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QM Twitter: https://twitter.com/HellbornQuest
The Story So Far: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?searchall=hellborn
Character Sheet: http://pastebin.com/rNg3Yw8m (picture included)

Eventually, you regain enough composure to get back to what you were doing before you went trawling up ancient history. (-5 Stress: 50/100) You get back to your feet and survey the area. Borislav is still seated on his fallen root, with Rowan standing across from him, examining a cluster of clover growing by the tree. Reeber is with them too, unexpectedly. You thought you left him with Isaac or something. Guess he thought tagging along with you would be more interesting.

With the oppressive flow of energy pulsing about you though, you think maybe the dog is right. Whatever’s in the middle of the invisible natural flow of power, it must be something pretty cool, or important. And whatever it is, you think your parents must have known about it, since they’d come here at least once before when the only photograph you of them was taken.

You take a second to get your claws away, but you can still feel the points of your shark teeth with your tongue. If you had a mirror you’d probably find that you don’t look all that normal right now, but whatever. You’re with friends. Kind of. You edge off the fallen redwood and jump the rest of the way to the ground, and make your way back over to the others.

“Privyet,” Boris says in greeting, smiling at your return.
Rowan turns around to look at you, but maintains a carefully quiet demeanor. She’s probably waiting for you to say something first.

>C’mon, let’s get out of here. I haven’t seen how Borya turns into bears yet.
>Sorry about snapping at you, Ro.
>Okay, where’s my wallet.
>No one mentions this to anybody.
>Other (?)
>Okay, where’s my wallet.
>No one mentions this to anybody.
>Sorry about snapping at you, Ro.
>Sorry about snapping at you, Ro.
>No one mentions this to anybody.
>C’mon, let’s get out of here. I haven’t seen how Borya turns into bears yet.
In that order.
>Sorry about snapping at you, Ro.
>No one mention this please
>>Sorry about snapping at you, Ro.
>>No one mentions this to anybody.

>C’mon, let’s get out of here. I haven’t seen how Borya turns into bears yet
Yes, Hellborn Quest!

>C’mon, let’s get out of here. I haven’t seen how Borya turns into bears yet.

Act like nothing happened.
I can actually participate now that I'm all caught up!

>Okay, where’s my wallet.
>I haven’t seen how Borya turns into bears yet.
>Sorry about snapping at you, Ro.
“Hey, Ro. Sorry about jumping down your throat like that,” you say awkwardly, rubbing your hands together to have something to do with them.

“It’s my bad,” says Rowan, handing your wallet to you.

You check it and find the photo tucked safely within. You shove it into your back pocket. “Yeah, well. It’s kind of not. I’m a weirdo. But one thing?”

She looks quietly at you. “Sure.”

“Don’t tell anybody about… all that.” You turn to point a condemning finger at Borisislav. “You too, Borya. Zip those lips.” You pantomime a zipping motion across your mouth.

“Zip,” says Boris, zippering his own lips shut. But like, not literally, he just does it kind of as a joke, okay?

“Your secret’s safe with me,” Ro says seriously. Though this is probably one of the lesser secrets she’s safe with. C’mon, if she can keep quiet about you being half demon, she can probably handle small stuff too.

“That’s what I like to hear,” you say satisfactorily. “Now let’s see this secret spring of everlasting bearsomeness.” You pick a direction and walk off, hopefully concluding this entire discussion forever.

Borislav resumes the walk with animated enthusiasm. Among his constant and ongoing commentary in Russian interspersed with random spasms of English, he does say one thing with utter clarity. “You are very special girl,” he says. You guess it’s in conjunction with you feeling and/or seeing the weird energy flowing past you.

Up ahead, you see the thing you were expecting to not expect to see - the probable source of Borya's druid powers.

A clearing comes into view, circled about by old, towering redwoods. The ring of trees forms a type of clearing in the middle, through the middle of which runs a little stream. Ferns spring out from every nook and crevice, while solemn redwoods hang over the spot as if in reverence. A cool wind blows by and rustles the leafy canopy above you. Gold sunlight dances magically over the scene.

The part you didn’t expect to see is the cool mote of pure, colorless light in the center of the clearing. It floats fixed at a point about four feet above the ground, about the size of your fist. Light almost wafts off of the inexplicable point of illumination, like the steam rises from the surface of a lake in winter. It’s not exactly bright, but it certainly is luminescent.

The coursing energies all around the clearing converge on this single point, though vanish at the ring of trees. Stepping past the silent guardians leaves the air clear of energy, and lifts the invisible, almost suffocating pressure from your senses. (-2 Stress: 48/100)

You approach with Borislav and Rowan by your side. Boris stops you a few steps into the clearing. “You see?” he asks you, pointing toward the light.

“I feel like I’m being left out of the conversation,” Rowan says, scouring the scene before you though apparently, without seeing what you are.

Poke the light
"Now who needs glasses?"
Rolled 55

>Poke the shit out of that light
"I see. It's so glowy!"

Then activate smugface and do >>32514949
I'll second this >>32514949 but we need to confirm to Borya that we see it in simple language he'll understand first. Just a yes should do it.
and then
You can’t contain your snickering at Rowan’s comment. “Now who needs glasses?”

“Oh har har,” she snaps back, without any real ire.

You turn to Borya. “Yes, I do see it,” you tell him. “And I’m totally going to poke it.”

You move before Borislav can compute what you’ve told him.

“What are you poking now exactly?” Rowan asks, curious. She follows slightly behind you.

“Some weird starry light thing,” you reply, idly. You find its shape and calm glow oddly fascinating.
As you approach, you find it drawing you forward when you’re still several feet off. It’s not a physical attraction, more as it is a kind of mental pull. It’s like you’re hungry and thirsty, but neither. You feel a deeper void in the center of my chest, one that you’ve never known was there until the moment you saw the ethereal glow radiating from the pinprick of a white sun.

It’s like you’re starving, and somebody just shoved a Big Mac into your hands, but you’ve never even seen food before. All you know is that your senses are reacting in weird, good ways to its presence.

You manage to come to a stop before the small light.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to poke a weird starry light thing?” Ro asks.

The weird starry light thing in question drifts in the air at about chest level, pure energy smoking off its small silhouette. Your hand feels numb as you reach for it.

“Podozhdee,” says Borislav, circling into the peripheral of your vision and holding up his hands in a slowing motion.

>Poke mysterious light.
>Other (?)
Okay, fine, we'll wait. Jeez, Borya, such a spoilsport.

Don't wan't to explode from some supernatural bugzapper.

Let's hold off on poking it, though let Borya and Ro know that it's really appealing.
>Poke mysterious light.
Where's your sense of adventure tg?
We can Подождите when we're dead. whick may or maynot occure after poking the fuck out of this light thing.
>Poke mysterious light.
Google says that means "wait". We can wait a second.
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Well, we could become manbearpig here. Seriously, guys. Manbearpig.
>Poke mysterious light.

>all this podozhdee
I'm disappointed in all of you.
Ahh, on second thought I'll change my vote to Podozhdee.
just realized that my vote was for Podozhdee. my bad.
>Poke mysterious light.
>>Poke mysterious light.

>Connection error.
>Connection error.
>Connection error.
Missed one but it doesn't matter.
Although you feel like not poking inexplicable natural phenomena is the boring course of action, you manage to arrest your forward momentum soon enough to do just that.

You look over at Boris. “What happens when I touch this thing?” you ask, nodding at the miniature star.

“Chas,” says Boris. He grabs Rowan and pulls her away.

“What the heck are you doing?” she asks, breaking free of his grip.

“Dangerous,” says Boris, pointing at their feet. He then points toward the edge of the clearing. “Not dangerous.”

“What about Sierra?” she asks, looking back at you.

“Oh come on,” you say, feigning experience with what you aim to do. “I’m danger incarnate. Scram.” It's kind of hard to resist the pull of the orb thing at this distance. You keep finding yourself edging toward it without realizing. You take a big step backward.

“Maybe we should go get dad,” she says warily, even as Borya leads her to the ring of trees. “This seems like the kind of thing dad would have something to say about.”

The pair stops, and Borislav turns back. He gives a huge grin and gives you two thumbs way up. “Go!” he shouts.

>Maybe you SHOULD go get Rowan’s dad.
>Other (?)

I trust Borya
I wonder what Rowan's spirit animal's gonna be. Maybe a mountain lion or something.
Now that we've got that OK from the Bear.
It's time.

You heard the man, lets do it.
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Now I'm imagining Rowan to look like a silver haired Saber
I can't wait to see Isaac's face after this. Can only imagine his inner monologue.

>"Wait, let me get this straight. She's not only are a rare tribreed hellborn that by all rights should not be alive, and her demon parent actually seemed to care about her, but she's also a druid now? The fuck did I invite into my house."
He shouldn't have introduced such an inspiring teacher to us
It is probably our father that is a druid. Young and beautiful highborn demon falls in love with caring and powerful druid.
Except rowan dyes her hair blonde.
Yeah, but wouldn't it be easier for her to just keep her hair silver and just say she dyes it?

I mean she's pretty chuu2 already.
Lawnguid where?
Battling his lawn again.
Digging to China.
yes and I'm very sad about it
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>2 hours later
Rolled 93

>yfw we start turning into a flaming demon bear when we get stressed
Hey man, cut him some slack. His lawn is some sort of otherworldly beast, so it takes time to deal with.
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The QM is asleep, lets talk about shipping
But we must.
Has anyone shipped things to Brazil? I hear its really expensive.
I ship Languid with his lawn.
The lawn must die
Noooooo he works really hard to keep it well.
Buying figs is a pain, shipping is so expensive

The lawn is a definite top in the relationship
We should track down his house, find his lawn and fix it forever
nananananannan cement truck
All in favor of hiring a German grounds keeper named Larry to take care of Languid's lawn, say Aye.
>Not a Scottish grounds keeper named Willie
Just because he has to destroy it doesn't mean their love can't bloom. Their tale will be the great drama of our generation.
Maybe the energy thing killed us and this is just death.
As deaths go... I've died this way twice already.
With thumbs up, you see no reason to hold back. Unable to keep a weird smile from crawling onto your face, you turn toward the light and reach out.

Your hand shakes as you reach for it. A tingling veil of force presses back on your fingertips just above the surface, right before your outstretched fingers make contact with it.

The light is tangible. It feels like cobwebs, so airy that it almost as if it’s nothing at all. A sudden jolt of electric energy zaps up your arm and through your body. You grit your teeth and struggle to remain standing. (+10 Stress: 58/100)

The gossamer ball suddenly contracts to a pinprick of light, pulling away from your touch like a snail when you jab it in the eyes. Then, the orb changes in hue from its pure, silvery form to a brilliant, dangerous crimson so bright, it leaves a blurred afterimage in your vision when you look away. It bathes the entire clearing in shifting, stark red light. Dim black shadows wave and dance all about you.

A heavy thrum of pressure blows back against your body, pressing against you and flattening your clothing to your skin like a rushing river. It would have forced you backward if other forces weren’t at play, but it does. Instead, a raging inferno bursts into life in the hole behind your heart. Your wince and grasp at your chest, falling to you knees as you do – you are not having a heart attack at age seventeen – you haven’t even been to Mcky-D’s in weeks. (+20 Stress: 78/100)
You have no power to do anything but try to push back against the painful fire that spreads out from my chest down my limbs and to my fingertips. The attack becomes so intense, and you so saturated with the burning energy, that you feel like you’re going to explode. (+20 Stress: 98/100) And you very well may have, if the whole inner electric storm didn’t suddenly shut off.

The force pressing against you suddenly has physical effect. It picks you up off the ground, like a breeze would catch a paper bag, and carries you backward a dozen feet, petering out the further away you get. It sets you down on the ground, leaving you to lie haphazardly on the ground. Your body is exhausted, and your breathing ragged.

The light before you pulses in its angry red hue, wavering erratically in size from that of a pinhead to bigger than a beach ball. Each change in size throws out another wave of force pushing against you in a hot wind, and blowing through my hair and warming your skin.

Gradually, the light stabilizes, finally settling on the size of a basketball. It glows several magnitudes brighter than it did when you first laid eyes on it. You watch it only for a couple seconds before weariness overtakes you and you fall over, unconscious.


Cold water splashes on your face. You splutter and prop yourself up, your heart thundering in your chest. You very consciously make the decision not to react to the stimulus – you feel all jittery and shakey and crap, and that’s always the worst sign possible. Foreign energy thrums through your veins with burning, intoxicating power. (PP: 24/24)

You keep your eyes carefully shut. “Don’t do that,” you say, your voice even with forced calm. You are on the precipice of something bad. (Stress: 98/100)

“Yo my-o,” comes Borislav’s voice. “Vobshe.”

Rowan speaks next. “Oh, good, it’s still you,” she says, something bordering relief in her voice.

You don’t quite like the tone in her voice, but you try not to think about it too much. You are in a very delicate state right now.

Did we just get our ass kicked by a glowball?
And then maybe >>32518786

Becuase, yes, we just got our ass kicked by a glowball.
Why wouldn't it be me?
I'm very close to losing it. Unless you can seal me or something, maybe you should leave me alone for a couple hours.
"I'm on the edge right now. As long as there are no surprises everything will be fine."
And then >>32518786
Rolled 21

Deep breathing. Zen, nigga, zen.
"I'm practically thrumming with power and very close to the edge, imma wander over that way and play with my knife for a few hours, don't disturb me.
>You have no power to do anything but try to push back against the painful fire that spreads out from my chest down my limbs and to my fingertips.
>that spreads out from my chest down my limbs and to my fingertips
Languid, is there something you're not telling us?
>(PP: 24/24)

""I just got creampied with energy by the fucking spirit of the forest or something. Fuck."
Oh my God. He's using his experiences becoming a druid himself to describe what happens to the MC.

Suddenly his lawn seems a lot for formidable.

That's right. Sierra is actually me, and the forest is actually my lawn.
Rolled 23

all is forgiven Languid

Hideaki anno of our generation
Languids adventures just got a lot more dangerous.
Force yourself to smile and say "I am THIS close to the edge right now. Let me relax a little before i go off like a truckload of dynamite."
We should smile because a smile always helps.
>yfw our forceful breathing and demon teeth make us just spit venom all over Ro
>Deep breathing
>Pat Reeber
>Ask for headpats
And then all our stress disappeared.
"Stay Back! For Love of God, stay Back!
>Hug Reeber.
Awwwwwww FREAK OUT!
No. No freak out.

Tres chique
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Oh come on, we'll wake up a few hours from now with a giant bear sitting on top of us. We need to blow off some steam.
Slow, steady breaths. When you speak, you do so very slowly. “Just barely,” you say evenly. “I got my ass handed me by the fucking heart of the forest.” You feel their eyes on you, and you think you get it. You open your eyes and see Rowan crouched before you, and Borislav standing a little bit off. “You should go. I’m not in a good place right now.”

Rowan doesn’t need to be told twice. She’s still bearing a couple scars from the last time you popped your cap. “I understand. Take all the time you need,” she says, backing away slowly. She takes Borislav with her. They leave. You see them slowly get smaller, until you lose track of them in the trees. You’re glad when they’re out of sight. (-2 Stress: 96/100)

You’re careful not to look at yourself. You feel kind of off balance, but finding out why might not be the wisest decision right now.

You smell him before you see him. Like ash, leather, and a tinge of old meat. “Here boy,” you call out into the woods. Reeber appears from behind one of the trees and jaunts over to you. His friendly and frank appearance takes you away from the brink. You bring up your claws and brush the sides of his head with the backs of your knuckles while he pants hot breaths on your face. (-5 Stress: 91/100)

You crack a smile at his big floppy face. “You’re a good dog, Reebs.”

“Groof,” says Reeber.
“Don’t just stand around, sit boy.” The horned hellhound faithfully plops down by your side. You go to lean against his mass, but something clips on your head, causing you to recoil – you turn quickly to look at the hound, but there’s nothing that should be getting in the way. Reflexively, you reach a hand up to feel at your head where you felt the impact.

Your claws brush against something protruding from the side of your head. You can feel the touch in your skull. Experimentally, you raise your other hand and feel something similar on the other side of your head. Something hard.

Something boney, even.

You smile and carefully run your claws about your horns. They’re notched and jagged, and jut out in different directions a couple of times before they finally end in upturned points. Feeling them is almost surreal – as if they had always been there, but you’d fallen asleep on them and they’d gone numb for your whole life. You take yourself by the horns and give your head a slight shake. Your whole head goes with them, without an ounce of discomfort – they’re definitely rooted in pretty deep, and by the feel of it, they’re solid to the core. You get the feeling you don’t need to be too careful about bumping your head any time soon.

You look over at Reeber and his horns, and instantly you’re curious as to what you look like. You extract your switchblade from your back pocket, flick it open, and check yourself in your impromptu mirror.
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You can’t help but notice your wrists as you do so – you roll up your sleeves, and find the blackened, hardened bone of your claw hands now creeps up your exposed arms, up to the elbow. Slight but sharp spines of bone jut out at the joint. That’s new, you think to yourself.

You go back to your knife and check your reflection, and have to say you look pretty scary. In addition to the horns, your skin is a shade paler, and your darkened veins now run jet black, as if you had oil for blood. There’s no way you’d be able to pass your appearance – sans raptor teeth and horns – as passing sickness. But your horns look damn good, you think. You were expecting them to be all straight and out of your forehead or something, and a lot smaller. You nod to yourself in satisfaction, and officially pronounce your new look as way fucking cool. (-5 Stress: 86/100)

You put the knife away, content for the moment. This whole ordeal with the red forest heart or whatever still has you worked up, you bury your face in Reeber’s shoulder and hug him around the neck. You stay like that for a long time, maybe half an hour or so, just breathing and trying to be chill. Reeber is content with hanging out by your side and doing nothing too exciting. (-15 Stress: 71/100)

As you sit there, you can almost feel an awareness of the forest itself. Like. You can feel its vastness, utterly dwarfing your size. You’re particularly conscious of the earth beneath you. The way the water sits below the ground. You think you know how old the trees are that you can see around you. None of this happens with numbers or quantifiable data, though. It’s just kind of intuitive. Like, you know for sure, but it would be hard to communicate to someone else what you know, because it’s more like you feel it with your heart rather than know it with your brain. It’s really weird, but kind of peaceful, in a fashion. (-2 Stress: 69/100)

You feel ready to go, after a while. You pat Reeber on the side and stand up. You take another look back at the enlarged orb of light. It still glows red. But not just any shade of red, though. It’s kind of a deep, rich shade of red. Darker than what you’d find in a box of crayons. It hits you that it’s your favorite color.

Huh. You may have some questions about that.

>What do you do?
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>track down Borya and ask how you commandeered the heart of the forest
Let's not be fucking retarded.
>>What do you do?
Go looking for the others.
No, lets.

Head back to the camp to chill down a bit more. We can come back and poke it again once we're not so stressed out.
>>What do you do?

Think to ourselves how AWESOME Halloween is going to be.
okay this as well
Head back to camp.
Touching it again would be incredibly stupid.
Which is why I'm suggesting that we do it. Come on, we never do anything STUPID. It'll be fun I swear!
This is so retarded I don't even know how to argue against it
okay, so we got off on the wrong foot with the heart of the forest, but if has turned our favorite colour and we do seem to have developed some kind of druid-sense.
What is the worst that touching it again could do?
Let's just head back.
Whats what we need to find out!
You have gained new abilities!

>Unnatural Countenance: You have a marked inhuman appearance. Your ghastly appearance is frightening.
>Horns: You have a pair of gnarled, twisting horns. They provide protection to your head akin to a helmet, and may be utilized as a weapon.
>Claw gauntlets: The hardened, boney flesh of your claws now extends up your arms and to your elbows. Claws gain +1 damage to attack.
Sierra doesn't have enough brain damage to do this, regardless of whether or not you do.

Feeling the energy of the earth coursing through your veins, you feel the limitations of your power slipping away. Choose one of the following abilities.

Fire Whip
>Generate a temporary whip of hellfire. (Damage: 2d5, Short range, Cost: 2 PP)
Explosive Flare
>A wave of fire explodes off of you, setting everything nearby ablaze.
Blood Curse
>You cause the blood of your target to become unstable, greatly weakening it. (Target takes increased damage, loses any buffs and suffers penalties to healing)

Atramentous Dominion
>You do not have to have physical contact with shadows to manipulate them. Darkness outside of close range takes more power to control.
Child of Night
> Darkness gives you a bonus to armor.
Shadow Sight
>You can see as well in the dark as you do in the light.

Terrorizing Glare
>Make eye contact with a target, filling it briefly with horrific, all-consuming fear. (Low cost, ranged debuff)
Soul Drinker
>Rip power from a target opponent at touch, and add it to your own. (Drain: 10 PP, Cost: 3 PP)
Inflict Pain
>Ignite an opponent’s senses with a crippling overload of pain. (High cost, powerful debuff)
>Soul Drinker
The others are interesting, but this seems like the most useful.
Soul Drinker
>Blood Curse
That could be super useful.
>Fire Whip
Fuck practical, we need to go for style.
Soul Drinker seems useful, but does Atramentous Dominion allow us to make armor and weapons from our own shadow? And can we get ideas of what lies further down each skill tree?
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A fiery whip you say......

Fire whip.

I would have voted for Soul Drinker except we've had Dark Heart for ages and have never used it (which Soul Drinker seems to be an upgrade for).
Blood curse
>Child of Night
Just a clarification. Soul drinker wouldn't work well on opponents without a sizable base of power.

Also, Sierra's good enough with dark heart to the point where it drains 1d6 PP from any target she hits with a physical strike, as a passive effect. Soul Drinker has different utility.

Also, you hellfire works as a buff with other attacks, so hellfire with a fire whip attack would do 4d5 of damage, and probably set the target on fire.


Dominion just adds ranged manipulation. Right now you're not good enough to make practical shadow armaments. Your shadow grasp is more like telekinesis right now.

And no, you don't know what's further down each skill tree. You'd have to talk to somebody about that.
>Atramentous Dominion
>Soul Drinker
>Fire Whip
Child of night.

Because we fight from shadows anyways, and this makes us less squishy while doing so.
What if hypothetically we had Child of Night? Could we Dominion shadows to us to gain the armor bonus?

Does Fire Whip count as a touch attack for purposes of Soul Drain or Dark Heart?

And is Inflict Pain melee or ranged?
Terrorizing Glare
>Make eye contact with a target, filling it briefly with horrific, all-consuming fear. (Low cost, ranged debuff)
>Fire whip
We need that style
Man, most of these are very good. It's hard to decide.
You head back the way you came, even while you meditate on your newfound abilities. On the way, you can’t really come up with any easy way of hiding your horns. They don’t seem retractable like your claws or anything else. It kind of worries you. You don’t think you could get away looking like this at school or out and about, but you figure you’ll hold off worry until you’ve talked with the others.

After some time, you come out into the field with Borislav’s truck parked in it. You see Borislav, Isaac, and Cassandra talking about something by the vehicle. Harvey and Rowan sit down on a quilt nearby, playing Uno.

You walk over, with Reeber leading the way. You come up to Isaac, Borya, and Cass.

Borislav is talking rapidly, and Isaac seems to be translating for him for Cassandra. “-changes everything. She’s claimed the landwell – her power is…” Isaac and Boris both trail off when they see you walking over. “You’re looking sprightly,” says Isaac, trying to smile. You can tell there’s a deep worry behind the smile, though.

Cassandra takes a second to take in your appearance. “Your horns look nice,” she says, perhaps trying to stave off any self-image issues you may be having.

>Yeah I know, right?
>Okay, what the fuck was that all about.
>I like my skull antlers and all, but uh, is there some convenient way to like, hide these somehow?
>I am the forest.
>I still have no clue how to turn into a bear. I am disappointed.
>Other (?)

Yes, if you pull shadows onto you then you get the armor bonus.

Fire whip is not a touch attack, it is a ranged melee attack with fire damage.

Inflict pain is short range, like siphon will, but a lot more violent.
>Shadow Sight

Just saying, this will be useful fighting any Verwelken.
>I still have no clue how to turn into a bear. I am disappointed.
>I like my skull antlers and all, but uh, is there some convenient way to like, hide these somehow?
>I still have no clue how to turn into a bear. I am disappointed.
>Okay, what the fuck was that all about.
>I like my skull antlers and all, but uh, is there some convenient way to like, hide these somehow?
In roughly that order.
>>Yeah I know, right?
>>I am the forest.
>>I still have no clue how to turn into a bear. I am disappointed.
>Horns are cool though, I hope they retract.
>I am the forest.
And then Sierra was the forest.
I think so too.
>Yeah I know, right?
Sounds good. Languid, you options are all so fun.
>Yeah I know, right?
>Ok, what the fuck was that all about?
>>I like my skull antlers and all, but uh, is there some convenient way to like, hide these somehow?
>>I still have no clue how to turn into a bear. I am disappointed.
>>Other (?)
"What's a landwell?"
I wonder how long it will be, considering these extreme changes to her appearance, that Sierra will turn into some kind of horrific eldritch abomination?
>horrific eldritch abomination

h-horns are beautiful!
I can't wait until she loses her humanity, suffering intensifies and she becomes the literal devil.

Akuma Sierra when
Nah, Sierra will cross into full demon territory and come across a stabilizing ability before then.
That's no fun.
I never said it was a bad thing..
Abominations are human too you know? Check your privilege
Randomly loosing control and waking up in a puddle of fun after fading to black every time shit goes down is no fun.
>I like my skull antlers and all, but uh, is there some convenient way to like, hide these somehow? They don't seem retractable like the claws or fangs.
I never said by losing humanity we lose control. That's completely different son.
Hey Languid can I ask a question about the sanity meter: What happens if it reaches zero? Does reaching zero mean that Sierra has become terminally insane?
Oh man, what if we had to cut them off EVERY time we wanted to go out and do normal stuff
Stress seems to lead to an Infernus-related outburst. Sanity might be Verwelken.
We probably reach insanity levels around 40, 0 could mean BAD END.
I want us to be so fucking horrifying that even the real nasty demons shit their pants when we show off.

If that is the case then is there a Belphegoran drawback we haven't comer across yet?
Emo vampireness?
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Hellboy Quest inbound
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God I hope not.
Guys: INFLICT PAIN will make us super evil looking, and allow us to disable someone without killing them. We already have ways to kill people, and doing it a slightly longer ranges or slightly faster isn't that cool.
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>Fire whip isn't cool
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Burn the witch!
ok, its "COOL" but doesn't offer much more ability than we already have. We are already really good at killing things. We have no way to capture or torture anyone.
Also: for more powers: I think that it would be more fun to play a stealthy quick ninja thing that a brawler. "I SMASH IT" gets boring to write and read after awhile. I sugest we go for powers that give us abilities that we can't already achieve or for abilities that make us faster/stealthier.
You glow inwardly at the compliment Cass paid you, even if it maybe was pandering. No one’s ever complimented your head-spikes before. Horns. Head-spikes sounds dumb, you’ll stick with horns. (-4 Stress: 65/100)

“I’m all for nature hikes and journeys of self discovery and crap,” you say to all present, “but not when they don’t bring me any closer to turning into a bear. I’m like, really unhappy right now.”

Isaac mutters what you said to Borislav, who laughs big laughs. He gives you a loud reply in Russian, and laughs a bit more.

Isaac translates. “Borislav says the first step to becoming a bear is to accept not being a bear,” he relays.

“Oh yeah?” you ask. “What’s the second step, hotshot?”

Borislav seems to anticipate your words, because he already has a reply ready. “Become a yazichni druid,” Isaac translates.

You point a steady claw at Boris. “Don’t think I won’t,” you say. You remember what it was you really wanted to talk about, though. “Hey. What the fuck just happened? Not that I’m dissing the results, but I’m like… the forest right now or something. Am I a druid now or what?”

Isaac starts translating. Meanwhile, Cass smiles, and leans back against Borislav’s truck. “Becoming a druid isn’t that easy,” she says.

“And no,” Isaac cuts in, “you’re not a druid. The light Borislav showed you was a landwell. A node of natural energy in the earth.”

“You’re going to need to give me the Landwells for Dummies version,” you say frankly.

Cassandra is the one that answers you. “Basically, magical energy works like water. It comes from the earth and brings life, and it flows around from place to place, in rivers. A landwell is where that energy forms a natural pool.”

“Like a bunch of rivers dumping into a big energy magic lake?” you ask. You can’t believe you’re talking about real life right now. This all sounds ridiculous, and yet, it is the best way to describe what you experienced.

“Just like that,” Cassandra affirms. “Borislav gets his abilities from merging with landwells and ley lines – the natural flows of power. He and the earth act as one.”

You snicker.

“What are you laughing at?” Isaac asks, frowning.

“Hippies. Green peace. I mean. The planet’s alive? Hell, they’d fucking eat this crap up,” you say. Still, you don’t plan on becoming vegetarian. Ever. “Okay, so how is what happened with the landwell and me different than what Borislav does?”

Isaac rubs his chin. “You linked up with the landwell,” he says. “It’s… yours, in a manner of speaking.”

“That doesn’t sound like Green Peace at all,” you say, pleased.

Borislav says something then, with Isaac picking up the slack. “Boris merges with nature, and shares its strength, but the majority of nature’s power builds, and lies dormant in reservoirs. You took one and aligned it with yourself. It’s a part of you now,” he says, waiting for Borislav to speak on. “You claimed it, and you can drink from it wherever you are.”

>So why didn’t you claim the landwell or whatever?
>If you merge with landwells, and that landwell's mine, does that make me your boss now?
>If I’m never going to be able to turn into a bear, you can just tell me to my face.
>Other (?)
>>If you merge with landwells, and that landwell's mine, does that make me your boss now?
>>If I’m never going to be able to turn into a bear, you can just tell me to my face.
>Show them the fire whip and make a reference to Lord of the rings
>>If I’m never going to be able to turn into a bear, you can just tell me to my face.
>So why didn’t you claim the landwell or whatever?
>If I’m never going to be able to turn into a bear, you can just tell me to my face.
>So why didn’t you claim the landwell or whatever?
>If you merge with landwells, and that landwell's mine, does that make me your boss now?
>So what's drinking from it do?
he makes a decent point. we already have burning claws and hellbolt just adding a whip to that doesnt change anything. we can only sap will which is ok but not evil or useful enough. i wonder what being able to torture someone with our mind will unlock for next level. ether than or darkness powers because darkness powers are sweet

>If you merge with landwells, and that landwell's mine, does that make me your boss now?
>If I’m never going to be able to turn into a bear, you can just tell me to my face.
Somebody tally our votes for the ability.
>So why didn’t you claim the landwell or whatever?
"Can I acquire additional Landwells?"
>So why didn't you claim the landwell or whatever?
We need to star working on lezing out with rowan
>>So why didn’t you claim the landwell or whatever?
>>If you merge with landwells, and that landwell's mine, does that make me your boss now?
fire whip got 4
child of night and soul drinker both got 3
Perhaps you should do that. Someone could "accidentally" miscount.
We should really do a final destination voting system. There may have been some samefagging. Suggestion:

>Pick two numbers, post them in order, ex: 46
1 Fire Whip
2 Explosive Flare
3 Blood Curse
4 Atramentous Dominion
5 Child of Night
6 Shadow Sight
7 Terrorizing Glare
8 Soul Drinker
9 Inflict Pain
Heh, obviously we belong with Broya, not Rowan.
and you ignored the two people asking for inflict pain. douche.
If we can't be a bear then we'll get ourselves inside one, goddamnit.
wait...then someone could samefag with "13, 15, 16, 12..."

lets just do a single number.

"Does Borya feel the forest the same way I do now? I don't know how to put it, it's like I can feel it connecting to me, like I could go running around with my eyes closed and not stumble over a root.

I kinda get the feeling that claiming landwells isn't common, otherwise someone would've claimed this one already. Can hellborn usually do stuff like this? Who else can claim landwells?"
I listed the ones that got the most
I went above and beyond listing night child and soul whatever, fire whip won. That was the only one I really needed to list, assfaggot
I say we still do a final destination vote. Lets remove any doubt.

Okay, super voting time.

1 Fire Whip
2 Explosive Flare
3 Blood Curse
4 Atramentous Dominion
5 Child of Night
6 Shadow Sight
7 Terrorizing Glare
8 Soul Drinker
9 Inflict Pain

Post the number, nothing else. Don't quote this post, because I won't count it. I guess you can have something in the subject field, since that doesn't matter.

Five minutes. Go.
doesn't count
no quote
Dark horse Explosive Flare gogogo
I only noticed that bit after posting. I'm just used to quoting for the quick reply box. I am a fool.
9 won
yay for unethical treatment of enemies.
Last legit vote
Looks liike fire whip still takes it
learn to count
damn your right...by 1 vote.
“So since it’s my landwell now,” you say, “and you merge with landwells, I’m like, your boss now, right?”

Isaac smirks and translates this to Borislav. Borya laughs hard, for a while. “No!” he says. He laughs more, and even harder. “No, dyevooshka, no no no no. How is said gloopy?” he asks Isaac.

“Silly,” Isaac provides.

Borya takes a second to compose himself. “You are silly!” he tells you, in no uncertain terms. You get the feeling ‘silly’ isn’t a good translation of what the druid is trying to say.

“That’s not what gloopy means, is it,” you say.

“It’s more polite translation for this situation,” Isaac says, smirking back. Cassandra smacks him in the shoulder.
>All this samefag for Explosive flare
I want a revote.

“Look,” you say flatly, folding your arms and staring Borislav in the eye. “If you’re never going to tell me how to turn into a bear – I mean, you know, if I’m never even going to be able to turn into a bear at all, I’d appreciate it if you’d just say it to my face,” you say.

It hurts you to say so, but if your dreams of becoming the bear are impossible, you’d rather focus on getting over them than striving for something that can never be. “The more you build me up the worse it’s going to be when I figure it out.”

Borislav stops Isaac before he’s translated more than a quarter of what you said. He seems torn as to what to say, but after a bit he comes to a conclusion and speaks. “You are not bear,” he says with a matter-of-fact shrug.

“Dammit,” you swear. You try to let it roll off you, though. “Fuck, man. Well whatever.”

>So why didn’t you claim the landwell thing?
>So… is this like a one time deal, or can I acquire additional landwells?
>How many landwell dealios are there out there?
>Other (?)
You now have fire whip.
>So why didn’t you claim the landwell thing?
>So why didn't you claim the landwell thing?
"So... I didn't like, bogart your powersource or anything did I?"
>>So why didn’t you claim the landwell thing?
>>So why didn’t you claim the landwell thing?
>So… is this like a one time deal, or can I acquire additional landwells?
>Other (?)
If I acquire more of them, will it make me more "demonic" in a "I'm Meckor and I'm a big jerk" way or something bad like that?
>So why didn’t you claim the landwell thing?
>So… is this like a one time deal, or can I acquire additional landwells?
>So why didn’t you claim the landwell thing?
>So… is this like a one time deal, or can I acquire additional landwells?

Also ask who/what else can claim landwells and how common they are.

"Borya can still pull his druidic mojo with the well, right? And is the land going to change because it's aligned to me now and I'm kinda demonic?"
Ha ha did we just create our own little Hell out here in the forest
Can't wait to see the sky turn red and the grass turn into bloodroot.
Say what you will about the potential long-term effects of turning a major chunk of forest into a hellscape, Reeber would love it.
If I can't turn into a bear, I'll just find the way to turn into a HELLbear in my own private hell
With Blackjack! And Hookers!
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And thus hellborn quest has ended, it is not time for hellbear quest.
No anon! Don't you see? That's exactly what nature/the lawn wants!
The closest thing to a bear you'll find in the lawn is a gopher, do you really want to be a hellgopher anon? My wiener dog kills those, his name is fucking Picasso.
“You handled that well,” says Isaac.

“Don’t patronize me,” you shoot back. “I’m in a mood. Now one thing I’m not getting here, what was stopping Borya from grabbing the landwell thing if it’s so great? Is that like, one of the vows of his order or whatever?”

“He doesn’t because he can’t,” says Cassandra. “None of us can.”

“The only things that can claim landwells are landmasters,” Isaac tells you.

This doesn’t mean anything to you. “These are just a bunch of words right now,” you say. “You’re saying I’m a landmaster? So… what?”

“There aren’t many landmasters out there,” Cassandra says. “But at least one of your parents was a landmaster.”

“So, does that mean the woods are going to turn into hell now? I mean, Borya can still do the druid thing, right?”

Borya tells something to Isaac. “He says it’ll be fine. And the woods should stay just the way they are, unless you start trying to manipulate things. And by the way,” says Isaac, “don’t do that.”

A slight chill goes down your spine with the warning. You’re not sure if it’s from the fear of responsibility or the thrill that you could screw things up if you wanted to. Maybe it’s both. Power is intoxicating. “Can landmasters claim more landwells?”

“Yes,” says Cassandra. “Some of the most powerful ones have dozens.”

Dozens? You can barely handle one, and it’s wrecking you up pretty bad. “Now, while I like these guys,” you say, flicking one of your horns with a claw, “am I going to like… get more demony if I ever get claim another one?”

“The more landwells a landmaster controls, the more powerful they become,” says Isaac. “For you, I don’t know what could happen. The more power you get, the stronger your demonic traits will manifest. Things that you may have had develop anyway with time,” he explains.

“Your human characteristics should grow stronger too, though,” says Cassandra, giving a counterpoint. “I don’t think you need to be afraid of being swallowed up by that side of yourself.”

“Can anything else claim landwells, or just landmasters?” you ask. “Can demons be landmasters?”

“Almost anything can be a landmaster,” Isaac says. “Humans. Angels. Demons. Dragons.”

Something clicks into place. The photo. Mother came here before. There’s no real reason to come to this part of the woods except for the landwell. Your mom must have been the landmaster. She was the crazy cool demon, after all.

>This is like, a lot to process right now.
>Do we have to stop at Home Depot and pick up a handsaw before I go back to school?
>This landwell thing made some funky crap happen. Is there a reason we can’t keep training or are we still good?
>Other (?)
>>This landwell thing made some funky crap happen. Is there a reason we can’t keep training or are we still good?
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>And by the way,” says Isaac, “don’t do that.”
Aww now we can't do the hellbear thing.
>Do we have to stop at Home Depot and pick up a handsaw before I go back to school?
>>Do we have to stop at Home Depot and pick up a handsaw before I go back to school?
>>This landwell thing made some funky crap happen. Is there a reason we can’t keep training or are we still good?
>This is like, a lot to process right now.
>Do we have to stop at Home Depot and pick up a handsaw before I go back to school?
Tell them about the dream.
>>Do we have to stop at Home Depot and pick up a handsaw before I go back to school?
>>This landwell thing made some funky crap happen. Is there a reason we can’t keep training or are we still good?
punctuate this last one by lighting up our fire whip
>>Do we have to stop at Home Depot and pick up a handsaw before I go back to school?
Please don't insult Languid like that.
>Do we have to stop at Home Depot and pick up a handsaw before I go back to school?
>>This is like, a lot to process right now.
No seriously, the fuck is land master?
Please don't be retarded.
a really stupid name for something really cool. I'm assuming they have dominion over an area, and sierra COULD turn it into a hell on earth.
Guise, it's a whip, as in hard to control and prone to accidentally hitting shit you don't want to that you're standing right next to.

It's also made of fire.
Well obviously back up out of flaying range first, I'm not too up for burning our surrogate family to death
It can't be that simple. Otherwise it'd be retardedly easy for a renegade from one side or the other to start seizing as many landwells as they could manage.

Isaac mentioned other powers (which might include dragons) being 'territorial' which might suggest that those who overextend their reach on landwells may be put back in their place by others.

Could be what happened to our mother.
I'd like to put Sierra's mother back in her place, if you know what I mean.

Wink wink.
Cuddling with Sierra?
More training. Got to get fit.
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mo' trainin'
oh shit, Isaac's face when we go to spar again.
Claymore throw, and while he's distracted by the repeated tactic we unleash the fire whip on his ass.
Everything seems okay, more or less, now that you know what’s going on. Except one thing. Your awesome horns. Loathe as you are to say so, you would choose your friends and school and crap over having the best innate headgear possible. “How do I keep them?” you blurt out. “My horns. I’m not sawing these guys off. Please don’t tell me I have to saw them off.”

Cassandra tries to suppress a laugh and fails. Why on earth is she laughing? This is serious business.

Isaac talks briefly with Borya. “Borislav can help you figure out a glamor to cover them,” he says, after they reach a conclusion. “It shouldn’t be too difficult, but it will require some effort on your part.”

“Done,” you say. Your fingers twitch. Your mind is taken back to the thing about the landwell making you more powerful. You wonder what you’re capable of now? “So… are we good to go back to training? I mean, sun’s still up, right?” you say.

“For the time being,” says Cassandra. “What do you think, Isaac?”

“I think we came up here to train,” he says, smiling. “Let’s go.”


You spend a considerable amount of time working with Rowan, and you grow accustomed to her abilities as she does to yours. As the sun sinks down, you start whipping out your shadow powers to great effect.

The Hallows and Borislav both seemed intrigued and excited at the prospects of pitting themselves against your more Verwelken traits, and you get a good chance to practice with them out in the open, learning how to deal with pesky things like flashlights and firelight used against you. Flashlights you can flank, since they shine in one direction. Fire is trickier, but you can work shadows closer to fire than you can to electrical lighting because of its flickering, shifting nature.

The glamor thing is a bit trickier. You don’t get the spell or magic or whatever, but once Borislav puts it in place, you’re able to get a hold of it and figure it out from there. Compared to turning himself into a bear, making your horns disappear must be pretty easy. It’s kind of weird though, moving around with the illusion in place. You can wave your hands through the space you know your horns occupy, but it’s as if they’re not there, even though you can still feel them – they feel like they’re shrink wrapped or something, and it’s a little uncomfortable. You can get used to it, though.

You’re tired, stiff, and glowing with heat by the time Cassandra calls the day. You rigidly pack things into the back of the minivan, wincing as you go. Your body is killing you.

“Ouch,” says Ro, pausing to look at the back of your neck as you angrily stuff a tent into its packaging. “You’re burned. Like. A lot.”
>This landwell thing made some funky crap happen. Is there a reason we can’t keep training or are we still good?

It is a lot to process, best way to deal with it is GIT GUD.

You feel the back of your neck. It’s hot, and sensitive to the touch. You check your arms, which have also been bothering you. They’re are burnt as well. Long sleeves provide no protection when you keep them rolled up to keep your claws free. “Ugh,” you groan. This is not the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last.

Rowan looks back out toward the field, even as Harvey takes over your tent stuffing while you fret over your sunburns. “It didn’t feel that hot. Was it really that sunny?” she asks, puzzling over the perceived mystery.

“Somebody needs to spend more than ten seconds a day in the sun,” Harvey quips, tossing the tent into the trunk.

>Somebody needs to shut the hell up.
>Why didn’t anybody mention sunscreen? There’s like, SPF fifty right there in the bag!
>Heat and sunlight are two very different animals.
>I've got this, just point me to the aloe vera. Two, three gallons should do the trick.
>Other (?)
>Heat and sunlight are two very different animals.
>I've got this, just point me to the aloe vera. Two, three gallons should do the trick.
>>I've got this, just point me to the aloe vera. Two, three gallons should do the trick.
>>Why didn’t anybody mention sunscreen? There’s like, SPF fifty right there in the bag!
>Other (?)
"Verwelken, bitch" and give them the finger
>>Why didn’t anybody mention sunscreen? There’s like, SPF fifty right there in the bag!
>>Heat and sunlight are two very different animals.
>>I've got this, just point me to the aloe vera. Two, three gallons should do the trick.
maybe toss in a quip
>Why didn't anybody mention sunscreen? There's like, SPF fifty right there in the bag!
>Why didn’t anybody mention sunscreen? There’s like, SPF fifty right there in the bag!

Because whinging like a sunburnt bitch is -exactly- what anyone would do.
When we get back does anyone feel like gaslighting Trixie? You know, just getting her alone and giving her a full blast of our hideous appearance possibly while screaming LIBERATE TUTAME EX INFERNUS right in her face and then walking off like nothing happened?
Sounds fun, but the school's probably got security cameras. Plus I doubt we could get her away from her entourage.
That is overkill and retarted as fuck.
"Have you ever had sunburn so bad you got blisters? That you literally started cooking in your own skin? That's why I try not to go outside without covering up."
Who says we gotta do it at school?
I agree.

But I also think it's something Sierra would find tempting.
Sierra would think that it was funny as hell
We all find it tempting
Just like we find it tempting to punch people we don't like
We're able to resist those urges, thankfully.
�Yeah, funny, laugh at the Verwelken getting sunburnt,� you say. �Fucking racism, nobody laughs at the albinos when they get sunburned. I should sue.�

�I�ll get Mom,� says Ro. She walks off.

�It�s nothing, so long as they don�t blister,� you say after her. The last thing you need is people fussing over you, but she�s already gone. �Aloe vera. Do we have it?� you ask Harvey.

He�s quick on the draw. He unzips a bag and tosses you a small thing of the stuff, in one of those diminutive little bottles you might see in a hotel. �What the hell is this supposed to be?� you say, holding up the microscopic container.

�Aloe vera,� Harvey answers straightaway.

�Come on, don�t you guys have like a family sized pack or something?� you ask, even as you empty the entire container into a hand and ration it between all of your burns. It will have to do until you get back to the house. �And this is all your fault. I bet you do crap like this every other weekend. Don�t think I don�t see that SPF 50 wedged by the cooler,� you say. �How hard would�ve it been to be like, hey, anybody want sunscreen? I mean, it�s a normal gesture of like, manners or something � it slipped my mind. It�s not like I fucking deserve this because I�m not used to getting out in the sun and fire whipping people.�
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I'd laugh so hard at that.
Harvey watches impassively, smirking slightly through the entirety of your rant until Cassandra appears out of the darkness with a large, life-giving bottle in hand. �I thought you were looking red,� she says. �Sit down.�

Instead of sitting down, you take the bottle from her. �Sweet mercy,� you say, going wild with the stuff. It�s only after you get too much on you that you allow her to step in and do the detail work.

On the ride back, you side with the minivan, sitting in the front seat with the aloe vera kept in the cup holder, right at hand. You�re not falling for Isaac and his open-air hijinks tonight. No need to add hypothermia to your list of woes, though it would likely not take the number one spot away from your egregious burns.

Whenever the aloe dries off, you carefully work on more. The regimen should help your skin not fall off a couple days from now.

�That was fun,� says Cassandra, her face barely illuminated by the faint green glow of the dashboard and the occasional passing car. Harvey sits in the back, dead asleep with pillow under head, and with Reeber nested by his side. Ro is with Isaac, probably making fun of him for when you knocked him on his ass with a fucking whip of fire.

>Say nothing.
>I guess.
>Kind of was.
>Borya�s a sport.
>Your kids are pretty cool.
>Isaac�s not so bad after you sick a hellhound on him a couple times.
>Other (?)
>Borya�s a good sport.
>Your kids are pretty cool
>>Borya�s a sport.
>>Your kids are pretty cool.
Ah, but Sierra isn't.
You learned Rowan's moveset pretty thoroughly today.

>Light of Righteousness: Becomes encased in a solid sheath of impenetrable light, giving her great defense against many forms of physical damage.
>Smite: Double a weapon's damage and switch it's type to Holy.
>Uncanny Reflexes: Pretty much the same as yours, though Rowan's a little quicker on the draw.
>Holy Zeal: The more damage dealt, the stronger and more accurate her attacks become.
>Hallow Ground: Pour heavenly energy into the ground, dissipating hostile energy or spell-craft that passes over it.
>Bless: Give an ally a light buff to all rolls for a short duration.
>Kind of was.
>Your kids are pretty cool.
>Your kids are pretty cool.
>Isaac�s not so bad after you sick a hellhound on him a couple times.
So... where Did Borya and Isaac meet up? And How come Isaac speaks Russian?
>>Borya�s a sport.
>>Your kids are pretty cool.
>Physical damage.

Does this mean anything that exists naturally or is it just protection from stabs, clubs or bullets.

Would fire or lightning count?
This. Russian isn't an easy to learn language, he must have had a motive.
>Holy Zeal
Is there an upper limit to Holy zeal? Because if there isn't, she would be like the Incredible Hulk, going through mooks like they were nothing
>Borya?s a sport.

Is the text messed up for anyone else?
>>Kind of was.
>>Your kids are pretty cool.
>>Isaac�s not so bad after you sick a hellhound on him a couple times.
and a shout out to Bear-ya
>>Kind of was.
>Borya’s a sport.
>Isaac’s not so bad after you sick a hellhound on him a couple times.
“Borya’s a sport,” you say, allowing a beat of silence to pass. “How long has he been in the US?”

“About a month,” says Cassandra.

“Hmm,” you say. “His English is pretty good then, actually.” You doubt you could pick up Russian half as well.

“Give him a few more months,” she says. “He’s quick.”

“You know who’s quick,” you say, “Rowan. Like. She doesn’t look like she’s quick, but she’s way quick.”

“That’s Rowan,” Cassandra says, smiling. “You know, the first time she walked, she took off running.”

“This sounds like one of those fake mother stories.”

“I wish,” says Cass. “She moved so fast, Isaac didn’t know what to do until she ran into a chair, poor girl.”

“Okay, blackmail quota reached for today,” you say, checking your mental checkbox. “What about Harvey? Got any dirt on him?”

“Not while he’s in the car,” says Cassandra, knowingly. “He’s good at pretending to be asleep.”
You make a note never to say anything in his presence ever again. “Y’know, that was pretty cool when you all drove up and ran over that demon that was trying to kill me,” you say. “And he was all like, standing up and shooting and stuff. That’s like, pretty cool, actually.”

“The coolest kids in the world live in my house,” Cass says proudly. “By the way, Sierra, I was talking to a few friends of mine a couple days ago, and we think we can get you your records transferred in and get you your own class schedule. What kinds of electives would you want?”

>I’d prefer to stick to classes I’ve been going to with Ro, where possible. I’ve already got my teeth sunk into them kind of.
>Art stuff, probably. They’re the most brain dead kind of classes out there.
>Do they teach Russian there?
>Maybe something with journalism. Everyone I know does school paper stuff.
>Somebody I know [Baron] has a class called science fiction fantasy literature. Is that like, a real thing?
>Other (?)
>Somebody I know [Baron] has a class called science fiction fantasy literature. Is that like, a real thing?

Can we choose more than 1?
>Art stuff, probably. They’re the most brain dead kind of classes out there.
>Do they teach Russian there?
>"I think I got it. Borya wasn't a bear. And isn't one, kinda. But he can be one. And just because I'm not a bear, doesn't mean I can't be an awesome fire bear.
>Art stuff, probably. They're the most brain dead kind of classes out there.
>>Art stuff, probably. They’re the most brain dead kind of classes out there.
You can pick two.

I think maybe I'll call it for the night, actually, despite not getting to a neat stopping point. It's pretty late, even for me. We shall resume tomorrow, sometime after 4:00 PM MST. Check twitter for details.
>Do they teach Russian there?
>Art stuff, probably. They’re the most brain dead kind of classes out there.
> Everything else with Rowan, though.
Languid, want to use my late but relevant, post here?
>Art stuff, probably. They’re the most brain dead kind of classes out there.

Oh goodie!
>Do they teach Russian there?
Coolio, thanks Languid.
not to be greedy, but can we just try for Russian, a single art class, and mostly stick with Ro. Seems unlikely to cause a Hulk out at school
Stick with RO and Russian.
>>I’d prefer to stick to classes I’ve been going to with Ro, where possible. I’ve already got my teeth sunk into them kind of.
>>Art stuff, probably. They’re the most brain dead kind of classes out there.
Mostly stick to Ro's classes, but pick up art.
>Art stuff, probably. They’re the most brain dead kind of classes out there.
>Do they teach Russian there?
>Still try to mostly stick with the same Classes Ro has

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