Quick, John!Use Rape Attack while it's stunned!
>>3696456Teabag Helmet, quickly, show your dominence!
WTF? grandma attacks grandpa?
Grandma's a bitch.Join John, attempt escape.
Quickly, Joan! Tell Grandma that the sergal is your friend and not to hurt her!
>>3696487>>3696487This.I get the feeling we are on the cutscene railroad right now though.
>>3696497 herewell scratch that, I guess it's less railroad than I tho--Are we WEARING A TARGET?OH FUCK.
>>3696495Everyone is surprised!Hug John, watch in horror.
>>3696508We're wearing an X-com shirt. It's got an alien with one of those "NO!" things over it.>>3696509This is a good plan.
Hug John.Whisper "What happened to hiding in the bed?"
>>3696520HAHAAHAHAHAHAHHH omfg...
>>3696509the only logical choice of action
>>3696520Joan has the most awesome family ever. Except on the father side... though he still was a mad scientist who made robots with lasers. Pity the pedohitler part.
I think that the logical conclusion is this.In Joan's world, Adults are completely useless.
>>3696525>>3696509These two.
we now know john is in no danger, maybe we can get down to some family history and joan strength building
>>3696550Yes.Let's go find that mug, Take John along just in case.
>>"What happened to hiding in the bed?"JOHN HAS A PERFECTLY VALID REASON.
>>3696558Say that next time, instead of risking your life, let Joan get it for you.
>>3696563Well, when it's something like this.Tell John that you really worried us/me/we/whatever doing that, Grandma would have killed her if she wasn't so stupid.
>>3696558Take John's meat and eat it as the first step towards being a better Joan.
>>3696563But then John would have had to go to Joan. who was right next to her grandparents. John could have at least snuck if we'd pretended she wasn't there. Anyway, tell grandparents about what just happened to you recently with the building and the robot and such. they might be entertained. you might learn something.
>>Say that next time, instead of risking your life, let Joan get it for you.John shrugs.>>Take John's meat and eat it as the first step towards being a better Joan.
>>3696593WHAT!? NO!
>>3696593Tell John that you're her friend, and you're trying to look out for her. Tell her Mom, Grandma and Grandpa are all terrifying and could kill her, and that you were just trying to protect her, so stop being so selfish!
>>3696593this will result in pain later!
>>3696593>>3696621Also:"John, please trust me. This could have gone a lot worse than it did. I trust you, so please, please, trust me once in a while."
>>3696631We might as well make it into a lesson thing.Go with >>3696621>>3696637
>>3696621>>3696637These two! Oh god!Tell John to please trust you and LISTEN to her/us/whatever once in a while!
>>3696647>>3696657Let's try it...Hopefully John won't be a complete jerkass.
>>3696657>>3696668ALSO, GET REPLACEMENT MEAT
John and Joan are going to have such awesome angry sex later.
>>3696684It will be beautiful, in an apocalyptic, end-of-the-world kinda way
>>3696700Thirded.Man, maybe they should just go to the bedroom for some private talk right now.And by that I don't mean sex, I mean "Look, you're my friend, but this shit has to come under some control."Then maybe sex.
>>3696708>Man, maybe they should just go to the bedroom for some private talk right now.Good idea, I think SDF is already drawing though.
>>3696730Tell her we won't cry when she gets herself killed then.Also call her a stupid bitch.
>>3696732HUG JOHN!Cry a little.
>>3696738No.Just hug John.
>>3696730She's just being pissy.Don't give in.
>>3696730Wait, is John ashamed or angry?Either way, hug time.
wtb link to last thread
>>3696745Yes, but we have to prove we care.So hug.
>>3696730HUG JOHN.
>>3696754too much hugging and John's gonna think Joan's a pushover.Lick your fingers clean and move on.
>>3696766There hasn't been any hugging today. Well, not since the bath.HUG JOHN.
Hug John.
>>3696730Hug John tightly around the neck and cry a little.
>>3696745>>3696766These two for sure.
>>3696787Let grandparents beat the shit out of it.
>>3696787See? Now Joan's the one that got snubbed. If we just let things drop John would have been on the receiving end for a change.
>>3696787Say "John... Come here..."Continue hug attempt. Give the sad puppy eyes.
>>3696787God damn this is too adorable.Tell John you'll repay him with lots of good food later, but she can't be reckless. Joan wouldn't know what to do if John got hurt!
>>3696804>>3696805>Say "John... Come here...">Continue hug attempt. Give the sad puppy eyes.>Say Joan wouldn't know what to do if John got hurt!This.
>>3696810It's funny how it always takes two anons and a third combining them to make the best suggestions.
>>3696810Do this.
>>3696832Throw a slice of meat at John's head and pout.
>>3696832Tell Mommy John is misbehaving.
>>3696832Throw some meat from the barrel at that stuck-up little bitch.
lol furfaggotry
>>3696832She's picking on you now. No respect.See how your grandparents are doing.Also, we saw some other people were on the ship with them, where are they now?
>>3696841this is not a good idea.Mom would kill her by accident.
>>3696832Oh very mature John.
>>3696839>>3696842Throw meat, look VERY cross, remind her that she can sic mom on her if she misbehaves too much.
>>3696832John is being a bad girl. PUNISH HER.
>>3696787Promise John double the compensation she wanted before, once she's calmed down and they're alone of course.
>>3696871Good idea.Tell Grandpa to tie up our puppy, she's being a bad girl. Be gentle, now!Have him leave her in the bedroom. Ask for some privacy with her.
>>throw meat at John>>See how your grandparents are doing.>>Also, we saw some other people were on the ship with them, where are they now?They are moving barrels and crates from the ship into the house - or atleast the front yard.
>>3696912John has awesome hat.
>>3696912Walk away crying to fill John with a bit more guilt.Go see what Grandparents and Mom are up to.
>>3696920This is pretty much the only thing to do here.
>>3696920>>3696925Agreed.Goddamn, I thought I was going to play some Mechwarrior tonight, little did I know it'd be filled with Joanquest instead.
>>3696920>>3696925>>3696938TO BE CONTINUED.It's 5 AM, but we can have a short Q&A operation if you are fast enough.
>>3696986What color is everyone's skin/hair and such?AndCan you post that 34?
Where are we going with this anyway?
>>3696997We're going to fun.
>>3696912Go BerserkPunch John's face in.
>>3696986Did they travel here by throwing the ship? (either themselves or some other viking friends)
Will you post that rule 34 you said you did? No mods on /tg/, theres been porn going around all day.
>>3696997It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.
>>3696986Love is over!
>>3697049You know nothing about relationships.
>>3697057This is /tg/. Don't be stupid.
>>3697049>>3697064My prediction:John comes back later with an "I'm Sorry" drawing that is both sweet yet contains some sort of erotic material or at least connotations.
>>3696986Big question, and this is AFTER following this quest from waking up in a sewer flat-chested to this point.Where the fuck is this story going? Is there a goal beyond simply surviving Joan's crazy family?
>>3697081Like Joan and John as Valentine's Day Cupids but with John doing the titnuzzle thing on Joan's breasts?All on a PPG-like heart background.
>>3697091Who the hell cares?
>>3696986could you post that rule34 you said you did?
>>3697094I'd bet it involves titnuzzling yes.Where the hell is Wea-I mean SDF?
What was with all the boob inflating?What happened to that greaser they were with?What made you want to do this whole quest?Can you always be here for us? Your work rocks.
>>3697108Or do you mean Gnome? They are all the samefag you know.
>>3697150You need to be put in an institution. Next you'll be telling me that Horus is on the Golden Throne
>>3697127>>3697150Liars, Liars, pants on fire.
>>3697108Obviously, we weren't fast enough.
>>3697171We were in the first minute, I bet he's drawing.
>>3696994Something like PIC RELATED. Mommy is colored pretty much like the grandparents, except that they're obviously graying a bit - and possibly a bit more weathered.>>34?Not until Joan ends or I feel like it.>>3697024No, they carried it but the negro's grip slipped.>>3697091This story goes exactly where I want to, a direction which can change when Anon sometimes grabs the wheel with something clever(ish).
>>3697179Her hair is pink?Interesting.
>>3697179So why exactly is Joan so useless?
>>3697179SDF we love you.Just saying.
>>3697179Hey Joan, Nice creepy flesh colored hair.
>>3697206IT IS A MISTERY>>3697210That's not a question.
>>3697226So does Joan's carpet match the drapes or is it bare?
>>3697224Fun fact: it's my own hair color as far as a single tone can portray it.
>>3697196Might be my screen, but it looks light brown to me.
>>3697242Light brown or red huh?Alright. Is there a word for that color?
When will Joan end?
What were the drawings John made that Joan apparently found indecent, and what exactly did you mean by "Body modifications?"Is John into piercings or something? Or does John want Joan to be more sergal-ish too? Or... What?
>>3697239I'm betting on carpet.
>>3697252Never, hopefully.More likely it'll go on hiatus when SDF gets tired, and start again later if he wants to go back to it.
SDF, can you please post some of the prototype images or any ones you didn't use? I think they'd be pretty neat.
>>3697251I HAVE heard the term "dirty blonde" but I am no expert in hair colors so I just call it "HAIR". It's also actually the AVERAGE color, as it's lighter fresh out of shower and gets darker day by day until washed again.And that ends the Q&A because seriously what the fuck.
>>3697271There really aren't any!
>>3697276What about the drawings John made?
>>3697288Those are a Sekrit.
>>3697276Will we ever see what John wanted as compensation?
What's her mother's name?
What the fuck is a Sekrit you fucking queer?
>>3697318I love you.Joan and John is the best quest adventure thread thing currently running.
Joan quest is Ruby quest without railroading.Lots of dicking about, getting nothing done.
why are we looking at asses? are you kids sexually repressed you fucking nerd niggers
>>3697318I guess John prefers anal then.
>>3697360No, she's calling Joan a butthead.Honestly that's not a hard joke to get.
>>3697338Dorf Quest has been more consistently good, I think, but yeah, the last coupla Joan and John Adventures have been very good.
>>3697370I don't follow Dorfquest, so yeah, Joan and John is the best questthread I've seen current;y running and it's also, ahem,>FUN AS HELL
>>3697366I thought John is a guy
>>3697388That's not... That's not how it works.
>>3697392John is a girl.
>>3697370DorfQuest is kinda fun, but I got bored of the lack of plot after about the second thread. The protagonist being a dwarf kinda limits the responses people are going to try to 'DRINK IT / SMASH IT' 90% of the time. Ruby & Joan are both awesome, however.
>>3697404PEW PEW
Hey SDF, if you're still here, what WAS going on in that sequence?Was it the submarine, or John's fingers, or the clitoral hood tongue, and which hole was it?inb4 "IT IS A MISTERY"
>>3697410Huh. Maybe that's why he brought Aldwin into it.
>>3697404Look closely at this image.John's holding a breast with the arm near us, given it's position, and likely reaching down to play with her with the other.Whether it's the hand or the submarine is debateable, but I think the submarine would be painful, so likely the hand.AND! They were at this for several hours, so who knows what else occurred..?
>>3697404Joan is offcenter in her lap, so it's not the clitoral hood tongue.
ITT we really overanalyze stuff.But it's hot xenophilic lesbian sex, so continue.
>>3697395What the hell does TRL-U stand for?
>>3697457I dunno, those look pretty flexible...
>>3697486IT's the passcode to Joans vagina
>>3697486I'll give you a hint: If you posted that with the intention of making people go "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF," that submarine's designation would apply to the situation.
>>3697489But not that long.
>>3697501Still don't get it.
>>3697486Troll You?
ITT: People breaking down cartoon girl/animal sex like the Zapruder film.And I'm not complaining one bit. I think Ruby Quest was better on the whole, but Joan is more than silly enough to make up for the difference. DorfQuest got too lolrandom for me.
>>3697486It's the "Total Request Live - Underwater" submarine.
>>3697521Give the man a cigar!
Next time, get the Mug and ask Grandparents about it.Then ask them about the Sergal war and if they have any armor from it.
>>3697544I never thought I'd get the chance to kill Carson Daly with a depth charge...until now.
I'm just glad John stopped being a panicky bitch.
I AM SAD THAT WE MADE JOHN SAD.She and Joan were finally coming to an understanding with one another and were finally friendly instead of almost predator/prey.Then Joan gets mean and John overreacts. Sucks.
>>3700193Eh. John is doglike and we will be back in her good graces in no time.I mean hell, we put out twice (sorta) already, and we know John enjoys it, so us stealing one piece of meat out of an entire barrel can't be THAT bad.
John'll be fine. She really does need a little discipline.I'm sure she'll come back next thread with a sorry card with naked Joan on it made out of dry noodles and glue.
>>3700358disciplining a dog by taking its food is probably not the best way.that said, rewarding a dog by letting it do sexual things with you is probably not the best way either.joan is a terrible owner.
>>3700371Joan isn't John's owner. At all.And she did more than steal food, and the theft of that one slice really seemed to effect John.
>>3700417I guess it's a little dominant to take another person's food out of their hands and promptly consume it. Disrespectful too.Joan is mean.
>>3700371The silent isle imbowers? superior version that is made out have fun with the party van strange? i have an iq? fucking blitzkrieging through a hole internet telling you how the holes to ziplock bag looking up at the tower Show.