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Peter Parker Quest. Issue 54

>Rules: http://pastebin.com/qL22yuFi
>Character sheet: http://pastebin.com/K10uk8q7
>My twitter: https://twitter.com/QuestOpCosgrove
>Archives: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Peter%20Parker%20Quest
>Peter’s Invention concepts: http://pastebin.com/PCecsN5y

>8 Days remain until the meeting at Stark Industries, NY

The morning comes too soon. After avoiding the cops and getting back to your clothes, you headed back home. By that point it was pretty late, so you had to reheat the dinner that was left for you. Making a few notes on the things you noticed in the warehouse, like the girl and her appearance, and writing a note to go over the video feed that was saved on your mask.

Gonna need a place to store that data, too.

Regardless, it was called a night and you went to bed and woke up slightly later than usual. Getting up, on Thursday, a mark was made on the calendar. Just eight more days. Pulling out your phone, relieve spreads through you as you see that Gwen seems to be calling. Hopefully she’s got the information.

“Bad news Peter, security’s up since that Mysterio has appeared. Apparently he’s made some sort of threat of a crime, so the police are alert, making sure he’s not in their system. It’ll be tomorrow at the earliest I can get the data. …Sorry.”

No, no it’s fine you quickly assure her. It’s an unexpected delay you wish hadn’t happened, but rather she take it safe and take an extra day than get caught.

>[ ] Work on a project
>[ ] Take care of maintenance, and work on your existing tech
>[ ] Go check on your neighbor
>[ ] Go fight more crime as Spider-man
>write in
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The most exciting time of the week has finally arrived!

>[ ] Go check on your neighbor

Let's see what's up with MJ.
>>[ ] Work on a project
We should do something to make sure we impress Stark. We can check on MJ after lunch, right?
>[ ] Take care of maintenance, and work on your existing tech
>[ ] Work on a project
Today is a good day for science!
>>[X] Go check on your neighbor
We really should, since she's no longer a serial killer in this timeline.

We can science after some socializing.
>>[ ] Work on a project
>>[ ] Take care of maintenance, and work on your existing tech
Isn't our mask/communication thing still just a prototype?
I would prefer if we have a real deal.
>>[ ] Go check on your neighbor

Oh cosgrove, since we went to fight crime the other day, did we lose a PL due to karma?
>>[ ] Take care of maintenance, and work on your existing tech
>[X] Go check on your neighbor
If anyone else is going to notice Stella is missing it'll be her.

We can do a project in the afternoon. Then go crimefighting in the evening.
No, no. It's "Ahh, what a fine day for science!"

Still voting for MJ, since we should see what she's like now. Remember, we're supposed to have hung out with her from time to time since Stella no longer has done it in this timeline.

If we science first, lets only do it for a few hours and then see her.
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Good call, you do!

Good thing you reminded me, good on you.
I wonder if we have an invisible fatigue meter that essentially tells us how frequently we can do Spider-stuff without collapsing on the floor...
Seconding working on the mask integrated comm gear. No idea which option that counts for, so hoping OP will tic the right box for me.
>>[ ] Take care of maintenance, and work on your existing tech
Better check if there isn't any viruses installed on our system.
>>[ ] Take care of maintenance, and work on your existing tech
>write in
Since Gwen is willing to take more time in researching police database we should ask her on any info/rumours on Black Cat...just in case.
Clarification please?

Our police scanner is fully operational, right? And we have our mask camera, but no HUD or special vision properties, correct?
That's already what she's doing, isn't it?
Peter doesn't know that.
Just looking on Kingpin stuff, which should BUT mighty not lead to her


Holy shit.

Almost no PL left. When was the last time we got it this low?
When we first started, probably.
Just before travelling to the future?
>[ ] Go check on your neighbor
Should Peter find out and potentially further complicate his friendship with Gwen?
And now we're Jinxed... Nice going there.
Well, Peter could certainly ask Gwen if there's any police reports about the Black Cat, but in this timeline, Gwen doesn't know who Black Cat is, so it wouldn't complicate anything.
Personally I think we should have heart to heart with Gwen about everything we know/find out as soon as possible.
Darn, we should make her a revolving webshooter as gift.
I thought we did that already? I forget.
And we really need to find Felicia and give her the grappling bracers we made for her.
I still want to modify our revolving web shooters so we have a canister of mace/pepper spray.
She still suspects.

And is messed up about us.
>I thought we did that already?
Nope. She is having the original Peter's webshooters, without any cool modifiers.
And, Im still bit confused what happen with Felicia to make her go up and disappeared for entire month.
I think is one of webbing possible upgrades.
Yeah, we should do both of these, in the previous timeline not telling her really messed up our relationship with her, she was going to go full JUSTICE on Felicia

Read the upgrades.

>Taser Webbing
>Pepper Spray webbing
You might want to check on your neighbor, but maintenance comes first!

Locking up the basement, you disassemble the mask and start going over the parts, while you start up new batches of web fluid. Making sure everything’s good- no broken parts, chipped lenses, etc, you line out the parts and look at them. Popping and disassembling your webshooters, you do the same, leving all the parts in neat, laid out shapes.

They’re probably fine to keep using as they are, but you could probably work on something to improve them, but it would take time. Much more time than just maintaining them. But, it’d probably take a while to do any upgrades. You’d probably only have time to do one piece of equipment.

>[ ]Just maintenance
>[ ]Upgrade one piece of equipment
It's a combination of Felicia feeling stifled by not stealing shit anymore and "muh vengeance'.
>>[ ]Upgrade one piece of equipment
>>[ ]Just maintenance

We'll do upgrades another time.
>[X]Just maintenance
>[X]Upgrade one piece of equipment
>>[ ]Just maintenance
I'd like to check on MJ afterwards.
>[X]Just Maintenance

Did we already get breakfast?
>>[ ]Upgrade one piece of equipment

I can already see the botches
>[ ]Just maintenance
Unless we will stillhave time for MJ later
>[X]Just maintenance
Man, when are we going to work on those batteries.

It's something we'll need multiple days for; we can't just wait till the last minute.
>[ ]Just maintenance
>>[ ]Just maintenance
We can do all the science after meeting with MJ.
>>[ ]Just maintenance
We did ok during that fight an d we have a date with Stark coming up. If we do anything we should do a cutsy little project for him.
Essentially, we won't be able to finish anything completely new before the Stark event.

We'll need to keep it something simple like a robot.
And the robot can help us think of ideas for spider bots.
True, we need something for that arc reactor to power....
Something simple isn't going to be impressive.

The batteries, even if all we've got is a prototype and/or some blueprints, is going to be far more impressive than a little robot.
>>[ ]Just maintenance
Well, unless we show up with the Arc Reactor, I'm not sure we'll be able to produce anything to wow him in time... without help.

How about we work with Gwen so that we each can help each other bring something to the event?
>>[ ]Upgrade one piece of equipment
We're in a world that is rapidly changing, so we need to change just as quickly.

Also we have combat data from our equipment might as well take what learned and upgrade one.
I just said those batteries would wow them even in an unfinished state.

Gwen could probably help with the bioelectric rechargeable battery.
>>[ ]Just maintenance
We have a busy week, lets keep this simple.
A robot...that can shoot webs?
Some kind horde of flying robot would be nice but we don't have laboratory/factory to pull this off for now.
>ow about we work with Gwen so that we each can help each other bring something to the event?
That would be good, since it allows Peter to talk about superhero and personal stuff with her.
The bioelectric battery would work best, Gwen's specialty is biology after all
We're also a teenager who needs to keep his social circle from falling apart.

We should definitely bounce ideas off each other. We make a pretty good team on the science front. The superhero front... is to be decided.
Yeah, we should call Gwen to ask if she wants to do that.
I mean, she got an invite too. We need to have each others backs on this one.
Things Tony Stark has:
Arc Reactors

Don't give him these things.

I don't think he has a bio-battery, though.
Is it wrong that I hope that super villains will pretty much consistently damage Peter's faith in humanity?

Like dealing with them should always be exasperating on some level.
>[x]Just maintenance
I don't know; Tony doesn't seem like the type to take to suck up moves like things that are only made to try and impress him.
If anything I say we craft some blueprints for something and just say we lack the resources due to poverty.
>Maintenance it is.

>1d20+10, please
Fair enough.
Okay, in that case we should definitely see Gwen about this.
Rolled 9 + 10

Did you two forget the part of the note that says that it was CONFIDENTIAL
Rolled 6

Rolled 11 + 10

Rolled 5 + 10

Rolled 19 + 10

...She got an invite too. I think they just want to keep the press away.
You should post faster anon.

No fail. How disappointing. Pete needs to accidentally set the house on fire more often.
And really, since it is ostensibly Gwen who he is there to see, helping Gwen impress Stark is better than stealing her spotlight.
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They clearly did.

I'm not sure how we knew she was doing it in the first place.
Unless Stark is Willy fucking Wonka of machines I don't think he'd be too hot on that. He's a rebel, but that seems like something that would get his goat.
It's a SHIELD set up/sting anyway
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Rolled 11 + 10

Maybe everyone else should just post slower.
>since it is ostensibly Gwen who he is there to see
I was under the impression that Stark invited Gwen and Gwen invited us.

Is this not true?
How many commuters do you think Soidey killed went that dude fell?
It isn't.

Where did you get this idea?
No, we both got letters individually
So I'm a little confused guys, whats so bad about letting stark know we're Spiderman? I don't necessarily mean from our perspective, but from Peter's. He's just a kid who has been thrown into a world of superheroics he is barely prepared for and it seems like Stark is a possible ally. Wouldn't Peter desire to form that connection with the dude?
It's not true. We both coincidentally received individual invites.
... do you even read this quest?
Then I was mistaken.
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btw, I asked strength stat and this is what he said.
Mainly because from Peter's perspective Tony seems to be doing it for the publicity and might end up drawing Peter into the spotlight along with him.
We don't know him personally, and he obviously isn't concerned with holding onto a secret identity, and probably wouldn't understand that we'd want to keep ours.

It's just a cautionary measure.
No idea myself. I'm up for telling Stark, if no one is listening in, and beginning to form a superteam.
No. Trust issues.

The biggest question on Peters mind with Stark should be, why he out himself?
>speech perks
Auto pass all speeches to motivate
It has been pointed out before that Stark has no concept of a secret identity and may not sympathize.

Hell, how do we know if he even likes Spidey?
We don't, which is why we should ask him if we get the chance during the event.
Plus at some point were going to be swinging around with an arc reactor in our chest
>Not belt
Do you even sentai?
ON our chest, not in it. The palladium bleed-off is only a problem for Tony because it keeps his heart going. We have no such handicap.
We will have a handicap of having a 4 inch protrusion on our chest though.
Rolled 4 + 10


No, I don't think so.

We don't need such a large power output.

If we can get the bio-electric charging system and the batteries, thats what we'll need.

The Arc reactor can power our hidden science lab.
>not Spider Rider
But yeah we're totally doing that
Fair enough. I can support not telling him if we believe Peter's safety is on the line. I just really want a super-team, dammit.
Why would we put it on our chest?

Another thing we shouldn't do is leave it exposed and glowing for everyone to see.
You should probably start by doing some more superhero things with Gwen.
We all do, anon. But you need patience, anon. It'll all happen in due time.

Still waiting to meet Dr. Strange.
Future Foundation not good enough for you?
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Hell yeah!
“When my music meets your science, they're the biggest of the giants…”

Cleaning the parts ,bit by bit, piece by piece, you polish them- well, those of them you can- to a shine! Each and every piece has a place and you make sure each one is unharmed, untarnished, and unbroken.

“…ou can mix them all around and make some music to play…”

Singing to yourself some song from a cartoon about a mad scientist, you then begin assembling everything. Turning on the goggles and earpieces, you make sure they work properly. There’s probably a lot you could do with these in the future. They’re a bit slow, and limited in practice- some of the videos have that really, really bad shaky cam effect like that one director always does.

Sealing up the new webbing containers, you put them and all of the gear away as think on different things the headphones could be used for. Maybe something with your tracers? And those could probably use a big boost…

“…make some music and breath in the good sunshine!”

Finishing cleaning up, you raise both arms, and the broom you’re holding, as you finish the song, for like the hundredth time as you’re greeted by the silence of your lab. Somewhat embarrassed, it’d probably better to do something. Leave that scene behind.

>[ ]Work on a project
>[ ]Visit your neighbor
>[ ]Go fight crime as Spider-man
>write in
The thing is that Gwen doesn't want to be a full-time or heavily active hero.

She's a reserve member.
Rolled 20 + 10

>>[ ]Visit your neighbor
>Visit your neighbor
>>[ ]Visit your neighbor
time to have tea with the punisher and deadpool
>[X]Work on a project
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Opinions can change. I'm not saying to shanghai her, I'm just saying to nudge her and raise the appropriate flags.
>[ ]Visit your neighbor
>>[ ]Visit your neighbor
Hey baby, how you doin'?
>“When my music meets your science, they're the biggest of the giants…”
dat Dexter's Lab

>[ ]Visit your neighbor
>>[ ]Visit your neighbor
mango stuff I guess~
God damn it anon

>[ ]Visit your neighbor
>[ ]Visit your neighbor
"So, you're not crazy, your sister's alive, and mine seems to have never existed. Fun times huh?"
>[X]Visit your neighbor

Cosgrove....when are we gonna go see Felicia? It been how fucking long since we seen her...did the recon did something to peter relationship?
...You haven't been paying much attention to what's been happening, have you?
We're working on tracking her down.
...no, this happened before the retcon.

Are you Zeit?
>[X]Visit your neighbor

Dude, read the fucking threads. We're TRYING to see her. Trust me.
Rolled 7 + 10


The Dice God's will be done.
>[ ]Visit your neighbor
"Hey MJ, got any more of that Giant Robot anime?"
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>wfy I drawn robot spiderman a few months ago
I dig it.
Only two arms?
Holy shit, can we build Ultron in this reality? That'd be sick!
how about no
Spider Ultron....

The world may be fucked
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Locking up the basement, you make sure everything’s in good shape before heading on over to your neighbor’s house. You… hmm. You’ve spent a lot of time hanging out with your neighbor and watching anime, trying to draw her out of her shell but..


Well, you’re already in front of her house anyway. Ringing the doorbell, you wait a few minutes before ringing it again. There’s no response. Groaning, your phone is out, texting the shut-in.

A few minutes later you hear hurried thuds as something sounds like it slams against the door from the other side, listening, you hear muttered grians barely as the door cracks open as a bloodshot eye peeks through the crack.

“So, the Heretical Mechanicus has arrived.”

Unchaining the deadbolt, she lets you in and quickly closes and locks up the door behind her. “Is your aunt working?”

She shakes her head, a dark ringed eye locked onto you from beneath unkempt red locks. “No, she is currently investigating into the activities of those new agents of darkness in our territory.”

You missed when she was really quiet sometimes. Clearing her throat awkwardly, she points out the door. “…Across, three down.”

Ah, right, new neighbors. You’d almost forgotten. She’s probably visiting them with Aunt May.

Glancing at the girl, you see she’s got a blanket wrapped around her.

“You do have clothes on, right? Clean ones?”

There’s a hesitance to the girl as she avoids eye contact, looking away. Letting out a sigh, she begins to head over towards the small ‘den’ downstairs she’s moved into. Better than locked into a room, you guess.

Glancing back, she seems to be less enthusiastic, slipping back into her quiet, awkward glances and mumbles than the overly dramatic anime nonsense talk.

“…w-what w-would you… to do?”

>[ ]Watch something, like normal
>[ ]Get her out of the house
>[ ]Let her decide
>write in
We, as a relatively sane individual, could just not program him to be psychotic, thus taking a large step towards a peaceful singularity even rather than robot domination. Would that be so bad a thing?
>[X]Get her out of the house

Do it. It would do her some good. Do something outside that she would like.
>[ ]Watch something, like normal
>Get her out of the house
>“So, the Heretical Mechanicus has arrived.”

>[ ]Get her out of the house
Cognitive behavioral therapy.
>[ ]Get her out of the house
Try the arcade again
>>[ ]Get her out of the house
"You can try your luck in kicking my butt again at the arcade"
>maximum Chuuni

>[ ]Watch something, like normal
>Do you feel like somethings missing?
Or.. someplace that *won't* remind her of when she was attacked?
Rolled 1 + 10

>>[ ]Get her out of the house

Lets go to the arcade or the mall
Seconding. Didn't MJ have a friend?
Cos, sine the retcon is there still a path for MJ to become a super villain/seasonal Big Bad? I miss EvilMJ.
>>[X]Get her out of the house
Well aparently in this universe we´ve been spending quite a lot of time with her watching anime.....wich is awesome,now lets take a round in the neighborhood(here is hoping for a deadpool interrupt.) and next time we agree to let her decide yea?
also that was almost tomoko-level of adorable,i think the hnnng almost killed me.....yeah im a tomoko fan sue me!.
>Or.. someplace that *won't* remind her of when she was attacked?
Anon, she was attacked in dark alley not arcade.
>write in
Watch mother F-ing TOKU and discuss the greatness that is TOKU.
>Do you feel like somethings missing?

>[ ]Watch something, like normal
>Do you feel like somethings missing?
>[ ]Get her out of the house (Go out and grab something to eat when we get hungry.)
Damn straight something's missing.
Please, this
Do you guys really wanna remind her of stuff being missing? Since for her, the primary thing missing is that she no longer has a homicidal split personality and less trauma than before.

Which I'm not really a fan of.
The only problem I had with the old MJ was the split personality. If she'd have just gone full sociopath and faked the broken mope machine Cos would have had a worthy nemesis for Peter. Especially if MJ took out Aunt May right under Pete's nose.
I don't mind the split personality schtick. Yeah, it's soap-opera-y, but Spider-Man is essentially a soap opera.
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I couldn't disagree with you more. Everything we've seen from MJ would make no sense as a conscious act on her part, which is why I didn't think she was Carnage for the longest time.

Also the general idea of her having the physical/martial/stealth competence to do the things Carnage did, but I had admittedly not considered that MJ was meant to be the Typhoid/Bloody Mary of Earth-26434747.

Which now just bums me out that that got written out of her character, and I'm not sure what we're supposed to do now.

Also a dead sister was enough to deal with, I don't want to handle a live one.
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“We should go out and do something, get some fresh air. How about the arcade?”

Yeah, it’d probably best to get her out into the sun. If she keeps up like this, she’ll likely just revert back to that almost undead silent person who doesn’t do anything but sit in front of a computer. Like, if she was doing that for work it’d be one thing, but she just goes onto forums and argues with people.

She didn’t even notice you were leaving until you were at the door that one time.

Anyway, it’d be stop her from hiding and having awkward conversations to a door again. “I guess if you’re afraid of losing to me, I mean.”

Mary Jane’s retreating posture freezes and she turns, a light in her eye. “Oh, does the Heretical Mechanicus think that he can defeat the Crimson Haired Ruin Princ-”


A rolled up comic hits her on top of her head as you look at your arm in betrayal. Amused, Mary Jane sticks out her tongue. “You’ve been infected, I fear. Before long, you will be my loyal servant and a member of my peerage!”

The lack of commentary in between strikes you as odd as you look at Mary Jane, a little confused. “Doesn’t it seem like something’s missing from here?”

Mary Jane freezes as she pauses and wraps her blanket tighter as she stares at you, and you return the stare as her face flushes somewhat. She doesn’t break eye contact and you fear you might’ve gained the deadly Medusa’s gaze as her skin continues to grow redder as she begins to glance downwards, then back at you.

Down, back, redder.

Repeat until you raise an eyebrow.


She seems to retreat into a smaller form as she backs her way up the stairs carefully and then turns and runs down the hallway, a second later you hear a series of thumps before you hear the door open and shut.
And uncomfortable twenty minutes later and you’re with her a Dillon’s Arcade.

>[ ]fighting game rematch
>[ ]Racing games
>[ ]Shooter games
>[ ]her pick
>write in
>Also a dead sister was enough to deal with, I don't want to handle a live one.
Going by wiki her sister Gayle should be married to some guy and live at his place so we probably wouldn't see her anyway.
Posting this as a reminder as to why we should have romanced HikiMary instead god damn it

I still like Felicia though, but Mary Jane is just too cute here
>[ ]fighting game rematch
>her pick
>>[ ]her pick
>[ ]fighting game rematch
>>[ ]fighting game rematch
Rematch, what was it last time Batman vs Ryu or some other capcon character?
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>[ ]her pick

>Mary Jane freezes as she pauses and wraps her blanket tighter as she stares at you, and you return the stare as her face flushes somewhat. She doesn’t break eye contact and you fear you might’ve gained the deadly Medusa’s gaze as her skin continues to grow redder as she begins to glance downwards, then back at you.
Not sure what to make of this, is she remembering something, does she have a crush on us?
She WAS kind of a spree killer who constantly set off our spider-sense due to her spree killing ways.

And now I'm sad that Felicia/Gwen/Stella won't be exasperated by us for not thinking that was something worth investigating.
>Mary Jane’s retreating posture freezes and she turns, a light in her eye. “Oh, does the Heretical Mechanicus think that he can defeat the Crimson Haired Ruin Princ-”
>A rolled up comic hits her on top of her head as you look at your arm in betrayal. Amused, Mary Jane sticks out her tongue. “You’ve been infected, I fear. Before long, you will be my loyal servant and a member of my peerage!”
She read High School DxD

>[ ]fighting game rematch
>[ ]her pick
>no book/street smarts
>Triggers almost all bad/tragic endings
How about no?
Her pick.

It'll probably also be the fighting game, since that has the highest levels of weeb.
It's a shame, i think if we had been introduced to MJ before Felicia I would have voted in her favor, but by then we were already dating Black Cat, but I'm fine with that
I still want to waifu her somehow, even more in the new universe
dont blame me, i wasnt here when it happened, and now im regreting it.......
wanna know something funny? just when Cos posted my playlist started playing Crimson rain from madworld.......fitting theme for that other verse no?
She forgot pants
>Not liking a little musk

Nigga you gay?
God damn it Cosgrove why must you push the Mary route so hard when we can't have her anymore

Oh, that's much less mysterious than I thought, funnier though
She does almost fit Rias. What piece would Peter be then?
>inb4 white/black knight
Pete is all about speed
>Gwen: Super powered, smart (possibly on same level as Peter), Free connection to police intel

>Felicia: Dirty rich, Fun, can get us anything from black market, natural /fit/

>MJ: WoW It's Fucking nothing
How is this pushing MJ route? It's just regular friendship. Y'know, since we don't have many others.
the lack of pants
I'm betting we wind up breaking up with Felicia at some point. Or she dies. Then it's back to choosing between Gwen and MJ, as is tradition.
>MJ: WoW It's Fucking nothing
Hey don't make fun of her chest like that
Can't we just be friends?

I like our Felicia route, also MJ is overdone no matter how cool HikiMJ is
So? Do your hikki friends wear pants? I think not.
Too bad Chat's too young for us currently.
I know that, wanted to hear justifications for the others that I might not have thought of. Like how his Will would be Rook, gadgets/armor/webbing found in Queen.
...do you not even know her canon size is?
Felicia likes Spiderman more than Peter I feel

So when she breaks up with us we can go hang out with our redhead not waifu and bee NEET together right

Then neither of us will be wearing pants
If Best Girl was in this quest I'd have voted for her in a heart beat.
This isn't canon.
Is it wrong that I'm secretly hoping for this?

Anon, here it is backwards, Felicia fell for Peter first and probably likes him more. Here I feel that she might break up with him because of all the problems him being Spiderman causes their relationship.
Not going to happen since Felicia was able to wait 20 years in future without Peter and still be loyal to him
Yeah, this is the biggest reason I'm not worried about her leaving us
Felicia is a top tier waifu
Him being Spider-Man is only half the issue. Her being the Black Cat is the other half. She likes being a criminal, and unless she lets that go or Pete lets go of being a crime fighter it's going to be difficult.
Gwen is better.
We should find and date Lady Stilt-Man
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we need to fuse them all together and create a super waifu.

this is clearly the best course of action and will not backfire in anyway and will certainly no demonstrate the folly of man trying to play God.
>gwens breasts
>cow tits

Worst girl.
But it's so cute when they argue.
in this universe she is totaly flat
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“Well, what do you want to play?”

Really, its more about being out and about. Her eyes dart around.

“Fighting. …Then Racing. ...Then shooting..."

She pauses and takes a deep breath.

"...Overall l-loser.... h-has to do what the winner says.”

She looks at you, subdued compared to earlier when she was all ‘in character’ but she’s also not whispering, which is probably because of the noise of the machines.

Mary Jane looks a little uncertain. “…or is that..not…kay.. ..you..?

>[ ]Deal
>[ ]No Deal

I need more Tomoko images with her hair altered to red
But she'll grow them. Mark my words, those fat tits are unavoidable.

Imagine cursing future generations with them.
>>[ ]Deal

this can't backfire can it?
>>[ ]Deal
>>[ ]Deal
Spider speed and reflexes. I'd like to see the games keep up with us, let alone her.
>[ ]Deal
Someone's feeling confident

"No take backs."
>>[ ]Deal
"But keep in mind, I -do- have a girlfriend"
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Is she?

Is she really?
She's not flat just normal for a girl her age.

I mean comics tend to inflate their girls a bit
"Peter... Can you... take me webslinging?"
>three games
>three laptops
>>[ ]Deal

just open paint and make some copies and switch them to png or gif
>[ ]Deal
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If we win, we should ask her to take pictures of Spiderman.

Jameson needs his photographer and MJ needs a J.O.B.
lets enjoy our daily life before the next crisis strikes,besides we do have to take care of her or stella will be disapointed in us when she comes back like a badass out of hell to reunite with her big bro.....because she is loki´s clone after all.
>[ ]Deal
"But keep in mind, I've got a girlfriend... even if we haven't seen each other in awhile."
Don't say this. This is boring.
She knows, they were both there when during thanksgiving dinner
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Im bored so here is first MJ edit
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>give me 1d20+6, please
Rolled 6 + 6

Rolled 17 + 6

Rolled 1 + 6

Go Wren!
Fuck me, sorry guys
Rolled 20 + 6

Rolled 6 + 6

As expected of any confrontation with MJ.
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It's the laptops all over again

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>MJ face when Thinking abouth Peters dick
I told you anon to post faster!
It's cool. Without crit fails I think Cosgrove will still use Wren's roll, and we'll burn off that PL in no time.
Rolled 11 + 6

Well, now you have something to really be sorry about.

Huh. I rolled 6 again. I must be Satan.
Eh, at least there aren't critical failures any more. We get +1 PL, but Wrenloft's roll should be the one that's counted.
Oh hey youre right!
i still feel bad that i made us miss a 20 but oh well, we can always help cats down from trees
Thank you Good Karma.

Best skill ever next to spider sense. I do wonder if the amazing spiderman 2 use of spider sense can be use by peter?
Rolled 16, 9, 14 + 5 = 44


Well, let's see
PERK?: I went into a South Korean tournament and placed, you know.
PERK?: Not in Education, Employment, or Training
PERK?: You really have no life, do you?
Rolled 13 + 6


That's gotta be parker playing so horribly, that he thinks he's playing a different game, but actuallly wins.

"Goddammit parker! how did you get so good at mortal kombat?"
"Mortal Kombat? I thought we were playing tetris"
I was actually hoping we lose to MJ.
>bonuses to games
It was hopeless from the start
I am ow imagining Felicia trapped in Yggdrasil.

She thought it would be a challenge to break into Valhalla.
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oh man, time to get salty
placed what Cosgrove? what place?

Peter plays with frame data, beating the shit out of MJ.
>save a cat from a tree arc
>Felica is hired by Loki to break into Asgard

Fund it.
>save a cat from a tree arc
You'll also need to save my sides
I laughed way too hard at that
Hey, give >>32115094 credit. He made the joke.
>Nat 1

Suddenly, we're in TRON.
>Save cat from a tree arc
>Cat is Loki looking for his magical half-clone
I'm still sad Loki and whatsername never met.
>Literally all that happens is we get one more PL
>no longer auto-fail

C'mon, guys... It's not a big deal.
23 vs. 21
>PL on the rise

She decides to pull out all the stops, picking her lineup. You know of them. Tournament favorites. That sorta things. Still, you’ve not wasted your time. You’re not the same man you were back then!

Both of you lock your choices in. You’ve picked Random.

Three Times.

You’ve Got Megaman Volnutt from Legends 3, Scarecrow, and Supergirl.

She’s got Darkside, Wonderwoman, and Leon Kennedy.

And honestly, you can’t remember what you’re doing. But you keep pressing buttons and hope its working.

At the end, when you’re on the last man and you see the ’you win’ you look over at Mary Jane, who seems confused as to what just happened. Like someone who has had a cornerstone their life irredeemably shaken.


>roll me 1d20+6
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You mean the ultra slow-mo version of Spider-Sense where we get to react to 4 different things at once?

I think that may be the next upgrade.
Rolled 15 + 6

Lose, Parker, lose.
Rolled 9 + 6

Rolled 1

>Both of you lock your choices in. You’ve picked Random.
>Three Times.
Rolled 20 + 6


Did we really have to beat MJ?
>Megaman Volnutt from Legends 3

Fucking Capcom. They literally hate my money.

HAH! Doesn't count, faggot! Didn't add the modifier!

Hell yes Anon.
Rolled 1 + 6

Oh nooo.....wait a minute, no modifiedr? lel
#redhead rekt
Rolled 4 + 6

lets see if the spider gods are with me
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Good Job.
yo- you! why would you do that?!? are you a masochist?
i dont think they are today anon, sorry
Rolled 10, 4, 12 + 5 = 31

let's see.
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>Megaman Volnutt from Legends 3

I want to move to your Marvel verse, Cosgrove.
Poor MJ.
Yo, Anon who posted a Spidey costume idea from forever ago, here.

Since I didn't save the template I used last time, I had to go digging for it again, and fortunately I found it. Messed around with Paint.NET's recolor tool a bit, and eventually, this is the result that emerged.

If we go easy on her she won't like it either.

But seriously, I don't know what we should do.
I know this is the HOPE-verse, but MJ is still a fragile girl.
If we can shatter an aspect of her life just by beating her at a game, then how do we even know if we're helping?
Rolled 7 + 6

Yes I am, I wanted MJ to win so this would be funny.

Same. I wanted to see what she wanted to make us do, but no we'll probably end up having her do something retarded.
Needs webbing pattern on the red parts.
We could ask her what she would have picked.
>Legends 3

These feels. At least we got Megaman X Corrupted and Megaman 4 minus infinity
We probably wont even get to do anything cool, bunch of moralfags will put a stop to that.
I almost guarantee she'll either refuse to answer or lie.

But whatever. What should we make her do?
This works. It would probably surprise her.
I was too lazy to add them myself.


J-just pretend that they're there.
Probably. Couldn't hurt to ask. I have no idea what to ask, I thought we'd lose. Badly.
Same here, I was actually hoping we would lose
I have no clue what to ask her
How about 'Go outside more'? or even better 'Let's make this kind of game meetings on weekly basis '
See, those are chump options. You want to make it a bit of a dare.
How about "You can buy me lunch"?
>Capcom vs game
>Picking random and blowing people the fuck out with tornyfag tier-whoring picks
Damn it feels good to be a gangster.
thats a nice idea, a good step to make her go out more, and a "tie-in" to normalcy in the next crisis,i remember peter really apreaciated those kind of things when the whole world was out to get him, something to look forward to.
"Go outside more" is way too vague and potentially insulting.

How about something that would make her prettier? Something to do with taking better care of herself or something?
I prefer the second one to the first one, Go outside sounds too demeaning

Obviously shaken by her loss, she stumbles over to the racing game. Placing in tokens, you notice she starts off. And really, you manage to get a lead and maintain it. Pulling towards the front, you manage to pull a pretty easy win.

Putting in your initials under your ‘Spectacular Ranking’ you look over at Mary Jane, who is staring at the screen. Eventually, she lets out a sigh and turns to you. There’s not a lot of people in hear so when she heads over and bows its less embarrassing.

“…s promised….anything you want…so.. Y’know… …ver you want… give… nga… ime… mes..”

Her breathing is slightly heavy as she holds her arm, avoiding eye contact.

“…even if…. Destable…like…our dog… ..st time. That is…”

Taking a deep breath, she puts on a ‘brave face’ which is ruined by her heavy breathing and slight flush of the face.

“…You can do with me like you like, as is the right of the conqueror over the conquested.”

You tune her out. The world of Mary Jane Watson can be a terrifying place.

Still, she does have to do anything you say. You’re a little worried what she would’ve requested if she won.

>[ ]You’ve got your prize in mind (write in)
>[ ]Wait on it
>[ ]….Yeah, you’re going home now.
>write in
>Capcom vs game
>Picking random

>[ ]You’ve got your prize in mind (write in)
"MJ I dare you to Join drama club"
There everybody happy?
If we make the meetings weekly, she might actually start preparing and not answer the door wrapped in a blanket.
>>[ ]You’ve got your prize in mind (write in)
Take a bath at least once a day and answer when I knock on the door.
>[ ]You’ve got your prize in mind (write in)

"MJ, I dare you to take photos of Spiderman."
Man this is a good one.
>>[ ]You’ve got your prize in mind (write in)
"I would like to make...this our thing that we would do weekly"
>[ ]Wait on it
How about we wait, we can probably think of something good later, but also
>Let's do this again sometime
>>[ ]You’ve got your prize in mind (write in)
Have her buy Pete a slice of pizza. It's nothing major, and it continues our little outing. Plus it's probably lunchtime.
>I want you to do me like one of those hentai monster rape videos I have saved on my harddrive
Mary us indeed one creepy chick.
I like this.
I like these
>>[ ]Wait on it
Save it. But ask what she would have asked for.

I'd like this, but we kinda have an erratic schedule.
That shit is mad expensive.
>I'd like this, but we kinda have an erratic schedule.

Yeah. Imagine how shitty she'll feel when we inevitably can't make it.

>"MJ I dare you to Join drama club"
That could set her up on the path of becoming an professional model/actress...
Supporting this:
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This is a tough choice... I really want to help her out.

How about this, but we say "I would like you to come to the arcade with me whenever I ask."

What? Not like she's got anything else to do.
Yeah, but we've got plenty to do.
>erratic schedule
So how about change it to "Do this arcade stuff from time to time"?
Might as well rev up that serial killer vibe. (no we should not tempt fate at us being found out)
It doesn't have to be arcades, but aren't we already hanging out regularly?

The beginning mentioned that they normally stay inside and watch stuff together
sure why not?
Dude, we have a very hard week between finding our girlfriend, superheroing, and other shit.

I life can be very hectic and I can only see this as Peter failing to keep his promises
So it would be better for her to come with us whenever we ask her instead of making it weekly.

Wording it like this is also acceptable.
Yea, that sounds better.
If anything, it'll give us reason to be even more careful.

I like Drama club and photos of spiderman. Both of them open up opportunities rather than keep the status quo.
How is she supposed to get pictures of Spider-Man? And do we really want her snooping around Spider-Man at all?
It's daring, I like it.
Trouble is she doesn't socialise with exception to Peter , we need to make her more 'normal' so she wouldn't end up as NEET.
Or just generally "Hang out with me whenever I ask".

Yeah, but the thing with photos of Spider-Man is that we're of course going to set up a way for her and Spider-Man to be face-to-face, right? And we can do that anytime.
Drama club may be too much. She's got social anxiety and we could always ease her into the idea.
That true.
Hmmm... so it's possible that these dares could be a common thing between Parker and MJ. We could do other dares later (like Drama club) after she's sufficiently opened up.
>Take pictures of Spider-Man
>Eddie now out of a job
>[cancer intensifies]
no drama club.

we go to the arcades from time to time and introduce MJ to the fighting game community. She will learn social skills and have fun there. Introduce her to the East Coast.

For all we know, MJ can become the next [spoilers]Chris G[/spoilers]
...she is probably going to think that we are asking her out on dates or something.
And what if MJ and Eddie team up?
>>[ ]Wait on it
Lets sleep on it, folks.
Exactly. After all, she's a natural singer/model in other realities.
I wonder how much she's hiding when she slouches...?

Well, I realize she could possibly take it the wrong way, but that's really outside of our control. Let her think what she wants. She probably knows we have a girlfriend by now anyway.
MJ knows Felicia's our gf. They were both at Thanksgiving with us.
Since we've been hanging out far more in this universe, we can be fairly certain she knows.
You know, if we ever do end up with Parker Industries, we should hire MJ. Maybe even see if she'd be willing to spokesperson for us, she'd look adorable in a Labcoat.
Right, because high school girls are the very height of emotional maturity and can't possibly misconstrue our intentions.
Where are it's sword arms, chaingun knees and laser eyes?
>Can be absorbed into skin

...That's disturbing.
That's less spider-bot, more spider xeno.
That looks like something one of Pete's villians would make to fight him
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Not even the good spider xeno.
And high school boys -are-?
Look, we need to help this girl reach her potential or she'll be a NEET her whole life instead of the hot and confident woman we know from the other universes.

We have options. Let's just keep doing what we're doing to slowly ease her into socializing. We don't have to get like, romantic and shit. Have you never had female friends in high school?
MJs also pretty damn bland and forgettable in other universes.
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You've clearly never been around awkward females either.
You could NOT be more wrong, anon...
Yes, and when any of those girls had crushes on me they thought hanging out with them was the same as dating.
It helps to be dating someone else as you're hanging out with them. Personally, I was dating her friend, so she had no illusions.
Your experience and mine are wildly different then.
Granted, I never was friends with anyone NEARLY as awkward as MJ.

Somehow though, we should help her. Wait, does our school have a Tabletop RPG club?
She should join that.
If only my female friends could have been so reasonable.
Guys, everyone shut up, best idea. What if we take her with us to meet Flash. Maybe she can be friends with Flash's sister.
This is an interesting idea. We'll do it in baby steps.

First hanging out with Peter, then trying to introduce her to some other kids at school with similar interests, then drama club.

And then the Spiderman dare when we run out of things to do
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I like it!
Might take awhile. Mostly, we need to get her a positive female influence. Hence why getting her to be the friend of Flash's sister would be a good thing.
So, Cosgrove is still with us, right?

He got distracted by Joker Quest Yui-IF lewds

What makes you guys think they'd even like each other?
i might be wrong but isnt flash sister like ten? granted she might still be a positive influence,specially with anya hanging around them but......well whatever maybe hikiMJ will fit right in with them....
He's having connection issues.
Alien Symbiotes. Duh.
his internet mighty shit itself again.
I really hope this MJ will go in to street-wise just like the one from Spectacular.
It's too bad MJ and Gwen aren't friendly with each other.
Good points... I'm just throwing out ideas.

On the note of positive female influences, I have in mind we need to introduce her to someone who can give her fashion advice and urge her to take better care of herself.
Aren't they? I thought they were cordial at the very least.
there are lewds in joker quest tell me more
Alright, added some crappy-looking webs to the Spidey-suit concept.

Webs are obviously not my forte. Someone with far better drawing skills could make this mock-up far better than what I've scribbled on here.
Gwen just thinks she's weird, and for good reason. She is.

>JokerQuestOP @JokerQuestOP 57 mins
Gentlemen; My apologies for the delay, but Yui's IF scene is finally up.

That's actually really good. Saved.
What is that quest even about?
Seems too deep and thick for me to try and get into now.
well they havent really interacted in this verse......
well taking care of herself is good,tough the only one that comes to the front of my mind is either felicia or....hm whats-her-face lisa something? sorry dont remember much right now.....
hm sudden tought,what if MJ is a huge spidey fan? like anya-level fan, she being a hiki i would have tought she would be pretty psyched up about the "rise of heroes" and all,granted we still havent done the whole "reveal on TV", lets try not to screw it up this time heh?,i was getting all excited with how cosgrove made it look and to see it end that way because of a bad roll.....
Guys, guys, I have an idea!

Lets give the arc reactor to DOOM as a thank you for helping us save our girlfriend
Everybody likes everybody else.

Except Felicia. Everybody hates her.
Otherworld robot fights and the consequences thereof.
Fantastic idea
I've thought about that too, but that could get us in trouble.

Let's check in on the Doom-Reed relationship. If it's still a cold war, then I'd say no. If it's a little more friendly, then maybe.
Would you dare say it's .... spectacular?
If we happen upon her while in our Spidey costume, we could tell her something like "You know, you're really pretty. You just need to take better care of yourself and walk with some confidence."

Then swing away. She would change overnight.

But seriously, lets not do that.
Thanks, I guess? I mean, it does look better with the webs, but I would probably want someone who can actually draw to make a nicer-looking version of what I have here. Maybe even add a hexagonal mesh texture to the dark grey/black, kind of like the Raimi and Amazing Spider-Man movie suits.
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What could POSSIBLY go wrong!
What if we have Captain America show up and tell her she's pretty.

Why the fuck not? Doom gonna need that Arc reactor the UPCOMING ALIEN INVANSION.

Peter can make shit, Doom can mass produced it.

Aliens defeated.
I mean Doom gonna need every single advantage for the upcoming alien invasion and the future ones.

Arc Reactors will end the energy crisis.
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Spider-Man is more in vogue. Cap is so 20th century.

That's actually exactly what I was thinking. Think of all the crazy inventions DOOM would come up with powered by that reactor in order to take down the alien menace.
Yeah, but Cap has personality and charisma.
Why not tell Stark that an alien invasion is coming.

If he doesn't believe us, then when it happens we just walk up and laugh at the non-believer.
Yes, but just being Spider-Man will have a bigger effect, I think. Besides, we don't even know Cap. Yet.
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>Cold-Iron Man, the perfect blend of magic and science.

Dear God, what would we have unleashed?
Or, conversely...
We be call fucking crazy and we will be forced to leave the premises.

Just go straight to Doom and start playing tower (earth) defense.
>If he doesn't believe us, then when it happens we just walk up and laugh at the non-believer.
But when it happens half of the Manhattan will be in ruins. Billions of dollars property damage just to do 'I told you so' isn't exactly worth it.
Still looks better with webs than without them, crappy or not.
Rolled 10

Summoning Cosgrove
>Caring about property damage
>In a comic book setting
Well, something safe would be good, y’know? Something fun.

“Hmm… Well, let’s do this arcade stuff again, from time to time. Hangout as friends more often.”

Mary Jane pauses as she looks a bit confused as she takes in your request.

“That’s….that’s it?”

You nod. “Yeah. Why, what would you have requested?”

Mary Jane blinks, as if she’s recalling something, before giving a half-hearted smile. “…its nothing. Stupid, that’s…that’s all. That’s fine… just fine.”

She blinks a few times as she seems to shrink into herself. “we‘r.…st….iends.”

She looks around the arcade. “ything.. Else you …play?”

“You alright, Mary Jane?”

Giving a thin smile, she lets out a scoff. “Who are you asking, D-Dark Mechanicus?! I-I’m the Crimson Haired Ruin Princess. I’m perfectly fine as I am.”

The two of you spend some more time together, eventually heading back home, an awkward tension in the air. Before you split up between your homes, you feel a hand pulling on your sleeves. Mary Jane looks uncertain.

“…I-Is…Is there a problem with the way I am? …I don’t… with people… but I’m.. I was happy, y’know? I couldn’t understand people, but they can’t understand me. Power of the kings is a lonely thing, y’know? B-But… If… If… I were prettier… if I were… normal….”

She looks miserable as she tries to fumble out words, pulling at her pockets.. “If… if I were normal…it’d be better, right? …you’d not get comments..for hnging w… me…Y-you’d have your friend… and people… people would like me… if I were normal, right?”

Clearing her throat, you see that heel's digging itself into the ground, like she's doing everything she can to not run.

"I mean... even you're... bothered by the way I am. ..the way I act.. you put up with me, but only because... ity..me..

“…It’d…it’d be better if I stopped… being like this… right? …if I were normal.”

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Try again!
"It would be better if you stopped locking yourself up andstarted dealing with more things but that doesn't mean you have to be normal. Just brave."
>chuuni bullshit

"Look, MJ, you don't have to change who you are for other people, but you don't have to hide behind a facade either."
Oh jeez, how the fuck do you even respond to this?

MJ, you don't have to change. You're amazing just the way you are. I'm not bothered by the way you are at all and I "put" up with you because I legitimately enjoy spending time with you.

Then give her a big old spider hug
We don't pity her, we hang out with her because it's fun and she's our friend, and I guess if she's happy with the way she is then that's all that matters
Something like this. The problem isn't that she's different, it's that she's hiding.
>"MJ, listen to me. Don't ever think you need to change because of what other people think. If you ever want to change, it's because it's what YOU want to do, not what other people THINK you should do."

>"Besides, 'Normal' is a totally subjective term."

Then we grin like a total doofus.
"I don't know about 'normal', but it would be better if you had more self-confidence. If you get in a situation where you aren't sure what to do, 'Don't think! Imasine!'"
And we need to mention that the "Crimson Haired Ruin Princess" nonsense is a part of that hiding.
Give her a Spider-Man sized hug.
"Nah, I don't pity you. Heck, I was totally ready to punch Harry myself if Gwen hadn't said it first.
You're one of my friends, honestly and I part of that is I like you because of who you are. I just don't want to see you waste away in the dark alone. You don't even have to change and there's so much you can accomplish if you just get out from under the blanket and try it."


Quirk self-depreciative stuff about our SCIENCE. She knows how weird we get when we get into the deep end.
"Normal is relative.But if you want to fit in more you have to get out more and reach out to people.Have some self esteem and a little courage. and I NEVER do things out of pity."
"I don't believe in such thing as 'better or worst' people. You...me...we and everybody else just are. What you really want is a friend which IS something normal, because nobody wants to be lonely.And you know what? If you want to you could hung out with me and Gwen or Flash next time they give me call. But I think you totally should join some clubs in school so you would be making friends with people with same interest as yours"

"MJ, you don't have to change who you are for other people, but if you can't communicate who you are to other people, that's no good either. If you like anime, manga, and internet things, there's nothing at all wrong with that. Doesn't mean you need to hide away from people. Because other people can wind up making you even happier."
Eh, that's fine.

It's more her delusional belief that no one can understand her and she can't understand other people is part of the hiding.

But you know, baby steps.

Well opening the door when I knock instead of text will be nice but you don't have to stop being who you are but being in your room all the time is not a good thing either.
I'd rather put a stop to it. There is having odd interests and then there is attention seeking.
We need to harness the power of Cap

Also tell her she's pretty
"MJ, I spent a lot of my school life being stuffed in a locker because I liked weird things like physics and chemistry and books when everyone else was normal. It wasn't fun, but I'd never let someone else tell me what I *should* be. I hope you don't either. Normal or not, I like you and I'm not going to deny it and I'm not going to apologize for it."
Mention something opening the door when we knock is something we can do?
It's completely irrelevant to the current issue and all your doing is trying to push your agenda instead of helping her.
Uhm, nah. Telling her to be more confident and telling her that there are numerous benefits to being more social would be better, since taking better care of herself will come naturally from that.
By the power of spider-man, become the best you can be.
It's not something to force though, it something that will happen naturally as she get's more sure of herself
She shouldn't do things just because of what others think and that includes Peter, if she's happy with the way she is then it's fine, but we're her friend so at least she's not alone anymore

And this.

I support this inasmuch as telling her how we got teased for liking nerdy things. But she really needs to get used to talking to people. That's like, essential for life.
Peter mighty not be on Captier level of motivational speeches BUT he is good when he needs to be.
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>[X] I'm Happy as long as you don't start bullying me like when we were kids again.
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these write ins
We have to combine things and refine ideas.

This is an important speech, fellas.
Did you expect anything different?
You know, "With great power, comes great responsibility" is probably one of my single favorite lines of all time.

I'm not even saying that as a Spidey fan. Just in general. It's a really damn good line.
>Power of the kings is a lonely thing, y’know?
She can't be that lonely anymore, we're her friend
Eh, it fits Peter's character to say dorky things like this.
"The power of kings is only lonely if you let it be. MJ, if you think you need to change the person you are in order to get people to like you, then you're wrong. It's not about being "normal", it's about being who you want to be and for others to like you for you. That's what makes people the happiest. I got stuffed into so many lockers that I lost count, but I never did anything like join the football team or anything like that. I stuck with it and became my own person."
The only thing is, if you can't communicate who you are to other people, they'll never know. There's nothing at all wrong with liking anime, manga, or whatever. It's all about how you can be sure of yourself. If people don't like you for who you are, then they aren't worth the effort anyway."
The people who like you for you? They're worth all the effort in the world. And you just need to express yourself to those people."

"I'm already your friend, aren't I?"
Shit, did I miss the opportunity to include my combo-ish speech?
nah, I'll work it in, I'm taking a moment to give as best of a speech as I can from wht you all wrote.
Changing to back this:
(I like how you worked in something she said)
Good freaking luck.
Thanks! We weren't exactly in heroic speech mode, so forgive us if not everyone is on the ball as we were with Stella that one time.

I tried to combine the best things people said and add a little extra.
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Anons. In the end, it will end with Peter and his greatest foe trying to make history Beneath the blue stain planet of earth.

"Such tragic irony! First friends, now mortal enemies!"
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>implying its not pic
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you got wrong image anon
The Zero Sum was already destroyed by Kaine. Quesadilla is as good as dead.

Don't even joke about that, you nigger.
Pete has some great moments

Also this hasn't been posted yet
>Reminder that Punisher was aiming for his leg to incapacitate with that shot, Pete died for nothing
>Beneath the blue stain planet of earth

Who you fooling anon.

you are right. The Zero sum is down, infinite possibilities can happen, both good and bad.
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The inevitable end.
For ultimate Cap too
Ultimate Cap was a dick
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Could be worse.

I've seen that one posted a lot before and i want to know where its from

Anyone got sauce?
>Dangling off a bridge with his neck snapped

He could never really get over Gwen, huh?
Why do you think we invested in bulletproof costume?
Didn't Punisher end up drinking himself to death for that?
House of M Spider-man tie in limited series
House of M.

He's revealed as a human and fakes his death to protect his family from reprisals.
classic marvel
>hey let's examine this issue,
>or... we make one side nazis.
Nazi's are always the answer
>Iron Man movies have shit villains
>Stark ,like most marvel heroes, is too busy fighting other heroes to have a nameable rogues gallery
Don't patronize Doom by acting like he couldn't make his own.

At most, give him a copy of the blueprints for the big Arc Reactor, and then watch as he makes a smaller one in two minutes.
I'd agree, except Magneto pretty much is a Nazi. It makes sense to portray him as a supremacist who wants to enslave humanity to mutantkind because he is a supremacist who wants to enslave humanity to mutantkind on his most generous day.
>a nazi

He did nothing wrong.
I wonder, what's the status of the Jessica Jones of this universe?
To be perfectly fair, Iron Man's villains are all pretty damn silly and one-note.

It's always interesting whenever Red Skull and Magneto team up. A Holocaust-survivor Jew and a Nazi on the same side? What could go wrong!
Hey, if you saw some serious shit like Magneto you would end up messed up too
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Say what you will about Red Skull, but the man has balls.
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He's just saying what everyone else reading has been calling Mags out on for decades.
I've seen that posted in /pol/ too many times to make it meaningful.
The scariest part is, Red Skull might be 100% correct.
The issues our country faces are far more complex than "LOL ZIONISM, IMMORALITY, GUN NUTS, FAT PEOPLE"
Except the jew part, america's all christian.
They're symptoms of a complex disease, yes.

The "glory days" of 1950s America were founded on hatred of others and the fear of nuclear Armageddon.
Captain America never experienced the 1950s.
also construction of infrastructure.
You stare at the girl, the girl who once tormented you, the one who you’ve become friends with. The girl so desperately seeking an answer, for a reason why…

You try to think of something good to say. Something that’s right, but in the end, all you can say is what you can think of- the words come tumbling out on their own.

“I don’t believe there’s such a thing as a person being inherently ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than another. I believe that we have a choice, MJ. We are who we /choose/ to be.

“And if you think you need to change the person you are in order to get people to like you, then you're wrong. Normality’s overrated, the best thing you can do is be who you want to be- others will like you or they won’t, but what matters if that /you’re/ happy with who you are, not them. I won’t say it isn’t hard. I, myself…”

Scratching your chin in embarrassment, you take a deep breath and force yourself to continue.

“Look, I got stuffed into so many lockers that I lost count, but I never did anything like join the football team or anything like that just try and fit in, to try to escape from the people who didn’t like me. Even if they didn’t like me, I did. I did what I liked and found what I was good at by persevering.”

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/pol/ pls.
“There’s nothing wrong with your hobbies and enjoying what you enjoy. But you’ll find there’s a lot of people just like you out there, and there’s tons of people who will like you for you. But, if you don’t take that first step, if you don’t try to let people know who you are, you’ll never be able to find the people who like you for who you are.

And those people? The ones who like you for who you are? Who accept you for who you are? They’re worth going the effort for.

“If you want to change yourself, I’ll support you all the way, but only if that’s what /you/ really want, Mary Jane.

“After all, I‘m your friend, aren’t I?”

Smiling at your neighbor- your friend, she wipes at her face as tears won’t stop streaming from her eyes. There’s still confusion, but there’s also relief and something in the back of her eyes lessens, her eyes, despite being red from countless tears have never looked more alive.

After a few moments while you two compose yourselves Mary Jane clears her throat. “…I know you’ve.. you’ve got a girlfriend, but if we’re friends… I want… I want to know more about my friend. What do you do? What do you like?”

She shivers, her teeth chattering.

>[ ]Call it a day
>[ ]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
>[ ]Finish the hangout by doing the usual routine of watching stuff, try to let her relax and get back into her comfort zone.
>write in
Then what the fuck was he talking about? The 40s and 30s were, if anything, WORSE.
Fear is the single most prominent emotion. It drives every humans action because at the core of those actions is fear at its most primal.
>[ ]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
>[X]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
Hell if I know.

>[X]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
Yes! We can finally get her to do things outside her comfort zone! Like... talking without stuttering! And... Stuff!
>[ ]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
Head somewhere warm too if she's getting cold
>>[X]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
Full social linking!, lets go for a triple rank up!
>>[x]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more

convert her to the ways of SCIENCE

start with something that would interest her.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson calculated the approximate location of the planet Krypton.

or talk about the Flash comics and his science based enemies and powers.
Actually, they were founded by the post-war deregulation of the economy and the increased demand of American goods.

Yeah, people were racist and paranoid, but neither of those things build prosperity, you revisionist moron.
>>[ ]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
>write in
Can we watch 'our stuff' while explaining MJ the wonders of engineering and electronics?
>>[ ]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
Why MJ, you know what I like. Video Games and SCIENCE!
Also Spider-man. That Spider-man is a good dude, whoever he is, I'm glad he's here to help.
>>[ ]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more

Show her the wonders of science.

And get her inside. It's cold.
Rolled 3

>>[ ]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
I'm a man of SCIENCE
>>[ ]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
>[X]Finish the hangout by doing the usual routine of watching stuff, try to let her relax and get back into her comfort zone.
Take MJ to the lab.

We've been meaning to work on something for Stark anyway.
No. We should take Gwen to the lab.
Hey anon, I thought that was supposed to be a spider xeno, not an ant xeno.
>[ ]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
Hey Mary Jane, do you wanna see if I can start fires with just a chemical compound and some water? How about creating a water balloon cannon that can fire things over 500 feet? If you can stay over for dinner tonight, I can show you how we're all technically related by statistical analysis. I can even show you how to build a theoretical lightsaber!
>>[ ]Hang out and talk with Mary Jane more
She's trying now, let's do what we can.
MJ just asked to see the kind of stuff we like. That's why we're taking her to the lab, to fulfill that request.

I know Gwen's your waifu anon but you need to stop letting that cloud your vision.
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Did someone say ants?
Shut up, Hank.
The two of you head on inside, it’d best to get her out of the cold and helping her talking things out is a good first step. So, the two of you head inside and begin talking- discussing things like your interests in science, the whole ‘Tony Stark is iron man- where you discuss some ideas on how it probably works, which goes over her head but she doesn’t seem to mind.

Eventually, she glances over at you, nervous. “Peter, I trust you, and I trust that you’re not up to anything bad… Whatever you say… I-I’ll believe what you told me is the truth. B-because you’re my friend and I want to trust what you’re telling me is the truth. “

She takes a deep breath and exhales. When she’s certain, she turns to you with an expression of ‘there’s no turning back.’

“Where do you go and what do you do when you sneak off with a stuffed backpack in the evenings or on your days off?”

>Peter Parker Quest Issue 54 END
>To Be Continued!

Ladies and Gentlemen, It is late for me, so I will be ending things here for tonight. You've all been great and it was a pleasure to run for you all.

I'll be around for a few for and Q&A you might have
We need to tell her our idea about the bio battery and also help her with a project for her to work on too.

...Too observant for her own good.

Dammit MJ.

I guess we induct her into our HALL OF SCIENCE AND SPIDERS
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>“Where do you go and what do you do when you sneak off with a stuffed backpack in the evenings or on your days off?”

"I do drugs, MJ."
>“Where do you go and what do you do when you sneak off with a stuffed backpack in the evenings or on your days off?”
Oh man she was the one person I didn't expect to find out
We have something to do....Do we tell her about being spider man?
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>“Where do you go and what do you do when you sneak off with a stuffed backpack in the evenings or on your days off?”


Let keep this on a need to know basis.
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try lying first

then tell the truth if she doesn't buy it
She's our neighbor and has nothing better to do. You'd be surprised how close Rear Window is to the truth.

This does open up the possibility of giving MJ a suit powered by the arc reactor. Yes, that's a crazy and stupid idea, but somebody has to fill Stella's place.
I think we should, we could have solved the Harry problem super early if we had told him, plus I do trust her and if we tell her she might tell us her secret
Thanks Cos for the thread.

Are Wade and Punisher agents of shield?

Aunt May and MJ's aunt are talking to them as new neighbors right?

Could we have avoided MJ figuring it out?
called it, there was no way someone as genre savy as that wouldnt notice, besides the quiet ones are all about watching people,this doesnt surprise me at all.....so what say you anons? do we tell her? i see no real reason not to.
>mj does drugs
>becomes carnage
>uncle ben dies.

I think we should but we'd need to stress the danger involved in this
Uhm... I don't think it would be the best idea. Maybe if we become better friends with her and KNOW she won't tell a fucking soul.

Cos, how would a collaborative science project work roll-wise? Would we get a bonus, or would we just get two rolls, or what?
Let's say we got Gwen to help us with the battery. What exactly would improve in our chances of making it quicker or at least making the plans quicker?
I was waiting a long time to ask this.
Since Peter have won 5th place at the school halloween party AND is friend with Flash AND have a pretty hot girlfriend....wouldn't Peter be kind off 'the cool kid' in the school, or at like a popular one.

Probably have her promise to not tell anyone else, even our aunt and uncle.
Remind be Cos, what about MJ has changed other than her sister being alive?
Hey, what if she already knows BUT is testing how much Peter trust her?
Peter's not unpopular or unknown, but he was kinda a pushover. He didn't run from a confrontation, but he also didn't defend himself.

And while it might've been a shift, Peter's been less and less the reserved, scrawny bookworm.

Dating Felicia also got his name around too, as well as Flash sticking up for Peter.
This is a big possibility.
I feel like telling her some parts of it.
And what parts would that be?
who would she actually tell tough?, we are kind of her only real friend here,and we have been spending some time with her according to the intro, add all that and i dont think she will betray us willingly that easily.
Well, on building things the time would be decreased, but unless you're at equal levels skillwise, there's not going to be many benefits, unless they were brought in to cover an area you're not too experienced in.

Like if Peter was making like a cyborg arm, he'd need to know a lot about biology to make it work, along with mechanical and programming knowledge. If he brought in the doctor to cover the fields he doesn't have too much experience in- like biology- it'd boost the chances of being made, but collaboration would also slow it down as there's have to be back and forth discussion and debates- so on and so forth.
We have no reason to tell her right now. We can just tell her it is a secret.
Like he has been building stuff, trying to help people, maybe maybe trying to find his girlfriend

I feel lying to her will backfire.
>"I just told you that I trust you and trust that you're not up to anything bad. Why can't you tell me? I thought I was your friend."
Plus unless i'm forgetting something, MJ is still Carnage, if we open up about this we could get her to do the same and help her with that

Since we're helping her get used to meeting people and going out again, I think she'll make friends of her own. Not soon but eventually, definitely.

The last thing we need is her investigating our activities which will expose her to dangerous stuff. By telling her we can limit her exposure and she can help cover for us on the homefront... something that stella used to do...
Design-wise that is.

Her father's still been abusive. Her sister is alive. Her mother's still dead and her father's still in jail. She was a bully to Peter when she was a kid, especially if Peter's dad was around and playing with Peter.

Doesn't have the Hobgoblins swords. Those are MIA. Still basically a NEET/shutin/hikikomori, doesn't like violence, somewhat less in shape, though her aunt makes her exercise some to stay healthy, as she's a nurse.
meant that for you
I'm for telling her, I think she would keep the secret and we could help her in turn

Shes no longer carnage.

I still support telling her though.
Friends keep secrets from each other.
Dose following character exist in this world (and if yes, how dose Peter feel ablut them ); Randy Robertson, Sally Avril, Jessica Jones
At this point in time, MJ is not Carnage. And even if she were, the stronger the HikkikoMJ personality is, the greater the chances of her gaining the mental fortitude and self-esteem necessary to destroy the "Bloody Mary" personality becomes.

Like remember on Christmas how MJ was able to make Carnage go to sleep when she was about to menace Peter?
Telling her a half-truth would backfire MORE.
Where is her sister now?

I did not quite understand her reaction when we asked if something was missing?
Honestly if she's been keeping tabs, a simple google search would match our excursions to spider-times.

"Oh right... the uh things. You see I'm..."
"I love Spiderman. A lot."
> what?
"I mean I am just like really gay for Spiderman. Which is why uh... I sneak around taking pictures of him."
> I am never going to speak again.
"So uh... how 'bout that Spiderman?"
>Shes no longer carnage.
Ah, still I'm in favor of telling her
Nope. In the future timeline that was still CARNAGE- and there was a cyborg named Alice, yes. But more of that blame is based on the project overall that created CARNAGE which was funded by [spoilers][REDACTED]

The only serial; killer known as Carnage is Cletus Kassidy who is in jail.
The sister is old enough to live on her own. So, she does.

She wasnt wearing pants
how mad at Bendis are you over the Ultimate Spider-man shenanigans?
Eh, really not a fan about that, especially since Cletus and Bloody Mary don't seem to have been as formidable and omniscient as their Tarot omakes made them seem.

It's like someone changed the difficulty to easy mode, which feels kind of demeaning and patronizing.

Especially what that says with Stella's absence.
What does she do?

Have we met her before?

Peter's and MJ's thoughts on her and vice versa?
I stopped reading ultimate universe a while ago.
Gee, I'm sure he'll never break out, jails in the Marvel/DC universes being secure as they are!

We could say that we go out to take pictures of Spider-Man, but then we'd have to prove it.
Which would activate Peter Parker's photography arc.


I don't really see any substantial benefit to telling her we're Spider-Man.
"I... bang my girlfriend. And it's hot. Like super hot. Just... like just wow. So hot..."
What downside is there though?
What's your opinion on superior spiderman now that it's over?
unknown to peter

When you were a kid, yes.

She's MJ's older sister? And unknown currently.

Focus will be more on Spider-man's rogue's gallery than one villain for a while. Stella's not gone forever, either. You'll see her again.
Yeah. This is not even a lie.
... we never even had sex with Felicia yet.
Goddamn Parker Luck...

She goes on 4Chan. Those faggots can never keep secrets about people.
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>I don't really see any substantial benefit to telling her we're Spider-Man.
We wouldn't be lying to a friend, we would have her potential help in case we would ever need it while we're spider-maning
But really, what do we lose in telling her?
She won't tell anyone and we did just spend a thread doing character development with her, let's not ruin that
>Stella's not gone forever, either. You'll see her again.
And i am pretty sure we'll not like it. I'd prefer if we don't.
>doesn't like violence
I'll be honest I'm going to miss her multiple personality disorder and peters PTSD.
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a wise decision.

Ult "Peter" showed up in Miles' new ongoing

probably a chameleon twin or a skrull
>If you keep a secret you are not friends and all your development so far will be ruined.
It's like you people don't have friends.
Hey Cosgrove, thoughts on this Spidey-suit mockup? >>32116015
Clone arc
I don't, It was like throwing a shadow on already dark story.
It is a lie.
What's the story that Deadpool and Punisher gave for living on the block? Do they live in the same house?
Did they say they were gay married as their cover?
True, but still... I guess I'm being paranoid. Basically we're her only real friend right now besides her sister, and so she has every reason to not double-cross us.
Telling her would be.... okay?

It would mean we told literally all our current waifus/potential waifus.
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What are the chances that MJ could grow up in to her SSM counter part (or similar)?
>It would mean we told literally all our current waifus/potential waifus.
I'm okay with this
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>Peter's PTSD.

as long as the D20 is used here, there's always a chance to set sail for fail.

You'll probably fail to catch Gwen and Felicia when Gobby drops them off a bridge AND skin your knee in the process.

It could totally be Ult Scorpion. I don't think he died
Not COsgrove, but I'd say very, VERY low.

I know you said we hung out with MJ more in this new reality, but how much exactly? How much can Peter realistically trust her and how much does he know about her, really?
It seems like we're missing some knowledge that Peter would have found out by now.
Probably pretty low.

Besides, I like weeb Mary.
give it till college anon
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>mfw she calls us "tiger"
We called her Tiger first
Blue and Black seems like they don't fit with the spider-webbed red to me, needs something to make them fit.

Frank gives the excuse two college buddies that are saving money for the time being. Wade heavily implies to the neighbors that that's the situation, and then brings home women. usually antics happen and they have to find a new cover.

Disappointingly terrible, a waste of a few good ideas.

Wouldn't be that, but she cleans up very well when she takes care of herself is all I'm saying.

About over half the time that peter and MJ spent with Stella have been 'retconned' into it being them hanging out instead, but generally while she's gotten kinda overactive at times, they mostly just sit and discuss anime and mostly why Peter's taste is shit before then.

He doesn't really like watching cute girls do cute things.
Can someanon archive the thread?
>Stella's not gone forever, either. You'll see her again.
...Yeah see, why do people assume that's what I mean when I say anything related to Stella's absence?

I KNOW she's going to be back.

I also know that it's not gonna be for free, because otherwise there was no point in taking her in the first place.

I know it's gonna take either magic or SCIENCE to get her back, and we're gonna have to either give something up in exchange for her return, or let something else come back with her.

Like I get why she was taken, because Kaine tricked the Living Tribunal into putting our life on easy mode, and Stella is, to be blunt, a complication albeit one Peter and most of the players would gladly deal with. Which goes back to the merits of hard mode vs easy mode, that hard mode, while more challenging, can also be more satisfying and have upsides that pressing the hope button all the time doesn't give you. Like now we'll never get the satisfaction of watching the Bloody Mary personality implode because MJ is strong enough to not be defined by her demons, or beat the shit out of whatever scraps of Carnage that Cletus is clinging on to, and our sister is gone as well, until there's a rescue arc of some kind.

So it really feels like we're on some level being punished for turning on the lights, even thought the paranoia and so forth that prompted the switch in the first place was entirely generated by you and the OOC shadowrun campaign.

It just... feels like a trick to me.
You said that you will concentrate on making more villains for spiderman but what about his super friends?
>He doesn't really like watching cute girls do cute things

I can respect that. I mean, I'm a gigantic weeb but I barely watch moe stuff unless I'm in the right mood.
Okay, I kind of get where you're coming from but you just sound like a paranoid guy with QM trust issues.

It's likely Stella will find her own way back, anyway.
It wasn't so much a black as it is supposed to be a dark grey. I was considering giving the area around the biceps and underarms a hexagonal mesh look, but for one, I didn't have the patience, and two, it would look like crap, if my webs are of any indication.

I also made a non-webbed version earlier, here: >>32115328
That's up to us to decide. Johnny Storm is practically throwing himself into that role, so how about we ask him? He'd say yes. Enthusiastically.
Not really. I trusted him to make it possible for us to win before Zero Hour happened. And I wanted to figure out a way to make that happen.

The reason I'm upset I guess, is it seems like he no longer trusted US to do that, and instead just waved a magic wand and made all the scary problems go away.

That's why I said it feels patronizing and demeaning.
Johnny Storm will be confirmed for the brawl at least once soon. I'm going through and selecting heroes who might show, there'll be an encounter table for them too
Hey what was our interaction with Richard and Ben like?
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So guys.

The very next thread we're going to have to decide whether or not to tell MJ we're Spider-Man.

Should we, or shouldn't we? Personally, I think if we tell her the truth, her respect for us will skyrocket and she'll become a confidant of ours and an even better friend. It might even inspire her more.
And it really seems pretty clear to me that if we're going to have to bring Stella back, we're gonna have to restore the balance to do so. Which will lead to this whole thing with Stella not wanting to inflict that burden on us, and a bunch of the players who initially wanted to leave her riling shit up because they see a second chance, and even when we inevitably do take her back, she'll feel all guilty and blah.
Praying deeply for Hellcat or Tigra although they'd be more likely to show up on Stranges show.
It seemed more like Cosgrove didn't like the direction he had taken his own quest and the tone and overall atmosphere it led to. It's less that he didn't trust the players to solve those problems and more that he created something he didn't want to create. So he changed it into something more in line with his original vision.

It's not a personal attack, bro.
Did Peter still got the files from Magneto or is it gone?
Doesn't she also want to murder spider-man or was that retconned out?
This. What happened with that? And how did Magneto know to give it to us?
That just sounds plain pessimistic to me.
>And how did Magneto know to give it to us?
It was partly implied that Doom told him.

The Speedwagon foundation is no more.
I mean yeah, I get that. But to me, it really really seems like a better way of doing that would be to jumpstart a lead to let us take down Double Carnage instead of having them skulk and scheme as the Monster At The End Of The Thread, safe from our ability to do anything about them.

Like wouldn't that, ultimately, still result in a lighter quest universe?
Shit was that it?
Dude, you need to read the two last threads.
She's not a serial killer anymore. She still got abused by her dad, but she has an older sister still and has no split personality. She's just an awkward shut-in with no violent tendencies.
I vaguely remember that happening. Anyone willing to refresh my memories.
Magneto isn't part of JoJo, it this retconed world it could still happen, just under a name of Brotherhood of Mutants.
I guess on a narrative level, I really can't see how something like that would NOT happen, since Stella got shunted out of time (while still aware of the modified timeline) as a direct result of the universe's hope levels increasing.
I did read it. I've been in every single PPQ, I just couldn't remember if the most interesting part of her character, the split personality, was completely removed since I remember Cosgrove saying something about her being dangerous, just not as dangerous any more.
I think Cosgrove just had to tone down the meta so that we don't become paralyzed with fear over everything.

Like, Peter had no reason to fear MJ in the other reality besides the spider sense going off in her presence. But the players knew she was literally a psychopathic serial killer.
And for some reason we were expected to help her out with her problems despite knowing on a meta level that she might just snap and murder us. That was a problem that needed to be fucking fixed. I don't care who you are, but this was the right decision.
Is the Sinister Several gonna show up?
File deleted.
Added a mesh pattern to the dark grey/black. I think it works kind of well, to be honest. But I'll let you be the judge of that, Cos.
Not really. A close friend of ours would either be dead, in prison, or in a psychiatric ward and other people would likely die in the process. Even people we care about. We'd be dealing with the fallout of Carnage's crimes long after we stopped them. Not exactly very lighthearted.

Double Carnage was a giant drag on the quest that was making it hard to do anything else. I'm glad it's gone.
>page9 and thread still not archived DONT mess up the tags this time archive anon
I think you're completely ignoring the fact that the only person who knows Stella is missing from the timeline is Stella and if she's going to come back it's probably going to be because she made her way back, not from anything we'll do.

Could we please think about this >>32117778 so that we aren't spending half the next thread deciding on our response to the first post?
Tweaked the meshing a little so it'd mesh pun intended with the lineart a bit better.
Our interaction with Reed Richards and Ben Grimm wasn't very fleshed out. Could you describe it a little better than Reed just saying "thanks"? Was that really all that happened? I mean, did we see Red stretching or Ben... being Ben?
Anon, it's been an hour since Cosgrove posted MJ asking us about our activities and it's been discussed up above fairly thoroughly.

Everyone's already made their decision on what to do and now we've moved on to other topics.
one day...
I'd prefer it if the feet were just red like the rest of his lower leg.

There's not exactly universal agreement... just making sure.
Hey have we told anyone about us making the arc reactor?
That blue area just feels very bare. Especially since the overall design seems to draw your eyes to that location
Personally I think we should answer with "I promise I will tell you just not right now"

This. Needs a red utility belt, methinks.
People are going to vote for what they vote for. We run on majority agreement. Universal agreement is kind of not going to happen.

Gonna vote for telling, at least..
Yeah, something at the pelvic/waist area would make the design more balanced instead of drawing the eye to the giant blank blue canvas of Spidey's lower torso.
I don't know, the Christmas interlude made it seem as if Carnage 1 wasn't that powerful on the mental playing field (as long as there isn't any blood for her to look at) and Cletus had yet to actually DO anything except force Bloody Mary into remission and thus allow MJ to gain some serious ground. Also while Dark MJ was a danger to others, I'm not so sure about her being a threat to us in her current symbiote-less state.

Eh, not if we got a chance to target her before she can rev up her murder engine again. Like hell, just make it so we inadvertently trigger her personality shift. The problem was that we WOULDN'T get that chance, and pretty much had to wait for enough corpses to pile up until they turn into clues.
I never really noticed before but that pic makes his thighs look swole as fuck
Someone else try archiving. suptg is being a piece of shit and I need to sleep.
somebody else already did, ya dingle dangle!
She'd still be outed as a serial killer and locked up somewhere and you're scenario basically relies on Cosgrove turning the whole quest on easy mode to stop these people(or expecting /tg/ to be really competent and for dice gods to shower us with good rolls) for it to all work out that well.

How would that particularly "easy mode" be any better than the "easy mode" we're currently in. We'd still have to deal with the fallout of those tonal shifting elements too.
No they didn't because that's my upload and when you click on it it 403s
Oh shit guys, we have two spectacular points
That's the most we've had in forever
I don't even know what to do with them.

It's been so long since we had them I'm afraid to even spend them.
Oh fuck he's right.
Well shit, way to fuck that up. Someone get on fixing his goof.
It's best to use them where important.
just tried it

the page

she loads so slowly, I don't even know if it worked or not!
It's not really his fault that website functions like a sack of limp severed dicks from time to time.
We had 7 hours to archive it and none of us did.
Someone gather Cosgroves posts and pastebin them and send him a tweet. Looks like this will be one of the lost issues.

I'd do it, but I'm stuck using my phone and 4chan's already slow as hell on it.
3 minutes later and still loading I'm assuming my attempt ain't working.

oh well! There's always foolz!

and if this fails to archive properly, just post the foolz link for #54 in the description for thread #55
We pretty much have to hope foolz captured all of it, which it probably didn't.
in fact, here it is now

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no worries on that part
Alright, added a simple-ish belt to the design I debated on making it silver, but thought I'd run the red version by you guys first.
put a black spider symbol on the middle of the belt
I kind of feel like it needs to be a bit more bulky. Also, it seems to be high up on his waist.

I'd say the red works. A black one with the same mesh feel or a red and black one might also work.
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I wonder when we will meet Cap face to face and if it ends up like xmen on Christmas
File deleted.
Alright, I tried your suggestion of a Red and Black one with the mesh look and it looks pretty damn nice, actually.
Whoop, some of the mesh on the right arm went missing and I don't know how. Fixed that real quick.
Fit's pretty well. Kind of aligns with the mesh black with the red in the middle from the arm's torso area. I'd probably make the red center a little bigger but that's a nitpick.
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10/10 Would websling in.

Wow, that escalated quickly. I RIKED IT.
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You know... I feel bad for MJ. I bet she feels like this for us.
In that universe, House of M, she's not only still alive, but he's married to her and they have a kid.

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