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    File :1234470232.jpg-(60 KB, 1280x731, homeworld210.jpg)
    60 KB Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)15:23 No.3693195  

    New thread, Homeworld no 8
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)15:29 No.3693231
    I just got my ass handed to me in fourth mission... After I salvaged all the assault corvettes in third. Fuck.
    >> Kasrkin Mehlman 02/12/09(Thu)15:31 No.3693244
    What's this about Homeworld?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)15:33 No.3693257
    Start the campaign over. Build about a dozen interceptors and as many SCs as you can. Build one Resource collector. Nothing else. Research and build a Controller ASAP in the third mission, capture all three frigates, then kidnap the eight ion array frigates that appear.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)15:33 No.3693265
    All this talk about Homeworld got me into NOSTALGIA MODE for Nexus: The Jupiter Incident.

    Game sucked balls, of course, but it was ... "nifty" ... to be able to specifically target shields, subsystems and hull seperately. And launch AoE space missiles.

    The only thing it lacked was a decent ship-capturing option.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)15:35 No.3693277
    I did. Then I escorted my collector with my interceptors, there was fighting and then I turn away for a fucking second to protect my Mothership and a message comes that my group was defeated (resource one)... damn... gotta be faster I guess (the pause is kinda clumsy for me).
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)15:35 No.3693278
    nexus was great... but quite buggy, and a few missions are of the "try 20 times until you get it exactly right" variety.
    Also no widescreen support.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)15:51 No.3693410
    Yeah, but since we are talking about making a system for Dust Wars, this might be taken into account. After all, we can target subsystems in HW2
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:02 No.3693519
    How to fight. IN SPACEEEEEE.

    Deploy sensor drones.
    Lure enemy fighters in.
    Destroy enemy fighters.
    Launch missiles. Sneak in an ECM probe near the enemy ship to scramble sensors.
    Maintain 2 light-minute distance from target.
    Maneuver around and disable engines.
    Disarm ship
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:05 No.3693565
    So, there was some talk of creating rules for a Homeworld tabletop battle system.

    For this system, instead of having squadrons of fighters be deployed independently, we should have them serve as escort additions. After all, in Homeworld one if you didn't have a supply frigate or a carrier nearby, your fighters would lose their oomph.

    So instead of "I send 3 wings of interceptors and 2 heavy corvettes to attack your ion cannon frigate"
    its "I send this supply friagte, which has 2 wings of interceptors, and this supply frigate, which has a wing of interceptors and a pair of heavy corvettes, to attack your ion cannon frigate."

    If the source of a fighter or corvettes supply is destroyed, one or two turns later that fighter/corvette must move to another supply source or be removed from play.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:07 No.3693579
    You're doing it wrong. Here's a quick walkthrough.

    1. Send Resource Collecter + Controller to harvest resources. Use ALL available combat ships to guard Controller. You should have over a dozen strike craft and three stolen frigates.
    2. Churn out more Salvagers. You need sixteen of the fuckers. Make sure you have as little RU as possible when the Bentusi show up so you can get Ion Cannons for cheap.
    3. DON'T BUY ION CANNONS IMMEDIATELY. The Bentusi leaving triggers the attack. Postpone as long as possible. Save and reload to find out how long it takes for them to leave.
    4. Once you have sixteen SCs, position eight of them about 12K aft of your Mothership and two on each side about 7K from the Mothership. The other four send off past your battle group, way out of the way.
    5. Reinforce your battle group with heavy more interceptors. I had time to build two ion frigates myself. Those help when the carrier arrives.
    6. Kneecap the ion array frigates with your salvagers when they appear. This takes practice. Learn to pause and unpause-order-pause really fast.
    7. CARRIER HAS ARRIVED. Use your remaining SCs to capture its escort ion frigates and then murderise it to death. Fast.

    DO NOT under any circumstances, go looking for the carrier. It will come to you.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:11 No.3693603
    I'd suggest using some of the shit from PDS for inspiration in this. Despite HW2 having no fuel limit on fighters or anything, the fluff tends to emphasize the one-shot nature of most strikecraft and their dependence on supporting ships, fleet carriers, battlecarriers, etc.

    eg the Lavii escort frigate is typically armed with six enormous nuclear HVTs for anti-destroyer intervention. Once these are gone, its armament consists of a couple measly little mass drivers good against only fighters.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:11 No.3693605
    Uh, NO.

    You send in all the fighters and corvettes. After 2 TURNS, you got ask yourself "OK, their fuel has been used up. Now, how many refuel points I have nearby?"

    IF you have enough refuel points (AKA Support Frigate, Corvette, Carrier, Refinery, Battlecruiser or Mothership), then you can keep fielding the strike craft. IF NOT, the excess is removed from game because they're dead in space.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:14 No.3693621

    When a group of interceptors attacks an enemy, that enemy becomes has to decide if they want to 'engage' the fighters. Engaging the fighters allows you to attack them, but prevents you from attacking other targets (unless your ship specifically has multiple weapon systems, like a destroyer). Engaging a group of fighters should not destroy them instantly, but should destroy them in 3 or less rounds.
    If an enemy decides not to engage the fighters, they can attack other targets, but the fighters attacking them deal twice as much damage, as they no longer need to dodge enemy fire.

    This means that you can use fighters to tie up enemy units, but gives them the option to ignore it and go right for your other ships anyway if they are willing to feel the hurt of it.

    Some ships, like ion cannon frigates, do not have the option to engage fighters, and as such are vulnerable to fighter attacks.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:14 No.3693628
    This will ultimately lead to massive amounts of micromanaging. Which is okay if you like that sort of stuff...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:16 No.3693652
    But we don't. You don't see Relic forcing us to make the Space Marines go back to base because they ran out of rations or ammo.

    Colony Wars failed because of that "System Supply Lines" crap.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:17 No.3693658

    I don't see how we can have a tabletop Homeworld WITHOUT micromanaging. I mean, that's a lot of units you are directing.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:18 No.3693665
    I just downloaded and installed the first game; playing it for the first time ever.

    This game is hilarious. The salvagers are awesome. To me, it'll forever be "that Lootin' Game" where you hijack enemy ships with the enemy still inside.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:19 No.3693673
    Idea: certain capital ships (anything with a hanger bay) have a 'zone of influence' around them, wherein strikecraft may operate while receiving logistical support from the parent vessel. Overlapping fields of influence may allow one vessel, say a carrier at the back of the fleet, to project its strike force to the front of the flotilla via, say, an assault carrier or support cruiser, whilst also providing support for wings from other vessels due to it being a dedicated berth.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:20 No.3693682
    Always did that in HW1 until the Heavy Cruiser was available. Which was a good tactic; I don't do that in RA3 because of the whole promotion and veteran systems.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:21 No.3693692
    Kushan - nice ship, ours now.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:24 No.3693731

    Fleets in this game should not have to do their research on the battlefield after arriving. Instead, when deploying your starting fleet, you can chose to deploy some research ships, which take up space as far as your number of combat ships is concerned.

    However, each research ship gives you a number of research points, which you can use to buy certain upgrades before the battle begins. Things like "my interceptors move twice as fast" or "My ion cannon frigates can deal damage to ships behind the ship I was firing at if the ship I was firing at is destroyed."

    This creates an additional element of fleet customization, allowing a player to invest more research in the types of ships they decide to focus on, such as if they were to make a fleet that make large use of multigun corvettes.

    This system should be designed in such a way that no player should be able to have all available research options at once, probably by creating a max number of research ships.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:25 No.3693735
    I like where this is going.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:28 No.3693766
    Will that create problems for me if I declare in a match that I want to field heavy-duty single-beam Ion Cannon frigates fighting side-by-side Somtaaw MBFs?

    Because, it's ridiculous to revert back to multi-gun corvettes gone frigate-sized in HW2 ...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:28 No.3693767
    Why not take the customisation element off the battlefield entirely?

    Except for the Lavii, if you include it. Which can apparently be reconfigured for a variety of different roles within twenty minutes? WTF? So...two or three turns spent in a hanger somewhere.

    Of course you'd need stats for how much any one ship can support at any time, how far its influence extends, how many strike craft it can carry, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:29 No.3693776
    As much as i hate to say it, in a tabletop version we might want to use marine frigates rather than salvage corvettes. That way, you can steal enemy ships in the field, rather than having to spend 3 turns dragging their ass back, spend 2 turns actually capturing it, and another 3 turns sending it back out to fight.

    A lot can happen in 8 turns.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:29 No.3693779
    >MGC gone frigate-sized

    Are you talking about the Khopesh? The most JAWESOME thing the Kushan have ever come up with?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:30 No.3693788
    Garden: Haha, we've just sent five multibeam frigates after you, enjoy your rape.

    Me: *Yoink!*

    Frigate crews: Aaaaaaahhh!

    Multi-Beam Frigate captured.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:31 No.3693795
    As long as the capture process doesn't take so damn long and cost so fucking much.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:32 No.3693806
    >However, each research ship gives you a number of research points, which you can use to buy certain upgrades before the battle begins.

    Skip this. Just do it like wargear in 40k and buy stuff before the game begins, without doing the superflous 'buy research ships and then buy stuff before the game begins'.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)16:45 No.3693899
         File :1234475150.jpg-(367 KB, 1000x770, RC_R1adv supp frigate.jpg)
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    >>"I send this supply friagte, which has 2 wings of interceptors, and this supply frigate, which has a wing of interceptors and a pair of heavy corvettes, to attack your ion cannon frigate."

    That'd be a waste. Look at how they actually were in-game. Corvs and Fights, no need to choose one over another.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)17:07 No.3694113
         File :1234476466.jpg-(493 KB, 888x680, AK_cheez_whizz.jpg)
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    It's so ... CHEESY!
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)17:10 No.3694148
         File :1234476638.jpg-(49 KB, 311x393, 1230596928937.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)17:17 No.3694210

    So they were. My bad on the numbering, I haven't actually played HW1 in a couple years.

    My idea still stands, as far as attachment goes.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)17:20 No.3694232

    It would effectively be the same thing, but with the research ships being the on-table representation of that investment.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)17:23 No.3694260
    So I 'obtained' Homeworld (come on, it's not in stores anymore and I'm not waiting five days for some prick on ebay to mail it to me- not with all these threads) and now I'm stuck in the Garden of Kadesh. No, I'm not getting killed, but there's no goddamn resources in sight. I thought 'maybe it's just the half-invisible resources and the red of the map's making them hard to see', but no. After a long search of that fucking map, not a thing.

    So I ask you, /tg/, anyone know how to fix this? Anyone have an exact location of some resources in the Garden? All else fails, would someone be willing to upload one of their saves?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)17:28 No.3694309
    There are three types of harvestable resources: Asteroids, dust clouds, and nebulae.

    Just hit the 'H' key. Your harvesters will automatically seek out the nearest harvestable pocket.
    >> 008 02/12/09(Thu)17:36 No.3694388
    While marine frigates make sense turn wise, don't forget about the second feature of salvage corvettes. Making the enemy ship spin out of control. That could turn the tide of a whole battle if you send a swarm out and have only one or two latch on to enemy ships.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)17:38 No.3694401
    What? I always thought it was brainless; get resourcers, press H.

    Selecting a place to harvest is SOOOO 80s ...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)17:38 No.3694405
    Ah, I see. Finally got my harvesters to.. harvest. I feel pretty stupid now, but thanks.

    I was wondering what those veins were, didn't realize they were harvestable.
    ..makes me wonder how I got through the game the first time..
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)17:39 No.3694417
    Someone know where I can get the full version of Homeworld without buying it?
    >> 008 02/12/09(Thu)17:43 No.3694462
    I hear the internet has free things.
    >> WE 02/12/09(Thu)18:01 No.3694626


    rs/ it.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)18:03 No.3694648
    Dammit guys... where are my disks...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)18:04 No.3694662
    Fuck you. You could've at least lied and said "I had the CDs at one point but lost them but I now have an itch to play again."
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)18:25 No.3694872

    The Matrix.
    All your information needs in a single run.
    Contact me at [email protected]
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)19:02 No.3695211

    While making enemy frigates spin out of control is fun, and a great tactic in the computer game, is that an element that we want to carry over to the table top version?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)19:41 No.3695645
         File :1234485674.jpg-(11 KB, 228x152, ship_tug2.jpg)
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    Uh ... sources say, YES!
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)19:42 No.3695668

    The pic looked like a lizard eating some kind of grub.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)20:07 No.3695935
    So after the fires of nostalgia died down I went looking for my disks. Dug out HW2 and installed it, but the games runs as if it's on a 486. Some part of SLI, dual core, or 64-bit vista makes the game run like ass. Tried XP compatibility mode + run as administrator, no dice. Everything else the internet mentions talks about the vista beta. Any suggestions other than "download XP"?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)20:43 No.3696331
    woo for being a thread killer?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)20:51 No.3696406
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)21:01 No.3696491
    Research vessels themselves serve no purpose though. If they're destroyed, there's nothing lost. If you lose the upgrades when they're gone, then you just keep them next to the mothership and consolidate. Pointless.

    The only way to encourage their use while embracing the Tabletop route would be to go the Games Workshop route and say that unless you own Research Ship models you can't have more tech.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)21:14 No.3696588
    NO! Don't die thread! This is the most awesome thread-chain ever!

    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)21:16 No.3696610
    not 40k, not CYOA, not trolling, therefore not /tg/ material.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:09 No.3696978
         File :1234494587.jpg-(364 KB, 1280x720, 1359_0018.jpg)
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    Listening to the most awesome metal of Swords Sparks, my brain is on fire for ideas. Random ones, mind you.

    For one, fuck all this diddly goody-doo of Exiles, Prophecy and Religion. This whole shit is about ships. Ships, ships, ships and MORE ships. And awesome people bent on god-fucking revenge. They're Khorne incarnate. They rip airlocks with their teeth and make their way inside. THAT's how they capture ships.

    The tabletop should reflect that. The taiidani pussies shitting themselves when they see my invincible armada of Her Gorgeousness the Mothership advancing 3000m/s in real space with a red carpet of attack bombers and interceptors that disable their engines before the marine frigates dropkick on their asses and make 'em all mine.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:10 No.3696985
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:11 No.3696999
    Manly tears were shed.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:12 No.3697003

    If you make the Taidan obviously inferior, then no one will play as them and tabletop games probably wont happen or be much fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:14 No.3697017
    Dude, the taiidan ARE inferior. Look at their ships. They're on the defensive, and even that has been snatched by the Hiigarans for HW2.

    Taiidan fell long time ago. Make away for the OMNOMNOMNOM Beast and WAAAAAAGH Vaygr
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:16 No.3697043
         File :1234495018.jpg-(59 KB, 700x400, sajuuk2bear.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:19 No.3697068
    The whole tabletop thing for Homeworld is nice and all but really, it's about 3D space. You can work with XYZ axis in tabletop or declare that you're going to attack your enemies' flank through their dorsal port sides.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:20 No.3697071

    To restate: If you don't make the fleets balanced, then no one will play as anything other than Kushan. It will turn into "everyone plays space marines", except worse, because we would have done it to ourselves.

    Also, the TT game was being designed from a homeworld one perspective. No beast or Vagyr.
    >> Maus 02/12/09(Thu)22:20 No.3697076
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:30 No.3697163
         File :1234495808.jpg-(1.39 MB, 1676x1167, hw7.jpg)
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    Well, I'd reckon that **boarding** a Mothership is suicidal. I mean, sure, they all got these huge blast-doorLESS bays that just scream COME AND RAPE MEEEEE but just getting there should kill you.

    Should you survive, I'm betting (that's what I'd do as GM) that heavy guns would be lined up inside just ready to lacerate boarding parties. Survive THAT, and ... well, you'd be inside a very, very large city-like place. Vertically or Horizontally challenged, depending on the race.

    Top priority of boarders should be to reach C&C and kill the nerve center of the ship, Fleet Command. Then hijack a ship and get out through the production bays.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:35 No.3697205

    C&C is important, but i would actually sabatoge the powerplant instead. Kills the engines, hyperdrive, weapons, sensors... everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:46 No.3697315

    Of course, you've still got to outsmart someone directly linked into the ship you've boarded, and thus has control over things like.... say, the airlocks and bulkheads..
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:51 No.3697369
    City being the operative word. I think you inspired me to explore a MACROSS-like scenario for possible RPG settings ...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/09(Thu)22:54 No.3697402
    You know what?

    I may mess with the Homeworld book to make an infantry army.

    If we wait until the new IG codex, it might even provide the air support to simulate a decent enough marine list.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:09 No.3698290
    Kinda slow in here...should we start a new thread?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:22 No.3698382

    We did characters
    a tv show
    touched on game rules
    rule 34'd
    slight writefaging
    gound combat
    found HW2 mods for almost everything
    HW going 40K

    not much left to do...perhaps other series crossovers? not just 40k?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:28 No.3698429

    Homeworld meets Star Wars?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:28 No.3698430
    holy fuck jesus this is still going!
    Fuck yea.

    that said, i missed out on the rule 34, mind reposting or linking to it?
    you have to add the beast and somtaaw, i mean come one. And yes the somtaaw are a different faction then the kushan, where the kushan are more looty, the somtaaw are more killy.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:30 No.3698439
         File :1234506626.jpg-(32 KB, 400x333, death-star-1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:33 No.3698459
         File :1234506806.jpg-(104 KB, 618x800, rule 34.jpg)
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    never said it was any good
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:33 No.3698460
    With enough salvage corvettes the Kushan can move anything
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:34 No.3698473
         File :1234506891.jpg-(26 KB, 350x350, officail seal of awesomness 2.jpg)
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    we thought seige cannons were bad ass!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:41 No.3698521
    you see, the kushan would loot it and drive it around.
    The somtaaw on the other hand, would loot it, rip the gun out, then mass produce it and slap it onto the side of every ship big enough to use it, then get bored and make a ship with four of them that barrel rolls as it fires.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:41 No.3698526

    1. Loot the Death Star.

    2. Put Siege Cannons and a fuck-ton of Ion Cannons on it.

    3. Rule Universe
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:42 No.3698530
         File :1234507337.jpg-(20 KB, 418x339, the last starfighter.jpg)
    20 KB
    New multi-directional fighter is available for research
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:45 No.3698551
    >>1. Loot the Death Star.
    >>2. Put Siege Cannons and a fuck-ton of Ion Cannons on it.
    >>3. Guard that damn exhaust port.
    >>4. Rule Universe
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:47 No.3698568
         File :1234507622.jpg-(74 KB, 500x334, 2659118834_86bae4b2bd.jpg)
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    I would Death-Blossom the hell our of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:50 No.3698593

    Hell-yea we guard the exhaust port, I'm putting a Siege Cannon at the end of that damn trench!

    Some fucker tries to fly through, I blast em into nothing!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:52 No.3698605
         File :1234507928.jpg-(14 KB, 320x200, x homeworld.jpg)
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    >> 008 02/13/09(Fri)01:53 No.3698614
         File :1234508013.jpg-(279 KB, 2000x1500, damerung.jpg)
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    New Mothership available for research.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:54 No.3698616

    over 9000 hour in MS-Paint I see...
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)01:55 No.3698626
    just about
    >> Eldrad, Actually Stitch !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/13/09(Fri)01:57 No.3698637

    ...FUCK. YES.

    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:04 No.3698689
         File :1234508653.jpg-(22 KB, 590x350, descent.jpg)
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    New fighter available
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:05 No.3698695

    Oh FUCK YES!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:10 No.3698733
         File :1234509015.jpg-(45 KB, 387x468, exo squad.jpg)
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    Enimies appear to be using exo suit weapons.

    Our Research Division reports that it can produce a similar vessel. Begin Research as soon as possible.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:12 No.3698757
         File :1234509169.jpg-(11 KB, 396x300, spaceballs_large_15.jpg)
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    (Fleet Command): ....Research team?
    (Research team): Why the fuck not?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:17 No.3698792
    i lol'd
    >> 008 02/13/09(Fri)02:17 No.3698801
         File :1234509479.jpg-(48 KB, 451x600, grad.jpg)
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    Production of heavy scout completed.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:20 No.3698820
         File :1234509635.jpg-(93 KB, 400x300, sonicboomtank.jpg)
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    New Fighter Available
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:23 No.3698836

    I swear, the mothership reserach team must be some of the most overworked people on that ship...
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:29 No.3698876

    Could be worse, they could be the guys they get into their fighter craft...
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:36 No.3698924
         File :1234510613.jpg-(3 KB, 180x68, the beast.jpg)
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    sometimes...that's not the case
    >> WE 02/13/09(Fri)02:37 No.3698927
         File :1234510639.jpg-(136 KB, 580x400, VicViper_figther.jpg)
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    Advanced Variable Fighter Available.
    >> Eldrad, Actually Stitch !!srlFJqQzH9+ 02/13/09(Fri)02:39 No.3698944

    They are OCD for their job. They cry and complain and whine when they're not working to the bone trying to figure out just how they can reverse engineer something.

    A common practice was to place an object in front of them with a note attached reading "Will it float?"

    The trials often prove surprising.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:42 No.3698963
    this is now the bio for a researcher chracter in the TV show
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:43 No.3698971
         File :1234511033.jpg-(18 KB, 512x287, will it blend.jpg)
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    and this is what he looks like
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:44 No.3698974
         File :1234511042.jpg-(50 KB, 448x381, RPD04-BorgCube.jpg)
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    "Uh, research? About that anti-borg tech..."
    "We're working on it, we're WORKING on it!"
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:45 No.3698983
         File :1234511113.jpg-(82 KB, 750x1000, 1234465327258.jpg)
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    Acyally, I sincerly believe it is thread number 9. Number 8 started with this picture
    >> Clansman Carl 02/13/09(Fri)02:47 No.3699000
    Ballistic weapons, ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:49 No.3699018
         File :1234511372.jpg-(38 KB, 323x500, atlas.jpg)
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    ok ok new direction, we've seen what they can loot in space, but what will they loot on the gound?

    Pic related
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:51 No.3699032
    Honestly, it'll always be something like this: "The enemy appears to be using ___________. Our research team reports it can develop countermeasures/similar unit"
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:53 No.3699056
    time for a game of mad libs
    >> Clansman Carl 02/13/09(Fri)02:54 No.3699060

    goes to

    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)02:54 No.3699063
    Salvage Corvetes like any ship can operate in the atmosphere. They'll just add wheels to it and you can loot even Imperial Titans.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:03 No.3699138
         File :1234512200.jpg-(182 KB, 827x1169, 1234301682082.jpg)
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    well tg, im heading to bed may the kushan and somtaaw tide stay strong and still be here when i awaken.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:04 No.3699152
    inb4 yes, there is no more of this comic.
    >> 008 02/13/09(Fri)03:05 No.3699159
         File :1234512342.gif-(32 KB, 150x226, cyclone1.gif)
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    New powered armor fast attack units developed for ground deployment.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:12 No.3699215
         File :1234512732.jpg-(27 KB, 300x538, salvage titan.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:14 No.3699228

    And ANOTHER 'over 9000 hour in MS-Paint'

    Your really on fire tonight /tg/
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:16 No.3699248
         File :1234513009.jpg-(13 KB, 300x315, salvage eclipse.jpg)
    13 KB
    one more just for you

    it's 3:16...i'm not puting effort into shit
    >> WE 02/13/09(Fri)03:34 No.3699347
    Thats it! This dude can loot ANYTHING!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:41 No.3699393
    Stat the beast in Battletech, then use the Tactical Operation rules for boarding actions.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:42 No.3699400
    that's what makes homeworld a lootan game

    But honestly i think we're out of stuff to talk about
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:44 No.3699415
    i imagine that being alot like tribes, you know taking comand centers auto turrets and soldires blasting you all the wile, then using the defences on the inhabitants
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:48 No.3699443
         File :1234514938.jpg-(25 KB, 216x282, WOT_DA_ZOG.jpg)
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    Wot da zog?!? Dey just looted da rokk! Dat's downright Orky!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:49 No.3699451
    Research division indicates the red ones go faster. We can now begin producing red ships.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:49 No.3699452
    I downloaded the rapidshare 7-part iso and is asking for a password.

    Anyone with it?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:51 No.3699463
    We'ze gotta loot dere looty gubbinz!

    Den Deffskullz'll rule!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:53 No.3699472
    Oy! Wot? Dey'z lootin' da lootin' ship! Dat's Cheatin!
    >> WE 02/13/09(Fri)03:54 No.3699476
         File :1234515261.jpg-(196 KB, 1440x900, Carrier_has_arrived.jpg)
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    It's a GO!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:54 No.3699477
    Den we'll loot it roight back!

    Coz Deffskullz rule!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:55 No.3699481
    that is outragously awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)03:59 No.3699501
    lootan wars?

    Oh god, the ships will just become more powerfull counters and upgrades. What has science done!?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:00 No.3699507
    Research division indicates the enemy is a fungus based lifeform.

    We may now begin producing fungicide destroyers.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:01 No.3699513

    Oh god, they're trying to loot our research ship! For the love of all that's holy DON'T LET THEM DO IT!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:01 No.3699514
    No. That would be what would happen if it came down to X-Com vs. Homeworld. Battle of the Research divisions!
    "This is Research division to fleet: Research division indicates that their research division indicates that our research division indicates that their research division indicates..."
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:03 No.3699531
    "Diz iz rezz-urch ere. All Orks iz ded. Now, we'ze got dis 'ere special gas which makes all da ships better. Just pump it in, and yerz all get better roigh quick."
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:04 No.3699535
         File :1234515856.jpg-(32 KB, 268x269, xzibit.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:07 No.3699548
    yeah but x-com researching takes months, Homeworld's takes a few seconds to start copying a fighter by LOOKING AT IT
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:10 No.3699555

    That's because each section of our research ships have a team of MacGyver's with PHD's on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:14 No.3699577
    They have lot's of combat reports. They can have data on how their weapons work on Kushani ships, by analizing exhaust trail, exterior design can also give you lot's of info. Mothership has lot's of sensors and ships can be scanned and probed from afar.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:15 No.3699581
         File :1234516519.jpg-(14 KB, 300x238, God Of All Ships.jpg)
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    ...of course it's always best do employ this little fucker.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:17 No.3699590

    You would think they would have at least ONE other salvaging device...if this one works so well then why not something that adds to the design...
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:19 No.3699599
    It needs no improvement. That's how awesome it is. If there's a more awesome salvager out there, THIS salvager will be the one to capture and drag it back to the mothership.

    Motto of the Salvager class vessel: "Yoink!"
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:20 No.3699604

    Research Division indicates...


    Research Division...





    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:21 No.3699610
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:22 No.3699615
    Can Salvage Corvette loot Research?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:23 No.3699623
    This thread is now about Orks vs. X-Com vs. Homeworld.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:24 No.3699627
         File :1234517047.jpg-(8 KB, 300x238, salvage avenger.jpg)
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    All crewmembers are panicing!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:24 No.3699628
         File :1234517063.jpg-(34 KB, 598x441, Junkyard_Dawg.jpg)
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    >If there's a more awesome salvager out there, THIS salvager will be the one to capture and drag it back to the mothership.

    Junkyard Dog
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:25 No.3699633
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:25 No.3699634
         File :1234517108.jpg-(56 KB, 402x402, lootaz.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:25 No.3699635
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:26 No.3699638
    now dats orky
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:26 No.3699642

    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:27 No.3699649
    Anyone got any screens of that new fat carrier they put in PDS? The one with the huge ion array on the back.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:30 No.3699662
    Salvager crew here. We've got the warboss, towing him back to the mothership.

    Warboss Captured.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:31 No.3699673
    What the hell ARE those SCs made of? How in the christ can they just grab hold of a ship, immobilise it and then carry back home?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:31 No.3699675
    Okay, just tried downloadan Homeworld via /rs/
    Homeworld_1_iso.part7.rar giving me the wrong password error.

    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:32 No.3699681
         File :1234517550.jpg-(28 KB, 444x600, 1233474867295.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:34 No.3699688
    40% magic
    50% technology
    70% MacGyver
    100% win
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:34 No.3699689
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:34 No.3699691
    Salvage Crew: We just Salvaged the God-Emperor!

    Fleet Command: Yay! ...wait, what?

    Research Division: We think we can revive him, shale we proceed?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:35 No.3699695
    Our Research Division reports that it can produce similar boyz. Begin Research as soon as possible.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:35 No.3699698
    Couldn't they just stick him in another neural interface? It kept Karan alive for decades without food or water and made the Bentusi practically immortal.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:36 No.3699699
         File :1234517766.jpg-(41 KB, 640x480, shale.jpg)
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    yes we shale
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:37 No.3699707

    Yea, but they fix him up, and they get the gratitude of the entire Impirium
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:37 No.3699708
         File :1234517855.jpg-(47 KB, 500x500, Looted Warboss.jpg)
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    "Alright Boyz, We'z gonna Get 'em Cuz DEFFSKULLZ RULE!

    WAAAA - wot?

    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:39 No.3699716
    hiigaran = old ones
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:42 No.3699734
    hiigaran = xel'naga
    >> 008 02/13/09(Fri)04:43 No.3699739
    Command, we think we found a new Fleet Command for Sajuuk.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:44 No.3699748
         File :1234518257.jpg-(60 KB, 600x600, Looted Monolith.jpg)
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    Not even. They'd have kicked the Necrons asses.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:48 No.3699782
         File :1234518520.jpg-(36 KB, 624x603, carrier spin.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:52 No.3699807
    oh shit, we forgot that they also have the power of spinning!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)04:56 No.3699828
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:01 No.3699850
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    Research Division indicates the enemy is using drills. We now begin producing galaxy-sized mecha.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:05 No.3699870
         File :1234519516.jpg-(163 KB, 1500x997, tilt a whirl spin.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:06 No.3699872
    best ride ever
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:18 No.3699910
         File :1234520292.jpg-(37 KB, 967x238, salvage salvage corvette.jpg)
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    what would happen?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:20 No.3699917
    That's.... dirty.

    That's like hot salvager on salvager action.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:22 No.3699927
         File :1234520521.jpg-(286 KB, 610x800, mind blown 2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:25 No.3699944
    It's rather funny, they chase each other around in circles.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:29 No.3699954
    Having a tabletop game is nice and all, but I'd rather work on developing an RPG system. I want to play a grizzled Sobani ion frigate captain, or a Republican Taiidani spy. Still thinking Star Wars Saga edition is the way to go, with clans and factions getting a separate statline, but what about Dark Heresy? Maybe adapting that could work?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:34 No.3699975
    im telling you, in any of these games an encounter with The Beast is going to be terrifying to PCs
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:35 No.3699980
    Screencap required.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:39 No.3699998
         File :1234521597.jpg-(33 KB, 819x423, salvager on salvager action.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:40 No.3700003
    /r/ rule #34
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:46 No.3700028

    Yeah, which is why DH would be a good option. I mean, imagine the SAN loss that you experience when a ship gets infected and the walls grow eyes and people get fused into horrible monstrosities straight out of System Shock 2...
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)05:51 No.3700049
    Awesome. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)06:02 No.3700096
         File :1234522929.jpg-(70 KB, 567x791, 1226972696198.jpg)
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    The enemy appears to be using hyperspace-based weaponry. Our research team reports it can develop hyperspace fold cannon frigates. Begin production of hyperspace fold cannon frigates immediately.

    Also, if you want to try something TOTALLY epic, get PDS and then halve the build times of every ship and double the unit cap.

    Shit gets appreciably epic when you can field 48 frigates, 20 battleships and walls of corvettes.

    Also, torpedo frigates will DISSECT battleships. Seriously. I had 5 Missile Frigates and 5 Plasma Frigates plus 5 Assault Cruisers and 5 Ballistic Bombers, and the enemy sent a Majirian Battleship with frigate support against me.

    The battleship was pretty much unable to hit the horde of frigates with its main guns, and its defence guns weren't much use. In a matter of minutes it had been cut apart.

    Then the frigate swarm, now reinforced by more bombers and some LiirHras, ate THREE SUPERCARRIERS AND A MOTHERSHIP with no losses.
    >> I apologized on 4chan 02/13/09(Fri)06:08 No.3700128
    >Then the frigate swarm, now reinforced by more bombers and some LiirHras, ate THREE SUPERCARRIERS AND A MOTHERSHIP with no losses.

    Frigate Swarms tend to lose out to large Heavy Strike Fighter squadrons.

    I once saw a group of 4 Avenger Squadrons annihillate 10 frigates at speed of a frigate per second. Technically the frigate group hadn't spotted my fighters and it was still bunched up, but concentrated heavy strike fighters will rape your frigates shit, and if the AI had been smart enough to send Light Cruisers at your, your frigates would have had a hell of a time just trying to target those things.

    Nothing that big should turn that fast.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)11:28 No.3701751
    Take Star Wars and remove the Jedi crap.
    Take Dark Heresy and remove the Emperor and everything associated with him.
    THEN we can start seeing possibilities.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)11:34 No.3701789
    What the hell are you guys talking about?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)11:35 No.3701792
    Homeworld 2 is nothing but a bunch of Rock Paper Scissor ships, so thats no suprise. You've got generally 3 types of each class, one that defeats the smaller class, one that defeats the larger class, and one that does something general.

    An RPG is probably a very bad idea because whats a captain going to do in an RPG? He's going to captain his ship, goddammit. Homeworld, while having a rich developed setting, still doesn't have the important information required for actual person to person roleplaying. If anything I would suggest having two versions of the tabletop game, one that handles "Fleet actions" where each player is in control of a Constructor class vehicle, and another, smaller version where the "DM" is in control of the constructor if at all, and each player has a ship, with much more control over their systems.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)11:50 No.3701883

    no one with the password yet?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)12:31 No.3702096
    >and each player has a ship, with much more control over their systems.
    Something Nexus-like?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)12:37 No.3702128
    Never heard of it. But able to control power distribution to systems, controlling where each weapon fires, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)12:38 No.3702137
    Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. You are pretty much talking about it now.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)12:40 No.3702143

    I'd rather play in Homeworld as a setting. Not just captaining a ship (although that SHOULD be an option), I want to be able to play diplomats, adventurers and thugs. To make a setting out of it requires a lot of extrapolation from the meager evidence in the manuals and cutscenes, but it can certainly be done.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)12:47 No.3702176
    tis it new thread time yet?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)13:06 No.3702273
    it is
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)13:07 No.3702283
    its always time for new homeworld threads. need at least 4 threads a day, preferably before any previous thread accomplishes anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/09(Fri)13:12 No.3702303

    New thread already underway.

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