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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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This is an interactive adventure taking place in the animated Teen Titans universe, as well as the larger DCAU.

New updates are being prepared right now, and will be uploaded under this trip. If you're new here, get caught up via the pastebin link in this thread's description. Don't worry; it isn't very long, and I've heard it comes highly recommended from our small questing community. Check it out!

Bonus Act 1 will begin tonight.
Awesome, cant wait.

By the By, Any new guys that caught up recently?

Thoughts so far? Favorite scene? anything?
So you really have moved over here, huh.
Well, welcome to /tg/.
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Here we go
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Let's slam
>Any new guys that caught up recently?
I like it. Oddly entrapping. Will stick around for more.
Best scene is a tie between several but I like beastboy's mindscape sequence
Were you the guy from last night? I wanna know how you felt about part 5 if you are.

That's good, because circumstances dictate that we're probably going to be doing more mindscape stuff with Jinx and Starfire.

And we know how to mindmeld now, right guys?

Not without unwanted consequences....
>Were you the guy from last night?
>I wanna know how you felt about part 5
>part 5
Act 5. And it was exciting.
>And we know how to mindmeld now, right guys?

Yeah, poorly.
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I really thought I was going to use this image.

I guess not.
Daww, what about part 4? I seriously think that gets the reaction out of everyone.
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Read it all last night...
Christ man.

Well I get it. It's easy.

Should I make a post explaining it? Do most of you guys know why we screwed up the self-mindmeld thing?
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Oh, in case no one saw it, a old drawfriend stopped by and is working on some OC

This is a work in progress, thought i should share it, if no one saw it yet.
Explain it.

Ok, hold on a sec.
I think i know why, but please, go ahead.

So which death hit you harder? Or was torture the bigger feel factor?
Since we're immortal, why didn't we carve out our own eye with a pocket knife as a sign of solidarity?
So because it seems in our near future we plan on doing some sensual mind healing with at least two-thirds of the females we've maimed on this team, I think its important that we all analyze and agree on how this shit works.

Here were our choices right before we went to revive Beast Boy from his coma, the first time we ever used mindmeld.

>D: Focus. Clear your mind, and ready yourself. Meditate.
>E: Give this consideration. Think of all the things that could happen inside of his head, and try to mentally prepare yourself as best as possible.
>F: Reconsider this whole plan. This is dangerous; you could die!

We picked E, the incorrect answer, which then caused Raven to go

>"No!" She screams. "Keep your mind clear! If you don't, you..."

And then we continued to pick options that rejected Beast Boy's dialog, and were essentially "Panic and try to escape" options.

In almost every one of these dream sequences, Humble gives us options that are essentially.
>A. Let what would naturally happen next in the scene happen.
>B. Back out and do not let the scene play out as it would naturally happen.

The key to having a successful, non-brain damaging mindmeld is to always pick A.

But how do you tell how a memory is supposed to play out? It seems that Humble always gives us context in the description.

During BB's mindmeld, we were told

>From the back seat, you see two people in the front. You love these people. You love the man driving, but even more than that, if it's even possible, you love the woman in the seat next to him.

This is obviously Beast Boy in a car with his parents. If we had just picked the A choices, letting the scene play out as it should, we would have picked the dialog choices. But we freaked out, and chose the B option instead.
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Titans in Need of hugs tier list

Raven, Jinx, Beast Boy




Cause we're immortal, our eyes will grow back over time.
Exactly! So we gouge out our eyeball with some rusty spoons or something, and then get all vulcan on Kinx so that she can share in our super happy regenerative powers of DEATH.
When melding with Jinx to heal her injuries after the crash, we are told
>The stickers are colorful. They make you happy.

>In fact, everything makes you happy! You are simply elated on a regular basis. Even now you are playfully running around the house, watching the back of your dress ripple in the breeze. It is a perfect day.

>Your arms fly out in front of you, one by one, as you merrily dash about. Every once in a while, when an arm flies forward, a tiny spark of light crackles in front of it.

>You could not possibly be more entertained.

This was admittedly, very difficult. But after this mindmeld, we can be sure that we will always be in the perspective of the person we are mindmelding with. Our options were either "A: Find a way to create more sparks." or "B: Have fun!". Because Humble described both the sparks and the happiness equally in the update, it is difficult to tell which choice is the A choice. But Humble ended the description with the fact that she could not possibly be more ENTERTAINED, which was a dead givaway that investigating the sparks would be the most inappropriate option compared to having fun. Considering that we have improved mindmeld since then, mindmelds with Starfire or Jinx later on should be easier to decipher, AS LONG AS WE ALL KNOW HOW IT WORKS.

Also, I'll go ahead and mention that during the sequence where we were mindmelding ourself, allowing ourself to die was the A option, and using our powers to escape was the B option.

Does everybody understand how this works now? Do we understand it well enough to not be paranoid about memory wiping anymore?

TL;DR: We are always in the perspective of the person we are mindmelding, never pick the option that rejects the scene or is inappropriate for the scene's description.
Well put. Looks like we need to do this from now on.
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Sorry, what?
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>Raven trapped in hell, always dying
>Beast Boy smashed into a coma, forgets parents when we fuck up.
>Jinx tortured to fuck all the time, total bitterness over our hesitation to answer joker I fucking teared up
>Starfire totally broken in a hospital bed
>Robin trying to keep his shit together
>Forgetting all about Jinx, our inability to save people
Christ my investment is through the roof, a night well spent.
We should help beast boy first, then we can regen Jinx eye back via mind meld, then we can un fuck our memories while we're at it.
That tight pink ass who totally wants the D, but probably has daddy issues or something so she isn't gonna get close enough to us to ever let us touch her. Especially now that we've gone all scared turtle on her ass in the memorolo department.
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We don't...actually know if we can restore memories or not
I can't get the pastebin link cause mobile but PLEASE POST, I GOTS TA KNOW

We've known this for a long time now, but we still keep fucking it up. Humble threw us a curve ball last time where neither choice had happened.
Top Theory, I'll rally to do this in the future
Hey welcome to the wild ride, buddy, sad scenes like that are common.

Right now its just a little happy side story, so everything is fine as of right now.

>Also, I'll go ahead and mention that during the sequence where we were mindmelding ourself, allowing ourself to die was the A option, and using our powers to escape was the B option.
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Stop thinking like a mortal.
We are thought to be able to fucking blink and give people heart attacks if the wild ride goes on to long, memory is a piece of cake.
Y-Yeah I'm sure it'll be a lot of f-fun.
I think the thing about the self-mindscape that screwed us up was the whole lesson was about accepting that we AREN'T mortal and human, and putting aside our self-imposed limitations.

The fact that we really wouldn't die when we got shot was what threw people off.

But I guess the point is that at the time, we didn't know we were immortal.
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>Had to move to /tg/

No offence /tg/, I like you guys too but it is annoying
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We broke another new guy, thats swell.

Any other newer people?
I'm new. Just for reference, I'm the guy talking about Kinky Pink's eyeball and why we didn't just bite the bullet and scrape out some of our own eye jelly.

Should I archive this now or later?
Go ahead and do it now. Just in case
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All these mind melding ideas...
We should wait till we're mind melding STRONG before doing any repair damages imo.
It wouldn't work.
>But I guess the point is that at the time, we didn't know we were immortal.

Well, that was the trick. We weren't really sure whether we were supposed to push our limits in the mindmeld or not, which made a lot of people hiccup.

I think our sense of cold got destroyed initially with the drink, and the entire sequence was just us trying to retain our sanity.

What should I use for the summary?
>Bonus Act 1

What do you think is gonna happen
>We should wait till we're mind melding STRONG before doing any repair damages imo

I would like that too, but the thing is that we still have to know how to do it, Humble won't put us on automatic pilot.

There will ALWAYS be a way to fuck things up.


What was the last one? Do the last one and #2 or something. idk
A bunch of fa/tg/uys shoot the shit while waiting for OP to deliver

>We should help beast boy first, then we can regen Jinx eye back via mind meld, then we can un fuck our memories while we're at it.

This is basically the reason I don't get why anyone gives a fuck about losing our memories of Jinx. We can read god damn minds and revisit their past. We only did a few things with her so a ten minute mind meld and we're back up to speed with our SINGLE date.

Christ, I hope you guys aren't this clingy in real life.

BB on the hand is fucked. No perceivable way we can access his memories, but I think I'm the only one that cares...
I always wondered what happens if a part of us was chopped off. would it still be there, or would it disappear or something once we regrown a new part?
It'd still be a pretty cool emo angsty sign of solidarity. Roll up to Pink Kink, be like "Aye gurl, Eye hear you ain't been seeing straight~!"

Then we cut out our own eye with a plastic spork, and she loves the fact that we're willing to suffer with her so much that she just drops her clothes into a hot purple pile right there and jumps right on the D.
TTs at beach, must defends BBs sand castle from the revived, yet on vacation HIVE.
You are now the Main Character, and your lungs are full of fire.

At least, that's what it feels like. You've been holding your breath for hours, trekking through the tainted, sloshing snow. You avoid passing out by continuously reminding yourself that you cannot die; that this oxygen deprivation is nothing to a being such as yourself.

It's too bad your lungs don't accept that logic. They're strained and screaming, begging for air you cannot provide. To inhale this toxin would send you into a fit of laughter, slowing down the team's progression though the danger zone. At least, you think it will; from what you've heard, skin contact can also facilitate the absorption of the venom, but that hasn't happened to you yet. You feel cold and suffocated, but the need to laugh hasn't yet arose. Perhaps you're resistant to weaker, more indirect methods of poison transferral.

"This is far enough." Says Robin, removing the plastic mask from his face, and taking you out of your thoughts.

You must have zoned out while focusing on the pain in your lungs; reclaiming your attention and looking around, you can't find a spot of snow anywhere. You're in the middle of a grassy field, marked by the signs of early autumn rather than the signs of Gotham's frigid, artificial winter.

Finally, you breathe. It's glorious; the air has never been sweeter, but the pleasure is short-lived.

Two members of your team didn't make it. Alfred didn't make it. Gotham is a ghost town.

The team relaxes, pulling adhesive masks from their skin. No one says anything, although you suspect Robin is preparing a few words.

A: Talk to Beast Boy.
B: Talk to Cyborg.
C: Talk to Starfire.
D: Talk to Robin.
E: Stay silent.
Dude, I care about everything about our team mates, you act like people want to see BB get hurt or something.

I mean, i guess people see it from our characters POV, losing our memories has got to be abig problem

Watch the fighting words, no need to wave your internet dick around.

And yeah, I think if we're talking about fixing anybody's memories, we should go help BB first. Romance is really unimportant, and Jinx can stand to pout for a few more days.
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But it gets a lot easier the more potent we become.
>Not caring about beast boy.
Anyone who doesn't is a traitor to the cause.
Lets not find out, and just assume we grow shit back.
.... Stahp

>repeatedly strangling yourself to avoid toxin

Damn Donn, you fucking hardest core.
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It's not that they wish him specific harm, it's just that most people didn't care. It was forgotten about in the next thread.
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>suggest easy remedy to Jinx memories
>don't wave your internet dick around.

Yeah, and we completely moved over too once we made Jinx forget something too in that plane crash.

Now our memory is fucked up, so i can see why people are antsy. Its like going through what BB went through when he forgot his parents.

Okay albeit, losing your parents is waaay worse than losing memory of a girlfriend, but im just clarifying. Hope that makes sense...
Well fixing our memories no matter what they're memories seems like the thing anyone would focus on. If you and your buddy both had colds you'd worry about getting over it yourself first. Besides if we try to get our memories back first we can try and figure it out without risking fucking up more of his memories.
Or anyones memories for that matter.
We should remember that car ride from Big Bs memories right?
Yeah we can experiment on our own brains before we go fucking around in other peoples.
I know things have been tense, guys, but let's try to speak up next time. It wouldn't hurt to start conversations instead of wait for them to happen.

The thing about BB is that we we're playing videogames with him after, and he seemed fine. Maybe he's just resilient, I don't know.


I think we should know how to get memories back before talking about which one goes first.

I mean I kind of think it'll be a mindsharing thing like >>27781025

Or jinx can give us her memories of us.

But this is a theory, we need to consult somebody who actually knows how to do this before making decisions.
fuggin THIS
guys, we're basically a free test subject for mind-surgery
we already have all of our memories right in front of us in a .txt file, it's not like we're gonna have to act out a scene we're not familiar with
if we can fix ourselves up, we have a better chance of fixing everyone else up
come on
actually that raises a few questions...

Do we remember about anything when we went through peoples minds? Like do we know what BB went through?
>although you suspect Robin is preparing a few words.
He's about to say some shit man, we don't wanna be a thunder stealing dick.

>If you and your buddy both had colds you'd worry about getting over it yourself first.

The difference between forgetting a girl you went on a dat with and your family are a little bigger. That makes Donn sound like a selfish prick really.

Well we want to know how Robin reacts to all this. I think it'll kind of reflect how the rest of the team feels.
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Are we actually having a civil discussion about this?

This makes me so fucking happy, holy shit.
>That makes Donn sound like a selfish prick really.

And plus, its not like we did anything wrong to Jinx. We screwed up with BB, we actually owe it to him.
Well they're not our family, but i get your point.
Yeah, from what people said a few threads back Jinx still likes us, so we can repair that relationship easy.

With BB though, man. I still say he secretly hates us.
>Well they're not our family

No he means its BB's family. What if you forgot your own family because of some other guy, and he's like "oh sorry, but I have other things to attend to"

Hilariously, the one time we actually did fuck up without fixing it, people didn't fall into a lapse of self pity.

Usually when we save the world people scream GET THE CAGE, just because we didn't stop the world from being in danger in the first place.
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It's the /tg/ curse man
Both sides of the argument have their points.
But why not both?

Well to be fair, we did save BB's life. It was heavily implied that we could have failed completely and made him forget who he was.
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It'd be nice for BB to get some screen time again. Also, Cyborg and Star. I think we choose to interact with both of them ONCE. It took Star LOSING HER SKIN for us to give her a visit.
Well, i know that, but im just saying.

I'm sure people still care about BB, but you guys are acting like no one gives two shits about him and only care about the others.
Cyborg is too busy hitting those showers.
But yeah we need BB back in our lives baby
Bro it up with BB, gives us bad dating advice, play video games all the time, watch funny movies with, hang out when theres nothing to do.

Dude sounds like a fun person.

>Why not both

Never said otherwise, just venting frustration at Donn being a shitty friend that cares about his own trivial problems more than his comrades serious traumatic problem. Especially considering Jinx is an easy fix.

Seriously one mind meld and we can get the inevitable shipping out of the way.


The lack of Cybro quality time has been criminal.
Is it bad that i actually really LIKE the relationship with Jinx, but want to hang out with our bros more?

Come on, I want Gadgets from Cybro damnit.

I don't think we have enough information to come to a reasonable agreement with this.

I say we ask Raven or Martian Manhunter or whatever about it before talking about it.

>but you guys are acting like no one gives two shits about him and only care about the others.

That's not true. We're just establishing the order in which we want to make amends, according to most appropriate guilt.
So Gotham City is dead.

On a global/national scale, it's probably for the best.

Maybe now people will notice how much Hub City sucks.
>Is it bad that i actually really LIKE the relationship with Jinx, but want to hang out with our bros more?

No, we need this for sure.
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>Is it bad that i actually really LIKE the relationship with Jinx, but want to hang out with our bros more?

You are the opposite of bad. You damn right. Bros before hoes.
Sorry for the slow updates. I've been giving aid to my disabled grandmother.

She is now sleeping, which means faster updates will be coming.
>get the inevitable shipping out of the way.
More like get the shipping BACK ON TRACK WOO!
But seriously we should train hard with raven before even trying to halp BB.
Then we can regrown an eyeball cause 'lol my heals' and get the love train moving
>We need moar training
You're pretty much me, man. You're the kind of person we need.
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Sorry to hear that man.
Personal stuff first man. Besides, we've actually been having some reasonable discussion while you were gone.
>just venting frustration

I notice that this happens a lot, and people mistakenly take it too literally.

Warning: This thread will have EMOTIONS in it.
Well i mean, Jinx is perfect for donn and i dont wanna change that.

But we're gonna come off as clingy as hell, and people need space, yo. So lets hang out with the guys and build our relationship up with the others before any more wacky hi-jinks.
>implying our jinx is anything BUT high.
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>Well i mean, Jinx is perfect for donn and i dont wanna change that.


In all seriousness guys, don't overreact to this.
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I am monitoring this Quest.
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No shit man. I suggested that the whole jinx thing was an easy fix and was accused of fighting talk. Shipping is serious bidness.
read the pastebin, bro. Hopefully its updated.
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I Agree

>Expecting /co/mrades to be reasonable about shipping

You can take /co/mrade outta /co/...
I guess poor choice of words, sorry about that...

But to be honest, im surprise people are having a nice discussion about this, it usually ends up in flames back in the old threads.
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>Well i mean, Jinx is perfect for donn and i dont wanna change that.

I'm curious as to why you think that? I don't see the connection.
Its alright man, i get what you were saying at the beginning.

Im just surprise no one jumped up and started fighting eachother.
Jinx has magic coloured skin, and isn't a portal for a world shattering entity.
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I just wanted to post this

I think what he means is that the narrative and development around Jinx kind of requires that we try to continue the relationship.
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You sacrifice tits though. What's more important? Tits or not dying? It's tits anon.
jinx is so cute in the cartoon
Holy shit haha
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Ohhh that is perfect.

Pretty much. I mean I'd be fine with shipping if it made for an interesting story, but honestly it feels kinda forced. Don't kill me please.
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>but honestly it feels kinda forced

I dunno, Jinx liked us first. Maybe it was because of our choices or something.
Its alright man, people seem to be chill here.

I agree, but i wanna know everyones opinion on the matter.
But when Raven is old and her tits hang like mudflaps on a dusty truck, Jinx will still have the young, perky tits of a 17 year old enchantress!
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We need to superkick more people. Just putting that out there.
People with magic tend to live longer and look healthier in age.

I don't know any other magic users that age normally on the top of my head.

>I dunno, Jinx liked us first.

It was more a random date we asked her out on. It felt out of the blue and not really predicated on anything other than that she was datable. And it was all... boring. We went on a date. We kissed. That was it. No shared feelings, no connection, just a hollow token waifu.

Anyway I'll leave it at that in the hope this won't become 50 First Dates. Becuase FUCK Adam Sandler.
they either age really well or REALLY poorly
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I thought it was cute...

Being new to the threads feels conflicting as hell.


Are you Paulie Shore?
But firm perky tits!

Captcha: Eye Missen
Yeah, fuck you too Captcha ;_;
No connection? Did you read the story? That shit was magical. Literally. Pink sparks and everything
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>But when Raven is old and her tits hang like mudflaps on a dusty truck

I cannot believe this is an actual thing that we are talking about right now.


No, she told us that she liked us right before we almost took the throne of hell.

>No shared feelings, no connection, just a hollow token waifu.

I'm pretty sure Humble didn't do this. I mean from the recent updates, its clear that Jinx feels nervous about switching sides, and during the date she's all "you were heroic...i like that".

And plus after the mindmeld she told us that she forgot something that made her feel like she deserved all the bad things that happened to her.

So no, I think our being heroic is exactly what she is looking for. That's why she's so conflicted when we let Harley pull her eye out.
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>Got back in thread
>someone brings up waifuism and that we dont care about BB at all.

Oh fuck, here we go
>Reads down thread
>People are actually having a civil fucking discussion about mind melding, Brotime with BB, and Jinx relationship.

What the fuck is this madness? Who are you people? And why does it feel so nice?
Welcome to /tg/.
You know how people say "/co/ is love"?
Well that's basically the opposite of the truth and here's your proof
Because /tg/ gets shit done
I nearly cried when she was pissed at us dude.
Idk I might just be a waifu fag now but I got feelings now.

Give it three threads. This happened before when we beat Slade. It didn't last.
lol fucking shawn michaels

i like it when they dont take the show so seriously
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Its alright man, you got a lot of shoulders to cry on here, its gonna be okay.

I got angry at that.


I disagree. The people are different now.
>Maybe the hero's life really IS for you.

That quote yesterday feels right for some odd reason, i don't know why.

I've kind of done both.

I mean I'm sorry about your eye, but you know what it was either that or dead.
that's the difference between them though
Raven controls her emotions like they're nothing
It's why I love Raven
Jinx is a loose cannon
And as long as you don't read any other quests, you'll think this is the truth.

Well considering the last thread, I wouldn't be so sure. Then again, maybe /tg/ will be a Golden Age with less shipping and waifu wars, and actual interacctions with the cast where we remember BB, Cy and Star exist and that Raven isn't just a power dispensing machine! HOPE.
You stay quiet. Several minutes pass.

"Okay team." Robin puts his hands behind his back, looking over the present Titans. "I think this goes without saying, but we have a lot of work to do. First, I need..."

His words are cut short. An object is approaching in the distance; a black spot on the cloudy horizon. It comes closer, taking shape, and bringing with it universal sighs of relief.

It's Raven. Flying under her, sitting in a ball of Black energy, is Jinx. They're safe.

Robin folds his arms and smiles. Beast Boy is beside himself with happiness, laughing up at the sky. Cyborg says something to himself that you cannot hear, grinning broadly all the while.

The girls land. Everyone opens their mouths to speak, but only a single, rarely-heard noise rings out.

'Beep... Beep... Beep.'

Three beeps from Robin's communicator. That's a top-level transmission, and those only come in from one location.

Robin opens the yellow device, holding it out so that everyone can see. When the static clears, a handsome, chiseled man with striking black hair is seen on the screen. He's wearing a blue outfit, which boldly displays a shield on his chest.

You can't believe it. Even in these circumstances, getting a call from Superman himself is certainly unexpected.
kinda the opposite with me actually, its why i dont like Raven so much and why i was a big Starfire fan at the beginning.

but nope, fuck starfire apparently...

I guess its now the reason i like Jinx.
The big man himself?

I don't think he's calling to congratulate us.
We supramen Mao

I'm really not here for any other quests.

I've seen this community grow and change. /tg/ has nothing to do with what's happening today. If anything, whatever love /co/ has is steadily migrating out of it.


You've got to admit, objectively, that the last thread was nothing compared to what used to happen on /co/

Jinx always was the opposite in the show. Like she was the only organized kid villain and the rest where a bunch of chaotic plebs. Like the big sister of the group that nagged them into some semblance of unity.



About damn time.
Sweet! The gang's back togeth...

>Suddenly Superman

Last thread was only one bitter man, i can kinda understand why he was angry, but now people are chill..

You know, what was the point of any of those options if Superman was just going to interrupt us anyway?
it probably would have happened after we talked
well we could have been standing around awkwardly. we do this quite often.
Several minutes passed in silence. Minutes you could have spent triggering other interactions and events.
fuck being quiet next time.
This is what I meant earlier. We shouldn't just stand around waiting for stuff. Let's talk to people some more

I say we forge a pact to never pick the wait option ever again for any reason whatsoever.
fucking agreed
Preach it, brother
As long as we don't have interrupt anything important, agreed. There wasn't really a reason for us to not talk to someone, at least a little bit
"Robin?" Says Superman, speaking immediately. "Where are you?"

"We're outside of Gotham." Robin answers, keeping his cool. "My team's safe, but we couldn't save the city. It's covered in poison."

"We know. The League's coming in soon to look for survivors; in the meantime, you're being reassigned. All of you are. A jet will be there shortly; ask the pilot for details."

Robin starts to answer, but the transmission is cut short. It's surprising; even when upset, you never imagined Superman to be the rude type.

"You heard the man." Robin places his communicator on his belt. "We've been reassigned. We'll have to celebrate on the plane; Raven, I want a full report on however you managed to survive that gas attack."

Something about this situation makes you uncomfortable.

F: Talk to Robin. Tell him you have a bad feeling about this sudden reassignment.
G: Don't say anything. You did get your orders from the big man himself, after all.
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They always work in these threads right?
>It's surprising; even when upset, you never imagined Superman to be the rude type.

confirmed for not superman
It wont last long, trust me...
>tfw some big-leagues shit is going down
my body is not ready
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I mean it MIGHT have something to do with getting an entire city killed on your watch.

Seems like that'd have repercussions.

Yeah, it was us, Joker just happened to be there.

To be fair, this is supposed to be a bonus act, maybe we should try to assume the best and make the most of it.

"I tried"

Donn Mortem's new catchphrase.
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Calling it now: Superman decomissions the Titans.
Technically, we pressed the wrong button.

And even if we weren't responsible, we kinda failed to save the day.

Big time.
Or he could just reassign us to somewhere less important.

Or mandatory therapy.

Or throw us in the Phantom Zone.

>Robin's goint to put us all in the cage
>death of a major American city
>20 years in the Phantom Zone
It's a good thing we've lost our ability to feel empathy for strangers.

Otherwise this would be devastating.
Technically we didn't know what the fuck we were doing the whole time until Freeze told us.
Oh man, i don't think Donn would have handled that so well.
To be fair, the city was a complete shithole
Is that REALLY an excuse?

That's why Robin stressed the importance of reporting back.

Everyone might not have frozen to death in the time it would take to go back and forth from Wayne Manor.
>Is that REALLY an excuse?

I'm just saying. Chill out.

We only feel feels for dead or tortured waifus.
>To be fair, the city was a complete shithole

Ah... Shit.

Did Gordon get to safety?
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>Did Gordon get to safety?

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>Responding to self pity brigade with puns

I like you.
Probably not.

But on the plus side, everyone in Arkham Asylum and Blackgate Prison is also probably dead.
I'm not so sure if we should go along with this. Why would they be looking for survivors? The League knows how deadly Joker venom is. They'd probably send in specialists to clear the gas first.

On the bright side, we just got rid of all of Batman's rogues gallery. Donn Mortem: GETTING SHIT DONE.
Though you'd think more people in the city would have developed a tolerance to the stuff?

Imma agree with this.
Look, I'm just saying.

We killed an entire city.

I think that might merit some kind of trial/tribunal/Phantom Zone, so of course Superman would be a bit testy with us, since he's probably swallowing his anger and disappointment.
>most of Gotham
>Commissioner Gordon
Fuck. Bats is probably preparing the cage for us.
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But at what price?

I wonder what Bane thinks of us.
Alfred's fine man. He got the immunity spell from Raven

>These posts again

I forgot about posts like these...

Look, Joker doing bad things and us failing to stop them isn't our fault. It's Joker's.
But Alfred is okay.
>Alfred's fine man.

>Alfred didn't make it.

He dead.
Like cockroaches?

You'd think so, since Gotham can't be a sinkhole of crime and depravity if everyone is dead.

...How long do you think it'll be until Gotham has a full population again?

Given how many people died all the time back then, I'm forced to assume that there's some strange compulsion for people to move there.

I mean it is a bunch of kids vs the Joker, who can give the League a hard time
Still, what about Gordon? He's a commissioner-sicle.

If there is one thing I know about Humble's interpretation of DC characters, its that everybody is a lot more understanding than we give them credit for.

It's not like Batman has predicted Joker 100% all the time either, bro. Just accept what happened and keep on, keeping on.
You a stupid nigga. That was from Donn's point of view, he didn't know raven did that spell shit.

>Failing to stop mass murder despite trying your best is the same as committing it

I don't think they jail people for not being interventionist Gods...
He didn't know about Raven's magic.
But the it happened partly because we didn't follow orders. We aren't entirely to blame, but we did push the button.
Thats because our main character didn't know they were fine

Are you kidding me?

Alfred back at Wayne manor, sweeping out all the gas and cleaning the streets like a true gentleman, probably.
Were you not here for the last thread? Jinx, Raven, an Alfred were at the mansion, and Raven managed to create an immunity spell for them.
Which is why we need our Heroing License revoked. If we aren't good enough for our failure to be considered our fault then we clearly aren't good enough for the the job.
Elsewhere, Alfred is adjusting his suit. He ruffles and smoothens his mustache, looking once more to be in perfect order.

Yeah, ok.

I'm done replying to these pity party posts of poo.
>Pity party is back

Dudes, dudes, I understand, but come on...


What wrong wit you? I say you he dead.
You know how Stephanie Brown started a brutal gang war? Or how Misfit accidentally blew up several city blocks? This is like that, but worse by a lot.

The only greater unintentional fuckups I can think of is John Stewart accidentally a planet, and Barry Allen Ruining Everything.
Real estate in Gotham is now at rock-bottom prices.

Would that be Red Son Superman?

(I don't know many incarnations of Superman, so if that's not a good comparison, forgive me)
You laugh, but that's the kinda shit that pops up in DC and Marvel all the goddamn time.
That's saying much. I mean, Hitler didn't do anything wrong.
It's not a pity party, I'm saying that at minimum, we're going to be given mandatory grief counseling, if these guys are even remotely competent.

Like just shrugging everything off with a fun times vacation arc seems kind of insane.
>Barry Allen ruining everything

It got better...
I bet they're yucking it up at the real-state agencies....

Not at all. Like even remotely. Steph STARTED it. We didn't. Misfits started a fight in a local area and were directly responsible.

We only failed to stop what Joker started. We are entirely blameless.
To be honest, I expect people to be moving in right now, and just kind of nudging the bodies out of the way (after going through the pockets of course).

Because it's Gotham City.
Ehhh, kinda-not-really
Well I don't see how reporting back to robin would have changed anything. Only people who knew about the Joker gas was Freeze and, well, Joker.
It'd then be logical that Robin would just ask us to turn off the machine.
There's also the parts where we were the only one that could survive the cold, there being little time, and the communicators frozen that I doubt anyone, barring Batman, could have done things differently.
>Joker is secretly a real estate agent
>Like just shrugging everything off with a fun times vacation arc seems kind of insane.

Where was this implied that we were shrugging off anything? The point is that its unusual for Superman to be pissy at us, considering that we tried our best.
I cannot believe that we are like 30 posts from autosage.
Wouldn't the first thing Batman/Robin do to be to take this mysterious snow and stick it into some kind of chemical analyzer?

Why not that thing?
Fair enough. Nice alliteration though.
Thats par for the course for these threads
Ace detectives and all.

Robin could've done that himself. He didn't need us to retrieve a single flake.
No worries, we have 4-7 hrs from that point 'till drop off.
You're getting a bad feeling, and you let Robin know about it.

"The feeling is shared, but my hands are tied." Robin says, looking up to the sky as a blackened jet descends from the clouds. "But it's good to know I'm not the only one. Wherever they send us, I'll be keeping watch for anything out of the ordinary. You should too."

The jet lands, and the Titans board it. Very little speaking is done; the seats are far from one another in the mostly hollow cabin, and the pilot relays your reassignment over an intercom.

You're being taken to a private beach resort, secluded within a small, dense forest along Coast City's northern shore. The League expects to be busy cleaning up Gotham for quite some time, and can't spare the manpower needed to investigate a series of strange, spiking signals it's been receiving from the location.

Great. This sounds like their least important task; they probably assigned it to you just to keep you away from the real disaster. To be fair, you can't really blame them; it may not have been your fault, but you still triggered the gas cloud.

Are those lives on your hands? You know you were just trying to help, but you haven't really been able to think about the situation until now. How many people are dead? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? You don't know. Maybe it's best to not worry about it.

H: Ask the pilot if he thinks your reassignment seems odd.
I: Forget about it. Get some sleep on your way to the resort.
Forgot to enter my name.
This is me.
Is that you Humble?
Well yeah, that's kind of my point.

You'd think that'd kind of be step one.

Well actually, step one would be briefing us on Mr. Freeze since you know, the incident was cold related.
Freeze also said that the machine was using water up until recently when he substituted it for venom.

Didn't know the snow was Joker gas.

We could've just done the Raven immunity thing if we knew.
So, can we agree that shit's happened, multiple people are to blame in some way, big or small,
but what's done is done and there's use worrying about it?

Yeah, but the point is returning to base wouldn't have allowed us to learn about the gas.

Personally I don't think staying got the city killed, but I think what we pressed on that console was a problem. Maybe we we should've accessed that "Family Vacation" file, got info on Joker then reported back to base? Ah well, it's all done now.

Please god....
Hey guys, when we get to the beach can we just agree to just hang out and not be all serious?
awwww yeeeeee I missed these
Look at the bright side, guys. Us starting it early? It /PISSED/ off the Joker. It's possible things could have gone even worse if we didn't sort of mess up, if this ISN'T what he wanted.
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I dearly hope we can have some. Last vacation arc we were so autistic about shipping it was less fun than a barrel of dead Ravens. We even needed Raven to tell us to stop being a self pitying little shitbag.
No we have to be mopey and deep. As befits one related to death.
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>We become Penance.

oh you
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Lets hope we spend SOME time with everyone and not ignore one person.
Fuck that man....
How about we take emotional cues from the rest of the team, and do what they're doing?

Like if they're serious and reflective, we shouldn't be asking who's up for beach volleyball.
But... that's meta-gaming
But the death we're a part of is super preppy and nice.

I think if we notice anybody having trouble, we should talk them through it and get them to be having fun with us.

Seeing as he's basing that off info given within the game, that's not metagaming.

We know for a fact that Joker didn't totally get his way.
It might have been the Joker's plan to keep the machine running until the JL had to intervene.

Humble didn't give us any information to make choices based off of. It's just dramatic tension.
haven't finished going through the archive yet...has Donn met his mother yet?
Yeah. She was peachy keen.

Yes, its early on, keep going.
Dude, you're waaayyy early, keep going man, and report on how you feel about the story, i wanna relish the memories.
>choosing I
Remember the last time we were on a plane?
We'll be up all night looking out the window for clouds ;-;
Really? You want to relish the MEMORIES?
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>The clouds are there man...I know they are...
>Donn, its alright, calm down.
>I-I-I cant shake this feeling...

>Donn, I'm telling you, the clouds are not going to hurt you
>N-no Robin, get the cage before I accidentally kill Raven again.
>But Donn
This is way too strange. You ask the pilot if he has any suspicions.

"Heck, no!" The pilot replies, enthusiastically. "This is the first time I've been given orders from Superman. Heck, it's the first time I've even spoken to him! Well, outside of some kind of speech. You know how few League pilots get that honor?"

This is useless. The man is clearly too starstruck to consider doubting the orders of such a grand hero.

Or could there be more to it than that? His answer was awfully... Direct. It almost seemed unnatural; forced, in a way.

Then again, maybe you're just over-thinking things. You don't have very much to go on at the moment.

There's nothing more to be done here. You close your eyes and drift away.

Time passes...

"Hey. Get up." That pink-haired lady is elbowing you in the shoulder, quickly raising you from sleep. She hops off the plane, and you get up to follow her.

It seems you're the last one off. The Titans are up ahead, heading down a shady, heavily forested pathway.

J: Hurry to catch up with them.
L: Stop and examine your surroundings for a moment.
You know, to be honest i thought Donn would have a fear of planes.

since...you know...
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ITT everyone ignores that we killed an entire city because HOORAY A BEACH!
Makes sense to me, I'd be fucking scared
Man I've been saying that, but people are just brushing it off as self-pity.
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Oh fuck off with you!

We just got done with the pity party bullshit, everyone is let down yeah, but it wasn't exactly our fault, we can moan and groan later.

You'd think Robin would also be investigating since he told us to be paying attention.
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>WE killed an entire city
stop responding to trolls

That anon wasn't necessarily being a downer, that is literally what is happening right now and I am ok with it.

Everybody calm yourself.
Who said he isn't? He's just up ahead somewhere. He said he's keeping an eye out, and he's probably doing just that, but following his league orders comes first.
Lets calm down now...
How would it be self pity? We killed a city, not ourselves.



THOUSANDS. And everyone's just passing it by? We spend more time talking about walking than the thousands that we just killed through our mistakes. I just think it'd be a good idea to talk about how it could've gone better or what the consequences are going to be, since we can already tell that Supes is pissed.
>that pink-haired lady
Humble you don't know the things you do to my heart :(
It seems like we should have bothered to learn her name
You'd figure they let us know whats up, and try to fix our memory issue.

I hope that doesn't bother anyone.
>I just think it'd be a good idea to talk about how it could've gone better or what the consequences are going to be

Yeah, you're the only one. That is a bad thought.

Superman will tell us why he is spanking us when we get there, if we get there, if it is even Superman.
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Oh he knows.

He just doesn't care.
You know her name, but you don't have enough of a connection to her to think of her in the immediate sense beyond her description.
Hey Humble, we're Auto-saging
theres no way it could have gone better because we didnt know shit when it happened. we didnt kill the city, joker did. now will you just shut the fuck up about it
Dammit Humble stop with the feels already
We got a couple of hours man, relax.
It'll be a bit before we hit the end of the page.
Because going "WOE IS US WE KILLED LOTS OF PEOPLE" isn't constructive. There's not much to discuss we haven't already.

We messed up at the weather machine. The biggest mistake was, most likely, staying rather than returning to base. Another potential mistake was not checking out "family vacation," however that is to be debated.

If we wish to avoid it, then in the future we should follow Robin's orders more.

That's about it.

When are we going to get to a point where we can assess the complete damage to our brain?
Isn't that expected here? I mean, /tg/ doesn't get a ton of posts, and it goes to autosage after a very small amount of them.

Should I make a new thread? I feel like it's best to stay in this one for now.
Don't respond to the fucker, he knows this and just trying to rile people up
If it wasn't the gas, it would have been the cold. I'm not really sure there was much we could of done.
Humble, do you get off to our feel induced stress?
>cue anakin I HATE YOU
Lets not forget this update from a while back. It seems like it's probably about wonder woman losing a fight aboard the JL satellite.


Scraping. Clattering. A thunderous crash.

They are coming. Woven doors of layered steel cannot stop them; automated defense systems cannot hold them at bay.

Hair, once majestic, is in tangles. Bands, once strengthening, now strain on tired wrists. Lights flicker and pop; tables rest overturned.

The battle is lost.
We stay on threads until they're on the last page here. I know Cosgrove has run till he was the last thread on the board before
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Jesus people, relax.

Raven probably has a plan to fix our memory issues

We cant really do much for Gotham now.

Annnddd i think we should stay in this thread for now.

So yeah, just relax guys.
Allright, but how would Superman sending us to a beach help anything? At least in Jump City we'd be doing our jobs. He either thinks we're a joke or something crazy related to >>27783145 is going down.

Yeah...it really doesn't sound like things are very calm up there.


Ah, /tg/ loves to bring maximum shadowruns

It might be a ruse.

We don't know, we shouldn't freak out yet, just investigate more.

I feel like those signals we're meant to investigate are traps now, fuck im paranoid.
Guys guys. We're forgetting the most import thing here.

Wait, this universe takes cues from the DCAU, right? What if it's that fucking plant that was controlling Superman in the JL episode of Batman Beyond?
I'm of the mind that something crazy is going down. I mean, Humble hardly shies away from it. Remember pretty much everything involving Slade?
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If it's Starro then we have far worse problems than a dead city.

Didn't take control until he started wearing the black and white suit.
That was kind of my thought when I was yelling about mind control, yeah. I think they were starfish alien things.


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It makes perfect sense.
>Silkie confirmed for major death this arc
So how long until we go back to hell and find Silkie on the throne with Trigon at his feet. Wait, do alien silk worms have feet?
actually i think we're alone on the resort. only us and the team.

Man, that would be creep.

Control Freak breaks into the tower to fight us, we aren't there, he starts hanging out, raiding our fridge, watching our TV, and playing video games.

He inadvertently winds up taking care of silkie

we get back to find him wearing someone's clothes in a comically compromising situation.
But this isn't the same universe, it just takes cues from the DCAU. It could have taken over earlier and on a larger scale.

Silkie ate everything in the tower and has now become Ouroboros
Dude that would be awesome.


>we get back to find him wearing someone's clothes in a comically compromising situation.

Like the scene in Uncle Buck where the neighbor finds Buck trying to get the washing machine to work and she thinks he's having sex with his sister-in-law.
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>yfw he's wearing Ravens leotard


Looks like most people have relocated now. Cool.
Where the fuck is Alfred.
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Or Jinx's sorceress outfit. Or Donn's many "Eye of horus" Shirts.
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I'm also York anon.
Is he alive?
Is he dead?
At Wayne manor. SOMEONE has to sweep away all that fart gas.
Hey mate, im glad you're here and all, but try to keep avatarfagging to a minium, alright?
Do we still feel empathy or no?

It's really unclear, I think we should talk to Raven about our brain first chance.
Has he thoughts within his head?
Nope, we still dont feel it.
He's fine, we just don't know that in character because we haven't bothered to check in with Raven or Pinkie yet.
Well to be honest this wouldn't be the first time the Teen Titans have faced against the Justice League.

>tfw the Teen Titans (1980) fought the Justice League
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Man I already have theories on this act.

I'm still going to offer a hypothesis and be right like always if something freaky deeky happens.

Ok, because it said we felt very vulnerable and human when we got frozen by Joker ice.

Do you think being in mortal peril fixes our mental barriers?
I don't know, but I want to fucking melt chairs with our mind again. Hey, maybe that pink haired lady can help us do that again.


I think we have every emotion except for empathy, because once we check we won't be able to remember the plane crash, or the time we let Jinx's eye get pulled out, because those events are heavily tied to our character's empathy.
She seems nice, im sure she can teach us a lot about fire abilities.
Seriously man, its like you aren't even trying.
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You have a point there actually...

Holy shit it actually makes sense.

I'm serious, fuck you. It's a possibility. I'm not that whiny guy complaining about Superman being mad at us.
That's a good question actually. Humble, do we remember the plane crash/the eye torture?

>that feel when we don't remember the cute as fuck cocoa moment

I've asked Humble, he's tight lipped.
I like to think in all of the places Jinx was in, its just an invisible person, so we see Joker trying to torture someone whose not there, and us trying to fix up a person whose not there.
There's nothing to suggest we've lost our empathy. We merely realized for the first time that we truly aren't human. It's like when a kid finds out that he's adopted.
You walk down the path, but find yourself more occupied with examining your surroundings.

It really is a beautiful forest, but something seems strange here. You occasionally spot a tiny reflective glimmer in the distant trees, and you can't imagine what would be so naturally shiny in the woods. Droplets of water? The shining eyes of a small animal, perhaps? What's more, the layout of the of the trees seems a little too perfect; a little too ideal, as though someone put too much effort into making the arrangement seem natural. Then again, it is a private resort; that's probably just the case.

You come out of the treelined trail, and find yourself taken by the magnificent scene before you.

It's beautiful. Crashing waves leap in, threading crystal waters through fine sand grains. The gentle breeze ruffles your hair, and despite being an early fall evening, you find the airflow to be warm and refreshing. Some feet ahead stands a building seemingly constructed out of bamboo and planks. It's wide and lengthy, but only a single floor; you find it to fit the relaxing atmosphere perfectly. That must be where you're staying.

The sun is going down over the horizon, throwing crossed reflections atop the water.

M: Head into the bamboo building.
N: Go down to the beach for a moment.
Now that would be an interesting set of restrictions to play with. Might make us too sociopathic to really hero though. Then again we could go the batman style pathological hero route. Like I said, interesting.
N. But remember the buddy system!
You still have the capacity for every emotion, including empathy.

>do we remember the plane crash/the eye torture?
You may or may not get more details on this later, depending on your choices.
Yes, you remember those events. Your memory of Jinx's involvement in them, however, is likely less than desirable.
If a friend is choking, help him?
>less than desirable
feels intensify
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>Less than desirable
I'm sure things will get better this time right guy
One of the guys ask us whats up

>Whats wrong dude?
>I don't know, it feels like i should be remembering something, like a horrible event, but i just cant remember...
>Its probably nothing dude, come on, relax for a bit.
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>less than desirable.
>less than desirable.
>less than desirable
>less than

Got it.
Yup, this place is definitely a trap. Cameras in the forest, the pilot and Supes acting weird...

We'd better get together with Robin to formulate a plan. Maybe have Cyborg hack some stuff
No. Everything slowly gets worse until we die.
Do you guys need a hug? Are you guys gonna be alright?
Oh god I'm not good please I need hugs.
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I hope in the future someone changes cyborg from happy to crying and shit with the same 'hit those showers'! background
>I hope in the future someone changes cyborg from happy to crying and shit with the same 'hit those showers'! background

Maybe instead it says: "Y-You still want to hit those showers?"

And with Cyborg's sad, teary eyed face.
Hey humble I sent you an E-mail do you know when you might have free time to answer it?

Does this cabin even have showers?
probably not, but probably has a shower house somewhere nearby.
Haha yes I defer to your idea that's a lot better.
In all seriousness, Cyborg is probably the guy to talk to about the weird shit going on. Can do science on shit.
we wanted to bro it up with him anyway, works for me.

>that feel when have to choose between trying to talk to pink hair lady or bro it up with cybro
How is that feels? We barely even know the dame!

Talking with pink hair lady won't do anything, we have nothing to talk about.
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Im fine with either or to be honest with you.

I just wanna hang out with everyone damn it, is that so much to ask?
>I just wanna hang out with everyone damn it, is that so much to ask?

It won't be as fun without the risk of someone dying.

Maybe Beast Boy will pull a Karl Pilkington and start choking on a freeze pop.
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OH fuck, that was an amazing image in my head.

I feel bad, but i cant help it.
>OH fuck, that was an amazing image in my head.

Beast Boy as Karl Pilkington

Robin as Ricky Gervais

Cyborg as Stephen Merchant

Terra is Susan
You go down to the beachfront. The ocean is a certifiable feast for the eyes.

You still have suspicions, but hey, it's better than Gotham. The scenery is drawing you in; calming you. You feel meditative. Relaxed.

"You caught it too, huh?" The sudden voice causes you to jump and turn. It's Cyborg; he's a few feet away from you, peering out over the ocean with a grim look. "That something's wrong here."

Absolutely. You nod in agreement, but for several more moments, nothing else is said.

"The place is empty. You've got a room in the back." Cyborg turns, walking back to the bamboo structure. "Just get some sleep. We might be here for a while."

It gotten darker. How long were you out here for?

O: Head back and get some rest.
P: It's dark, but you'd like to take a look around this place. Investigate.
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>Feeling bad makes it okay
You're a monster.
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As if it's any competition.

Man, I wish we could treat this more like a vacation arc.
Well maybe if we didn't kill a city, we'd get a nice vacation.
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Lets go see the island.
We snoop around and get paranoid.

The whole team tries to calm us down.
We should be paranoid, the warning signs are there anon.
No, i agree that we should, but it seems like the old "Nothing wrong Maincharacter, you're just paranoid, nothing bad will happen." And something bad happens scene.
You open your eyes. You are laying in a bed made of bamboo.

Wait, what? No! You were going to explore the island! At least, you thought you were. Maybe you explored the island, found nothing, and were so tired that when you went to sleep you experienced a lapse of memory. A tiny black out; it can happen.

But what IS that wonderful smell!? It smells like... Bacon! And eggs!

You jump out of bed, still fully dressed. Bright, warm beams of morning sunlight are flooding the simple, bamboo-constructed room.

You feel rested and refreshed. What do you do?

Q: Look around the building for the source of that smell.
R: Head straight to the beach!
>Wait, what? No! You were going to explore the island! At least, you thought you were. Maybe you explored the island, found nothing, and were so tired that when you went to sleep you experienced a lapse of memory. A tiny black out; it can happen.

Thats not ominous at all.
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Holy shit I think we're trippin balls, guys.

We probably investigated some shit, and then somebody mindwiped us.
So weird. this paradise. Its like a Dream.
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I saw something in my coffee, but I'm not quite sure...

Do you all remember Mother Mae Eye? My coffee reminded me of her.
why do so many people want to follow the illusion
Took the words right out of my mouth.
Mate, i thought we agreed...
It's bacon. You don't say no to bacon. Ever. Illusion or not.

Yeah, thats exactly what I thought.

Maybe we should play along if we see her.
Doesn't quite seem like her though, there's something bigger going on. Whatever's going on with superman and the JL is related.

Hey man, its fine. As long as circlejerking does not occur.

Besides, its quality.
Black Mercy
Mate. I'm pretty sure my York imagery is few and far. Cool your jets George.
I guess, i just worry is all.

Probably this.
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No one agreed. Lighten up George.
I'm sorry I don't into comics, but is Coast city on an island? Was it mentioned we were on one in the first place?
It's a very attractive illusion.
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That is not only possible, but frighteningly so.
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Do explain what that is
parasite rape
This is not helping the chronic anxiety that these threads have started giving me.
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Does this help?
It's a crazy space plant parasite that gives its host an ideal perfect fantasy world. Used by Mogul an alien overlord on Superman, to trap him in a idyllic fantasy version of krypton that never blew up, leaving his waking body in a paralyzed comatose state.

I doubt its the black mercy because as mentioned earlier, its a space parasite, from space, found by a space overlord, from space.
the relative remoteness of this possibility aside, i do think superman's involvement might ratchet up the likelihood of meeting his foes, darkseid, mongul, and etc. [/spoiler-
Oh that, I remember that.
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wtf is going on here

is the girl some jojo character I don't remember?
It's a female rendition of Killer Queen (and Star Platinum in the second panel).

Maybe its that Jinx girl we keep hearing about.
The smell can wait. It's a beautiful day, and regardless of what the team is doing right now, you'll probably find a few people out on the beach.

That's where you're going. The hallways of the bamboo building are quite narrow, and although the very design of the walls permits an ample amount of light to shine through, very few windows have been cut out.

You kick your shoes off as you head out the front door; you've been wearing them for far too long. The sand is hot on your feet, but you don't mind.

The walk to the beach is surprisingly peaceful. You see a crab skitter in the distance; you see a squirrel flicker up a tree. You hear the faint glide of wind through branches, and smell the sweet scent of ocean-water all around. It's intoxicating.

Down at the beach, however, you spot the most surprising thing of all. In fact, out of all you could have witnessed during this assignment, this one scene is perhaps the most unexpected.

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You could say that.
Aaaaaaaaaand we're done for today.

>Maybe its that Jinx girl we keep hearing about.
Jesus, no wonder people like her so much, what a cutey.

>In fact, out of all you could have witnessed during this assignment, this one scene is perhaps the most unexpected.


Final update for tonight?
Why is there a squirrel in a tropical resort?
Wait a minute, this isn't a tropical resort at all! get me the fuck out of here!

I would say Squirrel Girl confirmed, but she's Marvel.
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I believe there are such things as tropical squirrels.
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Squirrels gotta vacation too man, dont discriminate!

Hey guys! This guy thinks squirrels dont deserve vacations!
because this VR program was hastily put together at the last moment.
>Cyborg vs. Stroheim
Man, I don't even know.
>Robin vs. Joseph Joestar
Now THAT would be a fight.
>feeling temperature
You're slipping Humble

In Mexico
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Don't hold out on us Man!
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That's it for today! Updates will resume either tomorrow or the day after, right here on /tg/! Don't miss it; I'm planning some especially entertaining twists!

So how's everyone feeling? I'll stick around to answer questions.

If you have private questions, would like to request a story from me, or just want to contact me for any reason at all, email me at [email protected]

I'll answer them all eventually, I swear!
Robin trying to get us out of the Teen Titan simulator game, all that horrible shit never happened.

I can dig it.
You must be Dreaming .
Maybe we are just Delirious .

I'm enjoying our VACATION so far Humble.

I really feel like we've earned this VACATION.
If those entertaining twists involve death and suffer then no thank you....
It's all we ever Desired .

You're going to falter Humble. And we shall see through this ruse. WE WILL BEAT YOU FOUL BEAST
C'mon man, don't pretend like you don't know they do.
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I hear its amazing when the famous purple stuffed Silkie in flap-jaw space with the tofu fork does a raw blink on Puffy Ami Yumi Rock. I need scissors! 61!
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who's feeding silkie?
You gained a resistance to extreme weather temperatures, not an immunity from feeling temperature at all.
You just broke a mental barrier, and realized that really hot or cold weather can't kill you. Now, being immersed in ice, or feeling something hot right against your skin? That's different.

Hey, I'll tell you!
Just as soon as the next batch of updates hit.

What's there to beat, anon? It's just a fun beach trip.
I swear!
Look, when have I done you wrong?
You said we could get a vacation.

You said we'd get a break.

You lying, sadistic bastard.
Silkie stays with the Titans East while the main team is away.
Cyborg installed automatic feeding systems in the tower anyway though, just in case. They don't want another washing machine incident.
But that's a story for another time.

I said it was possible.
You know at this point Jinx is super into whatever magic virtual bullshit they have her under right now.
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>When have I ever done you wrong?
Hopefully next time you'll post faster.
And Starfire still broken, so she doesn't know what the hells going on.
>when have I done you wrong?

I dont think I can handle this question, Humble.
Brb- taking half a bottle of ambien
> Look, when have I done you wrong?

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How did we know Alfred didn't make it
I plan on it. Believe me, the slow posting hasn't been my preference, either. I am a busy person.
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>when have I done you wrong?


We assumed it since we didn't know about the magic shit raven pulled.
Anything is possible with you. The problem is that you make it confusing as fuck to figure out how to get the possibility we want.
>I said it was possible.

You know, you've put us through some shit here, but I didn't think you were capable of THIS level of mindfuckery.

Imagine if the PR of some company did this shit with people.

Also >>27784928
Aww shit Titans East? I wouldn't trust those guys to feed goldfish.
Holy shit, I just realized how invested in this story I am.

Fuck I can't wait to see how act five pulls out. Every other ending has been great so far. I just wonder what humble has planned for us now.
What was your reaction to act 4?
Good shit. Bittersweet.
Ohhh you're gonna have fun in act 5 then, Can we get little snippets of your reactions while this thread heads to pruned?
I'm recently caught up. I just meant that I can't wait to see how this act ends. I've read everything up until now like yesterday. This is probably the best ongoing quest on here currently.
Oh, awww...

I wanted to see another breakdown of another newbie.

Well, glad you caught up then, Whats your favorite part? Favorite character? have you checked the miniseries Pastebin or the photobucket?
Agreed, it's much better than most quests. Also something that hasn't really been done here.
Maybe is raven in a bikini taking a sunbath
I think this will be unpopular but I found the hell arc to be great, and my favorite character is a tie between Jinx, Raven, and Beastboy, who is being played really well here I think. They all are.

I'll check those links out later.
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Welcome to the wild ride then, friend. Hope you have a swell time.

Or not, it makes no difference to Humble.
Thread is here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/27780183/
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>Look, when have I done you wrong?
I missed this. Based humble
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Cars confirmed
Absolutely unacceptable.
Too many neckbeards on /tg/ giving such fedorably predictable responses.
You're the son of the god of death.
You are a fucking freak.
You don't deserve friends you weirdo.
Be powerful. But most of all,
be bad.

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