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> I've long since wanted to try and run the Towergirls idea as a proper little RPG game, and I think I've got a decent system down to hold it all together so I'm running a trial run here.
> It's fairly similar to the Storyteller system; success measured in d10s between 8-10, and your dice pool is determined by your stats, skills, and gear. Penalties or disabilities may reduce your dice pool.
> The doweries and stats of the girls in the picture won't be what I'll be using system-wise because it's still pretty raw, but I'll still write them in for fluff. Each princess will offer you some different aid along your journey. All the princesses, except Dragon, are available to choose. You can only take one.

You are a young knight tasked with the arduous quest of saving a Princess from a terrible dragon. Whomever you save, the other kingdoms will despise you for, but you and your beloved will endeavour to make it back alive and live happily ever after. You will need to accumulate much strength and many allies if you are to survive.

What are your choices?
> Which Princess do you save?
> You have 12 points to distribute between: Health, Brawn, Agility, Intellect, and Charisma.
> You can choose one gift: a Powerful Weapon, a Magic Spell, a Strange Potion... or, you can take The Mystery Box!
> Which Princess do you save?
Giant Amazon Princess
> You have 12 points to distribute between: Health, Brawn, Agility, Intellect, and Charisma.
> You can choose one gift: a Powerful Weapon, a Magic Spell, a Strange Potion... or, you can take The Mystery Box!
Always mystery Box
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>Hm, fairly slow.
You decided to save the beautiful (and brawny) Giant Amazon Princess. The journey to the tower is perilous and you risk much to arrive, but you successfully manage to circumvent the dragon's watch and you and your princess escape the tower. She graciously thanks you (and nearly chokes you), but the two of you are safe for now.

It will be a long journey to her kingdom though.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Talk to Princess.

Health 3
Brawn 3
Agility 1
Intellect 3
Charisma 2

Inside the mystery box is... A Bottle of Exotic Wine! You have no idea what this does.
Rolled 23 (1d100)

>> Venture Forth! [d100]
> 23

You venture out into the world before you. heading towards the Amazon Kingdom.

On the way, you spy what appears to be a derelict carriage. You can't see anyone around, but it might be a trap. Still, you could use the supplies.

> Ignore It.
> Explore Carriage.
>> Explore Carriage.
You decide to risk it.

Luckily, nothing seems to actually be planning to ambush you. You search the carriage and find:
- An Old Sword! [+1 Brawn]
- A Small Chest!
- A Red Potion!

It was a good day today. You walked 2.3 miles.
You make camp for the night.
You are in perfect health.
Your Princess loves you.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear
> Talk to Princess.
Rolled 36 (1d100)

> Venture Forth! [d100]
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You decide to risk it.

Luckily, nothing seems to actually be planning to ambush you. You search the carriage and find:
- An Old Sword! [+1 Brawn]
- A Small Chest!
- A Red Potion!

It was a good day today. You walked 2.3 miles.
You make camp for the night.
You are in perfect health.
Your Princess loves you.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear
> Talk to Princess.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

> Venture Forth! [d100]
Dude from the other week, here.

I'm still interested in programming Towergirls and making a game out of it. If any of you might enjoy making art or writing then give me a howler. If enough people come forward we can begin planning.
I sent you an email, and am waiting on a reply, I can probably write something. Hopefully this happpens
If you are the hotmail gentleman I have already sent you a response. Otherwise shoot another over to [email protected], if you do not mind.
> Sure, I like both.

You venture out into the world before you, heading towards the Amazon Kingdom.

Along the road, you stumble upon an intersecting trail and follow it. It leads you to the outskirts of a bandit camp; surely filled with items you could undoubtedly use on your travels.
>Intellect: 1 success,
You estimate there to be at least 10 bandits in the camp; you can probably take them.

> Attack the camp! [Brawn]
> Sneak in and steal. [Agility]
> Talk to the Bandits [Charisma]
> Leave.
>> Attack the camp! [Brawn]
That'll make our princess happy
> Sneak in and steal, unknightly as it may be. [Agility]

Responded to your email.
>> Which Princess do you save?
>> You have 12 points to distribute between: Health, Brawn, Agility, Intellect, and Charisma.
Charisma: 3
>> You can choose one gift: a Powerful Weapon, a Magic Spell, a Strange Potion... or, you can take The Mystery Box!

Powerful Weapon
I am that fellow.
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> Tied. Flipped Coin; Attack.
> Brawn: 4d10. Rolled 10, 8, 8, 1. 3 successes.

You launch into the camp and start to slaughter indiscriminately. The bandits have you outnumbered, but are poorly trained and you easily overcome them one at a time. At the end of the 'fight' you stand triumphant. Amazon Princess is having fun beating some of the bandits using another bandit as a club.

You search the camp and find:
> A Green Potion!
> A Heavy Steel Shield! [+1 Health]
> A Magic Scroll!

It was a good day. You walked 5.0 miles.
You make camp for the night.
You are in perfect health.
Your Princess really loves you.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Identify Gear. [Intellect[
> Talk to Princess.
Changing this vote to attacking [Brawn], now that I've checked our attributes.

So far I've responded to every email- if you have yet to get a response then it must have been placed in spam or something.
>> Talk to Princess.

My bad, didn't realize we were playing as a singular knight.
>Talk to Princess.

And also:

>>Attack the camp!
Nah, I got one.
> Identify Gear. [Intellect[
and if possible;
> Talk to Princess.

We haven't said a word to her yet, which is probably a bad idea. People like to talk.
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> Intellect: 0 Successes.
> You identify nothing.

"Tiny knight is strong. Will make good husband. Feel like we can crush all together!"

Your Princess [Really Loves] you!
She may assist in combat.

> Ask her [write in]
> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
Rolled 52 (1d100)

This. >>35316144 Also
> Venture Forth!
>Ask her [What she thinks we should do now]
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You hug your Princess. Your bones feel weak.

"We go to Amazon Kingdom. Live as rulers. Have many strong children. Oh, and much fighting on way."
>Rolled 52

You wander through the forest today and notice something white moving with incredible speed. It stuns you, but you seem to have stumbled upon a mythical Unicorn. It could prove invaluable as a steed, but very difficult to tame. Maybe it's carcass may provide some magical items as well.

> Kill it! [Brawn]
> Catch it! [Agility]
> Calm it [Charisma]
> Think of a plan [Intellect]
> Calm it [Charisma]
Tame the noble steed!
> Catch it! [Agility]
>Kill it!

Present it's horn as a gift to the princess
>Kill it! [Brawn] We need to impress the princess!
> Think of a plan [Intellect]
Unicorns love pure maidens right? We have one right here.
>Kill it! Blood for the princess and khorne!
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Just got in thread
>Not picking Knight Princess and being a bro couple
For shame /tg/
>Brawn: [10, 7, 6, 2] 1 success.
>Unicorn: 2 successes.

You launch into a killing frenzy, chasing the unicorn through the woods. You manage a glancing blow, but it manages to evade you and runs off.

Amazon Princess looks sad.

Today was an okay day.
You make camp for the night.
You are in perfect health.
Your Princess really loves you.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Identify Gear. [Intellect]
> Track Unicorn [Intellect]
> Talk to Princess.
> Identify Gear. [Intellect]
Oh, forgot
You travelled 5.2 miles.

> Intellect: 0 successes.
> You identified nothing.
Slight pause while I cook some dinner.
I would've gone for Trap General personally, but someone had got in first, and I wasn't going to try and force into another pick.
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Track Unicorn [Intellect]
Apologize to her and say we can try to track it if she wishes
>not taming the shiny magic horse and giving it to our beloved as a present
>wounding the unicorn
Bad taste, anons.
She's an amazon, She'd likely value the pelt of a unicorn more than the live thing
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Maybe the next time something like this runs we can get a fluffy, jumping spider Drider princess. I can remain hopeful.
> Health: 3
> Brawn: 3
> Agility:1
> Intellect: 3
> Charisma: 2

> You have travelled 12.5 miles.

> Old Sword: [1] +1 Brawn
> Heavy Steel Shield: [3] +1 Health.
> Magic Scroll: [1] Unknown.
> Small Chest: [3] Trade good.
> Red Potion: [1] Unknown.
> Green Potion: [1] Unknown.
>Intellect: 1 success.
> You think you might be able to track the unicorn tomorrow, but you won't be able to travel towards the Amazon Kingdom.

You apologise to your Princess. She punches you and tells you not to show any signs of weakness.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Track Unicorn
> Talk to Princess.
>> Track Unicorn
Can we try to identify a single item only, to get better chances? If yes, I vote we identify the red potion, and if that succeeds, try the green potion, and if that succeeds, try the scroll.
Did the princess's love towards us change at all?
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> No, each success identifies an item.
> Slightly. She still loves you.

> Track unicorn

You spend the day tracking down that damn unicorn for your love. You manage to find it in a clearing. The wound in its' side has already healed. It has not spotted you yet.

> Kill it! [Brawn]
> Catch it! [Agility]
> Calm it [Charisma]
> Think of a plan [Intellect]
Think of a plan involving agility to try and calm it down?
If that's not allowed, then
>Think of a plan [Intellect]
I hope this is a plan to capture/tame it
> Intellect: 0 successes.
Well you're shit out of ideas.

> Kill it! [Brawn]
> Catch it! [Agility]
> Calm it [Charisma]
>> Calm it [Charisma]
Haven't used this yet.
Catch that damn thing.
> Calm it [Charisma]
> Calm it [Charisma]
Can we send the Princess ahead into a bush or something, so she can try to catch it if it escapes that way? Only do this if others support it of course.
> Charisma: 1 success.

You urge your beloved to hide in the bushes and await your command. She doesn't like all this sneaky business, but she does it for you.

You step out into the glade and appear non-threatening. The unicorn notices you, but does not run yet. It lowers its head and snorts; a warning.

> Kill it! [Brawn]
> Catch it! [Agility]
> Keep Calming it [Charisma]
> Signal Princess.
> Keep Calming it [Charisma]
>> Keep Calming it [Charisma]
It ran from us once in combat, it surrendered so it is ours by right.
>> Keep Calming it [Charisma]
We have our shield, which is a bonus to defense, right?
kek, I like your logic, anon.
> Charisma: 1 success.

You continue your non-violent demeanour, trying to convey to the unicorn that it should not fight you. It ran before, so according to... Knight... code, it is now legally yours. That probably won't fly in a court but you're not fussed, and the unicorn is too dumb to realise that. It stops threatening you; evidently convinced by your non-violent ways.

You stand in the glade with the unicorn. Your princess is nearby.

> Kill it! [Brawn]
> Mount it!
> Leave.
> Mount it!
Noble steed time
>> Mount it!
We conquer this legendary beast, this makes us legendary too!
>Mount it!

And can you post our stats in the updates, I think most people are ignoring them.

>Mount it

I was gonna say kill it while it's defenses are lowered but I'm not winning this one.
>most people are ignoring them
We went with the option with the highest dice pool that isn't killing it so far.
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>Mount It: 2 successes.

You deftly hop atop the unicorn. It rears back in surprise but quickly calms down. It seems you have managed to mount the unicorn expertly.

The Amazon Princess emerges from the bushes and stares at the white horse. It stares back. You get the feeling she wanted a different outcome.

> Unicorn: Ally. Grants +2 Agi when mounted. Horn can purify liquids.


You travelled no distance today.

Today was a good day.
You make camp for the night.
You are in perfect health.
Your Princess loves you.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Identify Gear. [Intellect]
> Talk to Princess.
> Identify Gear. [Intellect]

> Venture Forth! [d100]
(both ride the horse)
>> Identify Gear. [Intellect]
>> Identify Gear. [Intellect]
>> Venture Forth! [d100]
>> Talk to Princess.
Let her ride with us, maybe she'll appreciate our expert taming skills.
We need to kill some things soon to get her to love us more.
>Intellect: 1 success.
Identify what?
Rolled 1 (1d4)

1:green potion
2:red potion
unless others have something they want to identify specifically
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> Talk

"Thought we could eat white horse. But me suppose it make tiny Knight taller, that worth it. We eat it later"

Your Princess disagrees, but still loves you.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

If we're tied then I'll roll a dice for what I change my vote(>>35317520) to
>>Kill the unicorn not that you have deceived it![Brawns]
>For your love!
Yes, we will kill it once it becomes troublesome to look after or we get something better. We will keep its skull, horn, hooves, and skin, as well as some other random bones.
This isn't a dialogue vote, I'm talking to other anons.
>Identified a Scroll of Chill Touch.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Talk to Princess.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

I like your art OP, have you been drawing the pictures of the princess too?
>> Venture Forth! [d100]
>> Check Stats.
I guess? Does the unicorn give us a bonus?
Rolled 39 (1d100)

>>Venture Forth![d100]
Did you have different distances planned for different kingdoms, or are they all 100 miles from starting point or something, OP?
Rolled 44 (1d100)

>> Venture Forth! [d100]
>> Check Stats.
>> Check Gear.
>Rolled 75.
>Yeah, the hugging and the fireplace are mine.
>The distance is random. Lair Princesses will be further than regular princesses.

You venture out; you and your beloved riding a unicorn. This is pretty cliche' but at least it's comfortable.

You spy a town on the horizon. It is Oakshaft; a Human City. They welcome you.

Today was an okay day.
You travelled 15 miles today.
You stay in town tonight.
You are in perfect health.
Your Princess loves you.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Identify Gear. [Intellect]
> Talk to Princess.

> Visit Shops [Buy & Sell]
> Visit Town Hall [Quests]
> Visit Guild [Hire Mercs]
> Visit Apothecary [Spells and Identification]
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>> Visit Apothecary [Spells and Identification]
Identification time
Mounted travel is double distance.
> Health: 3
> Brawn: 3
> Agility:1
> Intellect: 3
> Charisma: 2

> You have travelled 27.5 miles.
> Your Princess loves you.

> Old Sword: [1] +1 Brawn
> Heavy Steel Shield: [3] +1 Health.
> Scroll of Chill Touch: Inflict harmful, negative energy.
> Small Chest: [3] Trade good.
> Red Potion: [1] Unknown.
> Green Potion: [1] Unknown.

> Unicorn: Ally. Grants +2 Agi when mounted. Horn can purify liquids.
>> Identify Gear. [Intellect]
if we get no successes, then
>> Visit Apothecary [Spells and Identification]
For potions.
>> Visit Town Hall [Quests]
See if there aren't any fight-y missions.
Let us do this
> Scroll of Chill Touch: [3] Inflict negative energy.

> Intellect: 1 success.
> Identify what?

The Apothecary sells magical wares and services.
(The bracketed number is the cost.

> Identify Item [1]
> Healing Potion: [4] Heal to full.
> Buff Potion: [5] +2 Brawn temporarily.
> Invisibilty Potion: [6] Turn invisible.

> Scroll of Teleportation: [3] Teleport 10 miles instantly.
> Scroll of Fireball: [4] Inflict severe fire damage.
> Scroll of Chill Touch [4] Inflict negative energy.

> Spellbook of Flare: [4] Inflict minor fire damage. [Intellect]
> Spellbook of Cure: [8] Heal to full. [Intellect]
The town hall has a board up with requests:

> Slay Chimera: [15] Slay a chimera 10 miles from Oakshaft.
Identify wine. Do we have any money?
I second this, what are our funds?
You don't have any gold, but you can trade your gear directly for stuff. Identified items are worth more than unknown ones.

> Old Sword: [1] +1 Brawn
> Heavy Steel Shield: [3] +1 Health.
> Scroll of Chill Touch: [3] Inflict harmful, negative energy.
> Small Chest: [3] Trade good.
> Red Potion: [1] Unknown.
> Green Potion: [1] Unknown.

You could also sell the unicorn.
Does the small chest just contain gold, or is it supplies and stuff like food?
You can also just trade stuff for just money directly.

It's just got junk in it. It's a sell-only item essentially.
Is the [3] the price of the chest+contents or contents only? I kind of want to keep the chest itself for storage. If the contents are worth [2] then trade them for identifying the 2 potions if we can sell the chest for [1] later.
If the potions are shitty we can just sell them for mooe then it cost to identify them.
You rolled a success before. You can identify one item

> Sold contents of Small Chest.

> Empty Small Chest: [1] Container.
> Gold: 2
Identify the wine
Identify wine with our success.
Pay Apothecary to identify the potions.
> Mortis Wine: Instant death.

Paid for 2 Identifications.
> Healing Potion: [3] Heal to full. (Red)
> Antidote: [3] Cures poison.
>Tell Princess we're going to slay that chimera
Awesome. Let's take that Chimera quest now.
Holy shit, glad we identified the wine, I was thinking of drinking it on our wedding(?) night.
Ask princess if she's interested in slaying a chimera. By which I mean we will go slay a Chimera to make her happy.
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Amazon Princess seems overjoyed to kill such a rare and powerful beastie.

The town will pay you 15 gold for slaying the Chimera. You may keep the carcass.

Can we sell the wine before we go? That could be useful to buy a new sword, too

By the way, Qyuubey, incredible work. I didn't think anyone could pull this off, but you did
Okay, forget about waiting.

I say we use some of the gold we'll earn to tranform the carcass into a gift for Amazon Princess
>I've been hashing out ways to do this for months. Ripping off FTL seems to work.

> Mortis Wine will sell for [6]. Yes/No?


> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Talk to Princess.

> Visit Shops [Buy & Sell]
> Visit Town Hall [Quests] (On Quest)
> Visit Guild [Hire Mercs]
> Visit Apothecary [Spells and Identification]
No, keep the wine. It will be useful later.
>selling wine
Nah, we can use it for something, and it's a precious item we got when we rescued our princess
>Visit Shops
See if we can't find a +2 sword or something.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

Don't sell the wine.

Venture forth!
> Mortis Wine kept.

> Visit Shops
The Marketplace has much for sale.

> Greatsword: [6] +3 Brw, -1 Agi
> Rapier; [3] +1 Brw, +1 Agi.
> Shortbow: [2] +1 Brw. Ranged.
> Buckler: [2] +1 Health.
> Leather Armour: [3] +1 Health
> Chainmail: [4] +2 Health.
> Horse: [6] Mount.
> Firebomb: [4] Severe fire damage. [Agility]
> Gold Bullion: [10] Trade good.
> Sugar: [3] Trade good.
What price can we get for the unicorn?
The Unicorn will sell for 15 gold.
I1m interested in the Rapier, but we won't have enough money even if we sell our sword and chest, right? If so, then just go for the chimera.
>Selling the white horse instead of eating it
Also, we're going to need it if we want to transport some loot from the Chimera.
Sell Unicorn and Old Sword, buy Greatsword, Chainmail and Horse
Hmmm... Amazon Princess would probably not like the Rapier, but it's a great deal and we can't live according to other people. The Greatsword is kind of nice, but we don't have much agi to spare. The chainmail is great with no real disadvantage
>Sell scroll and chest, buy chainmail, keep the unicorn
Just to clarify, this is a vote not to sell unicorn. It's going to take days to get to the Chimera without it anyway.
Okay so:

> Vote 1 >>35318280
> Vote 2 >>35318290
> Vote 3 >>35318300
> Venture forth.
I'm only voting for this to keep the unicorn, I'd rather just not buy anything and kill some bandits on the way there.
Not buy or sell anything, I mean.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Okay, actually, I change my vote to Venture forth, since that's a separate option and doesn't sell anything.
>Venture forth

Let's fighting love

You venture out into the wilderness.
You don't encounter anything today.

Today was an average day.
You travelled 6.0 miles. [4.0 miles till Quest]
You stay in town tonight.
You are in perfect health.
Your Princess loves you.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Talk to Princess.
Rolled 70 (1d100)

>> Venture Forth! [d100]
>check gear
>check stats
>Venture Forth!
Let's kill us a mythical beast.
Rot in a hole gats, you furfag piece of shit.
Does this mean we get there early and have more time?
Definitely something made by permavirgins for permavirgins. Dumbest fetishes possible, only enjoyable if you never ever had actual sexual intercourse.
It's gats, he's one of those artists that basically whore themselves out for furgold. In this case, he made this whole thing in a desperate bid for attention and validation, and unleashed this dumb shit on us. He's a scum of a human being.
>Talk to Princess
Ask her if she knows things about hunting
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You venture forth.

Following the directions from the town hall, you arrive at the Chimera's lair; a great cavern in some mountains by the forest. The mouth of the cave is littered with bones of those less fortunate than you, and you hear the heavy breathing of a beast just inside. With the combined heads of a lion, goat and snake, the Chimera stands before you.

> Fight! [Brawn]
> Calm. [Charisma]
> Use Item.
> Run. [Agility]
Don't you have better things to do? I'm sure some desperate furry would just love to give you $5 to draw his fursona for him. It's pretty much the whole meaning behind your life at this point, gats, no reason to deny it.
>> Fight! [Brawn]
> Brawn: 1 success.
> Chimera: 1 success.
> Knight 3/4 ; Chimera 4/6

You clash with the Chimera and slash at it, but it manages to get a hit on you and draw blood. Seeing this, the Amazon Princess leaps into the fray.

>AP 1 success.
> Chimera 4/6

> Fight! [Brawn]
> Calm. [Charisma]
> Use Item.
> Run. [Agility]
>> Fight! [Brawn]
use scroll if we or the princess et in trouble
>> Fight! [Brawn]
> Brawn: 1 success.
> Princess: 1 success
> Chimera: 0 success.
> Knight 3/4 ; Chimera 2/6

The fight continues.

> Fight! [Brawn]
> Calm. [Charisma]
> Use Item.
> Run. [Agility]
>> Fight! [Brawn]
>> Fight! [Brawn]
Fight gloriously
Fight, we must not shame our wife by being lesser.
>Headbutt the Chimera!
But anon, how do you decide which head to headbutt?!?!

more seriously, the lion one. It ain't got horns and it's bigger than the snake's
> Brawn: 1 success.
> Chimera cast; Poison. 1 success.
> Health: 2 successes. Poison resisted.
> Princess: 1 success
> Chimera: 0/6. DEAD

You hurtle forward with your sword, slashing at the beast and headbutting it into submission. Your princess continues the beatdown likewise. The chimera, sensing the trouble it is in, sprays a cloud of poisonous gas onto the Knight. However, your hardy constitution allows you to resist becoming infected, and you plunge your sword into the chimera, slaying it.

The Chimera is slain.
Searching its' lair, you find:
> Blue Potion: Unknown.
> 5 gold.


Today was a great day.
You travelled 4.0 miles. (10.0 miles to Oakshaft)
You stay in town tonight.
You are slightly injured. (3/4)
Your Princess absolutely loves you.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Return to Town [1d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Talk to Princess.
>> Return to Town [1d100]
Gotta get paid. I hope we brought the corpse with us
Rolled 68 (1d100)

What did we take from its carcass?
>> Return to Town [1d100]
>> Check Stats.
>> Check Gear.
>> Talk to Princess.
Try to Identify Blue Potion.
Rolled 12 (1d100)

> Return to Town [1d100]
Rolled 73 (1d100)

Apparently I'm too dumb to roll properly
Oh right.
> Chimera Hide: [6] Trophy.
> Snake Venom: [4] +1 Damage.

> Taking highest.

You travel (10.0 miles) back to town and show evidence of your deeds. You are paid the 15 gold and the town rejoices. (But no, they're not going to lower prices.)

Today was an average day.
You travelled 10.0 miles.
You stay in town tonight.
You are slightly injured. (3/4)
Your Princess absolutely loves you.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Talk to Princess.

> Visit Shops [Buy & Sell]
> Visit Town Hall [Quests] (No Quests)
> Visit Guild [Hire Mercs]
> Visit Apothecary [Spells and Identification]
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Try to identify Blue Potion.
Do we have 15 gold atm?
> Health: 3
> Brawn: 3
> Agility: 1
> Intellect: 3
> Charisma: 2

> You have travelled 27.5 miles.
> Your Princess absolutely loves you.

> 20 gold.
> Old Sword: [1] +1 Brawn
> Heavy Steel Shield: [3] +1 Health.
> Scroll of Chill Touch: Inflict harmful, negative energy.
> Small Small Chest: [1] Container.
> Healing Potion: [3] Heal to full.
> Antidote: [3] Cures poison.
> Blue Potion: [1] Unknown.
> Mortis Wine: [6] Instant death.
> Chimera Hide: [6] Trophy.
> Snake Venom: [4] +1 Damage.

> Unicorn: Ally. Grants +2 Agi when mounted. Horn can purify liquids.
forgot actual votes
>Visit Shops
We can buy shit now, once we're done:
>Venture Forth! [d100]
Identity blue potion
Buy chainmail
How much do mercs cost?
>not conquering the world with only our beloved by our side
mercs aren't worthy
>Intellect: 0 successes.
> You identify nothing.

> Greatsword: [6] +3 Brw, -1 Agi
> Rapier; [3] +1 Brw, +1 Agi.
> Shortbow: [2] +1 Brw. Ranged.
> Buckler: [2] +1 Health.
> Leather Armour: [3] +1 Health
> Chainmail: [4] +2 Health.
> Horse: [6] Mount.
> Firebomb: [4] Severe fire damage. [Agility]
> Gold Bullion: [10] Trade good.
> Sugar: [3] Trade good.

> -1 Gold. Blue Potion = Potion of Shielding: [8] Reduce damage by 1 for duration of fight.
> -4 Gold. Chainmail purchased.
> 15 gold Remaining.
Sell old sword, buy Rapier, buy Greatsword for backup, buy Chainmail
Sell Heavy Shield, buy Buckler
I support this, along with a Rapier and selling our Old Sword.
You travel to the Guild and see all sorts of sellswords lying about.

> Each merc counts as an extra die in a chosen attribute, but can be killed.
> Each costs 4 gold. They may periodically demand more gold.
Yes, this seems to be the best thing
> +1 gold. Old Sword sold.
> +3 gold. Heavy Shield sold.

> -3 gold. Bought Rapier.
> -2 gold. Bought Buckler.
> 14 gold remaining.
>4gold for +1
Nah, not worth the trouble. I don't think we're ruthless enough to kill them and take their stuff once we're out of town either, and Princess would probably not appreciate cowardly betrayal.
Time to leave town I think
Buy chainmail
>>Venture Forth!
will you use >>35318685 or should we roll again?
It is time to [Venture Forth] and continue to our new homeland.
You already bought chainmail.

> 14 gold.
> Rapier; [3] +1 Brw, +1 Agi.
> Buckler: [2] +1 Health.
> Chainmail: [4] +2 Health.

> Scroll of Chill Touch: Inflict harmful, negative energy.
> Healing Potion: [3] Heal to full.
> Antidote: [3] Cures poison.
> Blue Potion: [1] Unknown.

> Small Small Chest: [1] Container.
> Mortis Wine: [6] Instant death.
> Chimera Hide: [6] Trophy.
> Snake Venom: [4] +1 Damage.
Identify the Blue potion at the alchemists, then venture onwards.
We know what Blue Potion is, but okay.
Venture Forth, then!

Should we get healed first?

We should go on a date next town we see. Maybe fight in an arena or a tourney

Qyubey, can we do something with the chimera hide, or is it just a trophy?
>>-1 Gold. Blue Potion = Potion of Shielding: [8] Reduce damage by 1 for duration of fight.
I'd think we heal naturally? Date is a good idea though, I considered going to an Arena if this town had one, so I'm down with that too. Maybe going hunting in the wilderness could work too.
We should be able to wear it as armor, like Herc and the hide of the nemean lion.
Heal before leaving town
Forgot, Chimera Hide is probably just a trophy, but I say we keep it since we took it down with our beloved, and then maybe later give it to the Princess as a gift, maybe make clothes out of it or something.
It's mostly for show, or to sell. Or to impress your honey.

I should add an inn for healing.
> Inn: [1] Healing

>-1 Gold. Treated wounds.
> Knight 5/5.

Need rolls for venturing.
Rolled 16 (1d100)


> Knight 6/6. Forgot the bucker.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Rolled 27 (1d100)

Rolled 27 (1d100)


We should try to make the chimera hide into a blanket or something. She's really lacking clothing and winters are pretty cold, I'm guessing.
Aw, my 95 didn't get used after all.
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>You people are terrible at venturing forth.

You set out on the road once more. You come across a strange collection of goblins carrying large sacks, When you come into sight, they start trying to sell you some kind of weird monkey hand.

> Buy Weird Hand [4]
> Ignore goblins.
Buy weird hand. Duh.
>> Ignore goblins.
Don't buy shitty magical whatnots, not sure if we could sell it for more.
>Ask them what it does
They say it'll make all your dreams come true.
Ignore hand, we already have wife.
Buy it obviously. What could possibly go wrong?
Buy hand, KEEP FAR AWAY FROM NECK in case it strangles you or something
>How much for hand?
> Buy Weird Hand [4]
I wonder
>-4 gold. Bought weird hand.
> 10 gold remaining.

You elected to purchase the strange hand, if only to shut the goblins up. They leave, giggling to themselves.

Today was an average day.
You travelled 5.4 miles.
You camp for the night.
You are in perfect health.
Your Princess absolutely loves you.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Talk to Princess.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Also, keep hand in chest
>Talk to Princess [How you holding up?]
> Which Princess do you save?
Orc General
> You have 12 points to distribute between: Health, Brawn, Agility, Intellect, and Charisma.
> You can choose one gift: a Powerful Weapon, a Magic Spell, a Strange Potion... or, you can take The Mystery Box!
A maaaaagic spell
A bit late there buddy

I get the feeling that it was just a plain old hand.

>Talk to Princess [You're a QT.]

Whoops, I didn't realize we were actually playing. I just thought we were doing the CYOA
or a phylactery

Rub the hand and see if it makes all our wishes come true. Keep princess AT HAND in case things go south.
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"Me fine. Wish could move faster on white horse. Should have ridden Chimera instead.
You venture forth for the day. As you travel, you see a group of wolves advancing ahead of you. They look hungry, but not dangerous to you.

> Fight! [Brawn]
> Chase off! [Charisma]
> Run [Agility]
> Use item
>Use item [hand]

Watch as it actually grants them their wishes, e.g. a crapton of food.
Why did you buy a Monkey Paw?

That's the definition of a bad idea.

>Throw the hand to the wolves
Kill them for food and clothes.
We'll sell the hand to some asshole in the next town over.
You decide to use the hand, perhaps in a more direct manner than anticipated, and chuck it at the wolves. The wolves grab the hand and gnaw down on it. You watch and see one of the fingers slowly coil downwards. The lot of them then seem to stop and sniff the air, then rush off into the forest, where you see a gargantuan amount of meat has appeared.

The hand lies on the ground. 3 fingers are still up.

> Take it.
> Leave it.
I tried to vote against it man, they don't listen to me. I thought maybe OP would go with not buying, since there were 2 votes against, and the guy who asked the price didn't vote to buy it afterwards.
Take it, we'll sell it to some asshole for 15 gold, since it can grant wishes.
don't worry, that was the wolves' wish, we won't get backlash from it.
>Take it
You pick up the hand and continue on your way.

The Amazon Kingdom is just over 10 miles away.

Today was an average day.
You travelled 6.8 miles.
You camp for the night.
You are in perfect health.
Your Princess absolutely loves you.

> Venture Forth! [d100]
> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Talk to Princess.
It's either poisoned meat, meat that attract creatures that eat wolves, or so much meat the wolves dies eating it

>Burn the hand
Lets find out
>Break off one finger while thinking/wishing about gold
>Talk to Princess

Ask her about Amazon Kingdom

You don't break off fingers, holy shit, you just wish and the fingers curl in.
But no, don't wish for shit, this is obviously cursed, never wish on a monkey paw.
We will use it to bargain with other kingdoms and fuck them over at the same time.
>Write in
Fuck the princess
This, been far too long.
Rolled 97 (1d100)

>>> Venture Forth! [d100]
>> Check Stats.
>> Check Gear.
>> Talk to Princess.
Rolling in case we vote to venture right now.
>not waiting until our wedding night
oh you
Rolled 79 (1d100)

>> Venture Forth! [d100]
first a 95 now a 97
I'm great
not yet, please
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"Is best Kingdom. Strongest in all world, with many trees and animals. Meat is plentiful and the weak are lost. Little knight will prove his strength to be worthy."

Monkey paw left alone.

>Solicit the Princess? Y/N?
not yet, we will establish dominance in her village first
Fuck the Princess.
Impregnate her.
N please

N, unless our dick's as large as a fire extinguisher she's just going to be disappointed
We have to prove our worth first
Well, her lust is basically 9/10, so I'm surprised we HAVEN'T done it yet.

You decide not to start soliciting her yet. You're not sure how she would take it and either way you'd be in no way to do anything the next morning.
you didn't quote OP, but I hope it still counts
Why are you giving into samefags?
It's painfully obvious, do final destination.
whew, cool.
So what now, we Venture?
>implying it's not Y-fags samefagging when we had at most 5 or 6 voters in the thread before
OP has already decided, don't be butthurt about it.
Rolled 3, 2 = 5 (2d6)


But we had 5-6 voters

And it was in Y's favor.
here's my Venture roll, OP: >>35319291
Rolled 32, 1 = 33 (2d100)


You venture forth the next day. You manage to cover a great amount of ground and find yourself near the border of the Amazonian Kingdom. The grand trees seem to stretch upwards into the clouds and are packed so tightly they form an organic wall.

What stands between you and your goal happens to be a blockading army made up of those angry with your abandonment of their Princesses for one of a Lair. You may be able to make it past, but it will be very difficult.

Unless you have some other way...


Today was an average day.
You travelled 10.3 miles. You are at the border of the Amazon Kingdom.
You camp for the night.
You are in perfect health.
Your Princess absolutely loves you.

> Fight them [Brawn]
> Explain yourself [Charisma]
> Sneak past [Agility]
> Use Item

> Check Stats.
> Check Gear.
> Talk to Princess.
Talk ABOUT sex, with the princess. Should know their culture on it anyway.
>> Check Stats.
>> Check Gear.
Let's take stock first.

> use item
Wish for the universe to implode
>> Check Stats.
>> Check Gear.
> Use Item
[Monkey Paw]
Offer it and tell them that whatever they wish will come true, including saving their princess.
Is this the combined army of all the princess kingdoms? Holy shit

Then give them this.
You're right, there's only 3 wishes left, so it'll probably cause some infighting which we can exploit.
Just to clear things up, OP, is this a smut quest, or will things just FtB?
Well, they could wish that all princesses were back in their kingdoms.

Wish for something really out-of-place to prove it works, first. An enormous golden statue of the army's commander enjoying a delicious banana, for example.
Fuck no, we're not wishing for anything, this is a Monkey Paw, I'm not going to risk the backlash.

We're already assuming the monkey paw's got some curse to it. If we could just wish the princesses back to life, we could also wish something much better (wish for ascent into godhood taking the amazon kingdom as heavenly warriors)

We're wishing for something like this because there isn't a lot of backlash you can get from it. Worst case scenario, it animates and you face his potassium wrath.
Yeah no, just say that it works because we had wished to be saved from a large pack of wolves and it came true.
Is smut allowed on /tg/?
Why not wish for a perfectly generic and wholly uninteresting sword with no special qualities in its sheath on the ground 1 meter in front of us, then?
Written form, yes. Image form? No, but you can upload it to imgur and link it here.
Yes, some people put it in separate pastebins which they then link, some put the text in image format (TAQ), and some just post it normally.
No, the wolves wished for meat.

We could. Something out of place seems to have more of a flair to it, though. Generic sword doesn't leave as much of an impression as, say, summoning a thatch-roofed cottage.
Shhh they don't know.
Honestly, it might be a good idea to just use our blue potion, apply snake venom to rapier/greatsword, and go to town on them.
Did we buy the greatsword? I remember voting for it as backup.
We also have 2 ag so we MIGTH be able to sneak by.
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"Hehe~ Was wondering when Little knight would ask. Wondered if all parts of him were little. But is best time now?"

She seems eager; she likes you enough, but even she has second thoughts when an army could locate you two mid-coitus. However, this could possibily be the last moment you spend together...

> Into her breach?
> Hold off for now. Battle plans, and that.

if they're that stupid as to believe us with no evidence, we may as well throw a "magic" brick at the ground and say it'll transform into a portal to hell if they fuck with us
> Into her breach?

No greatsword, also it's an entire army.
I don't think having 4 brawn will stop that.
Show her our two handed great sword.
>> Hold off for now. Battle plans, and that.
After the blood of battle and victory, we shall ravage her.
So, FtB or smut?
Pre-battle coitus: http://strawpoll.me/2713793

Additionally, battle plan voting: http://strawpoll.me/2713782

>the skull is blushing
Pierce her walls with our battering ram.
>Hold off for now. Battle plans, and that.
"I cannot now, for my code of honor dictates that I must get your father's acceptance first."
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> Health: 3 +3
> Brawn: 3 +1
> Agility: 1 +3
> Intellect: 3
> Charisma: 2

> You have travelled 50 miles.
> Your Princess absolutely loves you.

> 13 gold.
> Rapier; [3] +1 Brw, +1 Agi.
> Buckler: [2] +1 Health.
> Chainmail: [4] +2 Health.

> Scroll of Chill Touch: Inflict harmful, negative energy.
> Healing Potion: [3] Heal to full.
> Antidote: [3] Cures poison.
> Potion of Shielding: [8] Reduce damage by 1 for duration of fight.

> Small Small Chest: [1] Container.
> Mortis Wine: [6] Instant death.
> Chimera Hide: [6] Trophy.
> Snake Venom: [4] +1 Damage.

> Unicorn: Ally. Grants +2 Agi when mounted. Horn can purify liquids.
Separate final destinations might be better idea, OP.
Polls seem to be at:
> Yep.
> Give the Paw.

Pre-fight shennanigans will be in a pastebin soon, then the battle, or lack thereof.
>fucking before a big battle
Way to raise as many death flags as you can guys.
oh well, fun while it lasted, guess anons aree too impatient and willing to take the risk of fighting with a broken pelvis
It's people coming in only to vote for snu snu, that's why that vote has more votes than the battle one. I hate when people shit up threads they have no relation to.
Why don't those fuckers use their armies to save the princesses?
I think we saved ours by sneaking past the dragon or something. Fighting it may not be an option.
lol jk, we could just take Knight Princess's sword dowry and defeat the dragon
> Fuck Capcha.
NSFW: http://pastebin.com/9jHyQHe3

You awaken on this, the day of decision. The 10th day of your journey and now the end. You feel sore and you're pretty sure one of your shoulders is shattered, but it felt worth it in your mind. If you die, at least you die now with a smile.

Your plan seems to be to trick the armies into taking the Moneky's Paw and hoping the misfortune proves their demise. But how to go about this?

> Faux fight and pretend to use it. [Brawn]
> Throw it at someone important. [Agility]
> Discuss it intelligently. [Intellect]
> Convince them of its' power. [Charisma]
What, we're the only fucker that can sneak in?

Let's says we were going to gather the giant Amazons
>> Faux fight and pretend to use it. [Brawn]
>> Throw it at someone important. [Agility]
These options both have 4 dice to them, so I say chose one of them unless good write-ins could help us more.
Rolled 77 (1d100)

>> Discuss it intelligently. [Intellect]
> Discuss it intelligently. [Intellect]
Actually, we're just giving it to them to so they can wish back their princesses
>Intellect: 2 successes.

You opt to try and simply use logic in this matter. They're mad at you, but you have a way to put it right. You feel sore, but your speech should work just fine. Although...

Should you bring the Princess with you for this?

>Bring her. She should be with you.
>Leave her. She'll be safer if this fucks up.
>Leave her. She'll be safer if this fucks up.
>>Leave her. She'll be safer if this fucks up.
We can wish on the monkey paw if everything goes south, and we have some utility item anyway.
You opt to leave her in the camp and venture forth alone. You do saddle up your unicorn friend though.

You approach the warcamp, wishing paw at your side and sally forth up to the guards. They seem puzzled at first; that you, their quarry, would just walk up so valiantly to their camp. You manage to get close enough to start talking, and you somehow convince them to take you before their commanders. You get the feeling they allow this just because it'd be easier to capture you this way. Regardless, you have the option you desired.

You stand before the generals of many of the Princesses you opted not to save; all glaring at you with accusory eyes. You accept the guilt and offer the paw as sastisfaction, stating its' power. They don't seem to believe you.

> Intimidate [Brawn]
> Insist [Intellect]
> Convince [Charisma]
> Wish for (Write in)
"Since you do not believe me, it seems I will be the one to wish for it!"
> Wish for (Write in)
Wish for all of the Princesses.
>> Insist [Intellect]
>> Insist [Intellect]
>> Convince [Charisma]
These can be mixed to get a bigger dice pool no?
If the above fails, let them hold you captive until they try it out, not like they'll lose anything.
This, lets get it over with.
hmm, I'm not going to vote for this, but Im thinking this wish is vague enough, that if we do this with the intention of getting the princesses home, they might fall for us? Or we get their corpses, which is the more obvious twist.
I also want to add that wishing on a Monkey's Paw when something remotely important or serious is involved, is always a bad idea.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

>> Convince [Charisma]

"Now, honorable generals, you may think I am only saying it to save my skin, as the desperate last act of a fleeing coward. You would be wrong, if you think so, generals. I came before you willingly. I could have fleed. I could have fought. Yet, here we are, discussing of a way that would allow you to save your princesses and to earn all the glory for it. Is it not why you are here, generals? To punish me for not saving your princesses? But tell me, honorable leaders of armies that no one can fight against: how can you blame me for not taking the chance if you, when given the opportunity, do not? Here is the mean. Do what you must."

>Prepare to fight in case they don't accept this
No. Never.
Nah, nope, nu-huh, no way, no how. Have THEM wish for it, in front of you.
Holy autism batman, this reminds me of the write-ins for Totemist and CQ. The write-ins I'm referring to are horrible, just to clarify. The last part isn't bad, but you drew it out way too much.
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> Just realised this has the chance for shoggoth-shenanigans.
No you idiot, it's a cursed monkey's paw.
This is exactly why you don't do vague wishes on Monkey PAws
Not that you should ever wish on a Monkey PAw anyway, but if you do, DON'T DO IT VAGUELY
Wait a second, it was never identified as a CURSED monkey's paw.
Monkey's Paws are cursed by default. That's what makes them a Monkey's Paw. They take your wish and twist it so it fucks you over.
All monkey's paws are cursed, no questions.
OP, I hope you aren't writing for it right now, because you should do a final destination at least for this decision.
Not writing yet. What's this final destination thing?
Alright, attempt to post

Not writing yet. What's this final destination thing?

On it's own, without anything else added on.
It should say "You cannot post the same duplicate shit within 5 minutes", final destination attempts to exploit that, by making the vote only last 5 minutes.
You make a post, and tell people to post what they want to vote for, with a number only.
1: X
2: Y
3: Z
So no responding to the post, no text, no greentext, just a number.
This way, people can't post the same vote for 5 minutes.
That's why there's a timelimit of 5 minutes for final destination votes, so people can only vote once.
How does this work? What's to stop people posting anyway?
Strawpoll prevents multiple votes as far as I'm aware, but I'll try that.
Alright. 5 minutes from right now. Vote.

>1 Intimidate [Brawn]
>2 Insist [Intellect]
>3 Convince [Charisma]
>4 Wish for the Princesses
4chan doesn't let you.
>2 Insist [Intellect]
I want to add on to this that we could use Charisma at the same time, and use the "I won't leave before you try it" thing, we can always just run/fight if we really need to.
Be ready to drink the Red potion to fix our shoulder.
>Strawpoll prevents multiple votes as far as I'm aware, but I'll try that.
Not really.
these shouldn't count, but it seems 2 won anyway
>Intellect: 2 successes.

You continue to impart upon them the knowledge of this paw that you purchased in your travels. They listen and seem to delegate for a few minutes. They ask for the monkey's paw and you give it freely. It seems things have worked ou-

The general at the front calls for your execution, pointing a finger at you. Well, you were almost there.

You are facing an army.
You have one action before combat begins.

> Head start on fighting [Brawn].
> Run and become an exile [Agility].
> Use item.
> Head start on fighting [Brawn].
Kill the general that's a douche.
Speedball our blue and red potions while fighting our way back to wife.
How is our shoulder? Can we fight at full power? If no, drink Red&Blue potions and coat our sword in snake venom, slay the generals.
also grab the paw, they don't deserve it.
I'm gonna be nice and just allow you to use the items you want in this pre-round..
Blue potion, snake venom.
Should have used the Wine on these fuckers.
Can we shout for our darling, or is she too far to hear it? Not sure if we want to, but nice to know.
The shoulder's giving you a -1 Brawn.

> You drink your Potion of Shielding. Damage reduction for fight.
> You coat your Rapier in Chimera Venom. +1 Damage.
> 1 Healing Potion on standby.

>5 Brawn: 3 successes.

You unsheath your blade with one hand and slash it through the vial of Chimeric venom, and with the other, uncork your Potion of Shielding and drink deeply. With your preparations finished, you lunge towards the General, burying your rapier deep into his breast.

> General: 0 successes.

He coughs out and his wound turns a foul-smelling purple. You snatch back the paw from his poisoned hands and flee the tent, slashing at soldiers as you go. The camp is on full alert now and you are still far from your camp. There are soldiers everywhere. You call out to your Princess but hear no reply, only the dull roar of others and unsheathing metals.

> Head start on fighting [Brawn].
> Run and become an exile [Agility].
> Use item.

What does "Become an exile" means? Could we still live in the Amazon Kingdom?
What's "become an exile'" mean?
It means run the fuck away and stay on the road forever.
>Use item
Wish for the princesses, someone else can fucking deal with the autism required to make it a fool-proof wish
What don't you faggots understand about monkey's paws?
Fuck that noise.
Can extremely edtailed wishes fuck over a Monkey's Paw? e.g.
>I wish for all the tower and Liar princess to be returned here, all of them healthy as if I had rescued them individually, with no abnormal thoughts, emotions, or other qualities, and for them to feel gratitude and obedience towards me as if I had saved them and brought them this far personally, without altering anything in the present world that doesn't directly relate tot he princesses' treasures, clothes, and bodies/spirits being here with me.
something like this?
Yes you can. Anyone want to vote for this?
What items have we got, and if none start fightin.
Let me think this through first, need to go full autism here. Others can help too, try to find loopholes in it
It's not like we have many other options.
They could appear without their clothes.
Just stare at the monkey paw and say to it: "Now paw, no monkey business"
Add on this to the end.
>[...]being here with me, without changing the effects of my past actions, and that there be no ill effect on my relationship with Amazon princess from the consequence of this wish, or on my life/position/abilities/possessions.
I think this should work well enough, not like we can defeat a whole army.
And you have a problem with that?
Add on that they be fully clothed then.
You want to let the army see our harem naked?
Add on this too
>[...] and that if one or more of them love me, that they will be willing to share with other princesses and follow our desires regarding this subject, without being vengeful or vindicative about it.
We're gonna get cursed for this, now the question is how.
By the OP fuckin us over.
I'd rather be cursed than die, and I tried to avoid the worst I could think of relating to our wish.
Maybe add that
>, and that this wish not change our fate or luck, beyond the obvious and necessary consequences of the Princesses' presence, that no changes to fate be made specifically beyond what I consciously intend this wish to cause.
Oh, that's easy. Every sentence or something uses another finger, ultimately using up more fingers than there are on the paw. Then weird shit starts to happen.
See, that's why I used only 1 sentence, and only 1 wish, the rest are just specifications/details, and I continued to refer to a single wish while giving them.
I don't just mean sentence. It could be every intention, or every detail.
>using the paw
You're on your own here folks, I don't want none of this.
I will however watch the fallout. Make it flashy OP.
add on that
>, and that their life, health, psychological or mental, spiritual qualities not be bound to anything they were not to originally, and that they not be controlled by any outside power beyond what is necessary to fulfill my wish.
Only 1 intention, the rest is details, which if we go by the assumption that 1finger/1wish, shouldn't use up fingers.
This is a one-shot anyway, so ye
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>I wish for all the tower and Liar princess to be returned here, all of them healthy as if I had rescued them individually, with no abnormal thoughts, emotions, or other qualities, and for them to feel gratitude and obedience towards me as if I had saved them and brought them this far personally, without altering anything in the present world that doesn't directly relate to the princesses' treasures, clothes, and bodies/spirits being here with me, without changing the effects of my past actions, and that there be no ill effect on my relationship with Amazon princess from the consequence of this wish, or on my life/position/abilities/possessions; and that if one or more of them love me, that they will be willing to share with other princesses and follow our desires regarding this subject, without being vengeful or vindictive about it, and that their life, health, psychological or mental, spiritual qualities not be bound to anything they were not to originally, and that they not be controlled by any outside power beyond what is necessary to fulfill my wish.

You figure any ill effects will be pretty localised with a wish this intense. You slash away at a few more soldiers but they form a literal swarm, covering the land. The generals stand in attendance behind their troops, overcome with rage. With the wish in your mind, you hold the Monkey's Paw aloft and wish to the exact degree. There is a bright flash of light and the world itself seems to strain itself. The paw coils a finger and a number of women appear around you. The soldiers stop in their tracks as all the princesses surround you. The generals drop their weapons, faces of pure astonishment as they drop to their knees. Did... did it work?

>I'm nice, and tired, so you managed to lawyer this one.
So, are you still writing, should we vote, or is this The End?
You'll get an epilogue.
>not having the monkeys paw be a monkeys paw
for shame
It would be cooler if all the dragons came too, or if they all fused into one superboss.
Harem end pls

I'll say: "I wish for all the tower and Liar princess to be returned here, all of them healthy as if I had rescued them individually, with no abnormal thoughts, emotions, or other qualities, and with no harmful or annoying consequences for me or anyone this wish may affect, beside the dragon, while the events that happened since Amazon Princess's rescue remains the same up until the moment I make this wish"
Hehe, I intentionally said the princesses individually only, so that a dragon princess could still count, but anything else wouldn't and that nothing would be hostile to us or the others.
I'm so proud of myself now, even though I only got away with it because OP is nice and tired.
Technically, the "Monkey Paw" story contain one wish that does not fuck the person over.

Nah, Amazon Princess's the one for the knight.
yeah, but they'd know, right? I mean, I'd rule that all the dragons are coming and know where you are just because it's cooler to have a fight.
Seconding harem
Well, we were in this situation only because the OP decided that whole armies would be waiting for us right next to the Amazon Kingdom, so I say: good job
The next few hours were a complete blur of emotions for the armies involved. They came for blood but you somehow super-positioned them; their Princesses returned, their bloodlust gone and replaced with relief. The generals prostrated themselves before you, asking for utter forgiveness.

>Did you give it?

But these people were not your concern; you looked for your amazonian beauty. You found her, on the outskirts of the camp, surrounded by at least 20 unconscious soldiers and twice as many terrified ones. She had fought their forces back and crushed them underfoot. However, when she saw you she left a fight for the first time to embrace you. You're fairly certain your entire spine crushed under that one.

The battle had ended before it began, and with only minimal casualties, including the General you stabbed. Some were sore about that, but it wasn't enough to reignite conflict. What was awkward was the gaggle of ladies that swarmed you after heading back to see the aftermath. Each one claimed you had saved her and wanted to spend their lives with you. Each army argued that you were really destined for their princess. You swear you even saw a dragon with giant tits trying to grab you. You...

> Stayed with Amazon Princess.
> Opted for a Harem.
If the wish is used literaly, we also have rescued Dragon Princess.
>> Stayed with Amazon Princess.
>Did you give it?
Let the princesses do it.
> Opted for a Harem.
> Stayed with Amazon Princess.
> Stayed with Amazon Princess.
But are constantly on run from the Harem
>Nah, Amazon Princess's the one for the knight.
>Great Lion Pelt: You become worshiped like a god amongst the giants, the princess allows you to have sex with whomever you wish, as long as she's allowed to watch.
She'd be fine with it even originally.
>Did you give it?
Sure, we need generals for our army.

Would this instance of Amazon be fine with harem too? If so, deifnitely
>> Opted for a Harem.
Conquering many women is a sign of power and worth, I'd think.
> Opted for a Harem.
Don't want a civil war on our hands.
>>Did you give it?
> Opted for a Harem.
Fun fun fun

Also, >>35321067 has the right idea on the forgiveness side
>>Gave forgiveness if the princesses think it is okay to do so, but they pledge loyalty to us.
>> Opted for a Harem.
> Stayed with Amazon Princess.
It's not a question of what she's fine with. Why want more when you have the best?

I'm talking for this knight, though. All of them are great in their own ways.
> Opted for a Harem.
It'd be a shame to break their hearts and to waste the wish.
You opted to stay with Amazon Princess. You had been with her all this time, and she was a great moral pillar to you. She never looked happier that day, and two of you entered the Amazonian Kingdom, much the chagrin of everyone else.

While many were not favourable of the idea of such a small (by their standards) man to become their new king, rumor soon spread about how you bested an army consisting of over a dozen different countries, with a mere rapier at your side. Few scarcely believed it, but enough evidence existed for them to proclaim you the strongest warrior alive (even if it was a lie), and you ruled the Kingdom unequivocally.

[Will also do optional harem ending]
Eh, you know, Knight Code tells you that any Princess you rescue is legally yours, and we did just rescue everyone... though we'll probably need some magic enhancement to survive long enough to fully enjoy it.
Also, we just brought world peace to reality
Man, this would be fun as a small oregon trail type game
You opted... for all of them. It came as quite a shock, but the code of knights said that whomever you saved would become your princess. And the fact that everyone dropped their weapons counts as a surrended, so you also own them by law.
>>35317294 comes back
There was a great confusion; some of the princesses were fine with it, but others had reservations. Amazon Princess in particular found the idea fairly infuriating; you were hers, you had consummated your love just a few hours ago. It took days of beatings before she would talk to you in a civil manner again. Not that you were too worried; you had over a dozen more princesses to tend to the wounds. Ever been in a 21 person pile? . You're not sure what Kingdom you want to settle down in, but you'll have a honey no matter where you go.
That was the original intent. Oregon trail/FTL style random events with gear. This was a test, and it went pretty far off the tracks somewhere around the middle.

Still I got a lot of good data out of this to consider. Time to shave off some of the junk it accumulated. Less items, but more concise, definitely...

I run quests ocasionally under the same name (https://twitter.com/questqyubey) for anyone who cares. Thanks to everyone who participated. It's a big help and fun to run something like this, even if it did get kind of shitty near the middle/end.
Eh, I guess staying with the Amazon was the right choice after all, or at least making her our first wife.
Nice run OP, I really enjoyed this little piece.
It was fun.
Nice. I hope the evidence included "us beating any fucker that tried to challenge the claim"

I want to vomit
You got both endings, stop being an asshole.
Pretty great! Good job dealing with us.

One advice, though: If I were you, I'd try to avoid the "armies ex machina" situations. Randomly dying of dyssentry is only fun if you know it can happen in the game.
I was trying to copy the Rebel Boss Ship from FTL, That thing is such a great test at the end where you have to use EVERYTHING you've learned up until that point to stand a chance. Ideally you'd be raising your own army as you adventure, or building your own guy up to the point where he IS a one-man army. But that could take a while in this system as it is now.
>That thing is such a great test at the end where you have to use EVERYTHING you've learned up until that point to stand a chance.

I love that kind of stuff.



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