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> Threads #1-8 Archive: http://archive.loveisover.me/d/search/subject/mahou/
> Threads #9 onwards: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=MSQ
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> Status: http://pastebin.com/2RTkMwZS

You are Makoto Kiryoka; a teenage boy with a penchant for getting into strange situations. You bear the power of the Mahou Shoujo against the corrupted souls that seek to terrorise the innocent.

During your patrols last night you encountered not one but two magical girls, but through superior power and a whole lot of luck, you managed to overcome the single-minded Glory Gold, clad in her auspicious armour. The other girl, Fluid Azure, which you knew to be Hiroko Shimada, was easily talked down from her suspicions about your group, and you even revealed your true identity... in a manner of speaking. Hiroko was glad to join your team, but Glory passed the offer down and left after being purified.

The night is beginning to wane by the time you reach the outskirts of the temple, your crew following behind. Yui, Shun, and now Hiroko, all having joined your magical group to fight evil. You really can't help but revel in that fact. You touch down in the woods and look around for Yuuki. However, he doesn't seem to have remained at your meeting spot. You flip out your phone to contact him whilst the girls talk behind you.

"So if Maiden White is Minako, who are the rest of you?" She asks the other two. "I mean, you already know who I am. She kept saying it."

"Oh, uh, we're..." Shun seems hesitant to reveal herself, but Yui places a hand in her shoulder.

"She's one of us now, we don't have to keep it a secret." Yui tells her. Shun still seems adverse, but nods in agreement. With that, Ebony Strict transforms back into Yui and Shun removes some of her headgear to reveal herself.

"Shun! I know you, you're in my swimming class." She exclaims, pounding a fist into her hand. "Of course, you're always hanging out with Minako in those. That makes sense. Are you're... um..." She points at Yui but fails to recognise her. She recieves a glare back for her ignorance.

"Yui Oomura, I'm the head of the student council, you know?" She sighs, putting her hands on her hips.

"No, I didn't." Hiroko replies flatly, annoying her again. The girls continue to babble, filling Hiroko in on your adventures whilst you manage to get ahold of Yuuki.

"Yuuki, everything went great. We recruited Hiroko, *and* I purified the other girl, Glory Gold, although she didn't join us." You tell him.

"Ah, that's great. I'll be out, engh, in a minute." He says, with a lot of background noise.


"Momo. Momoko flagged me down." He replies. He might be a while if that's the case. YOu flip down your phone and look at your companions.

> Group hug to signify success.
> Offer to purify Shimada.
> Tell everyone to go home, you'll wait for Yuuki.
> Go home with everyone.
> Write In
> Group hug to signify success.
> Offer to purify Shimada.
>Group hug to signify success


Also, didn't Shimada say that she was already purified by Gold?
>Group hug to signify success.
grope Shun and Yui
> Offer to purify Shimada.
>Say we'll wait for Yuuki, anyone who wants to leave can but we wouldn't mind company
> Offer to purify Shimada.
> Group hug to signify success.

Business before pleasure
>> Write In
Tell Hiroko that you are, in fact, Makoto.
> Group hug to signify success.
>> Group hug to signify success.
>> Offer to purify Shimada.
Hugs, of course.
Oh and
> DON'T tell Shimada that you are Makoto yet
> Group hug to signify success.
> Offer to purify Shimada.
glad someone has a clear head on his/her shoulders
Seconded. Maybe transform back and forth between genders?
We already told her, as Mikoto that we're Minoto.
Not telling her we're the same person as our female form will just make our male self seem creepy
>> Group hug to signify success.
>> Offer to purify Shimada.
Although somehow I feel like it's been taken care of.

>Offering to purify, then hugs.

She'll find out eventually, but at least have a micron of sense when you do it. We've just gotten past some tense stuff, let her chew on everything that's happened first before dumping that on her. Even better, let HER bring it up, since it'll mean she's ready to hear whatever weirdness comes up.

I know this is supposed to be fun and all, but...can we have at least a micron of common sense here? We just got out of a bad fight and now frying Hiroko's circuits with the genderbending stuff might very well cause her to snap.

So you want her to keep thinking Mikoto is a creepy guy who tried convincing her to go off alone with him?
Non-chalant alternative: Switch without addressing the issue unless she asks?
Honestly, yes, because we deserved that. It'll get cleared up eventually, so don't go wrecking everything we just accomplished by springing it on her.
No, just wait until later...invite her around to Yui's mansion or what have you. Just sit here down somewhere calm and explain it. Not here, out in the woods and after we just had a hard fight where she didn't know who to root for.

Despite Shimada's claims, you'd still like to verify that Glory did indeed purify her. So once done with the phone call, you walk over and ask her.

"Hiroko, I know Glory already attempted to purify you, but if you'd allow me, I'd like to try it myself." You ask her. She seems a little adverse but ultimately nods.

"I trust Glory, but better safe than sorry." She smiles awkwardly. With her consent, you step forward and place a hand on her forehead, then spread your aura. Unlike Glory, hers is free like the rest of you and you fuse easily. However, once fused with her you notice a familiar sensation. The corruption inside her still remains, but is contained within small golden prisons, just like in Glory, however there are far less of them inside her. Inside these compartments, they seem to neither spread nor interact with the aura outside. As with Glory, you terminate these containers and purify the darkness within. Once complete, you stumble back, exhausted from two purifications in one night.

Hiroko seems dazed and takes a few minutes to recompose herself. "That was... more intense than Glory's attempt. D-Did she actually...," she looks down and bites her lip, "She wasn't lying, was she?" Much to her relief, you shake your head.

"Not particularly. My purification works by destroying the corruption and replacing it with light, but Glory seems to be able to 'contain' it somehow, and stop it from spreading. More of a stop-gag measure than a true cure." You reveal to her.

"I see..." She seems to take it all in stride, which is good for you.

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"Now with that over-" You revert back to 'Minako' and wrap your arms around Shun and Yui's necks, pulling them into a huddle with Hiroko. "Gorup hug!" You exclaim. Although surprised, noone seems adverse, apart from one lad who appears from the bushes.

"Of course this is what you're doing." Yuuki complains, watching you four embrace each other. "Out of one mess, into another." Seeing him emerge, you wave him over.

"Come on Yuuki, it's a magic hug!"

"I very much doubt that." He replies bluntly. Yui smirks and shifts back into Strict for a second. Before Yuuki can react, a number of straps encricle him, capturing the hesitant boy and dragging him over to the hug.

"No! WHY!?" He calls out as he is pulled into the hug like some sadistic creature desiring love and affection. Or at least that's how he frames it. Yui and yourself happily sandwich him between the two of you, Yui taking her sweet time to remove those straps from around his body. After a good long time of huggin' it out, you release Yuuki from his torment and say goodbye to your friends. You shift back into regular Makoto and head home with a grumpy Yuuki in tow.

Once home, you can hear the television through the door. Inside, you see Hana, lying down on the couch with a phone by her side and her hand in a bowl of popcorn, snoring heavily as the tv drones on. She seems to have dragged the couch slightly towards the door to get a better look at anyone coming in, and you notice some missed calls on your phone with another look.

"Ah... sorry, Kaasan." You murmur, shutting off the tv. "Yuuki, help me out here." The two of you pick her up gently and slowly walk her up to her bedroom. The stairs prove interesting, and despite smacking her against the wall, she remains asleep. Once bedded, you two retire to your own room. Yuuki shuts off in an instant, benefit of being able to toggle consciousness, you suppose, and you flop into your own bed.

> Just sleep.
> Prod unconscious Yuuki.
> Write In
>Just sleep

Enough shenanigans for one night
> Prod unconscious Yuuki.

Let's see if that bundle of instincts has anything to say.
>Cuddle with Yuuki
> Just sleep.
> Just Sleep

Sing Yourself to Sleep.
>Just sleep.
>> Prod unconscious Yuuki.
>just sleep.
dream of sandwiches
like us and Yuuki forming one for Yui, or Yui and Shun sandwiching us
>> Just sleep.

Despite your curiosity at how unconscious Yuuki acts, you're just too exhausted to experiment right now and you fell alseep quite promptly.

It's only a few hours, or so you'd wager, until your alarm goes off, leaving you blinking in the sunlight. Your nocturnal endeavours certainly grant you nothing in the morning, and you have to stumble out of bed to reassert yourself. Now on a Tuesday, swimming class should be on so maybe you can explain things to Hiroko and not make yourself look like a pervert. So long as nothing particularly stupid happens, it shouldn't be too hard. You fuss in the bathroom to wake yourself up and catch Yuuki waking up just outside.

"Ohayoo..." You mumble to him as he stretches. It occurs to you that Yuuki really has nothing to do all day. If you want him to become more human, maybe you could suggest he do something.

> Join high school.
> Join junior school.
> Get a job.
> Go socialise.
>Go socialise

School would be too much for him I guess...
>> Join junior school.
> Join high school.
>> Join junior school.
He can be our cute little ototo. I don't think he'll be a convincing high school student.

... He can go to Momo's school!
>> Join junior school.
release the pretty boy to the world.
> Join junior school.
Go be human somewhere else.
>> Join junior school.
Our son/brother should socialize with people his own age.
any one taking bets on yuuki as a generic harem school mc?

betting 3 foci for a week in school and 6 girls interested on him.
>Join High School

Even if it goes against all logic I want some older girls to grovel all over him.
I'll get in on that action. I say 2 foci and 4-5 girls though.

don't forget the confused adolescent boys too anon.
That would put him either in day care or the retirement home depending on how you look at it.
So three girls (including Momo) and one boy too proud to admit that his first wet dream was to Yuuki wearing a cute skirt?

> Junior school wins.
> Entire family of harem-builders.

Eventually we'll find out about Kaa-san's harem.
>Entire family of harem-builders.
mom has one too?
Only one boy?
It's junior high, he starts small. When he gets to high school he can add another boy.
she had tons of guys during her early years.
And maybe girls, we don't know.
my theory is that Ka san and dad were gender swapped at some point before our conception and that mom had a harem of girls including dad but then shenanigans then us.
yes. and we have many half siblings we don't know about, since mom and dad both have harems
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School seems like a decent opportunity for social interaction, even if all the work would seem mundane to him.

"Say, Yuuki," you start, "I've been thinking and, rather than just talking to Kaasan all day, maybe you should attend a school during the week." You suggest to him. He enters the bathroom, hair dishevelled but looking as tired as you, and considers the idea.

"It'd give you plenty of opportunity to learn about earth culture and social interaction. It's how we learn, after all." You reason to him. This seems to hit home.

"You make a fair point." He admits, rubbing his hair back. "Interacting with actual teachers would provide better understanding."

"Great!" You say, hugging him with a toothbrush in your mouth. "Hana and I can get that sorted for you, so just promise me you'll do your best to try and make the most of it."

"I always make the most of things, Kiryoka. Efficiency is my goal." He retorts, trying to pry himself away.

"Makoto." You correct him.

"*sigh* Makoto." He replies in a huff.

"Alright, well as a favor to me, if an opportunity comes up at school, you have to make the most of it, no matter how much you don't want to. It wouldn't be 'efficient' otherwise, would it?" You tease him, prodding his cheek. He slaps your hand away and nods.


With his agreeing, you finish off in the bathroom and head downstairs to talk to Kaasan about it. As expected, she's bright and peppy, no doubt due to having actually gotten some sleep, but is now convinced she sleepwalks, despite your explanation. Putting that aside, you tell her about the school prospect and seems to agree, although sad that she won't be able to spend as much time with Yuuki-kun.

"I suppose it's for the best though." She admits, stuffing food into your face. "Make sure you chew really hard!"

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She insists on handling it and you figure that's the best option. She handled your admission to your current school after all. You say goodbye to the two of them and head out the door. You make your way to the bus stop but don't see Shun there, which is a bit of a change, but make it to school anyway. On your way to class you manage to spy Yui, somehow unfased by your late night, and Hiroko, yawning heavily. Along with Shizuko and Saito, there seems to be a few people missing class today, you think, seating yourself for the lesson. It takes some dedication to listen but you manage to stumble your way through class. What does wake you up is the door slamming open and Shun appearing in it, panting and sweating.

"I made it!" She exclaims. Then the bell for lunch rings. The teacher makes her stay in for lunch to catch up on the work she missed, You pass her desk, watching her cry crocodile tears and head for break.

What would you like to do?

> Study.
> Meet with [someone].
> Relax/Nap
> Write In
>> Relax/Nap
Nap in the Student Council room.
>> Meet with Shimada (as Minako (better find a girl's uniform!).
>> Study with Yui, Hiroko, Shizuko and Shun
> Meet with [Bin girl]
>find Hiroko

we will end this misunderstanding today!
>Study with Shun.
May as well take advantage of the opportunity and keep her company

Have we started bringing the girls uniform we have in our bag? because we do have one.
>People not reading and finding out Shizuko is AWOL.

If we nap now, we'll sleep for the rest of the school day
We didn't specify, but I'm actually going to retcon it to yes for the sake of ease.
I'm a bit split.
> Study with Shun (And snuggle because chance get)
> Meet with Saito as Minako.
Don't tell me, SHE is Gold...
> Study
> Study.
>find Hiroko
Look, we're going to have to tell her eventually. The longer we wait, the worse it's going to be. God forbid it comes across as a matter that we didn't trust her or something.
>study with Shun
We can clear up the misunderstanding after swimming class.
Impossible, she got caught up by the shrine maidens last night.
>Study with Yui

We is still dumb, we must fix this.
We have swimming club today, figured we'd just tell her then.
Let's remember to go to swimming club, and not forget.
Well we really can't forget: some clubs actually meet during the school day, and swimming is one of them.

Actually, I suspect...no not Aito, but that head of the swim club girl.

> Majority for study with Shun.


I think it's someone we don't know, but might be an acquaintance of Yuuki's. I mean, since we're metagaming like crazy with the speculation already, Yuuki recognizes the aura, but doesn't know from where, and we know that we defeated Glory way too soon plot wise, so it's possible we never got the chance to meet whoever is under the armor.
Actually, I will say this: I don't believe that Saito is Glory, but it's possible that he's helping Glory in some way. When he met Hiroko with her powers, that could be when Glory approached her to help with the corruption, and now he's acting in the same role Makoto is to Yuuki (which might explain why he's not at school).
Could be. Ah well, let's just see how this plays out.
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You're dumb as rocks, and you need to fix it. Besides that, spending all your break alone in the classroom seems like a terrible fate, so you head back to spend some time with Shun. The teacher watching over her at first is reluctant, but allows you on the basis that you just want to study.

Your presence lightens her mood a whole lot, but has the unfortunate consequence of distracting her as well. Whenever the teacher looks away or is otherwise indisposed, she takes the opportunity to pour some love on you with an embrace or a kiss. You do manage to get some work done before the teacher catches Shun acting out and kicks you out of the room for it.

Not that it matters since she's let out shortly for swimming class and you both go off to attend, under the glare of your sensei. Out in the pool area everyone seems to be getting changed and hopping in. The weather's pretty great for it ,and you spy both Minabuchi doing her usual stint of tough love, and Hiroko hopping into the water. Far from the flailing girl you recall a few days ago, Hiroko now seems to be breezing through the water.

"Wow, that's an improvement." Shun comments, watching her move. She glances back at you. "So, 'Minako', you want to spill the beans right now?" She asks. "Because otherwise you'll have to come to every swimming class as..." She stops mid-sentence and seems to be thinking something through. She coughs.

"You know, it is a big deal. Maybe we should wait for the exact right moment. She could go insane and corrupt if we just throw it out there." She suggests, changing her tune with a smile. You just stare at her with a slight scowl.

> No, I should tell her now.
> I'll change into Minako, then tell her.
> You're right, it's not the time for it.
>> I'll change into Minako, then tell her.
Ah Shun~
> I'll change into Minako, then tell her.
>You're right, it's not the time for it.

We are in the middle of class, for christ's sake
>I'll change into Minako and then tell her.

Also inject some cold sarcasm. "I just looooved it when you called me a hentai and smacked me. Do it again."
>> I'll change into Minako, then tell her.
>>37381801 here, swapping to
> You're right, it's not the time for it.
Had a sudden moment of sanity.
Now ain't the time. We will tell her later.
>> I'll change into Minako, then tell her.
We should atleast be familiar.
>continue subtle(?) flirting with shun in the water.
>"Because otherwise you'll have to come to every swimming class as..." She stops mid-sentence and seems to be thinking something through. She coughs.
I'm sure we'll do it if you ask.

We're still planning on going on the double genderswap crossdressing date with her, right?
> I'll change into Minako, then tell her.
She'll take it easier in this form.
> You're right, it's not the time for it.
> I'll change into Minako, then tell her.
I doubt she's going to freak out and corrupt just like that. Her faith in us isn't that weak.


> The tell hers have it.

Apparently, "common sense" is not that common...
It should be classified as a super power really.
Hell, I think it's an ability you can choose in chargen in WoD?
It is. I got it one time, when I first started playing.
Can we atleast tell her somewhere not surrounded by everybody so if she does freak out it won't cause a scene.
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Kinda the point man, it really is a super power.

It is in many systems, because even the game developers know how rare it is for someone to have it. So rare, you have to invest in it at chargen.
Well if it does go fubar, how do we try to cover it up?

Chlorine? Hallucinogens?
Wouldn't it be fun if Saito somehow showed up and overheard it?
I would be bummed out if that happened, man. No teasing and possible lewding with him being unawares.

"I don't think she's going to corrupt from this, Shun." You tell her with a sigh. "It'll be worse the longer I put this off for." You look at Shun, who seems to be quite depressed by this development. With a smirk, you cross your arms. "You know, you don't have to hide behind excuses to get me to transform."

"I-I, hah, don't know what you mean." She stutters, tapping her index fingers together sheepishly. You roll your eyes and duck into the female changing room with Shun when noone's looking. Inside, it isn't completely vacant, but Shun shields you from prying eyes by standing in front. You find a secluded part of the changing rooms and enact your powers, shifting into Minako in a flash of light. Some girls come to investigate the sudden flash, but lose interest when they see only you and Shun getting changed. They figure it must have been the sun or something else.

"I do love plausible deniability." You mutter, stripping down. Shun nods, watching you do so before changing into her own swimsuit. As you pull the sukumizu on, Shun asmuses herself by copping a feel of your body in the tight nylon. She runs her hands up and down your sides, feeling both T&A in her explorations. There isn't enough time to truly get hot and heavy, but she makes a damn good effort of it. You both finish off and head back out to the pool.

No no, we need to have fun with him before that goes down. Sorta hoping he asks us out on date.

Outside, almost immediately, Shun takes a dive into the water to cool off. You take your time and locate Hiroko, but the sound of her voice catches your ears first.

"Y-You heard me." She stutters in a loud voice. You turn to see her and Yukiko Minabuchi having some kind of arguement. Hiroko has her hands balled and seems stoic in the face of a smirking Minabuchi.

"I did, but I still don't believe it. Last week you could barely float, now you think you can beat me?" She asks with a laugh. The class seems to share her dubious thoughts.

"If-f that's what you think," she says, somewhat timidly, but crossing her arms in defiance, "then you have nothing to lose, right?" She asks, sporting a grin of her own. Minabuchi leers at her.

"...Clear the left side of the pool. I've got a lesson to teach." She calls out, and walks off to prepare some things. Once out of sight, Hiroko seems to stumble on her feet and take a series of deep breaths to calm herself.

> You can beat her!
> This is a bad idea.
> I have something I need to tell you.
> Don't talk to her yet, go to Shun.
> Write In
>Don't talk to her yet, go to Shun

Let's just watch for now, our conversation can wait
>> No matter what happens, Hiroko, I believe in you! So go out there and beat her!
Support Hiroko! And let's not mess up her mental state by telling her just yet.
> You can beat her!
> I have something I need to tell you afterwards.
> Go to Shun.
I'm kind of saddened by the thought that Hiroko is going to cheat and use her powers to win against Minabuchi, though. I hope that's not the case, but it probably is.
>Write In: Tell her not to use her powers Other than that, pledge full support.
We can't tell her RIGHT now and I doubt she'll be convinced from doing this race thing.
> You can beat her!
It seems out of character for Makoto to doubt Hiroko and think that she'll use her powers.
> You can beat her!
Cheer our hearts out
>> This is a bad idea.
Cheer her on, it's what he'd do anyway.
You know, I'm just imagining some classmates of Makoto's in the club just watching as, each day, Makoto comes in and out and around club with varying chest sizes.

"So, Daisuke, do you think that Makoto'll have boobs by the end of the class?"
"Betcha he'll come in with them and leave without them."
"You're on."
> You can beat her! >>37382652 is right we wouldn't approve of her using her powers like that but we would assume she wouldn't.

> I have something I need to tell you afterwards.
> Go to Shun.

> Cheering her on wins.


Shortly after her challenge, you walk over to talk with her. She notices you on approach, and seems happy to see you.

"Ah, hi Minako! I haven't seen you in a while." Then she winks and giggles.

"Uh, sure." You smile at her awkward gesture. "What was all that about? You didn't challenge Minabuchi, did you?" You ask her. She smiles and nods.

"Ever since I got my powers, I've been getting better and better in the water. Which, I guess, makes sense, I mean I turn into water, after all. What good would I be if I couldn't swim in it?" She chuckles. However, after the last word she seems a tad depressed. "I guess that's also what Glory was afraid of." You don't really have much to say on the matter, but she breaks out of her funk before you can really worry about it.

"No, I gotta stay focused. Can't lose here." She tells herself. "Can you imagine how great it's going to be if I beat her? No more calling me a rock in the water." She seems proud, so you decide to smile and support her.

"Well, I wish you luck, you'll definitely need it." You tell her.

"Not really. If I'm lagging behind, I can just push myself forward with Fluid Azure." She states. You step back, surprised at her attitude. "What?" She asks.

"Y-You can't use your powers like that." You tell her, but she shakes her head.

"Oh no, don't worry, I don't need to fully change. I'm not in any danger of people finding out." She waves her hand in front of her. "So I'll just move a little faster, its not a big deal." You scowl at her and grunt.

"It wouldn't be fair to Mina. She doesn't have powers." You argue. Hiroko pouts.

"Well... what about her legs, and those arms? Mine are nowhere close to hers, but my power makes us equal!" She reasons with a determined look. Looking at her, she's right about that; Hiroko's pretty short and not exactly much in the muscle department. Still, is she really correct in thinking this?

> No, it's cheating.
> She has a point.
> Ignore and insist.
>> No, it's cheating.
That's not justice, Hiroko.
>> No, it's cheating.

That's just not justice
> She has a point.
After all, Makoto is changed at the moment. We'd be a hypocrite.
That's apples and oranges. We're not using our breasts to gain an advantage in a swimming competition.
>No, it's cheating.

Gotta teach her to not abuse her powers as early as possible.
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>No, it's cheating.
> No, it's cheating.
"If it was to make a point or get her off your back, yeah, but since this is just for kicks, it isn't a good idea. A victory is more meaningful when it's hard won."
>> No, it's cheating.
You don't have to win. You'll get stronger eventually.
Imagine how fast you'll be if you use your powers after you get stronger
>>37383228 says it perfectly she just wants to win if she were trying to prove a point or defense someone else it would be different but that is not justice.
>No, it's cheating

That's now how justice works girl.
>No, it's cheating.
We use our powers for JUSTICE.

Our romantic/sexual misadventures don't count; it's our personality that wins them over, not our body
>> No, it's cheating.
> She has a point.
just voting for the other side
Except that we're not at all? You can't even compare us being able to turn into a girl and her using her ability to swim better than somebody legitmately good at it.
>> No, it's cheating.
You can suprise her enough without your powers, trust me. You can do it!
>> No, it's cheating.
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You shake your head at her. "That's not justice."


"Uh, I mean, if your only goal is to win, using your powers is nothing but a cheat to obtain that." You reason with her. She looks away and crosses her arms. "If you're so certain you'll win with your powers, what's the point of racing at all?" You ask her.

"It's to..." She doesn't seem to have an accurate answer to give you for that. She looks at you again and maintain your heroic, stoic posture.

"Mnnng, why do have to be right?" She buries her face in your chest in despair, surprising the hell out you. Not that you haven't had girls between your breasts before but... this is getting off track. You push her back by the shoulders.

"But what do I do now? Without them, I'm sure to lose!" She claims. You shrug.

"You'll never know if you don't try." You suggest, but she doesn't seem to understand. "Even if you don't win, if you try your hardest you'll truly know how good you're getting at it." Your eyes twinkle with that spirit of justice as you talk to her, and she gasps in awe before agreeing.


The two swimmers take their place at the end of the pool and you jump into the water alongside Shun to watch. Minabuchi looks cock sure of herself, but Hiroko, who before was pumped, now looks hesitant about what they're about to do. Shun glances at you with a dubious look.

"Remind me not to talk to you before a race." She comments. You glare back at her. It wasn't supposed to be a 'psyche-up' pep talk. The two bow down at the end of the pool. One of the other students shouts "GO!" and the two dive into the water and start swimming for three laps. After just the first lap, it's pretty clear Minabuchi is the winner, and she finishes all three of her laps by the time Hiroko is half-way through her second. You clap awkwardly and Shun floats alongside you, doing the same.

"That was pretty brutal." She says, watching Hiroko.

"Y-Yeah..." You mutter. Mina jumps out of the pool and throws her hair back, sending dropslets that shine in the sun past her as she receives accolades for the victory. Hiroko makes her way to the edge of the pool, head-half submerged and blowing bubbles in the water. The two of you wade over to her and smile. before you can talk though, Shun slaps her on the back, knocking her to attention


"Great work, Hiroko!" She cheers with a smile. "Come on, one more lap!"

"Hnng, why? The race is over." She mumbles, sinking back into the water. Shun glares at her.

"It's only over once everyone finishes. You've got this! Come on, swim! Swim! Swim!" She points at the other edge, chanting. Hiroko glances at you and you nod. She glares at the other side and then starts swimming again, with Shun passionately chanting her on. Surprisingly, it's her fastest lap yet, but she still loses by a wide margin.

"Well you didn't drown. So that's an improvement." Mina comments as Hiroko reaches the end of the lap, coughing out some water. "Try harder next time." She throws her towel aside and goes back to keep watch over the other people swimming. Kind a bitch, in your opinion, but her words don't seem to have hit Hiroko hard. Shun's already congratulating her. As blunt as she is, you can't deny she knows how to pump up an athlete.

You've still got some time to spend here. What do?

> Relax. The water's great.
> Sunbathe.
> Show Hiroko your secret.
> Talk to Minabuchi.
> Write In.
> Show Hiroko your secret.

We were going to, should probably drag her off somewhere private.
> Relax. The water's great.
Just float, use your natural buoyancy! Be a buoy
>Show Hiroko your secret.
>Show Hiroko your secret.
>> Show Hiroko your secret.
>> Show Hiroko your secret.
Let's first remind her of that other encounter.
>Show Hiroko your secret.
>> Show Hiroko your secret.
Well, it was voted to do so, so might as well. Let's not be hamhanded about it, though.
>Relax. The water's great

Like I said, we can talk to Hiroko later. Have a little sense, guys!
>> Relax. The water's great.
You. I like you.
> Relax. The water's great.
>Show Hiroko your secret.
Careful with the "showing" part.
> Relax. The water's great
>Show Hiroko your secret.


> Show Hiroko wins.

Again, can we atleast pretend to be smart and not show her in public? It'd be safer is she does freak out.
oh for the love of...
Discretion is not necessary, just smart.

Remember how she reacted before.
how can we be so frightenly smart when in battle and yet so frightenly stupid off the battlefield?

Its a wondrous and drama causing talent.
Because Anon has absoultely no sense of proper timing.
"Here's your consolation prize: This awesome girl you know is actually guy you called a hentai!"
It should probably work out better, since she trusts us and we aren't creepy like Makoto is, so she'll be willing to go into a secluded corner with us for unknown reasons.

It'll probably be fine. Probably.

Get ready for a serious talk about gender identity and sexuality as affected by magical transformation. And how is it perverted? We're a healthy...whatever we are at any given time

With her in a somewhat optimistic mood, you figure it might be a good time to show her your 'little' secret'.

"Aggh, I'm really bad at phrasing this." You say, holding your head. You let go and glance at Hiroko, playing in the water. You take a deep breath.

"H-Hey, Hiroko?" You ask with a slight dip in your voice. She glances over to you with a smile.

"Yeah, what's up?" She asks.

"Would you mind coming with me for a bit? There's something I have to show you." You hope that's substantially less creepy than what you said last time. However, Hiroko seems to be head over heels in friendship with you and wholeheartedly agrees. The two of you step out of the pool and head for the changing block, heading into the women's room. It's vacant right now, so it seems like a good spot to show her.

"Alright," you preface your reveal, "just don't... freak out or anything?" You ask her. She nods, confused about your request. "Don't call me a hentai again."

"When did I call you-" She starts to ask and you shift into your male form with a flash. Immediately she stops and stares at you. It takes about a minute, during which you swear you could see the gears in her head turning, before she speaks again.

"Y-You can shrink your h-hair and breasts?" She asks hesitantly.

"In a manner of speaking." you rub the back of your head, " I can change my gender. Hiroko, I haven't been entirely honest with you." From your perspective, she seems pretty darn confused and surprised by this revelation.

"Y... You-... You're the b-boy from yesterda-ay..." She, clearly, does not seem to be taking this as well as Shun or Yui.

> I'm Makoto, a guy
> I... can turn into a guy!
> Apologise.
> So? Hot or not?
> Write in
>> I... can turn into a guy!
>> Apologise.
This might make it easier for her to accept. And it's technically true.
> I'm Makoto, a guy
> Show her a mixed form
Go for the knockout!
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Go sit in the corner.
>> I'm Makoto, a guy
> I... can turn into a guy!
> Apologise.
>I'm Makoto, a guy.
>Well, I was born a guy. Now things are complicated
Never! I value hilarity over everything else!
> Apologise.
>> I'm Makoto, a guy
When we first met I felt a magical aura, but when I tried to detect it I accidentally transformed. Remember, you noticed and got a little confused?
>> I'm Makoto, a guy
>I'm Makoto, a guy
>Write in: hug/kiss/reassure we're still the same person
Guys, she's going to freak out if we tell her we've been a guy the entire time. Please don't be stupid or do it for shits and giggles, just this once.
> Apologise.
> I'm Makoto, a guy
forget it, from the moment we decided to show her here, we were doomed.

Dammit, when we hit rock bottom you guys don't grab a shovel, you go for the f-ing dynamite!
You can say "fuck", it's all right.
You are literally the worst kind of player.


>I have a wang wins, along with gratuitous apologising.


Made me laugh, but a terrible idea.
Yeah, really. For all of anons talk of wanting a harem, they sure are great at bombing their own relationships sometimes..
Welp, here comes the fight scenes. Fuck each and every one of you.
You don't know that.
Hey, I voted to wait just like you. I'm just as upset.
>She, clearly, does not seem to be taking this as well as Shun or Yui.
Here's a clear warning sign that we were about to fuck up big time. And you went and ran with the retard ball through your own endzone. So, congratulations on fucking up everything.
Lies are not the basis of strong relationship anons.
I think it's better to drop the bomb early. If we had waited for too long it might have gone off of the "fun" territory and into the "you betrayed me!" area.
How is waiting for a better opportunity, when Shun and Yui can be there to support her, lying?

Dammit, this is it. Hiroko will freak and out us to the swim club at the same time. Damn you all.
And dropping everything on her is just as bad: she had a rough night the night before, and she was humiliated in a minor way just before we talked to her, and now we revealed to her that we were that creepy guy from the day before. There is only so much she could take, and she was clearly about to cross that line: it's okay to hold off on it until she had time to process it.

But no, you guys decided that the more "fun" thing to do is to throw everything on top of her for shits and giggles. Well, enjoy reaping what you sow.

Jesus. Players have been retarded three sessions in a row. It's really frustrating, did all common sense leave when the new year began?
I wasn't advocating a lie, I was advocating telling her at a better time.
It is a strong possibility. Give it time and we will regain our collective senses and return, in stronger numbers.
Let's hope so, because it is depressing to see retarded after retarded decision, especially how the players were pushing for telling Hiroko right now. There's no way this could end well, but they went for it regardless.

I know this a RP, but this isn't a "Let's screw up stuff for shits 'n giggles!" RP
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You nod to her. "My name is actually Makoto, not Minako. I'm a guy." You tell her. She still has her mouth open in shock.

"H-H-H-" She mumbles to herself, struggling to get the words out. "HOW!?" She screeches.

"Magic!" You reply. She slaps you. "Agh! I-I'm serious! I was a guy, but I was granted the power of a magical girl, so it changes my gender when I transform!" You explain, fearing another slap. For as timid as Hiroko acts, she sure can slap pretty hard. Despite that, she is listening intently. it seems like, whilst she's not at all happy to hear it, she does believe you.

"Before we first met, I could sense someone's magical power in this class. That was you! But when I tried to detect it, I messed up and transformed. Remember, you noticed and got a little confused?" You remind her, thinking about the first time you met her.

She seems to think back and retracts her hand. "I said your chest... changed." She glances back at you. "But why didn't you tell me? You've been lying for that long?" She asks with a sad expression across her face.

"Not on purpose!" You claim. "Please calm down." You don't know if people can corrupt spontaneously, but Yui did revert to a corrupted Strict under pressure, so there is a reason to believe it could happen.

"I wanted to tell you, I even tried to yesterday in the hall but you didn't believe me. I was going to tell you last night when we were all together but..."

"But?" She asks. You're hesitant to say it, but she manages it for you. "...You thought I'd go crazy again. That 'corruption' thingy!" She screws up her face and pouts.

> Exactly!
> Yes, but for your own good.
> No, that's not what I was worried about.
> No, no, no...
>> No, that's not what I was worried about.
>> No, no, no...
> No, that's not what I was worried about.
> No, no, no...
> No, that's not what I was worried about.
Didn't want to pile on more bad news right after Glory walked off all sad and stuff.
>> Exactly!
This is the least bad: the "no" options are lying to her, which she'd call bullshit on and you guys are so against anyways, and the "yes but" one is overly arrogant. She has our number, so we should confirm that's why we didn't tell her immediately.
>No that's not what I was worried about...

Dem retards sure are lucky that Qyubey seems to be unwilling to let them reap the consequences of their idiocy...
>No, that's not what I was worried about
>No, no, no...
I'm scared about people knowing about me, because I'm comfortable with who I am in either skin...and others might not be.
>> No, no, no...
> I just. . . I was worried. I don't know. I was afraid this whole time you would distrust me, and I'm sorry. I really do hope you don't hate me for this.
If she's okay with it:
> Hug
>No, that's not what I was worried about.
>No, no, no...
>> No, that's not what I was worried about.
Stop trying to hug her, you'll get slapped again. With the full force of her foci.
Could he have meant them not to be trap options, just setting different story tones?

I sit on the other side of a tripcode on a regular basis, and read a fuck ton of other quests.

Either way, the longer we put this off, or the more we lie about it...then it probably would have bitten us in the fantastically toned ass.
Well, it suddenly seems that we're okay with lying. Fantastic. And just when it was actually a good idea to be truthful with her.
You expected people to suddenly be smart about this? Nah man, the bad decision train has no stops.
Technically not lying; we were concerned about her feelings.

I wouldn't hug her right now due to the fact we're wearing a tight nylon swimsuit and she JUST found out we're a guy. Unless we shifted back to girl form, this could destabilize the situation.
actually, i am pretty sure bin girl was recording the whole thing in shrine. If we did transform to a boy back then it will be all over the web.
Too little, too late for my vote.
>Yeah, that too
Yeah, I expected to turn back first since, after all, we are in the female changing room
Read the second confrontation with Strict, or the "fight" against Momo: you have to be VERY careful with dialogue navigation. Which players have failed hard at in the last three sessions. VERY hard.

>Technically not lying; we were concerned about her feelings.
>Didn't tell her before because we were concerned about the effect it would have on her fragile state
>"Did you not tell me because you thought I would go crazy?"
That is a literal lie. That is far more of a lie than telling her that we turn into a boy. You are being a lying liar that lies and she knows it and she is not going to fall for it. JEEZ.

No, because Makoto had no idea she was there at all.
oh shit.
your right.
i actually forgot about the paparazzi girl.
Does not matter, Makoto had no idea she was there then and still has no idea she was ever there. It had absolutely no bearing on the situation.

> Looks like Denial wins.


well its off to yui to receive some punishment after this then.
Does it count as denial if he believes what he's saying?
Yeah, probably. . .
Never mind.
A (lie) after the input might be good for us with shitty memory~
You don't need it, you have context right there in the story.

> "Not on purpose!" You claim. "Please calm down." You don't know if people can corrupt spontaneously, but Yui did revert to a corrupted Strict under pressure, so there is a reason to believe it could happen.
> "I wanted to tell you, I even tried to yesterday in the hall but you didn't believe me. I was going to tell you last night when we were all together but..."
> "But?" She asks. You're hesitant to say it, but she manages it for you. "...You thought I'd go crazy again. That 'corruption' thingy!"

Stop with the tildes and freaking READ.

Stop being a terrible person. Everything you have said has been terrible and disingenuous. Please stop.
I appologize for being a terrible person and having a different mindset. When I wrote what I originally wrote, that's what I thought of as the truth. I thought that going with "Exactly!" would be more of a scapegoat choice. Just think of me as stupid if you will.

"No, no, no," you say, "That's not what I was worried about." She's still glaring at you though.

"Then what *were* you worried about? Why didn't you tell me?" She asks. She still doesn't seem actually angry, just desperate for a simple answer to all of this.

"I... I didn't... think it was the right time. I was afraid if I told you at the wrong moment, you wouldn't trust me anymore." You say to her. She continues to stare at you in disbelief

"I wouldn't trust you?" She repeats in a flat tone. She's shaking a little bit. "You thought the way to earn my trust... was to lie to me!?"

"No! I just... we hit it off so well, I didn't want to jeopardise our friendship." You quickly retort. "I was worried about what you might think of me if I came out and told you. I was afraid of..." You look at the look of betrayal on her face. "...this." Hiroko raises her hand to slap you again and you flinch. However, she doesn't follow through, and slowly lowers it.

"I did think you were a good friend." She says. "At first. You helped me out, you seemed so nice; of course I trusted you. I trusted you... and you used that to hurt Glory." She states. There's a dead silence following her accusation. You don't have a way to dodge or soften that blow; you genuinely did use her trust to keep her back so you could deal with Glory Gold, even if you did have the best intentions

"I... I can only say I'm sorry." You say softly and bow to her, shutting your eyes. She doesn't say anything to you but does seem to think about it.

"I... I won't tell anyone." She says finally. You smile and look back up at her, but it fades when you see her frown. "About who you really are. I owe you that much. But stay away from both me *and* Glory from now on." She demands.

> ...Okay.
> I understand, but don't blame the others.
> But we can help each other.
> I can't do that.
>I understand, but don't blame the others
>I understand, but don't blame the others.
>I understand, but don't blame the others.
At this point, she needs time.
*slow clap* I hope you guys are fucking proud of yourselves
> ...Okay.
> I understand, but don't blame the others.
All that's left is for the whole double dating thing to blow up~
>I understand but don't blame the others.
>I understand, but don't blame the others.
>> I understand, but don't blame the others.
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>> I understand, but don't blame the others.

no, because we're telling Yui and Shun, and hopefully getting them to date each other as well as us
You really are oblivious, aren't you.

Well, actually I'm pretty sure they're both very aware of what's going on and are okay with it to some degree.
yes, but we still need to tell them. even if they know, its better to talk this kind of thing out than just assume everything's cool
truly the life of magical girls is one of suffering
EEEEverything is awful! Everything is awful when you lie to your friends! Everything is awfuuul!


> Yes, but don't blame my friends wins.

>> I understand, but don't blame the others.
Fair enough, but I wouldn't trust this lot to do it without shoving their dicks in a garbage disposal.
true. maybe tell Shun when we go back, and then go find Yui with her to talk about it as a group?
>EEEEverything is awful! Everything is awful when you lie to your friends! Everything is awfuuul!
Please stop rubbing it in. It's frustrating how all of this went down already.
damage control...

Although I doubt you guys realise how badly we screwed up - Hiroko's trust in us is broken beyond repair for the foreseeable future. And the chances are high that she will attack us when we approach her or Gold - and since Gold will go where corrupted magical girls are, we will run into them inevitably...
Holy fuck this shit was ridiculous. It was almost like nearly every player was trying their hardest to ruin everything, despite being given EVERY opportunity to not fuck shit up. Her flipping out and attacking would have been preferable.
so we made a Lex Luther.

Heck, if we aren't careful, this could blow up into a full grown magical girl civil war.
Heck, Qyubey even gave us a second chance when he interrupted us with that swim race, but nooooooo...the retards just HAD to blow it all up! Dammit, DAMMIT ALL!
It was going to come out eventually, telling her now was probably for the best. What happened afterwards, not so much.

Well, I wasn't around for either vote so it's not like I can complain about much, so I'll just see how things go from now on.
That was going to happen anyways, most likely. Stupid decision or no, it would have been unfair to invalidate that earlier vote.
The timing was bad, but this was always going to happen and the longer we wait the worse it would get. If I want to be petty, it's the dice gods' fault for that nat 1 transformation.
If we had waited JUST a little longer, we could have invited her to the student council room after school, where we could have presented our case as a group. We could have explained that were afraid she'd go corrupt from the news, Shun and Yui could have explained what corruption can do to you and Hiroko would have come around. THIS was the worst possible way to tell her. Why is that so hard to understand?
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Momentary Sadistic Side of Me: Will Makoto be unable to handle the loss? Will he finally fall into the corruption? Will he learn the Truth? THE TRUTH CALLED DESPAIR!?!

(Corrupted Makoto Ark Plz)
It wasn't telling her now that was the issue, not really. All things considered, it wasn't too bad of an idea. How everything went down so goddamn idiotically? That was a catastrophe on so many levels that I can't actually type what I want to say I'm so angry right now.

FUCK YOU. You only have yourself to blame for mishandling the ENTIRE situation so bad, don't go blaming it on a situation from MONTHS ago. The thing to blame happened RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.

I really wish I could use italics: using all caps to emphasize words looks so damn stupid.

I wasn't arguing for telling her right now, I was arguing against invalidating votes just because they didn't go how we wanted. I think the timing was all bad, too.
can we even be corrupted? our power is purification
>Corrupted Makoto Ark Plz
I'd play a corrupted side story. Either non-canon corrupted makoto, or special episode play as a corrupted girl.
Fair enough, the song just popped into my head.


The only thing you can think to do is hang your head in shame. "I understand." You say softly, raising your head. "But, if you can do one thing for me," She shoots you a glare, and you cringe, "Please don't blame Shun or Yui. I was in charge, I was the one who lied to you. Don't make my mistakes theirs." You beg of her. She bites her lip and sighs.

"...Alright." She finally says, which comes as some small solace to you in this pile of guilt. As she leaves, you prepare to shift back but feel your enthusiasm wane. You sigh and sit down on the bench to stew in your recent actions. Maybe you should've waited for a different time, or just not told her at all. She didn't corrupt, but somehow this feels just as bad, if slightly less dangerous. If Glory continues to try and work, then you'll definitely meet on patrol, and that might get ugly. Possibly made worse by the fact that both of them are weaker than your team, and might not be able to handle threats.

"Agh!" You grunt, realising you're only thinking about it in a tactical sense again. That's what caused this whole mess. You're no better than Robo some regards, you think. But can you really afford to be otherwise? If Glory could defeat your team, someone else could as well.

"Ahhhlright, that's time. Class is over!" You hear Minabuchi screech outside. Something of a relief. You pick up your clothes and stare as them as some voices enter the block. You recognise them as girls voices and feel a sudden twang in your brain. You were so focused on your thoughts you neglected to change back right away. They don't seem to have noticed you yet, with your girlish frame to thank for that. You could change, but your flash would probably be noticed out in the open.

> Screw it, shift gender.
> Hide somewhere.
> Grab a stall and shift.
> Stay very still and hope noone notices.
> Write In
And before anyone says anything, yes, I contradicted myself at the beginning and at the end. I'm angry and frustrated and it took me so long to type that because I was trying to not blow up all over the screen.

>> Grab a stall and shift.
Logically, if there was a way to inverse our power, we could become the most corrupt, corrupting other girls with our mere presence.

...but that would have to require insane levels of DESPAIR or such. And be approved by Qyubey. Which I sorta doubt.
>Grab a stall and shift.
>Grab a stall and shift.
> Grab a stall and shift.
>> Grab a stall and shift.
>> Grab a stall and shift.
>> Screw it, shift gender.

so does this mean we will be quitting the swimming club?
>> Grab a stall and shift.
On the one hand, that will make Shun sad. On the other hand, fuck everything.
>Grab a stall and shift

> Grabbing a stall wins.


> If you want to. Swimming club is mostly Hiroko stuff, like how Student Council is mostly Yui.
Meh, we need to do something to strengthewn our body, even if only a little bit and swimming is perfect for that. Besides, it makes Shun happy, so stay with it I say.
Can you guys do it without fucking up everything more than you already have? Maybe you want to set the student council room on fire? How about destroying the shrine again, would that make you satisfied? I don't actually know if you're one of those fuckups, if you aren't, then you have my most sincere apologies for my assholery.
not yet
we might want to take a break though, see if Hiroko just needs time to calm down or is done with us for good
shun is in softball club right?
i say we join it.
Guy from >>37386150 here. No I'm not one of those retards who can't seem to think things through.

Seriously, this was doomed the moment the retards decided Hiroko must know here and now, when waiting for a better moment would have been better. The saying goes "There's a time and place for everything." for a reason. Both time and place were terribly wrong for this conversation. But tell that to the dumbasses.
>Swimming club is mostly Hiroko stuff

Quitting it is then!
i don't want makoto to feel bad every time he is doing club activities.
If she isn't after you did your best to kill our relationship with her, douse in gasoline, and strike a match, then I would say that Qyubey is being unreasonably kind.

Sorry for the insults directed at you.

Anyways, quitting swimming has my vote. There's absolutely no way it's going to be less than terrible for a long while. Shun can maintain ties with Hiroko, she's actually good at not fucking up everything.
I'm assuming she is, but I'm trying to be optimistic which is why I say short break rather than quitting right now.

And I didn't get to vote on that, I got here about an hour ago. I get why you're pissed though, it was a bad choice
Dammit, I keep throwing shit at the wrong people. Sorry.

Just sitting here is a terrible idea, you've got to grab a stall. You quickly collect your things into your bag and stand up, darting over to a stall. Luckily for you, since you moved quickly there are still some open. Unluckily, some girls do see you before you manage to hide yourself away in the stall. You hear some of them mumbling outside so you quickly pulse your power and shift into your female form. You continue to hear some murmurs outside, unsure if they recognised you or not. When noone comes in to investigate, you breathe a sigh of relief.

"Oh, here you are." A voice speaks behind you and you squeak. Thankfully, as you turn around, you see it's only Shun.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." You say, holding your chest.

"No kidding. It feels like you gave one to Hiroko." She comments, stepping into the stall with you. You stare at your feet sheepishly, and Shun braces herself against the wall as she pulls off her swimsuit. "What did you tell her?" She asks.

"The truth, sort of..." You reply in a soft tone. You really wish you knew how to fix this, just some magic way to make everything better. "I don't know what I could have done. Maybe I should've waited. Maybe-" Shun interrupts you with a sincere hug, rubbing your head.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. I know you, and you would never do anything to hurt someone unless it was absolutely necessary." She hugs tighter, hoping to comfort you. "So don't act like this. Just... keep looking ahead, with what you learned today. That's what my dad always told me." She says with an optimistic and forlorn tone.

"Right." You say with a sniffle.

"Trust me, it'll all be okay" Shun says, continuing to embrace you. You hope so.

On your part, Qyubey, it was a good session.
Thanks for running as always.
and then we had off screen lesbians to calm our nerves
Thanks for the run, Qyubey!

Looking back at it all, from a /d/ Quest to this...I don't regret following it.
Thanks for running Qyubey, as always.

A question though. I know you write what we decide, but...do you sometimes wish we would stick to a certain choice? Do you sometimes sit in front of the screen and think "Oh god, are they REALLY choosing this?!"
That's a common reaction for QMs to have.
Even for D&D DMs
Despite what some of my voting caused, great session! I can't wait to see what this leads to later on! Awesome writing as always!
Do did you all create a dark magical girl while I was out?
This relationship handling looks foolish at best, but it looks like we're gonna get some interesting storytelling or antagonists out of it.
Like a throughline instead of a monster of the week deal.
good job?

Shun sure is a sweetheart.
You know, I hate it when people pop in and are like "hey, what did you guys fuck up while I was out?". It's condescension of a high level.

Though you're right, Shun IS a sweetheart.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/QuestQyubey
Ask: http://ask.fm/qyubey
End of Session Status: http://pastebin.com/4Z2JcxqM

Well, that was a... controversial session. You screwed the pooch with Hiroko, and possibly by extension, Glory. Mind you, still not the darkest timeline. Depending on previous actions, Hiroko did have the very real possibility of turning into a corrupted girl, or something even worse. So it wasn't quite as terrible as it could have been.

But it was pretty close.

Sometimes. Although that's mostly due to "I've already prewritten like two paragraphs, you jerks!"

DM's have the Thousand Yard Stare; the look of a hardened DM when they realise just how hopelessly fucked a character is.
I don't know man, it looks good actually.
I only managed to grab the first couple of votes due to time zones.
I quite like the decisions have consequences that impact and change the story, maybe it's not the way that you wanted to go, but I'm just along for the ride.
If Makoto was infallable, we'd have a mary sue on our hands, and I'm not sure I want to play that.
These developments look interesting.
Shun is a sweetheart and Yui is adorable lewdness
Makoto has the best waifus
Chance at redemption possible?
There's a difference between character flaws (which Makoto has, just look at the time when he and Yui got into a tiff) and player retardation making Makoto do absolutely stupid shit. Guess where this falls.
dammit, looks like Shizuko saw something...

well, I'm going to bed, it's 7.20 am over here...

To be fair, Makoto is pretty obsessed with Purifying things. Anything taken to an extreme could be considered a flaw.
>"Ho ho~ what's this I spied with my little... camera eye?"

shit shit shit shit shit
Personally it's got me excited~
This... this isn't the same thing, though. It was clearly bad calls, Makoto was even saying in his head that something bad was going to happen, and PLAYERS DIDN'T FUCKING READ. Or care. One of the two. It's just... aaaaagh.

I really want to say that I enjoyed today's session, because you did a great job, but the thick headedness of the other players pretty much ruined everything for me. I don't want to quit because they're terrible, but...

Anyways, might as well look at the pastebin, because there's interesting developments.

> "It'll be okay."
Shun's a sweetheart.

> "First the track, now the softball team? Is this competition really so important?"
Foreshadowing, or the difficulties of Student Council?

> "Ho ho~ what's this I spied with my little... camera eye?"
Looks like Shizuko spotted something, probably from last night. Did she figure out someone's identity?

> "So if that's not what made Glory so strong, what was it?"
Saito confirmed for helping Glory. Good to know, I guess.

> "Over here we have our statue garden, newly refurbished!"
At least someone's having a good day. Good to see things are happening well for Umeki.

> "Just... stay away. I can't possibly trust you."
> "..."
> "Dammit Minako... Agh!"
[frustrated player noises]

> "I haven't seen you in a while, does Yui know you're here?"
Interesting... Old school friend of Yui's?
What I find curious is that she addresses us as Minako still, despite now knowing we're actually Makoto.
> "So if that's not what made Glory so strong, what was it?"

There is only one answer. We must find if Saito is the master of Glory Gold.
Reflex. It'll take a while before she'll start thinking of us as Makoto.
Reverse question, danger of creating an antagonist possible?

Must give people an opportunity to suggest crossdressing date with Shun.
Well, shit, why not immediately next session? Shun could suggest it to cheer up Makoto.
some place with good ice cream. we must bury our angst in fudge.
While I think it's appropriate for Shun to ask Makoto out as some pretty delicious role reversal, Makoto might not be in the best place for it at the moment.
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1.26 MB GIF
Okay, time to beat a dead horse real quick.

You, you motherfucker who wrote >>37385002 . Listen, and obey the ask.fm.

> At what point did any hope of coming out of that conversation with dignity intact become lost?
> About the point where Makoto started lying in his apology for lying to Hiroko.

Yeah, remember how you wrote that in response to me at >>37384950 and I called you out here >>37385060 ?

Suck on it. Gif related, and I'm done being a douche tonight.

Honestly, Shun isn't the brightest of people, but she's really good at bringing the best out of people when they're down. I'd say now's a good time for her to brute force happiness into Makoto.
I'm all up for the date with Shun, double crossdressing or not. Besides, I don't think Shun will give us a choice on the date part of the matter, she seems the type who would literally drag us out of the house to cheer us up even if it meant using a crowbar to break and enter.
Use https://archive.moe/tg/ghost/ to track the latest ghost thread, or check the Twitter QM Directory
More like genderbent date?

>be in Europe.
>Decide to sleep out this session
>Come back and people decide to betray justice (lie)
Being a European player in this quest is suffering
I'm sorry that we couldn't keep the fuckups from fucking everything up. This is one day that I am not proud to be an American.

... Well, okay, this day, and every day that I hear that fucking song ad nauseam.
I am just surprised how people could be such hypocrites to tell her not to betray justice only to then go on to do it themselves. Mind you I do not think that telling her the truth was wrong (even if we could have chosen a better timing or wording, like something along the lines of what we did with the reveal to Shun).

It is the gall that we would be dishonest like that after telling her to be honest in the race. Better to acknowledge the truth that we didn't approach her to be friends at first but that we were worried she would get out of control as she herself admitted had happened.
>tell her not to betray justice only to then go on to do it themselves.

This image describes most of this thread quite well. >>37383218
so I missed the vote and think it was dumb but i understand how people like >>37384853 >>37384834 >>37385216 could have not realized that was a lie I didn't think it was at first because when i voted to not tell her the other day it was because she was under stress and i was mundanely worried about her.

We are such a paragon of justice that i assumed that a dishonorable thing like that wouldn't be how that was meant.
Plus we dint tell her about our serrate the minuet we messed up because we didn't know she was the one yet so we had to distract her to protect our secrete identity.
I also had the in character assumption that Shizuko may have followed us especially because we know she knows magical girls hang out in the forest and we know she has caught us there more than once and that was even more important and no one even mentioned it.

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