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You have always wanted to be an emperor. That ambition has burned dimly in the past, tempered by reality. Now the opportunity to realise your ambition has arrived and you are determined not to let it slip. Now is the time to build your empire and become an emperor.

Last Thread: You are Imperator Talon York and you rule your own small empire, but you are not yet the emperor you dream of being… yet. Last thread you played as Tarfinn and located the Balkarin Place of Power.

Previous Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Aspiring%20Emperor%20Quest
Userscript for Suptg with quote previews/backlinks (not my work): https://greasyfork.org/scripts/2065-sup-tg-archive-quote-functions
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AspirationalQM
Master Pastebin (links to all pastebins for AEQ): http://pastebin.com/6Su7M3fh
GDocs Documents: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1Qxe-FljPXpMTNrOWltTXlBLTQ&usp=sharing
>Some Empire Sheet updates

>some housekeeping
1. Next thread at 5pm EST on the 2nd Jan.

Rolls are d20 and the best of the first three posters. I may sometimes ask for more dice to be rolled by each player, but same rules apply otherwise. Please quote the post you are voting for or rolling against. Note there are hard-to-replace points that can be used to offset failures in rolls. Please see the Rules and Mechanics, linked through the GDocs Folder above, for more info and detailed dice rules.

>Now, without further ado
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So now is the super exciting thread that I probably shouldn’t be running as sleep deprived as I am. The objective of this thread is to make all the decisions relating to empire management for the next few years in-quest. The following is the list of things I’ll cover, in the order I’ll cover them.

1. What to do next in-quest (e.g. Terrnaine)
2. Finalising negotiations with the dwarves
3. Medium-term objective (e.g. fight the Mage Guard or Darvui)
4. What to do regarding Darvui
5. Financial overview and region management (e.g. what to do regarding Shropham’s problems)
6. Construction projects
7. Military and foundry
8. Research

If there’s something else you want to cover, let me know.

Now, in regards to what to do next in-quest, the idea was to claim the PoP in Terrnaine. My only worry about this is whether people want to do the actual content involved rather than claiming the PoP. That is, do people want more action/adventure/worldbuilding threads after the last thread blew up or do they want to do the timeskip and get to the big picture army battles etc. Alternatively, I’d also like if people point out the things they didn’t like about the last two threads. One thing I’m considering is an extended arc with more interactivity in regards to where to go and what to do than just Terrnaine. SO yeah, discussion and vote.

>1. Do Terrnaine Forest next, claiming the PoP and doing some Finn stuff.
>2. Do the timeskip and get to the army battles and big picture stuff.

And no, I didn’t do anything more on the Taira FTB. Sorry. Also note that the numbers on the maps are slightly out-of-date. I didn’t want to update them, only to change them all again.
Will we have the opportunity to do something to make amends with Sylvia in this thread?
>>1. Do Terrnaine Forest next, claiming the PoP and doing some Finn stuff.
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Sure, I'll handle it after Darvui.
>1. Do Terrnaine Forest next, claiming the PoP and doing some Finn stuff.

Well OP I'm going to be leaving for work in an hour, but good luck with the thread, and I'll be keeping an eye on it on my breaks!

For everyone elese, here are some things to remember when making political decisions:
>Ask yourselves who this helps and who it hurts
>Long term benefits are almost always better than short term gains
>Be bold
>Crush your enemies
>Uplift the weak.
Whatever happens, SUPPORT HER. We're already walking a very, very fine line with her and if we don't, we'll get a very angry helldragon all up in our grill.
>>2. Do the timeskip and get to the army battles and big picture stuff.
I'll be seriously annoyed if we delay binding talon even more

Never ever want to skip content.
Feel free to post that thing I suggested via email. I'd do it myself, but I'm at work, on a phone.
Not to be rude but you might want to switch foundry and military with R&D, in case anons want to get a new template or get an upgrade to production speed.

Hey do you mind if we name/fluff our new Ranger Order that popped up in Vitria?
Have we had any diplomatic relationships with Asfael? They share our southern border, but I don't recall us having any dealings with them...
>That is, do people want more action/adventure/worldbuilding

I will be honest, I love the chracters and the interactions in this quest, at least as much as the wars and battles. I'm all for more action/adventure/Slice of life scenes/etc. There's something special about your character, and we just got a couple of new people in the party, so i'd like to explore them a bit before going to war.

>I’d also like if people point out the things they didn’t like about the last two threads.

I didn`t like Anon. Anon loses his cool under pressure and makes poor decisions, like the fake tsucchi incident.
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You mean the spellblades in the Guard thing?

That's a good point.

Knock yourself out.

Asfael hasn't made any external approaches, which makes sense given she's claiming to be a regent of the RSK (not a separate power).
Yup, that's the thing
>Alternatively, I’d also like if people point out the things they didn’t like about the last two threads.

I don't think anything in particular was about you. I enjoyed the last few threads, content wise at least. I didn't even mind getting hood winked by EWTC, I thought that was actually pretty cool.

More character development arcs are always approved by me. I'd like to go after Finn's past, all 4 of our elementals Undine specifically, some more Sarah time. It's just a matter of how you want to dedicate the time to them, or if you think we'll be interested or not. But really I just want to go dancing with Undine again.
I agree with your first point, but the second, well...
maybe it's because I lurked for some years, but I tend to forgive Anon for doing dumb things, because while we tend to agree on the bigger lines, we all seem to have different ideas on how to color inbetween.
On the other hand, there are many topics where I tend to take a backseat, like probably this thread. I won't most likely vote, for instance, because I know jack shit about economics or actual politics.
Maybe that's why Anon does dumb shit on occasion?
I dunno, I'm mostly just rambling.
Ya. Aspie said if we fuck up to bad with her we have the potential of not only burning the bridge but making her our enemy.

One way we could go about strengthening her in the Guard, is putting pressure on Irlin and the Traditionalists to separate themselves from the Extremists. It might create factionalism we could exploit.
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So we’ll do Terrnaine next. I’ll just play it by ear and hope it doesn’t blow up. Not much else I can do.


The dwarves want complete export and import tariff exemptions. They don’t care if anybody else gets them too. They also want the ability to setup a trading post in Vitria that will handle the import/export from the port and the canal. The company they’ll setup for this purpose will have a few dwarves running it (plus some dwarven security) but will mostly be local employees. After all, most dwarves don’t like living above ground.

In exchange, the dwarves are offering export and import tariff exemptions for goods you’re trading with them (basically, for all trade by TYE citizens and companies). They’ll also make two dwarven engineering teams available (each counts as two of your IEC teams) – you currently have 4 IEC teams plus Gnome and Laryya. They’re also willing to trade dwarven weapons and armour with you, if not the enchanted stuff, which is normally export-barred – the benefit of this is that you’ll get a slightly increased number of noble knights across your territory (due to cheaper high-quality armor and weapons to be enchanted) as well as the ability to hire HMAA equivalents for a nominal price (250 units for 10TBY, with a limit of 5000 units a year). HMKs will also halve in price due to access to a special catalyst.

>Acceptance? Counter-offers? Note that if you try to offer them less, they may offer less in return. Also note that the cost-reduction to HMKs will be reduced if they offer you anything less than full export tariff exemption.
By giving these tariff exceptions what will we lose, I see from your post what we stand to gain, but I am unsure on the cost

As far as I can see that's a pretty good deal. This is definitely a long term relationship, so counter offering right now seems silly, especially after the EWTC debacle.

Though... I do want a Rune-Smith.
>I didn`t like Anon. Anon loses his cool under pressure and makes poor decisions, like the fake tsucchi incident.

I agree. Too many silly arguments recently, getting mad over dumb stuff, and taking it out on Aspir.

We need to remember that this is a collective game, and we aren't all going to agree. Debating choices is fine, but things have been taking the vitriol route too quickly recently. And it's hurting the quest, especially since we went so long without it being a thing.
Not a big numbers guy but I think the biggest thing is the reduced cost of HMK's. The IEC team would also be a huge boon. Also I remember that tariffs would be paid in product not cash. In times of economic bust in Vitria this would be good as the dorfs inport alot of food. In times of economic boom it could be detrimental.
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I'll be honest, I stopped doing dedicated slice-of-life stuff because actual participation was terrible. I used to get plenty of interest in the post-thread content, even if I ran for hours (and I don't mean people saying 'I want it') but that turned into one or two votes at some point. Then there was a point where doing a promptless scene received like one post twenty minutes after I asked for input and I dozed off. I also need people to actually have specific things to discuss instead of 'this character' because sometimes it's hard - hell, I avoided Felix for so long because of this.

I'm happy to try more of that sort of thing, especially because it feels like lots of older characters have been ignored lately, but if it feels as dry and empty as before I won't spend the extra time on it. I'll probably give it a go next thread, given that will mostly be light content. Actual scene recommendations (like the guy wanting to go dancing with Undine) are a good thing.

You'll lose some amount of tariff revenue (it looks to be about 50TBY pa currently, but that will grow with your economy) and will annoy Vitrian nobles. Long-term, you should see an Order increase from the extra trade in provinces connecting the dwarves with Vitria. Naturally, the Order hit to Vitria will hurt its economic growth.
>make two dwarven engineering teams available (each counts as two of your IEC teams) – you currently have 4 IEC teams plus Gnome and Laryya.

Sold. There are so many things we can build. I want it all!
If I understand it correctly, we effectively lose out on the potential revenue of taxing any trading done by the dwarves using the canal we put stupid amounts of funds into.
Second, we set a precedent for doing so and others may demand similar rights and/or become unhappy with not having such rights.

I'm fine with the trading post, less so with the tariff exemptions. I'd be perfectly happy giving them HEAVY discounts, charging them something other than a percentage of product, or other similar measures. but I feel like letting them simply use the canal as much as they want for free sets a poor precedent.

Based on what we have heard about Dwarfs, they might take advantage of the 0% tax on import/export to undercut other groups over shared product lines...
which means less tax income from them...
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The canal isn't free - there's a volume-based fee that needs to be paid to use it. Otherwise it would be free to use it for trade between Darlesia and Vitria.

Keep in mind that the dwarves will need convincing or additional offers to offer you tariff exemptions if you don't offer the same.
Well, now we have Sylph, there should be a ton of possible scenes, with all the sisters together again. You could also do something with Mal wondering if this is what it's like to be Talon, with two girls wanting the D.
Probably more, but I'm relatively tired.
>Keep in mind that the dwarves will need convincing or additional offers to offer you tariff exemptions if you don't offer the same.

What do dwarves even want?

I mean we could offer to help them resettle Marnn if they're into it. But that seems pretty drastic just to avoid giving them full exemption.
So the Dwarves basic deal is products and tax exemptions in exchange for services. I cant see this working out to well for us because the cost of their services might vary wildly in the future. I think we should negotiate a deal involving them paying low tariffs, but not none.
In that case I'm a heck of a lot more comfortable with letting the deal stand as is.
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>1. Let deal stand as-is.
You'll immediately lose 80TBY pa from tariff decreases, a number which will grow over time (mind you, if you continue to lower or phase them out this won't matter). Of course, you'll also save 240TBY due to the catalyst discount. Vitria will take an Order hit. Plus, the other stuff in >>37068557
>2. Try to renegotiate for discounted tariffs but not exemptions.
Offering them Gnome's and Laryya's services for construction is probably the only way to keep the tariff exemption on their side, otherwise they'll only match your discounts.
>1. Let deal stand as-is.

Even though I don't like taking unnecessary Order hits.

Actually we'll need to come up with a way to immediately counter that. Vitria is going to become a bit of an issue soon if we keep these kinds of deals up.

That's rather sad. I'm rarely able to participate in your threads, due to timzeones, usually only the first part if I'm lucky...

Well, if you want scene suggestions, then how about, say, art moments wiht the elemental sisters? Be they dragging Talon to check stuff out or working on it themselves; Gnome ought to be a pretty good sculptor, no?

A vampire moment with Felix and Vampire Familiar I Forget The Name Always. We also haven't had a real talk with the foxes after the not!Tsucchi moment.
Would the order loss be mitigated by pairing pairing the announcement with a revised completion date for the canal and the announcement of extending it to shropham?
New idea. What about exemptions based on the product. Give tax exemptions to essentials like food, but keep taxes for luxuries. This should both make the dwarves reliant on our trade and keep many Vitrians happy

Maybe we could establish some kind Central Trading Forum in Viteria? Make it The place to go to make Trade deals perhaps?
Maybe subtly encourage the nobles to try and outdo each other in who has the best locations to conduct business, or who hosts the most important negotiations?
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This looks like a 1 as I'm not seeing much support for a revised deal.

The dwarves make their money on exporting luxuries and other manufactures, so they'd match you and you wouldn't get the full benefit. The dwarves basically want full exemptions because they plan to use Vitria as a trade hub and they'll retaliate in the deal if they don't get that.

Vitria already has a large Order increase (to 4) thanks to the canal work happening so fast, so no.

Isn't that basically the Commercia? Plus the fact that most of the noble houses already have private trading forums in order to avoid sales tax.
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You’ve agreed to the dwarven deal as stated in >>37068557.

Note that the EWTC stuff will be handled in-character due to what it involves.


There’s been a few people bashing out the future objectives that I’ve noticed. The main conflicting argument seems to be whether to take on the Mage Guard next or do something about the RSK issues. There’s also the question of timing – if you delay until midway through 1955PC (about 18 months or so after Shropham), there’ll be a world event that will distract you. If you’re doing something else at the time, I’ll probably just delay it.

The main problem with shifting to the RSK is that you already have tensions with the Guard. The League also might take a dim view of you working with the RSK, particularly given they’re pushing for a concrete treaty (not an alliance, but more cemented trade and peace terms). On the plus side, you might be able to use the various actors in the RSK (Fenix, Asfael and Darvui) to gain lots of territory relatively quickly, if you succeed. They’re all pretty tough to fight – Darvui is one of the most powerful mages alive, with a pet dragon and sizeable military; Fenix has a massive military and elite generals; Asfael has Falwick and his terrifying power and army.

Fighting the Guard involves politicking in the civil war and potentially fighting a massive army of 250k+ soldiers, with loads of mage-knights. On the plus side, there’s lots of territory available, lots of potential soldiers if you play your cards right, a silver helldragon who will serve you after the conquest and lots of kudos from Alyce if you destroy the Guard. There will be world-wide ramifications if you do so, however. The Guard were a powerful force and their disappearance will cause people, particularly the League, to act differently.

Also note that Raphael will start asking for soldiers within a few years. I’m also willing to allow an expedition to the Taurine Islands.

I've got piles of scene suggestions:

Ren scene where we walk in on him flirting a little heavy handedly with one of our aides before a meeting. Her retorting with, "Talon does it better."

Our older military guys like, Arail, Glynn, Phrace, Gareth, Cormman inviting Talon for a pint. Find out about their lives now, how they like it, where they want to go. Maybe a little part with Phrace and Talon discussing how many times Talon has tried to kill him.

Lynn training some Flyers and Knights that want to fly with little success, with Sala. Her attempt to give herself an auxiliary force that can keep up with her during battle. Talon offers pointers further encouraging leadership goals for herself and the further plans for the IOotG, gets coerced into flying with Sala, terrible things happen.

Aladria picking through Talon's library, finds some of the stuff he's written himself about wartime history, maybe his own autobiography. She teases him endlessly about it, then we get into some of her history with a story for a story.

Felix training with his two friends who are hopelessly out matched now. He challenges someone else maybe Finn, a group of IOotG knights, Phrace and some of his Elites with Rayza to a fight and then loses. Talon talks to him about his new powers, what his old friends think of it, if he feels more alienated now or less, encourages talk of holding to his ideals or making a new Knightly Order, etc.

Finn, Hartman, and Moss playing a game of HORSE and invite Talon along as well. Increasingly ridiculous shots from the towers of the Keep to the shooting range near the Order of the Silver Arrow's guildhall, from across courtyard hitting an apple suspended by the reflection pools fountains. Lots of banter, hearing about how the Ranger Orders are coming along, getting Finn's input on them and hearing about Elven archery perhaps finally putting to use his promise to teach Talon Elven techniques.
>I’m also willing to allow an expedition to the Taurine Islands.

How long would that last?
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It would initially be setting up a small colony and scouting out the place. No real costs beyond a ship or two plus some men, but you also wouldn't gain much beyond some reports and a foothold.

Thanks for the scene ideas. Many will play out a little differently but I can use many of the concepts.
I'd rather not an expedition to Taurine islands. It would just serve to distract us from what we need to do in Gauron.

Focus should be on the MG with intentions of undermining the Traditionalists, to garner support for Sylvian. If the Guard begin fighting a civil war it would be a great place for Talon to step in as Syl's ally. We would join her war with the intentions of creating stability in a part of the world that has ensured magical catastrophes havent been an issue.

For Asfael, I think we should invite her to a private meeting to find out her intentions and why she has joined Falwick/
> but you also wouldn't gain much beyond some reports and a foothold.

Well that sounds at least like something it'll be a fun little distraction at least. Would Talon and co get to go on safari?

Either way. I'm not really sure about mainland Gauron, I feel like we're in too deep with the Guard nonsense to abort at this point. And letting things continue to divide on the hard line would not only affect us adversely.

Honestly I wish we had just kept to working on the League exclusively. But we can't fix that now.
Got a few suggestions:
Drunk Alyce calling us after a particularly stressful meeting to vent.
Finn with all his girls in one room.

I feel we should leave the RSK relitively alone for the time being, though keep an eye on how their fracture works out. If they start an open Civil war, we might have an opportunity to absorb one side then take out the other two when they have exhausted themselves from the war...

The Mage Guard is going to be a lot trickier to handle due to their sheer numbers, though if we can get a physical split in their territory, we might be able to get away with getting Sylvian's faction into our empire along with some of their lands, otherwise we are going to have to muster a rather large defence force along the entire front...

With the Magi League, through subterfuge it might be possible to make all of Alyces opposition break away from the main faction then we take over before they can consolidate their hold until Alyce is unopposed, then we encourage her to bring the Magi League into our fold...

If we focus on the Magi League first, we might be able to use what we are doing there to affect the Mage Guard though tactical use of Sylvian's forces...
>2014-12-30 gdoc update
-on research, there are two "magic" categories, the second is clearly supposed to be labeled maloric
-didn't we get more machinists from the league? (machinist is still at 50 RU)
-can you remind me, did we get the shared research treaty with league for AA research?
-about the baseline column, why not use something like image where the baseline column is renamed upgrades and used as per the image to track upgrades?
-I had an idea, what if we have a mist bottle enchantment for our soldiers. Carried on a utility belt, it turns water into mist, and also repulses the mist so it spreads out from them. Either constantly at a slow rate or all at one when triggered. After all, our magitech units have vision enchantments in their helmets that sees through mist. For the AA in particular, this can augment their illusion cloaks in avoiding enemy sniping
-Can you describe the current composition of the AA baseline template? Is it just a magic bow and arrows? or does it also include some magical armor? does it come with strength boosting bracer? is the vision enhancement from goggles/amulet/helmet?
>If there’s something else you want to cover, let me know.
we were going to resolve the whole issue with the EWTC
>Feel free to post that thing I suggested via email
what is the email? I haven't seen it posted in recent threads
I think we should use my idea with the spellblades to increase Slyvian's hand, and prepare for things to come to open fighting.
Is there a chance to mitigate the amount of dealings with have with the Guard?

What if we openly created a NAP with Slyvian and her faction, and it lead to the territory she controls being a sub-state of the Empire. Then we just start to cut off resources from the remaining territories with embargoes (I assume this would be pretty easy to convince a few of the factions of), and slowly start to build relations with the League while giving what remains of the Guard just enough push to eventually lead an all out war on the Empire, that the League would help us with.
from me
>Does the reformist camp have any powerful mages? I was thinking that Sylvian might be able to tempt the reformists over to her side, and possibly split Irlin's coalition by suggesting that the Mage Guard set up a combat magister or spellblade (or other evocation using shock troops) program and putting a reformist mage in charge of training. The reformists would like it because they would see it as the first step in getting power back, and moving away from the mage Guard's anti mage roots (and eventually, towards less militarism), while the extremists would hate it for the same reason. The loyalists would either support it because Sylvian is in favor, or because it seems like a practical step. On the other hand the Tradisionalists would be divided, with those mostly disillusioned by Sylvian's failure to take out Ember would be in favor of it, while the hardliners and "warden strong" (spellblades would be competition) people opposed, and probably saying things that really piss of his mage support. Essentially, try to put Irlin in a position where he can't keep everyone in his party happy, and he has to chose between supporting his moderate and extremist wings.

>Your spellblade idea for the Guard is an interesting one, though combat magisters would be a step too far. It would more or less have the results you'd expect except not as open if Irlin and his supporters keep a lid on the discontent. It's the sort of situation where Irlin, who needs to guide a huge and disparate group, will attempt to choose the option that will lose him the least support (which would be supporting the spellblades, given his rhetoric on the military weakness of the Guard) while still attempting to attack Sylvian to keep the hardliners happy (because they'll hate his decision but like his attacking Sylvian). It won't single-handedly break the coalition but it will expose weaknesses.

>Note that the EWTC stuff will be handled in-character due to what it involves.
In the long term we will be far stronger due to getting involved into the guard though and we can't just like put our head in the sand.

Honestly I feel we should work mostly on the guard right now. The RSK is falling apart and a two front war would be god awful to get into.

Maybe offer to get a fast alliance with one of the factions for later. But no more then that.
>Like image
>Forgot to post image
here is image
>from me
Sorry, I meant what is the email address of aspirational.
I notice references to it and I think i saw it once, but i can't find it now.
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>-didn't we get more machinists from the league? (machinist is still at 50 RU)
Umm, you realise it was like 10 or 20 before? I completely revised all of that anyway.

>-can you remind me, did we get the shared research treaty with league for AA research?
You did, but they're still implementing them. They'll probably start R&D over the timeskip so it'll matter then, not now. Assuming they don't completely redesign it as Merce was hinting they wanted to.

>Can you describe the current composition of the AA baseline template?
Helmet with vision upgrades, lightly reinforced armour, the bow and the arrows.

The Guard are mostly self-sufficient, despite their lower agri yields. Tons of land with relatively fewer people (about 150k sqm with the same population as your empire at 110k sqm). It would also just trigger a civil war, as it's unlikely the traditionalists would let Sylvian split off with just Balkarin.

You could try cutting off diplomatic relations with the Guard but that would limit your ability to impact their politics directly.

That's after this, if people want to tango with the Guard.

>Note that the EWTC stuff will be handled in-character due to what it involves.

To be blunt, making the League fracture will make Alyce hate you if she knows you did it. That was why she was reacting the way she was at Shropham - she feels the League is going to break apart but still wants to keep it together for personal reasons. The factions within the League need to feel its safe to split (and thus not need miltiary aid) before they'll split on their own - hence why Albanon got cold feet.

[email protected]
That could be useful. What we mostly need is to split Irlin's powerbase without doing it in such a manner he can rally and get us attacked or the likes.
Remember that any civil war in the Guard would cause the Magi League to collapse within a few years. One of the only things keeping it together was the threat of their boarder enemies. With the RSK and Mage Guard fighting themselves, the eastern and southern towers will be reluctant to help the northern defend against Ember.
>The reformists would like it because they would see it as the first step in getting power back, and moving away from the mage Guard's anti mage roots (and eventually, towards less militarism)
Spellblades are extremely deadly soldiers, how is this demilitarizing?
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I believe he meant that the growing acceptance of magical soldiers like the spellblades would lead to less anti-mage sentiment, and therefore no reason for the Mage Guard to be as militant (because they don't need a huge army to beat up upstart mages).

Spellblades also tend to be attached to towers so this would also be a reform they'd like because it would vest power at a lower level than the state (like the nobles possessing their own private forces).
>Umm, you realise it was like 10 or 20 before? I completely revised all of that anyway.
It was? oh, I misremembered

>Assuming they don't completely redesign it as Merce was hinting they wanted to.
Would that mean it won't fall under the treaty?
Actually, the mobile siege template sounds a lot like ideas i had for pushing the AA further to the next step.

>Helmet with vision upgrades, lightly reinforced armour, the bow and the arrows.
Do they have a strength enchantment? If not, then a potential upgrade is strength boost on their armor and adjusting the bow to match
>You did, but they're still implementing them.

We did? I done forgot about this then.
There is always Talon at the gate. That and that would honestly be kind of a good thing as long as the fall is gradual. Due to being able to snap up the land as it happens.

>To be blunt, making the League fracture will make Alyce hate you if she knows you did it.

Yeah. I honestly don't think that is a good idea due to this. The league is falling apart as is no need to make it worse right now.
Because one of the main platforms of the Reformists is demilitarization. More political power means they are closer to that goal.
I see... now the question is, would sylvian be offended at the suggestion.
Why would she be?
>Remember that any civil war in the Guard would cause the Magi League to collapse within a few years. One of the only things keeping it together was the threat of their boarder enemies. With the RSK and Mage Guard fighting themselves, the eastern and southern towers will be reluctant to help the northern defend against Ember.
This actually works out in our favor. since it lets up pick up the pieces, piecemeal.
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>1. Concentrate on the Mage Guard for now.
>2. Focus on the Magi League, trying to cause them to fracture and let you conquer the breakaway territories. May piss off Alyce.
>3. Turn to the RSK, focusing on the factions there.

I forgot, too.

>Would that mean it won't fall under the treaty?
Yeah, but it would likely be an inferior template.

>Actually, the mobile siege template sounds a lot like ideas i had for pushing the AA further to the next step.
The main difference is that the use of a self-contained ballista means that you can wear heavy armour without restricting the ability to use the bow. That's the reason there's no more base upgrades to the AA - if they wear armour they'll become less effective as archers, unlike rangers who use magic to alleviate this problem.
>Why would she be?
because its supporting and empowering her political enemies. The reformists are not irlin, but they are still her political enemies.
>1. Concentrate on the Mage Guard for now.

Time to go balls deep on politics. Hoping we get to do some lighter stuff to break that up a bit.
>1. Concentrate on the Mage Guard for now.
>1. Concentrate on the Mage Guard for now.
because I don't want to piss off Alyce
>1. Concentrate on the Mage Guard for now.
>3. Turn to the RSK, focusing on the factions there.
>The main difference is that the use of a self-contained ballista means that you can wear heavy armour without restricting the ability to use the bow. That's the reason there's no more base upgrades to the AA - if they wear armour they'll become less effective as archers, unlike rangers who use magic to alleviate this problem.
isn't LMK / MMK armor laden with strength boosting enchantments? I would think an LMK would be even better with the bow thanks to that extra strength and mobility
The second sentence outlines how it would join the Reformists to her.
>>1. Concentrate on the Mage Guard for now.
Lets see if we can get another dragon.
>1. Concentrate on the Mage Guard for now.
I really would like to stir shit with the RSK... but this is probably for the better

Oh ha, I just had a dastardly idea
>Talon binds pop
>Figures out youth fountain thing
>Offers fenix eternal youth in exchange for fenix becoming talon's vassal.
that would be lulz.
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>1. Push towards the Mage Guard now.
This would involve getting deeply involved in Guard politics now and relying on success there to overcome the massive military advantage of Irlin's faction. If it fails you'll be hard pressed to fight them off.
>2. Work on the Guard slowly, playing politics all the while.
Spend the next 2-3 years building up, working on Guard politics until you're in a suitable position to fight them.

Note that the world event will occur while 2 is happening, but will be delayed if 1 is happening (unless you conquer them quickly).

Because the suit would restrict the ability to draw the longbow properly, whether it be the gauntlets or just the bulky suit preventing doing so fully. Keep in mind that all the MK suits, even the LMK, are pretty damned bulky so that they can squeeze the enchantments into the steel. They might not weigh much but the suits themselves are a problem.

Well, I suspect the next 4-5 threads will be downtime and Terrnaine.
>2. Work on the Guard slowly, playing politics all the while.

This would also let us have time for the Islands.
>The second sentence outlines how it would join the Reformists to her.
Which is nice politics, but she is a very personal person and those are people who have been openly opposing her for a while.
>2. Work on the Guard slowly, playing politics all the while.
1 I think. Though I do want to make some political moves to weaken him.

>Because the suit would restrict the ability to draw the longbow properly
I see. Is it possible to make an enchanted item providing strength boost that isn't armor? like, a belt?
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Not really, unless you want a belt made of solid steel that's as thick as your fist. Armour is used to provide this sort of enchantment simply because it involves a ton of metal which is suitable for holding the magic - little else is.

Anon the enchantments are already in the bow and arrows themselves, easier to draw, more distance and providing some extra omph to the shot, while the arrows are the ones with the magical penetrative enchants.

Any extra strength is just going to lead to a slightly more distance, and is unlikely to put them over the edge enough to outright penetrate HMK/NKs suits.
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>1 & 2

So you’ll concentrate on the Guard over the next few years.


This is where you propose any ideas to make Sylvian happy, if you want to. She’s noticeably upset with Talon, to the point where she avoided him even after he arrived in Balkarin. Making her personally happier will make it easier to work with her and especially so in regards to making cute between her and Alyce. Your ability to ‘mould’ Sylvian into a more suitable cabinet member will also depend on her opinion of you.

Also, in regards to Guard politics, there’s the idea at >>37070284 of having Sylvian propose spellblades to address the recent military deficit. Read the linked post for the specific details. Sylvian personally likes the idea, even if she doesn’t give a toss about the Reformists. She just likes the fact that it both salvages her reputation a bit and puts Irlin in a hard place in regards to his own faction. Do note that this will likely mean that the Guard will have a small number of spellblades later, though many may end up on your side of the civil war. Feel free to propose any new ideas to implement on the Guard over the next few years.

what is the world event again?
>Because the suit would restrict the ability to draw the longbow properly, whether it be the gauntlets or just the bulky suit preventing doing so fully. Keep in mind that all the MK suits, even the LMK, are pretty damned bulky so that they can squeeze the enchantments into the steel. They might not weigh much but the suits themselves are a problem.
I feel compelled to point out that Talon's armor is described as nearly as bulky as HMK gear, and he seems able to draw a bow.
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so, like that chest thing he-man wears?
>Any extra strength is just going to lead to a slightly more distance, and is unlikely to put them over the edge enough to outright penetrate HMK/NKs suits.
extra strength would allow the bow to be adjusted for overall more speed, power, penetration, etc.
I suppose Sylvian could steal our Siege archer idea, she probably needs it more than we do because god-knights
>I suppose Sylvian could steal our Siege archer idea, she probably needs it more than we do because god-knights
I don't quite understand what you mean here
It can also change its shape and form to properly fit us.
She's currently at war with ember and lacks the ranged punch to threaten his forces.
>Also, in regards to Guard politics, there’s the idea at >>37070284 of having Sylvian propose spellblades to address the recent military deficit. Read the linked post for the specific details. Sylvian personally likes the idea, even if she doesn’t give a toss about the Reformists. She just likes the fact that it both salvages her reputation a bit and puts Irlin in a hard place in regards to his own faction. Do note that this will likely mean that the Guard will have a small number of spellblades later, though many may end up on your side of the civil war
Sounds good to me.

>Feel free to propose any new ideas to implement on the Guard over the next few years.
What if sylvian "arranges" a beneficial trade deal between TYE and the guard.
>She's currently at war with ember and lacks the ranged punch to threaten his forces.
I thought there is a stalement there. Also, this isn't what I meant
what do you mean by "let her steal the idea"
She proposes it as a new template to the guard to supplement their ranged forces

Send her the biggest fruit basket ever. Filled with the heads of her enemies.

On a serious note, would she appreciate Talon doing the humble pie thing again and asking her about some stuff related to the Empire? Particularly the EWTC deal? Maybe more Foxy dealings, or just something related to the nature of the Empire that Talon might not know enough to figure out entirely on his own.
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The power of being a PC, just like the fact he's able to draw a bow (even a reinforced one) without it snapping like a twig despite having strength 7. That and the armor practically moulds itself to Talon's body and is articulated in a way that IRL plate armour never was. Talon has much greater range of motion than MKs - that's why you dropped a small mint on similar versions for Lynn and Finn.

>What if sylvian "arranges" a beneficial trade deal between TYE and the guard.
For her to win any kudos it would need to have some sort of military nature. There's political benefit to lowering tariffs etc but that won't impact the civil war.
I think I remember Aspirational telling us that the SA's would not be able to counter GKs directly. Because that had come up in the initial concept phase.
There is the idea of giving Syl the AA template, however I could see Alyce reacting poorly.
>She proposes it as a new template to the guard to supplement their ranged forces
A template is more than an idea. There is advanced research involved, and if I am not mistaken a lot of it is based on principles others were unable to replicate that we figured out with the AA (and are now applying to a new design).
Also, it would really hurt us with the upcoming war with them. and she can just have her followers build those rather then proposing it to the guard as a whole. Or better yet, we can build those and trade them to her, thus boosting her military forces, as well as her position in the guard, and not giving out the secrets of its working.

Invite her to a demonstration of some of our more ambitious military projects, perhaps a tour of Harrowmont?

Perhaps suggesting some form of 'War games' between her forces and ours? maybe joint operation manoeuvres? get our forces used to working with each other...
Letting the mage guard have better range capabilities will make it extremely hard for us to fight their armies. Right now we only have that range advantage. Losing that could be fatal.
>For her to win any kudos it would need to have some sort of military nature. There's political benefit to lowering tariffs etc but that won't impact the civil war.
Well, we have the ability to buy HMAA gear up to a certain limit for a very low price, and no restriction on resale. We could make a small profit, and improve her position.
>For her to win any kudos it would need to have some sort of military nature. There's political benefit to lowering tariffs etc but that won't impact the civil war.
well, in that case there is >>37071409 idea of selling her faction specifically gear.

Or... are they still actively fighting lord ember and his god knights? securing talon's assistance on that could be something that she "brings to the table" so to speak. It would mean deploying through the guard to fight some god knights though. which will be pretty tough
>Well, we have the ability to buy HMAA gear up to a certain limit for a very low price, and no restriction on resale. We could make a small profit, and improve her position.
Is there really no restriction on resale? And, HMAA is not that impressive. Now, knight gear is better.
Yeah... I'm not willing to give up a template just to appease her a little. It has too many widespread ramifications, even if we give it to her specifically the other factions will politic their way to it, or outright steal it and then we suddenly lose our ranged advantage.

Not a fan.
Yeah, f we could help her in a push on Ember in some way it would show her military power.
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I'm not seeing any real opposition to the spellblade idea. Not sure whether anybody wants to give her the AA template or the Siege Archer idea. The latter will be a pain because the League might just steal it - they don't respect Guard intellectual property.

>1. Give Syl the AA template.
>2. Give Syl the Siege Archer idea.
>3. Resell HMAA equipment to Sylvian
>4. Custom

All military deals will come with a relationship impact with the League and Alyce for obvious reasons. You can attempt to mitigate this with diplomacy.

THe former would probably lure her into Talon's bed immediately. The latter will probably make her less pouty - I'll try to remember to do a scene on it.

Taking her around Harrowmont could work, though she'd detect the Source instantly if she doesn't already know about it.

The latter could turn ugly quickly, particularly if Irlin's faction is denied the same thing. It would be playing your hand pretty openly.

They're not actively fighting Ember.

You could. Keep in mind that any military deals with Sylvian would require you to assuage League fears. Especially because the Guard would probably just start mass-enchanting the dwarven equipment, creating a bunch of HMK equivalents.
>And, HMAA is not that impressive
Yeah, but its cheap. I do want to take advantage of it to strengthen our cities garrison.
Eh, they can't all be winners.
How faithful is our friend in the extremist side to their anti-mage policy?
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Harry has probably jumped ship to the Loyalist faction by now, simply because he couldn't take the heat.
>4. Custom
No to military deals at the moment.

>THe former would probably lure her into Talon's bed immediately.
mmm, doing some covert operations inside the guard to assassinate her enemies without a trace? they already are having fighting in the streets.
If we are found out it would mean open war sooner then we want. But if we are not found out we can both weaken her opposition and make her happy.
>3. Resell HMAA equipment to Sylvian
Do not give the templates out. It threatens the only advantage over the mage guard we have. It would be better to just sell them the AA equipment if you want to boost her.
>4. Custom

None. Doesn't stand to gain us anything other then coin and a stronger enemy.
>Taking her around Harrowmont could work, though she'd detect the Source instantly if she doesn't already know about it.
We could "trust" her with the fact we have the source without the open show of giving her a tour of harrowmont.
You forgot a don't do any of that vote. Although I could be in favor of helping her set up a (loyalist) Ranger order.
I wouldn’t want to risk it with our history of rolls. One critical failure would expose everything. Also I doubt her enemies are that easy to kill.
>You could. Keep in mind that any military deals with Sylvian would require you to assuage League fears. Especially because the Guard would probably just start mass-enchanting the dwarven equipment, creating a bunch of HMK equivalents.
huh, i guess that HMAA gear is impressive after all.
>Although I could be in favor of helping her set up a (loyalist) Ranger order.

That's not a half bad idea actually. We might need to give up a few of our guys though to get it started. And since the talent pool isn't widespread enough any Orders that the other factions set up would pale in comparison and likely wouldn't cause us too much damage.
>I wouldn’t want to risk it with our history of rolls. One critical failure would expose everything. Also I doubt her enemies are that easy to kill.
I meant talon himself doing covert operations in the guard.
A crit failure can be mitigated by a mass expenditure of astral power (FR points)
Is ours established enough to lose some guys already?
On the resale of HMAA to sylvian, she will make it into HMK for her own faction. And it will stay in her faction, yes? It won't be a deal with the guard as a whole?
I hope you aren't serious.
It wouldn't be helping her much militarily if the opposing factions got access to it.
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Well, regular HMAA gear can't be used for that. it's just that the dwarves are selling you normal equipment that is so good is counts as HMAA and can be enchanted to serve as HMK armour. Except it's cheaper to just make HMK suits if you have the template (the Guard don't).

She can't really guarantee that - she can ensure that most of the armour stays within her faction but not all of it.

I did, and it seems to be the most popular option. I'm gonig to go ahead and do the spellblades but no military trade option.

Darvui is up next, should be relatively quick (I hope).
Given Sylvias emphasis on personal stuff we should make a personal gesture.
Look into her past, find something she finds regrettable, and use our power and influence to turn it into something good.
Most of the stuff she regrets in her past happened hundreds of years ago.

We'll punch that skeleton good. Show it to mouth off to a god damn heldragon 400 years ago.
>She can't really guarantee that - she can ensure that most of the armour stays within her faction but not all of it.
I am ok with that actually... still worried about the implications with the league.

Wait, what if we talk to alyce about this possibility ahead of time and try to sell her on the idea before we even go for it?
The justification is pretty straight forward
>Guard is poised for civil war
>Biggest, strongest faction is hardliner anti mages
>We want to shore up a more open minded faction via limited military trade
>Can we do this without freaking out the league too bad?
This is why she would jump into our bed if we present her a gift basket with the heads of her enemies.
I guess we COULD spy on her enemies looking for either misconduct to ruin them socially/politically. or an opportunity for assassination
>caught this alive
Yep, I'm up way too late.
I'm an archive reader, just wanted to say Aspir, don't get too down, your writing gets worse when you're in a bad mood and you're in a bad mood when you write worse.
It's a vicious cycle so don't get caught in it, will ya.

This is one of my favourites, keep up the good work.

Also since I can't post this properly when the military research discussion should be running:
How is MMK weaponry handled? Does every knight have a standardized weapon set [sword + magical-bolt-thing+shield] with shieldwall formations being the standard?
As you said I think the fighting is nowadays very standardized and is mostly about hurling more [preferably higher quality] things at the enemy, and our innovations would help immensely.
Guys with specific weaponry like Knight orders are mostly handled narratively from what I gather.

How about mixing it up?
Pair fighting was a very effective method of taking apart formations and transforming battles into melee where such tactics shine - especially with our AAs providing a good tool for breaking formations.
By pair fighting I mean the mixed companies where guys would fight in pairs - one guy had a hooked spear, or a halberd and would trip up/pull down opponents/shields and the other guy would then decapitate/maim the disabled opponents with an axe/sword or w/e.

So I propose MMK companies with mixed weaponry, specializing in maiming enemy formations in conjunction with previous AA barrages.
They need special training to work in pairs of course.
A good example of this kind of fighting was in the Stormlight Archives series.

Also man-scorpion armor is the best thing ever, we have to make it work. There's basically no mass-produces anti-HMK with broad usage.
I imagine LMK fucks up anything but the anything has to be unprepared. Man-scorpions would just not give a fuck.

Also how do you imagine man-scorpions? Separate units like HMK companies? Where would they be on the battlefield then?
I rather imagine them as a general addition to MMK/HMK's in like a ratio of 1 to 100 regular soldiers. They'd be behind/among the regular shield formations and break up enemy formations and fire into pockets.
Their barriers will have to be strong because they will obviously draw lots of fire.
They should also be able taller than normal armored guys to be able to fire OVER our formations.
That would imply a shoulder mount, not an arm mount like the one in the picture.
The main excuse we could use other than profit is that its a token of goodwill for the help at Shropham and the ongoing fight against the Lord of Embers.
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>Spellblade offer and no military deal

Sylvian plans to propose the spellblade idea to the Guard, destabilising them. You’re unwilling to offer military aid to the Mage Guard, given you’re going to fight them shortly.


An embassy from the federation of cities that Darvui pseudo-controls wanted you to trade with them through the weakened land route through Gespad. This will obviously upset the RSK.

>1. Trade with Darvui’s faction.
You’ll make about 300TBY per year from doing this for as long as you trade with them (though the amount may grow over time, especially if you were to conquer Gespad). This may also give you the opportunity to speak with Grand Magister Darvui himself. Relations with the RSK won’t rise above cordial while this is happening, however.
>2. Don’t trade with Darvui’s faction.
You’ll still be able to work with Fenix in the long-run and open a trade deal with him by sea. You may also be able to slowly win over Gespad, given the threats from Darvui and Asfael – they won’t take you seriously if you side with Darvui but Fenix will play along if you join his embargo.
>3. custom
>>2. Don’t trade with Darvui’s faction.
>You may also be able to slowly win over Gespad
I thought they are part of the RSK
>2. Don’t trade with Darvui’s faction.

Only because of the slow build to taking Gespad which would only aid in our taking over the east coast.
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They are, hence why you need Fenix to help you convince them to join you and not him.

Also, I might up the 300TBY per year to 600TBY per year. You're their only trade partner after all.
>2. Don’t trade with Darvui’s faction.
Might as well keep up the embargo if Fenix is not going to actively war against them.
... oh god, i just had a nasty idea
>Pretend alliance with darvui
>Bind pop to talon
>Get darvui to visit in harrowmont
>Take him out with source cheatery
Of course, that would sour rep...
I am genuinely curious to know if he is really insane as his policies and fenix's claim make him out to be.

just to be clear, the trade with them is not anything military? only civilian stuff?
Oh my...
I just might reconsider.

Nah, still 2.
Fenix is an actual established ruler we know.
Darvui is a cat in a bag.
Would making a stockpile of AA gear for Sylvian to give to her faction be helpful for the civil war?
>Would making a stockpile of AA gear for Sylvian to give to her faction be helpful for the civil war?
You mean not giving it out, but having it ready to give out once fighting breaks?
Probably not. I mean, her forces wouldn't be trained in it initially, and we could use that gear to equip our own people.
>2. Don’t trade with Darvui’s faction.
The way darvui is handling his domain leads me to suspect he is as nuts as RSK says he is.
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Shieldwall formations are only standard against range. The probably with formation fighting ideas is that unless it's something strategic, it's probably too low-level to have an impact on the scale of the battles (e.g. is it something that will make MMKs as good as HMKs? If not, then it won't have any impact at all at the level of the calculations). This is why unit types and strategy matter, because the battles tend to be more narrative in nature with high-level number crunching. I might use pair-fighting in a scene (narratively) where MAA fight MMK, simply because it's one of the only ways for MAA to fight them.

They'll be siege archers. Not excessively long range, but with high penetration, damage and accuracy. Plus a decent rate of fire and heavy armour that prevents them from getting taken out easily (basically, HMKs with semi-automatic ballistas). Also, they can fire in a parabolic arc for range and to shoot over soldier's heads.
Can we try to arrange a meeting between talon and darvui in a neutral area? I really would like to get a measure of the man and speak to him before agreeing to work with him.
I know this post is late but I'm posting from a cellphone at work.

I mean more like a memorial to someone she loved who died tragically, or recovering and restoring something she treasured but lost centuries ago. Something sentimental and intensely personal like that.
>I mean more like a memorial to someone she loved who died tragically
wouldn't she have done such a thing already? also its obvious sucking up and looks in bad taste.

>or recovering and restoring something she treasured but lost centuries ago
But what though, we don't know her well enough to find such a thing.
A draconic item of power might count I suppose. They were the most powerful non-divine race, so I'm sure they made one or two over the years.
>THe former would probably lure her into Talon's bed immediately.

I-I'm so sorry Larios! The helldragon waifu wills it.
>2. Don’t trade with Darvui’s faction.
yeah like setting a faction of what we produce monthly and either just stock it till the war breaks out or evening giving it the her as soon as we get it because as this guy >>37072323 points out they won't be trained in it
>Asfael hasn't made any external approaches, which makes sense given she's claiming to be a regent of the RSK (not a separate power).
So basically, she's claiming to be kinda like Sarah. (it would be funny if she called herself an archduchess.)
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Nobody wants to trade with Darvui. Poor guy. That means no embassy or relations. King Fenix is happy, however.


So the big new addition is actual growth, albeit in a way that intentionally only has an effect over decades. The structure of the provinces is already very broad, and this is simply an endogenous way to model changes.

To quickly explain the relationship between the economy and taxes, most of your income comes from agriculture (about 80%, excluding licenses). About 15% comes from the cities and the rest from towns. Licenses are weird and can really just be considered a big bonus from new conquests now due to the way they work. What determines your tax intake is the Control of a province, with each point of control increasing the tax take by 25%. Growth rates are largely determined by Order. This means that Control in provinces is important for immediate income and Order is important for long-term income.

Order and Control in cities is important because they provide about 75% of your non-agricultural tax income despite only taking up 25% of your provinces – cities also have relatively high growth rates, due to high economic growth. With that said, Order and Control are important elsewhere due to the impact of agriculture on your tax intake. Rural areas tend to grow very slowly, however. Their income is also dependent mostly on population, unlike cities. Also, provinces with features like fish, coffee etc are really important because they tend to have high incomes relative to other provinces.

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Right now most of your provinces are doing okay, with middling Control and Order. A few provinces with large militaries have Control 4 and a few happy provinces like Harrowmont have Order 4. Farun is still mostly Order/Control 2 due to the relatively recent conquest.

The big problem is Shropham – you wrapped up the conquest before planting season could really get going, so there was no interruption beyond the manpower deployed having to be dismissed and the change of power. With that said, the city is still in turmoil due to the damage it took, along with the provinces the Guard walked through. You’re faced with the choice of trying to put enough troops in place to collect the taxes at the expense of Order or exempting those provinces from taxation so that they might recover faster. Exempting them from taxation will cost you about 600TBY in revenue this year, however. Not doing so may lead to riots and other problems.

Your current financial situation is that you’ll end the 1953-54 financial year with about 2200TBY, or 2800TBY if you tax those few Shropham provinces. Annual profit for the following FY will be another 2200TBY with no new expenses (beyond annual foundry output).

>1. Tax those three Shropham provinces, trading Order for Control (and money)
>2. Don’t tax those three Shropham provinces, giving up 600TBY for higher Order and no chance of riots.
>3. Custom
>Asfael hasn't made any external approaches, which makes sense given she's claiming to be a regent of the RSK (not a separate power).

You know I kind of wonder about the logic here. She may claim that but everyone knows it's bullshit.
>2. Don’t tax those three Shropham provinces, giving up 600TBY for higher Order and no chance of riots.
oh hey, this reminds me

>The root cause of the commune
Interesting unintended consequence. We have created a class of both nobles and merchants who get a permanent annuity from the empire forever, for having had land which we conquered.
I came up with a solution to fix this in the long term.
1. We make this annuity tradable. People can freely sell their "shares" in it between each other. This means a person who is stupid with his property can lose it and his authority
2. We create a voluntary buyback program where the government can buy those shares people own. we only buy, not sell, and we price them at a semi generous (say, 10% more than similarly returning commercial investments). Eventually most of those will disappear over many years as people liquidate theirs for more profitable investment (that is, if they sell shares giving 1000 coin per year to us, the cash they get allows them to invest in stuff giving 1100 coin per year.) Not everyone will sell of course, some liking the security. And some will buy it from each other for more than its "worth", again, for the security. But over time we will get those back and stop funneling taxes into private hands.
>2. Don’t tax those three Shropham provinces, giving up 600TBY for higher Order and no chance of riots.
>2. Don’t tax those three Shropham provinces, giving up 600TBY for higher Order and no chance of riots.
>About 15% comes from the cities and the rest from towns
we are way under taxing cities.
I think we should slowly start taxing them. a little bit at first. increasing 1% every 10 years. maybe doing fluctuations where tax goes down some years and up other years to get people used to the idea.
Because damn 85% of tax from farmers and 15% from city folk is ridiculous disparity
>2. Don’t tax those three Shropham provinces, giving up 600TBY for higher Order and no chance of riots.
>2. Don’t tax those three Shropham provinces, giving up 600TBY for higher Order and no chance of riots.
>2. Don’t tax those three Shropham provinces, giving up 600TBY for higher Order and no chance of riots.
>>2. Don’t tax those three Shropham provinces, giving up 600TBY for higher Order and no chance of riots.
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Wow, so this means that people have given up 1800TBY in total over the two FYs before the end of the timeskip. Nobody can complain about not having enough money.

That was the next thing, tax reform. Right now sales tax and property taxes are a bit of a joke.
>Wow, so this means that people have given up 1800TBY in total over the two FYs
wait what?
I thought you said it was 600 TBY. did you mean 600 TBY per province?
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600TBY per year from Darvui (1200TBY) and now 600TBY for the first FY from the Shropham provinces.
the vote said it was 300 TBY / year for darvui...
you said you MIGHT up it to 600, after most people had already voted.
I'm not worried. Where we are going we don't need money anymore.

It's all a part of our master plan to go into massive debt to the Vitrian's thus making them happy again.
>3. Custom
what if we did light taxation instead of none, as well as putting some of it back into "disaster relief" to those who can show having suffered direct damage and doing direct rebuilding where we can with our engineer core?
I disagree with the Darvui choice, but this is good for the long term.
>600TBY per year from Darvui (1200TBY)
for a chance as gespad, not pissing off RSK, and likely chance of trade deals with RSK (which should bring us some money back... even if its not as much as durvui would have)
You know, in retrospect we seem to be missing an opportunity to trade with everyone for war profiteering. we could have traded with darvui AND with sylvian and dwarves and league... if we could have wrangled a trade deal with RSK too would have done super trading achievement, getting mountains of cash
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No, I said it would be 600TBY then waited 25 minutes to let people change votes. Nobody did.


You exempt those three Shropham provinces from tax for the first year of control.


Okay, so, I made a slight boo-boo with my earlier calculations. For some reason I hadn’t included the canal labourer team’s cost. Luckily, some fudging of the soldier costs (like garrison soldiers that weren’t being paid by your for half the year), it still comes out with an end of FY treasury of 2200TBY.

Rolling over for the new financial year and correcting the damned licenses, you will have 3650TBY at the end of the 1954-55 FY. The canal and Harrowmont expansion will have been completed. In other words, you have 3650TBY to spend.


All of this should make it clear that the urbanised population pays similar tax to the rural population despite being much wealthier. This is mostly because property taxes are low and sales taxes only apply in very specific circumstances. Most of your taxes on the cities come from tariffs and trade licenses. Changing this will take time.

The introduction of the canal is probably the best time to revamp property taxes across the empire if you want to. The massive increase in value in the cities will result in enormous amounts of wealth flowing into their pockets, despite the fact you own the canal and they must pay a fee. Whilst the canal license will be a sizeable chunk of income, it might help to start raising property taxes. Alternative are to start making sales taxes more expansive in application. Note that rapid changes in taxes will lower Order in cities and Order won’t really rise in them even with slow changes in tax.

>Any discussion on tax reform?
>No, I said it would be 600TBY
looking back at >>37072114
>Also, I might up the 300TBY per year to 600TBY per year. You're their only trade partner after all.
>The canal and Harrowmont expansion will have been completed
can we look into expanding the canal now?
I suggest at least a property and additional corporate tax for those living within a certain distance from the canal.
First off, no inheritance tax. The nobility would correctly see it as a mortal threat to their reign, so unless everyone wants to see the knights and mages tell us to fuck off, we're not changing that ever.
An increase in sales taxes seems in order.
>Note that rapid changes in taxes will lower Order in cities
A small-medium raise now with the canal, followed by slow increase over a period of some years?

>Order won’t really rise in them even with slow changes in tax.
What do you mean by this?
>So the big new addition is actual growth, albeit in a way that intentionally only has an effect over decades.
And you just crushed my dream of making Vitria the 5th metropolis of Gauron.
I am thinking we raise both sales AND land taxes. but slowly.
>corporate tax
do they even have corporations? They seem to have merchant families, sounds like personal ownership rather then corporations.
We should create a dedicated organization to handle the tax reform and any issues that may occur. They should also be responsible for auditing with leniency for the first few years.
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As said in the opening update, construction will be handled later.

Basically, whilever you are changing taxes Order won't rise in cities.

>corporate tax
There's no equivalent to this currently. Do you mean a tax specifically for companies only (e.g. what the dwarves and EWTC set-up - relatively rare structures); a tax for all large business-like set-ups (e.g. the noble houses of Vitria) which would catch pretty much all nobles; or a tax that catches everything that would be considered a business in modern times (e.g. all the blacksmiths, family-run stalls etc)?

Basically, income tax isn't a thing and neither is company tax.

The huge metropolises don't form naturally. If you want to make Vitria into a metropolis you would need to spend a lot of money and effort in doing so. Kind of like how money spent on expanding Harrowmont expands it rapidly.

I believe that while we are raising taxes, the level of Order will not rise. so we won't benefit from the bonuses higher order levels can bring until we stop raising the tax levels. even then it will take many years for the levels to rise naturally...

On the other hand, if we raise taxes slowly, If we ever need to massively boost the Order in our territories for any reason, we can simply cut the taxes...

so, what are we looking at tax wise? 10%-15% VAT?
>Basically, whilever you are changing taxes Order won't rise in cities.
So, you are saying that if we raise taxes and then leave them constant, order will start rising, but if we slowly raise it order will remain constant at whatever it is now (presumably low?)
>Corporate tax
A catch all for every kind of business.
if that is the case, it sounds like its best to handle it in jumps.
set taxes to 10-ish % now, take the order hit. over a few years order will recover. Then, say, 10 years from now we can raise it to 15-ish%

Overall our order seems to be pretty poor. Many 2-3s, a few rare 1s and 4s.
If you ask me I say we expand Sales Taxes slowly over time.
Three isn't too bad. It's mostly the twos we need to bring up since having moderate order is always good.
Can we get some input from advisers/cabinet on this. This is pretty major change and we got limited understanding on the impact considering its fantasy economics
>The huge metropolises don't form naturally. If you want to make Vitria into a metropolis you would need to spend a lot of money and effort in doing so. Kind of like how money spent on expanding Harrowmont expands it rapidly.
Fair. Would a combination of the canal, fox migration, and us making Vitria our primary fleet base (which will probably grow quite large post MG) boost it considerably?
>Three isn't too bad.
its on a 0 to 5 scale.
1 = 20%
2 = 40%
3 = 60%
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Anyway, looks like an expansion of sales tax and increasing land taxes for now. In the end, the specifics end up being smashed into one weird number that applies to the entire tradeable economy (which is more or less equal to GVA).

Basically, while there are corporations (e.g. mage towers, the EWTC), most shops and operations we would consider a business are not actually incorporated. Everything is typically family or sovereign owned or controlled.

3 is a normal number. It takes a fair bit of effort to raise Order or Control to 4. Note that they can drop to 0, which is pretty catastrophic.

That would just be time-consuming.

The main things to keep in mind is that most blacksmiths, merchants etc don't keep records. That's why there's no income tax. Property tax is low due to difficulty calculating values of land. Sales tax only applies in public markets, not private ones or private sales. Tariffs are really the only reliable source of income.
The difference between 40 to 60 is pretty huge. but 3/5 is a good minimal for order due to getting more then you lose. Higher is good but two/one feels worse.
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Now for that thing I’ve been putting off for ages. Research is kind of done. Note that all magitech research will be backdated in such a way that you’ll get two years of research by the end of the timeskip (e.g. 730 days). There’s a big Research tab at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ivILcp5fUKCXV6SpWD0HTxLUWpTX6rMowFpXM7zJdos/edit?usp=sharing that is useful. I’m not going to be able to easily reproduce everything in the thread, sadly.


Because everybody and their dog has ideas for what to work on in the magical domain, the only research project I have here is a locked one that is dependent on one of Mal’s research path (more on them later). Basically, let me know the sorts of things you want to research for magic – this can include programs such as implementing battlemage towers or spellblade academies. It could also cover stuff like trying to spread more mages in agricultural areas. I’ll try to cost their research time as people suggest viable projects.

>Basically, recommend magical research projects.


Mal understand his crystal now, which is great. The problem is they’re still crazy volatile and nigh useless by themselves. Oh, and they’re dangerous to be around unexposed for extended lengths of time. He’s put a lot of effort and development into this, so nobody else can easily reproduce his work. He’s left with two paths to follow, each of which will demand his attention for a few years (probably longer as he runs off to help you blow stuff up).

The pic attached contains the two choices. They are essentially a choice between patterns and better magitech factories or more elite units and better enchantment. Naturally, picking the former will begin to specialise Mal towards his summoner side and the latter towards his enchantment side.

>Discussion before I call a vote
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Also, the two big unlocks mentioned are greatly increased magitech factories, putting you a mile ahead of every other nation. The other is the blood substitute for vampires, enabling you to safely mass produce them.
Magic Battery
I say we get patterns here. Everyone has enchantment in some capacity but patterns are something they lack.

As we get more mages as well we can probably get some basic enchanters to work on that. So I say we should specialize in the use that is rarely used for surprise and it's unique advantages.
defiantly battery
>The pic attached contains the two choices. They are essentially a choice between patterns and better magitech factories or more elite units and better enchantment. Naturally, picking the former will begin to specialise Mal towards his summoner side and the latter towards his enchantment side.
Is there any chance that, in a few years once he finishes one of them, he can work on the other?

IIRC there was mention of using a "fake" generator in harrowmont only using the source once talon binds a pop. This would allow us to get those generator benefits without it, but limited to only the harrowmont factories. incidentally you also said we would require special research to adapt a magitech factory to the source so it doesn't explode. so there is that.
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>Is there any chance that, in a few years once he finishes one of them, he can work on the other?
He could, but he'll also unlock more advanced research when he finishes one. Once he unlocks pattern research he'll be able to start work on crazy pattern stuff, like usable Corrfax's or griffins. The alternative research path might not look as enticing at that point.
I would like to do the military academy thing in harrowmont.

Basically, a military academy teaching knights, spellblades, battlemages, and tactics (for command positions). Maybe even administration classes and infiltration too. We want them to rub shoulders there and socialize.
The key is that its meant to train people whose loyalty is first to talon, not to a mage tower. Unlike a tower that is limited to about 100 individuals, this would be expected to train a LOT more than that.
in that its for training people who are enlisted in the army only. Furthermore, we arrange for testings for magical talent throughout the empire and those that test well we try to recruit with generous offers financially to get them to come to the academy and become imperial battle mages.
Magic ideas:
Blood substitute. Could we use source abuse to get around the requirements? You said that they need blood for the small amounts of astral energy, and binding the source gives us ludicrous control over massive quantities of astral energy.
Spellblade academy, battlemage tower, daywalker knight program, Dragon sorcery collage.
>He could, but he'll also unlock more advanced research when he finishes one. Once he unlocks pattern research he'll be able to start work on crazy pattern stuff, like usable Corrfax's or griffins. The alternative research path might not look as enticing at that point.
I am mainly asking because I REALLY want to get that blood substitute thing solved. But I prefer the patterns research. Then again, we do have a solid blood bank thing going on. So as you said its really a matter of how many vampires we can support.
I would say patterns. It is Maloric's mage focus and being to create patterns would be a great tradable item.
>Blood substitute. Could we use source abuse to get around the requirements? You said that they need blood for the small amounts of astral energy, and binding the source gives us ludicrous control over massive quantities of astral energy.
Oh hey, that is an interesting idea. A single factory for artificial blood... in harrowmont? wow, that would give us MASSIVE control over vampires since talon is personally the source of their food.
>Trading pattern tech
NEVER! No fucking way. this is gonna be way way way too valuable to give out.
The mana batteries btw, explicitly says it will be a great tradeable good.
But how long would the blood last? If it spoils on route to our provinces it would be disastrous.
Does mal have a personal preference here? Since his passion is summoning and he only got into enchanting because politics fucked him over, I would guess he would prefer to go that route

I'm throwing my vote in with Magic Generator.
I wasn't talking about the tech but the finished product. Something like a bodyguard for VIPs or automated defenses for certain areas.
its a substitute, not actual blood.
Actual blood though can be preserved forever via magic
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>1. Magical Battery (vampires and enchantment)
>2. Magical Generator (magitech and patterns)

The problem I run into with using huge amounts of magical energy generated by the Source power in Harrowmont is that it will vanish once you leave Harrowmont. You could create a ton of a magitech factories using your godlike power that manufacture using real materials nad magic and the creations will be fine outside the domain, but use the magic of the Source to actually enchant it (letting you produce nigh-infinite quantities) won't. This is why you can effectively prevent people from aging but they'll start aging again once they leave.

The artificial blood in Harrowmont wouldn't be usable outside of it, although you could sustain vampires inside of it, requiring them only to feed when they need to leave.

The blood bank can sustain your current population of vampires. It's just that you won't be able to mass produce vampires without the substitute. Essentially, there's no reason not to le tthe vamps out but you won't be able to create huge Nightwalker or Daywalker armies.

Mal's passion is summoning and patterns, but he suspects he'd be a better mage as an enchanter and he'd be more useful. Essentially, he's torn between his passion and his ego.
There are ways to preserve blood with magic.
would patterns lead to the possibility of a magical smartphone?
>2. Magical Generator (magitech and patterns)
>1. Magical Battery (vampires and enchantment)
>2. Magical Generator (magitech and patterns)
>1. Magical Battery (vampires and enchantment)
the doc also says it will increase noble nights, rangers, and provide a tradeable good.
>2. Magical Generator (magitech and patterns)
I was more thinking about using it indirectly to buff the mages to get around what they need the batteries for. Oh well, dude had some interns I think who will figure it out eventually.
>>2. Magical Generator (magitech and patterns)
Honestly for me I kind of feel that we could try this. Pattern tech is too useful to not get early and our vampire population will take time to hit a decent level to start with so it isn't burning much if any resources.
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Also, the basic rule for vampires is that you can support 1 vampire per 4000 population with your blood bank. This would come down to 1 vampire per 1000 population with the initial substitute.

yes, that's because of enchantment. The noble knights become more common because it enables cheaper production of their equipment. It's a tradeable good for use in enchantment. Then they become good enough to let enchanters start producing things they couldn't before.
>1. Magical Battery (vampires and enchantment)
>This would come down to 1 vampire per 1000 population with the initial substitute.
oh, so there might be improvements to make to it later then?
>2. Magical Generator (magitech and patterns)
>>2. Magical Generator (magitech and patterns)
>1. Magical Battery (vampires and enchantment)
>2. Magical Generator (magitech and patterns)
after thinking about it all, let mal pursue his dream. Also, I trust soldiers wearing our magitech more than noble knights and I don't want to create a massive vampire population anytime soon.
Isn't sylvian opposed to pattern research? or am i just misremembering?
>2. Magical Generator (magitech and patterns)
Well, we can currently support 5284 vampires, most of which will be in the military.
>no military deal

I know I'm late, but did the rest of the anons not realize that we were arming the friendly faction within the guard? The forces that will end up supporting Sylvian and thus us when it comes time to kick off the next conquest? And we'd get to strengthen our alliance with her to boot?

Goddamn it.
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Why would they be in the military? Mass-conscripting an entire race isn't really going to satisfy them. Plus, that's how many you can support, not how many you currently have. You've only got like 2k IIRC.


You have Mal begin work on the magical generator research.


See pic attached. You’ve got 730 days of research – note that if you want to complete the super magitech factory research soon-ish that Mal lets you do, you’ll have to choose one of the 200 day research options first due to timing (you’ve only got 550 days from when Mal starts his research). Yes, I realise everything seems to take forever. Remember that the quest takes place over years and that you’ll get more machinists over time.


From >>37074119
Note that construction projects will be later.
>Spellblade academy
600 days research for an appropriate program, regime and teachers.
>Battlemage towers
300 days research.
>Daywalker knight program
800 days research into the sorts of daywalkers and candidates you need to cultivate a semi-consistent force of fighters. Can be halved to 400 days if you don't mind angering the League and the Guard if word gets out about the research.
>Dragon sorcery college
I don't know what this is.

>Discuss the upgrades you’re interested in and I’ll call a vote once we’ve narrowed them down.
The main problem with reviving patterns is that their would be opposition from the majority of the mage community.
She actually saved most of the current books on patterns so I don't think she really cares.

Yeah. Honestly daywalkers will probably expand slowly due to eugenics here and we only need like 500 NW to have a absurdly scary force.
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Blargh, wrong pic. Forgot what I was doing.

I'd say... External Power Supply followed by Siege Archer Template.
>You've only got like 2k IIRC.
try 500, though more might have immigrated
>I don't know what this is
formal school to teach draconic magic, since finding instruction is ludicrously difficult.
>Spellblade academy
Does that include battlemages and military support mages, or just spellblades?
I agree with External, but think that Juggernaught might be better. These guys could sit in front of our AAs and guard them forever, to say nothing of their utility in sieges.
>>Daywalker knight program

We really should work on this one soonish as well as the spell blade.

Antimagic wards
Anti-magic defenses
Streamlined templates.

I think we should buy up a lot of the man to man upgrades right now with our hefty starting number. Then we should work on the daywalkers/spellblades/mage academy and the likes.

That way we have the basic things man to man and can get the big things for around the point our major wars start.
I think our machinest research should obviously be external power supply first. We just set mal on the prerequisite and it gives ridiculously awesome return on investment with +50% production speed and +1 base upgrade to all templates (out of curiosity, that means +1 SLOT for upgrade, right?)

Although the arcane archer's enchanted pavise looks really good due to how cheap it is.
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Just spellblades. They're a pretty specific and strange breed of mage.

Well, the limit for that would be in actually finding enough dragons to teach it first.
Problem is that they don't have the anti magic defenses the HMK could have if we research it in only 200 days.
I think External Power Supply is a no brainer for first option, its returns are huge.

Juggernaut Template sounds appealing, especially as a strike unit deployed behind enemy lines... we might even be able to sell individual suits at exceptional cost to select individuals...
Self-maintaining Factories also interests me due to the increased production speed, which would mean the commercial factories can produce for 25% more population than normal meaning we can have either less factories or export more goods...

Secondary research would be Anti-magic defences for the HMKs and Anti-Armour Weaponary for the MMKs
Both are pretty damn useful to be honest. Siege archer+Juggernaut as well as the daywalker eugenics could build a godlike force.

Problem there is time. I think personally right now the Siege archers would be more useful all in all though.
>We really should work on this one soonish as well as the spell blade.
I think we should pass on the spellblade actually. Remember, Sylvian is doing it for us.
>Spellblade academy
Definitely agreeing with this. External Power Supply is just plain good and those Siege Archers will murder things I just know it. Also interested in a Spellblade Academy.
>Problem there is time. I think personally right now the Siege archers would be more useful all in all though.
Its kinda hard to tell really. Since the ranged portion of the battle tab is pretty outdated.
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>+1 base upgrade to all templates (out of curiosity, that means +1 SLOT for upgrade, right?)
it means that instead of just being able to research and use, say, Speed and Mobility on MMKs you could also do Anti-Magic Wards. Whereas before I wouldn't let you research a second upgrade for those templates.

WIth Mal's Generator research there's really no point in doing the rest of the factory research options, given it takes the same time to do the much superior power supply research.

No, Sylvian is letting the Guard have spellblades. Basically, the towers will do a whole lot of recruiting.
External power supply is huge, with the template upgrades and production speed increases. We should get that
>No, Sylvian is letting the Guard have spellblades. Basically, the towers will do a whole lot of recruiting.
I meant that once the civil war starts we'll take control of her program. For that matter, what happened to Shrophams program?
>Just spellblades.
Personally I prefer combat mages rather then spellblades.

Also, can we get the mundane non magical aspects of the academy built as well?
I am thinking:
step 1: set up military academy in harrowmont, teaches tactics to officers. maybe some administrator and infiltration education too.
step 2: set up combat mage school in Harrowmont Academy
step 3: set up spellblade school in harrowmont academy
How many days in a year in this quest again?

>BattleMage Towers
Only military academy we can set up and get a fully trained class of recruits (or two) out f before the Guard War.

>Siege Archer Template
We need mobile siege platforms

>MMK Armor Speed Upgrade
Always good to raise the bar for your rank and file armed forces.
Agreed there. I'm not sure if we should spend everything on it though.

They'll probably have similar magic defense without it though.

A lot of this depends since we have a year and a half or so to build up. Personally I say we should grab some 100-200 days things then jam it all into something big like external power source and then work on the juggernaut/daywalker/siege archers.
Don't forget that we need the enchanted Pavis's
>Only military academy we can set up and get a fully trained class of recruits (or two) out f before the Guard War.
For that I am thinking longer term than the guard war.
I am thinking of trying to get solider mages who are loyal to empire and talon rather then to towers. And also to increase our military power directly. Towers look down on combat mages anyways and combat mages are the best in blowing shit up (barring archmages like alyce and durvui). I don't expect combat magisters for years, but a few journeymen combat mages would be nice for now. And also, it is whom I want to provide the benefits from the source once we bind the pop. So already having the academy set up ahead of time helps with that.
Speaking of Sylvian, what are her faction's military deficiencies against Irlin's and the extremists? Which provinces are her strongholds and how strong exactly is she in them relative to the disloyal guard?

Depending on how best we can support/integrate with her forces I might want different short term research priorities.
siege archers sound really really awesome, as are juggernauts (although i like siege archers better).

we are, as per >>37074839
>WIth Mal's Generator research there's really no point in doing the rest of the factory research options, given it takes the same time to do the much superior power supply research.
its straight up superior to everything else IF we have the generator tech from mal. which we did choose to go with.
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Note that you have 730 days of research befor ethe timeskip finishes.

Note that the timing of Mal's research means you can fit in a 200d research before Ext Power Supply can start.
>1. Anti-Magic Defences for HMKs then External Power Supply followed by Siege Archer Template (200d + 600d + 500d)
>2. Anti-Magic Defences for HMKs then Ext power Supply followed by Juggernaut Template (200d + 600d + 800d)
>3. Custom

>1. Spellblade Academy followed by Battlemage Academy (600d + 300d)
>2. Daywalker knight program (800d)
>3. Battlemage Academy followed by Spellblade Academy (300d + 600d)
>4. Custom

What program? Shropham had a bunch of spellblades because the towers recruit and train them.

I use our calendar (without leap years) for simplicity.
I respect you for thinking longer term, but thinks it this way: the academy systems we built will earn us an annual return for our military and can be expanded as our empire grows, the battle age towers might not have the greatest long term return of the possible projects, but they start producing flows of troops the fastest and are the easiest to expand at a later date. Irlin is going to be a bigger challenge than I first expected, I want every resource we can reasonably put our hands on at our disposal, and we know combat magisters are strong against the league as well looking to the future. We can start work on the spell blade academy after setting up the battletower, so by the time we do have to take on the guard or RSK (or it's break always), but for the next 5-10yrs we'll have a little extra advantage from the first few classes of combat mages.
>1. Anti-Magic Defences for HMKs then External Power Supply followed by Siege Archer Template (200d + 600d + 500d)

>2. Daywalker knight program (800d)

True it's pretty cheap for a decent effectiveness. The illusion cloaks would be useful as well but we need to work on getting the big things done given the time.

External power source though is godlike. Now that I see what base upgrade means. In the long term it means once we upgrade our base templates we can have more then one specialization

Also guys remember that the guard is based around killing mages. So the battlemage idea won't be as effective vs its time cost
>1. Anti-Magic Defences for HMKs then External Power Supply followed by Siege Archer Template (200d + 600d + 500d)
>2 Battlemage accademy followed by Daywalker knight program
>1. Anti-Magic Defences for HMKs then External Power Supply followed by Siege Archer Template (200d + 600d + 500d)

>3. Battlemage Academy followed by Spellblade Academy (300d + 600d)
Magitech Research
Magical Research
>3. Custom
MMK Speed and mobility increase
followed by power supply followed by siege archer

>3. Battlemage Academy followed by Spellblade Academy (300d + 600d)
1 and 2
Option #2 for magical research isn't a Battlemage option...
>So the battlemage idea won't be as effective vs its time cost

That was basically my logic. It'll be good later on, but for now Vampire Knights.
>What program? Shropham had a bunch of spellblades because the towers recruit and train them.
That would seem to indicate that they have the teachers and curriculum. We could always hire those guys.
>2. Anti-Magic Defences for HMKs then Ext power Supply followed by Juggernaut Template (200d + 600d + 800d)

>2. Daywalker knight program (800d)
What would a daywalker Juggernaught look like?
What is the difference between your "battlemage tower" and my "battlemage academy"?

>We can start work on the spell blade academy after setting up the battletower
My proposal was explicitly
>Set up battlemage academy
then afterwards
>Set up spellblade academy
>What would a daywalker Juggernaught look like?

Jesus christ how horrifying.
>1. Anti-Magic Defences for HMKs then External Power Supply followed by Siege Archer Template (200d + 600d + 500d)

4.Custom: Daywalker knight program (800d) Since we are going to fight the Guard anyway why don't we half the time down to 400 days and throw in the Battlemage Academy after?
>>1. Anti-Magic Defences for HMKs then External Power Supply followed by Siege Archer Template (200d + 600d + 500d)

Archers will be the most useful here given who we will be fighting. The Juggernaut templates are most useful for the RSK and the Lords. So we should have more time to research those later on.

>3. Battlemage Academy followed by Spellblade Academy (300d + 600d)

The daywalkers will be useful but right now we need someone who isn't as much of a drain. The interesting bit is that we can half the daywalker time if we need to later on. So it would be more useful to get the battlemages out of the way now.
>Also guys remember that the guard is based around killing mages. So the battlemage idea won't be as effective vs its time cost
The battlemage idea draws from a seperate pool called "general research". for that our choices are:
>battlemage academy (300 days)
>spellblade academy (600 days)
>daywalker academy (800 days).
Mage guard actually is equally specializes in killing all 3, and we have 730 days of timeskip. (which to be fair, talon shouldn't know) And all 3 are useful in the long term even if not ideal vs the mage guard.
Also, remember that baby battle mages who eat their veggies grow up to be big bad combat magisters
Honestly a daywalker knight would probably work best with some specialized knight armor instead of machine plated things.

Juddgernaught armor+Nightwalkers would be absurd. Especially if lead by spell blade tier daywalker knights.
>Honestly a daywalker knight would probably work best with some specialized knight armor instead of machine plated things.
dwarven made armor?
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Siege archers are definitely the most popular. I think that Option 3 is beating daywalkers by a couple of votes, too.

>What would a daywalker Juggernaught look like?
Volante with less spooky powers, I guess. Nightwalkers would probably be similar.

Not qutie how it works. The towers basically accept talented fighters with magical talent, offer them a room and a stipend in exchange for being security. The spellblades then practice and train against each other adn the mages using their facilities. No real formal programs. The only formal training programs for mages are the bog-standard battlemage ones that militaries use to induct farmers with magical talent and get them to use very basic magical spells.

The academies you're creating will be a big change from the norm. They'll also be a bit pricey and time-consuming as a result.
>Why not cut the time in half to 400 days?
Because we don't want to spook the League (and Alyce, and Sylvian) and possibly start unifying them against us? It's not just the Guard we're looking to pissoff by doing that.
>Juddgernaught armor+Nightwalkers would be absurd. Especially if lead by spell blade tier daywalker knights.
those would have stacked beutifully with the blood substitute if we went for it... but we didn't
also, as awesome as they are, there are a lot of other awesome things out there... like griffin templates
>Also, remember that baby battle mages who eat their veggies grow up to be big bad combat magisters

Combat Magister is more just being a genius. At least the really good one.

This honestly makes me think one of hte better ideas would be to half the daywalker time then go for the Battlemage.

It could upset the guard and league if we don't keep a plug on it but it would give us Battlemages and Spell blade Tier fighters right now and still have about 30 days to put into spell blades.
>Volante with less spooky powers
didn't he single handedly routed a 4000 person army by killing 1000 of them and injuring gnome?
>The academies you're creating will be a big change from the norm. They'll also be a bit pricey and time-consuming as a result.
I am fine with it, i basically want to recruit every farmer with talent in the empire
Damn it I was late.

I was going to suggest we start some of the fun magical breeding of animals for sport and purpose, like falcons and dogs.

But mages fine too.

I think it's the league and guard in general we would piss off and there is a chance I think of that not happening.

Honestly I prefer things on the ground so every mage in a mile raidius can't blast them down.

Though remember that just because we don't have the substitute doesn't mean we can't have a decent chunk of daywalkers given how slowly they will reproduce under the system where we get knights of them.
question, AFTER we do the battle mage academy and spellblade academy, can we then go with the half time daywalker academy? (this would be 900 days from now, so, 200 days after the war with the mage guard started, at that point no point keeping that a secret)
Plus we get to create wacky high school adventures. Think of all the Rom-Coms!
>I was going to suggest we start some of the fun magical breeding of animals for sport and purpose, like falcons and dogs.
funny thing, people DO do that as a hobby, there are some RSK nobles who have, for fun, bred magical horses.

I guess AFTER we set up our 3 academies, I would be totally down with some magic animal breeding. Of course by that point we might be able to create fake magical animals in a factory via patterns. Like, griffons
Compare to Battlemage+Spell blades normal.

200 days until we have spellblade tier fighters.
>It could upset the guard and league if we don't keep a plug on it but it would give us Battlemages and Spell blade Tier fighters right now
The way I understood it, its 400 days (or 800) to set up the program, at which point they start training their first batch, which takes some time.
Honestly I would suggest less magic animals more "What the fuck?" With patterns.

That's where the idea from, yeah.

It's a part of the RSK noble culture, don't see a reason why dogs couldn't be part of the TYE's. Little side thing, probably not worth anything outside the fun of it now.
Yeah but it still has a heads up against spellblades due to the program being running as soon as we timeskip.

Spell blades will take like 200 some days to start up due to the battle mages. The daywalkers would be limited in numbers due to the population limits but would probably be in time for any war.
Are we going to go all evil overlord in the eyes of our foes?
We'll have horrible abomination-constructs at our beck and call, vampire knights, dragons... Sure seems like it so far.
>The daywalkers would be limited in numbers due to the population limits but would probably be in time for any war.
remember when felix was turned, it took him a whole year to just return to the power level he had as a knight.
I would prefer glorious righteous overlord.
Our constructs can be just as lethal while appearing majestic and beautiful and benevolent.

And personally, I think our first pattern construct should be a medicae golem. Rescue people from fires, rescue people from drowning, drag wounded soldiers away from field of battle, provide first aid and ideally even advanced aid.
Heck, we could have some in towns and villages to provide basic healthcare.
All warlords think they're righteous and are convinced of their glory.
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>1. & 3.

Magitech research wise, you now have HMK magical defences and the external power supply is approaching completion, probably about to be rolled out across all factories (70 days from completion). Mal is 550 days into his research, leaving only 350. He’s been spending a lot of time locked up in his workshop at the same time Sala is wandering around boasting about being awesome. Magic research wise, the battlemage academy curriculum is ready and the spellblade one is in the middle of development.


Oh boy, the beginning of the money part.

First up, you have 3750TBY as of the end of the 54-55FY. You can go up to 900TBY in the red before I start applying any penalties. You also effectively have 10 IEC teams, including Gnome, the dwarves and Laryya.

It’s important to note that Harrowmont is expanded and populated with 48,000 people now. Architectanon had some ideas for another expansion but we’re still hashing it out. Plus, you might appreciate not having a construction zone out the front of the fortress.

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The canal will be done as of the end of the timeskip. If you want to extend it to new cities, it will be about 200TBY per city you connect and you have to do them in order. Shropham and Devon will be 300TBY. It takes a year to connect a city and you can do as many as you like each year. Every IEC team you allocate will reduce the cost of the city by 100TBY. I’ll do this automatically if they’re not assigned, expanding the canal anytime you don’t have other projects for them. Note that Darlesia, Vitria and Harrowmont are already in the canal system.

The other construction projects were the Imperial Academy, and I have an idea of where it can be placed (in a moment) and a naval fortress connected to the canal but north of Vitria. I’ll post a picture of the latter in a moment. Feel free to propose any other big projects.

Finally, there’s foundries. Woo, foundries. They’re special as they carry big yearly costs. I’ll post about them shortly.


If you look at the picture of Harrowmont you’ll see there’s a big cliff face near the keep. My proposal is to build a staircase up to it, cut it flat and build a small fortress atop it within Harrowmont that would contain the Academy, including the separate battlemage tower/academy and spellblade academy. It would be pretty ostentatious and be a useful defensive structure.

Honestly Talon basically is a more benevolent evil overlord when you look at him. He basically wants to take over the world because of pride and due to some nebulous higher calling for his nation and he has never defined very deeply.

The only real difference I see is he actually wants the world to be better for everyone while he is at it.

Which is hilarious because he basically is building up the closest to stereotypical evil overlord army you can. While still basically being the good guy in the end.
>If you look at the picture of Harrowmont you’ll see there’s a big cliff face near the keep. My proposal is to build a staircase up to it, cut it flat and build a small fortress atop it within Harrowmont that would contain the Academy, including the separate battlemage tower/academy and spellblade academy. It would be pretty ostentatious and be a useful defensive structure. I'm in favor of this.
I'm against the naval fortress, because I think that naval expansion should be concentrated into Vitria for economic reasons.
The design would be useful in the Islands as a base though.
>Our constructs can be just as lethal while appearing majestic and beautiful and benevolent.

I honestly kind of want to build angelic beautiful things then have some that just go full old testament and things like shapeshifters and the likes.

I don't see any problems placing it there not to be honest. As long as it's defensible and works out I don't care where it's at.
>Architectanon had some ideas for another expansion but we’re still hashing it out. Plus, you might appreciate not having a construction zone out the front of the fortress.

I actually have a working model for that right now. But probably hold off on that for a bit.


Not of this though, working on making it look good right now.

I can give close ups, explanations, etc. if anyone needs it for any projects.
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Also, I suck at posting images. Woo. Harrowmont as it stands.
I can't recall right now, did we ever work on the road network?
Could we just call it the altogether the Imperial academy but have separate courses (Battlemage, Spellblade, Officer)? Yes there will be clashes between the courses but it helps strengthen unity in a sense.
>If you look at the picture of Harrowmont you’ll see there’s a big cliff face near the keep. My proposal is to build a staircase up to it, cut it flat and build a small fortress atop it within Harrowmont that would contain the Academy, including the separate battlemage tower/academy and spellblade academy. It would be pretty ostentatious and be a useful defensive structure.
this sounds AWESOME
How about an irrigation system working off the canal?
>>Our constructs can be just as lethal while appearing majestic and beautiful and benevolent.
>I honestly kind of want to build angelic beautiful things then have some that just go full old testament and things like shapeshifters and the likes.
angel golems!.. oh wait, they can be LITERALLY angel shaped golems.
this might offend the angels a bit though
Would you stop harping on that?
that is an interesting idea. another thing is "mini canals" that connect smaller towns and villages to it.
Or at the least connect every province to it.
I think we should go:

Darlesia to Taour
Taour to Shropham
Shropham to Devon
Devon to Ahm

Shropham to Termina
Termina to Avinou/Farun
What? It was the first time I talked about it.
>Imperial academy
What's currently occupying that empty wedge east of the palace?

Weren't we going to put the battlemage academy in shopham?

Also I'd support setting up an naval academy in Vitria or Port Temby.
Oh yeah, I'd support that.
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Most of the angels seem pretty humanish so far actually. I was thinking more like the head of lion/Bull/eagle on fire mishmashes.

Depends on the town and it's resources personally.
People want the battlemages in Harrowmont due to our source and the things we could do with it after we claim it for ourselves to boost the mages and reduce expenses.
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The road network is pretty good. Unless you were thinking of something special.

Pretty huge endeavour but possible.

>Weren't we going to put the battlemage academy in shopham?
There's been a dozen conversations about that stuff that I haven't completely followed. And nothing is in the empty wedge - it's literally just a huge uncut piece of cliff.
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>not going eye wheel
Stay lame.
When you say we need to connect them in order, what order is that?

>Avingou, Farun, Termina, 200 TBY each
>shropham and Devon 300 TBY each
>It will cost 1200 TBY to connect them all
>We can cut costs by 100TBY per crew, we have 10 crew.

So, connect all of them?
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Here's the naval base, with some benefits from an email.

>I'd say there is a lot of value in using this as a distraction - a powerful fortress like this on your eastern coast would mean that any invader would have to consider whether they can actually take the fortress (which would then make it their first target) and if they can't, can they afford to leave have a mustering point and enemy bastion near their forces? Of course, if it's well known to be where you site and produce your navy then it will also be a target of opportunity for that reason.

>That means that an invader coming from the sea (or even up the eastern coast by land, ala Darvui) would either strike at the fortress first with all of their strength (possibly while trying to catch you off guard as if Undine isn't in the fortress, your defenses are that much weaker) or try to seize the cities and fortresses around it and starve you out. The ability for them to do the latter would also come down to how big a force you could site in the fortress - I'm guessing 20k if you weren't stationing an army there as well? If they were raiding then it would be about their ability to strike at your infrastructure. The navy and their infrastructure; the foundry; any barracks. It would also discourage land armies from coming up through Gespad or south through Termina, instead pushing those invaders to deviate around the respective mountain ranges and push towards Harrowmont/Darlesia or south through Shropham to Taour/Marnn. That's what I'm seeing in terms of strategy, in any case.
>Weren't we going to put the battlemage academy in shopham?
Reasons not to do it in shropham
1. we want the trainees to owe allegience to talon. Having it near his seat of power near there is ideal. Shropham is full of scheming mage towers who would meddle.
2. Source abuse to boost their training rate
Still in favor of focusing our building capacity into Vitria and building it up instead.
>Pretty huge endeavour but possible.
we seem to thrive on huge endeavours, I am gonna second that anon's suggestion. I would love to get this one priced

the wheel is less "majestic" and more "terrifying"
So pretty sizeable benefits, particularly if combined with additional fortresses in Shropham.
>Pretty huge endeavour but possible.
When has that stopped us before?
>Huge uncut piece of cliff

Sounds like a good place for our various military academies, bureaucracies, logistics, intelligence apparatus, armories etc. Get Gnome to help design it and start cutting it out of the rock.
>vampire knights, dragons

You know I just realized if we get Sylvain then we also have a massive bestial looking dragon to use as a gatekeeper.

Her future is to be Talons riddle dragon he sticks on his front gate to keep people out. You all know it to be true.
So, it seems our projects are
1. expand canal
2. irrigation system
3. Harrowmont academy
4. Vitria naval fortress and ship factory

We only really have the cost for the canal and we have 10 engineering crews. I think the key here is to assign priorities to those construction projects and follow through on them.

Personally I think
3 > 2 > 1 > 4
>the wheel is less "majestic" and more "terrifying"

I kind of want to go both honestly. The Majestic ones as the first thing you see. Then when the going gets good you get "Oh god what the fuck is that??"
huh, like a volteron?
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The Imperial Academy as I specified would occupy two IEC teams for a year and cost 100TBY. The Naval fortress would be three IEC teams for two years and cost 250TBY due to the issues of building out into the sea.

You missed Taour, so 1400TBY. You also wouldn't be able to build anything at all if you put all your resources on them. Mind you, there should be a fixed cost of around 100TBY that I glossed over (it cost 250TBY to do the original one, for instance) but I'm not fussed enough over the canal.

>I would love to get this one priced
The biggest expense of the irrigation system would be the enormous reservoirs you'd need, combined with the very complicated systems to move it around. You'd be looking at a couple hundred TBY per province, even with an IEC team or two helping. Timeframes would be a bit murky but I'd probably just average it to a year or two per province.
I would place 4 before 1, personally. Otherwise, I am in agreement.
>>37076107 ah, i failed to finish thought
vulteron that is pretty in pieces and scary when combined?
Did we ever name the canal?
Its A Canal Canal

Sounds good. I assume that there are two or three tunnels under the Wet-works to get to the Inner Ward, or perhaps extending walkways which retract to allow ships to pass?
Imperial academy, then the rest in canals.
So we have 8 teams to use discretionarily since we are guaranteed to build the academy.
I say we build the fort and the irrigation in two provinces. All in all, this should cost about 800 TBY.
can we build our canal with an expandable hub at the center of each province such that at the end we can expand our highway not just to the main cities, but such that every province has direct canal access eventually, and people can take the most direct route?
that's a terrible idea.
And why would that be?
>Mind you, there should be a fixed cost of around 100TBY that I glossed over
So, if I am pricing it right. connecting taour to the canal will cost either 200TBY and no IEC teams, or 100TBY and 1 IEC team? while shropham would cost 300 TBY and 0 IEC, or 200TBY 1 IEC, or 100TBY and 2 IEC?

Heavy use of bascule bridges, yeah. I don't know why they aren't noted on there, I swear that was my final image.
because the irrigation is stupidly resource intensive compared to the canals and the fortress is currently unnecessary.
>3 > 2 > 1 > 4
Actually in retrospect, lets finish canal system before we do irrigation.
While trade doesn't give us as much income, the canal lets us rapidly deploy troops which is very useful. Furthermore, undine can use it for defense in case of an invasion.
I would leave the fortress for the future
Thinking more the first line is things like angelic Valkyries with sonic screams, Shapeshifting things that can be anyone to make people paranoid.

But in reserve there is things like the wheel/Giant dragons covered in eyes/Balrogish things. That is the elite major combatants. The first patterns are made to awe the populace and the foes. The second one is when you realize the awe isn't working so it's time to terrorize the poor bastards.

> so 1400TBY.

I'm thinking we should burn about 7 IEC teams here. Then use the other 3 for the rest.
>and the fortress is currently unnecessary.

I'd disagree seeing as it can stave off the Guard, RSK and Darvui. All of which are present, or near present issues.
Hey, about this. if we start building irrigation systems it will massively inflate the value of these "shares" people currently have.

I think we should run the buyback program a few years at really generous rates before we start on irrigation plans
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Okay, decision time. Remember that foundries and militaries are last.

There’s two parts to this. The first is that you have a year with six IEC teams spare while the canal is being finished. This is before the timeskip finishes. I’ll then allocate construction for the next two years or so. I’ll allocate construction myself to prevent micromanagement and do so to give the biggest benefit.

Will occupy two IEC teams for a year and cost 100TBY. Built in Harrowmont. Will be partly functional and able to train battlemages once that research finishes but before construction is complete.
>1. Yes
>2. No

Will occupy three IEC teams for two years and cost 250TBY. In Craol.
>1. Yes
>2. No

200TBY per province and ties up 2 IEC teams. Will convert the province into a floodplain with a fertility bonus.
>1. Three provinces
>2. Two provinces.
>3. One province.
>4. No provinces.
>5. Custom

Four 200TBY connections and two 300TBY connections. Note that remaining IEC teams will be automatically allocated to this project and a vote on whether spend additional money will be held after other projects are finalised but before foundries.
>1. Yes
>1. Yes
>2. Two provinces.
>I'd disagree seeing as it can stave off the Guard, RSK and Darvui. All of which are present, or near present issues.
All 3 of them share a border with us, why would any bother attacking us through the sea when they can do more damage from land? and the fortress won't stave them off really. Also, keep in mind that ships don't have cannons, but mages throwing fire balls at each other. So any attack by ship on vitria is going to be mages in boats firing fireballs on shields set up by the local mage towers.
the naval fortress advantage is that it has a permanent shield dome for our mages to fire back from behind and to enhance with high efficiency
>Will occupy three IEC teams for two years and cost 250TBY. In Craol.
worth noting that placing it in vitria was an alternative.
>>1. Yes
>>1. Yes
>1. Yes

>1. Yes

>3. One province.
The fortress is more than just a sea obstacle, but a land obstacle as well. Unless you want to take it by force, you will have to go a different path.
>2 (though vitria might convince me)
>1. Yes
>1. Yes
>4. No provinces.
>1. Yes

>2. No

>4. No provinces.
>5. Custom
None before the buyback program as per >>37076390 >>37072776
Also I want to finish canal first
3>1>4>2 works better. The Irrigation system is more a long term thing that isn't needed now.
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No it won't. Sarah commented in a scene (unless I never did it) that the annuities were rigged to not take into account changes in the value of the land as well assuming no administration costs of the land. Basically, the annuities become pretty worthless over time if the land becomes more productive.

>when they can do more damage from land? and the fortress won't stave them off really.
I did explicitly state above that a huge fortress with a military in it would make it hard to besiege nearby fortresses and cities. You had that problem with Gimbon Falls in Vitria before it allied with you.
if they are attacking vitria by land then we lost already since its smack in the center of our territory.
>1. Yes
>1. Yes
>4. No provinces.
I'm under the impression it isn't in Vitria.

Except the fortress has high value as a heavily defend bastion right next to one of our major cities, Vitria, that they would indeed attack by land or sea.

You leave the fortress be then you have a retaliatory force on your doorstep, someone that can ruin your supply lines, and control the canal.

The thing is huge, it's meant to be a distraction point and a tough nut to crack, especially with Undine. From both land and sea.
I want it to be in Vitria for economic reasons.
>No it won't. Sarah commented in a scene (unless I never did it) that the annuities were rigged to not take into account changes in the value of the land as well assuming no administration costs of the land.
Oh. that is reassuring.

>I did explicitly state above that a huge fortress with a military in it would make it hard to besiege nearby fortresses and cities. You had that problem with Gimbon Falls in Vitria before it allied with you.
Which cities will be covered by said fortress?

that being said, I would still rather upgrade actual border fortresses instead. vitria is too much in our center to fortify.
Fortify harrowmont, darlesia, or our border with the guard

actually, hey, fortifying the guard border would be nice... Oh hahaha...
>Deal with sylvian to extend canal into mage guard
>use it militarily once fighting starts
>With undine
damn that is a beautiful picture

>Extend canal to mage guard
... is this too late to add this in?
Wouldn't the other factions honestly just sabotage it into the ground?
>Wouldn't the other factions honestly just sabotage it into the ground?
it gives us an excuse to extend the canal to their border which is a military advantage, and any such sabotage is an attack by the guard on its own economy and will weaken them politically




No Canal extensions this side of the Time-skip
Unless one of there factions decides to open a front against us while we're dealing with the Guard. There's a good chance one will once it comes out that we're allied with Sylvian.
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>1 & 1 & 4

That means you’ll have one IEC team spare in the first year (pre-timeskip) and seven in the second year (post-timeskip). I might not go any further into the future. Canal-wise, that means you have effectively 800TBY of IEC teams. It now comes to cost:

>1. Connect up all cities to the canal for 600TBY in the year following the original plan’s completion.
>2. Connect up one city for 300TBY.
>3. Just use the free IEC resources.
>4. Custom

If we revisit construction before that FY ends, I’ll allow reallocation as necessary. Note that these canal connections won't get done until the year after the canal finishes (so they'll be under construction when the timeskip ends).
>>Deal with sylvian to extend canal into mage guard
>>use it militarily once fighting starts
Something similar happened in China, IIRC. It didn't end well, mostly because they were preemptively attacked before the canal was finished. The winner went on to finish the canal.
>1. Connect up all cities to the canal for 600TBY in the year following the original plan’s completion.
>2. Connect up one city for 300TBY.
Could we move the fortress to Vitria instead?

Seems like a god deal.
>3. Just use the free IEC resources.

Let's sit on a little bit of money now. We're about to throw a ton at Foundries soon anyway.

Oh yeah Aspirational, this is going really well tonight. Good job man.
>1. Connect up all cities to the canal for 600TBY in the year following the original plan’s completion.
>>1. Connect up all cities to the canal for 600TBY in the year following the original plan’s completion.
>3. Just use the free IEC resources.

Oh, and just to be sure, the bit of canal that connects the Fort with the rest of canal is factored into its construction right?
>3. Just use the free IEC resources.
Just to clarify, 1 means using the minimum TBY cost by using as many IECs as we can, reducing the cost to 100TBY per city (min price) and connecting all 6 remaining cities?
>>2. Connect up one city for 300TBY.
We need to keep some money for a little bit
I think its in vitria now? People certainly seemed to want to move it there.
I don't understand what 3 means, since you said there is a min cost of 100TBY per city. how is 3 different from 1?
No real reason that I can see. If we want to Help them out I would build up the city a bit more or the likes. The fortress is more there to divert then to jam all the mustering points in one spot.
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Now comes the real fun part.

>1. Connect all for 600TBY


You have 3400TBY. Canal expenses are excluded but might still be a problem in the future.

See pic attached for the current foundries and factories. Note that you technically need one more civilian factory to meet existing demand before I bother to write the economic penalties I meant to do this week. The obsolete factory can also be replaced without expense.

>Magitech Factories
Civilian Factory: 50TBY and takes 1 month. 1 slot. No ongoing costs, supports 500k urban population.
New Factory (MMK): 100TBY and takes 1 month. 1 slot. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 2400 MMK suits. Salary costs are 80TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
New Factory (AA): 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 6000 AA equipment. Salary costs are 200TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
New Factory (FMK): 250TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 600TBY per year to produce 1200 FMK suits. Salary costs are 40TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
New Factory (HMK): 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 600 HMK suits. Salary costs are 20TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.

>Foundry Expansion
Nothing to Small (+5 slots): 200TBY and 4 months
Small to Medium (+2 slots): 50TBY and 2 months
Medium to Large (+3 slots): 150TBY and 4 months

You can build more than one foundry in a city but there are security risks associated with doing so. Note that you can’t control the amount of soldiers produced, just the foundries. Waaaay too much micromanagement otherwise. The quest is also nowhere near the point where you should stop producing.

The main way to calculate costs is to realise that the cost to build the factory is in the current year but the costs of production permanently increase expenses and salary expenses increase by that amount every year.

Current Production:
MMK; 7,200pa
HMK; 1,200pa
FMK; 1,200pa
AA; 12,000pa
That, and to be our primary naval dockyard. I really really want vitria to be our primary naval dockyard.

People looks like 2 guys to me.

That and:

>Will occupy three IEC teams for two years and cost 250TBY. In Craol.

Seems to imply otherwise.
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And the canal thing might not matter, given it's technically an expense in the future. I probably shouldn't have voted on it, really.
pic attached?
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>pic attached?
I'm on a roll tonight. 3 for 3, forgotten the damned image.
Three actually.
>Note that you technically need one more civilian factory to meet existing demand before I bother to write the economic penalties I meant to do this week.
well, lets start out by building this so we avoid said penalties.
that is
>Civilian Factory: 50TBY and takes 1 month. 1 slot. No ongoing costs, supports 500k urban population.

Also, here is a pic for easy reference to my fellow anons
So seems an easy fix to just replace the Obsolete Factory with the civvie one. And call it a day on that.
taour is one of more defensible core territories, I would place a military factory in it. Civilian factories should be in less trusted areas.
2 MMK and 2 AA, and around 3000 HMAA to reinforce our cities garisons.
On the topic of military stuff, can we all agree the mundane Archer is now obsolete?

I see no reason to maintain any of the units outside of garrison, even then the AA production allows us to easily cover them as well, nor continue to build said unit.
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The other thing to remember is how big the Mage Guard forces are. The enemy factions now have like 60k+ MMK and 75k Spellbreaker Knights, with a total force of 300k.

You have pic attached.
>Civilian factories should be in less trusted areas.

Wait what? So they can completely cripple us if they defect and incur multiple penalties at once? Thus leaving us to blow money on importing civvie tech to meet need, or waiting on a new factory to be built while incurring said penalties?

That sounds horrible.
So obviously we need to get that civilian factory out of the way. Let's put that in Shropham.
I suggest we expand Darlesia and Vitria, put 1 AA, 2 HMK, and 1 MMK
I think we should put the obsolete factory in Taour and turn it into a MMK factory.

We should upgrade the Darlesia factory to medium like all the rest and stick a HMK factory in there.

We should then Upgrade Vitria to a large and add a Arcane archer factory there as well as a MMK one.

Maybe upgrade another one to large and get a FMK? Very expensive though useful so not sure.
where are the "random factories" at in shropham? how big are their foundries?
I would say the random factories seem less secure and seem ideal for adding our missing civilian factory.

this leaves us with
>0 open slots in vitria
>1 open slot in taour
>0 open slots in darlesia
>6 open slots in shropham's central tower
>1 open slot in shropham less secure "random factories"

I propose that
>1 open slot in taour
MMK is only thing that fits in it

>1 open slot in shropham less secure "random factories"
MMK is only thing that fits...

>6 open slots in shropham's central tower
up for debate
A big thing to remember is that the less factories we have the more defensible they are. So if we build a bunch of small factories we eventually risk sabotage everywhere.

So in the long term it makes more sense to max all the factories out for maximum defense then branch out.

Damn we have a lot more Noble Knights then I originally thought.
>You have 3400TBY.
And you said earlier that next year we can expect 2200TBY? right?
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>where are the "random factories" at in shropham? how big are their foundries?
They're just civvie factories built in mage towers. You don't actually own or operate them but they supply magitech for the masses. Also, ignore the weird 5 in that image. It was wrong.

Why are you expanding all the foundries when you have six empty slots in Shropham?

I'm going to do a little thing on military after this regarding Garrisons and maintaining a buffer of archers and MAA.

You have quite a few cities.
We need number though, so more MMK is probably pretty important.
for the six I would say four go to HMK and AA and the last two FMK and maybe MMK. What do you guys think.
I would like to build a foundry in harrowmont. Since this is a prerequsite for the source related foundry research (IIRC you said it would cost double, meaning it would be 400TBY instead of 200TBY To build)
>for the six I would say four go to HMK and AA and the last two FMK and maybe MMK. What do you guys think.
HMK, AA, and FMK each take 2 slots.
So it would be 1, 1, and 1.

I personally think we should collate factories (we can move them inside the empire) to make it so that if an enemy captures a city, they get minimal tech out of it.
So for example, move the existing FMK factory to shropham, and then build a second one there.
Hell in general shropahm works wonders for civ factories looking at it anon. Darlesia, Vitria, Taour Currently form a triangle. We should probably later on build a factory in Darfus to start expanding it upwards into the guard.
Recently upgraded, I expect we'll see Nightwalkers in our ranks soon as well. Need to further that core and train them up to be Phrace and team tier.
About time to put that one to use
>2 Civvie factories
I say two simply because we finally can get a buffer on that penalty, it always comes up whenever we're doing Foundry stuff.

>About time to put that one to use
We have a foundry.
>Why are you expanding all the foundries when you have six empty slots in Shropham?

Ah, Didn't notice that. Though honestly I do feel it's safer to keep it to our heartlands right now.

It might be a good idea given all the spies there to go for something basic like MMK plate and the likes.
HMK AA and two MMK and a civi.
We can assume Siege Archers will be a 2 slot template yeah?

Would it do us well to sit on the spots until the template is ready then implement immediately? Or are timeskip shenanigans going to make that pointless?
We need to continue our military build up.
>About time to put that one to use
You do realize we'll have 3k FMK post timeskip right?
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Darlesia is cheap to expand, giving you eight slots after you build the civvie factory. Let's try to break this down into four votes then.

Basically, vote on this four times, in order of preference. If you were to put down four '1's then I would take that as a vote to build four HMK factories for instance. Mix and match as you please but remember I'll favour the numbers at the top over the ones at the bottom.

>1. HMK factory. 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 600 HMK suits. Salary costs are 20TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>2. AA Factory. 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 6000 AA equipment. Salary costs are 200TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>3. FMK Factory. 250TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 600TBY per year to produce 1200 FMK suits. Salary costs are 40TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>4. 2x MMK factories. 100TBY and takes 1 month. 1 slot. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 2400 MMK suits. Salary costs are 80TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>5. Empty 2 slots.

That got revised a long time ago. I forgot to update those damned trade licenses. 2200TBY profit got reduced to about 1500TBY profit, then you spent 350TBY. The 3400TBY figure is the FY end figure.

Short of conquering the Guard, the only new foundry space will be what you build.

I didn't actually, it was an oversight on my part.

For some reason I had it my head we hadn't made one because of the sheer cost of it. My bad.
Oh, alright
Taking into account those two posts

we got 3400TBY and 2200TBY /yr income

>civ factory
50 TBY construction, 0 TBY/yr
>2 x MMK
200 TBY construction, 240TBY/yr
this leaves us with 5 open slots in shropham.
I'd say we fill it up with
200TBY, 120TBY/yr
200TBY, 120TBY/yr
100TBY, 120TBY/yr

that leaves us with 2650TBY cash and 1600/yr
I propose we build a small foundry in harrowmont for source testing (2x price) with MMK (again, testing) which eats up another 600TBY in cash, but won't be running full production

so 2050TBY cash and 1600/yr
expand darlesia to medium for 50TBY
add HMK factory there for 200TBY, and 120TBY/yr
we are now down to 1850TBY cash and 1480/yr

more in next post
Yeah, I'll support this.
>>4. 2x MMK factories. 100TBY and takes 1 month. 1 slot. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 2400 MMK suits. Salary costs are 80TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>1. HMK factory. 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 600 HMK suits. Salary costs are 20TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>2. AA Factory. 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 6000 AA equipment. Salary costs are 200TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>4. 2x MMK factories. 100TBY and takes 1 month. 1 slot. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 2400 MMK suits. Salary costs are 80TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>4. 2x MMK factories.
>1. HMK factory
>2. AA Factory.
>2. AA Factory
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Oh, and the MMK costs are listed per factory. Naturally they're doubled as you're building two.
oh, cashflow is wrong as per >>37077510

>2200TBY profit got reduced to about 1500TBY profit
permanently or is it just a temp thing from our cuts?

>FY end figure.
what is FY?

Fiscal Year I assume.
out of curiosity, would the +50% production come with a +50% cost?
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Okay, so I'm down to one each of HMK, AA and 2xMMK. Quick final vote for the last 2 slots, then we'll consider the situation. Just vote for the one you want the most, given the ones that are already going to be constructed.

>1. HMK factory. 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 600 HMK suits. Salary costs are 20TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>2. AA Factory. 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 6000 AA equipment. Salary costs are 200TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>3. FMK Factory. 250TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 600TBY per year to produce 1200 FMK suits. Salary costs are 40TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>4. 2x MMK factories. 100TBY and takes 1 month. 1 slot. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 2400 MMK suits. Salary costs are 80TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>5. Empty 2 slots.

>1. HMK factory. 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 600 HMK suits. Salary costs are 20TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>4. 2x MMK factories. 100TBY and takes 1 month. 1 slot. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 2400 MMK suits. Salary costs are 80TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
>1. HMK factory. 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 120TBY per year to produce 600 HMK suits. Salary costs are 20TBY per year (cumulative) for the new soldiers.
that actually really hurts. Its not nearly as good I thought it was since building new foundries and factories is cheap compared to actually operating them in the long term. Heck, even just looking at 1 year. We will not be saving all that much money.

I mean, it becomes
>HMK factory. 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 180TBY per year to produce 900 HMK suits
>AA Factory. 200TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 180TBY per year to produce 9000 AA equipment.
>FMK Factory. 250TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 900TBY per year to produce 1800 FMK suits.
>MMK factories. 100TBY and takes 1 month. 1 slot. Costs 180TBY per year to produce 3600 MMK suits.
>4 - one MMK factory

you know, I would like to completely replace our MAA with MMK. like how we replaced archers with AA
>>FMK Factory. 250TBY and 2 months. 2 slots. Costs 900TBY per year to produce 1800 FMK suits.
Yeah, we won't need more than one FMK factory for a long time.
Actually, looking at it
>HMK cost 0.2TBY each
>AA cost 0.02TBY each
>FMK cost 0.5TBY each
>MMK cost 0.05TBY each

MMK are only 2.5x more expensive per unit than AA and we actually COULD afford to replace our MAA with them entirely.
... wait, I am looking at the empire military sheet and I see 0 MAA, did we already do that?
Our army just got gud in front of my eyes anon.
I would see it as needlessly expensive as many of our MAA are garrison units.
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Umm, so I'm trying to work out budget stuff here. Damned crazy salary costs.

Talk about fluffy tails for a bit. Specifically the number that will be coming. Ren will probably be bringing over a few thousand more; Pride wants to bring over a couple thousand and the Lotus and Typhoon clans about five hundred each. I imagine that will give you six hundred or so mystic fox fighters.
Well, I want all of them... as soon as possible.

For the most part we pull from the Archer and MaA reserves and outfit them with newly produced gear whenever we have it.

Those two units only seem to pop up now whenever we have a surplus of soldiers and no MK/etc. gear for them, drafts or in garrisons.
are the foxes aware of the division in the mage guard and the possibility of a civil war soon?
are they aware of the vast number advantage the extremist faction has?
also... what is the extremist faction view of foxes?
>Talk about fluffy tails for a bit.
I think 9 fluffy tails are to many on one person. Six is the perfect amount, maybe seven in youre a big guy. Nine is just to many to properly appreciate.
Cool. Throw them all in the fluffy tail training room to git gud. On a more serious note, do we have a breakdown between knights, bombardiers and elites, and how many dragons will we have?
Oh, and how does training across the dragon subtypes work? Could Sylvian teach the younger dragons to git gud, or does she know someone who could?

So are the Pride Clanners going to be Fluffy Knights? Or mix of Knights and Bombadiers?

I want Fluffy Knights. Just so I can call them that more often.

Talon shall stroke all the cute tails in his army. let it be done. Amen.

>Pride wants to bring over a couple thousand

Makes me glad we won the clanhead over now.


You will appreciate all 9 of those tails and you will like it.
>7150 HMAA
Those are obsolete MMK right? stuff we captured.
how much could we get from selling them? because I kinda want to upgrade those guys to MMK

Also, it really really burns me to produce mageplate that i know is gonna be outdated soon. (we got all those open slots for upgrades, and when the research is done we will have +1 upgrade slot on every template. This means we have to deal with the fact that we are going to have 3 different generations of each unit soon)
Sure. Can we put Ren in charge of dealing with the EWTC from this point forwards? Wait, we're the Imperator. Put Ren in charge of dealing with the EWTC going forwards.
>Cool. Throw them all in the fluffy tail training room to git gud
Fluffy academy. we are building all those other academies in harrowmont.
Where the hell are we even going to put all of these fluffytails? I mean obviously the Keep, but eventually you run out of room, a man needs to breath.
>how much could we get from selling them?
Nah, move them to garrison.
>Trusting Ren with EWTC

Spies spies everywhere.
Honestly 9 tails is best number. It typically has the purest girls as well.
we share them with the world
they build villages throughout our land
we don't have to monopolize them all for our keep
>Those are obsolete MMK right? stuff we captured.

They're more outdated tech then obsolete.

They still make acceptable garrison units and Nobles seem to like them for personal armies seeing as they are so cheap. No real need to get rid of them if they still serve purpose, as opposed to Archers.
and HMAA cost .04 TBY each now, though you don't have to pay factory costs.
>The oldest girls are the purest
I have news for you anon.

we want to deal with it ourselves

I see no reason why Talon can't at least ask for help on that one from Ren. I assume he knows more then he does about the EWTC at the very least.
So, about Arisa (first fox talon met, the one he almost married, the one who got mindwiped with him)

Now that we got the accurate memories. did we really run out on her after getting engaged?
We never even got engaged.
Not knowingly.
Source powers bro. Times the inside by 4-5 times. Unless you mean like all the foxes in general in which case they will probably move out into their own villages.

Welp I can already tell how this will end. Romcom mages and foxes everywhere.

Never got engaged nor ran out, that was the replacement memory.

Assumedly she has the same, and Talon will enjoy a nice slap in the face whenever he sees her next.
Nope. Talon basically gave her his D for a few weeks then got his ass beat down by astral beings before getting mindraped into thinking he almost got married.
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Okay, after confronting the numbers you now have 500TBY and a pretty huge military by the end of the timeskip (92,000 soldiers). Including your garrison, you have about 180,000 soldiers, which is a pretty huge number. It's also a bit of a drag on your budget, producing a yearly deficit of around 200TBY without one-off costs. Luckily you can just turn the foundries off to avoid that, so you're not really in deficit. Salaries are becoming a big drag given your large permanent military, to the extent you might need to look at lowering them like the Guard and other nations presumably do to maintain wartime armies of the size they do. That might become an event.

It also might be a good idea to move some units to garrisons, like HMAA. Not sure if anybody wants to spend anymore money just yet. You can technically spend your way to about -900TBY without negative consequence and -1800TBY without severe negative consequences.

Bahahahahaha. Tsucchi's probably the only female fox you've met that could be considered pure.

Also, I'll need to make a new thread even though I'm practically done. Lots of discussion left to be done I feel. I'll be stepping out for a few hours but will be back and may or may not write some slice-of-life stuff if anybody is here then.
Why would he? he was doing fluffy politics
That company is mostly humans with a few foxes and has been dealing with gaouron throughout its existance.
we should ask marcus to help, he has been giving good advice and we keep not taking it.
Also, we should renegotiate dr doom style.
>Assumedly she has the same, and Talon will enjoy a nice slap in the face whenever he sees her next.
She was the fox that tricked us with the Tsucchi incident
Didn't talon only meet her for the first time ever during the astral being thing?
>I'll be honest, I stopped doing dedicated slice-of-life stuff because actual participation was terrible
To be fair, you usually start that stuff at like 2am for us merricans.
>I have news for you anon.

Take a look at this anon.

>“I did this with like a dozen guys. You need to do something special. Ah, I know!”

See the purity. Understand that in the end under it all even taira is a pure girl at heart.
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>I'll be stepping out for a few hours but will be back and may or may not write some slice-of-life stuff if anybody is here then.
Cool, as an east coster with work, I'll need to sleep, but promise me we'll see drunk Alyce some time.
>Tsucchi's probably the only female fox you've met that could be considered pure.

Honestly if Talon ever seduced her I don't know if I could read the FTB scene. I think it would probably cause my heart to HNNNG to hard and I'd die.
>I'll be stepping out for a few hours but will be back and may or may not write some slice-of-life stuff if anybody is here then.

I'll always be around.

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