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  • File : 1294106751.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/03/11(Mon)21:05 No.13390544  
    >last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13331794/

    Kyria stretches and wanders off from the bathhouse, happily whistling as she goes. To your left, Jayne is headed towards the stables, which are permanent structures in all three segments of the fort as of about noon today. Off to your right, a robed figure steals towards Janos' cell, two bows in his grasp. The guard nods and allows the man access to the cell, "locking" the door behind him. It was obvious what Jayne is sad about, unless her body language has changed completely since earlier today... but it might also be interesting to see what Janos' is up to, or even harass Wulf some, as you have a very good idea as to where he is by now.
    >> Commander Quest XLVII Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/03/11(Mon)21:13 No.13390622
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    >bump, because I derped and forgot my subject line, and well, I feel like it
    >> Maximus 01/03/11(Mon)21:19 No.13390674
    Hmmm. I say check up on Janos. Wondering why he wants bows if he knows we're not going to use him in combat.
    >> Uurlanthian Noble 01/03/11(Mon)21:20 No.13390688
    Go see what Janos is doing.
    >> Laurentius 01/03/11(Mon)21:26 No.13390752
    This then perhaps go and try to cheer Jayne up
    >Commander Quest FUCK YEAH!
    >> I-C003-IN 01/03/11(Mon)21:28 No.13390786
    I sahll agree to this course of action then maybe pick on Wulf a bit.
    >> Laurentius 01/03/11(Mon)21:32 No.13390829
    sounds good to me
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/03/11(Mon)21:33 No.13390834
    >just realized that I derped again, it was supposed to be two boughs. As in, lengths of wood, not the finished product

    Out of curiosity more than anything you make your way over to Janos' cell. After being admitted, you see both Janos and Kaitlyn sitting quietly, small knives in hand, both of then are clearly separating the center and outer portions of the thick branches Janos brought to the cell. "Making new bows, I;m assuming?" you ask as the door closes behind you.

    "Yes, both of ours were broken when you took us, and even so they would not have been appropriate considering our position. We decfided we should have new ones." Janos replies, grinning as a long section of the outer part of the branch pulls free.

    "You are aware that you most likely will not see any combat, correct?" you ask, still unsure of the mans purpose.

    "Yes, but I am also a member of the Degnarian Legion now, and as such should be armed. Even your chefs and doctors have shortswords in their supplies." he replies, starting another split in the branch.
    >> Laurentius 01/03/11(Mon)21:35 No.13390872
    "ah, carry on then. By the way who was it who delivered the wood to you? I didn't manage to see their face
    >> Maximus 01/03/11(Mon)21:38 No.13390893
    That was Janos himself.
    "Fair enough. Just wait a little longer. Once we're on the march, you two won't have to keep hiding in this little cell."
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)21:38 No.13390910
    Commend Kaitlyn on her initiative with a smile.
    >> Laurentius 01/03/11(Mon)21:42 No.13390962
    Ah that makes sense, onward to the person who rides bears and seems upset( Crazy you say? no It's just another day in the life of Justinian Trentz)
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/03/11(Mon)21:46 No.13391025
    "An excellent idea my friend" you agree "However, I am curious as to how you managed to leave both your cell and the fort without being noticed."

    Janos shrugs, pulling another long section of outer bough free of the thick branch "The guards know me by now, and they know that you trust me. Once I pointed out that there was no way any prisoners or scouts could possibly identify me with the route I planned on taking they let me in and out." he replies, shucking off the last of the outer bough, leaving only the heartwood.

    "Ah." you reply, bereft of another answer "You do realize that if you waited until we were on the march in a few days you would have better light to work by and less smoke to contend with."

    "I would also have to wait longer to use my new bow, which I have a feeling will be my greatest work yet." the turned nobleman replies, his face scrunching up in concentration as he whittles away at the strong heartwood.

    >so, Wulf, Jayne, or timeskip to the rest of your forces arriving?
    >> Generic 01/03/11(Mon)21:49 No.13391071

    >> ------- !!z3MMJoPZqIN 01/03/11(Mon)21:50 No.13391084
    Tell them to ask Aurelius about bow-making and archery, or if they are better at it, tell Aurelius to learn from them. Skill and team-building.

    Ponder about giving them a couple of bodyguards, or maybe detailing them as aides for Sansa, so she can keep watch on them. That way we can also say that they were previously known criminals liberated by you or Sansa herself, thus the association with our own aide.

    If there are nothing else specific to do with our lovebirds, go to Jayne. And detail Wulf to start improving his logistics skill by telling him to keep watch over the whole preparation to move details.
    >> Maximus 01/03/11(Mon)21:51 No.13391091
    Hmm. One last question before we leave for Janos.

    "Did you train your bodyguard yourself or did you just train yourself so you could fight with them?"

    If he trained them himself, that'd be rather interesting to know.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/03/11(Mon)21:51 No.13391095
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/03/11(Mon)22:04 No.13391277
    As you make to leave, a question comes to mind "Did you train your bodyguards, or did someone else train them?" you ask.

    Kaitlyn answers the question for Janos "I trained Janos, actually." the noble in question grins, you would expect there were more than a few good memories the two made during that time.

    Nodding you respond "Interesting, I would not be surprised if Aurelius was willing to speak on the matter of bows and archery with the two of you. Enjoy your evening." At that you make your way from the cell.

    Jayne is over at the stables, as you had expected, quietly brushing Stormcloud, clearly deep in thought. You trip over a fallen saddle, alerting the noblewoman to your presence. "Finally decided I was worth your time again?" she asks, turning around, her eyes still slightly reddened from tears, her voice carefully controlled.
    >> Laurentius 01/03/11(Mon)22:07 No.13391330
    umm.... Fuck, I've got nothing
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:08 No.13391340
    aw man now i feel bad.
    >> Maximus 01/03/11(Mon)22:10 No.13391364
    "Do you truly believe I didn't think you were worth my time Jayne?"
    >> ------- !!z3MMJoPZqIN 01/03/11(Mon)22:18 No.13391463
    Be crushed. Justinian Trentz' only weakness! Tears of the woman he love! Or women.

    It can be his Achilles' heel, his Kryptonite, but it can also be his Gamma Ray!

    Hug her, tell her Jus is sorry, but Jus has promised Kyria and he keeps his words. (Or at least, hardly break them, and when he does, he break them hard too)

    Ask forgiveness again for causing her pain. Apologize for his womanizing ways, but tell her that it is his way. In the collegiate/academy days, he had tried to change it for one of the women he loves, but it only caused pain for all those who were involved and the relationship between them all ended badly. (Some flashback appropriate, and this put a barrier between the women that Jus loved in the past and the ones in the Maniple, or else we have a potential past Harem in the waiting...)

    Ask if she is willing to accept him for that, knowing how bad he is at this matter. Despite the poly-partner culture, some people might be hurt because of this, and in the long run, if Jayne could be hurting, it might be better if they remained just... Friends.

    And, I expect I will be ninja-ed, or at least trumped by someone else's better writing.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/03/11(Mon)22:18 No.13391470
    You put an arm around Jayne, she doesn't ease very much, but she doesn't tense up either, though with how tight she feels, that may simply be because she cant physically get any tenser "Do you truly believe that I think you arent worth my time, Jayne?" you ask, worried and concerned.

    Jayne looks at you, more self-control than hurt in her eyes "No..." she trails off "It simply feels like," she bites back a sob "Almost as soon as we returned you went off to lie with Sansa, then Kyria as soon as she returned. The first opportunity you had with either of them. But me..." she trails off, looking afraid to finish her sentence.
    >> Generic 01/03/11(Mon)22:24 No.13391538

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jayne has given the vibe that she isn't very experienced with with her feelings toward justinian?

    if so:

    "Am I... your first?"

    Either way, we need to lead her off of her current thought process of potential jealousy and lead this conversation.
    >> Maximus 01/03/11(Mon)22:28 No.13391601
    "Unfortunately our situation is different Jayne. You're a noble, a noble whose status is once again rising while I'm just a minor commander who might be forgotten after our offensive begins and others do more. I don't want to do anything that might hurt the status of your house, especially since you're the head of it."
    >> Laurentius 01/03/11(Mon)22:28 No.13391604
    "But they aren't the heads of Noble Houses and as such, don't have to worry as much about disgrace as you might. I wasn't trying to cause you pain, in fact, I was trying to help you avoid it. But I appear to have failed in that as well, can you forgive me?"
    >> Generic 01/03/11(Mon)22:29 No.13391614

    I think we should avoid your suggestions until we've gotten Jayne to a point where she has more control over her emotions. We don't want to get into a position where her emotions go on the offensive
    >> WEIRD !!z3MMJoPZqIN 01/03/11(Mon)22:31 No.13391644
    Calm her down first? Initiate decompressive hug protocol!
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/03/11(Mon)22:39 No.13391763
    "I wasn't trying to hurt you, Jayne." you reply, softly, hugging her "I've been very careful to avoid just that, in fact. As much as I _do_ want you, I want even more to make sure that I dont do you or your house any permanent damage should I die or be forgotten."

    Jayne softens slightly "Thats, nice of you." she replies "But I had hoped you would take my, openness as a sign, its just so hard for me to be so, open, with men."

    Judging by the weight she put on the word 'open' you decide to go out on a limb "Would, would I be your first?" you ask, hoping that you arent about to feel the bite of a slap or laughter.

    "I, I have spent my life for my house, trying to save us from becoming just another mercenary family, trying to be the son my father never had, I simply didnt have the time for..." Jayne seems to loose the track of her thoughts again, as she slips into silence for a few minutes, before asking, almost in a whisper "Isn't that something men desire?"
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/03/11(Mon)22:40 No.13391781
    Statement: Hey guys, what did I miss?

    Statement: FFFFF- This runtime knew we forgot something.

    Agreement: Something along these lines. We love her, but if her involvement with us in any way could hurt her house's standing, it wouldn't be fair to her.
    >> Maximus 01/03/11(Mon)22:46 No.13391862
    "Many men have different tastes and desires, but I promise you Jayne - I care and desire you for who you are, not because I am your first. Once I'm more well known and associating with me won't bring potential problems to your house... Things will be very different between us, I assure you."
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/03/11(Mon)22:47 No.13391874
    Recitation: "I... Yes, it is. Some, more than others. Jayne, I'd like to make it up to you. How does a candlelit dinner alone with me sound? No alcohol, though: I'd like very much to enjoy your company with a clear mind."
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:48 No.13391884
    Jayne, my dear, to think that an insult to you is the furthest thing from the truth. I am simply trying to be fair to all of you. The other three have understood and accepted it by now, but I have yet to ask you despite you being the most important one to talk to about it...

    I intend to marry you, Jayne. If you will have me then it will be my honor to be your first and only. The others, well, consider how that must feel for them. I love you all, and I don't want anyone hurt. That is the main reason I have restrained myself thus far. I truly hope I have not hurt you, I care for you deeply.
    >> Generic 01/03/11(Mon)22:52 No.13391937
    "It varies from man to man, like all things in this world."
    Hand-to-her-cheek tender moment.
    "I care not if I'm your first or your thousandth. My feelings for you remain the same."
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)22:55 No.13391966
    "I am honored you would choose me, Jayne. I would like to be with you more than anything, and if you are sure that it will not damage your reputation or house then being together intimately is something I want too. As soon as possible, in fact. If you truly think it reasonable then I have no objections, I was trying to guard the honor of your house and the hearts of Laelith, Sansa, and Kyria. They all know by now that they will never formally wed me like you, and that is something that I had to attend to personally.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/03/11(Mon)22:59 No.13392029
    "Jayne, I..." you stutter, offput by the Jaynes openness, and her vulnerability. "I never meant to hurt you, my love. I could tell that you were... inexperienced, so I moved slowly." Jayne noticeably relaxes into your arms "And I wanted to make absolutely sure that when we finally were... together, that it wouldn't hurt your h-"

    Jayne cuts you off "Justinian love, I _wanted_ to do something reckless. Why do you think I signed on with you? To be certain you swept me off my feet when we met, but why do you think I stayed on after my sanity returned to me after we defeated Khaless? I want, love _you_ Justinian. That, more than anything else, is why I stayed with you. I am your noble-lady, and despite your best efforts you have hurt me." she tells you, words flowing like water through a burst dam "Now how do you intend to make it up to me?"
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:00 No.13392040
    It is, me included though I place it behind love. I am glad you mentioned it however, I will be gentle our first time.
    >> PandaPanda 01/03/11(Mon)23:02 No.13392068
    "Jayne, I haven't tried to lie with you yet because I wanted to take things slowly with you. Out of all of my relationships, I can afford to lose you the least. I want to make sure that I do this right."

    (Because we're screwed if we lose her House Cavalry... Don't tell her that.)

    >Lotiour Foxe's

    Captcha says we must be cunning, like the fox.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:03 No.13392073
    "Well, would marrying me when the campaign is finished sate your reckless urges? And perhaps allowing me to make it up in other ways tonight will relieve the other more physical ones?"
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:04 No.13392093
    To such a bold confession there is only one thing Justinian can do. Time to relieve her of her innocence.
    >> Generic 01/03/11(Mon)23:05 No.13392105

    "Hmm. What could you and I do in the stable that would be reckless? Especially with Stormcloud right there..."
    Smile, go for the kiss, see how wild her imagination is!

    Also, possibly troll face Stormcloud later
    >> Red Legion 01/03/11(Mon)23:06 No.13392110

    Tear jerking confession.. uncertainty.. emotions running high.

    I do believe this might be the best course of action. Reckless as it may be.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:06 No.13392115
    If you desire to be my noble lady Jayne then I ask for you to be it in truth... Will you be my wife?

    If we still must ascend politically first we can formally make it a betrothal I guess.
    >> PandaPanda 01/03/11(Mon)23:08 No.13392134
    Apologize with hot sexing.

    Inb4 Justinian gets mauled because Stormcloud thinks Jus is hurting his mistress.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:10 No.13392164

    propose to her, we planned to anyway
    >> I-C003-IN 01/03/11(Mon)23:12 No.13392193
    I say we hold up on the proposal as we had agreed to do that part when it was advantageous for both partys.
    >> Generic 01/03/11(Mon)23:13 No.13392197

    Are we trying to get her killed now?
    >> Maximus 01/03/11(Mon)23:13 No.13392205
    The political side of my mind hates you all simply because I imagine we could of married into a much better family and made better connections after this campaign. Heh.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:15 No.13392230
    I think that we should NOT propose randomly in a stable just because she's crying at us since we didn't sleep with her first. That's playing our cards really fast.

    Also politics and shit, better to stay not married for now.

    I doubt I'll sway the overall votes on this one, but I'd rather just go for a fantastic night of deflowering and call that making it up to her than pop the question.
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/03/11(Mon)23:17 No.13392250

    Statement: This runtime agrees.
    >> PandaPanda 01/03/11(Mon)23:19 No.13392278
    Yeah if we are going to propose, at least don't do it in the stable. Take her back to Jus's tent.

    Unless, of course, you *want* to see Justinian get mauled.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/03/11(Mon)23:20 No.13392292
    "I can think of a few things..." you reply, grinning. Before Jayne can respond you pull her into a passionate kiss as the noble melts into you.

    "In the stable?" She asks, after taking a gulp of air.

    Sliding your hand down her back then down her breeches you reply "You said you wanted reckless, and I'm certain Stormcloud wont mind" before pulling her into another kiss, the moonlight filling the stable stall until you push it shut.


    You wake up in your cot, Jayne pushing against your body. After her first time, Jayne had insisted on going to your tent, before coming back for a second, and a third, and a fourth. Both of you eventually lost count, but with her elementalism neither of you tired either. The lady in question moans as she stretches and curls up closer to your body "Whatever will we tell my men?" she asks, smiling up at you.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:21 No.13392310
    It is more sensible to marry higher sure, but Jayne actually loves us and hell the moment is right. We can make a small political sacrifice for love.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:23 No.13392338
    "I'm sure they could all use a few pointers, I aim to be a role model in all battlefields."

    I had a thought, by the way, since Jayne can affect bone and stamina and such, could she make muscles grow / become denser / have more endurance?
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:25 No.13392354
    Hopefully you can say I'm the best you've ever had.
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/03/11(Mon)23:28 No.13392395

    Statement: She has already been using her power for endurance, as well as keeping herself and her uursan calm and centered in battle. The rest we'd have to find out about.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:28 No.13392396
    I love this line.
    >> Maximus 01/03/11(Mon)23:29 No.13392404
    Psh. Love is irrelevant. Political gain is more important and in theory said person could go on to love us. Regardless, I know I am in the minority when it comes to this so it doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:31 No.13392424
    The way she has been using her powers this far has been more of a restoration thing (think healing surges, I guess?) I was thinking of permanent +str or +con bonuses.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:31 No.13392426
    You aren't seeing the big picture, Maximus. Sacrificing political gain for love will help us net a goddess, which is an overall net gain in power.

    "Well my love, you could always tell them that while your commander can sometimes be too cautious for his own good, you can personally verify that the following charge is earth-shattering."
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:34 No.13392471
    Oh god, you've done it now.

    Incoming blonde haired, blue eyed, beautiful yet imperious tsundere noble bitch who has been forced into an arranged marriage by her house. Justinian will show her the way to true love through marriage and hot dickings.
    >> Maximus 01/03/11(Mon)23:37 No.13392504
    Fair point I didn't think of that but I'm not sure how much of a boon it'll be. After all we did with those slaves, we only got that one boon from her while the political gain in the Empire could be a lot more long lasting. Honestly, it's hard to say what would benefit more but I will concede it might win us more points with the love goddess. I guess the political minded part of myself is just too sad at the lost opportunity.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/03/11(Mon)23:39 No.13392527
    "I'm sure they wouldn't mind a few pointers. I aim to be a role model in all fields" you reply, as smartly as you can in your groggy state.

    Laughing, Jayne lightly punches your arm. Then contact is like an electric jolt, a sensation you learned well last night "That should be enough to keep you from slumping back to sleep today." the raven haired noble informs you, her short lived laughter her only acknowledgment of your quip.

    You sigh contentedly "Fine, we could tell them that your the best you ever had..." you offer.

    Jayne laughs again "I suppose that's true, but I think it would be best if we weren't so, bold, until I can find a way to tell them that wont end with word of us spreading through the Noble Houses like wildfire..." she replies "This is fun" she adds, though you cant be sure if she's referring to last night or trying to deceive all the nobles in Degnar, even if only for a short while.

    "If it would help you any, you can feel free to use my tent as your own." you inform her, rising from your cot. "Though I cant promise that you will be alone in that invitation for overly long." you add.

    Smiling, Jayne rolls over in your cot "Then I think I'm going to get some real sleep, nothing is better for plotting and planning than a short nap in your own bed." Smiling and shaking your head, you finish dressing and set out into Fort Skywatch.

    >well, anything you want to do before the timeskip to the rest of your men arriving?
    >> Maximus 01/03/11(Mon)23:42 No.13392573
    Doubt it'll happen since everyone wants to marry Jayne. So you won't have to worry about it.

    Hmmm. I can't think of anything else right now although I know I'll kick myself later for forgetting something.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)23:43 No.13392579
    Can't think of anything beyond standard Sansa reports and training.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/03/11(Mon)23:44 No.13392583
    Yes I believe we were going to mess with Wulf a bit.
    >> PandaPanda 01/03/11(Mon)23:46 No.13392607
    Can anyone think of a way to troll Wulf?
    >> I-C003-IN 01/03/11(Mon)23:52 No.13392657
    No trolling Wulf and before we do any thing we need to see what he's up to.
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/03/11(Mon)23:56 No.13392689

    Statement: Agreed. Have the usual reports and check-ins, THEN tolling Wulf.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/03/11(Mon)23:58 No.13392700
    You wander the camp making sure nothing is going terribly awry until about noon, when you run across Wulf and Lena lunching together. You approach quietly, just to see if either of them notice you. "Wont you be more careful?" Lena is asking as you reach earshot, the look on your wards face gives you the impression that this is not the first time he has been asked that question.

    "I was being careful" he assures her as he takes her hand "A man cannot expect his soldiers to follow him into battle if he walks behind them." he tells her, though you doubt the quote will have the same effect on her as it did on Wulf, and you, when you first heard it. Oblivious to your presence, the pair continues to go back and forth.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)00:03 No.13392751
    No trolling. In fact, I suggest walking up to Wulf, making some idle chatter, then pressing the elementalist-finder into his hand and whispering "Give it to her as a present." to him.

    She thought it was beautiful and could see it before, after all. We need to teach our protege more than just the arts of war.
    >> Laurentius 01/04/11(Tue)00:04 No.13392762
    lets find out what he's doing and then decide how to troll him best, Personalized trolling is the best trolling
    >> Maximus 01/04/11(Tue)00:08 No.13392802
    Whoa whoa whoa. We can't just give away our elementalist detector just because she finds it to be pretty.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/04/11(Tue)00:11 No.13392828
    Hold the messenger we are not giving away the elementalist detector as that shall be needed.
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/04/11(Tue)00:12 No.13392834

    Statement: HAHAHAno. You don't give away such a useful tool simply because it's pretty.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)00:12 No.13392842
    You walk up to the bench the pair is sharing "So, what is it that you two are up to?" you ask, seating yourself.

    Wulf straightens up, and Lena blushes, neither for any particular reason "just, ahh, eating lunch Commander." Wulf answers.

    "Has Khestris' cooking gotten any worse?" you ask, seating yourself.

    "Actually, he didnt cook for this meal, which is why we didnt cook for ourselves" Lena answers, and Wulf nods in agreement. After a while Lena asks "Could you, umm, could you tell Wulf to stop doing such dangerous things, he might get hurt..." Clearly, the girl hasnt seen how you lead yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)00:12 No.13392843
    She's our mage, I imagine she and Laelith are both going to be holding on to a lot of our magical gear.

    Speaking of which, we should invite the other girls to set up shop in our tent as well. Laelith will probably accept and have her bookcase moved in before the day is over. Sansa will probably fear TEH BREASTS. Kyria would likely jump at the chance but might need to stay with her unit.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)00:16 No.13392881
    Use a *seriouscommandervoiceandlook* on Wulf while saying something along the lines of "Indeed, Wulf. You need to follow my example when it comes to leading on the battlefield." Then wink at him.
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/04/11(Tue)00:18 No.13392900

    Recitation: "And seem a hypocrite in front of my own protege? Parish the thought! Each scar is a learning experience. Defeat, large and small, teaches us how to do better. So, Wulf, what do you think you learned from your scar?"
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)00:18 No.13392909
    "Wulf, next time you lead a charge try to block with your shield instead of your face. Hurts less, I've found."
    >> Laurentius 01/04/11(Tue)00:18 No.13392910
    " I could but I'd look Like a hypocrite during the next battle, the only comfort I can offer you is that Wulf will be fighting besides men who will work to keep him safe as much as he would if the tables were turned" perhaps add some encouragement for her to train as hard as possible
    >> Maximus 01/04/11(Tue)00:19 No.13392917
    No, because then she'll just be displeased when she does find out we lead from the front. Just be honest with her that he's likely following what we do when we command and that while it is dangerous, it's necessary at times. Besides, danger is apart of battle and it can never truly be avoided.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/04/11(Tue)00:20 No.13392931
    While what you said may come to pass the detector is more useful to us than her.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)00:22 No.13392964
    I like this one.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/04/11(Tue)00:24 No.13392992
    I agree with this statement and as thus shall back it.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)00:28 No.13393026
    You shake your head before responding "I'm sorry Lena, but to do so would make me a hypocrit. Every scar is a lesson learned, you see. And if your detail perception were better you would see just how many lessons I've learned. What lesson did this scar have for you, Wulf?"

    Wulf sends you a look that can only be interpreted as gratitude before responding "Multiple, actually. It taught me that my skills make me a target to both glory hunters and savy commanders. It taught me that even if your foe underestimates you, you cannot let your guard slip, even a little. And it taught me another way to fluster my lovely Lena, so that I can see her face at its best." he replies, giving the mage in questions hand a squeeze.

    "Really?" you reply "I would have thought your lesson would be, 'dont block a blade with your face, that hurts'"

    Wulf rolls his eyes before quipping "And what of ribs and stones?"
    >> PandaPanda 01/04/11(Tue)00:30 No.13393046
    >"Actually, he didnt cook for this meal, which is why we didnt cook for ourselves"

    Is our elementalist cook slacking off on his regular duties?
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)00:32 No.13393060
    "Now, now, Wulf, this is the military. That means you don't get to use decent comebacks." Wink. "Though I'll let it slide this time, I think."

    Turn to Lena. "And you, Lena... what lesson have you learned from seeing Wulf's scar? If we only learn from our -own- defeats, we'll be dead long before we grow wise."
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)00:35 No.13393088
    I learned that you get to hold beautiful life elementalists while they heal you from that one.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/04/11(Tue)00:36 No.13393093
    *Laughing* Touche.
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/04/11(Tue)00:36 No.13393096

    Statement: Seconding. Add slight trollface.
    >> Strategist 01/04/11(Tue)00:41 No.13393134
    Actually, i was thinking and i realized something. While it is an advantage for the commander to be on the front lines of small battles, it makes more sense for the general to stay at the back. There were a bunch of times we were shouting off orders in past battles that got cut off because it was too noisy, or we got punched in the face once. We might want to start looking to increase our elementalism to the point where we can use it from the middle of an army, allowing for us to still support the front line troops, but not getting to the point where our orders are not getting across. Actually, this has to do with the fact that we are mainly trying to shout our orders too, so if we make some success on a better way of sending off orders, we might negate that problem.

    Food for thought. I see it as a scale thing, if the general gets ganked, the army is probably going to get screwed over in the next 5 minutes because the chain of command has gone to hell, and any commander worth their salt would take advantage of that. However, the unit commander fighting besides their men increases morale, which is also good.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)00:44 No.13393165
    "Well, I learned that you get to hold beautiful women as they heal you from that. However, my young ward" you continue "as this _is_ the Degnarian Legion, you arent allowed witty responses when your superior jibes you. I suppose I will let this one go." Wulf groans, shaking his head as you turn to Lena and ask her "And what did you learn from Wulfs scar? We must be able to learn from others misfortunes as well as our own."

    Lena thinks for a while before replying "That my man is hopelessly reckless, as is his foster, and I should finish my studies so that I can keep both of them alive?"
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/04/11(Tue)00:49 No.13393203

    Recitation: "I suppose that will have to do. For now, I shall leave the two of you to what remains of your lunch. Good day."

    Statement: we should go check on our other elementalists-in-training for a progress report.
    >> Laurentius 01/04/11(Tue)00:51 No.13393225
    "an excellent lesson to be learned, keep it in your thoughts when you train and perhaps it will motivate you to higher levels of accomplishment."
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)00:52 No.13393234
    Laugh. "Wulf, don't let this one get away. She's a gem."

    Then off we go. A commander's work is never done. Check up on another random commander or two before timeskipping.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/04/11(Tue)00:53 No.13393253
    I concur with this. Also afterwards I propose we get in a little training of our own in during the time skip.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)00:54 No.13393260
    She knows us well, Wulf. Careful, she might try to cast a spell of common sense on us.
    >> Uurlanthian Noble 01/04/11(Tue)00:54 No.13393265
    Yeah, we should check with the other elementalists in training.
    >> Maximus 01/04/11(Tue)00:59 No.13393315
    Part of me thinks we need to check up with Uurist and Gaius. They're the male commanders who have had the least amount of development followed by Cornelius who hasn't had anything since Jayne's sister. Perhaps that can wait until after the time skip though.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)01:02 No.13393349
    "Fair enough." you reply, chuckling "I shall leave the two of you to the rest of your lunch" you add standing up as you pass Wulf you whisper "Hold on to that gem, boy, not many like her." At that you head off to check on the status of your elementalists.

    Khestris and Geofery (the blacksmith) are both training when you find them. The Felixsian has a small herd of gray, wet looking clouds moving back and forth between his paws, and the blacksmith has a steel bar, though strands of metal are slowly pulling out of it. Both look to be deep in concentration.

    The doctor is most likely outside the fort collecting herbs for the coming march.

    >inturrupt them, or skip to after your troops show up?
    >> I-C003-IN 01/04/11(Tue)01:02 No.13393352
    You bring up a good point I shall agree to it before the time skip as we shall likely be very busy after it.
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/04/11(Tue)01:05 No.13393384

    Statement: They are training, then we should not interfere. Skip till the new troops arrive.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/04/11(Tue)01:09 No.13393423
    Leave them be and go find Uurist, Gaius, and Cornelius as we haven't spoken with them in far too long then time skip.
    >> PandaPanda 01/04/11(Tue)01:18 No.13393524
    Yep check up on our legionnaire and warlord commanders. Tell them to keep up the good work and such.

    Oh, and tell Gaius and Uurist to have their battalions keep practicing that maneuver they showed us. The one where the warlords hide inside the turtle formation. Could be useful later.

    >wivert JURASSIC
    Captcha says to expect enemy dino cavalry.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)01:18 No.13393534
    The rest of the day passes uneventfully, as does the next. Then, you see an eagle land outside of Uurists tent. A few minutes later the dwarf bursts out of his tent, ecstatic "He's done it!!!" he shouts "I cant believe it but he's finally done it!!" he repeats, to no one in particular. Curious, you make your way over to the dwarfs tent. "Commander!!" he greets you, happily "I'll finally be able ta pay me debts off!"
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/04/11(Tue)01:20 No.13393556

    Recitation: "Start from the top, Uurist. Who has done what?"
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)01:21 No.13393558
    "Well, that's good. Care to share specifics over a celebratory drink?"
    >> I-C003-IN 01/04/11(Tue)01:22 No.13393575
    This is great news Uurist!
    >> PandaPanda 01/04/11(Tue)01:22 No.13393579
    "Lemme guess. You got a good lawyer, and he got you out of your alimony payments?"

    (Be back later.)
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/04/11(Tue)01:24 No.13393595
    I can't recall any specifics, but it sounds as if Uurist might have had someone working on his behalf back in the capital to take care of his finances.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)01:35 No.13393698
    "thats great news, Uurist!" you congradulate him "Would you mind telling me who's done what now? Over a celebratory drink, of course." you reply

    You head back into Uurists tent, the inside is mostly brown, a few scrolls, a whetstone, his armor, and that is about all that he has. "Sparse furnishings" you observe, pulling out your flask.

    The dwarf produces a pair of small glasses "Its all I could afford." the fiery haired dwarf explains, shrugging. "And its me boy." he answers your question "Won a competition and wont need;is da ta pay fer his stay at the Academy he's goin'ta over in the Dutchy. Provided he doesnt do somethin' stupid like bedding the one of the high coucilors daughters, that is." Uurist finishes before downing the glass and holding it out to you for a refill, you have to admit, these Duchy shooter glasses are good for celebrating.
    >> Maximus 01/04/11(Tue)01:38 No.13393728
    Hmm. Once we finish this part of the campaign, I think all our captains deserve a bonus. Especially because we've had to go on through a damn long campaign.

    "I'm glad to hear that friend. What competition did he win and what's he going to the Academy for?"

    I'm assuming the purpose of this Academy isn't common knowledge and Justinian doesn't know but account for that if he would please.
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/04/11(Tue)01:39 No.13393738

    Recitation: "This is excellent news, I'm sure. This Academy, I assume it's a soldiery school or is it more of a scholarly place of learning?"
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/04/11(Tue)01:43 No.13393771
    Hmm...Seems as though Uurist's son has won a scholarship to a Duchy academy, rather than an Imperial one.
    A little disappointing, but I suppose it's not all bad; as long as he comes back to Degnar after his education is complete, his education may provide valuable variety to the Empire.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/04/11(Tue)01:43 No.13393773
    Seeing as you've already wrote down what I wish to know I shall second your inquiry.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)01:49 No.13393832
    "Might I inquire as to what your son is studying?" you ask, throwing back another drink.

    "Ah, my boy Thorin is studying the forge and furnace, though he claims to be considering studying eaglery as well. I think the boy would learn ta forge perfect steel, as you folk call it, and be done with it. Boy'd make a fortune back in Degnar with knowledge like that." Uurist replies, beaming. "Boys all I got left, save the Legion, ya know. Kills me that he's so far away, though I suppose it'd be just as bad if he'd studied closer to home, considierin my job." Uurist muses, waving off your offer of another drink.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/04/11(Tue)01:52 No.13393856
    No, I do remember that he was exiled from the Duchy.
    I just wasn't sure if his son had come with him or had stayed in Duchy lands; as I recall, he's still paying alimony to his ex-wife isn't he?
    >> tactical routine omicron 01/04/11(Tue)01:52 No.13393857

    Recitation: "So what was this competition he won anyway?"
    >> Maximus 01/04/11(Tue)01:57 No.13393894
    "Perhaps after this war, you'll get the chance to see him." Yeah not sure what else to say atm.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/04/11(Tue)01:57 No.13393895
    My apologys it would appear that it was Finian Gaurush of 50th Dwarven Scouts that was the exile and not Uurist Titius.
    >> PandaPanda 01/04/11(Tue)01:58 No.13393901
    What? No no no.

    Finnian was exiled from the Duchy.

    Uurist is an Imperial dwarf. Born and raised in Degnar. His son is studying in the Duchy.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)01:58 No.13393903
    "And the competition he won?" you ask, putting the flask away.

    "Apparently, me boy made a damn fine helm, says he'll send it home ta me soon as he can. From what I hear if he did much better they'd take him for one of their own." He continues, still beaming "Figure we'll be able ta get'im ta join the maniple once'e graduates?" Uurist asks, clearly unaware of the fine line his son is walking... being given noble holdings has far more appeal to it than joining the degnarian legion.

    >its Finian that was the exile.
    >> Maximus 01/04/11(Tue)02:02 No.13393935
    "If that's what he wants to do than I don't see why not. If his talents are as great as it's claimed, what if those in the Duchy try to make him stay?"
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/04/11(Tue)02:10 No.13393974
    While the idea of having a Duchy-trained blacksmith capable of creating and working with perfect steel in the maniple is tempting, he could do just as well in the private sector and simply take Legion contracts for armaments.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)02:12 No.13393983
    "If thats what he wants I dont see why not." you reply, closing the flask and returning it to your pocket. "What would you do if they tried to keep Thorin in the Duchy?" you ask, suddenly feeling worried for your friend.

    "Ah, I suppose I would go to free him. No one keeps me from my son, or keeps him from going where he will. No one." Uurist replies, a slight edge creeping into his voice.

    "And if they made him a noble, gave him lands and retainers?" you continue.

    "Then he'd be free to come home ta visit'is old man now and again, so I guess I wouldnt mind that so much. E'might even bring a ladyfriend or two, wouldnt that be somthin?" Uurist replies happily, all the edge that his voice had just picked up gone.

    >any other questions for Uurist, or timeskip?"
    >> I-C003-IN 01/04/11(Tue)02:14 No.13393992
    Lets time skip for now.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/04/11(Tue)02:15 No.13393995
    Do we have enough time during the timeskip to begin an organized search and testing through our maniple for more elementalists?
    >> Maximus 01/04/11(Tue)02:15 No.13393997
    What are his thoughts on the upcoming part of our campaign? I can't remember if it was him or Gaius who was a veteran of the previous war between the Empire and Uurlanth. Can't think of anything beyond that.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)02:15 No.13394001
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/04/11(Tue)02:20 No.13394029
    Then let's get the testing underway. It'll also be a chance to refine the identification and testing process, so that we can immediately do it to reinforcements, and once back in the capital, have this process distributed out to other maniples and cohorts who believe us about the return of elementalism.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)02:20 No.13394031
    And we've got that detector now. We should do some systematic testing with the others to find out how it works- does it only detect the closest elementalist, or can it indicate multiples and different types? What's the range? Can it find untrained elementalists, or only those who have come into their power?

    It could be useful in several different ways, depending upon the specifics of how it works.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)02:21 No.13394037
    "Uurist, the inside of this tent is quite sparse. you have everything you need?"
    we can just ask that on our way out. don't need to make it a big deal
    >> PandaPanda 01/04/11(Tue)02:24 No.13394063
    single dad
    putting his son through college
    pays alimony to his ex-wives
    pays Dwarf tax to the Empire
    lives like a pauper

    That's so sad... :(
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)02:27 No.13394088

    But hey, he hangs with our maniple, which is full of total bros, and we're here if he needs anything. Which is a lot better off than he could be.
    >> PandaPanda 01/04/11(Tue)02:35 No.13394138
    Remind him to practice that new maneuver with Gaius's battalion. Then timeskip.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)02:40 No.13394172
    After talking for a while longer you rise to leave, asking on your way out "Are you certain you have everything you need Uurist, this is a reather sparse tent..."

    The dwarf barks out a laugh "I have me honor, my son, the Legion and my health. What more could I need?" at that you set about your work.

    You spend the next few days screening the maniple for elementalists, it is a slow process, as the stone seems incapable of finding multiples, or your skill with it inadequate to discern them. Either way, there are 8 more in total, 2 from Gaius' unit that are attuned to earth, 4 from Aurelius unit that are attuned to nature, and one from both Finian and Collins units, both attuned to fire.

    A few days before you need to march, your reinforcements arrive. The mercenaries are leading the column, followed by the replacement troops for your understrength battalions. The Swigtriders look like a fairly rough and tumble group, while the Ghosts look extremely professional, for a group of infiltrators, that is. The captain of the Swiftriders looks as laid back as his men, while the captain of the Ghosts seems to be unkempt and uncaring in general.
    >> PandaPanda 01/04/11(Tue)02:43 No.13394202
    Collin doesn't have a unit. You mean Cornelius? :)
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)02:44 No.13394217
    >yea, brain fart
    >> Maximus 01/04/11(Tue)02:48 No.13394255
    Mayhaps we should talk to the captain of the Ghosts since we want our hunters to start training with them. Regardless, with that I am off for the night all. Someone else archive tonight.
    >> Anonymous 01/04/11(Tue)02:51 No.13394288
    Definitely need to speak with our new command element, preferably with some of our existing captains around to set a professional example. But I too am going to sleep now.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/04/11(Tue)02:52 No.13394292
    These reinforcements also include the guards to escort the prisoners to Fluemos, right?
    Get the prisoners ready for transport.

    We will also need to screen the new arrivals for elementalists (can be done later, and only amongst Legion reinforcements).

    Then, I think we should briefly introduce ourselves to the mercenary captains, ask the Ghosts for assistance in the training of Dead-eyes, and have a strategic meeting with our captains and the mercs scheduled for tonight.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)03:03 No.13394386
    You gather up Aurelius, Laelith, Sansa, and Collin to go out to meet the new arrivals, and you task Wulf with the preparation of the prisoners. The two mercenary captains approach you, the elf introducing himself first. "Vesteaus Helmenu, captain of the Clarish Ghosts. I look forward to serving under you, Commander." Aurelius looks confused, yet relieved.

    The dwarf slides from his horse, and extends his hand "Dagnar Mestius, I lead the lot on horses you had brought in. Dont get us wiped out and I'm sure we'll get along fine." None of your escort seems overly worried by the new recruits, so you lead them into the fort as you tell them when the last staff meeting before you depart for Uurlanth will be.

    Its Aurelius that speaks up first "Captain Vesteaus, what became of your predecessor?" he asks, more curious than anything else.

    "That bastard?" Vesteaus "I killed'im. Got my sister killed and I wasnt going to let that stand... bragged about how he done the poor girl in too. Why, did you know old Hornwood?" he asks.

    "The bastard took me in, then he took my woman from me. Three days later I find her dead, nude, and damn near cut to ribbons in a gutter in Mupalas. I owe you a drink for what you did." Aurelius responds, a pained look on his face.
    >> PandaPanda 01/04/11(Tue)03:04 No.13394390
    As we teach our new elementalists, we should start thinking about ways to standardize the training regimen.

    When we become a cohort commander, we'll probably want to screen every soldier in the cohort and train them the same way.

    Also, I wonder if the other maniple commanders in our cohort have the potential.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/04/11(Tue)03:12 No.13394449
    >then he took my woman from me. Three days later I find her dead, nude, and damn near cut to ribbons in a gutter in Mupalas
    Okay, doing that to the enemy during a terror campaign is one thing; doing that to your own citizens, and the girlfriend of one of your own employees?
    I think we owe this Captain Vesteaus a drink ourselves for making the Ghosts a unit we can proudly employ; if nothing else, for removing such scum from the Empire.

    The other maniple commanders on this front have not only faced enemy elementalists, but seen our own in action.
    They're the ones most likely to be receptive to a joint elementalist training program, I think. The Second Praetorian may also be interested if we perform well in the next phase of the campaign.
    >> PandaPanda 01/04/11(Tue)03:22 No.13394523
    Do we have any counters for enemy elementalists in a battle situation? Besides our own?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)03:23 No.13394537
    "I think I'll have to buy you a drink as well, ridding the empire of a man like that." you interject, glad that the unit was under the command of this man, as opposed to its previous captian.

    "Ah, killing one of your own, no matter his tastes and habbits is never something to drink to." Vesteaus replies "But I'll have your drinks nonetheless."

    "Fair enough" you reply "Though, I do have an extra job I was hoping to hire you on for." you add, hopeful.

    "And what would that be?" the elf captain asks, scratching the back of his tattooed skull.

    "Training my men enough that I can call them deadeyes, not just hunters." Aurelius replies, it would seem that he has taken a liking to this elf.

    "You said you were a Ghost?" the captain asks Aurelius.

    "That I was, until your predecessor took everything from me and the Legion took me in that is." he replies matter of factly.

    "A bottle or two of good ale and I'll do the job, seeing as I'd be helping a man who was once of the same fold as me." Vesteaus replies, sidestepping the wooden crate that the prisoners are to believe holds Janos as a group of men move it to its wagon.

    >anything else, or skip to your staff meeting?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/04/11(Tue)03:28 No.13394572
    I think we're good to go to the strategic meeting.
    We can, and should, make sure that the merc captains know about returning elementalism, especially the Ghosts.

    Enemy elementalists are to be considered high-priority targets, much like enemy officers, and need to be dealt with quickly.

    If they doubt us, we should give a demonstration.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/04/11(Tue)03:41 No.13394679
    >gah, as much as I want to do that tonight, it seems to have effectively died in here, I guess I'm gonna have ta call it.
    >I'll be back Wednesday at 9pm server time
    >if you have nay setting/random CQ questions email me at [email protected]
    >someone archive please
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/04/11(Tue)03:49 No.13394745
    Archiving complete.
    >> PandaPanda 01/04/11(Tue)04:18 No.13395016
         File1294132699.png-(297 KB, 410x548, Gaius Rex.png)
    297 KB
    One last bump. Don't forget to vote up guys.

    Here's a pic of Gaius I made in Dragon Age.

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