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  • File : 1258562386.png-(415 KB, 990x700, Sanae Pillars Landscape.png)
    415 KB 4e Character Builds, Thread 1 Redux: The White Mage Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:39 No.6760066  
    What the following build brings to the table is a leader focused on healing allies, increasing the defenses of allies, allowing allies to make saving throws, and debuffing enemies such that the remainder of the party can lay the opposition low more efficiently, at the cost of never making a damage roll. In other words, this build allows you to play a technical pacifist who leads from the rear, keeps her party hale and hearty, and ensures that her enemies are neutered to an extent. This is not a build that should be handed off to player new to the game, as a tactical mind is needed to judge when, where, and how all of the healing, buffing, and debuffing should be distributed across the combatants on the battlefield; rather, this build is more suited to experienced players or those who wish to hone their tactical savvy.

    Changes from the previous version include the swapping of Return from Death's Door for Divine Aid at the behest of certain posters, a more optimal paragon path, several corrections to the numerical healing values in several power descriptions, and a more readable power description format.

    Race: Kalashtar, Eberron Player's Guide, pages 30-31
    Class: Cleric, Player's Handbook, pages 60-62
    Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Divine Power, page 30
    Paragon Path: Messenger of Peace, Divine Power, page 49
    Epic Destiny Choice A: Demigod, Player's Handbook, pages 174-175
    Epic Destiny Choice B: Chosen, Divine Power, pages 152-153
    Epic Destiny Choice C: Chosen, Forgotten Realms Player's Guide, pages 72-73
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:40 No.6760072
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    Ability Scores:
    Level 1: Strength 8, Constitution 12, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 16+2, Charisma 16+2
    Level 4: Strength 8, Constitution 12, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 17+2, Charisma 17+2
    Level 8: Strength 8, Constitution 12, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 18+2, Charisma 18+2
    Level 11: Strength 9, Constitution 13, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 19+2, Charisma 19+2
    Level 14: Strength 9, Constitution 13, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 20+2, Charisma 20+2
    Level 18: Strength 9, Constitution 13, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 21+2, Charisma 21+2
    Level 21: Strength 10, Constitution 14, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 22+2+2, Charisma 22+2+2
    Level 24: Strength 10, Constitution 14, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 23+2+2, Charisma 23+2+2
    Level 28: Strength 10, Constitution 14, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 24+2+2, Charisma 24+2+2
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:41 No.6760078
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    Level 1: Pacifist Healer, Divine Power, page 136
    Level 2: Defensive Healing Word, Divine Power, page 131
    Level 4: Mark of Healing, Eberron Player's Guide, page 91
    Level 6: Power of Life, Divine Power, page 114
    Level 8: Pacifist's Reward, Dragon Magazine #379, page 55
    Level 10: Healer's Implement, Divine Power, page 135
    Level 11: Student of Artifice, Eberron Player's Guide, page 94
    Level 11 (replaces Healer's Implement): Potent Restorables, Eberron Player's Guide, page 92
    Level 12: Healer's Implement, Divine Power, page 135
    Level 14: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Player's Handbook 2, page 185
    Level 16: Assured Healing, Dragon Magazine #379, page 56
    Level 18: Shielding Word, Dragon Magazine #378, page 65
    Level 20: Toughness, Player's Handbook, page 201
    Level 21: Reinforcing Healing, Eberron Player's Guide, page 94
    Level 21 (replaces Toughness): Supreme Healer, Divine Power, page 143
    Level 22: Beatific Healer, Divine Power, page 140
    Level 24: Robust Defenses, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    Level 26: Epic Fortitude, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    Level 28: Epic Reflexes, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    Level 30: Epic Will, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:42 No.6760087
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    At-Will Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Astral Seal, Divine Power, page 31
    Level 1: Sacred Flame, Player's Handbook, page 63

    Encounter Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Bane, Divine Power, page 31
    Level 3: Hymn of Resurgence, Divine Power, page 33
    Level 7: Denunciation, Divine Power, page 35
    Level 11: Pacify, Divine Power, page 49
    Level 13 (replaces Bane): Remorse, Divine Power, page 37
    Level 17: N/A
    Level 23: N/A
    Level 27: N/A

    Daily Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Moment of Glory, Divine Power, page 32
    Level 5: Iron to Glass, Divine Power, page 34
    Level 9: Dismissal, Divine Power, page 35
    Level 15 (replaces Moment of Glory): Brilliant Censure, Divine Power, page 37
    Level 19 (replaces Iron to Glass): Moment of Peace, Divine Power, page 39
    Level 20: End to Strife, Divine Power, page 49
    Level 25 (replaces Dismissal): Life Lanterns, Divine Power, page 41
    Level 29 (replaces Brilliant Censure): Enforced Surrender, Divine Power, page 43

    Utility Powers:
    Level 2: Divine Aid, Player's Handbook, page 64
    Level 6: Bastion of Health, Player's Handbook, page 66
    Level 10: Shielding Word, Player's Handbook, page 67
    Level 12: Peacemaker's Pronouncement, Divine Power, page 49
    Level 16: Unexpected Return, Divine Power, page 38
    Level 22: Ramparts of Light, Divine Power, page 40
    >> Snapshot, Level 1 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:43 No.6760097
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    Race: Kalashtar, Eberron Player's Guide, pages 30-31
    Class: Cleric, Player's Handbook, pages 60-62
    Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Divine Power, page 30

    Ability Scores: Strength 8, Constitution 12, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 16+2, Charisma 16+2
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist Healer, Divine Power, page 136

    Main Hand: Mace (Level 0, 5 gp)
    Holy Symbol: Symbol (Level 0, 10 gp)
    Armor: Chainmail (Level 0, 40 gp)

    Initiative: +0
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 5 squares (chainmail)
    Vision: Normal
    Passive Insight: 21 (10 base + 4 Wisdom modifier + 5 training + 2 racial)
    Passive Perception: 14 (10 base + 4 Wisdom modifier)
    Trained Skills: Diplomacy (+2 racial bonus), Heal, Insight (+2 racial bonus), Religion
    Languages: Common, telepathy 5

    Hit Points: 24 (12 cleric + 12 Constitution score)
    Bloodied: 12
    Healing Surge Value: 6
    Healing Surges per Day: 8 (7 cleric + 1 Constitution modifier)
    Saving Throws (Dual Soul): At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect currently rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail the saving throw, you do not make a saving throw against the effect at the end of your turn.

    AC: 16 (10 base + 6 chainmail)
    Fortitude: 11 (10 base + 1 Constitution modifier)
    Reflex: 11 (10 base + 1 Intelligence modifier)
    Will: 16 (10 base + 4 Wisdom modifier + 2 class)

    Attack Bonus (Implement): +4 (Wisdom modifier)
    >> Snapshot, Level 1 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:44 No.6760108
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    At-Will Attack Power: Astral Seal, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 31
    You outline your enemy with the silver glow of the Astral Sea, and its healing light bathes your friend.
    Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +6 vs. Reflex
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally who hits it before the end of your next turn regains 10 hit points.
    Upgrades: Healer's Lore
    Healing: 2 base + 4 Charisma modifier (base) + 4 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore)

    At-Will Attack Power: Sacred Flame, Player's Handbook, page 63
    Divine, Implement, Radiant * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +4 vs. Reflex
    Hit: 1d6+4 radiant damage (crit 10), and one ally you can see chooses either to gain 4 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Attack Power: Bane, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 31
    You lay a divine curse upon your foe that shrouds it in enervating shadows.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 10 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +4 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Feature: Healing Word, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    You whisper a brief prayer as divine light washes over your target, helping it to mend its wounds.
    Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Close burst 5 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 2d6+8 hit points.
    Upgrades: Healer's Lore, Pacifist Healer
    Healing: 1d6 base + 4 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 1d6 Pacifist Healer + 4 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer)
    >> Snapshot, Level 1 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:45 No.6760121
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    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    In the face of peril, you hold true to your faith and receive a special boon.
    Divine * Free Action * Personal
    Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll or saving throw before the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Cleric Feature, Divine Power, page 30
    Strength flows out from you to your injured comrades, rekindling their resolve to see the battle to its end.
    Divine, Healing * Standard Action * Close burst 5 * Target: Each bloodied ally in burst
    Effect: Each target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6+8 hit points. You are weakened until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Healer's Lore, Pacifist Healer.
    Healing: 4 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 1d6 Pacifist Healer + 4 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer)

    Encounter Racial Power: Bastion of Mental Clarity, Kalashtar Racial Power, Eberron Player's Guide, page 30
    You erect a psychic shield to protect your mind from assault, and you ward your allies as well.
    Immediate Interrupt * Close burst 5 * Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack against your Will * Target: You and each ally in burst
    Effect: Each target gains a +4 power bonus to Will until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Daily Attack Power: Moment of Glory, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 32
    You call down a brilliant column of light that drives your enemies to the ground and bolsters your allies against harm.
    Divine, Fear, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +4 vs. Will
    Hit: You push the target 3 squares and knock it prone.
    Effect: You and each ally in the blast gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn.
    Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Analysis, Level 1 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:46 No.6760129
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    At this level, you are nothing overtly impressive. With your accurate Astral Seal at-will power, you can significantly boost the survivability of your allies, as 10 hit points is roughly equivalent to a third of a level 1 character's maximum hit points. This is a power that you need to coordinate with your compatriots very carefully, as targeting (which enemy to impose the defense penalty on) and timing (delaying such that the right ally can receive the healing) is crucial. You shall not be using your Sacred Flame at-will very often, save for the occasional minion-popping endeavor which shall not, in fact, stun you, as the Barbarian Essentials article of Dragon Magazine #381 points out that minions are never considered bloodied.

    Your Bane encounter power can absolutely cripple a single enemy, so do save it for an elite or solo monster that you wish for your allies to obliterate. Your Healing Word feature is so effective at this level that you should use it only on an ally in critical condition (or an unconscious ally), and you happen to have backup healing in the form of Healer's Mercy as well. You can also turn one encounter per day into an absolute cakewalk thanks to your Moment of Glory level 1 daily power, which provides an impregnable resist 5 to all damage for practically the majority of the encounter.

    Overall, a fair start.
    >> Snapshot, Level 4 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:47 No.6760133
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    Race: Kalashtar, Eberron Player's Guide, pages 30-31
    Class: Cleric, Player's Handbook, pages 60-62
    Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Divine Power, page 30

    Ability Scores: Strength 8, Constitution 12, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 17+2, Charisma 17+2
    Heroic Feat: Defensive Healing Word, Divine Power, page 131
    Heroic Feat: Mark of Healing, Eberron Player's Guide, page 91
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist Healer, Divine Power, page 136

    Main Hand: Mace (Level 0, Free)
    Off Hand: Mage's Parrying Dagger +1 (Level 2, 520 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 72
    Holy Symbol: Symbol of Divine Reach +1 (Level 3, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 88
    Armor: Healer's Chainmail +1 (Level 5, Free), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 9
    Neck: Healer's Brooch +1 (Level 4, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 152
    Loose Change: 160 gp

    Initiative: +2 (half level)
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 5 squares (chainmail)
    Vision: Normal
    Passive Insight: 23 (10 base + 2 half level + 4 Wisdom modifier + 5 training + 2 racial)
    Passive Perception: 16 (10 base + 2 half level + 4 Wisdom modifier)
    Trained Skills: Diplomacy (+2 racial bonus), Heal, Insight (+2 racial bonus), Religion
    Languages: Common, telepathy 5

    Hit Points: 39 (27 cleric + 12 Constitution score)
    Bloodied: 19
    Healing Surge Value: 9
    Healing Surges per Day: 8 (7 cleric + 1 Constitution modifier)
    Saving Throws (Dual Soul): At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect currently rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail the saving throw, you do not make a saving throw against the effect at the end of your turn.

    AC: 20 (10 base + 2 half level + 1 enhancement + 6 chainmail + 1 parrying dagger)
    Fortitude: 14 (10 base + 2 half level + 1 enhancement + 1 Constitution modifier)
    Reflex: 14 (10 base + 2 half level + 1 enhancement + 1 Intelligence modifier)
    Will: 19 (10 base + 2 half level + 1 enhancement + 4 Wisdom modifier + 2 class)
    >> Snapshot, Level 4 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:48 No.6760140
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    Attack Bonus (Implement): +7 (2 half level + 1 enhancement + 4 Wisdom modifier)

    At-Will Attack Power: Astral Seal, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 31
    You outline your enemy with the silver glow of the Astral Sea, and its healing light bathes your friend.
    Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 6 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +9 vs. Reflex
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally who hits it before the end of your next turn regains 11 hit points and can make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +1, Healer's Lore, Mark of Healing, Symbol of Divine Reach +1
    Healing: 2 base + 4 Charisma modifier (base) + 1 Healer's Brooch + 4 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore)

    At-Will Attack Power: Sacred Flame, Player's Handbook, page 63
    Divine, Implement, Radiant * Standard Action * Ranged 6 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +7 vs. Reflex
    Hit: 1d6+5 radiant damage (crit 1d10+11), and one ally you can see chooses either to gain 6 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Symbol of Divine Reach +1

    Encounter Attack Power: Bane, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 31
    You lay a divine curse upon your foe that shrouds it in enervating shadows.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 11 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +7 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses.
    Upgrades: Symbol of Divine Reach +1
    >> Snapshot, Level 4 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:49 No.6760149
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    Encounter Attack Power: Hymn of Resurgence, Cleric Attack 3, Divine Power, page 33
    Your foes' resolve crumbles as your hymn bestows divine vigor on your allies.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +7 vs. Fortitude
    Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. When any ally hits the target before the end of your next turn, the target is knocked prone.
    Effect: Each ally in the burst can choose either to gain 5 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Symbol of Divine Reach +1

    Encounter Feature: Healing Word, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    You whisper a brief prayer as divine light washes over your target, helping it to mend its wounds.
    Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Close burst 5 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 2d6+10 hit points, and make a saving throw. In addition, the target gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against the next attack made against him or her.
    Upgrades: Defensive Healing Word, Healer's Chainmail +1, Healer's Brooch +1, Healer's Lore, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer
    Healing: 1d6 base + 1 Healer's Chanmail + 1 Healer's Brooch + 4 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 1d6 Pacifist Healer + 4 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer)

    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    In the face of peril, you hold true to your faith and receive a special boon.
    Divine * Free Action * Personal
    Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll or saving throw before the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Snapshot, Level 4 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:50 No.6760159
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    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Cleric Feature, Divine Power, page 30
    Strength flows out from you to your injured comrades, rekindling their resolve to see the battle to its end.
    Divine, Healing * Standard Action * Close burst 5 * Target: Each bloodied ally in burst
    Effect: Each target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 1d6+10 hit points, and make a saving throw. You are weakened until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Healer's Chainmail +1, Healer's Brooch +1, Healer's Lore, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer
    Healing: 1 Healer's Chainmail + 1 Healer's Brooch + 4 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 1d6 Pacifist Healer + 4 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer).

    Encounter Racial Power: Bastion of Mental Clarity, Kalashtar Racial Power, Eberron Player's Guide, page 30
    You erect a psychic shield to protect your mind from assault, and you ward your allies as well.
    Immediate Interrupt * Close burst 5 * Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack against your Will * Target: You and each ally in burst
    Effect: Each target gains a +4 power bonus to Will until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Utility Power: Divine Aid, Player's Handbook, page 64
    Divine * Standard Action * Ranged 6 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target makes a saving throw with a +4 bonus.
    Upgrades: Symbol of Divine Reach +1.

    Daily Attack Power: Moment of Glory, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 32
    You call down a brilliant column of light that drives your enemies to the ground and bolsters your allies against harm.
    Divine, Fear, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +7 vs. Will
    Hit: You push the target 3 squares and knock it prone.
    Effect: You and each ally in the blast gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn.
    Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
    Upgrades: Symbol of Divine Reach +1
    >> Analysis, Level 4 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:51 No.6760173
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    The Mark of Healing is a godsent upgrade to your healing powers, as it allows your allies to make a saving throw in addition to the healing that they receive. Although this is limited to removing ongoing damage and minor conditions (such as slowed) at the heroic tier, its value quickly escalates into a gem that you could not live without. As well, your Healing Word is boosted through the Defensive Healing Word feat, which places an imposing bonus to all defenses against the next attack targeting the recipient, potentially negating an attack, and it lasts for as long as it needs to.

    You also have an assortment of magic items to toy with at this point in your career. A Mage's Parrying Dagger +1 boosts your AC by 1 point, and a Healer's Brooch +1 and Healer's Chainmail +1 confer a little more oomph to your healing, though the latter unfortunately does not apply to Astral Seal. A Symbol of Divine Reach increases the range of your admittedly dangerously short-range powers by 1 square too.

    Your Hymn of Resurgence encounter power allows you to slam a close blast 5 of enemies with a solid defense debuff and proning, and your allies in the blast receive a small benefit as well. Bane for the big bad, Hymn of Resurgence for clumps of pesky standard monsters. Although Divine Aid requires a standard action to use, it can potentially save an ally from the clutches of a highly debilitating condition or penalty.

    Vita mortis careo.
    >> Snapshot, Level ⑨ Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:53 No.6760176
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    Race: Kalashtar, Eberron Player's Guide, pages 30-31
    Class: Cleric, Player's Handbook, pages 60-62
    Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Divine Power, page 30

    Ability Scores: Strength 8, Constitution 12, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 18+2, Charisma 18+2
    Heroic Feat: Defensive Healing Word, Divine Power, page 131
    Heroic Feat: Mark of Healing, Eberron Player's Guide, page 91
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist Healer, Divine Power, page 136
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist's Reward, Dragon Magazine #379, page 55
    Heroic Feat: Power of Life, Divine Power, page 114

    Main Hand: Mace of Healing +2 (Level 8, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 72
    Off-Hand: Mage's Parrying Dagger +1 (Level 2, 520 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 72
    Holy Symbol: Magic Holy Symbol (Level 6, 1,800 gp), Player's Handbook, page 236
    Armor: Healer's Finemail +2 (Level 10, Free), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 9
    Neck: Healer's Brooch +2 (Level 9, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 152
    Feet: Acrobat Boots (Level 2, 520 gp), Player's Handbook, page 246
    Loose Change: 560 gp

    Initiative: +4 (half level)
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 5 squares (finemail)
    Vision: Normal
    Passive Insight: 26 (10 base + 4 half level + 5 Wisdom modifier + 5 training + 2 racial)
    Passive Perception: 19 (10 base + 4 half level + 5 Wisdom modifier)
    Trained Skills: Diplomacy (+2 racial bonus), Heal, Insight (+2 racial bonus), Religion
    Languages: Common, telepathy 5

    Hit Points: 64 (52 cleric + 12 Constitution score)
    Bloodied: 32
    Healing Surge Value: 16
    Healing Surges per Day: 8 (7 cleric + 1 Constitution modifier)
    Saving Throws (Dual Soul): At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect currently rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail the saving throw, you do not make a saving throw against the effect at the end of your turn.
    >> Snapshot, Level ⑨ Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:55 No.6760189
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    AC: 24 (10 base + 4 half level + 2 enhancement + 7 finemail + 1 parrying dagger)
    Fortitude: 17 (10 base + 4 half level + 2 enhancement + 1 Constitution modifier)
    Reflex: 17 (10 base + 4 half level + 2 enhancement + 1 Intelligence modifier)
    Will: 23 (10 base + 4 half level + 2 enhancement + 5 Wisdom modifier + 2 class)

    Attack Bonus (Implement): +11 (4 half level + 2 enhancement + 5 Wisdom modifier)
    Special (Pacifist's Reward): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, if you didn't deal any damage by the end of your turn, you gain 2 temporary hit points at the end of the turn.

    At-Will Attack Power: Astral Seal, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 31
    You outline your enemy with the silver glow of the Astral Sea, and its healing light bathes your friend.
    Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +13 vs. Reflex
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally who hits it before the end of your next turn regains 16 hit points and can make a saving throw. Also, one ally within 10 squares of you gains 3 temporary hit points.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +2, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +2, Magic Holy Symbol +2, Mark of Healing, Pacifist's Reward, Power of Life
    Healing: 2 base + 5 Charisma modifier (base) + 2 Healer's Brooch + 5 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 2 Mace of Healing

    At-Will Attack Power: Sacred Flame, Player's Handbook, page 63
    Divine, Implement, Radiant * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +11 vs. Reflex
    Hit: 1d6+7 radiant damage (crit 2d6+13), and one ally you can see chooses either to gain 9 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Magic Holy Symbol +2
    >> Snapshot, Level ⑨ Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:56 No.6760193
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    Encounter Attack Power: Bane, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 31
    You lay a divine curse upon your foe that shrouds it in enervating shadows.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 10 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +11 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -6 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses.
    Upgrades: Magic Holy Symbol +2, Pacifist's Reward

    Encounter Attack Power: Hymn of Resurgence, Cleric Attack 3, Divine Power, page 33
    Your foes' resolve crumbles as your hymn bestows divine vigor on your allies.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +11 vs. Fortitude
    Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. When any ally hits the target before the end of your next turn, the target is knocked prone.
    Effect: Each ally in the burst can choose either to gain 5 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Magic Holy Symbol +2, Pacifist's Reward

    Encounter Attack Power: Denunciation, Cleric Attack 7, Divine Power, page 35
    You pronounce a divine curse, and motes of darkness swirl around your enemy to hinder it.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +11 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target is dazed and takes a -6 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses.
    Upgrades: Magic Holy Symbol +2, Pacifist's Reward
    >> Snapshot, Level ⑨ Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:57 No.6760208
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    Encounter Feature: Healing Word, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    You whisper a brief prayer as divine light washes over your target, helping it to mend its wounds.
    Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Close burst 5 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 3d6+16 hit points, and make a saving throw. In addition, the target gains a +5 bonus to all defenses against the next attack made against him or her.
    Upgrades: Defensive Healing Word, Healer's Finemail +2, Healer's Brooch +2, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +2, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer
    Healing: 1d6 base + 2 Healer's Finemail + 2 Healer's Brooch + 5 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 2 Mace of Healing + 1d6 Pacifist Healer + 5 Charisma healer (Pacifist Healer)

    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    In the face of peril, you hold true to your faith and receive a special boon.
    Divine * Free Action * Personal
    Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll or saving throw before the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Cleric Feature, Divine Power, page 30
    Strength flows out from you to your injured comrades, rekindling their resolve to see the battle to its end.
    Divine, Healing * Standard Action * Close burst 5 * Target: Each bloodied ally in burst
    Effect: Each target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 1d6+16 hit points, and make a saving throw. You are weakened until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Healer's Finemail +2, Healer's Brooch +2, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +2, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer
    Healing: 2 Healer's Finemail + 2 Healer's Brooch + 5 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 2 Mace of Healing + 1d6 Pacifist Healer + 5 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer)
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:57 No.6760209
    You guys are still going on about 4th ed? Geez. :|
    >> Snapshot, Level ⑨ Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:59 No.6760216
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    Encounter Racial Power: Bastion of Mental Clarity, Kalashtar Racial Power, Eberron Player's Guide, page 30
    You erect a psychic shield to protect your mind from assault, and you ward your allies as well.
    Immediate Interrupt * Close burst 5 * Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack against your Will * Target: You and each ally in burst
    Effect: Each target gains a +4 power bonus to Will until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Utility Power: Divine Aid, Player's Handbook, page 64
    Divine * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target makes a saving throw with a +5 bonus.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Utility Power: Bastion of Health, Cleric Utility 6, Player's Handbook, page 66
    You invoke a prayer that instantly fortifies one of your allies.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Ranged 10 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 1d6+21 hit points, and make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Healer's Finemail +2, Healer's Brooch +2, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +2, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer
    Healing: 5 Charisma modifier (base) + 2 Healer's Finemail + 2 Healer's Brooch + 5 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 2 Mace of Healing + 1d6 Pacifist Healer + 5 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer)

    Daily Attack Power: Moment of Glory, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 32
    You call down a brilliant column of light that drives your enemies to the ground and bolsters your allies against harm.
    Divine, Fear, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +11 vs. Will
    Hit: You push the target 3 squares and knock it prone.
    Effect: You and each ally in the blast gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn.
    Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
    Upgrades: Magic Holy Symbol +2, Pacifist's Reward
    >> Snapshot, Level ⑨ Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:00 No.6760229
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    Daily Attack Power: Iron to Glass, Cleric Attack 5, Divine Power, page 34
    Tracing runes of denial in the air, you cause your foe's weapons to become as brittle as glass.
    Divine, Implement * Standrd Action * Ranged 10 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +11 vs. Reflex
    Hit: Until the end of the encounter, the target takes a -4 penalty to melee damage rolls. Whenever the target hits with a melee attack, the penalty worsens by 2 to a maximum of -10.
    Miss: Until the end of the encounter, the target takes a -2 penalty to melee damage rolls. Whenever the target hits with a melee attack, the penalty worsens by 1 to a maximum of -5.
    Upgrades: Magic Holy Symbol +2, Pacifist's Reward

    Daily Attack Power: Dismissal, Cleric Attack 9, Divine Power, page 36
    You utter a mighty shout and cast your enemy out of the world.
    Divine, Implement, Teleportation * Standard Action * Ranged 10 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +11 vs. Will
    Hit: The target disappears into an extraplanar prison (save ends). The target takes a -2 penalty to saving throws against this effect, or a -5 penalty if it is an aberrant, elemental, fey, immortal, or shadow creature. When the target saves against this effect, it reappears in its original space. If that space is occupied, the target returns to the nearest unoccupied space.
    Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
    Miss: The target disappears into an extraplanar prison until the end of your next turn. The target then reappears in its original space. If that space is occupied, the target returns to the nearest unoccupied space.
    Upgrades: Magic Holy Symbol +2, Pacifist's Reward
    >> Analysis, Level ⑨ Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:00 No.6760236
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    Your two new feats, Power of Life and Pacifist's Reward, let you distribute buffers galore. The former allows you to grant temporary hit points to an ally whenever you hit with Astral Seal, and the latter means temporary hit points for you in each round wherein you deal no damage (in other words, nearly every round). These temporary hit points ensure that your masterpieces of healed comrades are not sullied as easily by enemy attacks.

    With regards to magic items, you now have access to a key item: the Mace of Healing +2. This, along with a Healer's Brooch +2 and Healer's Finemail +2, greatly enhance the effectiveness of your healing powers. Why, your Astral Seal should heal for 16 hit points, while your Healing Word shall grant an additional 3d6+15 hit points of healing, which is very impressive. Unfortunately, we must forego the Symbol of Divine Reach, but that is a small price to pay. At least we now have Acrobat Boots, which should save us from opportunity attacks in those dire exigencies involving being knocked prone while adjacent to a melee enemy.

    Denunciation is basically Bane Redux, and is something you should be thankful for, as it defangs and cracks the armor of an enemy with even greater potency. Bastion of Health is a truly useful level 6 encounter utility power for ensuring an ally's recovery when your Healing Words are expended. Iron to Glass and Dismissal are two daily powers that can neuter the battlefield presence of an elite or solo monster as well.
    >> Snapshot, Level 14 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:01 No.6760244
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    Race: Kalashtar, Eberron Player's Guide, pages 30-31
    Class: Cleric, Player's Handbook, pages 60-62
    Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Divine Power, page 30
    Paragon Path: Messenger of Peace, Divine Power, page 49

    Ability Scores: Strength 9, Constitution 13, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 20+2, Charisma 20+2
    Heroic Feat: Defensive Healing Word, Divine Power, page 131
    Heroic Feat: Healer's Implement, Divine Power, page 135
    Heroic Feat: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Player's Handbook 2, page 185
    Heroic Feat: Mark of Healing, Eberron Player's Guide, page 91
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist Healer, Divine Power, page 136
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist's Reward, Dragon Magazine #379, page 55
    Heroic Feat: Potent Restorables, Eberron Player's Guide, page 92
    Heroic Feat: Power of Life, Divine Power, page 114
    Multiclass Feat: Student of Artifice, Eberron Player's Guide, page 94

    Main Hand: Mace of Healing +3 (Level 13, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 72
    Off-Hand: Mage's Parrying Dagger +1 (Level 2, 520 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 72
    Holy Symbol: Symbol of the Warpriest +3 (Level 15, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 90
    Armor: Imposter's Braidmail +3 (Level 11, 9,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 46
    Neck: Healer's Brooch +3 (Level 14, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 152
    Feet: Heroic-Tier Boots of Quickness (Level 8, 3,400 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 126
    Waist: Heroic-Tier Belt of Vim (Level 8, 3,400 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 164
    Loose Change: 680 gp

    Initiative: +7 (half level)
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 5 squares (braidmail)
    Vision: Normal
    Passive Insight: 30 (10 base + 7 half level + 6 Wisdom modifier + 5 training + 2 racial)
    Passive Perception: 23 (10 base + 7 half level + 6 Wisdom modifier)
    Trained Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy (+2 racial bonus), Heal, Insight (+2 racial bonus), Religion
    Languages: Common, telepathy 5
    >> Snapshot, Level 14 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:03 No.6760259
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    Hit Points: 90 (77 cleric + 13 Constitution score)
    Bloodied: 45
    Healing Surge Value: 22
    Healing Surges per Day: 8 (7 cleric + 1 Constitution modifier)
    Saving Throws (Dual Soul): At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect currently rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail the saving throw, you do not make a saving throw against the effect at the end of your turn.

    AC: 29 (10 base + 7 half level + 3 enhancement + 8 braidmail + 1 parrying dagger)
    Fortitude: 22 (10 base + 7 half level + 3 enhancement + 1 Constitution modifier + 1 Belt of Vim)
    Reflex: 22 (10 base + 7 half level + 3 enhancement + 1 Intelligence modifier + 1 Boots of Quickness)
    Will: 28 (10 base + 7 half level + 3 enhancement + 6 Wisdom modifier + 2 class)
    Special (Vow of Nonviolence): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. Triggering this effect is not limited to once per round.

    Attack Bonus (Implement): +17 (7 half level + 3 enhancement + 6 Wisdom modifier + 1 Implement Expertise)
    Special (Pacifist's Reward): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, if you didn't deal any damage by the end of your turn, you gain 3 temporary hit points at the end of the turn.

    Special (Symbol of the Warpriest +3): Once per round, when you hit with an attack, one conscious ally within 5 squares of you regains 3 hit points.
    Special (Vow of Nonviolence): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. Triggering this effect is not limited to once per round.
    Special (Peacemaker's Action): When you spend an action point to make an attack, you gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls with attacks that don't deal damage. This bonus lasts until the end of your turn.
    >> Snapshot, Level 14 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:03 No.6760263
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    At-Will Attack Power: Astral Seal, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 31
    You outline your enemy with the silver glow of the Astral Sea, and its healing light bathes your friend.
    Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +19 vs. Reflex
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally who hits it before the end of your next turn regains 27 hit points and can make a saving throw. Also, one ally within 10 squares of you gains 5 temporary hit points.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +3, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Mace of Healing +3, Mark of Healing, Pacifist's Reward, Potent Restorables, Power of Life, Symbol of the Warpriest +3
    Healing: 2 base + 6 Charisma modifier (base) + 3 Healer's Brooch + 3 Healer's Implement + 6 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 3 Mace of Healing + 4 Potent Restorables

    At-Will Attack Power: Sacred Flame, Player's Handbook, page 63
    Divine, Implement, Radiant * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +17 vs. Reflex
    Hit: 1d6+9 radiant damage (crit 3d6+15), and one ally you can see chooses either to gain 13 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Symbol of the Warpriest +3

    Encounter Attack Power: Hymn of Resurgence, Cleric Attack 3, Divine Power, page 33
    Your foes' resolve crumbles as your hymn bestows divine vigor on your allies.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +17 vs. Fortitude
    Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. When any ally hits the target before the end of your next turn, the target is knocked prone.
    Effect: Each ally in the burst can choose either to gain 5 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +3
    >> Snapshot, Level 14 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:04 No.6760274
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    Encounter Attack Power: Denunciation, Cleric Attack 7, Divine Power, page 35
    You pronounce a divine curse, and motes of darkness swirl around your enemy to hinder it.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +17 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target is dazed and takes a -6 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +3

    Encounter Attack Power: Pacify, Messenger of Peace Attack 11, Divine Power, page 49
    Your words make your foe think twice before resorting to violence.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +17 vs. Will
    Hit: If the target hits or misses with an attack before the start of your next turn, it is stunned until the end of its next turn.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +3

    Encounter Attack Power: Remorse, Divine Power, page 37
    Your words of reproach cause your foes to hesitate as they regret their violent acts.
    Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Area burst 1 within 5 squares * Target: Each enemy in burst
    Attack: +17 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target gains vulnerable 10 to all damage and is dazed.
    Effect: Each ally in the burst can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 2d6+25 hit points, and make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +3, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Mace of Healing +3, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Pacifist's Reward, Potent Restorables, Symbol of the Warpriest +3
    Healing: 3 Healer's Brooch + 3 Healer's Implement + 6 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 3 Mace of Healing + 2d6 Pacifist Healer + 6 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 4 Potent Restorables
    >> Snapshot, Level 14 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:05 No.6760285
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    Encounter Feature: Healing Word, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    You whisper a brief prayer as divine light washes over your target, helping it to mend its wounds.
    Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Close burst 10 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 5d6+25 hit points, and make a saving throw. In addition, the target gains a +6 bonus to all defenses against the next attack made against him or her.
    Upgrades: Defensive Healing Word, Healer's Brooch +3, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +3, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Potent Restorables
    Healing: 3d6 base + 3 Healer's Brooch + 3 Healer's Implement + 6 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 3 Mace of Healing + 2d6 Pacifist Healer + 6 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 4 Potent Restorables

    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    In the face of peril, you hold true to your faith and receive a special boon.
    Divine * Free Action * Personal
    Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll or saving throw before the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Snapshot, Level 14 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:06 No.6760290
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    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Cleric Feature, Divine Power, page 30
    Strength flows out from you to your injured comrades, rekindling their resolve to see the battle to its end.
    Divine, Healing * Standard Action * Close burst 5 * Target: Each bloodied ally in burst
    Effect: Each target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 2d6+25 hit points, and make a saving throw. You are weakened until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +3, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +3, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Potent Restorables
    Healing: 3 Healer's Brooch + 3 Healer's Implement + 6 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 3 Mace of Healing + 2d6 Pacifist Healer + 6 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 4 Potent Restorables

    Encounter Racial Power: Bastion of Mental Clarity, Kalashtar Racial Power, Eberron Player's Guide, page 30
    You erect a psychic shield to protect your mind from assault, and you ward your allies as well.
    Immediate Interrupt * Close burst 5 * Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack against your Will * Target: You and each ally in burst
    Effect: Each target gains a +4 power bonus to Will until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Utility Power: Divine Aid, Player's Handbook, page 64
    Divine * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target makes a saving throw with a +6 bonus.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Snapshot, Level 14 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:07 No.6760294
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    Encounter Utility Power: Bastion of Health, Cleric Utility 6, Player's Handbook, page 66
    You invoke a prayer that instantly fortifies one of your allies.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Ranged 10 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 2d6+31 hit points, and make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +3, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +3, Mark of Healing, + Potent Restorables
    Healing: 6 Charisma modifier (base) + 3 Healer's Brooch + 3 Healer's Implement + 6 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 3 Mace of Healing + 2d6 Pacifist Healer + 6 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 4 Potent Restorables

    Encounter Utility Power: Shielding Word, Cleric Utility 10, Player's Handbook, page 67
    You invoke a prayer that instantly defends one of your allies.
    Divine * Immediate Interrupt * Ranged 5 * Trigger: An ally in range is hit by an attack
    Effect: The ally gains a +4 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Utility Power: Peacemaker's Pronouncement, Messenger of Peace Utility 12, Divine Power, page 49
    At your word, an enemy's punishment or a friend's blessing continues.
    Divine * Minor Action * Close burst 5 * Target: One creature in burst
    Effect: One effect on the target that would otherwise end at the end of your current turn instead lasts until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Snapshot, Level 14 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:08 No.6760303
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    Daily Attack Power: Moment of Glory, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 32
    You call down a brilliant column of light that drives your enemies to the ground and bolsters your allies against harm.
    Divine, Fear, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +17 vs. Will
    Hit: You push the target 3 squares and knock it prone.
    Effect: You and each ally in the blast gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn.
    Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +3

    Daily Attack Power: Iron to Glass, Cleric Attack 5, Divine Power, page 34
    Tracing runes of denial in the air, you cause your foe's weapons to become as brittle as glass.
    Divine, Implement * Standrd Action * Ranged 10 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +17 vs. Reflex
    Hit: Until the end of the encounter, the target takes a -4 penalty to melee damage rolls. Whenever the target hits with a melee attack, the penalty worsens by 2 to a maximum of -10.
    Miss: Until the end of the encounter, the target takes a -2 penalty to melee damage rolls. Whenever the target hits with a melee attack, the penalty worsens by 1 to a maximum of -5.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +3
    >> Snapshot, Level 14 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:08 No.6760308
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    Daily Attack Power: Dismissal, Cleric Attack 9, Divine Power, page 36
    You utter a mighty shout and cast your enemy out of the world.
    Divine, Implement, Teleportation * Standard Action * Ranged 10 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +17 vs. Will
    Hit: The target disappears into an extraplanar prison (save ends). The target takes a -2 penalty to saving throws against this effect, or a -5 penalty if it is an aberrant, elemental, fey, immortal, or shadow creature. When the target saves against this effect, it reappears in its original space. If that space is occupied, the target returns to the nearest unoccupied space.
    Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
    Miss: The target disappears into an extraplanar prison until the end of your next turn. The target then reappears in its original space. If that space is occupied, the target returns to the nearest unoccupied space.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +3

    Daily Feature: Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture, Artificer Feature, Eberron Player's Guide, page 45
    you use the magic of your infusion to heal the wounds of your target.
    Arcane, Healing * Minor Action * Close burst 10 * You or one ally in burst
    Effect: The target regains hit points equal to its healing surge value plus 20 and can make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +3, Mace of Healing +3, Mark of Healing, Potent Restorables
    Healing: 4 base + 6 Wisdom modifier (base) + 3 Healer's Brooch + 3 Mace of Healing + 4 Potent Restorables
    >> Analysis, Level 14 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:09 No.6760314
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    Thanks to the Healer's Implement and Potent Restorable feats, the amount of healing you bring to the table is overwhelmingly high. This may be overkill, but we shall soon rectify that. With the Student of Artifice feat, you gain one free surgeless heal each day, that is, Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture, and you also gain training in Arcana as a bonus. The Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols) feat increases your accuracy as well, which helps you trigger the cascade of effects that your attack powers have. Your Vow of Nonviolence paragon path feature greatly enhances your defenses whenever you hit (and is absurd when used with an area or close power), and Peacemaker's Action boosts your accuracy whenever you spend an action point as well.

    The Symbol of the Warpriest +5 is the pièce de résistance of magic items at this levels. It results in each and every one of your successful attacks granting minor healing to a nearby ally, which can spiral into a good chunk of restoration through a close or area power such as Hymn of Resurgence or Remorse (see below). Alas, we must give up Healer's Braidmail for the Symbol, but at the very least, we are able to purchase miscellaneous trinkets such as Boots of Quickness and a Belt of Vim for a slight increase in Fortitude and Reflex.

    Remorse, otherwise known as the vulnerability/dazing/saving throw/healing grenade, replaces Bane in your repertoire of encounter powers. It throws down all four of the above effects when used, and it shall be your most effective encounter power by far. Shielding Word (the power) can easily negate an attack against AC that has hit one of your allies, after-the-fact, at that. Pacify shall prove useful against elite or solo monsters who utilize multiattacks. Lastly, Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture can come in handy as a once-per-day surgeless heal.
    >> Snapshot, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:10 No.6760321
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    Race: Kalashtar, Eberron Player's Guide, pages 30-31
    Class: Cleric, Player's Handbook, pages 60-62
    Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Divine Power, page 30
    Paragon Path: Messenger of Peace, Divine Power, page 49

    Ability Scores: Strength 9, Constitution 13, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 21+2, Charisma 21+2
    Heroic Feat: Defensive Healing Word, Divine Power, page 131
    Heroic Feat: Healer's Implement, Divine Power, page 135
    Heroic Feat: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Player's Handbook 2, page 185
    Heroic Feat: Mark of Healing, Eberron Player's Guide, page 91
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist Healer, Divine Power, page 136
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist's Reward, Dragon Magazine #379, page 55
    Heroic Feat: Potent Restorables, Eberron Player's Guide, page 92
    Heroic Feat: Power of Life, Divine Power, page 114
    Heroic Feat: Shielding Word, Dragon Magazine #378, page 65
    Paragon Feat: Assured Healing, Dragon Magazine #379, page 56
    Multiclass Feat: Student of Artifice, Eberron Player's Guide, page 94

    Main Hand: Mace of Healing +4 (Level 18, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 72
    Off-Hand: Mage's Parrying Dagger +1 (Level 2, 520 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 72
    Holy Symbol: Symbol of the Warpriest +4 (Level 20, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 90
    Armor: Imposter's Forgemail +4 (Level 16, 45,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 46
    Neck: Healer's Brooch +4 (Level 19, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 152
    Waist: Cincture of Vivacity (Level 14, 21,000 gp gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 164
    Wondrous: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Level 11, 9,000 gp), Dragon Magazine #381, Winning Races: Halflings
    Wondrous: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Level 11, 9,000 gp), Dragon Magazine #381, Winning Races: Halflings
    Loose Change: 480 gp
    >> Snapshot, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:11 No.6760336
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    Initiative: +9 (half level)
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 5 squares (forgemail)
    Vision: Normal
    Passive Insight: 32 (10 base + 9 half level + 6 Wisdom modifier + 5 training + 2 racial)
    Passive Perception: 25 (10 base + 9 half level + 6 Wisdom modifier)
    Trained Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy (+2 racial bonus), Heal, Insight (+2 racial bonus), Religion
    Languages: Common, telepathy 5

    Hit Points: 115 (102 cleric + 13 Constitution score)
    Bloodied: 57
    Healing Surge Value: 28
    Healing Surges per Day: 8 (7 cleric + 1 Constitution modifier)
    Saving Throws (Dual Soul): At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect currently rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail the saving throw, you do not make a saving throw against the effect at the end of your turn.

    AC: 33 (10 base + 9 half level + 4 enhancement + 9 forgemail + 1 parrying dagger)
    Fortitude: 24 (10 base + 9 half level + 4 enhancement + 1 Constitution modifier)
    Reflex: 24 (10 base + 9 half level + 4 enhancement + 1 Intelligence modifier)
    Will: 31 (10 base + 9 half level + 4 enhancement + 6 Wisdom modifier + 2 class)
    Special (Aura of Peace): Enemies within 2 squares of you take a -2 penalty to attack rolls.
    Special (Vow of Nonviolence): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. Triggering this effect is not limited to once per round.
    >> Snapshot, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:12 No.6760345
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    Attack Bonus (Implement): +21 (9 half level + 4 enhancement + 6 Wisdom modifier + 2 Implement Expertise)
    Special (Pacifist's Reward): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, if you didn't deal any damage by the end of your turn, you gain 3 temporary hit points at the end of the turn.

    Special (Symbol of the Warpriest +4): Once per round, when you hit with an attack, one conscious ally within 5 squares of you regains 4 hit points.
    Special (Vow of Nonviolence): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. Triggering this effect is not limited to once per round.
    Special (Peacemaker's Action): When you spend an action point to make an attack, you gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls with attacks that don't deal damage. This bonus lasts until the end of your turn.

    At-Will Attack Power: Astral Seal, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 31
    You outline your enemy with the silver glow of the Astral Sea, and its healing light bathes your friend.
    Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +23 vs. Reflex
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally who hits it before the end of your next turn regains 31 hit points and can make a saving throw. Also, one ally within 10 squares of you gains 5 temporary hit points.
    Miss: You or one ally within 5 squares of you regains 6 hit points.
    Upgrades: Assured Healing, Healer's Brooch +4, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Mace of Healing +4, Mark of Healing, Pacifist's Reward, Potent Restorables, Power of Life, Symbol of the Warpriest +4
    Healing: 2 base + 6 Charisma modifier (base) + 4 Healer's Brooch + 4 Healer's Implement + 6 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 4 Mace of Healing + 5 Potent Restorables
    >> Snapshot, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:13 No.6760350
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    At-Will Attack Power: Sacred Flame, Player's Handbook, page 63
    Divine, Implement, Radiant * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +21 vs. Reflex
    Hit: 1d6+10 radiant damage (crit 4d6+16), and one ally you can see chooses either to gain 15 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Symbol of the Warpriest +4

    Encounter Attack Power: Hymn of Resurgence, Cleric Attack 3, Divine Power, page 33
    Your foes' resolve crumbles as your hymn bestows divine vigor on your allies.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +21 vs. Fortitude
    Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. When any ally hits the target before the end of your next turn, the target is knocked prone.
    Effect: Each ally in the burst can choose either to gain 5 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +4

    Encounter Attack Power: Denunciation, Cleric Attack 7, Divine Power, page 35
    You pronounce a divine curse, and motes of darkness swirl around your enemy to hinder it.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +21 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target is dazed and takes a -6 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +4
    >> Snapshot, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:15 No.6760372
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    Encounter Attack Power: Pacify, Messenger of Peace Attack 11, Divine Power, page 49
    Your words make your foe think twice before resorting to violence.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +21 vs. Will
    Hit: If the target hits or misses with an attack before the start of your next turn, it is stunned until the end of its next turn.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +4

    Encounter Attack Power: Remorse, Divine Power, page 37
    Your words of reproach cause your foes to hesitate as they regret their violent acts.
    Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Area burst 1 within 5 squares * Target: Each enemy in burst
    Attack: +21 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target gains vulnerable 10 to all damage and is dazed.
    Effect: Each ally in the burst can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 2d6+29 hit points, and make a saving throw.
    Miss: You or one ally within 5 squares of you regains 6 hit points.
    Upgrades: Assured Healing, Healer's Brooch +4, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Mace of Healing +4, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Pacifist's Reward, Potent Restorables, Symbol of the Warpriest +4
    Healing: 4 Healer's Brooch + 4 Healer's Implement + 6 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 4 Implement
    >> Snapshot, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:16 No.6760379
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    Encounter Feature: Healing Word, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    You whisper a brief prayer as divine light washes over your target, helping it to mend its wounds.
    Special: You can use this power thrice per encounter, but only once per round.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Close burst 10 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 6d6+29 hit points, and make a saving throw. In addition, the target gains a +6 bonus to all defenses against the next attack made against him or her, and the target gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Defensive Healing Word, Healer's Brooch +4, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +4, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Potent Restorables, Shielding Word
    Healing: 4d6 base + 4 Healer's Brooch + 4 Healer's Implement + 6 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 4 Mace of Healing + 5 Potent Restorables + 2d6 Pacifist Healer + 6 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer)

    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    In the face of peril, you hold true to your faith and receive a special boon.
    Divine * Free Action * Personal
    Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll or saving throw before the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Snapshot, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:17 No.6760389
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    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Cleric Feature, Divine Power, page 30
    Strength flows out from you to your injured comrades, rekindling their resolve to see the battle to its end.
    Divine, Healing * Standard Action * Close burst 5 * Target: Each bloodied ally in burst
    Effect: Each target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 2d6+29 hit points, and make a saving throw. You are weakened until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +4, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +4, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Potent Restorables
    Healing: 4 Healer's Brooch + 4 Healer's Implement + 6 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 4 Mace of Healing + 5 Potent Restorables + 2d6 Pacifist Healer + 6 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer)

    Encounter Racial Power: Bastion of Mental Clarity, Kalashtar Racial Power, Eberron Player's Guide, page 30
    You erect a psychic shield to protect your mind from assault, and you ward your allies as well.
    Immediate Interrupt * Close burst 5 * Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack against your Will * Target: You and each ally in burst
    Effect: Each target gains a +4 power bonus to Will until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Utility Power: Divine Aid, Player's Handbook, page 64
    Divine * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target makes a saving throw with a +6 bonus.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Snapshot, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:18 No.6760394
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    Encounter Utility Power: Bastion of Health, Cleric Utility 6, Player's Handbook, page 66
    You invoke a prayer that instantly fortifies one of your allies.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Ranged 10 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 2d6+35 hit points, and make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +4, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +4, Mark of Healing, Potent Restorables, Pacifist Healer
    Healing: 6 Charisma modifier (base) + 4 Healer's Brooch + 4 Healer's Implement + 6 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 5 Potent Restorables + 2d6 Pacifist Healer + 6 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer)

    Encounter Utility Power: Shielding Word, Cleric Utility 10, Player's Handbook, page 67
    You invoke a prayer that instantly defends one of your allies.
    Divine * Immediate Interrupt * Ranged 5 * Trigger: An ally in range is hit by an attack
    Effect: The ally gains a +4 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Utility Power: Peacemaker's Pronouncement, Messenger of Peace Utility 12, Divine Power, page 49
    At your word, an enemy's punishment or a friend's blessing continues.
    Divine * Minor Action * Close burst 5 * Target: One creature in burst
    Effect: One effect on the target that would otherwise end at the end of your current turn instead lasts until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:19 No.6760402
    Subtle troll is anything but subtle. Though I like your execution.
    >> Snapshot, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:19 No.6760405
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    Encounter Utility Power: Unexpected Return, Cleric Utility 16, Divine Power, page 38
    A swift chant gives your ally a second chance at life.
    Divine, Healing * Immediate Reaction * Ranged 5
    Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of you drops to 0 hit points or fewer
    Target: The triggering ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 2d6+29 hit points, and make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +4, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +4, Mark of Healing, Potent Restorables, Pacifist Healer
    Healing: 4 Healer's Brooch + 4 Healer's Implement + 6 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 5 Potent Restorables + 2d6 Pacifist Healer + 6 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer)

    Daily Attack Power: Dismissal, Cleric Attack 9, Divine Power, page 36
    You utter a mighty shout and cast your enemy out of the world.
    Divine, Implement, Teleportation * Standard Action * Ranged 10 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +21 vs. Will
    Hit: The target disappears into an extraplanar prison (save ends). The target takes a -2 penalty to saving throws against this effect, or a -5 penalty if it is an aberrant, elemental, fey, immortal, or shadow creature. When the target saves against this effect, it reappears in its original space. If that space is occupied, the target returns to the nearest unoccupied space.
    Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
    Miss: The target disappears into an extraplanar prison until the end of your next turn. The target then reappears in its original space. If that space is occupied, the target returns to the nearest unoccupied space.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +4
    >> Snapshot, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:20 No.6760413
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    Daily Attack Power: Brilliant Censure, Cleric Attack 15, Divine Power, page 37
    Awful brilliance flashes from your eyes, blinding foes and inspiring allies.
    Divine, Implement, Radiant, Zone * Standard Action * Close burst 3 * Target: Each enemy in burst
    Attack: +21 vs. Fortitude
    Hit: The target is blinded (save ends).
    Effect: The burst creates a zone of bright light that lasts until the end of the encounter. When you move, the zone moves with you, remaining centered on you. Any ally who begins his or her turn within the zone deals 2d6 extra radiant damage with melee or ranged attacks until the start of his or her next turn.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +4

    Daily Attack Power: Moment of Peace, Cleric Attack 19, Divine Power, page 39
    A wave of tranquility washes over your foes, rendering them harmless for a critical moment.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +21 vs. Will
    Hit: The target's attacks deal no damage (save ends).
    Miss: The target's attacks deal no damage until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Symbol of the Warpriest +4
    >> Snapshot, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:21 No.6760417
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    Daily Feature: Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture, Artificer Feature, Eberron Player's Guide, page 45
    you use the magic of your infusion to heal the wounds of your target.
    Arcane, Healing * Minor Action * Close burst 10 * You or one ally in burst
    Effect: The target regains hit points equal to its healing surge value plus 25 and can make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +4, Mace of Healing +4, Mark of Healing, Potent Restorables
    Healing: 6 base + 6 Wisdom modifier (base) + 4 Healer's Brooch + 4 Mace of Healing + 5 Potent Restorables
    >> Analysis, Level 19 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:22 No.6760424
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    The Assured Healing feat allows your Astral Seal, Remorse, and So Others Might Live powers to deliver healing even upon a miss, letting you have your own version of Hammer Rhythm or Scimitar Dance on certain powers. Meanwhile, Shielding Word supplements Defensive Healing Word and renders the targets of your Healing Word even more utterly invincible for a brief moment. Aura of Peace encourages you to step near the fray of melee, preferably near a defender, so as to decrease the attack bonuses of enemies within 2 squares of you.

    At this point in your career, you have reached the absolute peak of efficiency with regards to your magic items. Your Cincture of Vivacity ensures that little healing used upon yourself shall go to waste, and such is the importance of this item that you should urge every other member of your party to purchase it as well for the sake of optimal healing distribution. The Dice of Auspicious Fortune also allow you to standardize your d20 rolls over the course of the entire day, which is wonderful for ensuring that, say, an Astral Seal or a Denunciation strikes true. You do have to sell the Boots of Quickness and the Belt of Vim, but such is the economy.

    You keep all of your encounter attack powers and add the Unexpected Return level 16 encounter utility to your arsenal, thereby giving you another heal at your disposal. Unexpected Return is your second encounter utility power that heals, and it is wonderful as it can be used out-of-turn to prevent an ally from going unconscious. The Brilliant Censure and Moment of Peace daily attacks replace your older daily powers too, and these two powers excel at neutralizing enemies such that your allies can home in for the kill.
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:22 No.6760431
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    Race: Kalashtar, Eberron Player's Guide, pages 30-31
    Class: Cleric, Player's Handbook, pages 60-62
    Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Divine Power, page 30
    Paragon Path: Messenger of Peace, Divine Power, page 49
    Epic Destiny Choice A: Demigod, Player's Handbook, pages 174-175
    Epic Destiny Choice B: Chosen, Divine Power, pages 152-153
    Epic Destiny Choice C: Chosen, Forgotten Realms Player's Guide, pages 72-73

    Ability Scores: Strength 10, Constitution 14, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 23+2+2, Charisma 23+2+2
    Heroic Feat: Defensive Healing Word, Divine Power, page 131
    Heroic Feat: Healer's Implement, Divine Power, page 135
    Heroic Feat: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Player's Handbook 2, page 185
    Heroic Feat: Mark of Healing, Eberron Player's Guide, page 91
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist Healer, Divine Power, page 136
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist's Reward, Dragon Magazine #379, page 55
    Heroic Feat: Potent Restorables, Eberron Player's Guide, page 92
    Heroic Feat: Power of Life, Divine Power, page 114
    Heroic Feat: Shielding Word, Dragon Magazine #378, page 65
    Paragon Feat: Assured Healing, Dragon Magazine #379, page 56
    Epic Feat: Beatific Healer, Divine Power, page 140
    Epic Feat: Reinforcing Healing, Eberron Player's Guide, page 94
    Epic Feat: Robust Defenses, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    Epic Feat: Supreme Healer, Divine Power, page 143
    Multiclass Feat: Student of Artifice, Eberron Player's Guide, page 94
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:24 No.6760438
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    Hit Points: 141 (127 cleric + 14 Constitution score)
    Bloodied: 70
    Healing Surge Value: 25
    Healing Surges per Day: 11 (7 cleric + 2 Constitution modifier + 1 Iron Ring of the Dwarf Lords + 1 Iron Ring of the Dwarf Lords)
    Saving Throws (Dual Soul): At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect currently rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail the saving throw, you do not make a saving throw against the effect at the end of your turn.

    AC: 38 (10 base + 12 half level + 5 enhancement + 10 weavemail + 1 parrying dagger)
    Fortitude: 31 (10 base + 12 half level + 5 enhancement + 2 Constitution modifier + 2 feat)
    Reflex: 33 (10 base + 12 half level + 5 enhancement + 2 Intelligence modifier + 2 feat + 2 Boots of Quickness)
    Will: 41 (10 base + 12 half level + 5 enhancement + 8 Wisdom modifier + 2 class + 2 feat + 1 Circlet of Indomitability + 1 weavemail)
    Special (Aura of Peace): Enemies within 2 squares of you take a -2 penalty to attack rolls.
    Special (Vow of Nonviolence): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. Triggering this effect is not limited to once per round.
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:25 No.6760448
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    Attack Bonus (Implement): +27 (12 half level + 5 enhancement + 8 Wisdom modifier + 2 Implement Expertise)
    Special (Pacifist's Reward): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, if you didn't deal any damage by the end of your turn, you gain 4 temporary hit points at the end of the turn.
    Special (Symbol of the Warpriest +5): Once per round, when you hit with an attack, one conscious ally within 5 squares of you regains 5 hit points and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Special (Vow of Nonviolence): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. Triggering this effect is not limited to once per round.
    Special (Peacemaker's Action): When you spend an action point to make an attack, you gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls with attacks that don't deal damage. This bonus lasts until the end of your turn.
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:26 No.6760452
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    At-Will Attack Power: Astral Seal, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 31
    You outline your enemy with the silver glow of the Astral Sea, and its healing light bathes your friend.
    Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +29 vs. Reflex
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally who hits it before the end of your next turn regains 47 hit points, can make a saving throw, and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. Also, one ally within 10 squares of you gains 8 temporary hit points.
    Miss: You or one ally within 5 squares of you regains 8 hit points.
    Upgrades: Assured Healing, Beatific Healer, Healer's Brooch +5, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Mace of Healing +5, Mark of Healing, Pacifist's Reward, Potent Restorables, Power of Life, Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +5
    Healing: 2 base + 8 Charisma modifier (base) + 8 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 5 Healer's Brooch + 5 Healer's Implement + 8 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 5 Mace of Healing + 6 Potent Restorables

    At-Will Attack Power: Sacred Flame, Player's Handbook, page 63
    Divine, Implement, Radiant * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +27 vs. Reflex
    Hit: 1d6+13 radiant damage (crit 5d6+19), and one ally you can see chooses either to gain 20 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +5
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:27 No.6760462
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    Encounter Attack Power: Hymn of Resurgence, Cleric Attack 3, Divine Power, page 33
    Your foes' resolve crumbles as your hymn bestows divine vigor on your allies.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +27 vs. Fortitude
    Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. When any ally hits the target before the end of your next turn, the target is knocked prone.
    Effect: Each ally in the burst can choose either to gain 5 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +5

    Encounter Attack Power: Denunciation, Cleric Attack 7, Divine Power, page 35
    You pronounce a divine curse, and motes of darkness swirl around your enemy to hinder it.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +27 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target is dazed and takes a -8 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +5

    Encounter Attack Power: Pacify, Messenger of Peace Attack 11, Divine Power, page 49
    Your words make your foe think twice before resorting to violence.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +27 vs. Will
    Hit: If the target hits or misses with an attack before the start of your next turn, it is stunned until the end of its next turn.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +5
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:29 No.6760476
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    Encounter Attack Power: Remorse, Divine Power, page 37
    Your words of reproach cause your foes to hesitate as they regret their violent acts.
    Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Area burst 1 within 5 squares * Target: Each enemy in burst
    Attack: +27 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target gains vulnerable 10 to all damage and is dazed.
    Effect: Each ally in the burst can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 4d6+45 hit points, make a saving throw, and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Miss: You or one ally within 5 squares of you regains 8 hit points.
    Upgrades: Assured Healing, Beatific Healer, Healer's Brooch +5, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Mace of Healing +5, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Pacifist's Reward, Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Potent Restorables, Symbol of the Warpriest +5
    Healing: 8 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 5 Healer's Brooch + 5 Healer's Implement + 8 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 5 Mace of Healing + 3d6 Pacifist Healer + 1d6 Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer + 8 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 6 Potent Restorables
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:30 No.6760480
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    Encounter Feature: Healing Word, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    You whisper a brief prayer as divine light washes over your target, helping it to mend its wounds.
    Special: You can use this power thrice per encounter, but only once per round.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Close burst 15 * Target: You and one ally, or two allies
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 9d6+45 hit points, and make a saving throw. In addition, the target gains a +8 bonus to all defenses against the next attack made against him or her, and the target gains a +4 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Beatific Healer, Defensive Healing Word, Healer's Brooch +5, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +5, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Potent Restorables, Reinforcing Healing, Shielding Word, Supreme Healer
    Healing: 5d6 base + 8 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 5 Healer's Brooch + 5 Healer's Implement + 8 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 5 Mace of Healing + 3d6 Pacifist Healer + 1d6 Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer + 8 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 6 Potent Restorables

    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    In the face of peril, you hold true to your faith and receive a special boon.
    Divine * Free Action * Personal
    Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll or saving throw before the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:30 No.6760489
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    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Cleric Feature, Divine Power, page 30
    Strength flows out from you to your injured comrades, rekindling their resolve to see the battle to its end.
    Divine, Healing * Standard Action * Close burst 5 * Target: Each bloodied ally in burst
    Effect: Each target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 4d6+45 hit points, make a saving throw, and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. You are weakened until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Beatific Healer, Healer's Brooch +5, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +5, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Potent Restorables, Reinforcing Healing
    Healing: 8 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 5 Healer's Brooch + 5 Healer's Implement + 8 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 5 Mace of Healing + 3d6 Pacifist Healer + 1d6 Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer + 8 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 6 Potent Restorables

    Encounter Racial Power: Bastion of Mental Clarity, Kalashtar Racial Power, Eberron Player's Guide, page 30
    You erect a psychic shield to protect your mind from assault, and you ward your allies as well.
    Immediate Interrupt * Close burst 5 * Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack against your Will * Target: You and each ally in burst
    Effect: Each target gains a +4 power bonus to Will until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Utility Power: Divine Aid, Player's Handbook, page 64
    Divine * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target makes a saving throw with a +8 bonus.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:34 No.6760518
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    Encounter Utility Power: Bastion of Health, Cleric Utility 6, Player's Handbook, page 66
    You invoke a prayer that instantly fortifies one of your allies.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Ranged 10 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 4d6+53 hit points, make a saving throw, and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Beatific Healer, Healer's Brooch +5, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +5, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Potent Restorables, Reinforcing Healing
    Healing: 8 Charisma modifier (base) + 8 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 5 Healer's Brooch + 5 Healer's Implement + 8 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 5 Mace of Healing + 3d6 Pacifist Healer + 1d6 Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer + 8 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 6 Potent Restorables

    Encounter Utility Power: Shielding Word, Cleric Utility 10, Player's Handbook, page 67
    You invoke a prayer that instantly defends one of your allies.
    Divine * Immediate Interrupt * Ranged 5 * Trigger: An ally in range is hit by an attack
    Effect: The ally gains a +4 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Utility Power: Peacemaker's Pronouncement, Messenger of Peace Utility 12, Divine Power, page 49
    At your word, an enemy's punishment or a friend's blessing continues.
    Divine * Minor Action * Close burst 5 * Target: One creature in burst
    Effect: One effect on the target that would otherwise end at the end of your current turn instead lasts until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:35 No.6760531
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    Encounter Utility Power: Unexpected Return, Cleric Utility 16, Divine Power, page 38
    A swift chant gives your ally a second chance at life.
    Divine, Healing * Immediate Reaction * Ranged 5
    Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of you drops to 0 hit points or fewer
    Target: The triggering ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 4d6+45 hit points, make a saving throw, and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Beatific Healer, Healer's Brooch +5, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +5, Mark of Healing, Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Pacifist Healer, Potent Restorables, Reinforcing Healing
    Healing: 8 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 5 Healer's Brooch + 5 Healer's Implement + 8 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 5 Mace of Healing + 3d6 Pacifist Healer + 1d6 Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer + 8 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 6 Potent Restorables

    Encounter Utility Power: Ramparts of Light, Cleric Utility 22, Divine Power, page 40
    Divine light encases you or your ally to thwart even the deadliest attacks.
    Divine * Minor Action * Close burst 20 * Target: You or one ally in burst
    Effect: The target gains resist 25 to all damage until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:36 No.6760537
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    Daily Attack Power: Dismissal, Cleric Attack 9, Divine Power, page 36
    You utter a mighty shout and cast your enemy out of the world.
    Divine, Implement, Teleportation * Standard Action * Ranged 10 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +27 vs. Will
    Hit: The target disappears into an extraplanar prison (save ends). The target takes a -2 penalty to saving throws against this effect, or a -5 penalty if it is an aberrant, elemental, fey, immortal, or shadow creature. When the target saves against this effect, it reappears in its original space. If that space is occupied, the target returns to the nearest unoccupied space.
    Aftereffect: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
    Miss: The target disappears into an extraplanar prison until the end of your next turn. The target then reappears in its original space. If that space is occupied, the target returns to the nearest unoccupied space.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +5

    Daily Attack Power: Brilliant Censure, Cleric Attack 15, Divine Power, page 37
    Awful brilliance flashes from your eyes, blinding foes and inspiring allies.
    Divine, Implement, Radiant, Zone * Standard Action * Close burst 3 * Target: Each enemy in burst
    Attack: +27 vs. Fortitude
    Hit: The target is blinded (save ends).
    Effect: The burst creates a zone of bright light that lasts until the end of the encounter. When you move, the zone moves with you, remaining centered on you. Any ally who begins his or her turn within the zone deals 2d6 extra radiant damage with melee or ranged attacks until the start of his or her next turn.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +5
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:37 No.6760541
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    Daily Attack Power: Moment of Peace, Cleric Attack 19, Divine Power, page 39
    A wave of tranquility washes over your foes, rendering them harmless for a critical moment.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +27 vs. Will
    Hit: The target's attacks deal no damage (save ends).
    Miss: The target's attacks deal no damage until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +5

    Daily Attack Power: End to Strife, Messenger of Peace Attack 20, Divine Power, page 49
    You utter a stern command, and your enemies lose their will to fight.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Area burst 2 within 5 squares * Target: Each enemy in burst
    Attack: +27 vs. Will
    Hit: The target cannot attack until it is attacked or until the end of the encounter.
    Miss: The target takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls until it is attacked or until the end of the encounter.
    >> Snapshot, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:38 No.6760547
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    Daily Feature: Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture, Artificer Feature, Eberron Player's Guide, page 45
    you use the magic of your infusion to heal the wounds of your target.
    Arcane, Healing * Minor Action * Close burst 15 * You or one ally in burst
    Effect: The target regains hit points equal to its healing surge value plus 1d6+32, can make a saving throw, and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +5, Mace of Healing +5, Mark of Healing, Paragon-Tier Gloves of Healing, Potent Restorables, Reinforcing Healing
    Healing: 8 base + 8 Wisdom modifier (base) + 5 Healer's Brooch + 5 Mace of Healing + 1d6 Paragon-Tier Gloves of Healing + 6 Potent Restorables
    >> Analysis, Level 24 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:39 No.6760552
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    The Beatific Healer feat heightens the effect of your healing powers even further, Supreme Healing turns your Healing Word into a two-target fountain of healing and defense boosts, and Robust Defenses bolsters your rather mediocre non-AC defenses. You shall thank the Nine Divines for these three feats, but the real wonder at this level is the Reinforced Healing feat. Whenever you restore hit points to an ally, that ally gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn, which significantly increases the value of your healing powers, especially since the property of the Symbol of the Warpriest triggers the feat.

    Amongst your magic items at this level are two Iron Rings of the Dwarf Lords for two more healing surges each day and a full set of three Dice of Auspicious Fortune, which should enable you to standardize your luck to a greater extent. At the start of each day, roll all three sets of dice, expending your three magic item daily uses and relegating the daily powers of your other items for use after reaching milestones. As well, a pair of Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer make certain healing powers of yours more potent.

    The Ramparts of Light utility power is preventive medicine that should be used on a party defender before she goes off and marks a group of enemies, such that less healing is necessary after the opposition assails her. Your other new power at this point in your life would be End to Strife, a daily power that can greatly declaw an area burst 2 of enemies, so as long as they are not attacked, though you and your allies can concentrate on other enemies, of course.
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:40 No.6760562
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    Race: Kalashtar, Eberron Player's Guide, pages 30-31
    Class: Cleric, Player's Handbook, pages 60-62
    Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Divine Power, page 30
    Paragon Path: Messenger of Peace, Divine Power, page 49
    Epic Destiny Choice A: Demigod, Player's Handbook, pages 174-175
    Epic Destiny Choice B: Chosen, Divine Power, pages 152-153 & Forgotten Realms Player's Guide
    Epic Destiny Choice C: Chosen, Forgotten Realms Player's Guide, pages 72-73

    Ability Scores: Strength 10, Constitution 14, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 24+2+2, Charisma 24+2+2
    Heroic Feat: Defensive Healing Word, Divine Power, page 131
    Heroic Feat: Healer's Implement, Divine Power, page 135
    Heroic Feat: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Player's Handbook 2, page 185
    Heroic Feat: Mark of Healing, Eberron Player's Guide, page 91
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist Healer, Divine Power, page 136
    Heroic Feat: Pacifist's Reward, Dragon Magazine #379, page 55
    Heroic Feat: Potent Restorables, Eberron Player's Guide, page 92
    Heroic Feat: Power of Life, Divine Power, page 114
    Heroic Feat: Shielding Word, Dragon Magazine #378, page 65
    Paragon Feat: Assured Healing, Dragon Magazine #379, page 56
    Epic Feat: Beatific Healer, Divine Power, page 140
    Epic Feat: Epic Fortitude, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    Epic Feat: Epic Reflexes, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    Epic Feat: Reinforcing Healing, Eberron Player's Guide, page 94
    Epic Feat: Robust Defenses, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    Epic Feat: Supreme Healer, Divine Power, page 143
    Multiclass Feat: Student of Artifice, Eberron Player's Guide, page 94
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:42 No.6760582
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    Main Hand: Mace of Healing +6 (Level 23, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 72
    Off-Hand: Mage's Parrying Dagger +1 (Level 2, 520 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 72
    Holy Symbol: Symbol of the Warpriest +6 (Level 30, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 90
    Armor: Imposter's Spiritmail +6 (Level 26, 1,125,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 46
    Neck: Healer's Brooch +6 (Level 24, Free), Adventurer's Vault, page 152
    Feet: Fey Warrior's Boots (Level 24, 525,000 gp), Adventurer's Vault 2, page 58
    Hands: Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer (Level 22, 325,000 gp)
    Head: Heroic-Tier Circlet of Indomitability (Level 8, 3,400 gp)
    Ring: Iron Ring of the Dwarf Lords (Level 14, 21,000 gp), Player's Handbook, page 251
    Ring: Iron Ring of the Dwarf Lords (Level 14, 21,000 gp), Player's Handbook, page 251
    Waist: Cincture of Vivacity (Level 14, 21,000 gp gp), Adventurer's Vault, page 164
    Wondrous: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Level 11, 9,000 gp), Dragon Magazine #381, Winning Races: Halflings
    Wondrous: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Level 11, 9,000 gp), Dragon Magazine #381, Winning Races: Halflings
    Wondrous: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Level 11, 9,000 gp), Dragon Magazine #381, Winning Races: Halflings
    Loose Change: 56,080 gp

    Initiative: +15 (14 half level + 1 Dexterity modifier)
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 5 squares (spiritmail)
    Vision: Normal
    Passive Insight: 40 (10 base + 14 half level + 9 Wisdom modifier + 5 training + 2 racial)
    Passive Perception: 33 (10 base + 14 half level + 9 Wisdom modifier)
    Trained Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy (+2 racial bonus), Heal, Insight (+2 racial bonus), Religion
    Languages: Common, telepathy 5
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:43 No.6760597
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    Hit Points: 166 (152 cleric + 14 Constitution score)
    Bloodied: 83
    Healing Surge Value: 41
    Healing Surges per Day: 11 (7 cleric + 2 Constitution modifier + 1 Iron Ring of the Dwarf Lords + 1 Iron Ring of the Dwarf Lords)
    Saving Throws (Dual Soul): At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect currently rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail the saving throw, you do not make a saving throw against the effect at the end of your turn.

    AC: 43 (10 base + 14 half level + 6 enhancement + 12 spiritmail + 1 parrying dagger)
    Fortitude: 38 (10 base + 14 half level + 6 enhancement + 2 Constitution modifier + 6 feat)
    Reflex: 40 (10 base + 14 half level + 6 enhancement + 2 Intelligence modifier + 6 feat + 2 Fey Warrior's Boots)
    Will: 44 (10 base + 14 half level + 6 enhancement + 9 Wisdom modifier + 2 class + 2 feat + 1 Circlet of Indomitability + 1 weavemail)
    Special (Aura of Peace): Enemies within 2 squares of you take a -2 penalty to attack rolls.
    Special (Vow of Nonviolence): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. Triggering this effect is not limited to once per round.
    Special (Fey Warrior's Boots): When an attack misses you, you can teleport 3 squares as an immediate reaction.
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:44 No.6760612
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    Attack Bonus (Implement): +32 (14 half level + 6 enhancement + 9 Wisdom modifier + 3 Implement Expertise)
    Special (Pacifist's Reward): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, if you didn't deal any damage by the end of your turn, you gain 4 temporary hit points at the end of the turn.
    Special (Symbol of the Warpriest +6): Once per round, when you hit with an attack, one conscious ally within 5 squares of you regains 6 hit points and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Special (Vow of Nonviolence): When you hit with an attack that doesn't deal damage, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. Triggering this effect is not limited to once per round.
    Special (Peacemaker's Action): When you spend an action point to make an attack, you gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls with attacks that don't deal damage. This bonus lasts until the end of your turn.
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:46 No.6760634
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    At-Will Attack Power: Astral Seal, Cleric Attack 1, Divine Power, page 31
    You outline your enemy with the silver glow of the Astral Sea, and its healing light bathes your friend.
    Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +34 vs. Reflex
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally who hits it before the end of your next turn regains 54 hit points, can make a saving throw, and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. Also, one ally within 10 squares of you gains 8 temporary hit points.
    Miss: You or one ally within 5 squares of you regains 9 hit points.
    Upgrades: Assured Healing, Beatific Healer, Healer's Brooch +6, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Mace of Healing +6, Mark of Healing, Pacifist's Reward, Potent Restorables, Power of Life, Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +6
    Healing: 2 base + 9 Charisma modifier (base) + 9 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 6 Healer's Brooch + 6 Healer's Implement + 9 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 6 Mace of Healing + 7 Potent Restorables

    At-Will Attack Power: Sacred Flame, Player's Handbook, page 63
    Divine, Implement, Radiant * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +32 vs. Reflex
    Hit: 1d6+15 radiant damage (crit 6d6+21), and one ally you can see chooses either to gain 23 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +6
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:48 No.6760652
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    Encounter Attack Power: Denunciation, Cleric Attack 7, Divine Power, page 35
    You pronounce a divine curse, and motes of darkness swirl around your enemy to hinder it.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +32 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target is dazed and takes a -9 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +6

    Encounter Attack Power: Pacify, Messenger of Peace Attack 11, Divine Power, page 49
    Your words make your foe think twice before resorting to violence.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +32 vs. Will
    Hit: If the target hits or misses with an attack before the start of your next turn, it is stunned until the end of its next turn.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +6
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:49 No.6760669
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    Encounter Attack Power: Remorse, Divine Power, page 37
    Your words of reproach cause your foes to hesitate as they regret their violent acts.
    Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Area burst 1 within 5 squares * Target: Each enemy in burst
    Attack: +32 vs. Will
    Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target gains vulnerable 10 to all damage and is dazed.
    Effect: Each ally in the burst can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 5d6+52 hit points, make a saving throw, and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Miss: You or one ally within 5 squares of you regains 9 hit points.
    Upgrades: Assured Healing, Beatific Healer, Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Healer's Brooch +6, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Mace of Healing +6, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Pacifist's Reward, Potent Restorables, Symbol of the Warpriest +6
    Healing: 9 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 2d6 Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer + 6 Healer's Brooch + 6 Healer's Implement + 9 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 6 Mace of Healing + 3d6 Pacifist Healer + 9 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 7 Potent Restorables
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:51 No.6760678
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    Encounter Feature: Healing Word, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    You whisper a brief prayer as divine light washes over your target, helping it to mend its wounds.
    Special: You can use this power thrice per encounter, but only once per round.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Close burst 15 * Target: You and one ally, or two allies
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 1d6+52 hit points, and make a saving throw. In addition, the target gains a +8 bonus to all defenses against the next attack made against him or her, and the target gains a +4 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Beatific Healer, Defensive Healing Word, Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer + Healer's Brooch +6, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +5, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Potent Restorables, Reinforcing Healing, Shielding Word, Supreme Healer
    Healing: 6d6 base + 9 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 2d6 Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer + 6 Healer's Brooch + 6 Healer's Implement + 9 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 6 Mace of Healing + 3d6 Pacifist Healer + 9 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 7 Potent Restorables

    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune, Cleric Feature, Player's Handbook, page 62
    In the face of peril, you hold true to your faith and receive a special boon.
    Divine * Free Action * Personal
    Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll or saving throw before the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:51 No.6760683
    >60 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >3 are not OP.
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:52 No.6760688
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    Encounter Feature: Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy, Cleric Feature, Divine Power, page 30
    Strength flows out from you to your injured comrades, rekindling their resolve to see the battle to its end.
    Divine, Healing * Standard Action * Close burst 5 * Target: Each bloodied ally in burst
    Effect: Each target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 5d6+52 hit points, make a saving throw, and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. You are weakened until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Beatific Healer, Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Healer's Brooch +6, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +6, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Potent Restorables, Reinforcing Healing
    Healing: 9 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 2d6 Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer + 6 Healer's Brooch + 6 Healer's Implement + 9 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 6 Mace of Healing + 3d6 Pacifist Healer + 9 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 7 Potent Restorables

    Encounter Racial Power: Bastion of Mental Clarity, Kalashtar Racial Power, Eberron Player's Guide, page 30
    You erect a psychic shield to protect your mind from assault, and you ward your allies as well.
    Immediate Interrupt * Close burst 5 * Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack against your Will * Target: You and each ally in burst
    Effect: Each target gains a +4 power bonus to Will until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Utility Power: Divine Aid, Player's Handbook, page 64
    Divine * Standard Action * Ranged 5 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target makes a saving throw with a +9 bonus.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:53 No.6760695

    Welcome to 4E, enjoy your stay,
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:55 No.6760709
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    Encounter Utility Power: Bastion of Health, Cleric Utility 6, Player's Handbook, page 66
    You invoke a prayer that instantly fortifies one of your allies.
    Divine, Healing * Minor Action * Ranged 10 * Target: You or one ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 5d6+61 hit points, make a saving throw, and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Beatific Healer, Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Healer's Brooch +6, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +6, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Paragon-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Potent Restorables, Reinforcing Healing
    Healing: 9 Charisma modifier (base) + 9 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 2d6 Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer + 6 Healer's Brooch + 6 Healer's Implement + 9 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 6 Mace of Healing + 3d6 Pacifist Healer + 9 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 7 Potent Restorables

    Encounter Utility Power: Shielding Word, Cleric Utility 10, Player's Handbook, page 67
    You invoke a prayer that instantly defends one of your allies.
    Divine * Immediate Interrupt * Ranged 5 * Trigger: An ally in range is hit by an attack
    Effect: The ally gains a +4 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Encounter Utility Power: Peacemaker's Pronouncement, Messenger of Peace Utility 12, Divine Power, page 49
    At your word, an enemy's punishment or a friend's blessing continues.
    Divine * Minor Action * Close burst 5 * Target: One creature in burst
    Effect: One effect on the target that would otherwise end at the end of your current turn instead lasts until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:55 No.6760713
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    Encounter Utility Power: Unexpected Return, Cleric Utility 16, Divine Power, page 38
    A swift chant gives your ally a second chance at life.
    Divine, Healing * Immediate Reaction * Ranged 5
    Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of you drops to 0 hit points or fewer
    Target: The triggering ally
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge, regain an additional 5d6+52 hit points, make a saving throw, and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Beatific Healer, Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Healer's Brooch +6, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Mace of Healing +6, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Potent Restorables, Reinforcing Healing
    Healing: 9 Charisma modifier (Beatific Healer) + 2d6 Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer + 6 Healer's Brooch + 6 Healer's Implement + 9 Wisdom modifier (Healer's Lore) + 6 Mace of Healing + 3d6 Pacifist Healer + 9 Charisma modifier (Pacifist Healer) + 7 Potent Restorables

    Encounter Utility Power: Ramparts of Light, Cleric Utility 22, Divine Power, page 40
    Divine light encases you or your ally to thwart even the deadliest attacks.
    Divine * Minor Action * Close burst 20 * Target: You or one ally in burst
    Effect: The target gains resist 25 to all damage until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: N/A

    Daily Attack Power: Moment of Peace, Cleric Attack 19, Divine Power, page 39
    A wave of tranquility washes over your foes, rendering them harmless for a critical moment.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Close blast 5 * Target: Each enemy in blast
    Attack: +32 vs. Will
    Hit: The target's attacks deal no damage (save ends).
    Miss: The target's attacks deal no damage until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Pacifist's Reward, Reinforcing Healing, Symbol of the Warpriest +6
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:56 No.6760719
    >Nobody ever minmaxed previous editions of D&D. There certainly wasn't a board that produced infinitely powerful builds.
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:57 No.6760725
         File1258567042.jpg-(120 KB, 500x600, Sanae Wisps.jpg)
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    Daily Attack Power: End to Strife, Messenger of Peace Attack 20, Divine Power, page 49
    You utter a stern command, and your enemies lose their will to fight.
    Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Area burst 2 within 5 squares * Target: Each enemy in burst
    Attack: +32 vs. Will
    Hit: The target cannot attack until it is attacked or until the end of the encounter.
    Miss: The target takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls until it is attacked or until the end of the encounter.

    Daily Attack Power: Life Lanterns, Divine Power, page 41
    Tiny lanterns appear next to your foes and bedazzle them with divine light, which can heal your friends' wounds.
    Conjuration, Divine, Healing, Implement * Standard Action * Raged 5 * Target: One, two, or three creatures
    Attack: +32 vs. Will
    Hit: The target is weakened (save ends).
    Miss: You or one ally within 5 squares of you regains 9 hit points.
    Effect: For each target, you conjure a life lantern, which appears in 1 square occupied by that target and lasts until the end of the encounter. An enemy that starts its turn in a life lantern's square is dazed until the start of its next turn. Any ally who starts or ends his or her turn in a life lantern's square can regain hit points as if he or she had spent a healing surge, regain an additional 5d6+52 hit points, make a saving throw, and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. Doing so destroys the life lantern.
    Upgrades: Assured Healing, Beatific Healer, Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer, Healer's Brooch +6, Healer's Implement, Healer's Lore, Implement Expertise (Holy Symbols), Mace of Healing +6, Mark of Healing, Pacifist Healer, Pacifist's Reward, Potent Restorables, Symbol of the Warpriest +6
    >> Snapshot, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:58 No.6760729
         File1258567098.jpg-(718 KB, 1280x960, Sanae Ocean Parting.jpg)
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    Daily Attack Power: Enforced Surrender, Divine Power, page 43
    Divine will echoes in your voice as you command your enemy to lay down its arms.
    Charm, Divine, Implement * Standard Action * Ranged 10 * Target: One creature
    Attack: +32 vs. Will
    Hit: The target is dominated (save ends).
    Aftereffect: Each ally within your line of sight gains a +5 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against the target until the end of its next turn.
    Miss: Each ally within your line of sight gains a +5 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against the target until the end of your next turn.

    Daily Feature: Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture, Artificer Feature, Eberron Player's Guide, page 45
    you use the magic of your infusion to heal the wounds of your target.
    Arcane, Healing * Minor Action * Close burst 15 * You or one ally in burst
    Effect: The target regains hit points equal to its healing surge value plus 2d6+38, can make a saving throw, and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
    Upgrades: Healer's Brooch +6, Mace of Healing +6, Mark of Healing, Epic-Tier Gloves of Healing, Potent Restorables, Reinforcing Healing
    Healing: 10 base + 9 Wisdom modifier (base) + 6 Healer's Brooch + 6 Mace of Healing + 2d6 Epic-Tier Gloves of Healing + 7 Potent Restorables
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:58 No.6760731
    >> Analysis, Level 29 Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:59 No.6760736
         File1258567155.jpg-(617 KB, 900x848, Sanae Ocean Parting Moon.jpg)
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    As you approach the culmination of your career, not much changes. You acquire the Epic Fortitude and Epic Will feats to render those two defenses not-so-mediocre, which is admittedly not very intriguing, but is effective. You have few other alternatives with regards to epic feats anyway.

    Your magic items remain mostly the same, though you now have Epic-Tier Gloves of the Healer for even more healing, along with Fey Warrior's Boots to let you reposition yourself through teleportation whenever an attack misses you.

    Replacing Brilliant Censure and Moment of Peace would be Life Lanterns and Enforced Surrender. The former brings down weakening, dazing, and healing onto the battlefield, and the latter is your typical dominating level 29 daily power.

    Thank you for reading through this massive thread. You have my apologies for its late arrival, but it was necessary for ensuring a high level of quality.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:00 No.6760747
    >I don't care personally, so it's irrelevant to me that other Anons have asked for this to be put up.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:01 No.6760765
    I want to see touhoufag play in a real game.

    You know, with a DM who doesn't allow everything from any source as written, gives out magic items rather than feeding players their charop wishlist, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:20 No.6760899
         File1258568431.jpg-(177 KB, 500x700, Sanae Broom Riding.jpg)
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    >gives out magic items rather than feeding players their charop wishlist, etc.

    The magic item array at each snapshot assumes the standard wealth for the level, that is, one item of your level +1, one item of your level, one item of your level -1, and fluid gold equal to the cost your level -1. Each panoply of items is composed of my recommendations, though the items that you shall receive through the course of gameplay are obviously going to vary, but you should nevertheless keep the suggested items in your reward parcel wishlist and use the Enchant Magic Item ritual to create these items using your loose change.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:25 No.6760958
    Thanks for posting this. You are probably one of the better posters on here.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:29 No.6760988

    Actually, they cared on the previous thread. This one is just a compilation of the previous without all the faggotry of people like you.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:38 No.6761056
    You are a fucking madman.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)14:09 No.6761337
    I really like this build. Your devotion to this thing is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)14:16 No.6761396
         File1258571766.jpg-(95 KB, 650x557, Reimu Sanae Shout.jpg)
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    I had realized that Sacred Flame and Divine Aid were missing their flavor text. Ah, well, I suppose this is not at all that damning.


    You have my gratitude for your support.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)14:23 No.6761460
    This is nice. Wondering why the hell the pacifist healer build wasn't in the core rulebook.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)14:33 No.6761576

    It was probably a little too complicated for new players. It's like a wizard on crack who heals. Very control oriented.

    Also, either the warcleric or the laser cleric would have to be cut from the core rulebook. But I mean it's such an awesome path that every cleric should consider being a pacifist at creation. The pacifist cleric can be the star of the combat without even doing a single point of damage.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)14:35 No.6761621
    The laser cleric seems a little... unnecessary compared to this.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)14:36 No.6761631
    THis is great work!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)14:40 No.6761679
    I fucking love you, Touhoufag. So much.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)14:44 No.6761709
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    'sup from /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)14:45 No.6761733
    I doubt I'll ever play a cleric, but I appreciate the effort.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)14:48 No.6761762
         File1258573714.png-(307 KB, 700x700, Sanae Ocean Parting Moon.png)
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    One thing I should mention is that from levels 1 to 20, your major weaknesses would be your subpar AC, Fortitude, and Reflex. (On the other hand, you should possess a mountain of Will.) Fortunately, at level 11, Vow of Nonviolence shall stymy this issue to an extent, especially on a series of hits on Hymn of Resurgence or Remorse.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:01 No.6761901
    What a slut.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:02 No.6761919
    You'd think the same if a snake god was wrapping itself around you.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:09 No.6761989
    I probably would.

    Also, wimminz can't think about sex at all otherwise they're sluts!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:16 No.6762067
         File1258575396.jpg-(753 KB, 2000x2828, Momiji Blade Trees Leaves.jpg)
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    The next build, which should arrive in roughly fifteen hours (exceedingly tentatively), shall be a longtooth shifter fighter|warden/Pit Fighter.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:19 No.6762103
    Make a build that only has one action available in fights.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:28 No.6762219
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    Astral Seal?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:31 No.6762245

    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:32 No.6762259
    Why can't I find my >Reimu Fantasy Seal.jpg?!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:33 No.6762268
         File1258576381.jpg-(353 KB, 981x914, Momiji Youmu Sakuya.jpg)
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    Not quite. All of the build's daily attack powers are either stances or guardian forms.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:37 No.6762316
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:52 No.6762464
    So it's a warden then.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)15:56 No.6762505
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    Fighter|warden, not fighter/warden.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:28 No.6762782
    You know technically debuffs fall under the territory of black magic.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:29 No.6762793
    There a broken warlord build out there?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:30 No.6762796
    They do, but Black Mage is a jerk anyways.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:30 No.6762803
    Most FF games have had debuff spells split between white and black.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:35 No.6762843
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    Well, there would be the classic Tactical Presence warlord/Battle Captain, which has existed since the Player's Handbook and has been expanded upon over time through options such as the genasi race and the Tactician's Word feat have appeared. Creating a thread for the build, however, would not be on my current agenda.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:49 No.6762991
    Got a link to it?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:51 No.6763003
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    I do not.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:52 No.6763023
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:57 No.6763075

    not true; in the older games, White Mages in particularly had all the GOOD debuffs. Poison, Toad and Countdown were all Black, and largely useless, while White had Slow, Silence and Berserk, in addition to all the best buff spells (Haste used to be White!)

    It's only in recent times in the FF series that WHMs don't have all the debuffs that matter... and now neither do BLMs, as they only have elemental nukes.
    >> geomike 11/18/09(Wed)17:32 No.6763382
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    Way to pay attention to the debate /tg/ had last night.

    We came to the conclusion that both Character Concept and Optimization Builds are merely tools for the players to use- neither one necessarily prohibits the player from being a good or bad roleplayer.

    Welcome to trollville; population: you

    You don't care? Then WHY ARE YOU REPLYING.
    Why don't you participate in a thread you DO care about instead of tearing down someone else's?

    Note my sage.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:43 No.6763496
    This is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:50 No.6763569
         File1258584637.jpg-(28 KB, 360x396, stfu.jpg)
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    >lolololol im so clevar
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)18:04 No.6763692
    Learn to use sage properly.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)18:12 No.6763790
    If I wanted to be a little more offensive, would it be okay?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)18:16 No.6763835

    What, are you gonna say you're not comfortable around black people?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)18:19 No.6763877
    ... c-cunt!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)18:21 No.6763898
         File1258586499.jpg-(221 KB, 600x1000, Reimu Ropes.jpg)
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    The two offense-oriented cleric builds, the melee cleric and the laser cleric, would be entirely different beasts requiring different feats, paragon paths, and powers.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)18:47 No.6764165
    But what if I wanted to be a healer with a few BOOMs in my pocket for when I get swarmed or so?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)19:13 No.6764432
    You probably could vary your skills a little more, but then you wouldn't be THE STRONGEST
    Less specialization => Less optimization
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)19:31 No.6764628
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    That would be a laser cleric, requiring a different build. The Pacifist Healer feat highly discourages you from dealing damage, you see, and so there is a distinct dichotomy between pacifist clerics and laser clerics. The former heals and deals no damage, whereas the latter heals to a lesser degree but actually inflicts hit point damage.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)19:46 No.6764752
         File1258591565.jpg-(44 KB, 440x367, Reimu Youmu Donations Swirly E(...).jpg)
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    Addendum: A laser cleric/warlock/Student of Caiphon at the paragon tier can be downright diabolic. Consider what happens when you have an 18-20 critical range for all of your attacks and, whenever you land a critical hit on an enemy, dominate the enemy until the end of your next turn.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)19:51 No.6764818
    Someone archive this.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)20:25 No.6765216
    >4e Character Builds

    >implying 4e characters can be different from each other
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)20:42 No.6765423
    They can be vastly different, pathetic Grognard.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)21:02 No.6765654
    becuz epic win xd?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)21:03 No.6765666
    Because it's a helpful topic.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)21:05 No.6765698
    what you said, Satan.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)21:37 No.6766086
    Is it really?
    Should we really trust the pinon of a dark god?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)21:41 No.6766139
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)21:46 No.6766217
    You should totally trust me, I was a bro to Adam and Eve.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)22:14 No.6766566
    You raped them.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)22:43 No.6766940
    Poor baby can't read.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)00:03 No.6767825
    Real men go Battle Cleric. With 12 WIS.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)00:19 No.6768041
    Real men play quadriplegic commoners without eyes.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)01:09 No.6768620
    Commoners? Why not serfs?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)01:10 No.6768630
    Nobody likes serfs.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)01:11 No.6768642
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    Oh! Touhoufag!
    I've been wanting to talk to you.
    In support of your excellent work here, and being sued by WotC, I would like to offer you a beta key for Heroes of Newerth.

    Also, is there a compilation somewhere of your builds? I want to use one, but the only ones I've saved are the healers, and I'm tired of support.
    I'm feeling my striker coming on, probably a barbarian for chargechargecharge.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)02:51 No.6769619
    Rage against the dying of the light.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)03:14 No.6769837
    I wonder what the world would be like if there were Touhoubux
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)03:33 No.6769954
    Oh, of course, neither optimisation nor it's uglier cousin min-maxing inherently prevent good roleplaying, (Though said optimisers and min/max'ers do tend to lead towards the shit end of the spectrum) it's the fact that it often leads to other players feeling threatened, ineffective and marginalised by broken build pulled from WoTC charop forums de jour. Sure, min/maxers can be roleplayers, but they tend not to be, and regardless, they're still sucking out everyone elses fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)03:36 No.6769985
    >and being sued by WotC

    Wait, what? WotC is suing Touhoufag? Why?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)03:37 No.6769999

    Don't go thinking you're the arbiter of taste on this fucking forum, you mealy-mouthed limpdick. Your opinion doesn't count for shit. Nobody's does. Go fuck your mother.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)03:38 No.6770009
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)03:40 No.6770023
    What would be the best goblin sorcerer build?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)03:40 No.6770029
    None of those things are facts.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)03:43 No.6770053
    Sagefag attention whore detected.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)03:50 No.6770109
    1.) You are not /tg/.
    2.) You are not everybody.
    3.) Cry some more.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)04:01 No.6770188
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)04:02 No.6770190
    >BAWWWWWWWWW, everybody hates me because I hate an avatarwhore

    ftfy sagefag
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)04:15 No.6770289
    I'm sorry to say but, isn't your effort kinda wasted here Touhou fag?

    I know you love doing this stuff, but this thread is gonna be gone in a few hours and it's pretty obvious by the response here that /tg/ just isn't your audience.

    Well, maybe it isn't your audience when you're talking about YOUR character concept. People still seem to tolerate you when asking your help on THEIR character.

    I don't know, but on a side note: I don't like optimized healers in 4e. When a character is focused solely on making encounters less dangerous...it just makes the game less exciting...
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)04:19 No.6770321
    sage doesn't do anything
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)04:22 No.6770346
    >except for everyone who isn't me, everyone agrees with me

    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)04:30 No.6770426
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    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)04:59 No.6770656
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    I am afraid I am not a fan of online video games, but you have my gratitude for your offer. In any case, the build I am currently working on would be a longtooth shifter fighter|warden/paladin/Pit Fighter/Chosen focused on damage output, responding to enemy actions, mobility, and durability, though due to certain time management issues, it shall arrive in roughly twenty-five hours (that is, a day from now) rather than in one hour.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:01 No.6770664
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:16 No.6770771
         File1258625767.jpg-(98 KB, 400x532, 4e Cover MP Momiji.jpg)
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    That said, have a preview:

    Race: Longtooth Shifter, Player's Handbook 2, pages 16-17
    Class: Fighter|Warden, Dragon Magazine #375, pages 94 and 102
    Guardian Might: Wildblood, Player's Handbook 2, page 153
    Paragon Path: Pit Fighter, Player's Handbook, pages 87-88
    Epic Destiny Choice A: Demigod, Player's Handbook, pages 174-175
    Epic Destiny Choice B: Chosen, Divine Power, pages 152-153
    Epic Destiny Choice C: Chosen, Forgotten Realms Player's Guide, pages 72-73

    Ability Scores:
    Level 1: Strength 16+2, Constitution 12, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 16+2, Charisma 8
    Level 4: Strength 17+2, Constitution 12, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 17+2, Charisma 8
    Level 8: Strength 18+2, Constitution 12, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 18+2, Charisma 8
    Level 11: Strength 19+2, Constitution 13, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 19+2, Charisma 9
    Level 14: Strength 20+2, Constitution 13, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 20+2, Charisma 9
    Level 18: Strength 21+2, Constitution 13, Dexterity 11, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 21+2, Charisma 9
    Level 21: Strength 22+2+2, Constitution 14, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 22+2+2, Charisma 10
    Level 24: Strength 23+2+2, Constitution 14, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 23+2+2, Charisma 10
    Level 28: Strength 24+2+2, Constitution 14, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 24+2+2, Charisma 10
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:17 No.6770782
         File1258625860.jpg-(259 KB, 720x720, Momiji Alphes Auer.jpg)
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    Level 1: Hybrid Talent (Guardian Might), Dragon Magazine #375, page 88
    Level 2: Cruel Cut Style, Dragon Magazine #373, page 17
    Level 4: Weapon Expertise (Heavy Blades), Player's Handbook 2, page 190
    Level 6: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades), Player's Handbook, page 201
    Level 8: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Player's Handbook, page 201
    Level 10: Toughness, Player's Handbook, page 201
    Level 11: Soldier of Virtue, Divine Power, page 144
    Level 11 (replaces Toughness): Honored Foe, Divine Power, page 139
    Level 12: Marked Scourge, Martial Power, page 144
    Level 14: Wildblood Speed, Player's Handbook 2, page 193
    Level 16: Toughness, Player's Handbook, page 201
    Level 18: Paragon Defenses, Player's Handbook 2, page 191
    Level 20: Durable, Player's Handbook, page 194
    Level 21: Martial Resolve, Martial Power, page 147
    Level 21 (replaces Durable): Paladin's Truth, Divine Power, page 141
    Level 22: Martial Freedom, Martial Power, page 138
    Level 22 (replaces Paragon Defenses): Robust Defenses, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    Level 24: Epic Reflexes, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    Level 26: Epic Will, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    Level 28: Epic Fortitude, Player's Handbook 2, page 194
    Level 30: Durable, Player's Handbook, page 194

    At-Will Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Cleave, Player's Handbook, page 77
    Level 1: Thorn Strike, Player's Handbook 2, page 154
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:18 No.6770794
         File1258625923.jpg-(99 KB, 565x800, Momiji Blade Hug.jpg)
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    Encounter Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Wildblood Frenzy, Player's Handbook 2, page 155
    Level 3: Parry and Riposte, Martial Power, page 10
    Level 7: Guardian's Pounce, Primal Power, page 97
    Level 11: All Bets are Off, Player's Handbook, page 87
    Level 13 (replaces Wildblood Frenzy): Storm of Blades, Player's Handbook, page 82
    Level 17 (replaces Parry and Riposte): Revel in Pain, Dragon Magazine #381, Power Play: Martial
    Level 23 (replaces Guardian's Pounce): Startling Savagery, Player's Handbook 2, page 163
    Level 27 (replaces Storm of Blades): Screaming Wind Strike, Player's Handbook 2, page 164

    Daily Attack Powers:
    Level 1: Form of Mountain's Thunder, Primal Power, page 94
    Level 5: Rain of Steel, Player's Handbook, page 79
    Level 9: Form of the Oak Sentinel, Player's Handbook 2, page 158
    Level 15 (replaces Form of Mountain's Thunder): Unyielding Avalanche, Player's Handbook, page 82
    Level 19 (replaces Form of the Oak Sentinel): Form of the Avalanche Unleashed, Primal Power, page 99
    Level 20: Lion of Battle, Player's Handbook, page 88
    Level 25 (replaces Rain of Steel): Reaper's Stance, Player's Handbook, page 85
    Level 29 (replaces Unyielding Avalanche): Force the Battle, Player's Handbook, page 86

    Utility Powers:
    Level 2: Pass Forward, Martial Power, page 10
    Level 6: Bear's Endurance, Player's Handbook 2, page 158
    Level 10: Prescient Maneuver, Dragon Magazine #379, page 12
    Level 12: Deadly Payback, Player's Handbook, page 88
    Level 16: Cleansing Earth, Player's Handbook 2, page 161
    Level 22: Inspired Resurgence, Martial Power, page 18
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:28 No.6770871
         File1258626499.jpg-(105 KB, 600x876, 1228936551104.jpg)
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    Touhoufag, I challenge you to do your thing on a low Int Eladrin Primal character when you get the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:29 No.6770886
         File1258626581.jpg-(265 KB, 1696x2200, 1-1_Page_01.jpg)
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    Just wanted to appreciate your hard work on our behalf.

    Touhoufag allegedly purchased a copy of the PHB2 pdf, then distributed it via the internets.
    Pic is from the WotC suit.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:30 No.6770901
         File1258626644.jpg-(679 KB, 1200x1000, Youmu Myon Orbs.jpg)
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    Additionally, if you would like a striker, I shall do my best to deliver a second build in twenty-four hours to make up for the shoddy scheduling, a ranger|rogue/Stormwarden/Chosen.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:31 No.6770907
         File1258626704.jpg-(276 KB, 1696x2200, 1-1_Page_02.jpg)
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    Luckily touhoufag, per the complaint, lives in the phillipines, and is a minor, so no one cares.

    There's a rapidshare or something with the full suit pdfs, but I forgot where.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:34 No.6770934
         File1258626884.png-(265 KB, 767x650, Cirno Achicirno.png)
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    Eladrin receive +2 Intelligence, and so the minimum Intelligence for an eladrin character would be 10. Cirno would most likely be a palette-swapped and refluffed dragonborn Dragon Magic sorcerer focusing on cold powers used in conjunction with the Wintertouched heroic feat, the Lasting Frost paragon feat, a Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold, and Gloves of Ice.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:34 No.6770935
         File1258626887.jpg-(360 KB, 1696x2200, 1-1_Page_03.jpg)
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    I had my heart set on a barbarian, but I'm not starting any new campaigns any time soon, so no hurry.
    OTOH, I have a friend who just started a ranger/rogue, so I'll pass your build on to him.

    Question remains, is there a "Collected Works of Touhoufag" somewhere?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:36 No.6770945
         File1258626974.jpg-(358 KB, 1696x2200, 1-1_Page_04.jpg)
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    For the record, page 3 (posted previously) contains the only reference to an elf wizard I've ever seen in a court pleading.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:36 No.6770950
    Dayumn. Thanks a lot. And I love that pic.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:38 No.6770958
    cirno is a fucking fey
    why cant she be a fey?
    it cant be that fucking hard to ask, and anyone who would let you play cirno anyway should be fey.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:40 No.6770981
         File1258627224.png-(415 KB, 800x666, Cirno Achicirno Bloomers.png)
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    The majority of my portfolio is composed of build outlines at certain levels, requested by posters on this very board. I doubt that they would prove useful to anybody else, and I cannot be bothered at the moment to compile all of them.


    I do not believe that the drow, eladrin, elf, gnome, and wilden races suit Cirno very well. It would be best to simply have her as a refluffed dragonborn.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:40 No.6770982
         File1258627229.jpg-(131 KB, 617x800, 1257412434117.jpg)
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    cirno is a fucking fey
    why cant she be a fey?
    it cant be that fucking hard to ask, and anyone who would let you play cirno anyway should be okay with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:40 No.6770985
    Take Dragonborn, give them Fey origin and a cold based breath weapon only. Make them small size, and you're golden.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:47 No.6771031
    except for the part of whenever something is more damaging to dragons you get hurt from it. cannot qualify for fey related stuff, etc etc

    you guys complain about 3.5es Races and here you have the most simplest and unimpressing way to create new races and youre too lazy to do it.
    Touhou fey/fairy
    here you fricken go, +2 dex +2 cha
    +2 acrobatics +2 survival.
    Small to Medium
    Possibly resistances if you want to go elemental then if not something to do with being cheery and lighthearted playful creatures.
    Racial power can be flight or some kind of shootan
    not that hard.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:48 No.6771045
    >except for the part of whenever something is more damaging to dragons you get hurt from it.

    You don't know how 4e works.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:51 No.6771071
    >>derp no racial specific damage
    I'm pretty sure bane weapons still exist bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:53 No.6771084
    They don't.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)06:09 No.6771215
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    I'm inclined to disagree that your builds wouldn't be interesting to those beyond the original requester.
    I'd consider playing either of your whitemage builds, except both my current characters got stuck healing.
    However, I certainly understand laziness.

    In that case, I hereby request a barbarian, damage focused, that charges everywhere all the time. I want the rest of the party to constantly be running to catch up with him.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)06:22 No.6771319
         File1258629758.jpg-(1.69 MB, 1738x2460, Youmu Water Step.jpg)
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    Focusing on charging might not prove very viable when only a few barbarian encounter and daily attack powers can be used at the end of a charge, and even then, they would rank amongst the more mediocre powers available. On the other hand, a Whirling Slayer barbarian can become incredibly swift, mobile, and adept at shifting around the battlefield, which can fulfill your desire to see "the party to constantly be running to catch up with him". Do note, however, that this would be all too similar to the ranger|rogue/Stormwarden build that I had promised above, though it would possess greater mobility.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)06:34 No.6771430
         File1258630493.jpg-(155 KB, 800x582, Sakuya Clock Symbols.jpg)
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    Addendum: We could alternatively work with a traditional eladrin Feycharger build, but this would similarly entail you forgoing your encounter and daily attack powers, something that I have never found to be practical.


    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)06:38 No.6771447
         File1258630692.jpg-(341 KB, 1696x2200, 1-1_Page_06.jpg)
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    Admittedly, my barbarian knowledge is limited to playing one as a one-shot for the DMG2(?) game day recently.
    I really just liked the "Down a minion, free charge. Bloody someone? Free charge. Get hit? Charge."

    I guess I'll await your Stormwarden, and see if he fulfills my need to run around the battlefield like a maniac.

    Seeing as I don't browse /tg/ as obsessively as I should, would you mind dropping me a line when its done?
    [email protected]
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)06:40 No.6771464
         File1258630851.jpg-(360 KB, 1696x2200, 1-1_Page_07.jpg)
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    I concur that having crappy encounter/dailies is not a good idea.

    The touhou pictures are insufficient?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)06:54 No.6771593
    I could download your pics, save them again with a different compressionrate and become touhoushit, if I so desired, but why would a human want to become touhoushit? GTFO, DIAF. Leave /tg/ already!
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)06:55 No.6771602
         File1258631730.jpg-(93 KB, 800x600, Suika Charge.jpg)
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    >I really just liked the "Down a minion, free charge. Bloody someone? Free charge. Get hit? Charge."

    Swift Charge is an encounter power that functions only when you bring an enemy to 0 hit points or below.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)07:03 No.6771659
    Sorry, asshat, I don't read unrelated threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)07:04 No.6771669
         File1258632296.jpg-(231 KB, 535x879, China Rain Knife Cry.jpg)
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    Addendum: I suppose I could make you a monk build focused on extreme mobility, as monks had received a well-deserved upgrade during the last Compendium update. Might I ask what the starting level of this character would be? This would be vital to the selection of multiclass feats, implement, and paragon path.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)07:25 No.6771842
         File1258633519.jpg-(344 KB, 1696x2200, 1-1_Page_08.jpg)
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    Huh, I didn't know monks were out yet. After a brief review of the Compendium, they seem interesting.
    It'd be starting level 1, and probably only get played to level 15 or 20, our campaigns tend to die.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)07:37 No.6771932
         File1258634238.jpg-(40 KB, 484x626, China Window.jpg)
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    Well, level 1 foils just about every monk build idea I had in mind, which are all meant for play at the paragon tier, or possibly high heroic. I do not do this very often, but I am afraid I must refuse to create a build of this class for you; anything I would produce would be typical fare that would not bring anything particularly notable to the table, and to be earnest, I have enough on my to-do list as is. I implore you to simply watch for my future threads and pick out a build that you would be interested in.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)07:51 No.6772027
         File1258635061.jpg-(330 KB, 1696x2200, 1-1_Page_09.jpg)
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    Yeah, that's why I was wondering if there was a compilation, I figured it wasn't worth making a specific build, given the low level.
    I look forward to tomorrow's storm/ranger/rogue.
    'night touhou
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)08:04 No.6772115
    Well, now I'm curious, Touhoufag. What DO you do when you're not poring over D&D-related minutia?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)08:23 No.6772229


    Or LARPing Maid.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)09:06 No.6772578
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)09:08 No.6772598
    Shit, not roleplaying, unrelated
    It was established numerous times that no matter what the text is, touhou pictures are unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)09:29 No.6772787
    He thinks he has an opinion!
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)09:37 No.6772876
    Only if by 'established' you mean 'repeatedly saged by a single batshit insane fuckspod'. Touhou is a stinking pile of shit but the related content is fine, you faggot.

    Polite sage for noncontribution.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)09:38 No.6772883
    Forgot my sage, who cares.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)09:39 No.6772891
    Not an opinion, shitswizzle. Objective fact, utterly convincing to all humans.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)09:55 No.6773038
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)11:03 No.6773711
    You're ADORABLE. :3
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)13:27 No.6774969
    joining you in your noble fight
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)13:54 No.6775198
    Samefag is same.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)14:04 No.6775277
    Sanae is a good girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)18:01 No.6777929

    Compared to Reimu, just about anyone is a good girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)18:05 No.6777987
    Herr Touhoufag, do you know a good Werewolf build with only the core rules? Specifically a Glasswalker?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)18:08 No.6778015
         File1258672127.jpg-(133 KB, 514x609, sanae_is_a_mess.jpg)
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    Yeah, she never complains about any degrading thing you do to her. Took here a while to learn to swallow though.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)18:10 No.6778034
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)18:13 No.6778073
    I'm going to ask a quick question: is Blade Dancer the only decent offensive based paragon build for a 2 weapon ranger that wants nothing to do with elven faggotry?
    I don't want a beast companion, Pathfinder is made of ass and nigh useless, and everything else is made of "WE ARE ELVES AND THIS IS OUR FAGGOTRY".
    My ranger is a half-orc, why would he want anything to do with them?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)18:13 No.6778076

    If i were talking about NEW WoD it would be an error. Faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)18:35 No.6778324
    You could work with your DM and modify what you think is 'elf faggotry' to better suit your character. But maybe thats just a flexible DM's crazy thoughts here.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)19:11 No.6778680
    Pit Fighter?

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