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Predator Quest: Episode 33

You are Three-Claw, a Yautja hunter of the Cloud Viper clan. You have been tasked by your clan Matriarch to investigate breaches of forbidden knowledge by clan Weyland on the planet Fey'lenn, or Pandora, as it is known in the human tongue.

The previous quest thread is archived here:




For alerts and scheduling on future sessions.


As you leave the Cloud-Viper palace, you are filled with a sense of worry. A clan coup is a rare occasion, and to have such a drastic development fall upon a clan so close to home gives you a sense of dread.

You're not certain what will transpire next, but for the moment, you need to focus on the best way to help Quick-Shadow.

Ashen-Blade notes your worry. "It might help, friend, to take a walk around Night-Prowler territory. Find out what the climate is among them. If you're worried about showing up as a Cloud-Viper, I can take a trip there instead and tell you what I see."

Do you:

A. Take up Ashen-Blade on his offer to scout the Night-Prowler city.
B. Tell him you'll take a trip there yourself.
C. Tell him you'll go there together.

I want to see it first hand.
Welcome Back!

"Good idea. We'll go there together," you tell him.

He acknowledges. "That is a good idea. I can charter us a cargo shuttle, and I'll arrange something with one of the Night-Prowler ship technicians. We'll go under the guise of looking for a long term maintenance contract for my ship."

Where will you go now?

A. Visit your mother, the executrix.
B. Visit your mentor.
C. Take a trip to Clan Night-Prowler's city.
D. Go visit the quartermaster.
E. Go visit the shipmaster.
>B. Tell him you'll take a trip there yourself.
Tacticool is our specialty.
>B. Visit your mentor.
Never a bad choice.
B. Mentor time.

Always a good idea.
>>B. Visit your mentor.

Ashen-Blade tells you he will go make the necessary arrangements. "When you are ready to go, let me know." He bids you farewell, for the moment.

The rest of you head for the training grounds. Along the way, you reach out to Seeking-Eye and Steel-Arrow, and inform them of the coup and Quick-Shadow's predicament. They are eager to help.

You see your mentor leaning against the wall of his dojo, watching a few students spar. He turns to look at you.

He greets you warmly. "Ah, there you are. I heard about your return. Good to see you back safely!"

You give him a full account of your last adventure. He listens carefully. "Interesting. It seems the humans will also be dealing with a rogue faction of their own."

Do you:

A. Ask him about his thoughts on the Night-Prowler coup.
B. Ask him about advice on helping Quick-Shadow.
C. Ask him if he has heard anything further regarding Night-Star.
>B. Ask him about advice on helping Quick-Shadow.
Clearly this.
>>B. Ask him about advice on helping Quick-Shadow.

You tell him about your conversation with the Matriarch, and what is happening with Quick-Shadow.

Your mentor clicks in irritation.

"Yes. I've already spoken to the matriarch about this. It's a mess, and not an easy one to sort out. We have to work under the assumption that at least some members of the current ruling council is compromised, but it may not be easy to prove. Politics, as you know, is not my strong suit."

He taps on his wrist computer and brings up a map of the Night-Shadow city. He taps a section near the palace. "The current ruling council is made up of four male elders and four female advisers. The elders hold the martial assets while the females control the political assets. They live here. I would suggest you start by bug their houses."

Do you:

A. Ask him if that's a bit... politically risky.
B. Ask him what that will accomplish.
C. Ask him the best way to go about it.
Now someone is speaking our language!
>C. Ask him the best way to go about it.

"Bugging their domiciles. Good idea. What's the best way to go about it?"

"Get a portable signal analyzer - the kind you take on survey missions, and stick one near the area you want to monitor.

"Then, tune it to a wrist computer and you'll be able to track all transmissions to and from the area. You won't be able to decode the contents, since anything worth snooping will be heaily encrypted, but you'll be able to know who's talking to who."

Burning-Scythe turns to you. "I can get my hands a few of the analyzers from one of my former colleagues."

Do you:

A. Agree to this plan.
B. Tell your mentor it sounds too risky; what if you get discovered?
A) but this should be a back up plan, first we need to check in with ma and find out which people helped fast tracked NightStalker to admiral.
>>A. Agree to this plan.

"Sounds like a plan," you tell him.

Your mentor clicks thoughtfully. "There is another matter of concern. You can't be seen walking around the Night-Prowler city. You'll attract far too much attention. We'll need to provide you with a reason to be there. Some sort of cover."

A. Tell your mentor you've discussed it with Ashen-Blade - to go as two prospective clients looking for a technician contractor.
B. Ask your mentor if he has any ideas for a suitable cover.
B. We already have one idea, his might be even better.

Let him know what we've thought of, though.
Ask your mentor what he thinks of your plan, and if he has any other ideas.
Any other votes?
After we're done here, you guys wanna hit up the science girl and see if she has any encryption busting software we could use?
I wanna find out what was emitting the energy in the head.
I'm still worried since last thread we handed over a head that 'couldnt be powered on human tech' and we might have the fucking yaujta CIA come in and confiscate *everything* from the archives to cover up night-stars bullshit
B. Ask your mentor if he has any ideas for a suitable cover.

You tell him of Ashen-Blade's suggestion, and ask him what he had in mind.

Your mentor taps his holo-screen and brings up a small advertisement. He points to it.

"Young hunter competition. Unarmed combat competition for recently blooded hunters. It's being held in the Night-Prowlers arena, open to all clans."

He points to Sharp-Strike. "Enroll him. You'll go as his mentor."

You click thoughtfully.

Do you:

A. Go with Ashen-Blade's idea.
B. Go with your mentor's idea.


POV switch to Sharp-Strike?
An excellent idea. B.

Mentor is the best.
Why not both!?
Because it doesn't make much sense and it would be difficult to write. Besides, the mentor pupil thing is more interesting.
B. Very interesting..
>>B. Go with your mentor's idea.

"Good idea," you tell him. "Let's enroll Sharp-Strike."

You turn to Sharp-Strike. "Assuming you're up for it?"

"Yes, I suppose."

"Good!" your mentor tells you. "It's settled. I'll enroll young Sharp-Strike here, and list you as his mentor. It'll let you walk around the Night-Prowler city without raising too much suspicion. But, I should point out that the winner of the tournament will receive 2 million credits in prize money."

Do you:

A. Tell him you're not really going to have Sharp-Strike participate in the tournament; you'l' just be using it as cover.
B. Tell him you're sure Sharp-Strike will do his best.
C. Tell him you've got full confidence in Sharp-Strike, and the prize is as good as his.
C. But with a 50/50 split
Stutter-strike is primarily talented with the spear... i'm worried that he's going to run into some night-prowler wannabe claw fighter and get the shit kicked out of him. Yaujta beat each other to death in this sort of thing.
D. Ask sharp-strike if he actually wants to participate.
C) If you fail you shall swim with the fis
C) "If you win youngest blood-brother, these credits could see you have your own ship, do well and bring your clan honor"
Just because we go with this plan doesn't mean Ashen-Blade has to cancel his. He has his own cover story he can use. And this will probably attract less attention if we split up.
I trust ya' little buddy.
B. Don't pick C, for it will be dishonorable then to lose.
Nobody? O-okay anons.
B. Guys, we don't want to set the expectations to high. Let his actions speak for themselves.
he already said he was up for it in the post you replied to...
B. It's best to be humble.

"He'll do fine. I've got confidence. That prize money is as good as ours."

You turn to Sharp-Strike. "Isn't that right?"

He fidgets nervously. "I'll try my best, but... I've not had much practice in hand-to-hand lately."

Your mentor clicks thoughtfully. "Well, you can spend some time training here at the dojo, if you'd like."

Burning-Scythe turns to you. "You know, Seeking-Eye used to be quite the star in the gladiatorial arenas. I bet he's got a few things to show Sharp-Strike."

Do you:

A. Suggest Sharp-Strike train here in the dojo with your mentor.
B. Suggest you ask Seeking-Eye to spend some time training Sharp-Strike.
C. Suggest you'll train him yourself.
D. Tell your mentor Sharp-Strike is a fine fighter and he won't need much training.
B. Maybe we should do a little training with him...?
C. Mentor time.
Stutter-Strike has proved himself a few times over. He murdered the fuck out of synthetics, he defeated the octo-fis, he stopped wey-yu nuclear warfare, he's a real badass... as long as he's got his trusty spear.
Can we get some kickin' 80's montage music?
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We're really not all that great with hand to hand. As much as we like to have hands on time with him, it's better to go with B)

Voting B)

Please don't fuck this up for him just cause we think we're the hottest shit
retracting in favor of >>25484050
This so much this. C) is NOT OUR AREA OF EXPERTISE.

Please go with B) instead of being 'raaaagh we're total badasses despite picking cunning instead of being a brute'. We're not musclebound gentlemen, we think our shit through.
It's still in poor taste. It makes us seem arrogant and a bit unwise. We are supposed to be cunning predator who knows the ways of the world.

If you lose after saying nothing regarding your chances, you do not dishonor yourself, but if you lose after stating that victory is all but certain? That is dishonorable and overconfident. The people fighting in this tournament are probably incredibly fierce. Do you think Sharp-Strike is the only one who's fought so ferociously? No. While we've been fighting so have others.
We don't really have any experience with this sort of thing
C. Have him eat some raw chicken eggs like rocky.
Changing mine to B
3 Bs vs. 3Cs, it looks like.

Tie breaker?
How about while we go find Seeking-eye, he stays here and trains with our old mentor?
and then after we find seeking-eye and send him training, we go talk to the science girl.
Voting for b as well
>People actually want to have someone else train our proxy son

C, brother.
I'll count this as B, which tips the count in favor of B. If there are no further objections, write-up incoming.
Can you just roll for it? It would be more fair.
>Not wanting the best for our practically adobpted little brother, instead sabotaging his training just to monopolize time with him.
When's the last time we did well in hand to hand combat?
People want someone who knows what they're doing to train our proxy son.

"Good idea," you tell Burning-Scythe.

You reach out to Seeking-Eye over comms and tell him your plan. "If you can spare some time to show him a few tricks..."

"Certainly," Seeking-Eye tells you with eagerness. "I'll show him a thing or two."

"Good. He'll be at the dojo. Drop by at your convenience," you tell him.

You turn to Sharp-Strike. "Get some training in. It's a good oppurtunity to hone your fighting skills, so may as well take good advantage of it."

Sharp-Strike acknowledges.

You bid your mentor and Sharp-Strike farewell, and head out.

"I'll go round up those singal analyzers," Burning-Scythe tells you, and bids you farewell.

Where do you go next?

A. Go see your mother.
B. Go to the armory
C. Go visit the ship master.
D. Go see the archivist.
Let's see if they got anti-Fis repellent.
[A] Mother on the off chance the librarian chick breaks our ribs again.
E) Ask our mentor if there's any more rookies who might be ready to go on a blooding hunt. We won't be able to take them with us immediately, but we'd be happy to evaluate them.
>A. Go see your mother.
matriarch said to see her about the data on the night-douches
>A. Go see your mother.
This is poor reasoning, but this is mostly because i jumped into this quest at the start of the pandora thing and haven't had a chance to go back and read through the archives. I'm interested in 'meeting' her so to speak.
Can, if second.
I second this.
>>E) Ask our mentor if there's any more rookies who might be ready to go on a blooding hunt. We won't be able to take them with us immediately, but we'd be happy to evaluate them.

"By the way," You ask your mentor, before you leave, "how are your students? Anyone looking for a blooding?"

Your mentor clicks with amusement. He glances around, making sure none of the students are in earshot.

"A few. Some, I've introducted you to last time. Why, are you looking for a few more spears to aid you on your next mission?"

Do you answer:

A. Yes, actually. Look at how well Sharp-Strike turned out. I could use a few more hands.
B. Yes; these missions are dangerous, but no more dangerous than the trial grounds.
C. No, actually; my team is pretty full, but I was just curious.
Which isn't technically lying. Since nobody important ever died with us.
How about
"It is not a matter of need, my team and I look after each other, we are strong together. However, I respect you, and I remember the eagerness I once felt for my own blooding. I enjoy helping young warriors find their way, much as you do mentor."
I think this is referring to after we do our surveillance junk.
A. We might not be able to put them to use immediately, but we could certainly put them to use

Pass up a chance to play talent scout? Hell naw!

>Uh yeah, the fucking KRAKEN isn't any more dangerous than the trial grounds... yeah... nope...
This referrs to our next actual mission, offworld.
Rolled 2

In that case, B.
B seems to be ahead.

Write-up incoming.

"Yes," you tell your mentor. "These missions are dangerous, but no more dangerous than the trial grounds."

"Plus," you add, "it's a good way to help a young hunter through an important stage of his coming of age. It's important to have someone look after you during your blooding, like how you looked after me."

Your mentor clicks thoughtfully. "Well, I certainly would appreciate it. I've spoken to you about the two other candidates earlier, the cocky Spear-Eye and the quiet Blade-Tip. Both are still around and due for a blooding soon. There's also Flame-Eagle, who's a bit young, but ready nonetheless. He's got a good head about him. Very patient, but also stubborn. He's decent with the disc, but lacking when it comes to the combi-stick and claw."

He pauses for a moment.

"Tell you what, come back tomorrow, and I'll introduce you to all three of them."

You thank him, and bid him farewell.

Do you:

A. Go see your mother.
B. Go to the armory
C. Go visit the ship master.
D. Go see the archivist.
Is the archivist the science girl? If so, D. If not, A.
They're be called the Three Stooges and they'll like it.
Anyways I vote B. We need a giant ass fish hook next time we're on Pandora.
A is ahead. Write-up incoming.
Just had an errant thought. Say we go to check up on Sharp-strike after he's done some training. We challenge him to an exhibition match to test his skills. We then roll a nat 1. Does he beat us with ease? Or do we beat him with ease?

>>A. Go see your mother.

You leave the dojo and head for your mother's place. You enter her office, and greet her.

"Ah, Three-Claw. Good of you to come back in one piece. I've heard of what happened. This conspiracy grows more complex by the day, and ... ah, you're worried about something. What's going on?"

You tell her of your conversation with the Matriarch, Quick Shadow, and the Night-Prowler coup. Your mother growls quietly and taps her desk.

"Yes, I've been following Night-Prowler's recent developments closely. The Matriarch is worried - and rightfully so - that this coup may have far reaching and broader impacts. But go on, ask your questions. I'll answer as best I can."

Do you:

A. Ask her about her opinions on clan Night-Prowler and the conspiracy.
B. Ask her about the newly appointed ruling council.
C. Ask her about Quick-Shadow and his trial, and how to best help him.
D. Ask her to look over Night-Star's personal data with you.
>D. Ask her to look over Night-Star's personal data with you.
Seems useful.
Dat' data gotta' be important.
More like we trip and faceplant.
>That feel when we want to give our mother the D.
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That isn't something to joke about anon.
>>D. Ask her to look over Night-Star's personal data with you.

You take out a record of Night-Star's private data gleaned from his flag-ship's computers and hand it over to your mother. She summons a large holo-screen, and begins to load and display the data..

"Night-Star's personal records," she says, "Interesting. I see the Matriarch has already arranged to have the majority of it decrypted. But this chunk here, whatever it is, appears to have several extra layers of encryption. But we'll see what we can get."

She scrolls through a variety of data, and makes note of four key sections.

1. Financial data.
2. Communication records.
3. Personnel records.
4. Heavily encrypted chunk.

Where do you start first?

1. Look through the financial records. (DC: Medium)
2. Look through the communication records. (DC: Medium)
3. Look through the personnel records. (DC: Medium)
4. Attempt to decrypt the encrypted chunk. (DC: Very Hard)
Err, meant to type A B C and D, but you get the point.
D. Give the data the D.

Lets save the hard bit for last. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a virus hidden in there waiting for us to fail that roll.
>B. Communication records.

Lets see who he's been talking to.
B seems to win.

Rolled 10

Rolled 10

Hope we don't fuck up at data mining.
Rolled 2

Nat 1.
Rolled 3

What kind of Predator are we that we can't even read?
As it happens, DC was 11. We, unfortunately, fail. Write-up incoming.
Well, excuuuuse me for thinking the CUNNIN' PREDATOR would be good at SMARTS
If only we had +1 cunning :(
>>B. Look through the communication records. (Fail, vs. DC 11)

With your mother's help, you scroll through the long list of communication logs. All you see are mundane status reports and acknowledgements between Night-Star and his subordinates.

Night-Star, at least from these records, did not seem to communicate often with his superiors. The few scant examples show only terse exchanges regarding mundane matters, such as logistics concerns and mission statuses. You are not able to find anything incriminating.

Your mother points to a few records. "Look here, contact between Night-Star and one of the Night-Prowler elders, Keen-Mark, says the comms line was open for two hours but they only spoke two sentences. Suspicious, but not incriminating."

You agree. After some more time of pouring over the records, you find nothing of use.

A. Look through the financial records. (DC: Medium)
B. Look through the personnel records. (DC: Medium)
C. Attempt to decrypt the encrypted chunk. (DC: Very Hard)
B. Lets nat 20 this shit
A might give us some hints as to who's funding him
B might give us insight into who we should bug

Let's go all out
I get the feeling if we fail on C now, it'll blow the whole load of data and we'll be operating blind.

Simpler stuff first, then move to the hard shit
>D. Take a copy of the data to the archivist.

Might have a better chance of decrypting this. If it's not possible, then.


C wins.

Roll it.
Rolled 1

nat 20 plz
Rolled 8

Rolled 9

Oh boy.
Rolled 5

Rolled 8

Let's do this shit.
Rolled 20

Critical fail. Write-up incoming.
Rolled 17

pls dm. pls.
The data, what, blows up in our faces?
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Why didn't we listen to this man.
bled on data, it hiss at face. then there was fire.
For the first time in many years, Three-Claw succumbs to a fit of blind rage and smashes the computer to bits.
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>not hacking the computer to pieces

And lo did Three-Claw's scream of rage echo throughout time:

Brilliant pun. 10/10 I lol'd heartily at the idea of hacking the computer to pieces in a gross misinterpretation.
Rolled 14

You never beg for a nat 20 anon. You must wait and hope the dice gods smile upon you.

>"The data's got to be in here somewhere!"
>Chop chop chop
>>C. Attempt to decrypt the encrypted chunk. (Critical Failure)

You navigate to the encrypted chunk, and examine the lock. It's fairly sophisticated.

"Think we can breach it?" you ask.

Your mother seems dubious. "We can try. I can run it through the usual decrpytion algorithms."

"Let's try it," you tell her. "Whatever is in here must be extremely valuable."

Your mother agrees, and begins to tap away at her console. You watch with keen interest as the data slowly begins to unravel. It seems the encryption protocol wasn't so sophisticated after all.

You begin to make out the data header, as the decryption algorithm works its magic. Suddenly, the holo-screen becomes distorted. The display itself begins to blink and warp in and out. Smoke begins to emit from the holo emitter.

Your mother frantically begins to hammer away at her console. "It's accessing... It's tapping into my system and sending a message outwards. It's infecting my machine. Shut it down!"

You quickly rush over in an attempt to pull out the data-chip, but you find it to be fused into the slot from the sudden heat.

Your mother leaps from her seat and slams her fist straight through the console, crushing the case and pulverizing the insides. She turns and plants her other fist through the wall behind her, and rip out a bundle of wiring. The lights above crackle and dim, and the holo-screen is still.

"Well," she says calmly. "Whoever that message was meant for, knows we're looking at their data now."


Thanks for playing all! See you next time!>>5485204
C. Attempt to decrypt the encrypted chunk. (DC: Very Hard)
Rolled 1

Well that's not very nice.
Eh, nothing we can do, so won't worry about it.

Archived here.

Well, either we can an email to suptg archive operator, or we just archive it properly.
what? theres an IRC for that? link please
Valk mercs has an IRC?
Post logs?

I wasn't even aware there WAS an IRC for Valk Mercs.

And somehow I just have trouble believing the VMQ guys would be assholes like that.

What the fuck? I play VMQ and I swear I knew nothing about this.

In fact someone just posted a link asking what the hell is going on.

There is no valk mercs IRC
No... no I think you're just a troll attempting to start drama.
And you can fuck right off cunt, I see through you're poor attempts at trolling, if you don't like quests, filter them, or ignore them, either way fuck off
Let me just say that I have never set up an official IRC channel for VMQ, so I have no idea wtf is going on here.
Yep. Looks like they sabotaged it, looking at:


Oh well. Nothing we can do about it.
Unless you can post chat logs I call bullshit. VCMercs has never had an organized IRC and I find it really hard to believe that players would organize trolling in a mutual chat room at 5:30 in the morning.

In any case OP you can email Lord Licorice (who runs sup/tg/) to change the archive description. Or just add a foolz link for this thread in the next one. In fact we already have another thread missing from the archive from that day with suptg was down.
Its just some faggot trolling and hating on quests, ignore him, and email the suptg admin to change the archive
Merc don't even lie, we all know your secret.

You and PredQuest are actually the same person. I can tell because your quests always end at the same time.
Wear the rape like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.
foolz archive for this thread

I'm trying to get into contact with someone on suptg archive IRC to get things fixed.
Did anyone manage to report the fucker for trolling before he deleted his crap?
This sounds like somebody trying to fuck over BOTH Valkyrian Mercs and Predator Quest...

Insult Pred Quest by archiving it under an insulting name. Get Valkyrian Mercs Quest boo'd or downvoted by blaming somebody from it for it.
No, he's secretly planefag. Tonight's quest proved it.
Pretty much.
Thanks. I'll do that.

This is the foolz link, for eventual archiving purposes.

[email protected] is the correct person to email about getting archival fixed.

It seems like it's just a case of someone trolling and trying to fuck with two quests at once.

I've never kept up with this quest, but I'm going to go Up-vote Predator Quest just to spite the troll now.

Well, the retard botched it by referring to a non-existing IRC channel.
No worries, mate, you run a good quest, everyone knows that.
He also handed sup/tg/ his IP address.

It's done pretty well at getting Mercs quest downvoted though.

>You are currently voting on thread 25477264 ("Valkyrian Mercs Quest: Part 24")
>Its current score is +3 after 15 votes.

I'd like to state again that none of us in VMQ knew what was going on here, and are just as confused and angry at this as you.
No worries.

I've dispatched an email to suptg, so hopefully that will sort things out. If not, I'll just link the foolz link next session.

Can we still track the fucker after he's deleted his post?

Because I want him booted permanently.
Right, so talking to the people in the suptg IRC, it's an incredibly easy fix.

Just fire off an email to the address provided here >>25485544

It seems like it was just the actions of one troll, and hopefully he'll be barred from pulling shit like this on suptg again.
Unfortunate kneejerk reactions. VMQ should stabilize just fine.

Yeah we're into purple now.

If its because the guys in this quest decided to upvote ours, then thank you.
I have sent the following mail to the suptg admins.


I'm the runner for Predator Quest on /tg./.

I have been using suptg to archive my threads. You can find the collection here.


A certain user on /tg/ deliberately misarchived my latest thread, here:


under a very misleading title and derogatory name. Not only that, he blamed it on the guys running the Valkyrian Mercs Quest, here:


...which stirred up some drama and caused some downvotes.

If possible, can you please change the name of my latest thread to Predator Quest Ep 33, and the tag to "Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Predator"?

Thanks. Additionally, if you can restore the misplaced downvotes to the VMQ thread linked above, I would also appreciate it.

Thanks and sorry for the trouble.
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Questers gunna Quest. Minimal drama was caused and in the end I see it as probably a positive event, as it likely introduced different audiences to new material. /tg/ anons are pretty awesome and saw through the shit rather quickly.

I really wish more people would follow the amazing creed of "it's okay to not like things, but don't be a dick about the things you don't like"... except for league of legends, fuck that game.
As a matter of fact, I was introduced to this quest through this little debacle right now, and I like what I see. Keep up the good work! In the meantime, I'll be looking through this quest's archives.
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>except for league of legends, fuck that game.

What, too E-SPORTS for you?
Don't thank me. I'm just a fan of the quest. Predquest OP runs an amazing quest. I probably shouldn't have even bothered with name and trip, it was just for a show of support.

No, I got permab& from it after my elo tanked due to an extended hospital stay & job loss. Was literally the one thing I was both well enough to do and enjoyed doing at that point in time and I raged because I was frustrated by both the people and some horrible design choices that basically give you no recourse but to accept being locked in a room with a bunch of potentially frustrating individuals.
>some horrible design choices that basically give you no recourse but to accept being locked in a room with a bunch of potentially frustrating individuals.

So just like any role-playing game then?
Rolled 8

I'd actually like to see that. Imagine the next Saw movie. They're on what... Saw 23? Five people are captured and locked in a small room. They are forced to play F.A.T.A.L. The one who lasts longest is set free.
You can get up and walk away from a roleplaying game at any point without having your mini's confiscated if you don't like your playgroup.

We're getting off topic here and I feel like I'm attention whoring and hijacking the thread. I'm probably not going to respond to any further posts with my name or trip.
Awwww, little baby got banned for being a dickwad and now he's mad. So cute.
You are a terrible person for coming up with this.
I like it.
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253 KB JPG
To be fair, it's not exactly like getting banned from LoL is hard. I mean 'gg easy' is a bannable offense.
>Randoming champions in ranked

Why the fuck does that button exist in ranked then?

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