That Guy Thread?That Guy Thread!Missing in Action, but check the image for last night's.Difficulty: EXTREME.
>SciFi game, be destroying a star station>Disguised as soldiers, discover a trio of panicking actual soldiers>Calm them down, one of them points out that my character can't have blood on his uniform like that or he'd be dead.>Manage to talk him down from shooting us, threatening him with court-martialMy friend decides that now is the best time to shoot him, face-to-face, even though he isn't a threat>Guy dodges, friend decides to play it off as "going rogue", destroys any crediblity that he is a sanctioned guest.>Firefight ensues, my character is the first to be shot at, already lost a shitload of bloodWe managed to kill him, but he said that he was playing "a loose cannon", so it was alright. I mean, who in their right mind would want to risk their life working with somebody like that?The friend normally doesn't exactly play the most... coherent? characters, and does shit that can only be described as Lolrandum, but he tends to keep a bit of a lid on it, maybe only one thing a session.
Hello, I am forever GM. The 'that guy' from my group is new to the gaming group, and traditional games in general. Our 'that guy' is 'that guy' because he is both incredibly perverted and incredible stupid.Don't get me wrong perverted things can be funny, but this guy doesn't know when, and where to draw the line. For example: a relatively common habit this guy has is TWIDDLING HIS NIPPLES WHILE HE PLAYS. He does this quite often if he rps a female character.I give him some slack for being new, but he is still stupid. In DH he made a sniper, and then (after shooting one bullet, and having 59 more in his inventory) proceeded to wander around a battle field with active machine gun nests that are cutting down our line (this was one of a handful of instances where I wasn't forever gm.. it was a one session game). This is incredibly stupid because he literally could have turned the tide of the battle if he'd just kept firing. A greater example of his stupidity is him getting his character detained by the gov't in our current Mass Effect GURPS campaign. He had the common sense trait that literally gave me the obligation to tell him when he was being stupid, and he knew he had this trait. To make a long story short he was an amnesiac that became a less than legal merc. In his quest to discover his identity he drove to a military base (knowing full well by this time that he was HORRIBLE at any sort of social interaction) to ask them if they knew about his past. I out and out told him that I see no way this could go good for him, and many ways it could go horribly wrong. He out and out told them he knew he was a good sniper cause he'd killed a bunch of people for contracts (said contracts were from a mafia group which he told them). They proceeded to detain him for questioning, arrested him, and put him on trail.
Bump, who is next.
we need more stories of the great john cloud raven
who is that?
More of a that GM story, but..>second time RPing>start up VtM game with new guy in our group STing >playing an old snobby British Toreador, put all my points into Presence to mindfuck people>every time the ST gives us a situation where my Trance is helpful, the target is male, and ST roleplays the trance as the guy going full-flaming gay for my character>this happens at least twice every game sessionIt was funny about twice for me to have to RP my stuck up old man trying to pry some random NPC off his pants, everybody was tired of it by the time we finished the story(which was all a plot by his old mary sue character who was a Toreador that acted more like a Malkavian and had the combat skills of a Brujah). The guy was kind of fucked up himself. Was seriously in the closet the whole time we knew him, and ended up trashing our friend's house and stealing from it when he moved out.
That is why I am forever GM; all the people that I know of that are willing to GM in my area are variations of 'That GM'. I feel for ya man.
I know this mainly through my players, they've had:*a gm that panders to his GF*a gm that does not into game balance and nerfs your character without thinking it.. then nerfs the monsters buffs you (Never balancing things, and always in favor of what he likes) then adds shit flavored chocolate.* a co gm that doesn't bother to read the rules of the game and lets his players opt out on the final battle that the whole damn campaign was about.
Anyone there?
>>19778648Fuck, knew someone would image it... So I looked it up. And it also got archived. yourselves to my pain.Read the thread posts after I left. Believe there are a few more stories about Big Boy Blue...Would you like the Tale of the Plush Fox Fuck Force or the Tale of Attempted Ungulate Rape?
>>19779997>Tale of the Plush Fox Fuck ForceMy WHY is ready
>>19779997Let's do this.
>>19779997Tale of Attempted Ungulate Rape.
>>19779997tell the tale of the fox plushes
>>19779997Vulpes Vulpes. Noble creature, a fiery-haired sprite who flits about, feeding and showing its natural beauty. Great animals, but illegal to own without permit.And not legal to fuck anywhere in the continental United States. I set out to tell you a story of the time before my time with Big Boy Blue, learned from another one of my players. The Master of Perverts earned his nickname completely in jest, as he is to this day one of my favorite living beings on this planet. Completely clean-cut and full of that je ne sais quoi that faggots around the world call swag these days, MoP knew everyone due to his position as the purveyor of the academic hub of any SLAS; a beautiful tavern that became our lifesblood. The guy played a mean game. Any game. One of the smartest men I've known, just keeping kids and adults out of trouble by making sure you never jumped in that car drunk, or decided to head home with a disease-infested bicycle due to low self esteem.And the man had porn. Sweet Iesu the porn. He had colluded through a talent for writing in working for several magazines as an unseen author, and one of them happened to be one you have most likely spanked to. And they were generous with their goods. I will be telling his story, as he listed it, along with my own observations which came latter, after the PF^3 was broken up due to internal conflicts.May God have mercy on our souls.
>>19783007There is always that moment, in an artist’s life, when you find your calling. That time when Pollack found his drip technique, Homer found his Odyssey, Schicklgruber found he needed something more hardcore than delightful summer landscapes. And sometimes you just find that you possess a niche so deeply hidden in the recesses of the human mind that you should not practice it. Big Boy Blue found this niche as a young adult, but hid his light beneath a bushel until he heard about the Master of Perverts side gig.A clean-cut, not yet pile of human waste with legs, BBB had been in courses for one solid year. It is rumored he had friends then, upperclassmen who had sort of taken him under their wing, trying to get him to come out of his shell. They brought him to the old waterin g hold where they would smoke cigarettes and drink beers while he ate bar food, drank sodas, and stayed a good boy. At this point he wasn’t the walking pile of feces he would later become; per all I spoke to after my own interactions he was a good kid, fucked up about the loss of his “Elizabeth” but not speaking about the deep hurt. I wonder whether what steps from this person brought him to the person I knew, or if that fuck was hidden there in plain sight, only waiting for an alleged wrong to bring him forward.He kept a journal, with his beloved fox, on the front of it, and drew and wrote in it constantly in those days. He was soft-spoken, and his journal was his prized possession. MoP enjoyed his presence, seeing a kindred spirit yearning to get out, and attempted to chat to him and learn about his story as he had done over his years as a barkeep for the thousands who passed through. And then, one day in spring, he was given a view of the material within. . . It begins.
>>19783266A Moleskine notebook filled with furversion. He described the imagery as “some of the most horrific things he has seen”. You see, it told the tale of the Fox Fuck Force, a group of interstellar Charlie’s Angels like furry fox women who were under the control of a cruel and brutal middle-aged human who sent them on various quests throughout the cosmos. The first ‘episode’ filled half of one of these notebooks. The Force was sent to investigate a group of rhino men who had somehow gotten a rage-on for battle and HARDCORE DESTRUCTION. What entails HARDCORE DESTRUCTION? Rape. Lots of rape.Rape of humans. Rape of animals. Rape of furry people, and even a scene where a tentacle monster with a baby’s face that ran a Mojoverse-like world is forced to perform fellatio on the giant, veined members of this rhino army’s leaders. Oh, and they also murder their targets and rape their corpses.And the fine furred ladies of the Fox Fuck Force find themselves drawn into a conflict. The scary thing? “It was well-written… It was Frank Miller let loose on a world of Raping Raping Rhinos. I wanted to put it down… I couldn’t put it the down.”The tale continues…
>>19783481What came next was twenty-five pages of furvert lesbian gangbang erotica as the Rhino Men forced the FFF to perform for their amusement. Cunnilingus, anilingus, forced milking (the lactation theme presents itself!), strap-ons, watersports…And then there is this scene.“Imagine a picture of a giant throne room. Now two of the FFF lay on the ground as two Rhinos have another with chains tied around her legs. And she is forced to… They split her apart and make the others use her limbs to masturbate.”I wanted it all to stop. I really did.“And there were baby foxes. And they stuck them on their pricks…”This is when the Master took his drink, and walked away for a few minutes. I learned the story a few years back, long after the events of my personal Blue Hell… But I had to know more. And there was so much fucking more. It was then that BBB told him of the merchandise opportunities.
>>19783575It was then that the Master was intrigued. You know that feeling you get as you browse a website that shows jock Army Rhino Men with fetal foxes on their cocks dancing around the bodies of ravaged foxwomen?Well, he knows that now. There’s a reason why we drink friends… Some more than most.Blue had spent a chunk of change to have something created for him, but it wasn’t the kind of thing that could be seen in a public bar. So he asked MoP if he wanted to come and see it. This was not to be in the cards… MoP wasn’t one to go to dormitories as a rule (undergraduates who wanted to hook up could always come to his nice cozy house and make time) so he said no.“Well, I’ll just bring it to you!”He wanted to say no.He tried to say no.You know he didn’t say no.Sometimes silence does not imply consent. A lesson learned three days later…
>>19783707It is beautiful yet horrifying, you know that what is coming will be disgusting, but you can't turn away.
>>19783721Have you SEEN the rest of it?Fuck. This is the guy in a moment of innocence.
>>19783743I already read the last one. I ought to know better than to stay after knowing what he became, but I just can't stop myself from still looking.
You know, I WAS laughing at this thread. But then I realized that this guy actually exists. And that there are probably many more who have similar mindsets.Now I'm just fucking terrified.
>>19783707It was raining that day. Master was cataloguing the Big Pig Dig (his collection of pornography). A couple thousand VHS, DVDs, and magazines given to him through his work. When he finally left the SLAS’s idyllic setting I wonder how many people found their own personal freak niche? When I ran into it you could track down based on gender role, fetish, time period, actor/actress… There was a database catalogue.And still, the worst thing to come through the door came in a large cardboard box with a boy in a blue poncho and dark hair, who seemed to just be going over the edge.The Plush Fox Fuck Force collection consisted of four handmade fox stuffed animals. They were made from soft fur material, and dressed up in uniforms. Little sort of, I guess the term would be chibi(?) representations of the Force.“Adorable!” The Master’s current squeeze said, as she picked up one of them.“The words wouldn’t come out Anon to warn her”“What is in here? Some sort of voice thing? Like a Teddy Ruxpin?”It was when it was flipped over that the Master saw the slight bulge, and the Velcro snaps.As you have guessed, these were ‘fully functional’ Plush Fuck Foxes. He had figured out a way to secure the things in, and demonstrated (using a dildo, thanke sai) to show the full functionality of the device. As the Master and (current) Mistress looked on in shock horror a Tupperware presentation of plush fox masturbatory aids.“The fur is easy to clean, washer-safe, and able to accept pretty vigorous thrusting…”“Then you just pull it out and… Tada!”“If you want I can, you know, just leave one…”And it did not end there… Then came the postings…
Once more, curiosity draws us into the darkness we should dare not to tread.
>>19783876This deserves an upgrade. Not even the dead can escape now.
>>19783876I will never have a reaction pic that appropriately captures my feelings right now.I'll just leave you with>GHRELGNERV;ANVOANVWKEJNFV;WINVWOIVNARLNV;AVAE;NBGEOIBGNAERIOGATH;INGAEG8034G84I3OGNAK;GNA30F9MNG;LKAMPRTIOPKYPOYKMNKLBNMRIOVNWVOIR
>>19783876I...Is it mere madness, or plain evil?...It causes pain....I feel as if I must scream, but the words cannot come out. Can you imagine it, if you were that?
>>19783876I don't find this funny in the slightest... It's the most horrifying thing I've ever read... and yet I'm laughing... Why am I laughing!?
>someone on /vg/ trying to make a character>describes him as a 'Chaotic Lawful', full caps, obviously not coincidence>point out that C and L are on different ends of the spectrum>Get called a dick and boo'd for half the threadTHAT GUY, NOW AVAILABLE ON 4CHAN!
>>19784047>/vg/ Well there's your problem.
>>19784031You just failed your sanity check.I did too. I can't rid myself of a painful grin.
Buddy of mine was 16, and gaming at a college club with some 30 year old fucker as his dm.Dm sees his gf who is 15 and says "Wish I could bream me off a piece of that" and my friend says "Uh, thats my girlfriend."DM then proceeds to kill off my friend in that game, next game my friend sets a dead man trigger to avoid an ambush which miraculously never happens so now he's rigged to blow. DM chortles and suggests the other players tape down the trigger and cut off his hand. From then on the dm calls him stumpy and delights in making every roll he makes a glitch, so even when he fails in killing him he an at least say "Lol you slipped on your stump and fell over, plus you're gay."He called him stumpy for years....
>>19783876It began in earnest. In the geek community around the SLAS, at the coffee shops and the bookstore that sold RPG materials. You know the corkboards well; and sometimes you see that weird little posting that is so cryptic that it makes no sense in context.Looking for People to Test a new Product. Ages 18-65. Males Preferred. Provide Compensation for Time. Serious Inquiries Only.No one knew what they were, but the curiosity probably brought them out, and the postings appeared pretty far and wide. You may have seen one… The one I got to see a few years back had a hand-drawn fox on the photocopy, upper right, on lime green paper.If you participated… Congratulations! You found me out! Let me give you a description of the events.Blue had rented a small sort of shacky building with some of his filthy lucre for ‘testing purposes’. Into this glorified lean-to he placed multiple boxes, on some sort of adjustable pole. The Plush Fuck Foxes were secured into this torture apparatus and allowed to be ravaged to test for variables in length, stroke, etc. Master’s friend, who allegedly attended such an event, described walking in to two sweaty fat men, pants around their ankles, proceeding to do what one does when presented with compensation, a lack of dignity, and a masturbation can shoved inside of a teddy bear.Teddy bear, fuck fox… The technical terms fuck with me.Did they change out cans? Was there a reward? No fucking clue. The friend bolted upon walking into the Fox Fuckdoll Rape Shack. A faculty member is said to have come across the site in full swing, and led to the first of many ‘medical hiatus’ for our dear friend Big Boy Blue.But not before the discovery…
>>19784120>the discovery…
I don't care if any of this is real. The level of fucked up it would take for this to happen is just as much as it would take for you to make it up.Either way all of us are equally horrified and entranced by it.
>>19784120>But not before the discovery.
>>19783912Not All Furries Are Like This. FAIRLY OBVIOUSLY. But I totally agree with you. Big Boy Blue is...well, at LEAST two orders of magnitude beyond That Guy.>plush fox rape shackThree then.>well-writtenDid he write the comics himself?
Oh god, the tension.
Oh god what is this all
>>19784120You see, there are Plush Fuck Foxes… And then there is the Supreme Fuck Fox.This comes from someone who was involved in the first hiatus, as I had to hear about ALL OF THE CRAZY after starting the story. You see, there were prototypes. His room had one of those nets you see in nurseries filled with torn apart fox plush dolls, various other animal types, and then… The crowning achievement.At some point, one may find the Supreme Fuck Fox. I have no idea whether the thing was destroyed (godsihope it sits in a landfill) or is elsewhere.Blue had begun to collect fox pelts. And through months (years?) of sewing, careful work, and woodwork or plastics on a mannequin had created himself a full-sized replica of his Fox Fuck Force lover.The thing was essentially a furred Real Doll. Handcrafted. Immaculately kept, with its own sets of brushes and fixatives to keep the fur in place. Except for around the party places. Those were nappy, Matted down, and covering a series of masturbatory aids. A mouth hole, ass, and vagina were inserted, and thus was created a perfect PF^3 lovedoll.I wish I could make it funnier. Or less creepy. But this man cared for this doll. He had made it a uniform, other clothes. There were appropriate nipples for a fox… And all of that matted hair.Should I go on with another story?
>>19779997>>19783007>>19783266>>19783481>>19783575>>19783707>>19783876>>19784120pic says it all.
>>19784111>He called him stumpy for years....You mean your friend still played with this egomaniac? What's wrong with him?
>>19784463>fox furry realdoll
>>19778648Fucking glorious... That is the best thing I have ever seen on /tg/ to date.
>>19784463Is it another story about Big Boy Blue?Yes. It's like a traffic accident. I can't look away.
>>19784463What about that rape story? We're way too far in to stop now. This train of madness has no brakes.
>>19784463Yes. Continue.I will not forgice myself if I don't hear the full story.This is your life's purpose anon, to share this tale.
>>19784533Well, yes... I can tell of the attempted rape of an ungulate and the fat man landspeed record...
>>19784463Oh god, there's more? Please, go on.
>>19784548I'm so excited to hear about this. Too excited. It's like Christmas. But horribly, horrendously, irredeemably fucked.
>>19784463just continue, I shouldn't but i must. god...
>>19784548landspeed record, because fuck me that sounds hilarious
>>19784548>google "ungulate"..Okay, I have to hear this. Speak to us anon, tell us another tale of horror.
>>19784548>attempted rape of an ungulateThere can't really be people like this, right? Please tell me that BBB is fictional.
>>19784463>appropriate nipples for a foxwhat? What does that even mean?
>>19784651I pray that you keep your innocence, child.
Hey Folks, don't forget the secret behind half these stories.The ones telling them are "those guys" trying to recreate embarrassing social situations to put themselves in a good light instead of reality, where they are awkward as fuck, but the hate that is real in this thread is mostly in their own minds in real life .
>>19784679>run on sentence is running on
Not really THAT GUY, but...>helping my DM introduce a new group of players to DnD>one of them is looking through the PHB to pick his race>somehow ends up with my forgotten realms player's guide and wants to play a drow>the DM and I try to talk him out of it, but he insists>agree to let him>he's a ranger, but focuses on archery and not dual-wielding, thankfully>try to get him to read at least part of Homelands so he knows what Drow society is like and why his character left>he won't>won't listen when we explain that drow is fucking evil ass bitches and that surface dwellers hate him>won't keep a low cover so he doesn't attract attention>mfw I realise our party is gonna get TPK'd by city guards because of him
>>19784663Innocence? Hah, no.I mean, he's already mentioned that lactation is inappropriate for non-pregnant."appropriate nipples for a fox" probably atop breasts appropriate for a human- as animals don't have tits when not lactating etc.Do you mean in numbers? BEcause they have more than two.
>>19784699>replies to grammatical errors with meme
Dear god, it's even worse than I thought. And yet I can't turn away.
>>19784548Since you all seemed interested... This one occurs during the period of the Blue Hell, when I was forced into my 'friendship' with Big Boy Blue. DISCLAIMER: As I have stated I am an enormous fucking man… I mean, I am a fat fuck. Much bigger than Big Boy Blue, taller but fuck my lardosity. I work out now, lost quite a lot of weight, but I mean… I need some work toot sweet. And I definitely have my moments of awkward… But when compared to a incestuous necrophile who keeps a real fur fuckdoll? I’m a fucking well-adjusted geek. I do not attempt to show myself in any special light here… I know who I am (a fat fuck who is pretty damned smart and made it out of a shit situation to half-assedly make good), but I’m here to tell the tale of a Thorazine Crusader and his short but disturbing descent into madness.So, as I have stated our group was filled with drunks. We enjoyed a tipple, a drop, and a whole bottle when the times called for it. I believe I had just made my way into my one of my majors (required a bit of an examination, proof that as a newbie I was willing to commit and worth working with without taking any courses) and so this was a Handle night. 1.75 liters of Mr. John Daniels, ML, myself… and our Blue Shadow along for the ride. We began the night playing drinking games with a few friends. Innocent flirting occurs as Blue sits in a corner, drinking some of my cola for mixing, and generally bringing down the vibe by several steps. Standard college hijinx ensue, we are treated to a game of Truth or Dare, I (like the Sir I was with fiancées in my life) decline the ministrations of a girl I would later spend a year of relationship bliss with. We set off into the night… Which has sprouted thick fog during our times in the dorms.And so it begins…
My god. I didn't even know there were more stories about BBB until I kept going. I thought this was an isolated incident. I still must say, the level of epic is so great within this thread, I have the horrible wish to be an apparition, and be sent to these times and places only to be able to witness the actual events that transpired, as Anon is describing... I fear I would come back a changed man. But it would be glorious
I'm sorry, I don't believe that a man's fiancee, deeply in love with him and in a good relationship would leave him all at once because some clearly insane person called up and said her fiancee was fucking some other girl that night, especially when all sorts of other people can back up the story that he was not in fact doing that. No stable person would call off a marriage over some random person saying you were cheating. There would probably be a fight, an argument, and accusations, sure, but no way they would just end it. Assuming you'd been telling her about this crazy person, which no doubt you were (and if you say you didn't, I doubt that), she would have even more reason to question what he was saying about you. It just doesn't make any sense, and it doesn't add up.Sorry to be the party pooper but I just don't believe these stories about "BBB". They're way too over-the-top, and while some aspects seem like they could be true, there is far too much detail in them about EVERYTHING, right down to the chunks of rats in Perrier bottles or the horrific stuff that you're saying he did in his free time just based on the things and his room which is either guesswork or narrative flair, that it's just past the point of ridiculousness.Good stories, but fake. Really fake. Sorry, it's literally unbelievable.
so say someone were to want to find/purchase these plush foxeswhere would one go about looking for them
>>19784950Fuck your mouth. Fake or not these stories are amazing.
>>19784950>clearly insane>not good at manipulating people tooDoesn't matter if the story is true- it's damn entertaining. And I think it is true, because it's too damn complex and fucked up to be fake. If it weren't real, he'd step back and go "no, too much, here I stop".Again, doesn't matter. Entertaining (and horrifying) either way. Tell me a story. I don't care if it's true.
>>19784950People can be very irriational, especially where jealousy is concerned. It wouldn't shock me at all if she was willing to believe that he was sleeping with another woman, especially since she heard it from the guy that hangs around them often. There may have been other relationship problems too.Remember, men have killed their wives over flimsier evidence.
>>19784950This is basically also my opinion to the whole thing. But damn if they aren't well written that I still feel sympathetic whether or not it's true.
>>19784899During my days at the SLAS fogs were common, and brought out the Fog Runners. The fog, due to the unique geography and campus green space, led to a great game of tag between the Runners and those who happened to be wandering the fog. Some played in the nude, some played in costumes… As a time of pretty lax enforcement of recreational drug use and alcohol control it made for a complete fucking mad house during Fog Nights.Blue HATED the Fog. Fog was his enemy as there was a certain sick pleasure in tagging those who didn’t play… And BlueBoy was a favorite target. I mean, the guy was known for his weirdness across the small campus, though not a lot of people knew the extent beyond the Administration, myself, and those who were my friends having to see this shit.So it was with a gladdened heart (and a slim hope that he would part with us as we came near his ‘special dormitory’) we marched into the fog, and hear the first whoops and calls of the Runners. We make it through the drunken haze to our second stop, to pick up a few more friends, and it is then that Blue decides he has had enough.“I’m going to catch one of those fucking Runners. I am going to fucking kill them.”No one comes to harm with the Runners. I mean if it was a pack of wild fog rapists I could understand the hate… But those eyes. Those fucking. Creepy. Blue. Eyes.
>I am an enormous, fucking manah, Uncle Jack, where would we be without you and your horse
>>19785038>>19785012>>19785001I'm not saying the stories aren't entertaining. I even said that in my previous post. "Good stories, but fake." I'm not saying nobody should be enjoying them, I'm just pointing out that there are a lot of signs that they're tall tales and nothing more. Tall tales are great things, and easy to enjoy; this IS /tg/, after all.Believe whatever you want, there are plenty of ways these things COULD have happened and can be explained away after the fact, the real question is whether you believe that all these ridiculously unlikely and strangely specific things DID occur, in the unlikely circumstances they occurred in, and that somehow all the details were successfully examined, reaped and remembered for the (highly creative) author to retell later on. I don't, personally, but then I'm not exactly a forensic writing analyst.Polite sage for off-topic, and I'm done posting.
>>19785070Drinks are mixed, camelpacks filled with vodka for the Runners who luck out and catch the caravan of drunks… And Blue sits in the corner, brooding. He begins to mumble, somewhat incoherently, about the Runners, the Fog, and his general hatred of everything that walks and crawls without a cerulean tinge. We attempt to get him involved in a few hands of Asshole, listen to music, generally have a nice quiet boozy time before heading to the party.We get to the party, and he continues to brood. It is during this time that Mongrel Chuck decides to make his presence known to us in all of his glory.I knew MC from classes. He called himself Mongrel due to his Heinz-57 style heritage, but it came together into a 6’5” ripped jock who enjoyed postmodern philosophy enough to throw away a D1 scholarship for us. He still played intermural, but the guy is probably the greatest bro geek I have met in my wanderings. He used to play Paladin in a game a few years back with us, and made me truly believe that Paladins are just frat boys with Holy Avengers.I digress.MC has shown up to the party in his Fog gear, mainly consisting of a banana hammock and war paint. You don’t question the guy who can tear you limb from limb, and you let it slide. Seeing Blue he promptly makes his round of hellos, slaps his heartily across the back, and rushes into the fog.What comes next is the breaking of the fatty landspeed record, and the slow descent into rapeyness of our wonderful AzureBoy. Pic seemed appropriately Bro for the section
>>19778648I'm surprised I have an image to express my feelings.
>>19784220I hate you furfag scum and would gladly see you permabanned upon being outed, but even I would hesitate to associate your kind with someone so dangerously and deeply mentally ill as BBB.
>>19785126>Unlikely circumstancesLiterally life is full of unlikely circumstances. So much shit happens that the unusual is usual. Especially when dealing with crazy fuckers.
>>19785245On behalf of the human race, I apologize for everything this guy has done.
>>19785308>>19785245So do you hate yourself, see furries as a threat, or want to be a furry?
>>19785380If you seriously think half-assed Freudian "you're projecting" is a good comeback in 2012...
Oh god, this shit again. I thought I'd be able to sleep tonight.
>>19785380Original poster of the stories, not the comment.BBB is to Furries what Buffalo Bill was to transsexuals.And personally? I just feel sorry for them. I've seen cases of psychosis similar (clinical lycanthropy)... And the whole culture is just, strange to me. But if you decide you want to dress as a Pikachu and go balls deep in another person dressed as a Panther?Just remember to meet their needs. I don't come out with my fetishes or proclivities in public, I expect to not have my nose rubbed in your fetish in the workplace (a friend had someone try to come in fursuit to their Casual Fridays), as much as you don't want to see this Jabba-proportioned body walking nude around the office.Pic related.
>>19785452It's a reference to the OTHER quoted post['s image], obviously.
>>19785523which is, itself, a juvenile appeal to Freudian pseudopsychology.
rolled 16 = 16Will somebody please make a good screencap of PF^3 story? This is by far the strangest thing I've read. And it make break Internet Rule 36.
>>19785617You know the main translation of Freud was done really, really badly, right?
Damn it, this story must continue!kytope proceedingYes captcha, he must proceed...
>>19785617>>19785655You're both being faggot. Stop it.
>You see, there are Plush Fuck Foxes… And then there is the Supreme Fuck Fox.At first I was horrified, I'm pretty jaded, I think /d/ is tame at times, but as I read this line...I screamed "NOOOO! THIS CANNOT BE!" at the top of my lungs. I don't normally react to things I read on the internet. It's horrible.
>>19785647You idiot, BBB obviously already fills that niche and fulfills the rule. (Ew.)
>>19785245Blue takes off like a rocket. The force of his sprint, like a line of blue streaki ng across the party floor, out the door, into the fog…And there’s me, Mr. Link, and the crew dumbfounded. We begin to leave, as our association with Blue is now well-known because fuckmylife I’m his appointed Only Friend in the World… And hear the sounds of skin hitting skin. Loud, in the fog, somewhere echoing.We find the scene… Of Blue standing over MC. Apparently he had decided to grab something to broadside the guy, then began to beat at him with ineffectual blows. MC is mostly stunned at being brought down by the likes of BBB, and laughs it all off… But that face, and those eyes, don’t go away. The group decides to beat a hasty retreat, but Blue is welcomed back to the party by Chuck after a no hard feelings/boys will be boys. As I said, the kid manipulates, and Chuck sort of took him on as a personal project at this point… But then there’s the story about Chuck’s girlfriend and that’s a lot to get sidetracked by.It is around 2 AM that we get the call, from one of my friends in the fraternity hosting the party, and after I stopped laughing I headed to the aftermath…
>>19785733My spirit eagle is disappointed at BBB. Seriously.
Chuck must be the bro-est bro that ever bro'd to have not killed that Fucked right then and there.
>go to the archive to find last nights story>see this posted on there>think "fuck, he never finished it">realize it's still going onThank you archive
>>19785733Oh no. Oh dear Emperor no.
Fingers crossed he brought a fox fuck doll to the party
>>19785781The guy once accidentally fucked a friend's girlfriend of two weeks. He was not aware of it, the girl just decided that, he being... the golden frat boy god that he was, she needed some of that dick.He proceeded to allow himself to be beaten for the offense (he had been away on family business during the start, blah blah didn't know). Then the two of them, with Chuck having a broken nose (set by a premed), a busted tooth, and two shiners decided to go out for drinks.Chuck set him up that night with the two girls he had been pining over for three years.The friend and one of his threesome 'buddies' got married about three years ago. Happiest couple I've ever seen. She's a 9.5 and he looks like Seth Rogan . He moved up about 3 ranks for the offense and still has a very active, enjoyable life.Yes, Chuck is a goodnatured Broheim who pays for his fuckups with honor and giving better than he hurt.
>>19784663No. Fuck you. Ignorance is not preferable to knowledge.
>> Chuck Cayden Cailean or something?
Chuck deserves a fucking medal. I want to buy this man a drink.
>>19785733Blue has been called into the Circle. The Ultimate players who belonged to the fraternity took him into the Circle, their personal libertine lovefest, due to the balls it took to try to take on Chuck. Now, they didn’t know he was a freak so they gave him some good-natured ribbing, and then brought him in.You’ve probably heard of a party like it. It’s the party beyond the party, that place where the drinks are colder, the weed is stronger, and the girls are in various states of undress enjoying the attention. The Little Sisters of the Fraternity doing the servicing, as some are wont to do. The Circle is a fun place to be; I spent my times there, and as the Panda (I’m incredibly white and dressed in cheap black Jerzees I got for 10 bucks for 20) I spent my time doing stupid shit. Blue was invited in with open arms, assigned to a nice couch with the Elder alumni, who treated him like a god. Want a drink? It’s there. Want a girl? There. But he just. Kept. Sulking.The Elders were not pleased. Being offered a young man’s Heaven and treating it like a a bucket of shit? What the fuck is wrong with you?So Blue plays along. And thus began Blue’s one experience (and the aftermath) of recreational drugs and his first consensual non-animal sexual relations.
>>19785954>Blue was invited in with open arms, assigned to a nice couch with the Elder alumni, who treated him like a god. Want a drink? It’s there. Want a girl? There. >But he just. Kept. Sulking.Wow. That takes a special kind of antisocial.
>>19785925Actually, despite the holy grail impression attached to knowledge by nerds, some things are better left unlearnt.I myself intensely regret learning about some of the more disgusting communities out there, which have left me occasionally feeling empty and depressed, to no benefit.
>>19785974Mental illness, really.
Guys, the tale of BBB is dealing Innocence, Clarity, Humanity and Sanity (Dark Heresy AND Call of Cthulhu) damage to me. I honestly don't WANT to exist in the same species as this creature.
Finally. Someone more fucked up than this.
>>19786058Could you imagine if BBB posted his story online?
Bump, dear god, bump
>>19786058and I thought he alone would give me enough reason to weep for humanity...
>>19786000If BBB's tales of apparent Renaissance-Man level skills (writing: the comic, crafting: the doll, trapping: the rats, bribing: the admins, tackling: MC) don't lower my opinion of humanity, how can knowing what the fuck he means by "nipples appropriate for a fox"?fucking captcha ate my post, for the first time ever.
>>19785954One hit! Two hit! Who hits? Blue Hits!The kid is chiefing the pipe, a big hammer known as Mjolnir. He finally gets into this whole scene, and proceeds to ask for more and more. They provide him with a drink (something sweet, so he gets the strong near-tasteless Everclear punch favored by the frat over that swill beer), and then the girl.Chuck smiles, and asks what he wants. As he cannot decide, he is presented with the options…The Little Sisters were not chosen for much beyond their qualities of beauty. Frats get away with misogyny, and I’m not gonna argue over the Patriachy maaaaaan. But the girls of this particular year were quite fantastic. And they gave him a show, stripping, feeling the drinks and the weed and the heat of the room… And now he has Player’s Choice among about a half dozen unoccupied girls. “Whoever can get me up gets it!”Now, that’s a pretty ballsy move, but for sheer chutzpah he gets applause. The girls proceed to come over, pull down his blue fleece, reach into his onesie…And Blue is fucking packing heat. We’re talking baby arm/apple comparisons. The girls and the bros are amazed, and begin to cheer them on. Lube is brought out, the jacking commences.One of the guys likens him to Ron Jeremy. And considering RJ’s nickname, and Blue’s color choices…
>>19786038Normally I'd be all Emperor and go "Yes, let the inhumanity spread through you" but...damn, man. That Fucking Guy doesn't begin.It's not the furfaggotry. It's the torturing of small animals, the refusal of this fraternity of humanity, the weaselly use of administration to his ends...
>>19786134I think its almost time for another sanity check guys... Stand by for now.
>>19786134Good god, is that what Ron Jeremy really used to look like?
rolled 26 = 26>>19786134Proof that god is a cruel bastard.
I don't understand thisI have to imagine that a girl with self respect would look at BBB and think "no, absolutely not." I can't imagine he has good hygiene either. How many dump trucks full of gold were delivered to this girl?
>>19786134>RJ's nickname>Blue is wearing blueOh god...oh god...ohgodohgodohgod nononocaptcha: istrthe boundaryYeah, I think this might be my boundary, captcha
>>19786150Gentlemen... We've stumbled upon the fifth God of Chaos... We must begin the sacrifices. For Chaos!
>>19786214im not in a frat but i have to think the mentality goes some thing like this "hey if i fuck this fat smelly slob that dares to call himself a human the guys will know i will do ANYTHING and i can keep coming to these partys and get the good shit forever"
>>19786196"Now Gabriel, Gabriel. Watch this. You know that vicious psychopath? The one I made rich?""Yeah?""I gave him a big dick.""Wow, Yahweh. You are an incredible asshole.""Teach those fuckers to skip their burnt offerings, huh?"
>>19786214Anyone can get laid in college.Anyone.
>>19786217His nickname is "The Hedgehog", what does that have....OH GOD.
>>19786255It has been 10 minutes since the last post.And yet that.That was worth hitting f5 for.
>>19786134No. No. No no no. HELL NO. NO. NO - I REFU- NO. NO! No. No.
rolled 5, 5 = 10>>19786217>>19786266Rolling 2d6 for IRL san loss
>>19786134Ron “The Hedgehog” Jeremy – Blue Suit…SONIC! SONIC! SONIC! SONIC! SONIC!He’s stripped bare, clothes piled up, he’s getting the attention of the Little Sisters now, seemingly enjoying it, but it just won’t get going…SONIC! SONIC! SONIC! One of the girls (let us call her Alice) is now thoroughly into it, gets in like a soldier to the business, begins getting rough…And he promptly proceeds to begin enjoying the festivities. He’s pulling hair, calling names, putting work in like every young man who has read too many Gorean fantasies and creates stories about Rhino-on-Fox rape and gore porn.Ali is a soldier. Became a good friend. She’s a down-for-whatever sort, and kind of took a shine to young Blue when they first met, before the crazy really set in. She’s enjoying the administrations of other go-getter, and thus commences the moment of truth…Just as ‘the magic’ is about to happen, the cries of SONIC! Start to quiet as Blue is mumbling again, loudly, “Fucking kill you, fucking kill all of you, faggot cunts, fucking kill all of you…”And proceeds to unleash his bladder across Ali and her unsuspecting trooper friend. It was around here that I went down on my knees laughing in the room, phone cradled in between my shoulder and face, wheezing like I just ran a marathon…But wait! There’s More!
rolled 18 + 2 = 20Wisdom check for san loss. allure is 2d6 sanity damage.
>>19786341>But wait! There's more!Oh wow
>>19786082SANITY.... IS FOR THE WEAK.
>>19786341>And proceeds to unleash his bladder across Ali and her unsuspecting trooper friend. OH GOD
rolled 3, 4 = 7>>19786341
rolled 34 = 34>>19786341Oh...oh my dear lord. No! No fucking way. I refuse to believe this anymore. I cant, just cant. For my hope humanity I just cant.
>>BBB gets invited to a super-party>>Gets sex with an actual willing girlNo fucking way. I do not believe you.
rolled 3, 1 = 4>>19786357*Failure is 2d6. Man, fuck these smart phones.I think a 20 is high enough. But just barely...>>19786341NOPE.jpg
>>19786341>>19786341This is the greatest thing I've ever read!Jesus, I really need to hit the sack. Please, someone, anyone, screencap this shit once it is finished, so that I can find it later!
>>19786255O accursed one! Thou hath finally commited the ultimate sin in profaning thy creator! In deriding me, the lord of all creation, thou hath lost everything.No longer dost thou have anyone to cling to, nor any thing to when in need.What dost thou think thou can accomplish by thyself?But remember this...Humanity is not strong enough to live without one to cling to or rely on, just as it cannot live without one to loathe and one to despise.As long people continue to seek my salvation, the will of the universe will recreate him, again and again and again......
Type faster OP!
>>19786409Don't forget, it's already been stated that this is before BBB went (completely) batshit. He was still weird as fuck, but the extent of his crazy was only really known to the Anon telling this story. Everyone else probably assumed he was "weird but harmless". At least until he pissed all over those two girls
>>19786341> But wait! There’s More!
>>19786409>>19786396Welcome to College... Fuck if I can get laid and have a steady stream after my fucked up Freshman year and my wonderful existence? BBB wasn't a necessarily unclean individual (until he really started his devolution) and wasn't a horrible looking dude, despite his exterior eccentricities and internal WHATTHEFUCKISWRONGWITHYOU.Sorry.
>>19786420You know, I just can't imagine that God browses tg.But if he does I have to wonder how many people he has smited for calling him a faggot.
>>19786440And in return, grant us the poooower of the DARK GODS!*Uncertain, gibbering laughter*
>>19786466Find out. Call him one, and if he smites you, ask him before he casts you down into hell.
Fuck me. I cannot believe any of these stories of BBB. My sanity can't take the hit.
...I don't want know what I can't even do to be what more like all of these whats. Please, someone help me figure out what I should be thinking right now.
>>19784047>touching any board with a "v" in it
>Come to /tg/ after hearing of its greatness>This is the first threadI am not disappointed.
>>19786568Is /trv/ that bad?
>>19786341Pissing on girls may be tolerated in some Fraternities, but it is frowned upon by those who have a certain rectitude. And the Elders of the Circle were NOT happy with this event.And so it fell upon Mongrel Chuck, Savior of the Blue Menace, to provide yet another save.Now, one does not allow a man who just proceeded to provide a refreshing golden shower to leave without some sort of price paid. So Chuck marched BBB out of the Circle, through the back entrance (oddly enough, used for pissing on the wall back there…) and into the night without his clothes. The fog would keep him safe from the Elders who wanted blood and if he just headed in the right direction and walked off of paths he could make it back to his special dormitory (filled with the sickies and holding a standard 12 AM ‘Wellness’ curfew), get in, and hopefully dodge the worse of the shame. Chuck gave the jersey he changed into after the events in the Fog (pants wouldn’t fit, and the jersey would cover most of his shameful bits), wished him well, and gave me a call.And so it is at 2:30 AM that a three man search party (me, ML, and random RA who heard the story and felt bad) to cover a couple square miles for a half-naked blue-haired fuck to make sure he didn’t die in the fog of hypothermia or get the shit beaten out of him by hazing.The search began in earnest…
>>19786341> Mfw he is literally taking 20 fucking minutes to post.
>>19786596Well, he's striving for a certain level of quality, and it's not like he has these typed out in advance.Just wait. Show patience and ye shall be rewarded for it.
This entire thread.
>>19786594You fuck.How dare you post these stories of Blue when I am drunk as hell and about to pass out!You assholes better archive this.
>>19786636You sound like a fortune cookie.
>>19785852>letting a guy beat him up for the guys girlfriend's fuck upThat's dumb.
>>19786693I try.When you try, though you may not always succeed, you will know you did your best.
>>19784463You know my friend, I had planned to fap tonight and go to sleep. I skimmed TG to see if there were any fun threads. Then I read BBB. All of it.And now I must thank you. You've cured me of a terrible addiction to pornography that has gripped me for some time. I do not think I will ever be able to be turned on again. Honestly, you've given me back hours of my life a week to better myself with. You've done good, terrible work here today sir. Thank you.
>>19786592/trv/ honestly slipped my mind. Probably an exception to the rule.
>>19786594Ever notice how shitty flashlights don’t work in the fog?Well, if Blue died/was harmed I’m up a creek, no scholarship and probably expelled for forcing him to imbibe booze and provide him the ability to receive a handjob/blowjob… I mean, I would have somehow sexually assaulted him with Ali’s hands and mouth… And it would stick.The RA, ML, and myself first split the quadrangle, following the suggestions MC had given (no paths, cut through X and Y locations, probably be around point A). And, being that our lucks coincide, ML and myself converge on the correct spot. How do we know? Well, we hear the barking…The fox barking. The fucker is sitting curled into a ball in the middle of the lawn by a tree, shivering, and barking like a fucking fox. Ugh. His bare ass is hanging out… He has also shat himself. “Never leave me again Anon! You scared me! And those guys tried to rape me!”….….….
>>1978677940 minutes and that's it?
>>19786805>40Try 17
>>19786805>40Im sorry, exactly what the fuck are you talking about?
>>19786813Like that makes it better.
>>19786846About 23 minutes better to be exact.
>>19786779So shit-stained and accusing the guys who just gave him more than anyone since cruel fate has given… Awesome. We proceed to take him into his dormitory, oil the waters with the on-call RA (thankfully a “friend” of our RA companion)… And throw Blue into the shower. Scrub-a-dub occurs, the Blue Boy is taken to his room… And explains he doesn’t have any clothes.We enter the room (a little funky but ehh, not nearly as bad as it would become or fresh shit smell of before)… And the chest of drawers has quite a lot of clothing.It is just not all blue. We get him into clothes… And he actually looks normal. I mean, nerdy as fuck (the Star Wars shirt and cargo shorts give it away).. I sit down on the bed and prop myself up as he goes into the good ol’ bathroom Jack Shack. The standard moaning and greased fat man slapping sounds occur… And then ML raises up what is in his hands.It is one of his fox plushies… With a masturbation sleeve still in it. And it has made a damp spot on the sheets from its placement.ML is the one person other than BBB to get a handful of Blue Boy cum (to the best of my knowledge) during our days together. Salut.After his enjoyment he asks if he can have a cigarette, profusely apologizing for acting like an idiot. Well, we’re in for a penny at this point, and the on-call is still down talking to our companion… Fuck it.And that is exactly what he tried outside…
>>19786908It just keeps getting worse and worse. Oh god, my mind! MY MIND!
My fucking god man.You have killed my faith in humanity.Forever.It took this long, but now it's over. I quit. I'm going to become an astronaut, and wave the Earth goodbye. I'm done.
I don't get the over-the-top reactions to this story.
I must not fear.Fear is the mind killer.Fear is the little death that brings total annihalation.I must face my fear.I will let the fear pass over me and through me.And when it has passed, I will turn my inner eye and in it's path will be only devestation.
Kind of reminds me of the story of Fats McGee and his Retards Three.
>>19786908This is not fucking real. I aboslutly refuse to believe this actually happened, if only for the sake of my sanity.
>>19786953I'm not that guy, but I wish you well in your attempt to escape this fetid shit-sack of a planet. You may have to do some borderline, and flat-out, illegal stuff to do it, and you'll likely die in the attempt, but follow that blazing comet trail straight off this planet, and pave the way for the rest of us.
>>19786908We get outside, light up our smoky treats, and Blue explains his own perceptions of the night. You see, he somehow got lost in the fog and ended up at this frat hazing event, and because he was ‘so fresh and soft’ they decided to attack him, and attempt to sodomize him.He began to describe his ordeal, being forced to drink and ‘eat heroin’, the beating, the horrible psychosexual trauma, being tied to a pole and them trying to shove his own dick up his ass and, after succeeding, making him…Well, it gets worse. Short of shit being involved it was the Aristocrats. Of course he somehow subdued Chuck again, got his jersey torn right off of him, and ran all of the way home until we found him, magically, alive!Then, out of fucking nowhere, strutted a deer. It is not uncommon, especially at that point of the night in the area… The thing was probably fogcrazed and lost. I pointed it out to Mr. Link, and he chuckledWhile Blue began to growl. Deep. And started to strip off his clothes.
>>19787002>Fats McGee and his Retards Three.I don't know any story could top that title without leaving the reader a bit disappointed. It's just that good.
>>19786996>Fear is the little deathqui est mon fetiche
>>19787016>>19786953I'm going to dig a hole and just keep digging until I'm far away from everything.
rolled 5 = 5>>19787016No. NO. AW HELL NAW!
Go on, OP! I must know the end of this tale
f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5I'm beginning to my sans people. I am a normal shy overweight geek and I thought there has to be something better, but this....THIS makes me want to curl up and simply lose faith that it CAN get better. I'm simply amazed that I am sane enough to read
OP I know not which gypsy grave you desecrated to be cursed with having just known this modern day Caligula, but no man should endure what you have.To everyone else in this thread; some people are just bat-shit-eating bonkers and are probably the end result of several rare genetic deformaties. I've learned to deal with this fact a long time ago, why only now have you come to gripes with this simple fact of life.
>>19786908For the second time in the night the fatty landspeed record is pressed… And the deer is so crazed that it doesn’t know what the fuck is going on. I see the deer when BBB is at 20, then 15, then 10… And then it decides to get its shit together, realizing a wild crazed man waving his cock is rushing towards its sweet white-tailed asshole.The two run fast, and I mean as a lardo I am amazed and know I am unable to make it at any speed…Until I hear the crash of something hitting into the side of the steel temporary building housing a couple of pieces of construction equipment, and the scream of pure animalistic… Something.We get to the site, and the poor fucking doe is a goner. Nude Blue Boy is standing over the doe, his dick in his hand, quickly beating his dick like the vig was on. He’s at full mast, and proceeds to dump a load just to the side of the thrashing body of the broken-necked doe.“Fucking faggot cunt whore… Fucking whore… I’m the predator, prey fuck whore cunt…”MFW I see the scene (yes, I know it’s a gif, but NDT is good people.)
>>>The Entire BBB saga.I have passed the point of disgust. I have passed the point of pity.I have passed the point of anger.I have passed the point of fear.I have passed the point of confusion.I have passed the point of wonderment.I have passed the point of sadness.Now there is only laughter.Only Laughter....echoing through the empty halls of time...I am.... drifting... laughing.Alone with the madness...But oh how so wonderfully alone.Soon the Laughter will stop.Then it will find me.I am ok with this.
Who's with me?!
>>19787067My brother and friend, I wish you well.
>>19787158Never sleep... never sleep.
rolled 95 = 95>>19787151I would have called the police right there and then.
>the entire BBB saga>mfw
I've seen deer, and they spook in nothing flat. I refuse to believe a fatass caught up to one running, still managed to hit it, and managed to have the force to bring it down. Deer run away after being shot in the leg.It's been good, but I'm calling bullshit. Or BBBshit.
>>19787151I get to, as the one who could do it, put the poor thing out of its misery.So the next day comes. Blue feigns ignorance of the event, Maintenance gets to clean up a doe carcass who got ‘lost in the fog and spooked’, and the frat is seeking out the ‘blue haired faggot who pissed all over the Circle’. I have no idea how that ended up.. But the frat house had some really nice furniture added, Ali started dating a buddy, and the other trooper promptly dropped out due to a medical condition.Meanwhile BBB attempted to push the issue of his sexual assault. That never came around as Chuck came to speak to Blue, met his parents, and they sort of fell in love with the Broseph who seemed so happy to take care of their boy. Chuck did help Blue a bit, and I feel that without his influence someone would have probably ended up being raped or murdered. The dude is a solid example of the Good Frat Guy, and he deserves a fucking trophy from my skinflint alma mater for helping keep their little revenue stream in line.ML developed a mild case of OCD for around a semester, and still has issues with sitting or being in a bedroom after getting a nice sticky load of lube and jism in the hand.And you know how I ended up. Been real Anon. I will trade those stories for any THAT GUY you have ever fucking HEARD or CONTEMPLATED.
>>19787151This... This is something no human should know. These tales should have been kept festering in the backs of the minds of those unlucky enough to have been given the task and never passed on. You have cursed all of humanity by exposing these things. They can never be forgotten now. They can only spread and it's all your fault.
>>19787271Maybe he deer ran into the steel shred. Deer aint that bright. They don't know how to use crosswalks
rolled 65 = 65>>19787271It ran into a building due to the dark and the fog.
I am completely unmoved by OP's non-stop barrage of sheer "whatthechrist!" Either something is really right with me, or something is horribly wrong with me.
>>19787271You missed the part where it snapped it's neck running into a wall.
>>19787271He didn't hit it, it ran into a shed in the fog and broke it's neck, BBB just stood over it as it died and jerked it to the twitching corpse.
>>19787271Shhh.... Shhh...Whether the madness is imagined or real, we're all suffering it now. Just let it go. The end will be simpler that way.Still painful. But simple.
>>19787271Oh you mean a deer can spook, run in the fog, and slam itself into something hard enough to kill itself? Nope. Never happens
>>19787271I'm gonna have to agree with you anon, but it would have made a spectacular black comedy film. If only John Belushi was alive...
rolled 69 = 69>>19787280Wait, how did you kill the deer? I thought you didnt own any guns?
/tg/, I think it's fair to say that Luke, Plagueson of Nurgle has been replaced. BBB is now the most fucked up person I've read about here
Between the first thread and this, I'm not even sure to feel about this. I was laughing the entire time, but I was absolutely fucking terrified.
Gather round /tg/, for it is time for me to tell of Papa Nurgle for the second time. Don't be fooled, I don't mean the chaos god, I mean the that guy. Thats a sample already, he was so horrid we called him Papa Nurgle.Story #1>Walk into store one day, painting table has been broken.>Fat guy sat on it apparently.>"Why wasn't he banned?"As I was told at the scene of when the employees go to ban him>Fat fucker is facing gaming wall>Employee walks up, ready to tell him to leave>He turns around, holding around 200$ in product, says hes going to buy>Purchases product, leavesAt first I thought he was just a viral customer, but oh was I wrong.
>>19787323He probably used something heavy and blunt.
>>19787344Why anyone would touch BBB's dick is beyond me.
>>19787323I don't.Blunt Force trauma. Weak point on the skull will do it.You have to do something, as the thing could have went on in pain for hours. Not the cleanest way but how I am explaining that scene?
>>19787340>At my FLGS>Looking for a game>This unkempt fat guy is like, "Ill play you with my nids!">Ok, sure, I dismissed the being unkempt as just a bad day, we all have em>Game starts, my Guard vs. his nids.>Within turn 1 he already says something blatantly wrong, I believe it was something like impaler hooks or whatever they were gave fleet and move through cover (4th edition book)>I say lemme see your codex>Go over to his side of the table>I am met with the most foul stench imagineable, like cat shit mixed with garlic thats been sitting in the sun.>Retreat back to my side of the table as soon as I can after correction him>He does this next phase, I cringe and go over to correct him.>Next phase, same story.>Finally just open up the tyranid book on my laptop my side of the table.>Continue to correct him on every peice of Tyranid wargear, every phase.>Game ends, Im content Im done talking to this guy and done playing against him.>NOPE>He comes up and talks to me about how amazing a general he was>Tells me how subpar my strategy was>I won>He wouldn't leave me along until he got some other fucker to join a game with him>He does the same thing to them, wins the game because they sick of arguing.
i just started crying and weakly screaming half through this thread. Story anon, never before have i so dearly wished to never live on this planet anymore.
So we had a member of our group notorious for making railroad games with GM PCs that babysat the group. He fudged/cheated rolls more than once, setup groups to fail, and even lied about rules in the books.So I have a cyborg and I ask if I can fire all his weapons at once. Now this is a full combat cyborg, extra arms with heavy strength, full targeting system, upgraded power capacity, and the man has commado training that predates his conversion. So seeing as he has two heavy weapons he can easily hold and aim and a pair of cut-down weapons as turrets on his shoulders, I ask That Guy kindly if I can be able to fire all my weaponry at once. "No" flat out. Not even considering any possiblity of balancing it out in anyway, just no.So fast forward to another game run by another member of our group. Now often times That Guy would rework the rules in "creative ways" to create characters but usually fit within the rules by the word of them. So after a game or two I wonder... how are his weapons are doing so much damage. Turns out while my fancy built up cyborg had a long formula for why I thought he could fire 4 weapons at once that That Guy said no to, he turned around and got 4 guns and pulled "Duct Tape Theory".DTT is something I learned about over at the forums for an rpg, which entails simply "well I'll just tape my rifles together, tape a bar to connect triggers, and do twice as much damage. So That Guy took 4 copies of a weapon and strapped one on top and below each arm, doing potentialy more damage than my cyborg could of.
>>19787313YES!OP, get a hold of me, and I would like to hear more of BBB.
>>19787448>About two weeks later>I see the same fat unkempt guy>Hes again, fat and unkempt. He was wearing the same attire as last time too>His attire was a medium tube top, and short shorts that were my size as well>He was wearing clothes the same size as mine>Im 5'5" 130lbs, he's 6'2" 250-300lbs>The clothes are dirty and stained>He smells like cat shit, garlic, rotten meat all roasted in the sun again>I want to pity him and say he's poor, cept he walks to the front counter, purchases 300$ in demons>He then walks up to a guy and asks for a game, does the same thing again to them
>>19787510Email is in field.
/tg/, I am deeply disturbed and feel unclean in a way that no shower can ever cleanse.And I have work in the morning. Fuck you.>Let bardsBI-I guess, captcha. But seriously, how the fuck am I expected to sleep after this... this?
>>19787507Now this plays out for a few sessions and our GM talked him into retiring the character. So That Guy agreed to killing off this character and replacing him. Now when he made his first character the GM had him promise not to make a dragon. New character is a dragon with a human form in which he acts as a blademaster, which is already pressing the game rules, and he hasn't told the GM of this. to add to that he decided he didn't want his character to die and played the dice rolls to have him run off and suggest he could be a villain in the story. (he even uses the character to explain some overly powerful enemies in his own game) Then with his dragon he uses a misinterpretation of the rules to do even more ranged damage. How he misinterpreted it so much I will never know, especially since he read the class much more thoroughly than anyone else until the GM wanted to make sure that the spells were written right. That Guy was not happy to be doing less damage... but continued to play.
I read the other story earlier, and now this. I now know what it is like to read a forbidden tome of knowledge man must never know in CoC and intimately understand san loss on a personal level.I have stared into the abyss, and the abyss was fucking a fox.
>>19787511>>19787448>>19787340Your pics make me read your story in Asuka's voice. I wonder what army she plays.Also, guys who wear tube tops are scum, or transvestites.
/r/ing this thread's BBB posts screen capped. On a pathetic laptop, and need the images for my work.Captcha: journalist iGoiceYes, I feel chills, Captcha. I'm scared, hold me.
I love this story. I read it all. All of it. It makes me feel deliciously better as a human being.Thank you, sir.
>>19787511At about this time, I realize maybe he dosent realize how fucking disgusting he is.>Walk up the front counter>Hey, Ira (His actual name) really needs to bathe, can you say something to him?>The employees have told him nicely he needs to bathe.>Every time he enters the store.Next time I see him, not two days later at the store>There Papa Nurgle is, smelling like Cat shit, garlic, rotten meat, and burnt rubber left in the sun.>Again in dirty clothes that were fit for some one my size.>He's forcing himself on some poor fellow (talking to them and not letting up, not raping, although being in the very presence of this oaf you felt violated).>One Employee, his name Travis looks over and sees this>Sees the look of abhorrent horror on the other fellows face.>Hops over the counter with a thing of febreeze (They kept one under the main desk to make the LAN isles smell at bay)>Walks up to him and begins to spray him constantly with the febreeze>Papa Nurgle stops and begins to walk torwards the back exit>Travis dosen't stop spraying him until he leaves.>...He sits in his car until 2am when Travis gets off.>Re-enters the store once he leaves, still smelling awful and dressed awful.
>>19787313I would so be down! email is in field as well.
>>19787593>>19787511>>19787448>>19787340We all have people like that at our local FLGS, though not that bad. I know of one guy with the hygiene problems who graduated with me and immediately got onto welfare/disability, one guy who's fairly normal with the hygiene problem, and one guy who is part of a pyramid scheme and who tries to recruit everyone who comes into the store.Have you considered hurling something that isn't febreeze?
>>19787593he was sprayed with febreeze and still smelled horrible? Jesus. Did he roll around in used cat litter while he was waiting for this Travis guy to finish his shift? Maybe he used several slabs of rotten steaks as some twisted form of deodorant?
>>19787566Learn to check the archive for stuff., or faggots like you, have already requested screencaps of two archived threads tonight. Three times, in the case of this one.Also, it's not like it's hard to learn to use prntscrn and/or the archiver.What's more, every thread ever is saved on foolz. So there's absolutely no need to go all OMG EPIC SCREENCAP PLZ. /tg/ is not your picture-making nanny because you cannot into effort.
has anyone screen capped the BBB story of this thread?and theres gotta be more, i need it
I've had weaponized Febreeze sprayed at me before. It's not as bad as MACE but it stings like a fucking bitch, especially if you're allergic.Hey, guess the new allergy I found out about? Spraying people with chemicals is not exactly.. condonable behavior, I'm sorry.
>>19787564Some times he wore tank tops, It was hard to tell considering the staps would get lost in his flabs.Im not saying it's bad to be fat or I dont like fat people, but there are certain clothes you dont wear when you are large.Like clothes meant for some one my size, also she'd play Blood Angels because they're red and aggressive as fuck.>Me and my buddy Joe playing a game, His Chaos, my marines.>Girl walks up to us and asks us what 40k is like>She's obviously just striking conversation to kill time waiting to get on a computer.>We endulge her, tell her the basics in a manner she'll understand as we play.>Papa Nurgle strolls over with 9 hive guard blisters>We are able to tell even though we are looking at the board because the stench of Cat shit, garlic, rotten meat, burnt rubber, and vomit roasting in the sun overtakes us.>"HEY GUYS CHECK OUT WHAT I'M GETTING!">Girl tries to dismiss him, "Oh that's cool-">She turns to say something to Joe->"COOL?! JUST COOL!">She looks back at him, he takes this as a sign to proceed>"Each one has 2 str 8, ap 4 shots, 24 inch range, dont need line of sight!">Me and Joe stop and stare as this disgusting, foul, mosnter continues to talk to this girl about how good hive guard are in the most esoteric terms she will never understand.>She is wordless, in horror of his lack of social grace, stench, and attire.>I am wordless, in horror of his lack of social grace, stench, and attire>Joe is wordless, in horror of his lack of social grace, stench and attire.>After about 5 minutes of all three of us staring in horror at him he goes and finds some one else to force his conversation with.
BBB can't be real. My mind rejects the possibility. It HAS to be an elaborate joke. Yes, that must be it.
>>19787678You may recover 1d4 SAN. However you will have to reroll for SAN loss at any time you become overly stressed, as the memory will no longer be supressed.
is the BBB storyteller still around? Myself and >>19787566 would love to talk to you
>>19787678Mongrel Chuck will protect you. He knows you're having a bad day. Have a beer brah!Maybe hacky sack and a blunt? Just come chill in the Circle! Relax. You look tense.Foxes have 12 nipples. Each of them is milked for potions.
>>19787671Travis strikes again->One day papa nurgle comes in, smelling like Cat shit, garlic, rotten meat, burnt rubber, vomit and mildew rotting in the sun.>Wearing a tank top and short shorts beyond too small for him.>Travis working, looks up at him>Immediately tells him, "Get the fuck out, go home and shower and you can come back.">He gets in his car and drives off.>An hour later he walks back in wearing a different tank top and short shorts, he smells somehow even worse? The clothes aren't as dirty at least>He is about to strike conversation with some poor victim.>Travis walks up behind him>"I told you to shower, all you did is change, get the fuck out.">He goes out and sits in the summer heat of Phoenix Arizona for FOUR hours until Travis gets off again>He comes back in after Travis leaves, and again goes to strike up conversation with some poor fellow.
>>19787671>"Oh that's cool-">"COOL?! JUST COOL!"This guy is badass.
>>19787622I think we go to the same flgs... is that the guy from World Ventures?
>Playing DnD>Me and all my friends are new at it, our DM played it since he was a little boy, knows his way around it>Shitload of bro people, we have a giant party>Rap music and shit going on around us, bunch of friends bigger brothers smoking and drinking around us while playing fightan games>Generally good time>friend takes over the DM's job and starts talking about how the king and shit is sending him on a secret mission cause he's the son of a god and when the moon is full he turns into an archangel>Other nerdy guy across the room no shit picks up a LARP sword (Keep in mind this is in a room full of people who you would call liars if they told you they even knew what DnD was, including some of the people playing)>Starts dancing around saying he was going to do that to one of the enemies>They both start going on about how they're fighting in some giant epic slow motion fight or some shit>Not one diceroll>they do this whenever we stop anywhere>Half the people in the room are staring at them like they're retardedOh lawd.
>>19787772Last story>My buddy Eric starts up his own store in a different part of town>Papa Nurgle begins a new conversation tactic, wandering around telling everyone of how much better his store will be.>Finally they are able to ban Papa Nurgle, thank god.>I go to the opening on Erics store.>Guess who's there.>Im talking to Erics partner, he stops when he sees papa nurgle>He dosent want any hard feelings with Gamers Inn, tells me hes gonna ban him too for the same reason>He goes to ban papa nurgle,>Nurgle turns around with 200$ in product in hand.He got banned from all the stores I go to now, but apparently he drives all across Phoenix, looking for new game stores to... infest.
>>19787818Sounds like they had the most fun. Why are you playing DnD at a party anyways?
My god, it is already archived.
>>19787828I see you bat for Team Red.
>>19787671>mfw she plays the same army I play
>>19787828Surprised he's not at conventions trying to tell girls about his Drizzt clone.
>>19787828Congratulations you have encountered a Blank
I...I just.....good Gods above and below AnonI just spent the last half hour thanking my friends for being a wonderful gaming group and pointing out my bullshit when it happens and generally helping me to be a better human being, not the fucked abberant that BBB ended up. sanity. Even if not real, it's an object lesson I'll take to my grave....
BBB anon. I need to know.Who is this abomination the son of? What sick fuck of a stepfather let this thing be loosed upon the world? You've already told that he's apparently a man of high stature. I want to know who.
>>19787864>implying Asuka wouldn't roll orks or Khornate chaos marines"KILL IT TO DEATH" being her primary tactic.
I.... damn, son. damn. I think I'm going to call up my group, the ones that are awake, and see if they want to chill and drink beer and shit. I always turn 'em down when they ask me, but afer reading about BBB... damn. You're a bigger man than me, anon that posted that. you are. A drink to you sir, wherever you are.
>>19787828you forgot to add an item to the smell list.
>Not saving whole threads just so you don't have to hold onto archives.Stop using extensions if you're not using them for great things like this.^ This thread. ^
>>19788009>Asuka playing Khorne>BLUT FÜR DEN BLUTGOTT
>>19788009Khornate Marines aren't elegant enough for herOrks are even further off as proof.
I have never felt this disgusted by any one thread on 4chan ever.
I feel somehow lost...after the BBB stories I feel broken in my mind.I'm a veteran of the /b/ wastes and have held the line on /tg/ for many years, i've seen some shit man but this?it's past the point of squad broken, the Commissar has executed as many as he could, but saved the last bolt shell for himself.I've just been staring at the computer screen and shaking slightly for about half an hour, or it could be days, time has no power here.if i ever see my gaming group again I will hold them tenderly and tell them that I will never leave again. but that hope grows fainter and fainter with every post...It would be so easy to just lie down here for a second and rest... yes just for a minute... peace is long gone to me but maybe I can find oblivion.
>>19788367You don't need to pretend a fake story has shaken you to your core. Literally half thread has already done that, and it stopped being funny ages ago.
I have neither the time nor the patience to cap the BBB part, but here's Moap's story.Let me know if I made a mistake and I'll fix it.Maybe
For one, BBB story teller. If that shit is fake, you're an amazing writer and I'd love to game with you for your creativity alone. If it's real, you have the patience of a saint and an amazing life experience with a grand tale to tell. Either way you're a fantastic writer./tg/... BBB guy is your bard.Also I'm going to be running for our group and mentioned that I want a really loose sandbox style of gameplay. That Guy is throwing a fit because he wants to be railroaded. Same and a half the other people in the group want to... you know... not play a fucking video game that I talk through.
>>19788499Seeing the same post over and over gets really old. I'm sure you're offended because you're guilty of parroting nearly every post in this thread, but seriously, it's not funny.
Fucking hell. I was going to recount the time I met an actual honest to God avatar of John Cloud Raven in college, but NOTHING I COULD EVER TYPE WOULD CONTRIBUTE TO THE THREAD AFTER THAT SHIT.
I had to deal with two That Guys who were fucking.>DnD 3.5e, we're playing in a world that the five original players created ourselves. Our previous GM had to stop playing because of family issues, so our Ranger (That Guy) picked up the job. I write the ending of the campaign that the GM agreed on, Ranger's game starts thousand or so years into the future of the same world following that history.>Group expanded to about 8-9 people in previous game before dropping to an easy 5 for this one. RangerGM's Girlfriend milks the fuck out of the situation after a previous fiasco with one of our other female players (it was part my fault too, I'll admit it). She plays a Dryad Archer, has a Treant "father" that serves as her mount and life source, and who has Dissociative identity disorder. Her persona changed with the seasons, right down to the clothes she was wearing. Also the GM's ranger from the previous game makes a pseudo-appearance in this PC's story. >Spring = whore. Summer = kawaii happy air head. Fall = Quiet or some shit. Winter = Bitch is out for blood.>She wanted to play leader. LOLNOPE. I swipe the position, and I'm playing a Battle Butler for the other female character our vamp two-weapon ranger who's former royalty. The group got tired of arguing with her, and I lead most of last time until our Dashing Paladin got voted into being leader.>Eventually gets fucking murdered by a red dragon, and resurrects in an Elf's body. And keeps her Treant. And somehow magically has the money for a prismatic magic bow.>Didn't pick Precise shot until way late into the game. Fuck her.>During this whole time, RangerGM gives shit to our Vamp and I, NE & TN respectively, for not sharing loot. Because Evil and not giving a shit. He forces us to share with the party, ALWAYS.(con't)
>>19788644I'm afraid I don't understand, what is a John Cloud Raven? Whatever it is, it got supplanted by BBB.
>>19788644> avatar of John Cloud RavenNah, it was probably the man himself
>>19788653>Me (Playing Janni): I fly over the...Green gas river? Him: Wait Wha-You fall into it, there is an anti-magic field. Roll Con damage. Now a dragon appears out of the pit, he is the only way across and you have to answer his riddle. RAILROADING MASTA.>I get murdered by his death-loli monster he made up and threw into the game as a boss after the fucking dragon-gas-river-riddle bullshit. I was con damaged and the tank. I didn't last, and outsiders get FUCKED at true death.The group broke up after the Calmest and happiest-go-lucky fucker in our group EXPLODED on her when we were talking about how game breaking the death-loli was and she kept on about "DM RULE IS LAW". We stated we knew that shit and we were just discussing it, chill the fuck out. She kept going, he lost his nerve. She left crying, and our RangerGM returned to being bro when pussy wasn't in the room (The other girl left after getting tired of Dryadbitch's shit).
>>19788657JCR is one of the more benevolent gods of THAT GUY. He has been everywhere, you've probably gamed with him at some point. He isn't actively bad, from what I remember, just crazy in a "I am a magician who is seeking a legendary sword in this town" kind of way.
Oh hey, one I forgot but still relevant to Papa Nurgle. This is not my story, but I will retell it as best I can>FLGS is undergoing rennovations>They are normally open 24 hours, so a 3 day renovation is exciting.>Buddy driving by, he sees a shoddy ugly sedan.>We personally know all the employees and their vehicles, so being a good guy and former marine, he decides hell check it out to make sure everything is cool>He drives by and looks into this sedan>It is midday, 110* out in East side Phoenix Valley >In this shoddy, dark sedan, in the drivers seat, is Papa Nurgle, sleeping.>Apparently he waited there two of the three days for the re-open, in 110* days, 80* nights.We've tried to come up with theories as to why, but we can't. Is he homeless? No, he has as place where he stores his armies and clothesDoes he have a nagging wife? No, no person could ever dare be with that monstrosity. Also the idea of him.... breeding. It just can't happen.Our current theory is this: To pay for his multitude of armies he in fact chooses to instead of living in an apartment or buying a condo, lives out of a storage unit- therefor having no plumbing, showers, or the like.
>>19788644I'd rather you post that than more stories about BBB. Do it man, it'd contribute to my entertainment, at the very least.
>>19787280>>19787280Jesus Christ this BBB saga shit is like... How I Met That GuyHe keeps almost going off on tangents and saying he'll get back to it later and giving certain events self-explanatory names, or a name that begs the question.Good writing, but very hard to believe. I was shaky when he mentioned BBB breaking him up with his fiancee but I just lost belief when he said BBB had a dick like Ron Jeremy's.
>>19788683now i had to add that.Meh, not like I have anything better to do
>>19784108I was sitting in the dark, but I felt the sudden need to turn on a light. A low whine escaped my throat, though I didn't notice until it increased in volume. All my muscles are tense. I am not ready, but still I dive... Deeper... Deeper into the abyss. to get some Luke, Plagueson of Nurgle up in this bitchThough I don't know if he can compete with BBBhe's definately THAT GUY!~
>>19788964Except Luke is actually hilarious to read about. BBB is a terrible human being. Like what you get if you take Chris-chan and add competency.
Once upon a(n alternate) time(line) YOU could have been That Guy.However, because of the tales of suffering and ignorance you have grown wiser.THAT is the hope you must believe in. THAT is the shining truth that allows you to take a nat 20 on every SAN check. Humans compose every alignment, every creed, every belief, and behave in every way. This gives us the free will to choose to act, or to reject, such things. The sheer fact you find it horrifying is a divine gift.Do not be afraid /tg/. All will be well.
>>19788713HOLY FUCK! I KNOW THAT GUY!I FUCKING HATE THAT GUY!HE RUINED GAMERS INN!!!!Also, Travis is amazing. I love him and miss him so much!Tiny is the best though, but that store really went to shit recently
>>19788984I don't exactly see how think that BBB would be more competent than Chris-chan. Didn't OP say he ended up in an insane asylum?
>>19788993YES!Travis give it away?
>>19789018I moved to Flagstaff for NAU a year ago, So it never hit me so hard, I go to Empire Games now though when Im down to visit.
>>19779997> Big Boy BlueGod dammit. Just... God dammit. I was looking for a reaction image... But there is NOTHING on the internet that conveys the apropriate level of horror that comes from ANYTHING associated with that monster wearing the skin of a man.Therefore, I humbly ask you to place yourselves into the same state of mind we use when gaming and picture the following scene: A grizzled starship's commander gazes over an information panel and his previously apathetic face suddenly transforms into one of pure shock and horror. He scrambles for an intercom handset, screaming into it. Throughout the ship, crewmen sprint for the escape pods. Some make it, others beat desperately on closed hatches, as their only chance at salvation blasts away from the hull of the doomed vessel. As the few survivors scream away, a foul, creeping rot of scarlet mold, writing like magots, starts to cover the ship, starting at the stern and creeping toward the bow. Just as it covers roughly two thirds of the ship, the fusion reactors detonate, tearing the ship apart and consuming everyone still within in a blast of nuclear fire that flays the flesh from their bones and reduces those same bones to ash in a matter of moments. The ship tears itself apart with the explosion and soon, nothing is left but drifting, blackened shards of metal.
>>19789167Abandon thread, elegan/tg/entlemen. Run and save yourselves. At the very MENTION of the horror that is Big Boy Blue, I find myself recoiling in horror and fury. Abandon thread and maybe, just maybe, some of us will retain some measure of sanity, that we may continue the fight another day. This is a foe that is beyond any of us and I can but pray for the benighted souls that this horror has already claimed. With luck and the favour of the gods, some day a hero, a living embodiment of all that is good and right about our beloved hoby shall come to forever free us from the shadow cast by this demon, but it is not today. Now fly, you fools! Fly!
>>19789171>>19789167Threads dead, Red.
>>19789114>>19789121yeah, I was like WAIT WAT!? When u mentioned Travis and the Febreeze cuz I fucking saw him do that!XDIt was fucking EPIC!And yeah, that store was awesome but since the new owner took it over it went to shit. :(I miss Travis and Tiny and Jeff and all the others that made that store amazing.I tried going to Game Depot but that store sucked
>>19789114also, I thought Gamers Inn was in Mesa, not Phoenixkinda caught me off guardbut it's all goodstill the same fucking god aweful heat
>>19789246I thought it was still owned by Presto? also it's getting better so I hear, either way it was Cole being the manager that ruined the store.>>19789256It is in Mesa, no one has heard of Mesa, though.
>>19789308agreed.hit me an email man[email protected]maybe we can meet up and game sometimeI haven't been to that store in a whilebut if it's getting better I'll drop inI miss that place
>Generalwolfmaster500Do you, perchance, play space wolves?woflwolfwolfwolfwolfwolfwolf
>>19789446Awooo mother fucker!
>>19789548I only knew two wolf players from Inn who went on /tg/...Dave?Zach?
>>19789596I don't think we ever met thenmy name is WolfI kinda got out of 40k in favor of D&D though
>>19788683Have you told these stories here before? SpecificIy the one where he is told to shower and just changes. I swear that I've already read them.
>>19789829Yeah once before on a thread about opening a new store. I gave him as an example of a bad customer
>>19788114So how about Dark Eldar?Elegant. Deadly. Sexually agressive. Batshit fucking crazy.
>>19790108Not red.Also on account of her killing a few and getting getting killed by them in return, I have a feeling Asuka dosen't like aliens
>>19790204My first instinct is still Khorne. I mean, charging isn't THAT elegant.And if you'll recall, she's the one who can't manage to keep in-time with Shinji during that episode when they're training.
>>19790243And for the record:Rei - (old) NecronsShinji - Defense-based Imperial Guard army.
>>19789813Your ACTUAL NAME is Wolf? I'm guessing you caught shit as a kid.
>>19790243>>19790264See but she has desires other than battle, like Shinji, in fact everything she does in the show pretty much is to impress Shinji, or like her over infatuation with Kaji, to make him jealous.Khorne is motivated to battle because battle.Im gonna say Black Templars getting into it. They're an overly aggressive army who's motivation is they disagree with you. Asuka attacks people constantly for simply not completely agreeing with her after all. Also the most important part, they are in the current rule set extremely ineffective compared to other armies, and time and time again regardless of how blown up she is she tends to fail to do anything or is a detriment.Rei is fine as both new and old Necrons, she has feelings she's just awful at expressing them considering she her only human companion until age 14 was Gendo.Shinji wouldn't be guard, guard is too blunt force for him.He'd be Blood Angels, Daddy issues, always saving the day, working outside of the system, being extremely humble and self hating, random chance to go fucking berserk in a battle, artistic skills. and most of And He Shall Know No Running Away.Some people wills ay "Wait, Asuka and Shinji both play the assualty space marines?" Yeah, because they're dumbly similar characters when you get down to the core, it's why they like eachother.
I just want to say thanks to those who posted those horrific stories. I thought have a group consisting of 11 people, 6 being that guys and girls was bad.>one is young and talks constantly, always interrupting any game about some inane shit he recently read or obsessing little details. Will shout across the room in a loud voice if you try to ignore him to listen to the GM.>the girlfriend of the first, spends three to four hours making ANY character, then will sit at the table playing fucking nintendogs while ignoring everyone and the game. Always has to be something to do with animals, and will sit through an entire session drawing her companion.>cliched weaboo/neckbeard>guy with self diagnosed aspergers who cheats his dice rolls to be successes and unintentionally is chaotic stupid with any character (when I have gamed more with him I intend to write stories on here, as they are amazing in his stupidity so far).>manic depressed weaboo who speaks in lolcats, constantly complains about his life and looks up shit on shitgag to show us on his ipad and awkwardly waits for laughter.>guy who is 40k obsessed, wears fingerless gloves, loud and obnoxious and without fail will fuck up any campaign on purpose (first five minutes of our first shadowrun game, he decides to set fire to the bar the Mr Johnson and ourselves were in. He was the face).Why havent I left the group? I live in a small town, this is the only group, and the rest of the people are wonderful.
>>19790719Also-Kaji-Slaanesh Chaos: Charming as fuck and dosen't play by the rulesMisato-Guard: Military, sloppy, but forceful and effective.Toji-Space Wolves: Blunt, basic, effective, sportsman, even heroic, if he was older you know he'd be a drinker too.Gendo-Inquisition: He's in command, manipulating everything, and no one likes him.Ritsuko-Eldar: Love of science and advanced shit like that, but love/sexual exploits will lead to her downfall.Hikari-Sisters of Battle: Supportive and traditional I guess. No army fits her well at all.Angels-Tyranids or Orks:, depending on the Angel whether they want to destroy to destroy of have a desire/ability to communicate assimilate.Kaworu-Demons: Pops out of no where and dies or dissipears after a short time of wrecking shit.Kensuke-Tau: Because no one likes him
Pff. Asuka wants to be #1 for herself, since that is her reason for living even before meeting Shinji or Kaji. In other words, Asuka is megalomanial and broken in the head. She cannot be reasoned with, and her only exit is her own destruction, either by herself or her enemies. This all shown in the series.She is lucky that Rei showed her mercy in death, magnamious as Rei is. Continuing that thread, I don't think the Necrons fit Rei very well.Rei is an avatar of an old god, whose mind is founded on rationality and reason, but also kindness and understanding. Fiercely loyal to what she deems a good cause, I'd almost want to throw her in with the Tau, but that doesn't work, because holy shit people LOVE Rei.
>>19790963That's why her mental collapse is brought on by the fact the angel resurfaces the memories of her mother ignoring her and belittes her with the fact Shinji dosen't give her the affections she wants.Also if you base Rei's army choice on her being an empathic embodiment of good, she wont fit into any army because 40k has no good factions.
>>19791024>Also if you base Rei's army choice on her being an empathic embodiment of good, she wont fit into any army because 40k has no good factions.I realized this, unfortunately.
>>19790288Some social circles don't give flak for weird names.