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It is the year 22XX and Humanity has reached the stars. Alas, even though they have attained the lofty goal of interstellar travel, mankind has yet to conquer it’s baser instincts.

Humanity is ruled by ultra-Corporations. Some own continents. Some own multiple worlds. But no matter who you are, everyone is a citizen-employee somewhere. The qualms that beset corporations of the past, copyright infringement, tech theft, still exist. If anything, they are amplified by the scale of the players.

Without government to turn to for legal recourse and separated by millions and billions of miles, corporations have turned to less savory solutions to resolve disputes. You are one of those solutions.

You are an elite mercenary, also known as a High Impact Public Representative, of the StrikeOut Company, a group of mercenaries who accept contracts and missions from the highest bidder. You are launched out of a spaceship in a drop pod filled with bright orange and highly toxic gel. You crash land into the target’s facilities, make a mess, do your job, and then get the hell out.

You are a Fall Guy. You are a Deniable Asset.

QM’s Twitter:

DAQ Master Pastebin with archive links, pastebins, and other miscellania:
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The HOEV lands, as HOEV’s are want to do occasionally, and the lot of you file onto the transorbital transport, bearing a motley collection of restrained Lillies and one Dr. Singh. You drop all of them roughly off in the hold, doing the exact opposite of minding their heads. Were they to fill out service surveys, you’d probably get very low marks for hospitality… and not “accidentally” kicking people in the side. You join Clayton, Marlena, and Maxim in the passenger cabin, where the people go, and sit down. Clayton glances over at Marlena and Maxim. “No captures on your end?”

Marlena tosses her hair back as she pulls off her helmet, trying to suppress a satisfied smirk. “Nah. You know how it is sometimes.”

Clayton sighs and shakes his head, exasperated. “Kostov and I were able to snag three of the bastards. Don’t expect a cut.”

Maxim shrugs with the speed and passion of a glacier. IE, very slowly and none whatsoever. “It is what it is being.”

Marlena stands up, her expression one of insincere earnestness. “Sir! I think we should assign a guard to ensure that the apprehendees don’t raise a fuss. I volunteer for the duty, sir!”

Clayton sighs and rubs his eyes. “Whatever. You’re taking Kostov though.”

Marlena looks vaguely put out, but complies, walking through the door to the cargo bay where the restrained Lillies and one doctor lie bound up. You stand up and quickly ready to follow her. Before the door can open for you, Clayton pulls you down so your ear is near his mouth. “Mate, I know Singh’s a right bastard. And he deserves a swift kick in the nuts or seventy. But I’m trusting you to keep Martian from going overboard.”

You nod once, and Clayton releases you. You step into the Cargo bay, looking around for Marlena. After a half second she appears beside you, your arm in her iron grip. “So, Ivan. What did the space aussie tell you?”

>Write In
>>Write In
Something about kangooroos and dropbears.

At least I think.
"To make sure not to drag them along so fast that Singh is dragged along....too much."
He asked me if I wanted to learn how to wrassle crocs
That if you kill the meal ticket, I get to dart you and get your pay.

Seriously, Mar, you cost me my pay, there'll be a load of shit on your head.
"That we shouldn't play too rough, otherwise he'd krickey well wallaby us in the dingo and go full dropbear mate on the barbie or something."
Please, this.
Best reply.
This for HA HA
Second bit for serious talk
This would be good. But let's be less hostile. She's way more senior than us.
Fuck, wrong selection.
This for the first part
Voting for this, no point going all serious unless she's about to kill someone, and definitely not this>>32399891
Second bit of this.
“That we shouldn’t play too rough, otherwise he’d krickey well wallaby us in the dingo and go full dropbear mate on the barbie or something.”

You pause for a moment, Marlena still processing your words.


Marlena makes a choked cackling sound of suppressed mirth. You can hear some rustling and a dull thud as the captives try to figure out what the reason for the noise is. You think you overhear someone let out some pained oaths. Marlena snorts. “I’d figure you’d be cool Ivan. As my old Spirit Guider once said to me on Mars, You’ve got some smooth chi waves resonating from you.”

“Yeah, but no shit, let’s not kill him or anything. I still want my meal ticket.”

Marlena grins. “Oh c’mon now Ivan, I don’t turn into some grinning maniac every time someone throws me into a wall. I know self-restraint. This all just some good, Christian, Family Fun.”

You grunt a neutral assent and the two of you make your way to the prisoners. The HOEV creaks ominously as you make your approach. Marlena drags an armored hand against one of the metal shelves in the cargo bay, the ceramic on metal making a low rasping shriek. They are absolute wrecks. Well, the ones that have finally shrugged off the effects of your darts anyway. a few of them are still sleeping rather soundly. Dr. Singh on the other hand, seems to be in a state of hyper awareness.

>How do you start playtime with Doctor Singh? Write in actions, dialogue, or both!

Play the good cop to Marlena's bad cop. If it works in those 20th century cop shows, it couldn't possibly go wrong here!
>>How do you start playtime with Doctor Singh? Write in actions, dialogue, or both!
Hey? Guess how many people survived your little experiment?
Hey, we still have Greentree's patient tags? Lets make him look at it.
Can we ping Marlene to share this plan?
Technically a lot more could've survived, but he doesn't need to know that. Let's start with this.
“Hey friend,” you say without a hint of even forced cheer. Your voice comes out like gravel being put through a woodchipper, a guttural rumbling growl. “Guess how many people survived your little experiment?”

Singh’s eyes bulge with fear as you squat in front of him, forearms resting on your knees, your chin parallel with his eyes. “They… I… Well now we really need to consider the value of the many against the fe-”

Singh’s voice cuts off in a pained gasp as Marlen buries a foot in his stomach, somehow managing to lash out around you, displaying an incredible level of spatial awareness and dexterity. “What a tit,” she spits as Singh rolls over onto the groan, gagging. “Ivan, can you shut him up before I do something real stupid?”

>How do you shut Singh up?
>Break his jaw
>Write In

I hate to be a tit guys, and it seems like we're just in for a slow day, but I do need something more to work with for Ivan if I want to write my usual sized updates. Seriously! Any suggestions at all are welcome!

Breaking his jaw probably won't endear us to our employers, who presumably have plans to interrogate him for their own purposes.

Tell him that our employer needs him alive, but didn't specify in what condition. If he wants to be mostly intact by the time he gets off the HOEV, he needs to start talking now.

I'm terrible at write-ins, but just to get things moving.
The few? Seriously, are you going to pull that card? Their death had no benefit, at all. A controled experiment would have yielded much better scientific results you piece of shit. Claiming the need of the few against the many is both an insult to the people YOU killed and an insult to science.

Then break his jaw.
Or his ass.
Ask him some questions.

So, this whole "alter the genetic sequence of grade school children" plan. Was it yours? Somehow I really doubt it. You don't look like the type. Too scared. Too much like a sheep. Too much of a pussy to do it.
Give him a piece of out mind.
Shit! Panic! Uh... uh...
>Enjoy the moment
This. Get him talking.

I would say >>32401034 followed by >>32401035 instead of breaking his jaw. I think we should verbally abuse him while Marina gets violent.
Continuing the questions:

How exactly did you come across the gene sequencing that caused the... Incedent?
Lets leave his jaw intact. Makes sure he's able to talk. We CAN bruise (not break, or at least try not to so we don't puncture a lung ro the heart) and make it hard to talk and breathe. We can make him pained in ways that don't involve the head or chest. as long as we don't rupture any organs, break certain bones, or cause concussions.
>Dem responses
I've got some damn good players. Thanks a lot you guys.
You know, if I were Ivan, I would consider choking him if he doesn't answer our queries. I don't mean to strangle, but to cause panic, pain, etc. He ought to make sure a thumb or hard part presses down on Singh's Adam's apple, so that he'll throw up, preferably on himself and not us.
More questions!

So, how did you get associated with the Black Lillies? College anti-corp protest clubs? That'd be my guess. Most armchair revolutionaries come from there.

Anyone else got anything?
This one. We've GOT to do this one.
Do we still have the picture of Tran's daughter?
Also, Valla Greentree's medical tags?
“The few? Are you actually pulling that card? Their death had no benefit, there are controlled experiments, fuck even computer models, that would have had more benefit than your sick, twisted little horror show. That’s an insult to science you goddamn shit.”

Singh chokes a little as one of your hands slides across his throat, squeezing it just tightly enough enough to cause pain, but not so tightly so as to restrict speech. Well, restrict speech too much. Singh gags slightly. “They were (huuuuh) developing a combat mod.”

“Bullshit,” Marlena hisses, “Sandflow told us what was what. That was a biolgocial immortality therapy you fuck.”

Singh lets loose a gagging laugh. “Is that what they told you? I can’t say I’m surprised Logan fooled you. He was always a crafty one, and you’re just a bunch of jarhead military throwbacks.”

“Fuck you,” snarls Marlena, crushing one of Singh’s collar bones with a quick jab. You release the man in slight shock. “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you lying piece of fuck.”
You think about it for a moment before the anger heats up once more. “Yeah fucking right you lying sack of shit,” you growl, threat implicit in every disgusted syllable, “look at you, you quivering little bitch. This genetically alter grade school children plan. It can’t have possibly been yours. I really doubt it. You don’t look the type. Too scared. Too much like a sheep. Too much of a pussy to do it.”

Singh coughs and replies shakily. “Listen, I’m not kidding right now. Sure, they never meant to test the combat mod on children, but it was the only way, THE ONLY WAY! People were going to sit up and pay attention to what BiodYne was doing! A PR disaster!”

Singh coughs once more, turning over slightly on his side. “I never thought they’d send in mercs to purge the whole goddamn place though…”

>How do you respond
>Believe Singh’s Allegations
>Doubt, but doubt in the way that Cole does in L.A. Noire. Angrily.
>Be somewhat swayed by his words, but not convinced.
>Write In

>>Doubt, but doubt in the way that Cole does in L.A. Noire. Angrily.
>Be somewhat swayed by his words, but not convinced.

"You're going to need proof motherfucker, and then you're going to need a damn good reason as to why I should care. At least they didn't cause the death of children."
Press X to doubt
Combat mods. The first thing we thought when we saw the kids was, 'combat mods'.

Get a notepad, Marlena.

Bring out the hard drive, see if he recognizes it.
>Bring out the hard drive, see if he recognizes it.

OH FUCK. This this this!
>>Doubt, but doubt in the way that Cole does in L.A. Noire. Angrily.

Is he really trying to make us believe that this was developed by BiodYne?

They are clearly one of the more benevolent companies. This wasn't a combat mod.

Also, what did that piece of shit expect? That they would send bronies armed with plushies and rainbows?

Why do we care whether they were developing a combat mod instead of a biological immortality therapy again?

We are laden with combat mods ourselves and it's not like they are banned.

The objectionable part seems to be the testing on children, and that was on Singh.
My apologies about the delay guys. I'm back home now and my mother can really introduce some delays to the update schedule. I hope this won't happen again tonight.
I dunno, the boss guy who gave us our eval was a prick, both in it and in the emails that we found...
>benevolent companies

Anon, please.
>Doubt, but doubt in the way that Cole does in L.A. Noire. Angrily.
>Write In
"So the ONLY WAY for BiodYne to suffer some bad marketing WAS TO MUTATE AND MURDER A BUNCH OF CHILDREN? At this point I don't even care what they were doing or what you were trying to accomplish, the moment you carried out your fucked up plan you just became a mass murdering coward to stupid to figure figure out a non-violent solution.

Of course they called us in to purge the place after you turned it into hell on earth, what did you expect?"

Then break every toe in one foot and dislocate a kneecap
>>32402668 here

You know I had forgotten this. I still doubt everything he's saying is true, people lie a lot for damage control, but >>32402670
raises a really good point. I say we do this and play along for now to see where it takes us. Altering the truth for the hired muscle isn't unheard of.
>>Doubt, but doubt in the way that Cole does in L.A. Noire. Angrily
>Write In
Sure bring out the hardrive. "What are you hiding on this drive. why would the black lilies need such encryptions?"
>Doubt, but doubt in the way that Cole does in L.A. Noire. Angrily.
'Stop lying to me and accept the terrible things that you've done!

Some of those kids are gone, their humanity lost and their young lives cut way too short - all because of you.'
Original mission pastebins for everyone's convenience.
>>Doubt, but doubt in the way that Cole does in L.A. Noire. Angrily.

Well, here's your last chance to prove it.
Then like >>32402670 says, bring out the hard drive.
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uh, hey guys? Hard drives all look the same. The questions are fine, but why would he recognize it, even if he had opened up the laptop before?

If that doesn't work, close your eyes and say "nanomachines" over and over until it starts making sense.
Wasn't there some sort of Latin phrase or name in there? Hold on a bit...
>The username is Hominem Castum.

Yeah, here it is. See if he has any idea about the username.
We don't care
We wanna get paid
Anon, you sit down and take your exposition like a good boy, or no dessert tonight for you!
“Fucking Bullshit,” you snarl, “You were the chief scientist at that fucking place. You could’ve ended it all without the shit. But no, you had to involve a bunch of innocent fucking kids, didn’t you, you pathetic, cowardly, sack of shit!”

There is a long pause before Marlena speaks. “Shit Ivan, you know, those did seem like combat mods didn’t they? Back when we were in BiodYne’s Clinic?”

Singh nods eagerly. Too eagerly. You rest a fist in his face. “Quit your miserable nodding, you sycophantic prick,” you snarl before turning your attention to Marlena. “What do you think Marlena?”

“Well, Clayton did mention to me that you had been able to extract a hard drive from one of the Lillies’ computers. Show it to him, maybe he knows something about it.”
“Eh, I can’t really,” you mutter, rubbing your nose. “I fucked up trying to hack it and the damn thing is completely inaccessible until we get it back to the Brick or BiodYne where an expert can get his hands on it…” you glance over at Marlena sharply. “You didn’t mean just showing him the actual hard drive, right? They all basically look the same you know.”

Marlena rubs the back of her neck and looks away. “Yeah of course I didn’t mean that. Obviously.”

So Marlena is a bad liar and doesn’t know much about computers. Learned two things today at least. You glance back at Singh. “That does remind me though. What does the phrase Hominem Castum mean to you?”

Singh speaks through an extremely bloody nose, his voice stuffed and nasal. “Human purity or something like that? I haven’t studied latin in a long time.”

Marlena hits his other collar bone, shattering it with a quick jab. “Don’t sound so fucking relaxed assmuncher.”

One of the Lillies speaks up at that point. “We are only doing what is right and necessary to prevent the spread of corruption of the Gaia Mother’s gene form given unto man by the corporate hegemons!”

>What say you?
>Interrogate the Lilly
>Punch the Lilly
>Ignore the Lilly and focus on Singh
>Write In
>“We are only doing what is right and necessary to prevent the spread of corruption of the Gaia Mother’s gene form given unto man by the corporate hegemons!”

Jesus fuck she sounds stoned.
>Interrogate the Lilly
>u wot m8
>>Punch the Lilly
>Interrogate the Lilly
>Marlena rubs the back of her neck and looks away. “Yeah of course I didn’t mean that. Obviously.”

oi u cheeky bastard

>Punch the Lilly
>Ignore the Lilly and focus on Singh
>“We are only doing what is right and necessary to prevent the spread of corruption of the Gaia Mother’s gene form given unto man by the corporate hegemons!”
And that gives you the right to slaughter kids?
>>Interrogate the Lilly
Corrupted genes? Is (s)he spouting nonsense, or does (s)he know something?
>Interrogate the Lilly

You. You sound like you know. Marlena, show her the feed of what we saw in the clinic. Show her what she wanted to happen.
>Punch the Lilly
>Interrogate the Lilly
Time to corrupt the purity of his face with our fist!
“You focking wot mate?” you inquire of the Lilly, turning your full attention to her. The woman cowers back slightly as a huge genetically modified and enhanced mercenary that most likely burnt or axed her comrades to death (you forgot where you plucked this particular extremist) “Wot you fookin say bout me? I’ll fookin glass ya, I swear on me mum.”

The Lilly seems somewhat distracted by the sudden activation of chav mode. “I… uh. What?”

You decide to become serious once more. “Listen, if you think proving some bassackwards political point that isn’t even based in fucking reality is worth the lives of some innocent children then by all means… go fuck yourself.”

You are about to punch her in the face when the Lilly speaks up once more. “We do terrible but necessary things for the Gaia Mother! We hurt children yes, but they had strayed! We associate with one of the gene corruptors too! We knew he was just another servant of the Corporate Exploiters from the beginning! But we united with him against a common enemy!”

You decide to corrupt the purity of the Lilly’s face with your horrible and evil gene modded fist. Youpunch the Lilly is her stuck up, self righteous face and she collapses on the deck floor. Not unconscious, but most definitely dazed. “Alright titlord. Well that was certainly elucidating,” you say, turning your attention back to the unfortunate but not undeserving Dr. Singh. “I think we can all assume that BiodYne didn’t hire you. So who did?”

Singh swallows convulsively. “I… That’s not…”

>Roll 3d10 for interrogation!
Rolled 7, 9, 10 = 26

Rolled 4, 5, 2 = 11



Rolled 2, 6, 5 = 13

Rolled 1, 7, 5 = 13

>>Roll 3d10 for interrogation!
no actions, just the grin
Rolled 1, 9, 4 = 14


What quest are you coming from yo?
Rolled 10, 3, 2 = 15

the ones where we befriend the shit out of people when interrogating them, so almost all
>befriending Singh

The angriest offer of friendship ever.

> (screaming and crying)
if I'm not mistaken, he was referencing Ogre Quest.

Fall Guy, if you ever get the chance, check it out on suptg, I think you would get a kick out of it.

Where are you Blorp? I miss you.
In that case, let's befriend Singh.
We gotta slow down on the punching
Rolled 4, 10, 5 = 19


As much as he deserves it, I agree. He's going to black out at this rate. Which means anymore questions we ask him won't be answered.
Rolled 2, 2, 1 = 5

yeah, theres a process to force induced EI techniques, we let the adrenaline rush from him, keep him awake, and alert, then we break something like a finger, ramp the adrenalin back up, then let him crash

we do this several times keeping him alert yet not at the stage where the brain can't take any more and passes out

then we ask him what we want to know
...I'm, uh ...I'm not going to ask why you know that. I suspect that difficult part would be gauging his limit without crossing it. also, lots of broken fingers would be rather suspicious. Although, he has has both his collar bones crushed broken...
>Where are you Blorp? I miss you.

We all do, anon. We all do...
Rolled 2, 6, 6 = 14

yeah, its not exactly the ideal way we would go about this, usually you start with dislocating the shoulders and breaking things easily repairable, like the radius and ulna, the shins and some of the upper or lower ribs that are not near the most vital organs, then you work on the feet and lower legs but don't do too much damage

you always gotta have the hope of recovering from their situation in their mind, you just need to twist it so the journey to that recovery suits your needs and not their desires
Singh must be modded if he has barely reacted to having both his collar bones broken.
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You seize Singh by the throat/jaw and lift him into the air, periodically slamming him into the wall as you do so. You keep your head low, face obscured by shadows and the half light as you lift Singh into the air. You’re almost certain that you’ve broken a rib or two in the process of hoisting the doctor into the air. Singh gurgles a bit, sounding miserable and petulant at the same time.

Suddenly you look up at Singh, your face a mask of psychotic glee. You can feel Singh swallow from behind your hand. One of the Lillies mutters some entreaty to their stupid fucking Gaia Mother. You don’t care. You don’t care about the fact that Marlena is giving you the double thumbs up. You don’t care about the rasping pleas from Singh. All you, Ivan Parkas Kostov care about is slamming Singh against the wall like he was a thumb and the wall was the x button.

You’re about to doubt his ass hardcore.






Slam, followed shortly thereafter by a thud as you drop Singh onto the ground. Singh wails in pain, his warbling voice barely forming words. “Gene Tech! Gene Tech!”

You step back and turn away from the miserable scientist, stepping into the passenger bay, Marlena following close behind you. She takes care to keep from being too obviously pleased by what went down in the cargo bay. Clayton looks up at your bizarrely placid face suspiciously. “What went down in there mate?”

Rolled 2, 5, 7 = 14


Might have just earned us all a tidy bonus
"Not much. Singh spilled who hired him. And I think he's a little more modded then we think."
Just tell him we got some answers from singh.
without doing too much damage
Mad Jack came out to play for a bit.
Rolled 2, 7, 4 = 13

We discussed our differences over tea and sandwiches. They saw the error of their way and we parted on good terms.

I beat a couple of them.
Singh told me that genetech hired them.
Singh was just talking about how he was hired by "Gene Tech" and all the employee benefits he got there doing corporate espionage and killing children.
Also this
"Fosters? Fosters fosters fosters."
Rolled 2, 3, 1 = 6

>Gene Tech

Gene Tech or GenTech?

>Trust me, I am well aware of UHGV-0114's occasional... peculiarities. However, Corporate wants us to fast track SBLT. Sources tell me that GenTech Labs have recently begun their own alpha stage tests of a therapy with remarkable similarities to SBLT
Do the tea and biscuits part of this sarcastically.
>She takes care to keep from being too obviously pleased
the fact that that pleased her is alarming.
Rolled 2, 7, 1 = 10

"Prisoner resisted questioning but proved cooperative eventually, don't worry, he's still whole and alive."
I like the sound of this.
I like this
Rolled 2, 3, 4 = 9

Seconding >>32405523 & >>32405551
Rolled 10, 3, 8 = 21

Are you still here fall guy?
Rolled 8, 9, 3 = 20


It's barely been 25 minutes, anon
Seconding this.
Oh yeah oops, typo on my part
Fall guy, Your quest makes my day/night every time it pops up. Seriously keep doing what you do, you magnificent bastard.

Though, the new Dresden Files sure as fuck already made this day brilliant
oshit, I need to go to Barnes and Noble to get that. Thanks for reminding me anon.
I got dat shit on my kindle. I'm sure you can find it on some torrent site already
I've missed 4 quests and I come back to find Ivan even MORE crazy. Shit!

Motherfucker you're torrenting books? Not just the spew that are codicies published by GW? Why must you be such cancer?
Bah, I'll just pony up the cash. I've always liked reading on paper better anyway, I'm old-fashioned like that.
I am currently in the process of constructing a shrine dedicated to your bodacious writin skillz FallGuy.
ausfag here. Just got it last night. Still rereading the last 5 books before I start I though. So fucking hyped
Ausfag. Just bought in last night
I payed for Skin Games. But most of the books I've pirated I already own. If there's a series I want to get a taste of, and I just so happen to LOVE. I'll purchase the books. E.E. Knight, Stephen Hunt, Jim Butcher and Scott Lynch being those I've done it with.
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I find no disagreement with you, sir.
Quick bump since it's falling in down the pages.
Assiting BUMP
“We discussed out differences over tea and biscuits. They saw the error of their ways and we parted on good terms.”

There is a long pause as Clayton stares at you suspiciously. You relent.

“Well Singh repeatedly parted on good terms into the cargo bay wall. Also, I might have beaten some more people than just Singh. Also, Singh apparently was working for a corp called GenTech. You know anything?”

“GenTech…” Clayton mutters, “They’re one of BiodYne’s major competitors. Those two are perennially in competition, especially for lucrative clinic contracts on new colony worlds.”

“Well shit,” you mutter, “That does make an assload of sense. They discredit BiodYne by having a front group compromise their security systems and insert horrifying gene mods into unsuspecting patients.”

“I mean, they sacrificed any potential to gain control of the Astra Novan market, but in turn they’ve created a PR nightmare for BiodYne for colony worlds,” says Clayton, thinking quickly.

“What a load of shit,” scowls Marlena. “Like the lives of some kids are worth those fucking credits. Hypocritcal assfuck completely forgot about his Hyppocratic oath.”

Maxim makes a stoic grunt of assent. “Shameful.”

“So you guys figure that these GenTech fuckers are the ones who bankrolled this entire operation?”

“Probably. I can speak from experience when I say that any motherfucker who’s dumb enough to ascribe to Martian philosophy without being born into it isn’t about to make some brand new combat gene mods,” Marlena says bitterly.

“So what do we do?”

“We report them to BiodYne obviously,” Clayton replies, “And then we wipe them out for funa nd profit.”

“Seems reasonable,” you mutter as the pilot speaks up over the inter com.

“We’re about to dock with the cruiser. BiodYne has a few representatives on board who are ready to take the prisoners off of your hands for… interviews.”

Everyone nods in silent assent before filing off of the HOEV and onto the hangar. You look back to see one Martha Sirra. She locks eyes with you and nods minutely in approval


Sorry about the thread tonight guys. A whole bunch of shit keeps on cropping up and messing up my QMing flow. Honestly, it was easier to find the time to run uninterrupted when I was back at school.

Thread on Friday probably. I should be able to run without bloody interruptions then.
Thanks for running. I'll be waiting with bated breath.
Rolled 8, 9, 3 = 20

Thanks for the thread FG, cya next time.
Its all good Fall Guy. Thanks for running.
It still stands. You keep doing what you do. Your Quest is amazing, and the highlight of my day. I try to say this in every thread to keep you motivated.
Hey it's fine, especially now that I don't have to wait a week for the next thread. I know you're schedule is tighter now, but one thread a week would kill me.
You know what you must do, Fall Guy.

kill the whores...

Seriously, FG, no problem. Just glad to be playing regularly again with you.

Also, questions.

Did you ever figure out what that Martian shotgun was fluffed to be? If not, is there a suggestion box? And finally, did Tankdozer II-sempai and Forklift-chan get back to each other before we left? And can we suggest a show pilot inspired by the events to Saul? I feel "lesbian AI's in heavy armor romance" will be quite popular soon...
The suggestion box is always open for DAQ anon!

And thanks for being so understanding you guys, it's really great to have such awesome players
Thanks for the thread.
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>mfw I get no confirmation about lesbian construction equipment romance
It's okay, maybe he's just pressed for time?
Sorry to bother you about it, but where can I find your suggestion box?
Rolled 9, 3, 6 = 18

DAMNIT FG, now I want >>32408146
>And finally, did Tankdozer II-sempai and Forklift-chan get back to each other before we left? And can we suggest a show pilot inspired by the events to Saul? I feel "lesbian AI's in heavy armor romance" will be quite popular soon...
to happen

don't worry anon, Tankdozer II-chan and Forklift-chan will be together always
[email protected]

With the power of yurishit Tankdozer II-senpai rolled all the way back to Forklift-chan and they held hands for decades and decades before being melted down together and turned into some modern art. But look at it this way, now they are holding hands tighter than they ever could before.
Not even that guy, but I can now sleep easy. Thanks, FG!
>[email protected]m
I like your mail.

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