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Archives: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Kabbalah%20Quest

A couple of days ago...

You are Lisa, 11 years of age and currently hiding in an upturned sidecar.

Daddy was fleeing by motorbike with you and Jonny, your 13 year old brother, from the cloud of demons that were spreading across the land.

It had all been very rushed you remember, the day before was mostly normal, the only difference being Daddy's silent mood.
He'd just been sitting there, staring into space, occasionally muttering under his breath.
Mummy for her part had kept to the housework and kitchen, russling up a stew and some apple pies, occasionally bringing Daddy a drink without a word. Dinner had been delicious and you and Jonny went to bed as the sun was setting, snug and filled with pie.

The next morning had been a whirl, woken before it was fully light by Daddy shaking you, hurriedly explaining that you must get dressed in your warm clothes and pack a rucksack with a couple toys and books. You blearily obliged, picking up Marmaduke, your stuffed cat, and grabbing some books off the pile beside your dresser.

You'd stumbled downstairs to find Daddy lumping some supplies into another rucksack and Jonny tugging his shoes on. You followed suit and then turned to grab a drink from the kitchen, Daddy flicking out a hand and holding you back with a "No, darling." Moments later you were bundled into Daddy's sidecar, Jonny sitting in front of him on the bike as he revved the engine. "Where's Mummy?" you asked but recieved no reply before the bike set off tearing down the street and onto the highway.


The rest was a hazy blur. You recall the skies darkening even as the sun rose and turned to see the skies roiling with dark figures getting closer. The next think you knew was the world spinning then turning upside down, the sidecar you were in rolling to a halt upside down. You lay dazed and a little bruised but otherwise unharmed inside it, rucksack still tucked by your feet.

Before you knew it there was a tremendous thundering sound, the air turning thick with a bitter tang as hundreds of beings stomped past, eventually petering out, straggling shadows flitting across your small view from underneath the car.

Before overwhelming silence as it passes.

What do?
>Cry at the injustice of it all
>Call out to Mummy or Daddy
>Curl up and sleep for now, hopefully someone will come and find you if you stay there
>Crawl out and try to find somebody
>Crawl out and try to find somebody
Oh my god this is still running what the fuck.
Twenty-fucking-three? How many of those were repeats?
This is the third time I'm QMing I think. I tend to pick it up during the quieter hours. There's been a couple other QM's doing repeats as well
I don't think you understand.We're keeping this quest running for ASLONG as possible and to answer your question a few
Yeah, there's been a few moments when the QMing paused for 3 or so hours but I think that's the longest gap. It's been a crazy week.

>Crawl out and try to find somebody
Think you should wait for a little while to cont the thread ninnius.I'm going to bed soon and then there will only be one voter left.Sorry mate
Nah, that's usually how it goes. Tends to compliment my slow update speed to be honest and MOREOVER: Kabbalah Quest must never stop!

Well, a plucky young girl like yourself can't be sitting around crying for somebody to come get you. You're on the highway in the middle of nowhere afterall and you don't have food or water to hand.

You tuck your head out of the sidecar and take a cautious peak up and down, ears straining for any sign of movement. Nope, dead as post.
Hooking your foot through the straps of your rucksack you wiggle your way out and stand, quickly looking behind you to check there's nothing in that direction either. Still desolate.

>What clothes did you pull on when you woke this morning? Write-in

You give your clothes a quick brush down, shoulder your pack and look around at your options. The sun blazes overhead so you have no idea which way it rose. You look down one way and see the grooves and skidmarks the sidecar left in its wake, guess that way is home. In the other direction you can faintly make out some shapes on the horizon but it's too far to make out. The sides of the road stretch out in low rolling plains; dusty grass and scattered shrubs.

Where go?
>Head back home, look for Mummy. Hopefully whatever those things that stampeded past were are long gone.
>Head onwards, maybe you'll catch up with Daddy and Jonny.
>Head onwards, those shapes in the distance have your attention
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>These clothes

>Head onwards, maybe you'll catch up with Daddy and Jonny.
>A big hoody and a gas-mask.

>Head back home, look for Mummy. Hopefully whatever those things that stampeded past were are long gone.
I'm afraid little girls don't casually dress with gasmasks on a regular basis, but maybe we can find one somewhere?

As for direction, I've already started writing for onwards so unless someone chips in with a third opinion I'll just go with what I've written so far
Her father put it on her, maybe.
>Head onwards, those shapes in the distance have your attention
Yeeaahhh, let's be flying monkey girl now
Possibly, also are you referring to dust masks a la asians or something more like WW2 gasmasks?

>flying monkey girl now
I'm not sure I get the reference
Either one is fine. I belive that was a reference to flying monkeys.

Onwards it is, you reckon, whatever prompted Daddy to flee with us this morning it's gonna have something to do with those things that were chasing us.

Guess this is the start of an adventure, you muse, let's see where it takes us. Gotta be brave like that warrior-mouse from the books you've been reading lately.

You zip your nice big hoody up as the wind flares, you thin dress being too insubstantial to keep it from chilling you. Adjusting your longsocks you set off with nimble strides.


Your mind wanders whilst you walk, idly picking over titbits of the wanderer's life. If you're to last any length of time under your own steam you'll need to find food and water by nightfall. The characters from your books always seemed to stumble into friendly moles that always had a funny accent and full larder but you doubt the likelihood of this happening for you.
You'd also do well to find shelter for the night, considering the current ambient temperature is comfortable whilst you're busy exercising.

You crest a shallow hill and look on to see a service station. Convenient.


You've reached the station now and it's eerily quiet. You have a feeling that might be something to do with whatever it was that was chasing you before.

What do?
>Toss a stone through a window, see if there's a reaction
>Creep up to it and look inside
>Swagger in with the bravery of an adventurer! You can handle any danger

>Swagger in with the bravery of an adventurer! You can handle any danger
>Toss a stone through a window, see if there's a reaction
I am that is always preparing for the worst
Wanna come to a consensus or shall I mix both?
Maybe we should keep that stone handy while we're adventuring.
>Swagger in
You'll be pleased to know there are no shortage of conveniently sized stones along the roadside

>Writing Swagger

Hah, you're not one to be intimidated by a silent building. Was Martin intimidated when he returned to Marshank?
Please note I've forgotten most of the plot of those books, so if that never happened forgive me ;__;
And if it's a trap? All the more reason to spring it, they never expect you to knowingly walk into traps!

Up close now you see that the lights are still on inside, furthering your convictions. Any ambusher would be a fool to try to pouce on someone from a well-lit room! Unless that's what they want you to think..?
You cross to the entrance with brisk strides, grabbing a wrench from the toolkit left to one side and fling open the door, wrench resting on your shoulder top facilitate quick bashing.

You're first hit by the rush of warmth over you. Musta been chillier than you thought outside. There is a hum from the refridgerators at one end of the store and a quick glance around finds no sign of anyone.

What do?
>The swagger persists! Blithely check each isle and the backrooms
>Call out to see if there's a reply
>Carefully creep around to check each nook and cranny before getting risky
>Make sandwiches.

>The swagger persists! Blithely check each isle and the backrooms

You're considering how to proceed when your stomach gives a violent rumble. Oh yeah, you haven't eaten all day.

Well any lurkers would be wholly aware of your presence now and you're staggeringly impatient now that the notion food has entered your mind. You jog down the isles, quickly scouting shopfloor and behind the counter, no sign of anyone. You push through into the storerooms and toilets, also empty.

Looks like this place is deserted afterall.

Well, no time like the present to satiate you appetite, you return and scan your eyes for something wholesome to eat.
Sandwiches would do nicely, thought those premade ones are always nasty. You bundle up a loaf and some filling and lay it out on the counter, quickly assembling a messy sandwich and cramming it into your mouth.

Boy you needed that. You cross over to the fridges and grab a bottle of water, never much one for fizzy drinks.
Nicely refreshed now you consider your options. The sky has begun to dim so stopping for the night looks like a good idea.

What do?
>Shopping for free! You've got a rucksack and an unattended store, it's like christmas came early! (Write-in what you want to pick up)
>Look for a comfortable spot to curl up for the night
>Write-in any cunning plans
>Look for a bike

>Shopping for free! You've got a rucksack and an unattended store, it's like christmas came early!

Water bottles
Trail mix
Flashlight and batteries
Don't forget a fire axe. Also, do they have chewing tobacco? It's like gum for adults, no? This is the perfect opportunity to try some!
Could you clarify, push or motor?

Also, writing!
I was thinking a push bike, we might not be tall enough for the motor kind.
>Ohmigod. SHOPPING!

Make sure to tiptoe around like the Grinch. If a boombox happens to be conveniently nearby play a song with a deep baritone while we pilfer, slink, and stink.

Try on some high-heel pumps. Pose. Walk down an imaginary runway. Be FABULOUS
Is this quest a case of http://youtu.be/QrGrOK8oZG8

How does that expression go? Like a bull in a china shop? Nah, that doesn't make much sense...
Oh well, either way, the point remains that you're the only one in a room full of goodies! The radio by the counter catches your eye and you turn it on, flicking between channels til you find an appropriately subtle tune, rife with deep baritone and floating highs.

With exagerrated tiptoe motions you slink up and down each aisle with a shopping basket, grabbing anything that catches your eye. Lighters, a couple flashlights (incase one gets broken), spare batteries... are those gasmasks?! Cool!

Looking over the selection you see that some are full face ones with a vizor and other just cover your mouth and nose. You cast your mind back to when those things were stomping past you, that acrid smell in the air. Can't be healthy to breath that, right? Good enough excuse anyway.
>Fullface! Who knows how much protection we might need?
>Nah, too bulky, the mouth and nose are the only bits in danger and that was it doesn't obscure your vision whilst you use it

You find a collection of work knives, who knows how handy those might come in.
>Grab a hunting knife. Martin had a sword of his own, afterall!
>Omigodomigod swiss army knives! Look at how many things it can!
>Why not both? It might be tad unecessary but it's best to be prepared right?


Moving further down you resolve to find some longlasting grub for the journey ahead, tossing several packs of beef jerky into your basket. Crisps are light and keep forever as well right? Some of those too... But which flavour..?
>Write-in delicious crisp flavours. Spoilt for choice!

You grab a couple water bottles and tuck them inside your rucksack now, incase something happens and you need to make a hasty exit. Can't survive without water. You cross to the counter where a rack of motoring gloves sits. Now those look handy. Haahah, handy... You pull on the smallest pair which fit rather snugly and look up at the shelving behind the counter.

Chewing tobacco... That's like an adult version of gum right? Daddy treated himself for time to time but never let you try it, said it was too old for you. Well, you're old enough to survive by yourself so that should make you eligible now, besides, who's going to stop you?

You scramble onto the chair behind the counter and reach up, plucking a small tin branded 'Oliver Twist', how appropriate you muse. Well, not really, you still have parents and a brother, but they're not here right now so that's half right, right?

You open the tin and pop one of the chews into you mouth, working your jaw a bit. And grimace.

Bleugh, adults chew on this WILLINGLY?


Shaking your head you spit it into your palm and toss it in the bin, strolling back the way you came. An idea pops into your head, transportation would do wonders for helping you catch up to Daddy!

Alas there are no bicycles on sale, makes sense you suppose, who'd buy one of those at a roadstop? But you head back outside, flicking on your torch now that it's dusky and sweep the beam around the parking lot. It's empty save for a motor scooter. Might be worth a shot but without the keys... Ah well, you'll take a look tomorrow when it's daylight.

You return to the store and ponder. Is there anything else you want to do before trying to sleep for the night?
>Find a place to kip
Rolled 65 (1d100)

Practice our breakdancing. Maybe a bit of pop-n-lock.

Maybe play with the >HUNTING KNIFE by stabbing it between our fingers. Like in those warm films. We'll look really badass doing that while wearing our >FULLFACE MASK.

I don't know what kip-ing is. Sounds kinky.
1d100 to not stab ourselves.


>Crisp flavors:
Smokey bacon
Nacho cheddar
More smokey bacon

>Find a place to kip
Kipping just means sleeping lightly.

Also, best of three d100 to not sever fingers!
Rolled 35 (1d100)

Forgot to add

>Why not both?
Someone might wanna roll once more for knife-play...
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Well that's unfortunate, didn't your Daddy never tell you not to play with knives?

>Still writing
>Hunting knife, I don't even know what some of tools in the Swiss Army Knife can

>Wheel the motor-scooter over to the woods and camp there.
>someone get her a band-aid
Rolled 35 (1d100)


- Two water bottles
- Marmaduke
- A couple Redwall novels
Shopping Basket:
- Fullface gasmask
- Hunting knife
- Swiss army knife (the one with the most attachments)
- Handful of lighters
- Two flashlights
- Spare batteries
- Month's supply of beef jerky (probably)
- Crisps (Smokey bacon, nacho cheddar, BBQ, more smokey bacon)
- Large hoody
- Thin dress
- Underwear
- Long socks
- Comfy trainers
- Snug fitting leather motoring gloves


Your thoughts stray to that movie you watched surreptitiously a year ago. Mummy had gone to bed early after a tiring day and you were supposedly sleeping too, but you snuck downstairs for drink and heard noises from the living room, door sligtly ajar. You then spent the next few hours peeping through the gap at the film that you imagine was technically too old for you.

Anyway, the point is that you recall a scene in which some grizzled veteran was playing with a knife, splaying his hand on a bench and jabbing the gaps between his fingers with an incedible display of dexterity. At the time you figured that giving it a shot the very next day would probably reveal your secret viewing so you put it off, later forgetting.

But what better way to pass the time now?

You put on your gasmask to maximise the badassery of your next action, then sit up behind the counter and draw your new hunting knife, light glinting on the polished blade as you spread your fingers.

Hm. That's certainly one of the disadvantages about being so young. The gaps are much smaller than that guy's in the film. Better take it slowly at first.

You carefully tap the knife out, getting into the rhythmn of things, gradually speeding up. You're pleased to find that you can manage a solid pace that, whilst not particularly fast, isn't desperately slow and moreover doesn't waver. Eager with your newfound ability you try to speed up a little more, only to slip, point stabbing next to your finger, the blade slightly cutting into you.

Oops. Better raid the plasters.


A plastered finger later and you've also gathered some basic medical supplies, tucking those away in your rucksack as well. Almost a good thing you cut yourself really, you'd have forgotten to assemble a firstaid kit otherwise.

You're still feeling pretty energetic after the day's events however, not yet ready for bed. The radio's now blaring some upbeat track that reminds you of some funky dancing you saw on tv, brakedancing was it called? 'Cus they keep pausing here and there?

You set your pack down and whip the gasmask back off, you'll want to breath easily for this. You start twitching in time to the beat, letting the rhythmn flow through you. Probably. You can't see yourself so you have no idea how good your dancing is, but it does an admirable job of tiring you anyway. You suddenly feel all those miles you trekked earlier.

You decide that sleeping behind the counter will have the advantage of hiding you from anything that might wander in at night. You graba a pile of leather biking jackets and picknick blankets, spreading them out in the corner. You toy with the idea of turning off the light but dismiss it when you realise you can't find the switch anyway.

Retrieving Marmaduke from your rucksack you kick off your trainers and snuggle down into the pile you made, going out like a light.

>(Cont. still writing)
>Leave a note thanking whoever owns this place for the stuff they gave you

You awaken, unsure what time it is since the light was left on. You disentangle yourself, slipping your shoes back on and poke your head above the counter. Seems like this place is still empty. Morning daylight streams in through the windows.

Welp, breakfast time. What shall you eat?
>Write-in your delicious breakfast
>Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs
Honey Buns and Moonpies, with some Yoohoo to down it all.
Bacon. Washed down with The Tears of our Enemies.
>A balanced breakfast of granola cereal with an apple and some scrambled eggs.
Alright, do you find some consensus or eat the lot?
What is this, Food Network? PBS?

Throw some saturated/trans fats in there!
I'll switch to this: >>36442119
>Eat carrots

Your eyes stray to the sweet pastries. What better way to start the day than donuts?

You rip open a pack in your unbridled enthusiasm, scarfing a couple before deciding it's a good rule of thumb to eat cereal for breakfast. Longlasting energy release for the day afterall. Of course, what better cereal for energy than Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs? You open a packet and grab a handful, tossing them into your mouth.

Mmfhsh. Delischush. And dry, so dry, guuuh. Alright, enough of that. Back to pastries.
You eat a Honey Bun followed by a Moonpie. It's good stuff but your mouth is a sticky mess, so you head to the fridge to grab a drink. You're reaching out for a regular bottle of water when you spot the energy drink collection.

'Tears of our Enemies'?
Sounds awesome.

You finish gulping it down and notice a packet of bacon. Your mouth starts watering before you remind yourself that there's no way to cook it here. And bacon needs cooking right?


>Bacon? Cooking?
Nah, just smiles.
>Don't forget to drink milk straight outta the bottle
As if people would opt to not eat it raw...
Ignore me, I forgot which way round the options were.

You tear your gaze from the bacon before it starts winking at you, grabbing a bottle of milk. Gotta keep those bones strong.

You decide that before leaving it'd be good manners to leave a note thanking the store-owner for everything you've plundered.
You pick a cheery card from a rack, slipping it out from the cellophane, and grab a biro from the counter, writing in your neatest script:

>Write-in your adorable message
It's harsh times we live in that force us to go with our gut on some things. If we didn't have to go on this Journey to the West, we would be eating bacon raw 25/8, but alas, we cain't right now.

To the Esteemed Owner of this Fine Establishment,

I was really sleepy, hungry, and thirsty. I had some of your stuff. Thank you so, so, so much because without it I might have starved or something and then it would have been on the news that a little dead body was found in your store and no one wants that, right?

Little not-so-dead body

"To the Esteemed Owner of this Fine Establishment,

I was really sleepy, hungry, and thirsty. I had some of your stuff. Thank you so, so, so much because without it I might have starved or something and then it would have been on the news that a little dead body was found in your store and no one wants that, right?

Little not-so-dead body"

With that finished you prop the card up on the counter and collect your rucksack and shopping basket. Time to cram everything in.


A bit of jossling and poking, some rearranging, some starting over and you have most of the items tucked away. You realised that it would be easiest to carry your gasmark on your head, pulling it up when not required and that saved quite a bit of bag space. You also found a leather holster thing that allowed you to hold your hunting knife on your thigh, nice and easy to access. You got everything into the rucksack barring the crisps, which you shoved into a plastic carrier bag. They're lightweight enough that you can carry them around with ease.

Glancing around the place you confirm that you're done here, slipping outside and planning your next move.

What do?
We need a title, like "Lisa the Liberator" cuz we liberate things from people
Spray paint "LIBERATED" on the front and then liberate that motor-scooter.
Keep walking, keeping an eye out for a bicycle to ride.
I like this
Once we hit the road, which way are we goingwho do we love more? East or WestMummy or Daddy?

A thought springs to mind. All good adventurers have a title right? Something for people to spread rumours about their daring deeds with. You ponder and then settle on "Lisa the Liberator", dashing back inside to add that below the 'Little not-so-dead body' before grabbing a spraycan and adorning the storefront with big bold "LIBERATED" and a smiley face.

There, your work here is done.

You cross the carpark to that scooter again and after a bit of fiddling give it up, it requires a key and you've never taken to time to work out how to bypass such limitations.

You give a sigh then turn your attentions to that highway. Gonna be another long trek today. Hopefully there'll be Daddy and Jonny waiting at the other end, or at least another station to stay for the night. How far do they normally space those out anyway?

You give one last wave to the abandonded building and set off into the morning sun, vowing to keep an eye out for a bicycle on the wayside.

>(Cont. Still writing)
Oh, sorry. Seems I just put you on the Westerly Rails.
Boo, our mom's getting gangraped as we speak.
I'm afraid to say that she's not.
Oh well, gotta find Jonny. Daddy hits us at night tho

It's late afternoon now and you're sitting on the roadside, resting your legs. The boundless energy that a facefull of sugar and energy drinks bestow upon a young girl wore off around midday and since then it's been a slog, broken only by bites of jerky. Unfortunately a bicycle hasn't made a welcome appearance.

You're currently fiddling with some pebbles, spelling out 'LIBERATOR' with them. You sigh and lie back on the dry grass.

The wind picks up, grass heads waving in around your vision. The sky dims a little. Better not be rain on the way, nothing better to quench an adventurer's spirit.

You sigh again and sit up, readying yourself for the next leg of the journey. You survey the horizon again, squinting as you catch a blob to the east. Curious.

What do?
>Go to investigate
>Sit here, it seems to be headed this way and that way you won't double back
>Shine your knife at it to ensure that it comes to you

You figure you're content to wait for it to come to you, unsheathing your knife and holding it about you. You slowly rotate it back and forth in order to catch the sunlight with it. With a bit of luck whoever it is in the distance will see the flashing and head towards you.

It seems to be working because the blob draws near you and you see it shifting and warping. Closer still and you realise that it's a mass of tentacles, swirling as they drift through the air, topped by a blobby form reminiscent of an octopus. It is an unusual sight to say the least.

How do you proceed?
Oh dear, well, better put our armor and steel ourselves for the fight with this Asmodeus.
Any other Anons want to give their opinion? I'll wait maybe 5/10mins then start writing otherwise
Let's try something with the lighters and batteries
Try and set them on fire, hope they explode type thing?
You know it! Now bring on the dice rolls!

That creature does NOT look natural and putting two and two together you surmise it has something to do with those creatures that were chasing you all.

Time to see what you're made of.

You reach up and pull down the gasmask, it feels somewhat comforting as it presses against your face, and you tug your hood up for maximum reassurance. You suspect that your simple hunting knife won't go a long way in stopping this monster that looms ever closer so you shuck your rucksack and rummage around for the spare batteries and some lighters. Batteries can catch fire right? Chemical burns and stuff?

You fling some of the lighters onto the roadside and crack them open with the hilt of your knife, leaving the fluid trickling out, and roll the batteries in it. Moving your stuff a safe distance away you ready your lighter and look up to check the progress the tentacle monster has made.

To your surprise it's a lot closer than you would have guessed and you realised you hadn't comprehended quite how BIG this thing is, nor how swiftly it was actually propelling itself through the air.

Here goes nothing.
>Roll me some dice!
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Shit, forgot the picture.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

Rolled 17 (1d20)

Must keep things safe for 11-year-olds!
17's hunh.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

I wonder if it's a squid-girl?
Did you LOOK at the >>36442781 picture?
It... has a pussy for a face.
I... won't deny that. I was supposed to be an armoured plate, but you know... paint.
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You pray that the floating squid thing doesn't have good manoeuvrability and light the pile of batteries and light fuel, quickly ducking to the side as the monstrosity bears down on you, tentacles whirling asunder.

The fuel flares immediately and there's a brief moment where you wonder if it'll work before the fire changes from the customary colour to a veritable lightshow. With a quick succession of bangs the batteries explode in the face of the beast, spraying flaming acid across it that sizzles on contact.

You pat yourself on the back and ready your knife, poised on the balls of your feet as you ready yourself to strike.
For it's part the monster flails a bit faster, coming to a halt as it convulses, blaring out like a foghorn.

"WHYYYYYYYY. THAT STINGS AND BURNS AND WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU." it brays, its voice layers of bass with a tinge of soprano.
It smears the tentacles that took the hit on the grass, trying to rid itself of the flaming gunk.

You feel slightly guilty, stance slackening somewhat.

What do?
Quick roll call, how many anons here?
I am here now.

Had to leave for a Calculus test.
If it was D&D, I'd have rolled a 11 on a D20, with a meager +1 modifier.
Nice analogy, hope you do better than expected
"Aren't you a bad guy that wants to eat people?"
And if not maybe give him some water to help him out, maybe?
Thanks man.
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"Aren't you a bad guy that wants to eat people?" you call back.

"What. What gave you that impression." it lilts more gently, the pain seemingly easing as the thrashing abates.

You tug your mask off to allow you to better speak.

"I uhh... Not to be rude, but you're a giant floating tentacle monster-"
"I am demonkind."
"Oh. Are you sure you aren't a bad guy? I'm pretty sure demons are bad guys."
"I cannot say. But I don't eat people."
"I... sorry about the whole exploding batteries thing then. I've got some water, would that help clean the burns? Maybe something from my firstaid ki-"
"Do not worry further. My flesh has already regenerated."

What say?
"So... uh... what do demons eat, Mr. Tentacles?
And why were you coming right at me?"

"So... uh... what do demons eat, Mr. Tentacles? And-"
"They call me Prime 2. I am female."
"Oh, sorry, I guess I kinda just assume-"
"It is of no consequence."
"Right. Yes. Er, my name's Lisa. Erm-"
"To answer your question: many things. I personally have a fondness for leaves and small mammals."
"Oh. Well, uh, why were you coming right at me?"
"You seemed to be signalling me. Was I mistaken."
"R-right, yeah, uh, I was doing that yeah... I saw you as a blob on the horizon and hoped it was somebody who could help me..."
"With what task do you require assistance."

"Well I uh... (remember we want to be an adventurer but have no idea where to start)
I want to become an adventurer! But I don't know where to start..."

"Well I uh..." you cast your mind back over the days events "I want to become an adventurer! But I don't know where to start..."

"An adventurer you say. It is my understanding all adventurers have a goal in mind. Something to strive for. Be it riches. Discovery. A task. Personal strength. To run away. This is where you should start. Do you know what you desire."
"Well... I want to find my Daddy and brother, we were riding down the highway whilst being chased by a dark cloud of things when something happened and we got separated."
"Do you know which way they went."
"Yes, they were heading in that direction" you point down the highway.
"Then let us follow."
"Right." you say, slipping your hunting knife away. You quickly grab your rucksack and the carrier bag of crisps before skipping back onto the highway. Prime Too begins to oscillate her tentacles and starts to float through the air again.

Make conversation?
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Ask her why she is alone
Ask what kind of stuff she likes to do
Ask if she went to school (lol)
Try to tell her jokes?
Rolling for jokes
The jokes are so bad they are hilariously good.

>mfw kiddie jokes are cute
Sorry for taking long to reply, having some trouble here at home.
No worries, gives me a breather to draw in paint and work out where I'm going with any of this

"So, Prime Too, why are you alone anyway? Do demons normally wander around?"
"It has not happened for many years. The recent resurgence of the Demon King brought our ilk to this world. Great armies to do his bidding. However something happened and the Demon King is no more. The Demon Captain I serve under is leading our army west. But I am slow."
"Wait, they just left you behind? That's not very nice..."
"They know I always catch up in the end."
"Right... So, wait, do you think this demon army of yours was what was chasing me and my family?"
"From what you have described I believe that is so."
"Hmm..." you guess that Daddy probably just panicked and ran with you both then. It's understandable, afterall your first reaction to seeing Prime Too was to fight and that cloud of demons was innumerable... It makes you glad though, to think that the demons aren't actually chasing them, that Daddy and Jonny should be perfectly health wherever they are.

You wonder what had happened to Mummy though, why had she not come with you all? Had she gone somewhere else that night? Well, you'll just have to ask Daddy when you catch up with him.

Your mind at ease you ponder more trivial questions.


"Is that a nickname."
"Ah, yes, Prime Too is a bit of a mouthful..."
"I see."
"Yes.. err... what kind of stuff do you like to do?"
"I like to sculpt."
"Oh, really? I wouldn't have thought... I don't know really. What kind of things do you sculpt?"
"Small mammals. It is how I passed the centuries in Hell whilst I waited to feast on the real things once again."
You're not sure how you feel about this. You suspect Martin the Warrior wouldn't be best pleased, but then again he's a small mammal himself. Come to think of it, you're basically a small mammal...
"Have you, er, ever sculpted humans?"
Whew, looks like you're safe afterall. That or P-Too is wilier than the lilting monotone might suggest.
"So, what else do you enjoy?"
"Really? I'd have tho-"
"Hahah. No. I just get in a tangle."
"But I do enjoy singing. That is another way I have occupied myself over the ages."
"Really? Can you sing for me? I'd love to hear you!"
Prime Too bobs a tentacle, her version of a nod you assume, and a deep humming fills the air. It's joined by some more notes, mostly bass with a high pitched one piercing on top. Then, humming all the while, P-Too begins to sing, her voice sounding like muted brass and flutes. The words are nonsensical to you, indeed it might just be pleasing sounds for all you know, and the tune is haunting and melancholy, rising in great crescendos before tapering off. It conjures images of great fortresses, tall mountains, burning sunsets, a lone bird flitting across an ocean.

It stops before you realise and you snap out of your trance.
"That was beautiful." you state simply as the two of you continue in silence for a little while.

>(Cont. Still writing)
Well, at least one anon is still here!

"Did you ever go to school P-Too?"
"Such things did not exist when I was small."
"I see... Do you like jokes?"
"I am not often told them."
"Well... how about... What do you call a camel with no bones in its back?"
"Nah, a horse!"
"I do not understand."
"Well, like, if a camel didn't have any bones in its back it'd be all saggy right? And so there wouldn't be the hump anymore, right? And a camel without a hump looks just like a horse."
"A camel's hump is not bone but a concentration of fatty tissue."
"The hump is not filled with bone."
"Lisa. You do not move very fast. I thought you were anxious to meet your family."
"Hunh? I'm walking as fast as I can... I've walking all day, you know, and my legs are tired."
"I see. It would be faster if I carried you then."

Carried you? Hmm...
>That sounds like a brilliant idea!
>I'm not too thrilled about touching a demon even if I am tired, no matter how harmless they might seem...
>Other? (Write-in)
Sorry about the delay, I'm terrible at thinking of kids jokes so I nicked one instead

>That sounds like a brilliant idea!
I smell demon plots.
>I'm not too thrilled about touching a demon even if I am tired, no matter how harmless they might seem...
>That sounds like a brilliant idea!
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208 KB JPG

"You'd do that?"
"I'd like that very much then!"

P-Too slows to a halt and extends a tentacle towards you. Up close you realise that rather than being jelly-like as you'd expected of something resembling an octopus it's actually covered in fur. It reminds you of the otter's tail you saw at the zoo a few years back, only it's thicker.

"Can you hold on by yourself."
"I should be able to manage..." you say, grasping her tentacle with both arms.
"Very well then." she replies, and the ground soars away from you as you brings you over to the dome of her head, setting you down behind the rigid plate on her forehead.

You stabilise yourself, clutching onto the bony nub that the plate protrudes into. It's curious, the dome of her head is a lot firmer than you were expecting, and warm. It feels more like you're riding a shire horse than an octopus-demon. You look down at the ground which sits giddyingly far away, then back up at the horizon. The sun's starting its descent, you figure you've got maybe two hours of daylight left.


"Are you comfortable." P-Too intones.
"Yes" you reply.
"Then let us proceed." and with tentacles swirling around her she picks up speed. The air rushes around you and you guess you must be travelling as fast as a professional cyclist. Fortunately the great warmth emanating from below you helps stave of the cold that the wind would otherwise bring and you content yourself with trying to spot things in the distance.


A couple hours have passed and dusk is settling in. You've gnawed away on some beef jerky whilst riding P-Too and now you're struggling to stay awake. All that walking earlier really tired you out and you comfortable perch combined with the lulling movement is as soporific as a rocking chair in front of the fire place.

Unfortunately there's been no sight of a service station to stop for the night.
>Carry on? There must be one soon enough
>Ask P-Too what she thinks about stopping for the night
>Other (Write-in)
>Ask P-Too what she thinks about stopping for the night
>Ask if she knows anything about fighting
>Ask P-Too what she thinks about stopping for the night
>If you're part of a demon horde, why are you so nice?
>Ask P-Too what she thinks about stopping for the night
>Are all demons like you? Like, good for humans that is
Loli consentacles when
Never, damnit.

Is Ninnius dead, then?
If I end up having to QM... we'll see what progresses.
Probably just taking time to update.
It happens
Sorry, long update. I'll post what I've written and then finish it off

You gently tap P-Too's head with your hand, calling out into the rushing wind "P-Too! Can you stop for a minute?!"
You're not sure if she heard you at first but then she slows to a gentle drifting, the rush of the air calming to a breeze.

"Thanks, I was wondering what you thought about sleeping for the night?"
"I only require a couple hours rest."
"Well, I tend to need about eight. But that aside, do you know if there's anywhere we can stop for the night?"
"We can stop anywhere."
"Well, YES, but I mean is do you know if there's shelter around here?"
"We do not require shelter."
"Well I do, it's far too cold at night for me to just lie down and snooze. I'd be freezing!"
"Is my body heat not adequate."
"Hunh? Oh, well, I hadn't thought of that... P-Too, why are you so nice to me? You yourself said you were party of a demon army! Demon! Army!"
"What reason do I have to be otherwise."
"I... I don't know, but turning that on it's head, what reason do you have to help me?"
"It is no trouble for me."
"Yes, but..." you sigh, "Nevermind. Are all demons like you though? Willing to help humans that is."
"No. We demons vary as widely as you humans do. There are some humans that would go out of their way to help someone. There are humans that would go out of their way to harm someone. We are no different."
"Right... Hey, do you know anything about fighting?"
"I believe I mentioned I was part of an army. Yes."
"Hahah, oh yeah... Do you think you could teach me how to fight?"
"I do not think my skillset would be very transferable to you. Our body shapes share little similarities. However. I shall sleep on it."


With that she comes to a halt and a tentacle rises to meet you. You take the cue and grip on tightly and it desposits you on the grass again. You stretch your legs and yawn, looking over to see P-Too sinking gently to the floor. She carefully rearranges her tentacles to form a hollow beside her head and beckons you over.

You set your rucksack and crisps down beside her and kick off your shoes, before scrambling over into your makeshift bed for the night. You nestle down and she clusters her tentacles over your, forming a small coccoon around you with a small gap to let fresh air in. It's warm and comforting and she begins to hum sonourously, the light vibrations emanating through you.

You close your eyes and sleep envelopes you.


You're walking through a forest, autumn leaves occasionally falling around you, great drifts that you delight in kicking. You feel a comforting presence behind and spin to meet it but there's nothing there, only the waves of the ocean lazily lapping at the pier. Watching the vast expanse of water soothes you and you turn to walk back up the pier, into the fishing village you visited one holiday. You see Mummy laughing with Jonny and cross to join them, a tap on your shoulder and Daddy hands you an icecream. Delighted you bring it to your mouth and lick, the cool sweetness washing over your tongue and close your eyes to relish it. The coolness sweeps over your face now and you open your eyes with a start to find the wind rushing over you as you sit in the sidecar. You look up to see Daddy glancing in the wing mirror again, catching the frightened expression on his face. He turns and begins to fiddle with the something on the side of the bike and looks at you with desperate eyes-

I ain't complaining about more writing, but Baby Jesus above.
What, you thought this was interactive storytelling?

Nearly finished, sorry
>Delighted you bring it to your mouth and lick, the cool sweetness washing over your tongue and close your eyes to relish it.
We're gonna wake up to loli accidental sex aren't we
I hope so.

You wake with a start, flailing out at the confines you find yourself in, the roof twists and shifts and opens to reveal daylight.
Oh yeah. You went to sleep within P-Too's tentacles.

You slacken your muscles, lying down again, looking up into the sky, nerves calming as the dream ebbs away.

"Are you alright." comes her voice.
"Ah... yes... bad dream, sorry." you reply.

She reaches out with a limb and tousles your hair.

"No, really I'm fine" you say with a laugh, swatting her away.

You clamber upright and tug your boots on, sliding off of P-Too and onto the grass.
You rummage inside your pack, drawing out a bottle of water and taking a refreshing swig.
"I do not require drink."
"Want some anyway?"
"...Why not."

You hand a tentacle an open bottle and it vanishes amidst the front somewhere, returning half empty. Hunh.

"I thought about combat training. You could start by avoiding my tentacles."
"Hm... sounds like a plan" you reply, grabbing a packet of smokey bacon crisps and digging in. P-Too rises off the floor, hovering once more.

You polish off the crisps, digging your finger into the corners to get the last bits of flavour, and return the empty packet to your carrier bag.

"Ready." P-Too asks.
"Yup" you reply, shaking yourself to limber up.

>Roll me some dice
Rolled 75, 16, 83 = 174 (3d100)

Rolling to seduce dodge.
Sorry to disappoint. That would have a fantastic time for it too, but NO. I had to make it a regular bad dream.
Rolled 52, 42, 53 = 147 (3d69)

Rolling for... accidents kekekek
Rolled 17, 13, 11, 1, 9, 15, 19, 2, 9, 10 = 106 (10d20)

Rolling for loli loving
With dice, even...
Slightly above average! Whoo!
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Mad non intentional loli tentacle sex
Kabbalah quest, a pile of perverts.

I approve.
I'm trying to think of a clever way to use these rolls but I might just go with >>36445006 and say 'you did pretty well'
Well, you don't have to use all of them after all. Just one is fine.

And we did "very well" indeed.
RIP Ninnius
Sorry, I was fetching a sandwich. Nearly finished update
Things take time mate.

P-Too starts out basic, a single tentacle for you to dodge. She first brings it low in a sweeping motion and you jump, it whipping below your feet, before coming in with an overhead motion that you sidestep.

You bounce eagerly on the balls of your feet in anticipation for the next attack.

This time she comes in with a jabbing motion and you sidestep again, only for her to follow through towards your new location. You drop to the floor in a pushup position as it soars overhead, pumping your arms to propel yourself upright again.

"I see one is too trivial for you." P-Too says, readying a couple more tentacles.

Two whirl towards you from opposite directions so you jump over one as they meet, rolling midair to dodge the third tentacle as it comes down from above. A fourth tentacle joins the fray and you tumble into a handstand to avoid two overhead strikes on either side of you, pushing off to miss the one coming to sweep your arms out.

She speeds up the attacks now, leaving little time to recover yet you flip and dive, twirl and tumble, duck and dodge and slip between the cracks every time, the roiling mass of limbs unable to catch you.

"You are remarkably agile for one so young." P-Too states, "I shall press you further."


Adrenaline courses through you at this remark and time slows slightly as you weave between the storm of limbs, floating like a leaf on the wind.

And then you fail. Well, more spefically, your clothes fail you.

You had jumped and were leaning back at the apex of it, barely avoiding a tentacle coming at you from the way you'd been facing. Alas, whilst you had complete control over your body, your clothes were another matter and you dress trailed behind you. The tentacle speared through the air and found its way up through your dress and out the neck, leaving you suspended from it.

You break out into giggles as you try to catch your breath, limbs limp as you dangle in the air. P-Too's fur tickles your chest as you breath deeply.

"I guess" you pant "I need some- more practical- clothes."

"It seems that way to me." she replies, carefully depositing you on the floor and retracting the tentacle. "But you did admirably. I have high hopes for your talent. If you are ready we can resume our journey."

Was there anything you wanted to do before clambering up and setting off again?
>Nah, head off now
>Nah, head off now
>Let's find some clothes, and maybe a weapon for me!
>Nah, head off now
Stop teasing us Ninnius, give us the water we need to live!
You gotta build up to these things... The longer it takes, the sweeter it is...
What am I looking at right now.
>I can think of a better use for those tendrils.
>But first, new clothes, and something better than this knife.
I suppose that's an apt answer.
This thread is kind of the essence of 4chan, isn't it?
If you want that, check from the first thread and read on.
Well, what do you mean by that?

Also if you're interested:
I heartily recommend reading the rest of the quest, this thread's comparatively tame and slow going.

"Yup," you reply, finally catching your breath "Let's get going."

You swing yourself up on her head and the pair of you set off into the morning breeze, P-Too humming gently.


It's just after midday and you've been drifting off into space. The scenery is more of the same old, same old...
You dig out another strip of jerky and begin to nibble on it, savouring the salty flavour.
One problem with the jerky is the excessive thist it generates though, and your water supply is night finished. You ponder whether there's likely a nearby stream to refill...

"Lisa." calls out P-Too.
"I believe there is a building ahead."
You squint down the highway and make out the shape on the horizon. Excellent.
"Would you like me to stop there."
"Please, I'm in need of refilling my water and they might have some clothes there too. Maybe something more dangerous than this hunting knife too."


You come to the service station, P-Too prividing you a tentacle to swing down from. There's several beat up trucks in the carpark but it otherwise looks deserted.

How do you proceed? P-Too won't be able to fit inside the store with you
>You weren't worried last time and now you've got a DEMON with you. Stroll into that place like you own it!
>Those trucks inspire caution, drop your bags to one side and unsheath that knife
>Closer examination might be useful...
>Other (Write-in)
>savouring the salty flavor

>You weren't worried last time and now you've got a DEMON with you. Stroll into that place like you own it!
>Those trucks inspire caution, drop your bags to one side and unsheath that knife


Check the trucks for lootz.
>Tell P-too your part between the legs felt weird when you slided on her tentacle

>Those trucks inspire caution, drop your bags WITH P-TOO and unsheath that knife

>Closer examination might be useful...
>Tell P-too your part between the legs felt weird when you slided on her tentacle
A-anon, what are you trying to say?

Also good job with the consensus guys.
Guess I'll go with:
- Loot trucks
- Examine store
- Barge in anyway

Sound good?
Yes, but with the weird sensation part.
Tell her, she needs to k-know
That works.
Works for me.

Is this a reverse railroad? The players are pushing loli sex on the QM?
Don't they always?
>The players are pushing loli sex on the QM?
Come now, it was inevitable the moment a tentacle monster was announced. I've just been pretending it wasn't.
The tentacle monster was planned from the very start too.
You've never left my tracks
>Tentacle monster planned from the start
Are-are you Quentin?
Ya got me.
Have there been only 3 QMs the whole time, or what? (Hasid not included, of course)

"You know," you say to P-Too, "that training session this morning was a lot of fun. We should do it again tomorrow."
"I am glad that you enjoyed it."
"T-the way it ended was fun too. It... felt weird dangling like that, but I.. I enjoyed it. Anyway," you say more boldly, "Can you hold my bags for me? I'm gonna go check this place out."

P-Too obliges and you draw your knife to be on the safe side, heading over to the trucks. You check through the windows at the front but they're all empty. Nothing much of interest inside, though you note a full ashtray.

Circling round to the back you clamber up to check the contents. It's a varied mix, some rough blankets, crates of tinned food, a bowser per truck, a toolkit, spare tire, dirty rags... You lose track of it all but it seems like the basic stuff you'd need to survive by driving around the plains.

You turn and head back to the store. You note with amusement that P-Too is moving stones around with a flurry of tentacles, seemingly arraning them in a pattern. Wonder what.

Resuming your examination of the building you note that the lights occassionally flicker to a dim state. One of the windows is smashed though you don't see much evidence of a fight.

Oh well, no time like the present. The sooner you get in the sooner you get out and on the road again. 'Sides, if there's anything dangerous lurking that you can't handle all you have to do is exit and P-Too will be there to assist.

You open the door, knife grasped tightly in your hand and set foot inside.

What do?
>Call out
>Quickly sweep the place
>Casually just check the inventory for supplies
I can't speak for others but I've only QM'ed under those two names. There was that Alberto/someone (Tennant?) but other than that I think the QM's have been unique
>Quickly sweep the place
>Call out
Alberto was Elevicus.
I've just been me.

>Quickly sweep the place
In and out, take anything worth having.
Alberto = Elevicus and Shep and Tennant also double QMd but if I recall correctly it was under the same name.
I've done it thrice now, actually.
Ah, my bad.

Btw guys, you want to call out then sweep? Or just stick to a sweep?

Oh, yeah, there's been a few QM's who've run multiple times under the same name
Call out, then sweep.
>Call out, then sweep.

Well, anyone in here would have heard the door open and close so there's no reason to stay silent.
"Hello? Anyone in here?" you call out, met by a resounding silence. Oh well, worth a shot.

Time to sweep the aisles and check the backrooms then.

You break out into a fast jog, glancing between the shelving, noone visible, behind the counter, also clear. You do a once over of the storefloor after the preliminary look to make sure it's empty but the only thing you notice is the smell of cigarettes.

You cross to the storeroom and fling it open, met only by darkness.

>Try and find the lightswitch
>Find another lightsource (Write-in what)
>Who's afraid of the dark? Not you, that's for certain!
>Other (Write-in)
Call then out, sweep
>Try and find the lightswitch
>After we're done here go to the bathroom and touch our privates to see if anything is wrong, weird sensations and all
>Find another lightsource (Write-in what)
Don't we have a flashlig-oh, no batteries.
Well then,
>Try and find the lightswitch
Slow that train down a bit, anon. All in good time.

>Try and find the lightswitch
Sorry, here's an updated inventory after recent events:

- Four water bottles
- Marmaduke
- A couple Redwall novels
- Swiss army knife (the one with the most attachments)
- Two lighters
- Two flashlights
- A couple spare batteries
- Month's supply of beef jerky (probably)
- First aid kit
Plastic carrier bag:
- Crisps (Smokey bacon, nacho cheddar, BBQ)
- Large hoody
- Thin dress
- Underwear
- Long socks
- Comfy trainers
- Snug fitting leather motoring gloves
- Fullface gasmask
- Hunting knife

Remember, P-Too currently has your bags
>Go get one of the flashlight from our bag.
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I hunger
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You know, when I began reading this quest, back when Hasid was around, I wasn't a fan of lolis.

Kabbalah has changed me.
>wasn't a fan of lolis
I don't understand.
>Who's afraid of the dark? Not you, that's for certain!
No way!
Let the Kabbalah in, Kabbalah is good, Kabbalah is attractive.
Kabbalah is the little girl. Kabbalah is the Loli. The loli is good. The loli is attractive.

We are the little girl. We are Kabbalah.

All is Kabbalah.
Worry not, understanding is unnecessary.
Is it me or does Kabbalah only work in opposites.
Either ultra muscular man or little cute girls.

You reach and scrabble around the doorframe, feeling for the switch but to no avail.
Things are never straightforward.

You shut the door and fetch a torch from your rucksack, doublechecking it works before returning to the store backrooms.
You open the door again and flick the torch on, holding it in your off hand and the hunting knife in the other.
You cast the beam back and forth but don't see anything untoward, stepping forward into the room.

"Heh heh" sounds a gravelly voice behind you, causing you to spin, illuminating a figure standing in front of the doorway.
"Look what's strayed in here..." sounds another.
"Delicious morsel indeed..."

The being standing in front of you grins malevolently, wicked teeth jutting from large twisted jaws. His body is bulbous and lopsided, standing with a hunch. In his hands lies a crowbar.

Well, as it is you've got your back to one of them whichever way you face and it's best to know you enemies, so you turn to take in the other's appearance. Tall, lanky, disproportionate limbs, slick hair, hooked nose. Clawed hands, the shape blades glistening in the torchlight.

This is a bit of a pickle.
>Attack Mr Blobby
>Attack Crookshanks
>Try to escape past My Blobby
>Maybe you can just talk your way out...?
>Other (Write-in)
Nah, we had a little cute boy as well, and Fel probably qualifies for ultra-strong girl at this point.
Aye, I was hoping to break the mould somewhat by introducing Fel and Bigg, only Bigg turned out to actually be big afterall. Fel's a 17 year old though and quite definitely not a loli, so I partially succeeded I guess?
>Call out for P-too
>Try to talk at first
Oh, and roll d20's for your chosen action, best of three

>Try to escape past My Blobby


Rolled 15 (1d20)

>Attack Mr Blobby
Rolled 6, 5, 16 = 27 (3d20)

Rolling to summon our loyal and seductive tentacle monster.
And to try and talk them down.
Rolled 7, 13 = 20 (2d20)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

>Other (Write-in)
Accidentally use our latent pyrokinetic ability on them
Lucky for you I'm only accepting rolls from a 1d20 since there's enough people now. You've got one more roll
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Thank you Baby Jesus.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>one more roll
That's not the one.
9 seconds difference...

Writing for distracting them with words before attacking My Blobby and trying to escape to be aided by P-Too

Sound good?
Thank you again Baby Jesus.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

tfw no pyro loli
Sure. Thought calling for P-too should be first.
Writing then
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I got u m8
I... dang, that's accurate.

>Rolled 15 (1d20)

"Woah, now, let's not be hasty here gentlemen" you reply, turning to face Mr Blobby once more.
"Oh yeah?" he sneers, "and why's that?"
"Because." you simply state, flicking the torch beam into his eyes and rushing forward with your hunting knife.

You plunge the knife into his bloated stomach, pulling it out and stabbing again. Mr Blobby doubles up in pain but still effectively blocks the way due to his girth. Thinking fast, you spring to the side and clamber up the shelves beside him, jumping over him.

You twist unexpectedly in the air and crash down on your side, confused from a moment before the searing pain lances through your upper arm. You look up to see Crookshanks leering face as he frogleaps Mr Blobby, left claws dripping red.


You roll from your prone position on the floor through the doorway, rising to a crouch in time to see Crookshanks land, one foot skidding out from underneath him as he steps on the fallen torch. Henh.

You don't take the time to dwell on this though, opting to to pivot and sprint. Distractions lessened the pain in your arm flares again, sending spots dancing across your vision and you stumble into an aisle, knocking brioches to the floor. Shit. You hear footsteps and turn to see Crookshanks bearing down on you, spinning your knife up to meet his claws as he swipes down at you.

The knife blade glances from the middle claw and slips between two digits, shearing a finger off but unfortunately doing little to stop his attack and it tears through your thin dress, scraping across your ribcage. The loss of his claw halts him as he screeches in pain and you fall backwards from the shock of the cuts on your torso, rolling and resuming your exit sprint. You dimly realise that you too are screaming in agony and look up to see P-Too whirling into action.

Roll 1d20, best of three, to see how much face P-Too wrecks
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

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Rolled 6 (1d20)

Is nothing, really.

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)


Apparently not much. Hope she had a good modifier
For the love of the Baby Jesus, Ninnius, use the 19!
Rolled 33 (1d69)

Loli sex power bless us
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19 KB
Rolled 531 (1d666)

Satan compels you
Ninnius pls
Here, have an attractive sliver to convince you.
The power of Satan would actually help P-Too
Rolled 238 (1d666)

Indeed, may his blessings fall upon her.
Satan was actually good all along but his son Satan Jr. decided to stirr shit up
Satan a shit, only the Baby Jesus can protect us from evil. Or the Assgardians, I guess.
Rolled 613 (1d666)

>saten a shit
U wot boy
Rolled 378 (1d999)

The power of Christ compels you.
Rolled 204 (1d666)

>bigger dice
>lower roll
Told you Satan Sr. was a good guy, just watch out for Jr.
Rolled 162 (1d999)

>yet lower roll
Satan doesn't have a son, though. Unless you're implying the Antichrist has risen?
It's a downward spiral, my friends.
Rolled 597 (1d666)

>Your rolls
I'm literally rolling in tears laughing.

And yes, the Antichrist, he's around, I can feel it.
Rolled 125 (1d999)

Where's QM, by the way? Probably still writing.
You must be easily amused.
Give it time, some people write longer than others.
Theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkuoMkK1y24

>Rolled 6 (1d20)

As you dash out the building P-Too graps you with a tentacle and with a flourish you are now far from harms way. You sag to the floor and watch on as Crookshanks emerges from the store, pure fury on his face suddenly vanishing in favour of shocked panic as he looks up at P-Too.

And then it begins, her whirling limbs battering into him, flicking so fast that you can barely see them, Crookshanks body twitching like a rag doll in the air as he's steadily pulverized into a wet sack of meat. Mr Blobby has come limping to the storefront by now, clutching his gut in one hand, looked up at the monstrous sight being him before rotating and fleeing back inside. P-Too lifts the mangled remains of Crookshanks and tilts backwards in the air slightly. Fire suddenly erupts from her front, incinerating the corpse and lighting the roof on fire. The flames stop spewing and you see no remaining indication that Crookshanks had ever existed on this Earth.

Then P-too glides forward, tentacles coiling through the doorway and whipping outwards, turning the storefront into nothing more than rubble. She's maintains her monolithic march inside, aisles topping like dominoes as the maelstrom of tentacles search out and put Mr Blobby to a similar fate, opting instead to tear him limb from limb rather than pummel him into oblivion. Another blaze of inferno and P-Too exits the store, ceiling collapsing in as it goes up in smoke.

I think redubbing Mjolnir as Buttjolnir is kinda redundant because the letter M is already a butt

god of thunder, hehehehe
I am easily amused, more than you can imagine.

She flies across towards you, ripping the tatters of your hoody and dress away, holding you up to inspect the wounds.

"Don't worry." she intones, "I'll mend you."

And you blink in confusion as she draws you down into the mass of tentacles at the front of her head. It's like a jungle as you're taken through and you reach the middle, lit by much thinner bioluminescent tentacles that are devoid of hair, gleaming surface shining with a pale blue liquid. She reaches out and caresses your torso, smearing the fluid over your wounds which burst in pain and a sensation like the skin was bubbling. It's too much too suddenly and you black out.

When you come to you find yourself still emtombed within this glowing inner sanctum. Your body is numb but you no longer feel the pain in your arm and chest. You raise your head to inspect the damage but suddenly gag as you realise one of the tentacles is in your mouth, extending down your throat. At this the tentacle slides out and you start coughing, your mouth full with a viscous liquid. Your coughing abates and you hear P-Too cease humming gently.

"At ease. You are safe. Rest while you finish mending."
"Why was there a tentacle down my throat?!"
"It was supplying you with a numbing agent to stave away the pain. You were also dehydrated."
"R-right. Thank you."


You peer down at your chest now but can't see the damage as you body is wrapped in more of those thinner hairless tentacles, fully enveloping you from the head down.

You try to clear your thoughts and cast your mind back to fight. P-Too had crushed those two... mutants? with such overwhelming strength that you no longer have any doubts about her position in a demon army. Yet here you are being healed by her. Contrary beings, demons.

As you rest there you slowly feel the numbing agent subside, the curious sensation of damp tentacles enveloping your naked form eliciting a strange excitement inside you. It's marred unfortunately but the manifestation of a dull ache in your arm and chest which causes your to twitch in discomfort.

"Time to rest again Lisa." P-Too says she returns the tentacle that had occupied your throat. It hovers, touching your lips, waiting for permission.

You sigh. Back to sleep it is you suppose and open your mouth, allowing the tentacle passage again. It's a bizarre sensation but not so disturbing now that you expect it and you feel it reach the back of your mouth and gently ease its way down. You close your eyes and feel yourself slipping away once more...


You wake in darkness this time. It's dry and warm and soft, you run a finger across her fur.
Guess that means you're all healed up.

You flex your arm and give you chest an experimental prodding.
Yup, no more wounds.

Your wriggling has alerted your wakeful state to P-Too and she shifts some of the tentacles to allow you to poke your head out into the cool night air.

"How long have I been asleep for?"
"36 hours."
"Right. Thank you for saving me P-Too."
"It was nothing."

What say/do?
Sorry about update length. Hopefully the quantity and quality make up for it?
Also, in case you were wondering, the roll for P-Too that you landed a 6 with determined how badly she trashed the store in the process, rather than how effective she was in a fight.
P-Too, can you move that tentacle down there a bit, a bit upwards

Makes sense
"I wish I could have done more to help. Guess I'm not much of an adventurer yet."
"I'm going to need a lot more training if I'm going to be any help!"

And a lot more 'training' too.
I didn't realize demon semen had healing properties.

Well, time to hit the road again.
Is demon semon blue, then? I guess so.

"I wish I could have done more to help. Guess I'm not much of an adventurer yet."
"It was your third day as one was it not. These things take time."
"Hahah, yeah... I'm going to need a lot more training if I'm going to be any help!"
"Indeed. We should resume in the morning."
"And maybe a better weapon too, I mean, I stuck that blobby guy twice in the belly but it only slowed him down..."
"Creatures of their ilk are much sturdier than normal humans."
"Right. Say... could you hold me tight again. It was comforting." P-Too moves a tentacle over you and wrap her in an embrace. "A.. A little lower... thanks." you say, entwining your legs around it. "See you in the morning..." you end with a yawn.
"Yes. In the morning."


The wan light of early day filters through the gaps in the tentacle coccoon in which you reside. You scramble out and drop down, shivering as the breeze hits your practically naked body. You take stock of what clothes you have left: socks, shoes and gloves.


You look up to see that you're still at the former station, its twisted, blackened form jutting out.

Well, you could really do with some clothes now, but how are you going to find some?
>Look around for clothes in the wreckage.
Worst case scenario: Pray to the baby Jesus to cloth your indecent form.
Worstest case scenario: Fuck it, we're going in the buff.
>Worstest case scenario
That's a funny way to spell 'best'
>Look around in the wreckage.
It's a funny way to spell anything.

You planned this all along, you railroader you.
Choo choo, motherfucker!

You decide that the burned out store is your best shot for more clothing, letting P-Too know before striding over. Fortnuately one end of the place remains largely intact and you scramble in through a broken window, hopping down lightly inside by the refrigerated section. Not that they're on anymore.

Still, that's a bottled water source secured.

You make you way futher inside but after a quick scout round fail to turn up anything that's not just foodstuffs. You cast your mind back to when you did a sweep of the place but can't decide if you'd seen any clothing at the time. Sighing, you make your exit again.

Now what?

If you guys can't figure out then just say and I'll pretend that you did
>Check the trucks for clothes.
There were some dirty rags and blankets in the back. But those are probably burninated by now.

>Fuck it, we're going in the buff.
>Also fuck P-Too, too
>Not like an insult though
>Fuck, you know what I mean
Don't worry anon, I know what you mean. >>36447858 seconding >>36447899.
That was the correct answer!
Ah, so the trucks weren't burninated then.

I still say we go in the nude.
What do we need clothes for anyway? We have P-Too. Though, hoodies are still pretty cool.
We're not married yet, it's too soon!
>Try to find another hoody.
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You remember the trucks that those assholes had presumably driven here in. It's strange, there were three trucks but only two mutants? Maybe they killed some of their own off?

No matter, their possessions are yours now.

You jog over to the trucks and rummage around for clothing. You find some filthy undergarments that would be much too big for you even if you were willing to put them on. Other than that it's a couple of woolen cloaks which are mercifully clean.

It'll have to do.

You grab one and wrap it round you, using one hand to hold it in place. Should look out for a saftey pin or something.


A little later and you've finished looting bottled water from the store, your backpack crammed with the stuff. You don't want to run out midway between stations again.

It's time for combat training, aka Dodge the Tentacles!
Naturally you're not going to be able to hold you cloack and twirl like an acrobat at the same time so you surrender it and face it largely nude. You'll be active enough that the cold won't present an issue.

>Roll me some dice
Rolled 17, 21, 25 = 63 (3d28)

Updated Inventory

- Ten water bottles
- Marmaduke
- A couple Redwall novels
- Swiss army knife (the one with the most attachments)
- Two lighters
- One flashlight
- A couple spare batteries
- Month's supply of beef jerky (probably)
- First aid kit
Plastic carrier bag:
- Crisps (Smokey bacon, nacho cheddar, BBQ)
- A cloak
- Long socks
- Comfy trainers
- Snug fitting leather motoring gloves
- Fullface gasmask
- Hunting knife
This dice roll pleases me.
They increment by the same and everything!
Rolled 93 (1d100)

Rolled 61, 75 = 136 (2d100)

>Dodge the Tentacles
Yes... "dodge"...
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Well apparently we've gotten a lot better at this.
Apparently not.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Now now that dice was late
That dice didn't link to >>36448061, so it doesn't count. :D
Y'know, I'm glad we didn't roll a 20 on hitting P-Too with that bomb. She might've flown away or bashed us against a tree.
Hahah, you rolled a 19 which was bad enough. It's also the only reason that the batteries actually ignited AND exploded, I'm pretty sure lighter fluid isn't capable of doing that in real life.

Not sure how I'd have handled a 20.
Your railroad would have been run off the rails, is what would happen.

At least it's a good one.

>Rolled 17, 21, 25 = 63 (3d28)

This time P-Too starts out with four tentacles, skipping the preliminary increase in difficulty in lieu of the previous occasions display of prowess. You weave in out and like a ninja and as she ramps up the difficulty it prompts you to strive harder still and soon you surpass the point you got to before. You're under no illusion that P-Too is close to her full speed but all the same you're feeling good about your ability. This is a skill you were never aware you had, afterall there aren't a many times in a young girl's life that they find themselves needing to dodge something, much less a whirlwind of demonic tentacles.

"Kick- It up- A notch!" you call out, full of confidence.

>Rolled 93 (1d100)

P-Too obliges and you dance and somersault through the air too fast for you to actually process what you're seeing, your subconsciousness reflexively handling and coordinating your movements. You feel pure exhilaration as you meet your peak performance, before gently winding down. P-Too notices this and slows down likewise and you finish by catching hold of an airborn tentacle and swinging yourself up, lying down and dangling like a puma up a tree.

"Did I mention you have extraordinary talent."
"Hmm" you smile back lazily, arms and legs swinging contentedly.
"Are you ready to set off." she asks

You contemplate. Are you?
>Yup, hoist the mainsail!
>Actually... (Write-in)
"All of this practice has gotten me excited... I don't suppose you could do something about that?"

>Yup, hoist the mainsail!
Seconding >>36448555.

I got a fever, and the only prescription is consentacles.
>Yup, hoist the mainsail!
All good things in moderation. Besides, we have to find our brother, and we can entertain P-Too with Redwall.

She sets you down and you quickly retrieve your bags and don your cloak, being lifted back onto her dome.

"Could you sing again for me?" you ask and by way of an answer she begins humming, the vibrations running through her great head and up your legs. Her voice comes in, the brass and flutes punctuating the air with their melody and curious harmonics.

You're too distracted to visualise scenes to it this time however. Your crotch rests against her and the tremors of her voice pulse through it, exciting you, making you feel slightly giddy. It's a strange sensation but highly enjoyable and you find yourself grinding into her, almost desperate to see where it takes you. Your motions also happen to shift the cloak across your chest and the coarse fabric rubs against your nipples, send waves emanating through you.

Her song comes to an end and your frustration bids you to call out.

"P-Too? Can we stop her for a while?"
"If you wish. Why."
"I.. er..."

What do you say?
"I.. er... I think I'm getting thirsty again. Do you think you could feed my... other lips?"
>"I'm feeling randier than John Galt at an libertarian convention. Care to help me relieve some stress?"
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>randier than John Galt at an libertarian convention
"Your singing is making me feel funny."
We're 11, we haven't had our period yet I don't think. Maybe when we've hit puberty.

>Never mind, it's nothing. Let's keep going, please? Here, I'll read you something.
>trying to stop the loli train
You have no power here. It has happened before, and shall happen again.
Do not fight the Kabbalah.
I'm sorry Anon but it's time.
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>implying that being underage has stopped us before
Welcome to Kabbalah Quest. Enjoy the ride.
Can the sexualization of a loli happen naturally instead of it being forced upon her? It's making me kind of uncomfortable how she's doing these things off of other people's whims.
This is a quest. EVERYTHING is off of other people's whims. If you dislike it, vote against it or stay silent. But the majority has spoken.
Lolis are innately sexual. Little girls aren't of course. But lolis are.
Okay, but I don't like this.
It's alright for you to dislike it. But others do like it. And when /tg/ wants loli consentacles, we damn well get it.
But we are the little girl, your logic falls upon itself.
Yeah we're the little girl. And we're being sexual.
I don't see the problem here. Anyhow, enough distraction, yes?
But we've already had consentacles for days, it's time for adventure!
Actually, this would be the first consentacles in Kabbalah Quest. Unless you count Slab's first time with his new harem, but that is debatable both as consent and as tentacles.

I understand you don't like it, man. You don't have to. But when others do, why do you want to prevent them from doing so.
There has been loli consentacles for over 36 hours, pay attention.
Are you referring to when Yumi got possessed?
>"How long have I been asleep for?"
>"36 hours."
>"Right. Thank you for saving me P-Too."
>"It was nothing."
We already got it.
That's not even penetration mang, you know what consentacles is.
Two people want to pause the adventure for smut, and I and one other person want to journey ahead.
Oh, I thought you meant 36 hours of quest running time, not in-quest time.

Anyway, those healing tentacles were strictly platonic yo, they were just keeping her covered in medicine and hugs.
Three wanted smut, in fact.>>36448724
As well as the QM. Again, I get you don't like it, but the others do.
Fine, finefinefine, let's just get this over with so we can move onwards.
Well when you're locked into doing something, you have no other choice than to pick which way to go about doing it.
>Again, I get you don't like it, but the others do.
Shh... just lie back and let us take care of everything...
Partially the reason I left most of my prompts as write-ins. But I think Ninnius has done an admirable job.
Ninnius is a good writer, if a slow one...
Sort of. It HAS been an hour, though...
I'm getting there....
Hey, as long as it takes for the 22nd QM to get himself unkidnapped, no?
pls send help I am kidnap unner building

send money through yur email to [email protected] send $10,000 US dollar so i can get ransom and be free

i will pay u back for yur money and time I am nigerian prince

"Your singing is making me feel funny."
"Funny in what way."
"I.. er... I think I'm getting thirsty again. Do you think you could feed my... other lips?"
"Ah. I know that which you seek."

At this P-Too slows to a halt, a tentacle raised to help you down. You shed your bags, cloak and gloves, turning to see her settling onto the ground. You hurry over and stroke her head nead the nape.

"Thank you." you say quietly.
"Not at all. I will enjoy this too." she says with a purring quality to her voice, before opening up the tentacles at her front, revealing her inner sanctum.

You see her close her great eyelids, then turn to crawl through the tunnel formed by nested tentacles, arriving in that dimly lit area. The passage behind you closes off and you kneel spreadlegged, fingers playing over yourself. One of her larger furred tentacles just up from the floor and you cling to it, revelling in the sensation it brings as you rub yourself up and down. It pushes lightly against you and you lie back against the curved walls of the chamber, wrapping your legs around the tentacle as it moves up and down your body, pressing into your crotch. It speeds up gradually and you find yourself riding the wave and you clamp it tightly to yourself when all of a sudden it slows and you feel yourself bucking your hips to try to reinitiate it.


But it pulls away, leaving you with but a taste, hungry for more. You let out a needy whine and you swear you hear P-Too let out a distant chuckle only for the hairless tentacles that had been idly milling around the ceiling to descend teasingly, reaching out for light touches on your arm, your knee, the nape of your neck, your inner thigh...

They coil around you now, slowly lifting you from the floor as they slip and slide across your body, teasing at you all the while. One tentacle lowers itself to your face, brushing your lips and you reach your tongue out to lick it, a slight tang to the clear fluid that seeps from it. It stretches forward and you take it into your mouth, briefly running your lips around before it pulls back and trails its way down your front, stopping at the top of your vagina, lightly prodding at the sensitive spot, tweaking and kneading it before sliding down beyond and pushing between your cheeks, running the tip through them to the base of your spine. Then it pulls back again and makes the return journey, sending you wild with anticipation as it hovers over your vagina.

>Not using the Ayn Rand joke

It slowly mounts in pressure and you feel it spread your lips before its slick tip pushes inside you, leaving you reeling from the new sensation. It draws back out and then worms inside again deeper than before, and again, and then you feel a pinching sensation as it rises in force against some barrier inside. Then the moment passes with a twinge and it slides all the way to the base of your pussy sending pleasure cascading throughout you, driving you over the edge as you shudder in their grasp. As it begins to dissipate you feel the tentacle retracting nearly all the way before it suddenly shoots back inside you again, reaching somewhere seep in your belly. It continues to pump in and out, the pace rising and to match it the tentacles holding you begin to writhe across you, your inner thighs and budding breasts giving way to bursts of pleasure.

The tentacle pounding your hole mounts to a flurry of action and you clamp your legs down around it, throwing your head back in a silent scream as pleasure overtakes you head to toe, your vagina convulsing around the member deep inside you, fingers flexing and toes flaring as you shudder and shudder as wave after wave seeps through you...



You come to a little later, still coccooned within that twilight zone.
You manage to utter out "That was incredible".
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." P-Too replies.
"I think I'm ready to get moving again. Probably."
She obliges, uncoiling around you, setting you down on the floor again. You weakly try to sit up, legs juddering from the motion, and crawl your way back down the passage to the outside world. Feet steady on the ground again, you pull yourself up and give P-Too a kiss on head by the front. She makes a sort of cooing noise, then lifts you and your stuff back on top of herself.

"That was fun." you say "We should do it again some time."
She floats upwards again and begins to move onwards once more.
"I'd like that." she replies.

Oh, I see, you want me to continue Yumi's story eh?
Well, I've got about 30 minutes before I have to get ready to leave, so I don't think I could get much done.

I enjoyed Chapter 3.75 though
10/10 I came.
>Read your soulmate some Redwall, shit's awesome. Ask her for her opinion on how big the characters are in relation to the buildings.
What a bust! Oh well, could you start the new thread later, perhaps?
Thanks for running OP. You write good smut.
Chapter's over, man! I might pick up Yumiquest again when I get back from the theatre.
Glad to hear it
Sorry but that'll have to be next time we follow Lisa's storyline. I'm all tuckered out from running this all day.

That waaaas the intention, shame you're not able to. Is anyone else able to pick up the QMpants?

We might also want to start a new thread since this has hit bump limit and dropped to page 7 already. Whoever makes it, don't forget to stick the archive link in the OP for anyone who comes to this new.

Hahah, thanks. It's not something I've really ever done before, so words like that warm my heart.
Okay, I'll admit it, that was good.
You should try the /wst/, they're a friendly bunch and you've clearly got talent for it.

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