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  • File : 1273861553.jpg-(52 KB, 500x500, tictactoe.jpg)
    52 KB Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:25 No.9815531  
    Let's do this.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:27 No.9815552
         File1273861643.jpg-(27 KB, 500x500, tic tac fail.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:27 No.9815556
    I'm so sick of these alignment threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:28 No.9815561
         File1273861684.jpg-(3 KB, 79x126, 1255191585610s.jpg)
    3 KB
    >tic tac fail.jpg

    Fine, why not.
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 05/14/10(Fri)14:28 No.9815566
         File1273861695.png-(36 KB, 500x500, untitled.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:28 No.9815575
         File1273861731.jpg-(3 KB, 120x120, imgres.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:28 No.9815577
         File1273861736.jpg-(68 KB, 500x500, Untitled-2.jpg)
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    Your turn
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:29 No.9815588
    Game's on!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:29 No.9815592
    is this connect four you guys?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:30 No.9815597
         File1273861800.jpg-(265 KB, 600x453, cantdothat.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:30 No.9815603
         File1273861836.png-(42 KB, 500x500, 1273861695177.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:30 No.9815608
         File1273861855.jpg-(52 KB, 385x263, tom cruise and p diddy taking (...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:30 No.9815609

    Fuck this shit I'm outta here
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:31 No.9815611
         File1273861865.jpg-(18 KB, 500x500, tictacfail.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:31 No.9815612
         File1273861869.jpg-(11 KB, 330x265, 1272019276748.jpg)
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    I'm bot sure who to root for here, Black is of course the side of justice but the circles and crosses add a whole new layer of complexity.....

    At any rate, connect four is a far superior game.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:32 No.9815624
         File1273861929.jpg-(16 KB, 320x240, 1269164365983.jpg)
    16 KB
    >This thread

    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:32 No.9815630



    made my day anon
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:32 No.9815631
         File1273861956.jpg-(29 KB, 480x360, Already won.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:34 No.9815660
         File1273862048.jpg-(377 KB, 1309x1650, Anime align.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:36 No.9815692
         File1273862173.jpg-(82 KB, 500x500, owned.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:37 No.9815715
         File1273862255.jpg-(186 KB, 500x1800, 200009e1fbc2780eb9b5c05995fe0d(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:37 No.9815718
         File1273862257.jpg-(34 KB, 500x500, tic tac fail.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:38 No.9815734
         File1273862320.jpg-(38 KB, 501x501, triplet.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:38 No.9815741
         File1273862337.jpg-(39 KB, 501x501, tictacfail.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:39 No.9815750
         File1273862386.jpg-(110 KB, 500x500, fuckyourshit.jpg)
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    >already lost.jpg
    >> Flee !!TRanvZl56g3 05/14/10(Fri)14:40 No.9815755
         File1273862402.jpg-(34 KB, 400x400, 505595_m.jpg)
    34 KB

    >connect four is a far superior game

    Fancy a game?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:40 No.9815761
         File1273862422.jpg-(101 KB, 900x726, I say.jpg)
    101 KB
    > This thread
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:41 No.9815780
         File1273862501.jpg-(3 KB, 116x126, 1270490357397.jpg)
    3 KB
    What the shit is going on here?
    >> Black !ZAhFiCbeU2 05/14/10(Fri)14:41 No.9815782
         File1273862504.jpg-(20 KB, 277x237, connect4.jpg)
    20 KB

    Why yes, yes I do.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:41 No.9815783
         File1273862504.png-(152 KB, 501x501, WON.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:42 No.9815795
    This is the best thread on /tg/ right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:42 No.9815804
    I love you /tg/. Don't ever change.
    >> Flee !!TRanvZl56g3 05/14/10(Fri)14:43 No.9815816
         File1273862612.jpg-(83 KB, 486x610, 1273576786678.jpg)
    83 KB

    Want to make another thread for this?

    In fact, I will, this thread looks sporadic and too funny for normal Connect 4.

    Come here: >>9815805
    >> Touhou Homebrew Guy 05/14/10(Fri)14:44 No.9815830
         File1273862667.png-(156 KB, 501x501, JUST ONE MINUTE.png)
    156 KB
    I invoke my right of Parting Slap to begin a recursive game.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:50 No.9815935
         File1273863011.png-(166 KB, 501x501, HERESY.png)
    166 KB

    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:50 No.9815936
    Alignment chat with tic tac toe played on it...
    >> Touhou Homebrew Guy 05/14/10(Fri)14:52 No.9815978
         File1273863173.png-(160 KB, 501x501, ROUND 2, FIGHT.png)
    160 KB
    That may be one win for you, but the war continues!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)14:59 No.9816050
         File1273863557.jpg-(43 KB, 501x501, harg.jpg)
    43 KB

    A clever move, my good sir. But you have overlooked the fact that I have gathered enough point to invoke three-square-wide CARCRASH combo, foiling your plan!
    >> Touhou Homebrew Guy 05/14/10(Fri)15:01 No.9816072
         File1273863674.png-(211 KB, 501x501, KIIIIICK.png)
    211 KB
    Such a dangerous move! Did you see who you were putting at risk!?

    Why, you're no friend of justice at all! RIDER KIIIIIIICK!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:07 No.9816170
         File1273864070.jpg-(51 KB, 501x563, argh.jpg)
    51 KB

    Almost got me there. GG, sir. Luckily I still have the means to defend my lands.
    >> Touhou Homebrew Guy 05/14/10(Fri)15:12 No.9816232
         File1273864327.png-(272 KB, 501x563, raaaaaaar.png)
    272 KB
    But a derpasaur is knocking on the door to said lands! WHAT WILL THE KING DO?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:17 No.9816323
         File1273864660.jpg-(64 KB, 501x563, derpmahboii.jpg)
    64 KB

    The king's move now it pretty obvious. I see no other line of defense.
    I think you're winning.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:22 No.9816403
         File1273864938.jpg-(200 KB, 501x563, gameover.jpg)
    200 KB
    Just according to plan
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:22 No.9816416

    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:22 No.9816418
    Next up: Combining all this with timechess.
    >> Touhou Homebrew Guy 05/14/10(Fri)15:22 No.9816420
    The fact that none of us realized that Creed was playing was the true stroke of genius.

    Consider a hat tipped.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:23 No.9816421
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:24 No.9816441
         File1273865059.jpg-(30 KB, 294x400, Creed.jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:25 No.9816466
    TG is the only place where a game of tic-tac-toe can be ended by crashing a tank into it.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:26 No.9816483
    I think that works in the former Soviet Union too.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:27 No.9816487
    >> Anonymous 05/14/10(Fri)15:28 No.9816510
    No, that was Nazi Germany. Vodka wins tic-tac-toe games in Russia.

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