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We are Ned Salters, a rookie manager in the XWF, the Extreme Warfare Federation, the wrestling league for super-powered humans, shown live worldwide in pay-per-view.
We started with Brass Brawler, a washed-up, former champion, helping him beat his drug addiction and come back to the ring as a powerhouse.
Then, we recruited Samuel "Green Python" Rodriguez, an old, long time friend of Brass, and have helped him untap his frightening potential.
Finally, we are also the manager of Ami "Red Jane" Morrigan, an absolute, but promising rookie that has yet to do her ring debut for reasons beyond her control.

Previous threads here

This week we train and get ready for the incoming matches. Nothing new. Business decision, some backstabbing, guts and glory.
We have the Brass/Phalanx training vignette to do.

I was thinking that we'd have Ami in there too, so they're both working with Brass. The training is legit, but some stuff is worked, so she'll be introduced as Red Jane.

At some point in the training, I want an instance of Ami going "all out" on a throw that 'accidentally' sends Brass flying half a mile. Very much an "I didn't know my own strength" moment.

I'd also like her to sit in on Brass and Phalanx planning their first round, so she can get some idea of how it's done.
Sounds good. Remind me, this weekend it´s Phalanx vs Brass, on one side, and do we have someone to fight Python?
Has Ned ervr gotten drunk with his fighters?
Ned could get drunk. You would have to find some new drug to get the guys drunk, tho. Hell, there is a specific superpower JUST TO LET THEM GET DRUNK because that´s how tough it is to get them drunk


The changing room is quite crowded with reporters and groupies. It takes a while to push them out without hurting anyone.

Ami: "That was an amazing fight"
Brass: "It was amazingly painful, yeah. Good thing I´ll be alright in a few minutes. Right now my shoulders are killing me. Hey Ned, I dont think I´m gonna celebrate this one"

You guys want to try and arrange interviews, advertising, see about training with phalanx, developing the guy´s powers, or something else?
Advertising would be good. Promotional stuff, let's get our guys a little more fame.

Python has nobody booked yet, but we were thinking of having him fight Duke
A lot of men´s magazines have been asking for Brass after his last interview.
As usual, plenty of companies want to work in advertising with Python
Do you want to take the chance and include Ami or Phalanx somehow while you have them at hand?
Roll 6d10 to see how good you go about handling business this week.
Rolled 4, 2, 6, 6, 10, 2 = 30

Brass and Ami for the magazines.
Python in some ads that don't pitch as absolute shit.
Hope like hell it doesn't come out like Anthony Koutoufides' Souvlaki Hut ad. (YouTube.)

Not Ami, not yet.

The slow build won't work if we get her on magazines yet.
>Anthony Koutoufides' Souvlaki Hut ad
Looked for it but couldnt find it
Anyway, Brass right now is in high demand with Men´s Health type of magazines.
Ami is unknown except as a pretty face. I believe most people wanted to wait until her debut to showcase her. Otherwise she would indeed just be a poster girl. I don´t know, maybe a Hawaiian Tropic sunlotion ad or something like that? we also discussed working a wrench wench angle, but she would need to actually use 3 exp to learn some engineering so she knows what she´s talking about instead of just posing as a hood ornament.
Python is a former boxing champion, and has been XWF champion a few times, so with his brand new energy sport brands are lining up to sign him up for ads. Any preference? Last time, we got him a sneakers deal with nike

How about spending Pool XP to boost Ned's business skill?
Impossibly cute and superstrong girl? gym ads
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He currently has business 3. It would cost 6 exp to take it to Business 4, and just 1 exp to give him a specialty. Tho I am not sure what business specialties there are.. let me check
>Anthony Koutoufides' Souvlaki Hut ad
Is Ami the tomboy? I forget. If she is could we work on her grace and flair

Energy Drinks are good, now he's even faster. We should strike a deal to get a new brand, named after whatever we call the Time Splice Punches, the implication being that if you drink it, you'll be as fast as him.
Alright, the specializations for Business are Controller, Down Market, Merchandising, Positioning, Stocks & Bonds. A specialty is basically an extra dice when you roll things related to that specialty. For example, if we use 1 exp and he takes Merchandising, whenever he rolls business for a check related to merchandising, he rolls and extra dice. Im not sure on what controller means.
Wow, that was so bad it went around to good and then back to bad again.
Well, Python has charisma 3 and mega charisma 3 anyway, so we can roll 3d10 + 3d10 (remember a success on a mega dice is two successes, and a 10 on a mega dice is three successes), or just roll his default 3d10 and use the mega charisma dice as automatic normal successes so he cant be worse than "amazing" in whatever he does that is related to charisma
>Is Ami the tomboy? I forget. If she is could we work on her grace and flair
Yes she is. And we had her signed up for dance lessons at the XWF gym. I guess we can give her her first point of mega appearance, or mega charisma. Either would be just 3 exp and are described in the core rulebook as increasing their relative attributes "exponentially". What that means for a girl who already has appearance 5 and charisma 5, I don´t know. Anyway, it would probably be a very good business, because buying your first point in a mega attribute gives you a free enhancement (which normally costs 5 exp) and it´s basically a minor superpower.

I was kind of hoping for a "Negotiator" speciality, but Merchandise sounds like it would cover endorsement deals as well.
We should go for Mega Appearance. Don't destroy the tomboy appeal though. Better to have everyone obsess about that androgynous person.
Yeah im for Mega apperance too. I dont want none of that androgyny guff though, I don't want my redhead tomboy wrench wench fantasy turning into David Bowie
Rolled 2, 3, 8, 7, 4, 3 = 27

I think Mega Charisma.
Charisma is going to win her more fans, improve her performance in other ways, and help more generally.

Mega Appearance wouldn't make her not a tomboy or make her into David Bowie. It would just make the look WORK like there is no tommorow.
Im not sure I got you right, but just because a girl is a tomboy it doesnt means shes androgynous.
Anyway, 1 exp to give Ned the Merchandise specialty seems fine. Roll 1d10 extra, then. Btw, you can buy up to three different specialties for skill

Alright, let me see... she gets a free enhancement. The ones I immediately think would be useful for an entertainer are Natural Agitator (you can convince people looking at you to do things for you, arouse their moods, calm them down, basically superhandling crowds, and telepresence, which lets her do it over media like photos, television, movies, etc.
We can only get one, tho, and I think it should be Natural Agitator because theres not much point in being able to use charisma powers over tv if you dont have any.

And yes, mega appearance would just make whatever look she works with look amazing. It in fact gives her automatical successes to style checks, so yes, any style (tomboyish, girly, pretty pretty princess, biker, wrench wench, whatever) she goes with, cannot be bad because she automatically gets a success to it.
Also, mega appearance enhancements run the whole spectrum from useless to sligthly broken
>Alright, let me see... she gets a free enhancement. The ones I immediately think would be useful for an entertainer are Natural Agitator (you can convince people looking at you to do things for you, arouse their moods, calm them down, basically superhandling crowds, and telepresence, which lets her do it over media like photos, television, movies, etc.
>We can only get one, tho, and I think it should be Natural Agitator because theres not much point in being able to use charisma powers over tv if you dont have any.
>And yes, mega appearance would just make whatever look she works with look amazing. It in fact gives her automatical successes to style checks, so yes, any style (tomboyish, girly, pretty pretty princess, biker, wrench wench, whatever) she goes with, cannot be bad because she automatically gets a success to it.
>Also, mega appearance enhancements run the whole spectrum from useless to sligthly broken

Lets go with Mega Appearance.
Not what i was saying. She is already a tomboy, thats her personality. I just dont want her looking like a trap. There is a difference between a tomboy and an androgynous figure you know?
For example, with mega appearance you can create Awe Inspiring gives you an automatic success per each dot you have in mega appearance to intimidate, interrogate or command checks.

Copycat lets you change your appearance into anyone you study for at least a minute, either live or through a VERY good image.

Obscurement is an oddity. It´s one of the only non-physical enhancements that give you extra defense. For 1 quantum point (the effect lasts a whole scene/fight), your opponents lose as many dice from their attack rolls against you, as you have mega appearance, so long as they are trying to use visual means to target you. It could be she has some mirror image/multi image bullshit going on, it´s just so hot her opponent´s dont want to hit her, she appears blurry, etc. We can fluff it however we want.

Almost Live lets her mega appearance work over media
Copycat seems like an interesting use for advertisments and shoots. I like this but i also wouldn't mind Obscurement fluffed as ultra babeness
Copycat seems good if we were playing a spy-themed game and didint want her to be recognized. It like the opposite of what we want with her.

I agree in going for superbabe with Obscurement. She has that "naive hotness" thing going on for her, I think.
Rolled 9



This doesn't stop us wanting to send Ned Superior, of course
Almost Live seems great.
think about all the interesting surprise attacks, evil twin story lines Ami pretending to be a Mai clone etc. Sounds pretty cool to me.

Obscurement FTW

Mega Cha could eventually hit 2, when Almost Live/Telepresence would be taken to go with Natural Agitator at MC1
Alright, so 3 successes,
These are the bonuses from her first dot in mega appearance
* A face that could launch a hundred ships (This makes me laugh, how they sort of give you a Helen of Troy scale on mega appearance. More points on it launch more ship)
* Each dot of Mega-Appearance gives you an additional Die on all Style rolls. This dot accumulates with your default mega dice on style rolls.
* You are so beautiful that even the worst clothes look good on you (maybe not fashionable, but good)

Anyway, with 3 successes in business, we can get some great deals. I think it´s time we increase the "Resources" background of everyone involved at least to 4 dots. If we keep doing good business, maybe we could get to 5 dots.

Anyway, with greed dealt with, what do you wanna do? roleplay the week of training with "the kids" at the ranch, or go to the fights? I think someone mentioned sitting down Phalanx and Brass to discuss the shooting of the first round with Ami around so she got an idea of how things get done
Almost Live lets your mega appearance enhancements work over media
Telepresence lets your mega charisma enhancements work over media.
They are different enhancements and affect different sets of enhancements.
>I think it´s time we increase the "Resources" background of everyone involved at least to 4 dots.

What that means, btw
**** Wealthy: You own a significant amount of property (a mansion, apartment building, office tower or similar structure). You´d have at least $1.000.000 if you liquidated everything.

Of course, this won´t actually start counting as done until end of month when the franchise checks start coming in

I did. See >>21282673 for how this will be Red Jane's first semiofficial TV spot. The build to her debut starts here

Of course, plotting the first round won't be in the video... We only need about 5 minutes of semi-worked footage to offer to N! as a followup to their original story
So what's wealth 5 like anyway? And how high does it go?
Alright, that sounds fine. Who is handling the camera and/or editing the video afterwards?

Anyway ....

Eldric´s vehicle is an old but comfortable pick up truck. The first car he bought with the first XWF check he got. His friends insists he should get something newer and better, but this idea confuses the greek farm boy. It works, it gives good mileage per gas gallon, it is handy to move things around. Why would he need a new car?

The dogs, as usual, make a racket as he approaches the farm through the long, dusty road that leads to it. Like Brass, he´s not bothered by the dogs, albeit he keeps his hands up, rather worried with hurting the animals if he tries to push them away.

Mai: -standing next to Ned in the backyard while they watch Brass and Ami train- "That must be the new kid you said was coming?"

Wealth 5 says you could sell everything in a rush and get $10.000.000. Beyond 5, however, you can only raise a background when the ST feels you should. It´s very touch and go, but then again, most WW games are

We'll hire a good freelancer to do it. Preferably one who's also a fan

"Only new by Rob's standards. He's also a fan, though, hence the Respect Feud angle"
Mai: "Well, we better get him in before the dogs tear his clothes. I swear, they have grown much too used to being unable to hurt my visitors by now. They don´t hold back when playing anymore."

A few minutes later, the young man is inside the house, greeting everyone.

Phalanx: "I am grateful for this opportunity"

Ami is actually very good in all things art-related. The last video was edited by her, remember? You could just record and she´ll cut/paste the video later
Yeah minds well use her anyway, bonding through favours and all that. How long until the end of the year where can give her a match? Also does she know about that contract that was signed?
Brass: "You don´t have to be. This is technically a business meeting, right? We get to spar, train, and plan for the first round. In our business, when you think about it, this is as close to a business meeting as it gets"

Ten weeks now. But I´m thinking that we could fast forward a little bit. Wanted people to have time to grow comfortable with the system, and that objective seems fulfilled. After this fight with Phalanx, we could move ahead 6 dates and start on the last 4, with elimination fights for the Gold division belt, I think
Phalanx: "Well, I still can´t believe I´ll be sitting at the same table with you, sir." -then to us- "Thankyou for making this possible, mr Salter"
>eople to have time to grow comfortable with the system, and that objective seems fulfilled. After this fight with Phalanx, we could move ahead 6 dates and start on the last 4, with elimination fights for the Gold division belt, I think

Sounds great. I have to go to sleep now though. I would also appreciate it if the matches got harder. We shouldn't have to MAKE the matches go longer with dodging and pumping the crowd, we should be nearly getting pummeled by these people.
We're in the Gold division, son. There's Silver, Gold and Omega.

Trust me, we're going to get our hands full when we get to Omega. Let's savor the easy wins here in Gold.

Fair enough, but I still think it's a good idea for Python and Brass to become tag champs.

"Not a problem, Edric. I'm sure you'd do the same if our positions were reversed. Douchebag business ethics rarely fare well in the long run."

We could become tag champs in the meantime, but only because we're frozen out of the title scene this time round.

The Gold title is our quickest route to a vengeance rematch with Bomber Lord
Yeah, I wanted us to start at Gold to get people used to the system and to the characters, know what they can actually do and stuff like that.

Edric: "Very well sir, so what should I do?"
Mai: "You can start by going upstairs and getting changed into your "business" suit. That armani you are wearing wouldnt look very well if you were to sparr on it"
Eldric: "that´s not a problem, miss" -his suit changes into his wrestling tighs- "See?"
Mai: "Alright, let´s go out and see what you can do, then we can start planning the first round"

As it turns out, Eldric has elemental mastery over air, meaning he can create and control air, the same way others can create and control water, fire, earth of lightning. He had some troubles finding a manager, but eventually learned to do "tricks" with his power that helped him get into the XWF. He is hoping to rank high enough in the ranks by the end of the year that he will be able to move to the Omega division with Brass.

Eldric: "I wanted to stay in gold until I had a chance to meet you, sir. But if you say you are moving back into Omega, then that is what I have to do, too"
You are severely underestimating how strong Bomber Lord is and how badly Brass will straight up die if he goes up against him. Furthermore, Ned will be in grave danger if Bomber comes after him, recognizing that Ned's the source of Brass' return.
You there guys? Im waiting for one of you to speak as ned
"Eldric, - mind if I call you Eldric? - while I definitely back your decision to join the Omega division, you have to stand on your own feet, not do it because Rob did it. You're a talented guy on your own. Hell, if you were in my stable, I'd be ecstatic. But you need to do what you feel is best. Back me up here, Rob."
As in, the plan for the first round? How fine is his control, and how strong? What small tricks wouldn't he mind breaking out in the first round, such that he can still ramp it up in the second?
Brass: "Look kid, if the doctor said you could join the omega division, you should do it when you feel you are ready for a bigger challenge, not just because I´m doing it."

Eldric: "Alright. Then this saturday, if I manage to beat you, I´ll try and move up a division at the end of the year. Does that seem alright to you?"

Brass: "If you beat me on saturday, I´ll get one of your posters and ask you to sign it for me, but you should really think on what you are doing for next year"

Eldric nods, and you all start discussing the first round. He explains that his powers revolve around creating and manipulating air. Of course, creating air out of nowhere is not as impressive as lightning, ice or fire, but it can be much more subtle, and of course, air is harder to see coming than a beam of ice.

Eldric: "If it is alright, I was thinking I could send you flying a few times. I can´t actually send unwilling targets up, so you would have to work with me for it"
Eldric: "Other than that, I can make wind bubbles, shields, fly at about the same speed as a bird. I was thinking in getting a smokestick under the stage so there was colored air available. You know, so I could make my powers visible for the audience"
Rolled 2, 2, 6, 3, 1, 6, 4, 1, 2, 5 = 32

Roll 15d10 for Brass perform skill to fake a fight for the camera. Im rolling for Ami
That would be giving people false impressions of his power, wouldn't it? They'd be wondering why he didn't do it during the actual fight. But when he says "unwilling", does he mean anyone unsuspecting could be affected, or only those actively trying to be lifted?

Has he tried:
Bolstering his punches with air manipulation?
Blinding opponents with localized gale-force winds around their eyes?
Creating (temporary?) air pockets IN opponents to disorientate or cause organ failure?
Rolled 8, 5, 8, 6, 4, 5, 6, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 1, 3, 4 = 72

Rolled 6, 6, 5, 3, 9, 1, 8, 5, 1, 7, 5, 1, 8, 7, 4 = 76

Those rolls... did we just... utterly fail?

Well, at least we presumably watch the video ourselves beforehand as QC.
Delayed due to Phoneposting, as ever


"Well, y'know, Omega can be rough on a rookie... Maybe he should team with a veteran, and in turn, the rookie could help watch the veteran's back..." Ned looks at Brass as he speaks, before continuing "But that's for later. Now, let's look at Round 1"
Rolled 3, 6, 6, 10, 4, 10, 8, 1, 4, 9 = 61

>only those actively trying to be lifted
This. It actually takes a lot of control so he can make other people fly but they have to carefully "ride" the current

>Bolstering his punches with air manipulation?
He can "shoot" high pressure air balls. Since he uses smoke to color them, I guess that makes him a street fighter character
>Blinding opponents with localized gale-force winds around their eyes?
He actually can do that
>Creating (temporary?) air pockets IN opponents to disorientate or cause organ failure?
He could but he does not

Also holy shit, Ami didint got a single success.

Mai: "You said you had sent her to train her charm and grace, right Ned? I think she needs to keep practicing" -takes a sip of beer while sitting in the porch with you and Eldric-
Eldric: "I think she´s just too excited about fighting mister Wolfside"
As a note, punching with air manipulation wouldn't involve INCREASING air pressure around his fists, in which case he might as well hurl the pressure spheres you mentioned, but (perhaps counterintuitively) DECREASING it, to a vacuum if possible, in the path his fist would take such that he doesn't have to fight against air resistance, and the pressure differential would pull his fist into his target, making him punch harder and faster.
Just throwing that out there.
Rolled 1, 9, 3, 1, 3, 6, 4, 2, 2, 8 = 39

Yeah, looks like Ami still sucks balls at playfighting. I dont think we will be able to use the video unless... on the other side, it could mean she´s not holding back at all, while Brass is acting flawlessly. Or it could be shes a terrible actor and is overdoing it or being boring.

Anyway, we still need to book a fight for Python if we want him to fight this weekend. Someone said getting him to fight Duke?
Duke probably has shittons of soak, so yeah, nah, let's not.

What does Quantum Metabolism level 2 do for Brass, mechanically speaking? Now that it's been revealed that stats rise through XP expenditure rather than training.

"We have time. This was only one of many possible ways to push Ami into the stratosphere. Plans are my speciality"

>Ned steeples his fingers, Gendo Ikari style, in a deliberately theatrical fashion


Leave Ami out of the video. We'll just take Brass and Phalanx, and have a word with whatever N! journalist we let into the party two weekends ago.

Can we get a name for our N! Network contact? I'm seeing a potential dot for the Contacts merit, here.

Python v Duke works for me
He can train 20 minutes to get the benefit of a full hour of sleep. With his super metabolism, he could go from almost unconscious to full health in one hour of training. So technically he could fight early, train an hour, and fight again. It also means he recovers 1 quantum point every 5 minutes while training

Which is why he has Python's Coils.

Have a look at yesterday's thread, BC - We had to basically suffocate the soak-monster Equitas to win. Brutal, unflashy, but effective.

It's why, this week, Brass is learning the Willpower Damage hold (from Python, as it happens)
>Can we get a name for our N! Network contact? I'm seeing a potential dot for the Contacts merit, here.
I´m tempted to say April O´neil. But let me think about it... plucky female reported may be overplayed, lets go with a guy, I guess. Alexander Casio?

>Python v Duke works for me
Someone just pointed out it may be a very tough match because of how much soak Duke has. We still have Salamander, Wavelength and White Mamba to go through. White Mamba is sort of his nemesis, tho. May want to save him for his last fight on the Gold division, tho losing once and then challenging him again would also have quite a bit of impact.

I kind of like the idea of that, actually.
Why aren't we doing that, then?

Putting up our guy against someone who he's clearly disadvantaged against is still a shitty idea, in my opinion. One potential way of winning does not a good chance make.

Why not Wavelength?

Oh, and guys, watch out for Phalanx. I don't trust him, not the least bit. He's too intelligent to be blundering about like this.
Remember his description? 210 IQ? Would be the wealthiest man on Earth if not for his gambling and drug addictions?
He seems seedy. We can't let him know that, but I just don't trust him.
Heh, we could have an awesome television event where Brass marathons all comers from Gold and Silver with an hour's break between each match. What happens at Level 3? Also, how long does the esteemed Doctor take to revive patients?
>Marathon Silver fight

Oh God it's fucking perfect. Like a Battle Royale except it's Brass vs. anyone else all the time.

That's fucking brilliant.


His quantum would go kinda low, though, but he hardly ever used quantum, so it'll be fine, probably.
I dont remember mentioning she could revive someone, but if I remember right, the effect is instantaneous. It takes her 4 quantum points and a willpower point to resurrect a dead person, tho, so is not like she could do it forever.
It takes her a quantum point to heal 1 point of damage, so depending in how hurt the target is, 3-4 badly injured people could burn away her quantum really quick

>Remember his description? 210 IQ? Would be the wealthiest man on Earth if not for his gambling and drug addictions?
Actually -I- had forgotten about that. Was planning in making him into Brass´ hapless student and friend, honest!
>recovers 1 quantum every 5 minutes
The only question is what happens if Brass actually gets knocked out.
Being knocked out doesnt counts as rest.

Anyway, Brass vs Phalanx and Python vs Mamba, then? Want to move to the fights right away, or is there anything else you would like to do in the week?

>implying you're not lying to us right now
>implying Phalanx isn't the mastermind behind Bomber Lord and a final confrontation between Brass and Phalanx will leave Brass in despair as he must kill his friend and pupil, understanding that he's no hero, just a fighter
>implying Phalanx isn't hiding is power level and is going up to Omega to keep close tabs on Brass
>implying implications
>Python vs. Mamba
Why not Wavelength?
I think a match between Mamba and Python should be saved for the championship title.
I meant to revive from unconscious - that is, to give him even 1 health so he can recover the rest himself. If it's also instantaneous, the Marathon becomes a very real possibility.

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Fuck, now I know what the author of Hell Martial Arts Academy felt when his fans guessed the plot of his next 4-5 chapters. Eh, is okay, I´ll just make Phalanx into a genuinely nice guy and it´ll be like it was the plan all along
Alright, then Brass vs Phalanx and Python vs Wavelength. Moving on to that unless anyone has anything in mind for the week?

>Implying we haven't considered that
>Implying that's not why Mai is supersleuthing on our behalf to uncover the real secret behind Bomber
>Implying we haven't deliberately avoided knowing what Mai can do, so we can invoke an Indy Ploy/Unspoken Plan Guarantee later on
I'm surprised you didn't just suggest Phalanx is actually Bomber Lord using one of his many disguise/mind screw powers to insinuate himself close enough to Ned, Brass and Ami to enact his nefarious plans.
And now you, in your boastfulness, told the Storyteller this.

Good job revealing more information than necessary to put the Storyteller on his toes.

Wink wink nudge nudge

>Dat Xanatosmind
Oh god, he really IS two steps ahead of us!
>Implying this

Anyway, moving to the fight, then? Phalanx practices with you a lot, preparing for the first round, and reading in whatever free time he has. He seems to prefer actual books to text on his data pad.

*** The day of the fight ****
Ami: "Will you sign my holo of the fight afterwards?"
Brass: "Sure. Hey Ned, did you got an extra seat for me after the fight? I want to be able to see Python get his ass kicked while I´m recovering"

"Hey, it's me. I could get you a private stadium if you wanted! Come join us after, we'll be in the front row, and if anyone tries to poach the seat, well, I guess Red Jane will have to debut early..."

KoAND; We know about Phalanx, but what's Wavelength's style? I'm guessing it's spectrum-manipulation...
General energy manipulation, IIRC - was said a couple threads ago. Probably will have immolate.

As usual, anons should take names so OP can differentiate posters.

Eh, sorry, that was me. Phonepost curse!

Immolate is fine, we'll absorb it.

FYI folks, my battery is quite low, so if I disappear, don't worry, just carry on.

SPA, did you see yesterday's thread? Both our guys had to change up their strategies, and Brass now has a Rolling Germans finisher
Pretty much, yes.
Brass and Phalanx walk into the ring from the same tunnel, waving at the crowd. They are both face, and the audience knows that Phalanx is a Brass fight. They expect to hear a exchange, and they are not disappointed.

Phalanx: "Sir, I just want you to know, I will do my outmost to make this the hardest win you´ve ever had"
Brass: "You mean the hardest fight I´ve ever had, right?"
Phalanx: "I thought that would be rude... but regardless, I just want to say how truly, truly grateful I am to be here here in this ring tonight, about to fight my childhood´s idol. It is a dream come true. I´m still pinching myself!"
Brass: "Well, don´t worry. After the first punch, you will be absolutely certain this is no dream"
Phalanx: "Also, I want to thank my fans, for supporting a no-name newcomer like myself..." -the crowd cheers him up- "..no, really. I know there are better fighters in the XWF. I´m standing with one right now, right here in the ring! I want to thank you for choosing me, and making me your champion. And I wanted to tell you. This day could not be more perfect for me... well, it would if I win, but even if not, as of today, I am a north american citizen! That is correct. I did my oath earlier today, and.. here..." -pulls out and shows his new ID- "...I dont know if the camera can get it... oh it can? great! As of earlier today, I am a full fledged citizen!
Rolled 5, 9, 2, 7, 1, 6, 1, 1, 7, 10, 3, 8, 7 = 67


-The crowd pops in cheers and calls-

Phalanx: "When I got to this country, I got here as a poor student, then erupted, and the XWF offered me my dream job. I, the poor farmer boy from Greece, seeing his dreams come true, seeing his american dream come true, and now it has all come to pass. I am an american! and I talked with my manager, she said it was alright... I am changing my warname... calm down, folks! Phalanx no more! As of today, you can call me Paladin! and God bless america!"

*** columns of red, white and blue smoke start pouring from under the stage, and Pha-- Paladin manipulates the wind in the arena to make a large american flag with them ****

Paladin: "And that is all I have to say! Now, if the judges would make my dream complete... the whistle, please!"

Roll 12d10 for Brass Initiative. Im rolling Paladin´s into the second round. And I was soooo tempted to give you guys a heart attack by having him say "I´m actually bomber lord!"
Rolled 8, 8, 10, 8, 2, 2, 7, 2, 8, 2, 4, 8 = 69

>KoAND; We know about Phalanx, but what's Wavelength's style? I'm guessing it's spectrum-manipulation...
Pretty much

Roll 11d10 for Brass´ perform
Rolled 1, 10, 9, 4, 9, 2, 9, 8, 6, 10, 9 = 77

Yes I have, though I wasn't actually there for the Brass fight. Was if we wanted to pit Python against Wavelength that I noted the probable immolate.
11d10 first?
Rolled 6, 5, 4, 9, 3, 8, 5, 4, 1, 9, 3, 8 = 65

12d10 and I must be off.

I must say that I saw what you did there, playing Phalanx as the nationalistic underdog so that even if he loses, the crowd still remembers and loves him. Very cunning of him/you.
Rolled 8, 4, 4, 2, 7, 1, 3, 7, 4, 5, 2 = 47


Wow, this kid knows how to work a crowd. If he goes up to Omega with Brass, we have to keep him onside. I doubt his manager will sell the contract, but surely he'll realise the massive rub he could get from Phalanx officially joining the Old School
Rolled 3, 10, 1, 4, 9, 1, 5, 2, 6, 9, 4, 9 = 63

>11d10 first?
Sure, after all they are shooting the first round. the initiative is for the 2nd round. Roll 12d10 for it, btw


Commentator: "What a surprise from young Phalanx, I mean Paladin! He has used the smoke to assemble himself a steel-solid barrier after another, and Brass has ran through them shattering them like glass! They have thrown, flung and punched each other hard enough to shatter concrete and bend steel! the fans seem in love with Paladin, and the chants of support for him and Brass have been heard throughout the entire first round!"


commentator: "And there´s the start of the second round!"

*** Paladin´s turn ***
(0) Paladin: Wits [5d10] => [6,8,2,2,5] result of (1) success
(0) Paladin: Elemental Blast [10d10] => [10,4,10,6,3,4,6,4,2,9] result of (3) success + [2d10] => [10,10] result of (2) success
(0) Brass: Dodge [10d10] => [6,7,8,6,5,10,7,4,10,1] result of (5) success
(0) Paladin: Elemental Blast [9d10] => [10,6,9,4,8,7,10,5,6] result of (5) success + [2d10] => [4,6] result of a failure
(0) Brass: Dodge [9d10] => [6,7,7,10,3,9,4,8,4] result of (5) success
(0) Paladin: Damage [35d10] => [3,6,4,1,1,6,5,1,8,3,10,6,6,10,1,6,5,3,10,1,5,10,2,5,10,4,3,9,1,4,3,1,4,10,9] result of (9) success
(0) Paladin: Art [10d10] => [8,4,4,5,9,6,3,5,3,2] result of (2) success

Paladin weaves the red, blue and white smoke into two high pressure balls made of stars and stripes, then hurls them at Brass at high speed, managing to hit him twice! Stars and bars fly everywhere upon impact!
He´s just doing 2 damage to Brass. He can use absorb and soak them up to go into MAXIMUM STRENGTH mode, if you want to use quantum twice (once per blast). Brass has 29 quantum. Each absorb would cost him 3 quantum
>He´s just doing 2 damage to Brass. He can use absorb
I should have wrote "He´s just doing two damage to Brass, who can use..."
Rolled 4, 6, 4, 7, 3, 2, 6, 2, 7, 10, 2, 1 = 54


Time to go super strength on this bitch.

Double absorb.

Use the quantum
One last post, but we should go easy on him first to gain the crowd's favor that we were being the better man and giving him a chance.
Rolled 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 1, 8, 8, 3, 7, 6, 8 = 97

(0) Brass: Absorb [7d10] => [4,1,4,6,7,8,8] result of (3) success + [4d10] => [1,5,8,10] result of (2) success
(0) Brass: Absorb [7d10] => [5,7,4,4,8,4,7] result of (3) success + [4d10] => [2,3,2,3] result of a failure

Brass absorb both blasts, his body toughening up with a sound like that of a mighty tree growing in a single moment. His muscles grow larger and more dense as quantum fills them!

Paladin: "C´mon sir. I´de dreamt of this for years, you must be at your best!" -he readies to counter-
Tackle, I guess?

**** Paladin is standing ready to counter, with multiple american flags shaped like shields floating around him *****

**** Brass´ turn ****
Set up a Reaper Charge or Rolling Germans
Multiple Actions
We've got insane strength right now. We're at 5/5, right?
Tackle him. No way he can counter that.

We can only StrengthAbsorb 1 point.

I say we absorb the first blast, bringing us up to Base STR 5, but let one point of damage through, saving our Quantum (remember; spend 1 quantum in a fight, earn a point of permanent taint, which is bad)
I don't think you quite understand the rules.

We get temporary taint if we botch a roll in which we have used quantum. 10 temporary taint points become one permanent taint point.
Also, we have Absorb (Energy) level 2
Yes we are at 5/5 right now.
>We can only StrengthAbsorb 1 point.
You can absorb as many points as you have levels in absorb, and Brass has it at level 2
>remember; spend 1 quantum in a fight, earn a point of permanent taint
o.O? Thats not how you get taint. You get taint when you use a willpower point to "max out" a power (by adding your quantum as extra dice) and you botch the roll. And by using your powers for meaningless things. And even then, it´s a point of temporal taint. If you get 10 temporal taint, you get a point of permanent taint. You can also get permanent taint by buying stuff at 1/2 exp cost

Rolling the tackle


Brass has Absorb 1, he can only turn 1 point of absorption into Strength.

At this level, we can get up to 5 Base, but no Mega Strength points.

My mistake. I though Brass had learned the Will Damage submission, rather than Absorb 2

And I completely misread the Taint rules.

Apologies again
Rolled 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 10, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 8, 6 = 64

(0) Brass: Tackle [14d10] => [6,5,7,2,7,9,3,9,6,1,3,8,9,1] result of (6) success + [5d10] => [9,2,5,9,7] result of (3) success
(0) Paladin: Block [14d10] => [9,3,2,3,1,10,10,3,9,4,2,9,1,1] result of (5) success + [4d10] => [7,2,2,1] result of (1) success
(0) Paladin: Strenght Check [5d10] => [1,6,10,4,2] result of (1) success + [1d10] => [10] result of (1) success

Commentator: "And the Reaper charges through Paladin´s shields like they aren´t even there! he´s doing a Re- no! it´s not a Reaper Charge, he picks up the young Paladin and smasks him against the ring!"

Paladin immediately bounces and is back on his feet, but he took 1 damage

Roll 12d10 for Brass´ initiative. Im rolling for paladin´s
Rolled 8, 8, 8, 3, 5, 8, 4, 6, 3, 6, 8, 2, 6 = 75

>My mistake. I though Brass had learned the Will Damage submission, rather than Absorb 2
He learned Absorb 2 before the fight with Equitas, and the submission move afterwards
Rolled 6, 10, 5, 6, 4, 4, 2, 1, 3, 7, 9, 6 = 63

No harm no foul.

We've got the extra strength for the entire round, so how about we soften him up for a Judgement Bomb and a Reaper Charge after that?

I say we punch, kick, then grapple.
**** Paladin´s turn ****
(0) Paladin: Crush [10d10] => [9,4,3,8,3,8,1,9,5,3] result of (4) success + [2d10] => [1,2] result of a (-1) botch
(0) Brass: Dodge [10d10] => [7,7,7,8,6,3,8,5,5,3] result of (5) success
(0) paladin: Crush [10d10] => [3,6,8,1,10,7,9,3,4,5] result of (4) success + [2d10] => [2,7] result of (1) success
(0) Brass: Dodge [9d10] => [7,2,7,8,5,6,5,1,5] result of (3) success
(0) paladin: Damage [10d10] => [1,10,7,10,3,6,8,7,4,3] result of (5) success

Commentator: "Paladin sends enormous red, white and blue eagles against the Reaper! The reaper dodges one, and ouch! the other hits him and crushes the Reaper against the ring! You can see a crater spread out from the Reaper in every direction!"
Brass is taking 5 damage from an energy attack. Do you wanna use 3 quantum and roll absorb (7d10) to try to negate as much damage as possible? either way, his initiative goes down by 1 since he has to stand up before acting
Rolled 10, 9, 8, 5, 6, 4, 5 = 47

Absorb, no reason not to.
Alright, you negate 3 damage but Brass still takes 2 damage, and he´s down to 20 quantum now

*** Brass Turn ****
Set up a Reaper Charge or Rolling Germans
Multiple Actions
e need to go back on the offensive.

Kip up, then Tackle/Punch/Punch

Ever seen the Spear? Or the Gore? That's what I'm thinking of. Take Phalanx off his feet, and start pounding.

5d1 for Multitasking
>I say we punch, kick, then grapple.
(0) Brass: Punch [15d10] => [4,4,7,7,8,9,2,2,7,3,8,6,5,10,9] result of (8) success
(0) Brass: Kick [14d10] => [10,9,7,10,6,2,3,1,6,5,7,10,6,5] result of (6) success
(0) Brass: Grapple [15d10] => [8,4,9,2,10,5,5,4,7,7,1,6,5,5,4] result of (5) success
(0) Paladin: Block [15d10] => [9,1,3,5,1,10,9,4,9,1,3,9,2,8,8] result of (7) success
(0) Paladin: Block [14d10] => [4,3,7,1,4,6,1,10,8,1,6,5,6,5] result of (3) success
(0) Paladin: Block [13d10] => [4,10,3,10,6,8,9,7,7,4,5,10,5] result of (7) success
(0) Brass: DMG [2d10] => [6,7] result of (1) success
(0) Brass: DMG [1d10] => [1] result of a (-1) botch
(0) Paladin: Quantum Shield Backlash damage [5d10] => [1,3,2,10,7] result of (2) success

Brass deals 1 damage. Paladin´s wind shield deals 2 and 3 damage to Brass. You take the damage or want to absorb it?
Oh, sorry man. Someone had called for punch kick grapple way back, and I went with that since noone was posting something else
Want to use absorb to soak up the damage from Paladin´s shield? remember each use costs 3 quantum and we are at 20 quantum now

Take some of it. We need to save Quantum for absorbing the big blasts. We have the hp to deal.

And whoever said "spend 3 quantum to absorb 1 point of damage" wants shooting
Rolled 8, 10, 4, 6, 3, 8, 4, 2, 2, 10, 5, 9, 6 = 77

Okay, roll 12d10 for initiative again
Rolled 9, 7, 3, 7, 4, 9, 7, 9, 1, 4, 2, 9 = 71


Perils of phoneposting.

BTW, according to the sheet I have, Brass never takes wound penalties, ever...

Anyway, I think it's time for the Deathbutts. Phalanx can't shield himself if he can't focus... I hope

Next action: Headbutt, Headbutt, Grapple and go for a hold
Rolled 8, 7, 1, 1, 10, 2, 3, 7, 4, 6, 7, 9, 5 = 70

>BTW, according to the sheet I have, Brass never takes wound penalties, ever...
That is correct, with mega stamina 4+ you dont really take wound penalties, you just keep going until you faint

**** Brass turn ****
rolling the headbutt x2 / grapple
(0) Brass: [14d10] => [6,1,3,7,9,9,5,1,5,8,10,5,6,6] result of (5) success
(0) Brass: [14d10] => [8,3,7,6,5,7,10,6,3,3,10,5,8,5] result of (6) success
(0) Brass: Hold [17d10] => [4,10,6,2,10,8,10,7,4,7,1,7,3,2,6,5,9] result of (8) success
(0) Paladin: Block [15d10] => [9,10,3,6,4,7,4,4,4,6,8,6,7,8,7] result of (7) success
(0) Paladin: Block [14d10] => [2,4,5,3,6,1,10,4,10,7,4,10,5,1] result of (4) success
(0) Paladin: Block [13d10] => [5,1,10,7,8,4,9,5,3,1,2,2,7] result of (5) success
(0) : 5/6/8 vs 7/4/5
Brass second headbutt gets through Paladin´s defenses and stuns him! (1 dmg, too). The hold goes through, hes immobilized and dazed right now
Commentator: "And the reaper doesn´t lets go! he rams young Paladin with the good ´ol headbutt, dazing him and getting him ready for a hold!"

***** Paladin´s turn - Dazed - Missed turn *****
***** Brass´ turn *****

In which case, it's just as well we didn't try and cripple Equitas with wound penalties

>Vindication for Team Chokehold
>>Vindication for Team Chokehold
I lol´ed

Anyway, it´s Brass turn, and Paladin is Dazed, AND we have him in a lock. Want to turn it into a chokehold or do something else?
Rolled 10, 1, 3, 5, 10, 10, 5, 4, 5, 3, 1, 3, 9 = 69

(0) : Chokehold [11d10] => [2,6,3,1,5,7,1,5,4,4,8] result of (2) success
(0) : Resistance [10d10] => [4,4,1,9,7,3,9,10,3,4] result of (4) success

Paladin gasps, but doesn´t gives up!

Roll initiative (12d10) for the next round
Rolled 6, 7, 2, 6, 3, 8, 10, 1, 2, 4, 10, 7 = 66

Rolled 10, 2, 8, 2, 1, 10, 7, 7, 2, 10, 1, 5, 2 = 67

(0) Paladin: Braw [10d10] => [2,10,4,2,3,8,5,6,3,5] result of (2) success + [4d10] => [6,3,1,9] result of (1) success
(0) Brass: Braw [13d10] => [6,3,2,6,8,7,1,1,8,3,7,8,4] result of (5) success + [5d10] => [5,7,2,9,1] result of (2) success
(0) : Chokehold [11d10] => [1,9,1,8,5,1,8,2,8,6,9] result of (5) success
(0) : Resistance [10d10] => [9,6,4,1,5,1,8,8,9,9] result of (5) success
You keep the hold, and Paladin loses 1 wp!

Commentator: "That has to hurt! I can hear Paladin´s spine cracking all the way over here!"

The crowd cries out for Paladin to break loose, somehow!

(0) Brass: Braw [13d10] => [7,7,2,5,7,2,2,2,5,8,7,1,8] result of (6) success + [5d10] => [8,1,1,6,8] result of (2) success
(0) Paladin: Braw [10d10] => [8,1,1,1,10,4,10,10,9,4] result of (5) success + [5d10] => [10,1,5,8,2] result of (2) success

Paladin fails to break loose!

Roll initiative again (12d10)

Convert from Chokehold to Willpower Submission. It's like a Surfboard, but we more or less bend the victim backwards in half, exerting pressure from a headlock position. We call it the Soul Drain.

Even if he get out, he'll be feeling it.
Rolled 3, 8, 4, 3, 9, 8, 7, 9, 9, 3, 6, 7 = 76


If he doesn't break out, the only thing that will save Paladin will be the Round End bell.

>Soul Drain
>Soul Drain
>Soul Drain
Rolled 9, 7, 3, 8, 6, 6, 8, 7, 6, 10, 9, 4, 6 = 89

it IS a willpower submission, that´s just the name. And yeah I imagine it must be sort of like that

You still need to roll 12d10 for initiative in the next round
Rolled 5, 9, 10, 3, 8, 5, 5, 4, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1 = 60

You cant multiaction the souldrain since its effect depends on the hold coming from the last round.

(0) Paladin: Braw [10d10] => [8,1,1,1,10,4,10,10,9,4] result of (5) success + [5d10] => [10,1,5,8,2] result of (2) success
(0) Brass: Braw [10d10] => [7,10,4,10,10,8,10,6,9,2] result of (7) success + [5d10] => [5,3,5,9,5] result of (1) success
(0) Paladin: Resistance [10d10] => [9,7,1,2,8,3,1,3,9,1] result of (4) success
(0) Paladin: Braw [10d10] => [2,10,9,3,7,8,8,7,4,6] result of (6) success + [4d10] => [10,1,2,3] result of (1) success

Brass keeps twisting Paladin´s arms and back, making the young wrestler´s face go red and purple from pain! (paladin loses another wp, he´s down to 3 now)

He finally manages to break free of the hold (but takes 3 automatic damage doing so)

Commentator: "And there´s the bell! that´s the end of the 2nd round!"

Roll Initiative (12d10) for the start of round 3
Rolled 8, 4, 7, 8, 2, 6, 9, 1, 10, 4, 3, 6 = 68


Yeah, our posts crossed in midflight. I stand by my name suggestion, though

See >>21285983 for Initiative
Rolled 7, 7, 2, 2, 10, 4, 6, 10, 8, 3, 6, 2, 10 = 77

Commentator: "The Brass Reaper is showing his experience! Despite young Paladin´s flashy abilities, the Reaper was chocking the life out of him at the end of the previous round. Paladin still looks hurt, how will round three go?"
**** Brass´ turn ****
Kick (flying?)
Reaper Charge / Rolling Germans

Yeah, I realise the hold is a full round action. I greentexted for emphasis, not for multiple actions.

Take my last roll for Initiative, Brass will open Round 3 with a Judgment Bomb and follow up with a Headbutt. If Phalanx is dropped by the Bomb, the headbutt will be a diving headbutt off the top turnbuckle.
The judgment bomb also needs a 1-round set up, tho. Im gonna start by trying to headbutt and grab him, then.

(0) : Headbutt [15d10] => [10,7,2,9,2,10,2,4,9,5,8,5,4,1,9] result of (7) success
(0) : Block [15d10] => [1,7,6,2,3,6,5,8,9,5,1,6,9,5,4] result of (4) success
(0) : Soak [21d10] => [1,6,4,8,1,1,6,5,1,3,5,6,6,1,6,2,4,1,3,1,9] result of (2) success
(0) : Damage [5d10] => [6,10,9,8,6] result of (3) success

The headbutt dazes Paladin, so the hold autosucceeds.

**** Paladin´s turn - Dazed ****
**** Brass´ turn ****

(0) : Brawl [14d10] => [1,7,9,10,9,1,2,8,10,2,10,10,4,10] result of (9) success + [5d10] => [3,8,9,10,1] result of (3) success
(0) : Might [10d10] => [5,6,4,5,8,5,4,6,5,5] result of (1) success + [5d10] => [7,10,8,4,1] result of (3) success
(0) : Soak [21d10] => [5,10,2,4,5,2,10,5,3,8,2,5,8,10,3,1,1,4,7,2,3] result of (6) success
(0) : Damage [11d10] => [7,8,3,4,1,1,9,9,2,1,2] result of (4) success
Rolled 7, 10, 4, 6, 4, 8, 2, 8, 6, 8, 4, 9, 5 = 81

Commentator: "The Reaper is unforgiving. Paladin might be a Reaper fan, but he is not getting any special treatment tonight!"

Brass uses a headbutt to daze Paladin, then lifts him up and jumps into the air, spinning as he slams him headfirst into the concrete ring!

(4 damage and you let him go, roll initiative -12d10- again)
Rolled 5, 1, 7, 4, 2, 5, 1, 9, 1, 8, 4, 1 = 48


(0) : Blast [10d10] => [5,8,9,10,3,8,10,7,3,7] result of (7) success + [2d10] => [2,3] result of a failure
(0) : Dodge [10d10] => [2,8,3,9,9,3,5,1,3,10] result of (4) success
(0) : Blast [10d10] => [7,10,2,10,9,2,7,1,9,3] result of (6) success + [2d10] => [10,7] result of (2) success
(0) : Dodge [10d10] => [8,4,9,10,5,3,4,9,1,7] result of (5) success
(0) : Soak [21d10] => [10,5,7,2,1,10,8,9,2,8,9,1,2,10,9,6,2,8,6,3,6] result of (10) success
(0) : Damage [35d10] => [10,8,9,9,1,1,6,10,8,4,1,6,7,8,3,4,9,5,7,5,4,9,3,3,1,10,2,10,7,2,3,9,10,7,7] result of (18) success
(0) : Damage [35d10] => [7,8,5,6,8,1,7,2,7,1,1,7,5,9,2,4,5,5,10,10,4,6,10,5,7,8,5,1,5,2,9,1,9,5,5] result of (14) success

Paladin gets desperate, and maximizes 2 blasts to try to take Brass down (Willpower 1 now). He deals 12 damage do Brass! (8 and 4 on each attack. Want to use absorb to try to reduce the damage? its 3 quantum points per absorb)
Rolled 4, 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 3 = 36


Absorb the first blast, at least.

Second blast, I leave to others ITT to decide
alright so 9 damage instead of 12. The others are being either really really really slow on posting, or afk. At least someone said his battery was dying so I think its just us now. Lets call it a day when the fight finishes. Lets see... Brass has taken 12 damage and Paladin 8 and 4wp damage (he´s at 1)

Commentator: "Paladin is pouring everything against the Reaper now! Two massive red, white and blue eagles crash against the Reaper, but it seems to only give him short pause!"

**** Brass turn **** Brass has 6hp left
Well, Paladin is down to 11hp and 1wp
Brass is down to 6hp and 5wp since he hasnt taken any wp damage

It´s Brass turn now.

Smackdown (Reaper Charge or Rolling suplexes)
Chokehold (Souldrain, right?)
You are way too fucking stingy on using the quantum. We literally do not need quantum for anything other than absorbing, not using it is silly.

Also I feel KOAND hasn't been letting our punches etc. do auto damage from our mega strength, though that might just be me.

Can we shock wave him off the ground, then reaper charge, or what?

I don't even remember buying earthquake, ever. That seems like a waste of XP.

Hey, not my fault nobody chimed in. I didn't want to dominate the thread.

Anyway, time for Soul Drain. One more point and he's gone.

Spend WP to add our Quantum to the roll to latch on
Oh I totally forgot that! my bad, you are right,, both of them should have been doing auto damage!

No, there isint even a power NAMED earthquake, is just shockwave, renamed. You cant use shockwave as part of a multi action, tho.

Okay, Im rolling for Brass´ Brawl + Paladin´s Brawl. If it works he does a bit of damage and starts a willpowerdrain hold

>Spend WP to add our Quantum to the roll to latch on

But the sheet has Earthquake and Shockwave as separate things...
Rolled 5, 5, 4, 9, 9, 3, 3, 9, 10, 3, 9, 4, 10 = 83

(0) : Brass Brawl [14d10] => [1,3,9,6,10,10,6,7,9,9,10,2,6,2] result of (7) success + [5d10] => [1,5,5,3,2] result of a (-1) botch
(0) : Paladin´s Block [15d10] => [2,5,9,7,4,3,2,5,5,4,1,10,1,7,5] result of (4) success
(0) : Paladin´s Brawl [10d10] => [2,5,3,3,6,3,3,9,3,4] result of (1) success + [4d10] => [1,8,10,1] result of (2) success
(0) : Brass Brawl [14d10] => [8,9,10,4,9,10,5,6,7,2,2,2,8,9] result of (8) success + [5d10] => [5,9,3,10,7] result of (3) success

Commentator: "And the Reaper charges through Paladin´s blasts, he pounces and immediately takes Paladin to the ground!"


Roll 12d10 for initiative
Rolled 3, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 9, 2, 6, 3, 8, 5, 10 = 60

>But the sheet has Earthquake and Shockwave as separate things...
Yeah My bad, I... wait, are you using the updated one? the one that is called 004?
Well, I still need to update everyone´s sheets slightly anyway. I will have them ready for tomorrow´s thread
Rolled 4, 1, 10, 10, 10, 7, 2, 7, 2, 5, 10, 5 = 73

Rolled 9, 7, 3, 6, 2, 9, 3, 1, 10, 6, 8, 9 = 73

Well, since you guys are taking so long and is just a initiative roll, I guess I´ll roll it
Oh, it seems autoupdating isint working right. Using your initiative
(0) : Paladin´s Brawl [10d10] => [2,5,3,3,6,3,3,9,3,4] result of (1) success + [4d10] => [1,8,10,1] result of (2) success
(0) : Brass Brawl [14d10] => [8,9,10,4,9,10,5,6,7,2,2,2,8,9] result of (8) success + [5d10] => [5,9,3,10,7] result of (3) success

(0) : Brass´ Vrawl [14d10] => [9,4,1,9,9,7,10,3,7,7,3,7,8,6] result of (9) success + [5d10] => [3,3,4,5,3] result of a failure
(0) : Paladin´s Resistance [10d10] => [2,7,4,5,9,1,4,10,4,3] result of (3) success

Commentator: "And the Reaper takes the Paladin. The Brass Reaper charges Paladin, and takes him down hard! Paladin is unconscious, and the Reaper stands victorious!"

Submission Hold: A variant of a Hold or Clinch, the Submission Hold is designed to cause an opponent suchexcruciating pain that she submits, or "taps out."
The attacker makes a normal Hold roll, but at +1 difficulty. Each turn the attacker maintains the
Submission Hold, he may roll Brawl or Martial Arts against the victim's Resistance. If the attacker scoresmore successes than the victim, the victim loses one point of temporary Willpower for each success aboveher Resistance successes. When the victim is reduced to zero Willpower, she submits to the hold andconcedes victory
>the victim loses one point of temporary Willpower for each success above her Resistance successes.
I just realized is not 1 willpower per turn, its the difference between the attacker´s brawl and the victim´s resistance, that is lost in willpower points, so this move is way more dangerous than we thought

Neither fighter was -seriously- injured, and you are all watching Python´s match together, afterwards.

Paladin: "You didin´t had to twist my arm that hard, sir"
Brass: "That´s called respect, kid. Didin´t want you to think I was going easy on you"
Paladin: "And here I was going to ask Ami to dinner if I won"
Ami: "W-w-what do I have to do with your match!?"
Paladin: "It just sounded good on my head..."

Should we stop here for today? I get the impression everyone is afkish
I'm still around
But you aren´t making decisions on the attacks, and we still need to go with Python´s match. Or would you prefer if we just skipped it (no exp for it, but we can assume he won it) and advance the story a bit? Well, honestly I´d prefer if the "regulars" were paying attention for that, too

Whatever happens, skip or not, I vote continue tomorrow, as I have other stuff to attend to.
Ya, thats my opinion as well. Let´s continue tomorrow. Archiving the thread. If someone wants to keep talking about the game or discuss how to use the exp or such, my yahoo messenger is maglad_triunfant@yahoo dot com, and my msn is [email protected] Just mention in the request for friendship that you guys are from /tg/

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