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:19 No.3689284
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    also i did this earlier
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:25 No.3689325
    jesus fucking what?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:32 No.3689366
         File :1234434760.png-(58 KB, 1280x1024, 1226670539515.png)
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    Remember this stage /tg/?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:35 No.3689382
         File :1234434942.png-(82 KB, 1280x1024, 1226670539115.png)
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    What's this?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:37 No.3689387
         File :1234435039.png-(197 KB, 1280x1024, 1226670539116.png)
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    Fuck yeah salvaging!
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:39 No.3689395
    I HW was great, but I preferred HW2.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:40 No.3689400
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:41 No.3689402
    oh wait, you already did :/
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:44 No.3689409
         File :1234435457.png-(252 KB, 1280x1024, 1226670539117.png)
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    >> 008 02/12/09(Thu)05:47 No.3689418
    HW1 had the best salvage frigates.

    Cat's frigates were.. alright after you get used to them

    HW2's sucked. too much resource blown on capturing a single ship.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:48 No.3689428
         File :1234435698.jpg-(156 KB, 800x600, ss00081.jpg)
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    Weary from their destruction of five entire enemy fleets with no losses sustained, the 13th Supercapital Fleet rounded on the last sector's resistance.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:50 No.3689444
         File :1234435837.jpg-(127 KB, 800x600, ss00082.jpg)
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    This battle would be their last.

    (Yeah, I kind of made the Hiigaran Battlecruiser take 50 seconds to build. And set starting resources to 50,000. And played against five allied expert AIs.

    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:54 No.3689467
    I salvaged every last one of those things.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)05:56 No.3689481
         File :1234436217.png-(531 KB, 1280x1024, 1226670539118.png)
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    i trust it was worth it anon
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:06 No.3689520
    but did you keep them or salvage them?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:09 No.3689530
         File :1234436962.png-(368 KB, 1280x1024, 1226670539120.png)
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    Mmmm laserspam.

    Tabletop homeworld needs Z axis.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:13 No.3689543
    Anybody here ever hear of a game called Project Earth? It was kind of a mediocre Homeworld clone, but I had fun with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:19 No.3689581
    I always thought salvage abuse made HW singleplayer really boring, since it kinda broke the game. But it made sense to me from a fluff standpoint. I mean, why waste resources building a huge ship from scratch when you can latch on to an enemy cruiser, hack its networks, tow it into the mothership, summarily execute the crew that resists and reeducate the rest, rewrite its control systems and thaw some colonists to crew it? I like to imagine the "canon" fleet that took back Hiigara was a ragtag band of salvaged ships.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:25 No.3689621
    Imagine the horror on the Taiidani's faces when their Heavy Cruisers and Destroyers are turned against them. That's the kick i get from salvaging.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:32 No.3689655
    >summarily execute the crew that resists and reeducate the rest
    summarily execute the crew that resists and execute the rest
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:33 No.3689662
         File :1234438432.jpg-(76 KB, 1280x960, titanlv3.jpg)
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    i played through HW1 and 2, now i play eve online
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:35 No.3689666

    I was always thinking about what they did to the crew of those ships. Press-ganged them into service?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:36 No.3689670
    They do have half a mil of people frozen on Mothership, and I bet they would be more than happy to join the fight.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:37 No.3689673
    >summarily execute the crew that resists and execute the rest after sham trials to keep the leftist faggots happy
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:38 No.3689676

    Most of those weren't seasoned battleship commanders. I imagine combat performance would suffer if a ship is just staffed with untrained colonists.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)06:49 No.3689711

    >summarily execute all hands since everyone became a leftist faggot after the burning of kharak

    triple fix'd
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:54 No.3689906

    Fuck you, they're Hiigarans! Hiigarans don't need training, piloting is IN. THEIR. BLOOD.

    "Oh hey, is this a multi-beam frigate designed according to alien principles and... Yeah, this button makes it go forward, this one makes it go pew pew pew. LET'S GO HOME!"
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)07:56 No.3689910
    Well they are all the same species, apparently. lolgalacticprecursors
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)08:27 No.3689996
    anyone have a screencap of thread no. 6?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)08:28 No.3690001
    They used Somtaaw pilots to operate multibeams.
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)08:39 No.3690044
    God damnit, /tg/.

    Don't stop being so awesome. Three days. 48 hours. Straight through.

    God damnit, I love you guys.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)08:42 No.3690058

    I don't see the awesome. These threads have accomplished absolutely nothing. No rules for a tabletop system. No RPG for the setting. Just some going back and forth about how awesome the Soomtaw were and some random speculation about a hypothetical TV series. Where's the getting shit done?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)08:45 No.3690071
    This one is for the record books
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)08:48 No.3690079

    I'm currently working on two projects: One, hoping to make the Kae Moda codex into a Kiith. I'm just hoping that Morte looks through the fluff and gets wowed enough to connect Kae Moda and Kiith Gaalsien.

    If not, well, there's always an offshoot.

    The second is to make the Second Homeworld's story a little more relevant to the firsts. The idea I've tossed around thus far is that the Hyperspace cores were not holy artifacts until Makaan started going around claiming to be the Sajuuk-kar.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)08:49 No.3690083

    Its all on suptg.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:23 No.3690279
    That's actually more along the lines of what I got from the HW2 story.
    According to "History of Hiigara", The 'Second Core', the one the Hiigarans have, was discovered inside a massive derelict starship.
    And that ship WASN'T Sajuuk.

    Which makes you wonder.... If the Second Core was from that ship, not Sajuuk, then where is Sajuuk's core? Are the other two of the trinity cores of Sajuuk, or are they from other ships as well?

    Are the cores really that unique, or are they just the last working ones out there?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:25 No.3690283
    Also, the aformentioned document can be found here:

    It is considered canon.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:27 No.3690296
    I don't know how big that last megaupload was, but if anyone's interested I can deliver some 600+ pieces of concept and cutscene art from all three games if I ever make it home from work.

    Then there's also the community-maintained torrents of the soundtracks of all games.

    If you already got all that and I missed it, 's okay too.

    Sage for courtesy.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:34 No.3690323
    Random question:

    How in the love of christ do you kill that fucking carrier on mission 4? I've failed to stop the little cunt about seven times in a row now.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:38 No.3690341
    From what I can gather, the Trinity are just really fucking powerful hyperspace drives that can jump entire fleets the length of the galaxy instantaneously. They're obviously part of some security mechanism built into the gate network. How they got to where they are is a mystery, but I assume they were either salvaged from the progenitor megaship long after their demise or washed up on various planets after some cataclysmic natural disaster.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:39 No.3690347
    Ion Cannon/Ion Array Frigates. Plenty of them.

    If at all possible, try to predict where the Ion Array Frigates are going to hyperspace in(not that hard since it's always in the same spot) and have some salvage corvettes ready to grab them.
    Depending on how many jump in and how many you can snag, it can give you a really good boost to your firepower.
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)09:40 No.3690356

    Thank you for not disrupting the bump limit. I appreciate the information regarding soundtracks and awesome concept art.


    A theory I currently have is that the Taiidan were the first to discover the Progenitor tech and use it to their advantage. The Bentusi knew of the tech, and they utilized it, but they never went around pulling "We're the big bad fucking empire now, listen to us". My guess is that once they got ahold of the cores, they started to mass produce smaller versions (Fitted to anything above a Frigate class). The larger versions were harder to find. It is entirely possible that yes, the Kushan were able to smuggle one aboard in the hopes that they would one day return to the stars to seek their vengeance. The better guess would to look to the Bentusi.

    My guess is that the Exile's arrived on the planet, and after all the wars and the infighting, moved to the poles. The Bentusi saw their plight, and sent downed a large capital ship class carrier (Akin to the ones that the Kushan used during the exile) with a Hyperspace core modeled off of the original 'Trinity' model from Sajuuk.

    My theory is that the Bentusi were pulling a lot more strings then they let on. A sort of "Just as Planned" race, if you will.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:42 No.3690369
    I can capture every single Ion Array in the mission, but all I have to fight with is about ten HCs and a dozen interceptors, and two captured assault frigates. By the time any of the IOs are mine, the carrier is gone.
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)09:50 No.3690408

    This is also another theory. Cataclysm shows that there is actual 'star drift' akin to the tides here on Earth. That would mean that space junk likely collided into Kharak at one point, perhaps even 'setting' the old model Hyperspace core on Kharak. Again, whether this was the Bentusi or not is a matter of debate. I for one am starting to look more at the Bentusi going "Hmm... That doesn't seem to be the whole story."

    Then again, let's take a look back at Homeworld 2.

    If there is this "Mystic Three" that is spoken of in game, that would mean that the Progenitors had a protocol to dump their hyperspace cores upon a disastrous condition. This would lock the Hyperspace gates, imprison the Main parts of the Flagship (Sajuuk, the Dreadnaughts, the Keepers) within the various derelicts that littered space. Without the ability to Long Jump, then they were restricted to shorter jumps, thought they never made them because "lol, we were told and programmed to protect teh wreckage."

    My theory is that the Taiidan were given Hyperspace technology by (Can you guess?) the Bentusi as a gesture of good will. With the ability to ply the stars (And with some better weaponry than most [hell, the wiki even says the Kushan were at a disadvantage against the Taiidan weapons]) this allowed them to carve out an Empire.

    This would mean that the Trinity fell into the hands of the Bentusi, the Kushan, and later was discovered by the Vaygyr prophet, Makaan.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:50 No.3690410
    The way it looks to me is as follows:

    1. Progenitors seed human life across the galaxy. Pricks. Disaster happens or the ship broke down or something so they abandon it, leaving the Keepers and Drones, and Sajuuk, behind but taking the cores with them.
    2. Society goes backwards.
    3. Several thousand years later, the Bentusi find one of the Trinity. They reverse-engineer the technology and found the first galactic trade economy, spreading the technology out to other spacefaring races.
    4. Much much later, the second of the cores is found. The Taidaani Emperor wants it. Much sleight-of-hand and general shenanigans later, the Kushan rebels are stuck on a "prison" ship and sent off to some godforsaken desert planet with the second core.
    5. Kharak rediscovers space. Woot.
    6. The Kushan people beat the everloving shit out of Riesstiu and reclaim Hiigara.
    7. Some time later, Makaan finds the third core and the remaining Bentusi go apeshit because they know what happens next.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:52 No.3690420

    I don't think there's any need to overcomplicate that stuff, honestly. Free hyperspace core giving the Kushan a chance to make it a lot of the way home before the Taidaani start catching up with them.

    Also, maybe the hyperspace cores are somewhat resemblant of the Astronomicon from WH40k? As in, they're the guiding beacons through hyperspace that are necessary for lesser hyperdrives to work?

    After all, we see the Taidaani, Bentusi and Kushan as the only ones in the original homework travelling particularly far. We can probably assume that the Turanic Raiders tag along on the Taidaani core, and the galactic council need a trip on the Bentusi core to get to Hiigara.

    Just a suggestion, really. It'd explain why there are so few major players around. Without a hyperspace core to calibrate off of, your drives can only take you a relatively short distance without risking dumping you into the heart of a star or a black hole or something.


    Alright, system. Option #1: Use Trigger Discipline. Hiigarans are GAR as all fuck, the entire game is about crazy motherfuckers in spaceships. Some sort of elite strike craft/frigate squadron might be ideal for this. With some boarding action and shit, too.

    Option #2: Jury-rig another system to do it. Personally I'd suggest something like Fading Suns. Nice and simple, and with some ship design rules and shit.

    Option #3: Design our own system? Sounds kinda meaningless considering that it doesn't need to be capable of doing anything special, really.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:53 No.3690424

    My advice? Don't build those heavy corvettes. They're tough bastards, yes, but their firepower isn't optimal.
    They suck.

    Interceptors are your best bet for holding off the Turanic fighters, but I recommend you build up your fleet at the end of Mission 3. If you don't have a Resource Controller, get one. Those things speed up your resource intake massively simply because you can stick them in the asteroid field and your resourcers don't have to go all the way back to the mothership to unload.

    Also, don't rush the carrier, let it come to you.

    The two ships I always focused on were Interceptors and Salvage Corvettes.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:54 No.3690433
    I could believe that the Bentusi might steal the second core from under Riesstiu's nose while he's not looking and then slap it in a ship and have it "crash" on Kharak, making it up to look like something it's not so as to influence the Kushan response several thousand years later.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)09:56 No.3690447
    Interceptors go down by the dozen in any prolonged firefight. Those HCs have obliterated entire groups of missile corvettes.

    Also, I don't have the resources or the time to build up a fleet at the end of mission 3. Certainly not a RC.
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)10:01 No.3690477

    Makaan saw the Sajuuk as a holy relic. S'jet and the Hiigaran's became wrapped up in the idea that this was perhaps of some significance, and started looking into records. With the help of, yet again, the Bentusi, they were able to discover that the various drifts held key 'artifacts' to locate Sajuuk, the creator. These were the Keepers, the Dreads, and the variosu codes located throughout the system.

    Basically, we can just call the 'mysticism' behind the three religious zealotry. Makaan used Propaganda to scare the shit out of the Council and the Hiigarans.


    That works too. I'm just one for throwing around a lot of complicated theories because they 'might' work.


    This could also be relevant. The fact that while the technology is out there, the ability to long jump is restricted to those who possess the actual 'cores'. That would mean that those who possessed Hyperspace Tech (Taiidan, the Council, the Raiders) would have to rely on a large scale beacon to pull them along.

    The power behind this would be incredible. A dyson ring of some kind must exist within the bowels of the Motherships.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)10:03 No.3690487
    You have all the time in the world.
    Once you deal with those assault frigates, you're home free until you decide to jump. It's like that for every mission.

    For every mission, once you've dealt with all the enemies, strip mine the place.

    Heavy Corvettes are good at the beginning, but in later missions, I found that the manuverability and firepower of the Interceptor was far more appealing. Set them in groups of 10 or so in X-formation and you've got some brutal attack wings, perfect for anti-fighter work.

    At least until Kadesh..... fucking swarmers.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)10:05 No.3690507

    Use multi-gun corvs for your anti-fighter work, I never used interceptors or other corvs once I got my hands on those.

    Never much in the way of Assault Frigates either, just when I first got them, then I soon replaced them with Ion Cannons for anti-cap work.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)10:06 No.3690513
    >all the time in the world
    And fuck all resources. Pumping out those motherfucking SCs drained me down to about a couple hundred, and then there's nothing left. I didn't even have enough for a RC.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)10:12 No.3690551

    Aight, first the thing I can deliver immediately. Decent to good quality rips of the game music are to be found here:

    Concept stuff will need some zipping and uploading, I'll see if I have any fanart stashes I can add too. Most of it is from existing and dead community sites, some from mild e-stalking of the lead artists, so not a lot of really completely new stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)10:19 No.3690587
    Build your salvage corvettes in Mission 2, if possible.

    Here's a tip for that mission. You are told to escort the salvage corvette as it retrieves the flight recorder, but all you need is a single repair corvette set to repair the salvager. The Turanic fighters won't be able to drop it fast enough before the repair corvette brings it back up to full.

    Pumping out a massive fleet of fighters in that mission can sometimes screw you over for the next.
    I usually build only salvage corvettes and about ten to fifteen scouts.
    Evasive tactics plus the scout speed boost, and the assault frigates in mission 3 won't be able to track them. You then can use the scouts as a distraction to move your salvage corvettes into position. Don't give them the salvage order until they're close, since the frigates will instantly try and butcher them unless they're dealing with a salvage corvette pair of their own. Making sure you have enough corvettes to grab all the frigates in one pass is good plus one extra, which usually means at least seven, and at most eleven, since it varries between 3 and 5 frigates.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)10:19 No.3690593

    That would also explain the presence of the guidestone. After all, who carves a galactic map into a rock when you clearly have computers?

    The real question is... why? The Bentusi have been aiding the Kushan for all of this time, go out of their way to put the three cores in their hands, even sacrificing Bentus to make it happen.

    What could be so important to them? Did we massively save their asses in the past and they feel obligated to help us in return, even if we don't know we did it? Or are there less benign motives here...
    >> GTVA Colossus !moot/UIi/o 02/12/09(Thu)10:21 No.3690599

    So there's a playthrough of Cataclysm on Youtube up to the mission 15 intro, with all the cutscenes and in-mission dialogue intact.

    Perfect for all your CUT US LOOSE needs.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)10:25 No.3690620

    Computers are more fragile than stone carvings, mang. If you want something to last, you carve it into stone.

    As for the Bentusi...

    If we take Homeworld 2 as canon, then the old Kushan were major assholes, raiding their way back and forth across the galaxy, bullying everyone until they fucked with the Bentusi who helped the Taidaani exile them.

    The Bentusi may feel remorse over just how the Kushan were treated and how badly they were fucked over.

    Or maybe they just realized that the Taidaani ended up as even worse assholes.

    Sacrificing Bentus? Again, they might have just realized that the Hiigarans gaining ascendance was FAR less horrible than the Vaygr becoming the new local gods.

    Also, they are Unbound and all, and seem to consider themselves a step up from the rest. But by HW2 they're clearly dying out, a lot of them having escaped during Cataclysm, others slaughtered by Beast or Somtaaw.

    But Karan S'jet is one they recognize as being somewhat similar to them, Unbound by being bound to her ship cybernetically. Maybe they feel some sort of kinship with her and feel the universe needs a group of Unbound to keep balance and contact between everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)10:27 No.3690634
    They're the oldest race around. They've had time to figure shit out. They KNOW what the Trinity is for. What Sajuuk really is. They know about the gate network.

    They probably were looking for the other two cores themselves when someone (Kushan or Taidaan?) found the second one, and then a war started over the damn thing resulting in the Kushan exile. The Bentusi snagged the second core from Riesstiu because they knew they couldn't trust him, and because he was a dick. When Makaan appeared, they were desperate for Karan to become the new Sajuuk because god help the galaxy if Makaan beat her to it.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)10:29 No.3690642
    The Bentusi were a dying race with or without Cataclysm. If they're truly Unbound, then they're immortal, but they no longer reproduce. At all.

    Get it?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)10:55 No.3690785
         File :1234454118.gif-(74 KB, 350x500, sp_tanis.gif)
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    You know, the Tanis shipyard ... someone get a screenshot of the Taiidani mothership from HW1. I need to check this ...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:04 No.3690861
         File :1234454647.jpg-(13 KB, 298x185, taims.jpg)
    13 KB

    Here you go. There are some similarities...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:06 No.3690878
    Oh, the irony ... they salvaged Risstiu's mothership and 100 years later build a new Mothership using *his* mothership.

    I wonder what happened to good ol' Mothership Station ... you know, the original Mothership transformed into a permanent shipyard berth, cradle of the Fal-Corum and Kuun-Lan? THAT Mothership station ...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:11 No.3690911

    Well, it was mentioned that it was a shipyard in Hiigaran orbit, it was probably destroyed by the Vagyr during the siege.

    Those fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:12 No.3690920
    Probably still sitting in orbit.
    I mean, how else would there still be a Hiigaran Defense fleet in the final mission without something to construct new ships, considering how fast things die in HW2?
    Yes, they could probably do it with a shipyard, but the old mothership could build stuff in parallel!
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:18 No.3690966

    Good point, I had forgotten that there was till a fleet defending in the final mission. And as a vital shipyard that happened to be a vastly important historical relic, I bet defending the mothership was second only to defending the planet.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:20 No.3690980
         File :1234455602.jpg-(538 KB, 1000x704, RCHW2_galaxy_map.jpg)
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    Upload now running, contains concept art from all three games, some private art by lead artists Aaron Kambeitz and Rob Cunningham, the HW manual, the Cataclysm manual, a script of the Homeworld text and voice messages, two HW2 game scripts from different points in development (read the old one, it has a better story than the finished game!), the famous Dust Wars documents that contain early outlines of what HW2 might have become, and some unsorted files that are probably fan art or something.

    And here's something I forgot in the package, HW loading screens. They're pretty.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:42 No.3691185
    OK, so where's all this again?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:47 No.3691231

    Afford to live on my own because
    ok? like kids they ? dat some tom today it converts but yeah usually this is the vibe with a lot of fan.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:52 No.3691299
         File :1234457548.jpg-(57 KB, 500x716, ill-get-you-home-boys.jpg)
    57 KB
    Well, that took ages. Bumping once with content.

    I totally agree, man. I know how that is.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:52 No.3691301

    Just in case you guys hadnt seen this. Greatest HW2 Mod in existance.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:54 No.3691326
    Don't listen to this anon.

    This mod changes Homeworld into a slow and tedious version of Sins of a Solar Empire.

    Enjoy games taking hours before you can even start to do anything interesting.

    It adds retarded hoops you have to jump through to do anything.

    PDS is the better mod because it removes all research and tech trees, and is just about deployment of force.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:57 No.3691354
         File :1234457854.jpg-(371 KB, 1680x1050, ParallaxOmegaX05.jpg)
    371 KB
    Of course the B5 mod also looks pretty juicy.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)11:58 No.3691363
    Hey, i liked sins of the solar empire,
    then again im the type of person who enjoys 6hr games of Supreme Commander.

    I enjoy a long tactical experience then fast paced strat.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:02 No.3691396
    I love Sins, Supcom and Civilisation too, but Complex is full of fail.

    It has no diplomacy, and is just too slow with no way of speeding it up.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:03 No.3691402
         File :1234458198.jpg-(289 KB, 1680x1050, ParallaxOmega03.jpg)
    289 KB
    I mean just look at this shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:13 No.3691481
    Don't forget the fact that the Hiigarans have all the good stuff.

    Seriously, the Hiigaran Mothership has upgrades which turn it into a death-battleship with much dakka and guns, and what does the Vaygr one get?
    Four turrets, and the ability to launch some missiles....
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:18 No.3691516

    That... that looks better than the CG in the original show.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:20 No.3691535

    The funny/sad thing is, that looks EXACTLY like B5 CG. As in, I'm not entirely sure you didn't just add a relic symbol at the bottom of a B5 screencap.

    I mean, I loved b5 to hell and back, but their animation has not aged well.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:21 No.3691543
    Guys, I missed the link to Homeworld: Cataclysm
    Can someone repost it? The link to the game, I mean. After all this talking, it deserves a replay.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:22 No.3691550

    You can tell it's not original B5 CG by the fact that every destroyer is named Agamemnon.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:23 No.3691564
         File :1234459419.jpg-(92 KB, 640x480, B5tech.jpg)
    92 KB

    Ah, I see. My mistake.

    But look at this and tell me they are not the same quality.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:25 No.3691575

    This isn't original either, it's fanart. "Tiger's Claw" is a reference to a carrier from the game Wing Commander 1.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:27 No.3691583
    Well, I don't think the engine can support randomly assigning a game to a ship.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:28 No.3691592

    Didn't the largest capital ships have names in HW2?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:30 No.3691611
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:34 No.3691644
    Things that a homeworld TTG system would need to take into account:

    Ship building
    Resource collection and management
    Large maps?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:46 No.3691756

    Carriers in Cataclysm were randomly named, I think they were in HW1, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:47 No.3691760
    I have an idea for resource collection, and it's related to ship building: point system similar to that of wh40k, where each unit costs xyz points, but without limit. Just, collecting resources is tricky, how to represent that in tabletop? Maybe have asteroids as neutral figures and then resource collector makes a trip to them and when it comes back you gain xy points?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:48 No.3691775
    Yes, but their names weren't written on the ships.
    That is the challenge
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:56 No.3691840
    Where's all the concept art, audio, scripts and things again?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:58 No.3691863
    Well thats probably the most basic way to do it, and therefore probably the best, though I'd whittle down the numbers more. Say instead of getting say 500 points from each asteroid you get 3 points. Helps cut down on mid-game math.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)12:58 No.3691867
    I guess the sageman is still uploading...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:00 No.3691888
    Yes. But, 3, if one scout costs 1, I kinda thought you could make more scouts from one asteroid, and I don't want to deal with fractions, how about a nice round 5 per asteroid?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:04 No.3691919
    Well you need to cut down on math all around. Capital ships were always closer to the center of the game, so I'd say that 1 resource point could buy say... 3 squadrons of scouts, two squadrons of interceptors, a squadron of bombers or corvettes...
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)13:05 No.3691933

    The basic way one might accomplish this?

    1 point =Scouts
    2 points = Fighters, Bombers
    3 points = corvettes
    4 points = Frigates
    5 points = Ion equipped Frigates, Carriers
    6 points = destroyers
    7 points = battle cruisers

    For 10 points, you get a special ability of some kind.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:08 No.3691964
    capital ships are too cheap, maybe double the price? I like the idea that 1 point gets you a squadron of fighters/scouts/bombers. Also, how to represent z-axis?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:13 No.3692019




    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:15 No.3692045
    Look here:
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)13:15 No.3692050

    Perhaps double points for each cap ship, then?

    Otherwise, I'd suggest that collectors would be still be susceptable to attacks from fighters and flak frigates.

    Not to mention corvettes.

    Also,the z-axis problem would have to be solved one of two ways. Play in space, or just have three different hieghts: Low, middle, and High. Each one has benefits and detriments.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:20 No.3692098
    loading screens, posted before, not artwork.
    Of course, collector is just another ship, you have to have an opportunity to destroy the opponent by cutting him off from resources. And I wouldn't give disadvantages to ships on "low", since it is space and the ship can just position itself like "low" is actually "high"... if you get me. But give massive penalties/bonuses for encircling a ship.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:21 No.3692110
         File :1234462879.jpg-(190 KB, 1600x1200, HWNA2_fin_1600.jpg)
    190 KB

    Sorry for that.
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)13:23 No.3692128

    That works
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:24 No.3692134
    If I had a penny for every time that happened. Thanks, mate.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:27 No.3692179
    If we actually manage an eighth thread, I propose we dub it the Cathedral of Kadesh, or at the very least put some Kadeshi artwork up for the first image.

    Also, who thinks we can make it to fifteen threads?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:30 No.3692219
    Well, if we all get down to making this tabletop work, and getting some work done (resource system, ship stats, combat mechanics, etc) i think we could go to 10, maybe more.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:31 No.3692232
    Designate each named vessel as a different kind of unit, with name as part of the textures.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:33 No.3692258
    o lawd

    Didn't think so many people were unfamiliar with HW lore.

    >>3690410 is pretty close

    The Hiigarans and Taiidani were at war. The Hiigarans found the second great Hyperspace Core, put it on a newly constructed flagship, jumped it and a large fleet to the Taiidan homeworld, and raped it. They then rape the various surviving fleets until the Galactic Council decides to step in. Hiigarans are ordered to give back all captured Taiidan worlds, give the core to the council for safekeeping, and a dmz of 30 light years would be established. Hiigarans make a compromise, the Bentusi would be the ones confiscating the core. So it comes to that day when the Hiigarans and Bentusi meet, the Bentus meets with the entire Hiigaran fleet... Which promptly attacks it with the intent of stealing the First core. Bentusi ships are jumped in and assrape the Hiigarans until only the flagship (with the second core) is left. Rather than surrender, they jump to the angel moon and crash there. The council and Bentusi are very angry and the entire Hiigaran race is forced to pack up and ship out. The Taiidan are given all Hiigaran possessions as compensation. On their way out, the Hiigarans snatch the second core from the shipwreck on the angel moon.

    Rest is history.
    >> add a birthday hat to your photo DritsheessNut 02/12/09(Thu)13:33 No.3692262
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    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)13:34 No.3692264

    The game would be have to be simple, too.

    What I can immediately see is several things would have to be done.

    There would have to be an agreement on the turn system (I'm a fan of move shoot assault, but perhaps we could do something more like move shoot Blankity blank blank).

    We'd need to come up with a 'to hit' and 'to destroy' table.

    Weapon damages

    Armor damages

    Close range rams?

    followed by units and actual ship designations.

    What else would we need?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:34 No.3692278
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    As long as people make threads, I'll find something to post.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:36 No.3692300
    Perhaps the SilCORE rules could work? I vaguely recall rules for three dimensional space combat in there, and all the vehicles come with a final Threat Value Score which could be used to determine the Resource Unit cost of the ship.

    Plus, it wouldn't be difficult to account for having rookies at the beginning of a campaign and ace pilots by the end since the roleplaying system is built in...
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)13:36 No.3692303

    Suppose I need to brush up on my lore then.

    That explains the core, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:38 No.3692321
    >move shoot assault(?)
    Do you mean like board?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:39 No.3692332
    Fancrufty much?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:40 No.3692342

    First off, we should formally decide what kind of game it is.

    Do we want this to be a game of campaigns, or small fleet battles? Do we have our Motherships in defended corners, sending out groups of smaller ships, or are both fleets hyperspace within a few moves of each other? We want to decide a matter of scale.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:41 No.3692352

    Well, lets get to it.

    Probably the first step would be to decide what exactly we're trying to make, in terms of game type.

    Are we controlling an entire fleet a la Karan S'jet, or a battlegroup/carrier group, or a single ship?

    A roleplaying game, where we contol just a single person?
    This could have some potential; a fighter pilot working their way up the ladder to command a frigate or heavy cruiser eventually, or becoming a member of Fleet Intelligence, etc.
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)13:41 No.3692353

    Assault meaning a catch all term.

    Boarding actions, ramming another ship, using a special ability (Hiigaran shield frigates, load missile tubes to maximum fire power [shoot twice next turn]) that sort of thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:43 No.3692373
    I have an exam tomorrow morning and an urge to play some HW, so I'll go do exactly that, and tomorrow I could check the stats of ships in HW and try to make up some for this game. See you later.
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)13:45 No.3692400

    Gametype mind.

    Well, considering the point buy resource system, I'd personally opt for the Campaign mode. It's be a series of actions and counter actions, with hyperspace being available once you hit a certain number of points.

    Perhaps we could include a tech tree? Or would that be too much?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:46 No.3692413
    Small fleet, depending on agreement, but I'd say no more than 20 or so capital ships.
    Makes sense, special ability phase.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:47 No.3692430
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    Given the variety of tastes we can expect here, I suppose it's worth trying to scout possibilities for both extremes - large scale fleet combat and small scale fighter / crew roleplaying.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:50 No.3692453
    Trying to roleplay a single person in fleet conflicts is a bad idea. Either it'll become Star Wars "DON'T WORRY OUR EXPERIMENTAL CORVETTE WILL TAKE ON THE ENEMY NOMAD MOON!" or the fleet won't even matter on day 2.

    I've got two ideas for it, but I'll go with the first, since its better suited to equal gaming.

    I would say Motherships in defended corners, or at least make hyperspace like in HW1, stupidly expensive. Collect resources, build ships, fight.

    My other idea would be to control individual "small" constructor class ships like the Kuun-Lan that move around building small fleets, collectan resources, etc, but that would require a GM to speak of
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)13:55 No.3692501

    Fuck the fighter pilots, I'm being a frigate captain.

    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:56 No.3692503
    I'd like to have hyperspace jump in the beginning of the each game: players decide who goes first and then designate their hyperspace jump destination (on the table, say an area with more asteroids), then they roll d100:
    1 - catastrophic failure in hyperspace core, mothership comes out with 25% (arbitrary number) less health
    2 - 25 - bad hyperspace calculation, your opponent decides where you start
    26-75 - good jump - start xy spaces from your designated jump location
    76 - 99 excellent jump - start x spaces from designated place
    100 - start on designated space, perfect jump.
    space is say, 100 km or something like that, and if you get, for example 57 you have to start say 10 spaces from your designated place. what do you think?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:57 No.3692517
    I suddenly want to listen to the only good part of Star Trek: Enterprise

    The intro:

    It's been a long road
    Getting from there to here
    It's been a long time
    But my time is finally near

    And I can feel the change in the wind right now
    Nothing's in my way
    And they're not gonna hold me down no more
    No they're not gonna hold me down

    'Cause I've got faith of the heart
    I'm going where my heart will take me
    I've got faith to believe
    I can do anything
    I've got strength of the soul
    And no one's gonna bend or break me
    I can reach any star
    I've got faith, I’ve got faith, faith of the heart

    It's been a long night
    Trying to find my way
    Been through the darkness
    Now I've finally have my day

    And I will see my dream come alive at last
    I will touch the sky
    And they're not gonna hold me down no more
    No they're not gonna change my mind
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)13:58 No.3692532

    'Cause I've got faith of the heart
    I'm going where my heart will take me
    I've got faith to believe
    I can do anything
    I've got strength of the soul
    And no one's gonna bend or break me
    I can reach any star
    I've got faith, faith of the heart

    I've known the wind so cold, and seen the darkest days.
    But now the winds I feel, are only winds of change.
    I've been through the fire and I've been through the rain.
    But I'll be fine.

    Cause I've got faith of the heart
    I'm going where my heart will take me
    I've got faith to believe
    I can do anything
    I've got strength of the soul
    And no one's gonna bend or break me
    I can reach any star
    I've got faith

    I've got faith of the heart.
    I'm going where my heart will take me.
    I've got strength of the soul. And no one's gonna bend or break me.
    I can reach any star. I've got faith, I've got faith, faith of the heart.

    It's been a long road...
    >> Eldrad, Actually The G Man !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/12/09(Thu)13:58 No.3692533

    Again, it'd have to be one of those "Well, we need to figure out what type of board we're playing on.

    I'm kind of wondering if there shouldn't be a new thread to discuss this.

    Also, a word of note: I'm making some head way on the Kae Moda codex. Now if it will just stop being so god damned windy outside I might just actually be able to concentrate.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)14:01 No.3692558
    sauce on pic?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)14:01 No.3692562
    I love windy weather. I always thought we're playing on a table, much like wh40k, but space themed (read: black table sprinkled with saltstars and asteroids for collectan), divided into hexes or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)14:01 No.3692563

    Has potential.

    We might want to enforce a minimum space in between fleets, so that we dont run into situations like "I ram his mothership with all of my ships in the first round, before his turn, killing him."
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)14:02 No.3692572
    you don't have to start a new thread every 10 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)14:03 No.3692581

    This is starting to autosage, so number eight is up...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)14:04 No.3692586
    We've gone over the max post number, someone else start a new thread.

    I would, but all my cool Homeworld pics have already been posted.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)14:45 No.3692898
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    New thread, Homeworld no 8

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