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  • File : 1251594932.jpg-(77 KB, 600x400, Ant Queen.jpg)
    77 KB Ant Quest -- A new way of life Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/29/09(Sat)21:15 No.5645907  
    >Anti-Fate here. I'm unable to access the SUPTG archive, and cannot provide links to the previous two archived threads at this time. Luckily, I do still have my .txt notes. So recap of last happenings are as follows I believe.

    Timestamp: 6.5 hours
    75 infernic warrior ants metamorphose from Larvae.

    Ant assignments:
    550 workers (-5) --
    350 harvesting seeds.
    50 tending larvae.
    100 0 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    10 (-5) negotiating with fruit flies
    40 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters. Accompanied by 67 warriors.

    Warriors 125 (-5)
    75 (-5) have traveled to the rock and begun an fight with a single earthworm.
    50 sloth defending hive entrance
    25 infernic (15 sloth), guarding queen chamber.
    75 newborn infernic (55 s

    Diggers -- 195

    110 sloth diggers digging exploratory tunnels horizontally
    35 diggers clearing out root surrounded queen chamber.
    50 infernic diggers (35 sloth) digging exploratory tunnels horizontally.

    The infernic diggers have uncovered another 4 wiry root systems. Total: 10 wiry root locations.
    To the east, they have uncovered some interesting mineral deposits -- they aren't able to warp the minerals out of the way. The minerals are glowing. They've found two of these deposits.

    Finally, towards the south a short ways, they've found an underground cluster of organic strands. These strands were buried in the earth, with no tunnels around them at the time of revealing them. A water appears to be carried up by these strands, towards the surface. This has led the exploratory tunnels which these strands were located in to become damp and warm.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/29/09(Sat)21:16 No.5645915
    The queen's chamber workers have been idle for the past half hour -- no work was accomplished by them.

    Five of the ten fruit fly diplomats have returned. They bring word that the other five have been abducted by another flying species, which seems to use the fruit flies as cattle. They could not identify the species.

    The earthworm slaughter party has engaged the earthworm target. They've sustained five losses so far, as noticed by death pheromones creeping towards the hive from the North.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    510 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    498 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)21:19 No.5645957
    Have the queen's chamber workers start on expanding the food storage chamber. If it isn't able to be expanded then start on a second food storage chamber.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)21:28 No.5646047
    Correction: Have half the queen chamber works start on the first request. Have the half start on a mineral storage area so that we can store some of the glowing minerals.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)21:32 No.5646084
    Have 25 of the new warriors to assist the warriors that are in battle. Have 25 of them start patroling around the outside of the base in groups of 5. Have the last 25 guard the queen and the inside of the base.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)21:37 No.5646123
    The 5 that have returned from negotiating with the fruit flies should join the workers that are working on the second food storage area.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)21:38 No.5646139
    Just checking, but we are still midway through our test to see the effects of long term ingestion of the ooze on ants with the Sloth trait, right?

    Also, we need to make some juggernaut style units, we are far too limited by just having access to tiny ants.

    Maybe some way to lay one large egg (to make a bigger warrior) in lieu of several smaller eggs?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)21:39 No.5646153
    I think we are going to have to wait for an upgrade to try to do that.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/29/09(Sat)21:43 No.5646190
    Incorrect, the test has completed. The sloth ants were more active, performing at the rate of regular ants. This prompted the decision to: "Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food."
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)21:44 No.5646209
    Have ants eat mysterious goo and send 250 to panic about organic rocks.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)21:49 No.5646272
    What mysterious goo ?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)21:50 No.5646292
    Send a medium survey drone to the wiry roots.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)21:51 No.5646300
    What is this Iron Quest?

    All we have are workers (normal ants) and Warriors.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)21:58 No.5646378
    These are jokes.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:00 No.5646398
    Spawn another batch of worker ants please
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:00 No.5646400
    How do ants know what jokes is.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:02 No.5646415
    I agree that we should have the upcoming batch of ants be workers.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)22:02 No.5646416
    use the new batch of workers to start harvesting more roots while the food chamber is being expanded
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)22:06 No.5646459
    Also send the newborn infernics to assist against the Earthworm
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:11 No.5646525
    Do we know any of the properties of the glowing mineral?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:13 No.5646552

    We should spawn a batch of comedian ants.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:13 No.5646557
    Correction : Have 50 of the new warriors assist the battling warriors. Have the other 25 still do the patrols with groups of 5.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:13 No.5646562
    How about we test whether or not such changes are permanent or completely dependant on further supplies of the goo by having a small sample population containing examples of all types of sloth ants cease eating the goo.

    Say, five of each type (infernic/non-infernic warrior/worker).

    But now is too soon for the test, how about after another hour has passed?

    Also, agreeing with doing whatever is necessary to learn more about the creatures that domesticated the fruitflies from our scouts.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)22:17 No.5646606

    i support more goo testing, since apart from the goo we are running low on food supplies,hence the request for more workers for collection duty

    we could always said the warriors that were with the diplomAnts back to checkout the fruitfly herders(and prey they arent wasps/hornets)
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:19 No.5646623
    Mother of god
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:20 No.5646633
    "So da RED ANTS, da red ants do it DIS way, but us black ants, us black ants do it DIS way"
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:20 No.5646636
    Or those giant, thumb sized super hornets from japan.

    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:22 No.5646656
    Sounds like we have so good plans going for the time jump.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:23 No.5646676
    Hornets wouldn't be so bad, we could probably stay away form them. Wasps? Fucking pieces of shit will go out of their way to kill us just because it's funny. They're the Sigmund of the bug world.

    We need a LOT more workers. Our food is looking kinda poor at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:25 No.5646696
    The upcoming batch needs to be all workers. Set them all to gather food. We have a good amout of workers that are digging / expanding. The warriors have put a kink the the food supply.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)22:26 No.5646703
    where is Anti-Fate?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:26 No.5646711
    I am hoping for a good turn out of food / learnan we can get from the giant earthworm corpse.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:27 No.5646731
    He might have found a good thread on /cm/

    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/29/09(Sat)22:28 No.5646738
    >Sorry, little slower than usual today ~ not sure why. Getting back into the habit maybe?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:29 No.5646755
    The ones that have superpheremone venom that calls a few hundred which are capable of decimating a hive of tens of thousands of inferior bees by ripping them apart individually or something. DO NOT WANT.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:29 No.5646757
    It is ok Anti-fate
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/29/09(Sat)22:36 No.5646843
    Timestamp: 8 hours
    75 warrior ants metamorphose from Larvae.

    Queen has consumed 25 ants worth of food, and produced 150 eggs.

    Ant assignments:
    545 workers --
    350 harvesting seeds.
    50 tending larvae.
    100 1.5 hours from returning with Sweet ooze (I assume)
    5 ants digging new food storage chamber
    40 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.

    Warriors 195 (-5)
    65 have traveled to the rock and begun an fight with a single earthworm. (-5)
    50 infernic have joined in fighting the earthworm. (30 sloth)
    25 infernic patrolling the hive boarders (25 sloth).
    50 sloth defending hive entrance.
    25 infernic (15 sloth), guarding queen chamber.
    75 newborn (55 sloth)

    Diggers -- 195

    110 sloth diggers digging exploratory tunnels horizontally
    15 digging new food storage chamber.
    20 digging mineral storage chamber
    50 infernic diggers (35 sloth) digging exploratory tunnels horizontally.

    The infernic diggers have uncovered another 4 wiry root systems. Total: 14 wiry root locations.
    Mineral depostits located. They've found two additional deposits.
    Four deposits total.

    A second food storage chamber is being constructed.

    The earthworm slaughter party has engaged the earthworm target. They've sustained another five losses. No reports back yet as to progress.

    Mineral storage chamber: 400 minor mineral chunks can be stored.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Second chamber: 400 ants worth of food.
    455 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    566 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:37 No.5646847
    I think I must have missed a thread. What's all this about earthworms?
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/29/09(Sat)22:38 No.5646867
    >Send a medium survey drone to the wiry roots.
    Subprocessor, your medium survey drones are not equipped with trans-dimensional interfaces and therefore cannot locate, let alone move to, the wiry roots.

    Plus, you've got ants for that.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:41 No.5646886
    Monster sized earthworms have been found. We are trying to learn if they are good for food / cattle. We also have been trying to come up with a way to make a pen for them that they can't excape from. This is if they turn out to be a good way to get food. Fighting / harvesting them will get easyer once we can make better fighter ants.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/29/09(Sat)22:42 No.5646908
    Regained access to SUPTG
    Archive of previous thread:
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)22:46 No.5646951
    What do the minerals do for us? Food? building mats for when we are intelligent?

    100 warriors on a single worm? it'll be dead soon no worries there.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/29/09(Sat)22:48 No.5646970
    The minerals do not have any known use currently.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:49 No.5646984
    I figure it would be worth while to keep some in storage for easy study. We must use all our abilities if we are to make it in this harsh world.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)22:50 No.5646997
    have 5 of the infernic digging sloths eat some minerals too see if edible

    assign all larva as workers

    thats all i have this round
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)22:56 No.5647070
    Jesus christ these earthworms are tough sons of bitches. Our warriors have been fighting ONE for what, an hour?
    >> plaguemarine !1nhvsU2lj6 08/29/09(Sat)22:59 No.5647096
         File1251601156.jpg-(27 KB, 250x170, 250px-Ant-war.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:00 No.5647114
    I second this
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)23:03 No.5647152
    Central planning ant seems to be MIA, would be nice to have him around
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:07 No.5647200
    Yes he would.

    Shall we do another time skip? It seems that we are waiting on workers and the battle results to end before we can start giving more orders.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:09 No.5647215
    Yes IT would*
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)23:09 No.5647216
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/29/09(Sat)23:10 No.5647224
    Note, 75 warriors are currently not doing anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:13 No.5647262
    If that is the case then please have 50 more warriros join the battle with the earthworm and then have the rest join the patroling ants. Still keeping them in groups of 5 for a greater coverage area.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)23:16 No.5647286
    55 are sloth right? send them to have some goo and then join the worm battle

    the rest join patrols
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:16 No.5647294
    I'll agree to that.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:21 No.5647353
    Sounds good to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:22 No.5647360
    Seems a decent plan.

    Also, holy fuck, we have been trying to kill one earthworm for around 100 minutes? Damn.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:23 No.5647380
    The earthworms are monster sized
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:24 No.5647384
         File1251602641.png-(16 KB, 576x519, battle for the earthworm.png)
    16 KB
    9000 hours, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:25 No.5647402
    Good work Engraver Ant
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/29/09(Sat)23:25 No.5647406
    Timestamp: 8.5 hours
    The eggs have become larvae.

    Ant assignments:
    545 workers --
    350 harvesting seeds.
    50 tending larvae.
    100 1. hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    5 ants digging new food storage chamber
    40 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.

    Warriors 195 (-5)
    115 have traveled to the rock and begun an fight with a single earthworm. (30 sloth) (-5)
    55 infernic have joined in fighting the earthworm. (55 sloth)
    45 infernic patrolling the hive boarders (25 sloth).
    50 sloth defending hive entrance.
    25 infernic (15 sloth), guarding queen chamber.
    75 newborn (55 sloth)

    Diggers -- 190

    110 sloth diggers digging exploratory tunnels horizontally
    15 digging new food storage chamber.
    20 digging mineral storage chamber
    45 infernic diggers (30 sloth) digging exploratory tunnels horizontally. (-5)

    The infernic diggers have uncovered another 4 wiry root systems. Total: 18 wiry root locations.
    Mineral depostits located. They've found two additional deposits.
    Six deposits total.

    A second food storage chamber is being constructed.

    The earthworm slaughter party has engaged the earthworm target. They've sustained another five losses. No reports back yet as to progress. One of the ants has returns for a moment to deliver a report and then leaves again -- it seems they've managed to cut the worm in half, in two places.

    Your scouting ants have located some aphids. A ripple of excitement passes through the hive at this report. Ten have been found.

    Mineral storage chamber: 800 minor mineral chunks can be stored.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Second chamber: 800 ants worth of food.
    805 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    555 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)23:26 No.5647417
    well we are the shitty little 2mm ants, not the monster that can usually be seen, one of the upgrades should be size boost(overall physical traits increase for all breeds)
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:29 No.5647447
    Take, like, ten workers from harvesting seeds to help out with digging a new storage chamber.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:29 No.5647456
    110 sloth diggers digging exploratory tunnels horizontally

    Take 30 ants from the diggers that are digging exploratory tunnels horizontally and have them harvest / gather the aphids.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)23:30 No.5647463
    can we convert the mineral chamber into an aphid pen? is so have the scouts grab the aphids and bring them back

    Warriors are doing good, keep it up
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/29/09(Sat)23:30 No.5647475
    did not see this before i posted, do this instead please
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:32 No.5647488
    I like this idea. Convert the mineral storage into aphids pen. We can start on a mineral storage chamber once we have finish the second food storage chamber and the aphids pen room.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:32 No.5647490
    Okay, those Aphids are a great staple crop for us.

    Lets start farming those buggers (maybe we can finally get another upgrade)

    As to the earthworm, KEEP KILLING IT UNTIL IT IS DEAD.

    Seriously though, too much time and effort has been invested to stop now.

    Although, it seems our current method of attacking it isn't all that efficient.

    ...could we have ant plant eggs into the cuts in the worm so new ants start eating their way out?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:34 No.5647509
    D: You sir have strange and evil ways.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:34 No.5647510

    If we plant larva inside an earthworm, we don't need to feed them during their larval stage. Plus, the catastrophic systemic damage caused by having hundred of ants eating their way through the worm should render it dead far more quickly than conventional attacks.

    I like it.
    >> Antonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:34 No.5647517
    Good, grass seeds are coming in. Keep up the good work.

    Are there any worker currently without an assignment? If so, have them harvest the wirey roots. If not, move 150 workers from harvesting grass seeds to harvesting the wirey roots.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:35 No.5647524
    They'd need to safely carry eggs all the way there...
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:35 No.5647526
    Well, I assume you mean have ants bring eggs to the worms and insert them into the cuts and gashes made, rather than the highly reckless idea of having the queen herself be near a creature that could very well crush her.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:36 No.5647530
    And we keep sending more troops at the worm anyway, they might as well bring something along.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:36 No.5647534
    I don't think the roots are food.

    Anti-Fate - Could you please refresh us on what the roots are? Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:38 No.5647553
    This please. I didn't see anything detailing about using the roots for food in the last thread. Also I do know we have used one of the root areas to make a safer Queen chamber.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:38 No.5647556
    Oh, lets have some sloth workers try and warp burrow through the crystals to see what happens.

    Not a bunch of them, just like five or ten, just to see if there are any interesting results.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/29/09(Sat)23:40 No.5647576
    The results of planting eggs/larvae into an earthworm are unknown. Insufficient intelligence to make accurate projections to result, survivability.
    Known issue: eggs would need to be planted below the epidermal layer to remain safe and damage the worm -- cannot inject eggs in such a way, would need to feed eggs to worm or find another way to plant them into the worm's body.
    >> Antonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:40 No.5647578
    They can't be warped through, that's how we noticed them in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:43 No.5647599

    The roots are edible. The idea was to use the roots as defense in case the Queen's chamber is ever invaded, while they simultaneously provide a back up food supply in case of shortage.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:44 No.5647611
    Someone else add these to sup/tg/ other then me, people.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/09(Sat)23:45 No.5647615
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/29/09(Sat)23:59 No.5647777
    Timestamp: 9 hours
    75 infernic workers have metamorphosed from the larvae. (55 sloth)
    The queen has consumed 25 ants worth of food, and produced 150 eggs.

    Ant assignments:
    610 workers --
    200 harvesting seeds.
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    50 tending larvae.
    100 .5 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    5 ants digging new food storage chamber
    40 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.
    75 infernic newborn. (55 sloth)

    Warriors 275 (-10)
    155 have traveled to the rock and begun an fight with a single earthworm. (80 sloth) (-10)
    45 infernic patrolling the hive boarders (25 sloth).
    50 sloth defending hive entrance.
    25 infernic (15 sloth), guarding queen chamber.

    Diggers -- 190

    80 sloth diggers digging exploratory tunnels horizontally
    15 digging new food storage chamber.
    20 digging an aphid chamber.
    45 infernic diggers (30 sloth) digging exploratory tunnels horizontally. (-5)
    30 sloth diggers are collecting the aphids.

    Sloth totals: 55+80+25+15+30+80+30+50 = 365

    The infernic diggers have uncovered another 4 wiry root systems. Total: 22 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1/2 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel.
    Mineral depostits located. They've found two additional deposits.
    Eight deposits total.

    A second food storage chamber is being constructed.

    The earthworm slaughter party has engaged the earthworm target. They've sustained another ten losses.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)00:01 No.5647792
    Mineral storage chamber: 400 minor mineral chunks can be stored.
    ++converting into Aphid pen++ 400 minor mineral chunk storage space has been converted into 2 aphid pen areas.
    1 additional aphid pen have been constructed.
    All three pens have been filled with the aphids brought back by the sloth diggers.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Second chamber: 1200 ants worth of food.
    625 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    150 wiry root chunks. x? feeding ability, ? energy food.
    482 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)00:01 No.5647800
    Dig out some of the root areas...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)00:02 No.5647805
    I picture this like some sort of twisted dorf fort.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)00:03 No.5647815
    how long until the infernic newborn warriors become useful?

    Also after this batch, stop laying eggs.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)00:05 No.5647839
    H-hey! Two of four games which inspired this have been mentioned throughout the history of this game.
    Find all four for a bonus!
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)00:09 No.5647890
    The infernic WARRIORS were assigned to battle after the timestamp.
    Similarly, the newborn infernic WORKERS (what you have right now), can be assigned now.
    Basically NEWBORN is a way of helping keep track of total numbers.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)00:10 No.5647895
    *workers not warriors, sorry
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)00:13 No.5647933
    >stop laying eggs

    You're not a real ant, get out. It's not like we have a food problem. Even if we did, we need more workers to get more food, so it would be solved by laying more eggs. Countermand this request.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)00:14 No.5647944
    alright, when the sloth diggers return with the aphids, asign them back to digging out the other chambers

    if there are still aphids to be harvested, send 35 of the new infernic workers to go harvest more.

    The rest of the infernics collect grass seeds
    have 10 of the new sloth workers test the wirey root chunks

    rest of the sloths can start a new mineral chamber since the existing one will now be the aphid pen
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)00:15 No.5647950
    Sim Ant

    Have the 50 ants that are tending the eggs/ larva to east the roots. This way we can start learning about them as food.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)00:16 No.5647971
    we have almost 1000 ants and 3/4 of our food supply can only be used on defective sloths leaving us with little breathing room, but the point of more workers for more harvesting IS a good one though i am still weary of it
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)00:17 No.5647984
    Well, lets have five of each type of ant try the roots food and see what happens to them.

    Also, lets dedicate 50 (so 1/3) of the new eggs) to testing the egg method of worm consumption and killing.

    As to the crystals, if we can't warp through them and can't eat them, what else can we try and do with them at this point?

    Also, it does seem that the gap since the last upgrade is much larger than the gaps between upgrades were previously, and if I recollect, new food sources could qualify for upgrades, of which we have found two since the last upgrade (aphids and roots, with worms on the way)
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)00:17 No.5647986
    cancel that, we have fresh defective workers for that, no need to endanger our larva survival rates by taking away the tenders
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)00:19 No.5648005
    Well, we could have fifty more ants sent down to combat the worm, and have them bring fifty eggs with them for testing the 'eat them from the inside out) theory.

    Then have the remaining fifty ants as workers go to gather more food, or something.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)00:32 No.5648162
    New food sources of new value or type (so far: sweet, fungus, plant matter are the food types you've gotten) Aphids have not provided any food yet.
    Roots, fall under plants, and were originally encountered quite some time ago.

    Upgrades come at specific timestamps too. There will be one at 10 hours.
    Upgrades are much more often going to come from doing something clever/hidden(not directly suggested by me). (See feeding sloth ants the high energy food upgrade from first archived thread)
    There are other methods for earning upgrades too.
    Upgrades do not however, come in large numbers particularly easy. They can however, lead to additional upgrades with each one by either opening new options, or leading to interesting actions.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)00:36 No.5648209
    Are these assignments for ants acceptable?
    Ant assignments:
    610 workers --
    200 harvesting seeds.
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    50 tending larvae.
    100 .5 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    5 ants digging new food storage chamber
    40 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.
    35 infernic collecting remaining aphids. (15 sloth)
    30 infernic harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    10 sloth infernic testing root ediblity properties. (10 sloth)

    Warriors 265 (-10)
    145 have traveled to the rock and begun an fight with a single earthworm. (70 sloth) (-10)
    45 infernic patrolling the hive boarders (25 sloth).
    50 sloth defending hive entrance.
    25 infernic (15 sloth), guarding queen chamber.

    Diggers -- 190

    80 sloth diggers digging exploratory tunnels horizontally
    15 digging new food storage chamber.
    20 digging an aphid chamber.
    30 sloth diggers working on aphid chamber
    45 infernic diggers (30 sloth) digging exploratory tunnels horizontally.

    Sloth totals: 55+80+25+15+30+70+30+50 = 355
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)00:40 No.5648263
    looks good

    question, will the aphids be able to feed off of the seeds and roots like our ants? Because if not it would be good to collect some green matter to feed them with.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)00:40 No.5648271
    I like it. I also agree about having ants that arn't the larva tenders to test the roots. We can also try to test the minerals as food.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)00:43 No.5648305
    You already killed five ants by having them eat the minerals. <_<
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)00:47 No.5648344
    You do not know enough about this species of aphids to determine what their feeding requirements are currently.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)00:47 No.5648347
    Can we have diggers go dig into the worm and hollow it out from the inside?

    Is there anything stopping the warriors from doing that?

    if it's been chopped into 3 pieces already i don't see how it can stil lbe killing so many ants unless this was a titan sized king worm
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)00:50 No.5648384
    Reports of earthworm size puts their diameter between 5mm and 10mm, and lengths in excess of 130mm.
    Even cutting through it in two places you are still going to have some MASSIVE segments.
    Compare to 2mm-3mm long by 1mm wide workers, and 3-4mm long by 2mm wide warriors.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)00:54 No.5648435
    Timestamp: 9.5 hours
    The eggs have hatched.
    75 larvae MM in .5 hr
    150 larvae MM in 1.5 hr

    Ant assignments:
    610 workers --
    200 harvesting seeds.
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    50 tending larvae.
    100 0 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    5 ants digging new food storage chamber
    40 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.
    35 infernic collecting remaining aphids. (15 sloth)
    30 infernic harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    10 sloth infernic testing root ediblity properties. (10 sloth)

    Warriors 265 (-10)
    145 have traveled to the rock and begun an fight with a single earthworm. (70 sloth) (-10)
    45 infernic patrolling the hive boarders (25 sloth).
    50 sloth defending hive entrance.
    25 infernic (15 sloth), guarding queen chamber.

    Diggers -- 190

    80 sloth diggers digging exploratory tunnels horizontally
    15 digging new food storage chamber.
    20 digging an aphid chamber.
    30 sloth diggers working on aphid chamber
    45 infernic diggers (30 sloth) digging exploratory tunnels horizontally.

    Sloth totals: 55+80+25+15+30+70+30+50 = 355

    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 22 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1/2 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel.
    Mineral depostits located. They've found two additional deposits.
    Ten deposits total.
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. This is the second cluster of the strands so far.

    A second food storage chamber is being constructed.

    The earthworm slaughter party has engaged the earthworm target. They've sustained another ten losses.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)00:55 No.5648440
    Mineral storage chamber:
    ++converting into Aphid pen++ 400 minor mineral chunk storage space has been converted into 2 aphid pen areas.
    2 additional aphid pen have been constructed.
    7 aphid pens occupied.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Second chamber: 1600 ants worth of food.
    715 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    445 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    582 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)00:56 No.5648453
    No more eatting the minerals

    Can we carry away some of the parts that have been cut off? If so we could take it back to the base and use it to be tested as food for the ants.

    For our dear little aphids we should gather so leaves for them to eat. This can be a test to see if they can be feed this way.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)01:01 No.5648515
    Carrying away one of the sections of the worm would require the diversion of some workers or other ants unless you wish to divert some of the in combat warriors.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)01:04 No.5648554
    seconded, if the diameter is only twice that of a warrior the warriors should begin cutting the worm into managable pieces, any word on the proportion of the 3 pieces that have already been sliced?

    take the 30 infernic workers gathering seeds, and change them to leaf gathering for the aphid pens

    Designate 50 of the latest larvae batch each to workers, diggers, and warriors
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:04 No.5648557
    Wiry roots found to be better than grass seeds. When the current 100 sweet ooze gatherers get back, have them all gather wire root. We've got a lot of sweet ooze already. No need to clog up the food storage with it.

    Send the 5 workers digging a food chamber out to gather the organic strands found to the south. Eat some and bring back samples for the rest of the hive if they aren't deadly.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)01:05 No.5648573
    Didn't see this before my post, no need to take warriros from the frey when they can simply take the whole thing back to the nest once the battle is over.

    Will dead warriors be recyclable as food? infernal cannibal ant warriors sounds awesome
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:06 No.5648585
    Orders for the ants that are currently working on the food chamber and aphid chamber. Once they have finished the second food storage chamber to max size they should start on the third storage chamber for food. The workers that are working on the aphid chamber will start on a mineral storage chamber once they have finished.

    I have an idea! We can try to use the minerals as a weapon. It may be able to placed into water or food stocks of enemies to poison their supplies.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)01:07 No.5648601
    agreed, except, can we keep 25 on the ooze? The ooze counters our sloth problems.
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:09 No.5648619
    They do burn through that stuff pretty fast. Ok.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:09 No.5648626

    Send 25 of the warriros that are guarding the entrance to the base to gather 1 segment of the worm.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)01:11 No.5648648
    Clarification, feeding capabilityx5 means one unit feeds 5 ants correct?

    this is sound

    can we have the queen shit out another mass of larvae? with all the casualties we're having dealing with one earthworm im feeling a little insecure about the number of warriors we have.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)01:13 No.5648673
    Indeed, 1 ants worth of ooze (volume) feeds 5 ants.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:14 No.5648691
    The batch that is curerntly on the way may need to go mostly towards warriros at this point. I think if we do 3/4 warrior and 1/4 worker. We can have the workers fill in some gaps. This will also allow us to hold off on warrior production for few batchs of eggs.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:17 No.5648744
    Have workers eat an aphid.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)01:17 No.5648749
    please clairify most recent larvae distribution.
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:18 No.5648766
    How many eggs is it?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:20 No.5648789
    1/2 of it should be warriors, 1/4 diggers and the last 1/4 workers. I think this will work best.
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:23 No.5648843
    Diggers are nearly pointless right now. We've got plenty and everybody can dig fairly well. Make it 50/50 warriors and workers for this batch.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)01:23 No.5648844
    Instead of using fractions how about

    125 warriors, 25 workers
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)01:23 No.5648848
    150 is not evenly divisible by 4. Would you rather 35 workers and 40 diggers or other flipped numbers?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:27 No.5648893
    50 workers, 100 warriors is good.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)01:27 No.5648901
    This, lets stick with this please
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:30 No.5648949
         File1251610244.jpg-(24 KB, 400x352, Any more and I turn off intern(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:34 No.5648991
    dont do it man

    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:34 No.5648996
         File1251610499.jpg-(52 KB, 322x510, Answer is no.jpg)
    52 KB
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)01:35 No.5649001
    Timestamp: 10 hours !!
    the 75 larvae have metamorphased into workers
    75 infernic larvae have metamorphased
    75 larvae MM in 1. hr

    Ant assignments:
    685 workers --
    200 harvesting seeds.
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    50 tending larvae.
    100 1.5 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    5 ants digging new food storage chamber
    40 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.
    35 infernic collecting remaining aphids. (15 sloth). No aphids to bring back.
    30 infernic harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    10 sloth infernic testing root ediblity properties. (10 sloth)
    75 Newborn sloth workers. (55 sloth.)
    25 Newborn infernic sloth workers (20 sloth.)

    Warriors 255 (-10)
    135 have traveled to the rock and begun an fight with a single earthworm. (60 sloth) (-10)
    45 infernic patrolling the hive boarders (25 sloth).
    50 sloth defending hive entrance.
    25 infernic (15 sloth), guarding queen chamber.
    50 newborn infernic warriors (35 sloth)

    Diggers -- 190

    80 sloth diggers digging exploratory tunnels horizontally
    35 digging new food storage chamber.
    60 sloth diggers working on new food storage chamber.
    45 infernic diggers (30 sloth) digging exploratory tunnels horizontally.

    Sloth totals: 55+80+25+15+30+60+30+50+55 = 400
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:36 No.5649023
         File1251610618.jpg-(60 KB, 527x681, Its on.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:37 No.5649033
         File1251610664.jpg-(44 KB, 500x333, Bring it the F on!.jpg)
    44 KB

    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)01:38 No.5649038
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 22 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1/2 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel.
    Mineral depostits. They've found no additional deposits.
    Ten deposits total.
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Three clusters have been located.

    The earthworm slaughter party has engaged the earthworm target. They've sustained another ten losses.

    Aphid pens: 10
    3 additional aphid pen have been constructed.
    10 aphid pens occupied.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    915 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    595 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    582 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food.

    -Mandible strength
    -swarm speed
    -antenna sensitivity
    -chitin thickness
    -lifting strength
    -improved hive bond
    -improved egg clutch size
    -improve intelligence
    -Mutate new strain - scouts
    -Improve strain - Warriors
    -Improve strain - Diggers
    -Mutate 1d4 random strains.
    -Produce new queen.
    -Random adaption (d30)
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:39 No.5649053
         File1251610746.jpg-(3 KB, 126x101, F U BUDDY.jpg)
    3 KB

    Hey, Fuck you buddy
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:40 No.5649066
    I told you to move those 5 workers on the digging job over to testing the organic strand down to the south. Do this now.
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)01:40 No.5649068
    send all 50 warriors to help with the worm

    25 newborn infernal sloths help dig the food chamber
    50 newborn sloth workers go collect roots
    25 newborn sloth workers collect green plant matter to test on aphids

    I vote for improved Intelligence
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:40 No.5649069
         File1251610833.jpg-(7 KB, 308x352, OMFG.jpg)
    7 KB

    HE SAID THE F WORD!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:41 No.5649088
    lolol macro hijack

    Anyway, upgrades... Hm. We don't need improved digging...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:43 No.5649103
    50 newborn infernic warriors (35 sloth)
    --25 to gather worm parts
    --25 to assist in fighting

    75 Newborn sloth workers. (55 sloth.)
    --50 to work on seeds or roots (depending on that the others feel)
    --10 on collecting leafs for the aphids
    --15 to collect sweet ooze

    25 Newborn infernic sloth workers (20 sloth.)
    --15 to work on food storage
    --10 to work on aphids chamber

    The 35 that are collecting aphids should assist the 25 warriors that are gathering worm parts

    How does that sound to my fellow ants?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:43 No.5649106
    A new queen is a valuable safety measure.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:44 No.5649123
         File1251611062.jpg-(24 KB, 283x420, I Kill you last.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)01:45 No.5649135
    we need aphid tenders, instead of sending 15 newborns to collect oozo, have them tend to the aphids
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:46 No.5649159
    I vote mandible strength or chitin thickness.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:47 No.5649166
    Sure, but have them eat an aphid as well. Delicious aphid is delicious.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:47 No.5649171
    50 newborn infernic warriors (35 sloth)
    --50 to assist in fighting

    75 Newborn sloth workers. (55 sloth.)
    --50 to work on seeds or roots (depending on that the others feel)
    --10 on collecting leafs for the aphids
    --15 to collect sweet ooze

    25 Newborn infernic sloth workers (20 sloth.)
    --15 to work on food storage
    --10 to work on aphids chamber

    The 35 that are collecting aphids should now be gathering worm parts

    -chitin thickness
    -Improve strain - Warriors
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:48 No.5649181
         File1251611300.jpg-(43 KB, 550x413, Its mind games.jpg)
    43 KB

    You just think you'll kill me last!
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:50 No.5649212
    Good idea
    >>5649171 + the idea from >>5649135
    >> AmbassadAnt 08/30/09(Sun)01:51 No.5649216
    Alright guys, almost 2am here, AmbassadAnt going dormant, ill keep my eyes open for the next Ant quest, ill also check suptg for the conclusion of this one
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:57 No.5649286
    I'll go with chitin for consensus.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)01:58 No.5649299
    I will agree to eatting of one aphid for testing reasons.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:01 No.5649336
    Good night.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:04 No.5649376
    I vote for improved warriors, considering how many we're losing to a single worm.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:05 No.5649396
    Imporved warriors for the ugprade
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)02:07 No.5649420
    Is the hive in favor of producing more eggs (noted some previous requests to stop)
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:07 No.5649423
    i second this
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:10 No.5649459
    Please keep laying eggs.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:14 No.5649511
    Lay eggs
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)02:17 No.5649562
    Timestamp: 10.5 hours
    The queen has consumed 25 ants worth of food and laid 150 eggs
    75 larvae MM in .5 hr

    Ant assignments:
    680 workers -- (-5)
    250 harvesting seeds. (50 sloth)
    30 infernic harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    10 sloth infernic collecting roots. (10 sloth)
    50 tending larvae.
    100 1. hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    5 Testing organic strands for edibilty.
    40 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.
    35 infernic gathering 1 part of worm. (15 sloth).
    10 gathering leaves to feed to aphids.
    15 tending aphids. (5 sloth) (-5)
    15 infernic workers digging food storage chamber (15 sloth)
    10 infernic workers working in aphid chamber (5 sloth)

    Warriors 245 (-10)
    175 have traveled to the rock and begun an fight with a single earthworm. (75 sloth) (-10) They are bringing the remaining two parts of the worm back with them.
    45 infernic patrolling the hive boarders (25 sloth).
    50 sloth defending hive entrance.
    25 infernic (15 sloth), guarding queen chamber.

    Diggers -- 190

    80 sloth diggers digging exploratory tunnels horizontally
    35 digging new food storage chamber.
    60 sloth diggers working on new food storage chamber.
    45 infernic diggers (30 sloth) digging exploratory tunnels horizontally.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)02:18 No.5649566
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 22 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1/2 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel.
    Mineral depostits. They've found no additional deposits.
    Ten deposits total.
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Three clusters have been located.

    The earthworm slaughter party has engaged the earthworm target. They've sustained another ten losses. Reports are that the worm has finally been killed!

    Aphid pens: 10
    3 additional aphid pen have been constructed.
    9 aphid pens occupied. !! Aphids are attacking the ants which are tending to them! They killed 5 ants during the suprise assult.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Third food chamber: 600 ants worth of food.
    825 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    595 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    582 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food.

    Additional materials: Leaves:10 ants worth ~ ? aphid feeding ability per ant worth.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:18 No.5649567
    The pheromones tell me Anti-Fate is working on an update.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)02:18 No.5649573
    Upgrade still in debate.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:22 No.5649628
    Holy shit, even the APHIDS are fucking our shit up? Do they even have jaws or anything?

    I would have gone for improved intelligence, but now I think a size upgrade would be best. We can't have our workers threatened by freaking APHIDS. Size might also protect us from whoever's herding the fruit flies, and make it easier to take out earthworms (ie, not lose fifty ants in the process).

    We'll probably need more food, but we have plenty. Let's get big.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:25 No.5649656
    Lets improve our warrior strain.

    As it is, they are just over glorified workers, only marginally bigger. And the earthworm thing is really making our lack of larger ants really hurt. I mean, houw many warrior ants, bred for said purpose, have we lost to ONE earthworm? Sure, it is bigger than our troops, but it doesn't have a shell, or weapons, other than its own size advantage. If our warriors start to get bigger, the worms can't simply crush us nearly as easily. Bigger warriors would make it much more feasible to actually domesticate the worms as a food source. Think of how much food that would be!

    And, has any ant tried eating some of the strange organic growths we have found? I think that should be tested.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:27 No.5649671

    I'm with this dude. Improve our warriors; we need more muscle.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)02:27 No.5649681
    5 ants are currently testing the organic strands to see if edible.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:28 No.5649686
    There aren't any size upgrades. Maybe lifting strength, or mandible strength, or we can improve one of our strains.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:30 No.5649711
    >Additional materials: Leaves:10 ants worth ~ ? aphid feeding ability per ant worth.
    They will make great cattle.

    Have 25 returning warriors guard the pens to make sure no more breakouts happen / to take care of the current attack.

    Have the ants that are working on the pens keep working untill it reaches max size. Once the pen chamber is at max size please have them start on a mineral storage chamber.

    The ants that are working on the food storage chambers should take the 3rd to max size and then start on a 4th. We can get some basic chambers out of the while early to allow for more workers on new projects.

    Have 50 of the returning warriors eat the half of the earth worm parts to test them as food.

    Have 50 warrirors join the ants guarding the entrance

    Have 50 warriors join the patrols that are going around the base. Make them groups of 10 to increase the support.

    Once the aphids are under controller, test to see if they will eat the leaves. We will now need to learn how they reproduce and make sure we can feed them to keep them alive. They make for a tasty meals.

    Once the 35 infernic workers have finished gathering worm parts they should
    ---- 15 join the ants tending the aphids
    ---- 20 should join the scouts
    >> Atom Ant 08/30/09(Sun)02:31 No.5649728
    If we are bringing worm segments back to the colony, can we have the queen lay some eggs in it?

    Like, the new warrior strain can only be created by laying the eggs into a high-nutrient food source like a worm carcass, in exchange for making them more capable than more easily produced warriors?

    I don't know, the trade of ease of production for superior quality seems fair to me, but obviously whatever Anti-Fate chooses sticks
    >> Atom Ant 08/30/09(Sun)02:32 No.5649743
    We do need the upgrade for our warriors.

    They barely deserve the name right now.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)02:33 No.5649756
    Now I'll say this:
    >I don't know, the trade of ease of production for superior quality seems fair to me, but obviously whatever Anti-Fate chooses sticks
    Has a decent thread of idea. But not quite there yet. . .
    There is SOMETHING along this line.
    And I'll still give upgrade if/when it comes along.
    >> Atom Ant 08/30/09(Sun)02:35 No.5649777
    ...what happens if the queen eats the high energy ooze?

    I don't think we should try it unless we either get another queen or we have a general thread consensus that the test should be carried out.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:35 No.5649778
    maybe let the Aphids have a bit of earthworm? Either that or perhaps the earthworm can help cure the slothism if the queen uses it as a foodsource...

    I dunno, just throwing out ideas...
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:36 No.5649788
    yea, thats generally the same idea I was getting at...

    if high energy food makes the sloth worms work faster, would high energy food make the queen produce more / better quality ants?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:38 No.5649803
    I like this idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:38 No.5649811
    The high energy food has a negitive effect on the normal ants. That is what has me worried.
    >> Atom Ant 08/30/09(Sun)02:39 No.5649822

    Maybe in addition to/instead of requiring a special environment for eggs to be lain of this new strain, the new strain also/instead has a longer larval stage, and/or need more food/specific food. Or maybe the new strain is ineligible for Infernic status, or cannot Warp burrow as fast as other breeds due to its size.

    Somewhere in that mix and match sentence, I believe there is a fair counterbalance to using the upgrade to get a larger, more powerful warrior strain that is separate from the generic one we have now.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:40 No.5649833
    well the queen tends to expel a lot of energy to make eggs (25 foods worth) so maybe a TINY amount of high energy food would work? I wouldn't suggest doing it unless we had a backup queen or some kind of way of reversing the process
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:40 No.5649834
    Ok, changing from what I wanted earlier to warrior upgrade. They do suck right now. Also, shouldn't decreased sloth prevelance still be an option, even though we'd never take it.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)02:41 No.5649849
    Improving warrior strain will produce larger warriors among other things.
    Improving a specific strain generally means improving most of their attributes (mandibles, chitin, etc.) each strain of course, still retains its specific advantages and disadvantages over the worker strain.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:44 No.5649871
    Improving warrior strain it is then! FUCK YEAR
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:45 No.5649878
    Just to clarify, if we do hit on a set of restrictions for a new tank-warrior strain [no name for them yet, just calling them this to differentiate] you like (which seems to be implied as possible), would that mean that the new strain is its own thing, and we could upgrade the generic warrior strain at another time?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:47 No.5649914
    Codefag here. I hope you don't mind if I steal all your ideas from this and previous threads and make a proper computer game out of this.

    ... scurry about, little ones. Nothing to see here.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)02:47 No.5649924
    Anytime an upgrade of "improve XXX strain" is taken, most of the physical attributes will be improved.
    Additionally, they will gain some strain specific bonuses.
    Improving warrior strain, will make them larger (this is the case with MOST strains)
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:48 No.5649932
    We can only do what the ugprades provide us. Unless we find some crazy way to mutate the strains on our own.

    Not really sure what you are talking about.
    >> Atom Ant 08/30/09(Sun)02:50 No.5649973

    -Eggs need five times as much energy from queen to produce
    -eggs take twice as long to hatch
    -larva take twice as long to mature
    -can only eat x5 or higher quality food.
    -warp burrow at half speed due to size.

    as restrictions, and get a new Juggernaut Strain? At equivalent upgrade levels, Juggernaut Strain is significantly bigger than the Warrior Strain, and MUCH more durable. Like a siege ant, I guess.

    If this suits your tastes, then I vote this rather than Warrior Strain upgrade.

    I want some ants that pack a punch!
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:51 No.5649990
    you better include the 'random mutation' upgrade options.

    Shit makes it even more exciting.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:52 No.5650000
    That is the thing. It isn't up to us when new strains show up. We have to take upgrades to mutations for new strains. Even then its random so we can't just magic up some Juggernaughts. We have to follow the upgrade paths given to us unless we want to take mutation upgrade.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:54 No.5650028

    5.65 Mil Get
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:54 No.5650029
    ...I like this idea quite a bit, if it is viable.

    We could use super ants like these juggernauts for a bunch of things.

    Make it easier to kill worms
    can be heavy duty shock troops
    great last line of defense for queens
    Useful strain to have for fighting other ants or termites.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)02:55 No.5650042
    Ants are produced in GREAT numbers, and already have significant advantages going for them.
    You're suggested upgrades are not approved. Sorry, but I'd rather not start letting the upgrade parameters be defined by the players.
    Hell, so far only warrior and scout strains have EVER been available through regular upgrades. New, highly advanced strains aren't something I'm going to offer as regular upgrades.
    You want epic abilities? Do something clever, like previously, when they found a way to circumvent the sloth ant detrimental effects (high energy ooze). This is still, EARLY in the game. Not even one day has passed timewise, and the amount of growth and change in one species of ants which this represents is ALREADY far far beyond natural.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:56 No.5650053
    By taking the warrior strain upgrade it is like making them anyway. The upgrade makes them bigger, stronger, faster and more stream lined in battle. Also much more manly with beards.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:56 No.5650067
    It sorta seemed implied here at
    that it COULD be done in lieu of a conventional upgrade, if we hit on the right exchange.

    I could have been misreading it, but that's what I saw.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:58 No.5650085
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)02:59 No.5650106
    Anti-Fate, just go with the warrior upgrade. They don't seem to know the rules and a lot of the reqs arn't here right now.
    >> Atom Ant 08/30/09(Sun)02:59 No.5650110
    Alright then, thoughts and suggestions for Juggernaut Strain ants tabled for another time, vote changed to Warrior Strain upgrade.

    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:01 No.5650125

    Warrior Strain upgrade then, since it is the next best thing.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:02 No.5650159
    Timestamp: 11 hours
    Eggs have hatched
    50 warriors have MMed
    25 workers have MMed

    Ant assignments:
    740 workers --
    250 harvesting seeds. (50 sloth)
    30 infernic harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    10 sloth infernic collecting roots. (10 sloth)
    50 tending larvae.
    100 .5 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    5 Testing organic strands for edibilty.
    60 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.
    10 gathering leaves to feed to aphids.
    20 confronting aphids. (15 sloth)
    15 infernic workers digging food storage chamber (15 sloth)
    10 infernic workers working in aphid chamber (5 sloth)
    25 newborn (15 sloth)
    5 wounded ants (aphid venom)

    Warriors 245
    25 subduing the aphids ~ unknown if subduing will require lethal force. None wounded.
    45 infernic patrolling the hive boarders (25 sloth).
    50 warriors patrolling the hive boarders (25 sloth)
    50 warriors are testing the earthworm flesh (25 sloth)
    100 defending hive entrance. (75 sloth)
    25 infernic (15 sloth), guarding queen chamber.
    50 newborn (40 sloth)

    Diggers -- 190

    80 diggers digging exploratory tunnels horizontally (80 sloth)
    35 digging new food storage chamber.
    60 diggers working on new food storage chamber. (60 sloth)
    45 infernic diggers (30 sloth) digging exploratory tunnels horizontally.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:05 No.5650193
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 22 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel.
    Mineral depostits. They've found five additional deposits in a close cluster.
    Fifteen deposits total. (5 in a close cluster, to the east)
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Six clusters have been located.

    The organic strands do not appear to be nutritious. When sampled, an increased amount of water began to flow from the damaged section. Discovery about Warped burrowing ability: The warped burrowing ability is unable to protect ants from water. Luckily, the ants were not flooded and killed in the attempt.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:06 No.5650200
    Aphid pens: 13
    3 additional aphid pen have been constructed.
    9 aphid pens occupied.
    !! Aphids are attacking the ants which are tending to them! They have wounded five ants -- the wounded have been moved from the area, and cannot work.
    There are reports that the aphids have some form of venom which works on contact, which they can spit very short distances. The aphids appear to be cooperating with eachother, protecting themselves. The aphids are being contained within the pen area. The wounded ants appear to be suffering from the Aphid venom. It is unknown if they will survive.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Third food chamber: 1200 ants worth of food.
    825 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    595 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    479 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food.
    450 ants worth of earthworm flesh chunks. x7 feeding ability. Strange energy food.
    !! new food type! Upgrade earned.
    !! new type of food energy! Upgrade earned.
    1500 ants worth of earthworm guts.

    Additional materials:
    Leaves:20 ants worth ~ ? aphid feeding ability per ant worth.

    2 upgrades earned.
    -Mandible strength
    -swarm speed
    -antenna sensitivity
    -chitin thickness
    -lifting strength
    -improved hive bond
    -improved egg clutch size
    -improve intelligence
    -Mutate new strain - scouts
    -Improve strain - Warriors
    -Improve strain - Diggers
    -Decrease sloth affliction by 10%
    -Mutate 1d4 random strains.
    -Produce new queen.
    -Random adaption (d30)
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:07 No.5650217
    -- 20 warriors added to aphid guarding
    -- 30 added to the current patrols. Groups of 10 still

    -- 5 to aphid tending
    -- 20 to attempting to cure the wounded ants. Attempt to use the different foods to try to cure them. Even try to use local flowers / veggitation as medication on the ants. This can prove to be helpful in the future with venomous enemies.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:07 No.5650225
    produce new queen and warrior strain upgrade
    >> Atom Ant 08/30/09(Sun)03:08 No.5650240

    Could the tubes be used as a self destruct mechanism for a colony? As in, we reach a point where we can no longer defend the hive, and decide to flood it to render it inoperable for our assailants?

    Not too relevant right now, but it rarely hurts to think ahead.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:08 No.5650243
    Maybe try and block off the aphid pens for now? Let them cool off a bit. We won't try and eat them anymore. D:

    Maybe we can communicate with the aphids? Can we try?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:09 No.5650247
    So we didn't take Improved Warriors yet? I'm pretty sure we've reached a rough consensus on it.

    As for suggestions on next course of action:

    Feed leaves to aphids (as gingerly as possible).

    And I say we take the new scout strain as our second upgrade; in addition to the general bonus, it'll probably let us find out who the masterminds behind the domesticated flies are.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:10 No.5650256
    But a new queen would allow us to experiment on her with different food sources.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:10 No.5650265
    No, you took improved warriors.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:12 No.5650285
    Oh, so we get two in addition to the hour 10 upgrade? One for finding earthworms and one for finding 7x energy?

    I say scout upgrade and new queen
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:12 No.5650292
    Mandible strength increase would also prove useful, I think.
    >> Atom Ant 08/30/09(Sun)03:13 No.5650297
    Warrior strain upgrade and a new Queen.

    We can then send the new queen (with thorough escorts and some food) to set up a new colony closer to the fruitfly location, both to get more current info and to act as a buffer should an invasion occur (as well as being a great staging point of any invasion of our own)

    For the poisoned ants, lets try feeding the poisoned ants different food types to see if any cause the poison to be lessened.

    Try the Worm food on five of each type of ant to observe effects. Have two groups, one that eats it the once, and one that eats it for a prolonged period. Thorough testing is necessary.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:13 No.5650298
    Take 5 warriros that are guarding the entrance and have them test long term useage of the worm guts.

    Keep expanding food storage. Don't stop building and finishing new food storage chambers untill we decide otherwise.

    As for the upgrades I thnik we should go with
    -improve intelligence
    This should give us a better chance at controlling and keeping the aphids in order. It may also open up to things to us.

    -Improve strain - Warriors
    We need better warriors and 2 back to back warrior upgrades mean big fucking warrior ants!
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:14 No.5650310
    Allow me to restate:
    !! new food type! Upgrade earned.
    >(Meat is new type of food)
    !! new type of food energy! Upgrade earned.
    >(New classification of food, strange energy food)
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:15 No.5650332
    I really think the follow upgrades would be for the best.
    -improve intelligence
    -Improve strain - Warriors
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:16 No.5650335
    What are the new current dimensions of an average warrior ant after we've upgraded them?

    In any case, I propose we roll up and take a random adaptation.
    >> Atom Ant 08/30/09(Sun)03:16 No.5650337
    to clarify, I am voting for a second Warrior Strain upgrade to go with the existing upgrade.

    Why boost warriors only a little? We are going to boost them more eventually, why not do it now and actually have ants that don't die by the truckload to kill one worm?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:17 No.5650358
    Fuck yeah, I second getting an additional Warrior Strain upgrade.

    Lets get some Muscle!
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:17 No.5650362
    Let's go with new queen and scout upgrade.
    By doing what
    said by making a new base, as well as having scouts, allows us to perfectly sneak up on whoever has the fruit flies.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:19 No.5650384
    But if we set up a new base right next to the fruit fly area, we won't get as much benefit from scouts (as we will have a colony RIGHT THERE), whereas further improving warriors would mean the new colony will be better defended (and able to attack) at any given point compared to what it would have been if we got scouts.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:20 No.5650388
    The upgraded warriors are at 6 mm long and 4mm wide -- they are still smaller than the queen though.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:21 No.5650400
    Okay, so second warrior upgrade and new queen then?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:21 No.5650402
    I'll need larvae designations before the next update by the way~
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:22 No.5650415
    Sounds like a good idea to me.

    And for the Larva, ALL WARRIOR, since I imagine the upgrades aren't retroactive.
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:23 No.5650424
    Holy shit, upgrade them again. God damn, those are some bigass ants.

    Let's see, 100 warriors, the rest are workers.
    >> Atom Ant 08/30/09(Sun)03:24 No.5650443
    Lets make a full loadout of the new, twice improved Warrior Strain.

    Half can set out with the new queen (along with some workers carrying food) to the proposed new colony location in whatever rock/metal deposit is nearest to the fruit fly domain.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:26 No.5650464
    Another vote here for Warrior/Queen. I kinda like setting up a new base, though it might be a tad early.

    Speaking of which, if we're gonna do that, we should have some workers scout out a proper location before we go charging off with our new queen, preferably a rock.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:27 No.5650479

    Also voting for full warrior larvae, and further note that we should have the proper chambers prepared before we move the new queen at all.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:28 No.5650481
    Only known rock, is slightly to the north, no significant distance, and has a colony of many earthworms living under it. Additional scouting would be needed to find another rock.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:29 No.5650505
    Wait guys, how about this! We have tunnels that span a bit over half an hour worth of time to travel. Have the ants down that way start builing a queen chamber, food storage chamber, egg chamber. This way we can make a temp node base. This can later be used as a food storage point and part of our main base when it gets much larger.

    The second queen can be moved farther away once we get setup a bit better. Also more ants / the new wave of bigger warriors.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:31 No.5650521
    I second this
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:32 No.5650536
    I think we should just wait on getting another queen until we have a good place to put her.
    >> Atom Ant 08/30/09(Sun)03:33 No.5650540
    That sounds fine. Have only workers/old warriors scout a new rock location though. We don't want to tip our hand about the new warriors until we have to.

    Speaking of which, we should add tunnels to our colony (and the new one when it goes up) that are designed as expressways for the larger warriors to quickly get from place to place without disrupting normal ant traffic.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:36 No.5650579
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:38 No.5650591
    sounds like a nice and cautious plan.

    The thread is going to autosage soon, any idea when the next one will be Anti-Fate?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:38 No.5650596
    Actually, the tunnels go about 1 hour out.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:39 No.5650603
    The old warriors would make good scouts. I say once we have the first batch of new warriors that we should make them guard inside the base for now. Have all old warriors make groups of 10 (there can be a group of less then 10 if needed) and scout / patrol around the outside area of the base. Expanding our patrol radius.
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:39 No.5650604
    Let's throw all remaining old warriors and any non-infernic sloth new warriors at killing another earthworm. Let's also test the new earthworm meat on 5 infernic, 5 sloth, 5 regular, and 5 infernic sloth, all old warriors.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:39 No.5650614
    Next thread, if I stop for tonight once this one begins to die, will be in one week, again around 6:00 PM PST.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:40 No.5650616
    Then update my node base idea to 1 hour out. This way we have a good sub-base starting for now.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:41 No.5650630
    >>5650603 here

    I think this is a better idea >>5650604
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:44 No.5650659
    Timestamp: 11.5 hours
    75 infernic larvae have MMed into improved warriors (IIwarriors)
    75 larvae 1.5 hours to MM.
    The queen has consumed 25 ants worth of food and produced 150 eggs.
    A queen larvae has also been produced -- it will mature in .5 hours.

    Ant assignments:
    740 workers --
    250 harvesting seeds. (50 sloth)
    30 infernic harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    10 sloth infernic collecting roots. (10 sloth)
    50 tending larvae.
    100 0 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    5 idle
    60 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.
    10 gathering leaves to feed to aphids.
    25 confronting aphids. (20 sloth)
    15 infernic workers digging food storage chamber (15 sloth)
    10 infernic workers confronting aphids (5 sloth)
    20 tending to wounded ants (10 sloth)
    5 wounded ants (aphid venom)

    Warriors 245
    45 subduing the aphids ~ unknown if subduing will require lethal force. None wounded. (20 sloth)
    45 infernic patrolling the hive boarders (25 sloth).
    80 warriors patrolling the hive boarders (45 sloth)
    50 warriors are testing the earthworm flesh (25 sloth)
    95 defending hive entrance. (70 sloth)
    5 testing worm guts (5 sloth)
    25 infernic (15 sloth), guarding queen chamber.

    IIwarriors 75
    75 Newborn infernic !oddity! they display no sign of sloth characteristics.

    Diggers -- 190

    80 diggers working on new queen chamber, food chamber, and nursery in deep hive tunnels, 1 hour from the main depth shaft. (80 sloth)
    35 digging new food storage chamber.
    60 diggers working on new food storage chamber. (60 sloth)
    45 infernic diggers aiding the 80 workers (30 sloth)
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:45 No.5650666
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 22 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel. They haven't been finding much recently.
    Mineral depostits. They've found a massive deposit, in the center of the close clusters.
    Fifteen deposits total. (5 in a close cluster, to the east, 1 MASSIVE cluster)
    The massive cluster does not appear to have an opening and it has unknown interior geometry.
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Eight clusters have been located.

    Aphid pens: 13
    Aphid pen construction halted due to aphid rebellion.
    9 aphid pens occupied.
    !! Aphids are attacking the ants which are tending to them! -- the wounded have been moved from the area, and cannot work. The aphids appear to be cooperating with eachother, protecting themselves. The aphids are being contained within the pen area. The wounded ants appear to be suffering from the Aphid venom. It is unknown if they will survive.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:46 No.5650675
    The ants which are tending the wounded are not quite sure how to help, though they are keeping them well fed, using a variety of food types.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Third food chamber: 1600 ants worth of food.
    1075 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    750 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    575 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food.
    450 ants worth of earthworm flesh chunks. x7 feeding ability. Strange energy food.
    1490 ants worth of earthworm guts. x1 feeding ability. Low energy food.

    Second hive chambers:
    Food storage size: 600
    Nursery chamber: 400 larvae
    Queen's chamber: complete in half hour.

    Additional materials:
    Leaves:30 ants worth ~ ? aphid feeding ability per ant worth.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:49 No.5650705
    What size are the warrior ants now that they have been upgraded twice?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)03:51 No.5650726
    8mm by 5mm
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)03:56 No.5650773
    Fuck yeah, our warriors are damn near a centimeter long!

    With this, we should have large enough warriors to farm worms.

    Also, I say we kill at least an aphid or two from the rebellious group, both to put them down hard and to see what merits Aphids have as a direct food source (also we can use it as an ultimatum for the aphids, let us harvest certain fluids you produce, OR WE FUCKING EAT YOU)
    >> Antonymous 08/30/09(Sun)04:06 No.5650862
    Now I have this image of ants poisoning the food supply with glowing minerals and Aphid poison. Also of notice is the lack of sloths in the new warriors. This is a good thing.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)04:17 No.5650989
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)04:17 No.5650993

    I think we should send 100 of the old warrior to the node base. This will give it some protection and they can also be used as workers if needed.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)04:22 No.5651060
    IIwarriors 75
    --25 guarding the entrance
    --25 guarding the queen
    --25 out patrolling in groups of 5.

    All old warriors (minus the 100 that are going to the node base) should battle another earthworm. 145 should have a good chance to take one. I think we should wait for the next batch of warriors before we start testing the Tech 2 warriors.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)04:25 No.5651089
    Quick correction. Have 25 of the old warriors stay back and take care of the Aphids. Try to show them who is boss with >>5650773's idea
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)04:25 No.5651094
    Looks like this thread is autosaging. Anti-fate do you have time to start up another thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)04:30 No.5651150
    move all hurt ants to the "treatment Center"
    -Also pull 10 total diggers off the storage chamber expantion group to build a treatment center. We need a place that we can "bed" and rest hurt ants.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/30/09(Sun)04:31 No.5651165
    1:30 here.
    I don't think I'll be starting another thread. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/09(Sun)04:32 No.5651179
    Was a good thread. I think we are making good progress! Have a good night Anti-Fate.

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