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  • File : 1308099736.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest C Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/14/11(Tue)21:02 No.15269739  
    >last time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/15246700/
    >the irc on sup/tg/ is #CommanderQuest
    >You are Justinian Trentz, Commander in the Degnarian Legion, currently seconded to the 1st Praetorians (commander of the Degnarian Legion) Left Fist, the third most prestigious combat unit in the Empire, second only to the Praetor Militants Right Fist, and the Emperors Talon, his personal combat bodyguard.
    >Degnar, your homeland, is currently in a bloody stalemate of a war with its traditional enemy, the Kingdom of Uurlanth. However, the elves of the Guild Lands recently entered a military alliance with Uurlanth that threatens to tip the balance heavily against Degnar. Degnarian politicians are working to bring the dwarves of the Dwemer Duchy to enter a military alliance with the Empire. Should that fail, your commander, the First Praetorian has a shadowy plan to reach that same goal, however he would not share it with you. As such, you and your soldiers are to wait in the capitol city, DragonsReach, for the next month, recovering.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/14/11(Tue)21:08 No.15269809
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    >The war, however, is not the only thing spreading chaos about the land. The gods, and the arcane are returning to the world after nearly 4000 years of having been thought dead. You, are at the forefront of those in the empire re-discovering that which has been lost for four millenia, and your ultimate goal is to become the Praetorian of the Divine.
    >That office once thought lost to obsolescence with the disappearance of the gods, 1000 some years after the mortal races, humans, dwarves, elves, the cat-like felixsians, and the massive hulking lizard-men known as lacertans, killed the gods immortal servants on the mortal plain, the 6 Dragons, Elemental Patriarchs and Elemental Matrairchs 5000 years ago.
    >You are currently going through a much needed period of staff enlargement and tending to your persoinal assets, and most of your plans involve either training the arcanists in the maniples of the other members of the Praetorian Militants fists, and the new order tasked with hunting and killing the vicious, bestial Loukys, an ancient race of intelligent predatory creatures recently returned to the land of the living.

    The next morning comes far too early, in fact, it is entirely possible that had in fact just fell asleep. You still have quite a bit to do, but with two weeks left before you are likely to get your orders, you arent in any rush either. All that you really need to do professionally is establish the Loukys hunting unit, so if you really wanted, you could sleep in. However, with Sansa still out cold, and the nearly midday sun streaming in through the window, you decide that the maniple will need someone to keep things from falling apart, and since your awake, it may as well be you.
    >> Maximus 06/14/11(Tue)21:11 No.15269831
    Well then. In order to organize this Loukys hunting unit, I imagine we'll need to talk to Laelith and see what opinions she might have. I would also say we should talk to Vi about what might be best but I'm not even sure how much she remembers about them or how much she'll want to talk about it... Opinions on approaching Vi?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)21:12 No.15269846
    Well, we do have some things that need to get done.
    Besides the Loukys hunting unit, we also need to check on the surviving members of our were-minotaur combat team.

    Let's meet with the survivors, see if they have sufficient control over their forms yet.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)21:12 No.15269850
    I would guess just simple questions would suffice. Subtlety doesn't seem like one of the things she picked up on, and if she doesn't want to talk, she'll probably just say so.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)21:14 No.15269865
    She still seemed unsure about where her loyalties lay, whether to humans and other mortals, or to the Loukys. I think it's still too early to try to use her as a 'Locutus of Borg' type of character.
    >> Maximus 06/14/11(Tue)21:15 No.15269880
    All I meant was asking her for information on the Loukys. Not asking her to take part in hunting them down.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)21:18 No.15269914
    Then it's probably better to be blunt and specific. Subtlety would be wasted on her.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)21:21 No.15269932
    Forming the hunter unit could be a good time to start bonding with Vi. Plus, she will know better than most anyone what we will need. Bring her along.
    >> Generic 06/14/11(Tue)21:22 No.15269945

    Speaking of those fucking animal-plant horrors...

    When we battled them, they fought as a horde, correct? With larger "leader" types spaced out? Do we have any information on how they were originally defeated in combat tactics-wise?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)21:24 No.15269963

    I agree. I'm not sure about actually putting Vi on the team to hunt them down, since I'd like to keep her close to us for now until she's better integrated back into human society. However, we definitely need her input in deciding how best to go about this.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)21:26 No.15269987
    Right, we might or might not want her on the unit. Maybe as just a consultant on tactics and such at first. Could be traumatic if she was actually involved in killing them... but we should most assuredly ask for her help in forming the unit and getting a bearing on what we will need.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)21:26 No.15269992

    If I remember correctly, getting rid of them the last time required divine intervention. However, we can still research conflicts with them to see if we can formulate a strategy for our own troops first of all. I really hope it doesn't have to come down to the gods stepping in again, since we're trying to stay away from owing them many favors.
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/14/11(Tue)21:32 No.15270056
    IIRC it required Shintja, the dragon mother, to intervene personally to destroy them. and even then it took centuries.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/14/11(Tue)21:37 No.15270124
    You yawn, stretch, and make your way to the baths attached to the officers dormitory. It is nearly noon by the time you make your way out into the courtyard, awake and ready for the day. Shortly after that, you are able to find Vi, sitting quietly on a bench, watching the soldiers drill. "Good morning Justinian, did you enjoy yourself last night?"

    You freeze for a moment, still surprised by how forward she can be, though how she could tell, you didnt think it had been _that_ loud. "I, yes, all of us did." you reply, taking a seat. "I realize this may be difficult for you, but, I have been tasked with creating a unit to hunt down and destroy the Loukys. Is there anything you can share about them with me that may help me choose soldiers to add to the unit?"

    Vi sits quietly for a while, before eventually responding "Loukys use fear and numbers to fight. The darkness has no more effect on their vision than sunlight, they eat and fight at the same time. We... they will consume only at a rate that their surroundings can support, it would be foolish to force a hive to need to move, only the desert clans are capable of that. Was there not scholars who recorded such information? We know so very little, our hive was so very young when you saved us."
    >> Maximus 06/14/11(Tue)21:41 No.15270177
    "There were scholars who recorded things, however, I was curious on if you might have knowledge they didn't due to your unique experience. I apologize for bringing it up and understand if you rather not talk about it."

    We might need to make another stop at the library before making the unit then. See if we can get some books on them, unless Laelith already has.
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/14/11(Tue)21:41 No.15270185
    I'm looking for all I can, but they were destroyed more than five millenia ago, and the last time, dragons intervened. For us to destroy them by ourselves is going to require some extra effort, rather than building on what was done in the past;.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)21:42 No.15270196
    "Much of that knowledge has been lost to time, unfortunately.
    "Is there any type of terrain that is favored? A specific type of weather or climate? Is there any way to track a hive, or predict their presence?"
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)21:48 No.15270286
    Let's ask her if she would like to do research with us on it. I don't know if Louykis read, but it could be something she picks up and enjoys. A way to broaden her horizons and find out more about her humanity, perhaps?

    Plus, it might start helping her connect with Laelith. Last I heard she was terrified of our fire-witch and if they could find common ground in books that could help.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/14/11(Tue)21:56 No.15270391
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    >first off, the updated pantheon pic with the symbols done by the drawfag/friend the other day. In the case of the symbols that are a bit to far from the original, I'll use them as the crests of notable priesthoods or orders or somesuch. It may be my sandbox, but I have no problems with others playing in it, heh.

    You sigh "There are, but it has been well over five thousand years since they were defeated, and finding the knowledge is, difficult. Perhaps you would be interested in helping my scholars find the books?"

    Vi shudders "She frightens us, we, we are not sure if we could focus on the tomes with her present."

    A cheery voice cuts her off "Good morning Vi'Nlya'k'Ranaha, how are you today?" it asks. You look up, and are surprised to find Lena approaching the two of you, a big smile an her face.

    Vi lights up as well "We are well. Are you, are you going to the archives again today?"

    Lena nods "Yes, Laelith has to teach at the academy today, so she wants me to watch over her scholars."
    >> Maximus 06/14/11(Tue)22:00 No.15270433
    Hmm. With Laelith not being free, perhaps we should tag along with them? Get some tomes on the Loukys? Good to see Vi is talking with more people as well.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)22:05 No.15270481
    Excellent! The three of us will go to the archives and research. It's a triple win: Vi gets to read, Lena and Vi can become friends, and we get to hit on Vi. Score.

    Oh, and the Louykis information. That too.
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/14/11(Tue)22:05 No.15270487
    that sounds like a pretty good idea to me. seconding.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)22:06 No.15270493
    Somewhat unexpected, but not unwelcome.

    I'd still like to see to our were-beast combat team, but after that, I'm open to visiting the archives.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/14/11(Tue)22:25 No.15270723
    >working on converting the Pre-great rebellion timeline to a jpg to upload at the moment.

    You smile "Perhaps I will join you then. We will need to stop at the academy to see how the wereminotaurs are doing, then we can proceed to the archives."

    Lena nods, before replying "I have to go wake Wulf up first, if that is alright with you, Commander."

    Vi looks to you, then Lena "We, we should change first" she replies, looking at her typical garb, which can be generously described as 'very revealing' "we find it distracting to be stared at in the city. And, the tall one will not be there with us, will she?"

    It takes you a moment to realize that she is referring to Laelith, who, like Jayne, Sansa and Kyria is still asleep in your room. You chuckle, standing up "No, she is still asleep. I will have some horses readied for the two of you in the meantime."

    Vi smiles "We do not need one, it will be easy enough to keep up with the two of you on foot."


    The academy is incredibly busy when you arrive, small classes scattered about the yard surrounding it, Esthriya standing on a podium near the entrance overseeing it all. You toss her a salute, which she returns, before going back to her work. In the bowels of the building, you find the surviving infected men, each of them in a cell simalair to Restans, and next to it. All but one of the cells is silent, and occupied by meditating criminals, or a sullen boy. The louder cell, simply has a dwarf pacing inside it, judging by his scars, it is the one who nearly died in Northmont.
    >> Maximus 06/14/11(Tue)22:31 No.15270772
    I guess let's go see how the pacing dwarf is. None of the others are really sticking out at the moment.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)22:33 No.15270791
    Go to the pacing dwarf's cell, and knock on the door.
    "How goes your attempts to control your forms?"
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)22:33 No.15270798
    Well, just make sure everything here is fine. See if the boy has anything to say, then onward to plant-waifu and research.
    >> Generic 06/14/11(Tue)22:40 No.15270885

    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/14/11(Tue)22:48 No.15270989
    You nod to Vi and Lena to wait, and you enter the pacing dwarfs room "How go your attempts to control you other form?" you ask him, point blank.

    He turns to look at you "They... well enough. The crescent moon is approaching tonight, I think I have the focus to control myself, but..."

    You smile, placatingly "You have had plenty of time, I am certain all of you will be clear to re-join society after this phase of the moon has passed."

    He nods, hollowly "I hope you are right, all of these cells and locked buildings are beginning to wear on me." You again nod in agreement, before leaving the cell with a sigh, they all seem ready, but only time will tell now.

    "That boy, he is a mage, right?" Vi asks as you shut and lock the cell door, Vi inclining her head to the only unlocked cell.

    Lena answers for you "He could be, but he refuses to learn from Esthriya. He thinks his mother is going to save him." her voice is pitying, and disproving at once.

    Vi tilts her head "Is she a great warior, does she have sway with the divine, why does he believe this?"

    >may as well roll for searching so we can get right to that
    >> Maximus 06/14/11(Tue)22:50 No.15271021
    rolled 12 = 12

    "Unless she has tricks up her sleeve I couldn't possibly predict, I imagine it's just a childs belief in his mother that she'll protect him."
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/14/11(Tue)22:52 No.15271027
    rolled 78 = 78

    He is a child, and children often believe such things despite any other evidence.

    Also, rolling.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)22:52 No.15271032
    rolled 23 = 23

    Rolling for...search, I guess.

    "No, she is neither of those. They are the illusions of a child that refuses to see the reality before him. He believes the Empire has betrayed his family for how they have been cast down, when it was his own father who first betrayed his countrymen by secretly plotting to turn the city he governed over to our enemies. Harsh words, but the truth of the matter."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)23:00 No.15271109
    Pax, a question about were-beasts:
    Has any of our research so far indicated whether were-beasts can be infected by the bites of other were-beasts?
    You said in the IRC channel that were-spiders were going to be the next to re-awaken; if a were-minotaur is bitten by a were-spider, will the were-minotaur become a were-spider instead? Or will he become some kind of minotaur/spider hybrid abomination?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)23:01 No.15271125
    Oh, and when is the new moon, when the were-spiders will awaken? Tonight?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/14/11(Tue)23:13 No.15271269
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    You sigh "He is still a child, and children are want to believe foolish things. His mother is leagues and leagues away, struggling to survive in a city where her status as spouse to a traitor is well known. She cannot come to save him any more than he can go to her. It is best we are on our way however, we dont want our archivists to be waiting for too terribly long"

    Both young women nod in agreement and follow you out of the frigid lower levels of the academy. Wulf is waiting for you outside, passing his time with a small group of air elementalists, all of them watching him with rapt attention, their instructor looking at the young man rather angrily. Lena sighs, walks over to Wulf, and in an instant she has him following her, you and Vi dont even have to break your stride on your way to your mounts for the two following behind you.


    The ride to the Palace is uneventful, though Vi's running alongside Spite and the horse Wulf and Lena are sharing causes quite a stir once you are in the city. Once the palace is in sight, Tassadus flaps away from you, whether to hunt, or simply wander you do not know, Wulf is unconcerned, so you do not bother to ask where it went. After several hours of searching, you find two tomes on the Loukys. the first is the rest of the book you found the loose page to in Northmont, the other a more military tome, a compilation of the tactics of the Draconian Legions, mostly firsthand, as well as several secondhand recordings of the tactics used by the Elemental tribes.

    >as far as you know, no, that cannot happen. And I'm not sure which were-species will awaken next, the were spiders are just the only other ones I know I'm going to have for sure, heh
    >> Maximus 06/14/11(Tue)23:16 No.15271296
    We got some excellent tomes. I figure we should start with the first one that finishes off what we found in Northmont before moving into tactics.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)23:19 No.15271349
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    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)23:20 No.15271350
    Find Vi and read them together. See if she can provide any insights that the human scholars might have missed. Ask her about Louyks command structure and most importantly the Princes and elemental powers of the hive. Segue into asking about her own abilities. How she knows what she knows, and things like that. Can she feel the presence of everyone in the city? What is that like? Try to understand her some.

    Last, I suggest taking them all out to a rather nice dinner. Wulf and Lena deserve it after their showings during the siege and Vi has never been in a city before.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)23:22 No.15271376
    Second starting with the informational book on Loukys.
    Use it as an opportunity to verify the information in the tome with Vi and what her powers are.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)23:23 No.15271397
    rolled 5 = 5

    Seconding the study part.

    Seconding the dinner part. We can also use the opportunity to let Wulf and Lena know about our wedding plans, seeing as they are both our wards and all.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)23:26 No.15271422
    These two.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/14/11(Tue)23:30 No.15271459
    >caught a typo in the IRC on my Before The Rebellion (BTR) timeline. Its Galrauch that raped the SwampStalker, not the god of war, heh.

    You are able to find Vi easily enough, though Lena and Wulf are nowhere to be found. Vi is happy enough to read with you, and though she is considerably slower, is decently skilled at it. You begin with the tome Laelith already provided you with a page from in Northmont, deciding to save the tactical tome for later.

    Loukys and the biomes they hive in.

    Forests: Perhaps one of the more frighteneing places for a hive to establish itself is a forest. The hives themselves, being sentient, are want to spread from tree to tree, thus greatly increasing their rate of reproduction. Several smaller forests west of the Greenstone Mopuntains were entirely consumed in that manner. Additionally, the barren desert commonly known as the Barren Expanse was once as lush and verdant as the Worlds Foot Mountains, or the Greenstone mountains. The hives from forests invariably have the largest ammount of Loukys, of all three common strains, though they are all smaller, and the equipment grown for Greater Loukys and the Princes is inferior.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)23:32 No.15271478
    >The hives from forests invariably have the largest ammount of Loukys, of all three common strains
    Wonderful. ANOTHER enemy that will outnumber us.
    >> Maximus 06/14/11(Tue)23:33 No.15271487
    Not yet. Pretty sure Laelith said it would take time before they could get hives up and running.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/14/11(Tue)23:33 No.15271494
    Deserts: The hives of the deserts are minute, though that is perhaps, too optimistic a light to paint them in. The hives are frequently borne about by 6 to 8 Loukys roughly the size of the strain commonly referred to as "captains" by the Enforcers of Shintja I have been traveling with these last hundred years.The hive itself is half again the size of the two the oldest, and largest Lacerta among our steadilly growing number. However, their diminutive size is not of any hindrance too them. The hive itself seems to have forgone the typical, herbivorous habits for omnivorous, leaning towards the tendencies of a carnivore, its royal court happily throwing live, struggling, in some cases still fighting Lacertan Warriors into the hives gaping, salivating maw. However, the hives spawning habits are a complete departure from the mannerisms set by those hives encountered on the plains and hills where no geographical structures of note can be found, moreso than those of the forest even. The hive spawns enough Greater Loukys to bear it across the desert, than pours all of its effort into creating Princes, and equipping them. The last hive we encountered had a full 30 princes, and the Master Listener, First Interpreter of Shintjas will on this mission says there will be larger hives yet once we near the coast again.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/14/11(Tue)23:37 No.15271542
    Mountains: Resembling the hives of the desert on the surface, mountiantop Loukys hives are, intriguing, to say the least. They stretch deep underground, able to dig through the stone by dint of a powerful secretion left by the root-like feeder tendrils that normally channel through dirt or sand. The creatures spawned by these hives are far hardier than any I have yet seen. This seems to be both a compensation for the lower numbers they have, and a result of the nutrients and minerals the hive draws forth from the stone, which crumbles as feebly as sandstone in the wake of the hives. Though they are more numerous only than the hives of the deserts, the fact that their mothers better equip them, for lack of better phrasing, easily balances out what could have been a significant weakness these hives would have had.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/14/11(Tue)23:41 No.15271597
    I would like to voice that I am totally against dinner with Vi.
    >> Bad Newbie !u8dVJyyGAs 06/14/11(Tue)23:42 No.15271610
    You know, I normally only lurk, but... I am too. Really guys, four women and a maybe a goddess is enough. This shit isn't pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)23:45 No.15271633
    Vi and Nyetini will be our last, I imagine. She's eminently waifuable, though. Six is fine in my opinion, though I'm against the dragon waifu people have been tossing around asking the gods to create.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)23:45 No.15271634
    Well, I'm not against adding Vi to the harem, nor am I much for it either. I'm more ambivalent.
    As for the dinner, though, I can see how it might be a little premature to start hitting on Vi, what with us having just proposed marriage the previous night.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/14/11(Tue)23:46 No.15271645
    Swamps: The Swamp Loukys are a terrifying thing to behold. Though they have fewer individuals than the Forest hives, they are easily the second most populous. Their 'gear' for lack of a better word still, is more durable as a result, and, more wicked. Most of the weapons are serated, and drip naturally with terrible venoms. The howls of pain as brave Lacertan Warriors die through their bowels, eyes, and ears in streams of feces, blood, and pus are terrible, I feel that those sounds will haunt me for the rest of my centuries. Even worse, is the brutal efficiency with which swamp Loukys, stalk, ambush, and slaughter foes which they can defeat in open combat. The Master Listener has already ordered several swamps, too large to safely scour, yet too small to be to damaging to the ecosystem without simply burnt up. I know not how much longer I will travel with these bands though, as the fighting is doing nothing if not increasing in its ferocity, and I am no combatant. I fear my presence is impairing the ability of these divine servants to carry out the will of the gods. And I had hoped for this history to be perfect in its completeness and accuracy, though 400 years worth of tales is impressive enough for one tome, I suppose.
    Braeliyn Torbah,
    scholar, and scribe for Shintjas First Defenders.

    And at that, the scientific portion of the tome ends, the final pages recovered by you already carefully re-attached to the tome. "Were there any inaccuracies in that tome, that you can remember, VI?" you ask as she finishes the section of the tome you are interested in herself.

    She shakes her head "No, aside from the names, I do not believe that the elf was wrong in any of his recordings."

    >so, skip right to the tactical tome, or try to find Wulf/Lena first?
    >> Space Thor !FqTT4/H0Zo 06/14/11(Tue)23:46 No.15271651
    rolled 99 = 99

    Honestly, I had considered the dinner thing to be more platonic (Especially with bringing Wulf and Lena along). I, too am ambivalent about Vi being in the harem.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)23:48 No.15271670
    I have to agree with this.
    >> Maximus 06/14/11(Tue)23:49 No.15271676
    Might as well find Lena and Wulf first. Wulf might have some tactics or ideas that differ from us.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)23:51 No.15271692
    I am against finding Wulf and Lena.

    I would say 90% chance they are in the middle of something that shouldn't be interrupted. If you know what I mean.

    Continue reading with Vi.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/14/11(Tue)23:52 No.15271702
    I'm for finishing up reading the military tome first.
    We need to have a baseline knowledge of what worked in the past, before we can start to think on how we can use modern technology to tackle these problems.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)23:56 No.15271728
    This might look like samefagging but it's never been a problem in CQ before I guess...... will namefag I guess, even tho I mostly only lurk.

    I agree with these 2. I like VI a lot and think it is fine to add her to the harem and the dinner is fine as it is. We proposed last night but remember we have concubines and stuff.

    Just my two cents I like VI and think we should go for her and the goddess but stop with them take that like you will.
    >> Bad Newbie !u8dVJyyGAs 06/14/11(Tue)23:57 No.15271730
    I don't stop lurking in quest threads until I feel strongly negative about an inane idea making the rounds in a quest I'd rather stay enjoyable. So, just, if we're to have any relation with Vi at all, it should be as a friend.

    Also, I'd like to point out asking another girl to dinner when we've just proposed to four others, even with other company present, is really fucking bad form. If there's a dinner, it should be a staff dinner where everyone comes.
    >> Generic 06/14/11(Tue)23:58 No.15271743

    the newbie has a very good point.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/14/11(Tue)23:59 No.15271749
    I'm down with a staff dinner. We could totally see if we couldn't set up Vi with plantmanguy at that point, just to see what happens.
    >> RandomGuy 06/15/11(Wed)00:00 No.15271764
    that was me forgot the name

    I dont know it makes sense to me like we arent hiding anything you know? I mean we already have four of them so its not like the idea is new to them or anything. It might even be better this way becauze we are doing everything at one time and can be like 'hey I asked you to marry me and am finishing up my harem all at one time' and I don't know just makes sense to me
    >> Maximus 06/15/11(Wed)00:01 No.15271773
    On the matter of Vi, I'm unsure myself on what side to take but I'm curious. Why exactly are people opposed to adding Vi? Do you guys just think we have enough or are there other reasons?
    >> Bad Newbie !u8dVJyyGAs 06/15/11(Wed)00:02 No.15271778
    It doesn't stop it from being bad form. And with that remark, I return to lurking. Good evening, gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)00:05 No.15271823
    It mostly seems like the only complaint they level is that we have enough already. I disagree and think that six is a perfectly respectable number myself.

    I don't see it as bad form. I think our girls have a right to know that we plan at least one more addition to the harem, and that we should do it soon if we are going to. Plans for Nyetini are underway already, it's time to start on Vi. At least in my opinion.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/15/11(Wed)00:06 No.15271826
    Partly it's because I feel we have enough (minus our attempts on Nyetini), partly is that Vi barely knows what it's like to be human, poorly understands society, and lastly has no memories previous to being an abomination. I mean, to me, the concept of dating Vi is like considering dating a child with no memory. It's just CREEPY.
    >> GoldPanda 06/15/11(Wed)00:08 No.15271850
    Just dropping in to remind everyone to not forget the anti-magic sniper training.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)00:08 No.15271854
    She's not a child, though. She's completely functional and mentally mature, just without a memory and clueless about social norms. Don't for a second think that knowledge of society and maturity are the same thing. She's NOT a child.
    >> Generic 06/15/11(Wed)00:09 No.15271860

    agreeing with everything but the "have enough already" bit.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/15/11(Wed)00:10 No.15271870
    Haven't forgotten that. I would have liked to check out Kyria's attempts to find more runeforging apprentices today, but considering how late she slept in, probably not much progress.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/15/11(Wed)00:11 No.15271884
    I'm okay with adding Vi to our harem, but I have to agree with Newbie that a dinner, so soon, would be in bad form. I think it should be a little more gradual, so that the other girls can get used to the idea first.
    >> RandomGuy 06/15/11(Wed)00:14 No.15271906
    Eh okay if people don't want to do the dinner right now and do it more gradual to let the others warm up to her then I can see that but I am still 100% in favor of adding Vi.

    Back to lurking for me too now
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)00:14 No.15271908
    >Were-spiders will awaken during new moons, but only when a drifting constellation which I have not yet named is in alignment (most of the time its constituent stars are scattered about the sky)

    You stand up, announcing to Vi that you need to stretch your legs for a while before starting the next tome. She nods, and heads off to find a place to relieve herself. You wander the lowest level of the archives for a short while, until you find Wulf and Lena walking from one of the private study chambers, both grinning like idiots. Lena is fussing with what was, last time you saw her, expertly groomed hair, and Wulf is fighting a loosing battle with his breeches, which seem to be refusing to ride his hips straight, another new problem. You sigh "I trust you enjoyed yourselves?"

    Lena, predictably blushes furiously, Wulf grins impishly "Its my favorite part of studying down here." Lena turns to look at him, brow furrowed in what most would consider annoyance, though, for her it is closer to anger... though the anger of a puppy is hardly intimidating "I, I like learning... things, when we are in this section of the archives too..."

    Again you sigh, and shake your head "We have work to do." is all you can manage. As you finally reach the table you had been reading the tomes on, Wulf cries out in triumph as his breeches finally sit where they were meant to.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)00:15 No.15271918
    Most of the tome is of little use to your search, though the tactics that were used by the Immortals armies are quite interesting, albeit primal in nature. For the Loukys, they were fond of matching unruly horde of warriors to unruly horde of warriors around the flanks, while using well ordered formations of elite lacertan soldiers would lance through the chaos of orcs, lacertan berserkers, and loukys grunts to clash with the equally hardened ranks of greater loukys, in an attempt to slay the princes. All of this was heavily augmented by the arcane, and dwarven and elven auxiliary troops to ensure that no loukys escaped, as it only takes a handful acting on instinct for a new hive to be formed. You finish ahead of the others, and are graced with a short period of time to process the information before the others are ready to provide their input.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/15/11(Wed)00:16 No.15271927
    >Please tell me there is a death omen star. I would so love to use a "The death omen star falls upon your head!" type speech at some point.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/15/11(Wed)00:22 No.15271967
    rolled 4 = 4

    Did any of the tactics mention a specific element used over the others, or certain runed weapons?
    Also, anything about the anti-air capabilities of Loukys and their hives?
    >> Maximus 06/15/11(Wed)00:23 No.15271969
    rolled 25 = 25

    "Based on this, it would seem like a smaller strike force designed to take out the Prince's as a priority while the rest of the force engages their horde would be best to include in the force. As well, cavalry will probably be needed to help ensure there are no escaping loukys when they are broken."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/15/11(Wed)00:37 No.15272099
    Just for the record, seconding this, but still want my questions answered.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)00:42 No.15272162
    You sigh as the others finish their reading, though you quickly realize that Vi has given up on the tactical tome, along with Lena, whom are both reading through the first tome, raptly, and worriedly, if their body language is anything to judge by. "A small, elite force to break through to slay the princes, and, a larger, more standard force to keep the hordes of grunts at bay should be effective. Cavalry to prevent any escapes on the Loukys part."

    Wulf nods "They'll need to be fearless, and skilled. We wont be able to rely on the arcane to make up for the numbers as the Dragons Armies did. Though, it may be interesting to work with this unit once the war is over..."
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/15/11(Wed)00:43 No.15272179
    "Perhaps we can use siege weaponry to attack the hives and princes before they close to melee range?
    Also, there are no mentioned of aerial Loukys strains; perhaps our flyers can give us a much needed advantage.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/15/11(Wed)00:44 No.15272184
    Use this to respond to Wulf from >>15272162
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/15/11(Wed)00:45 No.15272188
    Maybe this unit could be trained for both Loukys and Mage hunter ability? They would all have to be men who are excellent close combatants, but deadly at range.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)00:55 No.15272279
    I suggest having Vi ride back with us. Reasons are twofold: One, it won't draw attention. Two, opportunity for both conversation and romance flags via proximity.

    But yeah, having Vi run through the city streets at the pace of a horse... in public... when we are supposed to be keeping the arcane secret... well, let's not do that.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)00:55 No.15272281
    "I do not recall anything about aerial strains of loukys, perhaps we could use that and siege weaponry to our advantage agianst them." you postulate, not noticing Lena and Vis attempts to get your attention.

    Wulf nods again "Shrink Degrians repeater balistae perhaps, and mount them on griffons?" Lenas head thumps to the table, and you light up with glee at the thought.

    "We are sorry to intrude, but..." vi pushes the first tome back to you and Wulf, and you quickly read what she is pointing too.

    The loukys have two known strains of mounts, one land based, and the other flying. The land mounts have six muscular, chitin-plated legs, allowing them to move with speeds comperable to velociprey. the Chitin plating goes midway up the beasts elongated body. The body itself has two segnments, a forward segment, from which its long neck protrudes from the chitin-plated chest. The head itslef is frighteningly silalair to that of a dragon, though it is thicker, and shorter, as if the noble features of the divine guardians our world has were to mate with a mastif. The rear segment is lightly plated, and ends abruptly, and smoothly.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)00:57 No.15272292
    The flying strain has but two reverse articulated, short equine legs. Its body is short, though a long tail, ending in a heavy spiked bony orb protrudes from it. The creature has four insectiod wings, akin in configuration to the dragonfly, though much larger. From the front of its compact, muscular body a pair of razor sharp talons on strong, long arms protrude. These serve to aid in terrestrial locomotion, and as weapons in flight. The head, resting recessed in between the claws, and is insectoid in nature, in place of a mouth it has powerful, three sectioned mandibles. The tow outer lengths are incredibly powerful, enough to hold the arms of a Griffon, or even a wyvern at bat, while the bottom segment is sharp, and incredibly fast in its motions, so as to sever flesh, and fling it into the hole at the center of the mandibles to be digested.

    "Shit" is all Wulf can muster after he finishes reading the passage. "I still want to travel and work with the Loukys hunters when the war is over."
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)00:57 No.15272294
    Oh, also arriving back at base with Vi riding in front of us on the same horse would give a heads up to the other ladies like someone wanted above. Though we could just TALK to them too. Or in addition to, either one.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)00:59 No.15272308
    Nothing a dwarven tunnel and >9000 kegs of blasting powder can't overcome. Maybe that would be one way to even the odds, seed the fields of combat with explosives and then detonate them when the swarms are in place?
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/15/11(Wed)01:03 No.15272334
    "Any flyers we deploy will need stronger repeaters, possibly with runed bolts for extra explosive power.
    "I've been thinking about making heavy repeaters that can be fired from a moving auto-wagon ever since that fight with the remnants of Khalless' cult and those monsters from the deeps. Such a thing may be needed to fight a Loukys mount."
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)01:07 No.15272362
    Not much to say here. Good to have the info... I guess.
    >> Maximus 06/15/11(Wed)01:11 No.15272400
    Interesting. There was nothing in the book of tactics on how they dealt with their air mounts? Assuming their mounts are as tough as the higher forms of loukys, we definitely need to get some better rune tech...

    We also need to talk to Wulf in private soon on what he wants to do for his career and if he wants to stay apart of our maniple.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)01:20 No.15272462
    You go through the tactical tome agian. WEll, Wyverns were a good deal stronger and faster than grifons, and in that age, a mount was a symbol of status, so it is not surprising that those lacertans that were able to obtain Wyvern mounts were skilled, egotistical and brave enough to ride them headlong into combat with those... things the Loukys ride through the sky. At least only the largest hives were able to spawn any of them.

    >so, what do you want to do now? Go to choose soldiers for the loukys hunting unit, go eat, something else, or just skip ahead some more?
    >> Maximus 06/15/11(Wed)01:23 No.15272488
    I imagine we should get a staff meeting of those that know about the Loukys, get that list of units we can select for the Loukys hunters, get some opinions and then get selecting units.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 06/15/11(Wed)01:28 No.15272516
    Seconding this.
    Justinian should emphasize the use of heavy and advanced siege weapons to destroy hives and princes at range, to minimize Legion losses.
    >> Maximus 06/15/11(Wed)01:29 No.15272523
    Actually, I suggest we just get the list of units we can pick from and do a mini-staff meeting for opinions before actually picking them. I think it might be best to do the picking of units for the hunters next session so we have time until Thursday to think about it more.
    >> Taffer 06/15/11(Wed)01:31 No.15272543
    I'll second this. We need to kill the loukys band in Degnar in one shot, so we need a skilled and experienced team. Against Loukys, I won't be surprised if even such a team gets severe casualties, let alone a rookie maniple.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 06/15/11(Wed)01:36 No.15272577
    Some ran to the Urlanthi lands.
    In that direction was The Swamp.
    Whichever one we leave for last will be the largest, This can not be the one.
    If we battle a regular one for last, we will need to battle a hoard. and hoard we do not have, However, if we battle one in the desert, we only need to fight, though skilled, small force.
    I wonder if the one that ran (to the norths i think) will be weaked as result of the cold weather, develop slower, and be the bast to battle last.
    >> Cassius 06/15/11(Wed)01:53 No.15272691
    We only need to worry about a possible hive/beginnings of a hive for the last one we face right? Otherwise we're just trying to find and kill them. The main problem should be even finding them since they're supposed to be really good at hiding. We should bring some form of detection, possibly arcana, especially if our earth sense thing won't work.

    Maybe we should ask the life elementalist plant guy to give us poisons and acids to coat our own weapons with? He seemed to be super effective against the hives at the very least. I dunno about actually bringing the guy however, since he's too valuable to lose.

    If we're gonna end up attacking a hive, would we be able to, say, drop a sword or anything with a fire rune on it? Last time we tried that it just steadily grew hotter and melted into the ground right? Maybe it can melt a hole through the hive. If we're lucky it'll hit the core too. Its a long shot but just throwing out ideas here.
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/15/11(Wed)01:57 No.15272726
    Mercifully, these things shouldn't have been able to produce a core for some time now. I think 2 years it was said?

    Either way, killing them soon will at least prevent them from taking hold in Degnarian soil.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)02:03 No.15272773
    Yeah, and likely much more time before they can start producing the really BAD nasties like flyers.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)02:08 No.15272814
    You sigh "It is getting late. We had best return to the barracks. We will need to brief the rest of the maniple on what we have learned about the Loukys today." the others nod in agreement. It is a quiet ride back to the barracks, and though she protests that she needs no ride, you are able to get Vi to ride anyways.

    Before long, your entire command staff is gathered in one of the larger chambers in your barracks complex, most of them mulling over what Wulf, Lena, Vi and yourself had just shared with them, effectively sumarizing the knowledge.

    Blackbirds eyes are alight as they only are when you give him leave to raid and ambush your foes, Cornelius and Gaius both look nervous, as does Jayne, though, like Sansa, that short period of fear and uncertainty only lasts so long as it takes for them to look at you. Degrian and Kyria both are still glaring at you from the idea regarding medium sized repeater balistae on griffons. Eventually, Collin breaks the silence "Where ken'we take the fighters'fer this unit'a Loukys hunters we have ta make from?"

    You shrug "Any number of the soldiers from the collection of survivors of destroyed and disbanded battalions a few barracks down the causeway from our own."

    Captain Corinth of the skywings clears his throat "I can see to the training of the cavalry portion of the unit, you need to be able to ride horse before you can ride anything else, after all."

    Gaius adds his voice "From the sound of it, we need the best Degnar has to offer from the lot we have to choose from, I will help screen them, since the tactics for fighting them that Wulf and the Commander outlined seem to be the best available."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)02:08 No.15272818
    Janos steps forward "I suppose I could have Kaitlyn find the best archers for this unit, or train what is available to an acceptable level."

    As you were given no other guidelines, the debate on how many soldiers to pull goes back and forth for a long time. Eventually, you all agree on just under maniple strength. Again, Wulf offers to help with the entire process, stating that he would like to join the unit once the war is over. Lena shoots him a disapproving look, but the boy defends with "We will still be under Justinians command, and will still be able to spend plenty of time resting, and together." which placates the girl quickly enough.

    as the group disbands into the night, a soldier, likely one who had been on guard duty, approaches you. "Commander, you have a visitor, but, he said that if you refuse to meet him, he will simply order you to do so anyways. He is waiting outside the gate."
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/15/11(Wed)02:13 No.15272855
    Well, let's not keep the man waiting.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)02:14 No.15272871
    That is, uh, interesting. I don't know of anyone we wouldn't meet with, or anyone who is as much of a rude prick as this.
    >> Generic 06/15/11(Wed)02:15 No.15272873


    Not like we have a choice, now do we?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)02:23 No.15272937
    You make your way outside the barracks and are greeted by a somewhat familiar voice from a robed figure "Commander Trentz, it is good to see you, but the strategic circumstances require that my having returned to DragonsReach remain a secret."

    You scratch at your head "And you are..."

    The man sighs, and pulls the hood of his robe back, and instantly you reccognize the face "High Commander Lucretius." you greet him, surprised. As far as you had been informed he was still dancing about UIurlanth, keeping the king from moving with the other half of the Uurlanths military might.

    He nods "Now be silent, a good portion of our Praetors increasingly likely to be needed back-up plan for the Duchy situation rests on the intelligence that I am still in Uurlanth with most of my force. Now take your crystal and get to screening my men. I have not been as lucky with time, or arcana as you in that regard, and it needs to be done."
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/15/11(Wed)02:25 No.15272955
    "With utmost haste. Would you like to borrow spare training materials, or will you have them trained here?"
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)02:31 No.15273036
    "Yes sir. I will begin first thing tomorrow. Would it be possible to have two of my most trusted retinue (also wives) aid in the process? I can assure you they will not let the information slip."

    If we can get Laelith and Jayne to help then it would vastly speed the process up and we are already pressed for time.

    Also, just to be sure, point our detection gem at him. He was a dark mage, so it should turn black again. If it turns purple we know this is a Mystic trap.

    Just to be sure, you know.

    Also tomorrow we need to get our engineers constructing high, sturdy walls for the academy and hire a professional guardstaff for it. It will likely be the target of a lot of ill will, so it pays to be prepared.
    >> Laurentius 06/15/11(Wed)02:32 No.15273042
    >> Laurentius 06/15/11(Wed)02:34 No.15273060
    I agree that we should scan him but I think he was implying that we scan his men tonight
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)02:40 No.15273101
    There's no fucking way we can scan a whole cohort in one night... even with Laelith and Jayne.
    >> GoldPanda 06/15/11(Wed)02:45 No.15273142
    I don't think he's giving us a choice in the matter.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)02:47 No.15273157
    There's no choice involved, it simply can't be done. It's like if he gave us an order to fly or not seduce women.
    >> GoldPanda 06/15/11(Wed)02:49 No.15273170
    He's a thumb. He doesn't have a cohort, as I recall, just an especially large maniple.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)02:50 No.15273175
    You produce your scanning crystal and check the man, a shadow mage, so it shouldn't be a trap. "Cautious, good. Can we be on our way now? it is best that I am not outside my barracks for longer than necessary."

    You pause "Would it be acceptable for me to retrieve two of my betrothed from my barracks, they would be able to expedite the process greatly."

    The man shakes his head "You only have the one crystal, and I have one of the members of my retinue procuring the training manuals from your academy at the moment." Sighing, you follow the man back to his barracks, where you take one of the miniscule alleyway entrances. His men are waiting at attention, and in formation. It takes you nearly two hours, but you are able to scan them all. At that, the man bids you farewell until you meet at the execution of the Praetor Militants plan in four weeks.

    Durning the walk back to your own barracks, a very familiar voice opens up from behind you "You were being followed, Commander. I saw to the thugs, but... our slumlord grows bold." nervous, you nod in acknowledgement, and the elf fades into the night, leaving you to finish the walk home alone, again, you hope.

    >co, what do you want to take care of next? or just skip ahead to your briefing? (If you want to buy the Temple to the Ten, you have the cash to do it, and have enough left over for Janos to have something left to work with)
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)02:52 No.15273187
    >and yes, he only had a maniple, an under strength maniple that has been fighting constantly against a larger force for a few months. Even with his personal units added to the mix, there aren't all than many of them left
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)02:55 No.15273207
    Probably should do it. If we wait things like bidding wars or other wealthier people might try to snatch it up. We don't need to renovate it for now, just buy it.

    Also, I suggest we sell some of our armory to give Janos even more room to work with. We're overstocked on looted weapons and armor anyway.

    Next needs to be MENTAL TRAINING. Remember that? We need it. Also get those guards up and tell the girls to start planning the wedding(s). I'm not sure how they're going to do it but we need to get the invitations sent because there is a war on and deployment will be soon.
    >> GoldPanda 06/15/11(Wed)02:56 No.15273212
    Anti-mage snipers. Fund it!
    >> GoldPanda 06/15/11(Wed)02:59 No.15273223
    Yes on buying Temple of the Ten.

    With the leftover gold, purchase some forges that are mismanaged and/or willing to sell for cheap. In the future they can be turned back into temples to Raynha, or maybe specialized shops that sell weapons/armor with runes, or why not both?
    >> Generic 06/15/11(Wed)02:59 No.15273226

    Buy the Temple to the Ten. Arrange to procure either 10 pieces of [marble or other similar statue stone] or enough rubble/scrap parts of stone for Trentz to stoneshape into statues of each of the gods/goddesses.

    Always work elementalism training into what we can!
    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/15/11(Wed)03:00 No.15273230
    Also on board to buy the temple.
    >> Laurentius 06/15/11(Wed)03:00 No.15273234
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:02 No.15273242
    We already bought some brothels and forges IIRC and have already started turning them into temples.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)03:18 No.15273307
    The next morning you give Janos the go-ahead to Purchase the Temple to the Ten, and use the remaining funds for business ventures. For good measure, you give him leave to sell off some of the extra weapons you looted to ensure profitability.

    Janos informs you that it will take several days to purchase the temple, due to the legal proceedings, and sets out immediately to begin the proceedings. It takes a while to find Autronius, who is meditating in his room in the officers dormitory. "Can I help you, Commander?" he greets you, rising and saluting as you enter the room.

    "Yes, I was hoping that we would be able to begin my training to resist the intrusions of other mystics. If you are ready of course." you reply, returning the mans salute easily, and motioning for him to return to what he was doing.

    Autronius pauses to think for a moment, then finishes sitting down "I believe I am skilled enough to aid you with that now. It will not be a quick, or pleasant process, however." he warns, dropping fully back into his meditative stance.

    >roll for training
    >> Generic 06/15/11(Wed)03:21 No.15273318
    rolled 64 = 64


    We're gonna need a montage!
    >> Generic 06/15/11(Wed)03:22 No.15273330

    Oh come on!

    >> tactical routine omicron !/tOwVz0x0k 06/15/11(Wed)03:22 No.15273331
    rolled 33 = 33

    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:23 No.15273333
    rolled 28 = 28

    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:23 No.15273336
    Botch it.
    >> Laurentius 06/15/11(Wed)03:25 No.15273349
    rolled 23 = 23

    rollan for botch
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 06/15/11(Wed)03:37 No.15273412
    You smirk "I am certain I have been through worse." Autronius sighs, and begins his mental assault. You can feel your mind being breached, and try as you might, you cannot stop the mental probe.

    Autronius smirks "That is some ambition you have Commander." agian, his mind surges into yours "though, I suppose even you were bound to meet your match." the training drags on for hours, the first day. Even longer the second and third days. By the time Janos informs you that your ownership of the Temple to the Ten is final, there is nothing about you that Autronius does not know. And all you have to show for it, is that your ability to resist mental intrusion is "Slightly above what my instructional tomes predict it would be, for a strong willed elementalist." in your mystics own words. As you leave the chamber the two of you had taken to training in after the fourth grueling day of training, still soaked with sweat, you are able to take solace in the fact that if a novice manages to infiltrate your maniple, you can be confident that he will not be able to glean any knowledge from your mind.

    >gah, I'm tired, so I'm gonna call it here.
    >someone archive please
    >I'll be back thursday at 9pm server time
    >if you have any CQ/setting questions just email me at [email protected]
    >and, since its the hundreth thread, I guess I gotta thank all you guys for sticking with it, its really nice to have a place for my overflow creativity to go.
    >and also, since its the hundreth thread, and a few of you did drop in, I'm kinda curious, just how many of you lurkers are out there?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:40 No.15273436
    Myself at least. Has to be a few others also, and then the usual archive catcher-uppers.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:40 No.15273437
    all of the lurkers
    the whole thing
    >> Bad Newbie !u8dVJyyGAs 06/15/11(Wed)03:44 No.15273464
    And I'm another. >_>
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:46 No.15273475
    I lurk
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:13 No.15273614
    Lurkan, sometime postan.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:37 No.15273744
    rolled 89 = 89

    I tend to lurk when I can but usually due to time differences can't participate
    >> Cassius 06/15/11(Wed)04:43 No.15273776
    Most of the time I'm lurking as well. Also, did we actually use the botch for that last roll? Looks like we did juuuust slightly above average.

    Also, I remember when we found Autronius we had to roll to see how good our search was, and the roll was great. Did that account for his military background or potential or just how fast we found a mystic?

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