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Insect Civ Continued


Sorry I'm late guys.
Khanon to the rescue? Khanon to the rescue!
>>>>Civ: Insects
>>>>Gov: Theocratic monarchy
>>>>Location: Cliff face
>>>>Mutations: Mining Mandible, wings and Arolia, Chameleon secretion, Eat and Adapt (queen), resistance to fire and acid, Acidic Mandibles, Graspers.
>>>>Breading: Queen lays the eggs
>>>>Pop: The Holy Queen, 10 attend-ants caste, 45 hunters ,45 workers, 7 master scouts, 15 scavengers, 10 firekeepers, 2 nursery, 25 soldiers. 28 eggs
>>>Building: Deep Burrows, Queen's room + Shiny , Larva Room, Crude statues, Hall of History, Effigy to the fallen, Wolf pen, road to hot spring, Barracks.
>>>Food: Scavenged meat, Elk, Fish ("fishing hurts the health of the hunters, can't do it every turn), eggs (hunters can get hurt doing this), berries, Rabbits
>>>The cliffs are cold and harsh, but everyone is well sheltered
>>>Caste based on what do most, or what the queen tells you are.
>>>The Queens chamber is very shiny
>>>Some unnatural hide accidentally fell on the hunters while fishing, cold at first but seems to keep him warm once it dries
>>>Bugs can smell other bugs.
>>>Pheromone scent totems.
>>>Wolves south of Trolls.
>>> Wolves seem tame
>>> Fire adds scent to the room and heat. Scent is very pleasurable.
>>>Pissed off the trolls
>>>Found the den
>Scouts ambushed: hit with well crafted arrows.
0 EVO points
Working on Poison
What's our current status on the trolls? Anything else despite them being paranoid?

>Hunters hunt
>workers work
>scouts carefully check out the direction from which we got sot with arrows

Also: How is the wolf training doing?
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Here's the map so far.

You still need to come up with your next set of orders
Anyone going near the area has a chance of running into them. Troll Smash!
Also woves will be battle-trained next turn if trained this turn.
In that case have the warriors train the wolves. Can we somehow integrate them into the hivemind to see through their eyes?
You can mutate to sense where they are via Pheramones (4 turn mutation), you can mutate for parasitic mind control (16 turn mutation), or you can mutate for evolutionary chrysalis (8 turn mutation)
Evolutionary Chrysalis can evolve non-insects into insects. It does not change disposition. If you put an angry troll in the Chrysalis, it will be an angry insectoid troll
How will this influence our wolves? Will they become intelligent or at least be usable as scouts? And can we develop a hivemind that allows us to access the senses of all our underlings?
get the parasite then then the chrysalis
We can infect one charismatic guy, have him start some "Cult of the Holy Matron" and their whole obsession is being allowed to become insectoid. The fuckers will be lining up to join us.
Yes, they will become part of the hive. Yes, you can mutate for that.

The workers: dorms, work rooms, special use rooms
The hunters: hunt

The scavengers: ?

The Flame Keepers: ?

The Warriors are progressing through training the Wolves. (one more turn at normal capacity)

Also eggs will hatch into larva this upcomming turn
Let's do some scouting near where we saw the goats. We need more food sources.

>create watch tower with stone for trolls and those arrow-users
>maybe build a wall too?

That sounds like a plan. Let's remember to do that.
Currently working on poison. For Parasitic Mind Control, you must mutate: Dimunitive Size, Paracitic Infestation, and then Mind Control
Do we really need a watchtower? I mean we could just stick on a wall in camo mode.

How stiff is the cliff? Can you just walk it up or is it only accessible through climbing?

Also we have a lot of little stones if I'm correct, we could spread em across the entire ground in order to make walking on them by far more difficult, charging attacks would be a bitch and the Trolls would surely sink in.

Scavengers should try to find shiny things, I still support the idea of them looking as non threatening and unrelated to us as possible so they wont get killed by the arrow guys.

Flame Keepers should probably just keep the flames alive, seeing how we got hands maybe learn how to handle fire on a stick.
Okay, so our evolutionary to do list is:
>PMC: dimunitive size, parasitic infection, mind control
>evolutionary chrysalis
>improved caste system
>brain bugs
>mimic caste (for diplomacy, trading, and subterfuge purposes)

Obviously feel free to add to the list.
>The workers: Build Tower and Walls for defense (Where? Remember, the hive is on a cliff face)
>The hunters: hunt
>The scavengers: ?
>The Flame Keepers: ?
>The Warriors are progressing through training the Wolves. (one more turn at normal capacity)

What are the scavengers and flame keepers doing?
Well, what if we dug a little lookout in the cliff. Put a fire up there and some guards. Maybe have a flare system later. All I really want to do is not get surprised by the trolls.
In that case we should try to keep the fire hidden somehow so we don't attract any unwatned attention, way I see it everyone we know is out to get us at the moment.

We could try to build a small room where we keep the fire.
The flame keepers should spend the next several turns creating torches and distributing them throughout the colony's tunnels and walls.

That's their job. Making sure we have fire and that none of the fires burn out or get out of control.

As for the scavengers, they should gather acorns and seeds. Let's attempt agriculture in the most basic of ways.
I feel like we don't really need walls. Most of the defence for a hive comes from the fact that theirs going to be thousands of us coming from hundreds of holes placed all over the hive, right? anyone who attacks can be flanked and boxed in as soon as they enter.

But yeah tall ass towers would be useful. for sight and maybe a launchpad for future winged insects if anything
>Improved Eat and Adapt (Currently you work to undo the weaknesses of the ones you eat. You don't gain their strengths)
>Hive-Wide Evolution (all members of the Hive gain from positive mutations)

The cliff is a straight drop. You've been throwing most of the rocks off of there. Now that you have storage rooms, you can hold things there for future building. It will be difficult yo carry rocks up from the bottom at this point. Working on external buildings will be difficult without having stones in storage (your wings aren't very strong).
Plus we can use the towers are entrances for defensive bunker-nests, each capable of unleashing soldiers upon the enemy.
If we build so many defenses we are going to need a lot of soldiers.

Breed more!
Metagamely, your acidic mandibles would destroy the trolls if they came near the hive.

You already have a ventilation system for smoke to leave the cave. There's no hiding it.
Wait.. what. We are a smoking fucking mountain?

I really have to start reading the memos.
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Shit, I thought the cliff face rose up, not down into a depression.

At least the rocks won't go anywhere. I guess we should just focus on building up a stone surplus. One day our nest will look like a cross between a castle and pic related.

But for now, let's do a good amount of scouting. See what's east and north. Start hunting goats.
That reminds me, you will have 28 larva at the end of the turn. You guys should figure out where they go.
Way I see it we are in need of more warriors and hunters. Worker supply seems fine as of now but we need to increase our food and combat capabilities.

I also support the idea of having our scavengers gathering seeds, but we will need to find a place to cultivate them since anything despite mushrooms won't grow inside the mountain.

Scouts were set to go back to where they were ambushed. Vote on where they go guys
Hunters and scouts. And we should start attempting agriculture soon. I think red meat is going to become scarce soon.

I guess be really sneaky near where they were ambushed and by the goats (which I think was north)
Do what lots of ants do in real life.
Find some bug or flowers or something that produces something that's delicious to us and get that shit in the hive so we can have a steady source of food.
Or have some bugs mutate to produce more than they use up by having there sole purpose be "stand still and eat delicous things so we can eat those delicous things later ". like honeypot ants I think they're called
I think the latter idea is the best approach. Once we are able to apply a mutation to one caste and one caste only, we should have a brewer caste that is force fed bitter berries and ferments them inside their stomach. Like a honeypot ant.

But since our evolution are universal right now, we'd end up with soldiers that have an unwanted reaction to the bitter berries.
Can we do that, Klaxx? Have caste-specific mutations?
>The workers: dig out dorms, work rooms, and special use rooms (store stone in storage and special use rooms for later masonry)
>The hunters: hunt (goat)
>The scavengers: Research farming
>The Flame Keepers: Place light up the hive
>The Warriors are progressing through training the Wolves. (one more turn at normal capacity)

Everyone good with this?
We still wanted the scouts to really carefully look the way they went when they got ambushed.
Caste specific will be a tier 4 mutation (16 turns)
Yeah. Scout at night using bounding overwatch
OK writing it up.

Your scouts trek through the forest at night. They go into camouflage at the sound of footsteps. They see 11 figures with pointy ears and long hair marching along the pathway.

Before anything else happens: Free action for the scouts. You can ambush them, go further, watch them, report back, etc
Do you guys think it's worth attacking them?
Sorry for jumping right in, but I have an idea.

>Improved wings
>Then send the workers out to smooth the cliff face with acid.

Let's see you climb that you dumb trolls!
Stalk them back to where they came.
follow them silently, melt their faces if they spot us.
That could be an interesting alternative to a traditional stone wall.

You dig a fairly deep pit and smooth both sides until you can't climb up them. They'd need a bridge to get across, which is a vulnerability we can exploit.

Great idea.
Dont forget the acid/lava moat at the bottom with the spikes in it...
>Boatmurdered: Ant Edition
Let's do these two.

I would suggest retreat if we were to be spotted since we only have scouts and no warriors with us, they would probably overwhelm us and we wouldn't find out what happened to the scouts.
nominated for promotion

mm, perhaps, but it'd have to be a covered retreat. better to lose a few scouts than to be followed back to the hive by ELLLLVESSS.
People on 4chan like muh idea? Well color me surprised.
If they follow us back to the hive we encircle and tear them apart.
what's out hive made out of again?
Is it like carved into a mountain or is it jsut a big ass hill carved out?
We have strong jaws and dug right into the rock.

Your scouts stalk them for what appears to be all night. Their tongue is foreign. They follow a set path that your scouts mark with pheromone so that the others will know should we choose to invade later. The pointy-eared soft-skins head back to their civilization. Yelling starts happening and a volley of arrows fly by. Fortunately, no one is harmed. The scouts make it back in one piece.

Writing up for the rest of the hive
Klaxx, is it possible to have a geneweaver caste without caste specific mutations? What would that require? Obviously genetic analysis, but what else?
Your workers work like nobody's business. They manage to create very well built dorms as well as master-crafted work rooms and special use rooms in conjunction with the current needs of the hive (warriors training room (warriors now have a 25% chance for tech gain), specially crafted incubation room (eggs turn into larva in 2 turns), Vented hearth (major fire only needs to be in one place to heat up entire hive), specially made farm rooms (scavengers will have better chance of farming), Hunter's Workshop (hunters can work on creating tools)). The builders learned how to use their acidic mandibles to smooth things out which helped a lot (natural 96 critical success).

The hunters don't find anything. Did we hunt too much?

The scavengers place the fungus they found earlier in one of the farming rooms that is damp and dark. They also realize that many plants don't grow on the mountain. They resolve to bring soil back next turn.

The Flame Keepers don't get very far. They decide to move the major part of the flame to the central hearth instead.

The warriors (93 crit success) no only manage to train the wolves to fight, they learn tactics from the wolves and can now work extra well in a team environment (8 hound-master elite units, Success rate improved when working in tandem with other castes (including hound masters).
>eneweaver caste without caste specific mutations? What would that require? Obviously genetic analysis, but what else?

That would require a mutation (rank 2)
Needless to say the fact that the hunters didnt find anything is very bad.

I suggest either killing the Trolls or going out to abduct some Elves to steady our food supply until we got the fungi growing.
Yeah. Let's attack the trolls this turn and clear out the forest. Then build a little hive there so we can expand our hunting grounds. Move the hunters there.

Eventually we'd have a tunnel going under the river over there.
I say it's a good thing. Big trolls must have big appetites. They are probably starving. Klax, how close is the river to the troll village?

I bet we could build a dam and flood them out if we really wanted them gone. As soon as we have farms we wont really need the valley anymore...
>>>>Civ: Insects
>>>>Gov: Theocratic monarchy
>>>>Location: Cliff face
>>>>Mutations: Mining Mandible, wings and Arolia, Chameleon secretion, Eat and Adapt (queen), resistance to fire and acid, Acidic Mandibles, Graspers.
>>>>Breading: Queen lays the eggs
>>>>Pop: The Holy Queen, 10 attend-ants caste, 45 hunters ,45 workers, 7 master scouts, 15 scavengers, 10 firekeepers, 2 nursery, 17 soldiers, 8 hound masters (elite). 28 Larva
>>>Building: Deep Burrows, Queen's room + Shiny , Larva Room, Crude statues, Hall of History, Effigy to the fallen, Wolf pen, road to hot spring, Barracks, Dorms, Specialty rooms, Crafting Rooms.
>>>Food: Scavenged meat, Elk, Fish ("fishing hurts the health of the hunters, can't do it every turn), eggs (hunters can get hurt doing this), berries, Rabbits, strongberries
>>>The cliffs are cold and harsh, but everyone is well sheltered
>>>STARVING (hive weakened)
>>>Caste based on what do most, or what the queen tells you are.
>>>The Queens chamber is very shiny
>>>Some unnatural hide accidentally fell on the hunters while fishing, cold at first but seems to keep him warm once it dries
>>>Bugs can smell other bugs.
>>>Pheromone scent totems.
>>>Wolves south of Trolls.
>>> Wolves seem tame
>>> Fire adds scent to the room and heat. Scent is very pleasurable.
>>>Pissed off the trolls
>>>Found the den
>Scouts ambushed: hit with well crafted arrows.
>Identified other civilization as elves.
2 EVO points
Working on Poison (8 evo points)
>building a dam

I don't think we could do that to the trolls but maybe to the elves...
Flooding the elves, I like it... though I would like repeated raiding and scorch tactics on their territory more, building a dam would force them to come to us though that would certainly be a good thing in combat terms it would still reveal our position.
That's doable, but there are a lot of votes for killing them now. Are we attacking the Trolls in full force?
Soldiers, hunters, and several workers should attack the trolls. Overwhelm and devour.
Hunt, make farms, send the most ravenous workers out to eat the trolls, if worse comes to worse eat the workers.

We've clearly overhunted.
I guess soldiers and hunters, if necessary workers.

Eat em up, take their territory.

>captcha benevolent
I'm a little... antsy... about this, but it's only two trolls, right? attack on all sides for minimal losses.
success roll (95) ohhh this is going to be good. one sec while I figure out a way to express the rape-train that you just brought to them
Troll rape train... my kinda party!
Tonight we feast!
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Your armies descend on these foul wretches in broad daylight.

The trolls pick up stones and throw them at our warriors, but the warriors dodged them perfectly. The hunters opened up on the trolls by dropping rocks on them. The trolls tried to pick the rocks up and throw them back, but the wolves were all over them by that point. This was followed up by the hound masters biting off the thumbs of the trolls as they screamed in agony and confusion.

A troll tried to lay the smack down on one of the wolves, but a warrior deflected the fist by ramming his body into it. The hunters descended on that troll, tearing him limb from limb with their acidic mandibles.

The other troll truly knew fear for the first time in his life and ran with our glorious hive nipping at his heels. The troll ran so far and so blindly that he didn't see the pitfall laid out by our workers and fell face first. He tried to climb out, but the walls were smooth.

At this point in time one troll is dead, the other is captured. Decide his fate!

The hive is full and the new clutch has gained a research bonus (25% success chance normally (up from 20%))

The hive dined on troll tonight (Status: well fed)
Also, larva became adults this turn. Divy them up
New caste: farmers

We need to solve that food problem.
Oh well, we own a Troll now. What to do...

I guess we could keep it around until we are able to mind control it, we got the workers to build a cage.
Oh, and you spotted an elven scouting party. There are 6 elves in the bushes probably scared shitless.
Trolls regen fast right... need a mad scientist to get that trait...

Take various body parts from the big nung and use them as experimentation... keep him alive. I have uses for a troll.
Bag and tag. Maybe leave some alive for further "questioning".

>captcha harmonic
troll + regeneration = renewable food source, provided we devise a safe method of severing limbs at a time. we farm troll from now on.

So, basically, what you're saying is: Create a caste out of the originals who don't have acidic mandible to bite pieces off of the troll and (farm him)
>"They just killed two trolls in under five minutes..."
IS this still during our combat rolls?

Spread your warriors out and obsere the elves. If they try to free the troll (lol) kill them.
Well, we could do that too, but I was talking about farming plants.
If I understand becoming insectoid does not change disposition, so cutting him apart would surely not increase our relations.

We could try to pheromone him and make him accept his new part in the hive while we farm mushrooms and other plans, he would surely make a good working animal.
It will be different rolls, but I doubt 6 scouts can beat an army
Yea. That or have our poison him to be docile and let our larva feed on him. Maybe get a bump in our breeding rate... If not that we can use him for manual labor later...
Let's capture them anyway. We just showed off hostility and combat skill, if this get's reported there will be trouble.
My first thought was "then there shall be no survivors!", but think about this:
If we let them watch us and ignore them, they might send more scouts to observe us. As long as they leave us alone, we don't attack and they keep watching.

Then, when we have researched mind control, we kidnap a group of scouts and send them into town to spy.
But I doubt we could catch them being elves and magic... and if even one escapes...
That or they continue to harass our bugs with arrows and muster an army to burn us down.
Yeah. If one survives and reports how we slaughtered his group, the elves will attack.
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this, plus they shot at our boys earlier. rules of engagement, we're clear to facemelt these bitches.

we need to project our dominance over this area, either the elves can diplomacy us like proper bitches or stay the fuck away from the cliffs
Well, if we do attack, we should be sure to capture one and openly use him as a hostage.
I guess then priorities are this:
1.Make sure nobody escapes
2.Take a prisoner
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Yes! Let's show him that!
Votes: I need a telly here
1 to observe
2 to capture
3 to surround and devour
Honestly. Let's do that with the prisoner and the troll.

Also quickly add the "horrible betrayal of the warmongering elves and slaughter of our diplomats" part.
And add "the merciful not-devouring of one very lucky elf who might live to tell this story to others"

Capturing is priority, eat the legs of those who try to flee.
"Gracious second attempt of diplomatic relations, refusing to accept the evil and destructive nature of evles."
capture if the opportunity arises, we have the breeding capacity to risk a few brave warriors' lives in the fight. definitely ride down any sort of retreat.

...and yes, show the elf our wall. no sense having it if no one can admire it. in fact, treat our prisoner to a fine meal of troll while he/she stays at chateau d'insecte
Maybe there is good in them. Maybe they can learn to love the queen. We might have to "teach" them, but they can learn.

Capture it is. Rolling for success and writing it up.
We don't have a jail, right?

Well, we could go to an empty room near the bottom of the hive, dig a pit that we know cannot be climbed out of, and then put some wood over it.
There's your jail cell.

Will eventually double as an infestation pit. At that point we'd probably have to build a more humane cellblock for prisoners that might be missed.
The Elves try to nope the hell out of there faster than Indiana Jones running from a boulder, but their escape is cut off by the hound masters. They try to shoot the hounds, but the warriors catch up to them first and bite through their bows with their pincers. One of the hunters finds a strange web of woven hemp in the Trolls hut and uses it to capture the elves by throwing it over them. (Discovered netting).

You decide to transport both the Elves and the Troll back to the hive. You cannot understand either of them at this point in time. You have a lot of trouble getting the troll out of the hole as it's very scared of you. There isn't enough food for any of your prisoners at this point in time. When they are marched up to the hive, you place them in the storage room and use rocks to block them off a bit.

In other news, The fungus started to grow in one of the farming rooms. The scavengers are confused why the dirt they've gathered isn't working.

The Flame Keepers don't make it very far with the torches at this point in time.

28 larva going to:
and some form of diplomat-scientists?
and farmers

What percentage?
I wonder if we could melt stone bars considering we got the acid we could make a "one part cell", it would be far more difficult to mess with.
Also, 37 eggs laid.

Let me put up the list of things that happened
I say we use most as farmers, we have a really bad food deficit right now. Sneak a scout into the room with the prisoners to see what they are doing.

Also show off our history hall!
>>>>>Civ: Insects
>>>>>Gov: Theocratic monarchy
>>>>>Location: Cliff face
>>>>>Mutations: Mining Mandible, wings and Arolia, Chameleon secretion, Eat and Adapt (queen), resistance to fire and acid, Acidic Mandibles, Graspers, slight tech bonus.
>>>>>Breading: Queen lays the eggs
>>>>>Pop: The Holy Queen, 10 attend-ants caste, 45 hunters ,45 workers, 7 master scouts, 15 scavengers, 10 firekeepers, 2 nursery, 17 soldiers, 8 hound masters (elite). 28 Larva
>>>>Building: Deep Burrows, Queen's room + Shiny , Larva Room, Crude statues, Hall of History, Effigy to the fallen, Wolf pen, road to hot spring, Barracks, Dorms, Specialty rooms, Crafting Rooms.
>>>>Food: Scavenged meat, Elk, Fish ("fishing hurts the health of the hunters, can't do it every turn), eggs (hunters can get hurt doing this), berries, Rabbits, strongberries
>>>>The cliffs are cold and harsh, but everyone is well sheltered
>>>>Caste based on what do most, or what the queen tells you are.
>>>>The Queens chamber is very shiny
>>>>Some unnatural hide accidentally fell on the hunters while fishing, cold at first but seems to keep him warm once it dries
>>>>Bugs can smell other bugs.
>>>>Pheromone scent totems.
>>>>Wolves south of Trolls.
>>>> Fire adds scent to the room and heat. Scent is very pleasurable.
>>>>Found the den
>>Scouts ambushed: hit with well crafted arrows.
>>Identified other civilization as elves.
> Captured troll and 6 elves
>4 EVO points
>Working on Poison (8 evo points)
Once we have glorious thumbs through evolution or prisoners, we'll probably just do regular metalworking.

I'd say about 15 farmers and 13 warriors. Guards and all that. Scientists will be needed when we research basic geneweaving, which we need to do next.

And I'm glad we got all six of them. Keeping the elves alive is priority, as they are vital both diplomatically and in researching infestation.
Who will be showing off the history hall? (which needs to be updated)
Yes, and try and get them to carve their names for posterity.
It's not just a history book, but an accounting book too.
Also, I should be making a tech list
Even split between scientists and farmers for the larva.

Take some of Brutus'(the troll) blood and start experimentation. Set up an observation point at the trolls old village those knife ears will NOT get the jump on us.

Also have our scouts be on the watch, they will probably send more scouts when they realize that the old ones arent coming back.

Before we show it off add parts indicating that the elves have engaged in unjust aggression and have acted most hostile and barbaric.
Add things suggesting our goodwill and peace.

Sometime we make a credible history list that nobody knows exist and then at some point a diplomat just goes wandering through the hive and finds out the grim truth.
But would scientists even be able to do anything?
good point. Farmers and warriors.
Technology list:

-Using leverage, they can dig much better
-Using acidic mandibles, they can smooth edges of stone
-Great at making escape passages

-Minor trapping
-Bombing (with rocks)

Scouts: No real tech increase

Flame Keepers:

-Farming (fungus only so far)
Wait, scratch the adding names thing.
They might vandalize it just out of spite. We can have people add names later.

Well, it's an open question. The GM suggested it, so it must do something. I just can't figure out how, as we haven't researched geneweaving.
I guessing chemical reactions with the acid and various metals and biologic materials. Who knows? Acid and trolls blood may make pure nitro for all we know.
isn't geneweaving genetic engineering?

At this point, scientists aren't smarter that anyone else. They just do odd jobs that might not have much success.

Think like a separate cast who is charged with figuring things out so they get an extra tech roll but if they roll anything other than discovery, it does nothing.
Forgot to add warriors to the tech list

-strongberries (steroids) eaten before battle
-conjoined tactics (roll bonus when working with other castes)

Hound Masters
-Conjoined tactics
Also, next set of orders:

Scouts: observe prisoners and observe Troll Encampment
Hunters: Hunt (Forrest?)
Warriors: ?
Flame Keepers: keep working on torches
Hound Masters: ?
Scavengers: Work on farming?
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Okay, so scientists would help the research that the castes do, not genetics. Gotcha.

Well, I guess we could have a few bugs running around talking about synergy.
>>>>>>Civ: Insects
>>>>>>Gov: Theocratic monarchy
>>>>>>Location: Cliff face
>>>>>>Mutations: Mining Mandible, wings and Arolia, Chameleon secretion, Eat and Adapt (queen), resistance to fire and acid, Acidic Mandibles, Graspers, slight tech bonus.
>>>>>>Breading: Queen lays the eggs
>>>>>>Pop: The Holy Queen, 10 attend-ants caste, 45 hunters ,45 workers, 7 master scouts, 15 scavengers, 10 firekeepers, 30 soldiers, 8 hound masters (elite), 15 farmers. 37 eggs (hatch in 2 turns)
>>>>>Building: Deep Burrows, Queen's room + Shiny , Larva Room, Crude statues, Hall of History, Effigy to the fallen, Wolf pen, road to hot spring, Barracks, Dorms, Specialty rooms, Crafting Rooms.
>>>>>Food: Scavenged meat, Elk, Fish ("fishing hurts the health of the hunters, can't do it every turn), eggs (hunters can get hurt doing this), berries, Rabbits, strongberries
>>>>>The cliffs are cold and harsh, but everyone is well sheltered
>>>>>Caste based on what do most, or what the queen tells you are.
>>>>>The Queens chamber is very shiny
>>>>>Some unnatural hide accidentally fell on the hunters while fishing, cold at first but seems to keep him warm once it dries
>>>>>Bugs can smell other bugs.
>>>>>Pheromone scent totems.
>>>>>Wolves south of Trolls.
>>>>> Fire adds scent to the room and heat. Scent is very pleasurable.
>>>>>Found the den
>>>Scouts ambushed: hit with well crafted arrows.
>>>Identified other civilization as elves.
>> Captured troll and 6 elves
>>4 EVO points
>>Working on Poison (8 evo points)
Scouts: Yes
Hunters: I guess that's all they can do
Warriors: Patrol and Spar
Hounds: Make pups
Scavs: YUS! And get a few people from the other castes to help them.
Aww crap I made them farmers in the list alread
Well, let's just move a worker or two into the "scientist" caste. Some opinionated old fart.
I'll turn a few farmers into scientists and let the farmers help the scavengers.

Hounds can't make pups at the moment. You can bring them back to that wolf den.
Scouts: do scouting up north
Hunters: go with scouts, if prey is spotted go after it
Warriors: Guard duty, both prisoners and hive entrances. The elves might come looking. Set condition 2 throughout the ship.
Keepers: yes and put a torch by the prisoners so they can be seen and aren't scared of the dark
Hounds: breed and help guard
Scavengers: yes
Hounds shit on the cave soil for fertilizer...
Scouts: Yes
Hunters: I guess that's all they can do
Warriors: Patrol and Spar
Hounds: Make pups
Scavs: YUS! And get a few people from the other castes to help them.
Farmers: Assist scavs
Scientists: ?
Ughhh wut?
I you are me and I am you, then who is us?
I was writing that as you were writing yours. I had to update the list to include farmers and scientists. My list was more of a question that was somewhat solidified by Exo
Well the hounds make fertilizer and the scientists combine various materials and experiment and shit. I guess...

So are the scouts going north to see what they can find, or south to see if there are more Elves coming to check it out.


The hounds can't breed at this point in time. There is a den way to the south that you can somewhat exploit, but other than that no.
The scientists are a free chance of coming up with technology.

Someone mentioned synergy if you want them to try and develop that.
Synergy is a management buzzword that basically means "teamwork."
Scouts split. Some go to the old troll camp just to observer, others go north and actually explore.

I would rather them do some food/farming research... hungry...
No, I think the scouts should focus hard on the north. We need to expand out hunting range and I doubt the elves will let us hunt in their territory.
>would rather them do some food/farming research... hungry...

Works for me and I want to get this moving.
Ok. North and food research.

You guys are the only ones voting at the moment.

I'll roll a d2 if you want
K writing
Let the scouts scout and our farmers take care of the farming, it's the reason we got castes non?
How do those lesser races function without castes? It's so odd.
That's why they are lesser races and we are the supreme insects!
I don't want to bother you, Klaxx, but have you thought up any named characters for the other civs? Just wondering, really.
What you want to negotiate and understand them? Pah.

We don't have those insect diplomat girls yet, do we?
>Boner nat 20
No, I was more thinking of it from a worldbuilding point of view. Let's say we are able to figure out our captive's language. We'd be asking questions like "who is in charge of your hive" and "is there any other hives besides yours?" We won't understand them for a long time, of course. I was just thinking of it while waiting.

And I can't wait till we get the mimics. That's when this quest kicks into high gear with cheerful political maneuvering and backstabbing.
The workers finish up the hall of history. Depicting the ambush of the scouts as well as a detailed version of the arrows used, The breaking of the trolls (complete with the pitfall), and the recent famine which drove them to war.
They do not manage to fudge the history.

Your scouts find a stream flowing down the mountain and into a lake in a vast wooded region.

The hunters find a lot of woodland creatures in the area and focus on capturing them with nets. They catch a lot of squirrels and rabbits.

The warriors train and do some guard duty. There was a accident in the training room and a few of the warriors were hurt sparring (lowered success rate for one turn)

The Flame Keepers ran out of wood (natural 6) and couldn't keep the torches going. The halls seem mighty dark now.

The hounds are taught to use one of the special rooms for farming as a toilet. (+5 to farming rolls)

The scavengers realize that things need sunlight and water in order to grow. They petition to have the workers move their special rooms closer to the outside to provide sunlight and rain. As well as resolve to bring water up.

The farmers work to cultivate fungus. It will be ready for harvesting soon.

The scientists spend a lit of time observing. I don't think they're on to anything
I haven't started thinking up names. Usually people don't really follow the names in their own civs much less anyone npc civs
>>>>>>>Civ: Insects
>>>>>>>Gov: Theocratic monarchy
>>>>>>>Location: Cliff face
>>>>>>>Mutations: Mining Mandible, wings and Arolia, Chameleon secretion, Eat and Adapt (queen), resistance to fire and acid, Acidic Mandibles, Graspers, slight tech bonus.
>>>>>>>Breading: Queen lays the eggs
>>>>>>>Pop: The Holy Queen, 10 attend-ants caste, 45 hunters ,45 workers, 7 master scouts, 15 scavengers, 10 firekeepers, 30 soldiers, 8 hound masters (elite), 10 farmers, 5 scientists. 37 eggs (hatch in 2 turns) (1 now)
>>>>>>Building: Deep Burrows, Queen's room + Shiny , Larva Room, Crude statues, Hall of History, Effigy to the fallen, Wolf pen, road to hot spring, Barracks, Dorms, Specialty rooms, Crafting Rooms.
>>>>>>Food: Scavenged meat, Elk, Fish ("fishing hurts the health of the hunters, can't do it every turn), eggs (hunters can get hurt doing this), berries, Rabbits, strongberries
>>>>>>The cliffs are cold and harsh, but everyone is well sheltered
>>>>>>Caste based on what do most, or what the queen tells you are.
>>>>>>The Queens chamber is very shiny
>>>>>>Some unnatural hide accidentally fell on the hunters while fishing, cold at first but seems to keep him warm once it dries
>>>>>>Bugs can smell other bugs.
>>>>>>Pheromone scent totems.
>>>>>>Wolves south of Trolls.
>>>>>> Fire adds scent to the room and heat. Scent is very pleasurable.
>>>>>>Found the den
>>>>Scouts ambushed: hit with well crafted arrows.
>>>>Identified other civilization as elves.
>>> Captured troll and 6 elves
>>>6 EVO points
>>>Working on Poison (8 evo points)
>They petition to have the workers move their special rooms closer to the outside to provide sunlight and rain

Petition approved. Get the workers on it.

>ran out of wood
You had one job, flamekeepers. One job.

How are the prisoners?

Fair enough.
Flamekeepers... WOW guys! Really?

I believe promotions are in order, a couple of positions just became vacant.
>How are the prisoners?
Fed, but scared. We locked them up with a troll. The troll fears us more than fire (which he thought he saw one of us turn into a while back)
Can we determine genders?
Why isn't the troll in a separate pit? It's being meat farmed.
>a couple of positions just became vacant.
They got a natural 6/100 and the scavengers were somewhat in charge of gathering wood. And they were using a lot of sticks to make torches.
So we ARE meat farming it!
Well, the elves don't need to see that. It's a jail, not a slaughterhouse.
Is it? I wasn't even aware.

Well, I didn't exactly support it since I wanted to integrate it but I dont know who supports farming it.
Of course. Let the elves watch. Take whichever arm the troll doesnt wipes its ass with.

Let them fear our voracity. Our hunger.
Let me rephrase this:

The elves, who just witnessed us bite off all of the limbs of the troll to watch them grow back to be bitten off again are beyond scared. The smell of feces radiates throughout the storage room.
I oppose this, we don't want to look aggressive in the eyes of the elves. The entire point of not killing and keeping them is keeping a diplomatic ballance.
Yeah, the troll regenerates, so a few workers without acid jaws nibble at it and get chunks of meat, which grow back.
No troll allies for us then.

Still I don't support just starting to eat prisoners in front of the elves.
Agreed. We should provide them with semi-humane cells that have reasonable light and clean conditions.

Course, the firekeepers have them sitting in total darkness...

Fuck trolls.
Nah. We are stripping the lands of food and are highly enraged when hungry. They would never trust us. And troll meat is so tasty...

Where do we move them to?
We don't need them to trust us we just need them to not hate us and take open aggressive actions against us.

Make a new room? I mean we really got enough don't we?
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Hey, the trolls are evil aligned and the elves shot at us first. And we just did a bit of overhunting, an easy mistake.

We might want to conquer the world in the name of our God Empress and infest all sentient life to purify them of their sinful forms, but deep down we just want to work together with everybody and make sure we all do our best.

Oh, just move the troll to a slaughterhouse barn room. It'd be where we'd keep cows and such if we ever got them.
Can we try to determine their leader? If so take the leader out of the cell together with the troll to scare them shitless, the troll goes to the slaughter fest and we show their leader our history hall or whatever it is, if it's already suggestive and biased enough.
Forgetting my name recently.
Wait. Can we even talk?
We don't understand their language and I would be surprised if they understood ours.
This is a good idea. A very good idea. It'd be a huge psychological play.

No. I assume we'd make little insect-like clicks, but no talking.
our digestive track
>The workers: Work on agricultural room.
>Your scouts: ?
>The hunters: hunt north?
>The warriors: Escort prisoners?
>The Flame Keepers: gather wood?
>The hound masters: ?
>The scavengers: Get water
>The farmers: farm
>The scientists: farm
You could feed one to the queen
Nah. We talk in dub step because we are beings of purest hatred.

>Could you imagine a man sized insect opening its mandibles and WUB WUB WEET WEET WEET WRA WRA WRA BOOM! comming out?

Let's be honest anything would scare you if it was a huge fucking insect.
please just one elf just one man surly one will try and run.
Workers: yes
Scouts: monitor southern forest for search parties by elves
Warriors: yes
Hunters: Yes
Hound Masters: go to the den
Scavengers: yes, and wood
Farmers: Yes
Scientists: yes, and try and observe the prisoner's reaction to the history room

>"Hey, Bainor, what did they say to you?"
>"Something like 'bass cannon, bass cannon, bass cannon, bass cannon.'"
That's pretty accurate to what we sound like
Even if one tries to run which, let's be honest you wouldn't want to think about in a labyrinth of pathways we would still have to consider better uses for his escape, we could return him as a sign of our goodwill or even let him escape to get the message to the elves.

Of course we would let him know that we are letting him escape and he didn't do it on his own.
Everyone in agreement?
we need a sustainable population of cattle badly....
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Yup yup yup
Sure, end this turn. Also how biased is our history hall whatevermajingens right now? Have we added a valid reason for our attack on the trolls yet?

If all our fights are sufficiently validated and our foes put into a bad light we can proceed with the plan to show it off to the elf/eldar/elven leader.
>infest deer
>evolve fattening mutation
>venison for everyone
I used to love those movies when I was little.
Apparently, we failed to write history in our favor and were too truthful.
We should totally retry.
land before time<3, I've seen every movie shame the kid who ducky's voice was murdered poor child. and we all agree i think
It's cave engravings. So far, nothing has been fudged. Our attack has been shown to be out of hunger since the famine came beforehand.
All it shows is that we attacked the trolls out of hunger but spared the elves.
We didnt add the evil elves attack innocent peace bugs part yet?
I need to roll for success first on that poison.
We added the attack on our scouts
We did. And I suppose we can add their pitiful excuses later. Though they might not even remember it by the time we evolve to talk to them.
Rolled 19

Keep forgetting that dice
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But we will remember...

>captcha suffer
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The cruelty of the elves will never be forgotten, but we must remember it is their evil mammalian ways that caused them to reject our queen. Soon we will teach them the error of their ways and they will thank us for us.

Queen bless our struggle.
I know i'm not part of this.
But you guys should let them free,
Feel free to join in.
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What is it Sir Pen and Paper? Dragons?

Only a matter of seconds now till prime is coming with that update...
Anyyyy second nowwww....
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>Missed a whole thread's worth of development and have to catch up on it

Oh great royal Goddess, please forgive my tardiness. I am but a humble exoskeletal fool.
Mutation was the opposite: Instead of poison, we have developed antidotal secretions from our carapace. Rubbing against each other will undo the effects of Neurotoxin (Paralytic poison).

The workers dig out an agricultural room with an open roof for farming.

Scouts find nothing in the southern forest.

The warriors (nat 99) walk into the storage room to retrieve the elves. When they get closer, an elf, who looks different from the others, draws his blade which is taken from him in a swift action (without breaking it). It is very shiny. Shiny for queen! Take shiny to queen! (Warriors learn to disarm as well as differentiate humanoids). The warriors bring the elves through the history room to be transported to one of the crafting rooms.

The scientists observe the Elves as they look at our craftsmanship on the wall.

Elf: points at the wall. "Ap breka suiliano jar de ka."

Elf 2: "Sou kai? Kara de guru da Barchetta negilionomous canta zot."

Scout leader: "Scontan shiou zetta mec."

The scientists don't know what's going on, but the elves seem interested.

The Hound Masters (natural 92) make it all of the way to the den using their wolves tracking as well. The wolves mate with their females as well as bring them back from the den. (+13 pups and 6 adult wolves) (can now breed to make more Hound Masters. Pups grow in 8 turns.

The hunters have a poor catch this time. (hive is hungry).

The scavengers can't transport water very well. They only manage to get a small percentage of what they need back to the hive.

The farmers can't farm because there's nothing to farm. Fungus might be ready but actual crops aren't

Also guys I have to go. I'll archive this thread now. If you want to keep it going someone can pick up as a DM.

Rules for DM (success rolls are d100 for each caste. 50+ relative success below relative failure. This is also included for mutations.
75+ for new clutches is tech success 80+ for old clutches. This develops new technology
You are just in time to wait for Prime to write up the next part. We raided the trolls stole one of them killed the other and captured 6 elven scouts.

We also got useful acid and some sort of hands.
Also, if you do decide to keep it going with a new DM: let me know the times and what's happening. My email is [email protected]

Archiving thread just in case.
If nobody emails me with what happened, I will pick up from this point at 2pm central tomorrow
Well I guess we end it here then. You got a system and I'd like to keep that. Let's make a new time and day.
I totally saw that... anyway I will be there.
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Alright, see you tomorrow. Thanks for DMing!
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My timing seems to be terrible today. I'll just have to catch up and be around next time.

If something were to happen to our divine queen while I was away, I could never forgive myself.
Any ideas on what we should evolve next?
We could try to go for something that would allow us to quicker understand and adapt to different languages.

I guess understanding it would have more importance than speaking it ourselves.
Tempting, but I don't think it'd be very meaningful.
Maybe we should work on a geneweaver. Get our mutation rate up.
Down the line we should evolve a clergy caste that can produce the most beautiful sounds befitting of our Queen's worship.

She deserves more than gifts. She deserves song and praise!

We should go for Eating stone we got lots of it.
But sadly it would take a 2 generations.
We can arrange to have the prisoners sing for our queen.

Alright, so we could develop a the gene weaving and then go for the language. I guess upgrading speed comes before doing the actual tech/mutation/potato.
Seeing as we are at a standstill anyway I'm just gonna ask whomever is left.

Would anyone care for a post apocalyptic civ quest with lots of weird monsters and bioweapons or is everyone sick of post apocalypse by now?
That is a good idea.

I don't know how my ID changed.
You added your e-mail to the field? Or did I just not notice something.
You did not notice it. I had it the whole time.
In that case I have no idea what you ment.

Anyway this thread is slowly gonna die now anyway, anyone have a good one and till tomorrow.
I will try to archived this.
I think Prime already did. Thanks anyway.

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