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Welcome to Harem Protag Quest. You are John Galt, the sentient protagonist of a harem show. Aside from having to gather and keep your harem, you will have to deal with various other obstacles at the Cassandra College of Witches.
>Mechanics: http://pastebin.com/MuXRzApY
>MC: http://pastebin.com/TdBKC27p
>Other Characters: http://pastebin.com/SCdW9jJi
>Magic system: http://pastebin.com/jKt3dEkR
>Irisviels list: http://pastebin.com/TSc1d6JV
>Previous threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Harem%20Protag%20Quest
>Twitter: @HaremProtaGuide

Pastebins should be updated, including my list.

I’m going to say this once. I know Kaede isn’t liked by everybody. Anyone who has been in a thread where she’s been mentioned knows this. If you’re following this and you didn’t know that, I’m not sure what you’ve actually been reading.

That said. I would like minimal shit-flinging as we go through this thread. I know no shit flinging is too much to ask for, but please keep it to a minimum. If it gets too bad, I will just up and stop writing, timeskip next time I start a thread and make it so that whatever I feel would have happened from the point I stopped happens.

So please don’t test the QM, keep samefagging down to normal levels and try to keep votes IC, whatever you think OC.

Thank you and have a nice thread.
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>Current Stats:
>Protag Points: 360
>Mana 40/40
>Harem Status 6/8

You wake up on Sunday morning like normal. Well actually you don’t, seeing as how there’s only one body snuggled up to you. This means that you actually “woke up” in the other world with your friend, whom you still haven’t given/got a name from. But nevertheless, you tighten your arms around her a little more and wiggle closer, seeing as how you really don’t want to get up.

This elicits…well it sounded like a giggle, if a giggle could reverberate an infinite amount of times while also stopping immediately like it had been squelched by a wet blanket and with all the noise of the choirs of heaven and hell.

“What is it this time?” you say, opening your eyes to the familiar site of a white face and red eyes.

There’s the normal soft smile she gives you, before she points to her head, then to yours, and then makes something that makes you think of waking up. She repeats the gestures a few times.

“You…want to go with me?” you ask, that’s the idea that you’re getting from her.

She shakes her head and does it a few more times.

“You want to…live in my head for a little bit.”

This gets you a nod.

>Let her come with you.
>Probably not a good idea…
>>Let her come with you.

I also love how John only knows that he's not in the real world by the fact that he only has one woman in the bed.
>>Let her come with you.

[Slenderwaifuing intensifies]
>>Let her come with you.

As long as we don't have to get rid of the pool table.
>>Let her come with you.

I don't even know why this is a choice. We already know what option is going to win.
>Let her come with you.
Well you see, anyone with any sense of self-preservation would think twice about allowing eldrich-horror, though not a bad looking one, in to your head.

However John Galt gives no fucks.
>Let her come with you
We'll finally get to know Slendere as a person.
Well of course not, his girls are taking them as fast as he can get them.
Calling it here.
>Let her in.
Asking for trouble, and trouble shall answer.

Guide, shouldn't Iri's list be updated a bit? Weren't the two projects finished last thread?
Wait. Does that mean that Kaede will technically be on a date with us and Slender-chan at the same time?

Hey, Guide!
Thank for the early thread! I love your work!

Anyone else is waiting for the anime's opening?
I'm hype, but I won't mind if he needs more time to finish the OP
Fixed, thanks.

Thanks, and yes I am.
No pressure anime dude, just can't wait to see it.
Looks like someone other than Guide archived this thread already.

The guy who was working on it said he'd try to premiere it today, but I'm complaining if that doesn't happen. Animation is fairly time consuming.
God dammit, I'm -not- complaining. Just woke up, like John. Unlike John, without a cute Eldritch being.

Who do I contact to try and get it fixed?
You could try to archive it again. Same post #, just with a different title and description. I've never submitted a thread to suptg before, so I've no idea if it's going to work. The foolz archive should be fine, though.
If it doesn't work, at least it's not too late to start up a new thread.

[email protected]

That's the Email for Lord Licorice, who normally does cleanup and renaming.

Just send him an email and he should be able to fix it pretty quickly.
You can't de-archive a thread, and you can't archive it twice. It sucks.


Oh, I don't want to put pressure on anime guy.
>pretending to be deep
Are we? I was under the impression we were no where near deep

Not really. Just trying to be fun.

Sorry about the delay guys, still writing.
We're deep inside pussy. Does that count?
We had a BBQ just to annoy a Public Morals Committee. If you can find some deep symbolic meaning in that, then call me and hit me up with whatever illegal substance you're abusing.
>established last thread that no, most of us don't like kaede
>going on a date with her
>with the thing she hates/fears most inside our head
Things are going amazingly
>We had a BBQ just to annoy a Public Morals Committee. If you can find some deep symbolic meaning in that

John enjoying hot, delicious, oiled meat on the front lawn made a lot of girls happy and was so great it made the Public Morals Committee's representative cry.
Is it just me who is having trouble believing in the whole anime deal? People were talking about trying to get anyone they know to VA in the previous thread here.
>watch out for that creepy guy
Who is this?
I think its about as likely as chapter master.
I highly doubt she hates it. When she first kissed us, we were mistaken for someone else. She's also the only other person (that we know of) who knows about Slendere, and seems to be attracted to it as well.

Still, it could be entertaining to see her reaction when she finds out it came with us.
I'm a little wary, but honestly I think it's geniune and that it's genius.

I'm just trying to control my hype.
Guys what if kaede tries to steal slendy-chan from us?
We'll cross that bridge if we come to it.
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This gets You don’t even really think about it. Whatever, whoever she is, she’s never given you a reason to question her, much less doubt that she has your best interests in mind. So you nod.

“Of course,” you say to her, which draws another smile. She reaches down towards you and pulls you close, her lips meeting yours as you feel something cold flow into your mouth.

Then you wake up for real.

This time you’re still in a pile of girls, Tatsuko behind you like always, with Chris claiming your front this time. But unlike all the other times, you feel…pressure, inside of your head, pressure and coldness.

Which also manages to giggle at you.

You snort, wriggling slowly out of bed as you try not to disturb Chris or Tatsuko. This doesn’t work, as the slow movement wakes Tatsuko enough that she tightens her grip before you can get away, she murrs into the back of your neck, clearly inviting you to stay in bed with her.

“I’ve got to get up,” you say gently, reaching back to pat her thigh, “I’ve got a big day, remember?”

you a grumpy, half-hearted growl. Then you flail briefly as Tatsuko rolls over and sits up behind you, leaving you with your feet on the floor and a blue haired cuddle-limpet on your back.

“Not letting go?” you ask.

“Mm mm,” is all that you get.

“Alright,” you say, managing to stand even with Tatsuko clinging to you, “To the shower we go!” you make it sound just as silly as you can.

This gets you a giggle, as well as a very nice shower.

After your shower, you head downstairs, where to your surprise you see Kaede nervously running around, checking the window, then dashing back to the bathroom, then to the window, etc. etc.

Goddamnit, you haven’t even eaten breakfast yet.

>See what has Kaede all flustered.
>…Breakfast first, girl later.
>…Breakfast first, girl later.
>…Breakfast first, girl later.
>>Sit Kaede at the breakfast table while we cook and see what has her all flustered.

Waifu Quest had more potential as an anime, anyways
>>…Breakfast first, girl later.
Distracting her from whatever she is doing won't help us much. We can ask later.
>…Breakfast first, girl later.
Shes just nervous and shit, thats normal
about as likely as Achelon actually doing that VN
We should really summon Jenkins at some point

If nothing else to ask what the hell was going on and why he was summoned as a bishonen gay butler.
That was a special case, completly outside the rules of the show, if we summon him now, I'm sure he'll be back to being the annoying skull that he is.

>…Breakfast first, girl later.

just realized its john's duty to fuck all these girls. he is the only magic dude around think of how magic the kids would be. and all these girls realized this and just want the best chance for there kids.
hes got magic and muscle john is prime baby daddy candidate
We can do that during Summoning class tomorrow. Hopefully, though not counting too much on it, that little incident was enough to where he's more than just a skull.
>they are born with the ability to pull enchantments out of their ass like its nothing
>See what has Kaede all flustered.
Calling it here.
I see the amount of hype and am sorry because I will not be able to post the opening today. Unfortunately my computer crashed on Thursday and my niece came over for the whole weekend unexpectedly. Don't worry I did not lose the work. Just have to replace my motherboard. I am really hoping I can get that done before Friday and finish the opening up by Saturday.

I am really sorry I wanted to post it today. Although I really do hope you guys think it lives up to the hype. I am a little nervous that it might not be good enough.
I considered waifu quest but this one allows me to lace in more comedy and create a protagonist that I really like.
It's cool.
No worries man. Take your time.
Don't worry, anon. Anything would be great, and take as much time as you want/need.
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You shake your head as Kaede continues to run around nervously. Heading into the kitchen you make yourself a quick breakfast, then take a seat at the table, where Kaname is already munching on a bowl of cereal.

“Morning,” she says to you, to which you nod as you chow down on a breakfast sandwich.

“SO,” she says as you eat, “The big day, first date and all.”

You aren’t even actually all that great with women, but you can tell where this is going.

“Yes,” you say, “And I can tell you that I already have a half dozen more planned.

Kaname keeps giving you a rather withering look, at least for a few more seconds.

“You better,” she says, pointing her spoon at you, “I don’t like this trend of Kaede getting in before the rest of us.”

“Technically this is my second time going out with a girl,” you say, as Chris comes down the stairs sleepily, “Chris and me went out the first night we were here.”

Kaname looks at Chris, who still doesn’t seem to actually be awake, and then snorts, “Fine, just remember you owe us.”

You nod, then shove the rest of your sandwich towards Chris and head out towards Kaede.
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She’s not running around anymore, she’s merely sitting down on the couch almost hyper-ventilating.

You move in and take a seat across from her, waiting until she notices you which takes entirely too long.

“Oh John, is it time yet? Is she here?” Kaede is clearly nervous beyond any rational level, even if she does look like she’s perfectly dressed up.

“No, she’s not here yet,” you say, hoping she’ll calm down. Of course she doesn’t, she merely goes back to staring at the ground.

You clearly need to do something, but you aren’t sure what that is. You could try and talk her down, maybe move closer…or you could just let her be a nervous wreck.

You head seems lighter though, warmer and for some reason you want to lift your hand. Your friend seems to be wanting you to do something…your hand twitches. Wait, she can control you?

>Try and talk Kaede down.
>Leave her as is.
>Let Slendere do…whatever she wants to do.
>Try and talk Kaede down.
>Let Slendere do…whatever she wants to do.
>Let Slendere do…whatever she wants to do.
>>Let Slendere do…whatever she wants to do.
>Try and talk Kaede down.
"On a completely different train of thought, I met my extra-dimensional friend that you're so interested in again."
>Let Slendere do…whatever she wants to do.
make the girl some relaxing tea, to calm her down.
think loudly at Slendere that whatever she dose sholden't look lewd on the outside then Let her do…whatever she wants to do
>Try and talk Kaede down.
>Let Slendere do…whatever she wants to do.
This but more of a hint than outright statement, then:
>Let Slendere do…whatever she wants to do.
getting Slendere in our harem would probably massively boost our Mysticism powerlevel in Ireisviel's List
>>Try and talk Kaede down.
>>Let Slendere do…whatever she wants to do.
Guys remember what happened last time kaede and slendy got around eachother? we woke up and got a kiss. What the fuck is slendy going to do
Probably have John kiss her. Wouldn't surprise me really.
>Try and talk Kaede down.
Then " Also I think she is now inside my body" *shrug*

Distraction by outrage i like it.
>slendy has been playing cupid with kaede
>this is why she fears slendy
>because whenever she shows up random dudes throw themselves at her
>slendy can shapeshift
>slendy can enter peoples minds
>she can probably shapeshift people whos mind shes in
>kaede confirmed for previous dude who got fucked over by slendy
>Try and talk Kaede down.
>Let Slendere do…whatever she wants to do.
Guys what if slendy just kills her?
>>Let Slendere do... whatever she wants to do.
>we just pull out our sword and stab her
>slendy gives us back control
>we now have to explain this shit
That would be pretty impressive since you can't get killed in this school. Now pipe down and wait for Guide.
Well, she hasn’t steered you wrong yet, so you let her take over. Well, it’s not so much taking over as you make your body follow her suggestions.

First you scoot over closer to Kaede, then your hand reaches up towards her…no wait what? Your hand stops, even as your mystical friend urges you to push it forward. Kaede of course doesn’t notice, seeing as how she doesn’t seem to be paying much attention to anything right now.

Gritting your teeth, you let your hand move again, even as it approaches Kaedes face and oh god now you’re leaning in and…

Yup. Still tastes like strawberries. Must be some lip gloss or something and she’s going to freak out any second….except she doesn’t, because you feel something move from your mouth to hers as some of the pressure in your head lessens. You feel Kaede stiffen briefly, then relax, before you manage to pull your body away from hers.

You look at Kaede, wondering what your friend is doing inside her. From what you can tell, Kaede simply looks a little heavy lidded, like a girl after getting a really heavy kiss, which is technically what just happened, even if it was a surprise for both of you.
God fucking damn it slendy
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Just as you’re about to say something, you here a small cough and you both turn, towards a rather small looking elderly woman with a gentle smile on her face.

“Grandma!” Kaede exclaims, clearly just as shocked as you are that her grandma managed to walk in on you at the exact moment you happened to be kissing her.

“Hello there dear,” says the woman, her tone of voice very clearly teasing, “I see you wanted to get some of your youthful urges out of the way before I got here.”

“No, that’s not, it’s not…” Kaede is clearly flustered, both by the fact that you kissed her and that you got caught.

“It’s fine dear,” she says, before turning to you, “And you must be John, I’ve heard so much about you.”

“I’ve heard about you as well,” you say, smiling and offering your hand, which she takes, “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you as well,” she replies, “Speaking of which, Kaede never did tell me how you met.”

You glance at said girl, who turns red and flushes.

>You could say we just crashed into each other one morning.
>Cough and ignore it.
>We tried to kill each other.
>You could say we just crashed into each other one morning.
>You could say we just crashed into each other one morning.
>>We tried to kill each other.

Greatest love story of the decade.
>You could say we just crashed into each other one morning.
Is the third one meant to be the truthful one? Because I don't remember trying to harm her at any point in time
>You could say we just crashed into each other one morning.
Remember guys, we're trying to make this look good to her Grandma.
Don't vote for that third option.
>>We tried to kill each other. Next thing you know we were dating"
>>We tried to kill each other.

Its far more impressive when you go from murder to dating.
>"We were at the same place when a magical incident happened."
>You could say we just crashed into each other one morning.
>>You could say we just crashed into each other one morning.
You've cuddled with anything and everything that hasn't tried to kill you and showed an interest.
>>You could say we just crashed into each other one morning.
I know John's usually Senor Dive-into-the-deep-end but can we take it easy here?
No, I don't think we cuddled the house. unless I missed that part, also shes still batshit insane
>We tried to kill each other.

No fucks given.
>You could say we just crashed into each other one morning.
we've met a lot of people like this
>showed an interest
Living inside the house could count as the closest form of contact possible.
I was just saying, that if she hadn't tried to kill you and had showed an interest in cuddling, you'd probably be ok with it.

Nothing deep.

Also, calling it.
she hasn't. which is why we haven't cuddled her
>if she hadn't tried to kill you, and had wanted to, you would have
Yeah, no shit guide, thats how it works, you try to kill, cuddle=NO!, you dont wanna, cuddle=No.
Except for the time on the couch where John woke up with her on top of him though I guess that was more of a nonconsensual cuddling. That was Kaede, right?
One incident and she has a permanent label.
Just like real college.

John Galt is kind of a cuddleslut.
That makes it sound really rapey man
We had hot and sweaty violence with Karabusa and that turned out just fine.
that violence was consensual
>One incident and she has a permanent label.
No shit numnuts, she tried to kill us because we touched a girl she planned on raping and bringing into her groupd of "friends", that shit is the definition of coo coo for cocoa puffs
>Kind of a cuddleslut.

>Wake up, have random girl on you. Cuddle.
>Girl you don't really know lays on your lap. Just fine.
>Random girl is again next to you. Just fine.
>Hasn't slept by himself since moving in.
So, I make a (evidently bad) joke and you respond with personal attacks?
I'm just saying that we should give a chance for consensual violence with anyone who wants it with us.
>personal attacks
k bud
I feel like most people forget the whole rapist thing
If she wanted to fight she could just say so, she hasn't so we haven't fought her, and that still wouldn't excuse the insanity and the previous nonconsensual violence
I think it's pretty obvious.

Though it would be great if the girls decided to bring the leather and the leash next time they come into our room.
hey guys can we calm this down i think all the points of view have already been said at lead once and Guide asked us to keep this kind of stuff to a minimum.
>>We tried to kill each other.
We aren't shitflinging though, we're talking
Well I meant give chance for violence with people in general. On that note I'm very exited about sparring with Sayaka. Between her and Karabusa things should become interesting.
>You could say we just crashed into each other one morning.
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Yeah, well, that's the word that came to mind.
not that shit again
Almost everyone who has wanted to fight us we have fought, so I don't know what you're talking about
Ah, you're right, it's technically not a personal attack when it wasn't used to debase my argument.

Still, I don't know why you felt the need to insult me when my comment was only intended to amuse.
Because I'm bored and I'm waiting for guide to update, its not like I called your mother by name a whore or some shit dude
Because he's a shit flinging idiot who can't proofread his posts.
Well, if she plans to do that again, we just call the cops on her for attempted rape.

This is college, there are cops to prevent that from happening.

Isn't 1/3 woman in college get rape or shit?
I'm pretty sure it was established that her gang pretty much has freedom to do whatever the fuck they want, including rape, also I'm not entirely sure cops are a thing here, I mean that one chick rolled up to our house with a tank
>1/3 women in college get raped
We don't know much about this universe man, that might be different here
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“Oh, you could say we just kinda crashed into each other one morning,” you say with a grin, remaining completely truthful yet leaving out the other bits like the fact that there were a bunch of other girls and that Kaede almost ventilated your skull at the time, “It went from there after we got moved to this house.”

“Oh how sweet,” says Grandma, smiling again, “I’m glad it worked out.”

“Yeah, me too,” you say, giving her a grin which you hope isn’t too forced.

“Well, weren’t we going to go out?” asks Grandma, to which you nod, “Then let’s go, I want to see you two together!”

A few hours later and you Kaede and Grandma have taken a bus to the closest mall, eaten lunch together, walked around in a few shops and have seen a movie. Now it’s just you and Grandma, waiting outside of a nice little café as Kaede excused herself to the ladies room.

You both order a small drink and sit down, taking a small sip.

“This has been very nice,” says Grandma, “And I must say my Grand-daughter has fine taste in men,” she grins at you as she says that, “But I must ask, you do know that she’s a lesbian, right?”

You almost choke in your drink.

>I have no idea what you’re talking about.
>Remain quiet.
>I’ve heard they might make bigger dykes in Denmark ma’am.
>I was unaware you knew
>I know. She pretending to have a date with me to please you. She doesn't want to disappoint you.
This. We might as well tell her the truth. She knows already. No point of hiding it.
>I know. She pretending to have a date with me to please you. She doesn't want to disappoint you.
>>Remain quiet.

Let's see where this is going.
>grandma knows
Nigga the fuck, I thought this whole thing was about M-muh grandma
>I’ve heard they might make bigger dykes in Denmark ma’am.
>>Remain quiet.
>>I know. She pretending to have a date with me to please you. She doesn't want to disappoint you.
>I know. She pretending to have a date with me to please you. She doesn't want to disappoint you.

Welp, that was quick.
>I know. She pretending to have a date with me to please you. She doesn't want to disappoint you.

she knows but apparently is in the camp that the right man can make at least an exception and she wants that to happen.

Well sexuality is more of a sliding scale really...
>Remain quiet.
Grandma knows.

Kaede doesn't know Grandma knows.
Why do I get the feeling there is atleast one tumblrina here?
>I’ve heard they might make bigger dykes in Denmark ma’am.
I like this
>Sexuality is more of a sliding scale, really.
Does grandma know about the rape thing? Or the gang thing? or the harem thing?
Remain silent. Its a trap!
Harem thing is alright really, the gang thing she might look down and the rape thing.

Grandma might have to whoop Kaede ass with a paddle if she hear about her daughter attempted rape...assumming that Kaede only attempted and not actually rape people before we came to college.
I'm pretty sure she has already raped people
If rape is "regrets it the next day" then yes. Otherwise, no. Bullshit stat invented by gender studies critters.
"add in she is a great girl and a good friend"
>I know. She pretending to have a date with me to please you. She doesn't want to disappoint you.
If that is true, John gonna kick her out of the house.

Just for clarification, I never once mentioned rape.

You guys jumped on that bandwagon and never left, even after I introduced "beat people into submission to make them join your gang."

Just saying.
Huh, I was entirely sure someone said it in character
Also calling.
Well then people need to shut the fuck up about it
>>Sexuality is more a sliding scale, really.
He mentioned sexual harassment once or twice, but there being no proof.
Huh, I feel quite dumb, well she still ain't a good person, but at least she can say she don't rape
Wasn't she running after one of the girl that was in our bedroom, weapon in hand, with the intention to molest her until she joined her harem?
Yeah she was, but I guess technically ain't rape
That Sexual harassment and attempted murder.

People tend to go to jail for that.
that is also reconnection though i do see where the rape believers infer it and it makes sense as dose just harassment and normal school gang politics.
Of course, what qualifies as sexual harassment and what's rape is fuzzy.
Technically, rape only refers to vagininal sex.
Yes, but that probably falls under the beat into submission gang subplot
Sexual Harassment and Rape are the same damn fucking thing except with Rape, there must be penetration.
I thought it was beat her until she joined her gang?
Yes, and thats a retarded technicality and I'm going to ignore it

If you read that, which is the only place I mentioned it, there's a lot of innuendo which you can read several ways and no "She's a convicted serial rapist with a harem."
What about the fact THE entire school supports gang violence? Have you idgits forgot that?
>take me by force
I don't care what that means, thats NOT cool
>“She’s a lesbian,” says Akeno like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “A hardcore man-hating lesbian who happens to be powerful enough to get her way and not take no for an answer, at least in most cases.” She shrugs. “That’s why she was chasing me, she wanted me to join her group of “Friends”, and I said no. I’d done it before, but this time I guess was too much for her and she decided she wanted to take me by force.”
Yeah, you can totally read that as a serial rapist.
"She decided she wanted to take me by force"

Attempted Sexual Harassment. It like Attempted Rape, a big no-no.
Still fucking stupid as hell. We need to fix that. College should be a place for education and preparing you to get a career, not fight in gang fights.
You seem to have forgotten we've already done the same thing.
>Technically, rape only refers to vagininal sex.

Not necessarily. most legal definitions include any situation where the victim is penetrated, be it with a digit or cock.

Otherwise surprise buttsex would be legal.
fucked up, but we ARE in an anime. And the whole "conscripted into a gang if you lose a fight" is nowhere near as bad as serial rape
The school system supports it with its gang policy and anti killing wards. Not the rape but forcing them into a gang
We only forced the delinquents to join our gang, I'm moderately sure "friends" doesn't mean gang
Uh no. We didn't. We had consent and if they said no, we backed off.
Or you can read it as someone being forced into one of the schools gangs.
The school has regulations, guys.
Actually we didn't. We left them the option of backing out
Kaedefag here, I don't know how to feel anymore, I'm gonna stop voting, you guys have fun
Hell we didn't even force them. Just gave them a choice to join or not. The only reasons all of them joined was because we were a nice guy at heart and Lydia decided to join us as well.
I don't think "friends" means gang mang
We gave them a choice to join us or not. That was just the gang thing.

The whole relationship/cuddle/sleep with/kiss/sex was with consent.

She a lesbian that hates men with a gang that she can order. That a recipe for sexual harassment/rape assuming they use dildos.
Sucks to be you.
Force as in force into her gang of lesbos. Given the direction Guide is going and his referee posting, he probably wants us to infer it as that
Fellow Kaedefag here, please don't go, I don't want to fight this war alone.
Yeah, it wasn't cool, but, assuming it wasn't rape, it really wasn't anything worse than what the delinquents we adopted were going to do to us.
Their plan was to basically abduct and torture us until we join their gang, IIRC.

I think 'attempt to take by force' meant force to join gang through beat-down.
It could be taken either way, in retrospect.

The rest could easily have been Akeno making weird assumptions, she tends to be a bit lewd at the best of times.
Maybe we should actually bring this up with Kaede and Akeno and get a straight answer at some point?
Not really. We got attacked, then said :"Look, you fuckers, I won't let you attack me again, but if you want to join there's room for everyone".

We never beat up someone and said "you're mine now, bitch".
>no better than a gang of delinquents
wow that totally doesn't make it better
That won't stop the Kaede haters from assuming the very worst of her. Which they have, many times.
This sounds more reasonable than continuing the shit-flinging.
Nah dude, you're on your own, this is getting too heavy for me
Except its totally acceptable in this school. Welcome to shitty anime premises, the whole basis for the quest
probably a good idea eventually. And will help us getting Kaede as best bro/wingman
Im enjoying the fact that Guide has now posted twice with 'I never said she was a rapist' and 'there was some innuendo', and people are just breezing by it and screaming rape anyway.
This isn't fucking tumblr. If you wanna know what happened, ask the character in question, don't pull shit out of a hat and start screaming.
Yeah, but are you forgetting that we're sentient? We don't have to abide by stupid anime logic
Their situation had a number of extenuating circumstances.
We also adopted them as part of our 'gang', and they really aren't that bad.
>Their plan was to basically abduct and torture us until we join their gang, IIRC

First they wanted to ally/have us become a subordinate, then they attacked us to force us to disband/join. Still not cool, but on the other hand, Lydia didn't ask us to help her with her Grandma
>I’ve heard they might make bigger dykes in Denmark ma’am.
MUH FEELZ > DA REELZ (But not really reelz because it's, you know, a quest thread)
>Hey Kaede, did you rape or sexually harassed anyone at all?
Dude no matter what it meant thats not cool
1: It was gonna be rape-Not cool
2: it was gonna be molestation-Not cool
3: It was gonna be a beatdown to force her to join-Not cool
and we aren't. Remember, we're fixing the gang violence problem by eventually rolling the whole school into one gang? I think that was the plan, anyway
Hey man, don't bugger off just because of shit flinging, this is 4chan mate

also a Kaedefag
>four updates
>two hundred posts
I'm not sure if this is going well or badly
Nah man, we always give choices, John a nice guy
Sorry didn't mean to quote ya
And Kaede likely isn't, so lets chill before we scream rapist a'ight?
Honestly, I didn't mind her until OP started informing us OOC that she's not that bad. Now I kinda want to see her die.
>I'm not sure if this is going well or badly
I don't know either. I left for a while because there was too much shit flinging and we haven't heard from guide in a while. Maybe he decided enough was enough.
> If you wanna know what happened, ask the character in question, don't pull shit out of a hat and start screaming.

Good idea. We should talk to the girls in Kaede's old group.

>Im enjoying the fact that Guide has now posted twice with 'I never said she was a rapist' and 'there was some innuendo', and people are just breezing by it and screaming rape anyway.

In our defence, the innuendos were pretty worrying and Kaede didn't especially invited us to reconsider our opinion.

But you're right, we jumped to conclusion.

It is going haremy.

Also, throwing my vote into
>I know. She's pretending to have a date with me to please you. She doesn't want to disappoint you.
with an added
>I'd rather you didn't let her know that
>If all else fails, I could make a magic doohickey that lets me turn into a girl.

To be fair, everyone expected at least this much going in, so we should just hope that it doesn't get bitchy enough for Guide to tell us all to fuck off and decides to end the arc prematurely in a way that completely screws us over for no good reason.
Dude no one is screaming rapist anymore, we are talking about how no matter what that line of dialogue meant, it wasn't something that should be approved of, nor would John in character think it was okay
true, but beating all the gangs and getting at least most of the school willingly into one pseudo-army will get nicely fix the gang problem in a way that will keep viewers happy
Uh no.
He did it to counter arguments about rape, you 'tard
>The rest could easily have been Akeno making weird assumptions, she tends to be a bit lewd at the best of times.
>Maybe we should actually bring this up with Kaede and Akeno and get a straight answer at some point?

Hell yes I am on the fence on this and that would solve so much shit in and out of character

Look i don't know at what point the sentient part of the other characters kicked in and had control and when they were just NPC mode in there back story so OOC the things you say she did and planed may not even be her responsibility if she is sentient.

Furthermore the whole we beat you up now school rules say you work for us is not cool. But it is not the we tie you down and brainwash you you seem to be spewing. And if int eh backsotory she was sentient then she knew the rules when she applied if not then she still had to follow them up to a point anyway because she doesn't have protag rights to rewrite the setting and in this universe that is a valid ethical defense.
Yeah, he should have it happen IC, oh wait IC she is quite a bad person, oh no
Oh, I know. Makes me like her a lot less. Before, she was a terrible person who we are reforming in a nice character arc. Now she's a person who did terrible things but not really she's actually squeeky clean stop complaining about her.
Well, since OP only informed us of that OoC, shouldn't you keep that desire OoC?

It's been good talking with very little actual shit-flinging though?
Seriously, if you think this is what a shitstorm looks like, you must be a newfriend.
I don't think she's that bad, but she's not that good either.

We have a girlfriend whose nickname is "the Berzerker" and we had less problem with her temper that with Kaede's
You cough a little and then pat your chest. Grandma looks at you with a knowing smile and calm eyes.

“I know, she’s pretending to have a date with me to please you. She doesn't want to disappoint you, something about Grandkids and you being old fashioned.” You pause, then shake yourself even as your mind flits about in mild confusion. “Besides, these days they say that sexuality is more of a sliding scale type thing.”

Grandma chuckles and takes another sip from her drink. “She’s always been too eager to please me,” another sip, “And I’m sure you’re more up on that kind of thing than I am, but the point remains that you’re doing this anyway.”

She stops and smiles at you, “Which means a great deal to me as her parent figure, she never got along well with the boys around her age and to see that she can at least makes friends with one is a large burden off my back, seeing as how half the human race is male.”

“Well, I’m glad that I could help you with that ma’am,” you say, brain still spinning a little from all that’s been going on.

“Yes, and as for Grandkids…well I guess I should tell her that,” Grandma pauses and then looks around, “I wonder where she is, it’s been quite a while now.”

You check your phone, it has been about ten minutes since Kaede supposedly went to the restroom.

>Go check on her.
>Nah, it’s fine.
She might actually be sentient. When she first revealed that she knew about Slendere is one of the biggest clues to go by.
Look can we all stop and waiit for Guide to post the next part? I don't want him to get fed up with us.

>Wait five minutes, then look for her.
>Nah, it’s fine.
>Go check on her.
>>Go check on her.
>Call Kaede
Yeah. I don't get why Kaedefags like her. Kaedefags are just yurifags to me.
>>Go check on her.
Didn't we kiss slendere into her?
>Go check on her.
...Slendy...what are you doing in there?
>Go check on her.
>Go check on her
Oh dear, let's hope she's not getting ganged up on by bullies or something. Though, we could pull of a darring rescue if that were the case...
no ,it just looked like it was going to descend into shit flinging and in the beginning there was some so I decided to back away and play some vidya games.
>Nah, it’s fine.
>Go check on her.
>Call her on her phone, and if she doesn't answer go look for her.
>>Nah, it’s fine.
I don't care really
>Wait just a few minutes before checking on her.

She might be, er, busy with Slendere now.
>>Go check on her.
Don't fucking start shit.
>the abomination from another plane of existence has so far been a better person that kaede
>>Go check on her.

She isn't exactly alone.
Low bars
Well, then can Kaedefags explain to me why they like her more than the others?
Go check on her queue fun event and ensuing antics.
Guys what if kaede had a real reason to fear slendy? What if shes dead now? What if slendy is wearing her skin?
>Nah, it’s fine.
Then we'll be happy
Then this got grimdark before we even knew it and it would be exciting.
We congratulate her?
>>Go check on her.
Well, at least it not us.
>Go check on her.
I assume this involves knocking and not just walking in
Never claimed to like her more than everybody else, I just claimed to not despise her like everybody else does.
Speak for yourself.
>Go check on her.
not a Kaedefag, but I don't mind her. She's not as insane as most people say and she's started to warm up to everyone. I wouldn't want her as a member of the harem, but I wouldn't mind being her friend
I liked her for the possible unexplored sexuality subplot and the fact that she behaves like a total spaz
I liked her because, "what you can't have" also because crazy is my fetish, I'm not sure how I feel anymore
“I’ll go check on her then,” you say, to which Grandma nods. Standing, you move into the café, dodging tables and other patrons until you get to the back and the restrooms.

Leaning against the door, you knock on it a few times. “Kaede,” you say as you knock, “Kaede are you in there? Are you ok?”

You don’t hear anything even after a few seconds, then you knock again. “Kaede?”

Then you hear a retch, and what sounds like a large amount of liquid hitting the floor, then some more, and then what sounds like a pained moan.

>Go inside.
>Go inside.
>>Go inside.
What the fuck? Is she giving birth to slendy?
>Go inside.
>>Go inside.

Slipping that powder in her drink was the best idea.
>>Go check on her.
oh fuck, of fuck, oh fuck
Things just got grimdark didn't they?
>Go inside.

Well shit.
>>Go inside
>Go inside
If the door is locked kick that shit in
>>Go inside.
>Go inside.
>Go inside.

Is it the middle of the month?

If so, then is it THAT time for her?
Is now the time to panic?
Oh god, what if Slendy made her sentient and Kaede gave her back the memories from all the previous shows, and Kaede realized... the show made her gay?
>liquid hitting the floor
I don't know much about females but I'm pretty sure it isn't that much
>Go inside.
"If you don't answer, I'm coming in, decent or not."
Slendy a best
Well, we haven't had any urges caused by slendy since we kissed her, it's possible that slendy jumped hosts.
*Slendy gave back Kaede her memories

Too early, guys
then we might have our first full-blown existential crisis
>Go inside.
Oh boy
I swear to god if we walk in and see black tentacles from hell ripping her open and consuming her she is on her own and we are taking grandma and running
>>Go inside

Oh god, Slendy is going to rise out of Kaede's corpse Daemonette style. Shit just got real, but not really real since this is a quest
>>Go inside.
nah dude. No Fucks Given day was yesterday.
Running away, is giving a fuck, we are not equipped to deal with whatever the fuck would be causing that
Not giving a fuck, would mean continuing the dinner with granma and tentacles and asking how is everyone enjoying their food.
Guys what if all the OoC stuff guide posted was to lure us into a false sense of security?
Oh god, please don't kill Kaede off Guide, some of us actually like having her around.
Shes ded jim

I'm starting to pick up a pattern here.
Guys what if there was a pattern
Guys what if Kaede's grandma is a mind-controlling Edritch Abomination and slendy's trying to free her from its control?
Calling it now that slendy is using kaede to cross over into our world
The question now is if kaede will survive it
If Slendy is being birthed through Kaede Daemonette style while causing Kaede's body to explode into gore... well, I'm not sure how I'd feel about Slendy-chan anymore
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I dunno man she could have just ate something that violently disagreed with her.
I still love her, I'm not gonna trust her around the other girls though, nor am i trusting any other weird demon things
what about our Grim Reaper?
>it turns out to be nothing
I swear to god
Not a demon, death ain't evil its just a horrible truth, or someother pseudo deep thing
>That devotion

You do a man proud, anon
What if ninja bitch stabbed her?
Guys what if Slendy can now be killed with Kaede?
What if we're in autosage?
I completely forgot about her
She is the best ninja
all the more reason to murder Junko

All these what ifs... I'm scared, Guide-sama
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Then ninja bitch gon' get stabbed. That shit just ain't cool.

I can't even remember what ninja bitch's deal IS.
I wouldn't really care unless slendy got got too, though I will still use it as an excuse to kill ninja bitch, fuck her
She doesn't even give good advice.

Literally every time we've ignored her advice, it's turned out better for us. She could tell us that committing suicide is a bad idea, and killing ourself outside of school grounds would result in us ascending to godhood or something equally ridiculous.
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You wait a beat, just enough for another pained moan to hit, then you shove the door open. At least you try to. Then you realize it’s a pull door and pull it open hurriedly.

Stepping inside you’re hit with a strange tableau. It’s a nice bathroom. Really, it’s an upscale café bathroom, clean and brightly lit. Hell, even the trashcan is one of those out of the way cutely decorated ones.

But in the middle of the floor, before one of the stalls lies Kaede. She’s managed to raise herself up slightly, but what gets you the most is the fact that she seems to be puking something that resembles black tar. Even as you watch, she heaves again and more spews out.

But the fact that you’re watching a girl puke is not the strangest thing about what’s going on. The strangest thing that’s going on is the fact that the liquid isn’t so much as a liquid as a living moving blob. That seems to be trying to suck out the light from the surrounding area. As well as making a sound that your brain interprets as a burble, but also contains a rumbling volcano and the rage of a dark angry god.
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We'd die just enough to awaken/unseal our true power before someone saved us just in time.
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Guys, what if...

Tokiko killed her because Kaede was a homunculi?

Blue hair, niggahs
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One last heave from Kaede and what seems to be the last of the dark liquid comes out of her mouth, before it begins to bubble even more and then forms a dark, imposing shape. It is a shape that is familiar, but different at the same time; whose aura is definitely malevolent, angry and nowhere near as comfy looking as that of your friend.

One that quickly roars at you as it gains a mouth, its foot lashing out and kicking Kaede towards you even as the air around you darkens and becomes heavier. Your lungs feel like they’re going to be crushed even your eyes dart between strange things that shouldn’t exist in this world. You almost feel the madness take you…until the pressure in your mind pushes back in ways you can’t describe, relieving you from that burden and even pushing it back.

You feel anger in your head, anger and a burning desire to see the thing in front of you ended. You know what your friend wants you to do and you can feel that she’ll do her best to help you.

But you don’t have a weapon, you left your sword at home….

There’s a groan at your feet and you see a flash, there’s a sword in Kaede’s hand and she seems to be trying to lift it towards you, even if she can only get it a few inches off the ground.

The thing roars again. You need to make a decision.

>Grab the sword, fight the bastard.
>Grab Kaede, book it.
>Book it.
she's probably sentient, but doesn't think we are. And because she thinks we're in over our head, she's been trying to inconvenience us by steering us away from plot and pretty women. So far ignoring her advice has gotten us Tatsuko, Karasuba, and all the beings in the church
>Book it.
>Grab Kaede, book it.
>Grab the sword, fight the bastard.
Don't let it leave the bathroom.
>>Grab the sword, fight the bastard.
>Grab Kaede, book it.
>>Grab Kaede, book it.
Slendy was using us? ;_;
>>Grab the sword, fight the bastard.
>>Grab the sword, KILL the bastard.

We can't outrun this thing with both Kaede and her Grandma. not to mention the innocents in the area.
Grab the sword, slide Kaede out of harms way, and fuck this thing up
>Grab Kaede, book it.
>Grab the sword, fight the bastard.
Aghhh fucking hell
>Grab the sword, fight the bastard.
We can't let something like this live.
>grab the sword
Fuck you slendy, I loved you, but you were just a massive prick, who is also a dude
>Grab the sword, fight the bastard

Re-read the post, Slendere protected us from the thing's mind attack and wants us to murder it horribly.
no, slendy's still in our head and wants to kill these things
>>Grab the sword, fight the bastard.

There's two slendies. One wants our dick, the other wants us dead. Naturally they dislike each other.
>>Grab the sword, fight the bastard.
We have the dean or whatever her name is on speed dial, right? Because she needs to be informed quick-like.

lrn2read she's still in our head.
In discussions before Kaede has described differenct looking slendy, which I take is this. We do not know if our slendy and this is the same.
I think slendy is still in our head. I think that is her slender thing.
>>Grab Kaede, book it.
We should summon jenkins, he saved our ass before, also if we can help it don't make him a butler, bodyguard maybe
>Grab the sword, fight the bastard
It might be the shit she sucked out of us that one night, but personified. Sucks she had to transfer it to Kaede as a way to get it out, but she definitely wants it gone.

>Captcha: omstata necessarily
Even captcha agrees with the sad truth.
>Grab Kaede, book it.
>Grab the sword, fight the bastard.
Summon Jenkins have him get Kaede out of here while we fight this monstrosity
>Grab the sword, fight the bastard
>Grab the sword, fight the bastard.
>Beat the bastard to death with our bare hands.
Wasn't there something vaguely similar we fought when Chris was stuck in-between being sentient & not?

And, random thought, I wonder if having Nanoha at the house is keeping her from meeting Fate and the ensuing lesbiantics.
Calling it.

And just saying, I still love your reactions.
>Grab the sword, fight the bastard.
Nice non-answer.
I don't think we're "keeping" her in the house like some princess locked away in a tower. Even if we were, she'd blow up the tower.

That said, swording this current piece of shit sounds like the right play.
>grab sword, fight bastard
How, exactly, would he do that? He's a skull.
That butler thing? That was a special case.
It was?
>don't think we're "keeping" her in the house like some princess locked away in a tower.
I meant that she wouldn't be at the same places at the same times she would have had she not been living in the house. Aside from classes that is.
Yes. It only happened because we were outside the boundaries of the show's existence and thus were able to ignore the rules governing the universe.
When was this said?
I say we should summon, but only in the off chance we summon Slendy
>slendy replaces jenkins
I am okay with this, especially to show off to our summoning teacher
nah, Jenkins got awesome last time we summoned him. We just need to get better so the butler him shows up more than just the skele-head
I don't know, but I hope she finds Fate and their daughter
Your friend is screaming at you to kill this thing, it seems like it wants to kill everything around you and it hurt Kaede. You’re not really sure how much that last affects your decision, but she’s been a semi-decent room-mate and hasn’t tried to kill you lately so you can probably save her from a horrible death at the hands of something that probably doesn’t belong in this dimension.

So you bend down and take the sword, its weight reassuring in your hands even if it isn’t the one you’re used to. As you take up a protective stance, the thing roars, clearly not intimidated by you as it immediately strikes forward, moving at speeds that you don’t think technically exist in this plane.

But your sword swings out, a strange glow emanating from the blade, from Kaede or your friend you aren’t sure, but it cuts through the offending limb no problem, the end you cut off immediately liquefying and splattering against the wall behind you, where it sizzles briefly.

The thing roars, this time in pain, a fetid wash of something blowing past your nostrils in ways that you weren’t meant to experience. But now it takes a stance, one that admits that is at least aware you can hurt it. It grunts a few times, looking for a way past your defenses, possibly towards Kaede.

So you don’t give it a chance.

Stepping forward you start to swing…
oh no
And I'm a faggot and leaving you all on a cliffhanger.

Sorry guys, but I'm starting to run down and I have things to do. Like eat.

I hope you enjoyed this session, thank you for keeping it down to reasonable levels and I hope I see you again soon. I don't know when exactly that is, but I'll post it on Twitter.

Thanks, I'll be around for a little bit like normal.
Rolled 93


Should we roll for fighty?
This reminds me we need to enchant our sword
Thanks for running guide
That would have been pretty good if Guide had called a dice roll.



Thanks for running Guide.
Thanks for running Guide. See you next time & hopefully you can get the archive BS sorted.
Fuck you Guide, how dare you cluffhanger us you bastard, I hope you die.
But seriously, thanks for running dude, see you next time.
You know, I have a feeling that theres a reason she hates dudes and is a lesbian, and I don't think its because she was born that way
It doesn't work that way, at least, I don't think it does.
We don't know if Fate even exists in this universe, let alone that those events would happen that way, especially since other characters and mechanics from totally different things are present as well.
She was in the house before we blocked her spell anyway, IIRC.

He'd be improved slightly from our further experience in summoning, but the full butler was just for that once.

Oh, and if you don't have 4chanX:
If we live through this fight, we're going to make it so the weakest weapon in our house makes Excalibur look like a butter knife.
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Whoops, didn't paste that url right, here's the particular post you're looking for, it's the first thing Guide answers in it:
Yeah I think having to put up with that fucker would severely alter your perception of males
So who is worse
Ninja bitch?
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And who knows what he/it has been doing in there?
As long as none of them talk.
Ninja bitch.
I don't think its a matter of what hes done, more of what hasn't he done
Ninja bitch
Kaede was nuts at her intro and has been getting progressively less murderous towards us

Junko tried to advise us away from two of our waifus and is condescending as fuck
Am I the only one who finds the complete 360 characterization Kaede got really fucking annoying?
Advice is shit, don't know enough about her to judge anything else.
A bit condescending.

Major issues, but not really her fault.
We need to learn whether Akeno was just making a joke or exaggeration at Kaede's expense back then or actually thought that.
Also need to hear Kaede's side of the story.

If I had to choose: Junko is worse, but I don't like judging characters before I really know them.

Yes, because it isn't 360.
There have been hints about something like the anti-slendere for a while, and it being related to Kaede.
People are different when you get to know them, and Kaede's been slowly warming up to us for awhile.
I mean the fact that she is known for going around and kicking the shit out of people and forcing them into her gang, hell we haven't even heard about her gang since she moved in
Thanks for running!
To be fair to Ninja girl, in character for the show, would she be wrong? Both Tatsuko and Karasuba would be scary with their insane strength, not to mention how Tatsuko gets when angry or Karasuba when she gets to fight.

I think the hate for her is overblown if anything.
we should ask her about this after the fight, since we're finally on actual speaking terms
Yeah thats a certainly a good idea.
I mean I know shes not as bad as we thought she was, but its not just me that feels like Guide is white washing her right?
Nah I get that feeling too
It's still not really 360 degree characterization, which is a bad term anyway since 360 degrees makes a circle.
180 characterization is the term you're probably looking for, though equally as inaccurate, since it would mean Kaede's entire personality inverted itself instantaneously.
Karasuba suddenly being a pacifist would be a good example of 180 characterization.

Everything that happened as far as Kaede goes this thread is something that was foreshadowed or Guide clearing up our misconceptions.
>everything happening to her has made her seem better
Thats what I said
I don't think we ever heard anything from an objective perspective. At least I don't remember hearing it.
You know what I mean anon, she had a drastic change in personality
I agree that I like her more now that everything has been illuminated, but I don't think that it came out of nowhere, which is the implication with the term 'white-washing'.

I know what you mean, though I don't really agree with it.
Her personality didn't actually change, rather our perception of her is what changed.
It's maybe overblown, but it has a basis.

I don't really hate her, I just find that kind of characters very annoying.
>Her personality didn't actually change, rather our perception of her is what changed.

She did mellow to John quite a bit, though.
Yeah and if I remember correctly we are an exception, that doesn't make her any better than before
And that's a bad thing... how, exactly?
No one said it was. You might wanna chill & slow down a bit.
What reason did she have to not be so hateful towards us anymore? If I remember right we have and still are causing shit to happen to her, the whole sleeping thing, getting kissed, kissing slender whatever the fuck into her(I think that happened?)
That and we magic mind fucked her when we blocked death beam, I think we groped her then too and we touched the girl she was gunning for, which at least at the time made her want to cut us up real good with that sword of hers
kind of makes sense though. She's been living with us for a while, and its hard to keep irrationally hating on someone if they are nothing but nice constantly In order to see how she acts usually, we'd need to see some other guy try and talk to her
She's got a defensive personality and is slow to let people in, especially men.
She's not any better, but our initial impressions were pretty bad and slanted against her due to Akeno's joking exaggeration of who she is.
Well, I presume it was a joke, Akeno seems the type to make such a joke at the expense of one she doesn't like, but we didn't see it that way at the time.

TL;DR, Kaede was never that bad a person to begin with, we just took a naughty devil's bad joke too seriously.

Well, the food, definitely.
Magic mind-fuck is forgivable, the alternative was horrible pain and weeks of recovery.
Her gang was probably assholes, so we got her out of that.
Apologized about the sleeping thing, IIRC.
Agreed to help her out with grandma without asking anything in return, which is not what she was expecting at all.
John Galt's too nice a guy to be around and *not* warm up too, really.

Also, pretty sure her slender problem isn't really friends with Slendere, given that she wants to go full rip and tear on it.
>TL;DR, Kaede was never that bad a person to begin with, we just took a naughty devil's bad joke too seriously.
We don't know that, but we will find out at some point soon, hopefully, but I seriously doubt shes as good as you think she is
I think all the good points and mitigating circumstances we just saw were all things i suspected would happen to some degree or another

one of the big x factor is what this guy said >>33891268 how dose she act around other guys who aren't jerks.
She was described as man hating, but thats just rumors, we gotta science it up in the bitch
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Thanks Guide!
Might wanna force-update the archive.

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