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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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So I drew something /tg/

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and third
That's nice.
That's pretty awesome.

All I'd want to request now are more wimminz secretly controlling Astartes armor.

Like your style, anon.
I like it.
The idea and the style.
I really like it Ohhpee
OP here. Thanks. If any anons got ideas on combinations of girls/armor, do sound off and I'll try to do it sharpish.
Since you did an Eldar girl, maybe a tau girl next? Or a human girl coming out of a Tau battlesuit.
How about a dreadnought, being actually piloted and not.. well what it is now. By a loli or a milf.
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Obligatory Wolf in a Wolf.
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How about a (seemingly) male Vindicare unzipping to reveal it's a sweaty eldar girl in a padded bodysuit? Extra points if the suit comes with a fake bulge due to being so tight.
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>So, have you guys ever seen Terminators?
>No, I mean, like, outside their armor.
>...Come to think of it no.
>They're still Space Marines, right?
>Well, they have to be.

Truly the darkest secret of the Astartes.
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Sorry anon, I think I done fucked up inking the girl.
That's really nice.
like your style
hate the idea

your talent is wasted
kill yourself
got anything else I could try drawing?
workin on it atm
Is gud, do more.

How about one getting out of a Titan?
Or one getting out of the Emperor?
Draw a girl coming out of a nid like it was one of those old costumes from godzilla.
Cute female princeps?

Still pretty swell I say.
Draw Shadowrun things. Nobody ever draws Shadowrun things and it's a shame.
The scale on that one is all wrong: Broadsides are huge, only a little smaller than a Dreadnought. Other than that, your style and composition are excellent, and the subject matter is stupid enough to be self aware, so good job!

How about a Techmarine?
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>Mfw this anon just invented 40k Girls und Panzer
Draw a rhino crew as pretty girls.
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i second the techmarine
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Wonderful heresy OP.
I approve this.
Praise the machine spirit.
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This is heresy of the most delicious kind
/r/ a muscle girl climbing out of a dreadknought
Damn, you got to have more. A gallery or something.

You can't deaw that well and bot have a place to show off your art.
Okay, I've asked several drawfags (people who are good at art) this and they never give me a straight answer, but I really need to know.
Do you draw your own porn?
Not OP but different drawfag.
For me its a no, despite mostly drawing lewds for people, I dont really consider them porn-worthy myself.
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Chapter Master Madoka?
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Honestly speaking, I don't. I am raised conservatively, so it gets weird for me after a while. HOWEVER, I am slowly trying to get used to drawing the sexy, hence this exercise.
You mean Horo in Space Wolves armor?
Inking right now
Also, my exposure to WH40K is mostly from the Dawn of War games, and what I can glean from the 1d4chan wiki.
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Seconding that. Chapter Master Madoka drinking tea with a Eldar Farseer (female more preferable) while punching a Ork with a Chainfist. Also Imperial Inquisition look behind the corner at her with FUKLAW LEVELS OF RAGE from the distance.
Sorry to late request but what about am Imperial Guardswoman coming out of a wraithlord? Creed's so good he scouted pilots into enemy monstrous creatures!
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A Necron Lord and a Necron Lady holding hands like a couple.
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I like this concept.
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MILF enough I guess? Also yeah I am reusing the same paper as the Battlesuit one I'm poor dammit.
Doing this next because Horo

After that Techmarine. Do post how we gonna do Techmarine.
seconding this

bonus point for loli
Second this, if only for more creed rage
I love you OP
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here's another
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and a third
iron hands techmarine
with chaincloack

and dreadlocks for the girl
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>Spess Mahreens aren't actually huge
>They's just sexy babes piloting small mechs

and I like that style
>bonus point for loli
Should be for riptide or imperial knight. Or anything huge.


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> Sexy Xeno bitch coming out of the emperor's divine armor

> Not a Sexy fem!Emperor coming out of her huge armor for a smoke, while a topless Eldar witch tries to catch her breth after their bout of hot lesbian sex.

You're not just Heretic scum, but also a complete Pleb.

>not sexy Femperor emerging amidst a cloud of steam cuddled by several naked hot concubines including a sister of silence, a xenos witch and an army commander

The reason that armor is so huge is so that it can hold lots of cuddling
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You are truly a Man of Wealth and Taste, Anon.
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Alright, next up is Techmarine, and then a final one because my finger's starting to feel weird.
Tempting, very tempting

Do this. It will be your heretical masterpiece.

You're a bro among bros, OP.
Awesome, love it. Well done!
Wait do the first or the second?
Also fEmperor is yay or nay?
FEmprah surrounded by her concubines is a yes please
Emperer is a definate. Do it for sweet, sweet heressy. Btw, did you confuse muscle girl with milf girl with the dreadknought? Not complaining but
Just fuck off. You have no appreciation for heresy. This stuff is groundbreaking. It's like OP invented sliced bread and toast in one go.

Femperor with exhausted concubines coming out of the armor yes
Possibly even butter
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Haha, this is great. Thanks OP.
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I now have my spess mahreen army theme OP. Thanks
I was already halfway inking milf when I read musclegirl, sorry anon.
t...thank you anon ;_;
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That loli knows the secret!

Now that silly bikini-clad powerarmor jacker has to pull her in all snug like with plenty of body contact and whisk her away!
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I'm still stoked with it OP
You're doing the God-Emperor's work, OP.

The Codex Astartes Swimsuit Edition names this maneuver Steel Beach 40K.
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Barbarians, the lot of you.
and then lolis turn out to have tiny space marines piloting them inside
Take that Heresy back to Krieg except not really, German baking is mai waifu

Also poorly disguised bump
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>wants to take a bite
>"German baking is mai waifu"
>slowly lowers bread roll
Enjoy the special cream filling, anon!

Srsly tho: fresh, buttered Laugebrezen/brötchen? I would gladly live on that stuff until I die of some deficiency or other.

Horus say, "Heresy A-OK!"
Why would you?
You have hundreds of spreads, cuts, sausages, cheeses and other toppings to choose from.
>being poor when you're a good painter who can speedpaint well


Just do furry porn commissions, $50-80 for half an hour of work, several hundred for bigger pieces
I <3 u

Draw a Black Templar with a feisty loli coming out of it dressed in a school swimsuit.
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I cannot believe I didn't think of that before ... OK, my menu is set for the next lifetime!
>being poor when you're a good painter
No offence to OP but he is not a "good" painter
He is an okay one
His lines are very imbalanced, anatomy in some places on those bodies is very unnatural and that is mainly why he would have problems making furry porn or something like that and I have a feeling that his coloring would be meh
He looks like natural artist that knew how to draw from childhood but didn't train much or guy that didn't know how to draw at all and started training now
I mean with practice OP can become good as fuck and there are furyshit artists that draw worse art plus maybe quality of his art decreases because speedpaint...but I have seen people speedpaint with better proportions since it's something that just sits in you after you get it right
Sure, he's not amazing, but he sure as hell is good enough to draw furry porn for a living.
don't know man, just saying that he would have competition that draws better
everything is amazing about this except her hair

I would strongly suggest you find some way of redrawing that part, even if it's just digitally

with those earrings I thought she was sopping wet and her hair was dripping and clupped together

OTHERWISE boss job, Bossman
Most furry artists are absolute garbage though, and the rare few that aren't charge insane amounts. OP could easily find a market.
you smooshed her head, and she looks huge by comparison.
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Oh god my fingers they hurt.

Will now begin FINAL HERESY. You know the one.
Yes, I am speedpainting, it's just that like anon previously said, I am bad at coloring because I've been focusing on strict B&W only for reasons. All critique is greatly appreciated.
But anon, she's in a Broadside - an XV88 kitbash no less - she is allowed to be huge
I'll be in my bunk.
>Most furry artists are absolute garbage though
Have you seen some of their porn? Most of those cunts have anatomy down pat.
A woman in Holy Powered Armor of a man's legion?
Fact: Heretical.
Request, that you sit down and wait for the ordo inquisition to come.
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Hey OP, do you want to be art buddies? I'm trying to get back into drawing and I could use someone to talk to. I do speed stickynote sketches in the draw threads, but haven't for a really long time... Anyway I know that the best path to improvement is to have a consistant support group, so I figured "wtf, I'll reach out."

Also I like your work here man, keep up the good shit.
I think you mean delicious heresy.
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Huh, you're right

was this your reference, OP?
The exact one. I only remember Broadsides from Dark Crusade, googling the images didn't get me what I want much.
Sure, why not?
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>>this thread

Heresy, Anon-kun...

Can I buy you more paper?
Awesome Luth!

I'm your biggest fan~
Also, I can't be the only anon who thought of this kind of heresy, right?
Yes you are, because Heresy is plain wrong and all of you scum will get rekt soon
girls coming out of astartes armor? Havent seen it before, its a pretty nice idea, Ive drawn eldar as lolis.
Sweet dude, you got steam or want my email?

I also use AIM a lot, it's surprisingly good for an in-browser messenger and it remembered my AOL login information from the fucking turn of the 00s so it's a plus for me.

Also haha, I knew that was the one (I'm good like that and I ALSO remember that Dark Crusade used the forgeworld broadsides)
email I guess? I don't use these messenger things very much.

Wait does 4chan have a private message function I don't know about
No, but steam or aim would really be the easiest. There's G chat too, I guess. Here man, hit me up, I'd love to check out your art spread and show you all what I've got too.

[email protected]
Just wanted to poke in and say the drawings were awesome.
Hah, had the same idea, but with loli's and more shitty art.

Good work OP!
How about a cute tomboy adopted by Orks riding a Big Mek?
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Restarting on a new piece of paper to fit steam, Femperor, xenos witch, sister of silence, and commissar..?

My fingers hurt.

Pain is transient, think of the acclaim that awaits you!
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OP does pretty boss work, I must say.
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Pedobait lolis or just adorable min-eldar? If the latter, please share.

I am so into femtau it isn't even fun

(stop laughing, it ain't!)
Some other time when I have stuff I like.
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Then how have you never heard of Blue?
who's blue and where can I follow you?

I suck at digital art, but that style is fucking amazing.
I didn't realize blueberries had such huge hips.
Look up the Scraplootaz
/tg/ genned orcs
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Blue is one of /tg/'s original characters. Basically she's an Earth Caste engineer who's been 'looted' by Orks. They believe she's a lucky blue grot.
>who's blue
Da Blue Grot
>where can I follow you
I didn't draw either of those, I was being facetious since your request described Blue pretty much word for word.
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Tau are like 90% hips.
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>pic unrelated
90% ass
90% tits
10% blue
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>this thread devolution

I like what I'm seeing, and I even liked the OP too.
Man, seeing people post their art here and get all that praise is making me want to post mine as well :S Maybe try a drawthread or something.

Love the shading of your B&W pictures btw!
You could just post it in this thread...it's not like it'll get MORE derailed
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Hey man, post your stuff

and feel free to contact me if you are looking for an art buddy. I'm at [email protected]

I post sticky art mostly but I've got some other shit to throw around too... Here's my current kit. If my brother wasn't coming over in a sec to hang out I'd take a request to too, but will come back once he's gone.
Did OP die?
He emailed me and I responded once but that was like an hour ago

I hope not lol
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Hah, most things I dont think I even can post here.
But why not, I guess.
Full pinup when?
I dub thee InkerAnon. Go forth and namefag.

Your style reminds me of the guy who does art for Crafty Games (which I like). It would be nice to see you do some stuff that wasn't kitch, like a battle scene. I'm also curious if you can due fantasy as well.
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Sorry /tg/, but my hand hurts too much from speedpainting, so I am unable to finish it tonight.

This has been a fun experience, I'll see if I can return tomorrow.
I see no reason why I can't.
Shit's cool, yo. I like your costume design, if even the mask is a bit simple (but simple CAN be effective)

Clean up your lineart and this could be brettygud/10

Def hit me up, I kinda want to create a drawfag support network where we can chit chat about art stuffs or just give each other pointers and uplift our worst enemy (ourselves)

Is this for 40k btw or an original character?
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You are glorious! Thank you for those drawings.
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It's beautiful OP.
scan this shit OP
Well its just a random sketch, wanted to try out doing rain effects, and so just doodled this random assassin-y person. So, not 40k I fear.

What would that drawfag support be, then?
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Damn good work, OP! I am hugely in envy of your skills.
See ya tomorrow Inker-kun, you've done the emperor's work.
Drawfag support:

talking about art
sharing art
giving critiques and shit
lending inspiration where needed
and just generally being palsy

hit me up for you or any drawfag that wants to join ANY SKILL LEVEL WELCOME but don't expect the best lol.

[email protected]
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Scantily clad human emerging from battlesuit and not a scantily clad Tau girl?
Thats clearly a tau C'msar.

>not drawing a burly man coming out of a sob suit
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then popped the whole thing into the microwave and it turned into cheesecake

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This is for you, OP. C'mon Vivian, smile for the camera. No? Well at least put on a shirt or something, don't want Uncle /tg/ to have a heart attack.

Sorry to drop this off in a shitty unfinished state, but I gotta go be social for a couple hours

Nighty night!
You need to execute the interior of the suit.
Yeah, I know. Will probly have to wait until tomorrow though.
I wish I had half your talent, i can't draw for shit
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Wish I could draw like you OP. I fell out of drawing but I've begun to pick it up again.

I can only produce swill so far.
>Uncle /tg/
Fuck off, you had nothing to do with our kid. /pol/ is her only uncle.
I want NotTomoko to leave.
Not even related, but I want a skeleton that is a bard, because it's silly.
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With an afro and a sword cane?
Very cool, you've got talent (and a good bit of imagination, i must say)
Looks good, man. I can see the rust falling off of you in NO TIME FLAT. I know I keep saying this (only two people have emailed me so far) but if you need a drawfag friend to collaberate and share words of encouragement with then please send me a line here

I have been out of practice for a very long time myself and I'm finally finding the strength (among friends) to start back up again. It never hurts to have a friend along any journey, so why suffer it alone?

Where there's a will there's a way, brother. No better time to start drawing than the present, else you'll be damning yourself in the future.
Shut up, one of my friends I am playing the campaign with the skeleton with is just like 'why didn't you name him brook?'
If you don't mind, I would like to give a little criticism and advice.

Face is a bit too sharply defined. The shadow on the left (perspective of viewer) side of the chin makes the chin seem excessively pointy.

The hair is also too stiff. The hair strands in the inner portion is too defined, making them seem like they were gelled into that position. You really only need to emphasis (use that heavy line) on the outer edges of the hair.

Again the facial edges are too strong. Whilst a little bit can emphasis a strong jawline, bone structure, etc. you take it a bit too far. Also the teeth on the chainsaw looks a bit odd, but I'm not sure what it is and how to fix it.

Again the face issue. Here I feel your hands issue is a bit more prominent. Most noticeably the girl's left (perspective of viewer) hand is a bit too big compared to the rest of the arm. Also the suit's left hand's last few digits suffer from poorly defined shape - the 3 dimensional-ity there is messed up.

The left (perspective of viewer) tail of the girl's hair is too stiff. It looks like it was gelled in place. To be more natural it should bulge only a bit before falling down as normal hair with gravity acting on it. Such a stiff strand only works if the hair is short and/or not a very large strand.


The face is the largest issue here. The position of the left (perspective of viewer) jawline and nose make it seem like her face is turned towards the right, but the left eye is too far left. As a result the human looks deformed.

The face and hair are again the weakest part, although the hands here are a contender. Hair doesn't need to be defined into large strands with hard edges. Although hair can be grouped in that fashion, you should try to make a few smaller but lighter-stroked strands in between.

The issue here with the head is it is too round towards the right top where it meets the hair. The fix would either making the head less round in that portion or having the hair stick closer to the head form there. Currently it makes the rightmost strand appear to be floating completely detached from the head. Possibly, but not likely given the strand to it's left which has no shadow and thus looks attached.

The fingers are probably too long. It appears the pinky is spaced too far from the ring finger. The shoulder to waist on the right side is probably thinning too heavily and would look better if it was slightly less so, but it's not a very glaring item, so no biggie. The hair is better than the previous ones since it's not as heavily defined (the stroke isn't as heavy). As for the ends of the long strands, if you don't break them into separate strands as early as you do, it would probably look better.

>As a result the human looks deformed.
should be >As a result the head looks deformed.

>>34483476 and >>34486072

Pretty good, nothing jarring stands out.

That said, it's all very nice, I hope to see you continue to draw and improve!


Let's get this thing restarted! Request away, also I should figure out a way to balance speed and detail, yeah?
Thank you anon, sameface syndrome has a particularly hard thing for me to get rid of.
Black Templar armor with a loli coming out of it please.
Tragic Lamenters waifu


Armor maintenance presented as bikini-girl carwash.
>Armor maintenance presented as bikini-girl carwash.

Since the armours are inhabited by girls it should be a bunch of muscle bound dudes covered in nothing but soap foam.
Good to see you back! I stayed up all night for this thread
Space Marine in a loli suit.
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The true source of their raeg
Based Inker-kun, saved.
MILF coming out of old Mk 3 Power armour

"Ara ara" optional, but would be appreciated
I like it in general, but I will say I don't care for the fat lines on the finger joints. It doesn't mesh with the rest of the line work as is, though I am sure you could pull off a more thickly inked picture over all. Same deal with the mouth outline, kinda looks like she is wearing dark ass lip stick.
yeah, I mistakenly re-inked her lips with a thicker pen, and it's too fine for me to fix with liquid paper.
This intrigues me
The forearms of the suit should be higher in proportion with the shoulders. As it is now, it looks like there's a second joint at the base of the pouldron. It is off putting. Or that Space Marine armour has monkey long arms.
Girl coming out of Angry Marine armor
Actual Angry Marine coming out of her
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Y'all got some splainin' to do.

Alright /tg/, femperor next or something else?

I love the ghost in the shell style robotic body there, actually. feel like doing more of those?
I've been trying, but I never could wrap my head around how people fit in the suits.

50/50 on restarting fEMPRAH or Angry Marine-ception.

I thought you did great in that pic tbh.

How about you turn it around, then.

Eldar mech like a wraithguard opening up to reveal a disheveled sister of battle?
I'm good with either

I suggested the angrymarineception but seeing fEmprah finished would be cool too
Oh, I read that recently
I need to work on my own comic
Throw in Eversor removing skull helmet to show a delicous blueberry. Unzipping the front as well so those breasts can get fresh air and bounce free
I don't think her uncle /pol/ the inquisitor would aprove of her playing an orc. but at least she is not a degenerete dark eldar or a damn chaos traitor, right?
gas the kikes, space war now!
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sorry for lateness, had lunch then rushed to finish this
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How could you possibly not have heard of Blue at this point? She has a bunch of pictures and a metric shit ton of stories


Hell, one story is over sixty pages with her as the main character.
Lovin' the assualt marine in the background
Getting kinda a Gurren Lagann feel with the matryoshka marine.
Are these worth reading? Any particular order?
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looks like elves inside Astartes armors


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It was a doozy, but I think I finally got it?

Keep the suggestions coming anons
Abbadon ihs a MILF coming out the middle of her armor and two lolis making the arms up like mugi in the sleeping bag arms.
What about a sister of battle taking off her armour? Not in theme with the whole chicks bustin' outa' spess marines but still. And she's had a looong day of burning heretics
1. Yes.
2. Not really, but it's better to do it in order.
Since the theme is kinda "they're secretly all hot girls", how about a sorta-kinda tribal hottie emerging from a spawning-pool-like structure with a a kind of psyker aura going on and a kind of tyranid crown that makes her kind of the norn queen, source of the hivemind.
Maybe have some gaunts wait by the pool with towels.
How about: Ork mek is really a nerdy girl with glasses.
Secind. Give her teef but.
Have a muscular man get out of the Sister.

How about this:

A typical Dark Heresy party (inquisitor, guardsman, tech adept, psyker) all remove their masks to reveal they're cute girls.

Any part composition you think is funny. Any composition of girls.
Looks like we're going full circle
But sisters dont normally wear helmets?

How about a bunch of grots crawl out of the skin of a sister?
Wut? They have their damn pantyhelmets.
Skinny DFC coming out of Necron maybe?
A tau loli coming out of a riptide, because size contrast. Maybe with a low or hight angle for even more hugeness.
> It actually does look like the face of mercy.
Is she jerking someone off?
Why not have a trap?
Yeah, herself
Full circle second
We've had Creed dressing up as a daemonette. How about a daemonette getting out of a Creed costume? Perhaps with a second one coming out of Jarran Kell?
OR here, AWESOME! We need to get this archived
Reasonable Daemonette for the whole Tactical Nerd Genius
A trap is fine, too. Traperor best Emperor.
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And done
eww no
Hold the phone.

Isn't that the Dark Angels Assault marking? What is that doing on an Ultramarine?
I'm amazed and impressed, OP. May you be blessed.
I reference whatever I can get off google. Pretty sure I used someone's miniatures for this.

Such is the poor life

I am fapping to this.

Where to next, OP? My dick cannot rest.
No, those are the Codex markings. They use the same markings for assault squads, just not for tactical and devastator squads

Fabulous. If he were sweatier, I'm sure I'd find reason to turn gay.
draw the assassins in jojo poses
Unless someone brings up something better than Femprah and co, I'll be doing that I suppose
Are traps and futas the same or not? I'm so confused.
A trap is a young male dressed as a female, convincing enough to be mistaken for a female, thus, a 'trap'. A futa is a chick (tits and all) with a dick.
sometimes a futa will have testes, sometimes not. Sometimes a futa will have a vajay under the dick, and sometimes not
>Unless someone brings up something better than Femprah and co, I'll be doing that I suppose

do this pls

Correct. However, the fundamental difference is that traps are male, futas are female.
yes. Should have said that here>>34509075. My bad.

>also this>>34507533
>this entire thread
I -do- enjoy sweaty girls in swimsuits.
Yes, it comes down to the difference between an underdevelopen male built plus deceptive clothing, behavior etc, and a female built with penis.
However the difference between Shemales, T-Girls, Trannies etc. and the Futanari is also not unimportant. The former imply a realignment of sorts while the latter are generally portrayed as female from birth in every sense of the word and capable of reproduction, often both ways but almost always capable of bearing children.
This makes Futanari a completely fictitious idea as while hermaphroditism occurs, two sets of working genetalia are not possible.
Transpeople on the other hand obviously exist.
Leman Russ has returned!
fuck yes, thank you

I'm so happy this thread is still alive and OP is still being fucking brilliant.
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Eh, could've fooled me.

wish me luck /tg/
That smug look on his face, he knows we love it

Inkeranon is love, inkeranon is life
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I am ok with this heresy.
I'm a xenos and what is this?

Well, we finally figured out why they all have man-faces now...
my favorite one yet

this ones a close second

bretty gud too
Needs chesthair. Loads of it
>not having your conscripts wax your chest with their love juices every time you suit up for battle
Holy shit, hahaha
Are you gonna set up a DA or something to post all of these on?

Cause this stuff is the shit, but I won't be able to scour the chins for your threads
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Checking the archive once in a while for InkerAnon should be enough. If he keeps that name that is.
From what I've been discussing with IA, DA is a shit place for getting critiques (and he's fuckin right about that) so he's content with posting frequently here.

He's new to namefagging (a good thing) so be gentle.
Totally understand.

I think his art is awesome anyway, as does most of the rest of the thread. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with it via the catalogue.

I'd totally go for being art buddys with him too if he was still around, I could use someone to get me back in the habit of practising consistently
those look like steel legion troops
They are
I'm pretty sure that's part of the joke

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