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You are Doctor Victor Von Doom, Ruler of Latveria, Rightful king of the world, Master wizard and genius scientist.

You are on the Daily show. Richards has burst in, and now looks quite the fool. Johnny storm's acquaintance is also a skrull

Your armies stand at:
90,000 Servo-Guards
100 Doombots
100 Doomknights
1100 Silent stalkers
100 Time bots
1 Battle CDC
Please inquire as to any confusion with the different types

Finances stand at $18 billion dollars. Your new currency seems to be on the rise, being worth around $2.37 to one Latverian Victor
In addition, you own a controlling percentage in Porsche and Mercedes Benz
The colonies on Mars are thriving. The atlantean habitats are complete, and the mutants homes are now completed. Magneto has begun to move his people.

Current allies are Molecule Man, Morgana le Fey, Deadpool and Magneto. Namor is also your friend, but does not respond well to orders, and X-23 may become a valuable asset if treated correctly

You have several goals, including:
Rescue mother from Mephisto
Defeat Reed Richards and friends
Take over the world
Establish other interplanetary mining colonies

Short term goals include:
Make your TV appearance
Make Richards go away

Previous threads can be found here

How would you like to proceed, Lord Doom?
Maybe we should also announce our initiative on Syrian peace?
They already know that, it was the first half of the show
that is known the host even commented on it.

also ask spider man about doctor Octavius after the show and let him know that our or one much like it will be open for the foreseeable future.
wish the F4 a good night as Richards has already said bursting in was a mistake.
This, but say happy birthday susan as well
"Susan, a Happy Birthday from Doom."
Finish up the interview with Jon Stewart. Talk about our plans for bringing peace to Africa and setting up automated solar-powered pollution cleaning machines in the oceans.

Also ask Stewart if he and Colbert will be running for President when Obama's term is up.
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This and wish Susan a Happy Birthday as they are leaving.
Ignore richards as he slinks away in shame.

"Terribly sorry about the interruption, John. These things tend to happen. Now, did you have any further questions about my new university or Mars colonies? Or did you want to ask about something else? I'm told that much of the Latverian News Service isn't available here in The States, so you may not have heard about everything I've done in the last few months. I don't think you've said anything about my uncovering an alien invasion, or my aid missions to Africa."

Let's see if The Skrulls are a topic of interest.
You wish the fantastic 4 a good night, and they leave, looking dejected. I shall have Susan't bouquet delivered later.

"You get that a lot?"
You discuss your plans for Africa, which nets you a round of applause. You then ask if Stewart and Colbert will be running for the presidency
"What do you guys think?"
The audience gives a cheer.
"Guess we'd have to swap between vice president and president every 2 days, though"

Anything else you would like to mention, sir?
not really.
Bring up Bangladesh.
"Yes, the collapse of that factory and the loss of life was a tragedy. But pulling support from the nation and jobs from the people is hopelessly short-sighted. Already there's been a riot by Islamic extremists calling for the death penalty for blasphemers and segregation between men and women, as well as blocking women from an education and running for political office. If Bangladesh's economy is allowed to collapse, then all of the gains that its people have made in creating a secular government will be washed away by the tides of religious extremism.
"That is why Doom has ordered Latveria into talks with Bangladesh, to improve worker conditions while keeping textile jobs there. A few cents extra for clothing is a small price to pay to help stabilize a nation and ensure continued prosperity to its people."
We might want to mention that since Jon's audience is typically more interested in politics, they should watch the next UN meeting in which we will be presenting something important. Which is the skrull incident, but we won't mention that.
Agreed with this.
"Can't really argue there. I wonder why they don't have any superheroes? Most of them seem to live in New York. Can't go 5 steps without someone shooting lasers or bumping into angry canadians"
"Well, you heard it here first, guys. Big stuff going down at the UN. Looks like that's just about all we've got time for, it's been great having you on, Doctor Doom everybody!"

You're cheered off stage. You must have made a good impression sir.
Also, I seem to have located the whereabouts of Doctor Octavius. Would you still like to visit him?
>You're cheered off stage
This whole 'hearts and minds' strategy does not give much opportunity for gloating, but it more than makes up for it in actually getting things done.

Yes, we shall visit him. Phone ahead, of course. Wouldn't want him thinking that we are uncouth and impolite to simply barge in unannounced, like Richards.
Of course, sir.
I have called ahead, and he would be happy to have you over. He may need to tidy up somewhat first, though

He is in a small house in Queens. I shall arrange transport.
This came up at the end of last thread

>Occasionally we drop a bad idea with the good to see who's paying attention and sort things out. With them looking for flaws to prove their intelligence and loyalty, they'll catch any actual mistakes we make.

How dose everyone feel about adding minor non threatening errors to our plans as tests or our minions.
Something I've been considering:
Gene Roddenberry wrote the trademarks of Star Trek such that anyone who builds a device that can function like a device from the show will get rights to that trademark.
Someone has already done the Tricorder; what if Doom does the Phaser?
We already have stun-beams. We only need to miniaturize them and allow different settings, and we'll have phasers.
We can market them to law-enforcement, and specially crafted ones for collectors. This could be one of the first products of our LEO/Military equipment manufacturer subsidiary.

Also communicate back to Latveria, and order our Skrull defectors to prepare a report on the condition of the Skrull Empire, and their mission here on Earth.

Nonsense! Doom never makes mistakes! It's all merely a test for those beneath Doom!
I don't see a Problem unless it involves RRRRICCCHHHHAAAARRRRRDDDDDSSSS!!!!!!!
>as tests or our minions.
A nice idea, but we tend to not have that many advisors or direct subordinates.

Also, the idea is undermined by Doom's past precedents of severely punishing anyone who questions him.
You are driven through New york. Even at night, you see more people than most likely live in Doomstadt

The drive through Queens is surprisingly uneventful. I cut someone off, which angers them to the point of getting out of the car, but once they see you, they flee

Eventually you arrive. The street is rather run down. A group of homeless people are huddled round a burning barrel, and it is starting to rain.

A knock on the door takes it off it's hinges. Doctor Octopus arrives in a moment

"Ah thats... Anyway, come in. Can I take your.. cape?"
While we re here we should offer Lyja the option to defect to Latveria work in our US embassy and stay near Johny while not threatening earth and if discovered by shield she would have legal protection. If she says no let her know that the offer is still open.
>Can I take your.. cape
no thank you.

Lucia fix the door.

Dr Octavius we have business to discuss.
"That will not be necessary, Dr. Octavius. Lucia, be a dear and repair the door.
"I hope to convince you to come work for Latveria today, Doctor. I would hear your concerns about employment under DOOM."

Use a small spell to dry our cape; we wouldn't want to drip all over the good doctor's apartment.
Yes, sir

"Uh, sure. Come into the back, It's slightly more impressive"

He has converted the back of the house into a small laboratory. A few radioactive containers are under a sheet in one corner

"So. This place on mars. I heard Magneto's up there. Sure it's all safe?"
So the basic job offer is: "Come work for us and well fund your research. After all, DOOM and Magneto need an absolutely ludicrous amount of power in order to artificially create a magnetic field for mars, and your the man to do it."
I think that's our next step once we're back at home
"As safe as any other place on Earth, what with the Skrulls and the Kree and every other tin-pot galactic warlord running their space fleets through the solar system.
"Safer, as Doom has 15 starships for defense, planetary defense batteries, as well as emergency escape DoomPortals designed to allow the entire colonial population to escape back to Earth in under 15 minutes."
You mean the mutants? All well in hand. Then give him the job offer >>24825800
"Perfectly, I assure you. However, Mars is simply one option available to you in my employ. Latvaria, Mars, my new asteroid research base.
Frankly Otto, as long as your genius is put to good use instead of being wasted in your current situation, you can set you lab up anywhere you like.

Seconded. Have a stalker tail her and we'll make her an offer later.
"Interesting. You want a cup of coffee or something? And you say you'd fund all my research? That would be good. Why now, though?"

I have fixed the door, sir.

A stalker is tailing her, sir. It was fortunate you thought to bring some along.
Good work Lucia, now make our friend here some coffee
Doom will change the world. Doom can either make allies with supers and governments, or make enemies. It would be preferable if you were the former.
>Why now, though
"I've decided to stop messing around and actually get things done, Octavius. Look at us; brilliant, talented, scientists the equal of any other in human history, and what have we to show for ourselves?
"Where are our inventions that change the lives of the average man? Where are our deeds that change the very way people think about their world, and change the course of history?
"Instead, we're being physically accosted by men in tights while Jobs and Gates have made their marks on history and society.
"I realized that I needed to stop wasting my time, and I wish to help those who have the intellect but only lack the resources, to make the future a better place. People like you, Octavius."
>A group of homeless people are huddled round a burning barrel, and it is starting to rain.
Lucia, while Doom speaks to Octavius, I wan you to approach those homeless people with this message: "Gentlemen, I'm willing to pay you to go back to school, get degrees, and come work for me. I can promise comfortable living conditions, excellent food, and gainful employment. If you agree, simply say so and Lucia here will pay a cab driver to take you tothe Latverian Embassy where we will begin the paperwork to have you move to your new homes."

"Now Doctor, I'm told you have concerns about working for me. I'm willing to offer you a tenured position at the Doomstadt Institute of Science, a fully stocked and funded laboratory, and the social and financial freedom to pursue any research you desire, with only two limitations (no biological or chemical weapons). What more can a man of science want?"
Just to check, this is our master plan right guys?
"I've decided that conquest by force will not achieve my objectives. So instead I intend to claim and exploit every piece of useful uninhabited real estate in the solar system, encourage immigration of the best and brightest, and the outcasts of humanity just as America once did. Once those forces get set in motion I won't have to conquer anyone, I'll just have to wait."
Sounds about right. Might want to add: "Plus, you have no idea how much fun it is to watch your most persistent rival look like a raving lunatic on national television. I'd tell you to try it some time, but Spiderman wouldn't fall for it."
pretty much. We probably shouldn't say it though.
"Why not? Octavius, mankind is reaching for the stars, and DOOM knows a man with such talents and knowledge as your's would be greatly welcomed as we stake our claim in this galaxy."
these two combine pretty well

Yeah, you're right. I mean, I've nearly given up on this so many times, but I just kept thinking everything would be different if I suceeded. No more resource wars, no more pollution. I mean, obviously it could be easily weaponised, but so can everything. I suppose I should go to mars, though. In case anything goes wrong, I mean. If you have those portals, I could be on the other side of the planet, right? And do I need a passport? I probably don't have mine anymore. Oh, thanks for the coffee. I should get me a robot"

Most of the homeless looked rather drunk, but perked up at the sound of food. I shall fill out their forms later, sir
this is good add a rider about possible limitations on dimensional collapse, sentient experimentation, and possibly needing remote locations for unstable projects.

yes but we wont explain it/ It will be obvious to anyone who know our actions our ability and is not overly paranoid about us. Thus Richerds will never see it even after it happens.
>"why now, though?"

"Its my understanding that copious amounts of Helium-3 would be useful in your research, yes? Latveria is currently exploring the bounty of the outer planets of the solar system."

>Lucia, while Doom speaks to Octavius, I wan you to approach those homeless people with this message: "Gentlemen, I'm willing to pay you to go back to school, get degrees, and come work for me. I can promise comfortable living conditions, excellent food, and gainful employment. If you agree, simply say so and Lucia here will pay a cab driver to take you tothe Latverian Embassy where we will begin the paperwork to have you move to your new homes."

Disagree with this. Unless they are like, mutants.

Agree with this part, tho
>"Now Doctor, I'm told you have concerns about working for me. I'm willing to offer you a tenured position at the Doomstadt Institute of Science, a fully stocked and funded laboratory, and the social and financial freedom to pursue any research you desire, with only two limitations (no biological or chemical weapons). What more can a man of science want?"
>other side of the planet,
or an asteroid possibly near a source of helium 3 like Jupiter. As for a pass port i can grant you free legal entrance to Latverian territory though returning if i do so would become a hassle in the future if you don't accept Latverian citizenship.
She's a cyborg. That's probably insensitive
>Disagree with this. Unless they are like, mutants
hearts and minds friend we are trying to show the world we are helping people. and this costs a pittance.
Can't we just teleport him to Latvia? Not that many people would object to getting Doc Ock out of their city.
>do I need a passport?
"No need, I'll have a car come to pick you up in a few hours and escort you to the NYC embassy. You can take a portal from there to Latvaria.
Once there, we can set you up with new Latvarian documents then transfer you to Mars once you lab has been set up.
"Come to the Latverian Embassy, and Doom shall inform them to have all of your papers ready. The colony managers will told to begin work on a new research lab on the other side of Mars from the colonies. They shall inform you of when the lab is completed, and ready to be moved in.
"I may be starting a Helium-3 mining operation around Jupiter. Once that begins, I shall have a DoomPortal link your laboratory to the mining facility to allow for easy access to H-3.
"If you need assistants or additional resources, simply send a request to Lucia, and it shall be taken care of.
"It's been good to talk with you, Octavius."
We can expand that to hire the 'unwanteds' of various societies to fill out our populations, after appropriate education and social reconditioning.

"I'm glad to hear that, Doctor. I know you've had setbacks in life. But I am loathe to see you waste your life in pointless punch-ups with costumed clowns when you were meant for greater things. Your fusion research, your cybernetic technologies, your autonomous robots, computer programs, everythig you've done screams 'genius'. I do not like seeing it squandered."

"I do have a caveat, however. I will ask you to abandon your public vendetta against Spider-Man. It is a distraction. And i will be hard to continue said vendetta. Queens is a long way from Mars, portals or no."
IIrc it is not a vendetta just the spidy keeps interrupting his dangerous experiments as they threaten the public and he is a little touchy about it repeating itself.
"Uh, yeah. Sorry."
"Well, I don't really know what to say. Thanks. I'll try not to let you down. I should have seen it like this sooner. I guess I thought it was going to be some kind of trap."

"Guess it doesn't really matter if I'm hundreds of thousands of miles away from him. Yeah, sure. Fresh start and all that"
>hire the 'unwanteds' of various societies
Sometimes they're unwanted for a reason, though.
Sex offenders, the mentally ill and damaged, drug addicts and criminals of various types.
Education would not be enough in many cases, psyche deconstruction and rebuilding may be necessary.
Lucia! I, DOOM, command you to post the image containing the suggested reading for myself, in case any interested parties are watching.

Love the quest so far, you've sen me on a Doom craze, best superhero ever.[/spoilers]
Lucia, give me an overview about the feasibility mental reprogramming and various degrees of it, including how far can we go before Heroes start reacting.
We should probably assign a doombot of some kind as his handler. Otto is brilliant, but has always been dangerously lax on his safety regulations. He can pursue any LINE of research her wants, but there should at least be steps to ensure that he doesn't vaporize one of our labs with an experiment that could have easily been contained if only he had thought to take proper precautions.
>Implying the Latravian Education System doesn't involve the Higher Eschelion of Psychological deconstructing and Reprogramming.

Your trip Lucia

now what about what i mentioned last thread about the Cyborg family doing a Viral spray paint around the world?
>now what about what i mentioned last thread about the Cyborg family doing a Viral spray paint around the world?
You mean the idea that was roundly shot down as a bad one?
No, we are not doing something that stupid.
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It seems Dr Octavius is currently packing. Would you like to return to Doomstadt?

Yes, sir. I am glad you are pleased.

It happens quite often, sir. Telepaths can do so easily, and mind control magic is well documented.

As to the heroes, well, It's legal if no-one sees you do it
>Viral spray paint
>Would you like to return to Doomstadt?

There are still things to do here before we leave. What is the current status of Lyja?
no we must speak to Lyja
We could do something else with them, but I don't think that's that good an idea. I don't really think that many people will care that a bunch of heroes are meeting up
Did we tip off the illuminatos [Probably a good time to tip off Stark if we STILL haven't emailed him yet] or SHIELD about the positive skrull reading in NY yet?

Otherwise do one of these
We shall return to Doomstadt now.
Send a missive to Headmistress le Fay that we wish to discuss wards for the classrooms of the Institute.

Send orders to the Mars Colony director to have the fusion research lab built on the other side of Mars.

Tell the highest-ranking Skrull defector in our employ to prepare a report on the current state of the Skrull Empire and about their mission on Earth.

How goes the economic deals with Bangladesh?

Communicate with Nigeria, Mali, South Africa, Somalia, and Rwanda about military assistance against Islamic insurgents and rebels. We wish to provide assistance in stabilizing the regions.
We don't need to tip anyone off. It's just Lyja, we're going to see her next and offer her a job.
Perhaps we should have one of our Skrull defectors make contact with Lyja? Less likely for her to panic and start a firefight.
>about the positive skrull reading in NY yet?

We have OTHER PLANS regarding thing - see the tail end of last thread's archives for details on Lyja - mostly regarding letting her "defect" to latveria's skrull, then letting her use it to legitimize her relationship with johnny
I need to know how feasible it is to "improve" mass number of immigrants efficiently and without giving my enemies ammunition against me.

Ok then.

tfw we will never have a technological dick waving contest with stark and then party with him afterwards
That depends where we are in the timeline. Has she gone AWOL from the Skrull yet?
>mostly regarding letting her "defect" to latveria's skrull, then letting her use it to legitimize her relationship with johnny
This is a thing Doom has decided to do. It shall be!

And it'll piss Richards off to no end. A SKRULL working for DOOM dating his brother-in-law? Brilliant.

Lucia, how is the Distracto-bot doing? The floating cartoon-playing TV-Robot we sent to entertain deadpool?
>From last thread.

Make this offer to Lyja.
She is MADLY in love with Johnny. One of the big obstacles between them is the obvious Human/Skrull thing.

Skulking around as an enemy spy, being forced to hide who she really is or be arrested, being seen as an enemy by the man she loves and his family.

We can give her a way out of this. The other Skrull defectors don't need to hide themselves, they don't need to fear arrest by Human authorities. They wear the Latvarian uniform and serve the interests of Earth.

She can have the same.

We can give her a normal life on Earth and she can pursue a normal romance with the Torch.
Instead of pretending to be someone else just to get close to him, she can call him and invite him over for a drink.

We'll assign her to the NYC embassy. She'll be in walking distance and have regular working contact with the F4.
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It appears she has returned to an apartment near the baxter building. From this, I can reasonably assume that their night did not continue after Richards' unplanned appearance on the show

If you were to, for example, place a microchip into the nervous system of those you wish to enhance, they would be under your control. I believe surgery on all immigrants may be suspicious, so you may wish to refine this method

I could make an appointment at Stark tower if you wish sir.

They seem to be eating cereal and watching Regular show. I don't know where they obtained the pyjamas from.
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Also from last thread, I didn't realise Lucia was supposed to be attractive, I just thought she was a robot or something
>It appears she has returned to an apartment near the baxter building

Check the listings for this building and get her phone number, we will call ahead.

We will offer to meet anywhere she is comfortable.
Guess she's doing the character right then, considering it doesn't really matter
We should probably get into talks about sharing Skrull Detector Source Code with him in return for a favor at a later date.

You guys down with this?
>she has returned to an apartment near the baxter building
If we go to her, it'll set Richards off again. As amusing as it would be, not the best way to get Lyja to switch teams.
Get the phone number of her apartment off of the building's registry, and call her. Say that this is a job offer, and that we are willing to meet with her at a location of her choosing.
That should be acceptable.
>place a microchip into the nervous system of those you wish to enhance, they would be under your control.
Too crude. Just a short mental reconditioning to work hard, be honest, and resist vices. I'm sure we can find a reliable chemical that will increase suggestibility to the point that a simple post-hypnotic suggestion would suffice.
That's if Johnny even knows it's her
Alright, get in contact and make an appointment at the Stark Tower or at any Public Restaurant/Cafe of his choosing.

He's done business before, She should know how to do Business style mingle

What the incredibly bad typos batman [unless this is that bizarro universe with Natasha Stark]
Yeah, I agree. Have our scientists to research nanites that reeducate newcomers and enhance their physical attributes, some more than others.
I'm down for this IF we use servral proxies while calling her after all who knowns what richards done to make sure his ''Family'' is ''safe'' from Skrulls
Of course, sir. Should she be made aware that you know she's a skrull?

I have told him to do so. This information will however be several months old. You may wish to interrogate one of your recent prisoners
On the food front, Latveria has little to spare, but they have been most grateful for the medical aid, especially considering their flooding issues

I believe that their offices may be closed for the night. I shall get on it as soon as I can

Of course, sir. I apologise for forgetting about the nanobot technology

Flattered, sir
>Of course, sir. Should she be made aware that you know she's a skrull?

Probably not over phone lines. That revelation may perhaps be better suited for in person.

If we need to get her attention, we should say its regarding her boyfriend, perhaps that "there's something she should know"
No contacting stark tower?
We could simply include it as part of a standard inoculation package. Cure for the Flu, the common cold, polio vaccine, tetanus shot, personality upgrade. You know, standardize it.
>On the food front, Latveria has little to spare
Hmm... those hydroponic farms on Mars aren't fully operational yet, are they? Begin funneling more immigrants into the farms.
DOOM is wondering about more media face-time, especially after our planned UN meeting. Every news outlet will want an interview after we fly a captured Skrull Starship over the meeting. Just something to think about later.
>Should she be made aware that you know she's a skrull?
No, not over the phone.

>interrogate Skrull prisoners from the battlecruiser
That will have to wait until we can make the trip to their internment facility and use magic to take the information from their minds.

That's fine, but we need to say what we're doing. Certain heroes of the world will be meddlesome if we do not divulge the 'psychiatric modification treatment' that's standard with the regular inoculations.

I'm not sure we want to be deploying supersoldier serums on all the population - or at least, that's what people will think of it.

Such a nanite based system is a massive security risk, and one we should avoid spreading to the entire population, lest someone try to meddle with doom's works. What if someone, such as richards, were to gain control of it and upload their own agenda? The potential for spying on us would be too great.

Consider this voted against.
Just don't make it too obvious. We need good standing with the UN for the next couple of steps.

But once we can mass reeducate, we can increase immigration for more loyal servants of Doom.
Unless we make a time dilation field generator, we still need a few weeks for a harvest is ready.
We should give Colbert and Stewart first dibs, then the BBC, then maybe CNN or AL-Jazeera, if we have time.
We're planning on one upping his iron spider armor when we roll out our Modular Power Armor product line. Does that count?
> No Doom on the Oprah or Ellen shows
Civil War hasn't happened yet though
Then we make it a temporary thing. The nanites will flush from their system naturally within six months, by which time they should have settled into their new life and any changes previously made should be comfortably in place. If they begin to revert, they can seek help or handle it themselves, as they choose.

Oprah maybe. Ellen... does she get political very often?
It seems I got her attention. She will be heading to central park in half an hour. I told her that you’d find her.

I apologise, sir, though they have rather long hold times

The farms are operational, though only really designed to sustain the mars population
not tonight.

No but we should make it available and develop a variant that is only temporary in the body and has lasting positive effects. That should solve >>24826836 's issue
Instead of making it standardized, which would be very difficult to do and opens the way for the nanites being turned against us, what if instead we make psychiatric evaluations and treatments mandatory, just like vaccination is mandatory.
Then, the nanites can be programmed for a specific individual, then once they've completed their work, they will be extracted to be reprogrammed for the next patient.
We can't scan through the net and see if Mr Stark has an Email?

I find it jarring that such a man wouldn't have one, He sounds like the kind of guy to have a twitter, public facebook, linkedin and a public Askbox just for PR
we can still out do the armor i am sure doom is aware of it from other timelines.
>The farms are operational, though only really designed to sustain the mars population
See to having them expanded. We will be making more off-world colonies; more food will be welcome.

We shall head to Central Park. Have the Silent Stalker follow her, so that we can find her without difficulty.
even if he does, I assume he'd think we were one of those new fangled internet trolls that are in today's media
but that is not the channel to use for official business.
>one of those new fangled internet trolls that are in today's media
That reminds me.
Lucia, have a Doombot tasked with scanning through Facebook, Twitter, and Linkdin for fake Dr. Doom accounts.
They are to be mercilessly trolled and their real owners humiliated on Reddit and 4chan.
Could try and shoot it anyway, what do we have to lose?

[email protected] is probably not gonna be a troll because of domain main.

You've never emailed a client or vendor to propose a deal?
But the Secret Invasion is after the civil war. In fact, the outcome of the secret invasion leads directly to the acts appeal, after Osborn goes fucking nuts and Captian America gets put in charge of SHIELD
We'll need to expand them, then.

The nanite plans for these work.

>central park
Excellent. We'll be there.

From last thread's post-thread discussion:
>I don't know about augmenting powers, but it should be custom-tailored to not impede powers and work with one's fighting style. Spider-man's should be high-flexibility and light-weight. I'm thinking ballistic fabric layers woven together with artificial myomer-style muscles, with tiny micro-force-field generators woven throughout. The muscle-suit would conform to his body and augment his strength, and the micro-forcefields would create an invisible skin-tight energy shell to distribute impacts and energy discharges. Throw in a hologram inducer and some color-changing tech for a stealth mode. If we can lease Octavius' robo-arm tech or make an improved version, note 'Carlyle Calamari', we should incorporate that. Throw in a small police scanner, built in cell-service, and a rebreather for filtering air and extending one's time underwater, and you've got a winner.
We need to do this as part of an operation to mass-produce modular power armor for the super community, and eventually for conventional law-enforcement types as well.
Yeah, but I don't wanna tell Lucia our password, and her email address sucks
We should probably get official versions of those too, just for PR.

at least just twitter, seems like something easy enough for DOOM to keep updated and make statements on.
repeal, of appeal, my bad.
then make a joint account for talking to clients?

[email protected]

are you trying to avoid stark anon?

what would victors password even be? RICHAAAAAAAARDS in all caps?
also from previous thread:

We need to make a list of all the tech-'villains' and 'heroes' to contact.

Magnetic Man (Real name unknown, that guy with the magnetic gloves mentioned a thread or two back)
Mysterio (I want to see what he can do, for us, with Skrull cloaking technology)
The Raiders
Rocket Racer
Clayton Wilson, AKA Force
---Any Others?
>You've never emailed a client or vendor to propose a deal?
I meant that those are not the emails he uses for real business. Thus talking to them would be like calling the Microsoft consumer help line to propose a business deal as opposed to a regular management office. It is unprofessional.

We're looking at this the wrong way. We need to make this as open and publicly visible as possible.

Our nano-technology could spell the end of all mental illness.

Brain damage? Fixed.
Mental condition? Fixed.
Chemical dependency? Fixed.

We should start by offering it to our own people and any immigrants we take in. Open invitation to any medical experts/psychics that want to check our work.
They will be able to confirm that all nano-technology has been flushed out of the subjects system and poses no future risk and we have done nothing to alter their memories or personality.

Once we've got endorsement from enough respected experts, we can go global. We will go down in history as the Hero that eliminated alzheimers, autism, down syndrome and everything else!

Suck it Richards!
Iron Man

Fair enough, I find it odd that Stark Enterprises only means of contact from outside business is through hotline though
Which Beetle? The original is probably hanging out with the thunderbolts being MACH 1-4 at this point in time.
You are driven to Central park. It's raining more heavily, and people are rushing to get indoors.
The stalker reports her location, and you head over
She is sat on a bench with an umbrella, looking around rather frantically.

I am currently investigating their whereabouts, sir. I could leave a contingent of Doombots in new york to locate them once they surface, if you like
>Once we've got endorsement from enough respected experts, we can go global. We will go down in history as the Hero that eliminated alzheimers, autism, down syndrome and everything else!
Start a rehab clinic that can also cure people of addiction to drugs, alcohol, and whatever else, and you've got a winner. What's that? Doom just won the war on drugs? Well, suck it, RICHAAAAARDS!
Isn't there 2 secret Invasions?

If not this could just be an Altered timeline where for some reason the events are flipped in the timeline
"Hello Lyja, how has life been treating you?"
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Just a question, but why is Xavier so buff?
The original was a talented mechanical engineer, IIRC, who designed the beetle armor in the first place. He's the one we want.

Stark is too egotistical, and too deeply indoctrinated by the lies of Richards, to come work for us. He has no motive to do so. We want all the people who are just as good as him, but never had the wealth or freedom to really push themselves the way he has. We'll render his Iron Man obsolete while funding his worst enemies and snatching up all the government contracts he passed on when he chickened out of the weapons market.
we may want to check up on Osborn. If he is not Green Goblin insane, OsCorp could be another useful addition to our ally count.
>only means of contact from outside business is through hotline though
I don't think that is the case just that the pr address of stark are separate from the readily available company addressees and Stark's private account for people he wants to notice for sure.
Use a spell to prevent rain from falling upon us.
Then we shall walk out of the darkness, presenting an imposing visage.
"I am Dr. Doom, ruler of Latveria. And I have a job opportunity for you. You may return to your...natural form."
Dude spent 20 years pushing himself around in a wheelchair and exorcizing regularly, plus he has a doctorate in biology, focus on genetics, but he knows how to eat healthy. The automated chair was only for show.
''Expecting someone Ms.Lyja?''

this looks like a good Idea I suggest we use this.
that chair is heavy you try not getting buff pushing it manually.
Everyone has to be, it's a comic
>contingent of Doombots
please no, that would look VERY suspicious. Right now we need to stay low profile on this. How about asking some people on black marker on any info?
Hey guys mother's been in the clutches of Mephisto for a while now, and we didn't save her on mothers day. What the actual fuck guys.
Say hello to Lyja, start with a bit small talk to get her comfortable and calmed down. Then make her the offer here >>24826504

>I could leave a contingent of Doombots in new york to locate them once they surface
Dispatch a few Stalkers from the embassy to search for them. Keep it low key. Also, monitor police radio frequencies and media signals for any mention of them.
not in public while she is not legally protected by us.
take a glamor up ans sit down and talk with her.
> too deeply indoctrinated by the lies of Richard

Don't we have a lot of in common with Stark though? Richards is a pretty big stick in the mud, and if we can build bridges with more people in the illuminati than he can We'd be making him sweat a bit

I think you might be demonizing him a little bit too much, If Civil War hasn't happened yet, creating some animosity between Stark and Richards by becoming friendly with him might stop or prevent that whole Fold and Nanomachines business that the Pro-Registration guys had done
It's raining, in Central Park. The place is huge, and we're kind of isolated.
We can set up an illusion ward to prevent people from seeing us or hearing our conversation.
Unfortunately, the man swings between absolutely crazy, and sociopathically ambitious
as much i like Doom he cant do it alone, some one suggest few threads ago to convince/trick doctor strange in to helping us. Also it could be useful if we buff our power level by stealing it from galactus/beyoner or getting our hands on one of cosmic cubes.
Y..you were at the show! And what do you mean natural form?

I apologize for my lack of progress with stark. It is late at night, however. He may be asleep, or passed out by now, sir
stark is unstable and probably wont accept help better to be cordial and distant IMO

we have yer to do that A and B she doesn't know that.
Put up the wards offered here I know >>24827317 then say Lyja I know who you are.
>show positive detection of skrull dna
than say something along the lines "You know your kind is hunted right now, dont you? Doom is willing to give you a chance of becoming something more than you even imagined, but only if you willing to accept it"
Or he may be 'otherwise engaged'
You really, really don't want to know.
"I invented a skrull detector you know. Plus, there are skrull on the planet and you are Johnny's girlfriend. I can do basic addition, Lyja."
We can always try again tommorrow

is it a work day or a week day? this is important.

are you talking about stark or osborn?

if stark, I still stand that we should at least try and get to neutral ground with him instead of "unfriendly"

and definitely not antagonize
meant to quote >>24827351
I think there's only one day a year we can get her, on summer solstice I think
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we've tried it with Stranges help before that....didn't go to well I think we may have to enlist a certain conniving Asgardian along with a few others to help us If we want to free our Mother
Cast a spell to protect us from eavesdroppers, and to shroud us from onlookers.

"There. We are now protected from being eavesdropped, and from anyone who may be watching.
"I invented the technology to detect Skrulls, and you continue to believe that you can evade detection from the brilliance of DOOM?"

We have a favour to call in with Strange, we were planning to use it, we just need to arrange the meeting.

We've made a few calls but he's either extremely busy or he's giving us the run-around.

If we don't get in contact before the next Illuminati meeting, we'll grab him then and talk.
Lucia this is late, but query:

We should probably start monitor public approval of doom, both on news sites and on places like raddit, imageboards, FB, and twitter

hire a PR team or something if it needs to be done
That's what gets talked about when DOOM is not walking out of holograms?
YOU are a horrible, horrible man. I like you.
we will call him after we figure out how to buff up our magical power as far i know technology can't do shit in hell
What are you talki... Ah, fine. Don't tell Johnny, he doesn't know. What do you want? Are you going to kill him or something? Because that never really works out"

Yes, sir. I have set up stalkers as perimiter guards as well
You see now why Doom is.... COMPELLED it insinuate himself into this 'social club' of 'good old boys' and put them back on their original task of PROTECTING THE HUMAN RACE (and it's ancillary offshoots like the Mutants and Inhumans), instead of wasting time with pointless drivel. Kudos to Namor for putting Richards in his place, though.
After we handle Lyja, I think we should figure out how to best take advantage of the Skrull situation to our advantage.

After we expose the captured Skrull cruiser directly above the UN, we declare the following organizations to be incompetent and inadequate and in dire need of reform: S.W.O.R.D for not protecting Latverian space colonies, and S.H.I.E.L.D for not being able to handle the Skrull infiltration themselves, and the Avengers and other superheroes for constantly violating Latverian sovereignty, wasting DOOM's time, and acting live American lapdogs in general.

Propose the following:

Expand S.H.I.E.L.D to be more internationally inclusive to better enforce international law and handle threats to humanity on Earth, with more helicarriers, robotics, and personal. Latvia will contribute.

Expand S.W.O.R.D to make it a more international effort and create a International Fleet (or IF) to defend earth from outsiders. Latvia has a head start in space and has recently acquired Skrull space technology, Latvia will contribute to the international fleet.

Lastly, the Avengers needs to waste less time dealing with petty criminals and become more of an international organization to provide global security. Latvia will contribute by locating talented individuals and growing their abilities and power, as well as rehabilitating so-called "villains" into productive members of society.

Lastly, Latvia proposes that the security council be reformed to include the current powers of today rather than yesteryear. Latvia proposes a security council of America, EU, Brazil, Russia, India, China, Latvia, Atlantis, and Wakanda. The UN needs to become less of an extension of America, and more of a collection of nations!

Privately speaking, the point of this is to really make us look like the good guy and drastically increase our influence on SHIELD, SWORD, and the Avengers.
We are already almost as powerful as he is in magic and technology has been shown to work just fin on demons.
but this applies to osborn as well.
we should be friendly but not close so that when the inevitable happens we suffer minimum fall out.
Interesting, I'm getting as much "sleeper agent" vibe as "girlfriend" here...
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Damn right it does
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Do our robots look like this? I seriously hope they do
Best game
do this, i guss?
give her the offer.
>kill Johnny
"No, actually. I wish for you to defect from the Skrull Empire to Latveria, then work for DOOM at the Latverian Consulate in New York City as an Foreign Off-World Powers Liaison.
"What you do with your personal time, or who you spend it with, is of no concern of mine or the Latverian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, within reason, of course."
I thought doombots looked incredibly similar to us, just without cape and whatnot when not masquerading as us
>that never really works out
yes i have noticed that as well. As such i have decided on a different long term strategy. I would like to offer you the ability to come clean while reaming safe. I have over 400 of your people defected and are in my employ. They are legally citizens of Latveria and can not be hunted by Shield or Sword i am offering that to you and a post in my emabacy in New York to be close to mister Storm.

>Yes, sir. I have set up stalkers as perimiter guards as well
good work
I think they're the servo guards
>What do you want?
It's simple, my dear. You want to have a normal, open relationship with the Torch, but cannot because of the suspicion cast upon your species. As you may or may not know, I have nationalized over 400 Skrulls as Latverian citizens. They have left their Empire and now live under my auspices. I also seized a Skrull battleship that was prowling the asteroid belt the day before yesterday. I'm fairly certain that conflict will arise between Earth and the Skrull Empire at some point. I'm offering you a shield to protect you from reprisals. Full Latverian citizenship and a job in my embassy here in New York. No more hiding. No more living double, triple, quadruple lives. No more memorizing fake names. You would be able to call Johnathan at any time, using your real name and voice, and begin a proper courtship. All I ask is that you tell me whatever you know about the current political and economic status of the Skrull Empire. A mere pittance, I believe, in exchange for a freedom you have never known. You don't need to make a decision now, the offer is open. But be aware, both the Avengers and Shield have access to my skrull detector technology. Wouldn't it be easier to live as you truly are? Rather than risk being exposed?

These are good. Combine these.
>Mephisto gets hit by black hole torpedo
>shrugged off like its nuthing

the way comic Doom manage beat how was to sacrifice the love of his mother im sure we can do it with out going that far
that is accurate.
she is both.
Yeah, we don't have to take it that far. Or magic school can research additional magic, and eventually Valeria Richards may become powerful enough or just knowledgeable enough to research something that can help against Mephisto
Plus, this time we'll bring our girlfriend Morgan
I feel stupid for not thinking of this sooner, but we have an entire staff at our magic school we could consult on this!

Why did I not think of this half a dozen threads ago?!

We've got an entire building full of magic users on the payroll, I'm sure we can come up with some ideas.

We've got the UN thing tomorrow. Lucia, arrange a staff meeting the day after.
This is simple. Use Skrull technology and reeducation tech to remove any programming, or at least make sure she never harms humanity.
secending these
consider that she is already smarter than Ritchards and (possibly) Doom, It wouldnt be a surprise that after going though the magical school she would become sorcerer supreme herself.
We should create a memory dump of ourselves, so Valeria can build on our work later.
You seized a Skrull battleship? I thought you guys were still on the rockets to the moon phase?
I guess that seems like a good offer. I need a job, and I guess not having to hide would be pretty nice. Alright. Last I saw, they were gearing up for war with the Kree. I think they came here looking for more resources. They're still pretty convinced you're weak. I heard they had all of eastern Europe and some of South America infiltrated.
That all you need?"

Yes, sir. They may expect overtime, as it is saturday
>Yes, sir. They may expect overtime, as it is saturday
That is more than fine.
>consider that she is already smarter than Ritchards and (possibly) Doom, It wouldnt be a surprise that after going though the magical school she would become sorcerer supreme herself.

She makes her Uncle Doom so proud.

I can't think of anyone better to name heir of our galactic empire.

Someday her greatness will eclipse our own, and I am content with that. If we are only remembered by history as the Philip to her Alexander then I will consider that a proud legacy.
You mean do something like Doom did to Kristoff? That really didn't end well.
I don't think we plan on dying, really.
They also lost their ships in Slovakia, they are DOOMs fleet now, which is ever growing. Hmmm, i may need to rethink my UN landing if they've all of Eastern Europe. Nothing to concern yourself with though. This intelligence shall bring a war to our doorstep, I will need your statement here repeated to other mind you, but it will be much of what i need.

Though as a girl so close to Johnathan, you do seem to not know much of me. What has he said about me? Nothing good im sure."
"I shall expect a cultural dossier on the Skrull Empire and a report on its social structure and logistical capabilities, as well as information regarding its current political climate, to be completed and submitted in two days time.
"Good night, Ms. Lyja. The Consulate will be informed of your hiring, and will arrange the proper paperwork. You may visit them tomorrow morning."

Lucia, wake up the Latverian Ambassador and have him arrange the paperwork for Dr. Octavius and Ms. Lyja. I expect there to be no delays.

>teaching staff expecting overtime
A trifle of no importance.

We shall now return to Doomstadt, arrange for the classrooms of LITT to be properly warded, then we shall interrogate the crew of the captured Skrull battlecruiser.

Let's use the time machine to grab a future version of Valeria Richards and a friendly version of Dr. Strange, and team up with Morgan Le Fey to takedown Mephisto.
Yeah, that'll do. Good luck.
Wait, instead of going straight back to Doomstadt, have we arranged that meeting with Putin? I want the Russia Situation resolved before we reveal our captured battlecruiser in front of the entire UN.
Our envoy was last scanning the people keeping him from meeting Putin to see if the Skrulls had already captured Vladimir. What happened with that?
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We can always leave a clone of our self with all of the memories
>South America infiltrated
We're already on top of the Europe situation, we should inform SHIELD about South America and deploy Strikers with Skrull detectors to observe various South American buildings.

>That all you need?
That is fine for now, thank you. Would you like a lift home, it is raining?
Please stop by the embassy building at your convenience, we will sort out legal documentation and an employment contract.
Would it be possible to look into making Valeria our official heir? Because I think that would be an awesome idea.
I don't plan to work forever. At some point even Doom must relax and enjoy retirement.
I though that was the plan from the get to. The original Valeria Richards was the daughter of Doom and Susan Storm (although it was more complicated than that, Reed Richard's mind may have switched with Doom's).
Sooo, fix all the worlds problems, defeat all the evils, create an utter utopia... then retire and let Valeria handle ruling it?

I can get behind that.
What better way of saying "SUCK IT RICHARDS!"
that works. We will work on immortality though.
Throw in a little galactic empire, possibly godhood and that's the general idea.
That's the point of /tg/ quests. If you're not God, we'll make it so.
"Alright, then. I don't have to wear a uniform, do I? I'll get to it, then. See you later"

I'll keep the stalkers trained on her, sir.

Putin apparently has a 2 week waiting period for appointments. I suppose it is a large country, after all. Would you like me to attempt to infiltrate and increase your priority?
Don't do anything too bad. Are we ready for the UN? Will the cruiser be in place in time?
I like it. I do feel slightly evil for leaving Valeria with all the paperwork and bureaucracy though. We should probably find a way to fix that. Valeriabots maybe?
Yes, sir. Conventional flight controls are being fitted with the help of the defected engineers
>Putin apparently has a 2 week waiting period for appointments.

So long as he does not suddenly change this to three weeks or otherwise attempt to give Doom the run-around, we shall be patient.

There are many other things to do.
Best email Namor.

"Bee Tee Dubs, Eastern Yurop pretty much Skull'd. South America kinda too. Time for Doom to get to work! lolz. Let your bookclub know
~Doom <3"

Not quite worded like that mind you.
>Would you like me to attempt to infiltrate and increase your priority?
Don't bother. He will likely move up the appointment himself once we reveal our Skrull battlecruiser.

Speaking of which, Lucia, have the flight plans and registration of the LSS Fist of Doom as a diplomatic vehicle been completed?
Actually, let's interrogate the captured Skrull Captain first. We'll be able to get more complete information that we can pass to Namor that way.
Implying Doom will not have created a flawless administration for the galactic empire by the time we are ready to retire.

Implying Valaria will not create her own constructs far superior to ours in time.

Fear not Anon, the situation will be well in hand.
I've registered them in Latveria. Hopefully this should qualify.

I apologise in advance for my impudence, sir, but can we get out of the rain?
Very well.
Create a DoomPortal to where we are holding the captured Skrull battlecruiser crew, so that we can use magic to get the information we want out of the Captain's mind.
We will head directly for the embassy them portal home. It is the fastest means of travel.
Apparently we can't. Your umbrella holding skills are shocking
Yes, do this.
There is a portal to the asteroid prison in the Mars colony. Are you sure you would like to go?
Make sure that a flight plan is filed with the FAA that a diplomatic vehicle, classed as a 'VTOL-capable craft with escape velocity capability' will be used by DOOM and Latveria to arrive at the UN building.
We should be back in time for the UN. Or use the time machine to make sure we're at the UN on time.
Yes. Travel with the portals is instantaneous, so it's not like it'll actually take a lot of time.
me, as little as there is to confirm

Yes, sir. I doubt they will be willing to argue the matter
You make your way through various portals and buildings until you reach the asteroid prison. The gravity is noticably lesser than earth, despite the efforts of the generator

Breezing through security, you pass rows of cells, and over 600 Skrulls

The Captain is still in a hospital environment. It seems he had weaknesses in some of his internal organs

What would you like to ascertain?

That's it for tonight, and I must say you're a wonderful audience. I'll be back thursday, and feel free to post anything you feel needs improvement. Goodnight
We need to find out:
What was his ship's mission?
What is the Skrull Empire here for?
What is the political state of the Skrull Empire?
What is the infiltration state of Earth?
is the Skrull Empire planning a full-scale invasion?
What is their timetable?
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Have we decided to talk to Red Skull at all?

>skilled hand-to-hand combatant >strategic genius
>political mastermind
>expert marksman
Doesn't he also have the secret soldier formula?
It might be bad PR for a bit, but once we reform him (or at least make it so) then we would have a new Chief of Staff and/or a political superweapon
secending this, also i think we should starting prepare plan of how to get our mother soul from hell without sacrificing anything/anybody.
I dont think we can reform a dude who was following hitlers ideas for past 60 years, any story involving him teaming up with anybody almost always end-up with him going full holocaust on everybody

>Meet the Red Skull

The Nazi war criminal? If we do, we execute him publicly and immediately.

Seriously, fuck that guy. We do evil for the sake of a greater good, he does evil for the fucking lulz.
>Doom is Roma
>working with Red Skull, one of the biggest Nazi war criminals
No, I don't think so.
That seems like a very, very bad idea. If we have anything to do with the Red Skull, it should be to hand him over for war crimes/terrorism. Sure, he's a brilliant strategist, but we do NOT want that racist, misogynistic, genocidal psychopath working for us. We're trying to make people trust us, and recruiting the man who surpassed Hitler in evil is not the way to do it.

Can you imagine the backlash from Israel alone?
Looks like the archive got messed up. Can you delete a thread and rearchive it?
True. What if we brainwashed him and gave him a new identity? Like, put him in an suit that we could control if he started going full /pol/?
You have to email Lord Licorice, the site admin, and hope that he does it for you.
Excellent thread, as always.

We forgot to visit the Morlocks to inflate our mutant population, but we can pencil that in to a future visit.
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how about just do pic related and (somehow) take control over the hydra scientist?
Us being Roma aside, the skills we could gain from him are outweighed by the outrage that would occur if people find out we're working with him. If we really must have his knowledge, use magic to extract it before sending him to be tried.

Plus, we'd get a ton of goodwill from being the man who finally brought him to justice. We can surely make our own supersoldier serum.
Yeah like offer him a job and a super suit and once he agrees we just assume direct control and have work for us on a secluded Martian laboratory
looks like it got archived (somebody have messed up the tags)
Guys, How about we created a specialized watch that can help transform the thing back into his human self and into the thing whenever he wishes. It's been accomplished before, and it could tear a divide between Reactionary Richards and his support group of friends.

It happened during a spiderman episode bitches, I remember that from when I was like 8. Episode 63 from the '94 tv series, labeled "doom".

Fucking great shit. Loved that show.
Yes that is on the agenda
The only interactions we have with the Red Skull will involve his public execution.
Didnt our R&D guys where working on it inside the 100 metres doombot?
Yeah, that's what I meant. People get butthurt over tags, right?
Current number of skrulls on earth.
Percentage of those currently impersonating world leaders or super-powered individuals.
Current political and economic status of the Skrull Empire
Overall mission of his ship.
Other skrull military assets in-system.

Also, we need to start the process of naturalising his crew. See which ones are willing to abandon an old, flawed system in favor of a winning team.
Red skull is also an unapologetic Nazi. If Doom ever gets his hands of Red Skull, doom will forcibly turn the former SS head inside out with his gauntleted hands before handing the remains to Captain America to deal with.
After the UN we should start selling these training bot from previous threads.
How about we put a simple ai system that would learn moves of the person that uses them fro training so we could later use that data for our doombots?
Hell No all the Good will and Pr we have got Gained thus far would go Kaput and we would lose a substantial member of the Mutant community if we did

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