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Welcome to Land of the Gods: A Quest Part 6

It has been 11 weeks since your resurrection as Virus, the First Vine and God of Art. You return to your City with mixed feelings--partly in triumph for killing and consuming the Desert Demon of Narrow Bend, but partly in shame for discovering that the entire village has been lost, with the few survivors in tow either as refugees or slaves.

While the rest of your fellow travelers take a well-deserved rest, you meditate to refamiliarize yourself with your City. It feels so much better to return to your Temple; that travelling Altar was cramped. You explore the hustle and bustle of your streets, rolling carts on cobblestones, and jabber at the market stalls. Your farmers work the land, picking grapes and reaping wheat. Fall is nearly over, and the harvest is almost complete. It's turning out to be an average one this year--might have been better, but many laborers were working on the new road to Bridgetown instead of helping. Still, that's enough to keep your trade commitments, and next year's harvest should be superb thanks to Odon's gift of improved irrigation.

Nothing comes to your immediate attention. Bear Girl is down in the artists' quarters, sketching sights from the trip. Joshua the merchant is back in his villa, telling his sons of your fearsome strength in battle. Kalat, no longer needing to sleep, is pacing the corridors of the Temple. He's likely frustrated that the Desert Demon's deception remained secret for so long.

With nothing else to entertain you, you turn further inward. The slowly digesting heart of the demon lies within you, tingling as its poisonous essence dissolves into your soul. Dark whispers of poison and pain. You ponder these secrets until they yield a Revelation:

>Discover how to infuse your wine with ichor to create a most poisonous vintage.
>Learn how to wield your grapevines like the demon's black whip.
>Gain a deeper understanding of the nature of Desert Demons.
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Welcome to Land of the Gods! This is my first quest, although I have DMed with friends many times before. Some basic housekeeping:


2) God List: http://pastebin.com/PHUpSAzn
Character List: http://pastebin.com/04E6Le14

WIKI available! https://landofthegodsquest.obsidianportal.com/wikis/main-page
Currently porting all of my notes over.

Archives: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Land%20of%20the%20Gods

3) Twitter @landofthegodsQ
I will keep this updated with times for the next game, and I'll answer dms here, too.

4) email [email protected]
I'll try to answer emails as well.

5) Choices offered are almost always suggestions. You can certainly suggest other alternatives I haven't listed.

6) While I am keeping track of stats behind the scenes and doing dice rolls and whatnot, my goal is for you to never have to think about the mechanics of things. Make your choices, play the game.

7) Plot armor is nonexistent. What happens, happens.

8) This is not a smut quest. THIS IS NOT A SMUT QUEST. I truly have nothing against smut quests, but this is not one of them. That's not to say that sex doesn't exist or won't be acknowledged as is story appropriate, but it won't be the focus and it won't be gratuitous.
>Gain a deeper understanding of the nature of Desert Demons.
I don't want to invest in combat when we could learn other useful things. Having info other gods aren't privvy to can get us an edge over them.
>>Gain a deeper understanding of the nature of Desert Demons.
>Discover how to infuse your wine with ichor to create a most poisonous vintage.
>>Gain a deeper understanding of the nature of Desert Demons.
BTW anyone still up for feeding the merchant warriors the wine we gave Kalat?
I thought we were waiting to see the long-term effects of it before handing any over to anyone else.
>Gain a deeper understanding of the nature of Desert Demons.

As the black heart dissolves away, the demon's mind lays bare before you. It is a vast expanse of sand, meaninglessly vast in every direction, and everywhere you look you see only dust. Little specks of it, twinkling in the twilight. The dust settles like fleas upon anything that moves, trying to burrow its way to shelter. The fleas are nothing, worthless. But they are beyond number. Here lie the desert demons. The sun rises, and they scatter. The sun sets, and they timidly swirl out of the sand. Then the moon rises, and they scatter again. But on those sunless, moonless nights, they are free to swarm everywhere. They latch on to the slightest thought, the weakest prayer, and feed. Immeasurably small motes become slightly less immeasurable.

With vast amounts of time and luck, one of the motes becomes visible to the mortal eye. A small little ember floating in the air. Someone reaches out their palm to catch it, only to be burned. The ember floats away slightly larger again.

Ages pass. The ember is now a small ball of glowing light floating in the air. A will-o-wisp. The false light hovers over a pocket of quicksand, waiting patiently. Time still means nothing to it. A caravan passes. A drunk man gets lost coming back from the latrine, staggers in. Gasping as the sand fills his throat. Drowns. Delicious. The light grows bigger, stronger. Moves faster.

Years pass. Not just a ball of light now. Little glob. Not quite arms and legs yet. Doesn't know how. Watches the humans as they pass. Curious, oh so curious. Sneaks up to a camel, forces its way inside. Eats the guts, wears the hide as a skin. Keeps watching, waiting.

Months pass. Now understands form, function. Descends upon lone caravans like, well, a demon. Slaughters and devours everything it touches. Not long now. Growing and growing.

Weeks pass. Now it knows enough, is strong enough to follow a caravan back to town. Narrow Bend. Whispers to the priest there. Makes shadows on the walls, shows her everything she wants. Just a little prayer. A few scraps of Belief. Nothing has to change; no one has to know.

Small group of followers now, takes the town. Priest gave her body to him years ago. Wears her like a skin, nothing actually inside. Just blackness. Missives come, signed, written, sealed, sent back. Easy now. Enough years in the caravan had taught him how to write.

Now prayer flows, and the occasional tasty sacrifice makes its way to it. Now times are good. Until you came.

The black heart now totally dissolves away. The tingle stops, and you're alone again. It's time to wake, to face your City once again. What do you want to work on today?

>Military Focus
>Diplomatic Focus
>Internal Focus
>Diplomatic Focus
I think we're doing okay on the other fronts.

I still want to talk to Anhur too.
>>Internal Focus
>>Internal Focus
Think we should focus on increasing belief. And cementing ourselves further in our people.
>After your frustration at the loss of one of your villages and its worshippers, it's difficult to make the required stops at the other three villages. At each one, you sniff the air in paranoia that they have been taken, too. Where did your priests go wrong? How did this deception last? Kalat promises you that he will recheck all of his priests and get you answers.

It has been 5 weeks since you gave Kalat his first wine, and 4 weeks since he drank the barrel of wine that really kicked things off. Since then he has slept only a couple hours each day. He spends his time continuing his duties and annoying the shit out of everyone with his babbling.

He got stronger, too, managing to defeat 3 Temple Guards in wrestling before being pinned.

Besides the obvious changes, you've sensed more subtle changes as well. You can sense him wherever he is in the City. He stands out among the others in your godly senses. He also, during the combat with the demon, was the only one able to even move on a godly timescale, running to the village shrine in seconds as you and the demon struggled.

You don't know if there will be any further subtle changes, but you haven't noticed any new obvious ones since the first week.

Given the current tie between choices, I'll probably do a mix of choices, then.
Sounds good. I say we wait atleast another month or two. or if there will be a time skip, a year sounds good.
Just thinking having our merchants several times as fast, and sounds like 2-3 times stronger. They would hold their own in the desert and even do all of their trades faster than usually.
I don't want the other gods knowing they've been enhanced somehow. Having them do trade at double speed would definitely tip them off, even ignoring that they would give off some mild divine presence.

I think we should have a dedicated investigation team to send to the dessert, picked from our soldiers.
>Diplomatic and Internal Focus
>I still want to talk to Anhur too.
>Think we should focus on increasing belief. And cementing ourselves further in our people.

Kalat swore to you that he would get down to the bottom of this, but the demon's story makes it pretty clear what happened. At least now that you've visited the rest of your villages, you can safely say that none of them are infected for now.

It is now the 11th week of Harvest Season, which is quickly coming to an end. Soon, the vinters will turn towards preparing this year's blends, and the laborers will being the yearly trimming of the vines and upkeep on the farms.

Nothing is urgently calling your attention right now. You have a few ideas about what to do, or you could drift off in meditation until you're needed again.

First vote, pick two of the following to do if we don't skip forward in time:

>Contact the only god you haven't spoken with yet: Anhur, the Howling Demon and God of War
>Contact some other god (who?)
>Receive the annual City report
>Find out how your bandit-hunting Temple Guard are doing
>Find out how someone else is doing (who?)
>Project: send team to desert to investigate desert demons

Second vote. Should we skip one year forward in time? This vote is independent of the first.
>I think we should have a dedicated investigation team to send to the dessert, picked from our soldiers.
You do know the demons are..well demons. Similar to what we just fought, but likely weaker. The merchants are the most skilled warriors by far. Giving them a boost, we could likely get a few demon sacrifices as well as information.
As for the gods knowing they're enhanced, thats a risk I am willing to make.
Don't think the other gods have any way to replicate it.
If they do, it will take time.
Then it would still likely be inferior in every way.
>Contact the only god you haven't spoken with yet: Anhur, the Howling Demon and God of War
>Project: send team to desert to investigate desert demons
>>Find out how your bandit-hunting Temple Guard are doing
>>Receive the annual City report
Second vote. Should we skip one year forward in time? This vote is independent of the first.
I want to get the report and see where we are with things/building before we do the time skip.
>Contact the only god you haven't spoken with yet: Anhur, the Howling Demon and God of War
>Project: send team to desert to investigate desert demons

If our caravaners can take on demons, why can't specially chosen soldiers? They'd become an elite core given the experience (assuming they don't all die horribly, of course) and we'd keep our merchants free doing what they do.

You might be willing to risk it, but I don't want to tip our hand. It's not necessarily about them copying us, more everyone being made aware we're becoming a power to watch carefully.
I think it'd be cool to have them scout the demon. And grab a few demons, so long as they feel they can take em.
I am sure a few demon sacrifices would fill up the rest of our "holes"
>why can't specially chosen soldiers
Because while I am sure we have a few good guards. They don't have as much experience as them.
I would be happy to entertain selecting 5-10 of our best/w.e tagging along with the merchants. Gain experience and capturing bandits. should increase some trade as well, with more people.
>Contact the only god you haven't spoken with yet: Anhur, the Howling Demon and God of War
>Project: send team to desert to investigate desert demons
Okay, working on a year now. This may take a little bit longer, due to the amount of shit I'm simulating. ~10-20 mins.
What are we going to be focusing on?
Everything that happened over the past year, numbers, etc. Once you're caught up you can decide a new focus.

A year passes as you continue to meditate within your Temple, curled around the fountain of wine. It is now the end of Harvest Season and the beginning of winter, date 1.13.0 (see wiki for time https://landofthegodsquest.obsidianportal.com/wikis/time)

The road to Bridgetown has completed. The art gallery is nearly completed, and it's time to think about its Grand Opening.

Your smithy has finished enough bronze spearheads for every man in the city to wield one. Still no armor for them, though.

Your artists continue to produce works that beautify the town and glorify your name, but none so moving as Bear Girl's first work.

Your farmers have planted and begun to harvest a new crop. Due to the continued labor shortage while building the road to Bridgetown, the harvest this year is only average. Still, that's not bad: in addition to the usual 12 shipments of wine in production (2 for your temple/City, 10 for your allies), you expect a full 50% increase this year thanks to Odon's irrigation. That's 6 surplus shipments, 3 of which are owed to Odon.

You have recieved another 162 human sacrifices from the Lottery project. Of those, you have consumed 108 of them. 54 have been preserved, for a total now of 59 stored barrels of Sacrificial Vintage.

Kalat has begun to cultivate an extensive vine garden within your Temple. Several vinters have now come to visit it, leaving awed at its subtle beauty.

No additional Tribute was earned last year beyond the standard amount of gold, which was spent on maintaining your Temple, priests, army, etc.

You consider your godly responsibilities. Odon has yet to demand her surplus wine due, but you're sure she will. Reah has yet to give you a gift this year. Should you bother her about it?

None of your personal mortal contacts have died. You could always check in with them and find out how they're doing.
What would you like to work on first? Pick two.

>Contact the only god you haven't spoken with yet: Anhur, the Howling Demon and God of War
>Contact Reah about her gift owed
>Contact Odon about her wine you owe
>Contact some other god (who?)
>Receive the annual City report
>Talk to the Head Scribe about the wine harvest.
>Visit Kalat's new garden.
>Talk to Joshua about new news from outside.
>Find out how your bandit-hunting Temple Guard are doing
>Find out how someone else is doing (who?)
>Project: send team to desert to investigate desert demons
>Project: what should you do with your sacrificial wine?
>Project: talk to the vinters about aging your new surplus wine.
>Project: plan the grand opening of the Bridgetown art gallery
The second vote invalidated the first? I thought we'd do the things and then timeskip.

>Contact the only god you haven't spoken with yet: Anhur, the Howling Demon and God of War
>Project: send team to desert to investigate desert demons
>>Contact Reah about her gift owed
>>Visit Kalat's new garden.
>>Find out how your bandit-hunting Temple Guard are doing
>>Receive the annual City report
Have there been any changes to Kalat over the year?
>Contact Reah about her gift owed
>Project: plan the grand opening of the Bridgetown art gallery
>>>Visit Kalat's new garden.
>>Receive the annual City report
>First vote, pick two of the following to do if we don't skip forward in time:

None of the options offered in the first vote were time-sensitive, at least not over 1 year. I don't feel like anything was harmed.

Friendly reminder: if you have comments or concerns, I welcome feedback! Feel free to discuss with me over twitter DM @landofthegodsQ or at [email protected]
>>Project: plan the grand opening of the Bridgetown art gallery
>>Contact Odon about her wine you owe

yeah I thought we would work on things before the time skip..?
Oops, guess I didn't read carefully enough. My bad.
They aren't time sensitive, so it just kind feels like we did nothing for a year.. and wasted that "time" is how I think people are feeling.
As in we could have done two of the previous options then 2 new options now.
>Contact Reah about her gift owed
>Receive the annual City report
>Project: plan the grand opening of the Bridgetown art gallery

Alright, let me work on these. Going to start with the annual report to get it out of the way.

Consider whose time has been wasted. Not the MC. He would spend virtually no time receiving those reports, now or one year ago. Not me as the QM. Takes the same amount of time to write them. Not the players, who would get the same kind of update regardless.

Frankly, sometimes I struggle to present options to keep the story moving when time isn't moving.

Update inbound.
Yeah I think we are going to have to let that go if we want to see anything come to fruition. We'll never get to play with our long term projects if we micromanage week by week.
sounds good.
I can accept that.

Do you guys want to make roads to the other towns? Or did you guys only want it to bridgetown, since it was the biggest, and now the site of our art gallery.
Or did we have other things to focus on?
Food shouldn't be an issue with the new irrigation, we should have enough food to grow easily.
Anyone had any plans?
I wanted to have Klabat build our roads.
>Receive the annual City report

You rouse yourself to check on Kalat, who's trimming a topiary within his vine garden. The two of you find the Head Librarian with your general Merodak and the Head Scribe and meet around the Temple altar to discuss the City's progress.

The Head Scribe starts. "First, the numbers. Last year at harvest time, the city had an estimated 20,000 citizens."

You correct her. "20,002, actually."

"Well, you would know better than I, Lord. This year we estimate around 20,110 citizens."

Cracking a smile, you correct her again. "20,111, actually."

"Uh, thank you, Lord. As I was saying, we gained about 110 people. About 50 of those were from the loss of Narrow Bend, coming as refugees and slaves. We found houses for the refugees, and the slaves were distributed to various nobles and merchants. The other 60 was population growth. We saw about 200 more births than deaths this year, but thanks to our Lottery, we saw a number of deaths. Fortunately, we think a few of those were elders close to death anyway, so no harm there."

Merodak frowns. "So you're saying that we lost about 140 people this year to the Lottery? That's over half our growth!

"Uh, correct. I will point out, however, that our City's natural population growth is twice as high as most of its competitors."

"That still means that most other cities grew by 100 people or so this year. Without Narrow Bend, we'd still be growing slower than them."

The Head Scribe looks flustered. "General, that *is* the cost of sacrifices, you know. Beyond that, the City continues to do well. Several artists have placed new installations on the streets."

"No new masterpieces, though."

"Unfortunately not, Lord. The harvest has completed without problem. Our vinters expect enough grapes to produce the customary 12 shipments of wine as well as a surprising 6 shipments of surplus!"

Now it's Kalat's turn. "Your priests are doing well, Lord. The people continue to love you, worshipping you fervently in festivals. There is little, if any, unrest in the City."

The Head Librarian pipes up. "I have not heard of any events of historic note this year, Lord."

Merodak gives his report. "I have assumed command over the Temple Guard, Lord. I personally train the 10 remaining in your city. There's another 20 in Bridgetown guarding the art gallery. They have not had much time to train this year due to their duties. The other 170 have had good opportunity for combat experience in the countryside, though. There have been a few casualties, but nothing major. Easily replaced. We still have 2,000 bronze chestplates for approximately 5,027 possible soldiers, but we now have enough bronze spearheads for each. Now, that doesn't mean they have the full kit of sword, bow, and spear, but that's better than nothing. The librarian and I have been reading about possible phalanx tactics to take advantage of what we have. Still, though, I would have to rate our military strength as poor compared to that of your neighbors."
That's your annual report. Reah update inbound now.
>"Unfortunately not, Lord. The harvest has completed without problem. Our vinters expect enough grapes to produce the customary 12 shipments of wine as well as a surprising 6 shipments of surplus!"
Thats with our workers building roads right?
Correct. You had an average harvest this year while your workers were building roads. More labor at home increases your chances of having a good harvest and decreases your chances of a poor one.
sounds good.

Since we're sacrificing and it does us well.
We should look into making the surplus into a fertility wine for our people. Should let us increase by a bit more.
Also we should look into increasing military to about 400-500. Would solve our Biridgetown issue. And put more guards around at home/roads for bandits.
I'm sure we could just have a Love Festival or something and encourage people to fuck. Invent Valentine's Day or something and save ourselves the belief.
You set aside what your scribes have told you for now. There's gifts to be had!
>Contact Reah about her gift owed

Kalat crushes some fresh grapes over your Altar, which has been dry for months now. It can get stuffy spending a year only talking to mortals. You look forward to talking to other gods again.

Reah appears dressed in rippling silk garments. "My dear friend Virus. It's been over a year, hasn't it?"

"Indeed, Reah. Over a year since your very generous artistic gift."

"Ah. Are you fishing for another?"

"I wouldn't dare fish in your waters, Reah." She giggles and ripples at the joke. "But, yes, I can't help but wonder."

"Well, I might have something for you. An opportunity more than a gift, really, but one I think you'll... appreciate. My sailors have spent more time looking, and they've found an isolated island just north of Punt. With a little bit of muscle, it wouldn't be too hard to take that island for ourselves."

"*Our* selves?"

"The people on the island have their own god. A fierce little bugger, refuses to trade with me. If you're willing to join me in battle, I'll share the island with you. Completely even, 50-50."

"This is a serious task you're suggesting. Invading an island? Defeating a god? Why come to me first? Why not Klabat or Kondar or, hell, even Anhur?"

"Location, location, location, friend. You're closest to me on the river. You hop on some ships with me, we have our little adventure, no problem. My only other option for easy access would be, UGH, Gurpal."

"Do I have to decide now?"

"Soon, dear friend. I would hate to have to offer it to someone else instead. Someone like Gurpal, even."

>Questions for Reah?

>Agree to deal, start working out the details of the operation.
>Ask for a little time to consider.
>No deal. Ask for a real gift instead.
>>Ask for a little time to consider.
Think we should increase our military a bit.

Quick questions. Can A god wear mithril?
>Questions for Reah?
What's her beef with Gurpal now? Also, ask if she's seen any old remnants of the invaders.

>Agree to deal, start working out the details of the operation.
Two on one? Considering how much tribute she and we get this shouldn't be too difficult. Besides, our soldiers need experience.
>Agree to deal, start working out the details of the operation.
What resources does the island have?
Forget the land distribution the biggest question is who gets the god/god's essence. Do we do the moment of omnipotence and if so who gets it. If not can we both keep dominion over them.
You ask Kalat, who laughs and laughs.

"You've already worn mithril before, Lord! The invaders came and bound you in mithril chains, leaving you completely defenseless as they led you to their Altar to sacrifice you!"

"Thats not very funny, Kalat."

"Isn't it, Lord, isn't it?"

You decide to take your question to a more reliable source--the head librarian.

"Mithril's main power, Lord, is that it blocks all Belief. You couldn't cast miracles while using it. But, it would block any divine attacks against you. Maybe you could find a loophole? It's hard to say without some mithril to experiment with."
>>Agree to deal, start working out the details of the operation.
I like it..
>"The people on the island have their own god. A fierce little bugger, refuses to trade with me. If you're willing to join me in battle, I'll share the island with you. Completely even, 50-50."
But it shouldn't hurt to ask,
We could ask about what resources it has, and how the gods power would be divided.

Since im clearly out voted here.
Would you guys be against haggeling here?
"We both know you would have brought this to me since you don't like Grupal anyhow. So it's not really a gift, more like you need help and are willing to split things evenly for doing equal work. So hows about we split the island 50/50. And as for my gift I'll take the small gods belief."
Sure, let's try haggling. Reah seems cool.
Flash vote: Do you want to haggle over the split for the small god's belief?


I'll count Sargeras and Anon above me as yes.

I do like us going in a a warlike direction. We did die before and I like the idea of us wanting strength. Really makes me want to prioritize martial arts.
there was an option.
We study on how to make our vines into a whip. But I think even if we learn it, it'd be best to keep it to our selves..
>Agree to deal, start working out the details of the operation.

>What's her beef with Gurpal now? Also, ask if she's seen any old remnants of the invaders.

"Gurpal is just a dick. He thinks that just because he can write that the rest of us are idiots. I'd hate working with him, but I'd do it for this. As for the invaders, no. I have come across a few relics bearing their mark, but they seem to have retreated from the world entirely."

>What resources does the island have?

"Little. It's a hard rocky coast. Most of its people are fishermen. Some grow a few crops in on the hills to survive. The real power lies in its people and their Belief."

>Speaking of Belief,
>Forget the land distribution the biggest question is who gets the god/god's essence. Do we do the moment of omnipotence and if so who gets it. If not can we both keep dominion over them.

"I thought we might split that, too. We probably wouldn't get omnipotence split two ways, but it's probably better for both of us if we can trust the other not to fuck us over."
>"We both know you would have brought this to me since you don't like Grupal anyhow. So it's not really a gift, more like you need help and are willing to split things evenly for doing equal work. So hows about we split the island 50/50. And as for my gift I'll take the small gods belief."

"That's an awful nice gift you'd be taking, there. How do I know you wouldn't fuck with me after juicing up on all that power?"

"Come now, Reah, We're friends. I wouldn't screw you over."

Reah's brow furrows. She pauses for a long time before answering. "You're friends with everyone, Virus. Not good enough. This is my deal: if you want all the power from the god, then 1) you promise to me in front of all the other gods that we are true allies forever, and 2) I will take the island's population entirely for myself. Those are my terms, and I won't budge on them one bit."

>No deal.
>Offer a counter anyway.
>>Offer a counter anyway.
"If I remember correct you owe ME a favor. I'll be taking that favor, Do remember you did say anything."
That was Klabat, actually.
I see...
Then I think an even 50/50 split would be fine. If thats still on the table, compared to committing to something entirely for "forver"
>>No deal.
Lets just go back to 50/50 we can't afford to alienate Odon with an overt alliance with Reah.
Not necessarily war, but I want to set ourselves up as the diplomatic center of a great coalition, reasoning that it's only a matter of time before the invaders return and we need to defend ourselves. All that tribute and growth to gain, mph.

That's tough.

>Offer a counter anyway.
It's not really a counter, but I want her and Odon to talk with ourselves mediating. It won't resolve their conflict outright, but it hopefully stem it from boiling over immediately. Give us more time to help settle it.
I'm not giving up on peacemaking here.
So it sounds like most don't want the deal. We'll stay with the 50/50 split, then, since the vote is to do the invasion.

Flash vote then:
Ask Reah to sit down with Odon while you mediate? This would be a project in and of itself and wouldn't be started right now, just in the future.

don't want Odon to know we're messing around with Reah behind her back in any form.
hey Land how are you?
the whole point of a god of parties is we make friends, so we dont ever have to fight, much like the swiss
I'm pretty sure she knows we trade with Reah. This is in the interest of keeping our neighbors peaceful anyways, it doesn't imply we side with either one.
well if we do it.. Gotta come up with some BS, about how Reah came to us, to look to mediate this sit down. And how they wish to resolve this. And We thought it was a good idea, so we agreed to mediate this.. or some BS like that.
Sorry about the delay. Update in progress, with yes chosen 3/2.
>No deal, keep 50/50 split.

"I can't agree to those terms, Reah. Forever is a long time. But I do want to do this with you, so I'll stick to the 50/50 split."

"I figured you'd say that. Sounds good to me. Give me a few months to get some ships ready for you. I expect your full army ready to move by midsummer."

You also mention to Reah that you'd like to try to mediate a peace between her and Odon. "Surely there's some way for both of your domains to be respected, if we search for it."

"Hmmm. Only after we finish this conquest and buff up a bit. Odon might be more willing to deal with me, then."

That sounds more like a threat than a promise of peace, but you don't complain. In the meantime, you and General Merodak will have much to do. The crops will have to get planted in the Spring, then you will have to hurry to draft all of your men for Summer. Merodak, the Head Scribe, and the Head Librarian begin spending their days pouring over scrolls in the back of the library.

You turn your thoughts to more pleasant matters. Bridgetown reports that the Foreign Villa is nearly complete, featuring a sprawling tavern and attached wine garden sitting across from your new art gallery. High walls around the complex keep thieves out and suspicious foreigners in. Your Temple Guards will man the gate and walk the walls.

You consider how best to show off your new gallery. Tourism is a novel concept in Punt. Men would be very skeptical of traveling to another city and expecting a warm welcome. How do you plan to advertise?

>The gallery will speak for itself. Let the traveling merchants view it and bring news back to every city.
>Use your own merchant caravans to spread word to the wealthy people of every city. Hopefully none of the gods are angered by this advertisement.
>Advertise it directly to the other gods themselves. They might expect something in return, though.
>write in
>The gallery will speak for itself. Let the traveling merchants view it and bring news back to every city.
>Use your own merchant caravans to spread word to the wealthy people of every city. Hopefully none of the gods are angered by this advertisement.
Theses just because, developing a new concept is hard so we should to everything we can to get it out there
>Use your own merchant caravans to spread word to the wealthy people of every city. Hopefully none of the gods are angered by this advertisement.
We can manage. Acting naive like we're only doing this on a whim to share our art would do good to deflect some anger, hopefully.
>>Use your own merchant caravans to spread word to the wealthy people of every city. Hopefully none of the gods are angered by this advertisement.
>>Use your own merchant caravans to spread word to the wealthy people of every city. Hopefully none of the gods are angered by this advertisement.
Can ask how big the rival gods town is?
we don't know what Reah expects of us.
And we sure as hell aren't going to be leaving our cities/towns and roads unguarded.

Before finishing speaking with Reah, you asked a few more questions.

>Can ask how big the rival gods town is?

"Not quite as big as ours, but many thousands. That's what my sailors tell me, at least. The people aren't as wealthy as either of us. I wouldn't expect them to field a well-equipped army."

>we don't know what Reah expects of us.

"I expect to see your entire army arrayed by the river." She winks. "Don't worry--I'm enchanting my ships to get us there and back before anyone even knows we're gone."

Update in progress.
I'm back! Sorry I wasn't here earlier, been grinding DA:I for the longest time.
>Use your own merchant caravans to spread word to the wealthy people of every city. Hopefully none of the gods are angered by this advertisement.

You tell Joshua to spread the message. He seems somewhat concerned at how it will be received, but agrees anyway.

Hopefully a season or so of advertisement will bring in a good number of guests. They will stay in the tavern until you are ready for your Grand Opening in the Spring. The villagers are already preparing for a party. You have to decide how to add your special touch. Remember, these are foreign guests, unfamiliar with your miracles.

First, you need an opening display. Something to start the party and to set the mood.
> #1 Something low key. Wine and cheese plates, some musicians, and dancing in the garden.
> #2 A lavish wine tasting of every variety. Each vinter will be on hand to discuss the merits of their particular wine. Costs 1 surplus wine shipment.
> #3A fireworks display with your personal touch. Costs a small amount of belief.
> #4 Go all out. Do the wine tasting and the fireworks display, and bless the wine personally. Costs 1 surplus wine shipment and a moderate amount of belief.

Please rank your choices from most to least favorite. I'll be doing a ranked ballot (http://www.ericgorr.net/condorcet/) to decide.
So what does everyone think of giving our captain of the guard some sacrificial wine. We have a lot of preparations ahead of us and a good deal falls on him. Reah would probably realize something is up with him though.
> #3
> #2
> #1
> #4
Feel free to discuss. I'll add it to the list of voting options for next time.
> #4 Go all out. Do the wine tasting and the fireworks display, and bless the wine personally. Costs 1 surplus wine shipment and a moderate amount of belief.
we need to if we are going to become a tourist mecca
Not yet, we don't need the edge.
I think it'd be wise.
Considering we have a shit military. We should make up for it, by having an amazing commander.
He will be training a lot of temple guards so he will be needing a lot more energy.
sounds good.
Did we ever notice any changes over the year?
Changes in Kalat. Has he continued working faster? Or did he hit a wall of sorts?
>Did we ever notice any changes over the year?

Sorry, forgot about this one.

Kalat seems similar to before, but his unsleeping state has caused some changes. Because he no longer needs to sleep, he babbles nonstop. You might say that he's become even more insane over the past year, though it hasn't affected his duties. He's also been diligently working on his vine garden, said to impressively beautiful, which you can visit later.

I'm not wanting to spend belief before a battle
I'll wait a touch longer for votes, as we only have 2 full ones. Please remember to rank all 4 in order of your preference.
>> #4
>> #3
>> #2
>> #1

I'd rather spend a lot and get the word around on how great the place is.
4 and 3 tie. Second vote:

> #3A fireworks display with your personal touch. Costs a small amount of belief.
> #4 Go all out. Do the wine tasting and the fireworks display, and bless the wine personally. Costs 1 surplus wine shipment and a moderate amount of belief.
> #3A fireworks display with your personal touch. Costs a small amount of belief.
If they still tie, I'm going with 3 as the compromise, since it's cheaper and most of the objections I heard was over spending belief.
I'll say it to compromise so we still have belief reservs for our up cim in war
>#3 First impressions are great but, we also don't want to set too high of expectations. This is a new concept for them.
lol, I enjoy your premise.
A 2 star hotel, is the equivalent to a 5 star hotel to anyone who has never been to a hotel.
>#3 fireworks display

Kalat prepares several bunches of grapes for Bridgetown. He giggles to himself, "Not for eating, though. For EXPLOSIONS!" and spends the next hour running around the Temple pelting visitors with grapes and yelling "Kaboom!"

Next comes the main event. This is what they traveled for and paid to see.

> #1 Arrange a tasteful display of several recent works from a variety of your City's artists. No masterpieces, no Tribute, just quality work.
> #2 Loan Bear Girl's leatherwork masterpiece as the centerpiece of the display. Surround it with several complementary works from your City's artists.
> #3 Send your City's artists down to Bridgetown for a season to showcase their own work. They won't be able to work on any masterpieces while they're away, but the tourists should be impressed by the personal touch.
> #4 Go all out with the gallery. Fill it with ancient masterpieces from your treasury.
Ranked votes like before, please.
> #3
> #2
> #1
> #4

I'm loathe to have Bear Girl's work on display. It's a prime stealing target.
>> #3
>> #2
>> #1
>> #4
But you would risk Ancient pieces with artists long dead?
Our ancient masterpieces aren't?
They aren't our Precious
>#3 Send your City's artists down to Bridgetown for a season to showcase their own work. They won't be able to work on any masterpieces while they're away, but the tourists should be impressed by the personal touch.

It won't be easy to house so many visitors in one village, but you're confident that your priests can find a way. Besides, it's only for a season or two.

Finally, you need to send them home with something. A souvenier, perhaps. Or maybe just a really warm memory. Something for them to tell their friends about.

> #1 A bonfire night in the wine garden. A moonlit sky, good wine, and new friends.
> #2 A debauched night with your drunken magic and some of the village girls. Costs a small amount of Belief.
> #3 A small statuette of a cluster of grapes, casted by your smithy. He'll probably be busy for a while with these.
> #4 A wrapped bottle of Virus Vinter's Hand to take home and share with friends. Costs 1 shipment of wine and a moderate amount of Belief.
> #2
> #1
> #3
> #4
> #2 A debauched night with your drunken magic and some of the village girls. Costs a small amount of Belief.
> #4 A wrapped bottle of Virus Vinter's Hand to take home and share with friends. Costs 1 shipment of wine and a moderate amount of Belief.
> #1 A bonfire night in the wine garden. A moonlit sky, good wine, and new friends.
> #3 A small statuette of a cluster of grapes, casted by your smithy. He'll probably be busy for a while with these.
sounds good
> #2 A debauched night with your drunken magic and some of the village girls. Costs a small amount of Belief.

It sounds like the Grand Opening is shaping up nicely. You give the final orders, and all that's left is to wait until Spring.

Despite your flurry of activity, it's still only the end of Harvest Time. What will you do next? Pick two:

>Contact the only god you haven't spoken with yet: Anhur, the Howling Demon and God of War
>Contact Odon about her wine you owe
>Contact some other god (who?)
>Talk to the Head Scribe about the wine harvest.
>Visit Kalat's new garden.
>Talk to Joshua about new news from outside.
>Find out how your bandit-hunting Temple Guard are doing
>Find out how someone else is doing (who?)
>Project: send team to desert to investigate desert demons
>Project: what should you do with your sacrificial wine?
>Project: talk to the vinters about aging your new surplus wine.
>>Contact the only god you haven't spoken with yet: Anhur, the Howling Demon and God of War
>>Find out how your bandit-hunting Temple Guard are doing
>Contact the only god you haven't spoken with yet: Anhur, the Howling Demon and God of War
>Contact Odon about her wine you owe
>>Find out how your bandit-hunting Temple Guard are doing

>Write in
Start conscripting for our army.
We should get another 500 temple guards.
I want to contact Odon
>contact anhur
>find out how bandit hunting is going
>Contact the only god you haven't spoken with yet: Anhur, the Howling Demon and God of War
>Find out how your bandit-hunting Temple Guard are doing
>Contact Odon about her wine you owe

Working now.
>Contact the only god you haven't spoken with yet: Anhur, the Howling Demon and God of War

You'd never admit it to anyone, but you're not exactly excited about talking to Anhur. He's pretty scary. It's not often that anyone talks to him, really. He won't deal, he won't make peace, and he eats the hearts of any merchants foolish enough to visit him. At least, that's what Joshua says. Kalat finishes rubbing the grapes on the altar.

A towering writhing black mass appears before you. Though limited by the size of the Altar, you can tell it's making every effort to appear large. Without saying a word, you tap the altar to decrease the size of the projection.

"Behold your Doom! It is I, Anhur the Devourer!"

"The Devourer, huh?"

"Yes! I will devour all, starting with you!"

"Starting with me? Why?"

"Because you're here!" He tries to move off the altar towards you. Does he know he's only a projection?

"I'm not actually here, though, Anhur. I'm just talking to you over the Altar."

Anhur looks confused. He bends down to talk to his high priest, who whipsers in his ear.

"Very well, then! I have spared you for now! But I WILL devour you in the end!"

"Uh huh. Anything else on your mind, Anhur?"

"Only hunger! Only pain!"

"Uh huh."

Do you want to mention that you met another desert demon?

>Other questions?
Aaaaaah I love him~

Ask how he gets food for his citizens, I'm curious.
Big up what we did to make us seem more powerful then we are but don't make it rediclous
I don't see how letting him know one of his demons made it to our land would be wise.
"Speaking of hunger and pain, I ran into one of your brothers the other day."

"I have no brothers! I ate them all!"

"Well, not this one. Big ol' desert demon this one. Tore him apart and ate him myself."

"You? Ate a demon?"

"Mmm hmm. Delicious. Say, you don't know where I might find some more demons, do you?"

"If I found more demons, I would eat them myself!"

"Any thoughts about how I ate a demon?"

"I ate a demon! I ate many demons!"

"But you're a demon, right?"

"I am Anhur the Howling Demon!"

"So, yes?"

"I am Anhur the Howling Demon!"

"Good stuff. I'm curious. How do you get food for your citizens?"

"My priests get food, and I eat it!"

"I bet. But what about your citizens? What do they eat?"

"They eat what I give them and not one bit more!"

"What do you give them?"


"Uh huh."

Next up: Contact Odon about the wine you owe.
Sorry for the delay. I started to write an update before deciding to leave the choices to you.

Longing for deeper conversation, you cut the feed midsentence during some rant about the relative tastiness of sheep versus cows. kalat pours a little wine over the Altar, and you're back in business with Odon.

"Ah, my favorite business partner. How's the harvest looking this year?"

>(Lie) Exceptional! I produced a full 18 shipments of wine this year, 6 in surplus. What a bumper crop! I may not produce this much again for many years!
>(Truth) Average. 18 shipments, with 6 surplus. A remarkable improvement, Odon.
>(Lie) Very poor this year. Only 12 shipments, with no surplus at all! I may not be able to get anything to you this year.
>(Truth) Average. 18 shipments, with 6 surplus. A remarkable improvement, Odon.
Yo, friendships don't last when through dishonesty.
very productive..
>(Truth) Average. 18 shipments, with 6 surplus. A remarkable improvement, Odon.

that said has our regular crops improved so drastically too?
>that said has our regular crops improved so drastically too?

They have. You're now producing more food than usual. I was saving that for the vinter's report later.

Update inbound with Truth, then.

"That's wonderful to hear! I should expect 3 extra shipments of wine this year, then. Anything else?"

"No news for now. How are you and Reah doing?"

"Oh, you know..."

"I do. Talk to you later, Odon."

First vote:
>Send the full 3 shipments of wine.
>Don't send the wine. Contact Odon later to inform her that your caravans were destroyed.

Now, onto
>Find out how your bandit-hunting Temple Guard are doing

You call in Merodak again for a report. "You told me earlier that I have 170 Temple Guard in the field with minimal casualties. How are they doing?"

"Very well. Well, decent. They've encountered the bandits several times, but we can never seem to pin them down for a serious engagement."

"I'm more concerned about how many Sacrifices you have for me. Clearing out the bandits is a task that would take a dedicated force decades. We learned this from our captured officer, remember?"

"I know, it's just, well, demoralizing to face an enemy you can't defeat. But we do have Sacrifices for you! We've taken 10 men in the past year for you. They've been held in the City awaiting your approval."

"Only ten? You've been at this for a year!"

"I know, Lord. But these bandits are most clever, and they know what awaits them if captured. We've captured two, three times more, but they all try to kill themselves."

"Fine. How are the men holding up?"

"No problems. A few of them have become more experienced, but like I said, we just haven't had many good fights against the bandits."

"Is there anything you need?"

"Frankly, more skilled men and better officers. The Guard aren't very adept at stealth or strategy yet, and I can only command one group of men at a time."

Frustrated, you decide to at least inspect your Sacrifices. The ten men look wretched. A brief scan of their minds tells you that they are all new recruits and unlikely to know anything of value.

>Sacrifice the men
>Drown the men for 10 barrels of sacrificial wine
>Write in
>Send the full 3 shipments of wine.

We gotta be up front with things like this. If Odon wants more wine, he'll invest more in our crops. But he won't do it if we don't hold up our end.
>Send the full 3 shipments of wine.

>Sacrifice the men
Sacrificial wine is the fate for our loyal citizens.
>>Send the full 3 shipments of wine.
sounds good.
>>Drown the men for 10 barrels of sacrificial wine
I know I sound like a broken record.
Want to use at least what we gain from bandits for the general and his officers?
Should increase the bandit capture rate.
I still don't like it, not yet at least. I want to save using the wine for a seriously dangerous opponent when nobody would expect it.
Also, concerning the bandits, sacrifice nine but leave one alive. He's going to bear a message.

"To the Leader of the Bandits: We can spend a long, long time in a bloody war where you assault my caravans and I assault your wilds until eventually, after much pain from both sides, I find where your main group is and swoop down with all the fury of a frustrated god. Or, we can settle this like civilized men and work out a more peaceful arrangement, where you get your wine without me being forced to repeat this grizzly scene. Please, send this man back with your reply, and you have my word that no harm will come to him."
50/50 on Sacrifice immediately vs drown. Looking for another vote.

Flash vote: do this, only sacrificing (in whatever method you wish) 9 men?

I like this, make the dude witness the sacrifice while we're at it
>I want to save using the wine for a seriously dangerous opponent when nobody would expect it.
I don't get where you going with this.
If you just want to make MC more powerfull we're better off just drinking it RIGHT NOW. instead of saving it.
>I know I sound like a broken record.
>Want to use at least what we gain from bandits for the general and his officers?

That's what I'm responding to.
I'm fine with drowning them, and giving the wine to our officers and general
I like this, slowly ween then on sacrificial wine.
yes.. I know but why would you want to save it?
If you just want our god to be more powerfull we can just have him drink it all.

A whole barrel of sacraficial wine, towards our officers and general. Would see a huge bonus to our abilities.
They could train men for longer, and sleep less.
The general himself, spends a shit ton of time reading. 2-4 hours more of reading per day/ore training makes for quite the difference.
When for the time when we need him months.
>Going to use the wine, since you can always choose to drink it yourself later.
>Where the wine goes is a separate vote. It will be added to the other 59 barrels of Sacrificial Vintage.

You pace up and down the 10 men. "I want a volunteer."

A silence, a pause. The boy at the end steps forward wordlessly.

You will bear a message. "To the Leader of the Bandits: We can spend a long, long time in a bloody war where you assault my caravans and I assault your wilds until eventually, after much pain from both sides, I find where your main group is and swoop down with all the fury of a frustrated god. Or, we can settle this like civilized men and work out a more peaceful arrangement, where you get your wine without me being forced to repeat this grizzly scene. Please, send this man back with your reply, and you have my word that no harm will come to him."

You wave your hand, and the boy takes off towards the city gate. No one stops him. The rest of the men stare at the ground.

9 barrels of wine are brought before them. A Temple Guard stands behind each and forces their heads down into the liquid. With your godly senses, you watch entranced as their life seeps out into the fluid. It's almost Art.

That night, your meditation drifts to more warlike thoughts. After that nasty business with the demon, you had expected a year of quiet growth and diplomatic negotiation. Instead, Reah's offer changed your tone. Your general prepares for war while your soldiers practice on the bandits beyond your walls. You find yourself invigorated by the possibility of bloodshed, a new feeling for you.

You look forward to a Year of War.


Thanks for playing with me! I hope to run another session either Wednesday or next Sunday.

Something weird is going on with the QTGs, so the best way to keep up is to check my twitter: @landofthegodsQ

Feedback, comments, criticism are welcome! I'll be around for a little while longer to answer questions here, and you can also send me DMs on twittter or at my email [email protected]

I am now keeping a wiki of everything we do at https://landofthegodsquest.obsidianportal.com/wikis/main-page
I'll try to keep it up to date for the beginning of each session.

Thanks again!
thanks. have a good one.
If we don't use it, nobody knows we have it. Using the wine to buff up our guys just to fight bandits or the islanders would be overkill and reveal how strong we actually are to the other gods. Using the wine when it really matters will make it so much more effective because nobody could possibly anticipate it.

Besides, appearing weaker then we are lets us slide under serious scrutiny since we wouldn't be seen as a legitimate threat. Letting everyone believe that we aren't trying to gain power gives them room to trust us. I don't want to drop our reputation as the most peace-loving god just yet.

I hope you see where I'm coming from.

Thank you for the thread! I really like that you're setting up a wiki, it'll be nice to have.

Is what Naxos and Anhur feed their citizens a secret?
Great thread thanks for running.
>Is what Naxos and Anhur feed their citizens a secret?

As far as you know, the two both eke out a living on the edges of the desert. You don't know of anything odd going on.

lol captcha: truth thinfree
I see where you are coming from but, this is also about giving our men more time to train and get experience. We reap those benefits over time we can't just cram at the last second. Grasping for power doesn't necessarily make us look less peace loving. It could also make us look scared. We died and we don't want it to happen again. That hardly makes us a warmonger.
If we chose to play Anhur and made reasonable choices, would we be powergaming?
>the two both eke out a living on the edges of the desert
I understand.
But Haveing our officers and general alone drink it would be to big a deal.
The faster we get rid of smaller problems to faster we can move on to the bigger problems.

We should soon muster us a few hundred men into the army and give them basic training.
double our men out trying to capture bandits. send a few with the merchants and increase the guards at bridgetown and a dozen or so at the other smaller towns.
nvm. Seek is the word...
Maybe I'm over valuing what we have versus having buffed officers/trainers sooner. Sure, I can see that.

What will we do with the rest of the wine though? Make a small super-elite company of soldiers?
Anhur is uniquely powerful, but incredibly isolated. From what I've seen so far, he seems to be the antithesis of your playstyle so far.

Eke: manage to support oneself or make a living with difficulty.
"they eked out their livelihoods from the soil"
We've 56.
Wouldn't hurt to give the general a double dose.
Also the blacksmith and all of his apprentices.
With the shipment of wine we could buy better ore, like what he wanted.
We need more blacksmith's we only have one good one. And a few apprentices.
I still say the merchants.
Once thats done, most of our produces people at the heads of things are set up to learn faster/be more effective.
I like that plan.
How many officers in our army?
General: 1
Librarian: 1
Black smith:1
Apprentices: 3?
Merchants: 3?With the daughter 4?
Don't know if people want to experiment with Kalat anymore.
Lets not overextend here. Do we know if they suffer withdrawal or if the effect fades over time and needs to be constantly reapplied. Until we can confirm both of those we need to keep the numbers manageable. Half a dozen people at a time seems the most I'd be comfortable with.
Well, we do have a test subject in Kalat, and so far with one barrel of wine the effects of it have lasted over a year and we haven't been told of any ill effects (barring the lack of sleep, which he seems to longer need)

Experimenting is good, though, and we should try it one or two more people to see if they receive much the same benefits as Kalat. If so, then widen the application of such use

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