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>Previous Threads can be found at: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Psion%20Quest
>As always, you could check Einstein's data at any time: http://pastebin.com/CaAF0yS8

Your name is Heather Leery, and you're currently eating some of the most delicious fruit salads you've ever eaten, at your grandfather's house.
Apparently, this was another reason why your father and Bart clashed- they were both splendid cooks, and wanted more chances to show off.
Theta, next to you, was quiet, still eating and mentally trying to puzzle out Sigma's genes, while Sigma, who you now know is your aunt (technically), stopped eating now and then to look around.

You were in the dining hall, which had a grand glass window, showing you the lake in the mountains behind the house. On the other side of the lake, in a clearing, was Surya, no more than a small shining red speck.

Devourer, on the floor, started chomping on some cloned meat.
And your grandfather, Bartholomew, was a tall, broad, powerful man, chuckled and continued to make more, complete with an apron. He had a silver goatee, and long, blond-going-white hair pulled back in a ponytail.
"How is it?" He asked, turning back to you.
"It's really good." Sigma said, with a wide smile.

"this is some of the best fruit i have ever had the pleasure of eating."
"Yeah, it's really great. Did you grow the fruit here?"
"Yeah, it's really great." You say. "Did you grow the fruit here?"
"Technically, in the basement." He said. "Hydroponics, and some treatments for the low gravity. I also have biopods for cloning. If I didn't have to go to the clinic every week, I'd be able to live here alone for the next half century."
He chuckled.
"Not that I quite want to."
"Why do you have to go to the clinic?" Sigma asked.
"Again, it's the gravity." He said, and stomped on the floor. "Too light for people, so they have these large centripetal spinning chambers to walk around in normal gravity. And then a bit of implants so that my legs don't go."
He chuckled. "Just part of living on a point six G world."
You take another bite. "This is some of the best fruit I have ever had the pleasure of eating."
"Glad to hear it!" He said, and ruffled your hair, mussing it up as much as he could.

"I would like to know about Mom growing up and Grandma, if you don't mind telling us."
We should manifest some of THAT fruit.
And peel it properly
"Do you want some fruits to add to your collection?"
"Wow. It's a shame Mom and Dad didn't tell me about you, this place is awesome."
Lets not offer our grandfather drug fruits.
"Do you want some more fruits to add to your collection?"
"They'd probably be more hassle than they're worth. I'd need to figure out what the new fruit acts like, and what it wants, and I'd need to recalibrate the machines."

"I'd like to know about Mom growing up, and Grandma, if you don't mind telling us."
"Well, I met your grandmother when she almost killed me." He said. "... With a groundcar. On accident. Slammed into me, broke my leg, I went sailing thirty feet. We met in the hospital not long later, when she tripped and... Well, broke her wrist. She was not a very graceful person." He said, and sat down.
"She was a battleaxe, is the kind of person she was. Someone who was sharp as a razor, and always got their way, with so much will in her that it'd be like trying to fight the sun. She moved in because she decided it. Then we married because she decided it."
For a moment, you caught an image from him- a small, very small woman with brown hair and glasses, glaring at someone so much taller than her. That glare... There was something... empathic about it. Like your pout, but... forceful.
"Your mother, meanwhile, was kind of a brat." He said, and started laughing. "Snuck out of the house to meet boys, to swim in the lake, to drink, to steal the groundcar..."
He shrugged. "Then she ran into the cloning machines in the basement, and got... entranced, I suppose. Then everything was drones, machines, groundcars..."
"What kind of stuff do you clone?"
"She sounded like quite a woman."
so grandma had empathy, grandpa had TK. I wonder If our father's parents had any hidden talents.

"My best friend Alex met someone the exact same way, mom kept me on a tighter leash regarding sneaking out and stuff but was more than happy to show me her drones."

"They were so surprised and proud when i made that self replicating drone, that or shocked and regretful, can't quite remember..."
"Can I look at the basement?"
"She sounded like quite a woman." You say.
"She was..." He said, and sighed.
"What kind of stuff do you clone?"
"The basics. Beef, Pork, chicken..." He said. "My neighbor over yonder talked me into trying out some alien meat, but it isn't growing right in the biopod."
"Can I look at the basement?"
"Sure." He said, and got to his feet.
"I'll come too." Theta said. "I have a curiosity about these things."

"My best friend Alex met someone the exact same way." You say.
"With the car?" He asked, and you nod.
"And mom kept me on a tighter leash, regarding sneaking out and stuff, but she was more than happy to show me her drones."
"You look like you take after her. Except for the hair." He said, and you giggled.

Eventually, you were in the basement. One one side of the long, long room, were plants, all under glass, water flushing into them as the pressure balanced, making sure the plants were healthy despite the lack of gravity. The small, waist-high biopods along the other wall were closed, churning, using transgenes and nutrients to clone the meat- most of it, at least. The three furthest ones were on, but weren't churning.
"... I think you got the settings wrong." Theta said. "Want me to fix it?"
"Sure." Your grandfather said. "The seed genes are still there, right?"
"Yeah, you didn't screw up too badly." He said. "Just that these things need more oxygen then you're giving them."
Then theta knelt, and started hitting buttons on the biopod terminals.
"I tried growing something once, Grampa! It didn't go too well at first, but then it turned out alright!"
"What else do you do to pass the time? You could try building up your telekinesis, you know."

have a look around, technopathy with the machines down here and see if anything else is wrong besides the settings.

"What kind of alien meat?" (from what animal)
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"I tried growing something once, Grampa! It didn't go too well at first, but then it turned out alright!" You say, and Devourer chuckled in your mind.
"Glad to hear it! I really don't spend much time down here, though. Just enough to fix up the machines. My da' was the one who was really into this."
You have a look around, and reach into each machine for a moment to feel them out. You had a very minor epiphany- that despite the fact that your 'talking to machines' ability was actually Awakening, you still had enough technopathy to communicate with machines. You'd gotten a lot better at it, at least.
"What kind of alien meat?" You asked.
"I think they're called... um, Kalidu. Kidual?" He asked, and shrugged.
"I can show you, with my power." Theta said, and got to his feet. He closed his eyes, and outstretched an arm. From the ground, a creature swelled- one with four mammalian legs, a massive shell on its back- almost like an armadillo- and two pincers sticking out of each side of its head. It chirped, loudly, and opened all four eyes on its head to look around, its mandibles twitching. It looked surprisingly like Sarvesh, in a weird way. At the very least, it was from the centaur homeworld.
"Well, that's almost adorable." Bart said. "You can do that kind of stuff?"
"That's how I sensed what was wrong with your meat." Theta said. The Kalidu started gasping for air, twitching and looking around- and then Theta outstretched a hand, and the creature collapsed, and dwindled away.
"Yeah. I guess we can tell you if you can keep it a secret. Theta's good with bio-stuff, I can do Telekinesis, and, like Sigma said, she can control any machine she touches."
We should cook the meat into a delicious crabcake.
"The air pressure too low for it to breathe?"

"looks like it doesn't react well to this atmosphere."

"If you need anything fixed, I'm sure i can help with that!"
How far back do psionics go? Did grand-grandfather have them?

And I think we should establish a goal here, seems to me like pointless wandering.
Grandpa isn't even that much of an interesting character.
If it's from Centaurland it would be in it's natural gravity and likely air pressure here. Theta was probably just making it pass out so getting absorbed would be painless.
"Have you nearly got Sigma figure out, Theta?"
"Looks like it doesn't react well to this atmosphere."
"Seems like it." Theta said.
"That was my problem, I suppose." Bart said.
"Have you nearly got Sara figured out, Theta?"
"In a little bit. I'm close." He said.
You turn to your grandfather.
"Yeah, I guess we can tell you about our powers if you can keep it a secret. Theta's good with bio-stuff, I can do Telekinesis, and, like Sigma said, she can control any machine she touches."
"Don't worry, I can keep a secret." He said.
"Got it!" Theta suddenly said, and bolted toward the stairs. Your grandfather raised an eyebrow.
"How far back do psionics go? Did great grandfather have them?"
"If he did, I don't know." Bart said. "I've seen plenty of strange things, here. I don't know if they were someone else, or my whole thing, or something else entirely."

"what kind of strange things?"
"Strange things? This sounds like a quest hook! Tell me everything~"
>I've seen plenty of strange things, here
Such as?
"Go on..."
"When was the first time you could do TK?"
"Strange things? This sounds like a quest hook! Tell me everything~"
"It wasn't that strange." He said. "Just things moving when they shouldn't, strange dreams of six purple eyes... I thought I saw some guy with a mask, here in the basement. Like, one of those fancy, smooth ones. He took it off, and had no eyes."
He shrugged.
"When was the first time you could do TK?"
"The first time?" He asked. "There wasn't really a first time I can remember. It's just always been something I could do. I could never get better at it, though."
We really need to work on not calling Sara "Sigma."
...Hmm. The 'six eyes' sounds like a Nagala, and ten gets you one the guy with the mask was Jabberwocky. Which lends credence to the 'Damien' theory.
"Yeah, I'll need to speak to that guy. Probably."
The six eyes was Void Queen you doof.
"I think I know that guy (manifest image of jabberwocky) this him?"

technopath a full scan for bugs and such
You know how we used TK to make sure there were no underground caverns we would go careening through we we landed? We should do that trick again. Like, now.
Nagala have four eyes. I think we saw purple eyes when we Knowledge'd in the isochamber and people said it was some god from Vale Quest. Alternatively it could be VQ.

Jabberwocky doing... something.

"That guy with the mask, I... know someone who fits the description more than a little."
"I'm not even surprised."
"6 eyes was the void queen, smooth face might have been jabberwocky"

Right, my bad. Cut me some slack, I'm tired and distracted.
"That guy with the mask... I know someone who fits that description more than a little." You say. "And I'll need to speak to that guy. Probably."
"That doesn't sound good." He said.

Then you look around the basement, and reach out, seeking something... Something Jabberwocky would've done...
And then you find something. Something almost impossible to find if you hadn't been looking for it. In the soil of one of the apple branches, was... A recabulator.
A recabulator. Someone had made one that wasn't you.
Someone had made one, programmed it to carry a short message, and hid it right here.
You stare down at the plant. "I'm not even surprised." You say.
"What do you mean?" Your grandfather asked.
"This is just a fraction of the wacky shit that seems to happen daily."

Better play that message.
manifest a non conductive gripper and reach in for the recab unit.

"bloody time travelers"
"Come on, Grandfather, get with the picture. The guy can clearly travel through time."

pick it out of the pot, carefully with TK.

let's plug it into something to play the message, I'd rather avoid linking our mind to it if we don't really have to.

preferably not Einstein either.
Yeah, this.
Do it on something with no link to the extranet, and with no files on it.
"This is just a fraction of the wacky shit that seems to happen daily." You say, and reach into the dirt, You pull out the spherical recabulator, and take a closer look.
The message was... hard to decipher. It was encrypted, somehow, and had a small speaker and microphone spliced in. You couldn't even tell how long of a recabulator it was on sight- it was strange. Eerie.
Like it was technology from the future.

You shake it, and it buzzed.

"Bloody time travelers." You say. The sphere chirped, and a projector- how could you fit a projector in a *recabulator*?! It was INSANE- started up, shining up against the wall.

A hat.
This was the great message. It was an schematic of three strange pads, sewed to the inside of a hat, made for fitting just up against a human skull It had schematics, but most of the words were too blurry to read due to the fact that the recabulator had no digital storage, and it was hard to tell what the object was. Some kind of sensor. A brain scanner, maybe?
"... What is this?" Your grandfather asked.
"God damn I don't even know."
"A design for me new tophat."
Only one way to find out!
<Tell me your secrets recab-san>

"your guess is as good as mine, the image is really faded"

should we try to knowledge what we're seeing before the recabulator gives out? (like it will in mere moments from now)
Smash it with a hammer.

It is not meant for this time.
Noooo! We must wear this mystical future hat. It's probably super stylish in a few dozen years.
Let's use a physical decryption key! Try touching it with the clay.
hmm, needs to be in a sharper focus. Get a better surface then a basement wall and perhaps move pretty close.
We can always manifest a projector screen.
"Your guess is as good as mine." You say. "The image is really faded."
Absentmindedly, you put the clay up against the recabulator, but nothing seemed to happen.
Then you take a step forward, and focus, but it was much, much too blurry for you to understand, even after you moved the projection to a better surface.

Then, you realize something.
You still have those glasses.
You put them on, and the blurred image was sharp as could be. You took a step back, and read the schematic...
And your jaw dropped.
This was a schematic for... controlling another person's mind. Put the sensors on, put the other end- which wasn't on the schematics- inside the victim's brainstem, and you could... control them.
You felt a shiver go down your spine.
And then the recabulator sparked, and started smoking, just as Sara and Theta came back down.
"... Uh, hello." Your grandfather said, rubbing at his eyes. He'd been confused and silent the entire time, trying to puzzle it out.
I can think of only one company who would make something like that.
I think Jabbers is sending us a warning. Maybe he's going to be mind-controlled and attack Lin?
Rolled 89

try knowledge on the recabulator
Well shit, we'd better figure out a countermeasure for that.
Knowledge is the wrong thing. Try Origin instead.

what the hell is he doing leaving things like that lying around!

i don't like the future at all!

we can use this knowledge to develop a counter for it though
Use Knowledge to figure out the other end. Then we can keep a metaphorical eye out for it.
I bet Jabberwocky is being controlled.
Whatever purpose Jabs had in sending us these, it wasn't so we could use them. Smash.
gah! Didn't you read the previous thread at all? Knowledge is for psionics.
>what the hell is he doing leaving things like that lying around!
He obviously knew that we would be the one that found it, and he made it self-destruct afterwards.
Rolled 35

calm your tits, orgin it is then
You rub at your eyes, and then focus on the recabulator.
You focus hard. It was blurry, just as blurry as Jabberwocky himself had been, when you looked at him like this.

And then... you closed your eyes, and focused on the sphere in your hand.

>Roll for clairvoyance!
so yeah, we should make a device to counter the control, preferably without harming the person being controlled, it goes directly to their brain stem after all.
Rolled 19

Rolled 73

fucking time travel
Rolled 39

Rolled 57

Rolled 28

hopefully the DC was 70
Rolled 33

Isn't it the average of the first three?
he mixes it up, sometimes average, sometimes best.
As long as we understand the device we can just technopathy it off. Like we did with the clones' mind control chips.
i think it getting fried probably wrecked it for tecknopathy.
Your head pounded, pain cracking into your skull like an ice pick. A cold chill went down your spine, and you shivered.

"What's wrong?" Sigma asked.

A drip of blood fell from your nose. You wiped at it, and the object sparked again.
And that's when the small explosive charge hidden inside the device triggered. With a warmth and a quite 'pomff', it crumbled inwards, into your hand. Little more than shards and ash.
You got dizzy, for a long moment, and press your fingers into your eyes.
The actual hats not the recabulator.
Was anyone wearing a hat in our vision of Lin getting popped?
Rolled 46

Wow, we fucked that up.

Reverse that shit with our amazing entropy powers.
"I was trying to see where it came from. That schematic it gave was part of a mind control device. It was missing a componant, that which went into the brainstem. Unfortunately I'm not to good at clairvoyance yet."
The controller wears a hat, the controlled just has a receiver or something placed in their spine.

"shouldn't have done that... the device being projected just now, it was designed to control an individuals mind. I need to go lie down."
"Jabberwocky is apparently from the fuuuture. He left me a message here. The message was a drawing of a hat."
Ohhhh missed that part. So, we've already met a bunch of people with the spine bit, so we just need to find out who has the hat bit.
Armatek director probably.
Once we get back to the station, let's try and do the "Know every piece of technology within the galaxy and then some" thing and try to find a hat. Preferably without using an isochamber.
Yes, probably, and now we know how to spot him.
"I was trying to see where it came from." You say. "Jabberwocky is from the future. And he left me a message here."
Sara's eyebrows rose.
"That schematic it gave me was part of a mind control device. It was missing a component, that which went into the brainstem. Unfortunately, I'm not too good at clairvoyance yet." You say. "I shouldn't have done that... I need to go lie down."
"I'll carry you." Your grandfather said, and next thing you knew, you were in the air. He did it seemingly effortlessly, and carried you up and out of the basement. Almost like a blur, next thing you knew, you were in a bedroom, lying in the bed, with a glass of water at your side.
"Feel free to stay here as long as you need." Your grandfather said.
"Actually, it might be best if we went." Theta said. "There's only one person who'd make something like that."
"ArmaTek." Sara said.
"Yep." Theta said. "And what if they use it on... Omega?"
Sara's eyes widened.
"I think it's more likely Jabberwocky is being controlled and they intend to use him to hurt us."
"Well then...I'll explode a sun."
"Who's Omega?"
What if Jabberwocky IS Omega from the future?
Why not both

"where is Omega and how much trouble are we in?"
Omega is supposed to be the ultimate psion, as produced by Armatek.
"Well of course they will, they put control chips in all their other psions. I'm guessing this is one of those things we have to stop?"
Lin is Omega
"Where is Omega, and how much trouble are we in?"
"Even we don't know anything about omega." Theta said. "But all I do know that the scientists were hoping he'd be the most powerful pariah or whatever."
"I... um, kinda touched their database once." Sigma said. "And all that had was that Omega was doing some kind of... seperated upbringing system. Decant and raise them all up separately until they start to develop powers."
"... I'm guessing this is one of those things we have to stop?"
"Yeah." Theta said. "Definitely."
"... How can I help?" Your grandfather asked.
Grandpa can come to school with us!
"I dunno. We're probably better of just hunting down every ArmaTek installation and converting them to energy."
Unless you know where the directors of Armatek are holding up or where they'd keep a couple thousand clones I don't know how much help you can be.

But i think this is a good enough of a reason to stop leaving it to the UPA to solve the Armatek problem.
"I guess a hug will be enough."
Kiss him on the cheek, "You couldn't without leaving, and I wouldn't ask you to do that.
Besides, the station we're on has a full contingent of space marines."

"I... I don't know, it's dangerous, even for someone with trained psionic powers, like us."

"If you would consider making up with my dad, that would help me a lot."
"Unless you know where the directors of Armatek are holding up, or where they'd keep a couple thousand clones, I don't know how much help you can be." You say, quietly. Then you kiss him on the cheek.
"You couldn't without leaving, and I wouldn't ask you to do that. Besides, the station we're on has a full contingent of space marines. "
"... Alright." He said.
Then you grinned at him.
"If you would consider making up with my dad, that would help me a lot."

He gave you an even Look.
You grinned up at him.

"Damnit." He said, and pulled you into a hug. "You're like my wife."

Then he pulled up his own personacom- a small hammer, with 'mjolnir' written on it, and called your father.

"... I might be able to help." Sigma said, quietly. "Help us find them."
"What do you mean?" Theta asked.

Then Sigma removed one of her gloves. "If I can get to a nexus, and just... give it a touch..."
"You're talking about taking control of the entire extranet." Theta said, and quietly, Sara nodded. "Will your mind be able to handle it?"
Sara shrugged.
"Yeah that doesn't sound like a good idea at all."
It's not worth it! <You're a mother now!>
"Maybe this is the point where Damien should step in to tell you that is a bad idea."

"I can't let you do something so dangerous, not by yourself."

maybe we can create a device to limit how much information get's fed to Sara as she searches, one we can open and close to let more info through and easily cut off if it becomes to much for her mind to handle
She doesn't know if she's even going to keep it.
"Yeah, that doesn't sound like a good idea at all." You say. "It's not worth it, and I can't let you do something so dangerous, not by yourself."
"I was able to do it to Elysium." Sigma said. "And to Haegost's lunar database. I use the computers to deal with the data, not my own mind."
"... Still, all that info..." Theta said. His eyebrows met. ".. Are you lying?"
"The alternative is to wait for them to come to us." Sara said. "With those implants. And we know that Davidson isn't stupid enough to come say hello personally."

Theta was quiet.
"I would've thought they would have planned for this, though."
We've always just had Damien find things for us--I don't see why that wouldn't work now of all times.
"Lets wait for Damien to give the ok. I'll try clairvoyance later, see if I cant just psychically locate Davidson."
Guys, do you not remember when we Knowledge'd Sigma? We know she can handle this.
"Now that I know what that device looks like I might be able to locate it with an isochamber. If one exists yet at least. Can you guys fix my brain and get in contact with Robin?"

"we're going to consult with Damien first, promise me you won't go out and try to do this on your own."

"If it does come down to it... I want to make sure we can prevent you overloading on information."
Before we mention this to anyone back on the station, we should scan them for the brainstem implant. Just in case.
Oh yes we are scanning everyone for the implant ESPECIALLY The scientists, Max, Lin, and Anna.
We won't spot Jabberwocky's implant though. He's all blurry and has shit-tons of tech in him.
"We've always just had Damien find things for us." You say. "I don't see why that wouldn't work now of all times."
"Okay." Sara said.
"Theta, can you fix my brain?"
"There's nothing to fix." He said. "You're mostly handling it on your own. Kailynn told me that these sorts of things might start happening, but it's not actual damage. It's just a sign of your strain. It won't hurt you unless you bleed to death, I suppose."

"And if Damien can't find him?" Sara asked.
"We're going to consult with Damien first. Promise me you won't go out and try to do this on your own."
She didn't respond.
"... Sigma, you have a boyfriend and you're going to have a kid soon." Theta said. "This is stupid."
"You say that after you've saved everyone's lives with healing." Sara said. "After Summer created armies, after Damien is everyone's answer to every question, after Heather gave Lambda what he wanted, and all sorts of other things besides. After Isaac can stop entire moons."
She sighed.
"We're all stupid." She said. "I'm allowed my chance to do the same."
You caught a flash of memory, from two years ago.
>Sigma was standing up in front of Robin as the small, brown clone curled down on the floor of what looked like a cell.
>"You're just going to try to get me to eat, aren't you?" Robin asked. Sigma stared down at her... and thought.
>And offered her a knife.
>"I'm here to give you a choice." Sigma said.
"Don't give me that princess in a tower bullshit. I saw you dogfighting Demiurg ships--and it was awesome--so don't tell me you never do anything dangerous or life-threatening.
"If you wanna do this, we should probably go now."

"You saved Robin..."
Finding things is what Damien is best at. He's the most likely to succeed so he's doing it, and that's final.

If that doesn't work, unless the poutkken
"Don't give me that princess in a tower bullshit." You say. "I saw you dogfighting Demiurg ships - and it was awesome - so don't tell me you never do anything dangerous or life-threatening."
"You saved Robin." You say.

Sara's eyes widened a fraction.
"... Oh. She told you."
"Finding things is what damien is best at. He's the most likely to succeed, so he's doing it, and that's final."
"... But if he can't." Sara said. "Then I'm going."
"And if not, I'll make your toys hate you." She added, and stuck out her tongue.

"... Apparently your parents are heading here now." Your grandfather suddenly said, putting away his old, old personacom.
"That's great news!"
Have we got time to stick around for the reunion? How long do boring slow not-Surya-or-Wyvern ships take?
"Oh cool! Wait-does that mean Dad's dug up his ship?"

"I'm sorry, suddenly having your granddaughter, whom you have never seen before, drop by and all but forcing you to reconcile with her father, isn't how i had envisioned this meeting."

"I really enjoyed being here and would like to come visit again."

hug Grandpa, Hug Sara, Hug Theta, Hug Devi and also hug the house for good measure.
"That's great news!" You say. "Wait, does that mean Dad's dug up her ship?"
"The Flamestrike?" Bart asked. "Yeah, she said she was digging it up."
You get to your feet, and pull him into a hug.
"I'm sorry, suddenly having your granddaughter, whom you have never seen before, drop by and all but forcing you to reconcile with her father, isn't how I had envisioned this meeting."
"... That's, uh, pretty much how I envisioned this meeting." He said, and chuckled, kissing you on the cheek.
"I really enjoyed being here, and I'd like to come visit again."
"Feel free!" He said. "Next time, you need to swim in the lake, too."
Then you hug Sara and Theta, and finally, hug Devi. And then pat the house for good measure.
"Does that mean we're heading off now?" Theta asked.

"Yes, we know how well it goes when we delay to long."
how long would it take the parents to get here?
"I suppose so, although, I do want to see my Dad's ship..."
"Yes. Want Devy to sit in your lap~?"
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For some reason I pictured her with the Evstafi from Infinite Space, even though I'm pretty ships don't get that big in this universe.
"I suppose so, although, I do want to see my dad's ship..."
"She said she would be here in a few hours." He said.
You frown. "Well, we know how well it goes when we delay too long."

"Thank you for having us." Sara said.
"It's not a problem." Bart said. "Feel free to come as well. You might be just the result of cloning, but you're family too."
Sara gave him a wide smile, and nodded.
"Take care!" He called, as the three of you made your way out of the house, and starting down the path to the lake, where Surya sat.
"Do you want Devy to sit in your lap~?" You ask.
Theta looked down to the puppy.
"... Not really." He said. "He may look all fuzzy and adorable to you, but to me, he's-"
"I'm plenty fuzzy and adorable." Devourer responded, as you made your way into the cockpit. "Even if I don't have a body like the way you are used to."
"You wanna fly, Sigma?"
"Yeah yeah, biological anathema.

Who's Heather's adorable little psionic aberration~? Is it you? Is it?

It is."
Have Devy sit inside our lap~
"Pfff still not as adorable as lil'Max"

"I'll have him if you won't!" fuzzy on our lap for the return trip!

to mom and dad: <I'm glad you're going to see grandpa, all of you be nice to each other.>
"Yeah, yeah, biological anathema. I'll have him if you won't!" You say, and pat Devourer's head. "Who's Heather's adorable little psionic aberration~? Is it you? Is it? It is!" You say, patting and scratching Devourer. He rolled onto his back, and lounged there as you rubbed his belly.
"You wanna fly, Sigma?" You ask.
"Sure." She said, and took a seat. She just.. touched the panel, and the engine hummed loudly and quietly, experimentally.
"Wow. You have a lot of power hiding in here." Sigma said, as you held Devourer still. The speakers projected her voice as well, at the same time as she spoke. The ion thrusters whirred around, and pointed downward.
Sigma stretched, and you heard the ship hiss.
"This is comfortable." She said. "Really comfortable."
Then, suddenly, everything shuddered, and she took off.
For that was what Surya was, at the moment. All around you, buzzing with telepathy, Sara sat. You were sitting on her, strapped to her, breathing her breath that came from her life support systems.
And she shot off, into space.
"So, first we go to the station?" Sigma asked. It was so strange to see the controls moving themselves, as she did nothing but keep her hand on the control panel's underside.
"Yeah, alright. Probably best to get permission from Max before we go on a search and destroy mission."
"Sure. So, what exactly did you "get" Theta? Any wild new insights?"
"Yea, there are some people I need to talk to there"

first thing when we get back, scan people for the mind control implant, especially Anna

"yes, we go back, Kidnap Damien for a moment and if he can't find a location, we'll prepare to put your idea to work, while keeping any injury as minor as possible."

"Mind if i ask what you found out Theta, or is that private?"
"I'm glad you like Surya."
"Sure." You say, as a sudden jerk pulled Devourer from your lap. He banged into the side of the wall, and crawled back into your lap like nothing had happened. You hold him a bit more tightly this time and continue to pet him. "Probably best to get permission from Max before we go on a search and destroy mission."
"Alright." Sara said, and wheeled the ship around.
"So, what exactly did you *get*, Theta? Any wild new insights?"
"Well, Sigma's supposed to be a redhead." He said. "With green eyes."
"Wait, you can fix that?" Sigma asked.
"It's just a pigmentation change." Theta said. "It's not hard. It's not even genetic."
"... Oh." She said. "What else did you find?"
"Well, I can stop your shakes when you're trying to sleep, and if you plan on keeping the kid, I can remove your transgenes entirely so that won't mess with them. I'll have to meet your boyfriend for that, though."
Then he chuckled. "And I didn't actually know you were *that* sensitive."
Sara blushed, and looked away.
"I can fix that if you want."
"N-no, that's fine, I like that how it is." She said.
<*How* much more sensitive?>

"Shakes?" worried look
Well, would you look at that.
<Hey, Devy. I just thought I'd let you know...I'm kind of glad I had that accident when I tried biokinesis.>
Also that we shot empathy into his consciousness.

Though maybe we shouldn't say that. I'm still shaky on the ethics behind that one.
"Ohohohoho~" You say, and giggle. "Wait, shakes?
"When I try to sleep, and once I get relaxed, I start kind of... trembling." She said. "It makes it a lot harder to sleep. Moreso because I don't really get used to it."
You nod.
Then you turn to Theta.
<*How* much more sensitive?> You ask.
"Once we're in orbit, poke her ribs." Theta said. "You'll see."

You wait, and a few moments later, you were in orbit.
So you poked her ribs- and she twitched, and started trying not to giggle. So you tickled her, and she started giggling loudly, writhing away from you.
"Stopit stopit!" She said, biting her lip. "I'm trying to *fly*."

<The rest of her is a lot more sensitive than that.> He said. <You'll have to ask her about her personal life yourself.>

Then, you look down to the puppy.
<Hey, Devy.> You say. <I just thought I'd let you know... I'm kind of glad I had that accident when I tried biokinesis.>
Devourer was quiet.
And then his tongue lolled out, and he rolled on his back again.
<So am I.> He said. <Thank you.>
She is the ship right now, so is she just as sensitive if we tickle Surya? We must find out for science.
Put Puppy on head.


"I would much rather call you my sister, I always wanted to have one, but with your genes originating from my grandpa it could lead to misunderstandings."
"I guess I should probably stop. I wouldn't want you to crash!"
Tickle the ships walls
"Aunty Sara" is funnier than "sis" though.
<Hehe.> you say, and put Devourer on your head.

"I would much rather call you my sister." You say. "I always wanted to have one, but with your genes originating from my grandpa, it could lead to misunderstandings."
She shot you a grin. "I'm fine with it. Call me your sister if you want."

You reach out, and tickle the wall, but nothing happened. Seemed she couldn't feel it.
<Um, her sensitivity only works on her body.> Theta said. <It's part of her transgene.>

<I never said what I was thanking you for.> The puppy on your head said, suddenly.
You looked up at him.
<I'm thanking you for giving me sanity. Empathy. You were thinking that, but you're not sure if it was ethical.> He said. <And it wasn't. But it was still the right thing to do, and I'm still thanking you for it.>
<Well, I'm glad it helped.>
<You're welcome. I'm glad it all worked out.>

<I... thank you, I'm glad you think of it like that.>

>seriously need it.
>good luck gentlemen.
Hug the Puppy.

<Hey, Devi, did we ever figure out what would happen if I tried biokinesis?>
<That takes a load off my mind. Forcing Empathy onto things that don't want it seemed like a really Void Queen thing to do, but if you can tell me that you're thankful for it, that means a lot.>
Thanks, Devourer. It means a lot to me.

Can you be a kitten?
<Do you know why I can't use Biokinesis anymore?>
<I... thank you, I'm glad you think of it like that.> You say. <That takes a load off my mind. Forcing Empathy onto things that don't want it seemed like a really Void Queen thing to do, but if you can tell me that you're thankful for it, that means a lot.>

The puppy licked your forehead, and then the ship kicked into bubble drive. Sigma pulled her hand off of it, and relaxed.
"I don't control it during bubble driving." She said, slipping her glove back on. "Because the computer does that on its own, a lot better than I could."

You hug Devourer.
<Hey, Devi, did we ever figure out what would happen if I tried biokinesis?>
<... I thought you knew.> He said, after a moment.
You gave him a Look.
<I am your biokinesis. With a mind. Sapience, even. I'm quite literally part of you.>
<I wasn't quite sure.>
so we failed so hard that our power literally tore itself from our body and manifested itself as an adorable little psionic aberration?

<So... I can will you to do things?>
<I thought it might be something like that. Whatever the case, though, it's pretty cool. At least you're putting it to better use than I ever could.>
<Yeah, I guessed that. So would it just not work because I don't have the power any more? Or could I channel you like those times when you used my powers?>
<So we could merge back together? Not that I want to, because then I'd lose a friend>
<Well, if you're part of me, do you think you could change me around like Theta does? That seems to be your specialty, so you could make me really tough when I need to be.>
<I figured as much. Not sure of the mechanics behind it, but I can guess it has something to do with Awakening.

I wonder if it would work on another power? I'd rather not put myself into a coma trying it, but...>
"Hey, maybe we could get Omni to help if he's not busy. He cracked the navigation nexus once, or something like that."
"What nexus are we going to bust open by the way?"
<I wasn't quite sure.> You say. <But I thought it might be something like that. Whatever the case, it's pretty cool. At least you're putting it to better use than I ever could.> You say. <If you're part of me, do you think you could change me around like Theta does? That seems to be your specialty, so you could make me really tough when I need to be.>
<I need to do... this.> He said, and you felt a sting in your palm.

As you saw, his flesh started disappearing into your arm, until Devourer was quite literally part of your hand.
"... What." Theta said, staring at you.

<And now I can do things to you.> Devourer said, into your ear.
"What." Theta said again.
"Haha! We are one!"
<That's slightly worrying.>
"Did Devourer just make me a cellless monstrosity too?>
"I am just merging with my biokinesis. I think we have it under control"
"Minor experiment, Theta."
<He. heheheh. Hehehehheh.>
"<Give me claws!>"

"What's the matter? Are you gonna start hating me as well?"

Maximum overpout.
"Devi is technically a disassociated fragment of my psyche, Theta."
"Huh, we're one person again. Now he can change me and stuff.
That's why he's not cellular, he's literally my biokinesis externalized."
"You can't talk. Your biokinesis is inside you ALL the time. Weirdo."
"Reason I can't do biokinesis anymore? Because Devi *is* my biokinesis. And that means he can partially merge back into me while retaining his own mind, I think.

Neat, huh?"
<Heheh.> You say. <Heheheheh. Hehehehehh Give me claws!>
"Schwing!" You say, as large talons split from your hand.

Theta blinked.
"Haha! We are one!" You say. "What's the matter? Are you going to start hating me as well?"
"No, it's just, now Devourer is twisting you, without messing with your genes." He said. "It's backwards."
You scratched your head with your claws.
<Sorry I'm backwards.> Devourer responded.
"Anyway, that's why he's not cellular. He's literally my biokinesis externalized."
"That's why he likes being cute creatures." Sigma said, and giggled.
"Now I've got schizophrenia. Hooray!"
"Hey Devourer, can you turn me into a Tiger? It'll surprise Summer."
"Who doesn't like cute creatures?"
"That makes sense, I guess. In fact, that's probably how I'd do it as well. I don't know nearly enough about genes and amino acids and DNA to get it right."
<Make me look like headless scary you, Devvy!>
"How about we turn into a cute creature?"
<Tentacle. Arms.>
All of the above.
"That makes sense, I guess." You say. "In fact, that's probably how I'd do it as well. I don't know nearly enough about genes and amino acids and DNA to get it right."
"That's because you don't have an intrinsic sense about that sort of thing." Theta said.
"Hey, Devourer, can you turn me into a tiger? It'll surprise Summer."
<I don't think I'm going to change you much more.> He said. <It would be best if I rested, in case we have to fight.>
"What he said." Theta said.
"We're only a few minutes from landing." Sigma said.
<Yeah, yeah. Good idea.>

"Anyone else you think we should bring?"
Oh okay. But I'm keeping the talons.

Cook some bacon for everyone.
"Fair enough.

Can you still properly work your magic while merged, Devi? Or does it limit you in some way?"
Theta is eavesdropping on our conversation? He doesn't even have telepathy! Even Jilly couldn't intercept our link!
>He's broadcasting to everyone. Not just you.

"Oh, okay." You say. "But I'm keeping the talons."
<As you wish.> Devourer said.
<Can you still properly work your magic while merged, Devi? Or does it limit you in some way?>
<Yes. But it... removes certain limits you have. You're stronger, but you need to... lend me your power if I attempt to do something major.>

The ship came out of bubble drive, and Sigma whipped off her glove, controlling it once more, and slowly came into dock with the station.
"Welcome back!" Summer said, as soon as the hatch opened. She grinned at you, her manifestation riding on herself.
Then you waved- and she noticed the claws.
"Oooh! Those are so cool!"
"New trick, courtesy of Devi."
"I have become one with Devourer! We can do all kinds of cool shit together now!"

<That's fine, Devy. I can recharge from light now anyway, so I won't just fall asleep.>
"Bow before the great HeatherDevourer!"
Hungry Hungry Heather.
"Hey! Do you know where Max is?"
"I have become one with Devourer!" You say. "We can do all kinds of cool shit together now!"
"Yay!" Summer responded.
You gave her tickles- and stopped when you gave her a long scratch in her manifestation's arm.
"Ow." She said, and pouted at you.

Then the scar healed itself, and she giggled.
"Hey, Heather." Sara said. She gave you a smile. "I just wanted to say... Thank you."
"Yeah, yeah, melodramatic thank you scene." Theta said, and waved, skipping past you. "I'm going to go talk to Isaac."
"Take care!" Summer said.
"Hey, do you know where Max is?" You ask.
"He should be in his office." Summer responded. "Why do you ask?"
"We're gonna go on a search and destroy mission."
"Target, ArmaTek."
"It's no problem, Sara. I can't decide anything for you, but it's the least I can do to give you all the information you need."
<I think you should drop the kid. You're too pretty.>

"I have to talk to Max because the last time we all ran off without telling him he got very mad."
For my own personal benefit, can someone outline the plan/why we actually need to talk to max?
I thought we were meant to be taking Sig/Sara to some computer warehouse or something?
"Stuff's happening! Like always!"
"It was no trouble, Aunty. Wow, I have been gaining new family members really fast recently."
Gonna put this out there but Anna would probably be rather put off if we skip our talk and go running straight into the next crisis.
yea, we came back to the station to talk to Anna and Jabber, before jetting off on more ADVENTURES!

so lets let Max know we're back, then talk to Anna, making sure she does not have the mind control implant
"Stuff's happening!" You say. "Like always!"
"Like always." Summer pouted.
"It was no trouble, aunty." You say. Then pause. "Wow, I have been gaining new family memebers really fast recently."
"Why did you call her auntie? That's..."
"The truth, actually." Sigma said, and giggled. "I'm her grandfather's clone."
"... Oh." Summer said. "That explains why you two look a lot alike!"
Sigma just grinned.
"Anyway, I have to talk to Max because the last time we all ran off without telling him, he got very mad."
"... Oh." Summer said again.

That's when your personacom chirped. Seems things were getting busy.
<Heather?> Anna asked. <Wyvern just told me you're back. Did you want to have that talk? Again, I mean. One where you aren't babbling about bisexuality.>
<It begins.>
<Yeah, just telling Max we're back, where do you want to talk?>
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Definitely need to talk to Anna in the near future. Also, pic related.
<I wasn't babbling! I made perfect sense. It's not my fault you couldn't see the hallucinations.>
<Um, um, um. I'll come by now.>
<Sure. Apparently nearly everyone neglected to tell me the skin of that fruit was the most hallucinogenic thing ever.>
Whoops. I'm summoned. Best if you stay here, Devourer. Keep Summer company for me.
Lets lose the claws as well, Devi can keep those for now
No, he can stay. And make sure there is absolutely nothing abnormal in our bloodstream this time.
I don't think Anna would appreciate trying to have a really personal conversation with our cute psionic aberration in the room with us
He can hear it whether he's physically there or not. And he's not even visible. It literally makes no difference.

<Yeah, just telling Max that you're back.> You say. <Where do you want to talk?>
<We can talk in my room, when you're ready.> She said.
<Um... um, I'll come by now.> You say.
"Whoops, I'm summoned. Best if you stay here, Devourer. Keep Summer company for me, and keep the claws for me."
A strange, eerie moment later, Devourer sprouted out of you, becoming a Heather with claws, and gave you a grin and a wave.

You make your way into Anna's room, and found her with a guitar, plinking at it. She still wasn't any better at playing as she was before, but she looked... awfully concentrated on it. The moment you opened the door, she looked up.
"Oh! Hey." She said. "What do you remember from last time?"
You think back, but it was all.. blurry and confused. You're not sure what you remember.
"Apparently nearly everyone neglected to tell me that the skin of that fruit was the most hallucinogenic thing ever." You say.
Apparently that answered Anna's question.
"Alright." She said. "Basically, I... figured a few things out. About me."
You nod.
"... About why I went with Hound. It's that I... crave affection. And... acceptance. And that's what I... thought I was getting, on some level." She said, and sighed. "Just little sickly, anemic me wants a hug. You know what helped me figure that out? Lil'Anna."
>It literally makes no difference.
Its not whether he hears anything or not that makes the difference, its his presence when we are trying to have a private talk
"Oh...Is that why she um, melted away?"
Tell me about Lil'Anna.

Don't hug her yet.
"Really? I wasn't aware you even interacted with her all that much while she was around."

"I guess you got in touch with your inner child in ways therapists can only dream about, then. What realizations did she give you?
Anna can't even tell whether he's present. To us he's always present.
"So you want a wyvern plushie?"
Yes, but its the thought that leaving him give us some privacy that counts
"Tell me about Lil'Anna."
Anna raised the plush Wyvern you'd manifested.
"Well... There was this." She said. "You gave her this, you gave her... I don't know what, and her personality... She went completely the other way. She was sullen and quiet until you gave her this, and she started smiling, and grinning, all.. normal."
She giggled. "Summer has an eye for these sorts of things, even if she doesn't know it."
"Is that why she, um, melted away?"
"... I'm not sure about that." She said. "I think she melted away, because, um... She... changed to be more like me, when you gave her this. Almost like magic. She became... mine instead of Summer, or something. I still can't explain that part very well, though. We were our own people, but we understood what was going on on the other side fine..."
let her continue
So the plush Wyvern is a metaphor for Hound's dick?
"...I see."
"Psionics is hard."

Whatever we say, don't say that
Do I have to manifest another wyvern plushie for you too?
"So, kind of like how Devy is basically part of me?"
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1009 KB GIF
I'm really ready for this to be over.
"... Psionics is hard." You say.
"Yeah, it is." She said, and put her hand on her forehead. "I'm tempted to just ask Jilly to help me figure myself out."
"Do I have to manifest another wyvern plushie for you too?" You ask.
"No, I do have this one." She said, and set it on a shelf again. "It was just... Lil me helped me learn by... example, I guess."
Then she sighed.
"This is the part where you went kind of weird, really." She said. "I'm... still not sure how I feel about you." She said, finally. "I'm not sure if I just... like you because I do, or like you because I want to like you. Either way, I know I do, I just... I... I want to make sure it's real, first."
"Go on..."
"Okay...take your time."
"I'm not particularly interested, but go on."
"Makes sense. I can't say I can relate as such, but making sure you're not making a mistake that could endager your work to improve is important.
"That's wise. You never know what will turn out to be a random hallucination."
dont say this

"For me it is, but its okay to take your time"
Is this the point where we go back to holding hands?

Cause I want to hold hands.
"Just, um, if you need to talk to me again...I'm always here, okay?"
"What do you mean real? How can you ever know that?"

"No love is 'real' you have to MAKE it real."
Why are we even saying this, we're meant to be teenagers, not fonts of infinite wisdom. We should just kiss her, then break up halfway through next year because she wore the wrong shade of pink on a Saturday.
"I'm glad you do, its real for me, but take your time if you need to"

You godforsaken pervert.


"Well, if you like me, isn't that the important part? We don't have to do everything you see in movies or anything like that."
grab her hand and hold it in ours

"It is real for me, but I understand if you want to take your time"
Slander! Beautiful pure waifu would never wear the wrong shade of pink on a Saturday!
well that's a lot better than the rejection I got from my hallucination
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I don't caaaaare.
"For me it is, but it's okay to take your time." You say, and take her hand.
"Just... um, if you ever need to talk to me again, I'm always here, okay?"
"Okay." She said, and gave you a smile. "I'll make sure to."
"But... if you like me, isn't that the important part?" You ask, and squeeze her hand. "We don't have to do everything you see in movies, or anything like that."
"I know, I just..." She said. "I want to make certain I won't fuck up like last time."
Then she sighed, and the two of you sat there in silence for a time.
"... Hey, do you..." She said. "Do you want to hear me play?" She asked.
Then she lifted up the guitar.
hold her hands

let her continue
Then shut up and wait for the scene to be over, like any reasonable person.
"...Yeah. Go on then."

"Hey, come on the search and destroy mission with us."

maybe after a while, we can manifest some Lil'Anna's to play drums and bass
No fuck you, I'm going to whine and bitch and be immature because I can.

Yes please!

Manifest a lighter.

manifest a plush toy Lil'Anna and cradle it in our arms as we listen
"Sure! Oooh, do you know any of Polycarbon Six's songs?"
"Maybe...we can play together?"

<Devourer, quickly! Teach me how to play the guitar!>
><Devourer, quickly! Teach me how to play the guitar!>

I'm pretty sure we could make a guitar play itself in an attempt to impress us

But you need a full synth mixer to properly play PC6 songs...
"I do." Sit with our head on her lap.
"Yeah, go on then." You say, and she sat back, and started to plink on it again. As you listened, you realized that she was actually a bit better than she was a few weeks ago. You focused, and manifested a lighter.
And then the personacom chirped.
And then yours.
And then hers again.
And yours. And chirped again, and again, and again.

And then the klaxon started up.
You looked down to your personacom, just as Anna tossed the guitar aside.

<Damien is missing. Just... gone.> Summer said. <And... Lin killed Jabberwocky. And... and a dozen marines. Ellie's gone catatonic. Hurry up.>

"Oh, *shit*." Anna said.

>End of thread!
Pffft, any song can be played with an acoustic guitar or a piano, even with nothing else, everyone knows that.
we could make one out of -light- if we tried hard enough
But that's where the guitar goes.
Ah, shit.


Damn you Exabyte and your cliffhangers!
Is this our fault?

Were we meant to go straight to the nexus?

I think this is what we get for not going around and brain-scanning the moment we got on the station.
so Damien is time travelling, Lin probably did something because of the note, I'm betting JabberDAVE is not dead, and Ellie's power is going to be activated

This is to make up for the lack of a cliffhanger from last thread isn't it Exa? If only we stayed in that nice, warm, comfortable house with grandpa...
We did say stuff was happening. Silly tiger. I'm sure it will be fine.
Thank god this is almost over.
What note?
I was wondering why we didn't do that when we first arrived, before we talked to Anna, it seems like the kind of thing we could have done while landing, because we know what to look for, it should have been simple, guess Exa didn't see people asking for it...
What note?
If you don't like it, leave. Holy shit you're like a whiney baby.

It was because the general consensus was "Fuck, let's get all the drama and shitstorm with Anna out of the way first."
The whole mindcontrol device schematics thing.
I'm not leaving this nearly 90 thread monstrosity until it's over. Too much time invested to skip the ending.
in the pastebin, Damien gave Lin a piece of paper, from Jabberwocky from the future I think, cant remember

From: CorvusMonedula/[email protected]
To: Arcturus/[email protected]EXUS
Why didn't anyone wake me up yesterday! I didn't even know what was going on! Lin keeps telling me thanks for sending him some kind of scribbled bit of paper, but I don't remember it.
You actually had a few choices. Going straight to the nexus was one of them, but consensus was on going to the station.
Which, in some cases, might be better than the alternatives.
That was the note telling him how to disarm a nuclear bomb. I don't see how that would make somebody attack Jabberwocky.
Jabberwocky is a time traveller from the future who most likely set things in motion for Lin to go crazy we really should have scanned everyone for the implant so I'm betting this is not the last we see of him, there's simply too many unanswered questions left for him to have gone "lel i iz ded"
it was? fuck I cannot remember shit

you would think that if Jabby was a future time traveller he would be able to see that simply giving us a random blue print for an unfinished mind control implant would not be enough for us to stop him getting killed by Lin

unless Jabby has a penchant for really wacky poorly thought out plans...
It doesn't take clairvoyance to work out that if Anna asks us to talk we're going to go and talk.
You're doing the smutfags' work for them, they're getting lazy!
what in the fuck


>Heather x Worst Girl
thanks for this!
Cool beans.
>Implying I wasn't already lazy
I first I was all HeatherXHeather's mom!?
Then I was disappoint.

Just kidding Exa
Well, here's Heather X Heather's Dad.

you should do the MomXDad scene from when Heather an Ellie interupted them and Dad was tied up
hrm, should Heather get Theta or Devi to give her a penis?
Theta. Do remember that Devi would *be* the penis.
very true, Heathers cock should be her own, we can get Devi to help out when Heather and Anna wanna try tentacles
But Devi *is* Heather's penis. Even when he's not a penis.
But Heather needs a penis even without Devi, Devi can be her detachable penis, but Heather should not be left without one
Devi can teleport into her whenever she asks over the mind link.
and what of whenever Devi is off having ADVENTURES!, you would leave Heather without a penis?! Devi can be detachable penis and when attached Heather can have 2, ribbed, for Anna's pleasure

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