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  • File : 1295316248.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest LV Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)21:04 No.13558903  
    >Last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13546939/

    By the time the First tower you intend to target is on the horizon, one of the scout riders gallops up next to you "Commander, we have finished gathering information on the towers we will be felling... and there is something Captain Gaurush found between the city and towers that he claims you will want to see." he informs you. "Would you have my captains report first, or would you rather I take you to where the 50th is set up?"
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)21:10 No.13558947
    Let's hear the report first and then see what was found.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)21:20 No.13559048
    Just finished watching Bubba Ho-tep finally just in time to catch the beginning of CQ. good times.

    Let's see what Gaurush found first.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)21:22 No.13559062
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    "I'll have the report first." you reply curtly.

    "Very well, it seems that the Degnar force has been sighted on their approach, we counted at least three battalions headed west, and saw wagons headed from the third tower loaded with what appeared to be steel breastplates and halberds. We suspect that the levies manning the towers have been given the same armor and weapons Uurlanthi sergeants normally have. Nothing to indicate that the ranged portion of the garrisons was upgraded as well, however." the man informs you, before leading you away from the column.

    After about ten minutes ride, you come to a forest with a small road going through it, Finian and his men are waiting for you. "Look familiar?" he asks, motioning to the tattered banner on the ground, next to a skeleton encased in sky blue armor, several arrows protruding from its chest, the human and equine remains surrounding it in similar states.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)21:25 No.13559087
    Great. Looks like taking out those towers just got a mite bit more messy. Is the body completely devoid of flesh? If so, he's been here for awhile. Do the arrows have any markings indicating who they are from (I assume Uurlanth arrows but nice to be sure) and is there anything on the body indicating who he might be or if he's carrying any messages? Odd that Stant's men would be killed by their own unless something else is going on here.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)21:27 No.13559112
    We may just be looking at the corpse of the REAL Morwayne. Janos should come see this.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)21:31 No.13559160
    Possible but that seems too easy. I could be wrong though. Calling Janos definitely isn't a bad idea. Maybe he can tell us if there was bad blood between the Stant's and this lord we're about to deal with.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)21:41 No.13559280
    "Fetch Lord Helmet" you command the mercenary who brought you here. Black and white fetching adorns the arrows, their heads plain, slowly rusting steel offsetting the white bones. After a few minutes, you hear riders returning. A helmeted figure rushes to the side of the corpse nearest the ruined banner. Janos rubs the armor clean, staring at it, then slams his visor up, putting his face to the beaked helmet, closely looking it over. Seconds after, he falls to his knees next to the rest of the suit and the tree it is pinned to, slamming the visor back in to its place, silent, save for the occasional small, metallic noise emitting from behind his mask. Perhaps he is mumbling something, but even if your ear was to the mask, you doubt you would be able to discern what he was saying.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)21:43 No.13559306
    "Is that Lord Stant?"

    Hooboy. Looks like bastard son plotted very well in eliminating all his competition.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)21:43 No.13559315

    Hand on his shoulder "Is it who I think it is, friend? Or is it worse?"
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/17/11(Mon)21:47 No.13559369
    Seconding this one. Don't want to say the name out loud, lest it cause him to snap.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)21:54 No.13559450
    A thought: if it turns out this IS the Lord Stant we're looking at, that'd pretty much guarantee the only Stant prisoners getting released are the ones who agreed to build the fort up for us. Oh irony.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)21:55 No.13559470
    You walk up to Janos, motioning for most of the men to leave, before resting a hand on his shoulder "Is that... who I think it is, or is it worse, friend?" you ask gently.

    He remains silent for the better part of a minute, croaking out his response only after the small forest clearing is mostly empty, even then, it is barely a whisper "Father...". By the ragged, uneven motion of his shoulders, it is clear that he is weeping.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)21:56 No.13559473
    A better thought - If this is Lord Stant, the only full blooded Stant left over is our ally. Depending on how things go and if we can actually clean his house of that cult, we might have a valuable ally in Uurlanth lands. Doubly so useful if we do end up having to try to unite the two nations at some point.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)22:05 No.13559501
    Let's take the mans corpse for burial. At the very least, Janos might want his armour perhaps. Regardless, we need to find out who uses these kinds of arrows although I'm assuming this was done by the bastard child who is apart of the cult. I'd ask Janos now but I think the man needs some time alone with Kaitlyn.
    >> fuckingletmepostgoddamn Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)22:06 No.13559509
    We should use our elementalism to make him a passable small tomb on the spot. He may have been on the opposite side, but he was an honorable man brought low by monsters whom were already our enemy. Ask Janos if he wishes any words in particular on his tombstone, but suggest "A noble heart brought low by cowards" or something similar.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/17/11(Mon)22:11 No.13559565
    Regardless of the political viability of that, this means that the cult's timetable must have been accelerated, and that they've seized control of House Stant. My fear is that this will allow them to begin operating openly, and with even more resources at their disposal.

    If Janos is to return to his house, then we will need to engineer his jailbreak from Degnar custody.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)22:11 No.13559576
    Ouch. I don't know, maybe we should give the man a hug. As crazy as his family was, losing a father is rough.
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)22:12 No.13559585


    Get our scout's assessment of the scene. When and how long ago did this likely occur.

    Any other corpses besides Lord Strand and his men?
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)22:13 No.13559595
    It definitely cannot happen anytime soon. The only way it'd work is if those who have taken over the Stant holdings are eliminated and he's reinstated. That won't happen with the support Janos has. It's just something long-term that might become relevant depending on how things go. I'm definitely displeased the cult has access to such resources now though, that's for sure. It's going to make life difficult.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)22:13 No.13559601
    "I will see to his burial, friend." you offer, helping the man rise.

    Janos looks about, seeing only Finian and yourself "A stone plinth at a high point, leave the armor at the foot of the site. That has always been the tradition." he informs you, before slowly walking off "Leave the stone unmarked, the house sigil will suffice if anything." he croaks out before finally leaving earshot. Within half an hour you have created a raised dais, a good 10 feet up, and encased Lord Stants remains within, leaving his armor neatly stacked without. You make your way back to the column, a few of the arrows with you. As soon as you return Sansa rides up to you "We will be within striking distance of the first tower you wanted to strike within the hour. What is your plan?" she asks, a little subdued. Word must have traveled through your command staff already.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)22:16 No.13559624
    The levies will be up-armored, but they will still merely be levies. I want to hit them as hard as possible and break them before they can start putting their gear to good use. Repeaters, Ballistae, magonel, everything. We want them shattered and running.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)22:16 No.13559628
    I suggest we barrage the signal room again like we did with Blentus' tower and see if we can stop them from sending a signal out but I don't think it'll work. We have no tricks up our sleeve this time as far as I can see. I think it's going to be a brute force attack on the towers at this point. Have our scouts seen enough of the tower for us to get a map of the area we'll be fighting on Pax?
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)22:19 No.13559661

    Are the levis part of the garrison from the 3rd tower we intend to strike?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/17/11(Mon)22:20 No.13559675
    Plan of attack:
    We know that the enemy has been equipped with improved weapons and armor.
    Artillery is to pound the tower mercilessly.
    Hunters, scouts, rangers, and the Ghosts are to fire at the tower from extreme range; more to keep the enemy from returning fire than to kill them; the artillery will do that.

    The heavy infantry storm the tower under close artillery fire support when we've whittle the defenders down.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)22:21 No.13559684
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    >each tower had about 100 levied halberdiers and 100 levied bowmen
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)22:22 No.13559695
    I think we're basically set for rushing them, yeah. Sprinkled with heavy use of elementalism and siege equipment. Actually, considering that it's only a few hours per tower to smash them down we might as well just siege them instead of storming. The troops inside will be forced to rush or die in the collapse, so that'll mitigate the slowness of the tactic and let us avoid a direct assault on a fortified position.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)22:24 No.13559729
    We know they're actively marching troops to the front now that our offensive has begun it seems. I think it might be risky if we siege since their troops might happen across us. That and the longer our siege takes place, the longer they have to react to the attack since I doubt we'll be able to stop the towers from signalling each other. I think we're going to have to storm them if we want to do this without fighting more than the towers.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)22:26 No.13559774
    Point. Hard and fast it is. Well, what can 200 men really do?
    >/tempt fate
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)22:27 No.13559787
    >three battalions headed west

    Where is this coming from? We are advancing from the west as well. Are they going to be catching us in a pincer? ETA to arrival?

    >Wagons from 3rd tower

    ETA on this force as well or have they already reinforced the 1st tower?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)22:28 No.13559801
    We just have to do it fast then. Open up with the war machines targeting the signal room, close in with elementalists and legionares.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)22:30 No.13559833
    Sounds like the only thing we really can do. Massive fire power on their open areas, artillery on door or signal room and then storm it.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)22:30 No.13559835
    >your coming from the northeast, actually, these guys already crossed the river
    >they will probably have reached the 2nd tower by the time you finish with this one, depending on how fast you move they may have left by the time you get there
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/17/11(Mon)22:32 No.13559863
    I believe the battalions headed west are meant to engage the main Imperial counter-offensive force.

    So, we all agree on how to attack the tower?
    Artillery alpha strike at the signal room to prevent a message getting off, then we keep pounding them with artillery and all of our ranged units from extreme range, pure volume of fire making up for accuracy.
    Once the enemy has been sufficiently weakened, heavy infantry storm the tower under close artillery support.
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)22:34 No.13559884

    Since we already have eyes on them, what do we know of the each force's composition?

    What kind of weapons and armour were seen? Any cavalry, or sign or ranged weapons?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)22:34 No.13559888
    Agreed. I would add to this that if we can use our elementalism at decent range we might consider trying to make the tower topple- we don't have to destroy it for that, just make maybe six inches of stone all along one side go away, and it'll fall. It should be a far easier task than some of the combat shit we've pulled so far.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)22:35 No.13559903
    Did the scouts see what was escorting the wagon? Maybe we should send our cavalry out to hit the wagons between towers. Might be useful and might give us a way in future towers.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)22:37 No.13559923
    >they have already crossed the river, looks like infantry to reinforce the fort Lord Dyron garrisons.

    "Lets get this under way, have Gaius, Cornelius and Uurist ready their battalions for a charge, all ranged units and siege weapons are to prepare to unleash a barrage on the signal room of the tower, once the position is weakened we will strike." you inform your aide.

    Sansa nods "Will you be leading the charge, or do you have someone else in mind?" she asks.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)22:38 No.13559946
    "I'm doing this one. I have some fire that I need to burn out."
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)22:39 No.13559964

    Have Collins lead them.

    We need to stand back to concentrate on our elementalism.
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)22:42 No.13560003

    Pax, how far behind this force are we?

    How many men make up a battalion?

    One of the fun parts of being entirely mechanised means that our ranged infantry easily become ranged cavalry.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)22:43 No.13560012
    >levied outriders, about 50
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)22:43 No.13560028
    We'll hang back for this one. We'll need to be as fresh as reasonably possible for the next, y'know, three battles in a row.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/17/11(Mon)22:44 No.13560038
    Before I cast a vote; can we stay in the back and still have the range needed to use elementalism to knock out the tower?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)22:47 No.13560084
    About half a days hard ride, if you could get across the river NOW.
    >yea, you'll be able to use your elementalism from about where the archers will be standing
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)22:48 No.13560089

    Our units committed to the frontal assault should be our legionaries in tesuto formation. We have not seen any sign of any ranged heavier than bows for now.

    Our archers won't be able to hurt the signal room much, so they should concentrate on picking off the soldiers presenting targets of themselves on the walls, keeping them pinned down.

    Before our soldiers reach the gates, we must have already broken it down.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/17/11(Mon)22:48 No.13560095
    Only 50, our riding mercs mercs with a Dragoon group of archers could hit the wagon with ease and kill them to a man...
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)22:49 No.13560110

    And the distance to the Fortress they're marching to?
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)22:50 No.13560126
    That's what I was thinking. And the wagon might be useful to have in getting inside the next towers depending on how they're doing it. At the very least, stopping them from giving the equipment is good.

    I suggest we go in. Mostly because if we do take the wagon, this will be the toughest fight and sitting back or not has never seemed to effect our elementalism. It's all die rolls.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/17/11(Mon)22:52 No.13560156
    That's true, the Swiftriders and Jayne's uursan cavalry won't be of much use in this fight.

    How about we shift the Ghosts onto autowagons and have them and the cavalry units run that supply wagon down.
    Preventing it from equipping the other two towers with better weapons and armor would make storming them less bloody for us.

    Also, another vote to stay behind as a support elementalist for this tower. Our concentration should be on ripping open the tower so our infantry can storm in, while artillery and other ranged keep the enemy archers from firing.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)22:55 No.13560205
    >roughly one days hard march, two at the pace their moving at
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/17/11(Mon)22:56 No.13560215
    Again, auto wagons are too loud and will be heard, which is why a Doubling up on saddles works.
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)22:57 No.13560228

    That is true about the dice rolls.

    Pax, at this point, if we stay out of direct combat, will we get modifiers to our elementalism rolls?


    Looking at the makeup of the reinforcements to the fort, I'm tempted to also have them move in to harass those soldiers with lots of sharp flying pointy stuff. Since they're all infantry, our wagons should be able to manoeuvre beyond their reach and pelt them with missile fire. The more men we kill out in the open, the easier it will be for the main force.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)23:00 No.13560273
    Well the way I see it, the quicker we take the towers, the better chance we have of taking the town behind us. So we should aim to hit the wagon since that'll make taking the towers a lot easier.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/17/11(Mon)23:01 No.13560296
    And maybe we should call for our own Elementalists to hit during the battle, as we've plucked numbers of them from the units
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)23:03 No.13560320
    >yea, if you arent in the thick of it elementalism will go off easier
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)23:04 No.13560353

    With only 50 outriders, we could sic our entire cavalry wing on them. Doubt they'll last very long.

    Our mechanised ranged troops can harass the infantry until they get close to the fortress.


    Probably a given but it's better to give them combat exp right now.


    I guess our choice is obvious then. We're the walking artillery piece and we need to make a big hole.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/17/11(Mon)23:10 No.13560424
    Moving as mechanized with loud autowagons might give too much of a signal that we're almost on them, thus they signalling themselves. Which might spread along the towers and alter that army to move on the city we're about to sack. the loud telling noise of those wagons being its only drawback far as i can see
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)23:10 No.13560435
    >so, you and all your elementalists (plus Lena?) work with your artillery to damage/down the tower, heavy infatry storm the tower, and all your cav ride to hit the supply wagons?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:12 No.13560466
    Then we stay back.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/17/11(Mon)23:14 No.13560500
    I believe the only modification to that plan is to see if the Ghosts can double-up on the horses so that the cavalry gets bit of extra punch when they assault that supply wagon and its escort.
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)23:16 No.13560526

    Doesn't the enemy already know we're frolicking in their backyard?


    If we're not committing our ranged troops to harass the infantry column, then they're to snipe at any soldiers on the walls.

    Not too sure we want them using fire arrows.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/17/11(Mon)23:21 No.13560604
    >Not too sure we want them using fire arrows.
    Probably not. Otherwise it invalidates attempting to take out the signal room.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)23:30 No.13560725
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    "Have Collin lead the assault. Tell Jayne to gather the cavalry to ride down the wagon resupplying the other towers, and make sure the Ghosts ride double with them to add to the ranged firepower." you order, before going to gather up the elementalists.

    Within an hour the maniple is ready to begin assaulting the tower. Lena approaches you before you give the command to strike "Commander, will I be working with the elementalists for this assault, or do you have a different role in mind for me?" she asks after saluting, the action revealing that she seems to have painted some strange geometry down at the very least her right arm, possibly the left as well, though you dont know if the markings go past the elbow.

    >roll for elementalism
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/17/11(Mon)23:31 No.13560744
    Hope those Cav return with the Wagons, those things are expensive, and it'll have a load of armor and weapons in it!
    Though they'll learned by now we like stripping the dead of the best armors so they should go ahead with it
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)23:32 No.13560748

    Think she'll be fine leading the other elementalist.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)23:32 No.13560757
    rolled 32 = 32

    Have her help with the elementalists for now. Can't see anything else for her to do.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/17/11(Mon)23:34 No.13560791
    She'll be with the elementalists attacking the tower's defenses. The more artillery we have the faster the tower will fall.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/17/11(Mon)23:35 No.13560817
    "Of Course Lena! You know I like to see your teachings progressing, dont forget to bring your sister! And you Fire Elementalists, you are strictly on Anti arrows, that tower is not to burn in sight of the others, Am i clear? Healers, be fast to treat any wounds around, and if they close to melee range of our soldiers, fissures and earth spikes, watch the lightning, and I want to see at least One Man bleeding from it eyesockets, Am I Clear?!"
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)23:38 No.13560849

    Hmm, on second though, can she control fire from her position?

    Can she exert control over the the flames, smother them and prevent them from getting off a signal?
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)23:40 No.13560872
    I don't think their signal was using flames but I could be wrong. That and I don't recall her ever having specific control over the elements. Although I suppose it is magic. Pax ain't gotta explain shit.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/17/11(Mon)23:43 No.13560902
    I cannot wait will we return to the capital, We have so much juicy powers to doll out.
    Rebuilding of the Temples of the Gods, showing the higher ups our trained Elementalists, who will likely be promoted so much and sent to other units to assist in training, We'll have to ask Laelith to impart some of that knack she has for sensing other potencial elementalists, or see how the stone works at finding potencial. Best way to do so might be to find a group of slaves, after freeing them and feeding them, checking them with it before having Laelith look them over.
    Point being we either hand over our Elementalists or Arcana capable of detecting them
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)23:45 No.13560924

    And using our latest addition to start our own assassin guild.
    >> Laurentius 01/17/11(Mon)23:45 No.13560929
    Ask her about the paint on her arm. I don't have any preference as to where she is during the battle
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)23:46 No.13560940
    "I can think of no other place for you to fight in this battle." you reply honestly, smiling Lena spaces herself out amongst the elementalists. "Fire elementalists, your incinerating arrows, the tower is not to burn before the others are also cleared, am I clear?" You receive a series of nods and "sir"s. at that, you signal for the attack to begin.

    The initial salvo is blistering, as all your ranged weapons open fire, and the earth elementalists, youreself included, begin rending at the foundations, or in the case of one of your men, adding his own stones to the mangonels.Off to your right Lena is slowly channeling the mists, preparing some magic, raising her arms in the process of gathering power, and revealing that the white body paint ends at her shoulders, a slow glimmer running from the patterns start at her shoulders down to the tips of her fingers, before starting back at the top. Arrows race over your head and into the light tower, along with the occasional bolt of lightning. As another man rises with a torch, only to be smitten down by your ward, you unleash your own fissure beneath the stone of the tower, and are rewarded with a generous crack to the right of the door. The assault element of your maniple waiting patiently and unscathed for the order to charge as the exchange of arrows, stones and insults continues.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/17/11(Mon)23:47 No.13560945
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    >derp, map update
    >> Laurentius 01/17/11(Mon)23:48 No.13560964
    about him, I think we should give him orders through Janos. I don't think it's wise to have an assassin too close to us
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)23:48 No.13560965
    rolled 28 = 28


    Order the advance.

    Rolling for command.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/17/11(Mon)23:49 No.13560972
    That's right, any slaves we come across in Uurlanth we should have checked for elementalism potential.

    We can't simply recruit them (it would get the conscription charge leveled at us again), but we could get around it by having them be hired on to a mercenary unit already in our employ.

    I wonder if Jayne would be willing to expand her House's specialties to include combat elementalists as well as uursan cavalry.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)23:49 No.13560985
    rolled 80 = 80

    Before we have him start training a guild or anything, we have to make sure we can trust the guy and that he's loyal to us.

    Rolling elementalism again I suppose. Let's keep trying to open it or bring it down.
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)23:50 No.13560997
    rolled 14 = 14

    Geh. Someone roll two awesome rolls so we can botch this.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.13561003
    rolled 34 = 34

    Wait! We haven't breached the gates yet!

    Rolling elementalism to tear the main gate apart.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.13561022
    I am incredibly paranoid that we will collapse the tower on top of our advancing troops.

    Don't let that happen.
    >> 風林火山 01/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.13561027

    Not ordering them to charge.

    They're advancing in testuto formation so it'll take time to reach the gate.

    In that time we can easily bring the gate down.
    >> Laurentius 01/17/11(Mon)23:56 No.13561067
    that's part of the reason I want to put him under Janos' control. the last thread made it seem like he wouldn't be very trusting of our newfound assassin, Janos' scrutiny will be useful for testing our new agent's loyalty
    >> Maximus 01/17/11(Mon)23:58 No.13561101
    Eh. I personally rather try to gain his trust ourselves and eventually have him train a bodyguard for us that can double as assassin's if necessary. Might be a little hard to do but I can see how it would be useful to have people watching out for us with the skills of an assassin.
    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)00:01 No.13561141
    Right - are we going to use our botch or just go with the initial 80? Might be a little too late since I assume Pax is doing an update now though.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/18/11(Tue)00:04 No.13561184
    I say we skip the botch as there are others working their elementalism and we may need it for the next tower.
    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)00:05 No.13561193
    Fair enough. Although it might be too late if Pax assumed we are using it.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:05 No.13561195
    True that. Witholding botch for now.
    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)00:06 No.13561216

    I'm expecting we'll be running a second combat session today. I'm for not using the botch right now.
    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)00:10 No.13561262
    Maybe we should let Lena rest for this battle if she's taken care of the signal room. We can't have her too tired for the other towers.
    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)00:10 No.13561265

    Healers. Stat.

    Shes not to exert herself for the rest of this battle. We can handle the rest.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/18/11(Tue)00:12 No.13561284
    rolled 46 = 46

    I concur with both of you on that.
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)00:12 No.13561285
    "be careful Lena, you're of no use to me in combat if you're passed out from overexertion
    >> I-C003-IN 01/18/11(Tue)00:14 No.13561315
    Curses forgot to say elementalism roll.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)00:15 No.13561322
    rolled 62 = 62

    Agreeing with the others to let Lena rest up for the rest of this battle.
    We will be pushing our men hard today.

    Another elementalism roll to breach the tower's gate.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:15 No.13561323
    Have Lena hold off; there are many battles yet to fight and we can't afford to exhaust her yet.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)00:20 No.13561387
         File1295328055.png-(45 KB, 1180x1072, Battle 9e.png)
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    "No worries Lena, just rest, we have alot more fighting to go today." you order her, she nods, then passes out. Shortly after that, the fall of the bottommost floor to the tower is torn asunder by elementalism and siege weapon fire. No sooner than the dust settles, the melee garrison rushes ahead, and braces behind their spears and shields in a weak imitation of your own forces phalanx.
    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)00:23 No.13561427
    rolled 59 = 59


    Sound the charge.

    Get a final volley of missile fire and elementalism in to disrupt their ranks.

    Its about time for us to join the fray.

    Rolling for command.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)00:26 No.13561477
    rolled 48 = 48

    Rolling for elementalism to disrupt the enemy formation.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:27 No.13561485
    Shred them with focused ranged fire before the melee troops hit. We want to suffer as few losses as possible; we need them demoralized and shattered even before the charge impacts them.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)00:31 No.13561540
         File1295328668.png-(46 KB, 1180x1072, Battle 9f.png)
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    You signal for ranged fire to redirect, and unleash a small earthquake beneath the premise of a formation the Uurlanthi men had formed, breaking it apart. the Warlords smash into the unprepared and already weakened uurlanthi sergeants seconds after the salvo begins, plowing into the unit with wrathful abandon, as you redirect the maniples ranged fire to the archers in the upper levels of the tower, now that the tower has been breached, you dont expect this fight to go much longer.

    >one more elementalism roll should do it.
    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)00:33 No.13561561
    rolled 65 = 65

    Elementalism roll to finish them then.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/18/11(Tue)00:33 No.13561565
    rolled 58 = 58

    Rolling for elementalism.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)00:33 No.13561573
    Elementalrapism Roll

    To not collapse the tower and make the other's wonder where'd it go
    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)00:33 No.13561575

    Been rolling too much. Someone do this.

    Excellent battle. Victory with hardly any casualties.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)00:34 No.13561581
    rolled 67 = 67

    forgot the dice
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)00:40 No.13561658
    As Uurist urges his men onwards, you flank them to either side with a thick line of stone spikes, shredding the unit the warlords are plunging through further, and greatly reducing the number of fleeing men Gaius and Cornelius have to lead their battalions to deal with.

    An hour later the towers garrison has been wiped out to a man, with but a handful of casualties on your side. Half an hour later, Jayne and her detachment return, similarly victorious. "We took the supply wagon well before they reached the next tower. Are we moving to strike at that tower immediately?" she asks, arching an eyebrow as Wulf passes the two of you by, supporting Lena as she hobbles towards the Grayrun, the sleeves torn from her robes, despite the cold, her markings clearly ruined by her lack of precision.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)00:43 No.13561705
    I want to move, but our soldiers just fought a battle. Maybe an hour's rest before moving out?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:43 No.13561711

    Let the men catch their breath for a moment, then get ready for the next tower. If we're going to punch a hole here, by god, we're going to punch a good one.
    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)00:43 No.13561712
    "That might be best. If they were aware the wagon was coming, they might send out a signal once it fails to arrive."

    We're heading to the towers further north now right? It might not matter if they get the signal off now in the sense that the towers further south might not be able to see it from that distance. Maybe not though. Were the men escorting the wagon's mercenaries or Dyron's troops? Anything interesting in the wagon or just basic gear?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:46 No.13561749
    I assume that we stripped the tower's garrison of their weapons and crap, did the usual looting bit.

    Move out! We've got killin' to do!
    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)00:47 No.13561763
    Well yeah we'll give them a bit of rest but we shouldn't wait too long. We have the momentum and we must keep it up.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)00:47 No.13561765
    >well dick, looks like a tiebreaker is needed.
    >and yea, just standard steel gear from the wagons/garrison
    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)00:48 No.13561783

    We should move out after a short rest. We have to assume we've attracted attention and that a response force is being put together to engage up.

    Detail a few outriders to scout and look out for oncoming units.

    Have Jayne see to Lena since our other life elementalist is not with us.

    Inspect the supply wagon for anything interesting.

    Detail some men to look over the ruins for any documents and intel.

    We'll finally, also need the bill for how many of our soldiers are currently unable to fight.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)00:49 No.13561809
    We've already rested for half an hour and the really tired people- elementalists and Lena, mostly- can get some more rest on the autowagons.

    But hey, an hour one way or another won't make much of a difference.
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)00:53 No.13561856
    seconding this
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)00:56 No.13561893
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    "Give the men an hour, then yes." you reply. The hour passes quickly and quitly, save Wulf chasing Lena down, small bowl of body paint in one hand, her tome in the other. Eventually he caught, tackled, rolled, and straddled her at the chest. She squirmed the whole time he applied the paint, but after he finished, and stood up, she looked over the young mans work approvingly, though she didnt let him touch her again until you got under way, and you would assume the paint had dried.

    By midday you are within striking range of the next tower, and your men look to be readying to assault this tower as you did the last one. You hold them back however, as the signal fire is already burning.
    >your approaching from the south
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)01:00 No.13561950
    Since the singal's already up, just concentrate on bringing the tower down. Concentrate heavy attacks on the supporting levels while archers fire at anything that moves.
    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)01:00 No.13561958
    >Lena x Wulf antics

    What the hell.

    We're teaching that kid some bad habits.

    Standard tactics. Are our assault troops ready for another run?

    Deploy some of the plainsman cavalry as scouts against any surprise attacks.

    Else we just go about as previously.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)01:00 No.13561966
    >signal already lit
    Alright, they know we're on the way, so they won't be taken by surprise.
    Same setup as before, with the heavy infantry in front of the artillery and archers, light infantry on the flanks.

    Have all of our cavalry except Jayne's running recon patrols; I'm suspicious of a possible flanking attack by another enemy force coming to reinforce the tower.
    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)01:01 No.13561982
    I still recommend we take out the signal group like last time just in case what they're doing now is just a form of communication between towers. Maybe I'm being paranoid or trying to hope that's not an alert signal.
    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)01:03 No.13562008

    The thing is we've already broken the chain of relay signals.

    If we're lucky, the other surviving tower down south didn't notice anything and they won't see this signal.

    Remember that the previous tower we hit had the largest amount of ground to watch over and cover.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)01:05 No.13562034
    rolled 82 = 82

    Scouts, what do you see, check the landscape with our spyglass!

    Laugh silently to ourselves hopeing a rush of horsemen will charge at us from the west.


    I assume we've been watching the tower though when marching toward it, how long has it been lit? That way i'd decide wither or not we have the fire extinguished
    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)01:05 No.13562035
    I'm hoping that too honestly. We shall see I guess. If a horde of angry soldiers hits us in the rear, we were very, very wrong and I guess we'll have to not even think about attacking the nearby town.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)01:07 No.13562054
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    "I want all of our cavalry except Jaynes wing patrolling further out in search of ambushers and flanking attacks" you order, as the rest of the maniple forms up. Within half an hour they are ready for you to order the assault to begin.

    >roll for elementalism.
    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)01:08 No.13562081
    I rolled a fair few in the last battle. Someone else go for it. We should also make sure Lena doesn't exhaust herself here since there is at least one more tower.
    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)01:09 No.13562100

    3 men out of the fight.

    Restrict Lena from participating. We need a trump card and we don't really need her help since the signal fire was already lit.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)01:10 No.13562108
    rolled 70 = 70

    rollin dat elementalism
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)01:10 No.13562122
    rolled 52 = 52


    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)01:11 No.13562136

    It's not too bad.

    We get a bonus to our rolls since we're not directly involved in combat.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)01:13 No.13562161
    I'm hoping that the enemy reacts the same way they did at the last tower, by coming into the open when the tower's defenses are breached.
    If they do, then we can have Jayne do a swinging charge into the enemy's flank.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)01:15 No.13562207
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    "Lena, hold off for now, you have at least one more battle for today." you command her, she simply nods, and drops down to a meditative stance as you signal for the salvo to begin. Much like last time, the back and forth is fierce at first, however, the enemy fire does not taper off this time. You find yourself thinking that these men are either far braver, or far less intelligent than the last garrison as you tear through the earth, re-directing the path of destruction you are carving to ensure you weaken the tower somewhat, though you can tell that your attack did barely anything this time.

    >make your rolls.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)01:16 No.13562210
    rolled 32 = 32

    Is this tower one of the Unsupplied towers?
    Nice to see the knight footed the bill on the armor and weapons for the levies though, shows he cares they act more like cardboard then paper
    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)01:19 No.13562263
    rolled 14 = 14


    Command roll.

    Direct artillery fire onto weakpoints on the walls and have our archers keep them pinned down.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)01:24 No.13562337
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    The salvo of manufactured and naturally manipulated missiles continues relentlessly, though the return fire keeps up. You order your men to aim for weak spots, and re-state the order to your archers to keep the enemy archers pinned down. However it seems that whenever one group is pushed back from their firing points, another stands to take their place. Either way, the first floor wall will be ready to come down soon.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)01:24 No.13562341
    rolled 37 = 37

    Elementalism roll to tear open the tower's gate.
    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)01:27 No.13562381

    Have the legionaires start advancing in testuto formation.

    Give them something to think about and let them draw enemy fire instead of our missile troops.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)01:32 No.13562460
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    You order the advance, while keeping up your elemental barrage on the tower, by the time your men are roughly halfway to the tower, its ground floor looks ready to slough away. If you didnt know any better you would think that the men inside were holding it up, waiting for something. Wither way, one good push will take the wall down, and that will be the end of this battle.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)01:33 No.13562473
    rolled 81 = 81

    commencing rape procedure
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)01:34 No.13562486

    That's it, I'm done rolling. Fuck.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)01:34 No.13562493
    rolled 15 = 15

    "Fire chain shot!" Just as you Tear away the wall, having you Earth shakes immediatly send up an array or earth spikes or Fissures right after the breach!

    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)01:34 No.13562502
    rolled 23 = 23

    How unfortunate.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)01:35 No.13562503
    rolled 77 = 77

    Elementalism roll to take down the wall.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)01:36 No.13562513
    rolled 92 = 92

    I suggest you go ahead and botch that somehow, i rolled a nice 15 command though
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)01:40 No.13562566
    rolled 50 = 50

    Anyone, want to try rolling for the elementalism?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)01:44 No.13562625
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    "Take that wall down!!" you bellow, as one of the riders gallops up to you, his horse glistening with sweat.

    "Commander, the third tower you wished to attack is abandoned" he informs you, worriedly. To punctuate his words, the wall bursts apart, and some 200 levied soldiers burst forward, led by a man in full plate armor. Reflexively, Uurists men surge forward to meet the threat, Collin and the leader of the small Uurlanthi force meeting in the center of the ensuing melee. To either flank, the barrage of uurlanthi arrows continues, forcing your legionary battalions to maintain their tetsudo.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)01:45 No.13562645
    rolled 45 = 45

    odd how my command order disappeared...
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)01:46 No.13562657
    196th to support the warlords, have the 454th move back a bit in case we're attacked from behind
    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)01:47 No.13562665
    rolled 51 = 51

    Methinks we need to capture that man in plate mail alive. Have the artillery and range to keep focusing on their archers. We will use elementalism to mess up their unit. Rolling elementalism.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)01:47 No.13562669
    rolled 63 = 63


    Seconded, also, command roll to get it done.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)01:49 No.13562709
    200 infantry?
    That smart bastard, he knew that a single tower's garrison would be no match for our maniple, so he consolidated 2 tower's worth of soldiers into one that he knew we would attack.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)01:52 No.13562755
    Also, shouldn't we have Jayne's cavalry hit the enemy in the flank?
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)01:54 No.13562790
    rolled 42 = 42

    But still, really, Nothing on my command to Fire on them After The Wall Fell
    Rolled and Confirmed with a Command connotation?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)01:54 No.13562791
    Lena should go active immediately. If the enemy is pulling this shit, we should use all the blasting we can get.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)01:55 No.13562795
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    >chain-shot smashed into the wall, it you want it directed at the archers thats doable...

    "I want that Knight alive!!" you shout up to Collin, hoping the blademaster hears you. You lead your earth elementalists in disrupting the levied soldiers as best you can, while the rest of your elementalists continue in their attempts to silence the enemy archers. Those same Uurlanthi, realizing that they are having no effect on the retreating legionnaires, return their attentions to your ranged troops, reacting with the slow imprecision of frightened men remembering orders, not men quickly obeying a shouted command.

    "Commander, do you need me to do anything, now that the situation has changed?" Lena asks plainly, not rising from her pose.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)01:56 No.13562817
    "Yes. Take down as many of the enemy archers as you can."

    Once the enemy archers are silenced, our own can begin providing close support to our infantry.
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)01:59 No.13562858
    "that depends, are you rested enough?"
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)02:00 No.13562870
    rolled 55 = 55

    "Aim for the archers Lena, use smaller blasts then the one you've used before, less drain."

    And you may as well salvage what little of the command then Pax. Followed by an earth quake of high magnitude.

    Elements rise to fall on the enemy.
    >> 風林火山 01/18/11(Tue)02:03 No.13562927

    "Not at this moment."

    Advance the 454th into the fort.

    Engage the achers in CC.
    >> Maximus 01/18/11(Tue)02:05 No.13562951
    I say let the girl rest. I have to head out now guys but if we do capture the knight, try to find out when they found out about us, what's defending the city and when they put the signal up. And I guess generally who he is since it's possible he might be worth something. Also, see if he'll tell us how their signalling system will work. Of course, this is likely a man we're going to interrogate so it won't work but it's nice to imagine.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)02:07 No.13562967
    rolled 51 = 51

    Command roll.

    454th to charge the presented opening and storm the tower, engaging the archers in melee.
    Artillery to continue with chain shot against archers not engaged in CC.
    Ghosts to redirect arrow volleys into enemy infantry.

    Command roll.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)02:08 No.13562974
    rolled 74 = 74

    The 454th was meant to be on hand in the case the tower's were reinforced.

    I'm thinking we should start getting the men Pilums though, the one shot javelins, 2-3 of them per soldier to use on a charge...
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)02:10 No.13563003
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    >yea, sorry about that, should have clarified what happened to that, my bad.

    "Dont over-exert yourself, but yes, smaller bursts, focus on the archers." you reply, before nodding to the mangonel team to continue using chain-shot, then signalling your entire artillery corps to focus on the archers. Lena rises as you unleash a quake on the tower, shaking it to a tilt and knocking the men within from their feet. Before you the levies continue to fall to pieces at the tender ministrations of the 98th and 196th. As Lena reaches her feet, she begins barking out a single, harsh syllable in Draconian, slashing her hand through the air, each motion creating an arc of radiant energy, each arc explosively scything through the tower, all with the tempo of the pulses traveling down the body paint on her bare arms. The incoming missile fire slows almost to a complete halt under the force of the redoubled barrage directed at them. The knight in command put up a valiant effort, but soon the tower will fall.

    >one last set of rolls should do it.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)02:13 No.13563025
    rolled 54 = 54

    Elementalism roll to finish off the enemy infantry.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)02:14 No.13563037
    rolled 33 = 33

    Rolling for elementalism. Blast their commander off his feet and onto his ass, then pin him there if we can.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)02:17 No.13563072
    rolled 43 = 43

    order the 454th up. hem the enemy in.
    >> I-C003-IN 01/18/11(Tue)02:19 No.13563104
    rolled 95 = 95

    I'll roll for command
    >> I-C003-IN 01/18/11(Tue)02:20 No.13563113
    Thank you for rolling before me comrade.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)02:25 No.13563183
    You unleash a salvo of earthen spikes into the levies, shredding their eastern flank. At the same moment, Collin downs the knight, holding his blade to the mans neck. The Uurlanthi position disintegrates before your eyes, Jaynes wing and the 454th mercilessly running down the shattered levies, as Uurist and Gaius lead their units into the tower before them. Not a single Uurlanthi soldier leaves your field of vision, and none of them live to see the sun begin the earliest phases of its journey below the horizon.

    A few hours before dusk, all three towers have been double checked for any enemy soldiers, your exhausted men hovering near the wagons, eyeing their tents, clearly eager to rest for the night. "Here's tha knight ye asked for." Colin announces, pushing the man in platemail to his knees in front of you "Bastard knows two'a tha Seven Stances, pretty good'fer such a young swordsman." he adds in a begrudgingly complimentary tone.

    "I am Sir Michael Tyston." the man introduces himself. "I was sent to oversee the re-equipping of these towers, and that is all you will have of me." he adds, sounding very confident, even without his armor.
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)02:29 No.13563244
    "hmm, We shall see... Either way I must congratulate you on a battle well fought. My blademaster assures me that you are very well trained for someone of your years"
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)02:30 No.13563251
    I wonder if telling Dyron of the murder of Stant, and proof that it was done by his treacherous kin, would help to sow discord amongst the Uurlanthi. At the very least, it might help against the cult.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)02:30 No.13563254
    "And that is all i needed Sir Tyston.

    Though, i hope you could tell me, Why was the Stant Family Destroyed? I Mean, understandably I had destroyed the family's sons back on the front, But it was quite brutal for you to leave him pinned to a banner of his slain like that. The man still had Daughter's didn't he he house wasn't destroyed?"

    Say it very seriously, implying that the local knight did it himself.
    Might of well have
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)02:31 No.13563270
    Damn, Uurlanth knights and nobles all start these conversations the same way, don't they? Must be a cultural thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)02:32 No.13563273
    rolled 96 = 96

    "confident are we? that's not how my prisoners usually behave. what makes you so sure of yourself?"
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)02:33 No.13563279
    I like this
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)02:34 No.13563289

    Something like this, yes.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)02:34 No.13563294
    *Daughter's didn't he, his Linage wasnt completely destroyed..."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)02:38 No.13563334
    Combine these two.
    Brush off any sense of importance that he has. Make it appear that we barely consider him worth having captured.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)02:41 No.13563355
    "Honestly, that was all I needed." you reply, making to walk away from the kneeling man, only a few years your senior at the most.

    "Am I allowed to know the name of the man who bested me on the field?" he asks, both curious and frustrated by your swift dismissal.

    "Commander Justinian Trentz, though it was Collin McManerhan who bested your blade." you inform the man, turning to take the opportunity to push for more information. "Though I am curious as to why your lord had Lord Stant killed." you announce to the man, turning to face him again "I understand my having to lay his sons low on the field, but to kill the man, and leave his corpse pinned to a tree by the very arrows you felled him with..."

    Sir Tyston balks, before stuttering out "N-No such command was given, to kill a Lord is as good as declaring war on his house... open war would bring the full wrath of the King and his Marshals forces down on both parties. No sane man would do such a thing, especially during a war with the W- with Degnar" he corrects himself, realizing whos captivity he is in.
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)02:41 No.13563359
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)02:45 No.13563395
    "so you mean to tell me that Your lord didn't have Lord Stant killed and someone else did it on your Lord's land without his knowledge? If this is true then men of your caliber are wasted on your Liege" It can never hurt to butter up a good swordsman
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)02:46 No.13563400
    >N-No such command was given, to kill a Lord is as good as declaring war on his house... open war would bring the full wrath of the King and his Marshals forces down on both parties.
    "Well, it's unfortunate then that Lord Stant was most definitely killed within your Lord's territory.
    "You may not have received the order, but that does not mean that such an order was not given. Unless, of course, these arrows belong to the archers of another House?"
    Show the arrows, see if he reacts.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)02:49 No.13563426
    Turn you head back, "Are you suggesting that the final son and his men plotted something against his own father?"
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)02:53 No.13563457
    I'd support merging this with mine
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)02:55 No.13563468
    "Be that as it may, Lord Stant was slain not too far from this spot, though I had a temporary burial site erected for the man." you plainly reply "And if that is the truth, then these arrows will not be familiar too you." you add, displaying the arrows pulled from the late Lord Stants armor.

    Again, the knight before you freezes, before replying "Those are plain arrows, bearing no mans colors. It could have been anyone who felled the man you claim to be Lord Stant."
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)02:58 No.13563487
    Very well. One last order of business, I trust your family will be willing to pay your ransom?
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)03:01 No.13563516
    "You've been very Cooperative Sir Tryston. If you'd be so kind..." You may say, quite plainly, looking at you nails, "To tell me where your home is in the city we soon shall strike, so i know where not to place the rocks and fire. Your lord's home as well, if you'd so please, as i'd be pained to see that i strike the man's wife with our siege weaponry..."
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)03:02 No.13563520

    "There is a forested area nearby. There my scouts found the skeletonized remains of Lord Stant and his retinue, in battle regalia filled with arrows. I recovered a few from his body.

    I regret having never met the man on the battlefield proper. Had he himself led his forces against me at Fort Skywatch, I would probably still be fighting him there now. I gave him as proper an Urlanthi burial marker as I could, given the injustice of having been shot in the back by a traitor, and left his banner there. It was not mine to take.

    In deference to your prowess, I will not keep you. Go to your lord, and tell him treachery is afoot. I have released you because someone else is playing both sides, and we all need to be weary."
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)03:02 No.13563522
    Oh shit, I think I know what our assassin was doing in the region. We need to go investigate this as soon as we get done with our prisoner
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)03:07 No.13563559
    I dont believe is was our young assassin on his trial run, It seems too easy.

    But, with luck, He will run into the other assassin, no doubt have a battle of shadows. The Victor's outcome will hopefully be, Bleak.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)03:08 No.13563565
    "Your attempts at misdirection and deceit are charming, but ultimately ineffective. No matter, petty internal squabbles between Uurlanthi lords is not to my interest."

    Then continue with >>13563516
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)03:09 No.13563582
    "His remains are, like I said, in a forest not far from here, though they have been moved to a grave that I have been lead to believe is in the traditions of his house." you inform the knight agian, almost impatiently "And if you are anything to judge by, your family should be cooperative enough with paying your ransom that you will be able to see the spot with your own eyes soon enough." the knight glares at you, before you continue "Though if you are from the city west of here, I would like to know where it is that you live, I would hate for my reward to your cooperation to be a stray stone through your front door, or on to your wife."

    "I am from Dyrons Ford, born, raised, and knighted.{" he spits at you proudly. "I assume your business with me is finished then?"
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)03:10 No.13563585
    sounds good to me
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)03:10 No.13563591
    Seems fitting to chuckle after what you suggest.
    "Well, a little to my interest, the regal hens getting their feathers all in a bunch as the dragon moves hungrily to their weakened walls..."
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)03:12 No.13563609
    "in a fashion, I fully intend to make you a prisoner of the imperial legions but I have no further questions for you at this time
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)03:16 No.13563638
    "Yes, yes. That will be quite enough. I doubt that I shall have to send for ransom; We shall be at Dyron's Ford soon enough."
    Dismiss him back to the prisoner wagon where we keep the valuable POWs.

    I'm tempted to give Blentus good food and wine. It's to be his last few meals after all.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)03:20 No.13563681
    "My business with you won't be finished until I've seen to your ransom or execution... but I have more important things to worry about just now." To someone else: "Take him somewhere he won't be a nuisance."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)03:25 No.13563716
    "For now, yes. Provided you are as compliant a prisoner as you have been just now, I will have no need to see you until your ransom is paid. Which should be soon, as Dyrons Ford will soon fall under the Empires scrutiny." you reply, the knight laughs at your threat as he is escorted to the prisoner wagon.

    Not long after he is gone from your presence, Sansa approaches you, her hair tinted ever so slightly by the red of the sunset "Commander, will we strike east tonight, or will you allow the men to rest?" she asks.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)03:30 No.13563756
    "Rest for now. It's a relatively brief march eastward... and we have enough of that paste left to spare some. I am of a mind to strike somewhat before dawn."
    >> Servant of the Emperor 01/18/11(Tue)03:31 No.13563769
    Are they all that exhausted after those short skirmishes, or will they handle a night attack too if they rest now?

    Suppose i should ask you as well, Sansa, do you need your rest, or are you prepared to move with the men tonight?"


    Grappling hooks and Ghosts/Shadows at night to scale the walls...
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)03:33 No.13563777
    Are the towers destroyed and made to no longer be viable defensive positions?

    If so, we still need to move a bit of a distance away before making camp. Have the men get into the auto-wagons, and sleep in shifts. Once we're about 40 miles away (should be only 2 hours travel) we make camp and rest.
    If we're here, we'll be easily attacked by a retaliatory force from Dyron's Ford.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)03:38 No.13563818
    Ask her opinion, she's our aide and one of our closest confidants. Does she think the men need rest?

    Also ask her, jokingly, how much of Blentus's cellars she appropriated for her own personal victory celebrations.
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)03:43 No.13563853
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)03:43 No.13563859
    "Allow the men to rest in shifts while we move east, then a longer rest about fourty miles from the city. We will strike well before dawn, but not until the men are rested." you reply, after considering the options for a moment.

    "When will we depart?" Sansa asks you, sliding an arm around your waist and guiding you towards teh river, passing Wulf and a wet-armed, almost scowling Lena on your way to the waters edge.

    "As soon as the towers have been taken down." you inform your aide, and allowing her to guide you further from the camp, silently glad that Jayne will be able to make up the difference if this rest isnt all that restive for you.

    >we seem to be winding down, so I'm gonna call it for tonight
    >someone archive please
    >I'll be back wednesday at 9pm server time.
    >if you have any questions email me at [email protected]
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)03:49 No.13563903
    >allowing her to guide you further from the camp, silently glad that Jayne will be able to make up the difference if this rest isnt all that restive for you.

    "Jayne, gimme some energy... didn't get any sleep, I know we're on campaign and everything but god damn, Sansa is a total tiger in the sack, and as long as you're around- why are you looking at me like that? Hey! Jayne! I need you to touch me and perk me up! Stop walking away!"
    >> Laurentius 01/18/11(Tue)03:58 No.13563961
    I lol'd
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 01/18/11(Tue)03:59 No.13563965
    >I'll admit, I chuckled
    >are we archived, or should I get it?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 01/18/11(Tue)04:05 No.13564010
    Okay, it's been archived.
    Everyone remember to vote!

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