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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Sup /tg/ - I miss you all. I love you all. I've had people beg me to restart the soviet tank commander quest or the dictatorship of zanzia quest. Either picking up from my oldest sup/tg/ archive or rebooting clean.

So, I'll ask you all. Do you want the games back? Shall I start anew?

-Dictator Quest (Island, Afrika, Balkans? 1960s-2010s)
-Insurgent Quest (Rise up for the people!)
-Tank Commander Quest
-Something military

I'd love to start doing something for you all again, I just am curious as to your current interests.

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State of Zanzia when /tg/ last left it, if we were to pick up there.
Dictator Quest, but starting over from the very beginning. That being said, I am proud as hell of that symbol I made for the Zanzia flag.
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Soviet Tank Commander Quest, how I miss running thee.
That symbol is fucking awesome. Thank you so much for having made it.
Dictator quest from a fresh start?
drug runner quest

crazy orky schemes to get past the us-mexican boarder
I vote for a new Dictator quest. Either Zanzia again from the begining or a new nation, it's all good.

Restart with same map, same flag, same basic settings?

Or new map? Perhaps a dictatorship in exile. Maybe Zanzia has some fictional island off her coast we can rule after mainland Zanzia was "freed" by rebels.
So we african Taiwan? Could be fun.
I wouldn't mind picking a new location. Maybe we could be some new nation in the Middle East, carved out for some sort of new ethnic homeland, or a Balkan/Eastern European state that separated from one of the other, larger nations.
I'm familiar with NATO and Soviet gear, settings, and dictatorships from Africa, M.E., and Islands/Caribbeans (like Cuba.) So this is fine with me.

We could easily make a fictional nation between Syria-Israel-Iraq. I'm sure Muslims would be angry with any jihadist stereotypes I do there though. Syria-anon on /k/ did give me some ideas.

Balkans would work, set-up similar to Kosovo incident if we ever got into war.

The only Asian dictatorship I am familiar with is North Korea. Unless we were Kim-Jon-Un its kinda hard to recreate that set up without "why not just NorK?"

In reverse, but yeah. (Since Taiwan is the "free" china.)
Why not a european taiwan?
Dictatorship on an Island off the coast of Italy, Greece, or in the Black Sea?
The problem with being in europe is you're right on NATO's doorstep, so there's nothing you can do militarily without them jumping in one way or the other, just like when the balkans fell apart in real life. That seriously limits anything we can do on that front, as whichever side they bacl has an instant win button.
I think it could be cool to create an independent nation out of the islands of Naxos.
>We could easily make a fictional nation between Syria-Israel-Iraq.

Independent Druze nation? It's the right area and would border all of those plus Jordan.
This. Though, situated in Greece's surrounding Mediterranean islands, near M.E., we could end up with an ArmA3 set up almost if NATO ever got pissed.

Syria-Iran easily could power-project through us...but then we just become a proxy war.

Unless we go to 1960s-1980s Europe, then its Pact-NATO and not a modern-strong NATO.

Ideally, set it in a fictional post-suharto Indonesian archipelago. Say if Indonesia fragmented into a host of smaller countries.

Lots of small despot neighbours, encrouching china, US looking to exploit, Malaysia, Borneo and Philippines looking to gobble some extra land. And all that sea, pirates galore.

Perfect for trouble and shit to go down.
That one could work.
Also to be clear, I've considered setting up either a mailing system or a cheap blog page to announce when-ever a new game is set up.

Sister is married this weekend + the holidays, so I can't do "every day" games (would love to try) and may occasionally miss some sessions.

I'd like to do a more long term, in-depth game with /tg/. With some serious politics and decisions coming back from "months ago" to bite us in the ass.

I want to see what /tg/ does leading a nation.
Oh god. That -is- a nice area...problem is I am not familiar with culture in the area or history beyond WW2 involvement. I'd have to read up prior to game.
Off italy but former soviet bloc
i miss the intercontinental nano-rail gun project... NeoTek was an amazing goverment backed ex-german corperation...
this is pretty perfect honestly.
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Alright /tg/ - VOTE! We decided dictatorship but way to many ideas. Gimme some love!

A-African Dictatorship
B-Middle Eastern Dictatorship

Start Date
Asia included Indonesia, for purpose of voting. I know locals would hang me for that generalization.

Well you could do post Suharto but that brings you square into the 2000s since the administration fell from power in 1998 and even then, there wasn't much ruckus.

Ideally, it should be in the wake of the fall of the Sukarno administration. The dissolution of Indonesia paves the way for communism to set deep roots within any number of the regimes that may sprout, undermining the ASEAN treaty and putting the other signatories on guard, increasing their defence spending and beefing up their military.

You wouldn't get hina interfering much during this time period but you WILL have the USSR and US both working the region.
Location: B
Start Date: C or B
D-Asian (I like the indonesia idea)

Location: D

Start date:
Late 1960s.

This was a tumultuous period for the region.
(possibly post-revolution Libya?)
A-African Dictatorship
Also a side comment: I will generalize on votes, come up with a setting inspired by them and posts here. If you guys like it, we will go with it. (Thats how this will work.)

For those who, probably skimming by this thread: I'm not trying to name fag or be an attention whore. I just miss doing this with you guys and I wanna make something everyone enjoys for the sake of fun. SO come and join!
well damn Gotta leave for class in like 20 minuets. You think the thread will still be going after like an hour?
yeah confident we will have it alive

Location - Aisa, time 1978
Double A


Height of the cold war
Germany, ww2.
Your mom, last night
Now now be nice.
I don't know. We have a lot of stuff similar to that on /tg/ lately.


Bx1 (Middle East)
Dx3 (Asia)
Ax3 (Africa)
Ax4 (1978)
Cx1 (2000s)
Some little bitch wanting the 60s, x1 ( I like the 60s, but yeah.)
I'll throw my vote in for Asia, just to break the tie.
Whatever it is let's do it modern, cold war will just go horrible because either way, One power or the other will become interested in us, and from that moment on. We're royally and supremely fucked up the ass.
I would agree with that partially. However. Here is my plan.

We design this nation from the ground up. History, culture, etc.

So I would say we "start' in the 70s, to figure out what happened to us in the cold war. Sort things out without playing, and starting maybe at an agreeable time in the 1990s, 2000s, or 2010s.

So if this is agreeable to everyone, we should begin preparations for the quest!

1st off, we're going to be an island nation. I'm not going to re-arrange a fucking map of Asia. Africa was hard as it was.

This allows us to go to Indonesia. If there are no objections to choosing this region. If there are, my 2nd proposal would be off the coast of Vietnam or Korea/Japan
>So I would say we "start' in the 70s, to figure out what happened to us in the cold war. Sort things out without playing, and starting maybe at an agreeable time in the 1990s, 2000s, or 2010s.
Oh I like that. Setting major historical, economical and political events without having to play for 50 years straight.
Yes yes oh god fuck yes. Can we get Germans as a technological/economic ally?

East or West? East would be very-very likely if we were Soviet or neutral. West would make us NATO aligned. We are in the 70s initially.

Otherwise, if it is after reunification and the GDR is no more, it would be either: Aid or NATO interest in preventing a swelling China.

In the 2000s/2010s, China will do anything to get nations in this region into their SOI.
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I'd say we'd be better off to be a NATO interest. And indonesia is fairly close with modern Germany, I believe..

East German interest could give us Soviet gear. Then a unified German interest would get us more "modern" German gear and economics.

The GDR's sphere of influence continued when the West unified with the East. If I recall right. Germany still is friendly with plenty of places.
Yeah let's go with that. We were friendly with the east, then continued our relationship with unified germany.
I'd say go with the west. Just because of the horrible, horrible dialects most of the easterners have.
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Yes yes yes yes yes yes!
Also, That's the flag I based my Nationstates flag on.
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>That feel when GDR.
It's a text based game anon, I really don't see why that matters.
Going to get lunch. Love you all.

We'll hammer details when I get back.
Nice flag. Also, because I take every opportunity I can to post the best anthem ever:
Personal bias, sorry. Wasn't meant to be taken seriously.
Although I'm not sure if west germany wouldn't be a better tech/econ partner pre'90. Bigger population, arguably better economy, more (military) research if I'm not mistaken. Of course, the west was less militarized compared to the west, but oh well.
I'm terrible at history.
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Full flag.
God. I can't even write a proper post.
What I meant was: West > East, I believe.
>west less militarized than east.
I won't disagree that west would be a better choice However I like the idea of transitioning from being aligned with the warsaw pact to being aligned with the west, adds a bit of flavour to our nations history.
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And the older one, if anyone's interested.
I'm tied between that and the original full length one.
The west was actually easily on par with the east militarily, not to mention the west had better military equipment.
If you don't mind I'm going to steal those flags for potential future use.
After that anthem I went to the 'whole-german' one on yt. God so many disgusting nationalist and also antinationalist comments...

I see your point. I'll agree with that, flavour is more important here than pure crunch numbers.

I think you might be right. I'm bad at history so what I'm throwing out here is basically non-proven, but I think west germany had a bigger mil-research of their own, trying to depend less on american tech.
About the east, they were basically constantly on alarm, ready to strike whenever, while the west was kinda chillax. At least that's from some people who served back then.
Whatever, if you like having a Imperialist German-American hybrid country's flags, go ahead. I actually wear a flagpatch of them I got printed on deployment.. Fucks with the locals quite a bit...
Yeah.. Now Imagine living in Germany and being in the bundeswehr.. You'd be amazed the shit I get.. Or not. even the states has more respect for their military.
West germany had a bigger military research division, that co-operated with the American one, but was independent, Whereas the east relied almost entirely on the soviets for everything, and were rather poorly equipped. We have T-34's on target ranges that were in service until re-unification with GDR markings on them still.. Hell, I heard some old ex east german border stations that got turned into police stations still have MP44's in stock.
Thye have mp44s? Seriously? It's like a land time forgot.
My unit still has Mp44's and mp40's in our armory, We also still use the mauser k98 as a honor guard weapon, Its fun to take out a mp40 every now and then and wipe out some sillouete targets with it. It sucks I'll probably never be deployed the way I actually trained to be, Unless I go KSK or something, But I rather like living. So.. 90 hour cross country run.. that's probably what would kill me in the KSK selection process.
Do they even still function properly after all those years? Also, how do they compare to modern counterparts?
And yea, our bundeswehr doesn't get a lot of love. But god damn, the recruitment ads on tv aren't really improving things, either. Kinda cheesy.
Yeah, they still work. I've actually cleaned the ones in our armory. Compared to a G36.. I'd take the G36.. the Mp44, if it was modernized, would still probably make a fucking excellent weapon though, Easily on par with the G36. And it's definitely superior to the Ak series.
Back. Reading up.
i assume that there is no chance we could aquire and construct a Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte, would there?
Welcome back.
I suppose I should mention what I am after that, I'm a Fallschirmjäger. I should also mention, My unit has a bunch of the old east german Luftsturmregiment 40. stuff in storage. And one of our old hands was in the 40. Fallschirmjägerbataillon before that.. Germany.. We just won't throw shit away until it's genuinely not useful to us..
No Hitler. Your fetish for impractical giant tanks shall not ruin our army.
Nein, das ist verboten!

Aye, those are T-34/85s, used until the 80s as fill-in-the-gaps tanks and border guard armor. AKA: "Send in the distractions!" (I play an all GDR list on WEE... regularly get raped by Leo2s.)

Also, pleasure to meet a Brundeswehr.

Anyways... This game isn't 'hard numbers' but I do use reason. Readily available soviet equipment is good for local and regional disputes. Easy to maintain. I promise you though, it won't hold up against modern shit if we piss off any nation with a 'real' MBT.

So lets begin.


Things we need:

Island Name: ????

Ancient History:
What sort of history does our island have in regards to tribes/region/etc. Ideas, suggestions, tribe names, etc.

This is anything pre "European Discovery."

We will build off this.
They were actually classed as a MBT in some of our old field manuals.. Heh.. I play a all west German list on WEE, Although I like to use the KPZ-70, Sometimes. I've probably raped you at least once.. If you want soviet block, or even modern russian shit to have a chance against anything NATO or china has.. You better throw it at it in numbers, and to be frank. NATO and China have russia beat there, too.
As for island name..

if you want to keep a Z theme..
Oh god I came. Fallschi! I love you.

We need our own rudimentary airborne service developed by a German Fallschirmjäger veteran.

A certain pink pony is my name [to induce rage, mostly.] I sometimes am frustrated and act out, but generally I so desire themed games...
I've crosstrained with the 82nd airborne, They'd be good too. They are too.. What was the term a friend used.. Motarded, Though.. One of them actually died on the joint jump because he fucked up and cut himself out of a parachute malfunction.. I would've just taken the broken leg, I saw it happen. He had a type of malfunction where the descent isn't slowed enough, So he would have hit the ground hard enough to break his leg, Instead he tried to cut himself out and went for the reserve, When the jump was far too low for a reserve to be worth the attempt beyond a tangle. he hit the ground so hard he broke his spine and bled out internally. the medic's and sanitater could do nothing for him.... And am I on /k/ or /tg/..

an important part of ancient (Zaritonian) culture was the boat. it was used for many things from fishing, trading to honerable combat.
there were two main deitys, the God of Water and the God of Sky.
feel free to name them. my naming sucks...
I prefer goddesses, Personally..but all the names I can give are German female ones..

Trust me. It's not.
Deploy to afghanistan. Any sense of honor in combat goes out the window.
/tg/, but fucking idiot... cant believe he actually did that shit.

For anyone wanting a WEE game another time, [email protected] is my public email. Also Falschi guy, I'd love to hear more from you sometime.

Anyways back to topic, friends.

Zaritonia sounds nice. We can go with that if no one objects.


Boat emphasis is good. Gives us a reason for a possible future navy.

(GodName) God of the Sky should have a mountain temple built as high as possible, with tall megalithic stones reaching to him.

(GodName) God of the Sea should have some temple built by an older race of some sort or by their own people, sinking into the ocean. Islanders believe the god lives here?
Klein unser Häuflein, wild unser Blut,
Wir fürchten den Feind nicht und auch nicht den Tod,
Wir wissen nur eines, wenn Deutschland in Not,
Zu kämpfen, zu siegen, zu sterben den Tod.
An die Gewehre, an die Gewehre.
Kamerad, da gibt es kein Zurück,
Hoch am Himmel stehen dunkle Wolken.
Komm mit und zage nicht, komm mit!

the reason for the boats could be that initally the land was covered in rivers and swamps. dangerous animals lived in the waters, so despite living on the scarse patches of dry land, boats were the main method of traversing the island.
Goddesses are good. I enjoy me some holy boobage.
If you don't mind I can always tell more stories in these threads? *Shrugs*
Maybe the god of the sea should have it's old temple submerged under water somewhere near the island, Perhaps the god of the sky's mountain temple is so high the clouds easily encompass it?

Another short story.
In my training cycle there was a dumb bitch named Natasha, a immigrant from the east.
She decided to throw a live grenade at a tree. Grenade bounced off her tree and back into her fighting hole..
Grenade went off. And we never found her feet.
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The goddess of the sky should definitely have a mountain theme, If you know what I'm saying, Kamerade.
Indonesia does have mangrove swamps, so I'd say that could be an issue even in the present day for our nation.
Nice 5.56 blank.. Oh, and the girl holding it's not bad either. I've only been to oktoberfest once though.. Alot of the girls are dumb tourist skanks.. Easy to lay, Questionably worth it.
Yeah. Mangrove Swamps are a bitch.

I'm thinking of Island Size...
Cuba sized island sound good guys? Perhaps with a large volcano, small mountain range with some valleys, surrounded by swamps and open lands, then ending in beaches, cliff-faces over ocean, and a river outlet or two.
the tradition for the passing of the position of tribe elder consisted of hunting two ferocious animals (a Babirusa and a Sun Bear) to be offered as sacrifices to the godesses. once the sacrifices have been made, the old elder prays to the godesses for prosperity and to grant the new elder the strength and wisdom to lead the tribe with honour.
Sounds good to me.
Perhapse in the present day the animals could be a protected species? Leading to a conflict between tribal areas that stick to the old ways and the urbanised people who would (like the rest of indonesia) be mainly muslim with budhist and christian minorites?

funilly enough the Babirusa IS an endangered species...
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I'm taking a tripcode for this thread.
Things I am no longer allowed to do # 58.
Play. Sing or otherwise reference Megadeth's high speed dirt during jump operations.

As OP I'd like to request we either
A: Make our own religion (island religion holds strong in face of the world)
B: Go with what you've said, as long as we don't devolve into a /pol/ religion thread.
Woops forgot trip. Dropping it so I can post elsewhere. (Syria thread on /k/)
I'd say we should have our own religion, But probably be accepting of more mild religions and athiests/agnostics, perhaps as part of the religion itself.
#59. Have sex with the commanding officer's 19 yearold daughter in his bed while he is on leave.
Let's go with our own religion, something like a mix of Islam and Voodoo?
Our presidente could run the state like Papa Doc Duvalier.
Probably better to go with our own religeon then. There will always be somebody who'll shit things up.
That guy, religion edition?

Here's a unique idea.. How about something styled after the native american religions and beliefs?

Island Religion. Lets go with a stereotypical setup.

We have Sky and Water, lets throw in fire for Volcano. All three are goddesses. So unlike other islands- ancient islanders sacrificed male virgins to appease these gods. A little twist. Pokerfacehidingtrollgrin. I won't DM insert my fetish of a female matriarchal society...
>>repeats this to self until we're done.

-Goddess of Sky [Name]: Temple on top of the highest mountain in the great range. Difficult to get to on foot.
-Goddess of Fire [Name]: Temple inside a volcanic cavern system. Sits high enough that magma flow from the volcano into the tunnels doesn't (often) flow into the temple's high grounds.
-Goddess of Water [Name]: Temple submerged. Theorized to have once been on a beach long ago but for the past two thousand years it has slowly sank. Much of it lies beneath the waves, intact(ish.)

-Sky: Life?
-Fire: Death?
-Water: Food?Fertility? Dunno
>Sits high enough that magma flow from the volcano into the tunnels doesn't (often) flow into the temple's high grounds.
I'm going to say that this is considered a sign of the Goddess being displeased on the rare occasions it does happen.
-Sky: rabbits
-Fire: food
-Water: travel
what about social issues?
Sexual equality? y/n?
Fake elections or blatant dictatorship?
Police state: y/n?

Still working out ancient history first. So we have something to build on.
Yesyesyesyes this.
Also.. how are we, ethnicity wise? I know modern times with such a close relationship with Germany, we'll probably have spread plenty of our seed around..
Things I am not allowed to do #27
Lose a Dm-51 grenade during a live fire training drop... I wonder if anyone ever found that. Not my fault it got sucked off in the wind..
>sucked off in the wind
In hindsight.. that translation could be worded differently.
Sky goddess loves you.

Ethnicity...I'm still not sure.


So many...and those are just the more numerous ones....
Let's go with a multiple aspect thing, shall we?
Water - The underworld and food. The dead rest in the sea, and the sea gives them food.
Fire - Destruction and fertility. The magma destroys everything it touches, but after it cools down, it's the most fertile land. Throw males in to fertilize the goddess.
Sky - weather (duh) and time. They mostly used the movement of the sun in the sky to measure time.

Also, make the religion a mix of Christianity or whatever and this.
Let's assume that some missionaries got there, and that they couldn't exterminate the old beliefs. So, the religion is a mix of Christianity and a lot of the old rituals and practices.

based on what seems to be inversed gender roles, the men would gather edible and medicinal herbs and plantlife, and looking after the village and the young, while the women are the dominant gender in the village. they are the ones who hunt for food and defend the village from rival tribes. the women often have duels of honour for the rights to lay claim to a male. these range from races to the temples, to hand to hand combat.
The males should be the fighters and hunters, and fight among themselves for a mate.
As for the females, they are held sacred by the people - they are life givers, and avatars of the goddess of fertility. It's the males sole duty to fend for them first, then everything else.
The women are healers, sages and mystics, because of their connection to the fertility goddess. Also, they rule the local tribes as small councils.
Worry not, it is Dictator Quest.

We're doing a new nation though.

Alright so:

Lets make our own Ethnicity. Lets name it, not go into details to avoid any accidental hurt feelings, and leave it at that.

Reversal of Gender Roles is totally a /tg/ thing but I'm 100% behind that.

>>Female officer force with male troops
+1 here
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That sounds more practical and sustainable. You don't send your breeding population off to die.
Although perhaps men should be seen as sacred in some ways, Aswell? Particularly to the priestesses(No priests, the religions higher echelon should be women only)and enchantresses of the goddesses
..You'd be surprised, I had a orgasm on my first jump from the excitement..
Sup OP just got back from class.
If we are going to make our own religion we should definitely consider the surrounding environmental elements.
Almost all ancient religions in history have been dictated by environment and climate
(ex: Mesopotamian and Egypt. The Nile flooded regularly and was a prime source of life for the people, they lived near the river and it helped them flourish, therefore Egyptian gods were often "nice" had powers of life giving and such, whereas the Tigris did not flood regularly and was very unpredictable, often resulting in the destruction of whole villages, therefore the Mesopotamian river god "Ea" was not a kind soul and often had powers of destruction and caused much fear.)
So if we have alot of swamps, historically speaking, we would almost certainly have some form of swamp god or goddess whose personality would likely be dictated by how dangerous the swaps were.
Just some food for thought before we start.
*Shrug* I prefer traditional gender roles, because there are excellent biological reasons they evolved that way (see pregnancy, death by pregnancy, and the strength differential). Nowadays we have the tech to ignore those reasons, but that doesn't mean they never existed.
Lutchah Thore.
They use elaborate face scarification as rite of passage, often in forms of various demons.
Zaritonia would be the land of the Zari? Zaray?

But don't make it mono-ethnic! Add some other Native Indonesian groups in there, too!
What about a Dogs of War twist? Get a Falschi-esque group of mercs/veterans/gentleman adventurers that take over the island for an outside interest initially but then work for the island and rebuild it to its former glorious power?
Swamp "devil"

Since boats are used for safety from the evil waters. There are Salt Water crocodiles there too.

Which means.

Swamp Goddess is an anthropomorphic crocodile who fills our world's "Path to Hades" role. Taking the dead into the river, and sending them out to the ocean. She is evil. Also likes to rape the dead. Antro-croc-goddess raping your soul if you die to one of her spirit-crocs in the water.

I like Zari.

Maybe they've got this ethnic religion and are like... 65% of the population? There should be another, predominantly muslim group, if we're going to be moderately realistic with Indonesia.

Also, I nominate Zaritonia as a sultanate.
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Is that a reference to me? I'd totally go mercenary and got to zaritonia as long as I don't get.. y'know.. neutered by the locals.. I enjoy having working manparts too much..
Far too much, if you ask my kameraden..
>You guys like my name for it.
Alright. To tip-toe a deep topic.

Keep our island religion as what we working on it.

Introduce (eventually in our history, but there by the time we start the quest proper,) Islam and Christianity.

Avoid the topic of Ethnics. Just. Indonesian Ethnic Groups are assumed to be distributed as needed by modern times.
> Taking the dead into the river, and sending them out to the ocean
This is very good.

>Swamp Goddess is an anthropomorphic crocodile
This is good although I think it would make more sense if the goddess could shape shift. Alot of the fear of swamps would be the "unknown" and nothing personifies unknown danger more than a threat that can change form. Not sure how much thought you want put into this though lol
Read this post I made: >>21793202 on the 3 gods of the island.

Technically, the fire goddess dwells inside the volcano. The magma that spills out is the most fertile land there is, and can be used as a fertilizer.
Let's drop in a belief that the magma is the fire goddess' child, that she sends forth to feed the people. But, to have a child, she first needs a man. So, men are sacrificed in an effort to impregnate the fire goddess. Those who succeed (read, the volcano erupts or something) are celebrated as heroes.
I understand that you're trying to avoid hurt feelings, but there are ways of referencing different cultures and religions without (a) pussying out, and (b) pissing people off.

Personally, I find it unlikely that this island religion would last into modern times, as it's an obvious "religion of the gaps." Once the natives know that the swamp isn't an inherently evil place and can be survived with a little caution, the whole crocodile goddess raping the dead concept will go the way of... every other minor/tribal religion.
it might not be a popular belief system in modern times but it could have large influences on the art and culture of the island and there could be non modernized tribes that still follow it.
Might be cool to imagine the culture mix that this religion and Islam or Christianity would make
Why not instead of sacrifising virgin men they havde more of a free love festival beforehand where the sacrifice spreads their own seeds, tills the field as it were, giving themselves to the goddess in a happier respect. "My children shall pass me thus I may pass
Yes, a reference to you. I thought it'd be a different twist in having outsiders come in, have to deal with the issues of initially subjugating the locals, but then try and rebuild the island nation to its former glory. The locals and their neutering 'habits' can be decided later or be an encounter we deal with.

Starting in the late 70's we can talk about the original gov't and then after the USSR dissolves a decade later, some former DDR VDV are hired guns to take the island by a MNC in the late 90s or 00's... Just a thought. I followed and participated a bit in the other DQ. Love these threads.

I was mostly joking on the crock raping dead goddess
>>I wasn't

Regardless. Island Religion CAN stick...if it was only modernized during the 50s-80s. It does struggle, yes.

As for 'modern' - this entire build right now is NOT modern. This is BCs to 1500-ish AD. We are building a foundation. A culture for our society. Not what it currently believes in "whole heartily."

Look at Voodoo for example.
The DDR never participated in the VDV, they had their own unit. The 40. Fallschrimjägerbataillon, Which later became Luftsturmregiment 40.
Can I make a suggestion?
Make the first group of people who discovered them Hindu.
So, we could mix some aspects of Hindu Trimurti (the trinity of Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu) with our three goddesses.
So, mix Shiva (the Destroyer) with the Fire Goddess, mix Brahma (the Creator) with the Sky Goddess, and Vishnu (the Preserver) with the Water Goddess.
Then, later on, they were discovered by Christian missionaries.

Also, check these out:
Perhaps starting in the 1300s, Arab Muslim traders began visiting Zaritania semi-regularly, spreading their belief system. Though, maybe this island is more isolated than most in the region, so it didn't catch on as well as in other areas?

Then the Dutch would come and try to spread Christianity later on, with it being ultimately unsuccessful due to a natural occurrence, like a disease that wiped out the missionaries.
This sounds like its got a bit of Cajun vibe to it, more than Voodoo.

At least, given my MASSIVELY limited knowledge of both cultures
Can I make a suggestion. We need a IRC channel.
That is a truly terrifying thought.
>Crock raping dead goddess
Could be interesting.. Zaritonia.. the great melting pot..
Can we keep muslims out of it as much as possible? They aren't the greatest people to be around.
Hell, Islam was the reason why the Dutch colonization of the 1700s didn't work out so well... maybe this island was the one the Dutch actually successfully converted to Christianity, if Islam isn't to be a major factor.
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>>IRC Channel
I try to avoid that because talking here garners more interest and doesn't make it a closed environment.

I do want a blog or something to store our data. Maybe even a public wiki.

Realize, we're building an entire civilization from the ground up - just so we can play Dictator, heh. We may even give up on dictatorship when we're done...


-Founding Facts-
-Large, Cuban like island.
-Some mountains
-Mangrove Swamps in some areas
-Ocean with Coral and lots of Fishing spots

Pre Colonial:
-Mixed Ethnicity of local Indonesia, including our own local population.
-Island Religion worshiping Sky, Sea, Volcano, Swamp.
-Boat centric population
-This so hard
-Matriarchal Society, Women rule/council/bring life.
-Men work/war/sacrifice themselves to bring fertility in great festivals of sex. (During the tribal days. This can change in modern times.)

That is what we're going with so far. This is pre 1500 AD pretty much.
Thank you. Didn't really think of specifics and went with VDV as that was the term that came to my mind first. Haha.

I think the religion should be an indigenous one that was described above, but has grown stronger in fighting off competing belief systems like >>21793543 described. Strong nationalism despite being 'backwards'.
For the record, there seems to be a lot of two different thoughts here: "Let's muslim, that's realistic here." and "Let's avoid Islam, too much of a hot button issue."

What if this dictatorship is run by an Islamic-based government, but vaguely aligned with the United States after WWII. This could be made modern in the vein of Uzbekistan, where the Western world uses the country as a location to hide the secret CIA prisoners, and in turn allows the local government to perform all sorts of totalitarian abuses on its people with US support.
Sounds good!

let us watch as our fledgling civilisations grows...
Just before European discovery and influence, the 12 major tribes of the island were at constant war, the discovering Europeans (possibly the french?) left equipment (swords, very basic pistols?) on the island that helped the Chinkato tribe finally dominate the others.
Could I suggest a twitter I could follow, to know when you're posting threads?
Forgot to finish my thought:

It's an easy deconstruction of the "Islam = Arab = Axis of Evil = Hates Americans" trope. You won't catch flak for it, and it feels like it could easily happen in the region.
Hey, guys.. Why don't we make it my country that found them, Some German nation or another..
Being Bavarian, I'd say Bavaria.. but.. Bavaria never really did that kind of stuff, it was mostly Prussia.
We've already agreed they went with the eastern bloc and had close relations with east germany and then the bundesrepublik after unification.
Works for me.

Prussia tries to seize Zaritonia's vital regions
I like this vein for the early history, but agree with >>21793721 as I think having a Germanic influence in the Pacific would be cool to see "what could have been".

My only concern, and it may be minor at best, is maintaining relations with the bundesrepublik and being a dictatorship. One nation is governed by a coalition of smaller parties, each with their own interests and compromises, while the other nation is a dictatorship (Us), and run by a seemingly singular entity. Granted, it has happened and still does, but just wondering how that may work with our fledgling nation, but that's down the road in modern times. I digress...
How I despise twitter.

I would ONLY do it under the most dire of circumstances (everyone saying it is a good idea.)

Though it does open a door to allowing us to have "fake citizens" roleplay reactions to our nation.

We could set up fake news twitter and such. Each "game" cover a week. So we advance a week at a time.

Semi-real time in short... furthermore: Perhaps only run the game once a week. We play this as a slow quest. Everyone is on the government council. This would play like a RPG moreso than your daily quest threads. With daily threads being topic discussion and not necessarily "the quest."

These are just ideas. Mind you. Not saying we should do them.
Why are we not having the dead ceremonially burned in the volcano? They could then believe that the dead are burned to give life to plants and some sort of cycle like that.
Germany did have a couple minor colonies in Indonesia, but the Dutch did way more there. And after the German defeat in WWI, the Treaty of Versailles resulted in their colonies being slit up and rewarded to other nations. German Samoa went to New Zealand.

So Germany would have lost a lot of influence in modern times, in this fictional nation. Could be German => New Zealand/Britain/US for WWII, with strong ties to Germany => Ties to East Germany, gains independence, generally neutral in Cold War => German re-unionification results in less Communist leanings, New Zealand and US gain more favor.
lots of quest runners use twitter to keep followers updated. It's not that bad.

I registered on twitter just for that.
Not big on the twitter idea myself... But could force myself to join it if the thread/quest dictates it. Do like the RPG roleplaying aspect in this though...
How about theportugese instead? Who sold them technology (ie. GUNS) for manpower (good sailorswho knew the surrounding dangers well) why guns? Because rather then swamp rapist goddess, there was a rival more argressive tribe, with the croc appearance from croc skins and maybe cannnabalism)! So we have the islands first military victory of wiping them out, nothing but ruins. (Or... is there?)

Russian Arms Deal leads to Australian and American blockade!

>meanwhile in Russia, Putin spits up his vodka.

because necrophilia is a questionable subject matter?

I'm seriously considering taking this beyond quests.

I'm thinking:
-Have a "Government Council Meeting" once every other week. (/tg/ thread) Emergency councils possible (thus the need for Twitter.)
-Have a website dedicated to this, and/or twitter.
-Go full hog and develop this nation fully.
-Make an ArmA 2 Map of it along with our gear. (WHY THE FUCK NOT?)
-Entire fake nation presented as a real nation to the real world. In actuality, a /tg/ nation.



Maybe this is a bad idea... but...oh god..
Did you quote the wrong post there, bro?
>Everyone is on the government council
Might be interesting to allow players to be a part of their own political party of sorts. So long as it doesnt get crazy and everyone ends up belonging to their own party.
(I was thinking 3 major parties one that wants some sort of socialist/communist government, one that represents a more moderate style republic, and one ultra fascist golden dawn esque party that still clings to the old religion.) Each party kind of has its own route to creating a dictatorship, whichever one gains power that is. Moderates end up selling out to abroad corporate interests, communists slowly build alot of political power and become afraid of loosing it, and fascists just want a dictatorship from the beginning.
again just some food for thought.
Also thinking actual maps.

A full on political experiment ran by /tg/
We're doing it.
I don't care.
We're doing it.
Would you take the G11? Apparently it was only dropped due to cost.
You are now imagining civil wars fought by these parties should we ever splinter.

Using game mods (ArmA2, other) or table top (Vassal.)
I love New Zealand. I'm all for this line of events.

Plus, it mixes the whole Eastern Germany alignment with a modern, edgy "US-supported evil dictatorship" like Guatemala or Uzbekistan.
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Mein gott es ist schöne.
Eh. Personally, this got a lot more boring for me. But hey, you kids have fun.

no. we established that a male virgin is sacrificed into the volcano to 'fertilize' the fire godesses child who will bring fertility to the land. so you don't want to throw corpses into what is effectively the godesses womb...
This modern setting could be used for many /tg/ things.

Modern merc RPGs for example.

Imagine using this setting for strategy games (like FoW), using modern micro armor and playing friends who are interested. Vassal for digital fun.

Its just an idea. Its all just ideas. I can't decide if this should be done or not...its just ideas.
Whatever you do, don't let /d/ hear about that idea.
I don't think new zealand can do much of anything without it's big brother shitcunt-I mean Australia.
Can we try to keep the US out of it? I'm not particularly a fan of their military retards.. Or their military whores.. which is 99% of the US Military.

Religion details can be hammered out later. We should ask the next question.

Island Government pre-colonial. We know women were "civil power" but what sort of set up did we have?

This can impact our people's general belief in the future.
I so want to say matriarchy.. How about the priestesses elected from non religious local candidates, but only the priestesses/shamans/whatever voted?

Things I am not allowed to do #29
Fire a breaching shotgun at head level through a door with someone we want alive on the other side... Infact, Just don't give him the breaching shotgun.
>Island Nation
>Ignore the Nation with the navy that out-masses the next 12 navies combined, many of which are allied to it anyway.
Fuklaw you're going to overstretch yourself if you take it that far. Remain at zaanzia scale quest, it was quitee popular. Going beyond that with a website and arma alienets those without it and takes more of your own time, where you'll eventually ignore or get bored of it over time.

Stick to the quest scale man,n its already pretty large there, no need to lose a lot of your players by going too far.
I'd rather... not. I'm not even supporting presenting the US in a favorable light, just as a power on a global scale. Unlike Germany, or Bavaria. Hell, someone else even posted a plausible German background listed earlier.
I think the ArmA thing was too much but the others could be brilliant fun.
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You are right..I know...it was just an idea. We could always evolve there. I don't know. I figured making it once every 2 weeks would de-stretch it.
What's with the "Things I am not allowed to do" bullshit? Is it somehow relevant?
Also ArmA would just be skin-changes and an island. For goofing off. Not for actual events.

None of the extras would of been needed, just "themed gaming." Not actual "out come is important" stuff
Nah, I second the others keeping it Zanzia scale.
Personal opinion only of course.
I've never played ArmA, but I'd prefer to see a focus on the threads.
So OP, where were we?
Zanzia scale it is, but once a week or twice a week is much easier on me than daily.

So we will stick to Zanzia scale. Please come back those whom I scared off by my over enthusiastic ideas.

(I still want to do fake news for fun. I still wanna make skin-mods for ArmA. None of this should be necessary. I won't do any of this as a necessary thing. Just for shits and giggles.)
Why not take it higher? It's not like it's life or death. /tg/ has made entire RPGs before but they wouldn't have happened if the people in the thread abandoned it because they thought making a game was too far. We can do something great here.

Going to gather all the info into one post and start a new thread if that is okay with everyone?

When I'm home tonight I'll start working on a map. Stream it too I guess.

Does everyone agree with this?

(And yes, keeping it Zanzia-scale. /tg/ centric. Thread RPGs.)
Although a facebook or twitter account for "fake news reports" by networks based in major powers (Russia today, BBC, Fox and CNN ect). could be cool.

OP how do you feel about the political parties Idea in>>21793872? (I wasnt part of the original dictators quest so if thats how it was run in the original then my bad).
Fake news would be great but why not just keep them in thread?
Oh yeah, weekly is totally fine man.

In fact, what we're trying to say is, don;t overload yourself.

100% behind parties.

Fake news would be in thread. Twitter would be "results" of our RP.
EG: Thread ends with us decided to cut welfare for a specific religious group. Twitter news later posts the news about it.

you could always post a fake news bulletin, record the responses and present that as an in-game event. that way, you get to make the majority of the populace believe that Zaritonia is a real country with real problems... maybe they'll even send you money to help the country...
Sounds great to me, A wiki might also be a good idea? And I assume we're keeping the original German idea for after ww2.
Soviet bloc alignment, close to East germany, and then close to the bundesrepublik?
That reminds me of something one of my instructors told us.

"Things dropped from aircraft are very, Very accurate. They will always hit the ground."
I see what you did there.
>EG: Thread ends with us decided to cut welfare for a specific religious group. Twitter news later posts the news about it.
sounds perfect actually im already imagining it
>Today the Indonesian island nation of Zaritonia cut large sums of funding from political and religious groups. This was seen as a blatant power play by some of the more secular political parties. A representative of Zaritonia's traditional religion was quoted as saying "Our representatives are blatantly trying to destroy the traditional Zaritonian religion! We cannot stand for this attempt to sell our people out to faithless western nations! Our FAITH IS OUR PEOPLE!!" Conflict appears to be looming in the future for this lonely island. More at 11.
Dammit, I have a lot of friends working on the semantic web who're gonna be peeved at that.

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OP when abouts will you be posting the new thread?
I want to be here for the beginning!
We never talked about what happened when the Europeans arrived. I imagine they tried to institute a proper christian male dominated society. It would be interesting if they got some people to agree with them.
So modern day the split is something like:
~33% believe in a male dominated society. (generally in the places where the Europeans hung out. So they have more money, general urban.)
~33% believe in a female dominated one (Generally more rural)
~33% either believe in equality or want the rest of the country to stop arguing about it. (Generally exasperated with the other idiots)
What about the other 1%?
They run the financial district.

Typing it out before hand. Also leaving work in 30 minutes.
They hang out with Mitt Romney? Or they could be the remnants/descendants of the Europeans, trying desperately to stay out of the line of fire.
or they could be a rounding error
they somehow make shitload of money from the friction between the other 3 groups

genius! we shall call this....
a system where two thrids of the populus have differing opinions, one thrid can not be asked with the others stupidity, and the 1% stay in their city of money...
Their germanic city of money?

Not to be stereotypical but..
That guy's probably going to be fascist.
Go eat a dick.
Is it too late to throw my vote into being El Presidente?
Vote for the Zaritonian nationalist party today! Protect your faith, protect your country, protect your people!
Vote for the German mercenary to get a pay increase! He deserves it for training your paratroopers! Also, Impregnating your women..
STOP! We can't let the people learn about voting!

It's bad publicity the Mandatory Patrioticism Act of 1963.
German mercenary will get a pay increase if you vote for the nationalist party today! After all a strong military is a strong people!
(I think I know which party ill be joining lol)
Alright I will finish typing this stuff @ home. Don't have time to do it at work.

Expect new thread in 40 minutes or less. I will post link here.

Also my email is [email protected], Falschi I'd love to have you in my skype contacts or w/e you might use. And whomever plays WEE, I invite you to contact me too.
I use Steam & WL, I should probably get skype.
bump so thread doesnt hit 15. Im assuming OP will post link to new thread in here
Home, typing up final things for new thread.
New Thread


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