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>Previous threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=iM%40S+Fantasy+Quest
>Condensed text: http://www.mediafire.com/?ufkdk8q8oy71i

Healing magic is essential for any serious adventurer; you'd have to be a fool to set out on a quest without a few potions or a friendly mage who knows how to patch wounds. Adventuring is dangerous work, and adventurers rarely have the luxuries of time or comfort necessary for natural healing, nor the willingness to risk losing their lives or livelihoods to infection.

But alas, even with magic, nothing is free. Indeed, life and health are perhaps the costliest things of all, and right now the silver-haired girl leaning heavily on your shoulder is feeling the weight of that cost. Magic may be able to heal wounds in a matter of seconds, but ultimately the brunt of that work's price is borne by the patient. It's a borrowing against the patient's life force, and that debt needs to be paid. Skilled mages can mitigate the crushing fatigue by putting their own mana toward the healing process, and some can even postpone its onset by channeling some of the vital energy tapped by the spell into a temporary surge of vigor, but in the end full recovery ultimately requires rest.

Still, better the short-lived exhaustion of a healing spell than a protracted period of recuperation or the finality of death. Though Takane might be thoroughly spent at the moment, she should be fine in a day or so if she gets some rest and proper nutrition.
Though she protests at first, you manage to convince Takane to let you escort her home. She leads you to a rather large, towering structure, and you're quite impressed at her apparent wealth until she explains that she merely rents one of many rooms in the building, with others occupying the rent. Apparently, it's an idea recently imported to the metropolis of Kethyria from the desert kingdom of Pag Baryet, whose capital city supposedly houses the majority of its people in such a fashion. Being from a relatively small town yourself, you'd never heard of it.

After bidding farewell to Takane (and admonishing her to rest well and eat properly to recover her strength), you return to the 765 Professionals guildhall with the twins. By now the sun is just below the horizon, the city bathed in soft twilight.

You enter the guildhall to find it all but empty, the other members apparently having left for the day. Only Kotori remains, scribbling furiously at a piece of parchment her and muttering animatedly to herself. She seems very absorbed in her task, giving no response as you enter. You notice the twins exchange a look, and impish grins spread across their faces as they begin to creep around either side of Kotori's desk. The green-haired clerk still shows no awareness of the world outside her pen and paper. You wonder what she could be so absorbed in...whatever it is, she seems to be having a lot of fun with it.

>[] Greet Kotori
>[] Let the twins play their prank
>[] Let the twins play their prank
I didn't see anything.
>[] Let the twins play their prank
Wait and see how this turns out.
>[] Let the twins play their prank
>[] Let the twins play their prank

What's the magic numero today?
>[] Greet Kotori

We don't need to start with shenanigans.
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>she seems to be having a lot of fun with it.
I think we know what this is...let the twins play their prank.
By the way, tonight's "magic number" is 7.

If you're new to the quest, that means that when I ask for a roll, the 7th post rolling 1d20 is the result I will use to decide the outcome. However, the details of what sort of action is taken (if I'm also asking for a course of action) is still a matter of player consensus and what sounds good to me.
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[x] Let the twins play their prank

Should be fun.

Also GM, I think i'll have a go at these portraits. I've thought of a set of expressions already but let me know if you wanted anything specific.
[x] Let the twins play their prank.

Shenanigans are the only way to start.
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You stop where you are and stay as quiet as possible to avoid alerting Kotori before Ami and Mami make their move. They take up positions behind their target and lean in over each shoulder, staring at the clerk's face. Just as she starts to notice their presence in her peripheral vision, they strike, encapsulating her in a double-sided hug as they shout in unison, "Pi-yo-chaaan!~"

Kotori shrieks and jumps in her seat, face suddenly bright red as she scrambles to hide the papers she'd been writing on, nearly upending the inkwell in her frantic grasping. Her efforts are negated as Ami deftly snatches the page from her grip and dances back a few paces. "Whatcha writin' Piyo-chan?"

Mami remains clinging to Kotori, impeding her efforts to reclaim the parchment. "Read it, Ami! Read it to us!"

"Hm, lessee lessee..." She clears her throat dramatically as Kotori continues to struggle closer, then begins reading in a loud voice to carry over the clerk's shrieks of protest.

"The spellsinger's slender frame trembled with anticipation as her rescuer delicately traced the modest curve of her breast with a soft fingertip. 'You owe me this', the be-ribboned warlady whispered. "After all, I saved your life, Chiha--'"

Ami's recitation is cut short as Kotori finally manages to yank the page from her hands and begins to tear it into pieces. "No, no, you didn't read that! You didn't hear that! That wasn't meant for you to know!"

>How do you handle this situation?
>Kotori with gay-vision in every universe
Just laugh it off and greet Kotori, acting like it wasn't a big deal. Ask her what's going on with the idols and for new possible quests.
And you guys wanted to stop them.

>Try not to say anything to embarrass her more and move on to talking about the quest maybe,
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>Tease her slightly, and ask Kotori if she has imagined about us (producer).

Then we ask about the next quest.
>Chihaya and Haruka Kotori doujin when
Ask her if we could have a copy when she's done writing.
Tease her about the contents of the paper.
"There's a market for that sort of thing, you know."
Mildly scold the twins, somehow assure Kotori her fantasy is no big deal to you and then update her on how the quest went. Maybe attempt to ask her about her past in a subtle manner.
This. Ask for a copy.
>modest curve of her breast
Wait, what? She has one?
I'm with this nigga.
Anything's possible with Kotori's fantasies.
Why don't you ask her.
That must be why Kotori had to concentrate so much when writing that, that's pretty far out there.
"Ami, Mami, it's not very nice to embarrass Kotori like that, now is it?"

You stoop down next to Kotori, who's now squatting down clutching her knees to her chest as though trying to make herself small enough to disappear from the world altogether. As you start to gather the paper scraps now strewn about the floor, you lean in toward the clerk and whisper conspiratorially, "You know, that sounded pretty steamy. I'm impressed. Mind giving me a copy when you're finished?"
She turns to look at you with a face of utter, shame-filled horror, and you reply with a wink and waggle of your eyebrows.


Some minutes later, after chasing extricating the thoroughly-embarrassed clerk from the back room she'd fled to and getting her to calm down a bit, you report to her the outcome of your quest in Findlay's manor. Some unexpected danger, Takane needed a healing potion for a nasty slice to the belly, but other than that just minor bumps and scrapes, and you got a little danger bonus for your troubles.

"Well, I'm glad to hear everything turned out alright," she says. "I guess that means you should be able to buy the supplies you'll need to explore that tunnel now, huh? You should probably think tonight about who you want to take for that, so you can let them know in the morning tomorrow. Since it could be a longer quest, it'd be good to give the girls a day to prepare before setting off."
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Silly clerk.
>you reply with a wink and waggle of your eyebrows.
> chasing extricating the thoroughly-embarrassed clerk from the back room

Did they fuck? ProducerxKotori my OTP
Character spreadsheet where?
"Also, since the tunnel is something of a bigger quest, you might want to take more than just three of our girls with you. A bigger team will give you a wider range of talents at your disposal, though it will also mean your party will be more expensive to properly outfit. We usually allow up to 6 people in a party, including the Producer."

As you talk, a growing feeling of hunger reminds you that it's about time for an evening meal.

>[] Invite Kotori to get dinner with you
>[] Invite Kotori and the twins to dinner
>[] Invite just the twins
>[] foreveralone.jpg
>[] Invite Kotori to get dinner with you

And then the twins can spy on us and stuff. It'll be hilarious just like in the sitcoms.

>[] Invite Kotori and the twins to dinner

Don't wanna jump straight to romance route. Might as well have fun with everyone.
>you might want to take more than just three of our girls with you. A bigger team will give you a wider range of talents at your disposal, though it will also mean your party will be more expensive to properly outfit. We usually allow up to 6 people in a party, including the Producer."
Yes. I didn't see this coming.

>[] Invite Kotori and the twins to dinner
I'd rather bring all three.
>[] Invite Kotori and the twins to dinner
The more the merrier.
[x] Invite all three
>[] Invite Kotori to get dinner with you

The time has come and so have I.
[x] Invite Kotori to get dinner with you
Get her drunk unintentionally and get her to tell you of her past.

>[] Invite Kotori to get dinner with you


>>[x] Invite Kotori to get dinner with you

What are you faggots doing?! Give Kotori her romantic dinner!
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Incomplete character spreadsheet. Still working on it.

Yukiho (Earth Mage), Mami and Ami (Rogue), Haruka (Knight), Iori (Arcane), Chihaya (Spellsong), Azusa (Water), Hibiki (Hunter), Yayoi (Paladin-in-training), Ritsuko (Another Producer), Takane (Mystery), Makoto (Fighter), Kotori (Clerk), Producer (Player), Miki (Jack of all trades)

Also, Invite just Kotori. Pay her back for the teasing.

>[] Invite Kotori to get dinner with you

[x] Invite Kotori and the twins to dinner
Inform the twins that you will not be purchasing deserts unless they behave impeccably.

B-But I'd drop the spaghetti before I eat it. I'd drop it everywhere...
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Guys, the more people we take to dinner the less we will be able to take for our quest tomorrow.

We need the monies.

Who knows what horrors lie in those tunnels.
>[X] Invite Kotori to get dinner with you
So who haven't we brought with us yet?

But the twins went through so much trouble for us last quest. At least reward them or something.
Wasn't the quest the twins punishment for being thieves?

Miki, Chihaya, Yukiho, Iori, Yayoi, and Ritsuko.
Chihaya, Iori, Yayoi, Miki, Yukiho and Makoto.
And Ritsuko if you count her.
If you get her drunk, she'll eat all of your spaghetti before it hits the floor if you know what I mean..
Ritsuko is her own producer silly.

The twins punishment was a stern talking and giving up all their stolen loot.
Oh wait we took Makoto, my bad.
Questm@ster, if Ritsuko is a producer and not an idol, can we still include her on quests? Or is it typically done by one producer?
So we should bring Miki, Chihaya, Yukiho, Iori, and Yayoi along this time then?
Well we're definitely taking Yukiho. I wonder if the possibility of having Ritsuko come with us too would be good. It might be good to see another Producer in action.

She can be on special group quests or whatever, so I decided to include her because why not.

Did we bring Hibiki along for a mission before?
Yes, the last time we did goblin camp.
Yeah, she tried to summon some beast and failed because she ate the offerings.
Goblin assault, how do you forget that.

She even fucked up and everything.

Ah... Missed that episode. Dammit.
Can any of them act as a healer or should we look at someone for that role?
One Producer per quest, barring really major crisis-level stuff. The whole point of bringing on another Producer was to increase the guild's output by allowing for taking on multiple quests at once.

The twins really wanted to loot the tunnel. I'd feel bad if we didn't at least take one. And we might need one to loot any chests or doors we come across.
Yayoi, Twins, Miki, Chihaya.
We need Yukiho. The tunnel was collapsed last we were there.
We need a healer.

Shit, Haruka could do some good work.
[x] Invite Iori
I feel like we've spent quite a bit of time with the twins already and indulged them several times.
This. As much as I love the twins, we've been with them for a while already. Let's switch it up a bit.

Ritsuko should be able to find something for them to do.

Ah, true that.
Then Miki, Chihaya, Yukiho, and whoever else you guys want.
I doubt Iori would be one to willing go into a goblin cave I feel we would have to persuade/bribe her to come.

I wonder if Iori or Chihaya can heal? I think the leftover idols are fine then if we're done with twins.

Miki should be able to heal abit.

Otherwise, we could stock up on healing potions before we enter.

Those we don't use, we can put back in the Company's inventory for future use.
I say we bring Hibiki and give her a chance to redeem herself.
She only uses wind based magic you dingle berry.
[x] bring her anyway
You turn to the twins. "Alright girls, I promised you we'd tackle that tunnel together, so two of those party slots are yours. I'll see you here bright and early tomorrow so we can go get supplies and equipment, ok?"

The twins snap you a synchronized salute with a crisp "Aye-aye, sir!" As they turn to leave, you catch them each by a shoulder and add one last thing quietly enough that Kotori wouldn't hear.

"And don't think I've forgotten about our arrangement. Bring your ill-gotten coin, we're taking care of that tomorrow too."

Their enthusiasm slightly deflated, they nod their acknowledgement and scamper off into the street.

With Ami and Mami gone, you turn back to Kotori. "So, have you had dinner yet? I'm starving, and I wouldn't mind some company while I eat."

Kotori seems slightly startled at your invitation, but gratefully accepts. After closing up the guildhall, she leads you to a nearby tavern. It's a bit smaller than the one you went to with Ritsuko, and there aren't very many other patrons there.

>What would you like to talk about first?
Iori, Chihaya, Haruka, Miki and Yukiho. They sound pretty balanced to me.

Arcane mage, Spellsong (Bet she can cast status effects and such with it), Healer and team motivator, Jack of all and useful with that polearm, and Earth mage and spelunking.
So let's get this clarified. Questm@ster, outside of Haruka and Azusa, how well do the other heal? And what kind of healing implements do we have at our disposal to bring?
Her skills aren't really good for a tunnel and there are idols who haven't even gone on a quest yet.
Well, guess we only got three slots full since we decided to take both twins.

>Small talk

Ask her how her day was. Then bring up the Old Wizard guy casually to see if she'll mention their connection.
>You turn to the twins. "Alright girls, I promised you we'd tackle that tunnel together, so two of those party slots are yours. I'll see you here bright and early tomorrow so we can go get supplies and equipment, ok?"
Damn it.
err empty*


Oh Well.

Looks like the Twins, Chihaya and Yukiho and shoe-ins.

Now, Miki or Arcane support?
>what kind of healing implements do we have at our disposal to bring
And how much would such items set us back?
Ease into the conversation. Work the topic of the wizard into there somewhere.
Alright we're bringing the twins along then. Six people was it? Four others.

Maybe take out Iori from >>22686646

As for Kotori, maybe make some small talk first about her work and how she got the job here. Unless that was already discussed and I missed it.
I'm not opposed to Chihaya coming although I have concerns about sound-based magic causing vibrations...though I suppose that's what Yukiho's for.
No only 5 sadly.
6 is including you.
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Let's bring Funky Notes then. Minus Hibki, and with Yukiho. (Iori, Yayoi, Twins, Yukiho)


It's six including producer, so 5 idols
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>Maybe take out Iori
We going to need to stock up on torches?

Any of our Idols know any Illumination magic?
If you guys boot out Chihaya after bringing the twins again i'll be pissed.
As far as you know, it's just those two. Miki might be a jack-of-all-trades, but air is one of the worst elements for healing magic, so it's very unlikely that she can do it. Iori's arcane magic is likewise unlikely -- while it's not unheard of for arcane magic to be capable of healing, it is extraordinarily difficult, and if Iori was one of the few who could do such a thing then Ritsuko or Kotori probably would've mentioned it.

Hibiki and Chihaya are possible additional healers, but you're 100% sure on that in-character. It's plausible that either Hibiki's shamanism or Chihaya's spellsong could be used for healing, but you don't really know for sure, since such things can vary by individual practitioner.

Sorry. I know I didn't quite spell it out explicitly, but that was more or less the intention ever since you caught them purse-cutting.
A̶s̶k̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶s̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶g̶e̶n̶t̶l̶e̶.

I suppose start with small talk about her background?

Yayoi has minor fire magic, and Iori can maybe arcane essence some shit.

Well with her AOE team buff effect, her skillset is best used in a large group. Like this party.

I say let the afuu sleep. Bring Iori for that magical backup.
Because your favorite won't come along?

Why are you so cheeky.

As compromise anon, I'm pretty sure Chihaya can have an epic solo quest to herself like Azusa.
I'm sure she has better things to do than hang around in some tunnel. Though that would have us listen to some interesting complaints.

Don't get me wrong, I very much like her. Just I don't see her suited to this mission.
Both. We don't know what we'll be facing, so generalists are a must.
Sadly that means we must drop Chihaya. Honestly I don't think spellsinging will be a good idea in a cave tunnelled out by goblins...
[x] Bring Iori anyway
Just calm down. No matter what we choose, there will be idols left out of this quest who haven't been to one yet.
Not quite, i'm just really excited to see more spellsinging in use.
It may only be session 6, but don't forget we've been doing this for over 2 months now.
It's just not helping when you're not thinking of the mission and the best team make-up for it. We'll get all the idols eventually.
We can take Iori and Chihaya in a different mission maybe. Something more specialized. But for this tunnel I think the others might fare better.
Yukiho, Twins, Yayoi, and who else?

I'd rather spellsinging be used epically in a proper setting rather than rushed out though. Songs in a cave would be disappoint unless we run into some sort of Seventh Fonon Machine.

Actually, tunnel missions would suit a fencer very well.

They can generally only move back and forth.

A good fencer can easily hold off a large group of combatants as they're funnelled into her killzone.
What about the part of healing items?
After a bit of general small talk, you decide to start probing that theory you have about the girl you read about in Findlay's old journal.

"So, I hear that Findlay guy I helped out today used to be an adventurer. Not even all that long ago, either. Kind of hard to believe looking at him now, huh?"

"Oh, yes, he used to adventure with Chief Takagi before they both retired. Believe it or not, Chief Kuroi of 961Pro was part of their party too!"

"Yeah, I heard. Kind of odd that they went on to start rival adventuring guilds.
I also heard that they worked with a green-haired girl with a mole on her chin...would you happen to know anything about that?"

Kotori laughs at this (though it seems just the slightest bit nervous to you). "Oh, no, it wasn't me if that's what you're implying. I get that a lot, though. It's rough looking like a famous person."

Wait. Famous?

"Who do you mean by that?"

"Oh, I guess you might not know, since you aren't from the area, but a while back there was a pretty well-known adventurer. I think her name was Murasaki, but everybody knew her as the Phoenix of Kethyria, after the emblem she wore on her cloak and breastplate."

>[] Tell me more about this "Phoenix of Kethyria"
>[] Talk about something else (specify)
You have a couple potions left in your own personal reserves, and they're not really cheap -- about 20 silver on average, though it varies depending on potency and who you're buying from. You've made 80 silver so far, and have about 13 left over in your savings from before joining 765Pro. Ami & Mami each have 55 silver to contribute, and Haruka, Makoto, and Hibiki have 25 each if you pick them.
Remember you'll also need to consider food, lighting, and other various supplies.
I'm just going to point out the start of OP's post:
>Healing magic is essential for any serious adventurer; you'd have to be a fool to set out on a quest without a few potions or a friendly mage who knows how to patch wounds. Adventuring is dangerous work, and adventurers rarely have the luxuries of time or comfort necessary for natural healing, nor the willingness to risk losing their lives or livelihoods to infection.

So given this rather obvious hint, I think it'd be stupid not to bring either Haruka or Azusa when we're stuck in a quest underground that just happens to require a lot of manpower. Yukiho I think we all agreed we need to take. I think a generalist like Miki or Iori is best for the last spot, but I'm not going to fight on that.
>>[] Tell me more about this "Phoenix of Kethyria"

Why would we not inquire about it? I think this is one of those obvious ones that you could streamline a bit, QM@s. Just a thought.
>>[] Tell me more about this "Phoenix of Kethyria"
This is fine.
>Tell me more about this "Phoenix of Kethyria"
Learn as much as you can then fact check it later.
I'm for bringing Haruka and Miki then.

This might be a good idea since the leftover would be Yayoi's harem of Yayoi, Chihaya, and Iori who we could go on a pretty entertaining adventure with next.
Ami, Mami, Iori, Haruka, Yukiho

Thieves, Healing+Bashing, Arcane and tunneling
I'm inclined to take Haruka too, because she's better for group dynamics.
I agree with this comp.

It is emphasized in the character summaries that she's good for long quests.
Who can tell how long will this one be?
I'm voting on this.

>[] Tell me more about this "Phoenix of Kethyria"
I'd like some visual descriptions. - Drawfag

Need the magic backup.


It was mentioned by Kotori in one of the previous threads that the tunnel one is a long one.

Would arcane magic be more useful than wind in a tunnel though?

Since one of her spells is probably IORI BEAMU, yes?

Found some fantasy pictures for you to use GM.
>>[x] Tell me more about this "Phoenix of Kethyria"

It can't be helped.
"Tell me more about this 'Phoenix of Kethyria'. I'd never heard of her out in Nirzal's Reach."

"Well, apparently she was a very talented spellsinger, and quite good with a glaive too. She was kind of a mascot for Takagi's group, since she was a very flashy sort of person. She wore a crimson cloak with a phoenix embroidered in gold thread, and her songs could affect light to make all sorts of flares and bursts. I've heard sometimes she'd even use it to entertain people in the villages she saved, celebrating that the danger was over with a musical performance complete with light shows and fireworks."

"So then, where is she now?"

"Well...you know how there was a huge battle just a ways to the north of here about five years ago, right?"

"Oh yeah, some crazy necromancer had raised a giant army of undead and even recruited a bunch of orcs to fight for him too. So I take it this 'Phoenix' girl -- you said Murasaki was her real name? -- died in that battle then?"

Kotori shakes her head. "No, she didn't die. Not in battle, anyway. She disappeared shortly after. Nobody knows exactly why, but rumor has it she was romantically involved with another member of her party, who did die in the battle. Most people think she killed herself in grief, though some say she simply retired from adventuring and went into hiding."

"Wow. Sounds like quite a story. I'm kind of surprised we never got any bards in Nirzal's Reach singing about it."

>Anything else you'd like to talk about?
>>[x] Tell me about "Phoenix of Kethyria"

Love the Mami ones.

I do hope Kotori is fibbing about her identity

I guess ask for any last advice about the next quest or adventuring in general, then wrap it up with

>How about heading back to my place?

>Ask about herself, how she got into this line of work. Find out more about Kotori
Seconding this. Adding to that, what she thinks of the girls and the group.

Then maybe offer to walk her home.
M̶y̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶c̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶h̶o̶t̶ ̶d̶i̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶?̶

Or er, we can start with >>22687444
>>How about heading back to my place?
One teensy-weensy problem: "Your place" is a room you've rented at an inn. You just got to this city yesterday morning (yeah, only two days have passed in-game, it's weird).

Might want to look into that newfangled apartment technology at some point in the near future, maybe.
This, ask her what she does outside of work, and her stories.
Work towards some permanent lodging to invite people in sometime.

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>"Your place" is a room you've rented at an inn.

So, what exactly is the problem?
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We have a perilous Quest tomorrow and all anyone can think about is taking the office lady home with them.

Really now.
Her perspective on things is interesting topic and could bring unexpected revelations.
I know. We would crush the weird girl's heart.
No no, tomorrow is SHOPPING for the perilous quest; the quest itself is the day after.

>implying getting in some last-minute loving before going off to what might be your death isn't a classic trope
Just to listen to her stores, of course.
No, some of us just want to quest.
>taking a whole day to shop
What are you, a girl?
All this talk of shopping and it makes me think what do we actually have in our inventory ?
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But I've seen all of her tutorials...

It's time for something else now.
>What are you, a girl?

I think that's beyond capabilities of our magic.
"So then, since it was actually a different green-haired girl with the mole who used to adventure with Chief Takagi, how'd you start working for 765Pro?"

"I'm telling you, it really wasn't me! I'm just a clerk, not an adventurer!
But anyway...while it's true that I didn't actually travel with the Chief, I did know him back during his adventuring days. He's an old friend of the family, and he was practically like an uncle to me growing up. When he came to me looking for someone to handle the desk work for the new adventurers' guild he was starting, I just couldn't refuse!"

Over the course of the evening, you continue to chat with Kotori, learning a bit more about her personal life. You learn that most of her free time is spent going to see plays and reading. She also likes to write stories, and with a little bit of prodding you get her to sheepishly admit that, yes, some of what she writes might be just a bit on the lewd side.
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Perhaps it's just the several flagons of ale in your system (and speaking of which, you notice Kotori's actually been outpacing you on that front -- and she's definitely showing it), but speaking of lewdness you find your thoughts occasionally straying in a somewhat lascivious direction as you talk with the clerk. She's a few years older than you, but still certainly youthful and quite attractive. And it might be your imagination, but she does seem to be gazing at you more and more fixedly as the night goes on...

>Alright folks, on a scale of 1 to René Descartes, how serious are you about making a move on Kotori this evening? Remember, your actions do have consequences.
Whoops, guess I accidentally checked the spoiler image box there...
She's fucked. Literally.
Rolled 8

This much.
Let's not jump the gun here. Not this early. Also I'd like to ask her about what she thinks of the guild and the girls.

And then I think we've already had a bit too much to drink and we can call it. Offer to escort her home though.

Just get her home safely.

No need to rush.
Rolled 1

Let's see that lewd side with her.
No interest in it.
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Considering we are still new, lets just be gentlemanly about this and keep it to teasing at best

Escort her home, mention that we should do it next time.
Let's calm down, you've been drinking.

We'll get her home safe and call it a night.
I like the mystery witch. So no.

Or not. Heh.
There's time for this and time for that.

Let's get her home and leave her in want for the next time.
Rolled 19

>Alright folks, on a scale of 1 to René Descartes, how serious are you about making a move on Kotori this evening?

OVER 90--

>Remember, your actions do have consequences.

Uh, shit. Are there bad ends to this thing? I suppose since it's only the first dinner we should just walk her home and remember where she lives.
I'm going to second 'escort her home'. Trying to hit on a coworker could backfire really badly.

Escort her home.

If she asks us to come inside, we comply.
I'm going to settle solidly for 'upstanding gentleman'. Even if we're a bit wobbly at the moment.
Escort her home, bid her goodnight.
Let's not rush in a ruin this, get her to her home, and maybe be an invasive bastard and search her home when she passes out
Nope, no, you are not going to try to bed a coworker you just met yesterday. That's just asking for trouble. That's enough ale for you tonght, you think. Gotta keep the big head in charge of the little head.

You pay for your meal, and offer to escort Kotori home. She accepts without hesitation, and as you walk you ask her what she thinks of the guild and its members. From her slightly slurred ramblings (punctuated with enthusiastic gestures), you get the solid impression that she really loves 765Pro.

"Erryone jus gets along so great, y'know? Like 're all one big fam'ly. I wouldn't trade 'em fer the world!"

As you bid farewell at the door of her home (another of those large multi-room buildings like where Takane lives), you casually suggest to Kotori that you should do this again sometime.

She smiles broadly at you. "I'd like that."

She then wraps you in a tight hug and plants a slightly sloppy kiss on your cheek before heading in, turning to give you a coquettish wave as she steps inside.
It would've been quite slick had she not stumbled on the threshold, barely avoiding a faceplant by catching herself on the door handle.
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Heading back to the inn you've adopted as temporary lodings until you can get more properly settled in the city, you ponder who you want to bring with you for the tunnel quest.

>I know you were discussing this a lot upthread, but I figure it'd be quicker to ask for a final report than trying to figure out the consensus based on the lengthy anonymous discussion from earlier. What'll it be?
Aside from the twins

Ami, Mami, Yukiho, Haruka and Iori.

I vote

>Twins, Haruka, Miki, Yukiho

Save Yayoi's harem for their own adventure.
Ami, Mami, Yukiho, Haruka and Miki.

It should work out.
This right here.
Dis >>22688454
You arrive at the guildhall to find the twins waiting for you at the door. Flanking the entryway, they give you a playful salute as you enter.
"Ami and Mami, reporting for duty, Nii-chan!"

"Haha, good to see you're enthusiastic about this! Let me just grab the others who'll be exploring the tunnel with us, and we'll start planning how to go about supplies, okay?"


Scanning the room, you see that the three you're looking for are all there. "Haruka, Miki, Yukiho, could I talk to you for a bit?"

The three gather to you and the twins as you head to one of the sets of couches. Haruka greets you with a beaming smile and a cheerful "Good morning, Producer!", which Yukiho echoes timidly. Miki yawns; you might have heard a "mornin'" in there somewhere, but you're not too sure.

You explain to Miki and Yukiho about the tunnel you'd found in the goblin camp the other day, and inform the three that you'd like them to come with you to explore it. Since you don't know for sure how long that will take, you'll need to pool your resources and stock up on plenty of supplies.
May I inquire what Items do we have in our inventory currently?
That's what I'm writing up. My initial plan for inventories throughout this quest was more to have it kind of vague and more a matter of what would be reasonable to have with the exception of specific important things (like potions) and whatever you guys explicitly decide to get, but with the imminent shopping trip there seems to be some demand for an itemized list, so I'm trying to come up with one on the spot.

Might be a little bit yet.
Don't forget the rope and eleven-foot pole.
>eleven-foot pole.
wait what?

also a lamp
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We'll have to save that eleven foot pole for when we eventually bed Kotori.
Rope. Lots of sturdy rope. Maybe some light if we don't have magic. Lamps/Lanterns? More potions.

We need a repel because fuck Zubats. I fucking hate Zubats.
>eleven foot pole for when we eventually bed Kotori
Please don't confuse feet for centimeters, Haruka
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I wonder how Miki does with a spear.

I'm not convinced she'll have the space to swing that large polearm around in cramp conditions. A spear would be much more useful and if shes such an all-rounder, she should be able to adapt rather quickly to it.
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>I wonder how Miki does with a spear.

You had to ask it like that didn't you?
I resisted the temptation to take it that way. Damn you.
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There are short poleaxes

Oh, she manages.
Miki is a very talented young lady.
The six of you begin to list off your inventories.

All of you have basic camping gear:
* Bedroll
* Mess kit (small pot, 2 multipurpose dishes w/ detachable pan handles, cup, spoon)
* Flint & tinder
* 1 waterskin
* Whetstone

You personally have:
* Sword, shield, & armor
* 4 steel daggers
* 1 iron dagger
* 1 hatchet
* 1 folding saw
* 50 ft of rope
* Ball of twine (300 ft)
* Canvas tarp (8 ft x 8 ft)
* 1 eleven-foot pole
* 3 torches
* 5 pieces of chalk
* 2 bars of soap
* 3 empty sacks
* 2 healing potions
* 1 flask alchemical fire
* 1 vial of strange goo scraped up from the remains of the slime monster in Findlay's manor
* 2 empty vials
* 1 empty potion bottle
* 91 silver

Miki has:
* Poleaxe & armor
* 2 daggers
* Small mirror
* Bar of soap
* Pup tent
* 14 silver

Haruka has:
* Mace, shield, & armor
* Knife
* Large pot, skillet, and ladle (in addition to mess kit)
* Bar of soap
* Pup tent
* 37 silver

Yukiho has:
* Shovel (with remarkably sharp edge)
* Knife
* Kettle & set of ceramic cups
* Tin of tea leaves
* One-person tent
* Bar of soap
* Book of poetry
* 5 candles & candle holder
* 1 healing potion
* 12 silver

Ami & Mami have a single two-man tent shared between them, and each have:
* Roughly a dozen daggers (you stopped counting after the 5th or so)
* Light armor
* Set of strange picks and tools
* 2 sticks of charcoal suitable for marking
* Pouch of marbles
* Pup tent
* 1 smoke bomb
* 63 silver

Oh god ok. Ummm. I guess we need... more rope?
>no caramels or onigiri
Well, we'll have to remedy that
Do any of them have fire-making abilities, like I don't know, LMG Yukiho?

Make sure everyone has 2 healing potions for emergencies and mainly use Haruka?

Still trying to save up money here.
No light? Get some lamps/torches.

Producer has flint and tinder
Okay we'll need light sources, preferably magical to avoid OH GOD SMOKE EVERYWHERE.
More water and food, just in case.
Pitons and wire for traps and such.
It's good to know if there's back-up in case something happens to it. Plus, magic fire can have properties that are superior to regular fire.

Actually, everyone has flint and tinder.
Do we need more than one bedroll or are we gettin cuddly?
Everyone has one.
>* 1 vial of strange goo scraped up from the remains of the slime monster in Findlay's manor

Mustn't forget about that.

When Kotori comes in with a hangover, hand it over to her, see if she can get Iori or Takane to analyse it.
Oh wait yeah they all do. My bad.

Is a lamp practical or they could just light some torches?
Need more foodstuffs for the mission, this could take a while. Also, something to carry water. Who knows if there's anything inside the tunnel to keep us fed/hydrated.

We should also have more than 3 healing potions as a backup in case the healer gets her hands tied up. I'd say one per person at the very least.

Nitpicking: There are only five bars of soap between the six of us? Maybe we should fix that so one of us doesn't end up complaining later on. Can't imagine soap is terribly expensive anyway.
I would prefer to have a lamp that we can hang off our waist as opposed to using an arm for a torch

although we seem pretty good on light sources I think

pass one bar to Ami/Mami?

You do realise, theres not likely to be a river or something in the caves. The chances of bathing is quite low.

Also, Questm@ster, can we abstract the food we need? Say you give an estimate of the food we need in terms of gold. Then we don't need to do too much bookkeeping for meals.
How fast do you go through a bar of soap?

I'd go with >>22689749's suggested list.

A torch might be better since we can use it to check if the air is bad.
Smoke, smoke everywhere.

No thanks.
Of course, you're going to need food for the trip. Since the goblins were using it, you figure there must be stores in the tunnel if it's too long to traverse within a short amount of time, but it's best to pack at least a couple days' worth of rations just in case. Haruka suggests that if you give her a few hours today, she could bake some bread and perhaps some other things for everyone using some of her money for the ingredients. A days' worth of trail-appropriate food for the six of you would probably cost about 8 silver or so.

You'll also need to consider light for the tunnel. You have some torches, and Yukiho has candles. Haruka say she can use her magic to make light without much drain at all on her mana, but it's probably best to have some more mundane light sources in case she's incapacitated.
Torches and candles would be cheap, easily 10 or more to a silver, but something more sophisticated might be preferable. A good lantern would be somewhat expensive, probably 10 or 20 silver, plus the cost of the oil, but would be a bit more reliable and probably burn cleaner than the torches. You could also look into alchemical glow-crystals, though these would be quite expensive in any quantity, and their light only lasts a few hours at best.

Other than that, you immediately note a distinct lack of rope, given your numbers. It might also be a good idea to get some pitons and a hammer to drive them in -- lots of uses for pitons.

>Anything else specific?
>Derp, I mathed wrong. A DAY'S rations would be 24 sp; a MEAL'S rations are 8.
oh crap a pickaxe, in case we find some veins

Trail Mix. Cause Trail Mix is delicious.
Take Haruka up on her offer
Buy two days worth of rations for everyone. Some extra water bags if needed to have two day's worth of water.
I'd go with the lantern and oil personally, and then use the torches and candles we have already as backup
Get the rope, pitons and hammer
Total funds:

Total number of healing potions:

Food for two (2) days: 48 sp
Lantern+oil: 20sp
Three (3) healing potions: 60sp

Remainder: 89sp


Thats for a single healing potion for everyone incase of emergencies. We could perhaps buy another but damn, they're expensive.
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Looking at the time, I think it's best to call it a night here. Feel free to keep discussing what supplies to get, I'll keep watching the thread and compile a shopping list, and we'll take care of the actual shopping next thread.

And bear in mind, different weapons and such are fair game. There was some talk upthread of a spear for Miki in place of her poleaxe, which can definitely happen if enough people want it, and people in previous threads have mentioned wanting to pick up some manner of ranged weaponry for P.

As always, feedback is much appreciated. Also, sorry for being a bit slower than usual with the updates; I got delayed starting due to not being able to take care of all the errands I needed to do today quite as fast as I wanted to, and I still had some stuff I was trying to take care of between posts as I was running.
I could be wrong, but you generally don't use up a whole potion for an injury unless it's life-threatening. You just enough to keep Haruka from exhausting herself if it gets really bad.
I think the issue is limited silver. We'd have to know how much a weapon would cost and frankly, I don't think we could afford it given the cost of food and potions.

Yeah this session felt a little rushed at points. But otherwise I still enjoyed it quite a bit.

When's the next one?
Not much to say. Today was only dinner and supplying. I'd like to see the next session more like previous session, focusing on adventuring.
Should we think about getting some antidotes of some sort? We don't know what kind of creatures are in the cave or what the goblins have set up in their cave.

What would have happened if we went full descartes?
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This did feel oddly short, though I suppose it's the lack of actual questing. But that's fine. Still some nice writing and this scenario isn't completely unreasonable, gathering supplies and info are just as much an rpg as the quests.

Had some fun today and certainly looking forward to the next one. And uh, not sure if you had time during the session to add to >>22685259

Some people suggested this chart.
It's possible to spread a potion out across two or possibly three uses for lesser injuries, but it's hard to gauge exactly how much is needed if you aren't using the full dose, so there's more risk involved.
(A full dose, by the way, is about 2 mouthfuls -- roughly 2 fluid ounces or 60 mL -- in case you were wondering about the size of that potion bottle in your inventory.)

A spear would be very cheap, only a silver or even just a few bronze. (The currency system I'm using, by the way, is 10 copper to a bronze, 5 bronze to a silver, 50 silver to a gold, 20 gold to an orichalcum.)
A ranged weapon could be practically free (a sling -- though this is of course tricky to use without lots of practice, and not very practical in a cave), but a bow or crossbow would be in the 20 sp range or so.

Yeah, I was trying to get through the talky bits to some semblance of action, but it didn't quite work.
Next session next Saturday, same time. Hopefully.
We still have that creepy goblin skull thing right? Should probably hold tight to that.
You would have earned my unending disapproval and reinforced /tg/'s prejudice that /a/-based quests are all just skeezy waifu simulators.

Also, probably some serious damage to your working relationships with basically everyone. Probably.

Oh yeah, the portraits dealy. I don't really have any particular ideas, I'll leave that up to the artist. A full chart like that would be amazing though.

Ah yes, I forgot to put that in the inventory list.
Lantern is 20 silver and a spear is only a few silver? Well, OK. I think that's fine. I do not think we need a ranged weapon for a tunnel.
A spear is a stick with a small bit of pointy metal on the end. Doesn't exactly take much in the way of materials or effort.

A lantern is a somewhat complex assembly of at least one or two moving metal parts (at minimum, a sliding cover, possibly also a screw for advancing the wick), might be made of fancy materials like brass, and for the higher-end versions will have a glass cover to protect the flame from wind.
what would a pickaxe cost?

>Also, probably some serious damage to your working relationships with basically everyone. Probably.

Redemption, how fun!

Since you confirmed "The Questm@ster" as being your title and not of the actual story, would the title then be Im@s Fantasy Quest? Or could we make some sort of parody.

I really think Questm@ster should be both the title and the GM. OP can be THE Questm@ster of QUESTM@STER.
The title is clearly iM@S Fantasy Quest.
That's all there is to it.
A pickaxe would cost you 5-10 silver, and a considerable amount of pointless weight in your pack.
I mean, you've got Yukiho for a reason, right?

The official title of the quest is kind of stuck being "iM@S Fantasy Quest", since that's what I've been using for the subject lines of every thread so far and it's the name on the quest in the sup/tg/ archives.

I know it's not very catchy, but for /tg/ quests a simple descriptive title is more the norm, and is probably a better idea than a catchy/creative title anyway so that way people know what you're about.
Nothing wrong with it, I was just wondering if you had something else in mind. Thanks for the answer.
ah right yukiho, how could i forget her.

oh and something I just thought of

can the twins craft their own specialty bombs?

I would think a flash bomb in the a dark cave could be effective vs goblins or something but that could also backfire
What is our carrying capacity anyways?
Well, in-character you're not sure if they can make alchemicals like that on their own at all. Might be something worth asking about in-game at some point; even if they can't do it now, you could be able to convince them to learn it in a span of downtime.

Abstract and common-sense based, just like the rest of your stats. I'll let you know when picking something up would start to be a strain.
It's not you, this has been the shortest since the first session and that's including the supply list.
Time does tend to fly though.

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