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Greetings elegan/tg/entlemen and welcome to a new page of this quest.

Twitter to follow: https://twitter.com/TaleOfMonsters

Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Monster%20Girls%20Quest

Character sheet of our protagonist: http://pastebin.com/X5pXHEcW -> Small edit, added weapons and armor.

His companion (Emeth) : http://pastebin.com/uvANnf1v

Revised stat sheet for Hadraniel: http://pastebin.com/ZkRTYFHE

Misarchived part 101: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/29832663/
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15th day of prophecy, 01:30 pm, inside the northern capital of the Rahall clan.

A small fluttering golden butterfly lingering in between the broad, solid form of your big brother and the outstretched scaly wings of the flanking blind dragon Fendall momentarily robbed your voice, Ame-no-Uzume words put everything into perspective nicely and in turn that provoked a long, solemn silence as leaders and advisors fell into momentary stupors trying to grasp the elusive perfect solution to this conundrum saddled with a great many unknown factors.
The insect somehow managed to pass completely unnoticed as it disappeared quickly, fluttering only long enough for you to recognize and understand that the eyes and ears of Mother Earth were focused on this exchange. A strange stirring buzzed inside your mind only to disappear when the near-glistening magical projection disappear, a small hint of message from your mother that couldn’t quite reach you and unfurl leaving only a briefly hollow hole that send a cold sweat of uncomfortable dread down your spine, thankfully Mylen silent support avoided any kind of drama and you merely cleared your throat to break the new, heavy silence as your mind rocked with all these possible scenarios on how to take care of the church and, more importantly, the angelic weapon.

…even with the best laid plans you’ll likely need the help of your mother to prevent premature detonation.
‘’We need to press our advantage’’

You finally break the silence, putting your arm on the table and turning toward Ame-no-Uzume and Rhy, your words are mirrored by your brother who let out a loud ‘’aye!’’ while putting his own arm, clacking the table with a strong ‘’thunk!’’ of excitement.

‘’Before getting into details…’’
Ame interrupted your following speech, leaning forward on the tables as her tails floated up and beside her as always, taking time to nearly frolic as her features spread in a smile, single golden eyes locked onto those of your brother.

‘’…I propose that we strike in two days by intercepting the naval reinforcement and clash on land with the crusaders; we’ll need some time to prepare accordingly’’

A speedy attack would definitely yield results and you almost feel like protesting, you hear a strong exhale which quickly transformed into a fiery column from the blind dragon, however the king at her side nod solemnly as his palm slide over the pommel of his sword, a part of you is filled by a sense of déjà vue with the weapon, probably remnant of a few memories of the loop.

‘’I’m confident our soldiers will be able to cooperate on the field but this entire war will depend on the efforts of our best men; my red cloaks could definitely stand to learn from the Orders of Zipangu.’’

A prudent course of action, your mind raced for a near reckless encounter and battle to decide the fate of the entire war as soon as tomorrow, however proper synergy between the factions will be vital to avoid catastrophic casualties or outright defeat.

If only the brave soldiers of the Shieffer noble house could be called upon…
Your attention drifted toward the last member of Gil Rosario triumvirate sitting two chair apart from the «King of Lion Mane», her seat and the wood under her fingers had already completely iced over, the sheer cold projected by the aura could be felt in the entire room; by now she seemed to have completely rejected this entire event, her long dark golden lock and completely empty eyes oftentimes settle on Daiyu, while giving you a fleeting glance; her beauty could easily be described like a magnificent porcelain doll, unfortunately her very soul looked similar…

You don’t have much clue about Yukionna; they fought in the Purge during the dead of winter but only as isolated, potent leader; not as a squad of twenty some ghost women.
It’s obvious why Fendall would stand beside the King, but this woman is a complete and total mystery.

However, for now there is a lot of details to take care of; narrowing down the overall strategy could wait in favor of training the alliance forces properly; if you’d like to present something to the table, now is the perfect time or you could always try to have a little face to face talk with your big brother, the man kept his promises but his retinue is certainly raising a lot of questions…
What do you wish to do, mister Shieffer?
>Keeping the opening open ended for obvious reasons.
Rolled 4

Hi best QM
touch fluffy tail

But really lets stay and hammer out the strategy, find out all the places and whens associated with it and then lets have a talk with Big Bro afterword.
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You can be spared of much of the tedium if you wish and concentrate on the bigger task and objective.


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Last thread already hammered out a pretty good strategy so for now, instead of writing what's already been said I'll simply ask you guys this: what questiosn do you ahve and waht is it that you think need to be cleared? I could go right down to every single piece of details but it'll of course mean a good chunk of the update will be spent on this.
voting to see set choices, mine are...not so "good".
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We do need to get a feel for our allies. Daiyu hasn't raised any alarms but I still can't bring myself to fully trust a former mortal enemy who's barely more human that our fucking mark. Fendall, however, seems pretty chill. I do wonder what her thoughts are in all this.

We also need to buy some time as well, if it's only 2 days counting today we won't be able to complete all our preparations before they get here and we lose the advantage. We still have a traitor feeding everything to Deruella and that nightmare to deal with. Dealing with it will probably cost Athena her arm again so she'll need a replacement of some kind. Hope Bel and Ithel have been going over Garret's notes.

We also need to prepare several sets of scrolls in the event of worst case scenarios regarding the bomb. Even if we get to it it won't mean we can disable or destroy it before it goes boom.

Can a portal be set up "below" the thing? Because that would solve the issue of needing to be strong enough to move it. If it can one could just "ride" the damn thing to someplace far, far away (preferably the swamp).

In the event Orion is guarding it we'll need heroes to even stand a chance against him as well. More is better. Or if possible we need to get Radiance freed. Her and Nightmare-Free Hadraniel should be able to give the bastard a run for his money 2v1.

So much to do, and not nearly enough time to do it all. Alter the winds, run interference with our fleets, have Fendall say "hello" with a blast of flame over a group of ships or Cadhla make a whirlpool I don't care. We need at least one more day.
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Very well writing now and I'll offer a set of choices to alter the main strategy.
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>im late by 1 hour

truly i am the worst player
Better late than never.
You had to shift the discussion; a nagging feeling crept in your guts as you played the battle in your head over and over and settled only with some dispirited and unsatisfying sense of dread. You know very well that the alliance has the force to not only clash with the Crusaders, but actually win with the two-pronged assault from the navy and land, unfortunately there are… issues to deal with, not only with actually coordinating two armies and special forces that never fought beside each other’s, but the very leadership of Zipangu may be compromised and it’s entirely possible it’ll devolve in a mess once battle is joined. The elusive traitor of Deruella along with Hadraniel nightmare, the two main, crippling issues you’ll have to deal with; giving more time for the Special Forces to prepare would also provide valuable, if not downright vital results.

‘’I think we ought to try and buy ourselves a day by clashing with the naval reinforcement with our own navy supported by the water clans; a potential counter attack by the angels will probably become inevitable but the valuable time bought for the main army on the ground, shattering the crusaders morale by denying reinforcement and supplies is in our best interest’’

The soft discussions between Ame and Gil grew silent as they listened to your words, your wife-to-be rubbed her face gently with her hand and closed her single eye as her fluffy eras twitched, however your brother crossed his arms together and pursed his lips together, not in displeasure, in fact his sentiment projected a controlled, yet calculated sense of dread.
‘’The Faith employed mercenary galleys and transport ships to ferry troops, supplies and prisoners back and forth between Central and Zipangu so on that sense, they’ll probably count on overwhelming our ships through sheer numbers which isn’t a problem as far as I’m concerned, especially if my boats are supported by aquatic monsters along with Cadhla and Fendall but the real problem…’’

He didn’t need to say it; Rhy finished your brother sentence by uttering «angels» in her small, yet spirited voice.

‘’Shame I didn’t get to fight em here…’’

Fendall grunted out softly while exhale a fiery breath, two sharp columns of flames exited her nostril as she rubbed some of the scales covering her eyes; Gil simply crossed his hands together and put them on the table, his sharp blue eyes alternating between you, Ame and Mylen.

‘’The battle of Rhyclan was the first engagement my military ever had with them and my Wyvern Riders are no slouch in the sky, but we’d have lost if it weren’t for the supports of the inhabitants and, more importantly, the obstructions of the city itself. Angels don’t do too well in a city or anywhere with big, solid constructs impeding flights; my knights would fly at street levels to chase and lead them into ambushes but when the fight to the sky… it was a rude awakening for these boys and gals’’

If Hadraniel can be thought as a measure of power for talents in the sky, there’s no doubt that angelic knights dominate aerial battles, you’ve only had a taste of angels thank to Orion but it’s a dreadful experience to be sure.

‘’I have two others Orders of Monsters Knights behind me, but they wouldn’t be adequate for a naval battle which would leave my wyvern knights to protect the ships from angelic assaults; ships make a nice big target when you can come from above, if we concentrate on an assault to deny the reinforcement, the angels will come from behind that’s a certainty’’
‘’Angels nearly took the city when they struck despite Ame-no-Uzume warning and the reinforcement I added to the city…and putting half of Rahall army as garrison; they numbered around two hundreds, you’d be seeing the same numbers in the sky if the crusaders grow desperate.’’

The regent was next to chime in; you couldn’t help but rub your face in frustration with the conundrum of the angels; the crusaders with cannons are already problem enough but these damn feathered bastards… However, buying yourself a few days will still be vital.

‘’It’s true that the allied army need to licks it’s wounds from that bloody siege; you talk only of the angels but to underestimate the General-Champion of Lescatie would prove a downfall in its own right. Men like him grow emboldened by desperation and that’ll inevitably show in the resolves of his troops, don’t underestimate his charisma, he’s already proved himself and his men respect him.’’

This sentence came from the Demon Lord, her voice held a strange honey despite firm charisma without a hint of wavering; for a moment everyone simply stared, even Cadhla shifted to look at the pilgrim whose face was concealed in a dark mask of silken navy. Once her eyes crossed yours, she gave you a little obvious wink which provoked Mylen to squeeze your hand.

She talked with such assurance, you'd swear she actually knew the man; which might not be as farfetched as it sounded if she listened to your exchanges thank to the black jade.
>Lay out the foundations for the naval strike despite fear of angels. Go all out, Hadraniel, Tsukiyomi the twenty Yukionnas under Cadhla leadership and of course the Marauder will board the ships; Gil may come if he so choose while the army on land stay on high alert for possible counters attack. [Will you also field the golem army inside the ships?]

>A diversion on land and a total assault to deny the reinforcement; send out some (if not all) of the allied Special Forces to hopefully ruin some cannons but in the end, simply make a massive nuisances inside the reinforced camp of the crusaders. You’ll have to be a bit more conservative in who you deploy on ships [Highly specialized golems under Emeth leadership could provide a substantial boost for the subterfuge operation]

>Don’t try to buy time, instead focus on the regular assault to take out reinforcement and Crusaders in one swoop while taking care of the bomb. [Feel free to discuss anything you wish, this is the main plan of last Friday]
>A diversion on land and a total assault to deny the reinforcement; send out some (if not all) of the allied Special Forces to hopefully ruin some cannons but in the end, simply make a massive nuisances inside the reinforced camp of the crusaders. You’ll have to be a bit more conservative in who you deploy on ships [Highly specialized golems under Emeth leadership could provide a substantial boost for the subterfuge operation]

If we want to have a chance of saving our lizard were going to need the time, unless we get that done within the next day or two. Either way, its going to be a bugger to sort out.
All choices have their pros and cons. It would help if we had any idea as to what would press them into premature detonation. Zipangu army at the gates of their encampment? Breaching the encampment's last line of defense? 50 percent casualties? Can the loops provide any clue for this so we can avoid it until after we've reached the bomb at least?

And just to be sure if we do nothing to buy time do the reinforcements arrive the day after tomorrow or two days after today?
>>A diversion on land and a total assault to deny the reinforcement; send out some (if not all) of the allied Special Forces to hopefully ruin some cannons but in the end, simply make a massive nuisances inside the reinforced camp of the crusaders. You’ll have to be a bit more conservative in who you deploy on ships [Highly specialized golems under Emeth leadership could provide a substantial boost for the subterfuge operation]

send out scout parties while marching through.

They'll come the day after tomorrow if everything is clear.

As for hints with the loops, you should try to find and talk with Mother Earth OR you could try to meditate on your own to try and unlock new memories related to the bomb, the only thing yo uahve right now is a very fast, barely detailed imaged if you fightning back to back with your brother in a ''sea of white''
>>Lay out the foundations for the naval strike despite fear of angels. Go all out, Hadraniel, Tsukiyomi the twenty Yukionnas under Cadhla leadership and of course the Marauder will board the ships; Gil may come if he so choose while the army on land stay on high alert for possible counters attack. [Will you also field the golem army inside the ships?]

Golems stay on land.
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I'll wait a bit more to see the choices you guys make. Once an option is made, that'll pretty much be the end of the meeting for now as orders will need to be carried out.
We should remember, we gotta dig out the traitors from Druella, and deal with Athena's infection.

Both of which require Daiyu...

so we need to get on that asap.
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Seem like the diversion-naval attack has won, I think I've waited long enough to start writing.
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Holy Shit they are *really* serious about wiping this place off the map now aren't they?

I think I've figured out Orion's master plan as well. Given how he's all about angels the way Ahriman was all about humans... After destroying Zipangu he'd proceed to build enough nukes to blanket the planet. Once all the monsters were dead the remaining humans wouldn't stand much chance if they opposed Angelic dominion.

There would then be a kind of enforced stagnation. Like what the Harway family wanted, suppression of technological advancement and all. The humans would be "managed" by heaven, never allowed to come anywhere near the point where they could oppose it successfully, but things like starvation and the like would be largely eliminated. A world of enduring peace and stagnation, with humans regarded as a "pet" as it were.

Or perhaps he'd reset the whole system and return it to what it once was, only this time the "Demon Lord" is fully a pawn of heaven and works to "prune" the humans and themselves once their numbers become worrisome.

Either way, life totally sucks for the humies. I can see what Ahriman was afraid of. Of course, it ain't like his end goals were much better.
>>A diversion on land and a total assault to deny the reinforcement; send out some (if not all) of the allied Special Forces to hopefully ruin some cannons but in the end, simply make a massive nuisances inside the reinforced camp of the crusaders. You’ll have to be a bit more conservative in who you deploy on ships [Highly specialized golems under Emeth leadership could provide a substantial boost for the subterfuge operation]
Time will be needed but hopefully a two pronged diversion will go better than one. Try and also see if we can find "Mom" and dig some more information out here that could help here.
On one hand, using the competent agents waiting to make themselves useful could potentially show your hand to the enemy, on the other hand you’d be wasting talents and making the ships a target too big to pass up for the Embodiment of Strife; your plan is a simple one, given the nature of your enemy being flexible is vital thank to the gross maneuverability of the angels and the stubborn pride of the crusaders that could very well have them choose death over surrender.

‘’Let’s just hope they won’t do something stupid once they find themselves stranded on land’’

No guarantee ; if the battle is a huge success for Zipangu that could result in dramatic, immediate consequences but, Hieronymus Lex wish for peace in his own right and as stupid as it sound, you might have to rely on him to avoid such a drastic scenario.

Perhaps this could be why Mother Earth wished the death of the high Inquisitor; Ahriman would have ended his life before the General-Champion could prove vital for Zipangu survival. It’s a long shot, too much for your taste.

‘’The day after tomorrow at noon would be when their reinforcement will come at the midway point between Central and Zipangu, I’ll send my ships moving shortly’’

In the end despite everyone reluctance, the diversionary attack leading to the naval strike proved bold and prudent enough to satisfy your brother and Rhy; Ame would have easily adapted one way or the other as she obviously saw the merits of both.
‘’Alright then! I’ll be more than honored to have my men fight and die on this auspicious day, we’ll herald the dawn of a new era for certain!’’

Gil finish by loudly slapping the table with a broad smile, his entire tall stature seemingly highlighted by impossible charisma, his raw, intoxicating spirit seem about to burst open in a tidal wave that’d invigorate everyone tired spirits.

‘’Once this war is over we’ll have much to talk about, Gil Rosario’’

Slowly, Ame stood from her seat, swishing her tails above and behind her as she clung to her kimono, tight and firm’s bandages peeking through some of the opening hints of fatigue betrayed her at times but she stubbornly clung onto her pride.


Then your brother shoot you a glance, a serious one while rubbing his jaw, pointing toward one of the inner doors of the chambers to the easts of the big room.

‘’We could talk in private some more, if you so wished’’

Obviously some exchange ought to only happen behind closed doors; this is your chance to talk with your brother in private and possibly invite Ame as well.
Hmmm.... I guess we could try and get Ame in on this. I'm not saying Gil doesn't want peace and all, but he might have bigger plans. I'd also like to find out how the hell he got Cadhla on board with this. After all, wasn't he the one who ordered/went along with the purge in the first place? What deal did he cut with her?
Lets talk to Gil and find out more about his companions and why they joined him also invite Ame so she can get to know Gil better.
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Some alone talk it'll be then.
Shortly after Ame stood up, you accompanied the queen and wrapped your arm around hers as she leanly on you for support, you and your brother exchanged a glance followed by a nod which simply confirmed the next course of action; the other women stayed motionless when the King was next to exit his seat, Daiyu and Cadhla were still locked in some kind of silent, staring battle while the dragon tail plopped comically on the table as she stretched on her seat, letting various satisfied grunts which accompanied a few exhale of flames; Mylen almost stood to follow as you and Ame walked toward the second, inner room but of course, your bodyguard proved smart enough to avoid a diplomatic incident out of over protectiveness.

‘’So that man is your brother…? He’s different’’

Ame spoke in whisper, you almost shot back a question of your own but decided to stay silent and silently observe the sole, surviving member of the Rosario dynasty walking forward to gallantly open the door for the two of you.

Gil Rosario is a man very, very different from you aside from the blond hair; his eyes are blue, yours are green his physique is that of a properly trained warrior, tall and broad of shoulders with a chiseled, square jaw giving him a truly unique physique that border on a barbarian cliché, but his very aura is something very much befit a King. His clothe is plain but he project a truly unique brand of charisma and inner strength, his grave voice speak with emotions and enough assurance to make me and women follows; even the few scars showing on his face look like badge of honors instead of wounds. While you simply stayed as natural as you could, Gil seems to embody the very meaning of kingship, as if weakness were thrown out of his very being.
His hardships were just as intense as yours, there’s no mistaking this.

‘’I don’t think so’’
You finally replied you’re wife-to-be as you crossed the threshold of the door, the second room had a much cozier look; no desk or chairs, only big round bags placed near a corner with a single small table meant for tea and leisure library with a few scrolls.

‘’The cats know how to relax’’

Ame detached herself from your arm and plopped down on one of those big comfy big bags, letting out a exhale of bliss as her tails swished in content above her, producing a back and forth dance of hypnotic fluffy that nearly motivated you to grab some and treat them like the wandering serpents they truly were.

‘’It’s always better being cozy’’

Gil replied while testing the closed door, making his way to another bag and hefting his sword gently, which in turn provoked a reflex to touch the pommel of your holy sword as you are struck by a vague sense of déjà vue.

‘’Forgive my bluntness but there’s one thing I want to know.’’

His piercing eyes follow you, then Ame for a few silent seconds.

‘’It brought me great joy to see Mylen alive and well but the pilgrim you had at your side; who is she?’’

A most pertinent question, Ame obviously look uncomfortable and start rubbing one of her fluffy ears while her features devolve in a displeased scowl.

What do you say, mister Shieffer?
Damn, he's got a sharp wit. So guys, do we attempt to BS this guy or do we come clean and pray to god he keeps his mouth shut?
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Better come up with something convincing if you want to lie.
"An ally, my brother. That's all there is to it."
Snicker, then, "The Demon Lord."
"Ha! Just wanted to see the look on your face. She's a strategic advisory from the deserts."
Gil is pretty bright I'm pretty sure he can see through it if we try to lie. Gil though seems pretty understanding so I say we come clean and ask him to help keep it on the low.
Give him the truth. He's our brother and if we're going to be frank with anyone it should be him.
Seem like we have 2 people for making up a lie, and three for telling the truth.

I'll start writing but I'll change if a new consensus arise.
"She is an important ally, an ally whose identity must remain unknown to most everyone. Not even you are immune to charms my brother, and the felwhore of Lescatie has infiltrated her agents into the highest levels of leadership on both sides of this war. Agents I intend to rout out, with her help."
this too.
Eh, I dont like that due to the way its worded. The style is agreeable though.
I suppose we could change "my brother" to "Gil" and "Felwhore of Lescatie" to Deruella. Same difference really.

Could also chance "rout out" to "find" if that would be more agreeable. I'm not much of a writer after all.
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That seem like a good compromise between everyone wishes.
Actually, I think that would sound better now that I've thought about it some more. Sorry, I tend to use more words than needed to get a point across.
Concerning the delay; you're giving the land defenders an extra day to dig in, fortify themselves, and to regroup.
Not to mention, instead of forcing the angels to get spread thin, they can now concentrate on first our Navy, then our Army.

Why did anyone think this was a good idea when this problem was pointed out last session?
Change the wording first. Right now, while the ideas are sound, the wording is pretty bad.
You are the last one to find a seat; making sure you wouldn’t squeeze the pommel of your sword in your guts, you plop down on the bean filled bag while giving your brother question due thoughts; it’s easy to understand why Daiyu existence is kept secret, Ame and Tsukiyomi swallowed the anger and revulsion at having an old foe sit in their castles but there’s obvious anger simmering beneath the surface. Gil might not see the same need with harboring the great ‘’enemy’’.

Ame closed her eyes, flexing her fingers gently as she went to rub her tail, her ears twitched gently here and there; you start to formulate some kind of excuses, but quickly you find yourself motivated to tell the truth. This man is the only remaining family you have, while your mothers are different you share the same father and that has to count for something, right?
However you can’t predict his reaction and thus, cautions will be the watchword.

Leaning forward, you join your hands together and support them on your knees.


Unfortunately you find yourself interrupted by a potent burst from the Soul Link, a strong feeling of loss and sadness wash over you, nearly obliterating your mental defenses as a great chagrin poured out of Sylphis heart, thankfully Athena and Hadraniel solemn, genuine empathy were enough for you to avoid making a total fool of yourself; despite the worry you forced the sentiment aside.

You shake your head and feign a cough, giving Gil an awkward smile.

‘’I’m alright, now to answer your question; she’s an ally, an ally whose identity need to remain unknown for maximum efficiency’’

A frown spread on Gil feature, however his mouths curl in a smile but he listens without saying anything while Ame stopped playing with her tails and gently pulled a scroll out of its protective case.

‘’Not even you are immune to charms Gil, and Deruella has infiltrated her agents into the highest levels of leadership on both sides of this war.’’

This time his eyebrows shoot upward as his mood change to all-encompassing surprise; your insinuation could easily pass as an insult given his position and the vain belief of ones superiority as a king, thankfully Gil doesn’t interrupt.

‘’Agents we intend to find, with her help’’

You finished by shooting Ame-no-Uzume a glance, in turn she lift her eye from the scroll and plunge her piercing golden stare straight into Gil; the man doesn’t flash, not a single hint of nervousness betray his body; he brush some strand of hair away from his face before letting a long sigh.

‘’I see; I’m not one to discard any kind of knowledge, brother but I’ll stop digging in honor of the blood we share.’’

Whether or not he bought your story is impossible to say.

‘’That was the only thing I had to ask; the results of the training and exercises of our forces in the coming days will answers all my remaining interrogations’’

Look like the ball is in in your park, Ame seem to want to ask something as well but when her tail brush you behind the neck, you know she’s letting you talk.

The consensus is to send several squads to disrupt the church camp as the reinforcement are intercepted in the naval battle; buying yourself a few days so the army can properly intergrate with each other's is vital, as is the additional time to try and take care of the lingering problems.

Going too fast and hard too soon could prove disastrous, I think that was the general feeling with the consensus.
"So, Brother...how have you been?"

"I should probably formally introduce you to...my wife, Ame."
>poured out of Sylphis heart
Looks like her father is dead. We'll need to comfort her after this.

As for anything further to say.
"As rushed as everything will be, shall we move up the wedding? I know, not much time for preparation and all, but it might be good for morale if the troops and citizens can see this alliance formalized and sealed."
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I thought the winning option also involved harassing the main camp to keep that from happening.

Oh god... Sylphis's dad didn't make it did he. Aw shit, more on the to do list.

I'd like to ask him about Cadhla. Given their histories, she really shouldn't have agreed to help unless Gil cut a deal.

Said deal could involve anything from a Geis on him ensuring he would never allow another monster to be harmed in his territory ever again to outright selling his own brother out to be slaughtered by her personally. Last one is unlikely given the marriage deal, but who said she couldn't be privileged to a limb or two?

Anyway, need find out how someone who is supposed to hate them both agreed to help them.
Lets ask him about how we managed to get the dragon and our old enemy on his side. We should also let Ame be allowed to ask him a question since she wants to.
Yeah that's a good start.
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Seem like I've got something to work with, thank folks.
The unending stream of Sylphis grief is evidently, much harder than resist than previously thought; once a small silence caused by your discomfort stretches awkwardly, you rub your face and try your best to ignore it while concentrating on Hadraniel and Athena with Daiyu providing much needed stability.

Here’s to hoping you aren’t completely red in the face.

‘’First, I think I should introduce you to my wife-to-be, Ame-no-Uzume.’’

Said wife let out a giggle and roll back the second scroll she took, the tail caressing the back of your neck progress to form a collar as she lean forward as well, straining somewhat against inevitable pain from her wounds, she extend a tail halfway across your back to wiggle around Gil arm, the large man let out a chuckle and gently slide his palm over the fur; causing an immediate surprise followed by an appreciated ‘’oh’’ as he momentarily forgot himself.

‘’Ahem! Yes, when I saw her enter the room despite these grievous wounds, I knew all I needed about the valor of this woman.’’

A very careful choice of words, monsters certainly prefer to be called ‘’woman’’ rather than the title of their races; the handshake between the two cease once Ame slither her tail out of reach while simultaneously freeing your neck; this is the first time you’ve seen her in diplomacy and she certainly doesn’t talk a whole bunch.

To think she’s willing to prank an entire castle for entertainment…

‘’I do have something to ask for, it concerns Cadhla and Fendall; how in the world did you manage to convince them to join your retinue?’’

Now, its Gil time to linger in silence, his face spread in a smile however and no awkwardness spread from his body, unfortunately his apparent good mood dissolve quickly.

‘’I reached for them once the battle with Ferdinand ended and I reinforced my efforts after the impromptu chance of meeting you and Tsuki…yomi by chance’’
A little pause with the queen-mother name, apparently enough to twist his tongue? You don’t remember him saying her name often back then, too.

‘’I made deals with the both of them; this alliance and following war concerned monsters and humans alike, finding was mostly the hard part. I simply had to make some concession, I figured that having two of the most powerful monsters of my country at my side would reinforce our claim of eventual Commonwealth, giving your own marriage even more credence.’’

You didn’t need to follow with another question, Gil simply leaned back on his bean bag while crossing his hands on his belly, completely relaxing and letting go of his kingly image.

‘’Fendall was surprisingly cooperative; she said that she always watched over this country and this crisis was big enough to warrant her attention as well as take out her grudge on the church without needless diplomatic incident, she kept the reasons to herself but her deal was rather simple. An oath in blood that my dynasty…’’

He stopped to look at you, bright blue eyes piercing your own, blood is blood and this kind of promises can’t be escaped when it concern the entire family.

‘’…will give her protection during incubation when she find a suitable mate for as long as my family stay into power, dragons become incredibly vulnerable when pregnant and the entire process is much, much more time consuming than what were used too. I agreed without counter argument, I always wanted to reach out to Fendall myself, just like how your uncle did in the past’’

Wait… what?

‘’Gismore had some deal with the blind dragon?’’

A rather ominous smile spread on your brother lisps as he nodded.
’Yup, dragons don’t tend to give a damn about which line of the generation they come to, even adopted; she’ll probably want you to own up on his deal but I have no clue what it intended, at least she promised it wasn’t bad so… just take it when it happen’’

Easy for him to say! However, Gil good humor soon changes as a sigh escape him, no doubt caused by the second woman of his retinue.

‘’Now Cadhla…’’

You try you best – and fail- to avoid a grimace, Ame tails slither onto your legs, enrolling themselves in a downward spiral starting from your thighs; a silent, welcomed support.

‘’She made her agenda very obvious. Full citizenship for the monsters, possibility of joining the army outside of the Orders, monsters mayors, protection of the sanctify of the Yukionnas sanctum is the eastern forest and most importantly, religious right to worship their ancestors, as practiced here in Zipangu’’
That’s… exactly the kind of things that’d happen in Gwynedd after the alliance anyway; you and Ame looked at each other in confusion while Gil let out a grunt.

‘’Redundant demands given the nature of this alliance; she didn’t even bat an eye when I told her that going to Zipangu would mean meeting you, I don’t think I can predict her at all beside one, all-encompassing truth: Her aim is to better the life of monsters in Gwynedd, perhaps the world over and I seriously doubt her resolve can see her corrupted, still.’’
King Gil Rosario open his eyes, slowly leaning forward to look at you in earnest respect.

‘’She’s been wounded by the Purge, probably worse than anyone else; I could have stopped the carnages but I didn’t, back then I gambled that such an event would drum support for the monsters from my people, thankfully it did but that doesn’t erase this disgusting sin’’

A jumbled mess of emotions sprout in your chest, Sylphis emotions fuel the dark, dark cocktail and you resist the rage, anger, sadness as best you can, another tail form a second collar on your neck and that alone keep you from appearing weaker.

‘’I think you might be the only person that can give her back some humanity, she’s one step away from throwing it away.’’

Can a monster become similar to Orion? The human half was the entire reason Daiyu took the throne, even so Yukionnas existed well before the advent of the succubus; for one to throw away what make her human… it’d definitely be a tragedy.

Anything else to ask, mister Shieffer?
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...Why do I get the feeling that this deal involves rape? That is, Fendall raping Siggy? I mean, I like dragongirls and all but still, the way he put it...

Yep, he's getting raped, at an unspecified future date and time.
I'd still like to know if we're going to have the wedding in two days time; if we have the wedding then not only would it be a good opportunity to scan a large number of higher-ups in the alliance at once, but also it could make the Crusade think they have more time than they actually do.
Royal weddings are a rather large, public affair. I get what you're saying but it's also an invitation of a very bad kind.

It's saying "Hey, Everyone! All the really important people are going to be here tomorrow night! Thought you'd like to know!"
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Do oy ureally expect a dragon to make a deal with your uncle then come and rape you years later?
Such as luring Orion out and possibly putting the bomb in danger by moving it?
Yes, Orion is extremely logical, but he's also developed a very strong hatred of Siegfried, and the wedding would be a very inviting target.

We use the wedding as a trap, and Siegfried as the bait.

There's not a whole lot of time for a wedding, especially if it were to prelude a fierce battle.

Might be hard to place it with the harsh schedule.
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To be frankly honest, yes. She wants a kid, needed to make sure she survived so now that she has those assurances she'll want to reproduce once the war is done.

Also, dragons don't want weaklings, they want strong mates. A-Rank magi are pretty strong, and guess what Siggy is.

So, strong mate, contractually obligated to help her reproduce, gets to vent at the church without screwing shit up, next to no chance of being killed while in a weakened state... I dare say she's making out like a bandit!

They say it for a reason, never deal with a dragon. No matter what you think, the dragon is getting the better end of the deal by far.
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Guys pls.

Doesn't seem like there's any other question aside from the Royal Wedding, unless it's unanimous I'll probably have to let that one slide given the heavy time constraint.
Lets ask him how he expects us to restore Cadhla's humanity cause to be honest Siggy and her are not on the best of terms.
Good a question as any I suppose.
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Seem like it's time to move things forward, I think I'll end in one or two posts.
‘’How do you expect me to do this? We were enemy back then, bitter foes the only thing that impeded her wants and needs of carnages was that leader of their militia. I… I don’t have any right to help her’’

Gil listens with a strange expression, his face morph into one of peace as he rubs his chin slowly.

‘’You fought on opposite side of the same conflict but unlike her, you manage to put it behind you enough to be able to feel emotions again; that’s not something she’s done. Perhaps your very presence can make her upset, stir some long forgotten feelings that’ll keep her head away from those crushing massacres’’

If there’s one ardent, encompassing needs you’ve grown from what happened during the Purge… it’d be redemption; a way to forgive yourself from those trials, you tried to alleviate the guilt with every actions you’ve taken but, outside of reinforcing your determination to make something of this prophecy and allow stability for your homeland and Zipangu, you’ve simply lied to yourself time and again in order to make you feel better about yourself.

Was that why the Beast called you a hypocrite…?

‘’I’m just a romantic that always feel the need to help out people, don’t this as some kind of orders’’

Must be hard to be a king with this kind of thinking; however before you emotions can shift means leans in your direction, spilling a few tails on your body as if you’d somehow transformed into furniture, one of her long gray appendages point toward Gil sword nestled gently on his waist.

‘’You sword is magical is it not?’’

This complete and total change of subject caught you and your brother completely off guard, both of you turn to look at her, she shrug in turn.

‘’Why, yes, yes it is. This sword belonged to the very first Rosario who created my dynasty, its origin are still unknown today but… take a look’’
Gil chest huff in pride as he stand from the bag, taking a few steps to face the two of you, his stance is one of a solid knight; legs spreads, chest held high, arms locked for a counter-clockwise rotation followed a fast exit of the scabbard, he’s not trying to show off; just like a potent mage embracing focus the sheer might of his aura is enough to make you understand how natural he is with the blade, his very physique sculpted to work as one with his weapon.

His weapon come out in one elegant swoop, held tight and pride with his left hand; a solid weapon by all account with a complete and total absence of ornaments and decorations, the pommel was made with efficiently in mid ending in a simple, tried and true cross of steel while the blade itself extended in a magnificent straight line, it’s color shining in lukewarm pearly white projecting a constant magical aura of Holy, upon first impression the weapon only impressive feature was its magical nature, but there was obviously much more to it.

Much more indeed…

‘’Durandal; blade of Justice, a half-sentient weapon that choose its wielders and judge the guilty, the greatest regalia of the northern land of Gwynedd. To wield Durandal means having your body thoroughly reinforced by Holy and should you ever fail in your righteous duty as its wielder, the blade won’t come out of its scabbard’’

He finishes by blowing his breath on the Holy blade, and then gives his audience a wink.

‘’It’s a poetic description; but I think it’ll have to do.’’

Slowly, Ame turn her head to whispers…

‘’Do you think what I’m thinking, Siegfried?’’
"It couldn't be...could it?"
Embodiment of Justice?
Would you like to try an experiment, Brother?

Let's give it to Leila and see what happens. She can duel wield swords right? She'll be DOUBLE HOLY MONSTER ANNIHILATOR.
As in, Siggy should attempt to draw the blade? Might as well see if we can.

That one's already out and about and working for Lex. Sword could have been created by her however.

I think he'll only let it go for experimentation. Actually giving it away? Doubt it, though if we had gone down the knight/warrior path in the beginning we might have had it from the beginning ourselves.

You definetly would have had that blade from the start as a warrior.
Wouldn't have been able to pull it out until you proved yourself worthy
‘’Could it?’’

‘’Justice. Don’t you think Hadraniel ought to have a look?’’

With dextrous movements that’d make her wounds look like an afterthought, Ame slowly stood as her tails crawled around her, which in turn motivated you to stand as you felt nearly compelled to pull out Laminas Angelorum but, if the past is anything to go by, it’ll simply unleash a strong wave of Holy and that’ll be that; Radiance is a complete enigma. For his part, Gil simply stared at the two of you is disbelief while running his finger along the edge of his blade; the shining iron didn’t pierce his skin.

‘’I do believe our allied angel present in the mansion could provide valuable hints as to the nature of your cherished blade’’

With amazing dexterity, Gil twirled his weapon one handed to form a complete circle before putting it in the scabbard and relaxing his stance, giving the queen a solemn nod as his expression turn serious; there’s no doubt that he consider this blade his and, in turn, making any prospect of relinquishment impossible.
’Yes I intended to speak to her personally; Durandal is an enigma, the Embodiment are not common knowledge but I’d figure angels would know about it best’’

If only he know that she was actually the Embodiment of Love… infatuated with you.

‘’This angel will face a very important, harsh trial very, very soon; I think your blade, along with Laminas Angelorum…’’

She stop to gesture toward you, an obvious twinkle of interest light up in your big brother eyes as he lock eyes with you, then travel down to the pommel of the holy blade on your waist.

‘’I take it you can’t help her?’’

Both you and Ame shake heads simultaneously, the queen tails goes on to roll and detach themselves from your limbs constantly. Those things never calm down do they?

‘’I’ll allow it under one condition; tell me what’s going on, this blade is the very symbol of Gwynedd royal family and I will not relinquish it, or lend it, to anyone if I’m not satisfied with the reasons’’

Can you even pretend to be surprised at your brother stubbornness and nearly insatiable thirst for knowledge?

>A Tale of Monsters -107- end
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I didn't even have time to tell all the sensitive information I wanted, might have to do it in the after thread unless you guys would prefer seeing it in character.
Sensitive information? From the looks of it Ame wants Hadraniel to use Gil's blade to wipe the floor with the nightmare.

I suppose simply having a weapon wouldn't really count as "help" as a weapon is only as good as the one who wields it and the blade is only half sentient so it can't really be considered another person that's helping out.

Our holy blade, on the other hand, has an actual person in it and thus if it tries anything it'll count as "someone trying to help her" and thus triggering his BS rule and ruining our attempt to end his ass.

That would also require another question be answered though, can Hadraniel even use longswords effectively? She is a lancer after all.
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Haddy would be the best person to answer if Gil blade would constitue as help, but you are right in thinking that Laminas Angelorum would actually trigger the creature ability.

As for your second question, yes she can use them, she trained to manipulate all kinds of weapons it just that she's S in spears and something like A in swords. Polearms are simply much, much more effective with aerial combat thank to the reach. She doesn’t need to wield it for sword magic to affect her, it only need to be out of its scabbard

Finally I completely forgot to have Gil reveal his strategy after the war as a last fuck you to the church and bring even more credence to the Commonwealth; for years now he had scholars look into the bible of the Faith while simultaneously working to remove and appoint bishops of cathedrals and church loyal to the crown; he want to literally create a protestant movement will encompass Zipangu religion, effectively creating a united front known as ‘’The Children of Mother Earth’’ while simultaneously naming the sleeping Ryu the first living Saint.

Something of that importance cannot be pulled out as a suprise even if I really, really wanted to. Gil hate the church you see, very, very much.

I've been following your stuff for a few months now, I was the guy who came up with the summary of how Siggy's magic worked to be specific, and I really respect you as a QM. If you have the time could you look over the quest I've just started up and give me any advice you might have for it? I'd have contacted you by other methods but I wasn't sure where else to get you.

Thank you in advance, and sorry for having disturbed your thread with this.

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Well after instigating the civil war that claimed his wife and daughter it's of little surprise that he's filled with an intense desire to fuck them up the ass as hard as possible.

So he's planning to create a fusion religion involving both Zipangu and Church teachings? Well at least he isn't making a new religion merely to grant himself a quickie divorce like some other king did.

I'm hoping that Lex is able to stop the reforms proposed by the angels after all this somehow so nobody has to get all violent in the end. Thankfully, the only other person who would likely be able to stop him is on our hit list. Bastard probably wrote them himself.

All monstergirls are evil and must be purged... only a blind fool believes that garbage. Too bad anybody who had a complaint about it probably didn't last 5 seconds after voicing it.
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You can contact me on this email [email protected] and from there I could give you my steam name for easier chat. Your summary really helped a damn lot to put things in perspective and I can't thank you enough; for advice tough I'm not sure if I'm the best person, the one reaso nwhy MGW is alive is because my players care, I love writing it and I'm stubborn enough to see it through to the end.

I think the only advice I can give is ''write even when you don't want to''

And it's been... 2 years now is it?

I'll give your quest a look but I'm probably too tired to give anything constructive
thats fine, thank you so much INH. I'll be in touch hopefully.
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Orion explaining his point of view is bound to be interesting. Everything assumption I've seen about him so far were wrong. Completely and utterly.

Aside that he hate Siggy.


Always a pleasure, friend.
>Aside that he hate Siggy.
I'm going to assume that all of this is a product of him hating siggy then! No masterful schemes, no wonderful plots! No over arching goal! Siggy and him went to school and siggy happened to cheese him off somehow and this is the result.

So Kid Siggy bullied angels back in celestial school thank to his priviledge as a demi-god?
No. He just ticked off Orion. No bullying, he just did something that Orion took as a personal insult and all of this is the result.

Orion has no sense of proportion.
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Well... ''Strife'' and ''Proportion'' Don't exactly go hand in hand.

Now that I think aobut it Siggy is the only one that made he feel some irritation in a while, you guys are amazing.
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Well we are running around thwartin' his plans and intend to keep thwartin' em' until he stops trying to kill all monstergirls.

It's only natural. If you've been planning this thing for a long time and this one motherfucker comes out of nowhere and screws it all up you'd be hard pressed to not hate that guy.

They were supposed to take the fort, the beaskin capital was supposed to fall, the golem army wasn't supposed to activate. The reinforcements weren't supposed to be necessary until the final push to the center so he could plant the bomb and be done with it all. If even that, had everything just gone according to plan they may have already won the war.

Then *he* showed up, killed Ahriman, and overcame the sabotage and successfully activated the golem army. Fucking hell man, kinda the exact opposite of how his plan was supposed to go. Thus, the hate.
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Always fun to throw a monkey wrench into plans.

Also are you guys okay about telling Gil everything about Hadraniel nightmare? This'll mean explaining the swamp and how Athena got corrupted as well.
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If the sword will pretty much guarantee her victory by giving her a power boost that doesn't trigger his broken anti-helping ability then sure. It ain't like it's a big secret around these parts, I think.
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Everything going on inside Ame/Tsukiyomi inner circle, stay in the circle. It's the big reason why Daiyu and Belphegor were so well received, really. Girls pratically exchange every secrets with one another.
I'm in the middle of catching up, which days does this quest run nowadays?
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Like how Siggy is in bed? Seriously though, I don't see a problem with telling him.
Oh, so most of it is top secret then. I wonder what the cover story was when some of the other soldiers saw that arm.

Then again, given what it's obviously based off of I'd just stay back and keep an eye on her. Bitch gonna go berserk any minute now and I want a good head start when she does.

Still, Hadraniel+Durandal=power boost for her and none for the nightmare correct?

Though it may be a secret we aren't supposed to tell. Nightmare isn't, but that arm might count on the Athena front.
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Also this episode seriously cemented my want and need of making that prequel a thing; the Purge is an immensely important part of Siegfried past and it need to be developped.


Hadraniel start running everytime the subject is mentioned.


Haddy+ Durandal will hopeful result in that, aye.


I tend to run during the week end, friday-saturday-sunday-monday are all fair, it's hard to pinpoint it reliably for now since I tend to do two updates in short order.
She's so pure I honestly doubt she'll ever get around to getting laid. I mean how the hell do you seduce someone that's utterly content with hand holding and the occasional hug and kiss?
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You guys will need to figure it out!
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I keep thinking... and I keep coming up empty. Only thing I got that may work is a slow build up to it over the course of a few years, very gradually progressing towards certain things so she doesn't get too embarrassed. Like moving so slowly towards something you can't really tell it's moving unless you look very closely and even then it's barely noticeable.

That or take advantage of the link somehow, but that just feels like cheating.
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>That or take advantage of the link somehow, but that just feels like cheating.

Given the fact that the link and loops literally affected you and the girls emotions into passion that'd otherwise appear extremely unhealthy given the short time, you may have been cheating from the moment you woke up with amnesia!
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Ok, then if we are cheating at least it wasn't intentional. Not like Siggy had any real say in these matters and it affected him too.

Which would mean... that everyone is cheating without really trying to! Thus exonerating everyone from a moral standpoint.
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Isn't breaking the system awesome?
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Yes, yes it is.
As a last questions, would you give like it if I were to give the prequel some due attention again?
Personally the prequel just doesn't interest me as much as the current one, or any potential sequels involving earth mages doing city-building...

I see, well I try to please however I can but the tale of the Purge fills me with passion.
Inh why is hadraniel perfect

I think you might be in the best position to answer this question
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i love everything about her
Where is she from?
Kamidori Alchemist Meister

She get the short end of the stick in the game.
What happens to her?

Basically the main character never seem to take her feelings into account despite her being sweet enough to induce diabete.
That's harsh.

The main character of that game is absolute trash as far as I'm concerned.

Not entertaining, barely relevent, only here to be a male amidst females.

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