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  • File : 1317604684.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB CXXXVII Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/02/11(Sun)21:18 No.16500490  
    >Last Time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/16470916/
    >Join the IRC on Sup/tg/ at #CommanderQuest
    >We have a (small) wiki! http://thugaim.pbworks.com/w/page/22231052/FrontPage

    The last few days before your wedding pass in a blur. Plenty to do, none of it terribly important. the morning itself, save having washed on your own for the first time in what feels like years, was again a blur of small tasks. So it ends that you stand atop your freshly carved house coat of arms in your best cloths, a black doublet with crimson trim, black slacks and a crimson sash tying them off. Your wives stand before you, Jayne and Sansa in elegant dresses that accentuate their lithe, athletic frames, Kyria Laelith and Vi all in dresses that accentuate their curves.

    What few living family members survive amongst you and your wives stand arrayed about you and your wives, the guests standing behind it all. The ceremony is watched by a High Tribune, one friendly to house Garlian, you assume, who remains silent in his raised dais, not centered to the happenings of the large chamber. The ceremony itself is long by Degnarian standards, due to the sheer number of those actually partaking. save the happenings, it is completely traditional. The women go first,each speaking from her heart, naming you as their Strength, Savior, Redemption, Life, and Completion before they, as one proudly announce the binding words "To you I pledge my love, my loyalty, my life."

    You then collect yourself, before naming each of them, in a different order from that which they spoke as your Wisdom, your Sunshine, your Sense, your Drive, your Humor, before echoing "To each of you I pledge my love, my loyalty, my life."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/02/11(Sun)21:18 No.16500502
    At that, those gathered cheer, and bear all five of you from the Judgement Hall Jayne had booked, out from the deepest shadow of the palace district, to the esges of the massive palaces morning shadow. The hall itself is massive, and, before you and your new wives are back on your feet, the well-wisheres are gathering. Of course, your entire command staff is there, even Wulf, who had been watching through Tassadus' eyes, perched on Lenas shoulder.

    You also spot a rather shocked Vohzd Lennis, a quietly smirking Trepilius Durain, the new Lady Garlian on Cornelius arm. Mixed in with them are Rufus and his father, as well as several of Jaynes political allies. "Now love, before we can truly begin Sansas celebration proceedings, you must graciously accept the well-wishes of those I chose to bear us here. They are friends, so not making yourself a fool should not be difficult."

    Though, tracking them all down may be, as the commanders you last campaigned with, knowing of Sansas skill for feasts and revelry are already attempting to sneak back from the entryway to the feast hall to the hall itself.
    >> Generic 10/02/11(Sun)21:26 No.16500580
    Well, it seems we have to graciously accept those well-wishes.

    We're not going to be able to do jack squat for the next week after this, are we?
    >> Maximus 10/02/11(Sun)21:36 No.16500678
    Yeah, let's start hunting em down. Unsure if there's a protocol in Degnar where we should greet the higher status people first or not but if so do that. I wonder why Lennis is so shocked.
    >> Brick 10/02/11(Sun)21:39 No.16500710
    We should probably greet Trepilius Durain first and thank him for attending. I would assume thanking the higher status people first would be proper.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/02/11(Sun)21:52 No.16500795
    You make your way over to the crowd of well-wishers, politely accepting those that interpose themselves between you, and your first target. The heir apparent, Trepilius Durain "Dominu, I am honored that you chose to attend." you greet him, after saluting, and accepting his offered hand in a firm clasp.

    He nods "I have heard stories of the celebrations you hold. I would be remiss to not be in attendance."

    You chuckle "I merely attend, it is my wife Sansa that plans and oversees it all."

    the man apes your chuckle "Then I will need to have my own caterers learn from her. Though, I would recommend you keep a close eye on me, when drunk, I am known to say things I should not."
    >> Maximus 10/02/11(Sun)21:57 No.16500836
    "I'll do my best but I imagine my wives would be rather disappointed in me if I spent more time looking at a man rather than them."

    Did he come alone or are there public bodyguards? I kind of want to ask him certain things but not sure if wedding is the best time. Perhaps ask him if we can have a chance to talk in the future before our deployment?
    >> Generic 10/02/11(Sun)22:03 No.16500878
    >> Brick 10/02/11(Sun)22:03 No.16500882
    This sounds acceptable to me.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 10/02/11(Sun)22:10 No.16500938
    Sounds alright.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/02/11(Sun)22:13 No.16500970
    Still in good humor you answer "I shall do my best, though I doubt that my wives would appreciate me paying more attention to a man than them."

    He chuckles "You may already know many of the secrets I may accidentally spoil, but the others you will hear, or learn soon enough. I do wish you and yours the best... and truly hope to hear of many a Trentz even after you retire from service."

    Nodding, and again saluting the man, you move past the bodyguards hiding near him to greet your immediate superior, Bustephus Reailin, the Praetor Militant "Commander Trentz, it is a lovely crop of wives you have collected. I do hope that my gift of a journey to the Duchy is sufficient. If not, my wife may have added something to those your wives are already accepting."
    >> Maximus 10/02/11(Sun)22:22 No.16501061
    "Praetor. I'm sure the trip to the Duchy will be quite the gift once we've dealt with the minor issue of the Uurlanth. I imagine Kyria will have an interesting time if any of the Duchy have heard of her works with runes. Should we be keeping that to ourselves or are we to work freely with them?"
    >> Brick 10/02/11(Sun)22:23 No.16501068
    "I am sure that our honeymoon in the Duchy and sea cruise will be absolutely wonderful."

    Accompany the statement with a bit of a chuckle.
    >> Generic 10/02/11(Sun)22:32 No.16501172
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/02/11(Sun)22:38 No.16501231
    You smirk "I'm certain that once the Uurlanth have been dealt with it will be an enjoyable stay, and a wonderful gift."

    The man opposite you laughs, quite heartily "You dont truly believe your peers so boorish as to allow their comrade to station a wall, mere weeks after his wedding, while they sit a wall and allow allied forces to recoup before sallying fourth, do you?"

    A familiar voice echoes in you ear "Besides, one of you three will need to see to the politicing and madness of working with a separate nations army. The man married to a noblewoman would be the logical choice." you turn to see Vibius waiting for you, face mostly back to its previous state, save the ghost of a scar he retained, and the obsidian replacement eye. What makes the thing truly striking, is the golden spiders web inlaid in the piece of arcana.
    >> GoldPanda 10/02/11(Sun)22:38 No.16501241

    Raise the idea of a field medicae corps to the Heir and Praetorian Militant. It's simple enough that they can grasp the idea easily, and give us feedback.
    >> Maximus 10/02/11(Sun)22:46 No.16501311
    "I'm glad to see you've taken up my offer about your wounds. Although knowing that I'm going to be thrown to the wolves of Duchy politics means I better read up on them a little."
    >> Generic 10/02/11(Sun)22:48 No.16501326
    "A spider's web? An odd choice of design for your new eye, friend."
    >> Brick 10/02/11(Sun)22:50 No.16501347
    " Vibius my friend, it's good to see you are doing well. Well, I suppose you have a point about the negotiations with the Duchy. Hopefully they will be prove productive."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/02/11(Sun)23:05 No.16501484
    You accept the mans proffered hand "Vibius, my friend, it is good to see you well again. And I must concede to both of you on the point of politics. I suppose I will have a proper amount of time to enjoy my status as a freshly wed man after all. Though I will need to learn more of Duchy politics as well."

    The praetorian slowly shakes his head "I shudder to think how you will think drunkenly as this conversation continues. One of your captains is a Duchy exile."

    Vibius nods "And he will be with you as a citizen of the Empire on official business, so they will not be able to deny him passage on and through their lands."

    You nod, slowly "I suppose the two of you are right." after a brief silence, you turn to Vibius "An impressive replacement for your lost eye. Might I inquire as to what sort of enhancements it grants you to warrant such an, interesting, design on its face."

    The man shrugs "It enhances my vision, allows sight in the dark, and widens my field of vision as well. I am actually considering having my other eye taken out so that I can have the complete set. Having my peripheral vision be perfectly in focus to one side, but not the other is rather distracting."

    >so, who do you want to talk to next?
    >> Maximus 10/02/11(Sun)23:11 No.16501531
    "While it'd be useful, you'd have to be careful of anything that could disable arcana. It might be annoying but it's probably safer if you don't do that."

    Let's go hit up Lennis then Rufus and his father.
    >> Brick 10/02/11(Sun)23:14 No.16501547

    Also add that he will also likely get used to the difference in vision at some point.
    >> Laurentius 10/02/11(Sun)23:14 No.16501549
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 10/02/11(Sun)23:21 No.16501597
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/02/11(Sun)23:28 No.16501635
    You shrug "While useful, encountering an enemy with an arcana disruptor would leave you... blind. And I'm certain that you will grow accustomed to the unbalance in time."

    Vibius sighs "I suppose you are right, my friend. Though I am begining to fear that if I do not move inside soon, I will miss something I would rather not. When your Sansa is involved, such is the fate of those not currently celebrating I fear."

    Chuckling, you accept their momentary farewells, before making your way over to Rufus and his father. "Justinian" the young man greets you, no longer the awkward lanky half-shild you originally met, but a large, imposing figure.

    "Commander Trentz" his father greets you, profering his hand after his son does breaks off the firm clasp he offered. "A rather long ceremony, I must say, though it will be interesting to see how the Exchange goes with such a numeric missmatch."

    Rufus chuckles "My wifes dress did not survive our exchange, though I do not think she minded, nor would yours, I suspect."
    >> Maximus 10/02/11(Sun)23:36 No.16501676
    "Had this happened years ago, I might have doubted my survival of this night. Thankfully, having two life elementalists amongst my wives allows us to cheat."
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)23:36 No.16501677
    "The only one that really worries me in that regard is Vi. She has an incredible amount of hidden strength, though you'd never tell it by looking at her."
    >> Loec 10/02/11(Sun)23:42 No.16501719
    >hidden strength
    >though you'd never tell it by looking
    That is usually the idea, yes...
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)23:43 No.16501731
    "Well, I must confess that I've been sampling that particular feast for months already, so it shouldn't be much of a change. How did your wedding go, Rufus? I regret that I was unable to attend due to being on campaign, I would like to meet your wife soon if possible."
    >> Brick 10/02/11(Sun)23:47 No.16501763
    "It wouldn't be the first time I was outnumbered. And it is good to hear that things are going well for you Rufus."
    >> Laurentius 10/03/11(Mon)00:00 No.16501860
    second though perhaps we should whisper the first part to him conspiratorially.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/03/11(Mon)00:02 No.16501874
    Chuckling, you reply "Were it not for the two life elementalists I am wedding, i wou ld have never survived the ceremony. Though I must apologize for my inability to attend yours, Rufus. I trust it went well?"

    The boy nods "It did, though I doubt my feast will compare to yours. And, while I am certain that it was entirely Janos doing, I must thank you for the fine gift he gave me on your account."

    The governor nods "I truly doubt any of us would survive one of those damned hourslong Uurlanthi ceremonies, or, godsforbid, one of those daylong Kharynchek ceremonies."

    You nod in agreement as you reply "What, praytell, did I purchase you?" trying to keep a straight face.

    Rufus shrugs "A set of bracelets for my wife, and an excellent set of leathers to strap my scythe to my armor for me. All will see excellent use. In fact, she is no doubt showing them off to your wives, or some other poor woman."

    Rufus father laughs "Had I known you preferred mental stimulation to physical, I could have easily found you a more intelligent wife, or pushed her father to teach her more."
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)00:06 No.16501910
    We could offer to let his wife study with Laelith and her cadre. It would not only help make her an excellent advisor and font of knowledge for when Rufus takes leadership of his house (which will no doubt please the governor to no end) it would also please Rufus to have an educated wife (apparently) and strengthen the bonds between our house and one of the most powerful noble houses in the city.

    Everyone wins!
    >> Maximus 10/03/11(Mon)00:09 No.16501925
    Worthwhile to suggest but who knows how effective it'll be. In theory I guess we should also check to see if she has any arcane talent.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)00:09 No.16501927
    "Well, there's always something to fix. Consider it a challenge that comes with being a married man."
    >> Brick 10/03/11(Mon)00:12 No.16501948
    Thats a really good idea.

    And yes, we should be checking people we meet for mystic infiltrators and arcane potential. Do it quietly though.

    Remember, its not paranoia if people are out to kill you
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)00:12 No.16501951
    You misunderstand. Not the magic users. We hired an entire research staff of scholars for Laelith to direct, remember?
    >> Maximus 10/03/11(Mon)00:16 No.16501978
    No I understood what you meant. I just figured if she wasn't the most mentally stimulating, she might not be into the whole book thing with Laelith much and in addition to the idea, we should at least see if she has any abilities.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)00:18 No.16502003
    True enough. Laelith can be rather... acerbic at times to people other than us.

    Then again, this might be good for her. We've been getting her back into interacting with people and her old lifestyle steadily.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/03/11(Mon)00:28 No.16502077
    Chuckling, you interject "Perhaps she can work with Laeliths scribes for a time. Such work would certainly stimulate ones mental growth."

    Rufus shrugs "Sandly, I am not also her superior officer. I will see if she is willing to do so, but I am not overly confident."

    His father laughs "You seem to be swiftly traveling towards taking a concubine for her beauty, not appearance. A rarity among those few Degnarians who are in arranged marriages."

    >co, anyone else you want to talk to out here, or head into your party?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)00:30 No.16502099
    I think it's time to get to the meat of the party.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)00:30 No.16502102
    Don't we need to talk to Lennis? It would be rude to invite him all this way and ignore him.
    >> Maximus 10/03/11(Mon)00:30 No.16502103
    Hit up Lennis like was suggested earlier. Otherwise I guess you can just skip over the others without us actually interacting with them. I'm curious why Lennis was so shocked although based on Rufus' father, maybe it's just a cultural thing.
    >> Brick 10/03/11(Mon)00:32 No.16502116
    Talking to Lennis next sounds good to me.
    >> Generic 10/03/11(Mon)00:34 No.16502129
    seconding Lennis chat, possibly while bringing him into the feasting hall
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/03/11(Mon)00:45 No.16502232
    Chuckling, you reply "I do believe you meant intellect, not beauty, my friend. I will see both of you inside the hall... and you will have to introduce me to your lady, Rufus."

    The boy nods, almost ruefully "She will stun you, but, please, do not try her mind..."

    Rufus father chuckles "I told her a riddle once..."

    The boy groans "I told her the answer last week father, not only did she not believe me, but she still asks me about the answer regularly."

    Laughing, you make your way over to Lennis and his family "An interesting ceremony, your people have my friend."

    His younger son grins "Perhaps I should wed in Degnar when the time comes."

    The older of the two glares at him "If I had to wait through my vigil, you will have to wait yours. Simply because you will be next Vohzd does not give you leave to shirk tradition."
    >> Maximus 10/03/11(Mon)00:52 No.16502292
    "Tradition is always important to remember. Besides, I doubt your people would let you forget such a thing. I noticed you were shocked earlier. Was there something that specifically surprised you Vohzd Lennis, or was it just the difference in culture?"
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)00:54 No.16502313
    This sounds fine.
    >> Brick 10/03/11(Mon)00:56 No.16502331
    This is good. We also should inquire about what their vigil / wedding ceremony is like.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/03/11(Mon)01:10 No.16502471
    You sigh "Tradition is a very important thing, and I doubt your people would let you so easily avoid it." you shake your head "I noticed you were shocked earlier, I take it this is because of the differences between our wedding traditions?"

    Lennis nods "Yes, my friend. In a proper Kharynchek wedding, first is the vigil. From sunrise to sunset, the husband is to stand watch over his wife, as she does him. They do not eat, drink, or talk with any others. Following that, they are fed, first, drinking from a shared bowl, then by each other. The food they are allowed is only that which their friends and family provide. After having seen into each others souls, and nourished each otehrs bodies, they again share from the same bowl, though it is filled with blood, usually from a horse. In this way, a couples bodies, souls, and health are joined."

    Lennis wife nods "That is how a man and woman are joined. Though, your traditions do have their merits, I will admit."

    >so, head in then, or do you have more questions for your guests out here?
    >> GoldPanda 10/03/11(Mon)01:12 No.16502507
    Will we have a chance to talk business later? Our guests seem eager to get to the feast, but I'm worried about the Heir getting really smashed by the time we talk to him again.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:12 No.16502508
    Sounds fine to me. Let's go find our ladies and get to feasting!
    >> Generic 10/03/11(Mon)01:13 No.16502510

    Invite them to join us inside, while asking how that ceremony would work in our case. grin as they try to figure that one out.
    >> Maximus 10/03/11(Mon)01:13 No.16502515
    Can't think of anything at the moment. Let's move along.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:15 No.16502535
    "The best parts are always the ones where everyone gets to participate. Well, maybe second best. I fear if we wait any longer, the lot of us will miss out on the feast."
    >> Brick 10/03/11(Mon)01:16 No.16502551
    Agreed, lets head inside
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/03/11(Mon)01:46 No.16502767
    Nodding in something between interest and fear, you reply "So it would seem that we can agree that the best traditions can be shared and involve food and reverie?" the Kharynchek all nod in agreement "Then let us proceed inside. It would be a shame to miss out on anything of note."

    However, nothing could have prepared you for what happened when you entered. To be honest, you expected it, but not so soon to be certain. YOur brother shouts out "THERE HE IS!!!"

    And swiftly, one of the other attendees, a friend of one of Jaynes political connections no doubt, bellows "EXCHANGE!!!" and the cry spreads like wildfire. Lennis and his family, completely unaware of what is about to happen are simply shoved aside as a crowd rushes to lift you from your feet.

    Before long, you find yourself held above the press of bodies, Jayne borne aloft next to you "Hello, love." you greet her, half grinning, half mortified.

    Jayne, pouting, glares at Laelith "She would enjoy this part. I'm going to make whoever convinced the crowd to choose me pay." and at that, the crowd sets to work.

    Swiftly, the two of you are stripped naked. Within minutes of that, you find yourself in Jaynes undergarments, which prove to be a tight, uncomfortable fit. You hear Collins voice cry out "Cloth, cloth, we cannae'have im not fillin'out his wifes dress!!"

    By now a very confused and frightened Kharynchek family is edging away from the crowd, as you feel your new wifes dress slid over your head. Jayne, still scowling, is being changed into your cloths. "Well this is hardly fair, what of the other wives?" Cornelius shouts out.

    As quick as that, Sansa and Vi find themselves borne aloft, their cloths being exchanged, while Kyria and Laelith are going through the same. Minutes later, feeling a stiff breezei n your new dress, you are returned to the ground. Jaynes sister walks up to her "I do apologize, sister. You looked so lovely in your dress too."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/03/11(Mon)01:47 No.16502773
    Jayne turns to briefly glare at you "Which is why my dear Justinian will take care to not damage it."

    You shrug "I would have chose one more modest for myself, but I will be gentle with it nonetheless." A nonplused Laelith, clad more in undergarments than a dress, a stumbling Kyria, a rather constricted, almost confused looking Vi, and a very unhappy Sansa, swimming in her new dress, approach the three of you.

    "Drinks, now, then we can enjoy our feast more." Sansa orders, pulling her dress back around her breasts for the third time, glaring at the stress-marks already appearing on her actual dress.

    Kyria laughs "And I had thought we would be able to avoid this tradition altogether. Care to carry me to the drinks, love?" she asks. You glance over to Lennis and his family, who are now in a corner, staring at the locals as if they had just burst into flame, or, perhaps, grown extra limbs.

    Several minutes later, you and your wives now all several strong drinks in, look out at your feast. YOu quickly notice Aurelius, Collin, Gaius,. a small handful of nobles and the heir in conversation, all of them holding strong drinks. Across the room, Cornelius and Kylee are speaking with Lennis and his family. Your praetor is chatting with Malcius, Janos and Finian, while Lena, Rufus, Catalina and Rufus' Wife quietly eat off to the side of the massive hall.
    >> GoldPanda 10/03/11(Mon)01:54 No.16502831
    Oh wow.
    >> Maximus 10/03/11(Mon)01:55 No.16502842
    So many choices. Unsure which to pick. Let's go see how Lena and co. are doing. We can meet Rufus' wife at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:58 No.16502870
    As far as wedding traditions go, I give that a 5 of 5.

    >> Generic 10/03/11(Mon)02:01 No.16502904
         File1317621705.png-(561 KB, 594x480, 4collarawesome.png)
    561 KB
    We will never be 5 popped dress collars cool ;_;
    >> Brick 10/03/11(Mon)02:07 No.16502969
    Agreed, lets go see Lena and her group.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/03/11(Mon)02:25 No.16503114
    Drink in hand, you hoist Kyria a bit higher on your back, and make your way over to the table Lena, Catalina, Rufus, and his wife are sitting at. "And thats why I love my bracelets!" Rufus wife concludes as you and your wives sit at the table.

    Catalnia groans "This is Poofy. I made him."

    Lena chuckles "Do any of you need new drinks?"

    Rufus looks up at you "Ah, Justinian, this is my wife, Corda. A lovely dress, I must say."

    Chuckling, you look at the small woman sitting next to him. Curvy, porcelin-skinned, brown hair down to the small of her back, and a rather confused look on her gentle face. Clearly of age with Rufus, Lena and Wulf, perhaps a year or two younger, though she makes Catalina not look to be the youngest.

    She tilts her head "I dont like men in dresses. They ruin them."

    Jayne laughs and sits next to you "Not this one, he is going to keep it in excellent shape."

    Lena laughs "That will _not_ happen at my wedding."

    You look over at Kyria, who grins wickedly "So, your planning one?"

    Lena blushes "No, but if, or when I am, I'm excluding that tradition."
    >> Maximus 10/03/11(Mon)02:27 No.16503130
    "When you do get married, do you plan on following the traditions of Degnar for the most part or of your own people?"
    >> GoldPanda 10/03/11(Mon)02:35 No.16503183
    "No one would object if you married according to the traditions of your forefathers, Lena."
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)02:36 No.16503187
    "Now THERE's a question, what sort of wedding will you have, Lena?"
    >> Brick 10/03/11(Mon)02:38 No.16503207
    Seconding these.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/03/11(Mon)02:53 No.16503328
    Grinning, you ask Lena "So, whill you follow the traditions you were raised with when you are wed then, Lena?"

    The girl balks "Sit all day doing nothing, then drink blood? I would rather not."

    Sansa laughs "I do believe she has fully embraced our culture then."

    Jayne laughs "Then you'll have an Exchange. If I had to go through that, so will you."

    Kyria laughs "You enjoyed it, dont lie." she turns to Lena "And I think she is just worried about Wulf not stacking up to Justinian, to be honest."

    Lena frowns, and stomps her foot "Its not that, its just that"

    "He would put a hole in your dress then?" Laelith asks, raising an eyebrow.

    Still mostly out of it, Corda turns to Catalina "How did you make that? Are you a breeder?" Rufus looks to CAtalina, and quickly makes a 'kill' gesture that his wife cannot see. Now CAtalina is just as froze as Lena, one of shock, the other unsure how to lie off the undead abomination cuddled in the crook between her neck and shoulder.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)02:58 No.16503368
    "Uhh, it's a very rare, very lifelike machine the Karskyana sometimes make. An Automaton. They are masters at machinery like you wouldn't believe."
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)02:59 No.16503372
    "She found it and raised it. Catalina is a very caring, kind girl you see."

    Heh... I think we should tell her a riddle.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)03:00 No.16503376
    Let's save Catalina and since she said she made it...
    "We often come across a lot of arcana during our battles for Degnar. Turns out there are a lot of interesting arcana made in the past."
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)03:00 No.16503383
    DURR, add on:
    "Cat made the outer part of it."
    >> Brick 10/03/11(Mon)03:07 No.16503423
    we could play it off as a creature she found and trained.
    >> Maximus 10/03/11(Mon)03:09 No.16503434
    Catalina already said she made it.
    >> Brick 10/03/11(Mon)03:12 No.16503446
    Well then I guess we should say she is a breeder.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)03:13 No.16503451
    Eh, you could easily play it off as "When she said she made it she meant she raised it."

    And well, she did "raise" it.
    >> Maximus 10/03/11(Mon)03:14 No.16503458
    Fair point. It's not like we're fooling an excolo agent here. And we better give Catalina a talk on not talking about elementalism related stuff to people.
    >> Brick 10/03/11(Mon)03:26 No.16503535
    Sounds fine to me.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/03/11(Mon)03:27 No.16503545
    You pause for a moment before smoothly responding "It is a rather strange bit of arcana Catalina found, or, part of the poor creature is. You see, it was one of the stranger rarer creatures of the Halrian Valley, but the arcana nearly killed it. Catalina, being the generous soul she is, took the poor thing in and raised it."

    The Necromancer in question catches on, and adds in "I, I still feel guilty about it, so I normally just say that I made the poor dear. He's really quite sweet, if you dont mind waking him."

    Corda nods, and extends her hand, and just as Catalina promised, teh little horror scurries up Rufus' wife arm. As the latter stifles a grin and a laugh, Dorda asks "Commander, is it true that you have accepted Uurlanthi into your ranks? Is it true that they brought treasures and arcana and all of them had to spend a night in your bed as well, just for you to consider them?"

    Rufus sighs "She has heard some of the rumors spawned by your leniancy with prisoners, and willingness to take them. Add to that your wealth of arcana, and gold..." She is a gossip, possibly useful, quite annoying.
    >> GoldPanda 10/03/11(Mon)03:27 No.16503547
    "Catalina, please do not bring your pet to social functions mmmkay? Elementalism is still on a need to know basis."
    >> GoldPanda 10/03/11(Mon)03:30 No.16503561
    "I don't think I'm supposed to talk about that."

    "... And some of them were men, so, no."
    >> Maximus 10/03/11(Mon)03:31 No.16503564
    "I've used some Uurlanth prisoners during my campaigns for manpower and been lenient as well as taken their nobles captive. I suppose the prisoners have assumed I took them in since I separated them from the rest of the soldiers. It's hard not to get rich when you invade a nobles home and take their things."

    Remember people - Janos is dead and we're not going to let anyone know Catalina is Uurlanth.
    >> Generic 10/03/11(Mon)03:33 No.16503591
    "I'm afraid I'd have to take your life if I told you the truth, my dear."
    Smile and perhaps give Rufus a nod or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)03:34 No.16503599
    "Oh, no no, not at all. I only share my bed based on personal merits. It is true, however that I do not particularly hate the Uurlanthi, just their leadership. I mean, what sort of leader directs a man to steal his neighbor's land whenever there's a food shortage?"
    >> Brick 10/03/11(Mon)03:34 No.16503604
    Add the fact that most of the soldiers we capture are forced conscripts to this.
    >> Loec 10/03/11(Mon)03:35 No.16503608
    No. She's a gossip, and not smart enough to realise that's a joke. Bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)03:37 No.16503624
    "I am afraid that those rumors are just that: rumors. While my beautiful wives might well be more numerous than average and inspire all manner of tales, I love them with all my heart and am very much a loyal husband to them. I can't imagine needing more nor, well, surviving if I tried it.

    And I'm afraid that my large amounts of gold come not from Uurlanthi bribes but rather from looting Uurlanthi towns or ransoming them back. I take many a prisoner and their houses pay rich sums for their ransom. I'm sorry it's so boring, but that's how it is.

    Also, I have a question for you... do you have any idea what stands on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, three legs in the evening, and no legs at night?"
    >> GoldPanda 10/03/11(Mon)03:37 No.16503625
    Seconding these. She *is* a gossip, so talk up the fact that we're lenient to prisoners, and don't talk about the other subjects. Hopefully she'll just forget that she asked.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)03:38 No.16503632
    "You shouldn't believe everything you hear."
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)03:45 No.16503677
    Voting this way, too.
    >> 風林火山 10/03/11(Mon)03:54 No.16503732

    Need to incorporate parts of this. Ahahaha.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/03/11(Mon)04:04 No.16503780
    You chuckle "Those rumors are easily answered too. My leniancy with prisoners is because they are either simple soldiers, and do not deserve my ire; or of noble birth, and will fetch a better ransom if well fed once they are sold back." you pause to breathe "As to taking in strays, that is as foolish as to say a man with five beautiful wives would take strangers into his bed."

    Corda pouts "And the gold and arcana?"

    You smile "It did come from my prisoners... though, they were not freely given too me. When you invade a mans city, and ransack his home, gold and riches are not hard to take. I may be generous, but I am not stupid."

    Rufus chuckles "I believe that Corda and I have spent enough of your time" he excuses himself, rising with his wife as he does so. As he helps his lady up, he turns to Catalina "And yes, I would be happy to tutor your class until one of their number is wise enough to tech the others once you deploy."

    Lena sits as the pair leaves "At least she is nice." Lena half-spits, disapprovingly, clearly thinking Rufus deserves better.

    "She teaches? but she is younger than me!" you all hear Corda ask, shocked.

    "Actually, she is of age with Justinain." Rufus patiently replies. The man is braver than you, you muse to yourself. You can all hear the daft womans confused look piercing your friends skull. "Arcana." he adds, as they move further away.

    "RuuUUUUuufus!" she pleads, though the rest of her sentence is lost to the buzz of conversation.

    >so, where to now?
    >> Maximus 10/03/11(Mon)04:07 No.16503806
    I say either the group with the heir or the praetor. If I have to pick, I say the heir since we don't get to see him often.
    >> 風林火山 10/03/11(Mon)04:10 No.16503820

    Better go see our brother. Family is important after all.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)04:10 No.16503823
    That poor poor guy.

    Yes! Let's introduce our womenz to our brother.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)04:11 No.16503830
    Go talk with the Heir, we hardly get to see him. Might as well be friendly, he does us a great honor and seems like a cool guy.
    >> Brick 10/03/11(Mon)04:12 No.16503839
    I agree, we should talk to the heir if he is still here. If not then we should go see our brother.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)04:14 No.16503844
    Man, you gotta feel for Rufus.
    >> GoldPanda 10/03/11(Mon)04:14 No.16503847
    That poor man. Now she'll want an arcana that makes her look younger.

    Seconding talking to the Heir.

    "Dominu! Wearing a dress has gotten me in touch with my caring, emotional side. Would you like to hear my idea on a field medicae unit type?"
    >> Loec 10/03/11(Mon)04:20 No.16503871
    Ok, that's hilarious. DO EIT!
    >> Laurentius 10/03/11(Mon)04:26 No.16503913
    >> Starshadow 10/03/11(Mon)04:28 No.16503924
    Poor Rufus and his boat anchor. Political marriages suck sometimes -_-
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)04:29 No.16503931
    While hilarious, the mere fact that we're not even willing to literally take /our own wedding/ off to relax and stop working for the Empire is probably going to impress him and everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)04:30 No.16503936
    At least she's hot. He could have gotten stuck with an UGLY stupid girl. And she seems like she loves him. Really he needs to learn to appreciate what he has.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 10/03/11(Mon)04:33 No.16503950
    Sounds good to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)04:47 No.16504042
    We should talk to our brother soon too. We've only spoken to him once or twice during the quest right?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/03/11(Mon)04:53 No.16504075
    Chuckling, you motion to your ladies "Come,. lets talk with the heir. I have some ideas for him."

    Sansa chuckles "Maybe we should help loosen his lips up, see what this announcement the Emperor will be making before we deploy."

    Jayne shakes her head "And have an unfair advantage against the other noble gossips? Sansa my dear, certainly you jest."

    Laelith forces a dry laugh "I would hope so, if that Corda is any indication, they need every bit of help they can be given."

    Kyria, still grinning on your back adds "Not that they cant be fun, I should like Rufus and his wife to visit us more, once the war is over."

    Vi shakes her head "We do not think that would be a good idea. WE can barely resest the urge to improve her mind to that of a normal humans as it is."

    YOu tilt you head "Wo, something is, wrong with her?"

    Vi shakes her head, sadly "No, her mind is just terribly underused, and when it is, it is misused. We would say like Laeliths mind, too full of sex, but that is not the case."

    "I can burn you, plant woman." Laelith playfully threatens.

    Vi, having already picked up some of hte more, lecherous traits of your elf and dwarf wives, wriggles about in her too-small dress as she walks, before replying "We like it when you burn us up. Such a hot tongue." At that, any possibility of seriousness momentarily evaporates into laughter. Grinning maniacally, strutting about in your wives dress, you continue on your short sojourn to speak with the heir to the empire.

    >blargh, pax tired. calling it here.
    >someone archive please
    >I'll be back tuesday at 9pm server time
    >if you have any setting/CQ questions just email me at [email protected]
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)07:18 No.16504810
    Thread has been archived. Don't forget to vote!

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