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On our 8th thread now, where last we left off:
Kamboja had tried to kill Zapson, again. We're gearing up to sue him for copyright infringement. We have power armor and working electricity now, and an airship to boot. Trading has started up again inside the city's new market district. Shenanigans with arcsteel, mentadium, and runic magic continue.

Previous threads below
1: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/26045111/
2: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/26037712/
3: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/26050159/
4: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/26063910/
5: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/26082597/
6: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/26102801/
7: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/26138816/

Our most recent stats:

Population: 176m/198f 21gm/12gf
Magic: Silence, lasting fire, fire breath, stink bombs, shadow shaping, Iron Golem Crafting, rune crafting, ice touch, frost breath, icicle, ice barrier
Weapons: bolt-action firearms, steel martial weapons, advanced steel armor, cannons, revolvers, gatling guns, gatling cannons, auto-rifles
Tech: Steel smithing, Tunnel architecture, Guns, Explosives, mushroom cultivation, steam power, Flight, prosthetics, telescopic lenses, electricity, light bulbs, electric motor, automobiles, powered armor
Heroes: Zapson Hextech, Aranax, Grantham, Brenn, Tesla, Orion
Food: Bountiful
Wealth: 7907 gold
Resources: Sulfur, Gold, Topaz, Coal, Iron ore, Tin, Magnesium, Covalite (little), Mentadium (fair), Tantalil (little), lumber (bountiful), adamantium (fair), copper (fair), arcsteel (plenty), quartz (little), stygium (little)
Animals: 8 cow, 4 goat, 10 chicken
Religion: Krissus
Keystones: Opal Island, Bile-Scum Bog, Brellach
Artifacts: Anticipation of Justice, Godthump, Powerpick, Dwarven Dominion Staff, Mysterious Box

What will you do?
>Upgrade Settlement
>Send courier to [person/place]
>Council with Orion about [blank]
>Council with Aranax about [blank]
>Council with Brenn about [blank]
Ask lawyer about efreet buried in sand
Tech Upgrade weapons
Tech upgrade farming tools
Council with aranax about upgrades and defense
Sure do this.

Hey slouch what up!

I'm going to need to leave soon to do some housework but ill be back!

Also what projects do we have uncompleted?

Would it be too much to ask for a list?
Shit, missed last thread and I can't click the arhive links. Can someone fill me in on what happened and why we have cars now?

>artillery cannons instead of lol revolutionary war cannons
>building a second airship
>recoilless cannons
>surveillance system
mr asshole got into our room and gave us a offer, lawyer advised us against it then he had a assassin attempt to kill zapson. People were reading lore and hyping opal islands. Cars/airship and dwarven runes
>work on batteries -
> work on radios
>Council with Orion about the Efreet in the sand.
>Tech - Radio - Quartz
>Tech - Artillery Cannon
>Tech - Batteries

The Gnomes make 200 gold.
Orion is asked about the stories of an Efreet half buried in the sands of Bekkaj. "The claims are accurate. There is an efreet of some considerable size trapped by the magic of Kamboja Kunal. The desert he is reportedly located in is North of Khameset Village, West of Sehkem Barrabad. It would need a dedicated troop to locate him and an even more stalwart mage to confront and communicate with him."
The Gnomes go about improving their weapons, the cannon in particular is finally completely redesigned into something along the lines of a Howitzer than whatever the fuck Napoleon used, ya dig?
Farming tools are developed, which increase the productivity of mushroom cultivation and the cleaning of the livestock's chamber. The mushrooms always grew so easily, and so many of them simply traded their excess of topaz for meat in the market, they never felt the need to make tools to farm. These will come in handy if they ever decide to grow food on other worlds.
Zapson visits Aranax in his chamber, and discusses the construction of defenses or upgrades for the settlement. "Ah, pleasant to see you, Judiciar. Yes, after the recent invasion and Kamboja's brazen attacks, I have given this much thought as well. In terms of more domestic upgrades, many more chambers may be dug out to increase your capacities in different respects. A library to provide information on things you have not yet encountered, a lab to increase the capabilities of your scientists and inventors, a bestiary to collect or domesticate wild creatures, and other such rooms certainly may be excavated and constructed. In the way of defenses, traps may certainly be installed. Pendulums and pit traps would be most effective in a dwelling like this. You might also install a divining pool or a room of magic mirrors to be used as a surveillance system so that from the sanctum of the bottom floor you may observe all that occurs within these walls or I in your stead."


Population: 176m/198f 21gm/12gf
Magic: Silence, lasting fire, fire breath, stink bombs, shadow shaping, Iron Golem Crafting, rune crafting, ice touch, frost breath, icicle, ice barrier
Weapons: bolt-action firearms, steel martial weapons, advanced steel armor, cannons, revolvers, gatling guns, gatling cannons, auto-rifles, artillery
Tech: Steel smithing, Tunnel architecture, Guns, Explosives, mushroom cultivation, steam power, Flight, prosthetics, telescopic lenses, electricity, light bulbs, electric motor, automobiles, powered armor, farm tools
Heroes: Zapson Hextech, Aranax, Grantham, Brenn, Tesla, Orion
Food: Bountiful
Wealth: 8107 gold
Resources: Sulfur, Gold, Topaz, Coal, Iron ore, Tin, Magnesium, Covalite (little), Mentadium (fair), Tantalil (little), lumber (bountiful), adamantium (fair), copper (fair), arcsteel (plenty), quartz (little), stygium (little)
Animals: 8 cow, 4 goat, 10 chicken
Religion: Krissus
Keystones: Opal Island, Bile-Scum Bog, Brellach
Artifacts: Anticipation of Justice, Godthump, Powerpick, Dwarven Dominion Staff, Mysterious Box

What will you do?
>Upgrade Settlement
>Send courier to [person/place]
>Council with Orion about [blank]
>Council with Aranax about [blank]
>Council with Brenn about [blank]
>Upgrade Settlement - Room of magic mirrors/surveillance center
>Upgrade Settlement - Laboratory
>Tech - Radio
>Tech - Batteries
Hey guys !

Slouch, can you please send me your docs when you have time ? That would be great !

>Upgrade Settlement : Create a Lab.
>Upgrade Settlement : Create a library.
>Tech : Upgrade electricity storage.
>Weapons : Test electricity as a weapon.

Email address nigga
Research some more properties of electricity

Upgrade cannons by rifling them and giving it hydraulic adsorber. This should make reaiming faster due to the adsorber dampening the recoil so it doesn't make the cannon move alot

Continue developing the auto gun who's caliber would be larger than the ogre revolvers but not as big as a cannon shell. This intermediate cartridge should be able to destroy any light cover and enemy in several shots but not enough recoil or be too heavy to need multiple crews manning it. It's ammunition would be fed through chain linked cartridge with a box holding the ammunition and feeding the auto cannon. This auto cannon should be armed to the mechs allowing them to destroy targets from afar and suppressing them.
Forgot email : [email protected]
>Continue developing the auto gun who's caliber would be larger than the ogre revolvers but not as big as a cannon shell.
So... A grenade launcher?
(Really I was trying to make a .50 cal machine gun considering how big the gnomes are to the relation of a heavy machine gun it'll be an auto cannon to them)
I'm sure we are all happy to uprade our technology, but I seriously begin to lose faith in it.

I have the feeling that we'll never be safe, and we will be victims forever, even if we have this technologic advantage.

Maybe we should turn to Krissus, he can show us the right path.

The Cyclops revolvers were around .60 cal.
Well fuck

I guess a 20mm auto cannon is to be made
I have one quick question
We can use magic to create fire and ice and so forth.
Is it possible to do the opposite?
To take an energy, say electricity,
And convert that energy into magical emergy to be used for... whatever we want?
I see gnomish engine mages.
>send courier to kamboja/astral plane
make sure the courier is hired from outside the settlement with none of our equipment.
>dear kamboja
>how does it feel to be the pussiest bitch in the entire realm?
>we just thought we should let you know that we have fully recovered from your last (little bitch pussy) attack
>...and that we have made great technological strides that make revolvers look like little bitch weapons (like you and your boss! Haha)
> Anyways just wanted to let you know were doing well (and also that you're a little pussy bitch cunt and your mom made love to goat/cyclops half breed to make you... Bitch)
>the gnomes of DD

The Gnomes earn 300 gold this turn.
Two rooms are excavated, one to be a laboratory and one to be a library. It will take time to stock, decorate, and adequately prepare either room, but they have been dug out and carved.
Work is done on storing electricity, and the Gnomes are beginning to get ideas about how it could be done using copper and tin plates - but they aren't quite there yet.
Some of the Gnomes work on actually unleashing stored electricity as a weapon. The majority of them are shocked rather seriously, but on a few trials of some makeshift prototype designs they cast bolts of electricity from their weapons. Just not very accurately.

Population: 176m/198f 21gm/12gf
Magic: Silence, lasting fire, fire breath, stink bombs, shadow shaping, Iron Golem Crafting, rune crafting, ice touch, frost breath, icicle, ice barrier
Weapons: bolt-action firearms, steel martial weapons, advanced steel armor, cannons, revolvers, gatling guns, gatling cannons, auto-rifles, artillery
Tech: Steel smithing, Tunnel architecture, Guns, Explosives, mushroom cultivation, steam power, Flight, prosthetics, telescopic lenses, electricity, light bulbs, electric motor, automobiles, powered armor, farm tools
Heroes: Zapson Hextech, Aranax, Grantham, Brenn, Tesla, Orion
Food: Bountiful
Wealth: 8407 gold
Resources: Sulfur, Gold, Topaz, Coal, Iron ore, Tin, Magnesium, Covalite (little), Mentadium (fair), Tantalil (little), lumber (bountiful), adamantium (fair), copper (fair), arcsteel (plenty), quartz (little), stygium (little)
Animals: 8 cow, 4 goat, 10 chicken
Religion: Krissus
Keystones: Opal Island, Bile-Scum Bog, Brellach
Artifacts: Anticipation of Justice, Godthump, Powerpick, Dwarven Dominion Staff, Mysterious Box

What will you do?
>Upgrade Settlement
>Send courier to [person/place]
>Council with Orion about [blank]
>Council with Aranax about [blank]
>Council with Brenn about [blank]
>little bitch
>little pussy bitch
>pussiest bitch in the entire realm
>little bitch pussy
>mom made love to a goat/cyclops half breed to make you

So much burn. So much edge. So metal.
I'm back!

I second this >>26177198

Also thanks for answering my question Slouch :D
>Upgrade Settlement - Laboratory
>Upgrade Settlement - Library
>Tech - Batteries
>Tech - Electricity Weapons
I guess nobody likes auto cannons

Do this >>26177708
I only put that because those are projects we just started. Once those are finished, we can do other things.
>Upgrade Settlement - Laboratory
>Upgrade Settlement - Library
>Tech - Ask Aranax is he accepts to be studied. We need to know more about the way he "works". We'll learn a lot.
>Tech - Electricity Weapons
Do this!

The Gnomes make 200 gold.
The library is completely full of shelves, and a great deal of topaz and 600 gold is spent acquiring books. If there is something you are curious about, you may not consult the library and I will roll to see if you have information on the subject or not. Subsequent upgrades to the library will improve your odds of having the information you seek.
The laboratory is outfitted and completed, and now scientific pursuits will be completed more quickly and easily (and safely).
The Gnomes, using their new lab eventually make basic batteries using plates of tin and copper lined up. It isn't very effective at all, it's missing a solution....
The Gnomes have more success with the electrical weapons - but that still leaves a lot to be desired. One of them even loses a patch of hair in these experiments.


Population: 176m/198f 21gm/12gf
Magic: Silence, lasting fire, fire breath, stink bombs, shadow shaping, Iron Golem Crafting, rune crafting, ice touch, frost breath, icicle, ice barrier
Weapons: bolt-action firearms, steel martial weapons, advanced steel armor, cannons, revolvers, gatling guns, gatling cannons, auto-rifles, artillery
Tech: Steel smithing, Tunnel architecture, Guns, Explosives, mushroom cultivation, steam power, Flight, prosthetics, telescopic lenses, electricity, light bulbs, electric motor, automobiles, powered armor, farm tools, batteries
Heroes: Zapson Hextech, Aranax, Grantham, Brenn, Tesla, Orion
Food: Bountiful
Wealth: 8007 gold
Resources: Sulfur, Gold, Topaz, Coal, Iron ore, Tin, Magnesium, Covalite (little), Mentadium (fair), Tantalil (little), lumber (bountiful), adamantium (fair), copper (fair), arcsteel (plenty), quartz (little), stygium (little)
Animals: 8 cow, 4 goat, 10 chicken
Religion: Krissus
Keystones: Opal Island, Bile-Scum Bog, Brellach
Artifacts: Anticipation of Justice, Godthump, Powerpick, Dwarven Dominion Staff, Mysterious Box

What will you do?
>Upgrade Settlement
>Send courier to [person/place]
>Council with Orion about [blank]
>Council with Aranax about [blank]
>Council with Brenn about [blank]
Once again requesting we do this because this fucking guy grinds my gears. Feel free to reword it, just make sure it's still insulting.
I'm pretty sure he'll be plenty insulted when we keep killing everyone he sends to murder us all.
Read up the library on the subject of our mysterious box

Continue developing the auto gun who's caliber would be larger than the ogre revolvers but not as big as a cannon shell. This intermediate cartridge should be able to destroy any light cover and enemy in several shots but not enough recoil or be too heavy to need multiple crews manning it. It's ammunition would be fed through chain linked cartridge with a box holding the ammunition and feeding the auto cannon. This auto cannon should be armed to the mechs allowing them to destroy targets from afar and suppressing them. (20mm)

Research liquid properties that can store electricity
>Upgrade Settlement - Room of magic mirrors/surveillance center room
>Upgrade Settlement - Bestiary - Maybe we can find a way to tame some of the wild beasts of this world.
>Trade - citrus fruits or find salt water. The Electrolytes can help with our batteries. It's what plants crave.
>Council with Brenn about Opal Island. Is it safe for us to travel? Could we forge alliances there?
> umprgade settlement
Domestication room
> upgrade settlement
Pit and pendulum traps
Upgrade Libra
> consult Library
I know we had Grantham read the runes on the box. It said something about containing something dangerous. Could you please reminds us, Slouch?
I second this.
More like dangerous for the Sultan!
We can only hope. But if it is dangerous, we don't want to open it until we can be sure we can control whatever is inside. If it can be controlled. It could be the equivalent to Pandora's Box, although it's not like it could get that much worse on our shithole of a planet.
We should look up recoilless artillery and guns next turn.
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He doesn't know how to open it yet, but he does understand that whatever contained within is dangerous. The box cannot be broken open either, any strikes simply glance off.

also lol, if even one other person is interested in doing this I'm going to pass it.
O god please don't

I am decidedly against this. We don't need to send out taunts to provoke him.
No he's just gonna rush to build an army to kill us faster
Everyone thinks he is just going to send another army this guy is practically a god! He has many more ways to kill us besides just sending an army.
He's probably pissed enough that we killed the assassin that was supposed to take down 60 of our Gnomes. I almost think it was a joke, a test, or he always underestimates us.
This. He could probably just murder us in our sleep from his desert tower if he were mad enough.
I think he was underestimating us. I just wonder how long he will do that. After we finish our current projects we should work on advanced medicine.
We need a Dreman Special Projects committee
> captcha Ephraim lawersu
What like designated scientists?
We are the Dreman Special Projects committee.
Part forum for the discussion of special projects, part implementation.
Like Slouch said gnomes are kinda ADHD.
I imagine DSPC people to be extremely focused. Nudging sceintists back into their labs, making sure they eat, field testing new weapons on hostiles and dinosaurs... you know busy work.
If Slouch says that this would actually effect anything i would support it.
Like the carers at a kindergarten. Ushering the children away from the blocks and back to their finger painting.
Tech - invent tracks for the car

tech - electrical weapons

weapons - power suits (arm power suited gnomes with the cyclopes revolvers)

tech - big guns with our latest loading tech for the power suits
also, we haven't built any howitzers
Oh gawd.
Slouch, can we control where we end up on a planet?
E.g.: I go to Pylos, but I can get a keystone to the elven settlements/freeland/whatever?

This would not effect anything.
Gnomes are not ADHD - you guys are.
For example, in the middle of making batteries and electrical weapons, changing gears to start a committee.

No new votes, so I'm just gonna update.
I said AFTER we finish our projects! I'm the guy who asked for a list!

So, each planet has a couple hundred to five hundred gates on its surface. Each gate has its own designated keystone, that will take you to that one gate from any other gate on any other planet. You have a keystone that takes you to a gate nearby Brellach - but you could get one to take you to a gate in the middle of the wilderness.
That's part of why they're great loot in the game, because if you get one you don't recognize and you're then being chased - you have no choice but to use it and fuck knows where you'll end up.

I know you said that, I wasn't talking to you.
Damn dude after the civ ends(hopefully far in the future) you should do a quest or something in this world i wanna see a scene were that happens.
This civ thread is so fun. I honestly hope we last to see the other planes and worlds in Slouch's unfinished setting.
Maybe we could pay a trip to Brellach. They're open-minded and (maybe) they'll help us. Plus, they're proficient at magic (elves elves errywhere)
Brellach has open-minded elves? Perhaps they could assist us.
Okay FIRST lets finish our projects then lets LOOK UP what the elves are like.
Let's get that embassy set up.
We should see if Brenn knows about them. Make sure he can confirm. Then we finish our projects and THEN we can talk about setting up an embassy.
Good plan.
I have come Brothers! The designs of the pendulum are finished! And I have finally decided upon a scale! http://i.imgur.com/p6BmKSU.png

A room is constructed adjacent to the courtroom, and its walls are lined with magic mirrors. This costs a hefty 2000 gold, but from within a Gnome can view any corner of Dreman's Deep, and view multiple places at the same time! If anything suspicious is detected, the Gnomes is to immediately tell Aranax who will sound the alarm with his booming voice.
Another room is carved out, this one on the second floor, and though it isn't quite stocked with supplies yet, it will be able to house up to ten beasts of any reasonable size (it could not contain something as large as a dragon, for example).
For 50 gold, the Gnomes buy salt water and brine from a fisherman and integrate this into battery design on a hunch of Tesla's. It works much more effectively now!
Zapson confers with Brenn about Opal Island. "It's as safe as it gets mate, the capitol of the Human Kingdom on Othom right now. Great, big island - loads of shops, schools, tons of rich folk and multiple temples. Great place. That's where Prime Minister Isabelle Dominari stays most of the time. The Admiral too, that cheeky bastard..."

Actually i had been intending to suggest an IRC channel called DSPC.
That way people could talk about guns and frictionless doodads and what if all gnomes had heat vision or whatever.
But then i got busy.
It was something of a joke.
I didn't actually expect any in story effect.

Population: 176m/198f 21gm/12gf
Magic: Silence, lasting fire, fire breath, stink bombs, shadow shaping, Iron Golem Crafting, rune crafting, ice touch, frost breath, icicle, ice barrier
Weapons: bolt-action firearms, steel martial weapons, advanced steel armor, cannons, revolvers, gatling guns, gatling cannons, auto-rifles, artillery
Tech: Steel smithing, Tunnel architecture, Guns, Explosives, mushroom cultivation, steam power, Flight, prosthetics, telescopic lenses, electricity, light bulbs, electric motor, automobiles, powered armor, farm tools, batteries
Heroes: Zapson Hextech, Aranax, Grantham, Brenn, Tesla, Orion
Food: Bountiful
Wealth: 5957 gold
Resources: Sulfur, Gold, Topaz, Coal, Iron ore, Tin, Magnesium, Covalite (little), Mentadium (fair), Tantalil (little), lumber (bountiful), adamantium (fair), copper (fair), arcsteel (plenty), quartz (little), stygium (little)
Animals: 8 cow, 4 goat, 10 chicken
Religion: Krissus
Keystones: Opal Island, Bile-Scum Bog, Brellach
Artifacts: Anticipation of Justice, Godthump, Powerpick, Dwarven Dominion Staff, Mysterious Box

What will you do?
>Upgrade Settlement
>Send courier to [person/place]
>Council with Orion about [blank]
>Council with Aranax about [blank]
>Council with Brenn about [blank]

tech- invent tracks for car to allow movement in rough terrain

tech - electrical weapons

weapons- howitzers

weapons - airship
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>pic related
Howitzer and machine guns
Radios and batteries
Btw, since I havent fininshed the stand... The Pendulum is 6 inches long, and will require about a foot of cubic space for the generator, I designed the power armor one first btw. Each pendulum is about half an inch thick, therefor I believe at least 5 would be able to fit in sequence inside that cubic foot.

>Tech - Electrical weapons
>Tech - Tracks for 'car' (as in tank tracks)
>Weapons - Howitzer
>Tech - Improve batteries
i think we get 4 actions
>Tech - Radio
>Tech - Tracks like this >>26180184
>Tech - Recoil reduction
>Weapons - Howitzer

> Tech Lightning guns

>tech tank treads

>Weapons howitzers

>Armored cars.
it is 4 actions.
> tech
> tech
Capture and domesticate wild blindmaws.
> tech
If we still have the rakshasa assasins corpse we should dissect it and study it magically
Tank treads?
Change my vote to this.
I think he just disappeared because they reincarnate/revive in a set amount of time based on their karma.
Btw... this is a hypothetical directed energy weapon that Tesla claims he actually did build. I want to make it. Keep it in mind please when we research :D https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teleforce
we should build a petting zoo, and an amusement park for additional revenue

The Gnomes earn 200 gold.
Treads are added to the car design, and while it slows the vehicle down a little, it can now overcome most terrain with ease.
5 of these artillery 'Zapsons' (Howitzers) are reproduced.
More work goes into the communications device and it needs fine-tuning but serious progress is made.
The electrical weapons can function (only barely) now, but they are subject to extreme overheating, shattering, exploding, and if the crank is stopped they stop making electricity. They're also pretty bulky. (It's a small generator reconfigured into a gun that directs the generated charge out of a rod, if you're wondering how this shit is put together)


Population: 176m/198f 21gm/12gf
Magic: Silence, lasting fire, fire breath, stink bombs, shadow shaping, Iron Golem Crafting, rune crafting, ice touch, frost breath, icicle, ice barrier
Weapons: bolt-action firearms, steel martial weapons, advanced steel armor, cannons, revolvers, gatling guns, gatling cannons, auto-rifles, artillery
Tech: Steel smithing, Tunnel architecture, Guns, Explosives, mushroom cultivation, steam power, Flight, prosthetics, telescopic lenses, electricity, light bulbs, electric motor, automobiles, powered armor, farm tools, batteries
Heroes: Zapson Hextech, Aranax, Grantham, Brenn, Tesla, Orion
Food: Bountiful
Wealth: 6157 gold
Resources: Sulfur, Gold, Topaz, Coal, Iron ore, Tin, Magnesium, Covalite (little), Mentadium (fair), Tantalil (little), lumber (bountiful), adamantium (fair), copper (fair), arcsteel (plenty), quartz (little), stygium (little)
Animals: 8 cow, 4 goat, 10 chicken
Religion: Krissus
Keystones: Opal Island, Bile-Scum Bog, Brellach
Artifacts: Anticipation of Justice, Godthump, Powerpick, Dwarven Dominion Staff, Mysterious Box

What will you do?
>Upgrade Settlement
>Send courier to [person/place]
>Council with Orion about [blank]
>Council with Aranax about [blank]
>Council with Brenn about [blank]
Finish radio and batteries
Carve cooling runes on the weapons
Domesticate blindmawz
We should focus on other things, maybe start perfecting the battery, before we go back to the electricity weapons.

>Tech - Radio
>Council with Brenn about Brellach
>Tech - Batteries
>Hunt - Domesticate blindmaws.
>Tech - Radio
>Tech - Battery
>Tech - TELEFORCE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teleforce
>Weapons - Increase caliber of Auto gun to >>26178133

fuckin tesla

A few people have been voting for the increase in caliber, but Gnomes wouldn't be able to handle anything over a .40 cal weapon without hurting themselves.
i think we want it for the power suits
tech - batteries

tech - radio

tech - mount gun on track car

weapons - finish airship
also, do we need to make breeding an action? or is it automatic?
So add a little bit of Mentadium to decrease the recoil does that really need to be an action? Its kind off obvious that that is the solution.
It should be automatic.

In a cannon is one thing, in a handgun you run the risk of stopping the kinetic energy within the bullet.
mentadium is so hard to get, that using it requires upper level gnome authority to use it
I could be wrong, of course.
Hmm... I would think it would be able to work if mounted on a gnome power armor, or mounted at a stationary point like a cannon

It is automatic, you guys just struggle with fucking.
Okay then how about mentadium lined gloves so they can ignore the recoil even if the gun doesn't?(i'm not saying add this action to make the bigger guns i'm just throwing out an idea also i'm sorry if i was rude)
Try to find aphrodisiacs...? Viagra for Gnomes?

Mounted it'd work fine, but an assault rifle of that caliber is absurd, and using mentadium (you guys have 30,000 gold worth, remember) in an assault rifle would likely take all the kinetic energy out of it, rendering it useless.
*cough* cough*
lol, i forgot the link
> hunt
Domestic blindmaws
> tech
> tech
> council with aranax about improving aranax
i second tesla for all but the weapons
if we're gonna tame dinosaurs then we need to take a page from the Rozoolliim and dominate them. also useful for stupid humanoids like cyclopses
HNNNNG!!!!!! THIS THIS THIS! FUCK AUTO GUNS! THIS THIS THIS! Ive totally forgotten about this!

You hold a cannon in your hands?
In a cannon the mentadium would be in the base so there is no recoil.
Also, another point, mentadium is heavier than lead - you don't want that shit in a weapon you have to carry yourself, yaknow?
Okay ill support everything Tesla said and this i guess.
>Army of Gnomes with electronic weaponry
>Super badass and nearly unstoppable.
>Enemy finds out how to make an EMP

There goes our infrastructure.
lol but yeah, who hell is going to have that tech? Other than possibly other Gnomes and maybe Dwarves

Not to mention, our generators would be completely unaffected by an EMP xD
Yeah, I know. And by the time they even figure out what an EMP is, our tech will probably be past that and we will be selling primitive electric weapons like they're top shit. Unless someone steals our stuff again.
Lol I know right XD Damn thiefs
We did kind of ask for it. But, we won't be making mistakes like that again (I hope).
that's why there should be a veteran here at all times, also we can't be the only.... craaaaaaaaappppppp what if he "rescues" some gnomes then he has his own geniuses.

we need to fing all the gnomes
Yeah hopefully not. I think our biggest foe is going to be magic users, its just so much easier to magic stuff than to create it via technology, but this way everyone can use it. If we could find some sort of Anti-magic field I think we probably be set....

Also theres like... nothing to prevent us from doing the whole SG1 thing and building a giant facility (around the gate since we cant move it) and completely controlling movement through at least that gate.
Wasn't there an abandoned gnomish settlement?
Plus if they are anything like us they have dozen s of half complete awesomeness.
Yeah, except I think that might be kind of pointless. I mean, there are over a thousand on each planet. We could still regulate traffic through the one near us.

I agree that we should try to look for other Gnomes. Maybe scry for them?
only problem there's more then one gate, also did we ever get an answer if the ghost metal will block the djinn

yes that would work except for now people know that slaves gnomes are good for more then babies.

also i think that we should move the goblins from slaves to indentured servants at least those that were born here

The Gnomes earn 400 gold this round.
They try to find Blindmaws to domesticate, but it would seem that turning on the furnaces months ago scared them all away and the Gnomes don't know of any other caves.
The radio is completed - but it sucks. Lots of static underground.
The batteries are improved upon, and though they're about one cubic foot in size they can carry a great deal of energy now.
More work is done on the electric guns, and the crank is moved to a backpack, making the gun itself lighter and with the crank on top of this pack, it is much less likely to be stopped from spinning. They still tend to shatter, explode, and even melt sometimes though...


Population: 176m/198f 21gm/12gf
Magic: Silence, lasting fire, fire breath, stink bombs, shadow shaping, Iron Golem Crafting, rune crafting, ice touch, frost breath, icicle, ice barrier
Weapons: bolt-action firearms, steel martial weapons, advanced steel armor, cannons, revolvers, gatling guns, gatling cannons, auto-rifles, artillery
Tech: Steel smithing, Tunnel architecture, Guns, Explosives, mushroom cultivation, steam power, Flight, prosthetics, telescopic lenses, electricity, light bulbs, electric motor, automobiles, powered armor, farm tools, batteries
Heroes: Zapson Hextech, Aranax, Grantham, Brenn, Tesla, Orion
Food: Bountiful
Wealth: 6557 gold
Resources: Sulfur, Gold, Topaz, Coal, Iron ore, Tin, Magnesium, Covalite (little), Mentadium (fair), Tantalil (little), lumber (bountiful), adamantium (fair), copper (fair), arcsteel (plenty), quartz (little), stygium (little)
Animals: 8 cow, 4 goat, 10 chicken
Religion: Krissus
Dreman's Deep: Lab, temple, court, market, bestiary, library, prison, mines, residential halls, farm, armory, vault, training grounds
Keystones: Opal Island, Bile-Scum Bog, Brellach
Artifacts: Anticipation of Justice, Godthump, Powerpick, Dwarven Dominion Staff, Mysterious Box

What will you do?
>Upgrade Settlement
>Send courier to [person/place]
>Council with Orion about [blank]
>Council with Aranax about [blank]
>Council with Brenn about [blank]


Stygium only works on undead.


It might not be wise to build a facility around an ethergate. Every civilization that has built itself around an ethergate for its ability to aid trading and commerce... has ended up invaded from the inside. ANYTHING could come through at ANY time. That includes fire giants, armies of centaur, or a fucking god.
I agree, we should give the goblins some more freedom. Still second class citizens but not slaves.


>Tech - Energy weapons
>Tech - Metalstorm type weapons >>26181034
>Tech - Create a teleforce weapon (Requires tower and will likely take a long ass time)
>Tech - Improve powerarmor (SPACE MARINES!)
Ah.... that *gulps* thats good to know... O.O
Ice-rune the electric guns.
Make a tank and look for knowledge regarding childbirth in the library
>Council with Brenn on Brellach
We really should wait until we have decent batteries before we further our ventures in electric guns.

>Tech - Batteries - Try to make more compact version.
>Tech - Recoil reduction using springs perhaps?
>Council with Brenn about Brellach
>Magic - Scry for other gnomes
Runes only affect physics, not the elements.
Im pretty sure our electric guns are literally just using a portable generator, thats why they are so unstable.

> Tech Recoiless Cannons

>Tech - Metalstorm type weapons >>26181034

>Magic Scry for other gnomes

>Tech - Energy weapons
Which is why we should wait until we have suitable batteries to use as "power cells".
Isn't heat a byproduct of physics? Let's just ask Slouch.
If we are essentially using directed energy weapons Im pretty sure we need a lot more energy than an actual battery would be able to provide, especially for any long period of time.
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and it's only an hour or so away...
Just thinking about it, but we may want to start working on laser weapons rather than electric weapons.
Metalstorm weapons are still a go in my opinion, as is a Teleforce weapon (But that is a stationary one, at least until we start making something as big as a Baneblade or bigger)
We should point allot of cannons at the ethergate just in case or make the teleforce and point THAT at the ethergate

On a very technical level, thermal energy is a product of the laws of physics....

But that's meta as fuck and also I don't like the idea of rune magic being able to control EVERYTHING. Having control over physics is very esoteric, unique, and sciencey.
I'd also note, that even if I were to allow this, Grantham can only learn more about runes by finding source material in Dwarven ruins. Speaking of which, Grantham still hasn't returned from the coastal ruins, assuming he's even made it there as of yet.
Okay, but that doesn't mean what we should continue down our path of relative failure. Every time we made an advancement in electric weaponry, which honestly isn't getting much more advanced, they keep melting and exploding. That will end up killing any Gnome that uses it. I just propose we try focusing on a compact energy source so we can implement it into a weapon.

>we may want to start working on laser weapons rather than electric weapons
Why would we do that? We don't even have stable electric weapons. Seriously...

.... I think a Gnome would be about the size of Thob's foot. No.. half that.
Find better ways to fuck. Aphrodisiacs, insence, romance stories, orgies
Urge the population to screw more and start researching these methods and fertility drugs for more offspring.
Magic - Scry for other gnomes
Magic - research dominate
look in library- djinn (what they are, what there ability's, their weaknesses, stories about defeating them, the politics of their realm)
Tech - Improve powerarmor (SPACE MARINES!)
Darn. Scry for Grantham then.
The problem is that realistically using electricity as a weapon is... well its just a bitch. The biggest reason the teleforce weapon is even possible is in part because its just so damn big and its quite complex. Electric weapons are nowhere near as effective as a laser weapon. Also another reason the Teleforce tower would be so powerful is its increadibly large area of effectiveness and how many targets it can hit at once, unlike a laser.

You cannot improve your ability to reproduce any more than you can improve your ability to fight. You guys suck at combat, and the only thing keeping you up is huge bonuses from very very advanced technology. Your basic racial stats cannot be manipulated until you are exceptional or specialists of every field, that's no fun and no fair to me lol. Your low population growth is a big weakness - accept that along with the huge strength of having MACHINE GUNS AND HOWITZERS in a fantasy setting.
You're not understanding the point I'm trying to get at.

We are not technologically there yet.

Not even close. That's like creating the wheel, and then creating the car. It just doesn't work like that.
Id like to point out that we somehow were able to use electricity to move things before we invented the electric motor.... Which is almost completely impossible. I realized this last night. Lol
Oh yeah... btw this guy makes me want to piss myself.

How so? You had steam engines, and I believe the turbine was added.
Steam engines, brah. But seriously. Going to laser technology? We just created a shitty radio, and you want a laser?

Thob, one of the nine demon princes of Baator, king of fire giants, excellent dancer, and generally a cantankerous person.
Sounds like a certain Rakshasa we all know...
Lol what im talking about was like right before we invented the electric motor. Our electricity would have done nothing to make the power armor move or make the portable generator feedback into the crank and increase its speed. It was only for a certain amount of time, but as far as I can tell everything works fine now.
I'll have to agree with you. We're at the '1860s in terms of electricity, rite?
lol That is certainly fine with me, Id agree we arent there yet, but Im just saying Im not sure how effective electricity weapons are. Metalstorm weapons only use electricity instead of moving parts but thats completely different and feasible.
We originally tried to make power armour with steam, but it wasn't working that well. We never incorporated electricity until we had the generator. I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you could provide the source of your knowledge.

Basically. We kind of skipped telegraphs and went straight to radios. But yeah, that's kind of it.
I'm pretty sure our generator creates infinite energy.
Alright that makes sense to me but still, we have a big (drug?) mob boss breathing down ou necks, we live on a world that has essentially been deemed "inhabitable" because everything wants to kill everything else and we live an hour away from a big stargate that MIGHT just bring in some armies, monsters or GODS to our front doorstep. is it really that much just to tell everyone to have a massive orgy with these wicked baby drugs Steve cooked up in his moms basement last week? I would just be less worried about our poor gnomes going extinct if we boosted their population up to like a little under 800
Yes, we incorporated electricity after we got the generator, but a Generator and a Motor are completely different things. And a machine that uses electricity (like an electric engine/motor on a car) is completely useless without a motor,m no matter how much electricity you throw at it. Anyway, it was a small plot hole that quickly was made not a problem.
I think he meant the uses of electricity. Aside from almost-power armour, of course.

No. the Metal Storm requires computer chips, something we still have yet to get to. You voted for laser weapons, but how? It just won't work.

We had steam. Steam is what we used.

You're gonna have to save more Gnomes or wait then.
Just accept the fact that we have weaknesses. Our weaknesses are breeding, fighting, and I think kind of magic right now. We can work on magic, but breeding and fighting we will suck at. Forever. Accept it, pls.
I wouldn't say forever just a really really long time.
Lol, I don't think we are understanding eachother. No matter it was a small oversight that was quickly corrected that I found some small amusement in. :)

Also I do agree about the Metal Storm thing. Damn, it is a pain being so far behind... lol
I know we don't understand each other. It doesn't really matter.

>it is a pain being so far behind
wut lol
I honestly think that we should visit Brellach and harvest medicinal/useful plants. Or maybe build a base there and in Opal Island in the far future.
In technology. Also i apologize for my delusions of grandeur! BUT SOON MY DREAMS SHALL BE REALIZED!

The Gnomes earn 200 gold this turn.
The power armor is tested and reconstructed several times. It can't be improved much more using steel. It will protect from a lot, and can drastically improve a Gnome's strength (as well as making them about a foot taller) - but without lighter materials speed will still be a problem.
The lightning guns are tinkered with even more. They don't melt anymore! But... they still shatter and explode and tend to overheat very quickly....PROGRESS.
A wizard begins scrying, trying to find other Gnomes.... but he finds nothing anywhere near the mountain...
Zapson speaks with Brenn about Brellach. "It's an elf city, but it's not in the trees. It's got a castle keep, very human architecture. It's newer, from a few decades ago. Definitely a good place. There's a law academy where a lot of great lawyers go to learn. There's some proper mining opportunity among the roots surrounding the city near down on the forest floor beneath... but that's a right dangerous place. If memory serves me correctly you can find rubies, coal, and even mithral if you dig deep enough. Locals are a mix, really. Even met a treant there once and those lot are supposed to be extinct."


Population: 176m/198f 21gm/12gf
Magic: Silence, lasting fire, fire breath, stink bombs, shadow shaping, Iron Golem Crafting, rune crafting, ice touch, frost breath, icicle, ice barrier
Weapons: bolt-action firearms, steel martial weapons, advanced steel armor, cannons, revolvers, gatling guns, gatling cannons, auto-rifles, artillery
Tech: Steel smithing, Tunnel architecture, Guns, Explosives, mushroom cultivation, steam power, Flight, prosthetics, telescopic lenses, electricity, light bulbs, electric motor, automobiles, powered armor, farm tools, batteries
Heroes: Zapson Hextech, Aranax, Grantham, Brenn, Tesla, Orion
Food: Bountiful
Wealth: 6757 gold
Resources: Sulfur, Gold, Topaz, Coal, Iron ore, Tin, Magnesium, Covalite (little), Mentadium (fair), Tantalil (little), lumber (bountiful), adamantium (fair), copper (fair), arcsteel (plenty), quartz (little), stygium (little)
Animals: 8 cow, 4 goat, 10 chicken
Religion: Krissus
Dreman's Deep: Lab, temple, court, market, bestiary, library, prison, mines, residential halls, farm, armory, vault, training grounds
Keystones: Opal Island, Bile-Scum Bog, Brellach
Artifacts: Anticipation of Justice, Godthump, Powerpick, Dwarven Dominion Staff, Mysterious Box

What will you do?
>Upgrade Settlement
>Send courier to [person/place]
>Council with Orion about [blank]
>Council with Aranax about [blank]
>Council with Brenn about [blank]
For Grantham.
Refine the electric guns further and solve the problem of recoil.
Worship Krissus!
>Tech - Weapons - Electricity
>Tech - Radios
>Tech - Metal alloys
>Magic - Scry - Grantham
>Continue scrying for the gnomes.
>Tech - Lightning Guns
>Upgrade Settlement - Diplomatic Quarters
>Contact Brellach about a mining charter (if thats necessary) We need that mithral!
> tech
Take a heavy mass of lead.
Put six gravity runes on it two on each axis of movement so that thier gravity cancels out.
Make it so you can spin the runes.
Attach guide wires to the spinning runes leading to a control.
Bam Flight Orb. We can use this to improve mobility. They are something I've been thinking about for a long time.
> scry
> tech
Lightning breath for aranax
> tech

Hey I'm actually going to have to call it a night early, I've got something important to take care of.
If someone could archive this, preferably not under the title 'Gnomes get boned hard xD LEL', that'd be fantastic.
See you guys soon.
Later Slouch
Au revoir, mate.
Later, and its archived at suptug
I wonder if Slouch will come back tonight...
so... we are actually gonna get curb stomped by a god?

*claps hands together*

"So, moving to the other Dwarven Ruins then are we?"

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