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  • File : 1319158948.png-(478 KB, 553x943, CommanderQuestPostOne.png)
    478 KB Commander Quest CXXXXI Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/20/11(Thu)21:02 No.16689771  
    >Last Time: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/16648314/
    >Join the IRC on Sup/tg/ at #CommanderQuest
    >We have a (small) wiki! http://thugaim.pbworks.com/w/page/22231052/FrontPage

    As the city guards begin to die to the professional, calloused blades, arrows and spears of the Dock Guard, you turn back to the city within the city of Flumenos. Truly this is the golden heart of the rotten wretched body. Not only are their children learning, and training; but as you fight the urge to retch at the thought of the Degnarians slaying each other so pettily durning a time of war behind you, you notice shops, forges, and every other trapping of a healthy small city. All set before the rousing backdrop of the DragonBone fleet. Though it is merely a quarter of its original glory, the fact that these ships are still viable, powerful force five thousand years speaks volumes of the dwarven shipwrights that constructed them all those millenia ago. Truly feats of perfection.

    As you set off into the miniature city, unsure of whether you will wait with your maniple, or speak with the captain of the flagship, you feel a voice in the back of your head. Fiery and full of lust, the voice is, unmistakeably Lamynus //Tonight, in this city you will find my new high priestess, and convert her through your meeting. By this act, after the battle that rages outside the walls of the dock, will our pact begin to be fulfilled.// Freezing, and fighting the urge to dunk your now seemingly overheated head in a bucket of cold water... or the sea, you again ponder what your plans are for your time in the city.
    >> Taffer 10/20/11(Thu)21:07 No.16689822
    Well, I was thinking since we are already in Flumenos, can we see the results of that land survey for the temples of Lamynus we ordered.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 10/20/11(Thu)21:10 No.16689854
    Let's see if any are within the docks, or the rest of the city.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)21:14 No.16689898
    Daeseu said that Borus Reshkai and Timius McClanson are still in the city. We shouldn't forget about them.

    A bit much of Lamynus to ask as well. I don't think we agreed to find her a priestess along with her temples.
    >> Maximus 10/20/11(Thu)21:17 No.16689931
    Agreed. We agreed to do it for sure so let's make sure this gets done. Although getting her a high priestess wasn't apart of the deal, it still might be worth doing anyways. The more high priests/priestesses that are from Degnar, the better I figure.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/20/11(Thu)21:31 No.16690057
    Shrugging the sensation off, you set off into the miniature city, and, before long, find Sansa. "Hello love, are the men settled well?"

    Sansa heaves a sigh, and drops into your arms "And they fought your orders every step of the way. But they are settled into our temporary barracks and will not leave this part of the city... not that there arent enough whores and taverns in this section alone."

    You smile, and kiss the weary woman on the forehead, before replying "I'm glad to hear that love. Did you have the list of locations that Janos and Daeseu pulled together for me?"

    Sansa nods, sliding from your chest to your side, and leading you towards your temporary office, where the most basic of supplies for such a room is already set out. "In the chest in the back of the room. Youre headed into the city tonight?" you do not answer her as you read the list. Of course there are no locations in the sction of the city run by a dwarf, they hate the gods, you bemoan to yourself. However, there are more than a few spots along the Merchants Viaduct, which is known to be a comparatively safer part of the city, and several of them are within a few blocks of the Docks.
    >> Maximus 10/20/11(Thu)21:38 No.16690119
    "Indeed. I thought it might be prudent to look into some of the locations we're going to purchase for one of the gods."
    >> Brick 10/20/11(Thu)21:42 No.16690155
    The closest locations should be fine to check out. Remember to bring Aurelius with us though, as well as a few loyal bodyguards.
    >> Taffer 10/20/11(Thu)21:42 No.16690160
    We might want to take Aurelius and Gaius with us for protection and a guide.
    >> Maximus 10/20/11(Thu)21:46 No.16690197
    Obviously we'll bring Aurelius and I would have also suggested Dasesu if we knew where he was but I suppose Gaius could do as well. Although I imagine Sansa will want to come along. Now that I think about it, we still do owe her that night out don't we?
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)21:49 No.16690218
    Well, if we're supposed to find a high priestess of a hedonistic god a night out debauching with one of our newlywed wives might well be the ticket....
    >> Brick 10/20/11(Thu)21:54 No.16690257
    But do we really want a night out in Flumenos? We do have enemies here, not to mention that tmost of this city is a trash heap. I would think the duchy would be much better idea. Sansa does like drinking dorfs under the table after all.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)21:56 No.16690268
    >Take our wife out for a drink, in Detroit.
    >> Maximus 10/20/11(Thu)21:58 No.16690288
    I didn't actually mean we'd take her. I just meant I figured she'd ask to be brought along. I sure as hell would be against taking her out to drink here.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/20/11(Thu)22:08 No.16690347
    You nod "Yes, I do have a bargain with a goddess to keep. Would you like to accomplany us?"

    "Us?" Sansa asks, looking confused and cautious.

    You smirk "Aurelius was from this city he advised that I not venture out without a local guide, and some trusted friends."

    Sansa ponders for a while, before listening to something outside and replying "The battle sounds to be at least an hour yet. I think I will rest some, then join you. I feel the urge to stab someone after what I just went through."

    Chuckling, you head from your office and back out into the docks, wondering what to do between now and the end of the battle.
    >> Maximus 10/20/11(Thu)22:13 No.16690403
    Damn. We didn't grab more elementalists to add to our unit did we? Guess we're going to be tight on them again this campaign if we spread em out amongst the maniples again.

    Let's go talk to Degrian. I want to see if he's done the adjustments to the repeaters that he was talking about. Might be needed for when we sail.
    >> Brick 10/20/11(Thu)22:17 No.16690431
    Just a few ideas
    -Elementalism practice
    -Check how Kyria is progressing on her runes and fire steel rain
    -Check how Degrain is doing with his inventions and constructing the siege engines and repeaters. We could ask him to make repeaters for some of our fellow commanders or the house Morlan cavalry. See if the siege engines could be made to fire large fire steel rain darts.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/20/11(Thu)22:29 No.16690541
    After wandering for a bit, you find Degrian talking with a mountain of a man who can only be the Admiral of the DragonBone Fleet, and rather animatedly at that "Yes, light, powerful, fast firing. Excellent to add to ships, good for tearing up enemy ships."

    The big, salt-haired man nods, stroking his full beard with the stump of his left hand "Yes, and add to them those... runes, that your employers wife can cook up..."

    Degrain makes the noise you have come to recognize as his laugh "Comes standard on all things I make now. Can my engineers start?"

    The man continues to think, as he salutes you "Commander Trentz, I have heard much about you. And must say that it is a pleasure to meet you."
    >> Maximus 10/20/11(Thu)22:31 No.16690552
    "An honour Admiral. It'll be an experience to travel on such famous ships of the DragonBone fleet. I assume Degrian here has approached you about some additions to the firepower of your ship? Does that mean your adjustments are completed Degrian?"
    >> Brick 10/20/11(Thu)22:35 No.16690587
    "It's an honor to meet you admiral. I see my chief engineer has already hooked you on some of his famous siege engines. They are quite effective I must admit"
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/20/11(Thu)22:50 No.16690743
    You return the old sailors crisp salute "THe pleasure is mine Admiral..."

    "Nero Tenum, Commander, I suppose the naval battles never do earn the same prestige as land battles." the man replies, offering you has good hand, which you accept.

    You chuckle "To be the Admiral of the DragonBone Fleet... I am certain you have more than a few impressive tales."

    The man nods "You will be on the Wrath, so I can tell you some if you wish. More impressive though is your engineer, I think though."

    You smirk "I take it you are planning on having his engineers outfit your ship?"

    The man nods "I was wary over the runes, and tubes run through my ship that would be needed, but, I feel I would be a fool to not have the things outfitted to my ship. If we have time, I will likely have him outfit my other large ships before we set sail." the man pauses to breath, beforfe asking "I do hopw I am not stealing him from you. If you needed to speak with the little fellow, by all means..."
    >> Generic 10/20/11(Thu)22:53 No.16690770
    It might be a good idea to set up a little shrine or something to that kindly sea god that we haven't really interacted with, if we can spare the time and a bit of personal funding. Surely the docks of a port city has at least one suitable location?
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)22:55 No.16690789
    No. Have you forgotten our policy of equality rather than subservience? Why would we set up a shrine or petition the oh-great-and-mighty-powers for good weather on the journey like this? It goes against EVERYTHING established so far and our entire MO for dealing with the gods.
    >> Generic 10/20/11(Thu)22:58 No.16690828

    I'm not saying bend the knee to the gods. I'm suggesting that we remember that there is a kindly god of the sea that we have had VERY little interaction with. If Trentz plans on becoming the 7th, we kind of need to have dialog with all ten gods.
    >> Maximus 10/20/11(Thu)22:58 No.16690832
    "I just wanted to see if his latest adjustments to some of our weapons was done or not. He mentioned that they'd be extremely useful for any potential naval battles. Although I suppose I should ask how long it'd take to construct the additional manogels for future reference."
    >> Brick 10/20/11(Thu)23:00 No.16690848
    Outfitting the ships with the weapons sounds fine to me if it only takes a week. I would assume that there will be plenty of time for Degrian and his engineers to work on the siege weapons and other things on our voyage to Suthpon.

    Of course we should talk to Degrian for a more accurate estimation of how long each of these tasks will take.

    We should talk to Danarius first. We could see if he wants any particular locations in Flumenos for his temples.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:04 No.16690893
    Yes. We need to have a dialog. That means we chat with the gods like a peer.

    We don't need to go around grovelling for favor and building shrines because "Well it might storm so I'm going to build a temple just in case." How many times have we shown contempt of people who rely on the gods for every little thing, eh? The Trentz-elf with Garagush's favor. Baashek's governor. The sea-queen bitchwife. Even all the way back to Khalless.

    Remember when we turned down a boon freely offered simply because we didn't want to become indebted or a godpawn, instead relying on our own skills? Remember that?
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:06 No.16690915
    >VERY little interaction
    Have we even talked to that guy?
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:08 No.16690932

    Which is pretty facepalm worthy, actually. People are advocating "zomg quick templezzzzzz because we now use gods for minor things like nice weather!" for no reason when we've never even spoken with the dude.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:11 No.16690955

    Our most important objective is to be the 7th praetorian and you don't want us to talk to the gods at all?
    Our policy was never about never asking or talking to the gods, Its about having good and balance relations with all the gods in general. And of course I am not talking about being subservient to them. We have never talk to this one and now is a good time do so.
    >> Maximus 10/20/11(Thu)23:14 No.16690986
    Pretty sure we talked to him once. But it wasn't anything major. We've talked to each god at least once.
    >> Generic 10/20/11(Thu)23:15 No.16691000
    I do remember those instances. I still fail to see how establishing a shrine to a friendly sea god at a port city's dock IS SUBSERVIENCE. If anything, it seems like one hell of a reason to start conversing with the god and a way to slowly allow sailors to begin empowering a god that might save them from his evil sea-bitch counterpart.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:16 No.16691008
    Wut? No.

    I'm saying we don't just suddenly construct a shrine to kiss the ass of a storm god for good weather... completely deviating from our actions until now for literally no reason at all that I can fathom. Waste of money, time, effort, especially since we've never even spoken to the guy! He could be a total bro for all we know.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:20 No.16691061
    >have never even talked to the god in question
    >establish shrine to him
    >a place of worship
    >not doing it out of mutual respect, a mutually beneficial arrangement, a gesture of friendship, or agreeing with the things the god stands for
    >instead do so for the explicit reason of currying his favor and not smiting you/protecting you
    >"How is this subservient?"

    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:22 No.16691097
    Oh yeah I concur that building shrine out of no where is out of character but I still think that talking to the guy is a good idea see where we stand with him and see if we can improve it to the benefit of both sides.
    >> Generic 10/20/11(Thu)23:23 No.16691102
    Then don't ask for anything. Scratch the god's back in the hopes that he'll scratch ours on even terms later. Unless we're going to demand that a god first scratch our back because anything else would be subservience.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:23 No.16691108
    I'll just throw in my two cents and say in the hypothetical event that we build a shrine for water-bro we should also build one for sea-bitch.
    Not saying we should build one in the first place but if we do then It's in our interest to get on the good side of Every God not just the ones who are nice.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:25 No.16691133
    Why are we even talking about building a shrine at all?

    What is this insanity?

    What prompted this? Why are we even considering it?
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/20/11(Thu)23:29 No.16691176
    You shake your head "No, I simply wished to see how far along he was in the process of modifying your vessels, and ask him about his projects for our sieges."

    The old sailor raises an eyebrow "Oh? So confident that your engineer had had success?"

    You nod your head "I have every confidence in my subordinates, that is why I do not seek to replace them."

    The captain chuckles "A pragmatist, I see. I may well grow to be your friend, Commander. Though I wonder what would have happened had I proven to be among those that the Emperor not-so-gently chastised at his speech a few weeks past? And refused out of spite and stubborness, not an unsolid plan?"

    You sigh "I would have been annoyed, and you out a valuable asset. Our voyage would seem long an dunpleasant, but that is all."

    The man nods again, digging around in his doublet until he produces a pipe "A puff, commander? Its tobacco from the east. Very hard to get now that the Guilds are at war with us." he offers you the large, white pipe after preparing what was no doubt once a shard of one of his fleets ships.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:32 No.16691213
    Why is it everytime we have a discussion about the gods theres also paranoia and bravado? Is everyone on /tg/ a Dwarf?
    >> Taffer 10/20/11(Thu)23:33 No.16691223
    Take a smoke and recipocate the gesture by giving him a gulp for our special drink.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:34 No.16691236
    >/tg/ a dwarf
    Do you really need to ask?
    >> Maximus 10/20/11(Thu)23:34 No.16691237
    >> Brick 10/20/11(Thu)23:36 No.16691253
    A smoke for a drink sounds like a good idea to me

    Considering the gods can read our mind I suppose a bit of paranoia isn't unreasonable. And yes, /tg/ is as stubborn as the best dwarf.
    >> Maximus 10/20/11(Thu)23:42 No.16691317
    It was pointed out in the IRC and I suppose it's worth checking - does the admiral have any arcane talent?
    >> Brick 10/20/11(Thu)23:44 No.16691331
    We should have the the dock guards checked as well. They need all the help they can get in defending the docks from the scum of this city.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/20/11(Thu)23:54 No.16691404
    You pull your flask from your boot and offer it to him as you accept the proffered pipe. You cough a bit, as the only times you had ever really had tobacco is when your mentor took you to political dealings, but you dont miss the quality of what he offered either. After you have a few puffs from the pipe, and the Admiral a swig or two from your flask, you both politely wipe that which was offered to you and return it "A man of excellent taste. You must join me in my cabin with your wives during our voyage east."

    You nod, knowing without even talking to Jayne that you would be a fool to turn this down "As are you, Admiral. And yes, I believe that my wives and I would much enjoy that." You glance about and see the business of the mans fleet "However, it seems that I am intruding on your busy schedule, especially now that my engineer has scampered off to work on your ships."

    The old sailor salutes again before replying "Indeed, we have more time to share the fineries we have collected and trade tales once we are at sea. Until then, Cammander."

    You nod, and head off to find Degrian, who is busily ordering his engineers about. After a brief conversation, you find yourself pleased to know that Degrian will have your siege engines ready with all of his most recent improvements, by the halfway mark of the voyage, if the admiral is making excellent time. You spend nearly an hour wandering the docks after that, until Finian, Collin, and Gaius step in front of you, followed briefly by a rather apologetic looking Laelith "We heard that'ye plan on headin in'ta the city tonight. All of us intend tae accompany you, commander." the dwarven swordmaster announces as you stop before the group.
    >> Brick 10/20/11(Thu)23:57 No.16691438
    It has been suggested in IRC that we have our doctors and life elementalists assist in healing the injured dock guards after the battle is over.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)23:59 No.16691461
    Accept, make sure they know it will be business and they should be equipped suitably well.

    Then I suggest taking Laelith aside and informing her of the uh... situation with her former patron. She deserves to know for one, you don't spring something like this out of the blue on someone you care about. And more pragmatically: I don't want her temper or razor tongue getting the better of her due to shock if/when it happens.

    Also we need to inform the medics and life elementalists that if any wish to volunteer to help the wounded guards then they are free to do so. We also need a small volunteer group of soldiers to guard them while they are doing their duties, of course, to make sure they are safe.
    >> Maximus 10/21/11(Fri)00:00 No.16691469
    Second. Might be worth adding getting someone to scan them for arcane talent as well.
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)00:01 No.16691475
    Sounds like a good plan to me.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)00:19 No.16691606
    You nod "It is for business, and I fully expect to be attacked at least once, so be prepared. We will all meet at the gate once the battle has ended. Laelith, if you would come with me, love." you reply graciously.

    The men look stunned that you allowed them to come along so easily, but salute and head off towards the barracks to gather heir things. "Yes, Justinian?" she asks, calmly.

    You chuckle "I am not angry, love, I would have asked most of them to accompany us anyways. I have another matter that I must discuss with you in private. Part of our goal for tonight will be to hopefully, fulfill my obligation to Lamynus."

    The elf bristles "Doing what, exactly?"

    You reach out to run your arm along her shoulder "Find someone that Lamynus has marked to be her new high priestess, convert her, and decide on a location for the temple I owe the goddess."

    Laeltih frowns, deeply. YOu know the look she is supressing, you know it well. A look you only ever received when she was your prisoner, and she clearly wishes to never turn against you again "Do we have any other business in the city tonight? If not... I, I think that Lena may be a better choice than I."
    >> Laurentius 10/21/11(Fri)00:22 No.16691632
    "if you think that is best, I understand why you would be loathe to help Lamyus in any endeavor"
    >> Maximus 10/21/11(Fri)00:24 No.16691660
    "Honestly, I expect that crime lord or noble to make some kind of move against me tonight and then perhaps I can settle things but that's just a gamble on my part. I understand you're not happy and I won't force you to come but I have to deal with her if I aim to become the 7th Praetorian. And by doing this, it should stop her from venting the anger she has at us for taking you away from her."
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)00:25 No.16691666
         File1319171126.png-(246 KB, 490x700, 1318713493108.png)
    246 KB
    IRC related
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)00:27 No.16691686
    These both sound good to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)00:36 No.16691763
    "I understand and I won't ask you to come if you don't want to. I love you dearly, but in my duties as the 7th I will need to deal with all the gods... even the ones I don't particularly like. I'm no Khalless, and goddess or not I won't force anything on the woman in this matter. And I want you to know if you have any objections or concerns... I will always listen to you, no matter what."

    Then I suggest hugs and kisses. This is obviously a sensitive matter to her and we need to make sure she's okay with everything and doesn't get depressed or anything over things well and truly in the past.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)00:37 No.16691772
    You pull her in a bit close, aiming to calm her a bit more "I am hoping that the slumlord and former noble enemies, but that will be down to luck, I fear. If I hope to become the Praetor Divinus I will need to clear the air between that goddess and I, but I also fully understand why you would want no dealings with Lamynus either."

    Laelith nods, and, after a few deep breaths replies "I will have Lena meet you at the gate, love. I, I do not wish for my tongue to interfere with what you have to do tonight." she replies with a forced calmness.

    >So, skip ahead to when you head out then?
    >> Maximus 10/21/11(Fri)00:41 No.16691819
    I can't think of anything that would be short to do except maybe some training or hope Dasesu pops by. Maybe spend the time with Laelith and try to make her feel a little better during the time skip.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)00:42 No.16691830
    Meh, Hold her until she calms down and talk about lighter matters to cheer her up. How Aurelius had to prance around in naught but a loincloth earlier after Bella unexpectedly took his clothes to get washed or something. We aren't in a rush, we can take the time to make sure she's okay with everything. This particular goddess is a big deal for her.

    Then get to it.
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)00:46 No.16691865
    This sounds fine to me.

    As finding a priest for Lamnyus was not in the deal we made I would suggest we tell Laminyus that this job isn't free. Don't do it in a menacing way of course.
    >> Laurentius 10/21/11(Fri)00:46 No.16691872
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)00:53 No.16691938
    Don't think we should be so blunt, just next time we talk to her mention it before we asking her to back us for 7th. Let her know that while we won't always do things she likes we also will listen to her and not dismiss her out of hand... like some other people who could get the job might.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)01:12 No.16692122
    You smile "Lena will figure it out, Wulfs girl is a smart one. I think you need to calm down a bit, love."

    Laelith smiles dryly "Yes, our little sister has quite the mind on her. Reckless and naive, but smart. Not at all like the fool that will be leading your through the city tonight."

    You chuckle "A fool, yes, but skilled, and with Bellatrix, most of his stupidity is driven off."

    Laelith shakes her head as she leans back into you, as you drop onto a bench "Or he simply saves it for later, you need to be, be careful tonight. the Whore your doing work for tonight is as cunning as she is vindictive, and she is not the only one that may be after you still."

    You shake your head and pull the elf into a kiss, before you continue to talk back and forth with her about nothing in particular. By the time the sounds of slaughter cease, she is her usual calm self.


    It is just before dusk, but the city outside the Docks glows red, from fires, and from lanterns outside brothels. Aurelius is wearing a simple brown robe that hides the shortbow he brought with him. Collin is his usual self, kilt, white tunic, greatsword strapped to his back, Gaius is fully armored, though he only has his blade with him. Finian has his bow slung to his back, and, despite his unassuming tunic, is clearly armored as well. Lena has her Arcane designs hidden in flowing robes, though it is plain to you that it would take her very little effort to remove the excess cloth should it come to a fight. Personally, you have your melted, battered old kite shield, the blade Vi made for you, and the mail shirt Finian forged for you. Aurelius looks the group over "Good, just another gang of rabble and deserters. We wont stand out if we need to blend in, but wont look weak if we cant. Follow."
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)01:13 No.16692131
    You set out into the city, and are again bombarded by the stench of death, sex and illicit drugs. After you clear the battlefield, the city springs back to its usual life. Children fighting over scraps in the gutter, guards fucking whores in the alleys as men are murdered in the streets. For the streetwise and the strong, it is a palace of pleasure, to most, it is a beast that will consume quickly and kill slowly. Collin makes a move to break up a group of children fighting over a long rotted chunk of meat, but Aurelius stops him, shaking his head sadly. The man doesn't say it, but you all hear it. 'they're already dead, they just dont know it yet'.

    As you begin to reach your first destination, the streets begin to thin out again. Aurelius jogs ahead, before returning and informing you "A few slumlords had a fight here not long ago. This is the clearest and easiest the streets will ever be, and best for checking our target, but..."

    "The worst predators will be about as well." Gaius replies forebodingly, as the group looks to you for a decision.
    >> Maximus 10/21/11(Fri)01:19 No.16692173
    "We'll go. I should be able to sense anything approaching on the ground. I'll warn you all now, as well as looking at the locations Janos has picked out, I've been made aware that I'm going to run into someone with the potential to be a high priestess. Perhaps saving her from these worst predators will be apart of it."
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)01:25 No.16692215
    be on the look out for arcane and elementalist talent we may be able to fish out something good out of this place
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)01:27 No.16692242
    "Or... well, it could be that she will be one of those predators considering the one she'll be serving. Either way, be on your guard and let's do this as smoothly as possible. I don't want any fights, but backing down too easily will mark us out. Be wary."
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)01:34 No.16692293
    Sounds good to me
    >> Laurentius 10/21/11(Fri)01:36 No.16692305
    seconding both of these
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)01:43 No.16692359
    You sigh "We continue. One of our goals is-"

    You are cut off by the sound of feet hitting the grimy cobblestones "Justinian, you forgot to wake me love. Your, blade, is still about, waiting to shield or strike if needed" she whispers the second part in your ear, disguising it in a kiss. The woman is clad in leather cloths, her blades proudly displayed on her hips, black hair pulled up into a severe bun, she looks the spitting image of death incarnate.

    You clear your throat and calm your mind before continuing "The locations we are headed to are potential Temples to Lamynus. I need to establish one to uphold a bargain with that goddess, one that will prevent her from trying to kill me. We may also find the goddess' new high priest, so be on the lookout for anyone wandering about or that look the part of future religious leaders." At that, you nod to Aurelius who leads on.

    As you move closer to the building, you begin to feel an encouraging tingle in the back of your head, easily recognizable as Lamynus urging you ahead. As you approach the large abandoned building, it also becomes clear that there are a few people inside, and several more behind you. Confident that Daeseu will be guarding you, you pause as you enter the building "There is a pull on the arcane in this building. One I do not recognize" Lena announces "Be on your guard."
    >> Maximus 10/21/11(Fri)01:48 No.16692397
    "Let's hope that just means this will be an ideal location for a temple..."

    Can't really think of anything else to do but walk in and see what happens.
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)01:49 No.16692403
    Lets all go in and investigate. Tell everyone to be on their guard and watch for danger from all angles.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)01:50 No.16692412
    Well... not much to do but go in.

    Before going in I suggest we pinpoint the number of people and where they are inside and convey the information to our retinue. That way when we enter they will know exactly where all the potential foes are and will have the initiative if shit goes down.

    Also: While finding them I suggest dislodging large rocks underneath the floorboards underneath said people. If shit goes down we can yank those rocks up and create a whirling blender of stone death.

    Also groin shots as we pull them up initially. Incapacitation without death.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)02:00 No.16692489
    we may want to use our arcane detecting/identifying crystal before going in
    >> Maximus 10/21/11(Fri)02:02 No.16692504
    We need to point it at a person to use it unfortunately. Still worth using when we talk to people I suppose but we won't know who may have arcane abilities or not until we walk in.
    >> Generic 10/21/11(Fri)02:04 No.16692518

    seconding. groin shots are always funny on enemies!


    also seconding
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)02:05 No.16692526
    You nod before ordering "We continue, I count... five, perhaps six or seven sets of feet inside, I cannot tell more, as the structure itself is mostly wood. A dozen or so just ahead of the returning locals."

    Aurelius shakes his head "Not folk re-inhabiting, the scavengers."

    Gaius shakes his head "I will be glad to bid this city- fuck me!" he cuts himself off, and you immediately know why.

    Sitting in the center of a small table off to the side of the room is a diembodies head, its hair a greyish ice-blue, hair shocking white, and eyes yellow and catlike "Welcome to my mmmmmasters domain. He is glad that subjects so virile as yourselves brought yourselves to him." The head pauses, tilting off to its right as much as it can before continuing "He has much higher hopes for you than he does the woman he has in his sanctum right now."

    "Justinian, we should leave." Sansa interjects.

    The head chuckles "Aagharast has the doors sealed, and, unless you choose to free him, they will not open. If you wish freedom y-" again the head freezes, tilting to the left beofre looking back to you and saying "It would seem that I will go hungry another month if I continue. The sanctum is in the heart of the building, continue down me, and you will find it." before it melts into the table, and a swift ripple runs down the hallway.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)02:09 No.16692568
    I believe we should have a gigantic fucking rock smash a hole in the wall. Just, you know, in case we need a way out and also to see if we can. If we manage it it will be a demonstration to this guy not to fuck with us. If we don't then we will learn something else.

    I suggest we save Lena for later.
    >> Maximus 10/21/11(Fri)02:11 No.16692590
    "If what that... Head said, we have no choice but to go on. I don't think I have a choice but to go on anyways."

    I'll agree to trying to make a hole but we're going in regardless. They have a captive that we have to rescue. But it will be nice to have an escape route.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)02:12 No.16692598
    Well yeah we go in. I was just advocating a huge wallhole in case we have to get out of here QUICK we will at least have one way we know leads out.
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)02:13 No.16692607
    That will play our hand too early
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)02:14 No.16692616
    if we are going to deal with dead people we should change swords
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)02:15 No.16692631
    We have a lot of other cards and we need to test what exactly this magic is. Does it null our abilities? If it does we NEED to know that before we get into the Boss Battle Room. Can it block our stones? If so we NEED to know that too.

    And it also gives us some leverage if we can bust a hole in this dude's seal. He won't be so eager to fight us and I don't particularly want anyone here tangling with a user of the arcane if we can help it.
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)02:22 No.16692702
    None of the reasons you stated require us to smash a huge hole in the wall because we feel vaguely threatened.

    Testing our elementalism in a discrete way is a good idea . Breaking shit because we feel slightly threatened, on the other hand, is beyond stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)02:24 No.16692728
    "You are sealed in with magic and my master hopes you will be more entertaining than his current woman."

    Said by a talking head on a table.

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure that such a situation calls for ensuring you have an escape route more than 'lol ok'.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)02:30 No.16692761
    You frown, and grab ahold of a stone as you lead your small band ahead "Threaten me... taunt me... make an exit and show him how strong I am in one." you mumble to yourself as you pull as many large stone through the floorboards as you can.

    However, you freeze as the... hallway? roars in pain, and the head reappears "FUUUCK! that fucking hurt! do you always put holes in your messengers human? I'm just part of the damn brothel, been here since before its current inhabitant, and I've went so long without feeding that I'll be stuck here after he leaves. Do you want to save the bitch or not? because if you keep this up I just might crush you all." the head grumbles towards the end, before reabsorbing back into the hallway and streaking off again.

    "That was..." Sansa begins.

    "Beyond strange." Gaius finishes, drawing his blade.

    "I donnae like havin'a buildin talkin to me. And I like even less that its hungry." Collin interjects.

    Finian shrugs "However, we have already been locked in, and there is still a hostage to save, cowering will do us no good." he punctuates his point by drawing his crossbow, and loading a bolt, before continuing.

    Aurelius drops back to walk next to you and whispers into your ear "He just hopes its another whore that he can get to like him."
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)02:30 No.16692765
    So your solution is to create an escape route prematurely without intending to use it?
    >> Maximus 10/21/11(Fri)02:35 No.16692806
    "Well then. I suppose we should hurry along before the... Building gets impatient and does something else."

    If this building actually can just eat everyone inside, maybe we should just hurry along to his master.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 10/21/11(Fri)02:38 No.16692825
    So, can we bring the stones we ripped up with us?
    Have them float around us and use them as both shield and material for Stone Arrows; probably best not to antagonize the sapient building by creating more holes while we're still inside of it, just to get raw materials for our elemental attacks.
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)02:39 No.16692833
    Nowhere to go but forward I suppose.

    Everyone should stay alert and watch their backs.

    And yes, bring the stones with us.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)03:00 No.16692984
    Keeping the large stones with you, you press ahead "I'm... sorry, brothel?"

    "Fezorath, I would tell you my affliction, but by now I dont even know if I can feed, so Fezorath will do, if you must."

    You nod, slowly as Sansa quips "Thats my Justinian, can even befriend the damned buildings if he needs too."

    Lena chuckles as she observes "Its strange, its clearly some sort of arcane effect, but the mists aren't being pulled on at all around the building, just inside..." However, as no one else in the group is magically inclined, the comment is left to hang. After wandering towards the center of the structure for a brief while, Fezorath only appearing to deride you all and tell you that the path you are headed down is not the right one, the journey is silent.

    Eventually, you reach a large antechamber, the remnants of what was once a bar in one corner, a beautiful, nublie young woman, not much older than Lena, chained to a post in rags and tatters, terrified, and still stunning in appearance. Standing at the center of several hunched, haggared, twitching, otherwise motionless, dead-eyed men, is a tall, muscualarly build southern nomad. Bald headed and deep black skinned, the white tattoos that cover his body, or at least all that you can see of it, are purely decorational, as far as you can tell. The man grins widely as you and your companions enter "Yes, yes, excellent. The big one and the other soldier will host many, many servants. The dwarfs, well, I need to learn their physical limits better." he cackles to himself in a deep desert nomad accent.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)03:01 No.16692990
    "What is a nomad from the lawless deserts south of Uurlanth doing in Degnar?" Gaius asks, confused.

    "Exiled from his tribe, no doubt." SAasa replies, drawing her blades.

    "Ooh, feisty." the leader grins "Start with an entropy to hold the body together, then layer Insanity, Infidelity and Entropy... I will have a most wonderful toy and powerful servant of that body." he continues, as he pulls a strange wooden item from his loose, baggy robes, flourishing it slightly.

    "He is the caster, the rest are... I dont know, they are not normal, but I know of no spells to acquire such an effect from a man. And they have frightening amounts of arcane power being channeled through them." Lena observes, as she stretches out a bit, shaking her limbs loose.
    >> No Gods or Devils, Only Mortals 10/21/11(Fri)03:07 No.16693032
    So, are we going to bother to talk, or just send a stone flying at the nomad's head?
    And I fear that the dead-eyed men are going to be manipulated like puppets to fight us.
    >> Maximus 10/21/11(Fri)03:09 No.16693047
    Kill him. It's obvious he's up to no good and doesn't have nice plans in store for members of our retinue. I'd say try to take out that wooden items of his if we can or at least knock it away. Get Lena to do that with us while the others begin to engage the puppets.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)03:12 No.16693072
    rolled 52 = 52

    Send the stones flying particularly to the caster we can try to keep one alive for questioning if we can, we cant take risks in this place with a caster of unknown nature.
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)03:16 No.16693109
    Talk, then while talking attack. I doubt it will catch him entirely off guard but it can't hurt. He clearly means us no good and I don't particularly feel lenient tonight.

    Let's have Collin and Gaius handle the entranced men. Finian uses quarrels on the mage while both us and Lena open a can of mystical whoopass. We close if needed with our blade. Sansa and Aurelius are a reserve to go where needed depending on the fighting.
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)03:17 No.16693115
    The leader sounds like he needs some sense knocked into his head, with rocks.

    Optimally we should try to keep him alive, but unconcius, it at all possible. That way Autronius can read him at a later time and find out what his powers are.
    >> dice+1d100 Generic 10/21/11(Fri)03:20 No.16693140
    Combat Roll

    "If you get the chance, destroy or remove that object from his hand. It may be a focus of some sort."
    >> GoldPanda 10/21/11(Fri)03:22 No.16693146
    Well we're off to a great start.
    >> GoldPanda 10/21/11(Fri)03:23 No.16693153
    rolled 99 = 99

    Aurelius only has his bow.

    Combat roll.
    >> Generic 10/21/11(Fri)03:25 No.16693172
    rolled 72 = 72



    oh damn, panda.

    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)03:26 No.16693184
    rolled 80 = 80

    Rollin for botch
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)03:43 No.16693312
    You sigh, as you peel some stone arrows free form the boulders you took with you "Truly, you think to threaten a mans wife? No, I think I will pry information from you, painfully, then do you in slowly." At that, you fire off a small clutch of stone arrows at the man.

    He sighs, and lifts the wooden, focus? As he calmly announces "Defnoram of Entropy, Trilius of Violence." A deep red flash erupts from the focus, before it becomes what can only be described as a... healthy, light trailing it. For a brief moment it looks like a pair of arms, one musclebound, and plated, the other flabby and pink, but then it is gone. "Legions, strike."

    And at that, the creatures in mens bodies lurch into actions, their features no longer those of unassuming men. Two hold back, their bodies coating in sharp looking quills, faces recessing, eyes enlarging and beginning to weep blood. They both howl in pain as they begin to fire the quills from their arms. You quickly flash your arcane detection crystal at the man, and everything around the stone is cast in a strange, unnatural luminescence, seemingly putting off more light of their own than being bathed in any hue.

    Another pair of the beasts launch themselves forward, shedding their illusions to reveal multiple and reverse articulated legs and arms, freakish height, hairless bodies, and saurian eyes, with scales to match. As Sansa leaps forth to deal with one, Lena fires a blast at the other, only for the thing to suddenly coat itself in ice that flickers as a flame would, before turning to rush the young mage.
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)03:43 No.16693315
    The last three draw blades, as their illusions slip away, they become musclebound, and their skin deepens in hue, plates of bone cover their now fatless forms. One of them has no mouth, another six eyes and dagger-like teeth, and the third four arms, each pair wielding a greatblade. Collin takes the last of the three, and Gaius the mouthless freak, leaving you to struggle with the six eyed 'Legions' rapid onslaught. as Finian and Aurelius trade shots with the quilled Legions, the caster sighs "They are terribly uncreative, but now that I can re--create my basic creations with more powerful demons, you folk will make the first of my next generation of hosts. And I was so worried as to these creatures acquiring acceptable hosts for me."
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)03:49 No.16693346
    rolled 26 = 26

    Gentlemen, we've just met a demon summoner.

    he needs to EAT SOME COMBAT ROLL
    >> Generic 10/21/11(Fri)03:55 No.16693374
    rolled 31 = 31


    Elementalism Roll

    earth spike barrage to take out the one going for Lena

    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)04:04 No.16693414
    Your foes lays into you again, though you easily bat the blows aside, and, dropping int the stance of the Falcon, strike at the 'legion' several times, slashing through its skin on the third. The thing stunbles back howling in pain, before it turns to you, its gaunt face suddenly fate and pink "A most delicious poison. I look forwaaaaAAAAAAaAAaaAAAAa-"

    "Silence, slave. You will not use toxins, your sole job is to maintain the hosts body, any more will result in punishment." the demonologist chides, before leveling his focus at Lena "Taernal of Insanity." he announces, before a strange form, stretched out and wailing, though with features resembling a scaled horse with serpents of lightning for a tail, before it shifts impossible into a creature undescribeable, and painful to look upon all made of aether and light the whole time. You push a row of spikes up to block the projectile that would have blindsided the red-headed mage, and ignore the buildings wail of pain.

    As Lena blocks a solid block of lightning on a shield of pure light, then stops more lightning that sprays and flows as water, you turn to catch your direct foes attack on your blade, and to see Collin handily bury his blade in his four armed foe, as Gaius foes mouth, located on its stomach, pushes forward nearly a foot to latch on to the centurions armored leg.
    >> Generic 10/21/11(Fri)04:17 No.16693487
    rolled 63 = 63

    Elementalism Roll

    earth spikes after our demon and the one trying to eat Gaius
    >> Laurentius 10/21/11(Fri)04:22 No.16693512
    rolled 100 = 100

    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)04:24 No.16693518
    >wow, I'll let you guys burn some of hte unused botches from threads gone by for that one
    >> Anonymous 10/21/11(Fri)04:25 No.16693522
    rolled 4 = 4

    Holy hell the dice hate us today.
    >> Generic 10/21/11(Fri)04:27 No.16693526
    rolled 9 = 9


    you count for second botch!
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)04:28 No.16693538
    rolled 68 = 68

    rollin for botch
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)04:41 No.16693602
    You growl as the creature opposite you glances a blow off your mail shirt, and swiftly retaliate by slicing into its torso, only for maggots and puss to begin seeping from the wound. Revulsed you step back from the howling creature. Frustrated you attempt to drive an earthen spike through Gaius' foe, though the creature simply spins about to bite the spike in half, chew it, then spit the rubble at your captain, even as he slices the things arm open, looking momentarily relieved that it is simply glowing green blood that spews forth.

    You look over to Sansa to see her slowly taking slices from her foe, though a puff of smoke is released with each chunk of flesh she rends free, and with every breath she seems to be losing coordination, several slashes on her arms and legs evidencing that. nearer to you, Lena howls in fury, and a bolt of pure white energy goes through a gout of flowing, sloshing flame, and takes the arm off of her foe. It does not simply dissolve however, but explode into a horde of gibberous little creatures of indescribeable nature, most of which evaporate by the time they are a few feet from their 'parent'. The low din of battle is cut again by the demonologists voice "Ynarenesh of Pain." by the time you turn to track the projectile, which looks somewhat akin to the spirit of the brothel you are inside, is over three quarters of the way to Finian. As the dwarf fires his bolt, piercing the eye of one of the quilled Legions, he is struck by the bolt the enemy caster fired. Finian immediately falls to the ground, screaming in agony and writhing in pain. "Rendaeril of Entropy." The demonologist continues, and in the blink of an eye, Finians crossbow falls to rot and rust dust.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 10/21/11(Fri)04:45 No.16693626
    rolled 100 = 100

    >> Generic 10/21/11(Fri)04:46 No.16693635
    rolled 34 = 34


    Elementalism Roll

    Earth Walls between the caster and everyone else!

    I'm worried that the demons will go berzerk or become unbound if we take him out first...
    >> Taffer 10/21/11(Fri)04:47 No.16693639
    rolled 59 = 59

    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 10/21/11(Fri)04:47 No.16693641
    rolled 79 = 79

    What the actual FUCK? Fuck you, /tg/ dice!
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)04:50 No.16693647
         File1319187006.jpg-(34 KB, 192x279, panic why pti.jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)04:55 No.16693680
    "SHIT!!! FINIAN!!" you exclaim, quickly throwing up an earthen wall between the demonologist and the rest of the battle. In your distraction, you allow your foe to slip under your guard, bat your blade aside, and take a rather large, meaty chunk of flesh from your left thigh.

    As you fall to the ground, Finians wails of agony and wretched twitching still dominating the room. Moments later Lena shouts "Someone take my mark, I can ease Finains pain." At that she fires off another blast at the Legion across form her, only for it to collide with, and explode against flickering, seemingly burning... water.

    Across from you, Collin takes an arm off of his foe, which sprouts into a tentacle within moments, and past him Gaius breaks both of his foes jaws, one with a strong gauntleted punch, the other with a firm knee to the gut. The beast howls in pain and rage, as a dry chuckling echoes from behind the wall you just raised "YOu think earth can stop me? Gernach of Violence." Seconds later, a mighty clap of thunder roars through the room, and a deep crack appears in the wall you just created.
    >> Generic 10/21/11(Fri)04:59 No.16693697
    rolled 28 = 28


    Elementalism Roll

    take the wall we surrounded/blocked him with and shoot another wall from it, aimed to break his jaw.

    ... that should stop his spells.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 10/21/11(Fri)05:01 No.16693714
    rolled 97 = 97

    This dildo needs to die hard. Last combat roll I'll make tonight cause that was just dissappointing.
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 10/21/11(Fri)05:05 No.16693740
         File1319187900.jpg-(304 KB, 580x4118, FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUU.jpg)
    304 KB
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)05:07 No.16693754
         File1319188021.gif-(6 KB, 381x178, holy fuck you had better be sh(...).gif)
    6 KB
    >these rolls
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)05:07 No.16693758
    You roar as the legion above you plunges his blade into your right legs shin rendering you immobile on the ground. Ignoring that, you Shove out an additional wall from the one you just formed, and are rewarded with a satsifying *crack*, and a cessation of the steady cadence of demonic names followed by 'of Violence' that had been emitting from behind the wall. AS you barely deflect a blow aimed for your head, you look over to your right, to see Aurelius trying his damnedest to hold off the wounded beast Lena had abandoned her fight with to try to halt the agony wracking Finians body. Hoiwever, a blade specialist Aurelius is not. Past him, you see Sansa dig her blades into the eye sockets of her foe, it retaliates with a blow to the side of her head, sending her spilling to the ground, not dead, but not conscious... though her foe is clearly slain. As the beasts flesh begins to roil, a stray cry form your other side alerts you to Gaius, now beating his foe over its head with its now severed arm, neither combatants sword anywhere to be seen.
    >> Generic 10/21/11(Fri)05:10 No.16693769
    rolled 69 = 69


    Combat Roll

    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)05:13 No.16693788
    rolled 69 = 69

    rollin for elementalism
    >> Tactical Routine Omicron !oiqMeATbAg 10/21/11(Fri)05:15 No.16693801
    >> Brick 10/21/11(Fri)05:16 No.16693803
    target the one fighting Aurelius
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)05:23 No.16693843
    >two 69's? well, rules is rules, alot of shit is takin one in the ass.

    You growl as you deflect another of the beasts blows with your blade "I am not defeated yet, demon."

    The thing chuckles "Our enslaver has been subjugated, and you amuse us, mortal. Soon we will leave this pathetic form, and, as a reward for freeing us, and slaying those that would be our competition in your realm, will not slay you."

    "You have my thanks, but not my mercy." you reply, before thrusting your blade up at your foe, who dodges aside and readies to put his blade through your gut in one fluid motion. One fluid motion interrupted by your blade knifing into the demons ass. AS it doubles over onto your injured legs, you lash out with the stones you still have to work with, shattering several bones of the beast, though with a sickening, crackling series of pops you hear them shift back into place. Following that, you simply reconfigure the small boulders into a spike, and thrust it at Aurelius foe, which is in the process of liquidly shifting its body, flowing around your captains strike, What none of you anticipated was for it to solidify with its posterior facing the spike you had intended for its chest instead stabs through both left and right cheeks of the now wailing beast. As Collin neatly executes his foe, and the roiling chaos of Sansas fallen foe increases, you realize that so long as you do not do anything stupid, this battle will be over soon, and end in your favor.
    >> Generic 10/21/11(Fri)05:27 No.16693862
    rolled 66 = 66


    Combat Roll


    >> Generic 10/21/11(Fri)05:30 No.16693878
    rolled 61 = 61

    (in the interests of finishing this...)
    Elementalism Roll

    Spikes to help Aurelius
    >> Pax !uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/11(Fri)05:42 No.16693935
    >normally I woudl insist on another roller, but I'm absolutely dead and need some sleep before work, so I'll let this one slide.

    You feel drained, and trapped, two legs that refuse to work and a body to heavy for its size hampering motion will do that to a man, you suppose. As Gaius finishes beating his foe to death, Collin makes his way behind the wall, where, after a few shouts of surprise, and a brief tussle, Collin emerges, his sword freshly blooded and a new dagger on his belt, a face leering angrily out from the blade, snarling and snapping at everything its eyes set upon. You lean up just enough to bury your blade into the base of your foes neck, it is messy, slow and most certainly not pretty, but it fells your foe.

    Absently, you notice a weary looking Lena approaching you, and she announces "I can heal your legs, but unlike mere pain, I must constantly channel arcane power through you for the healing to hold." As Lena explains this, you scatter a storm of small stones at Aurelius foe, too tired to cause damage with elementalism, at least to one of htese beasts, but enough to distract the thing. As it falls to the ground, dead, Sansas foe explodes, much like the arm of Lenas foe, though these shards are the size of newborn babes, and wreak havoc across the room for nearly am minute before vanishing.

    Things now calm, a somewhat familiar form appears in the center of the room. "As I said before, I am Fezorath, once of Pain, though now I am merely a creature bound to a brothel. I suspect that you have questions, and, while my 7000 some years of being part of this place have cost me much of my memory, I have not faded yet. I will answer what I can, as repayment for your breaking the seals that held me restrained within my own body."

    >blargh, Pax tired
    >I'll be back sunday at 9pm server time
    >someone archive please
    >if you have any setting/CQ questions just email me at [email protected]

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