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A few days ago you were a normal twentysomething girl slaving away in an office 9-5 with little in your life worth speaking of.

Now you are no longer Human.

In your monstrous form you stand above the ravaged corpse of a woman you used to work with... Jan. Unable to control your appetite for revenge or human brains. You devoured her and your mutated body has become stronger for it.

You have one skill point to spend in one of the following trees:

Stealth: 2 Gain chameleon-like adaptive camouflage in your monstrous form.

Bond: 2 Join with the symbiote more completely, becoming less human. You will gain the ability to quickly regenerate damage in both forms, up to and including loss of limbs and decapitation. Damage inflicted by heat, noise and radiation is harder to heal.

Predator: 1 Gain a poisonous bite in your monstrous form. You are able to alter the effect and potency of the poison at will.

>Spend your skillpoint.
Previous threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Symbiote%20Girl%20Quest

Rudimentary Character Sheet: http://pastebin.com/JnrBgA8n

QM Twitter: https://twitter.com/XenoQM
Don't you think you started kinda early, a lot of people are still asleep.

Not in Europe they aren't. Waited as late as I could, working the night shift tonight.
There seems to be an impasse. In the interest of moving things along. Roll d100 for it. Will go with the first roll.

Nevermind, didnt see that post there. Stealth it is....

The rest of the night passes in a haze, your mutated body pulsing with the need to rest….and evolve. You make your way back home on automatic, then fall into unconsciousness.

You awake in darkness, curled in the foetal position and encased in some kind of soft warm substance. You instinctively tear yourself free and fall to the floor of your room. Sunlight streams in through the gaps in the curtains. It looks like you fell from some kind of slimy cocoon adhered to the ceiling.

You shudder and try and wipe the translucent slime from your hair. Then the memories of last night return to you….

“Oh god, Jan….”

You can still taste her in the back of your throat.
Pale and trembling, you rush to the bathroom and begin to retch, but all that comes up is a crushed and warped ball of metal and plastic. It takes a few moments for you to realise, it’s the remains of Jan’s glasses and earrings.

Jan was always a bitch to you, but she didn’t deserve this. No one does. She had an ex-husband somewhere….kids.

What have you become!?

You take a long, punishingly cold shower and throw on some real clothes. You want to feel fabric against your skin rather than have your clothes oozing out of your pores and part of your nervous system. You refuse to acknowledge that part of you.

What do you do now? You dare not go to work, what if you lose control again? Did anyone see you last night? When you become that *thing* do you leave traceable DNA? Is there a police computer running a program that’s about to produce your name and address?

“Shit, shit, shit.”

Maybe you deserve to get caught.

Going out of our schedule right now is probably what will attract the most attention. If we have work, go to it. If not, get out of town and experiment some more with the symbiote
If I were her I'd call in sick and close myself in my apartment panicking, thinking what to do, and coming to terms. Sorta like the stages of grief.
>use stealth
>go back to Jan’s apartment
>burn it
Go to work and hope you can stay human.
>mfw the first quest archive is empty

"I have to go to work," Jan declares. "I have to act normal... at least today."

First, go to the bathroom and puts on makeup, like a NORMAL person.

Then pack herself a lunch, like a NORMAL person.

Then she goes to work, like a NORMAL person.
I'd call in sick, then spend the day figuring out what I've become, and if there's a way to reason with the symbiote at all.
Call in sick, try getting the monster inside of you to talk. You know the fucking thing is capable.
Is there another archive? I know suptg isn't the only one. There's one that archives automatically

No clue what has happened to suptg.

"Th-this can't continue. *I* can't continue!"

"Why did this shit happen to me?!? WHY DID THIS SHIT HAPPEN?!?"

>Trash the room in anger, frustration and self-loathing

>Start crying on the floor.

"...can't continue.."

>Go surrender to the nearest police station
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You double-check your apartment door making sure it’s locked, then draw the curtains tighter so that no one can see. The large cocoon on your ceiling would be difficult to explain.
Putting on your best flu-voice. You call HR at work and tell them you’re feeling under the weather and won’t be coming in today. That buys you time to figure this out and get your head together.

You pace back and forth, thinking and rehearsing various scenarios in your head. You contemplate turning yourself in….but then imagine what they would do to you. The confinement, the experimentation. They’d probably try and cut the symbiote out of you and your new instincts tell you that you wouldn’t be able to survive such a separation if it were even possible.

Attempts to communicate with or understand the symbiote are met with the same wall of ravenous hunger and instinct as before. You dare not let your consciousness stray to close lest you are infected by its all too familiar desires.

You splash your face with cold water in an attempt to calm yourself down, but as you raise your head from the sink it’s not your face in the mirror. The leering alien horror stares back at you , its obscene tongue thrashing like a headless snake, gore and clumps of Jan’s hair still stuck in *your* teeth.

You punch the mirror, shattering it. You were seeing things. You’re still human. To the naked eye anyway. You might be losing your mind.


>Take a deep breath
>Begin getting your story straight in case they do find DNA evidence (I.E. be ready to 'recognize' whatever goop they might show you as that weird stuff that you slipped in a few days ago)
>Start thinking of a way to aim those impulses at something constructive

Just a little laundry list to keep ourselves busy and not let everything sink in too much just yet.

Oh, whoops. Linked the wrong post. My bad.
>attempt to kill the symbiote with cheap alcohol
The Symbiote is obviously intelligent so after doing this>>37123659 and cleaning the cocoon, Talk to it.
I won't let this thing win. I won't lose my humanity.. I want to repent.

Drive to the nearest cliff, a tall building or to the sea. Jump.
>overdose yourself with pills, anything to calm down its homicidal impulse.
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In desperation you raid your medicine cabinet for something to knock yourself out, put your murderous alien alter-ego under.

You swallow entire bottles of sleeping pills and over the counter painkillers and wash them down with the bottle of vodka you'd been saving for a rainy day.

You quickly begin to feel woozy, unsure if the alcohol or the pills are kicking in first.

You start to laugh, now intoxicated. It feels different from the times you've been drunk before but you've already forgotten what you were so hung up on moments ago.

The chemicals in your system seem to have roused the symbiote as well. It's itching to come out and embrace you. To have a little fun in your conjoined form.

You make no attempt to resist it as it flows out of your skin and under your clothing, enveloping you, changing you.

Why would you? How can it be wrong when it feels.....soooo....good.

Having taken on your monstrous form again, you tear off the remaining scraps of clothing still clinging to you hiss in anticipation. The both of you are ravening for delight, putrid green slime dripping from your jaws in anticipation.

>The combination of intoxication and monstrous form has made all impulses nigh impossible to resist, you are eager to satisfy your instincts and have very little control.

>Head outside or elsewhere in the apartment building?
Summary of abilities? If I got it right
>Night vision
>Can taste the air for chemical compounds
>Superhuman strength 3 (where pinnacle is 2 and average is 1)
>Can climb and cling to walls
>Can change clothes at will
>Can form webs
>Chameleon skin

>Head outside

Higher meal quality = more sustenance, right? So if we go after muggers, who are typically physically in decent shape if they're not relying on guns, we'll probably get a better meal out of it.

That's right.
>Head outside
We need to find a rave party or something where there are lots of drugs.
Well either Masturbate do to no impulse control or head out and eat someone.
I.. not.. neighbors.. outside.. strangers.. not my home..
Go out to an unliked part of the city and just pick one that looks like a druggie/criminal. Since we're already being controlled by our impulses, it won't matter to mercy what we do or not.
ehm... f-find some good looking guy and have some "fun" with him.



Also, what time is it?
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You climb out of your window and crawl up the outside wall to the roof. Your skin changes colour to match the brickwork, leaving you a vague transparent blur, noticable only to the closest scrutiny.

From your vantage point several things draw your attention.

A taxi driver and a passenger having a heated argument about the fare. They're loud and annoying, but look healthy and delicious. Their brains must be flush with hormones and other chemicals from the emotion.

A small group of freerunners, running, leaping and rolling around over the nearby rooftops. They're lean, muscular and sweaty. You imagine how sweet and tender their muscles would taste as you bite into them.

There's a helicopter buzzing around above you, it's flying quite low and you think you can reach it if you leap from the highest point and make use of your webbing. Could be fun, like warm sardines in a flying tin.


That delicious fly.. buzzing in the air.. the treats waiting inside.. I want the challenge.
Does the symbiote have a reproductive drive that we're aware of?
Oh yes it is.

The helichoppa would attract too much attention crashing down sooo...

Fuck yes we're totally going to fucking assault that helicopter!
Hit up that taxi

>Tag on bottom of the chopper
>Wait from the new vantage point until we find something tastier

Most of this shit would give us way more trouble than the meal's worth and in the worst case, if we really need a snack, we can go snack on the chopper crew. Little to no evidence and we get a pretty light show with the lunch.
oh yes, make a big web for that big flying tin.
I dunno about the symbiote, but i'm sure Mercy didn't have a good orgasm in years.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to try, especially since we just ate anyway.
Save it for the heroes we'll attract. There's 3 of them in the city.
I redact my decision, rendering >>37124018 obsolete.Naturally there's no evidence that the posts were both made by me unless I start namefagging...

This however, is a good idea. We could always...y'know, lose control and nom the chopper crew "accidentally"...

All these anons wanting to do lewd things, in public...Yes.

You bond from building to building, climbing the nearest sky scraper and leaping as high as you can from the top.

At the peak of your jump, you fire off a webline that hits one of the helicopters landing struts.

Gurgling with triumph, you quickly climb up the webline and cling to the underside of the helicopters hull.

You can hear the crew talking, it seems to be a news chopper reporting on traffic as well as the general headines. Something about a rooftop murder, cattle mutilations and a monster on the loose.

Unable to contain yourself, you clamber to the choppers side window, break the window and force your way inside.

The struggle is brief and soon the inside of the chopper is coated in blood. There were 3 flight crew inside, you've feasted well.

>You've gained a skillpoint. This is the last skillpoint you can gain by eating 'normal' people.

The slaughter has damaged some of the controls, which are smoking and fizzling. It seems some kind of auto-hover was turned on, so you wont fall out the sky straight away, but this bird is definitely going down.....
Hey QM are you confortable or not with lewd stuff ?
So what can the skillpoint be spent on?

Oh and by the way, we'd better, y'know, leap to safety or whatever. Somehow...

Or, we could ride this shit and probably die, or get seriously injured, y'know, flames n' shit.

Soo...Fuck this shit we gettin' the fuck outta here first!

You leap out of the smoking aircraft as it descends and land with a thud on the window of a nearby office building. People have gathered to watch the helicopter crashing, some appear to be on the phone to the emergency services.

They all start when you land on the window, though don't seem to notice you straight away.

A besuited man nearest to you is staring straight at you. He looks nervous then starts to back away. Whilst moving he whispers:

"Everyone get back, there's something on the other side of the window."

Everyones eyes are on you now, everyone is moving away. One woman screams and turns to run.


Might do something soft it if there's enough demand and the time and context is right. Voice your opinions on twitter. Don't have any desire for it to turn into smut/fetish quest or to alienate any players who that would spoil things for.

Home, sneeki breeki like. Operate our way home y'know.

Will go into the options when you're in a safe place.
What happened to our camo skin? Run 3 streets into an alley then change to regular clothes. Let's mingle in the crowd and walk in the street.

Ah, damnit. Time to haul ass, our camouflage (assuming it was on) should've hidden any actual details from them. So now we just gotta make it outta here and find some place where they won't spot us. Maybe enjoy the afterglow of the meal.

Also voting to put our skill point into deepening the bond. We won't survive separation so being able to regenerate limbs would be incredibly useful. Especially if this is the last skill point we'll get normally for a while.
Mhm, alright. In that case, I'll repeat my previous statement. (>>37124206)

Fucking captcha being a total bitch today...

It makes you hard to see, not invisible. Being covered in blood doesnt help either.
Why do you think that?
Lick the window, then scurry down the side of the building.
Try to escape around a corner somewhere and then get onto a wall where we can blend in with stealth.

Also, can we spend that skillpoint now or do we have to wait?
Blood for the bloodgod.
Ugh.. blood.. my only weakness

>>37124218 should answer your question.
25 years, single, average life, no boyfriend, no friendly female coworkers, probably not so attractive.
Well if we follow the Hollywood cliche we're not only naturally better looking now and assertive but got abs too.
>Friendly female co worker
>Superior no less
Talk about cat fight
>Might do something soft it if there's enough demand and the time and context is right. Voice your opinions on twitter. Don't have any desire for it to turn into smut/fetish quest or to alienate any players who that would spoil things for.

A big fat no then, ok no problemo amigo.
Why would attractiveness and no friendly female coworkers stop a girl wanking on?

Still too glutted on brains, booze and pills to think rationally you open your mouth and lick the window, leaving a large smear of bloody slime.

Now everyone inside is running and screaming.

You scuttle down the side of the building as quickly as you can, relying on your speed, agility and somewhat compromised camouflage to make your getaway.

When you're nearly a block away you hear the loud groaning of twisting metal. You turn and see the helicopter, which had crashed, burning into the side of a nearby building. Float out of the building, and settle gently into the street, now cordoned off by emergency services. There also look to be a number of armed military personnel in attendance.

You continue to observe, mystified as the flames extinguish themselves. The source of these phenomena soon becomes clear.
A bald figure clad in elaborate military body armour hangs in the air 100 feet above the crash site, one hand reaching out towards the helicopter. It appears to be an androgenous looking woman, surgical scars visible on her shaved head.

As you continue to watch, she turns her head in your direction. Brows furrowed as if searching. It's like she can sense your attention.

A dull humming sound builds, as if the air around you was being charged with static electricity.

Get the fuck out of there.
Oh shit time to move 'cause here comes the zap.
i mean, she probably doesn't interact well with people.

sex with someone >>> wank on a cheap dildo
Once more, with dignity!

>millitary psion
>Displayed so far: telekinesis, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, minor telepathy
This chick is the perfect symbiote killer. No way in hell they don't know what's up.
>surgical scars

GREAT, ask if she know a good scientist for our parasyte problem.
You can sense the symbiote in your mind with completely unfamiliar feeling. The feeling of anxiety.. fear.. you're no longer the hunter but the hunted. Escape.. evaluate...grow in strength..

I guess we've established that GTFO'ing is the best option. What's your opinion QM?
I think he wanted us to try to eat her what with how he made sure to say that the helicopter kills were the last skillpoints we'd get for 'normal' people immediately followed by throwing a psychic at us.

On the other hand, she's floating in the air, has massive damage type advantage on us, and we're high as fuck. So screw that.
We definitely need bond 2. Although it can't "easily" heal burn damage, third degree burns won't kill you if you run away. And it would unlock bond 3 later which might completely heal us.

Still, getting any upgrade is crucial before fighting her.
>Ravenous desire for human brains

I realize this is purely fetish fuel but fuck off.
Can't we just be a xeno/symbiote in a comicbook world?
You flee as fast as you can.

You run and scuttle down alleys, over rooftops and even hitch a ride on the roof of a train.

After having taken the most confusing route possible to shake any possible pursuit, you arrive back on your street...

You apartment building is cordoned off. A SWAT team, various soldiers and a large armoured truck are standing guard outside. Figures in hazmat suits are walking out the door with what looks like your cocoon sealed in transparent plastic on a wheeled trolley.

This isnt good.

Your apartment is clearly no longer an option.

Three possible hideouts leap to mind.

The Sewers: Dark, dank and seldom visited. The tunnels go on for miles underground. You could no doubt easily find somewhere to *nest* down there.

Derelict mansion: You recall going past a derelict mansion in the suburbs several times in your past life. It was partially gutted by fire and has been abandoned for years. Its large enough that you could find somewhere tucked away and you're only likely to contend with bums and the occasional vandal.

Househunting: Find a suitable new place with all the comforts. Discreetly get rid of the current occupants then make yourself at home.

The River: Apparently in your monstrous form you are more than capable of breathing underwater and can swim quite well. An underwater nest would be very well hidden but you would need to remain in monstrous form whenever you're there.

Yeah, I noticed the bait but I atleast aint falling for it.

Say I was a host, of say not-venom, and I was high as balls on sleeping tabs&painkillers if I saw someone with powers OBVIOUSLY surpassing mine, I'd nope the fuck out.

Fight or flight? Nigga we gettin the fuck outta here, 'cause that's what will keep us alive.

Now I'm thinking oftaking a cocktail of my own aswell. To, bond with the charecter y'know...

Cheap Estonian vodka (Viru Valge) "40%" alcohol (estonians cannot into calculating alcohol, it's everything from strong water to suicide in a bottle) and some xanor's (Xanax but with a different name.) and some Marli glögi, mmhm, this gun' be a good mix, it replaces weed on my list 'cause I aint got no weed, plus I'm saving money for a proper bong. All whitey like...

This just turned into a slight shitpost...Fuck.

Can you not into Marvel's symbiotes?

>Derelict mansion

Aw yiss. Classy squatting with free meals, now that's luxury.
It would be fetish-y if we were nice and in control but we're not, we're are just female venom but with even less control.
>Derelict Mansion
Fuck the sewers, too cliche. Going househunting will get us found out at some point and having the ability to think about things in a regular form is too useful to pass up.
Mansion. Preferably one with a piano we can play solemnly whe the law inevitably catches up to us.

Above should obviously read 'four options' rather than three.

As to how mercy looks, in my mind she's on the attractive side of average. But certainly wouldnt be winning any beauty pagents.
>Derelict mansion
Relatively clean, vagrant meals will come to us occasionally, plenty of space. And if anyone notices our human shape coming or going, we can explain it as being an insurance adjuster surveying it for the new owners, calculating repair costs.
Somebody might miss the occupants in any house we decided to take over, somebody is probably less likely to miss whatever bums snuck into the abadoned mansion. Sewers are probably best for just hiding though.
>Derelict mansion
Sounds the coolest.
>The River: Apparently in your monstrous form you are more than capable of breathing underwater and can swim quite well. An underwater nest would be very well hidden but you would need to remain in monstrous form whenever you're there.
Best safest option. Fucks with sonics and fucks with fire.
>The River
We waterymbiote now.
>The sewers:dark DANK and seldom visited.
>Que growing weed in the NYC sewer system.

I'm actually going to go with the mansion.
Because we can morph on a Adidas tracksuit and drink cheap vodka whilst slavsquatting in a fancy mansion.
Can enhance sonics. IIRC, divers have said that being under water near a group of active dolphins can be VERY intense of the ears.
I've been found out.. oh god.. it's not safe here. They probably know my identity. *Grows a hood to cover my head*.. how did this happen.. damn it Mercy, now's not the time to panic. Think, girl.. where..
The mansion. It's probably still there. I can collect my thoughts and rest there.
>fucks with sonics
I'm not sure what you know about water but sound/vibrations tends to travel better through water than air because water is more tightly packed. If anything sonics are boosted.
Not to mention the electricity

I'm pretty sure QM meant "votes motivated with in-character reasons" instead of "posts made in-character" when he mentioned those. And if not, you might want to reconsider anyway because that's pretty cringe-worthy. Just sayin'.
Only if they were designed to work underwater in the first place. Take something for the air and try to use it underwater and it's just not going to work.
I thought cringe worthy was the thread's charm

There's cringeworthy and then there's *emote* Gaia-tier cringeworthy.
Well, I'm not familiar with Gaia but if proper representation was your concern I didn't intend to deliver a full post, just convey the idea with enough roleplaying.
But it's noted
>Does the symbiote have a reproductive drive that we're aware of?

Why do you think it bond in the first place? It picked Mercy because it wanted a female form.

Just putting it out there. Try checking out some other quests if you're not sure on how putting in votes goes. After all, the idea is that every vote should be for in-character reasons with a hint of player directions. I reckon the QM's incentive was just to deal with samefags trying to get their out-of-character or troll votes trying to get through.

At least, I assume that's the case. For all I know, you could have been right in intent all along. In which case I'm still going to give you the advice to leave *emote* shit at the door. That'll get you frowned upon no matter the thread or board.
>the next plane to Africa
Easier prey than we'll find in central New York.
>25 years, single, average life, no boyfriend,

She could be gay. I'm just saying.
Maybe just luck of the draw? What if it escaped from a military facility and everything is connected? It just sensed us and it was safe enough for it to bind. We were sleeping I think, so easy prey.
She is 25, so she probably grew out of it years ago
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>Derelict Mansion

You quickly leave your old neighbourhood and travel to the suburbs clinging to tops of buses and trains, when you reach your destination, the sun is setting.

The mansion is just as you remembered, far from the road and surrounded by an overgrown garden. You aren’t likely to attract much attention here. One of the wings is partially collapsed, clearly gutted by an old fire and many of the windows and doors are boarded up.
You enter and explore the premises, this place will be ideal. Still operating on instinct, you occupy what looks like it was once the dining room. It’s large and located at the center of the building, any trespasser would have to go aways to find it.

You spin a large web in one corner of the room, vibrations caused by anyone entering or moving about the building will travel down the web, alerting you to any danger whilst you’re resting on it.

As you are building a cocoon for your impending evolution, the web trembles. When you investigate you find that two teenagers. A male and female, have snuck in the building.

They are kissing passionately when you fall upon them. As you have just fed well you leave them alive. Wrapping them up in webbing from chin to toe and leaving them stuck to your web for later.

Finally safe you are able to become human again.

Your prisoners look on, horrified and disgusted as your face becomes human again, fleshy tendrils and alien teeth still visible around your neck and head. The symbiote remains from the neck down. There’s little point expending effort transforming all the way here.

>Evolution choices…
If its anything like the marvel symbiote, which all the pictures of venom leads me to believe. Im pretty sure they reproduce via asexual reproduction.

Stealth 3: Assume the form of another person, any age, gender or bodyshape.

Bond 2: Join with the symbiote more completely, becoming less human. You will gain the ability to quickly regenerate damage in both forms, up to and including loss of limbs and decapitation. Damage inflicted by heat, noise and radiation is harder to heal.

Predator 1: Gain a poisonous bite in your monstrous form. You are able to alter the effect and potency of the poison at will.

We already have bond 2 thought?

Shouldn't that option be for bond 3?
Stealth 3: Assume the form of another person, any age, gender or bodyshape.
Pure assassin
With the Bond, doesn't it go both ways? We'd be less able to resist the tendencies of the Symbiote, certainly, but wouldn't those tendencies in turn be curbed by the symbiote becoming more human in nature?
We don't have bond 2
And I want it. +Bond 2
>Bond 2: Join with the symbiote more completely, becoming less human. You will gain the ability to quickly regenerate damage in both forms, up to and including loss of limbs and decapitation. Damage inflicted by heat, noise and radiation is harder to heal.
Gimme dat regen

We need it to hunt bigger supernatural preys.
Is there a choice that enhances strength?
While I think we will need Predator eventually, I think being able to heal is the best choice right now, so
Pastebin says we have bond 2 already.
As the only thing thats guaranteed her survival has been instincts brought about by the symbiote it would make sense for her to rely on it more.
Im going for Bond 2

Bond. Booooond. That regen is going to be really useful considering our circumstances and the lack of hospitals we'll be able to visit while wanted and infested with the symbiote and all that.
>Stealth 3: Assume the form of another person, any age, gender or bodyshape.

We should see if we can bud off new symbiotes and put them into our captives. If nothing else it will give us a bit of cover if the heroes have to chase multiple symbiotes.
See i think if we could have other symbiotes it'd be pretty awesome, but for some reason the marvel symbiotes really like to kill their parents.

Ah, goddamnit. Why'd we have to web up two kids that'll easily be missed and go back to human right in front of them? This is going to be an issue unless we can assure their silence.
Voting for bond. Even if we gain control of our actions as if we act instintively, I'm sure none of us wants to get burned or electrified by pesky heroes and not be able to heal.

I mean, it's true that we'll more likely loose more control but I preffer to loose control than my life...
If you don't mind being wasteful and even more of a monster, we could just shoot them and dump them, brains untouched, in an alley somewhere so that it looks like a mugging or something.

It's more about Mercy and the symbiote becoming one being rather than seperate entities. Think of it more as the symbiote ceasing to exist and Mercy becoming a more alien and predatory creature who retains some human features.

Bond can also have unanticipated side effects...
Not a problem if we leave them webbed up and move to a different city. When they break free and start eating people, the heroes will hopefully blame the initial attacks on them as well.
>Bond 2: Join with the symbiote more completely, becoming less human. You will gain the ability to quickly regenerate damage in both forms, up to and including loss of limbs and decapitation. Damage inflicted by heat, noise and radiation is harder to heal.
Bond 2
>Bond 2 allows for surviving decapitation
Daaaaamn. That's pretty damn tough.

What y'all think even higher bond would do?
Maybe more control?
We can't keep running on ravenous, unhinged hunger alone.
We may have to give up our humanity but accepting this does not mean our intellect must get lost in the process.
The faster we learn to ride the blast wave, the better.
Alex Mercer.

Well, Xeno said that more Bond means that the line between the symbiote and us starts to blur, so that's probably what'll happen. We'll start getting more and more control because it starts being "us" more every time we increase Bond.
No, I'm saying if she never had a boyfriend, never kissed, never had a guy after and she's 25. She, literally, is, at least, bi.
Wade Wilson, man.
Honestly, I'm expecting it to get worse before it gets better.
I would have assumed that'd be predator
>Poison with various effects
Mind control poison in stage 2.

>>37125162 Sounds more fitting. Maybe can rebuild ourselves even with a tiny piece of us left.
>predator leads to more selfcontrol
>she never had a boyfriend, never kissed, never had a guy after and she's 25
When was that said? Also no it doesn't make her bi.
I meant for victims

I said IF. I didn't state anything.
The conversation wasn't talking about victims at all.
Grew out of being gay?
Enlighten me as to how that goes.

We already have no control over the symbiote. How could it be worse? Unless it swallows us whole which would plain end the premise.

This will probably be more of an identity crisis like in Body Snatcher Quest.
You're making shit up, and lets get off the subject of her sexuality please as its been stated that this isnt gonna end up smutty so its not relevant .
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You shudder as the symbiote joins with you completely. It's desires and your desires are now the same. Its flesh and your flesh are now one. It is now impossible for you to be separated.

>You can quickly regenerate almost all damage in both forms up to and including loss of limbs and decapitation. Damage inflicted by heat, noise and radiation is harder to heal.

>You have gained perfect night vision in human form.

>Your human form is less....human. Your teeth have become pointed and your tongue is the same as when transformed. This gives your speech an unsettling hissing quality.

>Your mannerisms, body language and general demeanor have become alien and disturbing. If you spend time in close proximity to someone, they will be unnerved, noticing that something is very wrong with you.


Calling it there guys and gals. Thanks for playing. Might run the next part in the next couple of days. Failing that, next week.

Any questions, comments or feedback. Now's the time.
>Grew out of being gay?
You know that point in time where girls go all lesbian for a year or so then go back to being straight and repress it from their memory?
Damn your timezone! Late as hell.

We are mercy.
Oh and can someone be a dear and archive the thread for me. My internet is getting spotty, hence the early finish.
No, I don't.
Never heard of that.
Nor any point where all dudes suck cock for a year.
Thats not a thing. Its a trope.


Thanks for running
Aw it ended too soon
Well... I guess we have a 2 younglings meal next time...

Or who knows, maybe crazy shit happens and they break free... Or even that crazy comic/movie logic of them trying to show you how to be human again.

All in all I'm liking this quest and for some reason I'm sure an identity crisis will come next...

Thanks for it Xeno.
>Thats not a thing. Its a trope.
From what I've seen it's a thing
>Nor any point where all dudes suck cock for a year.
I haven't seen any guys do it only girls.
Thanks for the thread.
Are we going Alien queen route ?
Is there an Alien queen route ?
Wouldn't that make it more civ thread like?
Not necessarily

Thanks guys!


Totally off topic & not the place for it, but in my late teens I became very bicurious to the point of essentially being gay and only dating men. Now I'm pretty much 90% straight. I know a gay guy who did the opposite in his late twenties. It does happen.
question: how will you handle combat?
This quest stokes a bunch of fetishes of mine.

Most likely dice rolls modified by abilities and decisions.
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Oh yeah.
Quest is archived.
same here.
Yes. But we're not indulging in them. So it has a chance to be decent.

Many thanks.


Not gonna lie, the idea and most of the images came from the /d/ and /co/ symbiote girl threads. Which were fetish city. But I want to explore it as a horror concept first and foremost.

But as said earlier, I'm open to the idea of adding a little *subtle* eroticism if the context is right, enough people want it and there are no strong objections.

I suggest you look up DeadAnon's stuff if you want something overtly fetishized though. Not gonna find it here.
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>She's after us
I just hope it won't be a huge part of it. A token post but that's it. It can ruin things.

Also what's your greatest inspiration, capeshit, Alien, or Prototype?
>Totally off topic & not the place for it, but in my late teens I became very bicurious to the point of essentially being gay and only dating men

I-I had sex once, with a friend. I was in 15 and he was 17/18 maybe? and we were like best buds and grew together sort of vibe and one night, we got some ourselves some alchool and drank too much when he stayed at my parents place. Maybe we shouldn't have tried it and, stuff happened between us. Next morning was, "bitter" to say. At least when we realized what we did. Never again though. We are in our late twenties now and we still don't talk about it, he has his own life, I have mine. After that day, we kept our distance.

I never touched a drink ever since.
Be careful with that though, if you allow some erotic stuff to happen at some point then people will try to get that to happen again even when its not appropriate to the context. Just dont want this to become a shit storm, especially considering its the internet and people can just google shit if they wanna get off.
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The marvel symbiotes.

I personally feel that Venom would be more frightening/disturbing with a slender, feminine figure than a hulking, muscular/masculine one. Also I think the contrast between a delicate, expressive feminine face and the featureless monster/symbiote face is really strong.

There's bits and bobs of Alien (one of my favourite movies) and Prototype. You can probably expect to see some Eclipse Phase influence as well.

>I just hope it won't be a huge part of it. A token post but that's it. It can ruin things.

If it's there at all, it will be subtle (much like the eroticism in Alien). I share your feelings on the matter.
Well, at least you're getting laid when you're drunk.
I just start puking and passing out.
>contrast to Venom
>Kamala Khan symbiote
The heartwarming story of a nerdy Paki girl who dines on jock brains.
gorefag here, can i ask for more gorish details ?
>gorefag here, can i ask for more gorish details ?

There will doubtless be more, I don't want to make it gratuitous though. Do you mean more of the same or in more visceral detail than previous?
I assumed the brain munching came from Alien (At least AVP2 anyway).
Looks like somebody already archieved the thread on suptg
I think I remember of Marvel Symbiotes feeding on brains too.

And chocolate. These guys love chocolate.
the latter
If the cashier starts asking questions in the supermarket, eat them.
Much easier than explaining a ton of chocolate.

Would be nice to differentiate between the "human" registering the blood, the pain, the viscera, but the symbiote just seeing an expended food source.
If a scene calls for a powerful display of horror and monstrosity, I'll see what I can do.

Also this quest needs artists. I'm running out of stock images!
Anyone got an alternative link for the first thread? Suptg seems to have failed hard when archiving it.
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Scroll down, there's a link. Search "Moe"
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Thanks for the thread!
Can we infect the two kids with some symbiote shit?

perhaps getting Predator 1 and it's poison ability might allow us to do something... we might even be able to turn the local Bums into an advanced warning system.... have them start screaming if anyone not infected enters the mansion...
>Sure, like you want 10 bums screaming around your hideout to make sure nobody ever suspects anything...
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In the past 24 hours, Mercy ate her boss, left a cocoon in her apartment, exposed herself to the public AND one of the superheroes knows what she looks like. Oh yeah, and she went full monstergirl.

This is going to be a short quest.
Well, going rogue was to be expected, wasn't it?
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>go to /d/
>first big symbiote thread in a while
>go to /tg/ the next day
>new symbiotegirl quest
I KNEW IT!!! wai, you went to /d/?

Someone needs to make a new thread. Though the /co/ ones were better. The /d/ one was just an image dump.
The symbiote needs a particular diet of chemicals, of which I distinctly remember adrenaline being an important one, in order to survive. Interestingly this makes Eddie Brock, who suffered a particular genetic problem that made him over-produce adrenaline in his own body the 'ideal' candidate for symbiosis.
This is getting pretty boring. We seem to have gotten over the muderhobo mentality but she's changing waaaay too fast.
Thats true, theres not been much character building.
It's just murder-kill-fuck up now, which is sad because this had a lot of promise
bet you faggots wanted to go for:

>noble suicide
>seek government help
No I wanted to attempt to explore exactly what she could do and maybe use it to maybe improve her situation or just revel in the freedom. Now instead we have someone who went from normal person to full tilt murderhobo in just under two days.

Even the most fucked up Marvel symbiotes did better than this.

Out of interest. Which action proposing posts were yours?
None this time, didn't have time to really do much else than follow it. Did some in previous threads, though.
So when Mercy goes monstermode, is it just a freaky suit or does she actually turn into a monster?
Pretty sure it's full fusion now, literally inseparable now. Not as bad as carnage but yeah, we're a monster now. Full tilt brain eating inhuman shoot on sight monster.

I meant physically. If you X-rayed her would you see a human under the goop? Or is she actually transformed?
I imagine we still have organs, bones and nervous systems and such, but some things are missing or goopified now, like our skin in its entirety.

It looks like there must have been some degree of transformation from the start. Dunno how accurate OPs images are to Mercy, but she grew a functional mouth capable of biting off most of someone's head and swallowing it. Can't see how that's possible with a suit/mask or w/e.
Before we worry about murderhoboing keep in mind we lost all inhibitions today. Mercy's still in there, somewhere.
She's just unable to discern her own wants from the symbiote.

Hmmm I need, Milk, Eggs, Brains, Cheese. Waaait.. We have cheese.
There really isn't anything to discern anymore. They're the same entity at this point.
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My intention was body-horror transformation from the start, particularly with her face and head. This (awesome) image was a big inspiration and is what's happening beneath the goo when her face is swallowed up.

When she's in the monstrous form, it's not something she's wearing. It's her 'naked' body.

The black substance is her skin, the mouth, tongue, teeth etc are her mouth, tongue, teeth and so on.
So yeah our skin and stomach and possibly brain are now all goo then, right?
See im fine with Mercy becoming full on symbiote, i just want there to be a little more than we eat stuff. Like symbiotes can talk, it'd be cool to have it try and convey its feelings/urges to us at some point
Will ever have the Venom Marathon?

It may have been incapable of doing such while at lower levels of bonding.
I don't think it's as simple as just "It's goo". I mean, it's probably a safe assumption to make and a workable simplification to just look at it that way what with how she can survive getting fucking decapitated, but it looks like there's something more to it than that.
Too late every time i suggested it other anons ignored it. Doesn't matter now it is us we are it no voices.

And now it doesn't have to since we are it, no more Mercy. Just the Symbiote.
You..You make a lot of sense my friend.
It's fusing not deleting. However it is invasive. So it's less adopting Mercy's wants instead of infusing it's own.
More like subsuming her will to it's own. 100 willpower monster vs. average human willpower, It's replacing Mercy with itself. Like a planet eats a comet.
So we play the mindless monster with a human mind?
More like the monster who ate someone's memories and understood it enough to pass for human if it wants too for a short time.
>no more Mercy. Just the Symbiote.
It's both of them together.

The reason it seems like Mercy is "gone" is because her entire character somehow managed to be more boring and less engrossing than murderhobo space goo. She was some lame office bitch loner who hated her job. The entirety of her human interactions in this quest were her getting picked on by Jan.

To be honest, though, I have absolutely no problem with how this is going. I like this and I think it's funny how people see Symbiote Girl Quest, try to have the mc remove the symbiote or suicide, and then the QM cockslaps them with murderhoboing for it. It's awesome.
That can't be permanent. I imagine those brains have to cause some intelligence increase right?

I'm quite resistant to the idea of the symbiote being able to 'talk'. Partly because I find it very difficult to write such a conversation and have the symbiote retain it's alien 'otherness'.

The general feel I'm going for is that Mercy's conscious mind is mostly human. But her subconscious desires, instincts and so on are now very alien and predatory.

She consciously *knows* turning into a monster and eating peoples brains is fucked up and wrong. But on a subconscious/emotional level it *feels* right. She *can* consciously resist those impulses and desires, but it isn't easy.

This threads murderhoboing, from an in character perspective was mostly because people decided to get her shitfaced and thus largely acting on impulse and emotion.
>I like this and I think it's funny how people see Symbiote Girl Quest, try to have the mc remove the symbiote or suicide, and then the QM cockslaps them with murderhoboing for it. It's awesome.
my nigga
Does eating make you smarter?

Yeah i knew that was going to fly like a brick, hence why i suggested twice to try and talk to it. But everyone was like we need to be a martyr. They should have tried at link one when we had a chance to beat it with willpower, now it's gone.

So more akin to a monster with human memories that can fake it for a short time than a human like i said.
>monster who ate someone's memories
No, she's a human who acquired monstrous impulses.

It is not the same thing as a monster who ate someone's memories, even if the resulting being is pretty much the same thing - a monster that can fake not being a monster.
Question QM.... Will our sons and daughters (or whatever the symbiotes call one another) be like us or will we have some Venom/Toxin types?
>even if the resulting being is pretty much the same thing
Should have said "even if the resulting being behaves much in the same way".
Fair enough, point is our humanity is pretty much 0 or in the negatives now.
This guy gets it.

I havn't given much thought to spawning other symbiotes as of yet. Will probably come into play at some point...
You're going for horror, right? And you said you want to do some prewriting, right?

Well, here's a suggestion: Write some dream sequences, preferably some -human- memories, stuff to make Mercy more likable and more relatable. Maybe they don't all have to be dream sequences, they can just be some shit that she remembers and looks back on and feels something. Birthday parties, Christmas, riding a bike, the time her puppy died and she learned what death is. Since you didn't do this for the first 3 threads, you missed out big time. It would have been powerful to drop something like this during the bonding, as she was experiencing the hunger for the first time, using her enhanced abilities for the first time, her first kill, the wake of her first kill. You could have had the symbiote's perspective leak into the memories as it goes on, becoming more vivid and less distinct from Mercy herself as time goes on. Her subtly wondering why it was that she even wanted to go to that steakhouse that one time, or thinking about the time her friend fell out of the tree and hit her head and instead of wincing, she drools. I dunno man. It just seems like missing the beginning before Bond2 really gimped your ability to go for the horror. It's all about the slow build.
You gotta get us more invested in Mercy if you want this transformation to have any actual impact, maybe monologues as she does one thing out of instinct and how she feels about it, The dream sequence ideas really good, id go with that
>Humanity 0

I wouldn't say so. I think Mercy has the capacity to at least convince herself she's a good person in a bad situation.

It would be easy for her to rationalize her behaviour as "The alien made me do it". As opposed to the truth, which is "The alien made it feel good."


I agree and those are fantastic ideas. The first two threads were a spur of the moment thing done with no planning or pre-writing, which unfortunately shows. I'm trying to do a little pre-writing/planning here and there now things are rolling (My first big post after the OP was a prewritten one)

I'll try and work some of that slow-build, subtle stuff in as best I can. But I simply don't have the time to pre-write and plan out the quest as extensively as we both might like.

Feel free to ping me ideas and suggestions though and I'll work them as best I can.
Had some weird WW2 themes metahuman ideas if you're willing.

Send me a private message on twitter.
I uh... Don't have a twitter.

It takes all of 30 seconds, costs nothing and requires nothing more identifying than an email address. I use it for this quest only.

Alternatively shoot an email to: [email protected]
Honestly I didn't think for a second that getting drunk would improve the situation, but it seemed like the in-character thing to do at that point.

Yeah, I figured that it would cause some self-control issues. Entertaining though.
I can already imagine
>Hears bank robery alarm
>Goes back to memories of school, thinking of the class end ring bell.
>Remembers being bullied.
>A black kid is there, watching (by black I mean completely black, not mere skin colour)
>She looks at the kid, dissappears.
>Instead of being bullied she's eating the bully now.
You know all the internal rewiring in Mercy has me wondering, does she even have a sex/reproductive drive anymore? Sexuality and it's repression is a big part of human interaction, but now it very unnecessary for her.
Did Eddie Brock or Flash ever stop loving or get sexually attracted to someone while wearing Venom?

The fact that you enjoy eating somebody else or not needing a sexual interaction to leave your spawn doesn't mean you can't have some "Fun" if you like someone
Symbiotes are asexual so any urges like that are not coming from the symbiote, and as the symbiotes urges are whats taking over i doubt she has that kind of drive any more.
So yes she does but it's pretty mixed up and she'd likely eat the guy by accident mid coupling then? Because seems like a lot of the carnivorous impulses got mixed into the pleasure centers.

Or perhaps she'll eat just right before very "act" with the guy.

Or the guy is a super and kicks your ass if you try eating him while doing that...
Well considering her body has literally began to fuse with the symbiote, like if she can be decapitated and survive chances are her organs and other body parts are almost completely changed, she probably doesnt even have her original reproductive system.
>Gore/Symbiote fags trying so hard to get a good lay in
Considering there are only 3 supers around and one of them is female, chances of that last one are low. Still i could see her "stocking up" before if she wanted to. Thing is strong emotion brings out the symbiote full force, meaning if he's any good our secret is blown sky high, or he's a dead man or both.

Just curious actually, symbiotes are a turn off for me. Now world building and thinking things through get me hard. Good point about her organs though. Thanks anon!
>symbiote fetish actually exists
What the fuck. At least now I understand why that one anon always votes to masturbate
People keep saying fetish in this thread but I don't understand what's the fetish. What's sexual here?

>Alien takes over you
>You eat brains
>You breath oxygen
Living clothes, corruption, vore, they're all pretty common fetishes to be fair.
Don't forget the inevitable alien femdom.
I wanted to go with noble suicide, as a character build up to come to terms with the inevitable, because she can't die. The symbiote would have intervened and ate someone on the way, forcing her to realize she not only can't escape this fate, but has to stay in control.
Can't see even a hint of it but I guess that's like saying feet are/aren't sexual.

That's the problem with emotions empowering the symbiote.

I'd just like to leave a note here:

We've surpassed any bond that any Marvel character has ever had with a symbiote.

Even Brock, Gargan, Flash and Cletus Kassady could be decapitated out of the suit and die. There's even a comic in which Carnage's head gets imapled and Cletus dies but the symbiote lives on and commands his body.

We've arrived to a point in which we are not two living beings in a single shape, we're at last one, that perfect bond never seen before.

This must obviously have changed not only our internal system but our very way to see the world now.

Perhaps very deep there was Mercy before but now there's just... this, it's more than the symbiote and more than Mercy, it's the thoughts and feelings of both combined. We may have Mercy's feelings in something but we're going to feel them combined from the Symbiote's point of view.

Imagine that Mercy has always a crush on a boy, she finds him handsome, this thing we've become now not only finds him handsome but also tasty and appetizing. The symbiote most likely would try to cause an interaction to get close, satisfy the host and then... well, satisfy itself by eating that handsome and tasty brain.
There's also Dr. Connors/the lizard option, though not exactly a symbiote it could turn into a mister hide thing. Mercy in an internal struggle takes over, has her abilities but is relatively of clear mind, similar to the doctor in the lizard's body. To what end though? Plain character progression before she willingly succumbs and becomes a villain? Turns to a punisher tier super 'hero'? It's easier to decide on the end goal of the character's rule and then figure out the path to it, rather than the opposite. But we can't do that here.
I'm pretty sure if our head gets chopped off, even in monster form, we're still gonna die. Maybe one more rank of Bond, I feel like we're still Cletus level.
Apparently Whatever is stuck on Mercy has a vested interest in keeping her somewhat alive.
Not anymore, bond 2 means we survive it
Actually Carnage fused with Cletus Kasady at a cellular level so we have not by any means surpassed any marvel characters level of bond.
o shit I can't read
time to go back to grade school
I imagine Each symbiote reacts differently to each host, but yes Carnage was fucking broken then, making monofilaments of himself and all.
Perhaps we're also fused at cellular level now?

I mean fuck our human form is not fully human anymore and we can't get sepparated from the symbiote.
Still, we're going through this story from Mercy's perspective, so naturally we think she's the only one affected, shifting from 'light' to dark, but there's no reason to assume the symbiote isn't influenced by us either. The middle road is still pretty bad but it could still be the middle road. Bond doesn't have to mean 100% symbiote. I would have 'retconned' (meditation or some shit) it so at least we're in full control of our desires and when we shift, rather than the alien taking over.
Carnage could do unbelievably broken things at that level, Xeno gives us half of what he could do, we'd be unstoppable until a world level meta showed up, and if we were smart about it one wouldn't find us until we were on his level.

We still have our mostly human overbrain, just everything else is gone.
I just havent really seen Mercy have any real impact on the symbiote yet, so until that happens im gonna act under the idea that we have very little input into what we do anymore. Its a shame we went on a murder spree and ende up becoming fused so quickly, its made it hard to determine our level of control aswell as what the symbiote is capable of aswell as its desires
Think that's how most of us are going to play her now as well. Poor girl had no chance. Honestly see her going the way of Carnage.
In the story's frame it was rather unavoidable. The alien takes over on its own and then we kill. It's a fact that we kill, we can't stop it, but we can decide who we kill, and well, we get evolution points and spend it on the coolest shit.

Need to change the formula but it wasn't really the players' decision (though I have no doubt we would have went murderbone either way)
I think a cool change would be that, if we fully bond too quickly and Mercy is no more, then we control the symbiote. Maybe give him a goal or some shit.
symbiote desires:

there you go
The problem here were the drugs and alcohol right before the rampage. We lost our chance to explore Mercy as a character as she nullified herself to the symbiote.

Then, seeing how good the host has been leaving us have such a command in decisions and such a feast of flesh and brains we've decided to bond even more with Mercy.

Also it's not hard to know what the symbiote desires, it desires what every living being does:
To Exist.

Obviously feeding is a requeriment to stay alive and staying alive is a requeriment to exist. It doesn't seem to care for human politics and such, it just seems to want to feast, and he's landed right on paradise, a planet full of so many human brains to feast with...
Well most of the symbiotes have goals, although they are pretty limited. Most want to kill their parents/siblings/children and take over specific hosts. Although there are exceptions, Toxin is pretty much a superhero although he talked with his host much more than we did so i dont see it going that way for us.
He has a goal though. Feed and grow, maybe pop out a few other symbiotes given enough time. This is basically superpowered genestealer cult quest now.
True and we can work with that, i think he just needs a little bit of more obvious sentience (Basic communication like most of them do) and we'd be golden.
Why? Why would he speak to his prey? Why would he speak at all when his children would be have exactly the same motives, just different power? Speaking about things is something prey and hosts do, he has no need.
Oh but we can talk, jussst a bit like thisss but we can...

What surprises me is that Mercy is still able talk with such a tongue and teeth size on a normal sized human mouth
So it's not really terribly out of proportion with the murderbone.
Mercy is in a bad situation, the symbiote took over her and she just wasn't able to resist it yet due to lack of tools.

- Alien morphed twice and killed people. Mercy had minor impact not able to stop it, just send the symbiote on more acceptable targets. Not really a fault of Mercy.

- Mercy tries to kill herself, suicide failed and the symbiote took over again, killing.

-The symbiote grew in strength in part due to eating and "us" grew in strength due to being accustomed to each other. The bonding decision wasn't really Mercy's, it was an out of the game decision by us, and in the game it was just a random mutation.

There's plenty of room for character development still. Out of two days the Alien was in control maybe a quarter of the time, and naturally went on a rampage. We can use the bonding as a plot device to control it now, since Mercy and the Symbiote are increasingly merging to one character, with a single will. No rampaging unless she desires it.
True i guess
Teeth aren't fully symbiote sized.

>your teeth have become pointed and your tongue is the same as when transformed. This gives your speech an unsettling hissing quality.
Think Hellsing vampire teeth(all huamn sized fangs) with a symbiote tongue sized appropriately.

>Implying it isn't the symbiote taking over nerve and other bodily functions more completely for better control. Mercy's pretty much an afterthought now.
>Implying the two beings aren't merging and becoming something more than the sum of their parts

Mercy is currently drugged out of her skull. We'll have to wait until she sobers up to see where she's at, or if she's there at all.
The issue with that controlling logic is that while they're bonding. It's gone the route of subconscious.

The rampaging might be lessened but only because she thinks she wants to do it.

It's altering her perceptions of reality. She's now got a craving for brains and a difficult time figuring out why that's wrong.

The symbiote hasn't suddenly snagged a care for human life. Mercy is a monster now.

I have a feeling we're going to need Mercy's brain not for moral quandaries but for ensuring this symbiote doesn't get them both caught.

Caution do to a now government investigation, unless the local PD are cleared to investigate super hero type crimes. Luring prey away from open areas and then going full monster instead of just racing in.

It's best to think that's she's becoming the symbiote rather than it's gaining a conscious.
One question then
At bond one the symbiote acts as a suit pretty much, it only went on a rampage because we drank ourselves stupid and it had free reign.

At bond 2 we are fused, and considering our regenerative abilities most of our body isnt really human anymore.

At bond 3 im guessing we go carnage, so cellular bonding.
At this point has the symbiote pretty much completely absorbed Mercy? as in its stronger and can bond with another host with all the strength gained from absorbing a human?
What goal? We're going to be playing with an entity that eats the most important muscle, but never seems to use it. Bonding so quickly with the symbiote was a mistake.
Fair enough, but she hasn't the force of will that other hosts had. Lets face it Cletus was so crazy he made the symbiote worse, and other hosts had either managed to talk the other down, had weaker symbiotes they could beat into shape, or Were mentally tough as hell if not totally sane. Mercy had none of those advantages.

Pretty much, Mercy is now at best a don't get caught subroutine.
3 is speculation. Unless we get a direct quote from Xeno it's best not to throw out assumptions on the level ups.

With the way leveling up appears to work and how we'll need to consume beings that are greater than the standard human, we may have a more singular relationship with the symbiote.

Why bond with other prey if this one is working actively to consume them?
>Why bond with other prey when this one is already broken in.
>Fair enough, but she hasn't the force of will that other hosts had. Lets face it Cletus was so crazy he made the symbiote worse, and other hosts had either managed to talk the other down, had weaker symbiotes they could beat into shape, or Were mentally tough as hell if not totally sane. Mercy had none of those advantages.

All the more reason to keep it's current host. It was able to establish a bond without huge risks.
My guess is that Mercy is at a level of bonding that totally fucks her humanity. But she doesn't know it yet. And when she comes down off of that 16 year old battle plan of BOOZE AND PILLS! She'll start having some serious freak out moments.. or worse lack of them when she tries to determine what's wrong with capturing two kids for later consumption.
>>Implying it isn't the symbiote taking over
That's what I'm going against. >>37135794

Maybe I've got the unpopular opinion at the party, but I'd like to see there be more to it than just hunt>kill>eat delicious brains>evolve. I don't think Xeno is gonna just erase Mercy like a slate, especially not with the discussion on character development that went on earlier.

I think it's still too early in the game to definitively say how it'll play out; girly made some bad decisions, but she might fight her way back up. Or hell, just wind up stuck in the middle somewhere.
>The symbiote hasn't suddenly snagged a care for human life.

Or maybe it does? What if we're influencing it as much as it is influencing us?
Yeah its too early to talk in any absolutes but its fun to speculate while we wait on xeno
I think. It's got horror in the tags. So no matter how you try to humanize Mercy. In the long run it she's fucked.

I think Xeno's current problem with the quick bonding isn't that it BAd Ebil grr grr. But that it's been too quick to fully show the proper amout of terror and mind fuck involved in the process.

I'll be pissed if you can some how warp this into BRAIN EATING MONSTER IS ACTUALLY GOOD QUEST WEZ A HERO!

I came for the horror and the twisting monster. But Can't vote for slower/more pace appropriate because at every opportunity individuals such as yourself try to throw in a "save the kitten" vote.

Not every character is a hero or has a good end.
Help me understand here. Why is it that so many of you seem to be people who saw "Symbiote Girl Quest", saw that this was going to be brain eating monster or at the very least morally grey as fuck, and then decided that you were going to make it your goal to remove the symbiote and be a normal boring office worker? Do you think that nullifying the concept of the quest on a fundamental level is "winning" or something? It just seems weird to me, like if I was watching someone in a smut quest freaking out about how there must be no smut, or if I was in a firefighter quest and there were people wanting to do arson all the time, or I guess if I was in an arsonist quest and someone wanted to never light a fire ever.
Exactly Symbiotes aren't symbiotic, they're parasites, Mercy is gone all that's left is her memories and maybe enough of her mind to fake being human. Symbiotes in the marvel universe were notoriously unlucky for finding physically great hosts, but ones that for several reasons were not mentally suitable in the long term.

Mercy got overwhelmed, we leveled far too fast and now the blank slate that is her has been more or less replaced.

Thing is, she's been overwhelmed i do not see a hungry parasite giving control backa nd with 75+ dc in first level bonding, anything comparable to guidance or control is now a pipe dream. She's gone, symbiote now is in conrtol and will devour all it wants when it wants util stopped.

We leveled far too quickly for the horror, Xeno through levels at us. We're comparable to several symbiotes bonded for weeks if not months in two days. She's going to be extinction level in a few weeks.
I sure hops first or later a Predatpr comes to town to hunt us down and we get to play with him.
They want to tame it or in the aspect or removing it keep the abilities I'd wager.

Or have "urges" to do bad things that they always resist somehow.
I hope that you either hate your cellphone. Or Google translate hates you.
Unless it comes within a week we'll be too strong for it to kill. Xeno really messed up the leveling system in our favor to be overpowered. Leveling up a perk should cost either x+1 skill points or x^2 points right now we'll be able to kill the entire planet in a few weeks.
Would be interesting to be coming outta that coccoon to find the prey quite talkative and reasonable which somehow feels weird.
So that maybe it's not just Mercy learning about what the symbiote works like but the other way around, too.
So that in the end it might grow out of that insatiable hunger part. It won't have different urges but maybe not pursue them with unrelenting aggression and disregard for the humans. It might understand who will and won't be missed, who may be more or less deserving of being snacked etc.

So with the bond progressing we go from sane, reasonably adjusted human versus mindless hungry animal to something of a middle ground. An intelligent killer, a predator with rules and boundaries accepted in the interest of self-preservation. Like Hannibal but without the pretense of civilization. Maybe even a dark vigilante bend to it.
That's retarded. I'm sick of quests where the mc is crazy/a monster/a sociopath, but it never has any impact beyond the QM writing some thoughts about wanting to do actions in line with what they are.
You're getting a little bit worked up. You alright there?

I'd just like there to be more to it than "murder everything, then hide, then murder even more things." That's cool and all, but this seems like a decent opportunity for some real grey-on-grey/black-on-black morality. If you're just playing the parasite, everything's decently flat--it's just a gore simulator then.

A good end is way out of reach, but a decent end wouldn't hurt.

To be contrary, or to be an asshole. Pretty much it. Sometimes it's fun to derail and go off on a tangent, but when people come to play something straight it can rustle jimmies.

We'll just have to see. I have faith in the girl.
Have you read young monster quest or HQR?
Totally fine. Things are working essentually as the situation should pan out. When you say, "I want grey on grey/black on black." I'm reminded of >>37136109 what this guy said.

The problem is you play the hero, when the character isn't one.
I never said we can't be a villain nor that every character needs a happy kitten ending, just that bond doesn't mean submitting to the symbiote, more that both of us change until we reach the relative middle.
>Mercy got overwhelmed, we leveled far too fast and now the blank slate that is her has been more or less replaced.

Not necessarily, no reason to assume that. I think we're going to see a more balanced play actually.
Thing is that's all symbiote wants and Mercy is not strong enough to impose her will on it, Unlike the marvel universe she not magically able to beat it down. She is a monster, all she is now is a mosnter, she will feed and feed and feed until she is killed or until she strips the planet bare.

How would we do that? from the onset the symbiote was stronger and we both knew it. It's in control now and when it sees something it wants it will do it. We have no agency besides planning around how to get it what it wants now.
Head masters not a great writer.

HQR's biggest plot device is your friends are captured and brainwashed, again!

Right. I'm pushing for darker horrible things for something a bit more balanced, because I'm positive the guy begging for middle of the road now will demand to be the hero this city needs if he gets the shot.

I'd go for this. >>37136106 Not "good" by any stretch--a brutal murderer who kills mostly without remorse, but has boundaries. Something with lines that shouldn't be crossed, though they may get muddled.

She's terrified, she's confused, but she likes it, so she decides to justify it--there are plenty of people out there who are seven shades of fucked up, and nobody will miss them. It wouldn't hurt to maybe eat one, right? Or two? Or five? Or thirty? Let it spiral from there. Maybe some people see whatever the hell it is as a vigilante, or an avenger; other people see it for what it is, which is a monster that sometimes wears the skin of a woman, and that people say at one point -was- a woman.

And when people talk, legends get made. From there it just grows. If you're just a dumb animal, well, you can't really take advantage of that; but for something with intelligence? Well, there's plenty of brains to be had in being a legend.

We'll just have to see!
The players in both quests consistently try to de-monster the mcs and the only thing preventing it is the QMs periodically slapping control away and having them do some random destruction.
Or we get increasingly difficult enemies. But we can't get points anymore from regular people anymore, so we'll see a slow.
Office worker?

I wanted to be Bateman. Instead, I get poor impulse control.
I wouldn't go as far as to say we have no agency. I'd wait for headmaster on that one. We'll have agency it'll just be our mind that wants to eat people now and we'll now be able to disagree with that.

You say let it spiral from there but instead we'll get something like >>37136194

If not from you from the however many others who don't stick around for the after talk.

We'll have to eat supers now for points so that'll drive us towards something, but we can still satiate the ourselves by consuming humans.
Headmaster* Xeno rather.

Sorry was complaining about Young monster and forgot to turn that off apparently.
...Bateman doesn't have poor impulse control?
I fucking hate that. The worst part is how they'll all still wank about how badass and evuulllll the mc is and how they're a terrifying monster. It reminds me of watching white suburban middleschoolers trying to be gangsta rappers.
From the onset she was fucked, we passed a will check with flying colors and still were forced to eat someone. The symbiote is stronger, Mercy will have only as much say as it will allow. Since the bond is so high already She in pretty much no mouth but must scream territory if there enough of her left to do even that.

>Implying we can do anything to put those impulses into whatever passes for a symbiotes mind when the girl doesn't think like that. Girl was a standard office drone after all.

Willful corruption of another character in YMQ enough said.

Good point still we're pretty game breaking with what we have now.

We failed the bond 1 dc of 75 pretty easily once we needed a 2 rolls pass, Bonding raises the Dc of resistance so i imagine at this point we need lots of 90+ rolls to stand a chance. The symbiote couldn't give two shits about normal humans, only a meta scares it but that won't last long.
>How would we do that? from the onset the symbiote was stronger and we both knew it.
Initial shock, coming to terms (no more suicide), adapting, taking (some) control. The thought of brains is going to be between every 5th word but there are no two wills fighting over, no roll to determine symbiote taking over and going on a rampage. We kill, because we choose to kill, but also can freely decide not to kill. Not because we're good (although we can spare a poor kid) but because tonight just isn't safe.

The symbiote originally wouldn't care for that. It would kill but we could direct it to a morally acceptable prey. Now that we're of one will, we can make a decision to go hungry if it's in our interests, and even go after far away targets and not just from those in our immediate vicinity.

Still, like I'm saying we're not the good guys I'm not disqualifying the anti hero role. going after supervillains while keeping our distance from the super heroes who still will never accept us. That's also an interesting path. Certainly not a damn hero, a murderer still, but we can make the best of a bad situation and go after Dr. Doom and Red Skull instead of Thor.
Afraid of slippery slope? It's simply not possible.
In my mind, it's all just a function of survival.

Random, indiscriminate killing doesn't exactly equate to a long lifespan--better to be an asset than a hindrance. Make yourself at least somewhat useful and you'll be able to shed some of the heat and make allies. Allies mean survival and access to bigger, tastier targets that you couldn't handle on your own. Further evolution.

It's less being a tidal wave and more being a cancer. Reach in and let the roots take hold until they're too deep to pull out. Don't let your prey know that it's prey until it's too late.

Well, maybe we can. Don't know until we try!
Probably a thing where if you can't relate with the character, you won't be immersed. Azure's original plan was to stay scrubby to be Psycho Killer. Didn't pan out there, not panning out here.
We have less than him.

Or at least just this thread, thanks to drink.
Thing is this is less a bond and more a forced takeover, Mercy has no real voice in this the symbiote wins every time by default. If it hungers we'll be able to do jack shit about it safe or not.

Iget your wanting to be abrooding anti hero but the dice and the way Qm set up our inky friend means we are supposed to lose, i doubt getting 3 100s would give us anything more than a slightly longer than average reprieve.
>we're pretty game breaking with what we have now.

We can survive terrible injuries but it can take time. Likewise burns are a weakness, and the first superhero we encounter seems to control fire. I wouldn't say we're terribly broken as super goes (not until bond 3 anyway, then we're full prototype mode)
Let's let that kid go, he saw us, and our face, or where we live! But he's a kid have a heart!

Okay well I know we're hungry. But we Choose not to kill. We rise above this! We'll only eat once we find some gang bangers!

Those supers are tearing apart the city! That one that just went down in the blue with the red cape is weak.. we could No No! Let's go attack the one that's at the height of his power! He's trying to hurt people and that's wrong!

Suddenly we're a hero! Let's work with a big lab and get brain paste substitutes! Oh no We're running low? Dark brooding over eating one gang banger!
Pastebin was updated. Mercy's subconscious is entirely alien at this point. While her conscious mind is human.
>Willful corruption of another character in YMQ enough said.
You mean the guardswoman who is only being corrupted by Raz by virtue of it being an inevitable, irreversible process which only has killing her as an alternative?

The players aren't doing it because they want to keep in-character as a monster, they're doing it because it's the only way to keep her around as a character and the QM, in kinder terms, told them to go fuck themselves when they clamored for reversal.
>Thing is this is less a bond and more a forced takeover
Yeah that's how it is so far but it seems OP wants to balance things a bit and plan in advance. He was just going with the flow until now.
Well if you want to attempt to have characters with more control or more ethical crisis we could try to make an "offspring" suit and throw it on one of those teens.

You think I'm evil? That this is wrong!? Well let's see you do any better! What's that? Can't tell the difference anymore. Of course! Because there isn't one!
I don't think this girl could brood if she tried. Maybe curl up in a corner and cry--can she even cry if she's fused with the symbiote? Does she have tear ducts anymore?

I doubt it'd ever progress that far. Let's face it, the girl is a fucking monster no matter what way you cut it. Whether she gets tamped down until there's nothing left of who she used to be or she goes full-on stockholm syndrome and embraces being a brain-eating aberration, she's never going to be anything better than a lighter shade of black.
Our character is simply not written to be a hero no matter how you try to push it, because our traits are not compatible. Just like a metahuman with the ability to turn to cyanide gas can't be a super hero even if he 'really really' wants to.

But that doesn't mean we have to go full murderbone. Don't let that baseless fear block a completely reasonable path.
Meaning we're more more monster faking being human than human at this point.

Good points thought she was lightning though.

Interpret it how you like Anon and i will do the same. We can agree to disagree.

Yeah i was being facetious about the brooding, point is she's a monster now no way to change or alter it.
>thought she was lightning though.
She is. Lightning, flight, pyromancy, can read minds, etc.

Seems a bit overwhelming for a first nemesis, but she's a long range character that cares about the innocent. We can probably use that to get close to her, and if we get close she's dead.
>not teaming up with some Balkan dictator for free food

Step it up /tg/ I'm expecting Victor Von Slav to show up at least once in this thread
I agree. She's a monster. My only argument is on what kind of monster she'll be.
Huh where did we get that powers list?
>Meta gaming

Next you'll play a necromancer that keeps the living in his kingdom intact to breed for long term planning
From observing her. Try to fish all her abilities from OP's posts.
>thought she was lightning though.
She's some kind of psion with

-telekinesis: Multiple targets, strong enough to levitate self at high altitude and lift a helicopter
-electrokinesis: No idea how strong, but it's got a coordinate targeting. It doesn't have to originate from her.
-pyrokinesis: Seems to be about the same level as electro
-telepathy: Some kind of wide area surface-thoughts scanning, it seems.

aka the perfect KILL SYMBIOTES soldier
Sounds like we need to do some leveling up before we seduce her.
>What kind of monster she'll be

See that makes me worry. We've got some stupid people in this quest. I woke up for this thread to see, Let's chug alcohol and pills. That'll totally sharpen our mind to resist this alien intruder!
We can't level without eating supers at the moment. So we either need to go eat some supers side kick.. or.. some low level ones. But Mercy, nor the symbiote knows that yet.

Hell I'm not sure we'll ever know until we're locked down in a fight with a super and if we take a bite out of it's noggin.
>That'll totally sharpen our mind to resist this alien intruder!
No, that was entirely the work of the ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER faggots who wanted this to be (Stop being a) Symbiote Girl Quest. Also partially the fault of the people who knew it would backfire spectacularly and just wanted to watch it all burn.
Damn the wait for XenoGM is killing me
>But Mercy, nor the symbiote knows that yet.
She'll just learn because instinct or something when she tries to eat a normal brain and finds it not as good as before and then suddenly can't stop thinking about that psion girl.
Don't think we can level anymore unless we march into a nuclear reactor and chew on yellow cake. It's not terrible really. All her abilities are long range, and she only has flight and a military vest to protect her.

Cause a scene, hide among the wounded, let her get close, slice her neck. We're dead if she discovers us at range though.
Not proven yet we've just had to eat more to level each time.

Her humanity is gone, she's not going to really care anymore.

Basically tg/ being tg and half of us getting butthurt afterwards.

If she can pin point us via telepathy it wont work.

What if it's as good as before? Why would it lose delicious flavor? Cake doesn't become less cake when you've never tried pie. The symbiote may not know of meta human tastes. Then once mercy and it try that.. well.. Someones in trouble.
I'm hoping for some kind of cataclysmic Agent Smith ending to all of this--metastasize, convert, consume, control.

Or we just find some schmuck super to chew on first. Maybe we wind up with paralytic venom spit or something--she seizes up, drops out of the sky, then we can go over and cuddle eat her.
Not everyone looks at this from the same direction you do. I want to play a predator and I voted for it, because that's just what Mercy would do. I don't see it from a meta perspective, but what would the character do.
Didn't he say Sunday?
>If she can pin point us via telepathy it wont work.
What if she needs to rush to save civilians? Is she the paladin that casts "Detect Evil" on every child inside a burning shack?
If you're saying you sabotaged things with pills and booze I understand what you're saying, but that's meta. Even if that's the direction I'd like it to take.

If your saying you took booze and pills to.. resist.. or.. fight? You're mentally ill.

Tomorrow! Tomorrow, I'll love you tomorrow! It's always a day Away!

Xeno really liked that guys dreams ideas so I think we're going to see more reaction and characterization from Mercy at least in that perspective. So we've got that to look forward to.
We don't know yet. She might not be a city super but a military one. If they think it's acceptable losses.........
>Also partially the fault of the people who knew it would backfire spectacularly and just wanted to watch it all burn.
I just wanted the stopfags to realize how retarded they were.
Symbiote revolition! We free all of the military supers! By turning them all into consuming monsters! The Symbiotes will Rise!
>If you're saying you sabotaged things
No, not quite. I didn't specifically mean to "watch the world burn". It was for the sake of character development, can't escape, coming to terms, stages of grief. The character of Mercy, in my opinion, would have tried suicide soon enough. Obviously it wouldn't work and few hours later she would have found herself surrounded by bodies or something, but my goal was character development, not the inevitable carnage.
Honestly if they thought it would work they've got to be teenagers. That sounds like a kids battle plan.
This -is- a pretty awesome thing we've got going on. In fact, it's so awesome, maybe we ought to share it with a couple of other people?

Is it corruption time yet? We need minions.
Hide in a crowd? That's not going to work. She'll go full Blackwatch on us.
But that's simple economics/common sense anon why wouldn't you?
We'd have to be able to split off first, we cant do that. (yet) Plus each symbiote can only make a baby a handful of times.
But then we get competition.
>and she only has flight and a military vest to protect her.
She has extremely powerful telekinesis. Did you miss the part where she brain-grabbed the helicopter and set it down? She'll fucking fling us away like a rag doll if we try to get close without being sneaky.
Always support corruption. Minor symbiotes slaved to our will? Queen mode is go!
I say we start with the teenage couple.
Well I was assuming because she was multi tasking. She was clearly looking for us and it required concentration, but at the same time was turning the fire off.

I think she's from the military, but is not about to accept casualties.

Also I like to toy with the idea the symbiote escaped from a military facility, it found us an easy target (sleeping), and the military was looking for us the last few days and sent her as its joker card.

How did the military get into our apartment so quickly? It was far too quickly to have been related to the helicopter attack. I think it was related to our boss' dead. They found the remains, knew it had to be the symbiote, and went after anyone related to our boss, including co workers. Then they found the cocoon in our apartment.
You act like someone who has just been infected by an alien life form is a clear thinking & rational person
>votes Ryouichi
>nah, he won't do shit if we don't wipe his ass for him
>surprised at sudden yet inevitable betrayal

Here we go again.
Probably not. Would have if we had bond 3 and impersonated a little girl. Just throwing some random excuse to let her get close.
B-bbut that's civ thread heresy
What's wrong with heresy?
Yeah my thinking as well, Worst thing is they likely gave our little friend symbiote steroids for some sort of super solider program.

Plenty of prey around. It's an animal breeding is part of it's prerogative.
If we can't create new symbiote maybe we could attach a tendril to the kids heads and attempt to influence them?
pretty sure they'd just end up eaten at that point.
Maybe one?
We could use a partner in crime.
Well we'd have to ask Xeno if the symbiote can bud yet or not. Putting a tentacle into them would just kill them ruining our little food supply. Since symbiotes like the taste of stressed brains better, There is a great deal we could do to season them.
>and attempt to influence them?
Strikes me closer to predator 1 (or 2). A form of poison with various effects. Maybe predator should be change to infection. People might choose it more.
So how would folks feel about a new thread now, but in lower quality as I'd have to make it up as I go along for the most part (which is what I've been doing so far anyway)

Or in like 10 days ish with more planning and pre-writing?
I'm down with whatever.
Up to you. I'd say take some time and plan, though. Place seems kind of dead. Maybe this evening, if you can swing it?
I'm good now.. or I guess I can wait ten days. Maybe...
New threads can't be made I think
Ok so I just discovered this quest.
It looks good.

So let me share the couple of ideas that sprung in my mind when I read this.

Ideas about how it will progress.

Predators coming to town. Already mentioned before. But think about all traps we can be setting for each other using the whole city as a playground.

We turn our abbandoned house into a gothic mob center.
Slowly descending on our web from the ceiling.
Walking among gang memebrs in Morticia Addams outfit.
The tendrills of the dress having live of their own.

Welp that answers that.
If it's what you've been doing so far anyway I'd prefer now.

If you're anything like me you'll procrastinate that pre-planning for the entire ten days and just wing the next run anyway.
Just continue this one. If new threads can't be made this will never fall off the board.
Predators.. as in AVP? That's not a good idea.

Gothic gang.. why?Exactly?

Yeah probably, unfortunately it seems like new threads can't be made at the moment anyway.

Anyone know when that'll get fixed?
New threads can't be made? Wha?
What this guy said
No one can post pictures, and new threads require a picture in the OP. Therefore no new threads.

AFAIK moot hasn't said anything specific.
I was wondering why I couldn't post my gif of a duck earlier. That explains it.

Damn you, moot!
Continuing now in this 400+ post thread on such a short notice.. hmm..
.. what about doing the story from a different angle in the same world? Plan for the next thread but let's do a "side quest" for now, from the symbiote's perspective before the merge, or perhaps from the superhero psion's perspective until she met us with the helicopter.
>Moot: Whelp, after 8 hours posting is working. Time to go to bed
>It is as though a thousand mouths cry out in pain!
As long as image posting is broken the post count isn't relevant.
I second this.

I'd prefer the symbiote's perspective, myself.

Not gonna have it all in one thread purely for potential autosaging/archival issues.

But just to whet appetites, here's the working OP for part 4.


(Mercy is supposed to be looking much like >>37124915 at the moment. Love that picture.)
Maybe he crashed in a meteor and took over someone who ended up getting killed by the psion and the symbiote caged in the lab (before escaping and finding us). That would be pretty interesting. Would flesh out the psion and the symbiote. Explain the military's role in the main quest.
>autosaging/archival issues.
So in meantime wanna talk how to organize our lair?

what to built, how to conceal it?

Gothic mainsion didn't get enough entusiasm I see,
Autosaging doesn't matter and the archive sites have been able to successfully archive threads with over 1000 posts. There's nothing to worry about.
Then >>37137115 sounds like a good compromise everyone can enjoy.
Thread will keep going til knocked off board, no new threads mean no threads get knocked off.

If for example, whatevers stopping new threads being made gets fixed halfway through and the thread autosages into oblivion whilst we're halfway though.

It also makes the suptg archive confusing.
>tfw no couches upholstered with human leather.
It takes -hours- for a thread to drop off of /tg/ once it hits autosage. Even if this gets fixed now, you could still potentially run a session longer than the one you did yesterday.
>Send me a private message on twitter.
Kinda can't do that. You can only send private messages to the people who follow you, so you can pm your players, but your players can't pm you. I guess they could do public tweets @XenoQM, if you're cool with that.

Yeah sure.
>If for example, whatevers stopping new threads being made gets fixed halfway through and the thread autosages into oblivion whilst we're halfway though.
That's not an issue.

>It also makes the suptg archive confusing.
At the start of next thread, and in its description in the archive, add a line to the effect of "Thread continued after initial end of session. Make sure to scroll all the way down to ensure you didn't miss anything!" and it's problem solved.
>Thread continued
Previous thread continued*

fuck it, why not.

OP incoming.
Also the pastebin is nnice and ominous
Your name is Mercy.

A few days ago you were a normal twenty something girl slaving away in an office nine to five with little in your life worth speaking of.

Now you are no longer human.
The government knows who you are but not where you are. You are being hunted. At least one national-level meta has been brought in, presumably to assist in putting you down.
You’re standing in the cavernous dining room of a derelict mansion in the suburbs. Your new home after the authorities found your apartment.
You found a teenage couple trespassing, presumably to have a little time with each other in private. You captured them and wrapped them up in your silk; they now hang struggling in vain from the giant web you spun over half the room.
The alcohol and drugs you took are wearing off, leaving you to soberly contemplate your actions…..
The bloodshed and mayhem of the past few hours are clear in your mind. You almost can’t believe what you’ve done. The helicopter turned slaughterhouse, the lives no-doubt lost in the crash and the fact that you are now a wanted murderer.

You should be panicking, terrified, disgusted. Feeling like you’ve swallowed a bowling ball made of ice. But you feel nothing, as if the part of your brain those feelings come from has been cut out.

You slap yourself in the face, hoping to snap yourself out of it but the only thing you notice is how odd your hand feels against your face. It’s then that you notice that you’re only human from the neck up. Beneath the collarbones your skin is a warped seam of raw, red flesh with various pulsing tendrils burrowing into the skin of your neck and tooth like growths erupting outward. Everything beyond is a smooth, rubbery black. Your hands are claws.

This is new…

Muffled voices from above draw your attention. The two teens are looking down at you, their eyes wide with fear. They look so…fresh and tender.

“Goddamit, NO!” You shout out loud, clutching your head in your hands.

“My name is Mercy, I like cats and cheesecake, I cry watching Titanic. Iam still a person. I AM NOT A MONSTER!”

You sit Indian style on the floor, repeating yourself over and over in a low mutter.

You look up at your captives and flash them a painfully forced smile, inadvertently showing all your pointed teeth.

“Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. There isss nothing to be afraid of.”

May wanna tweet out that it's continuing and link to >>37137388 in the tweet
Take of their mouth binds, explaining to them that if they scream we're putting them back on. Try to talk to them like a normal person.
Well, things could be worse.. any way we can disguise ourselves and gather some information and food for the prisoners? Or are we stuck in psudo symbiote mode forever?
>Try and revert to full human
Caress one of them with your finger/claw across the face to assure him, leading to an accidental cut and a muffled scream on his part. Taken aback.. take the mouth binds from the girl instead and tell her not to scream. Explain you're not going to hurt them, you're not a monster.
>try to explain them your situation, maybe they can undestand.

People things people things people things people things?

What do people do in situations like this? Offer them something to drink?I dunno if this place even has running water. Probably doesn't. We don't really have any food to offer them, unless they want to eat eachother and they probably don't.

Try to shift using our stealthy stealth to look ever so slightly less monstery?

Ask them their names. That's probably a good start. Yeah.
>Or are we stuck in psudo symbiote mode forever?
Stealth 3 could probably let us shift enough to look normal, though that's going to require us to go out and eat metahuman brains first.
Try to revert to full human while explaining they're nothing to fear, but if they scream they're getting re-gagged.
well shit guess we're gonna have to go kill that hero that came with the military...
Or drink uranium :^)
There are already multiple symbiotes out there who escaped like ours. We can eat the less evolved ones and level up
>stealth 3
Oops meant stealth 2
>Or are we stuck in psudo symbiote mode forever?

No, the symbiote body/human head is just comfortable. The monstrous form's lack of self control only starts to take hold when your face and head are transformed.
She's apparently national level, start with local meta first.
>see if there's anyway to push ourselves/the symbiote to look more human
>try to communicate/meditate with the symbiote without going Bond 3 this time
>now that it knows more about us/the world explain that until our current problems are solved stealth is the name of the game and it needs to stop fighting us or we're gonna die
>tell it that rampages might get us fed, but paints a target for bigger fish to follow
>if it truly wants what's best for both of us then we need to take out the biggest threats with the lease amount of reckless slaughter so we can be free to take over the city
>ask it if there's any way to "share" our new "gift" with others, like that nice couple that's just hanging around
Should we not have more self control with higher bonding? Or is bonding more full symbiote takeover?
Seconded! If we share they'll understand! They won't be afraid!
We had 0 self control last thread because people voted to booze&pills into a thoughtless stupor, not because of higher bonding.
To be far at bond 1 we went into full murder hobo
Yeah, scratch that idea lets go for the low level guys first...

kinda like a pair of shoes you don't like looking at but are comfortable as fuck huh?
We also had save checks in the other threads to see if we go monster form, which we can't control. I wonder if bondage means single will merge rather than one will pushing the second aside. If it's the former then that would mean more control
>both of
>implying there's two beings anymore.
I know we're not really two people anymore, but talking to it like we're still separate until it actually starts working towards our interests isn't a bad thing
I'm sorta imagining Mercy scrmbling over to the cocoon'd couple and grabbing their shoulders and going "I'M NOT A MONSTER, RIGHT!?" while part of her face falls off and it's just black goo and teeth inside and the couple just kinda hang there nervously smiling like their lives depend on it. "N-no, hon. You're not a m-monster"
Why would we share the 'gift'? Unless we're taking them as slaves, I think it's a bad idea to make new sentient symbiotes
>Hi, I'm Mercy and I'm a brainoholic. I've, uh... I've been having some trouble lately.
I'm hoping it'll default to slaves.
You can never have too many slaves. I think that's a wonderful idea.
“Promise me you won’t scream ok?” You ask your captives, your face still stuck in a forced smile.

They both nod.

You scuttle up the web and climb onto the girls cocooned body, using your claws to slice away her silk gag. Then quickly you move on to the boy.

Even beneath the thick silk strands, the feeling of their warm flesh against your skin….. You start to salivate and feel the symbiotes tendrils slowly beginning to creep up your neck.

As you slice away the boys gag, your long, serpentine tongue slithers out and licks the whole length of his face, leaving a trail of green slime.

Like strawberries and chocolate…

You retract your tongue and grit your teeth, forcing such thoughts from your mind.

“Sorry, sorry! Can’t help it!”

You quickly leap down and face away from them. For fists clenched with the effort of holding back the transformation.

“Please don’t kill us” The girl yelps

The boy spits, trying to get the slime out of his mouth.

“W..what are you?”

Tries for understanding. Gives them brain parasites instead...
not saying we should go full hive mind/queen yet, but can you honestly sit there and tell me having some kind of back up/minions now that:
>the government is here
>they know who we are
>know we're not entirely human anymore
>have called in super powered back up to deal with what the believe to be a single target
is a bad thing? at the very least if it came down to it we could leave a decoy symbiote behind while we bail if we need to later
What the fuck do we need slaves for?
A... temp agent? accountant? insert office job here! Smile with fanged maw. Tell them you don't know anymore and cry.
Since when have we been making silk? I thought the symbiote webbing was the black goo stuff?

Did bond 2 make it so Mercy is actually making silk stuff now?
"I-I don't know anymore.."
Don't symbiote hosts heal at the same rate as spiderman (assuming we are using the same metric) as long as the damage is done while bonded?

We could use them for a meat factory.
My name is Mercy, This thing attached itself too me two days ago, I.... I don't really know what i am anymore.
"Truth be told I'm not entirely sure anymore. I woke up a couple days ago and suddenly I was part (gesture to all of us not human looking) this. I'm still me, just more not completely me anymore if that makes any sense. So who're you two? I'd let you go but if I did I'm afraid Bitey her would try something so lets try to keep things as civil as can be expected for now shall we?"
Just to clarify any confusion that seems to have arisen

-You can't spawn new symbiotes (yet) or control/influence peoples minds (yet) beyond using social skills.

-There are no other symbiotes running around that you know of.
Bond 1
we mediated and the sybiote used that as an opportunity to bond with our open mind and gained silk, wall climb, night vision, and a few others for free
We could try to let them go and then move on to one of the other places we could have picked for a new home.

>The Sewers: Dark, dank and seldom visited. The tunnels go on for miles underground. You could no doubt easily find somewhere to *nest* down there.

>Househunting: Find a suitable new place with all the comforts. Discreetly get rid of the current occupants then make yourself at home.

>The River: Apparently in your monstrous form you are more than capable of breathing underwater and can swim quite well. An underwater nest would be very well hidden but you would need to remain in monstrous form whenever you're there.

Might actually do some good if we can have enough control to not just tear their heads off.

...or I guess we could just re-bind them up and eat them in a couple days or something.
anyway we could like slip the symbiote into their ear/brain without eating it and like wipe/alter memories of us? at the very least we should at some point try feeding symbiote to like a homeless dude to see what happenes
A cubicle worker.. a daughter.. a perssson.. this thing.. it'sss not me.. it kidnapped me..
Does Mercy know that thing about how hostages are supposed to humanize themselves to increase their chances of surviving because it makes the captor not want to kill them as much?

Maybe have her try to get them to talk about themselves. It probably won't work all that well since her subconscious is now hyperpredatory, but it might do something. Let her at least focus on their story instead of how they're making delicious squirming noises.
Try and explain Mercy's...situation. Then ask their opinion on what we should do
"ooh, it's a long story... wanna hear it ?"
How old are these two anyway? There's no way they're much older than teenagers.
Teenagers. 14-16 probably

17-21 by their appearance.
Connection error?
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>I'm just getting 'connection error' whenever I try and post in the thread now.
I had a feeling something like this would happen...
Seems fine on my end.

Ah sweet! I guess OP could post a new thread and just copypaste the stuff from this little session into the start of the new one
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maybe they fixed pics
Check their ID so they know we can find them if they escape.
Back in business!

“I…I don’t know anymore.”

You collapse against a wall and start to speak. Telling them your whole story since this all began, the words just tumbling out.

You realise this is the first time you’ve been able to talk to anyone about this.

Both of them listen patiently, not saying a word. They are a captive audience after all.

When you’ve finished an uncomfortable silence lingers for a few minutes. You look at them for a long time waiting for….forgiveness, understanding, acceptance. You aren’t sure what you want to hear.

“So you’re that ‘creature’ on the news?” The girl asks. For the first time, you notice her dyed black hair, makeup and pale skin. A textbook goth.

“I saw the pictures of you at the cattle farm, I thought you looked really cool.”

She continues

“When you change all the way, when you have like no face and the big mouth and the white eyes and stuff. How does it happen? What does it feel like?”

This is not what you expected, the expression on her face is one of fascination, even excitement.

The boy is giving her long a sideways look.

Truth! It feels amazing! Right! Being human is.. just... wrong.
Tell her the truth. It's incredibly thrilling.

We have a fangirl on our hands.
Thrilling and terrifying
It feels good,powerful, strong but you get a compulsion to do horrible things. You become little more than an animal one who looks at people as food.
Its fantastic.
"Like a schoolgirl in a candy shop on her cheat day."
It feels like.. day dreaming, taking a back seat.
tell her the truth
"The first time it happened I was scared, it was almost like a film or mask moving over my head and blocking everything out. Then I could see and feel like nothing before, it was exhilarating and strange. Now though, it the most terrifying yet thrilling thing that's ever happened to me. Like when my face disappears and my other face comes out I can be something I could never be before"
Aww, someone wants to be on team Mercy/Symbiote
i say we let her, never hurts to have a few friendlies on the human side

>explain the danger she's in. probably poorly
"I'm still human! I woke up one morning with this... thing on me."
Gesture stiffly, working against the symbiote to keep control.
"It makes us -I mean me- do really terrible things. Again, sorry about the web thing..."
Stop yourself in the middle of eyeing them up and licking your chops.
"It will only stay quiet for so long before it regains control"
Liar. You did most of those things because you liked that feeling.
"Please, you've got to help me. This feels like a bad dream. I can't let you near me, but I could use any help you can find."
>Bad dream

Really? More like Wet dream
Eat them both, accept your fate and try to communicate with the simbiote
It feels strange.

You are able to fall deep into your insticts and sattisfy them compltely.
You let yourself go. Be yourself.

I have an offer for you girl.

I can let you go but if you tell smeone about me you die. I can track you anywhere.

ANd check their IDs for gods sake.
We will or something similar. I mean are they going to run ? That's instant death. Never run from a predator.

"Like having your head pushed into a tub of warm bubblegum, then like your face is being ssplit open. It hurtss, but only for a ssecond. Then it startsss to feel good, really good. You feel powerful....liberated.... aaaaand you really want to bite peopless headsss off."

She looks as though she's trying to imagine it.

"Can...can you show me?"

You're about to tell her no, for her own safety. But then it occurs to you, it might be a good exercise. You need to learn to control yourself, you probably wont get a better opportunity than this, you still arent really hungry and the conditions are somewhat 'controlled'.

>Show her
>Sorry that I might eat you
>Show her
Tell her fine, but if i lose control at least one of you are going to die. Then show her.
This chick has brain problems.
I.. I might eat your friend..
>Show her
She's primed to be a little helper. I'd not be surprised if she goads us into eating her friend here.. unless he's family.
Chick's hot, bruh.
Tell her whatever happens next is on her
>Show her
It almost feels like she's too eager for this shit. I'm getting suspicious that she's actually some kind of agent or something.

Also check their identities from their wallets
>Show her, closely and slowly.
"Please... I don't have a strong grip on it. I-I- don't want to hurt you."
I don't think an agent would ask to be shown unless she's got some sort of power she's about to let loose with. If she is I'm guessing she's confident in her abilities.

Check.. their ID's while monster face is up? You'll kill them both.
>no roll
This is either about to go really good or really bad
Or really mediocre
or Will roll is after we change and the symbiote decides its hungry
Or Mercy an the symbiote are so far bonded that you don't need to roll will against yourself. Especially when you're not hungry.
If boy tries anything funny we make the girl kill the boy.

Then convince the girl she is also a killer and her only way out is to collaborate with us.
If she collaborates with us she can eventually be like us. Might be a better lure.
We're always kind of hungry though.

Cart before the horse boys, let's see how it plays out.
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“Ok, but if I lose control….”

You let it hang in the air.

You step back a few paces and dig your claws into a large, broken table planting your feet firmly in the ground. You want something to hold on to.

You grit your teeth and allow the symbiote to have its way with you, to take your body completely, but on your terms this time.

You bite your lip in anticipation as the symbiote flows around your head, slowly enveloping your face as if it were swallowing you. There’s a brief moment when you can see the tooth-filled mouth close in around you like a bear trap snapping shut, creating the sensation of
being eaten alive. Once the mouth has fully closed, the sensations you described only moments ago overtake you. The crushing, splitting pain followed by a wave of pleasure. Then your vision swims back into focus, the transformation complete.

You’ve dug deep furrows into the table with your claws as you clenched during the change. You turn to your captives, your tongue lolling out and tasting their sweat and hormones on the air.

>Roll willpower (30+) to control yourself.
Rolled 86 (1d100)

Rolled 86 (1d100)

Rolled 95 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)

alternatively eat the guy.

so much control to impress a teenage girl
eat the boy anyway
fuck /tg/ you really want that girl on your team.

Lick her make up a little bit
What is your name?
"Are we everything you hoped and dreamed for?"
"I take it your impressssed?"
Maybe move to a new thread? How much longer are you running?
The dice don't lie bro. We could probably use some friends/minions about now.
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Rolled 39 (1d100)

Mercy has control.
now that the government knows who we are, Stealth 3 should be our next priority so we can disguise ourselves
But we don't know what the next bonding can give us anon.

Notice no one ever talks about predator
It's because /tg/ hates poison skills.
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You focus, holding your appetites in check…for now.

“Well?” You hiss, slobber dripping from your jaws.

The boy looks horrified…and disgusted.

The girl however looks like she’s just met her favourite movie star.

“Ohmygod, that is pretty much the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Anne what the hell is wrong with you?” Asks the boy.

She ignores him and blurts out dozens of questions; how wide you can open your mouth, how long your tongue is, if you can smell without a nose, how well you can see, if you prefer being like this to being human…..

You answer her as best you can, not knowing what to make of the strange fascination this girl seems to have.

“Please, make me like you! Let one of those creatures ‘bond’ with me like you said. I’ll do anything you want. Anything! Please!”

You can hear the desperation in her voice and hear her increased heartrate. You’re certain she’s telling the truth, she really wants it. But why, after all you’ve told her, you can’t fathom.

The symbiote seems to be reacting to all of this shifting and coiling inside you, you feel….strange.

How is the tongue not getting pierced by those sharp teeth?
If she'll assist us.. obey us.. we might be able to do that in time.

Figure out how the symbiote is reacting. try to discern it's motives, wants.
If you serve us well we will give you what you desire.

>It's better not have a child so soon
>Bend over and queef symbiotes all over her

Or, if we wanna do something less ridiculous, ask her why the hell she'd want this.
It does, no nerve cells and rapid healing make it not matter
Well, maybe the first tier sucks, but the next will be great? I don't know. Would be awesome if OP gives us a clue as to what Predator tree could bring
we're bonded enough for now, I'd rather work on stealth so we can walk right up to people who want us dead or into important buildings and take care of business and walk out without anyone the wiser
far more durable than it looks? Skilled control? It's not actually coming int contact with them?

Page 10. We're gonna fall off soon. May want a new thread.
When it breed if you are still alive, maybe. If you help us. Look at the boy tell him we did not choose this and he is lucky to be alive. Also check ids. Also symbiote the fuck you on about mate?
Be confused/flabbergasted. Why would she want that? Could we even do that? Why does it feel like I want to do that? What the fuck this is weird. No, seriously, why would she want that?

And then I guess just poke her a bit to see if anything happens.
As the thread is about to die (which is exactly what I feared starting out). This seems like a good point to leave it as an expansion to part 3.

Seems like plenty to stew on.

Thanks all!
>explain how you're not even sure you can do that yet
>that if you did there's not telling what exactly would happen while she changed
>also that if she does work with us, her only choice is to WORK WITH US. loose ends/cannons either get killed or get you killed
>convince her to the contrary
"Have you been listening? You don't want this."
Try not to think about how good her smooth skin would look covered in black tentacles

I met girls like that in college.
aww, and i was all set for more too
Well thanks for the updates. See you next time dud.e
Good night QM, thanks for the updates.
thanks for running!

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