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  • File : 1252199805.jpg-(39 KB, 313x250, Ant queen3.jpg)
    39 KB Ant Quest -- A second Deity Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/05/09(Sat)21:16 No.5738885  
    Where once there was a single being, one mind, everything, all knowledge, all creation under its command -- there are now two.
    One, Fate, once god of all, keeper and planner, creator and controller.
    Second, an unknown one, born of fire, destruction, and loss, it stands as a god would within the realms -- growing stronger off of the essence of what once was made. Now, this force seeks growth, and strength. It grows more powerful as it consumes that which was made, learning to resist Fate ever more, and to grow above that which was planned.
    Fate sees now much of itself within this new one -- the flesh made diety, creating what it wishes from the essence of all.
    Queen of Ants, defier of Fate -- you know your purpose now, and time has come to choose what you shall be known as. Define your children's namesake.

    Recap of previous thread will begin after a name has been chosen.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/05/09(Sat)21:26 No.5738975
    Older threads can be found:
    >> Questing Knigh/tg/uy !!3OliFLeQMTB 09/05/09(Sat)22:36 No.5739652

    And do you have a bad connection? You reply so slowly.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/05/09(Sat)22:37 No.5739672
    Actually the issue tends to be multi-tasking, and # tracking -- that, and this is both new to me and takes lots of time to make sure I'm not screwing up the #s horribly.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:38 No.5739683
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/05/09(Sat)22:40 No.5739701
    >Also: first to 3 votes gets it.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/05/09(Sat)22:52 No.5739854
    >That is of course, if there ARE enough players for that.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)22:59 No.5739945
    vote 'nids.

    if only so something can get three votes quickly and the actual game can start.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/05/09(Sat)23:11 No.5740082
    >Question: Plural for a single queen's name?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)00:09 No.5740760
    >Conclusion: Insufficient people for 3 person agreement.
    Revision: 2 person agreement.
    Children's namesake: Tyranids
    Tyranae Dorylini have distinguished themselves!

    Previous timestamp
    Timestamp: 11.5 hours
    75 infernic larvae have MMed into improved warriors (IIwarriors)
    75 larvae 1.5 hours to MM.
    The queen has consumed 25 ants worth of food and produced 150 eggs.
    A queen larvae has also been produced -- it will mature in .5 hours.

    Ant assignments:
    740 workers --
    250 harvesting seeds. (50 sloth)
    30 infernic harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    10 sloth infernic collecting roots. (10 sloth)
    50 tending larvae.
    100 0 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    5 idle
    60 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.
    10 gathering leaves to feed to aphids.
    25 confronting aphids. (20 sloth)
    15 infernic workers digging food storage chamber (15 sloth)
    10 infernic workers confronting aphids (5 sloth)
    20 tending to wounded ants (10 sloth)
    5 wounded ants (aphid venom)

    Warriors 245
    45 subduing the aphids ~ unknown if subduing will require lethal force. None wounded. (20 sloth)
    45 infernic patrolling the hive boarders (25 sloth).
    80 warriors patrolling the hive boarders (45 sloth)
    50 warriors are testing the earthworm flesh (25 sloth)
    95 defending hive entrance. (70 sloth)
    5 testing worm guts (5 sloth)
    25 infernic (15 sloth), guarding queen chamber.

    IIwarriors 75
    75 Newborn infernic !oddity! they display no sign of sloth characteristics.

    Diggers -- 190

    80 diggers working on new queen chamber, food chamber, and nursery in deep hive tunnels, 1 hour from the main depth shaft. (80 sloth)
    35 digging new food storage chamber.
    60 diggers working on new food storage chamber. (60 sloth)
    45 infernic diggers aiding the 80 workers (30 sloth)
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)00:10 No.5740768
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 22 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel. They haven't been finding much recently.
    Mineral depostits. They've found a massive deposit, in the center of the close clusters.
    Fifteen deposits total. (5 in a close cluster, to the east, 1 MASSIVE cluster)
    The massive cluster does not appear to have an opening and it has unknown interior geometry.
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Eight clusters have been located.

    Aphid pens: 13
    Aphid pen construction halted due to aphid rebellion.
    9 aphid pens occupied.
    !! Aphids are attacking the ants which are tending to them! -- the wounded have been moved from the area, and cannot work. The aphids appear to be cooperating with eachother, protecting themselves. The aphids are being contained within the pen area. The wounded ants appear to be suffering from the Aphid venom. It is unknown if they will survive.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)00:10 No.5740776
    The ants which are tending the wounded are not quite sure how to help, though they are keeping them well fed, using a variety of food types.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Third food chamber: 1600 ants worth of food.
    1075 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    750 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    575 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food.
    450 ants worth of earthworm flesh chunks. x7 feeding ability. Strange energy food.
    1490 ants worth of earthworm guts. x1 feeding ability. Low energy food.

    Second hive chambers:
    Food storage size: 600
    Nursery chamber: 400 larvae
    Queen's chamber: complete in half hour.

    Additional materials:
    Leaves:30 ants worth ~ ? aphid feeding ability per ant worth.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)00:17 No.5740856
    Previously suggested actions:
    "I think we should send 100 of the old warrior to the node base. This will give it some protection and they can also be used as workers if needed."

    "IIwarriors 75
    --25 guarding the entrance
    --25 guarding the queen
    --25 out patrolling in groups of 5.

    All old warriors (minus the 100 that are going to the node base) should battle another earthworm except 25 left back to handle the aphids. 145 should have a good chance to take one. I think we should wait for the next batch of warriors before we start testing the Tech 2 warriors."

    "move all hurt ants to the "treatment Center"
    -Also pull 10 total diggers off the storage chamber expantion group to build a treatment center. We need a place that we can "bed" and rest hurt ants."
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)00:23 No.5740921
    allocate some ants to construction and maintenance of ant strip club.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)00:27 No.5740968
    Ants do not wear any form of clothing right now.
    Nor do they have any concept of clothing.
    Finally, all worker ants are female but sterile, and the queen is female too. Males are short lived and only born to fertilize a new queen.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)00:30 No.5741015
    oh, well then wait for stuff to happen, I guess. Not too much to do, though the treatment center sounds good.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)00:35 No.5741069
    Are the previous suggestions to be implemented?
    Otherwise there are idle ants which could be assigned jobs.
    If you are sure however, please say so.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)01:15 No.5741586
    Timestamp: 12 hours
    Eggs have hatched
    75 larvae 1 hours to MM.
    150 larvae 2 hours to MM.
    Queen larvae has Matured. She will begin consuming food and laying eggs in .5 hours
    ! Tyranae Formicinae have distinguished themselves!

    Ant assignments:
    740 workers --
    250 harvesting seeds. (50 sloth)
    30 infernic harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    150 collecting roots from root clusters.
    10 sloth infernic collecting roots. (10 sloth)
    50 tending larvae.
    100 0 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    5 idle
    60 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.
    10 gathering leaves to feed to aphids.
    25 confronting aphids. (20 sloth)
    15 infernic workers digging food storage chamber (15 sloth)
    10 infernic workers confronting aphids (5 sloth)
    20 tending to wounded ants (10 sloth)
    5 wounded ants (aphid venom)

    Warriors 245
    25 subduing the aphids ~ unknown if subduing will require lethal force. None wounded. (10 sloth)
    80 warriors patrolling the hive boarders (45 sloth)
    50 warriors attacking an earthworm (25 sloth)
    100 warriors traveling to secondary hive (75 sloth)
    70 infernic (30 sloth), attacking an earthworm.

    IIwarriors 75

    Diggers -- 190

    80 diggers working on new queen chamber, food chamber, and nursery in deep hive tunnels, 1 hour from the main depth shaft. (80 sloth)
    85 digging new food storage chamber. (60 sloth)
    10 expanding treatment center
    45 infernic diggers aiding the 80 workers (30 sloth)
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:15 No.5741602
    Reporting in... I don't know how long I can stay for, though.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)01:18 No.5741629
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 22 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel. They haven't been finding much recently.
    Mineral depostits. They've found a massive deposit, in the center of the close clusters.
    Fifteen deposits total. (5 in a close cluster, to the east, 1 MASSIVE cluster)
    The massive cluster does not appear to have an opening and it has unknown interior geometry.
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Eight clusters have been located.
    Aphid pens: 13
    Aphid pen construction halted due to aphid rebellion.
    9 aphid pens occupied.
    !! Aphids are attacking the ants which are tending to them! -- the wounded have been moved from the area, and cannot work. The aphids appear to be cooperating with each other, protecting themselves. The aphids are being contained within the pen area. The wounded ants appear to be suffering from the Aphid venom. It is unknown if they will survive.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:20 No.5741650
    Have an aphid disabled and consumed by the present warriors, if possible.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)01:21 No.5741665
    The ants which are tending the wounded are not quite sure how to help, though they are keeping them well fed, using a variety of food types.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Treatment center: treatment capability: 200 ants
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Third food chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Fourth food chamber: 200 ants worth of food.
    1180 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    910 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food.
    575 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food.
    450 ants worth of earthworm flesh chunks. x7 feeding ability. Strange energy food.
    1490 ants worth of earthworm guts. x1 feeding ability. Low energy food.
    Treatment center: 100 ants can be treated here.

    Second hive chambers:
    Food storage size: 1200 ants worth
    Nursery chamber: 500 larvae
    Queen's chamber: Can hold a single queen.

    Additional materials:
    Leaves: 40 ants worth ~ ? aphid feeding ability per ant worth.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:24 No.5741716
    assign 5 workers to take 10 eggs from the next batch and locate them near the unusual minerals and care for them through development.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:26 No.5741735
    Minerals killed the ants that ate it. Still, it can only kill them. Do it!
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)01:26 No.5741737
    !! Brood Upgrade earned ~ Broods established!
    -Tyranae Formicainae size
    -Tyranae Dorylini size
    -Tyranae Formicainae toxins
    -Tyranae Dorylini splendor
    -Tyranae Formicainae random
    -Tyranae Dorylini random
    !! Upgrade earned ~ Broods established!
    -Mandible strength
    -swarm speed
    -antenna sensitivity
    -chitin thickness
    -lifting strength
    -improved hive bond
    -improved egg clutch size
    -improve intelligence
    -Mutate new strain - scouts
    -Improve strain - Warriors
    -Improve strain - Diggers
    -Decrease sloth affliction by 10%
    -Mutate 1d4 random strains.
    -Produce new queen.
    -Random adaption (d30)
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)01:28 No.5741769
    1 hour larvae or 2 hour larvae?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:30 No.5741803
    What is splendor?

    Also, I think we should increase intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:32 No.5741838
    the minerals appear to be "Freaky Shit" while direct consumption indeed proved lethal (at least for now) there may be other methods of making use of them. It is entirely possible that these minerals were directly responsible for the Queen's sentience and the nest's rapid changes, direct contact with developing embryos may accelerate this.

    I would have recommended placing the eggs in direct contact with the mother-lode however with its distance from the nest the eggs would have gone through much of their initial development already.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:34 No.5741871
    random adaptation (1d30)
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)01:36 No.5741907
    lets actually do 10 of each. (increasing original suggested test size by 10)
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)01:37 No.5741918
    Splendor makes the ants more majestic, and are more likely to be received favorably by other creatures. They will adopt unique coloration, distinguishing them from other broods. Such ants are generally more capable than others.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:38 No.5741932
    Cut the crap, just explain them all.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)01:39 No.5741943
    I need 2 hour larvae ant designations.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:42 No.5742003
    100 warriors, 50 workers?

    Seems like the warriors can feed us with their lives against the earthworms...

    We need CPA. =s
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)01:43 No.5742015
    Looking at how our Aphid negotiations are going we could use some more charisma, lets hit up Splendor.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)01:44 No.5742029
    seconding this.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)01:46 No.5742076
    Size explains itself. Bigger ants.
    Toxins means that the ant brood will specialize in producing venomous, poisonous and acidic ants. This will allow their queen immediate access to some strains.
    Splendor as explained before, makes majestic ants, more easily accepted by other species, and generally stronger/faster/smarter/larger ants (but each aspect not the the degree of say, SIZE upgrade). Additionally opens up new strains for the Tyranid Queen (Main queen)
    Random, will be a d30 roll. Similar to a regular random mutation roll.
    Thus, 30 is a chance at improved random, or elect for a Great brood upgrade. 1-8 is a poor brood upgrade (less useful than regular ones). 9-22 is a normal brood upgrade, but more limited in selection than above. 23-28 is a good upgrade (slightly better than above upgrade options). 29 is a great upgrade (on par with about 2 above upgrade options).
    As with ALL brood upgrades, they are SPECIFIC TO THAT BROOD ONLY.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)01:46 No.5742077
    actually, wait, we have 740 workers and 245 warriors? lets make the larvae 150 warriors, particularly if we are going to be feeding the hive with earthworms.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:46 No.5742078
    Splendor and INT? The combination of those would make aphid negotiation much easier.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:47 No.5742096
    Thirding this. Earthworm hunting should net us a crazy amount of food. Also, we should send out more scouts.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:48 No.5742118
    We're feeding them with anything we can.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)01:49 No.5742124
    lets try at least one random, Splendor and the d30.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)01:49 No.5742136
    I'm just gonna ASSUME that you mean the most advanced warriors from now on whenever warriors are mentioned as production. Anything else will need to be specified as such.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:51 No.5742158
    I find this rational.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:53 No.5742193
    Seconding this. Also, changing my vote from the earlier hatching plan plan to all warriors.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)01:53 No.5742196
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)01:56 No.5742237
    Alright, I'll go with this.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)01:59 No.5742289
    is there any reasonable situation where we would want anything else?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)01:59 No.5742302
    Splendor and d30 roll chosen as upgrades.
    First roll after this post will be results.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)02:00 No.5742318
    Larger ants are heavier and bigger targets, so for stealth?
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)02:01 No.5742330
    rolled 25 = 25

    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)02:02 No.5742345
    Ooo, booyea.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)02:03 No.5742360
    Fine roll, sir.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)02:03 No.5742362
    we'll do stealth when we get the "flying Ninja" upgrade.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)02:04 No.5742381
    Speaking of which, are our ants still diver ants?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)02:10 No.5742470
    Good upgrade!
    -Sloth strain affliction reduction by 25%
    -Pheromone complexity improvement
    -Brood representatives

    Sloth reduction explains itself.
    Pheromone complexity improvement allows for more complex communication between ants, and other species - less advanced ants will be capable of producing pheromones understandable by other species, and pheromones can be 'encrypted' to a minor degree.
    Brood representatives will allow for improved inter brood relations and communications. Currently the new queen will be somewhat independent though she will not directly harm the Tyranid Queen, she would be more likely to obey her commands.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)02:12 No.5742497
    Heh. Impressive that that upgrade was remembered. It isn't in archive if I recall. Anyhow -- ALL ants except SLOTH ants are diver ants.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)02:13 No.5742511
    We should send another 50 warriors out to fight when they mature.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)02:19 No.5742596
    With the Sweet Ooze Sloth really isn't much of an issue.
    tough choice between Pheromone complexity and Brood representatives.
    I vote Brood representatives, we need to keep interdepartmental conflict to a minimum to focus on the larger corporate goals of World Domination.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)02:21 No.5742627
    Pheromone complexity.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)02:22 No.5742649
    I want the pheromones... they seem like they'd be a great improvement to our interactions with other species. But it is indeed tough.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)02:24 No.5742671
    well pheromone complexity Does seem like it would do most of what Brood Representatives does...namely keep open lines of communication.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)02:27 No.5742704
    Indeed, but one is simply focused on the other brood.
    Highly effective with regards to them alone, or slightly effective for everything?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)02:34 No.5742787
    I guess we're going with the pheromone improvement, then?
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)02:34 No.5742789
    pheromone complexity seems to imply better communication between All ants, while the brood representatives seems to imply only between the queens, and since we took splendor, it was mentioned we would be able to get upgrades for the main queen. ok, lets go for the pheromone upgrade since it seems far more useful and hope we an get a "royal status" or whatever later on.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)02:39 No.5742833
    Not just ants,
    >other species - less advanced ants will be capable of producing pheromones understandable by other species

    Perhaps we can get somewhere with the aphids now.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)02:39 No.5742836
    It seems that a conclusion has been more or less reached.
    ** there are still 5 idle ants.
    Request advanced time when ready.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)02:50 No.5742978
    What? Idle ants? Go Gather Food!
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)02:57 No.5743053
    There are two gatherable sources of food right now. . .
    Real helpful that was. . . "Go gather food" they said. . .
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)03:01 No.5743103

    Have them gather more wiry root chunks.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)03:02 No.5743121
    I say send 1 worker ant to fight an earth worm alone, and if he survives, he will be named Dagger Wormbane the God-Ant of Ants
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)03:05 No.5743139
    Timestamp: 12.5 hours
    75 infernic larvae have MMed into IIwarriors.
    75 larvae 1.5 hours to MM. (IIwarriors)
    75 larvae .5 hours to MM. (IIwarriors)
    The Tyranid Queen has consumed 25 ants worth of food and produced 150 eggs.
    The Tyranae Formicinae Queen (name Tyranae Formicinae queen please) has consumed 25 ants worth of food and produced 150 eggs. She has begun traveling to the second hive chambers.
    10 eggs of each brood have been brought to reside by the large mineral cluster.
    The Tyranid Brood has begun to change colors! It is now speckled with dark red and has a reflective black color as opposed to a duller carapace. The brood is growing larger!

    Ant assignments:
    740 workers --
    30 harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    10 collecting roots. (10 sloth)
    15 digging food storage chamber (15 sloth)
    10 confronting aphids (5 sloth)

    50 tending larvae.
    100 1.0 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    60 scouting north, south and west -- looking for critters.
    250 harvesting seeds. (50 sloth)
    155 collecting roots from root clusters.
    10 gathering leaves to feed to aphids.
    25 confronting aphids. (20 sloth)
    20 tending to wounded ants (10 sloth)
    5 wounded ants (aphid venom)

    Warriors 240 -5
    70 infernic (30 sloth), attacking an earthworm.

    15 subduing the aphids ~ Using lethal force to eliminate one aphid.
    10 wounded (aphid venom) (10 sloth)
    45 attacking an earthworm (20 sloth) -5
    100 traveling to secondary hive (75 sloth)

    IIwarriors 150
    25 guarding the entrance
    25 guarding the queen
    25 out patrolling in groups of 5.
    75 newborn

    Diggers -- 190
    45 aiding the 80 workers (30 sloth)

    80 working on new queen chamber, food chamber, and nursery in deep hive tunnels, 1 hour from the main depth shaft. (80 sloth)
    85 digging new food storage chamber. (60 sloth)
    10 expanding treatment center
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)03:05 No.5743150
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 22 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel. They haven't been finding much recently.
    Diggers have found a massive deposit, in the center of the close clusters.
    The massive cluster does not appear to have an opening and it has unknown interior geometry. 20 larvae are being cared for next to this massive deposit.
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Twelve clusters have been located.
    Aphid pens: 13
    Aphid pen construction halted due to aphid rebellion.
    8 aphid pens occupied.
    !! Aphids are attacking the ants which are tending to them! -- the wounded have been moved from the area, and cannot work. The aphids appear to be cooperating with eachother, protecting themselves. The aphids are being contained within the pen area.
    1 aphid has been critically wounded - Ten warriors were hit by the venom to acomplish this task -- they have been moved to treatment center. The wounded aphid has been removed and added to food stockpiles.
    The wounded ants appear to be suffering from the Aphid venom. It is unknown if they will survive.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)03:06 No.5743159
    The ants which are tending the wounded are not quite sure how to help, though they are keeping them well fed, using a variety of food types.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Treatment center: treatment capability: 200 ants
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Third food chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Fourth food chamber: 600 ants worth of food.
    Treatment center: 100 ants can be treated here.
    1310 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant - Grain.
    1075 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant.
    575 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food. Plant - Biotic.
    450 ants worth of earthworm flesh chunks. x7 feeding ability. Strange energy food. Meat.
    1490 ants worth of earthworm guts. x1 feeding ability. Low energy food. Meat.
    1 aphid - 5 ants worth of food. x? feeding ability. ? energy food. Meat - Insect.

    Second hive chambers:
    Food storage size: 1800 ants worth. Max size.
    Nursery chamber: 600 larvae
    Queen's chamber: Can hold a single queen.

    Additional materials:
    Leaves:50 ants worth ~ ? aphid feeding ability per ant worth.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)03:07 No.5743181
    Scouting ants have returned with important news!
    Another ant colony has been located nearly two hour's travel to the east (lemmie double check notes)
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)03:13 No.5743254
    nuke them from orbit
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)03:18 No.5743312
    bring them a feast of food containing the crazy mineral. offer directly to queen. In fact, have a feast at their nest, with new larvae being the diplomats (10 diplomats would probably work) and insist that we bring the food. Ideally, the entire hierarchy along with our diplomats would die due to the feast. If possible have one of the diplomats slip some more of the minerals into their general food supply.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)03:27 No.5743429
    Send our diplomats to say hi. and find out if they know anything we don't!
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)03:34 No.5743533
    This but if we don't like them we can just
    and incorporate all the remaining ants after the queen/hierarchy are eliminated. We can do that, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)03:36 No.5743558
    A sucessful conquest would certainly have rewards... We should try to contact them first, see what he can find out about them.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)03:39 No.5743601
    What're the chances of us subjugating the other colony and sacrificing their leaders to Khorne?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)03:41 No.5743630
    Send 10 diplomants to make contact. An alliance would be beneficial.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)03:43 No.5743656
    No breed of ants has been specialized for diplomacy -- though the digger ants and worker ants are better diplomats than the inherently aggressive warriors.
    The absolute best ant for conducting an inter colony conversation would of course be the queen.
    Please specify which kinds of ants, how many and how they shall approach the other colony.

    You cannot predict the difficulties of integrating another colony's ants into your own hive. It is possible in theory, but is significantly more difficult to integrate the matured ants than it is to 'adopt' the larvae. This endeavor is also affected by their socal advancements, and intelligence level. The adopted strain would not have the same benefits of your ants, and you would be unable to produce the unique strains without tests first -- thus, their numbers would be limited by how many you adopt successfully. If you can convince the queen to follow you, it would become one of your broods. This would allow unique paths to be taken, but is extraordinarily difficult. Military control of their hive would certainly kill the queen and many of the individuals, and would likely limit you to only the larvae. However, slain ants of their hive could be consumed as food most likely.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)03:46 No.5743692
    lets actually keep the queens together for better inter-brood communication, expand the current queen chamber to accommodate a second queen.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)03:50 No.5743729

    I disagree, it's better to decentralize the queens so that we don't have to restart in case the central hive gets attacked by psycho-burrowing wasps or some other nasty shit.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)03:51 No.5743738
    send 10 worker ants, (ideally ones with Splendor) to the new nest as diplomats.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)03:55 No.5743800
    10 worker ants from where? Sloth? Infernic? (For reference, no ants besides the second queen are of the Brood Tyranae Formicinae)
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)03:57 No.5743814
    ok, lets make a new queen's chamber, a nice deep one that's very defensible.

    Call back the ants that were digging the scouting tunnels send 20 to scout East, and 40 to work on a new "Royal Chamber" about 12 feet down.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)03:58 No.5743825
    dang, ok, we'll wait till we can send some Splendor ants.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)04:06 No.5743928
    waitasec, we have 100 warriors guarding the new queen while she moves? where exactly is she moving To?

    And the Tyranae Formicinae queen, is the only one currently with Splendor? lets call her Princess Jasmine. we'll drop any social brood upgrades on her, and any offensive brood upgrades on the Tyranid queen.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)04:07 No.5743950

    This guy knows what he's on about. I agree with diggin a new, more defensible royal chamber.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)04:13 No.5744019
    Nonono. New ants of the Tyranid Queen will have Splendor (the other queen is the wrong brood).
    Tyranid queen has Splendor brood trait. (Tyranae Dorylini)
    Tyranae Formicinae has no brood traits yet.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)04:18 No.5744070
    And, there is a secondary 'hive' consisting of 1 royal chamber, 1 nursery, and a fully sized food storage area. This is where most of the diggers have been working for awhile.
    The 100 non IIwarriors are moving to the new colony as per previous suggestions. They are still under your command.
    It is probably best to leave them there until the new queen has her first generation going -- 2 hours from now. In the mean time she will likely rest once she arrives, gather a bit of food, and then produce a second batch of eggs in the new area.
    The second hive area is located about an hour south -- fairly close to the flower fields, about half an hour to reach there.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)04:25 No.5744142
    I see, well when the splendor ants hatch send 10 as diplomats, then.
    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)04:26 No.5744150
    ok, cool, lets continue with plans on the deep XL Royal Chamber though.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)04:26 No.5744154
    And of course, theres also the 75 idle infernic IIwarriors. . .
    Anyway, I can't assign workers/diggers/ants to DO things unless you give me NUMBERS and from where.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)04:29 No.5744188
    send the warriors to go extract protection money from neighbors. When the diplomats are ready we can send them along to demonstrate our military might.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)04:30 No.5744197
    Oh, and of course simply refer to them as a small, typical ambassadorial escort.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)04:35 No.5744251
    Alrighty. This will be the last update before I go to bed.
    <_< Normally I'd be in favor of running this thread to auto-sagus but it was slow on the upstart, and its getting late here.
    Will be back in one week, 6:00 PM PST, Saturday, I believe.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)04:36 No.5744257
    Timestamp: 13 hours
    Most Eggs have hatched!
    140 Tyranid larvae - 2 hours to MM.
    140 ??? larvae. - 2 hours to MM.
    75 larvae 1 hours to MM. (IIwarriors)
    75 IIwarriors have MMed.
    10 Tyranid eggs next to large mineral cluster. ? hours to hatch
    10 ??? eggs next to large mineral cluster. ? hours to hatch.
    !! Mineral effect discovered - Delay growth?
    !! Unknown substance knowledge gained - Upgrade earned!
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)04:38 No.5744278
    Ant assignments:
    740 workers --
    30 harvesting seeds. (30 sloth)
    10 collecting roots. (10 sloth)
    15 digging food storage chamber (15 sloth)
    10 confronting aphids (5 sloth)

    50 tending larvae.
    100 .5 hours from returning with Sweet ooze
    20 scouting east.
    40 digging new Royal Chamber -- DEEP
    250 harvesting seeds. (50 sloth)
    155 collecting roots from root clusters.
    10 gathering leaves to feed to aphids.
    25 confronting aphids. (20 sloth)
    20 tending to wounded ants (10 sloth)
    5 wounded ants (aphid venom)

    Warriors 240
    70 infernic (30 sloth), attacking an earthworm.

    10 subduing the aphids ~ Using lethal force to eliminate one aphid.
    15 wounded (aphid venom) (10 sloth)
    45 attacking an earthworm (20 sloth)
    100 traveling to secondary hive (75 sloth)

    IIwarriors 225
    25 guarding the entrance
    25 guarding the queen
    25 out patrolling in groups of 5.
    75 Waiting for Splendorious ants to act as diplomats then traveling EAST to foreign hive.
    75 newborn (Splendor)

    Diggers -- 190
    45 aiding the 80 workers (30 sloth)

    80 working on new queen chamber, food chamber, and nursery in far hive tunnels, 1 hour from the main depth shaft. (80 sloth)
    85 digging new food storage chamber. (60 sloth)
    10 expanding treatment center
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)04:39 No.5744287
    The infernic diggers have found no additional root locations.
    Total: 20 wiry root locations.
    The horizontal tunnel system at the topsoil level has reached about 1 hour's travel to the end of the tunnels and back to the main depth tunnel. They haven't been finding much recently.
    Diggers have found a massive deposit, in the center of the close clusters.
    The massive cluster does not appear to have an opening and it has unknown interior geometry. 20 larvae are being cared for next to this massive deposit.
    More strands of organic strands have been found to the south. Eighteen clusters have been located.
    Scouting tunnels have enountered a new root! These are an hour's travel from the hive to the west, and an hour's travel back. These roots are thick, and solitary. They seem to extend very deep into the soil. The roots also appear to be covered in a black-grey slimy substance.
    Aphid pens: 13
    Aphid pen construction halted due to aphid rebellion.
    8 aphid pens occupied.
    !! Aphids are attacking the ants which are tending to them! -- the wounded have been moved from the area, and cannot work. The aphids appear to be cooperating with eachother, protecting themselves. The aphids are being contained within the pen area.
    The wounded ants appear to be suffering from the Aphid venom. It is unknown if they will survive.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)04:39 No.5744295
    alright, night, 5am here anyway.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)04:39 No.5744296
    The ants which are tending the wounded are not quite sure how to help, though they are keeping them well fed, using a variety of food types.

    Food storage size: 1800, one chamber. Max size of chamber.
    Treatment center: treatment capability: 300 ants
    Second chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Third food chamber: 1800 ants worth of food.
    Fourth food chamber: 1200 ants worth of food.
    Treatment center: 300 ants can be treated here.
    820 Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant - Grain.
    1240 wiry root chunks. x3 feeding ability, medium energy food. Plant.
    485 Sweet ooze. x5 feeding ability, High energy food. - Reserved for sloth ants. Sloth ants will preferentially eat this food. Plant - Biotic.
    450 ants worth of earthworm flesh chunks. x7 feeding ability. Strange energy food. Meat.
    1490 ants worth of earthworm guts. x1 feeding ability. Low energy food. Meat.
    1 aphid - 5 ants worth of food. x? feeding ability. ? energy food. Meat - Insect.

    Second hive chambers:
    Food storage size: 1800 ants worth. Max size.
    Nursery chamber: 600 larvae
    Queen's chamber: Can hold a single queen.
    Food Storage size: 1000 ants worth.

    Third Royal chamber: DEEP HIVE
    Time to reach desired depth: 1.5 hours.
    Time to finish Royal Chamber construction: additional 2 hours.

    Additional materials:
    Leaves:60 ants worth ~ ? aphid feeding ability per ant worth.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)04:42 No.5744324
    >I hope someone archives this thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)05:13 No.5744655
    Can we give the other queen a name?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)05:15 No.5744683
    you know to make it less confusing? How about .....? I don't know
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)05:17 No.5744709
    That would be ideal, as the name: tyranae formicinae brood is neither short nor easy to remember how to type/spell. <_<
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)05:22 No.5744765
    I just wanted to say that we should try to use the aphids for poison harvesting purposes.

    Of course, this should be attempted after the riot is dealt with.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)05:31 No.5744842
    how about Ranae, you know like it is a shortened tyranae so it kinda works and Ranae can pass for an actual name?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 09/06/09(Sun)05:55 No.5745076
    Get it another vote, and its fine.

    >> The Nest Is Eternal 09/06/09(Sun)06:37 No.5745392
    works for me.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)11:17 No.5747217
    Reviving in case Ant Fate returns

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