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You explain your perfectly normal plans in a perfectly normal fashion!

Despite your efforts, Jinx looks doubtful.

"Forgive me if I'm not convinced."

She comes away from the door, uncrossing her arms. The room is silent save for reverberating footsteps.

She stops only feet away from you. Her eyes are piercing and difficult to read.

"Look... I'm not gonna pry into your night life, but don't do anything stupid. Call me tonight if you get into trouble; I'll keep it between us, and I don't ask questions."

She goes for the elevator, tapping your communicator with her knuckle as she passes.

She's gone, but you've got backup if you need it.

You leave through the unguarded doors. Your communicator makes a muffled noise.

(Player: Check Journal)
It's happening
>You kept quiet. Nice.

And a doubtful Jinx.

We're doing good.
Yes, mysterious summons, we didn't tell anyone. Now hurry up and go back to mysteriously summoning.

Good to have you back, Humble.
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Can't wait to walk into a trap and have Jinx come rescue us.
This is why Jinx is the best girl.
Dat filename
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Jinx best girl
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>She's gone, but you've got backup if you need it.
Jinx is pretty great, at least Humble's version of her is
Pleaseee don't make Terra evil.
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Rolled 8, 10 = 18

Haa, thats sweet of you.

Humble is season six.
Rolled 3, 9 + 1 = 13

If thats the case there's a lot more death and swearing in season six.

Probably not.

We just saw her.
Rolled 10, 7 + 1 = 18

In some alternate universe our dreams have come true.
I'm okay with that

>There are universes where Humble is the writer for Teen Titans Season 6
especially the death
>show gets cancelled for too much focus on shipping

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But shipping makes the world go 'round!
Is there any good Terra r34?

Alright, we're doing so fucking good right now.

Lets show this fucker who Donn Mortem is.
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Yes, but don't post any here. I doubt /tg/ mods are lenient to that stuff.

>Implying we're that loser

Last years news. We're the new kid on the block.
Rolled 5, 5 = 10

You're right

We're New 52 Donn
>Lets show this fucker who Donn Mortem is.

The guy gets his friends killed and scarred both mentally and physically.

Also, not him. Different character.
No, its the same. And who died?

Would you guys shut up and get hype

We have the powers, but so far we're more competent, so just go with it.
Raven. Alot
Raven died twice

Jinx lost an eye

Cyborg temporarily lost his body

Starfire was horrifically maimed

Beast Boy lost the memories of his parents
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>Wanna stay up and finish quest

Ah yes, back to Humble induced insomnia

I thought this was the soft-reboot canon where that didn't happen!

Look, it doesn't matter, we're doing good. Just keep doing it.
The night is cold. The moon is bright.

There are no stars. Just a moon to your right and a city to your left as you step along the ocean's swirling edge.

It's a little past midnight. You're standing in front of an industrial plaza. It's one of several. You have no idea where in the docks to go.

Maybe it was just a prank. Either way, your eyes are peeled for trouble.

It's dark. Way too dark for comfort.

"It's good to see you, kid."

Words fall from the sky. You look up to see a humanoid figure. He's perched high within the crane's arm. A black cape flutters on the high breeze.

Little is visible, but you can make out a white mask on his face.

"Nice night, huh?"

A: Not as nice as you'd like.
B: Stay quiet.
C: You're not here for chit-chat. Ask him why he called you here.
Reminder: I need to go through the quest again.
>Red X

>Also, not him. Different character.

For now, the MC is pretty much the same, albeit with less developed powers.

Again, his personality extends only as far as the community decides.
>C: You're not here for chit-chat. Ask him why he called you here.
Rolled 10, 6 + 1 = 17

>No, its the same

Old quest is finished. This is a completely new start.
Rolled 9, 1 = 10

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>Again, his personality extends only as far as the community decides.


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>C: You're not here for chit-chat. Ask him why he called you here.
called it
spoiled links? pls :_:

Just one good Terra r34 link before I have to go to sleep.

Which says nothing about personality only that the powers are the same. Seeing as none of the events that made Donn what he is have happened bringing old quest baggage into the new one makes no sense.
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OK guys, I know this is our of canon knowledge but look.

The last time we fought this guy fair without powers he annihilated us without trying.

So we're teleporting like a weasal as soon as shit goes down.
Agreed, there is no way in hell that we can take him.
we have no knowledge of who that is right now so play it neutral and maybe we can even make a friend out of him if were not too "you should be good" and all

it would be cool to have red X as a bro

Yes! That's what I'm saying, he's not a sad slump because he maimed his friends, he's the hot headed new kid on the team.

>Implying we weren't going to teleport anyway.
according to the journal we can barely take BB so good plan
You didn't come here to talk.

The man in Black shifts his position on the crane.

"Settle down, kid. The name's Red X, and I wanna make a deal."

D: What kind of deal?
E: You're not interested in working with criminals!
F: Sounds fun. You're in, no questions asked.
Rolled 10, 4 = 14


Give him the D

gimmie info on your schemes
>D: What kind of deal?
Lets feel this shit out

Let's at least hear what he has to say
Give him the Donn.
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>hot headed new kid on the team.

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Give him that D
The D
OK, even though we're outclassed, lets be assertive here.

We have Jinx as backup, which is probably enough to win.
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I give you this.
Yeah, because that went so well for us last time
And I fucked up the tags. I chose D.
>We have Jinx as backup, which is probably enough to win.

Ignoring the fact Jinx is shit tier, Red X regularly stomped the whole team. We're fucked in a fight. Not that he can do any lasting damage anyway.
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Eh, if we're really fucked, Jinx should at least be enough help to get us out alive, and if she catches X off guard, she might be able to take him out, her powers are dangerous
For someone who hasn't actually read this quest before, who is Rex X?
So are we archiving on supra this run?
>Red X regularly stomped the whole team.

Incorrect, he regularly escaped the whole team.

In a brawl he's fucked, but there's no way we could catch him.
Jason Todd

>her powers are dangerous
>Literally goon tier

She was threatening for all of one episode. She never did anything since.
Lets be honest. Robin has probably been watching us this whole time.
Most of us assume Jason Todd
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Funny you should bring that up...
>who is Rex X?

You never watched the show?


Go back and watch his first episode.
Yeah, I could see that

She fucked up Rouge's shit

Beast Boy's conspiracy theories were always great
It's much better if you watched the show. The original 2003 show, not the recent Go!

And unlike these (>>33687769 >>33687752) they never explicitly state who he is.

She's mercenary tier.

And Humble tends to imply that she's a really good fighter.
>Was hoping to make a quest in the DC universe
>Now that this is back I'll constantly get compared to Humble and bitched at by her fans

Still, nice to see this back in action. Looking forward to it.
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Depends on place and time, im sure she'll be able to help
You're listening. What does he have in mind?

"Not so fast." He says, wagging a finger. "I need your word on something. You can't tell your team about anything that happens tonight."

This is getting worse by the minute. If he has something villainous in mind, you're right where he wants you.

G: Nothing will get back to the Titans. You give him your word.
H: (Lie) Nothing will get back to the Titans. You give him your word.
I: You can't promise him that.

Fuck you.

It's not like they matter.

Run it anyway.

Yeah, lets betray the only family we've ever had. That'd be great Red X

Let's be honest here, he'll see right through us if we lie
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Someone give this poor man some r34.

You have my permission.
Just fucking do it.
Be your own QM do your own thing and stop finding excuses to do what you want.
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She is well trained and has a decent level of power, but she's always been held back because she believes she's a magnet for bad luck.
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And now I know H was the right choice.

We can't promise that they'll find out anyway. What he's asking is technically impossible.
I saw a few seasons I know, I just don't remember him coming up.

Nah man, there's no monopoly on the overall setting of a Quest

>Head canon

No one cares.

Yes, because lying to the team and going behind their backs is a good thing for new members to do.
>H: (Lie) Nothing will get back to the Titans. You give him your word.
He won't believe us, then again, I doubt he'd really believe us if we said G anyway. We can always change our minds ya know

I'd choose H if it had a dice roll, but since it doesn't.
Oh hey look like this think is back and maybe got a reboot.
We still sorrow, angst, and drama like the comics?

That'd be retarded if he can somehow read minds. There's zero difference between G and H unless sincerity somehow locks us into future decisions.
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Nope, we hot blooded reckless Donn

This is based on the show.
On a quiet Saturday afternoon >>33687923 was brutally
[_]Told [_]Severely Told [_]No Told for told men [_]Told king Cole was a merry old told [_]left out in the Told [_]Told Mountain [_]Told Case [_]Grumpy Told men [x]Brave and the Told

by >>33687959. A body was not found and no one ate dinner that night. More at 11.
Hopefully not. Jinx still has her eye and we haven't met Raven yet so that connection deal we did might not be there.

Thank you anon, but I realized that I was being mean and deleted it.
I missed whatever was said
And yet the quest ran and read more like the comics.

First thread of the reboot or is there more? Need to catch up if so.
Rolled 10, 5 = 15

>feeling bad for being mean
>too som of all people
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>Feeling bad about being mean to Somnius of all things

C'mon anon, really?
He said:

"Yeah, if there was you'd be shit out of luck, huh?"
Haha, yeah
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>Somnius leading in the quality department

Oh Jesus, no.

Look, I realize that Som is annoying.

But I don't want to bring the negativity into it. I'd rather everyone just ignore him and not make a fuss.

Maybe he'll learn how to do quality posting someday.

I just filter him. At least Party Tripfag realised he was being a faggot and went anon. Maybe he will too if we ignore him.
Wow Som is down to "special kid no one in the class will make fun of" level. Fits
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>And yet the quest ran and read more like the comics.

Are you implying that the quest is shit?
Don't count on it, I always use my trip
You lie to him. A moment of silence passes between the two of you.

"You're a hard guy to read. I get the feeling you don't trust me."

Obviously not. You have every reason not to.

"But then..." He starts. "How can you not trust a guy who just saved your life?"

You start to respond, but don't have the time. His arm flicks out with supernatural speed, throwing a buzzing, X-shaped projectile in your direction.

There's no time to react. You're not nearly that skilled.

Fortunately, it doesn't strike your face. It misses by an inch, clunking loudly against the forehead of a humanoid figure behind you.

You turn where you stand. Dozens of men, cloaked in black, have been quietly creeping up to interrupt your conversation. They must have been blending into the shadows.

Two boots collide with the hard ground to your right. Red X stands at his full height, readying another projectile.

"Looks like our party's been crashed. Can you handle yourself in a fight?"

Is he kidding? Of course you can.

You bring up your fists.

The men charge.

You aren't going down tonight.

Holy shit
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y u end like this y
hubble plz
Oooh Humble you tease
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>You aren't going down tonight.


Awww shit

Aaaaaaaaaaaand there it is. Almost forgot about those.
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Loved the thread Humbie. It brings back so many good memories and I hope the actual quest isn't too far off.
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Finally... I can sleep.
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Here's hoping the proper start comes soon
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That's all for tonight, folks!

What did you think? Please, your input is greatly appreciated! I can't wait to get this quest started up again.

When will I update again? Follow me on twitter for news: twitter.com/Humble_ST

I come into the Alluring livestream room nearly every day; you can always find me there is you want to ask a question! If not, email me at [email protected]

And lastly a happy birthday to Levonsong! This sneak-peek wouldn't have happened if not his birthday wish requesting it.

Boy, this was great. I missed this.
Great thread as always, Humble

Here, here

>guaranteed to never see

How come?
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We missed it too. Any ETA on when the Quest will get its true start, and where the start point will be?
Who said we wouldn't see it again? We have locked choices so we'd probably see this part of the story again, though maybe not for a while.
Calling it now, the next time we see humble she'll tell us to wait another day or so.
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This has gone over extraordinarily well.

I could have the rebooted quest simply pick up from where we left off tonight, and have tonight's updates be the first official ones.

What does everyone think about that?
>TFW no Raven in tonights thread

Get a twitter.
Rolled 1, 8 = 9


Oh you can deal with it.
I'd be fine with that

Gotta build up to the big dogs.
Maybe. I'd prefer some kind of time skip. Maybe a week later Red calls us and mentions saving our lives and we promised to hear him. Not just starting right at the fight.


That would be fine, but what did you have in plan otherwise?
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I am slightly biased against it because I want you to do the thing I suggested in my email to you.

But I will admit, you are right this thread went great. Despite the regular bumps in the road, I had a lot of fun. And I LIKE how we're playing Donn now.

But you know, it seems like we're in a limited arena kind of.
Sounds pretty good
Also evil universe Raven is a babe
has one


We completely fucked up with The Question. I want a re-roll.
I've had all sorts of plans and possibilities, including a reboot so fresh you wouldn't even know any other characters yet.

I'll consider it.

You could've ran into her.
Different decisions, different days.
I think we actually picked the best option. He did call us smart for being silent.
>You could've ran into her.

The bookstore, right?
Was this your planned end point from the beginning?
>I've had all sorts of plans and possibilities, including a reboot so fresh you wouldn't even know any other characters yet.

Might be cool.
Actually, wrong! But I don't want to give anything away.

One of the most likely endpoints, but it could have gone very differently. Red X would've bugged out had you told anyone what was going on.
That might have been fun to see

So, how come we got the option to ask Terra out, but not Jinx?
So everyone knows that fight was set up by Red X right?
Rolled 1, 3 = 4

I want to bro it up with Rex X, i don't care if he's a villain, Anti-hero, whatever.
I'm fine with whatever you prefer. However I don't want you to have to toss out some good ideas because we continue from here though I'm sure you can incorporate them later on with ease.
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Because obvious reasons.


Yeah, he probably got into shit and now we're begin dragged into it.


Lets talk about this. What are we sacrificing by starting the quest here?

Do we even have a concrete exposition? Is there some canon to explain to new players?
Don't worry about it. I'm a GIANT Teen Titans fan, maybe even the biggest fan of that television series in the world. I can always think of new ideas for the universe; I've thought of and disposed of countless ideas since this whole thing began.

It's EXTREMELY refreshing to start anew. So many possibilities!

You'll get the chance to ask her out. Don't worry. Those sorts of general options tend to happen back at the tower, which acts as a sort of hub location.
I'd doubt Terra would do anything else but turn us down because we are, after all, just recently met in the story. We'd also have a disgruntled BB to deal with later on.
>Do we even have a concrete exposition? Is there some canon to explain to new players?

I will make something to catch them up if I start the quest from here. I want new players to access this easily.
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>Actually, wrong! But I don't want to give anything away.

Alright, alright. I should be used to you being a delicious tease by now, anyway.
Makes sense. BB's reaction seemed a little...Idunno, over reactionary when we talked to Terra. Does he have some sort of problem with us?
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>We'd also have a disgruntled BB to deal with later on.

Yeah, I think we should have an honest talk with BB about it. Either he's going to man up, or he's going to get NTR'd hard.
What do you mean?

He was trying to sleep. You guys were talking.

There no reason to think he was sad, or jealous, or anything. Why would you think that?


God I missed you, Humble
Hmm? I'm not quite sure what we'd be sacrificing. Maybe meeting the Titans for the first time (again), but that's all I can think of atm w/ out knowing more of the rebooted story. Maybe you could put that in a flashback or something.
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>Teen Titans Quest
He most likely sees us as competition since he doesn't know us all that well and knows were most likely single.
Nothing more to know.

It was an old, shitty, crazy-long quest that started on /co/

It's getting a reboot, and it just started today. You're right on time. Nothing to get caught up on at all.

Just search for tonight's two Teen Titans Quest: Sneak Peek threads, and come join us when you're up to speed in a couple of minutes.
Oh yeah, right, a lot of the events from the old quest never happened.
But ... but how will we prank the Titans if we can't leave and icecream scoop in Jinx's room?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that, officially, if we're starting from tonight's threads, none of the old quest has happened.

I'm cutting off that rotting stump.

This is just a new quest. New players, come one, come all.
Rolled 8, 10 = 18

Shut up Lev
>There no reason to think he was sad, or jealous, or anything.

See, this is what gets me about BB.

I feel like his character is a lot like young Simon but also a dorky teenager, and once he believes in himself he can be the most animalistic badass ever, but he needs somebody to slap some sense into him first.

Do I sound crazy?
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Aww yiss

If there's one thing I love it was DC cartoons Justice League Unlimited, Teen Titans, Green Lantern, and Motherfucking Young Justice

Im diamonds right now
Fine. I'll let this one go.
You aren't sounding crazy at all. He needs serious emotional involvement to get at his inner potential.
Okay, sounds fun


What about Jinx's other one?
This takes place a few years after the end of Teen Titans season 5, and often crosses over with the extended DC universe.

I think you'll fit right in.

Boy are you right on time. Seriously.
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Good! Now let us discuss how we can maim and torture our teammates though recklessness once more.
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>This time, Jinx dies and Raven loses her arm!
Then we'll steal his girlfriend
I can't give anything away, but when the stakes are high in my quest, I make sure the stakes are really high.
Does that mean Robin ends up carved up this time?
>Suffering intensifies
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Robin loses his sight!

Cyborg shuts down, still alive but cant be rebooted

and Terra gets ham stringed!
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Ok Som, I'll admit that was pretty good.
Yes, then Starfire congratulates us.
She still gets backhanded to the face
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Jesus what happened in this quest?

Still Hype you guys intend to do the same chaharcter personality wise?
then we steal her?
Thank you
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FUCK no.

Donn is reckless and hot headed. None of that soppy wimpy bullshit.
Raven died. Twice
Starfire got skinned by Joker
Jinx lost an eye and got magically forced out of the MC's memory shortly after starting a romantic relationship
Beast Boy was put in a coma and then had the memories of his parents erased. Was also half-raped in hell but enjoyed it.
Cyborg was dissassembled.

And I think that's it.
Does Humble secretly like Robin or something?
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Motherfuck I'll show you END! /qtg/'s all like "it's shit a bloo bloo" and then I come in here, more invested in anything on /tg/ in a century and you're just like END.



how does your fanbase stand this bullshit

get back here and update right the fuck now
Are we going to keep asking Robin to get the cage every time we screw up, too?
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don't forget Raven being talked in hell for a year
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Oh wait, this guy is new.

Do not read the old quest, unless you want to see us fail a lot.
Maybe, maybe not. We were always learning to a BB or Cyborg interests with a Terra mixed with a little Robin like personality type iwthout all the major insecurity. Also depends on the headcannon of each person.
The ride never ends
Ah yes, Almost forgot!

Zatana's dead, along with the rest of Gotham!
This to.
or forced into her own mind as her soul was used to power a temporal forcefield
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I like how this guy rolls.
Yeah, why did she not hate us, again?
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Soooo Gif related?

Cause Shit son
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>/qtg/'s all like "it's shit a bloo bloo"

What jealous bastards
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Because we felt her pain or some shit.

I don't know man, I didn't like how Humble is all "welp, you understand each other now" even though clearly a fraction of the people in this quest don't get her character
I just wouldn't read the old quests, or older posts at all.

It could really spoil the new one.

I'm here to draw in new players, not bog them down with pointless low-quality nonsense from a forgotten age
We'll see longer threads starting next time. This was ,after all, supposed to be a demo of the reboot. Most likely we'll see it sometime in August and hopefully early/mid
It wasn't that we understood her completely, but we were connected on a level that put us on a kind of sync with each other. One of us could still have difficulty predicting the other, but we were still connected.
>I didn't like how Humble is all "welp, you understand each other now"

Yeah, that was shitty, and I never the things with it that I thought I could do.

I'm so happy I'm rebooting. So, so happy.
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>not bog them down with pointless low-quality nonsense from a forgotten age

You're so cute when you berate your work, Humble.
>low quality

way to make the jinxfags realize they were wrong all along Humble
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Emt, don't be so blunt. You gotta sugar coat shit like that
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So new slate then? Was re-reading some of the older threads, holy fuck the shit that went down.

There were parts that actually made me feel bad holy shit.
gif related

Shots fired.

How did I capture the characters this time?

I've gotten a lot of compliments on how I write Jinx, especially. Was she still likable? I know you didn't get much tonight, but give me a ballpark estimate.

I haven't written these guys in a while, you know.
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I dunno man, seeing Raven die over, and over, and over again just got a little old.
>liking an emo 13 year old boy's wet dream

Some of us have chosen to grow up.
Yes, she was pretty great. Good to know that she has our back, especially.

And yet, we kept getting her killed
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Not enough of a sample for an accurate review.

But I didn't balk at anything. You're doing good so far.
I cried a few times during the old quest.

Really. When it hits highs, it hit highs.
Big fan, plz keep her good
Thumbs up. You did good humbum. Brings back good memories and then some.
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Guys, cool it, we got new players who don't understand the old memes.

SPEAKING OF WHICH we need a new pastebin.

The old one will fall away into nothingness, and we need something that links to the livestream and has what we've done so far.
>we need a new pastebin.
Do we?

I've always thought the best experience is reading through the threads, and all threads on /tg/ are archived, aren't they?
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You aren't alone.
Yes, but don't the archived get deleted from time to time?
Rolled 3, 10 = 13

What was the hardest part for you?

My heart was heavy during the joker and Gotham shit
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Maybe. It might be different on /tg/.

But I don't know how to archive on /tg/. We need to have somebody do it consistently.
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>mfw I remember the depression I had in the middle of those parts
Yeah but reading through dozens of threads for a few actual updates gets tedious. Pastebins are great for quick catch-ups and for going back reread specific sections if needed.
>those weeklong breaks near the end of the Gotham arc
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>mfw I realize what is sure to come in this new quest
Around where Starfire got skinned.
Can't take dark shit like that.
Some of my college work suffered because I could quit thinking about it.
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Also, is this thread archived? How can I even tell, I'm new here.
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Rolled 2, 10 = 12

>Jinx eye getting scooped up
>Starfire getting skinned
>Jinx yelling at us.
>Forgetting her
>Starfire in a bed, all her charisma gone.
>Insane starfire

>Dead Gotham

Jesus, it was darker than i last remembered.
Go to sup/tg/. Or foolz when this 404's.
Go here: http://archive.foolz.us/co/search/username/HUMBLE%20STORYTELLER/tripcode/OcBj%2Bid%2B76L/type/op/filter/text/page/3/

Click the button to the left that says "Click here for request interface"

Follow instructions on the page.


The only problem is that it will only save every 2 hours, meaning that the best time to save is after all the story posts are done. DON'T ARCHIVE AS SOON AS THE QUEST STARTS
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Humble da gawd.
/QTG/ is in their little /d/-lite bubble of shit talking about monster girls and amputee waifus. While Humble is running the GOAT quest. They are always calling this quest "shit" etc but this is the most I've ever enjoyed a quest period. I remember when the first thread popped up. I'm glad you're back.
hey man
monster girls are cool
/d/ is also cool
qtg is fegits tho
I'm so glad to be here!

Really, seriously. Thanks to all you guys. I love hearing this kid of feedback, and knowing people are here to enjoy it.

It makes this whole thing worthwhile.
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>listening to /QTG/ ever

They're just asspained, leave them be.
I don't fuck with /d/ I like my girls the way god made them.

If I could get about 13 consecutive hours with a slime girl tho.
How can I practice writing? What's the most effective way?

I mean sup/tg/, is it archived on sup/tg/?

Also, how use sup/tg/?

I guess I'll figure it out.
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This quest is great and you should feel great, goddamnit. Keep up the great work.

Or so help me god I will hunt you down.

My nigga.
That's not the link I wanted.
New player here Just skimmed through some of the old stuff... Wow just... wow

What parts did you like best?

I'm not seeing an archive.

I guess I'll submit a thing
Do you mean fiction, or writing a quest?

Either way, just practice. Write a lot, read a lot.

And write about what you're interested in. You'll make so much more progress and motivation that way.

Consider starting a quest on /tg/, or writing in a place where others can honestly review your work.

Just do it. You have nothing to lose, and I believe in you.

>liking the worst monster girl
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Welcome aboard the train, anon. And remember: your here forever, you can never get off, and you'll never forget.
What part made you go 'holy shit' first?
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I can't even really answer that at one point things just mixed into this color of deep sufferung and depression.
>Worst monster girl
But Humble, that's not a Lamia :^)

That's Humble for you: Lots of darkness under the guise of "I just want us to have fun, guise!" and giving choices where one kills the quest instantly.

Just be glad that its over.
Dragon Grill still best
But Humble, what about the "Purupurupurupuru~"?
How the fuck is slime the worst?

I've always been really vanilla. I like my women 3-D with a big ass and my doujinshi colored in with no NTR..But one day I had a dream where I was banging this purple slime chick with slime all in the right places.

[spoilers]The next day I googled how to lucid dream[/spoilers]
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He didn't say /d/Horse.
How can you see that and call something else worse?
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Humble you know

Next time you might want to consider going for more than a measley 5 hours
>all this talk about monster girls

Look, okay?

Let me just settle all discussion right here.

Slime girls are worst, young, scrappy harpies are best.
Fuck dude, we filled two threads up to the bump limits
what more do you want
Hey, it was just a sneak peek!

Don't worry. Future updates will be long.
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>Harpies are Best
>Not Dragon Girls
Remember those early threads when they went on for days at a time with 10 updates total?

Wasn't that excruciatingly painful?

I want to agree with you, Humble.

I really, really do.

but my heart belongs to Arachnes
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On /co/ we went through 500 bump limit threads like candy.

I would say that we made a new one every two hours.

And even before it got that crazy, the first batch of updates were a continuous quest-sleep cycle for almost a week straight.
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So if were done here I'm gonna post some stupid shit from the good-uh the old days.
So, I'm new to this quest. If we're the main character, why not just make us Robin? As much fun as it is to do something with a blank slate, playing an interesting character is just as good, if not better in that we get to see how the character develops differently due to the different authors and results. It also helps to avoid the schizophrenia induced by having no character direction and letting an ever-changing mob of people take the reins.
that first week was ridiculous
but that and /co/ were a long time ago
too long....
>slime girls are worst
No, no fuck you I say.

our character has backstory, its just not in any kind of digestable format for a new reader to take in yet.
What part of "reboot" don't you get, though?
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Personal favorite right here.
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You're not understanding what is going on here.
you have good taste
That is the best expression
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We still need to get this as our costume
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>our character has backstory

Not really, this new quest is more or less starting from scratch. New players don't need to know anything other than what I'll provide.

Why aren't we playing as Robin? Because he has a strong personality and makes definite, responsible decisions. There would be no way to give players the freedom they need.

I also like writing in second-person.

I'll provide a new, very short pastebin when the quests properly starts back up, with a brief description of what a new player needs to know. A VERY brief description.

This also has dating sim aspects. You need to be a blank slate.
Agree. I like everything about that. Reminds me of the Jedi Adventurer Robe from Force Unleashed.
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Assuming this is going to be a weird-ass nu52 styled reboot where somethings are and aren't canon, we can say that we're
>Homeless for most of our life(?)
>Son/shard/whatever of Death the endless
>Joined the Titans after we helped Robin beat down a room of cultists, unless humble says otherwise.
>Did some of the training without doing the missions in between.
Humble, why must you tempt me with a picture of the unobtainable?

Also, perhaps sadly, the quest will not be able to escape people using the old Donn mindset for the new Donn
Not that guy, but there are a number of good visual novels with dating sim aspects that have protagonists with strong personalities.
I'll make a pastebin to sum it all up.

It'll look something like this:

>you are a new member of the Teen Titans
>You were previously a homeless teenager
>you have strange untapped magical powers

That's all anyone needs to know.
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This and the previous one are near to my heart because I actually came up with the idea for them. tfw a drawfag comes through when you didn't even ask.
It doesn't work in this setting.

This is for people who have seen the show, primarily, although others could easily join.

Point being, everyone is too well characterized. Their personalities would rub against the total freedom I want to allow.
Sounds like someone should run a Dick Grayson Quest
And they were also kinda blank slates.

And Donn has strong personalities too, basically fit your own into him.

Why, is that such a problem?
I always thought a Titan who's the son of Anasi the african spider god would be pretty cool.

Then run that quest.
Not a titans quest. I was just stating a random thought.
As a direct descendant of the Ashanti tribe I must say I find this idea interesting.
Cool. My mom used to tell me stories about him when I was a kid.
Assuming Humble wants this to be a seperate quest, what tags should we use for this one?

Old tags were: Teen Titans Quest, Teen Titans, Quest, Collective Game, Death, Son, Robin, Raven, Donn Mortem, Donn, Mortem, Undying
Might wanna throw Reboot in there.
Was also thinking about getting rid of the "Donn Mortem" and "Death Undying" tags since it's supposed to be a new character and what not.
Its the same guy, just new reboot.
Nah, we still have the same origin and powers, we might as well keep the unofficial name. Not like Humble ever acknowledged it, it was completely fan made.
Huh, so we might want to get that pastebin going.
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This is hilariously petty

What a bunch of bitches.
It really sucks, because this is just as good as anything on /tg/ right now. This place has been /b/ 3.2 for quite a while though.
Its just a bunch of Jealous teenagers that are mad that their little girl transformation lesbian waifu simulator isn't as good
So what, we can't archive it now?
Pretty much, unless someone is willing to save the entire thread and hope those two get deleted
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Great I came in just in time to miss it.
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I missed this so much.
>4 hours lat
>Just in time
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This thread has me watching DCAU stuff. I wish I could say that was making me happy.
so how long until we get someone killed and join Freeze in exile in an icy crusade of That Feel

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