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Hello guys.
First of all: I won't blame you if you'll think it's a hoax.

I'm what you could call "council advisor" for local school. One of children (age 13) asked if he could start and run "role playing club". To be honest, our knowledge about the subject is very vague because it's rather uncommon hobby in our country. Therefore it was suggested that i should try to gain some information about this particular hobby.

The Internet provided some basics, but it's not enough. I need to know how things are in reality.

I tried to talk with people on reddit and a few other portals, but they were all rather dismissive or what would you call "trying too hard" to convince me that it's completely harmless hobby.

So, i'm here. People say that 4chan and this board is where die-hard veterans gather to discuss things.

My question is: could you honestly, without any "bullshit" say what's worse we can expect as a school by agreeing to start such club? I'm no idiot, i understand there's no risk of mass murders and "satanic cults", but is there anything we should pay attention to?

Thank you in advance, and since this is about role playing and storytelling - picture relevant to topic.
well, within context of the game kids around that age will probably incorporate violence or sex, i doubt this will carry over to actual interaction. it actually might calm some people down a bit, what with getting out aggression in a game instead of on one another.
roleplaying games are a gateway to homosexuality and drugs. Do you really want to expose thirteen year olds to that? :/

You mean beyond the usual "taking things too seriously/far and getting out of hands" teenagers do with whatever occupation catch their fancy?

Not much really, the only hazard you could get while PnP'ing is choking on a dice or getting a pencil jammed somewhere. If your school allows the children to play card games like "Magic the Gathering", "Yo-Gi-Oh" and such, you shouldn't have more problems with a roleplaying group.

One thing you might want to look out for is dissociation, where one or more kids get so caught up in their virtual existence that they neglect their real one. But in the extremely large majority of such cases, the game is only the catalyst, and the causes are to be sought elsewhere (family problems, bullying, etc...)
The worst thing that can happen is that they get way too invested into the hobby. Remember to just let the kids know they're living a fantasy and it's not real. Prevent fights before they happen if one player spoke/acted out of turn.

Despite what horror stories you may have heard about "That Guys", those are merely cases of kids being social outcasts, and never getting the chance to actually learn the appropriate social norms. If you authorize the club, it might actually help highlight whatever problems the kids may have, and you might be able to catch onto them before it grows worse. Hell, you'd probably even teach them the appropriate morals one is expected to have in society easier than trying to force them into their minds through boring lectures and textbooks.

Best case scenario, they grow up and become decent human beings instead of yet more fat, sweaty neckbeards.

The worst that can happen? The classic wrongbadfun.

It means when people inside the group have different views on what's fun and what's not.

Some people, like me, like the games to be semi-realistic. No fudged rolls, and a kill is a kill, no matter who it is. Be it player, god or king, all can be killed. The GM, Game Master, should not lead me by the hand, but act as a referee, a game engine, if you will.

Then there's the people who simply want a story. They don't tolerate if their characters die, and they expect the story to unfold in front of them, having some options on how to progress it.

Oh, and then there's those That Guys/GMs, who think their fun is better than everyone else's. They might even go out of their way to ruin the fun the other players are having.

Worst that can really happen is that people would start disliking each other. And at that point you can easily have them change groups, if you have the authority to. But let friends play with friends, don't even start mixing groups.

So, OP. Are you legit? Or is this some pasta I've missed so far?
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Most roleplaying games are about a group of characters defeating villains, getting treasure, and completing quests. Violence is inherent in nearly every system I can think of, but some are more adult-oriented than others. Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and GURPS are all relatively child-friendly, but contain a few mature themes.

In the 1970's, a group of parents when on a crusade against D&D, decrying it as demonic, violent, and promotes paganism. While D&D does contain horrifying creatures such as demons, dragons, and nightmarish abominations, the party is in fact fighting against them, which was not understood by those parents calling for the banning of the game.

In reality, roleplaying games are just a method of collaborative storytelling that uses the overlay of a rules system to maintain order and limit what a player can and can't do. Expect the kids to sit around the table, drink soda, eat snacks, and yell very loudly about how excited they are to slay some undead monsters. It's not a particularly dangerous hobby, but as with all escapist fantasies, the underdeveloped run the risk of losing sight of what's real and what's fake.

So I guess my advice would be to require this child to supply you with all books and supplements to the game for you to review and approve, making sure there is an acceptable level of violence or scantily-clad elf maidens. Also I would do a sit-in or two to get the feel for how these sessions would go and make sure everything's up to snuff.

What country are you from, by the way?
Good outcomes: Spouts creativity, friendship, fun.
Draws more people to the hobby, and then to this board sooner or later

Bad outcomes: Limits creativity, ruins friendship, some of the children might want to live out their characters actions (as in violence)
Thank you for your input. I'll try to answer as quickly as possible.
Sex and religion are serious issue around here. Violence we know from the day we're born, and even we don't appreciate it, we don't lie it's non-existent.
Is it possible to skip eroticism completely? I tried to look for some "rpg character concept art" and mostly i got girls with ridiculously erotic armors...

I appreciate humor, but i know it's not true.

It's "role playing" club. I was told kids will play "Dungeons and Dragons", "Pathfinder" and "Anima". No card games, at least not now.

Is there serious problem with dissociation? Is it possible to play role playing games alone, and without any accessories?
>Is it possible to play role playing games alone, and without any accessories?
That's called daydreaming.
>Violence we know from the day we're born
Wait, where do you live?

There's nothing wrong with having female warriors wearing decently dressed armor. Look at Saber (Fate Stay Night) or Agrias (Final Fantasy Tactics)

If we're talking something that isn't anime-styled art, look at bloody Joan of Arc, or even Eowyn of Rohan from Lord of the Rings.
Generally, by the rules themselves, erotics are not implemented.

Religion might be sort of harder to deal with, if you make sure that they know that the gods in the game are completely fictional and not something they themselves should worship, you should be okay.
>Sex and religion are serious issue around here. Violence we know from the day we're born, and even we don't appreciate it, we don't lie it's non-existent.
>Is it possible to skip eroticism completely? I tried to look for some "rpg character concept art" and mostly i got girls with ridiculously erotic armors...

oh certainly, i presume this is taking place in a classroom with a teacher around and he can step in when boys are being boys so to speak. the eroticism isnt built into the game its just what players may or may not make up on there own.
I was in a roleplaying club when I was 13... I had to get out though when they wanted me to start drug smuggling for the mexican cartels. I have been on the run ever since.

table top games. not even once.

You could have an adult supervise the club. Sex is not included in D&D per se, but sometimes a mature group might want to add it for flavor.

Yes, usually women seem to have ridiculously erotic armor. But hey, know what? Have the kids draw their own character pictures. And there are loads of decent concept art out there, too.

Violence is in these games. But it's up to the players' imaginative capabilities.

And it's quite impossible, at least to have fun, whilst doing that. Unless you're daydreaming, of course. But even a group of 2 can function well, where the other is the Game Master, and the other one a player.

Look, I can give you my secondary e-mail, the one I give out pretty much anywhere, and you can ask me any questions. I have about two years of experience in being a Game Master in D&D, and about six months, give or take in playing the same system.

And rest assured, I'm a pretty cool guy. You can add your e-mail to the field above, so I can pop you an e-mail.
>Is it possible to skip eroticism completely?
Yes, but people will play what they want to play. Around here, at least, we take a very dim view of people who inject sexual features in games where it's not wanted. It ultimately comes down to the group and what they want to do with the game.

>Is there serious problem with dissociation?
Not really. While I don't doubt it's happened sometime, it's certainly not common. It's just one of those stories that gets overblown and retold, like people saying that video games turn kids into mass murderers.
>hat's worse we can expect as a school by agreeing to start such club?
Well, it's possible that some friendships could be ruined if some of the kids are assholes to each other in-game.

Also, you might end up getting some really committed geeks who prioritize gaming over their studies, possibly hurting their grades. Of course, that can happen with almost any time consuming activity or hobby.
Furthermore I would suggest having the parents sign something of approval with the religion thing.

Like: "We understand that our child is playing a game at his school which involves fictive religions."

Ah, right. If you're strict about religions, have them do this.

Also, whatever religion you belong in, these games can't match them at all. The gods are quite narrow and characterized.
For example:

>The god of courage
>The god of harvest
>The god of the moon

It's easy to explain to them that they are fictive, and shall remain so.
You have far less to worry about from kids playing Dungeons & Dragons than you have from nearly any other group of teenage children. It is a great, imaginative hobby.

You don't need to be worried about sex or religion talk, at all. They'll be doing less sex-talk than any other group of thirteen year-olds, I promise you. And religious issues from reality? They actually don't figure into any of those games, in any way. Unless you guys get offended when people talk about the gods of Greek myths, you seriously don't have to worry about anything offensive coming out of a D&D club, unless you count nose-picking and being-a-giant-nerd as "offensive."
So it would require at least one adult to be present and supervise action? That's a real problem... Nobody around here knows a thing about role playing games and thus what is right or wrong.

And by "that guys", i understand you mean some fanatics that are far too far into this hobby?

I'm afraid i don't understand plenty of things you said, since they are a little too "technical", but the rest looks rather harmless. Even simplest "hide and seek game" may antagonize people for life.

And no, this is no Italian scam.

That's what plenty of people in other parts of Internet were saying.

Books and supplements are a real problem, since we are living in rather poor place. But, with time it's possible to find some money and provide everything what is needed.

Oh, and it is Kenya. It's in Africa.

Interesting. For the first time i'm hearing somebody saying that role playing games limits creativity. Care to explain it a bit?
It would actually be quite helpful if OP assign himself a trip-code, or just post under a nickname.

One thing you should totally do is to have an adult supervisor. Probably someone who had expirience with RPGs. If not, he should read on topic, to be able t provide some help for kids.
>Is it possible to skip eroticism completely?
More or less, yes. It's not uncommon for the DM to refuse to let players use excessively erotic pictures as their character art, and to not have explicit roleplay of sex.

As for religion, most games do not include depictions of any real-world religions, so I don't think you'll have to worry about people being offended.
Basically, OP, Role playing games are no worse than any video game these kids can get their hands on. Better, in fact, because they actually use their imagination and critical thinking skills to come up with solutions to unique puzzles instead of just being able to ask someone who's played the same game the answer to one.

The worst you can basically expect is one of the kids throwing a temper tantrum because the game's not going their way. Most games are decided by random dice-rolls, which can sometimes screw them over. Besides that, sometimes a group might not play the same way one of the guys wants to. If they do, though, that's more a problem with the player than the games itself.
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>this is no Italian scam
Best response to "is this pasta" ever.
Am i the only one who remembers seeing this post two ,three weeks ago?
>My question is: could you honestly, without any "bullshit" say what's worse we can expect as a school by agreeing to start such club?

While the things people have talked about here are also pretty true the absolute worst you can expect is huge backlash from the PTA or the school community. There are a lot of misconceptions about RPGs and chances are a LOT of people are going to buy into them if it really is such an uncommon hobby where you live.

In other words, the kids will most likely be completely fine, the real problem is whether you think giving them the club they want is worth the gigantic headache that will be everyone else freaking out about it.
The weird kids will start talking about even weirder things than before
Yep. In short, if people lack people skills, the games will not be pleasant. If everyone's cool and there to have fun with friends or new friends, then its' gonna be fun.
>Care to explain it a bit?
It's more of a problem with strict GMs or players who get the idea of alignment backwards. Some people think that "Ok, your alignment is Lawful Good, that means you can never ever do anything Chaotic or Evil", when it fact it means "Your alignment is Lawful Good because you've done a bunch of Lawful and Good things."
The former leads to players having to restrict their actions to a certain archetype and restricts character growth, which in turn can lead to people playing simple, static characters that never change in response to the situations they experience.
If the child has his own books, he should bring those in.

If not, and if money seems to be tight, there are several charities out there on the internet that specialize in sending games and toys to impoverished nations. Hell, you might even be able to get Wizards of the Coast to send you a whole ass-load of D&D 4th edition books for free if you contact them directly.
It depends on the person running it.
It is possible for him to make it so generic and "un eventful" that the people participating in the game might end up expecting that to happen at all times in the given situation.

I do not know of any studies in the subject, I am merely speaking on behalf of one of my friends, Jacob, who had it happen to him.

He used to be really creative, but he played in a game where the person running it was doing what we in the hobby call "railroading".
Now, railroading is basically making sure that everything goes after your plan, which means that if the players do something you haven't planned for them to do, you will make sure that the same outcome comes out of the situation nevertheless.

Anyways, after about a week I left the game, he stayed.

After a year of it he didn't think the same way he used to. When we were talking he used to be able to come up with funny or interesting things I had not expected.
Now he is more like: "Oh yeah I didn't think you could change that."
"Wow you are good at thinking up original things!"
>So it would require at least one adult to be present and supervise action? That's a real problem... Nobody around here knows a thing about role playing games and thus what is right or wrong.
>And by "that guys", i understand you mean some fanatics that are far too far into this hobby?

it wouldent really require a lot of knowlage of the game, just cutting off the kids if they start getting sexual.
and "that guys" are people who try to ruin the game for others for a laugh.
What this guy right here said is the truth.

The problem won't be with the kids, it's the bullshit the adults are going to give you.
I think that an adult wouldn't even need to intervene.

Just his presence would probably make them too embarrased to throw things like "I rape her corpse" around.
Let me rephrase: is it possible that kids will leave table, return home, and play said games completely in their minds, disconnected from the real world?

It's Kenya.

I'm afraid i don't exactly understand that. We don't have access to Internet resources for whole time.
The problem is not with sexuality, but premature sexuality. With considerable poverty and lack of activities people engage in sexual relationship too early and, what to say, children begot children. We're trying to prevent people from doing that, therefore any sexual games would be a big "no-no".

I see. Would replacing "gods" with, let us say "spirits" present some problem to the game and its flow?
"That Guy" is basically a catch-all term for the one guy in a group who just doesn't fit. He's the guy with a cheesey anime ripoff character in a serious game, the guy who's constantly dark and edgy and talking about the darkness within when everyone else is playing Silver Age superheros, the guy who brings his fetishes to the table when no-one wants to hear about them. That Guy.

>what's worse we can expect

Well, FATAL is free...
So I guess OP could have the kids read the 900 pages of madness.
It wouldn't neccesarily require adult supervision, provided you guys trust the kids to be mature enough to conduct themselves in a fantasy setting
Literally, the things that are weird in an RPG are the things that are weird in the real world most of the time
For example, characters leaning too heavily in to the violence aspect of the game, and never roleplaying properly, are termed "murder-hobos" because its all they are, and this is seen as poor roleplaying by most.
If your kids are intelligent, and looking to craft an actual story with drama, then they should be fine
>The sexuality issue
As long as whoever is running the game doesn't allow it it shouldn't be an issue. Sexuality is not a built in mechanical feature of the game.

Replacing gods with spirits or something would probably work just fine.
>is it possible that kids will leave table, return home, and play said games completely in their minds, disconnected from the real world?
Well, yes, but they could do that with anything, be it a game, a book, a story they heard or a dream they had. That's just daydreaming about something you're interested in, it's no different between tabletop games and anything else.

>Would replacing "gods" with, let us say "spirits" present some problem to the game and its flow?
Not really. How much religion plays into a game depends on how much the GM makes of it. If the story doesn't focus much on religion, it won't really matter.
(spirits instead of gods)
Most probably not, since that might offend as many people.
The main factor in this is probably making sure that the kids doesn't start following the gods in the game. Another possibility is to ignore gods completely and just have "angels" or powerful beings fill the roles of gods. (Dragons or even powerful humans for example)

This way there shouldn't be any religious misunderstandings and the game would still make sense.
>I see. Would replacing "gods" with, let us say "spirits" present some problem to the game and its flow?
Nah, that would work fine.
Not in the slightest. In fact, replacing gods wit other powerful beings/spiritual creatures could make it a bit more interesting.
>I see. Would replacing "gods" with, let us say "spirits" present some problem to the game and its flow?

You could replace them with super-powered wizards who live in the clouds and it wouldn't effect things too much. Most pen and paper games just refer to "gods" as powerful beings who have followers and generally just run shit.

As for your first point. No, not really unless they were suffering from a mental disorder.

As for sexuality, it'll probably prevent it more than encourage it. It's an immersive hobby that'll take up a lot of their time and attention that would be spent having sex. As a member of a small town, underage sex is usually caused by boredom and too much free time in my experience.
they're like video games, but less graphic (cause there's no graphics)
they help with reading and even, occasionally, basic math, but they do tend towards violence (orc killing, yay)
I imagine the more religious your area is the more parents would complain (because demons exist in the game worlds, like they do in movies and tv shows and video games)

but frankly, and this is going to sound insulting but I'm just tired and an asshole, if you're so ignorant about something that you have to ask about it on 4chan, it's probably better than anything you'd come up with to entertain them
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How about no. No child deserves to experience that sort of horror.

>So it would require at least one adult to be present and supervise action? That's a real problem... Nobody around here knows a thing about role playing games and thus what is right or wrong.

Read the rulebooks yourself. It shouldn't take too long and you'll be in a better positin ot decide whether you need adult supervision or not.

Hell, you could even have an adult to GM the game In the days of my long-passed youth I got into roleplaying because the teacher who ran the after-school activity club was into roleplaying and some of us kids were curious about the concept.

1. If the child lose connection with the real world, you should check if he's got problems in life. Games themselves don't cause the problem.

2. Where in Kenya? This matters.

3. Supervised game sessions are a good idea if you don't want the kids to say things like 'I rape the girl.' You don't need to know the system to do this.

4. As for the gods issue, just let the religious characters worship a religion you approve of. Is it Christian over there? Try a cleric of Jesus.
>is it possible that kids will leave table, return home, and play said games completely in their minds, disconnected from the real world?
It is in extent. Just like with a book, a story they heard from their grandparents and so on. Role-playings games ARE creations of imagination. Just how much any story can disconnect people from reality I cannot say. It depends entirely on the individuals.
I'm not very familiar with role playing games. The children that are supposed to form said club aren't very experienced either. They will resort to official instructions, and if they are full of sexuality, they will think that it is like it should be played. Isn't that right?

Hahaha, that's nice. It made me smile. :-)

Is there some place with images of "heroes" that aren't overly sexual? Black ones would be great.

Thank you for your offer, but for now i want only to gain experience from many sources rather than actually know how to play and such.

I understand it - people often like to present things in bad light just to blame them for their own flaws. But, to be honest, this eroticism makes me a little worried...

It would be a disaster. Around here we have real problem with other religions. While we try to respect each other, the situation is really tense. Mentioning "other religions" leads often to suspicions at best...

The club will be formed from a few dedicated children. I hope they won't be mean for themselves for the sake of club's survival alone.
Mazes and Monsters is a far out game...
I don't agree with 4. It would most likely cause more problems than it'd solve.
The spirits idea sounds way better. You can even eliminate "praying" and just call it "asking the spirit of x (e.g. sun) for help in your adventure".
>I'm not very familiar with role playing games. The children that are supposed to form said club aren't very experienced either. They will resort to official instructions, and if they are full of sexuality, they will think that it is like it should be played. Isn't that right?

oh no, if the group is using D&D of pathfinder the rules do not have sex in the rules
You really just need to be a good storyteller to be able to weave stories together in RPGs, the rules are there to just provide the framework of the play.
>Where in Kenya?
In Africa you ignorant cunt!
I'm going to try to explain things as simply as I can.

Roleplaying games are games where you play a role you make up in a world that is made up by one person, usually called the Game Master (or GM).
This person spends time thinking up a world and a plot (much like a writer would), but instead of putting his own characters into his world like a normal writer, other people, the players of the roleplaying game, act as the main characters of the story.
They can choose to do whatever they want, and the GM then tries to make the story make sense by using the players' ideas and their deeds.

To make the story be reasonable, rules are used. This is where the "game" part comes in. There are certain rules for what you can and what you cannot do. This is different from game to game.
That's essentially what an RPG is. If there's something you don't like (sex, religion, violence) being discussed or used in the story of the RPG, you can use some other set of rules (system) and fix that.

Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder both have violence and imaginary religions, but neither has any sex in their rulesets. The only way they'll bring in sex in their game is by bringing it in themselves.

Roleplaying games are problematic sometimes because they require a lot of dedication to play to the end, so it can be harmful for the players' social lives.
D&D have a suplement book for that.
Where IN.
Not where IS.
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In regard to the issue of over-sexualized art, that's less a matter of the RPGs themselves being sexual, and more a matter of sexual imagery selling more units. It's a marketing thing.

Additionally, if you googled "rpg character concept art" you're mostly going to get art from video games and the like, which are always 200% more porny.
Sorry. My bad.
Who the fuck tells a guy who's honestly seeking help to go to 4chan?
Like, seriously?
Imagine if these kids had wanted to make an anime club or video game club. Or hell, a book club.

/a/, /v/ or /lit/ would have literally ripped the poor guy to shreds.
oh they do? well, thankfully thats a whole separate book.
There is no sexuality at all in the official instructions.
Hello children, you will play Dungeons and Dragons. First, you will have to appoint the dungeon master. Now, the dungeonmaster has to read the Dungeon Master Manual and Monster Manual. Everybody else, also including the DM, has to read Player's Handbook and Book of Sexual Fantasy.

These are the very basics, once it's done you can start playing.
/tg/ has a better reputation than that. If OP had gone around asking about those topics, he would not have been steered towards 4chan.
Does someone here still have the link to the article with the "20 commandements" from TSR about their pnp books? I think they might alleviate some of OP's worries.
It wasn't released by Wizards. It was a third-party developer.

And don't tell me I'm thinking of the wrong book. I know exactly which book you're talking about.
Drama. People getting their feelings hurt because something doesn't go their way or an unscrupulous GM trying to railroad and pissed off when the players want to do something else
It's also not an official book. It's a fan made one using the official rules since those are open license.
"It would be a disaster. Around here we have real problem with other religions. While we try to respect each other, the situation is really tense. Mentioning "other religions" leads often to suspicions at best..."

Then I would suggest the "powerful entity" like human/humanoid heroes or wizards being able to act out the roles of gods, instead of actual gods.
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>Book of Sexual Fantasy.
Just stop already.

And you too, that's swinging way too hard in the other direction. That's literally just the comics code of nofun.
No better way to scare kids off than with a Comic Code.
That made my day.
Never change internet.

There are more than one place in Kenya, you ignorant prick.
wait guys, maybe we can make a homebrew for OP.
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This website has character art separated by category. Unfortunately, not all of them are black and some characters have slightly revealing clothes (nothing too bad, mostly just things like wearing shorts or t-shirts on women).

Most stuff should be like this picture.
We could call it "Sexual Violence: The Other Religioning."
>Unfortunately, not all of them are black
>It would be a disaster. Around here we have real problem with other religions. While we try to respect each other, the situation is really tense. Mentioning "other religions" leads often to suspicions at best...

The thing about roleplaying games is that they depend on the Game Master.

If he's not an adult with experience, I recommend picking a game that doesn't have a setting with gods already in it. Dungeons and Dragons might cause problems for you.
I'd say it's not worth the hassle.
That would solve the money problem.
They would still have to get dice.
But if you search for the correct sites you can get dice as a "school resource" and therefore often quite cheap. I got twelve 10 sided dice for two USD.
They have items too? Sweet!
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Well he wanted Black heroes, and the ones on that site aren't all Black, so that's not fortunate. Therefore, unfortunate.
C'mon mate.

Guys... It's not the kids I want to scare off. It's OP I want to reassure. Since he's concerned about many things, and that TSR/WotC basically wrote a code saying "We'll keep anything that could concievably be percieved as extreme out of our books", it might just be a good idea to let him read it!
People still cling on this obvious ruse of a thread?


There are a couple of suggestive drawings (nothing with actual nudity, mind you), but the actual rulebooks are rather dry and have nothing even remotely erotic or related to sex in them.

The game is about fantastical adventures being a hero and exploring Dungeons and slaying Dragons. It is NOT about fulfilling sex fantasies.
Just pirate the books. check /rs and search for what you need.

Also, Kenya? What's that like?
/tg/ only has a better rep from people who actually browse /tg/
I doubt that places like Reddit actually like /tg/.

Well, their RPG subreddit probably does, but eh.

>It would be a disaster. Around here we have real problem with other religions.

Just rename the cleric to shaman and say that the fictional gods are some kind of very powerful spirits that they can bargain with for spells.

Or you could just not have magic in the game at all. That works too.
>It would be a disaster. Around here we have real problem with other religions. While we try to respect each other, the situation is really tense. Mentioning "other religions" leads often to suspicions at best...
Dude. Just try some Dark Heresy. There is only one true religion there and it's kind of christianity already.
Considering that's probably where OP went...
Some fa/tg/uy uploaded them all and posted it on /tg/ a while back

About three years ago, some dude also posted a torrent with like 4 gigs of RP background music. With tags. Tags by mood as well as general location.

I will never forgive my cousin for wiping the hard drive on my laptop.
They look more middle eastern than black.
>assuming that OP's group would be mostly christian.
Islam is big in some parts of africa, I believe.
considering one of the bad guys is the chaos monster of crazy sex i dont think that works forOP
>/tg/ only has a better rep from people who actually browse /tg/


I browse /m/ and any time /tg/ is brought up...

>Oh that place full of waifu-ing neckbeards who make waifu quest threads and buy overpirced gunpla?
True, and in Kenya in particular if I recall correctly.

Hey Kenyan dude. If you're a Muslim, what up. Salam aleikum. I'm a Muslim too.

Tell those assholes who dislike RPGs because it has imaginary religions in it that Muslims in other countries approve of it.
>roleplaying is fun
Worst case scenario this is all a ruse from the master ruseman, and we all were tricked into giving good advice.

Better case scenario we actually give a modicum of help to another human being.

What does this hypothetical ruseman have to gain from this thread? It's clearly not a shitstorm, and doesn't involve any buzzwords so there's virtually no trolling opportunities unless this particular ruseman is laying some elaborate trap.

I think you're just being paranoid.
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I actually just took some pictures from my Arab folder because I only have this picture of someone Black because I never play Black people
Well it's kind of like islam too i suppose. Even more if you think about it! Just less violent.
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I browse /m/ too and I usually hear good things myself.

Particular when the "not /m/" arguments start up and people start mentioning how much they prefer /tg/'s ability to run with any topic and make it awesome and relevant.
>the Imperium
>less violent than anything

You should make this a FATAL club. It's the best rpg there is.
That's the joke.

Oh god. 13 year olds playing Anima. Not that the system is bad, but it is a mess with a massive amount of tables and math. It is bashed quite often here because of the complicated mess it is.

I have been DMing it for 7 years and I wouldn't recommend it for a school club.

Try to get them the D&D and PF core sets, as they are fairly similar mechanics-wise, and maybe a simpler game such as Mutants & Mastermins or some such.
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And Kenyan dude, if you're christian you can tell them that christians in other countries approve of it too.
It's not about being offended, but about distraction. I know that in richer countries this may present no problem, but around here the religion isn't simply something "you do". It's something that binds us together, and offers protection.

It's not wise to engage in activities that may somehow be "bad" for religion.

I am sorry, but i really don't know 4chan that good. I am reading some topics since yesterday and i'm still very confused about plenty of things and names.

We can't afford an adult with such knowledge. Nobody here has a clue what role playing games are really about.

It's very reassuring. If role playing games are in reality nothing else than "yet another social hobby", there should be no problem.

Of course, question of religion and sex still stands. It gets me worried.

Thank you, and i'm sorry. If i'll say something childish, please blame my lack of understanding of local rules.

We are very stubborn people and don't like to simply abandon some projects only because there are obstacles. This applies to children as well. Unless there's no real, substantial argument like "it's against our religion", they probably won't resign even if it means headache for everyone around.

Unfortunately it's way ahead of my understanding. Too many game related terms.
Still, thank you for your input.

The "future club president" exchanges some letters with his friend from Europe. This friend was who introduced him to this hobby, and offered to send him some basic package. So i guess, yes, there will be books.

As far as i understand, the school officials would rather keep it small and silent. The "help those poor people in Africa" tend to attract medias, and this is last thing we'd like to have here.

That's horrible! Does that happen often?

You know how adults behave around "too smart" children. Instead of blaming their lack of knowledge, they blame activity...
The only reason non-/tg/ things fit in /tg/ is because we make believe and you can make believe anything.
FATAL is the boogeyman around here. They are joking with you. Don't even look up FATAL, it's not worth the time.

This joke was made already, just so you know. It wasn't very funny that time either.
>I am sorry, but i really don't know 4chan that good.
Just stay away of /b/ and /v/. And the porn i guess.
>The friendly part of 4chan
>We don't bite, unless you don't use coasters
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>That's horrible! Does that happen often?
Sometimes. It seems like it happens more often than it really does, since we like to complain about it.

>We can't afford an adult with such knowledge

Why not? Just tell the kids that you want to read through the rulebooks before you approve the club. Shouldn't take more than a few evenings.
About religion, it could actually be harmful for religion. Almost EVERYTHING, from TV to books to games is because they make you think for yourself.

Now, personally, I am still a very religious man despite of this. But some people aren't as faithful. A lot of people aren't, actually.

It IS just another social hobby and it IS just another type of game, but the thing is, it's like speaking. You can talk about ANYTHING. So you can bring in ANYTHING into your games.

If the kids want to talk about sex, they might do it during the RPG. If they want to talk about religion, they can do it during the RPG. But the RPG does not encourage talking or using sex. It doesn't encourage religious debates. They're just things you CAN do because an RPG is only limited by what its players want to use it for.

The only reason you'd need a supervisor is if you don't trust the kids. In general, I mean.
Which isn't a bad thing. Kids do silly and stupid things a lot.
Roleplaying games require a lot of maturity so I'd say if they have no adult "mentor" to teach them, they should wait until they're 15-16.
That's my personal opinion.
You sick son of a bitch! How dare you bring out this topic!

Considering the distrust, shamans would raise more suspicion than a pseudo-christian priest. Last I checked, Kenya isn't full of spear-chucking savages.
Sexuality should be fine. As long as people don't try to bring it up it shouldn't ever be a subject unless you want it to be.

As far as religion goes, substituting gods with spirits would be fine too if you think that may make people upset.

Would you like a glossary of terms common for DnD?
"That's horrible! Does that happen often?"
To put it this way, I know roughly 79 people personally or as friends online who play roleplaying games.
And I have heard stories of untold hundreds of people playing them.

And this person is the only incident I have heard about. So I wouldn't consider it a relevant threat, it can happen - but it is very, very rare.
>Recommending something called Dark Heresy for a group of children in a country stuggling with religious tensions

And today we purged all the heretics for not worshipping the God Emperor, He who sits n the golden Throne!

I'm sure the parents would have no problem with that, at all.
Well if they don't use coasters, they're fair game to eat. Since they're not humans.

Oh right, Kenyan dude. Once they start playing RPGs they'll demand the ritual killing of all those assholes who leave cold drinks on a wooden table without using anything to stop the table from getting ruined.
This is a natural response to realizing how awful people can be.
>That's horrible! Does that happen often?
This ties in with "That guys". Railroading is a term which means that the game master decides all by himself how the story will go and then uses his position to force other players to follow.

"That guys" railroad because they miss the point of role-playing games, which is to make stories TOGETHER and have fun. Railroading is only fun for the game master and stiffles creativity of the other players.
And typically the only reason the not /m/ card is pulled is because someone likes what they don't like.

Some days spaceships are allowed, some days they aren't. Some days you can talk about a show with /m/ stuff in it, other days it's "NO this show isn't /m/ enough, so unless you're specifically talking about the robot you can't talk about it here, the characters and other stuff aren't important and I won't allow topics of discussion to naturally change over time."
As an atheist, I can say with full confidence that roleplaying games didn't turn me away from god. I was playing D&D with my friends long before I turned away from the church.

D&D didn't make me an atheist, fucking college did.

Guys, I don't think he means railroading, I think he means people losing creativity due to railroading.
>D&D didn't make me an atheist, fucking college did.

you and everyone else anon

The erotic and religious content comes down to just whatever the kids bring to the table and put into the game on their own. The game rulebooks contain at best some mildly suggestive art, but no more than your typical Marvel comic book.

The religious element comes down to the setting they choose to play in; there are official settings to use, or they can create their own setting. Certain character classes can become priests of whatever gods you put into the setting, but the players are not expected to believe these gods exist in any way; it's traditional to either invent a pantheon or use an ancient one that nobody believes in any more, like the ancient Greek or Egyptian gods. You COULD mandate that the kids make settings where there is only one religion with one god, if you wanted to.

Being a priest of a god in D&D grants the character the ability to cast divine spells, with the expectation that the priest will pray every day in order to keep his power up.

There are also magical characters that do not get their power from gods, but rather from study of forgotten lore and the secrets of the cosmos. These wizards can be good or bad. Some even have the same kind of magic as wizards, but they'll have it naturally, without study, as a result of some form of magical heritage; the usual story is that some powerful magical being, like a demon or a dragon, took human form and wound up as one of your ancestors, and that's why you can shoot fire out of your hands.
Oh, right.

No, I think I've never heard of anyone losing their creativity from railroading. Expect in this thread by that one guy up above.
dark sun lacks gods all together.
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You know what, go with Engineheart. I know that's a little flavour-of-the-month for guys around here, but it's easy to learn, you play cute little robots, and there's little chance of religion or politics gumming up the works.

The party play as a group of small, household or industrial robots in a world where people have disappeared. It's kind of existential, as it asks "Who am I when I have no purpose?" Do you find a new purpose, or keep trying to fulfill your purpose in a world where it is no longer needed?

Despite being the most cliche thing ever, it's the truth. It's not even that college taught me that religion was bad, it's that I was finally mature enough to think to myself "Hey, none of this shit makes any goddamn sense and I fucking hate every second of it."
I don't claim to be an expert on Kenya, or Africa in anyway, but Africa has a buncha Muslims, Christians, and then over the last century, incorporating the local religions (animism and what have you) to fit into Christianity and Islam. Religious talk in the U.S. might be a chuckle, but people really can go around killing people over religion and shit.

the 40K universe is actually worse than D&D because Everyone god is actively trying to kill the others followers. In D&D, only the Hell's go around murder hobo. You can play D&D without really caring about religion.

It may be a while before they start on Dark Sun.
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>Not using coasters

I assume you like to rape babies as well.
A DM I know made a campaign all about unearthing the mystery of the other gods' disappearance after a "new god" (suspiciously Christian-like) appeared and took control of the Prime material plane.
Fun times.
personally, collage actually helped my religion.

it helps that my religion has bin saying shit for ten thousand years that science is proving now. it sucks not being as excited about scientific advances in my friends because they arnt all that odd or mindblowing.
>dark sun
This might actually work.
>Implying I don't use coasters

A non coaster fag! Burn him at the stake!
i didnt want to make an africa joke with dark sun.
Guys can we please stop talking about not using coasters, I am getting more and more nervous.
Never. We play table-top games and thus take the condition of our tables very seriously.

I'm curious as to what religion you're referring to and what you think is being proven now, and how you think it is being proven.
>my religion has bin saying shit for ten thousand years that science is proving now
Wut m8?
What's making you so nervous? We're just talking about brutally eviscerating and gutting those inhuman scum who don't use coasters.

Why would a guy like you be scared of a large knife being shoved into the gut, slowly wriggling around as you lie on the ground, stomach acid corroding you from within in incredibly agony as we stomp on your nuts?

You use coasters, after all.

The "Ten thousand years" bit is the most confusing to me.

What does that leave? Hinduism? Zoroastrianism?
Specially because mine doubles as my 40k table, and I hate to flock it all over after someone spills beer on it.
And avoid /pol/ at all costs. They're more than a little hostile to non-whites.
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>First of all: I won't blame you if you'll think it's a hoax.
It`s probably a hoax. Your etiquette is to perfect to just have "stumbeled" into /tg/.

Timestamp of exotic animal or
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Same poster that suggested Engine Heart. If you do want to play that system, you may have a hard time getting the right dice.

If you want to post the school name, I will send you a bag of 10 sided dice. My expense.

In fact, /tg/, why not send some game supplies as a care package? Let's get this off the ground and get some new players started right. We may have been ostracized until we found the board, so let's embrace this.

>inb4 White Knight.
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Seelah from the Pathfinder setting is a good example of a non-sexualized black character.

One difficult aspect might e the fact that in D&D, and a few other systems characters and races with black skin are (typically) stereotyped as bad guys. Dark Elves and Duergar (Gray Dwarves) for example.
I'm curious now.

I'm more inclined to believe that you're just looking at things in a way that makes it fit like someone reading their intentionally vague Horoscope but I'd like to know what religion you're speaking of.
Shit man, Hinduism ain't even that old. 10.000 years is 8k BC, that's like, stone age shit.
>White Knights
Somehow I found this funny
"I rape her corpse" seems like very, very, very horrible idea. Do such things really happen during gameplay?

Ah, i understand now. "An outsider", or "black sheep". It makes much more sense now. Thank you.

What this acronym stands for?

Please, don't feel offended or treated wrongly, but we believe, that even intelligent children can't be trusted with anything and everything. We can't simply afford mistakes in our hard, poor reality. There were far too many in our past.

I got that impression that role playing games are full of eroticism. Is there something like preview of instruction, but with official illustrations?

Yes, i agree. Still, we daydream alone. If there are some rules for that, that kids can adhere to, it may get out of control.

It seems that more i know, more questions arise. I understand there are more than one story to play, but does that mean there are strictly religious or sexual ones?

Is it a very troublesome task?

It's not that we have more mental disorders than any other country or nation. The problem lies elsewhere: we don't really have anyone to turn to in times of trouble, so we tend to be a little too-careful.

Unfortunately, i don't own one, i can't buy one, and there's a matter of time. like i said earlier - the club aims at three different games...

1. Our lives are very different in comparison to richer, more developed countries.

2. Nairobi is some 5 hours of ride from here.

3. The adults aren't aware about rules, they will perceive kids as doing some ritualistic thing, especially if (and i know it is) there's magic formulas in this kind of game. This may present problems...

4. did anyone tried that before? Are some instructions how to do it anywhere in the Internet?
i should clarify, the things proven are not exactly the same, but diffrent understandings of the same thing. like that thing about plants thinking, the higgs field is pretty much how we understand god, except add it being alive into it. cells, atoms, molecules, DNA, evolution.
I think this was supposed to be joke. No one in a right state of mind would recommend Nazi Catholics in Space for thirteen year olds.
Are you the only time-traveler on this site?
>giving yourself a name for this specific post
You've shown your hand ruseman. Why else would you give yourself a name other than to try and obviously differentiate yourself from the OP(also you).

This is all just a scam to get free RPG stuff.
well shamanism. so yeah pretty fuckin old. helps my statements that shamanism is a blanket term for millions of diffrent faiths that dont have names on there own and live via communitys holding on to stories.
Oh my. New Age shit.
>What this acronym stands for?

Ignore it, your sanity is better intact.

I said before that Anima might be a very hard game system for newbies to learn, as it is quite complex and many skills require combination of effects from diverse tables, plus calculus.

All said, that setting's religion is Christianity, literally. So it might fit you without modifications.

OP, if you're wondering what this Dark Sun thing is:

Dark Sun is a D&D setting that was published in the 2nd and 4th editions of the game. It is set on a planet called Athas, that orbits a dying sun.

Athas has no gods. In the 2nd edition version, this is because Athas never had any gods at all. In the 4th edition version, Athas had gods, but they're all gone and forgotten now.

On Athas, metal is very rare, and most weapons are made with obsidian, bone, wood, stuff like that. Armor is usually leather or nothing.

One of the defining features of the world, though, is that magic on Athas draws on the life force of other living things on the planet. It can either be used and returned, to preserve life on Athas, or it can be consumed, killing what it was taken from to make your spells MUCH more powerful. Athas used to be a lush world, but is now unforgiving desert ruled by seven powerful sorcerer-kings, who have outlawed all magic but their own.

It's pretty intense.
the opposite of new age, super fucking old age. the people the new age are apeing.
F.A.T.A.L is a game commonly believed to be an experiment in bad game design.
It involves depraved sex acts, horrific violence and playing it requires advanced math skills.
Not only is it everything you're worried about, it's not even fun.
Our p-paladin forgot it one time at the local roleplaying club.
I have never seen something as terrifying, the board we played on was painted and the mark was so god damn clear that I can still imagine it ever god damn night.
oh god


Timestamp picture of exotic animal, or
Also all people are quite tan.
>"I rape her corpse" seems like very, very, very horrible idea. Do such things really happen during gameplay?
Not really. It'd be frowned upon by everybody and generally if somebody even considered doing that, then he'd be "that guy".

It's a matter of how mature the children will be, and it's not really caused by RPGs. The guy who would "rape her corpse" would also be the guy who, during a footbal match, after somebody trips and falls down, would say "get up quickly or I'll rape you".

"That guy" is more than black sheep. He's obnoxious and people don't want to play with such people in their groups.

FATAL is a horrible game system. It's almost a parody.
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>I got that impression that role playing games are full of eroticism. Is there something like preview of instruction, but with official illustrations?

Here is Old School Hack. It is a simplified version of D&D; only 26 pages. Give it a quick read and see for yourself. No official illustrations but it should show you that no, eroticism is not built into the game.

"I rape her corpse" only happens if you have horrible, horrible people playing the game. It's what happens when "that guy" plays the game. "Outsider" and "black sheep" are a bit too forgiving for "that guy". "Horrible person" is usually a better way to put it. "That guy" doesn't care about anyone's fun but his own, and will often ruin the game for everyone else.

"That guy" is quite rare among children, which is bizarre given that "that guy" is so strongly characterized by childishness. Every "that guy" I've heard about has been at least 19 years old, often older.
>Do such things really happen during gameplay?
It's one of those things that you can technically do under the rules but is never mentioned anywhere in the rulebook. RPGs are odd like that.
It shouldn't be a problem unless they're the types who would consider it fun and nobody intervenes.
> but does that mean there are strictly religious or sexual ones?
Goodness gracious no. No no no.

As for everything else...

Well, it's really best you read the books from the "future club president" once they are available for you. The books are meant to be "manuals", really, so any questions that may arise, it's usually answered in the there.

As for making the "gods" into something else. No, it's not. You just say call one of the gods "spirit Tototo, who follows the sun and protects humans" instead of calling it Pelor, the sun god. Roleplaying games are stories, so you can make them into what you will. Even the rules are not set in stone. As it was said before, roleplaying games are like daydreaming or acting or storytelling.
Add a coaster in the picture, we want to know if OP is a true gentleman and deserves that bag of dice mentioned earlier.
"I rape her corpse" happens if the players are depraved assholes.
Same with "I have sex with the Sun."

There are no rules for either, but if your players are crazy enough, they might say "I want to do that!"
I'm just going to assume you're not trolling and throw in my five cents.

I don't know if Pathfinder is right for you. I'm not saying you should ban it, but don't buy anything for them unless you've picked up the appropriate book at a library or something, and read through it yourself.

For instance, in pathfinder, half-orcs are universally distrusted, because they're the results of orcs raping humans. Humans HATE orcs. (Guess why?)
Halflings are usually slaves to the evil crumbling empire, and are regularly mistreated.
I'm sure there's more examples, but this is just of the top of my head.

On the other hand, the Paladin (A holy knight that has a mission from the gods is black, and the Monk seems to be indian. The Barbarian seems to be a Scandinavian (surprise! people from the north are being depicted as stupid simpletons! Who would have thought it?), The wizard is from fantasy-france, etc. If you're afraid of racist implications, don't worry. All the evil nations are white.

About gods→spirits.
In D&D and pathfinder, there is no real distinction between a really powerful spirit and a god. They're not different in terms of what kind of being they are, but in their scale of power.
Demons, Devils (these are different creatures) and other evil beings are generally made out of evil peoples' souls.

In fact, gods in that game is just another word for the really powerful spirits.

If you need to defend this though, your country have gone full America, and there's not much I can do for you.

I do recommend allowing them the use of the printer though, since they need character sheets and similar.

>What this acronym stands for?

You really don't want to know. Fortunately it's so obscure that you'll amost certainly never come in contact with it, which you should thank all that is holy for.
No, literally all you need to do is just call gods spirits. Change their names if you really feel creative
This is so incredibly fake while simultaneously being Infathomably retarded

What was the purpose of this OP? To waste your time and ours? We all know youve probably been her since 2011 and think you are being sneaky like a ninja by making retarsed thread like this.

Kill yourself you piece of shit
>It seems that more i know, more questions arise. I understand there are more than one story to play, but does that mean there are strictly religious or sexual ones?

No no no, they make up the story while they play. Everything that happens? ALL of it is made up by the players.
>Is it a very troublesome task?
It's as simple as saying the word "spirit" instead of "god."
The rules are simple, you say you're going to pray to your god, and your character gets a temporary boost in some way.
You could literally change it to rubbing your lucky antelope and the only difference would be the wording.
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If you have nothing to hide; you have nothing to fear.
>Is it a very troublesome task?
Not at all. You can literally change all mentions of "gods" to "patron spirits".

Pelor, the spirit of sun
Nerull, the spirit of death
Hextor, the spirit of war
Obad-hai, the spirit of nature

Clerics would be people who made pacts with those spirits. The loving spirit of sun lending its awesome powers to a "cleric" in exchange for him helping out the poor (and the hating spirit of death lending its horrifying powers to evil people in exchange for them murdering the shit out of everybody)
Questions answered in the order they were asked.

1. No. That was a worse-case scenario, and wouldn't happen if an adult was present.

2. Not a question.

3. It's not important. Stay away from it. It is not child-friendly in the slightest.

4. It'll be fine. The great thing about group-oriented activities for children is that they can pressure each other into making better decisions. Make it clear that anyone who tries to make any overtly sexual actions in game will be kicked out of the group forever.

5. Role-playing games only contain what you put inside them. A group of horny 30 year old men might have a campaign rife with sex and debauchery, but it shouldn't be an issue for kids, especially kids at a school-sponsored event.

6. Anything within the books that has suggestive material can be taken out as simply as saying "This and this are not allowed."

7. No. See above statement.

8. You'll be fine. Unless your school is populated with criminally insane children.

9. Not a question.

10a. The adults don't need to know the rules inside and out. They just need to know that it's a game, and the dice and other "ritualistic" behavior are just tools to play the game.

10b. Probably, but I wouldn't do that because it introduces real-world religious figures into a fantasy world where anything can happen. Too many variables to predict.
Yeah, no. Diction and grammar are totally different.

Also, I don't want more stuff. I have stuff. I worked at a game store and bought a ton of stuff. But I would like to help OP get his group going.

But thanks for keeping 4chan paranoid and selfish!
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Replacing gods with something else is as easy as writing something different on the "deity" line on this character sheet.

>Unfortunately, i don't own one, i can't buy one, and there's a matter of time. like i said earlier - the club aims at three different games...

If the kids want to play they need to have the rulebooks themselves, do they not? Just borrow them for a few evenings, read through them and decide for yourself.
Just joking around, man.
Look, if OP is really that worried, then play some science fiction RPGs.

Traveller would be quite good.
I also would point OP to read old school hack. Just press the picture and the PDF should load up. It's a "light" version of Dungeons and dragons. Just a bunch of rules that you may or may not want to follow to create stories together.
Yes, it is completely true. Still, we must plan 3-4 moves in advance and think about possible, even if less likely scenarios and outcome.

We are bound to play what we'll be provided with. There's no possibility of buying some additional games. At least for starters...

And imagery? Does it introduce eroticism? Once again, i'd like to stress it out: we aren't prudish, we aren't against sex, it's just a matter of "when".

Please, i don't want to ignite any conflict. Plenty of people do not know where our country lies, and despite it being rather saddening, it's no real problem.

That was very insightful. Thank you very much. I'd be glad to show your words to school officials.

I understand. The story of modern world: sex sells better.

Image you provided is very interesting. The heroine is decently "dressed", and the cross is a big help. Too bad she isn't a little more, you know, African like, but still, thank you.

I was made aware that 4chan is the place where last amiable folk gather, but they also are first to say the truth, even, and especially if it is dirty truth.

I was ready to meet with racial slurs and such. It poses no problem for me. I was called names before, and saw things most people wouldn't like to see.

But as for now all i'm seeing are very nice, kind people, that are eager to help. Maybe it's because this part of portal is dedicated to traditional games, but maybe people out there are simply wrong and too quick to judge you. It wouldn't be for the first time in the history, right?

Sorry. Paranoid and selfish. Because 4chan.
Stop responding seriously to people joking around
You should respond with a joke
Define erotic imagery?Naked people? Cleavage?
You could at least have saged if you're that mad.

Ignore this guy, OP. He's what we like to call a "faggot."
Yeah, people seem to assume all of 4chan is /b/, /v/, and /pol/.
/tg/ is one of the friendlier boards/
>people responding to this autist's pretend time seriously
>implying the only reason this fat, greasy lard buckets interaction at a school is to fap to the little kids
>"council advisor"

Summer /tg/ exists. I thought it was a legend but this is living proof. Go be a faggot somewhere else OP. here we discuss RPGs, not play out your (likely sexual) "council advisor" fantasy.
>And imagery? Does it introduce eroticism? Once again, i'd like to stress it out: we aren't prudish, we aren't against sex, it's just a matter of "when".

nothing too erotic no.
>Maybe it's because this part of portal is dedicated to traditional games, but maybe people out there are simply wrong and too quick to judge you. It wouldn't be for the first time in the history, right?
It's a bit of both, really. Traditional games require a lot more creative effort and socialization over say buying a videogame and playing it alone. People on /tg/ aren't just consumers but people who regularly make their own things and share it with other people. Kind of got to be nicer to do that.
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Imagery is fine. No eroticism at all in the rulebooks.

You know, I'll tell it this way. If I had a 11 year old son, I'd maybe have some concerns about showing him rulebooks for D&D, but not because of sexual imagery, but because it might be a bit too violent. But a 15-year old? Okay.

Pic related: this and rotting undead creatures are about the most explicit imagery in the rulebooks. There's no sexuality at all.

And relating to "unafrican character". People create their campaigns and characters referencing to their cultural ancestry.
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You guys may as well paste the whole paizo lineup.
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This picture is about the most "erotic"/sexualized/... you will find in the books. I'll let you judge if it's acceptable or not.
In case the whole fantasy thing becomes too much, here's a free copy of Traveller, a science fiction (spaceships, aliens, etc) RPG.

>4chan is the place where last amiable folk gather
Oh god, you're too funny.
You've hit on the one part that isn't completely beyond redemption and even we slip sometimes.

But if racial slurs are what you want, try /pol/
On the plus side very have very traditional values.
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We're eager to help and kind because the RPG crowd is FUCKING SMALL.

We can't afford to be assholes like the video gamers and such if we want to play games.

On top of that is that when you play RPGs, you HAVE to play with other people. Other people in real life. Which means if you act like an asshole, you're gonna get kicked out. So we teach ourselves to be cool and nice to others.

RPGs are pretty good for strengthening tight social bonds.
Unfortunately it takes so much time, we don't party much or have time for other such "normal" social events.

But no, seriously. If you had gone to ANY other part of 4chan, they'd have called you..
I was going to write about 3 lines of swears here that'd make a sailor blush but I don't know how you'd take it, so I won't. But seriously.
Here's a picture to illustrate my point.
You don't remember what it is like being 11, do you?
He'll love the freaky monsters like that.
So it is even possible to replace them with completely mundane elements. That's very good news.

That's incredible! Thank you!
The more i'm talking with you, people, the more i'm curious is there a way to recreate some events from our history in form of role playing game.

I'm sorry, i was first to suggest that thing. I feel - i may be mistaking here - that if children would prepare heroes similar to our own heroes, it wouldn't go unnoticed by school officials and possibly parents.

I was taught that. And as i stated before, i think that with no substantial experience, club members would do everything "according to the book".
Why do you assume OP has a camera?
Because he has a computer
Uhm, are you retarded? What about



The vast majority of this site is comprised of vapid autistic fsggots with nasty attitudes.

>being a reddumb and thinking 4chains is like anonymous reddick and is your le epic hideout
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This is about as erotic as it'll ever get.

This is pretty much the maximum of eroticism in Dungeons and Dragons in terms of pictures.
Oh jesus my eyes. Pathfinder art was bad enough when they weren't drawing crowds.

FATAL is widely held to be the worst RPG system ever made. The company that made it doesn't exist anymore, the books aren't for sale anywhere, it will never be relevant to your group.

In FATAL's final public release version, the acronym stood for From Another Time, Another Land. The reason for this is because the beta title for the game went over EXTREMELY poorly: Fantasy And Tales of Adult Lechery.

FATAL is a game where you have to roll over one hundred different dice just go make your characters basic statistics, then have to KEEP rolling dice to determine your physical characteristics, which range from things as bland as height and weight to things as horrifying as anal circumference. It also has a magical mishap chart with over 10,000 possible results for when you screw up casting a spell, with results like "your penis grows an eye that can determine the truth or falsehood of any statement once per day".

That's not even getting into FATAL's racism: Armor of Jewy Jewbacca or Armor of Nigrous Nincompoopery, anyone?

FATAL is never played by anyone. It was designed by a madman. People only talk about it as a joke. It really exists, but everyone wishes it didn't. Nobody in your club will want to play it.
>The more i'm talking with you, people, the more i'm curious is there a way to recreate some events from our history in form of role playing game

That's entirely possible. You just need some time and creativity.
>not playing pretend time with the other fa/tg/uys
I don't even know you any more, Eric.
They didn't draw that as a crowd. It was drawn as several single-character images that were photoshoped together horribly.
>is there a way to recreate some events from our history in form of role playing game.
Quite easily. There are systems designed specifically for historical play, but you can just take out the magic and religion parts of Pathfinder and have something workable.
Hmm, that's a fair point.

OP, do you have a camera?
Yes, it was suggested, but we're trying very hard to be decent people despite circumstances. You slip, you commit minor crime, next time it will be far easier...

It's the country i live in. I could write plenty of things about it, say it's the land like no other, but i believe that anyone who values his or her motherland can say exactly the same.

Thank you, i'm gonna suggest that to club members after its approval. IF it will be approved.

You can absolutely do historical events! Granted, D&D isn't the best choice for that, because it's full of dwarves and elves and wizards and stuff and you'd have to throw out most of those to make it work, but historical games can totally be done.

You COULD do it in D&D, I guess, if you're fine with throwing out all the magic and non-humans. Or, if the history in question is ancient myths, you could even leave some of the magic in.
>The more i'm talking with you, people, the more i'm curious is there a way to recreate some events from our history in form of role playing game.

They've already done that, I bet. They've done it with Western history at least. Sometimes they add weird shit like Magic to America's Cowboy days.

/tg/ once spent a few days working out how a mythologically accurate Hindu India would work. That was a fun series of threads.
>black female paladin

So wrong

Paladins can only either young white blondes or old white men. Same way that only female elves can rangers, male halflings as rogues, half orcs as barbarians, dwarves as fighters etc

Don`t bother, I`ve been ignored three times when asking for timestamp, the only times he hasn`t followed the etiqutte in this whole thread.

>inb4 gullible fools
>is there a way to recreate some events from our history in form of role playing game.
Yes, but games based on history are tricky, because on one hand you want to keep to the history, and on one hand you have players with their free will to create a story of their own.
But, like
said, the game master needs time and creativity to weave history and imagination together.
>"your penis grows an eye that can determine the truth or falsehood of any statement once per day".

I learn something new about FATAL every day.
Each day it gets more horrifying.

Don't you have puppies to kick and children to steal candy from? I can't imagine how this must be screwing up your schedule.
He used a smiley at one point
Yes, I'm afraid very few heroes and heroines in fantasy art are portrayed as African. It's the marketing thing again - it's mostly aimed at western white folks, and most fantasy worlds are some variation on fake medieval Europe.
I`m starting to think that this is the biggest, most elaborate samefag thread in the history.
Downloading rulebooks isn't really looked down upon, but okay, whatever.
Most people here usually download a rulebook, play a few "sessions" (basically about 4-5 hours where we sit and play the game) and then decide whether or not to buy a copy.
You can also with some lucky (?) rolls cut someone's dick during the fight. Even if she is a woman.
Of note, a male looking at her is deadly for the male.
It's Kenya, one of the nicest places in Africa. OP has got to have a cellphone with a camera.
What? Where?
God dammit OP, you are literally worse than Hitler.
Master samefagtroll
Is there a system for African mythology? I know GURPS has those books with ridiculously accurate historical and cultural info in them that are even used by colleges as reference books.

Also, OP. There's a good selling point to get your school to do this. GURPS/
>one of the nicest places in Africa
I'll let you figure out what's wrong with this statement.
OP, don't do this. GURPS is a good system but it's a pain to learn unless you're experienced.
Really now, princess?

Just sage the faggots thread like everyone else and be done with it
Aren't there lions in Kenya?

In all seriousness, I am so proud of /tg/ for not being complete and total assholes in this thread. Ruse or not, good on you.
And I'll let you do some research.
You american?
If he's got internet and a school that isn't shot up by Somalians, then he's probably in a civilized part of Kenya.

Go take a picture of the streets, and show us the date written on something. It's not hard.
Unfortunately, at first we can talk only about three systems. But if the club survives...

I'm sorry if i offended anyone. It wasn't my intention.

Wa-aleikum salam. I'm a Christian, and said children are Christian too, but that's irrelevant. If there's a peace, religion doesn't matter.

It's possible. As for now there's none who can tell the difference. Maybe with time...

Thank you. I was told, that here and there role playing games are still treated with a little suspicion.
Just one thing, OP: Most of this thread has assumed you'll be playing D&D, or "Dungeons & Dragons", but that is only one roleplaying game in many, although admittedly it is one of the most popular ones in existence.

Your game doesn't have to be stuck in medieval times, with everyone using swords and magic. There are many other games with many other settings - instead of a world of knights, you could be detectives solving crimes in the big city, explorers on a starship traveling across the galaxy, or making something similar to some other exciting story you've read in a book or watched on TV.
It's wrong because everywhere in Africa is a shithole, right tumblrcunt?

I don't see Africa leading the way in scientific or cultural progress.
Lions and tigers!
One system is enough.

But never let them play Dark Heresy.

As the name implies, it's Dark and there's Heresy.
Might want to lift the critical tables though.
They were treated with suspicion about 20 years ago.
Now people just look at people who play RPGs as social outcasts without friends and who spend way too much time on useless things.

No one is offended
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Good, Christian mythology and doctrine is easy to incorporate into D&D/Pathfinder.

Many of the classes have a heavy theme of 'using God's blessing to smite demons', and performing Christian miracles like praying for food and healing the sick.

Don't use any polytheism stuff, and just let anyone who plays a cleric or paladin worship God and you shouldn't raise too much suspicion.
>Unfortunately, at first we can talk only about three systems. But if the club survives...
I would not recommend it. Dark Heresy actually have a lot of shit that will offend a lot of people.
i'll basically just say it straight out in case you are real

roleplaying is a harmless hobby that takes thought, patience, and problem solving. it has pretty much no adverse effects except taking time to play (if that can even be considered bad) and encourages teamwork and cooperation. any of your religious woes can be easily solved by renaming the gods, or removing them altogether with little effect on the game. let the kids play.
try fate and mouseguard/redwall.
it's easy and shit.
We're used to much, much worse than you are willing to say. You can't really offend us.

Most of us go to other boards here. A lot of us go to /v/. /v/ is a shit hole.
That could cause issues with opposed alignments. How is OP to explain why God is telling one Cleric to smite evil and the other to burn down the orphanage? I'd say go with the spirit idea.
There's Satan. But I guess spirits are safer way out.

1. Don't have evil players. We're not talking about playing a game in so-edgy-midwest-america.

2. Spirits would cause all sorts of panic from the adults.
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I would avoid looking into Dark Heresy were I in your position. Warhammer in general tends to oversex things a bit (pic related), not to mention the Chaos Daemons and Ruinous Powers and all that assorted lunacy. It's also not such a great system to jump into without knowing WH lore in general.
It's because they aren't full of spear-chuckers that it would be less supiscious.

>My character servers this nifty God, that lets him destroy his foes through my faith in him
What are these schools teaching my children!?

>My character is a dwarven shaman that can ask the spirits of the world for help!
Ah! Harmless fantasy, a childlike diversion.
Which is also untrue since you need friends to play them.
This is an idea! Playing as cute little animals doing badass stuff will not offend parents.
Don't let the players be evil, obviously.
Or just go all-evil if at all. Opposing party members tends to end in a mess no matter who's playing.
I don't think this is a problem. Kenya is a civilized country. Surely everyone uses coasters.
Thank you, i'll keep that in mind.

So it's "urban legend" rather than reality?

We're very short on staff, money, time, and pretty much every resource you can name. In time we would have to spend reading and understanding instructions, we could prepare something more important to teach our kids, or spend some time with them, perfecting their skills.

Don't get me wrong, when i'm saying that, but role playing games won't feed children.

That's reassuring. It seems that problem - like usual - lies in people rather than with things.
>So it's "urban legend" rather than reality?
Well it certainly does happen now and again, it's just far less common than one might think based on how often you hear about it. It's just one of those sorts of stories that gets passed around.
It is looked down on by some, and it is illegal, so suggesting he do it (assuming all of this is legit) could get him in trouble.

Also, it'd require them to have easy access to computers, which the school very well might not have.
How good is their english? If you really are hurting for an adminstrator or gm it'd be easy to run a game online
Perhaps he doesn't feel like running after a lion or some shit and taking a picture of it.
>It seems that problem - like usual - lies in people rather than with things.
Yep. Sadly many people would rather blame the books than anything else. Loonies love a scapegoat.

I think he mentioned that they don't always have internet access.

That's not how it goes over there.

1. "My child plays a priest of God and smites evil? That's fine"

2. "My child summons witch spirits? That's not christian at all!"
Imagine having sex with that thing.
You can see everything.
I started playing 40k when I was 8 years old, back with 2nd edition, and it didn't break me at all.
This is the lady that started the topic.

I'm afraid, i'm running out of time - i'm currently abroad and i need to ride to the airport very soon. God's willing, i'll be in Kenya soon, and i'll take the knowledge you shared with me.

I thank you very much, each and everyone who provided some input, no matter how big or small. I hope that the club will be formed and it will thrive.

Stay well, i'll pray for you.

Also: you're very kind and decent people. Don't change that. Ever.
Report back and we'll probably keep helping you.
If anyone has .pdf's of DnD books, someone could send OP a copy of one so he can read through it in advance.

He'd have to make a new e-mail account for this (because 4chan), but it'd be a good way of letting OP get a preview of what DnD would introduce.
Oh, and i'm sorry i can't answer to the rest of you. You have my gratitude.
That was a miniature game. We are talking about a RPG.

Welp. She, rather. Hurrdurr. And it seems I was too late. Ah well.
Which is hilarious, because the roleplayers I know are some of the most social and outgoing people there are - always going out drinking, partying, going to gigs, and generally lots of activities that require you to be outgoing.
Happy to help, my friend. Best of luck.
>Don't change that. Ever.
I see what you did there.
Unfortunately, we can't help you with the staff and time problems, but at least as far as money goes, there are some RPGs out there that are free.


For an example, the d6 series has a lot of free books which you can download quite legally.

There's also Eclipse Phase, but that one is actually quite complicated, and I probably wouldn't try and play it with children, unless you're really excited about talking about how you can digitize the human consciousness and download it into a cyborg squid body.

FATE also has a free version online, and I believe Pathfinder has a version of the rules, without art, that is free as well...
Post back with news when you can
Why don't we cook up a new rulebook for this guy?

Take, say, True20 or something simple, and modify it to tailor to the needs of these kids and the school. Cook up some system for utilizing Christianity, blessings of God, etc. instead of outright "witchcraft and magic." Include some specialized instructions, keeping the issues discussed in the thread in mind to make sure no problems crop up and let them print it out.

We'd need a way to keep in contact with the OP, since it looks like she's leaving.
Welp guys, we've lured another into the cult.
Soon another generation of kids'll be hungering for the flesh of the humans in the name of our lord who art beneath the sea, Dagon.
A spot of goat's blood, anyone?

I can't really contribute much to the discussion, but OP, you did mention if it was possible to play RPGs without accesories, which leads me to believe you're having trouble acquiring books and stuff.


A torrent with all the Dungeons and Dragons books:


A torrent with the Anima core rulebook:


And a torrent with all the Pathfinder books:


You can load them on any laptop and just let the kids pass it around whenever they need to look something up.
Anybody feel like archiving? I can't from my phone.
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Pfffft. Look at this fishface.
God this place is more fsggy than /co/
Technically, if she's after just the mechanics it's all free. Mechanics are usually all OGL because there is basically no way to legally enforce their copyright and it's only the setting/art that's technically illegal to obtain.
>A spot of goat's blood, anyone?
Just look at this plebian! I drink only blood of virgins with ice and some lemons.
It's the same setting, however, and I did have two armies from the beginning - Khorne and Slaanesh.
I know, a very well-done fake thread.
We love you too.
Lay off man, you know I can't afford the good stuff.

Like, seriously. I brought snacks too.
Thai cuisine.
>Khorne and Slaanesh.
Infighting HO!
>Don't change that. Ever.
God damn it we got rused
>archived thread tagged with "Satan"
Very funny.
Lol, you think the DM railroaded your friend so hard that he underwent extreme and fundamental shifts in his wits? Are you retarded?
If so, it was a good enough ruse .

I'm not getting it.
Welp, that's my good deed for the month.
Oh well, what can you do?

It was fun while it lasted. I'm kinda glad people still mostly follow the rules of /tg/.
I don't really see the point in worrying if we were rused or not.

No one is mad and all we did was waste time talking about traditional games, which was what we're all here to do anyway.

>oh no, someone got me to have a pleasant and friendly discussion on the Internet and offer help that cost me nothing at all!

If this is a troll, the Internet could use more trolls.
Yeah... Let's fix that! Shit! Cunt! Fuck! Dick! Fag! Nigger! Meecrob! Am i edgy enugh?
I'm not getting it.
Goat's blood is only good enough for my worst dice, when I pledge them and my soul to the great lord Cthulhu, He Who Slumbers Beneath The Sea.

I personally prefer a nice vodka either straight, on ice, or with the blood of some of my fellow blood/knifeplay fetishists.
OGL refers specifically to the license d20 was published under. Pretty sure it's the only system that uses the specific license. You're right in that individual mechanics aren't subject to copyright, only the rules text is.
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Awesome, lets get started.

The classic "never change, /tg/, never change" that typically accompanies posts pointing out that /tg/ has had a 200 post discussion originating with a clear troll post. Generally, /tg/ will either be astoundingly civil about it or change the topic completely.

I still don't get it!


You forgot Jew.

But seriously, threads like these are why I love /tg/. It's one of the few boards on this site where being a raging asshole just for the sake of it isn't -and hopefully never will be- in vogue.
Well, I liked the idea of bloodthirsty barbarians, and people who wanted to be perfect in art, music and battle.

I didn't realise Slaanesh was about sex and stuff until I hit 11.
It was probably someone from another board or some other part of the internet trying to prove or disprove /tg/'s reputation to someone else.
From my own experience with such clubs, the biggest risk is that no one but the kid who suggested it shows up for more than one meeting. Of course, there's also the slim possibility of the opposite problem: most role-playing groups won't function properly with too many members.

Due to the reputation of such games, it might become sort of a bullying target, but if the kids are being bullied already, it might be a good informal support group, and I probably wouldn't count this as too big of a risk.

As for the version I'd recommend, I'm torn between Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition (it's much simpler than most, which is good for beginners) and Pathfinder (all the rules are available online for free pretty easily). I've not heard much about D&D "Next", but I think you can get the play materials for free.

It's simultaneously pretty hard and pretty easy to avoid sexuality. Most female character art is going to be on the scandalous side (for the same reason as your average comic book superheroine), but it shouldn't proceed beyond that. It's really up to the game master and the players how far it goes, and if there's an advisor in the room it's pretty easy to just say, "Hey, cut that out," if it goes too far.

It's possible to play most role-playing games without pieces, but it's a bit more difficult. You have to keep track of where everyone is mentally or spend time constantly erasing and re-drawing it on a piece of paper or whiteboard.
You don't have to get anything official, though; you can just tape pieces of paper with the character's names to pennies for pieces and use graph paper for maps (or look some up online and print them out, if that's an option).
Don't put ice in the virgin's blood! It ruins the balance of the flavors. If anything, a dash of spring water will wake it up a bit, but that's as far as I'd go.
>I didn't realise Slaanesh was about sex and stuff until I hit 11.
So kids understand Warhammer better than its main fanbase.
South Park reference.

Have a quick look through that.
Congratulations: you now know how to play dungeons and dragons 3.5!
Anything you don't like, just get rid of. Magic doesn't HAVE to be god-based, or even in the game at all.
Make up a basic story and BOOM! You're now a Games master!
Anything a player does in the game that you don't like (EG: I rape the dead body etc.) just tell them not to do that, or make them go down a level or whatever you want!
On religion, you could just go wheel of time: There is a "good one" and a "bad one". The "bad one" was imprisoned a long time ago but evil people are trying to set him free.

No "Jesus", no "Allah", no "satan", just good and bad. the basis of any good fun game.

That's really it.
I didn't mean solely about sex - I just didn't realise Slaanesh dealt with sex as part of it's purview until I was 11. I still don't think it's a major part of Slaanesh, or at least no more important than any other activity that provides pleasure and can be taken to extremes.
You know, I've got an old D&D starter kit I've been looking to get rid of. It's missing a couple pieces, but it has a few miniatures, some game boards, some sample character sheets, and the basic rule books. If you email me your address, I'd be happy to mail it to you. No charge.

[email protected]
/b/ and /v/ make up the vast population of 4chan. Boardwise, I hear bad things about /mu/ from people that use /mu/, but /sp/ has always been a total bro when I've seen them. I also hear bad things about /lit/. Granted it could all be hearsay, but they sound like people who indulge in alot of badwrongfun.

/k/ has great innawoods threads. Don't know much about them otherwise.

And the one time I visited /tv/ I was digusted.
>And the one time I visited /tv/ I was digusted.
No shit!
Also /co/ is a nice place most of the time.
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>Male halflings as rogues
Mah rogufu
Hi OP, welcome on /tg/, one of the few nice and friendly boards on 4chan!

Here's my point of view:

Pen & Paper games are harmless. In fact, they're quite beneficial for the social development of a young person. I know, the stereotypical RPG player is a shy nerd, a social outcast, and while its true that these people are often fascinated with roleplaying, it often helps them to overcome their shyness by enabling them to make their own social experiences as a character in another world. It usually doesn't move them away from reality, it provides them with social skills that they will need in reality during their whole life (talking to strangers, solving problems in a group, confronting other people, etc). I've read that someone said it would "limit creativity" and I think thats total bullshit – it will only show that some people already have "limited creativity".

As other people have already suggested, the "pedagogical quality" of a pen & paper game session mainly depends on the Game-Master (the one who tells the story) and the players. And yes, if some of your pupils are troubled personalities, this surely can surface within the game, but thats a good thing because then you'll be able to recognize the problems, at least if you stay in touch with the club and its participants.

If I was you, I'd try to support the club. Maybe even get together with a few teachers/parents and have a game session, it doesn't take that much time to arrange and play a short adventure to see what its like. Don't invest a lot of money into books, rather encourage the kids to make up their own rules, create their own settings and tell their own imaginary stories. Do you have a literature teacher or something like that? Let him come up with a basic writing workshop on how to develop character backstories and how to construct a thrilling and entertaining plot. Its a powerful educational tool if you know how to use it and you're doing a good job so far, since you're here :)

>Hi OP, welcome on /tg/, one of the few nice and friendly boards on 4chan!

just have a look at all the other 4chan boards and you'll instantly notice the positive effect of roleplaying
Stay far away from /mu/. I'm pretty sure it gets worse every day. It's a shame I have no one to talk about drone or emo or the latest Iceage LP with on /tg/, but I do not miss that place in the slightest.
Remember, this isn't just a question of Christian, it's a question of an RPG in a country where actual religious tensions exist between two religions worshipping the same god.

A primary effort must be made to ensure that parents feel their children aren't being pulled away from their church, and the biggest fear is that they will go to the other church.

Fundy Christianity can't be our working assumption here. The product needs to be able to work in a way that doesn't exacerbate on existing religious differences.
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OP, if the religious situation in your area is that fearful and volatile, it would not be a good idea to let them roleplay unmitigated, it may not be safe for them, as they engage their imaginations in a way they feel to be harmless, other adults or parents might overreact and see danger where there is none.

The rulebooks do not espouse anything sexual, and do not encourage "occult" interest. All teenagers talk about sex, it is highly likely that these roleplayers are much less likely to dwell on such things, and it is very doubtful they would ever include anything like that in the game. They are going to be more interested in killing monsters. Censor any pictures in the books if it worries you so much.

99% of the content that the kids will be dealing with is what the GM brings into the game, based on the fictional game setting he is using or has created, and the kind of story he envisions the players undertaking. He or she is the one you need to trust to be mature.

If your culture tolerates the idea of fantasy powers that exist in mythology, or belongs to superheroes,etc, then the magic as described in game is harmless.

It doesn't sound safe to skirt the religion factor, so i would encourage the GM to cut out religion entirely, and just call clerics or priests "healers", who are no different than wizards, there to heal the heroes when they get injured. Just leave it at that.

Games like this are very positive, they cultivate their intelligence and imagination. It will help with their understanding of math, and will likely positively effect their grades. It's a great thing to let them do, it would suck to have to censor images in the book, censorship is a terrible evil, but its better than not allowing these kids access to positive hobbies like this.

Just impress upon whichever student is the GM that sexuality and gods are off limits, and you should be safe.
/mu/ fluctuates. There's a lot of indie hipsters there who'll call all of classical music and important modern bands like the Beatles total shit because they're mainstream but outside of that they know their shit. Hell, I've even seen J-pop and K-pop threads that went well over there.

I personally go to /co/, /m/, and /toy/. Each of them have their own problems(feminism/tumblr arguments, "not /m/", etc.) just like /tg/ has the things that set it off but they tend to do better than most boards.

/ic/ is alright, too if a bit mean-spirited. Their sticky in particular is really damn helpful.
It's not even that. /tg/ is unnaturally nice today. For fucks sake we didn't even call anyone a fag in this thread. Stop it! I am scared /tg/!
It helps that the subject is "nice lady politely and earnestly asking for help in a field we care about" and not "F.A.T.A.L.".

There was one occasion of fag calling.

See: >>24994754
This is just what happens when you talk about something that doesn't involve any of /tg/'s pet-peeves(edition wars, quests, ERP, GW/40k, etc.)

This is just /tg/'s natural niceness not being clouded by any neckbeard anger.

how long are you here? I've been browsing this place for about a year now and almost anyone is really friendly and helpful. Even when people are insulting you its usually in a "warm" way, accompanied by a funny picture...
gtfo fag
happy now?
Yeah, he didn't mention /co/, but they seem like god people.

/x/ used to be good, but not anymore.

/fa/ is hants on pead terribad.
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Fuck you, faggot.
To be honest, I'm still surprised this thread hadn't turned into 3.5 vs 4e vs pathfinder thread.
I'm mad because I was gonna say that other boards would call him a faggot-ass jungle bunny nigger kid-raping shit-loving dick-sucking ass-fucking backwards inbred subhuman Jew-controlled cow-touching skub-liking coaster-not-using can of anal juices and then stopped because he might be offended by my example.
We also extensively discussed sex in roleplayong games without turning it into a shitstorm.

I guess the proper context/direction to a discussion changes things, regardless of topic
That was me. And the guy was being a fag.
I actually used the word faggot a lot of times while explaining to OP, but I guess you're right that I didn't specifically call anyone a fag-
I called Those Guys faggots.

Yeah, the "rape a corpse" dudes.
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we are all proud of each others civility
>apid autistic fsggots with nasty attitudes.
Common they're nice guys if you take out their no fun allowed attitude.
Just don't mention dad rock and you're fine
Why would anyone want to go there?
Classical music files dump
... Do they have Stravinsky?
>Not having Stravinsky
So was it all an elaborate act of story weaving?
This had been my first thought as well.

Who cares? Let's decide which System would be best for 13 year old kids living in an environment where premature sex and violence is far too common and money as scarce. I think Mouseguard would be cool because it is relatively easy, childfriendly, doesn't need many books and uses 'normal' 6-sided dice.
The clear cut post I was looking for this whole thread. Kenyabro needed firm reassurance, and you have provided.

The posts going "well, there's no sex... unless there is" does indeed cover all bases but in this instance it is safe to say that no, the game does not incite sexual feelings in children of an age where it would be detrimental to their society, and no there is no mention of religion- only spiritual beings associated with ancient cultures, the same as all the monsters in the monster manual.

Ultimately, there is only what the players invent and there is nothing for parents to worry about or be suspicious of.
>Same poster that suggested Engine Heart. If you do want to play that system, you may have a hard time getting the right dice.
>If you want to post the school name, I will send you a bag of 10 sided dice. My expense.

Schools have a pretty easy time getting nerd dice these days. They sell sets of them as educational supplies in teacher catalogs.

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