02/13/09(Fri)00:33 No. 3698059 /m/ here, contributan. Brightslap [m] Lol: 2 Rage: 0 Gar, Violence, Gundam>if the card this is played on has the tags Emo, Faggot, or Pacifist, its Rage becomes 0. Add 1 to the lol of this card every turn until the thread autosages. Report Cost: **** (Even my father never hit me!) Brighto PANCH [m] Lol: X Rage: 2 Report Cost: **** Gar, Violence, Gundam>Instantly remove all cards with the word "Kira" or "Yamato" on them from play. This includes folders, threads, hands, and Epic Win piles. This card's Lol value is equal to the number of cards removed from play by its effect. (PARTY @ MY HOUSE!) Kamen Rider Decade [m] Lol: 2 Rage: 4 Report Cost: *** Tokusatsu, Kamen Rider, Crossover. OP may change Decade's lol and rage value to the same values of any other card in play with the Kamen Rider tag when the thread 404s. (KAMEN RIDE: DICKAIDO) Jesus Yamato [m] Lol: 0 Rage: 6 Report Cost: **** Gundam, SEED, SEED Destiny, Emo, Faggot, Plot Armor>Instead of playing on top of a thread, you many choose any card with the SEED Destiny tag but NOT the SEED tag, remove it from play, and place Jesus Yamato in its place. (STOP IT. IF WE HAD A REAL FIGHT, THERE'S NO WAY YOU COULD WIN.)