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  • File : 1296611885.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest LXI Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)20:58 No.13747094  
    >exciting new time, same awesome place!!
    >last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13722526/

    The aftermath of the battle is, unnerving, to say the least. Walking through the forest searching for anything of use or value you find yourself hard-pressed to determine whether the Uurlanthi forces suffered worse at the mouth of the forest or at the hands of Blackbird and his men. Physicians are wandering the forest collecting plants, half of them replenishing your stock of ingredients for the Moonseye paste, the others simply tracking down herbs of medicinal value. Blackbirds men are setting about preparing traps in the southern three fourths of the woods, the big orc however, is conspicuous in his absence.

    Your cavalry wings have yet to return, but you expect that they will be back soon enough, and between them and the men Finian sent abroad to determine the enemies disposition and how long you have until their arrival all should be ready by midday tomorrow at the very latest. You hear the snap of a twig behind you, odd, only your camp and men are in that direction...
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)21:06 No.13747190
    >bump, since its a new time and all
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)21:07 No.13747211
    Find the nearest woman and fuck her until one of us pass out.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)21:13 No.13747287
    >another bump, new time, been slow, ect
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)21:14 No.13747295
    Stone sense to see where exactly this person is and then let's see who it is.
    >> 風林火山 02/01/11(Tue)21:22 No.13747413


    Thought I expect it's only little pet assassin.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)21:24 No.13747437
    You check with your stonesense, no more than five feet, this could be messy... You pivot on your heel, ready to draw your blade, but a rather shocked and terrified familiar face stays your hand. "I know your've been stressed about something lately, and was going to try to calm you down but, I think I chose the wrong trail to levity..." Sansa quips, nearly dropping the parchment she brought with her. "I have the Bill, but you are going to have to trade whatever it is that has been eating away at my favorite commander and keeping him so paranoid for it." she adds, catching you in a quick hug before offering you the sheet.

    -196th Legionary
    Gaius Rex
    -454th Legionary
    Cornelius Hoursch
    -98th Warlords
    Uurist Titius
    -99th Hunters
    Aurelius Caspius
    -50th Dwarven Scouts
    Finian Gaurush
    -65th Dwarven Rangers
    Kyria Esfelda
    -House Garlian Uursan Cavalry
    Lady Jayne Garlian
    -Impetus Marauders (Elf)
    Aeristus Beztia
    Chainmail, twin combat axes
    -Kemnios Swifriders 71/75(dwarves)
    Dagnar Mestius
    horse Throwing axes, splintmail, lances, battle axes, kite shields
    -Clarish Ghosts 93/100 (Elves)
    Vesteaus Helmenu
    leather, javelins, shortblades, composite bows
    -Cornwal Mercenaries
    Buckmoore Kystris
    Chainmail, spear and shield
    -Kharynchek Cavalry 47/50
    Vohzd Lennis Greanthi
    -Blacktusk Raiders 24/30
    assorted gear
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)21:30 No.13747495
    Hmm. Starting to take some noticeable losses in some of the units. Did we manage to wipe out that lords army and capture him or did they escape in the end?

    "I apologize Sansa. I wasn't sure if some of the enemy had managed to escape in the forest and was stuck around here or not. Didn't want to take the risk in the event I was right."
    >> 風林火山 02/01/11(Tue)21:32 No.13747507

    What did we do with the bodies of the dead?

    If we havn't, its bout time we 'get to burning'.
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)21:35 No.13747542
    Not sure if burning the bodies will do much. To be honest, I've never looked into the effects burning a body will have on the skeleton but I assume the skeleton will remain behind and that could still be used against us. At this point, it'd just point out where we've been and if we've taken care of all the survivors of the opposing army, we want to make it seem like this forest is safe.
    >> 風林火山 02/01/11(Tue)21:37 No.13747570

    There has to be some pre-requisite for re-animation. Like some specific part of the body must be intact. Else we're in a whole world of trouble. Every possible corpse is gonna be coming for us.

    If we can, we should check up to see if we there are any such from Finian's research into the books and check if theres anything we can do to make sure that reanimation is not possible.
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)21:42 No.13747610
    Well we still have time until it comes to pass. I'm still curious on if there's types of necromancy that can be used to put the dead to rest or stop them rather than just raising them. Similar to how there's two kinds of mages as we've just learnt. Otherwise I don't know what we're going to do if we come across anyone with the talent to use necromancy.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)21:45 No.13747650
    "Apologies, Sansa. I was unsure if all enemy soldiers had been removed from the forest yet and wasn't about to take any chances. You wouldn't happen to know if we captured their Lord or not, would you?" you reply, falilng into step with the woman as she heads back towards camp.

    Sansa levels a bemused glare at you "You didnt answer my question, but I suppose it can wait. And no, I do not know, but unless I mishear the approaching hoofs the man who does is rapidly approaching."

    You turn to see Vohzd Lennis galloping towards you, looking somewhat frustrated, though not terribly offput.
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)21:48 No.13747675
    "How went the hunt Vohzd Lennis? I imagine the big prize managed to elude us?"

    Geh. Even slower than normal today.
    >> 風林火山 02/01/11(Tue)21:55 No.13747729

    (barely awake myself)

    Wheres all the other regulars?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)21:55 No.13747733
    >yea it is. maybe the schedule change was a terribad idea.
    >also, confirmation?
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)22:00 No.13747786
    Wish I knew. Some of them aren't showing up as often for regular days as they used to.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)22:10 No.13747871
    >gah, never did recover after the last down part damn near killed off most interest. At this rate I just might hibernate the quest until summer after this thread

    "How did the hunt go, friend?" you ask the approaching Kharyncheck.

    The big nomad slides off his horse as he approaches you "Well enough. The Uurlanthi noble was plucked from our grasp by a group of pegasus knights, though as mad as he is I doubt he will spoil your plans." he answers, saluting.

    "All that needs to happen for our preperation to go for naught is the enemy to avoid the forest. What is your backup plan, commander?" Sansa asks, looking a little nervous.
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)22:17 No.13747932
    "If they aim to use the roads to speed their march, it's possible they'll take the road east of Degris and try to avoid the forest completely. I'll have to speak to Janos about the terrain before I decide on our next move but it seems this forest might have to be abandoned. Even if they do move through it, they might decide to burn the entire thing down first to ensure we aren't waiting for them. Either way, we'll need an idea on what direction they're marching before we make any serious moves. It might be time to send out the scouts again, although they'll have to be careful if the enemy have aerial units once again."

    It's unfortunate the down time seems to have hurt things. I'm really looking forward to downtime back in the capital when we can start spending all our loot and working on the political game.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)22:31 No.13748053
    >ehh, no offense dude, but myself and one player isn't enough for a quest thread. Guess I wont be able to finish this thread before hibernating my quest :(.
    >I wont be dissapearing for the night so if it picks up tonight I'll finish this thread.
    >I dont think it was so much the downtime as much as my literary skill when it comes to ramance'n'shit. (plus I think at least a decent chunk of the anons/regulars that never came back after the last slow chunk were in it just for the adventure side of it)
    >no real purpose in archiving something this short, since you guys have CQ general threads when I dont make it I'm sure the word will spread on its own
    >I'll probably try one more regular/old schedule thread before the hibernation is official just to see if it was only the new time.
    >not to toot my own horn but the story will pick up/get better after this bit but I guess we'll have to wait and see now
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)22:37 No.13748111
    Unfortunate but I hear ya. Based on suptg, you have a decent number of followers but it seems like a lot of them prefer to read the archives rather than participate directly. Hopefully things pick up again after your hibernation if it does become official.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)22:40 No.13748143
    >heh, and if you guys decide you want your CQ fix bad enough you could always just spam the crap out of my e-mail for me to get back on /tg/ I guess, haha
    >> Generic 02/01/11(Tue)22:41 No.13748155

    ALWAYS the damned flyers.

    So the forest will likely not work a second time.

    We shall require a map.
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)22:42 No.13748168
    Possible but once the hibernation becomes known, I doubt there will be any CQ general threads for people to decide to bug you enough. Unless people do it on their own. Out of curiosity, have there been any curve balls we've thrown you in terms of our strategy we've used in previous battles?
    >> Generic 02/01/11(Tue)22:48 No.13748212

    Guess I'm late to the party D:
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)22:51 No.13748234
         File1296618676.jpg-(12 KB, 426x304, 1251875747991.jpg)
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    Dammit, I was looking for the quest and right when i find it...
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)22:52 No.13748242
    Well more people have arrived so Pax might continue this since it won't be just me and occasionally 風林火山.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)22:58 No.13748288
         File1296619121.png-(94 KB, 187x629, campaignintel7.png)
    94 KB
    >still might end up in hibernation, but hey, what the hell, heres the map
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/01/11(Tue)22:59 No.13748294
    Query: was CQ always on tuesdays? I thought it was wednesday?
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)22:59 No.13748296
    Does the road east of Degris hook up with the road that's south of us that also leads to Lost Conflux? They might try to take that route now that they know the forest is a death trap... That or burn it down.
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)23:03 No.13748337
    Read the end of last thread - Pax is changing up the schedule due to lack of interest and his work schedule I believe. New schedule atm is Tue/Thur/Sun.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)23:03 No.13748340
    >since its been slow I decided to switch to Tue, Thu, Sun until it picks up again (that and college)

    >it links up if they manna go through TruthsHaven
    >> Generic 02/01/11(Tue)23:04 No.13748344

    The mantiple is located at the bottom of the forest, correct?

    I take it the square to the right is a town? What are the defenses like?

    >and i saw that post you removed...
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)23:07 No.13748366
    That's what I was thinking myself. Might be worth hitting that town and holding it depending on what they do regarding the forest. That and just general supplies. Beyond the forest, I can't see any real way to hit an incoming army than a pitched fight at this point.

    I too saw that post, heh.
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/01/11(Tue)23:07 No.13748369

    Ah, alright. I just got off playing minecraft and decided to check /tg/. Totally slipped my mind that you'd changed schedule.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)23:10 No.13748402
    >correct, bottom of the forest. Wooden pallisade at the most on that town
    >eh, seemed like too much of gm metaing to leave up when I realized that there just might be a thread tonight
    >> Generic 02/01/11(Tue)23:12 No.13748408

    Holding the town will probably hurt us more than help. We'd just end up besieged by a lord in hostile lands...

    at the same time, a pitched battle isn't a good choice either...
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)23:13 No.13748421
    Then I think the best idea at the moment is to send out scouts to see if the second lord is approaching and what they have. While we wait, we should hit the nearby town and see if we can take it relatively intact for our own purposes.
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)23:15 No.13748434
    I figure a siege is better than a pitched battle but I mostly want to take it to prevent the approaching lord using it against us. At this point it seems like either we have a pitched battle or we hope they siege us. I suppose we should decide based on what kind of troops this lord has. Hopefully Janos remembers but otherwise we'll have to rely on scouts. Unless we question Blentus, his child or her future husband.
    >> Generic 02/01/11(Tue)23:16 No.13748447

    sounds like a plan.

    We shouldn't use it as a defensive position against the lord, but taking it will allow us to use local enemy supplies and deny them to the enemy.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)23:17 No.13748468
    Seconding this. We need information.
    >> Generic 02/01/11(Tue)23:17 No.13748470

    didn't we just defeat the father of that noble brat we captured at LC?
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/01/11(Tue)23:18 No.13748474

    I can run with this thinking.

    Shame the first lord got plucked by flyers. Must be nice to have fantasyland air evac.
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)23:24 No.13748523
    You are correct sir, we did smash his army if I am remembering things correctly. Now I want to question the boy even more since he might know about the armies the other lord has.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)23:31 No.13748586
    "Well, that depends entirely on what Lord Helmet has to offer for intelligence" you reply, leading the group to Janos' tent "Vohzd Lennis, would you be so kind as to see what the scouts have found thus far?" the man salutes and re-mounts his horse as you enter Janos' tent.

    "Commander, how can I help you?" the man asks amiably, a sheet of parchment on his table. In the distance you can hear a very distinct sort of scream, one only women make. At least you know why Blackbird wasn't leading his men in trapping the forest now.

    "Well, I need to know what sort of defenses the town to our east has, and I was hoping you have some idea of what the next Lord we will be facing has for troops." you answer, taking a stool and sitting.

    "I know that he didnt field any armored sergants, and his ratio of professional troops to levies is about the same as Lord Kulps forces. Of note he has a wing of pegasus knights, and a large quantity of mounted troops, no elfs however. Most of his ranged power comes from mercenary soldiers." Janos informs you, looking over a map before continuing "The town wont have a particularly hardened garrison, due to its relative unimportance, if you play your forces right it just may capitulate without a fight."
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/01/11(Tue)23:36 No.13748629
    Huh. If I remember right, the purple squares on the map represented either smaller cities or larger towns. I take it this place is one of the latter?
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)23:36 No.13748631
    "Indeed, his knights snatched away Lord Kulp before we could grab him. In the best case scenario, this forest may no longer be as effective as a trap as I would have liked. Any idea on how tactically skilled our next foe will be?"

    I'm wondering if we should just 'mine' the road with caves that have no support to them so that it might take out a unit or two while we send the majority of our men to take the nearby town under either Sansa or Wulf's command.
    >> Generic 02/01/11(Tue)23:38 No.13748655

    Do we have our catapult still?

    We could toss a few knights heads over the wall with "surrender or die", perhaps?

    Or should we be less... "classic movie badguy" about it?
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)23:40 No.13748678
    If we do go, I think surrounding the city and having a parley might work. From what we've seen, a lot of the Uurlanth see us as barbaric and doing a tactic like that might just enforce the image. Although to be fair, it might work out as we want it to.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)23:43 No.13748699
    >yes, small town
    >yes, you still have your siege equipment
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)23:47 No.13748744
    could we launch dead cows and sheep instead?
    >> Generic 02/01/11(Tue)23:48 No.13748760

    we should try your plan first.

    Should they reject the offer, launch heads.

    should they reject that offer... slaughter them to the last man.

    We should visit the noble brat and see how he's doing.
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)23:49 No.13748771
    We don't have access to such things and that would take too long to be useful. Plus, it's such a small town we'd be better off assaulting it and taking it quickly. I personally think we should still open dialogue with them once it's surrounded, although I wonder if we should just kill the lot of them in an assault so they don't end up helping in the King's counter attack.
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)23:50 No.13748782
    I can live with that. He might have some info on the lord coming in on us and he might know who's in charge of the small village near us and it could help us out on our negotiations.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/01/11(Tue)23:51 No.13748800
    >so everyone but ??? goes to surround the town, you meet up with them in time to parlay for the city after ruining the road?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)23:51 No.13748808
    Good point, I agree with the assault
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)23:54 No.13748837
    We'll remain behind with Blackbird and his crew. They might as well keep trapping the place just in case they still do come through this road and I doubt the enemy will reach the forest just yet so it should be fine if we just leave us there. After, I suppose Blackbird can move north to continue his campaign of terror if he wishes unless our scouts give us reason not to.
    >> Generic 02/01/11(Tue)23:54 No.13748843

    scouting elements should be blackbird's raiders and the two cavalry units relegated to scouting.

    Possibly Finian's men or a portion of them
    >> Laurentius 02/01/11(Tue)23:56 No.13748856
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/01/11(Tue)23:57 No.13748860
    Wasn't sure if I was going to make it tonight.

    We'll probably want the cavalry with the main force going to the town, to keep up recon patrols on the lookout for the next Lord.
    We'll probably want to make it a big, showy, affair, to make the enemy think that we've abandoned the forest and that it's now safe.

    I think Blackbird, the Hunters, and the Ghosts should stay in the forest, in case the Lord does take bait and attempts to go through the forest.
    >> Maximus 02/01/11(Tue)23:58 No.13748873
    I've never actually paid attention to it but how fast does a fire spread in a forest? My biggest concern is if the enemy just torches the entire thing. Can our men get out in time without problems?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)00:00 No.13748888
    "Thank you, Janos." You turn to face your aid "You and Wulf will lead the maniple as a whole to surround the town in question, I will remain here with Blackbird, the scouting cavalry and a detachment from Finians men to make sure this stretch of road is unusable for the foreseeable future." you inform her. The woman salutes and heads from the tent.

    "Its a fine line your walking, Commander" Janos warns, saluting as you exit the tent. Within two hours the maniple is on its way, leaving the few tents and a single autowagon for the troops staying behind.

    >roll for elementalism
    >> Laurentius 02/02/11(Wed)00:02 No.13748899
    Oops mramt to say "this"
    >I would have been here earlier but I had to work
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)00:04 No.13748910
    rolled 56 = 56

    Wonder what exactly Janos means by that.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)00:04 No.13748911
    rolled 8 = 8

    Rolling for elementalism
    >> Generic 02/02/11(Wed)00:04 No.13748916
    rolled 21 = 21


    Here goes nothing!
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)00:05 No.13748922
    Damnit... I think I'm going to take a break from rolling.
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/02/11(Wed)00:06 No.13748928
    rolled 88 = 88


    Rolling. Also, nice quads.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)00:09 No.13748956
    "How fast does fire spread in a forest" is too hopelessly generic to answer. In a tropical forest that's been subject to heavy rain, it probably won't spread at all. In a pine forest during a drought, fire can spread fast enough that many animals can't successfully outrun it.
    >> Laurentius 02/02/11(Wed)00:10 No.13748967
    We've found our designated rollers for tonight
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)00:14 No.13749011
    It takes you until nightfall to finish properly mining the entire length of road. As you finish your last cave, Finian jogs up to you, looking nervous "No sign of Lord Wellis on the road, sir. But we downed a messenger eagle searching about the edge of the forest, it was carrying this." he hands you the note. It is written plainly, in short, after having heard of the Degnarian presence in Uurlanth, they expected the Kings Causeway to be guarded, and had agreed, in a showing of new solidarity you would expect, for the second Lord to go around the road from the begining. It would seem that their summons had been sent as soon as word of your sacking of Lost Conflux they had been roused by Lord Dyron. Whats worse, Lord Wellis was on track to meet up with Lord Kulp on the morrow when this letter was sent this morning.

    "Break the camp quickly, we need to be at this town as quickly as possible" you order with an unnatural calm.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)00:17 No.13749025
    Make all haste to get to the town.

    I would suspect a possible misinformation op, but I don't think the Uurlanthi are that subtle.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)00:18 No.13749029
    Well then. Guess we better take this town without fighting to make sure out men are in tip top condition. Guess we're having a pitched fight boys unless the terrain a little more east of here has any advantages we use.
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/02/11(Wed)00:20 No.13749051

    Well, that wasn't entirely unexpected. Let's get shit done.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)00:24 No.13749097
    What if we don't, though?
    I mean, what if we don't allow the enemy to force us into a pitched battle?
    We have the mobility, we could stay on the move and strike at the rear of the enemy's column and their supply lines.
    We could stay moving and shoot down his pegasus knights as they attempt to engage us.
    We could do night raids with fire arrows to destroy their supplies.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)00:25 No.13749111
    I suppose it's possible to a certain point. We can't let them get past Lost Conflux. It might be worth sending the men back to there to prepare while we let them chase us back to our army waiting there. Harass them the entire way back using our superior speed and mobility. Didn't think of that.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)00:29 No.13749155
    An hour after sunset the last of your maniple is moving east. You were impressed by how quickly they moved, Blackbird going so far as to lift his wife, still in labor, onto the autowagon so that it could get underway faster. It is just before midnight when you arrive at the large town, your lower strength mercenary units are strung out behind the towns palisade in enough numbers to prevent any enemy soldiers from escaping, Wulf and Sansa have the bulk of your force at the north wall. No fires burn, though the campfires of Lord Wellis' force are easily visible on the horizon. Your command tent is booming with shouted arguments, and you can see that your scout cavalry has already arrived. Most of your men, though they look intensely tired, are still waiting, some looking almost eager and expectant. For better or worse, this will be your last battle in this campaign, you can feel it in your bones.
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/02/11(Wed)00:30 No.13749158
    Fantastic idea! I totally agree.
    >> Laurentius 02/02/11(Wed)00:30 No.13749163
    hmm if this is possible we should seriously consider it
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)00:31 No.13749174
    They have air superiority, though. We'll have superior mobility, but they'll be able to basically keep track of us at all times- not exactly ideal for harrying them.

    We'd probably suffer fairly heavy losses in a pitched fight, though. Perhaps if we're able to rapidly take the town, then use its walls to fight a defensive battle? If the enemy doesn't bite and tries to bypass us, we lose nothing since they'd be able to account for our position with their aerial scouts anyway, and it might let us inflict some nasty losses if they're overconfident enough to try an assault.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)00:33 No.13749196
    The main concern will be Lord Wellis' high mobility forces; specifically his pegasus knights and his cavalry.
    We will need to draw them out and crush them to prevent Wellis from having a screening picket force.

    I suggest fire arrows, fired by elven archers using mooneye paste, that are moved into position by doubling up on cavalry.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)00:33 No.13749198
    Whoa boy let's go calm the children down in the command tent then. Leave them alone for a little bit and they start fighting.

    I assumed our wagons would have ranged units on them so their aerial units can't get too close. That and they're going to know where we are regardless if we harass them due to the noise of the wagons. The point of it was to just weaken them a bit more before an upfront battle but we'll see. We might need the night to rest our men and at that point, the enemy will be upon us.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)00:36 No.13749224
    Actually, them knowing where we are could be used to our advantage.
    There's still a possibility that the enemy doesn't know our true numbers; we might be able to lure the enemy cavalry and air assets into a trap.

    But first, let's go to the command tent and see what's going on and get the latest recon report.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)00:37 No.13749242

    Next campaign, we have our medical team stockpile stimulants to distribute to the troops in this sort of situation. Fighting major battles while exhausted isn't good at all.

    Anyway, get over to the command tent, get reports, and explain that we have incoming.
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/02/11(Wed)00:38 No.13749256
    Hmm... since we can already see their campfires, maybe it's time to revisit some of our old tactics. Specifically, I think it's time we used the last of our mooneye paste, surrounded their camp in the middle of night, and caught them sleeping. I know out guys are dead tired, but this needs to be done fast. So here's a plan:

    1>Paste up.
    2>As stealthily as possible, surround them on two sides.
    3>We get our fire elementalists on horseback to rush in and burn their camp down, retreating to the safety of our battlelines.
    4>Have equal number of combat-skilled elementalists on either side of the pincer wrecking shit.
    5>Close in.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)00:40 No.13749273
    My god I almost missed Commander Quest
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)00:43 No.13749294
    Let's wait and see what everyone in the command tent is doing. With how tired our men are, I think we need to let them rest ASAP so that means taking the town without a fight. I don't think a harassment game is doable with how tired the men are right now. If we screw it up, we're going into battle with exhausted men.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)00:43 No.13749297
    I have reservations about this plan.

    If they're this close, their pegasus unit has likely already detected the main force of our maniple during the day.
    They will likely have guards set up, and a perimeter. I doubt that they will be easily taken by surprise.
    Also, they appear to have a large number of fires going; that will play havoc with any troops using the paste, as they won't be able to see.

    No, I think a better course of action is to poison this town's well, prepare to set everything ablaze, retreat the main force of the maniple. Have the Ghosts double-up with the Swiftriders, volley fire arrows at the enemy's supplies, then bug out and regroup with the main force, torching the town along the way.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)00:50 No.13749383
    I definitely support a night attack and/or raid. Waiting for morning might give us more rested troops, but it'll also give up the potential advantage of the night paste, which has proven decisive in the past and might well do so again.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 02/02/11(Wed)00:52 No.13749405
    Our morale is most Excellant accross the board too, so we have a good chance if she just bring in the noise, bring in the funk. and by noise and funk i mean Pain.

    And as much as i'd love to stick around, im exhausted.
    >> Generic 02/02/11(Wed)00:52 No.13749412
    We should do a night attack if our force can take it.

    Blackbird's raiders and the best marksmen of the ghosts/hunters strike the enemy's pickets on the West side of their camp, QUICKLY followed by a charge from the main force into the enemy's heart.

    Nomads ride to the East or North side and take out enemy pickets from range as the assault begins, then hit and run attacks on enemy flank units as the battle continues. If they see an opening, charge into the fray.

    Justinian slays the enemy noble in combat to break the enemy's spirit.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)00:53 No.13749418
    You make your way to the tent, on one side of the space, Uurist, Gaius, Jayne, Dagnar, Aurelius, Bellatrix and Vesteaus stand, the others stand on the opposite side of the table. Save Laelith, Janos, Collin and Degrian, who are all sitting at the head of the table, watching the others argue "I agree that we have superior forces, Captain" Wulf argues, all the force of an order behind his voice, but none of the normal volume. "But this battle will ravage the maniple. We use our mobility and choose a better battle."

    "Between the pegasi, all their damned cavalry, which your Uurlanthi boy already told us have been trained with the best," he adds "they'll catch us, wreck our wagons and kill us all!" Gaius shouts back "Your good boy, but short-sighted." he finishes

    "And the bastards are likely to break fast with a town burning behind us, the Commander, Lena and all the other elementalists slingin' shit at'em" Uurist adds, looking very sure of himself.

    Lena turns to Wulf, apologetic almost, though she still clutches his arm "Our cavalry rides past and around the wagons all the time, whats to say enemy cavalry cant catch us if they try hard enough?"

    "Exactly!" Aurelius shouts "And with what Janos said about the tokens on the cavalry Bastius saw" he motions to the elf, half-collapsed from exhastion in the corner of the tent, sitting next to Kurt "We're better off standing to fight!" so animated is the groups back and fourth that they do not notice your entrance
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/02/11(Wed)00:58 No.13749472

    "Alright guys, care to fill in the latecomer? What's this about tokens?"
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)00:58 No.13749478
    "Would someone care to catch me up with what I'm unaware of? Your opinions can be kept to yourselves until I'm caught up, then I'll hear what you all have to say."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)01:00 No.13749502
    "Wulf, is there a storm system brewing, and how long would it take you to get one ready?
    "Also, has anyone prepared a map with the enemy's dispositions and terrain topology?
    "And what's this about tokens?"
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:00 No.13749503
    >he motions to the elf, half-collapsed from exhastion in the corner of the tent
    If that is the state of the rest of our army I'm not sure we should attack.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)01:02 No.13749525
    It's why I think we should take this town without conflict and then let them rest the night.
    >> Generic 02/02/11(Wed)01:04 No.13749564

    What fool would surrender with a friendly force's campfires visible?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:04 No.13749565
    but if the town can see fires of the other army they would not surrender.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)01:06 No.13749586
    Friendly forces may be nearby but they have no chance of surviving an assault by us in time for those forces to arrive with only their wooden palisade standing between us and them. There's a chance they will surrender but you may be right and we should just assault it.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)01:08 No.13749608
    We need to know if our soldiers are currently too tired to fight or not.
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/02/11(Wed)01:09 No.13749614
    There's no way this town will surrender this close to allied forces. We'll need to just skip it and hope we can convince them to pull up roots once we've dealt with the other force.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)01:11 No.13749649
    If we skip it, they're going to hit us in the rear the second we engage the incoming enemy troops. Hell, if we threaten to just burn out the entire city, that might make them surrender for all we know. Their reinforcements aren't close and we're at their doorstop and all they have for defence is a wooden palisade. Were it stone, they might be able to hold out long enough but they should realize they're in a bad position.

    Agreed in either case.
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/02/11(Wed)01:15 No.13749693
    We already know our guys are tired. We only have enough pep for one fight MAYBE, and we'd waste time at the gates here even if they did offer immediate surrender. Besides, this place only has enough guards for themselves, they're not very bloody likely to have enough guys to set out.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:15 No.13749697
    In this case may i suggest we run for it, sure, Gaius is right that their cavalry will catch up we us, but then their cavalry will have to fight us without their infantry support.

    We can't expect our tied troops to storm the town and then fight the main army without getting shot up.

    How's you guys think. I maybe wrong tho....
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)01:19 No.13749742
    I imagine they'll have enough troops to field a few units of troops. That's enough of a distraction and once we're engaged with the enemy's main force, even two units of levies in our rear lines would do a lot of damage and they don't need to leave any defences behind once we're engaged with the other Lord.

    Let's hear the full report before we decide what to do. I'm hesitant on the retreating idea myself to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:20 No.13749747
    if we fled to the forest then the cavlary (air and land) not would be useful.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:20 No.13749750
    I would prefer to ignore the town and hit the army. Once that's done, we can siege and conquer the town at our leisure; the town does not field a dangerous mobile force which might actually threaten us as the lord does.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)01:21 No.13749758
    Then we leave the path to Lost Conflux completely open. Our goal is to stop them from reaching it and unless our opponent is an idiot, he'll know he has the advantage on the open terrain with his aerial cavalry and will just keep pushing in that direction.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:23 No.13749773
    Ah, my mistake
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)01:24 No.13749784
    You clear your throat, rather loudly, announcing your presence "Would anyone care to fill me in on what I missed. Just the facts, intelligence first please."

    Janos motions to the table where a pair of pieces of parchment sit, one with a map, the other with a list. "The icons are from the Belges region, the finest horsemen in the Kingdom there. Those icons are given only to those riders that have proven themselves to Lord Jandils high standards, all of the men on horseback were seen with the icon either on their armor, worked into their knightly heraldry, or on their mount. Lord Wellis must have paid ridiculous amounts of gold to see his entire mounted group trained there."

    "When we arrived here the enemy had already camped for the night. A series of signal crystal flashes were exchanged, most of the peasants fled before we could encircle the city, and what remained refused to so much as give us an audience." Lena explains, projecting her quit voice quite well, though you suspect that both the way her voice is filling the tent, and the incongruous lack of fear in it, despite her features, are both due to her magic. "we set up our camp and had the men hold ready to storm the town. The scouts returned with the count of enemy forces and then the arguing started. Half of us think we will win on the field, the other half would rather choose a battle where we have an advantage." she finishes, looking back and forth between Wulf and Gaius, clearly the two main supporters of the different groups in your command staff.

    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)01:24 No.13749791
    If we flee to the forest, then the enemy will simply bypass us, forcing us to come to him in order to engage.

    The problem with any plan on fighting a pitched battle with Lord Wellis' forces right now, is that our maniple is physically exhausted, while his forces are not. They did not march hard, fight the previous day, or been in a siege formation for most of today. They are in camp, in defensive layout, and part of their forces are already rested.

    We cannot use the advantage of our mooneye paste, because if their campfires are high enough to be visible now on the horizon, they will blind anyone using night vision when we enter within firing range.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)01:25 No.13749795
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    You slide the parchment from the middle of the table to get a better look at both pieces. "The hill drops off just about where the map ends" Captain Dorias adds as you look over the map "Well, just past Lord Wellis' camp actually, but this is the area wher the fighting will take place if you decide to hold here." Looking at the list of enemy troops, you feel a very real fear clinch in your chest. You know that you will have to defeat this force eventually, but you would rather it not shred your maniple in the process.

    Knights (pegasi) 50 Polearms, Javelins platemail

    Knights (horse) 50 Lnces, shields, blades, plate armor

    Knights (horse) 50 Lnces, shields, blades, plate armor

    Men at Arms (Horse) 150 Leathers, bows, spears

    Men at Arms (Horse) 150 Leathers, bows, spears

    Sergants 250 spear/shield mail

    Sergants 250 spear/shield mail

    Levied infantry 300 leathers, swords, shields

    Levied infantry 300 leathers, swords, shields

    Levied infantry 300 leathers, swords, shields

    Mercenaries 200 Longbows, chainmail, shortswords

    Mercenaries 150 (dwarfs) Crossbows, scalemail, pavise, combat axes

    Mercenaries 200 Javelins, maces, shields, surecoats over mail

    Lords retinue 50, Warhammers, plate armor
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)01:30 No.13749841
    450 cavalry.
    500 sergeants.
    900 infantry.
    350 ranged units.
    200 medium infantry.
    50 heavy infantry.

    Total Enemy Forces: 2450

    I know we're good, and highly disciplined and profession troops have an advantage over conscripted levies, but is the Second Praetorian and the High Commander trying to get us killed?
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)01:31 No.13749846
    "Any familiar faces amongst the mercenaries being employed by Lord Wellis?, Janos?"

    Honestly, I think we should fight them here. Even if we ran away, between here and Lost Conflux there isn't any terrain that will give us the advantage and we can at least prepare some earthwork defences here and maybe make a few pit traps to lure the enemy units onto. I'm not too confident we can escape them so easily based on the amount of cavalry they have.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)01:33 No.13749856
    >no, they just have a shit tone of faith in you
    >and whenever a fist looses a finger, someone has to replace said finger, and that someone and his force needs to be damned good
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:34 No.13749862
    Stare at those figures. Stare at them. Then ask your commanders.

    "I would rather fight this force on a well-prepared field, preferably while all of them were sickened, drunk, or half-asleep. I would rather fight them from behind fortress walls. But I don't see that option.

    "If anyone can suggest a plan which would reasonably allow us to tilt the field in our favor at a later time in spite of the enemy's air superiority and vastly larger elite cavalry forces, while still denying them the opportunity to get past us, speak now. For I do not, and if none else here can we will have to engage immediately; one of our greatest edges shall vanish with the dawn."
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)01:36 No.13749885
    Fighting them now is impossible man. Our army is tired and their camp fires will be too bright. If we can see them from here, they will blind us when we approach. This is to be our bloody battle of the campaign it seems. Let's hope our elementalism and new technology makes up for it.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)01:42 No.13749929
    And for reference, beyond saying we'll attack this night I have no problem with the rest of what was said in asking their opinion in how it might be possible to find a more advantageous situation.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)01:42 No.13749936
    I agree. The fires are too bright for us to be able to use any mooneye paste.

    I'm still suggesting that we fall back further to a more defensible position and get some rest.

    Is that anything that Lord Wellis values, something that we could attack and force him to move to counter us?
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/02/11(Wed)01:43 No.13749948
    We need to set up. Do we have any flammable liquids we could stick in a pot and toss?

    Also, how many elementalists of each kind do we have that currently have combat-ready skills? Also, make sure we got Wulf one of those shockstones we got off those guys who were harassing Degrian way back when we met him. All of our hitters get fully equipped.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:43 No.13749949
    Harring retreat toward Lost Conflux.
    We should be fast than their army becouse they have to slow down for their infantry, or if they pursue us with just their cavlary then we got a favorable field of battle
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:44 No.13749953
    >Honestly, I think we should fight them here.

    >Fighting them now is impossible man.

    I... am uncertain as to your actual position. You want to what, camp for the night and fight them in the morning? Hope that he won't pull anything during the night and that our troops being rested will be the edge that we need to win?
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)01:48 No.13750003
    Let me clarify - fight them here but wait for the morning. Don't attack their camp now, let them come to us. If he tries to pull anything during the night, we laugh since he won't have his camp fires to save him and we can use the paste and we're going to have scouts keeping an eye out for them coming during the night.

    Lena herself has pointed out cavalry can go faster than out wagons and this guy has elite cavalry. For someone to invest in that kind of cavalry, it's unlikely he's going to let them get cut off to be fought without support. If he does send them after us, they'll just be there to harass us. And I don't think there are any positions on the map that give an inherent advantage terrain wise.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:49 No.13750017
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    Are our troops fit to fight at this moment?

    If we do hit them at their camp, it should be from all sides and without warning. I'm thinking Washington's Christmas attack. If we can get the enemy to panic, even better, but we MUST surprise them.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)01:50 No.13750026
    Can you think of a more defensible position? If you can suggest something, I'll likely accept but I don't see anywhere on the map near the beginning that will favour us. In terms of things he might value - his holdings are way too far up north. We have no luck in that area.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:50 No.13750029
    You know... it may be time that we see if we can ask Rayhna for a favor on this battle. It would mean that we'd owe her, but I just don't see us able to win here.

    With the forest, we had everything going for us, and had a force twice our size jumping at their own shadows.

    Here? Open field vs. an even BIGGER force with air cav.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)01:53 No.13750054
    You stare at the sheet for a while before opening your mouth again "Janos, do you recognize any of these mercenary bands?" half of the tables eyes lock on you, and you just know that their jaws are agape, well, Lenas is probably still screwed tight, but that is inconsequential "We MUST stop this force, between here and Lost Conflux there is no ground where we would find an advantage, and I do not much enjoy the prospect of being run down by Uurlanthi cavalry. We can break this Lords force here. We _WILL_ break this Lords force here."

    "The crossbowmen, perhaps the longbowmen, but I doubt I will be able to get a message to them in time without some diversion."

    Blackbird enters the tent "My raiders. We will set upon their camp with all of the goods we have left from the Inland Swamp, deny them the sleep our soldiers have yet to receive."

    You nod "Thats a start, what else can you men come up with to tip the scales better in our favor?"

    "The infantry will most likely be alternating, with cavalry in the flanks" Gaius informs you "I've fought battles like this one before. The timid plans have always led to defeat. Our heavy infantry could anchor our center, the life elementalists keep them fighting, and our cavalry can punch through a levy battalion to start down the flanks and rears of the line infantry. Once that crumbles we can rush the archers, battle won. I've seen it work before"

    Cornelius sighs "And it is always bloody as fuck. We use our elementalists, our archers, let them come to us and break on our phalanx tired and scared."

    "Your entire cadre of elementalists is combat capable by now, Commander" Laelith informs you "And as to the exhaustion, with 5 life elementalists counting Jayne and the surgeon we should be able to negate much of the exhastion."

    You look around the table, most of the men seem to be thinking, but none have spoken yet "Should I have the men get some rest?" Sansa asks, worriedly
    >> tactical routine omicron 02/02/11(Wed)01:55 No.13750072
    You know, I hate to say it, because I hate the idea of indebting ourselves to any of the gods, but, I'm going to have to agree. This is going to be a nasty fight, no matter when or where we set up, and even with high spirits, we'll be lucky to have half of our force left afterwards.

    And on that note, I have to get going for the night, guys.
    >> Cassius 02/02/11(Wed)01:55 No.13750077
    Just started reading through the thread and decided to post this blurb when I read that you might wait til summer before pickign this up again. I must admit, I often end up reading the thread on suptg or the archive. Usually too busy to actively participate and when I do have the time (which I don't right now actually) I generally don't know what to do in a command situation.

    I'm sad to say that I've also noticed the drop in participants and so have tried to post on occasion at least when I see the thread, though in all honesty I probably enjoy reading the thread more than participating myself.

    Here's hoping your threads pick up. Also, you probably have more viewers than suptg suggests since people who joined later probably didn't vote the thread up. (I didn't either sorry, read your first 20-30 threads on archive by searching your name before switching to suptg or refreshing every few hours when I found your thread)
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:56 No.13750081
    I think our ace here might be Lena.

    Remember when she did the whole massive power buildup thing and almost vaporized our entire command unit? When the battle starts, have her do that but to the enemy lord. That'll definitely at least force a morale check.

    Mix with elementalism to fuck up the ground and throw flame at their elite cavalry. No matter how good the horses and riders, they'll still break their legs charging over rough ground, and no horse is without serious fear of fire- a decent flame wave could break a charge.

    Which leaves us with the question of being significantly outnumbered once things do hit melee, even after having mostly dealt with the biggest nasties. Did we bolster our ranks with the mercenaries we got to desert the last lord, or did they just vanish off?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)01:56 No.13750082
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    Is there anything we can do to lay traps and obstacles during the night and conjure up obscuring mists in the morning?
    >> Generic 02/02/11(Wed)01:57 No.13750097
    If the enemy's fires are that bright, we simply don't use the paste in a night attack. perhaps a few archers use it to pick off their pickets, but no one else.

    I still say we should strike them at night if we can manage. Hit them hard and they shouldn't have time to fully equip their gear, especially the heavier armor.

    Strike hard, strike fast, roll thru their camp cutting down EVERYONE in our path. No prisoners. Kill their cavalry before they can form up and don't give them time to form ranks.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)01:58 No.13750118
    We need to nullify their air cav first. Perhaps we could have the Ghosts sneak into position along with Blackbird's raiders, and try to kill most of the pegasi while they're still on the ground?
    That would help in allowing our siege engines to fire unmolested.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)02:00 No.13750136
    We should speak to the other, bloodier war god. The one who likes us because we've got Blackbird with us and smiles when we mercilessly slaughter our enemies to the last man. I could go for some merciless slaughter here.

    If we can get both war gods on our side, it could swing things mightily in our favor. And is it not the way of the Seventh Praetorian to pay court as many of them as possible?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)02:02 No.13750153
    It's possible to use Lena as a plasma cannon. But the problem is she'll only be good for that one shot, and it's very dangerous to her.
    Not only that, but she will become a high-priority target once she fires.
    I'm not saying we shouldn't use it; just that we'll need to take precautions.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:03 No.13750165
    Why not the hunters, or I imagine Dead Eyes soon, join them as well? Raiders go in and cause shit and the archers do as much damage as they can. A volley or two and then disappear into the night. The paste should help them avoid cavalry and they might even be able to peg the cavalry decently.

    While a night attack would be delicious, I'm still hesitant to do it just because of how tired the men are. As well, I imagine we aren't going to be getting much sleep tonight since we have empty cave's to set up tonight or earthwork defences to make.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)02:04 No.13750177
    >But the problem is she'll only be good for that one shot, and it's very dangerous to her.
    She might have tweaked the tattoos to be better by now. Or at least have a greater handle on her limits for safely holding power; it's worth asking if nothing else.

    Definitely something to be used as part of a cohesive plan, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)02:07 No.13750202
    I want air cav of our own. Could we maybe drug them instead of killing them, so that we can later take them as spoils?
    >> Generic 02/02/11(Wed)02:08 No.13750211

    if the odds weren't stacked to hell against us right now, we could do something crazy like that.
    >> Laurentius 02/02/11(Wed)02:08 No.13750216
    I think we should let Blackbird and his troops soften up the enemy camp in whatever manner he sees fit. While he's doing that we(with our other earth elementalists) will make traps for the enemy cavalry on the field. This will help make the odds a little more even for a battle on the following day
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)02:09 No.13750219
    We could plan to attack the enemy slightly before daybreak, giving our maniple time for some sleep.
    Blackbird seems willing to coordinate constant nighttime raiding to prevent the enemy from sleeping; if we're going to hit the enemy air cav, it should be in the initial raid, then have most of the Ghosts come back and rest with the rest of the maniple.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)02:09 No.13750221
    >so send the Deadeyes (still hunters on the roster as they havent gotten their new unit designation yet) and Ghosts go with Blackbirds men with the nighttime raid/treachery seed?
    >Lena tries to overcast on purpose in the morning?
    >main battle strategy?
    >try to call in divine favors?
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:11 No.13750239
    If we weren't in such a dire position, we could consider butchering them all. At this point, we need to kill or disable as much as we can before battle.

    I hope with the slaughter that's going to take place the next day, the war god is pleased enough to give us a boon or something soon.

    In regards to the plan for the next day, I think we need to do a combination of Gaius and Cornelius' plan. We have to let the enemy initially throw themselves at our phalanx and use our range and elementalism to take out key units or weaken the morale on one flank so a cavalry charge or something will break them. With our range emphasis, artillery and elementalism, it seems foolish to charge in too quickly in my mind.

    Also, I think we need to take this town before the men can rest. I don't want them interfering the next day.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 02/02/11(Wed)02:12 No.13750249
    rolled 37 = 37

    No, doing this without help will only impress the deity's more than they already are of us. Can we get Jayne and all of the life elementalists to work in shifts with us? We need to get to digging in. I suggest a network of trenches and what not. Get all of our earth elementalists. We are going to work all night, I think we can take a peg in the tired department to get our maniple through tomorrow.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:12 No.13750253
    Don't overcast. It's unlikely we can take out their air cavalry and that'll make shooting them out of the sky a pain in the ass. I don't think it'll help us enough to warrant it. Have Lena save her strength for the battle.

    I think it might be time to talk to the gods and see how keen they might be on assisting us. Let's not sell our soul here but we might have pleased one of them enough for some kind of boon at this point.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 02/02/11(Wed)02:14 No.13750267
    rolled 10 = 10

    That or hell, Pax, how many earth elementalists do we have? Would it be feasible to start moving a very large amount of earth so that we can actually make a plateau? Calvary charging UP a steep hill is always nice, not to mention giving our ranged units a shitton of advantage and slowing/tiring their regular infantry.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:17 No.13750283
    Yeah you're right. I was an advocate of doing things ourselves and I should stick to it. This is a mortal affair and mortals shall be the only thing involved in it.

    In regards to main strategy, have our heavy infantry be the anchor in the middle of our line with the artillery behind them and ranged units all along the line so we can counter any aerial attacks. Use our artillery to make them come in to meet us and then we use our ranged units, elementalism and artillery to pick them off. Then we wait for the moment to charge and break their formation. Similar to what we did with the road, we have weakly supported caverns to try to take out units in the way and some earthen defense to shield our men from archery fire.

    What say you all to this plan?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)02:17 No.13750285
    Deadeyes, Ghosts, and Blacktusks on night raiding, yes.

    Speak with Lena about the possibility of dispensing utter annihilation on the enemy lord. Make it clear that we're looking for a professional assessment of her capabilities, not simply asking her to do it.

    Proposed main battle strategy for others' review: Heavy infantry anchor our center, backed by archers. Cavalry as a reserve. Set traps in front during the night, set ourselves up like we're going for a conservatively defensive phalanx strategy.

    When the enemy has been weakened a bit by our traps, preferably just when they're thinking they should be able to charge in, turn things completely around- unleash our elementalists full-force, plasma cannon their lord, and sound the charge. In thirty seconds make things suddenly go horribly wrong to try and break their morale, turn our strategy from conservative to aggressive.

    Then trust in our own capabilities and spend as many lives as the Empire demands to see our duty done.

    During the night, speak with the war gods. Get a boost from either that we can.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)02:17 No.13750291
    Primary targets of the raiding should be preventing enemy sleep and nullifying the air cav.

    All earth elementalists and us will prepare pitfalls and traps to break the legs of enemy cavalry and funnel enemy troops into a killzone in front of our heavy infantry, who will be fighting from an earthen bulwark.
    Light infantry will have pikes and protect the siege engines who will be providing close artillery support.

    Lena will do a supercharged magic blast, aimed at the enemy noble's contingent. She is to use her own judgement and not risk her own life when charging. She is not to begin charging until the noble is within visual range.

    All soldiers to get sleep while they can.
    >> Laurentius 02/02/11(Wed)02:20 No.13750316
    seconding this
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:21 No.13750321
    I don't know if we should super charge kill the noble like that. I think it might be better to have Lena do more damage long-term during the battle since that might be a one-shot deal and there's a lot of cavalry to break before they reach us if we can.

    Plus we still in theory need to deal with the town we're outside of.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)02:21 No.13750322
    I think we all agree on the initial set up.

    Maximus, I see your point about using Lena as a magical MANPAD, and I acquiesce. No plasma cannon today.

    We should brief the captains on the possibility of switching from defensive to offensive, but that will depend totally on the flow of battle.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 02/02/11(Wed)02:22 No.13750334
    rolled 48 = 48

    Perhaps with the earth elementalists making traps, we need to have a formation where we have on flank completely and utterly exposed. See a shitton of cavalry fall into trenches that have like 2 inches of earth covering a 5 foot drop that is about 8 feet wide so that when the cavalry drops in, one whole horse goes in it. One moment, formation map incoming, paint time!
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)02:23 No.13750348
    >not enough for a big project like that one (well, not enough collective skill actually)

    "Aurelius, Vesteaus, you are to go with Blackbird and his men, bring your best shots, kill as many of the pegasi as possible then return to rest. Janos, pen your message and move with them." you order, the four soldiers in question salute and leave the tent. "Gaius, Cornelius, we will combine your plans. I will lead the earth elementalists in creating traps on the field before us. We will allow them to cross the field _then_ make our counter-charge. Jayne, lead the life elementalists to make sure the men are as rested as possible." the noblewoman nods, before setting off for the camp.

    "What about the town?" Cornelius asks, still looking rather queasy.

    "We burn it down, knock it flat. we have not the time to toy with them." Lennis answers for you "Send your firestarters, and my men. Warn them first if it will salve your conscience."
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:25 No.13750382
    I have to agree with Lennis here. It was stated the peasants ran away and we don't have time to clear the city. Yes we'll lose out on the loot but that might be irrelevant with the upcoming battle. Give them one last chance to surrender and then torch the place.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)02:28 No.13750401
    >No, doing this without help will only impress the deity's more than they already are of us.
    I would rather save the lives of our troops than maybe impress the gods with tactical competence. We have a responsibility to our men, and to the Empire, to use every advantage reasonably at our disposal in order to achieve our objectives with minimal loss to ourselves.

    We swore not to serve any of the gods over ourself and the Empire, but we're aiming for a position long-term which demands that we deal with them constantly. I'm not saying that we should offer them something for their help, but saying "Hey, if you feel like throwing your chips in on my side for this battle it would be appreciated" is something that would be foolish to NOT do.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 02/02/11(Wed)02:30 No.13750413
         File1296631803.jpg-(45 KB, 917x680, Untitled.jpg)
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    rolled 31 = 31

    This is the setup I'd like to use, have some space between the warlords and the town. Actually I'd rather leave the town there to draw the enemy to fight us, or they might just let us sit there if hte town is already gone. Think of it as holding a hostage.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)02:31 No.13750420
    I agree.
    There are no more civilians in that town; only soldiers. And as soldiers, they know the consequences of their continued resistance.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:31 No.13750423
    We only have 2 legionnaire units and we can't leave a flank too openly exposed. Otherwise it becomes an obvious trap. Leave a flank weaker than others? I can agree to that but not totally open. That and I rather have our cavalry ready to charge when we need them rather than circling around the area.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 02/02/11(Wed)02:32 No.13750427
    rolled 46 = 46

    >"Hey, if you feel like throwing your chips in on my side for this battle it would be appreciated" is something that would be foolish to NOT do.

    Well if you put it that way, then yes, no problem with that. Maybe put in the fact that as they might already know we are gunning for the 7th Praetorian position and this is only one of the few times that their assistance might actually be beneficial to all of them considering the fight is actually one we might lose. I'm tempted to ask them to kick up a nasty storm so that we can see Wulf laugh at the Pega Knights.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 02/02/11(Wed)02:35 No.13750448
    rolled 31 = 31

    Well it's not completely exposed, I'd rather have them in ranks among the trenches so that all they have to do is file their lines straight backwards to avoid the trenches. It will look like we told them to move backwards and have a large opening in our flank. I'm thinking have one of hte legions to move sideways in between the trenches to look like they are going to cover it in the process. They have a shitton of fast and furious cavalry so they are going to try to take advantage of the slow moving legion going to cover the fast moving flank cavalry that we "directed" to move to another position.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 02/02/11(Wed)02:36 No.13750462
    rolled 98 = 98

    Meant to link you in previous post
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:37 No.13750472
    I'm not sure if we should do that though. We're going to be exhausted enough making pit traps and earthwork walls if we do make them. I rather focus on those since it'll hit their men out in the field and create obstacles that will mess up their movement in the field. Ideally, I'd like the pit traps to try to funnel the enemy into a tighter area but even creating large holes that are obstacles to their movement would be enough for me. If we can catch a unit of cavalry in one... I would be so pleased.
    >> Generic 02/02/11(Wed)02:38 No.13750474

    Burn it to the ground.

    No warnings.

    Any attempts to surrender will be granted, then executed on the spot.

    Our backs are against the wall and we are not going to die, gentlemen.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:39 No.13750479
    Give them the warning. No harm in it and they can surrender if they want. They just have to march north through the forest to get to friendly territory. Attempts to go east will result in death.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)02:40 No.13750490
    >They just have to march north through the forest to get to friendly territory
    Ah yes, the forest where an entire Uurlanthi Lord's forces disappeared into.
    Either that, or burning death.
    >> Generic 02/02/11(Wed)02:44 No.13750511

    I'd rather not play games with the enemy in this situation, but I can't outvote two people.
    >> Gloquenteentleman !yVrZbEGJ8A 02/02/11(Wed)02:45 No.13750515
    rolled 70 = 70

    Well, the trenches and fake opening is for the thirty seconds and the tides turn very quickly shock strategy. I mean, they would have their cavalry try to charge in because that is their strongest advantage on us. Fast, quick, and deadly cavalry. What better way to fight them than giving them an opening where they would prove best at taking advantage of, not only that, it would look legitimate because of the legion moving to fill in the flank moving just a bit too slow.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:45 No.13750518
    It's not a game. Hell, we can tell them to go north and avoid the forest and we just have to be sure anyone who does surrender leaves their weapons. I just see no reason to kill them if they are willing to give up.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)02:49 No.13750535
    "Very well, send them a message. We will be destroying their town, they can either burn with it or march north to safety. Any other direction and we ride them down." you instruct. Lennis salutes, as does Laelith, rising from her stool to leave. "Get to resting, I'll have your battalions positions on the line by dawn." you order the rest.

    On your way out, Lena catches your arm "Commander, will you need me for this battle, or am I still off of the active roster?" she asks.

    "Gaius?" you ask, as the man passes you.

    "She still has a ways to go, but she knows enough for us to deploy her for this battle." he answers as he passes by.

    "Then yes, I want you to deal with the pagasus knights that still fly in the morning. after that I will flag targets for yourself and the elementalists to deal with. DO NOT over-exert yourself. Check your Arcane Designs with Laelith before you employ them, and make sure Wulf is accurate with them." you order her.

    >roll for elementalism
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:50 No.13750539
    Alright designated rollers - get us a good roll.
    >> Generic 02/02/11(Wed)02:51 No.13750544
    rolled 66 = 66


    'ere we go
    'ere we go
    'ere we go!
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)02:52 No.13750551
    rolled 13 = 13

    For Degnar!
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:52 No.13750556
    rolled 99 = 99

    Noooooo. Of all times for us to get a meh roll. Let's see what I would of got.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:54 No.13750566
    Good thing I kept to my word and didn't roll.
    >> Generic 02/02/11(Wed)02:54 No.13750570

    well, at least you didn't roll!

    probably would have skewered Spite or those little...

    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)02:57 No.13750583
    I'm out for the night guys. The big battle is definitely going to be interesting... Let's hope the dice are with us next battle because we are going to need it.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)03:00 No.13750597

    After this battle, we WILL need to replenish our numbers.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)03:02 No.13750606
         File1296633762.png-(105 KB, 1406x1811, Battle 12.png)
    105 KB
    You spend most of the night hollowing out holes in the ground, the newer elementalists adding spikes or covering them over just enough to look like solid ground. By the end of the night you are dripping with sweat, and the massive bonfire that was once a town isnt helping you cool down. However for men such as yourself, there can be no rest. Back in your tent you drop into a meditative stance, focusing solely on Garagush and Raynha. Both approve of how your campaign has went recently, but for different reasons, and you get the distinct impression that if you were to call for them at the right moment in battle, you could very well receive a boon.

    Early in the morning your camp is stirring, tired yet, but ready for the coming battle. A late winter mist covers the frosted grass of the plain before you, were you but a few cities north it would no doubt be snow, and deep, judging by the past few days rain. Jayne walks up behind you, resting her hand on your shoulder, and you feel energy surge through your body "It isnt healthy to do that often, wears away at the muscles if you dont have enough meat on your bones. But I could tell that you need it. Sansa is getting the maniple armed and armored, where do you want the battalions?" she asks, looking out over the field.
    >> Maximus 02/02/11(Wed)03:07 No.13750635
    Right - I'm assuming the battle will take place next time but someone think of an inspiring speech for before the battle. Any morale booster is going to be needed after how half our maniple doesn't agree with our idea of standing here.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)03:07 No.13750638
    I'm thinking south-western end of the map, in the formation that has been previously discussed, with enough room between the last pit and us so that our cavalry can ride into the exposed enemy flank from the side.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)03:08 No.13750639
    Actually, the battle's happening right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)03:11 No.13750656
    Then I'm missing it. Too tired, too late for this.

    Don't fuck it up, those of you who will be here for the generaling. I'm depending on you.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)03:12 No.13750670
    >right, you guys confirm it if thats what you want, but I gotta dig out my driveway in the early AM so everyone can get to work (live in Wisconsin, having a decent snowstorm (blizzard if you must, but I've drove through worse)) so I should probably crash
    >half-starting it now just so that we can get right to the meat of it thrusday.
    >someone archive please
    >I'll be back _-*THURSDAY*-_ at 9pm server time
    >hey, at this rate I just might not need to hibernate this quest after all
    >if you have any CQ/setting questions email me at [email protected]
    >> Generic 02/02/11(Wed)03:18 No.13750715
    "We can defeat them.
    We will defeat them.
    And we will do it for Dengar.

    Have faith in yourselves and the men beside you and we shall prevail. Together we are mighty and no force can break us! We are the Emperor's Legion AND WE ARE HIS FIST!"


    >xibia Language

    The captcha wills it!
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 02/02/11(Wed)03:21 No.13750735
    Okay, it's been archived.
    Don't forget to vote!
    See everyone on Thursday.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 02/02/11(Wed)03:22 No.13750748
    >the saturday morning cartoon style description was a nice touch. See you guys thursday

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