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>Quest you like is taken over by namefags
>They've begun their circlejerk culture

Welcome to Land of the Gods: A Quest Part 5, Namefag Circlejerk edition!

It has only been a few short weeks since our resurrection as Virus, the First Vine and God of Wine and Art (with the secret goal to be God of Parties). Last episode we began some MEGA PROJECTS: creating branding and planning to age our wines, then working on the effects of our Sacrificial Vintage. We very boldly offered the first drink to Kalat, who has started to become a little... more than human. We decided to set aside 1 sacrifice's worth of wine each week for the next year for further experiments.

We've set many plans in motion already, although few have had time to come to fruition. Remember that as a god, you may choose at any time to let time pass. Your City will continue on under your priests' administration, and whatever projects you (and the other gods!) have set in motion will progress. You'll be informed if anything important requiring your input happens.

A little time has passed since we left off: it has now been a month since Kalat took his first drink. In that time, the new Altar for Bridgetown has been carved and is now ready to be Consecrated. Doing so will allow you instant travel between your City and Bridgetown and a certain level of awareness about what's going on there. This will not only greatly increase the Belief of the villagers, most of whom have gone their entire lives without ever actually seeing their god, but will give you a greater level of control over the settlement. Meanwhile, the infrastructure for your tourism project is under construction.

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You previously voted to tour your villages, and the Consecration of your Altar provides the perfect opportunity. You make plans to leave the City for about a week as you travel through the countryside. Your honor guard will be carrying your mobile Altar on foot. There's only about 10 of them. You need to decide who else you're taking with you.

Two votes. First, how many Temple Guard are you bringing? You have 200 total, 10 in the City, 20 guarding the project at Bridgetown, and 170 out capturing bandits for you. 2 additional weeks have passed since our last session, so any troops you want have had time to be recalled from the field. You don't have to wait.
>Option 1: 10. My honor guard should be enough.
>Option 2: 25. Recall 15 troops from the field.
>Option 3: 50. Recall 40 troops from the field.
>Option 4: 100. Recall 90 troops from the field.
>Option 5: 180. Recall all field troops.
>Option 6: 200. Recall all troops, including the ones at Bridgetown.

Second, who do you want to take with you from your City? Below is a list of possible options. Vote for as many as you like. You may also vote against bringing someone. Any option with 2 more votes for than against comes with us.
>Kalat, your high priest
>Merodak, your new general, and his tutor, the head librarian
>Bear Girl, your foreign artist
>Joshua, your chief merchant
>Nazar, a loyal noble
>Write in

Lastly, in housekeeping news, I don't have your character sheet finished. But I've got something cool in the works for next time that I think will really help!

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Welcome to Land of the Gods! This is my first quest, although I have DMed with friends many times before. Some basic housekeeping:


2) God List: http://pastebin.com/PHUpSAzn
Character List: http://pastebin.com/04E6Le14

Archives: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Land%20of%20the%20Gods

3) Twitter @landofthegodsQ
I will keep this updated with times for the next game, and I'll answer dms here, too.

4) email [email protected]
I'll try to answer emails as well.

5) Choices offered are almost always suggestions. You can certainly suggest other alternatives I haven't listed.

6) While I am keeping track of stats behind the scenes and doing dice rolls and whatnot, my goal is for you to never have to think about the mechanics of things. Make your choices, play the game.

7) Plot armor is nonexistent. What happens, happens.

8) This is not a smut quest. THIS IS NOT A SMUT QUEST. I truly have nothing against smut quests, but this is not one of them. That's not to say that sex doesn't exist or won't be acknowledged as is story appropriate, but it won't be the focus and it won't be gratuitous.
>Option 2: 25. Recall 15 troops from the field.
I don't want to intimidate the villagers, we're not an angry god.

>Merodak, your new general, and his tutor, the head librarian
>Bear Girl, your foreign artist
>Joshua, your chief merchant
Maybe we can talk to Joshua about the vintage wine and have him investigate the desert demons if everyone's okay with it.
>Option 1: 10. My honor guard should be enough.

>Kalat, your high priest
>Bear Girl, your foreign artist
>Joshua, your chief merchant
>Nazar, a loyal noble
>>Option 3: 50. Recall 40 troops from the field.
>>Kalat, your high priest
If no objections, we'll split the soldier vote down the middle, with 25. Followers: Kalat, Bear Girl, and Joshua.

Update inbound.
I'm fine with it.
sounds good
>Bear Girl


>not Merodak (he could do with seeing the towns, for strategic reasons), Nazar (show him favor), and Kalat (don't forget to bring a divine-infused psychopath)
It's a late vote, but I'll allow it. Changes in followers:

adding Nazar.

We'll split the soldier vote down the middle, with 25. Followers: Kalat, Bear Girl, and Joshua.

You had previously sent orders for a small detatchment of men to return from bandit hunting and join your honor guard. They've arrived, and it's time to leave. Kalat is already at the City gates, stuffing the last part of his luggage onto a sad-looking camel. Bear Girl is further ahead, watching Joshua and his sons packing their own camels. Nazar waits with his own brightly-arrayed horse near the center of the caravan with 2 servants on camels following behind. You require no supplies yourself, but your honor guard is waiting in the center of the caravan with your mobile Altar.

You streeeetch from the Temple to this new Altar, settling down on its flat top. You feel yourself soaking deep into its stone-carved grooves and travel-worn surfaces, joining with it and tethering yourself to it. This will be your new home until you return. Should something happen to it out there, you'll be cast away, unbound. It may take you a long while before your spirit finds its way back to the Temple. It wouldn't be true death, more like flailing about after a riptide pulls you out to sea.

Your band departs first for Bridgetown. The journey itself should only take about a day by foot. There, your men can drop off the newly carved Altar, your priests can Consecrate it, and you can inspect the tourism progress.

Along the way, you spot armed scouts at a distance. By their armor, they look like part of the main host of your Temple Guard. Sliiiiiding ahead of the group, you stop and ask for a report. They both kneel before you, then snap to attention. The taller one speaks.

"There's a decent-sized force of bandits ahead, Lord. We were sent to discover their ambush positions."

"How far ahead?"

"Only an hour or so's march. They're camped behind an outcropping on the left with their tents and campfires hidden under it."

"How many?"

"4, maybe 5 dozen. Archers and warriors."

You dismiss the men and let them continue on their mission, then return to your own troops to consider your options.

>Attack with your troops. Use your troops to take extra prisoners for sacrifice.
>Attack without your troops. Order them to stay back and guard the altar.
>Attempt to talk your way past the bandits. Intimidate them.
>Go around the bandits, avoiding them entirely.
>Attack without your troops. Order them to stay back and guard the altar.
I mean, what are the chances they have mithril, right?
>>Attack without your troops. Order them to stay back and guard the altar.
>>Attempt to talk your way past the bandits. Intimidate them.
>Attack without your troops. Order them to stay back and guard the altar.

You order the caravan to stop as soon as you see the outcropping. Taking a moment to gather your senses, you reach out in your mind to search for the bandits. Most of them are in the camp, but a few are on top of the rocks as sentries, and a few more are hiding in the brush beneath. Satisfied that you have found each one, you start your approach. Long steps turn into a sprint as you rush forward in a boiling cloud of wine!

Their archers could have the sharpest eyes, and their warriors the sharpest blades, but it would still be useless against your Holy Might. Boiling wine rains down from the sky, scattering the men in ambush. The rest of the force in camp stick their heads out to see what's happening, but it's too late. You're on them, striking left and right with superhuman speed and strength. With a wave of your hand, the men in the camp turn purple, claw at their eyes, and die vomiting wine. A few try to escape, only to be turned into grape vines that writhe and lash out at other survivors. Eventually, only a handful of men caught in the vines remain. Hmm. In retrospect, you *may* have attacked a little too forcefully. Who knew how fragile these mortal warriors would be? You don't even feel like you've expended any appreciable amount of Belief. Well, at least you nabbed a few stragglers. These you pick up and take back to your caravan.

Kalat dances gleefully around the prisoners. "We saw the whole battle from here, Lord! A glorious sight! But what will we do with these sad sots?" 5 fearful men lay at your feet.

>Interrogate them for information
>Sacrifice them
>Let them go
>Write in?
>Interrogate them for information
>Sacrifice them
>Interrogate them for information
>Sacrifice them
>>Interrogate them for information
>Sacrifice them
>>Interrogate them for information
>>Sacrifice them
That's horrifying. I really want to know how the other gods fight now.
>>Interrogate them for information
>>Sacrifice them
>Interrogate them for information
>Sacrifice them
>Interrogate them for information
>Sacrifice them

The Temple Guard bind the men tightly and await your orders. You could let them handle things, but you want to try first. You reach out with your mind and brush against the first man's thoughts.

They're surprisingly easy to read. It appears these bandits are descendants from deserters from the old invading army. They've been living out in the country, hiding in caves and raiding where they can ever since. The memories aren't specific, but you can tell that there are many others like them across the land, loosely organized into fluid and changing bands.

Most of the other men's stories are the same. There's little useful tactical information, but you do get a sense of the size of the problem. It would take decades to root out all of the bandits, even with an entire dedicated army. There's one man, however, whose mind cannot be read. Little symbols dance around, similar to those you've seen before. You learn from the others' minds that he is their officer of sorts, at least a superior.

Frustrating. You let your Temple Guard have a turn on him. As they take turns, the officer remains firm. He starts calling out to his gods in a strange tongue. After a couple hours, it doesn't seem like he will break.

You sense that you might learn something more if you could just push *harder*. As you do so, the man's eyes roll back in his head, and he begins to shake. You pull back, and he returns to normal.

>Push harder.
>Back off for now. Keep him with you.
>Forget it, sacrifice them now.
>>Push harder.
>Back off for now. Keep him with you.
>Sacrifice the rest
Wait no.
Sacrifice the rest.
but push harder
>>Push harder.
keep the officer
sacrifice the rest
>Push harder
>Sacrifice the rest

You wrap your tendrils around the officer's head and squeeze. Nothing. Tighter! Nothing. Harder! Still nothing. In a fit of frustration you twist, and his head explodes in a shower of gore. Memories come floating in, and his mind in his last moments becomes clear. You gain detailed information about several caves nearby that hide more of the bandits, as well as the name of their leader, Mursilis One-Eye. You send a runner to catch up with the scouts from before to inform them of the new locations.

Shame about the wasted sacrifice, but at least you have the others.

One by one, the others are led over to your Altar. Their throats are slit, and their blood flows over the stone and into you.

It's not that much longer to Bridgetown, even with the delay. You arrive that evening. The eponymous bridge frames the sun as it swings low in the sky, and little cooking fires light up the collection of huts lining the riverbank. Some of the children run to you, dancing around you. "God is here! God is here!" The adults are more reserved, standing in the doorways and watching your (slightly blood-spattered) procession into town.

1/2, update in progress
The village elders await you in the central square. Colin Red-Robes, the local priest, bows low as you enter. "This is a most joyous and historic day for Bridgetown, Lord. We welcome Your presence." He motions to the villagers, and after a moment's hesitation they bow, too.

The Consecration is performed that night. Your artisans carefully place your new Altar in its prepared location within the village shrine. Pouring wine around its edges and piling grapes on top, they chant long into the night. The people dance around it, partly out of ritual, but mostly as a party. Wine flows freely everywhere. You smoooth out and feel around the edges of the settlement, getting a sense of the town. Most of the people are excited to see you, but some are a little suspicious. They're not sure why their little village is getting so much attention.

The next morning you tour the construciton sites for the tourist center. In a separate, walled villa sits a central public house with sizable rooms, a separate gallery with guard tower, a wine garden, and a stage for music and performances. The foreman hopes to finish it over the winter in time for spring.

At noon the priest gathers the people for prayer at the new Altar. As he leads them in prayer, you can feel their Belief swell just seeing you. It's quite the rush. By the end of it, you feel refreshed and a little jittery. Some more of the holes inside you have been refilled with Belief.

After the ceremony, Kalat finds you. "Where should we go next, Lord?"

>Your next stop, Narrow Bend, a couple day's distance north.
>Stay here for a few more days.
>Back to your City.
>Your next stop, Narrow Bend, a couple day's distance north.
I don't see much reason to stay.
>>Your next stop, Narrow Bend, a couple day's distance north.
>Your next stop, Narrow Bend, a couple day's distance north.
>Stay here for a few more days.
>Your next stop, Narrow Bend, a couple day's distance north.

You strike out again that afternoon. The villagers see you off, many of them walking with you a little ways before peeling away. They seem much happier today than when you first arrived. Narrow Bend, an isolated village on the other side of the river Odon, is a two day's march away.

As you break camp the next morning and continue heading north, you start to feel *weird*. A vague sense of apprehension pulls at your stomach. If you weren't immune to disease and hunger, you might describe it as a combination of the two.

The feeling grows stronger that afternoon. You order the caravan to stop while you confer with your advisors. Nazar hasn't noticed anything, although he has noticed that his horse was more willful today. Bear Girl doesn't seem unchanged, but it's hard to tell anything about her anyway. Joshua, too, senses nothing but advocates caution. "There are many strange things you can encounter on the road, Lord. If this were my caravan, I would steer far away. But we cannot steer clear of our destination!" It's Kalat, however, who bothers you the most.

"I see, Lord, I see! I see fear climbing up the walls. I see poison dripping in the dirt. I see a face where there should be none."

You can't help but be concerned. What should you do?

>Continue onward with utmost caution.
>Wait here, and send a runner for reinforcements from the Temple Guard. This may take up to a week.
>Skip Narrow Bend for now and move on to the other villages.
>Write in.
>Continue onward with utmost caution.
>Write in.
Try to scout it out ourselves.
>>Continue onward with utmost caution.
>Continue onward with utmost caution.
Who's going to believe us if we say we're afraid of our own village? We're getting in that shit.
>Continue onward with utmost caution.
seems like something is targeting divinity.
Sorry this is taking so long. Lots of background work. I think you'll appreciate the result.
>Continue onward with utmost caution.

You pick Kalat up on your shoulders and carry him with you. "Whisper to me anything new you see."

The march continues. The men rest uneasily overnight and head out again. Kalat's whisperings grow more panicked.

"I see a whip of thorns! A shriveled, black heart! He's whispering his name, but I can't quite hear it."


"He wields pain in one hand, fear in the other. His name is as ancient as the desert wind."

You reach the edges of the village around midday. It's WRONG. The houses are marked with blood and appear entirely empty. The streets are lined in dark blue ichor, leading up to a towering ziggurat clearly of new construction. A symbol is painted on the wall: a crossed whip and dagger.

You notice a few villagers, cowering in fear. "He's come, He's come!" "To the Temple!" another calls.

"Yessss, to the Temple, children." The voice is iron rasping on ancient stone, a throaty hiss carried on the wind. You don't see the owner.

"Come forth, you wretch! What have you done to my village?"

A slithering black mass emerges from the top of the shrine. Ichor drips from its limbs, and blood from its wide, toothy mouth. Like its symbol, it carries a black, coiled whip in one hand and a dagger dripping green in the other. It calls out again. "The False God! My people, the time has come!"
Time suddenly stops. You're panicked for a moment, until you realize that you can still think and act even as your companions cannot. Wait--did Kalat blink? Nevermind. Focusing yourself again, you cast out your mind to search for the cause of this phenomenon. You realize that the, well, *whatever it is* is still moving in slow motion. It's pulling its arm back to crack the whip. Several of the villagers appear frozen in the village square, apparently running towards the ziggurat. Your senses cannot penetrate inside.

First round, pre voting:
Whatever this is, we're kicking it's ass. Make sure our shrine is protected.

The villagers heading to the shrine might be gathering for a mass sacrifice or something, if possible we should cut off their route with vines. At the very least we don't want them flocking to the shelter of this thing.
>The villagers heading to the *temple*
Ohhhhohohohoooo no.

We've been stockpiling a shitton of belief and sacrifice and tribute. We are supercharged. Rip his hand off, grab him by the throat, drag him into his holy ground, and make him a sacrifice on his own damn alter.
Okay, a few possible options based on what I'm hearing:


>Focus on stopping the fleeing villagers
>Focus on attacking that thing
>Focus on defending yourself and your men
>Write in
>Focus on Attacking that thing
>Focus on stopping the fleeing villagers
>Focus on defending yourself and your men
>>Focus on attacking that thing
>>Focus on stopping the fleeing villagers
>>Focus on defending yourself and your men
>Focus on stopping the fleeing villagers
We're moving supafast, right? Can't we just drag him back to our alter and sacrifice him on it?

>Focus on stopping the fleeing villagers
>Focus on attacking that thing
>Focus on defending yourself and your men
You're certainly moving faster than him, although he is moving. He's about halfway through his swing.
>Focus on stopping the fleeing villagers
>Focus on attacking that thing
>Focus on defending yourself and your men
Yeah. Catch his whip, turn it into a grape vine, then yank him towards us. We'll catch the dagger stab as well, rip it out of his hand, and then beat him until we drag him to our alter.

Then, we'll have a convenient tool to sacrifice him with.
Currently tied for stopping the villagers and attacking the thing. If no other changes/votes are made, you'll attempt to do both, with some difficulty.
I'll change >>36358993 to attacking. I'm scared of screwing this up.
Attacking it is. Update inbound.
It's so easy. You let forth a high pressure, focused jet of boiling wine directly at the *thing*. It's launched from the ziggurat bodily. It tumbles in the air for a few moments before righting itself and recovering in time to land safely on the ground.

With a mighty roar it hurls its dagger at you, but you knock it aside with another jet. With a swipe of your arm, you pull vines from the ground to bind the dagger. The vines grip tightly, but it takes a certain amount of effort to hold the dagger in place against the pull to return to its owner. You summon forth screaming bunches of grape and hurl them at your target, where they explode forcefully into a fine red mist.

You take the fight to the monstrosity. With whip and claw he tries to strike you, but you evade his blows.

You've got the size of him now. He's just too slow compared to you, and it's easy to see why. You launch another heated jet that he only blocks with great effort. You take the opportunity to sneer.

"Give up while you can, you pile of worms! You have no chance against a true God! You call this miserable pile of bricks a Temple? With a handful of fearful worshipers and nothing in the way of Tribute?"

"There is... chance yet."

Screams out of the ziggurat, and blood starts to trickle down its steps. Kalat takes off at a slow jog towards the shrine, screaming "For the Lord!"

The *thing* pushes back, eventually disrupting your jet. The two of you fall into a tangle of limbs as each tries to land a mortal blow on the other.

What next?

>Continue the melee
>Spend a small amount of Belief to speed up Kalat
>Spend a moderate amount of Belief to strike a vicious blow in the melee
>Write in?
>>Spend a moderate amount of Belief to strike a vicious blow in the melee
>Spend a small amount of Belief to speed up Kalat
>Spend a moderate amount of Belief to strike a vicious blow in the melee
I'm not losing Kalat you fuckers.
>Spend a moderate amount of Belief to strike a vicious blow in the melee
You reach inside yourself and grab a fistful of Belief, then swing forward with a vicious hook. The blow stuns the beast long enough for you to land a second Belief-enhanced fistful. Then you go to town with more regular blows. You see your opening. With both hands, you tear open the beast's gaping mouth. You hold him down against the ground as vines snake inside, ripping his mouth open even wider. You can feel them reach deep within his core. In one smooth motion, you swing your arms up, commanding the vines to rip out his shriveled, black heart. He gasps and expires in front of you.

You rip into the still-beating heart and feast on its poison. It's nothing compared to you, but it makes for a fine meal. The beast's last thoughts are open to you.

That thing was a demon. It's name is unpronouncable, but is the sound of the desert wind breaking against a crumbling rock. It lived out in the sands for many years, hiding in the shadows from the sun, the moon, and any of its stronger brethren. One moonless night it spotted a merchant caravan that still dared to travel. It crawled within a merchant's pack and ate its way to his heart. That merchant left at the next village they passed: Narrow Bend. It didn't take long to leap from the merchant to the village priest and teach her a new religion. It's been drinking Belief and accepting Sacrifice for over a decade now. Reports still were sent to the City regularly, but none from the capital had yet visited. Visitors to the town were either converted themselves and stayed or subtly influenced to forget the whole mess.
As you finish swallowing, you can appreciate the Belief and Sacrifice within. It's nothing compared to a true god, but it's quite potent. Your body is now again completely filled with Belief, and you can feel the effects of nearly 50 human sacrifices that must have occured over the years. You don't sense any new abilities, per se, but you have a deeper understanding of poison and how it might relate to wine. You make a mental note to explore the concept later.

While the battle raged, Kalat made his way inside the temple. He comes out now with a bleeding woman in his arms. "Lord, oh Lord! It's awful inside. They killed themselves, so many of them!" With the fog obscuring the ziggurat cleared, you can sense the same. A few villagers remain, cowering in fear within the ziggurat.

The Temple Guard drag them out. They cry and tear their hair, mourning their "god." What should be done with them?

>They are traitors and heretics, every last one. Sacrifice them all.
>They are wretched sinners. Bring them back to the city as slaves for life.
>They are misguided and damaged worshipers. Offer redemption to any who take it.
>Write in?
>>They are misguided and damaged worshipers. Offer redemption to any who take it.
There are bound to be outspoken members among them. Kill them as sacrifice.
>>They are wretched sinners. Bring them back to the city as slaves for life.
>>They are misguided and damaged worshipers. Offer redemption to any who take it.
"You have sinned against your true God, but unlike the DEMON you falsely worshiped I know of mercy. I offer you one chance, redeem yourselves by opening your hearts to your true God or live as the lowest of low and pray a life of slavery cleanses your sin"
I like this, supporting.
>>They are traitors and heretics, every last one. Sacrifice them all.
>They are misguided and damaged worshipers. Offer redemption to any who take it.
>They are traitors and heretics, every last one. Sacrifice them all.
They are all mourning their false god. Any that denounce him would only do so to save themselves and would take the same offer to another.
>"You have sinned against your true God, but unlike the DEMON you falsely worshiped I know of mercy. I offer you one chance, redeem yourselves by opening your hearts to your true God or live as the lowest of low and pray a life of slavery cleanses your sin"

Update inbound.
we could try to read there minds while they denounce
>"You have sinned against your true God, but unlike the DEMON you falsely worshiped I know of mercy. I offer you one chance, redeem yourselves by opening your hearts to your true God or live as the lowest of low and pray a life of slavery cleanses your sin"
>we could try to read there minds while they denounce

You find their minds easy to read, the ignorant backwater fools that they are. Each is made to rest their hand on your Altar and swear an oath to you. If you sense truth, or at least the possibility of redemption, they are sent over to Kalat. If there is the smell of deception, however, the Temple Guard take them and bind their hands and feet together in a makeshift chain gang.

Only about half repent. Most of the men and a few of the women refuse.

With only a handful of villagers left and none that are trustworthy, you abandon the town for now. You return the way you came, through Bridgetown and back to your City to drop off the villagers. They will live the rest of their lives under your watchful eye.

After your frustration at the loss of one of your villages and its worshippers, it's difficult to make the required stops at the other three villages. At each one, you sniff the air in paranoia that they have been taken, too. Where did your priests go wrong? How did this deception last? Kalat promises you that he will recheck all of his priests and get you answers.

Kalat's been very energetic these past few weeks. He's not really any more efficient than before, since he's still undeniably insane, but he does have twice as much time to work without sleep. And he was moving back there during the fight! Something big is changing in him, you can tell. As you return home and settle into comfortable meditation within your true Temple, your thoughts again turn to your experiments. Hopefully you can explore even further with your Sacrificial Wine stockpile next year.

So long as nothing else bothers you first, of course.

Thanks for playing with me! I know today's session was a little short, but we should hopefully have another soon during this Thanksgiving week.

Something weird is going on with the QTGs, so the best way to keep up is to check my twitter: @landofthegodsQ

Feedback, comments, criticism are welcome! I'll be around for a little while longer to answer questions here, and you can also send me DMs on twittter or at my email [email protected]

Thanks again!
Excellent thread, thank you! You write really good combat.

I'm curious how Naxos, Klabat, and Gurpal would fight? Their domains aren't as tangible as the others'.
I've got some fucking kickass ideas for Gurpal. They're a surprise, though. Naxos is literally the God of Death, so I'm hoping he could pack a punch. Klabat is probably the hardest. It's difficult to imagine a jolly fat man fighting. I'd probably rely more on his physical aspect of being a mountain of gold.
Could we have handled the fight better?
How long do you think the quest will go assuming we don't die?
>Could we have handled the fight better?

I really don't want to critique you as players. Your choices are your own and I don't want to accidentally influence you. From my selfish perspective, the posts that really help are things like:


that either give me a cool line or idea to use or clearly explain the poster's motivation. This gives me feedback as to how you guys are responding to my writing, what works, what doesn't, etc.

>How long do you think the quest will go assuming we don't die?

I don't have any forseeable end right now. Personally, I'm busy but this 2x a week schedule is doable through the new year. Afterwords, I may be busier and running only 1x a week. But I don't expect to stop any time soon.

And as a reminder, you can still totally die. I don't mind, I already have another quest idea I'm dying to run (secret for now)
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>mfw three of those are me
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>mfw only one of those is me
It's not an exhaustive list. I just like discussion. I know that's sometimes difficult to do during faster posting periods.

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