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>3 into the Second Europan War, 1 year after the fall of Prince Maximillian.

>The city of Zemlyanka, in the eastern reaches of the Empire.

You are Mikhail Ibrahimovich Ramzanov, and things have gone all to hell.

What started as a protest against forced conscription, increased taxation and lengthened working hours has turned into a bloodbath. As you and your workmates were shouting slogans in front of Potemkin Palace, Governor Konrad gi Lecca sent his soldiers down the steps, the chattering of their rifles and machine guns drowned out by the screams of their victims. Even as you ran, you heard the Governor's voice over the loudspeaker, calling for the strongest reprisals against you and your fellows.

Now, you're running down an alley, trying to escape the chaos. Suddenly you see a protestor gunned down just as you're about to exit the alley. As you take cover behind a trash can, you see an Imperial soldier come up to the corpse. "You guys go on without me," he laughs at someone you can't see. "I want to see if this peasant has anything good on her."
As you hear his squad march away, a sudden impulse strikes you. Taking out your pocket knife, you rush across the rest of the alley, the Imperial so engrossed inlooting the corpse he doesn't notice you until it's too late. He turns, only to have your knife slip between his neck joint and skewer him in the throat. As he slips down, your passion and purpose blend into a mad plan, one that begins with you picking up his weapon-

[PASSION] a ZM MP 3 sub-machine gun, and all the soldier's spare magazines too.

[PURPOSE] a ZM KAR 3 rifle, with a few stripper clips on the soldier's person.

>Do you want to hear about the system now, or should I keep things *~mysterious~* for now?
Mysterious is best.
Was wondering when something like this would come up. Haven't had a VC quest since Valk Mercs.

[PASSION] a ZM MP 3 sub-machine gun, and all the soldier's spare magazines too.
I want me a Gatling trooper.
>[PURPOSE] a ZM KAR 3 rifle, with a few stripper clips on the soldier's person.
>[PURPOSE] a ZM KAR 3 rifle, with a few stripper clips on the soldier's person.
Forgot to include that, whoops.
go with the rifle. Purpose a best.

Steeling yourself, you pick up the fallen soldier's rifle and his ammunition belt.It's a solid weapon, and one that would serve well in the fight to come- and there will be a fight to come. The soldier also had a few grenades with him- they should prove useful.

You take a deep breath, and immediately head for where the screaming is greatest. After all, where there's suffering, there's people willing to take up arms against it.

[PASSION] Find a ladder and take to the rooftops! There, you shall rain fire down on the Imperial bastards! Sure, you might be more easily seen, but with the city in chaos, it's the fastest way to get around!

[PURPOSE] Travel through the alleyways- if you're shot by an eagle-eyed trooper, there would be very little you can do. Of course, more people would suffer while you took the time, but what other choice do you have?
>Was wondering when something like this would come up. Haven't had a VC quest since Valk Mercs.

I admit, I'm a mustard race who just got and finished the first VC. I don't know anything about or have played the sequels save for what I've read from the wiki, so my apologies if I get anything wrong. It's why I decided to set this far away in the East, so I don't tread on too many canon toes while getting my VC fix.

No flying pigs though- that's a little too anime even for a weeb like me.
And forgot to add: If you're voting, please roll a d20 in case there aren't a lot of votes/in case of a tie. I usually take the most votes out of 7 posts, but if there are fewer than that, or if there's a tie (somehow), then the d20 roll takes precedence.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

[PASSION] Find a ladder and take to the rooftops! There, you shall rain fire down on the Imperial bastards! Sure, you might be more easily seen, but with the city in chaos, it's the fastest way to get around!
In times like these even seconds count, and highly visible signs of defiance gardner support.

I figured. If you need any lore advise, couple of friends and I run a forum that uses VC lore heavily
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

Add that
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>PASSION] Find a ladder and take to the rooftops! There, you shall rain fire down on the Imperial bastards! Sure, you might be more easily seen, but with the city in chaos, it's the fastest way to get around!

Looking around, you find no ladders, but do see a pipe heading upwards. You grip it, and quickly pull yourself to the roof. Thankfully, most of the city's building are small, squat affairs, in accordance with Imperial decrees, and so you manage to make good time across them. You can hear the screaming get louder, and-

You fall to the next roof, sprawling and breathless from the hit you took in the gut. You barce yourself for the pain- but it never comes. You look down, and you see that by some mischance, the bullet that should have opened your belly instead struck your belt buckle harmlessly- a one in a million shot that the Imperials will soon regret.

Even so, you are a little more cautious as you crawl to the roof's edge. Peering over, you see a squad of Imperial soldiers who have cornered a crowd of protestors against a dead end- wait, they aren't all protestors! You know for a fact that the Nurses' Union agreed not to attend to the protests, in case their services were needed, yet you see some of their members being herded towards the cowering mass of people.

"As you've probably noticed, things are a little noisy around here," a crimson-clad Imperial officer says, pacing behind his troops. "And it's up to us to enforce a little order around here."

The tone of his voice leaves no doubt as to what he intends to do, but the people in front of him either don't want to beleieve that, or are too afraid to even move. He turns away from the people, and for a moment, you believe that all he wanted to do was scare them. But then, he reaches down to his ammo pouch, and takes out a grenade...

[PASSION] Shoot the grenade! The explosion will take him and his damned squad out with little fuss! Better yet, their bodies are shielding the civilians from the explosion, so little chance of them being hurt by shrapnel!

[PURPOSE] Headshot the officer- your rifle has no scopes, and a miss might mean hitting his thick breastplate. Moreover, who knows how close his squads' hands are on their trigger fingers? One slip cased by the shock of the explosion, and you might as well have shot the crowd yourself. Practically speaking, an explosion might also destroy their guns, which you might want to use yourself.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

who the hell would pick purpose?
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

Shit I meant that to be PASSION. Change accordingly
Can I see this forum?
Purpose. Why would anyone vote for passion? It's a dumb idea.
>[PURPOSE] Headshot the officer- your rifle has no scopes, and a miss might mean hitting his thick breastplate. Moreover, who knows how close his squads' hands are on their trigger fingers? One slip cased by the shock of the explosion, and you might as well have shot the crowd yourself. Practically speaking, an explosion might also destroy their guns, which you might want to use yourself.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

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>18 18 18
PASSION, baby!


"Here goes nothing..." you whisper to yourself as you take careful, careful aim at his head. While the state religion of Yggdism is prominent everywhere, the old ways don't die easily, and you say a prayer to Dobrakov, God of Fortune as yyou look down the sights.

The Imperial officer, on the other hand, is till gloating. "Don't worry," he says. "I won't have my men shoot you. There are a lot of ways you can atone for your crimes," he says, taking out the grenade and holding it in front of himself. "Such as testing our new gre-"

That's about has far as he gets before your bullet connects with the grenade. The explosion vapourizes him and knocks his men down ass over teakettle. It would seem Dobrakov is on the side of the people, as the soldiers' rifles don't kill anyone- at least, none that you can see. Better yet, though also stunned by the explosion, the crowd recovers faster than the soldiers. By the time you clamber down from the roof and meet up with them, the Imperials are barely stains on the cobblestones.

"My friend, that was the maddest thing you have ever done!"

You gasp as you see who spoke- your friend and might-as-well-be-brother from the Zemlyanka Engineer's Union, Ilya Petrovich Kovachenko. "Ilya Petrovich!" you say joyfully. "I thought you were dead, you bastard! I thought you got shot when the Governor's troops came down!"

"I was," he grins, and turns around to show the still bleeding wound on his shoulder. "The bitch-boys can't shoot worth shit though. Thank the Valkyrur you got here in time though- my own plan was to rush them while they were reloading."

"That's crazy, Ilya."

"Hey, you're the lunatic who shot a grenade, hah!" he laughs. Behind him, some of the corwd members are picking up the fallen soldiers' weapons- the ones they didn't stomp into scrap or got damaged by the explosion, anyway. "Hey, sister," he calls out to a young woman picking with an SMG and rifle in her hands. "Pass me that chatterbox, will you?" he asks, before catching the SMG and turning to you. "So what now, brave leader?"

[PASSION] "You aren't the only ones in trouble tonight. We must take the fight to them, while saving our friends!"

[PURPOSE] "We won't get far without more weapons- I happen to know where Konrad keeps his secret armouries, the paranoid bastard."
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>[PASSION] "You aren't the only ones in trouble tonight. We must take the fight to them, while saving our friends!"
We're already on this passion ride>Let's see it through to the end gentlemen....
Gotta be well armed if we want to save anyone.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

[PASSION] "You aren't the only ones in trouble tonight. We must take the fight to them, while saving our friends!"

Gotta meet and greet, and there might be heavy resistance at the armories. So long as we don't run into large groups we should be fine.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

>[PASSION] "You aren't the only ones in trouble tonight. We must take the fight to them, while saving our friends!"
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>[PURPOSE] "We won't get far without more weapons- I happen to know where Konrad keeps his secret armouries, the paranoid bastard."
need more guns, then we can go full PASSION.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[PURPOSE] "We won't get far without more weapons- I happen to know where Konrad keeps his secret armouries, the paranoid bastard."
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>mfw I'm halfway through planning a Europan War I Quest when I find this
>mfw the exact same thing happened to some other guy with Valkyrian Mercs Quest.

It's like there's a curse.

Weapons are good.
Run it anyway, this is clearly not EW1.

"We won't get far without more weapons- I happen to know where Konrad keeps his secret armouries, the paranoid bastard," you tell Ilya.

"Secret who the what now?" Ilya asks, bewildered.

You smile grimly at him. "Believe it or not, I think the governor was either planning for this, or saw it coming. These past few weeks, I was asked to help check weapons stashed throughout the city in various Imperial-owned properties."

"Perun's balls," Ilya breathes- he too, never really forgot the old ways. "How did you get taken for a faithful Imperial?"

Your grin grows wider. "I wasn't. But checking weapons for maintenance is beneath the station of our glorious masters- and I drink less vodka than the rest of you bastards at the Union."

"Bah!" Ilya says, smirking. "Vodka is why I have more hair on my chest than you!" he says, and he's right. If anyone was padded enough to survive the grenade, it's Ilya- should the Imperials kill him, the Governor could skin him for a rug. "But I guess I can follow a woman with a dick if she can lead me to bigger guns."

"I love you too, Ilya," you say, batting your eyes outrageously.

There's a gasp from beside you. "Are you two crazy?!" an old man shouts from the crowd. "We cannot fight! We must hide! The Imperials have more guns than we do, more armour too! We don't stand a chance against them! Shame on you for wanting to get us killed for nothing!"

[PASSION] "Fine then, old man. You've lived your life on your knees so far, I suppose you've grown to love the pearl necklaces the Imperials give you. But for the rest of you- do you really want to live like this? To be used as they wish then cast aside when you beg to be treated by human beings? How many of us have had siblings die in Gallia or the Federation? How many of us have lost our loved ones to the lung rot from mines and factories? Even if we fall, then we fall free people!"

[PURPOSE] "The Imperials are in chaos, their command structure has broken down as their soldiers loot and rape. If we do not strike at them now, then we might never have such a chance for freedom again. But if you don't believe in fighting for a cause, then fight for those others who are suffering tonight at Imperial hands. Will you leave your brothers and sisters to the same people who tried to kill you?"
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[PASSION] "Fine then, old man. You've lived your life on your knees so far, I suppose you've grown to love the pearl necklaces the Imperials give you. But for the rest of you- do you really want to live like this? To be used as they wish then cast aside when you beg to be treated by human beings? How many of us have had siblings die in Gallia or the Federation? How many of us have lost our loved ones to the lung rot from mines and factories? Even if we fall, then we fall free people!"
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>[PASSION] "Fine then, old man. You've lived your life on your knees so far, I suppose you've grown to love the pearl necklaces the Imperials give you. But for the rest of you- do you really want to live like this? To be used as they wish then cast aside when you beg to be treated by human beings? How many of us have had siblings die in Gallia or the Federation? How many of us have lost our loved ones to the lung rot from mines and factories? Even if we fall, then we fall free people!"
Guys, for your votes to count you need to roll.
Rolled 35 (1d120)

Rolled 1 (1d20)


That not true at all.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

>[PASSION] "Fine then, old man. You've lived your life on your knees so far, I suppose you've grown to love the pearl necklaces the Imperials give you. But for the rest of you- do you really want to live like this? To be used as they wish then cast aside when you beg to be treated by human beings? How many of us have had siblings die in Gallia or the Federation? How many of us have lost our loved ones to the lung rot from mines and factories? Even if we fall, then we fall free people!"
Not really, rolling's only for tiebreaking. Sure, I usually count votes out of 7, but you just KNOW there'll be one guy going 50/50.

Don't worry, I situated this a long, long way away from the Europan continent in Not!Siberia, just for people like you. And me.

Anyway, PASSION has it, writing now.
count the number of votes for >>36228148
you'll find there was 5 votes for purpose and 4 for passion, yet >>36228054 was passion.
How many of the passion votes included rolls? 3.
How many of the purpose votes included rolls? 2.
Do you understand this?
>Not really, rolling's only for tiebreaking. Sure, I usually count votes out of 7, but you just KNOW there'll be one guy going 50/50.
Welp, guess I( >>36228757) was wrong.
Rather not directly link on 4chan, got something I can pass it with? Like a steam?
I only count the first 7 votes, of those first 7, 4 were PURPOSE, so that's what I went with, sorry. Anyway, story post below:

"Fine then, old man," you say. "You've lived your life on your knees so far, I suppose you've grown to love the pearl necklaces the Imperials give you. But for the rest of you- do you really want to live like this? To be used as they wish then cast aside when you beg to be treated by human beings? How many of us have had siblings die in Gallia or the Federation? How many of us have lost our loved ones to the lung rot from mines and factories? Even if we fall, then we fall free people!"

The crowd looks at each other hesitantly. Those who are armed seem to be a little more confident, but guns have a way of steeling one's heart. You search inside yourself, looking for the right words. "Friends," you say, but it seems so weak. "Brothers, sisters." Better, but still...

"Comrades," you say. Somehow... it seems right. "Comrades," you say louder. "Don't you see? We are all the walking dead. Tonight, we rose up, asking not to be treated as equals, but as men and women, not as beasts of burden, not even as Darcsens, but as human beings- and this is how the Imperials answered!" you say, pointing to the burning city. "This is how they answered!" you yell, holding up your rifle. "This is how they answered!" you say again, pointing to what was left of the soldiers. "Tell me, comrades- is this the answer you want? Or shall we roar their answer back at them?! All those who wish to live free or die in the attempt, follow me! URRRAH!"
And loud enough to drown the sounds of chaos behind you, the crowd- even the old man- echoes you. "URRRAH!" they cry, and your heart soars, bouyed by their voices.

Quickly, you sketch out the caches' locations, and send squads of people, each with an armed citizen to accompany them. It's dangerous work, and you cannot be sure that the caches are still intact, but they are Zemlyanka's best chance for survival. In order to build their trust in you, you volunteer to take on the hardest job- liberating the obvious cache in the police station.

[PASSION] You exchange your rifle with an SMG, and take point while you lead your squad to storm the statio, Ilya covering you.

[PURPOSE] Find a guard and kill him for his armour. Escort a group of 'prisoners' into the station- the local police are all traitorous collaborators, after all, and they'll never question an obvious Imperial.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

we solid snake now
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

We can make ten minute emails
I just love VC since I got the second one for the PSP a long time ago now, thrilled they're doing PC rereleases.

Maybe they'll finally do the third in English, or release a new chapter in the story.

[email protected]
There's an English patch for the third
Thanks anon, looks pretty well written.

Looks like its based off of VC2, I'm excite
No problem, we've put alot of work into it and we've got plans for the future. If you're interested make a post in dicussion and ask for AAA
[PASSION + 1] (From previous post)
[PURPOSE +1] (This post)

"Move it, move it!" you say, pushing the crowd forward, and gesturing with your machine gun. You have to admit, you're proud of your Imperial accent- or at least, what passes for one. Hopefully whoever listens to you think you're just an Imperial trying to speak the local language instead of the truth. Thankfully, the sycophant at the police station's counter seems to buy it, and he goggles at the group you've brought in.

"M-my apologies, honoured sir," he says. "B-but Governor gi Lecca left specific orders that only the most important prisoners be held here. The others are to be taken to the train station."

"Do I look like I have the time to be taking these idiots halfway across this shi- across Zemlyanka in all this chaos?" you say, catching yourself just in time. One of the ways the Imperials held themselves above you was a curious restraint with regards to swear words. "Just put them here until we have things under control! What is your name?!"

"I- uh- I'll have the cell doors opened right away!" the flunky says. As expected, he calls for an additional guard escort, but they're as cowardly as he was- their first mistake. Their last mistake was holding the doors open for you and your squad, allowing them to be caught flat-footed when Ilya jumps out from the crowd and fires on them, you joining in. Armed with another 3 SMGs, the squad proceeds to the lockup, you taking point and Ilya behind.

"Halt right there!" you hear as you turn a corner. In front of you are four armed policemen, their commanding officer behind them. "That's as far as you go, deviant!" he says triumphantly.

You do not respond to him- instead, you turn to the police officers, and begin...

[PASSION] "Do you really want to do this, comrades?"

[PURPOSE] "You must know you cannot win."
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>[PASSION] "Do you really want to do this, comrades?"
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 4 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

>[PASSION] "Do you really want to do this, comrades?"
Did we die
"You don't want to do this, comrades," you say.

"Oho? And why not?" the commander laughs. "You might have raw numbers, but we have more guns. This isn't a gamble you wish to take, friend."

"It's not a matter of how many guns we have- it's how many guns the Imperials have, and how willing they are to use them on our own people," you say.

"Pfah! Stop trying to make excuses for your rebellious behaviour!" the commander scoffs. "Of course the Empire would see fit to execute you and your sort!"

"Really? My 'sort'? Are nurses and children 'my sort'?" you say hotly. "What about you, comrades?" you say to the policemen. "Are your brothers and sister, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers- are they 'my sort' as well? Because it is they who the Imperials are murdering out there."

You step aside. "Look behind me," you say. "There are nurses and children behind me- do you think they are 'my sort' as well?"

The officer gasps as he sees them. "Hurry over here, all of you! Don't worry, we'll cover you!"

"We won't!" one teenage girl says. "He's right! They are shooting everyone out there!"

One of the policemen wavers. "S-sir, my daughter might be out there," he says. "I told her to stay inside, but my Lidiya, she's stubborn, and-"

"You have your orders and your duty!" the officer says.

You shake your head. "You are ordered by people who expect you to be thankful for licking the scum off their boots. Your duty is nothing more than that of dogs watching over cattle to be butchered- which is what is happening now."

"You're a fine one to talk of butchery!" the officer says. "You killed three of our friends!"

"Yes, yes I did," you say. "Because if I didn't, more of MY friends and family would die. Hell, they're dying as we talk uselessly!" you shout, before taking a deep breath. "But if orders and duty are so important to you..."

You take off your SMG and place it on the ground. "Then you can arrest me."
There's a loud gagging noise from behind you. "Are you MAD?!" Ilya shouts.

"What's one more madman?" you say breezily, your eyes still on the guards. "How is my action any madder than hoping things will be the same after tonight? Thinking that the Imperials would not come down hard on the lawmen who were supposed to keep the peace? Or hoping that maybe, this one time, a stubborn daughter decided to listen to her father?"

There is a moment of peace that seems to last a year. Then, over the choked protestations of their commanding officer, the policemen lower their weapons and allow themselves to be jailed. "That way," you tell them, "if we fail, you can say you were overpowered or forced to surrender."

The policeman nod, and the one with the daughter adds, "My daughter's name is Lidiya, Lidiya Markova," he tells you. "Please... I don't care what happens to me, just make sure she's all right."

"I can help with that," one of the newly-released prisoners says, and you turn immediately. You'd recognize her voice anywhere. Sometimes, her dulcet tones, sometimes desiring, sometimes conforting, was all that kept you going through another 18-hour shift. "Zinaida Rodinova, at your service. How would you like to be in showbusiness?"

>And that's all for now! Part one to come at 1500-1600 GMT on Nov. 18 (basically, 20~ hours from now). I'll try to get a Twitter set up to keep everyone updated. Now, the Mechanics update!
First off, sorry for not being able to stay longer- some unexpected stuff has come up (just my luck, eh?) and I need to attend to it, and by the time I'm done it'd probably be late.

In this first thread, there weren't any rolls at all, but there will be-why? First, let's look at PASSION and PURPOSE.

PASSION reflects, well, how passionate your character is. Whether you lead by the force of your own personal charisma, or simply by force, Passion covers it all. Passion also covers things like firing wildly with your weapons, or making split-second decisions when things go to shit.

PURPOSE is the opposite side of the coin- keeping a cool, level head in times of chaos is what defines purposeful characters. The purposeful convinces those willing to listen through rational arguments, and the unwilling through his knowledge of where exactly things hurt the most. Their inner peace also makes for great marksmen, as well as making long-term plans.

Our PASSION/PURPOSE stat is our only stat, and it runs from 2-9, and rolling is quite simple: A PASSION roll has to exceed our score on 1d10 to succeed, with 1 being an autofail and a 10 being a success, while a PURPOSE roll is the opposite, i.e. roll lower etc. Each thread, I'll tally the amount of PASSION and PURPOSE votes, and depending on the total lower or add to our stat. For example, this thread will see us lower our stat (started at 6, since we picked up the PURPOSEful rifle) to 5, thanks to being all passionate and shit.

And that's it for now! I think I can do a short Q&A/suggestion box in around an hour (since I'll be at the office), but I won't be able to stay for long. Again, my apologies, and thank you for being here!
Thanks for running.
First off, sorry for not being able to stay longer- some unexpected stuff has come up (just my luck, eh?) and I need to attend to it, and by the time I'm done it'd probably be late.

In this first thread, there weren't any rolls at all, but there will be-why? First, let's look at PASSION and PURPOSE.

PASSION reflects, well, how passionate your character is. Whether you lead by the force of your own personal charisma, or simply by force, Passion covers it all. Passion also covers things like firing wildly with your weapons, or making split-second decisions when things go to shit.

PURPOSE is the opposite side of the coin- keeping a cool, level head in times of chaos is what defines purposeful characters. The purposeful convinces those willing to listen through rational arguments, and the unwilling through his knowledge of where exactly things hurt the most. Their inner peace also makes for great marksmen, as well as making long-term plans.

Our PASSION/PURPOSE stat is our only stat, and it runs from 2-9, and rolling is quite simple: A PASSION roll has to exceed our score on 1d10 to succeed, with 1 being an autofail and a 10 being a success, while a PURPOSE roll is the opposite, i.e. roll lower etc. Each thread, I'll tally the amount of PASSION and PURPOSE votes, and depending on the total lower or add to our stat. For example, this thread will see us lower our stat (started at 6, since we picked up the PURPOSEful rifle) to 5, thanks to being all passionate and shit.

And that's it for now! I think I can do a short Q&A in around an hour (since I'll be at the office), but I won't be able to stay for long. Again, my apologies, and thank you for being here!
So when we combined our purposeful rifle with our passionate action of climbing to the roof, we got one of the best outcomes by having a chance to shoot the grenade then?
It depends- sometimes you might want to play to your strengths, sometimes you want a balance. That being said, this thread was all about character-building, so pretty much anything you did would have succeeded- only thing that would have changed was HOW you succeeded,

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