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Rolled 37 (1d100)

Last time dear leader who is ever clueless in matters of sex had led a great hunter scouring the monsters on the edge of the woods(that we now claim) and attempted to commit the hunter deeper innawoods!

Which ended in disaster.

Meanwhile a hero was summoned as in another member of the Didriksons from a previous civ.

After that some trading was done(and some traders got SCREWED) while at the same time fluff was offered and special units were spawned.

All and all a lot went down...

Last Thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/37358830/
Rolled 60 (1d100)


Anyway civs will start later on these days otherwise I'll have to change the days I run.
>Turn 15
>>>>>>A. Scavenge for supplies.
>>>>>>B. Try to improve the base
>>>>>>C. Try to improve weapons.
>>>>>>D. Research technology.
>>>>>>E. Research Magic
>>>>>>F. Explore in a direction/something.
>>>>>>G. Scavenge for raw materials.
>>>>>>H. Your choice
Reserves: 6
Currency: 0
>Pop 2000
>Military 1200
>>>>>>>Food: Below Average
>>>>>>>Water: Average
>>>>>>>Morale: Low
>>>>>>>Medicine: Low
>>>>>>>Health: Low
>>>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>>>Fuel: Poor
>>>>>>>Tech level: Barbaric
>>>>>>>Reputation: -

>>>>>>Infrastructure: Warehouse. Keep. Fired Farms. Hovels. Well. Fishery.
>>>>>>Power: Windmill
>>>>>>Weapons: Reserves.
>>>>>>armor: Hides. Metal(limited)
>>>>>>communications: Word of Mouth.
>>>>>Technology: Tanning. Drill Mastery. Crude Farming.
>>>>>Materials: Supply 4. Lumber. Earth Rock. Stone.
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Well I'm still thinking we finish up the settlement, make homes and walls.

Then move to help the dwarves.

War action: Make a killzone around the settlement.
Perhaps we should just call it fortifying the settlement, creating a killzone is usually something you do after you have walls.

Also, don't you think we should wait until we have the Sappers around to do any construction? Otherwise it seems a waste to have buffed them up so much.
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Rolled 23 (1d100)

Reporting in vote
They are working on the mine and I think we would get in the way of their work.
Yes, they're working on the mine. I'm not proposing we go over there and fuck it up, I'm simply saying that we have no trained engineers or architects in our number and that a killzone does little to nothing without a wall.
Besides, we already cleared out the area west of the river and the hobgoblins and beasts guard it, as well as various watch towers.

If we want a suitable war action, figure out a way to kill some of those damned river monsters.



I remember the REAL last thread was never archived because I expected you guys to bump it while I was sleeping, we were all waitnig on genie to update a turn that previously had conensus.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Anyway, I propose

Start making simple wooden houses in our new settlement while we wait for the dwarfs to really build the place.

War Action:
Start figuring out ways to kill the river monsters, we'll never get across safely if we can't protect ourselves from them.

It's fatepoint burning time.
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Let's focuses in building and fixing shit. God I how I roll a 100 to null this crit. Otherwise fate point
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Fatepoint burnt.

Critical Failure nullified you be running out of em.

Turns out...we really suck at building wooden houses.

Plus side the material wasn't ruined...bad side is houses were pure fail.

Troops fail miserably at killing the river monsters...they just can't figure it out.

>Turn 16
>>>>>>A. Scavenge for supplies.
>>>>>>B. Try to improve the base
>>>>>>C. Try to improve weapons.
>>>>>>D. Research technology.
>>>>>>E. Research Magic
>>>>>>F. Explore in a direction/something.
>>>>>>G. Scavenge for raw materials.
>>>>>>H. Your choice
Reserves: 6
Currency: 0
>Pop 2000
>Military 1200
>>>>>>>Food: Below Average
>>>>>>>Water: Average
>>>>>>>Morale: Low
>>>>>>>Medicine: Low
>>>>>>>Health: Low
>>>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>>>Fuel: Poor
>>>>>>>Tech level: Barbaric
>>>>>>>Reputation: -

>>>>>>Infrastructure: Warehouse. Keep. Fired Farms. Hovels. Well. Fishery.
>>>>>>Power: Windmill
>>>>>>Weapons: Reserves.
>>>>>>armor: Hides. Metal(limited)
>>>>>>communications: Word of Mouth.
>>>>>Technology: Tanning. Drill Mastery. Crude Farming.
>>>>>Materials: Supply 4. Lumber. Earth Rock. Stone.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

Can we just stop waiting and go help the dwarves finish what they're doing? We really need to find them and get their help.

Action 1
Go find the dwarves

War Action
Keep trying to kill the river monsters.
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 38 (1d100)

Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 75 (1d100)

The reason for the killzone was to make it harder foe things to sneak up and free up room at the same time.

I thought we just kill things.

That surprise me as well.

Let's roll.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Troops attempted to find the dwarves....they couldn't find them anywhere nearby. Troops even were dispatched in the forest and towards the mountains.

Still couldn't find anything until finally a few troops were dispatched to where the scourges were chilling at...deep in the canyons within certain crevices evidence of the missing dwarves was eventually found.

Took awhile to figure out where it led and what we found out was.

Turned out the dwarves went 'prospecting' to fine good sources. The best place happened to be the canyons where the land was cleaved granting a much bigger picture of nearby concentrations.

Then they sorta got lost once they ran into a bunches of undead and monsters so the split while trying to find a good spot.

Eventually said spot was found after judicious use of explosions and rune carving to create a safe zone.

After that though they had trouble getting materials out and supplies in...

So that is the situation they be in now.

Acquired: Mining Complex.


Mining Complex is temporarily supplied.


Mining Complex is currently warded to keep the many monsters and undead out...


Unable to bring materials out of complex or bring supplies in.

The mining complex is in all purposes of the word being blockaded.

Meanwhile success was finally achieved in killing river monsters with the use of lightning spells among other things...

also a fishing competition.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

>Turn 17
>>>>>>A. Scavenge for supplies.
>>>>>>B. Try to improve the base
>>>>>>C. Try to improve weapons.
>>>>>>D. Research technology.
>>>>>>E. Research Magic
>>>>>>F. Explore in a direction/something.
>>>>>>G. Scavenge for raw materials.
>>>>>>H. Your choice
Reserves: 6
Currency: 0
>Pop 2000
>Military 1200
>>>>>>>Food: Below Average
>>>>>>>Water: Average
>>>>>>>Morale: Low
>>>>>>>Medicine: Low
>>>>>>>Health: Low
>>>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>>>Fuel: Poor
>>>>>>>Tech level: Barbaric
>>>>>>>Reputation: -

>>>>>>Infrastructure: Warehouse. Keep. Fired Farms. Hovels. Well. Fishery.
>>>>>>Power: Windmill
>>>>>>Weapons: Reserves.
>>>>>>armor: Hides. Metal(limited)
>>>>>>communications: Word of Mouth.
>>>>>Technology: Tanning. Drill Mastery. Crude Farming.
>>>>>Materials: Supply 4. Lumber. Earth Rock. Stone.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Hm...well this is gonna be interesti->>37514818

...Well fuck.

It happened again...

Its been an AWFULLY long time since something like this happened...
Rolled 92 (1d100)

Fucking stacks...and it has the upgrade bonus applied to it.

then a double rule.

Fuck me.
How far away are the dwarves right now, are they on the map?
Probably the first task is to contact the scourge for info. Then I'm thinking we make some catapults and have our magi make fire balls to launch.

From there maybe have the fae pheromone the monsters and have them attack any undead we can't win over with the scourge or Richard.
Call up our undead trading partners.

"There is an issue of undead and some monsters entrapping some of our forces, it would be so kind of you to help us resolve this situation. Do you know if these particular undead can be parleyed with?

It's common sense that it's preferable to face one enemy, rather than two."
Hmm, I wonder if Genie is writing
Rolled 16 (1d100)

They are sorta in the nearby canyons on the map. Not the flooded part though its somewhere along the bottom two.

"Undead naturally exist down there...our presence though exacerbated things."

"Hah? Why should I care eh? I am but a humble merchant. Hm...I do a little bit of dealings down there so maybe."

"Not sure how big a fan of the living they are though."
Rolled 23 (1d100)

War action: Have the scourge survey the area. And the troupes prepare for battle.
Action: get armored supply carts ready to bring supply's to the dwarfs.
Hero action boss: communicate with our undead allies about whether the undead down there are under there authority to deal with and/or if they are willing to lend a hand taking care of them.
Hero action Val: have Val inquire about the overall fighting strategy of each of our troop groups and how best the can work together.
I meant the vampires, but this works.

"Well, you're undead kin to them. Go there and find out what they want and if we can give it to them."

Also consult our vampire undead friends if they know these other undead.
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>They are sorta in the nearby canyons on the map. Not the flooded part though its somewhere along the bottom two.
Are the canyons the brown at the top of the map?
Can't the scourge control most lesser undead? Could we have them take control of what they can and have those undead fight the other ones they can't control?
Rolled 19 (1d100)

You don't have undead friends though...especially vampire ones.

"Ah why should I? Those bastards rarely have anything for me so I don't go down there very often. I have a business to run mortal unlike other dead I actually have things to do on a regular basis."

No they are the brown impressions near you base...in particular the mining complex is in the bottom right.
What are the odds of an all out attack on the undead down there?
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Scourges you have aren't undead controller types.

They ARE spawn makers though...

Hm how so?
Helping us would open up a new trade route for ores and metals. Those can fetch a high price. If you help us we will give you exclusive trade down there. Only you and yours could buy the ore from us.
I'm pretty sure we DO have some undead among our ranks though, even if generic ones.

Also isn't the peddler one of special units.

"Don't you realize YOUR missing out on a profit here?

If the Dwarves have found something and stuck their noses in even while the monsters were outside they MUST have found something extremely worthwhile, and if we were to save them we'd get at it, and that means you'd get at it as well as the profits.

And all it takes is to figure out what these undead want, or if they are even intelligent enough to want things besides flesh."
Rolled 3 (1d100)

"Hm...very well in exchange for 'exclusive' rights for purchases from the sources down there. I could act in your behalf. Though this will only work for those who still got something resembling a mind.
Wait. We have range unites right? If there is a fight they could shoot in to the canion at the undead. Boulders and rocks could thrown and rolled in. Controlled explosives could be used to collapse part of the canion on the undead. If we do fight we need to think about how to do it.
I presume he means he'll get exclusive rights to purchase the metals the dwarves dig up, which is fine if we get compensation for our digs.

"You'll get your exclusive rights if you turn them to our allies."
Of course, war plans must be made, but we must also see about putting the odds in our favor.

Likewise it would be unwise to tamper with the canyon and explosives without the consult of our sappers.
Rolled 70 (1d100)

"Heheh those aren't the terms you originally offered. I help with route and I go to smart undead on your behalf down there."

"In exchange I get those first dibs."
"Surely one so famed as the great merchant of the undead does not think it beyond his abilities to sway the intelligent ones down there.

If we let you get to the smart undead, how do we know we'll get a good deal out of it. To just give away the dwarven prize only to be met with a people we don't understand for deals we can't make is not a fair deal at all.

If there were anyone with the knowledge and skill to persuade the intelligent ones down there, there are few to none in this world who could compare to you."
"Let alone if we can't get these undead to stop being hostile the prize is still as far away to both of us.

It would cost you nothing, not even a few strokes of breath to speak but some key words and that prize is as good as ours. Yes, ours, for the both of us."
That's not what we said. I said you get exclusive trade down there. Not first dibs. You are the only one that can send caravans down there. I did say that . The words I used where "If you help us we will give you exclusive trade down there. Only you and yours could buy the ore" buy. Not take. When we sell it will be to you.

Have poor peddlers assist in the talk with Mort.
Wait, isn't mort the poor peddler special unit or are they different.

If they are yes have our peddlers help come up with a better deal.
Don't you go putting words in my mouth Mort. Nothing like that was said. Nothing. What you get is exclusive trade. That means when we sell some of what is dug up there it will be sold to you. THAT was the deal. Nothing of first puck was said by me.
Harold is the poor peddlers unit. Mort is the undead merchant.
Hold on. This thread is miss numbered. Last thread was thread 7. This one should be thread 8. Don't we get something when mistakes like that happen?
No, that's an error on my part for whenever I don't preemptively archive a thread before it happens, because often or not it fails to get bumped and falls off the board before I can archive it.
also Genie made us wait for like 3 days even after consensus was made.

I bet you that wouldn't have happened if we critted on it, which we did at the start of this thread.
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Excuse me for my life being especially fucking shitty right now.

Which is kinda sad...every time i figure i am good, finally improving, or wandering how it can get worst.

Then things go to utter shit. again except it will be worst then before.

Always worst...no matter how hard I try.

Slowly circling the drain...but at least I should get the stuff done before i get sucked down completely.

Mort is undead.

Odd fellow who loves is layers of fine fabrics and bling.

also manages to smell quite nicely.

"Hm my first debs are in regards to the stuff down there by the undead. What I can acquire I get first dibs on."

"Undead take awhile to build up hence why I rarely go down there. Not worth doing so regularly."

"I know better then to believe in mortal willing to share."
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Oh no you don't. The deal was If you help us we will give you exclusive trade down there. Only you and yours could buy the ore. No mention of first pick. With such dishonest actions I question trading with you at all. Let alone exclusive trade routs of my ore.
Shit man. Do you need more help? There anything we can do?
Wait what? Can you explane? I'm not quite understanding what Mort is saying.
"We have absolutely no one else better to get at it than you. Likewise your the best possible merchant we could sell it too for cash.

There isn't any reason not to share it to you."
It's not about sharing. The deal was we dig and mine stuff when we sell some we sell it to you. In exchange of your help with the undead down there. That's it. No first pick. None.
Dude. He is a merchant. Not a communist. Stop talking about sharing. Merchants don't share. They trade. They make deals. They talk percentages and trade rights.
Hmmm... Aren't fate points 25$ eatch? Hmm.. We only have 2 left I think. Hmmm.......
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Yup only two.
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Well here is some more info

Cash Mercs

ranking from 1-5.

1 dollar for each rank for a turn hired.

They will show up on the next game day. UNLESS you pay double in which case they will show up instantly(lol portals/teleport).

You can also buy a single material unit for ONE project for 5 dollars. It will show up next game day or doubled on the same one.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Well I just sent 100.00$ give me a moment to think about how to spend it for in game stuff...
Rolled 63 (1d100)

If your wanna purchase something give me a heads up first as there are many different kinds of materials and units.

If its something special/exotic it may cost you extra.

Well alright then.
What would a frequent buyer bonus be? Plus 5 to all rolls that user makes?
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Bah meant especially on same game day so i can double check shit. Its a pain to access pal.

nah if you be buying that much/often I will give the odd freebie.

If you buy in bulk you may get something extra as well.
Isn't this the third time he sent you 100? That's got to do something. Harold be hero perhaps?
For serious, I wish I had cash to throw around like that guy. We'd be ruling the land by now.
Well, at least genie gets to eat.

Fuck paypal for needing a bank account though.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

So the hired guys don't stick around? Well I'll spend 75$ of the 100 on getting 3 fate points. I'll let the thread decide how the last 25 will be spent. I need to get back to work. I'll see you guys in a cupple hours.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

It's not that I have a lot of cash to throw around. It's that I have poor spending habits and an addictive personality. That's why I will never go to Vegas. Ever.
You know Casuality, you're perhaps one of the best things that happened to this particular civ, from feeding Genie food, to that 100 you rolled, and then using your profits to bail us like the government bails a failed bank.

I can only look in awe and jealously.

As for the last 25, I really want our dwarves back in any way, preferably through allying the Vampires or Undead and smashing the monsters like we were born to do.
I just linked my card. Do it need the bank part for receiving money?
Rolled 83 (1d100)

Fuck which email did I provide for the paypal?

When laptop died it took some of my backup lists with it.

I has passwords...but have many email.
[email protected]
Well I'm glad your helping a person down on their luck, thank you for that.

[email protected] I believe.
The issue is I have several bills in my backpocket, but don't know how to aptly transfer them into paypal. Thought about buying gift cards and somehow transfering those to paypal, but I doubt even that would work.

If I bought some giftcards and emailed the numbers and info would Genie be able to use that?
Rolled 42 (1d100)

My god i can't believe i forgot something like that...

Saying i am down on my luck is a bit of an understatement.

At the moment its more like a twisted long running joke with how its working out.
Also yes I need a bank account to add funds to my wallet.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

Hm not the biz of carrying accounts eh?

Oh I remember those days...fuck that time in my life though goddamn.
Wait a minute. . .DELIM WAS RIGHT. I just linked a gift card and sent money to you.

Quick, tell me if you suddenly get 24$. fucking fees man. . .
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Anyway was thinking about blog for civ info...but not sure how that would work out.

Mostly because after I do my civ stuff I have two other projects in mind I wanna try out.

Warfare and Squad.

Yes both of them will have tie ins with civ mode its something i thought about for civ combat though figured having a proper war waging system would be delightful.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

Seriously though current means of fighting for civ is atrocity.

I'll be damned if I don't start working on that once I release my civ info.
Got it and if there's fees anon don't bother. Especially if my suspicions hold true.
My attempts at civ combat take a good chunk of time to play out. Plus a few sets of rolls through out. I hoped to find a way to speed it up, but most of the time it took away a lot.

Is paypal is skimming off some money?
>Seriously though current means of fighting for civ is atrocity.
It helps to have fleets of behemoths and an army of endless spiders

Alternatively a single city of splicer brigadeers.
Rolled 33 (1d100)

MFW I finally figured out what the event was gonna be...


Its toime.


While troops were out trying to find the dwarves a few of our guys...reported seeing a peculiar gal and an odd automaton following her.

They were headed towards a certain quarry...


As for civ combat...don't even get me started.

Once I release my civ info that shit is gonna be my next project.


Shit is gonna be the sickest.
I hope she didn't mind our visit.

Shit. Heh, maybe you could make something of it and get money out of it.

Looking forward to it.
Rolled 65 (1d100)

As in I EVEN have that shit figured out for sphess modus turned out to be surprisingly simple.

But yeah after civ I is gonna work on warfare and its ALL meant to tie together...

Warfare game is meant for civ warfare...

squad is meant for stuff like spec ops, heroics, and other adventure.

Its all meant to be easily translated into each other without problem.

Totally not because civ warfare is an atrocity and checking out hero bullshit or Xcom tier tabletop would be like...totally sweet.

I doubt I'll be making much money of it.

that is what the fluff and setting pieces be for.
Psst, Genie, with that 25$ can we get a full alliance with the Vampires?
Rolled 7 (1d100)


Not a chance...

I don't have diplomacy or inter factional bribes figured out yet.
Did like everyone miss the announcement for the event?

Got that shit figured out...sorry it took awhile.
FIne. How about a large cache of gold to give to the merchant to get him to have the intelligent undead surrounding the dwarves to ally with us?
All this talk of undead is making me miss the mmo necromancer.

I can back that, I just really want our dwarves and I want them now.
Rolled 11 (1d100)

I would kill for games with proper necromancers. Last one i knew about was freaking Diablo 2 though...I loved that necromancer class so damned much.

Hm...so a currency boost eh?

Very well then that will net you 5 currency though I can't allow for the second part just yet for free.
"How about instead of an alliance, you simply get the undead to be non-hostile to us and to start eating the monsters instead? Less an alliance, more the enemy of my enemy.

Will 5 Currency be enough to persuade you?"
Rolled 100 (1d100)

"its not that simple in the regards to the undead."

"You have to understand mortal becoming undead...fucks quite a bit with your head."

"Tht is assuming you still got one."
Hmm...what all are the dwarves lacking for in supplies right now?

What do the ranks of mercs mean? Give examples of each level for...I dunno, paladin-type units.

By a "single material unit for ONE project" what exactly do you mean? Say we buy rune-carving supplies what all do we get? What about fortification materials?
>"Tht is assuming you still got one."

Suddenly these are Mephistophlite Undead, sipping tea and having lengthy debates about the nature of dwarves.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rank 1 is green while rank 5 is elite.

Basically how veteran/experienced/good they are.

Some units will cost more then others though.

One project as in you use them for that one project and it gets consumed in the process.

Not right no they aren't.

Hold up anon I have to come up with something good...though I will admit those demons were pretty sweet.
"Not right no they aren't."

What was that in response to?
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Dwarfs are still good.
Rolled 4 (1d100)

So while we work out a deal with the trader lets have the commander and Valeria go for a Walk Around to the golems.

Bring flowers and a gift basket of food. Possibly a small group of fighters just in case. Thinking the puppeteers and puppets with Night Knights.
Wonder what Genie will come up with for that 100
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Slow day today...as for that.

Fuck if I know beating those one mutants ain't easy man they were like pure awesome you know?
No, we're waiting for you, you said you had to 'figure something up'

Also we're trying to not have to fight 2 armies and get the damned undead to be neutral so we can fight the monsters. . .
So yeah, still waiting on you to see what that 100 made. . .
Rolled 5 (1d100)

You are Mort. Your not entirely sure why your called Mort but to be fair neither do you remember you actual name. That has actually saved you on a few occasions you muse while heading down the damned canyon.

You...you remember when these canyons was made. It was an awful long time ago though. Two goddamn monstrous champions decided to tear into each other.

One blocked the attack of the other cleaving these canyons into for the sake of protecting a certain now lost city and still existing fort...

Damn yet another reminder for how old you are.

Still though...most the undead around here are no good for talking. As for the smart ones...well there are a few liches around as usual.

Then there was that group...

So you were gonna go to that group because the liches due to them being the correct ones can't really be arsed to do much of anything.

Contrary to popular belief liches aren't actually a bunch of troublemakers.

Still though that group...are odd and old. Soon enough you can see the signs of them. Past some cracked crevice in the midst of a bunch of rubble. Past that...down the tunnel to the right in the dark. Place eye in key holder...await the clicking sounds.

And there we go.

Beyond stands the necropolis...deep in the these lands crawling beneath the lands like...well you aren't entirely sure what.

THis necropolis though...its the dirty reason why you can't find certain problems like elsewhere. Said problems...well if it weren't for them and they you wouldn't be here right now. Strange thought that one...to think falling into a damned Kedun's grasp would lead to this sorta life...er relive correction.

At the heart of the necropolis...and there is it.

One of the weirdest forms of undead you ever seen. They are bizarre...in for whatever reason the touch of death didn't effect them so hard as others.

in fact it hardly touched them at all...here lies one of the damned Fallen and undead who date back to beginning of necromancy itself.
This could be good or bad. With this event and the girl+golem showing up you have a lot of fluff to write.

Did the thread spent the renaming 25$ of the 100?
Na, but someone bought 5 credits to bribe the trader.
You think with the remaining 25 I could get Harold to be a hero unit? A master of trade, and possibly get us a trade action every few turns.
Rolled 86 (1d100)

Though that isn't what makes this place special...what makes it special is once upon a time some books of the dead were placed here.

Then there are the undead hear who are blessed with a 'living' soul. Which apparently somehow helps a lot. Not that you would know...

"Oh hey if it isn't Mort didn't think you would show up so soon what you hear for?"

"Trade and a business venture."

"What venture?"

"The dwarfs outside with their mining complex."

"What about them?"

"They would prefer to live and retain access to it."

"Oh...so how is this our problem exactly?"

"...I figured you would know the undead who were up to the trouble."

"Well normally yes but that isn't entirely true. Those dwarfs are causing trouble for this here necropolis."

"How so?"

"They woke up the dead."

"...this isn't a time for joking."

"We ain't. Their ruckus woke up nearby dead and they naturally descended on them."

"How the hell did they wake the dead?"

"Apparently they are VERY loud."

"...so can you help."

"Sure but only if see Alisandra."

"Oh go fuck yourself."

"Would if I could," shrugged the undead. "Can't enjoy that sorta thing with...well you know. Besides you DO owe her one."

"Its thanks to her I ended up this way."

"Its thanks to her you didn't up a Damned, enslaved, OR a bloody Mummy."

"...Fine. How do you plan to deal with the dead?"

"We got some necromancers it'll be fine."

"Fine I'll go see her then."

"Bah you just can't see it can you?"

"The reasons of the living is lost to me."

"...you know some people become undead for those exact reasons."

"Heh fools considering how it will warp them."

"All the same Mort that isn't always true. Still can't believe you threw yourself in with that crowd considering-"

You didn't bother to listen more as you headed off. Same thing every time with the attempted guilt trips.

Hm I thought that was what the 25 bucks was for?
I want to say yeah, with fluff and a fate point ( which the 25 equals to) that should make a hero. As for one extra action, maybe.

That unit does have a lot of boons stacking ...
There was the 100 that was used for 3 fate points with 25 floating.

Then >>37517968, if that wasn't worth more credits please forgive the miss understanding.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

So you went down, down, and yet further down. To Ali as usual for the trade.

It will never cease to amaze you what they dredge up on the norm. Stuff like you wouldn't belief...with just a single cut can make a man for life.

That is if you were still living...shit you can't even remember why you bother to continue being a merchant anymore...just something you always did you know?

Though being dead did admittedly screw with your senses of value. People still give you weird looks for the items you were willing to acquire and stuff that others would kill for but you would happily overlook.

Ah yes...you trade because its something you been doing for just that freaking long...

You don't even know what its like to not trade and make lots of money...come to think of it where did all that money go anyway...

Its not like you ever spend much of it.

Being dead as it turns out really ruins much of life's pleasures including the cheaper ones.

Now your wondering once more why the fuck do you even bother again...fucking undead side effects ain't nobody who gets spared for that.

Doesn't help that much of the living fail to realize those side effects...

Crap you forgot this time Ali would be...your not entirely sure.

Ah fuck it you know where she likes to chill and it ain't like you don't got all the damned time in the world.

I think the 25 dollars was spent for in game currency.

As for the 100 that has yet to be decided...
Causality says he wants 75$ to be used for 3 fatepoints, which I agree, we were to decide what the final 25$ of that was for
Huh I guess it's up to a vote. Here is what they asked for >>37517608. I been treating money as their wish to do with as they would like.

I feel weird doing things with others money, unless they allow it or there's a good reason. Even if they give go a head to usually I wait a bit.

I guess that means you got they power to make that hero and probably have a fate point or two.
Rolled 93 (1d100)


The undead have settled down and withdrawn from the Mining Complex.

Most unfortunately the monsters continue to remain...

"Ah well aren't you early Mort or should i say-"

"Dont," Mort interrupted abruptly ignoring the hurt expression. "You should know better by now Ali."

"And you should of never thrown it all away for the sake of Mort."

"Mort treated me well just as you did once."

"For what to be turned into that! The ones you joined are NOTORIOUS even among the Necrotic Cults and Necromancer divinity! For fucks sake they even creep out the evil pantheons!"

"Heh why should i care hm? If I hadn't joined with them i would be a much worst spot by now."

"You...do you even remember your family? How about why you still trade? Your living greed?"


"...you truly are lost then even by the ways of the dead."

"Now that is where your wrong. In truth its YOUR kind that is lost. To be of the undead...but still feeling very much alive."

"Don't know about you but clearly you and yours have long lost the way."

"Its the difference between ideals."

"Ideals is bullshit if it was by ideals then there wouldn't be nearly so many screwed up undead. Anyway enough with this unending conversation i am hear for a route and trade."


"Safe passage from nearby dwarven mining complex to beyond canyon preferably near this location."

"Hm...that would require...certain routes."

"Routes that I know you have."

"Yes...I do but most are either ruined, are dwarven, or of death."

"Fine you...can use this route. Bit in disrepair from fallen dwarven kingdom and former trade depot long lost."

"Good looks like I fulfilled by end of the bargain nicely....now for our usual trade..."


Hell yeah! one problem down, another to go.

Looks like it's time for yet another GREAT HUNT.

Alas, it's 1:30 am in the morning and I have to get up for work. . .but I'll dream of a plan and I hope others do too.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Hm it would appear I stand corrected.

Apparently I got some stuff mixed up nvm.
Also we have a safe passage to start supplying the dwarves right?
For the monsters we have plenty to work with, Ashly being a main one.

Then we got the girl returning to the golems.

Now with info about the undead here we could end up with a closer ally, if we can make a agreement.
Rolled 45 (1d100)

Monsters still a be in the way though.

You don't know the undead Mort went to.

Only that the ones that were bothering you dissipated.
>Then we got the girl returning to the golems.
Wait, we found here? The inventor?
Also I just realized with 5 Currency we could've bought a key from that other group to open a portal to the dwarves and supply it through them. . .

For what better buffer to protect our precious mines than the monsters?

we still have 25$ to spare.
Dam ... maybe the scourge will find them or it could happen by chance ...

"Hey Richard, how well does your power to turn work on monsters?"

Same goes for our self.


With Ashly's Awestruck Aroma and our power to turn units I hope to gain a large group of monster allies.
>With Ashly's Awestruck Aroma and our power to turn units I hope to gain a large group of monster allies.
That almost never ends up well. more likely to make us smell like a tasty meal.

I can't think of any instance in any of the civs we've sucessfully allied with monsters. We've tried using mind control, communication, manipulation, and all sorts of super science and even magic to no avail.
Maybe we just talk to them and give them food. There are smart monsters after all and maybe they will grow to like us.

Like the story of how a woman befriends a lion (or something like it) using food and waiting for it to get use to her.
Because Ashley is a duo hero, we need to use her with her partner
>Maybe we just talk to them and give them food.
Tried that too, even with other "smart monsters" in our rank.

I admit, it is possible to befriend the smart ones, but I have no hope that the masses will be anything but the hungry ravenous crowd they are. The only person I can imagine harder to sway to our side would be paladins.
Well it's we ally with monsters or be ready to remove them when the protections fail.

My hope is to gain a chuck to help fight and find a target to lead the other monsters to. If they truly are just a hungry mob making wagons of food and leading them should work.
I want to buy a portal key to supply the dwarves and fortify their position using their super advanced building.

Once protected, we have a fallback for whatever plans we make to lure the monsters away.
Well we still have that key to open doors where there is none.

I like the key idea, I just hope we can save some money for other base upgrades if we can.
We should have one. When my crit got the price dam low that same post said we would buy some keys. That being one of them.
I thought it was beer, mining tools and open doors where there isn't a door with unlimited uses.
Indeed we do. Can't just open up a key without being smart about it though, or else we might find an unsavory door we can't close with monstes flooding the base.

How big are the portal doors and how easy are they to close?
It's unlimited uses. But how to they work? Do they make portals? Or just a hole with a door? What if you stick the key in the ground and used it? Would it make a deep hole? What if we used it on the side of the canion until the wall fell crushing the monsters?
Did everyone go to sleep already? I'm still up for playing?
Rolled 84 (1d100)

I'm here ish, I'm about to go to sleep.

I'm still backing the thought of going to see the girl before we risk her moving on. >>37520170

Otherwise we should plan a way to get the dwarves out of the monsters' hands/claws.
Rolled 39 (1d100)

Backing. This is a hero action to add to the next official turn.
Bump with random thing I thought up
-Is it wrong to feel so cheery
-Where others would feel downright dreary
-In this little scape of hell
-Where the darker spirits dwell
Morning bump
Rolled 12 (1d100)

The Garden is pretty safe, it was protected by the golems for ages.

Have Valeria and our Centaur have a walk around bringing gift baskets, food, and whatever else we can scrounge up as a gift, to meet the girl and her automaton. Commander Richard will follow, hopefully his upgraded persuasion may be of service.

War Action:
Have our unnamed commander lead a vanguard of soldiers escorting supplies through the secret path given by Mort, we must bring aid to the dwarves and reconnect with them.
This time be prepared for an ambush by monsters.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

The commander (aka us) is the one with a walk about skill, Richard has lowdown.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Also I could be wrong on this, I just think the reason we got our but kicked last monster fight was we didn't scout the area out before hand. The more info we have on the enemy the better off we will be. (As the old players once said "Remember Ramona".)

I propose this action

The Garden is pretty safe, it was protected by the golems for ages.

Have Valeria and our Centaur have a visit bringing gift baskets, food, and whatever else we can scrounge up as a gift, to meet the girl and her automaton. Commander Richard will follow getting a lowdown look, hopefully his upgraded persuasion may be of service.

War Action:
Have our unnamed commander lead a vanguard of soldiers to explore the new path and ready to send supplies to the dwarves. If everything is in the clear bring aid to the dwarves. Otherwise prepare for the passable monster ambush as you see fit commander.
Rolled 39 (1d100)

This is sage advise. Vote
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 28 (1d100)

Rolled 53 (1d100)

Rolled 25 (1d100)

...hm can't do that first part right now as I got stuff to do shortly. As for the second part...

The route provided by Mort is indeed amazingly intact...if rather wrecked. Troops did encounter a few undead and some monsters but it was indeed mostly safe as requested. Alas the entrance and exit are both a bit off the mark...some mining and adjustments could fix that with a bit of work though.

...gonna be awhile before I can do first part as it requires writefaggotry.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

If you can't do that basic..
>temp basic action: finally build proper houses, wood, earthrock and stone.
... bad zilla.

It's cool, I guess we will be here waiting.
Count the 1's bro.. This will be interesting, but we will get some kind of strange housing arrangement nailed down..
O shit your right! I'm sorry.
Well lookie there, the third 1 of the day.
3rd 1. Finally we get the fucking houses built. Weren't the other 2 ones from trying to build them also?
Hilariously yes. So it's the 3rd nat1 for the houses and the 3rd nat 1 of the thread.

All on our secondary settlement.
Looks like we figured out how to build.
We will end up with a giant communal hall, or underground caverns, something fucked
Rolled 17 (1d100)

If it's a communal hall it should be called hunters hall.

Also, the reason I call the undead merchant Mort in my fluff is because he reminds me of Mort from planscape torment.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Lets not forget the sweet pub from causalitys fluff. Didn't chapter 2 of the fluff make the pub fucking grate?
Everybody lives in and around the bar. Booze and a room in compensation for hard labor
The pub is in the keep town not the hunt town. But that is a cool idea
Rolled 20 (1d100)

hm...well fuck this puts me in a tight spot.

I was gonna just wait a bit had shit to do and would ponder it before working on it...then this happened.

shit. Lets go check the older rules real quick...
Why check the old rules? It looks pritty cut and dry to me.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

hm well first one I don't have it for...second one.

temp though...that throws me off as otherwise i would follow the previous clause in my own personnel rule kit.

In conclusion...hm
Rolled 33 (1d100)

Override of first action will be accepted.

Next time though don't include shit like temp it throws my rules off.

previous action will be overridden.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Double Crit special rule accepted...

Hero Spawn


Bonus Construction
Bonus Infrastructure

Design: Able to create and plans for a special formula that can later be used.

Trees were cleared, roots torn out of ground, and materials were hauled over in mass.

That was when some troops stuck their head together...mostly a hobgoblin, dwarf, and a native who was exceptionally skilled.

Together they created plans for proper houses and were even able to implement them quite hurriedly.

Foundations were put down, walls were raised, ceilings made, and runes were carved.

Acquired new settlement. Name?

Infrastructure at settlement, Guard Towers, Palisade, and Enchanted Fortified Houses.

capable of housing 2,500.

>Turn 17
>>>>>>A. Scavenge for supplies.
>>>>>>B. Try to improve the base
>>>>>>C. Try to improve weapons.
>>>>>>D. Research technology.
>>>>>>E. Research Magic
>>>>>>F. Explore in a direction/something.
>>>>>>G. Scavenge for raw materials.
>>>>>>H. Your choice
Reserves: 5
Currency: 0
>Pop 2000
>Military 1200
>>>>>>>Food: Below Average
>>>>>>>Water: Average
>>>>>>>Morale: Low
>>>>>>>Medicine: Low
>>>>>>>Health: Low
>>>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>>>Fuel: Poor
>>>>>>>Tech level: Barbaric
>>>>>>>Reputation: -

>>>>>>Infrastructure: Warehouse. Keep. Fired Farms. Hovels. Well. Fishery.
>>>>>>Power: Windmill
>>>>>>Weapons: Reserves.
>>>>>>armor: Hides. Metal(limited)
>>>>>>communications: Word of Mouth.
>>>>>Technology: Tanning. Drill Mastery. Crude Farming.
>>>>>Materials: Supply 4. Lumber. Earth Rock. Stone.
Rolled 85 (1d100)


For random event too.

Well fuck I was wandering when this was finally gonna happen.
>Enchanted fortified houses
>linked 1's

Oh boy...
Rolled 37 (1d100)


Unknown forces are invading from the mountains


Unknown forces invading from the plains.
Dammit. this is NOT what we needed.

Alright, thankfully we have a builder.
Which direction are the mountains, and which direction are the plains?

North or south?
Rolled 47 (1d100)

Both. Technically eheheheh.

I know right?

I honestly thought I wasn't gonna see another one of designer types any time soon.
Question why is the morale low again? I thought we fix that with the boons.

Also how much do the vamp mercs cost?
Rolled 96 (1d100)

Ah forgot to update...

I think it was 1 currency per a turn hired per a unit.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

... dam it we could use that adventurer back. I think he would be great for checking out the enemy.

"Sir Richard, how would you feel about scouting one of the enemies out while I do the other?"

"Valeria I may need your skill to Identify while Richard is dealing with the others."

Question, do we have any clue when is comes to the 'royal' assassin that lurks?
{Pastebin Updated}
Thought it would be best to be ready for tomorrow. Looks like we have a big fight on our hands.

Added new name in commander pool, fate point updated, item list for key gained, new civ info on boon upgrades, new heroes and a few mixed text.

As always let me know of wants and changes.
night bump. Hope we come up with something tommorow.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

Shit. Well let's not forget that we still have 25 cash left to spend on stuff needed to help. Also with the amount of ok quality fluff I made would that 25 be able to make Harold a hero or at least a trader hero? There could be a bit of a meta game involving trade between settlement. With the cost and value changing from settlement to settlement and changing from in game events.
Or go the easy route and base income of the genie rolls. Like if dubs rolled that means good trade we get 1 or more currency. If roll matches the end of post id something, if repeat rolls happen. Stuff like that.
I think it would really make the world feel bigger when ever something like "you made a good deal on silk trading with the town of singwor. +2 currency"

What's everyone's take on this?
Where is the canion in relation to the incoming forces? There are still monsters in there. If we can get our dwarfs out and the enemy in, the monsters will kill some. The enemy will kill the monsters and we can attack from above.
Also where is the fae and undead forest in relation to all this. I'm not good with understanding maps but I can understand text.
I would like to see your hero play out. I also think it would help us greatly in the long run. We go a war hero, advisers, builders and a wrecker. The trader would help nicely.
Rolled 10 (1d100)

I would to. I'll hold on writing fluff until I know if he or something like he becomes hero. But after 2 chapters of fluff and chapter 1 being bigger that all the non genie fluff of most civ's. And with the remaining 25 of the 3rd set of 100 I sent to genie. (For fucks sake I could buy a live in home prostitute for less and have in the past) I think it's good odds that Harold becomes hero.
I could write "the wicked sweet tale of donnald didrickson"
I am super bored waiting...
With our luck he ether became a king by his own hand of got scull fucked to death by a fish.
Night bump
Rolled 41 (1d100)

That would be a weird adventure to say the least.
Morning bump
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Rolled 17 (1d100)

The fish didn't "skull fuck" him, it more got lodged in his face... Though it has made him more popular with the murladies of the western coast.
If we get another boon I would like to see about a upgrade for the main guy. Maybe a magic focus on necromancy to better ourselves in the Woods.

... Maybe undead command of some kind. We wouldn't we able to raise, but something to allow our command skills to work on the mindless undead would be cool.
a little necromancy would work with dick masterson, but not a "learned" necromancy, it would have to be an innate skill, charisma based(sorcery?) where even in death people just want to be lead by this guy.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

I don't know about that. Necros aren't popular with normal people. I say make him a better strategist. With an ability to better use his army's in combat. Stuff like that.
Bump. Awake now, gonna come up with a plan for the attack.
In fact not necromancy at all, more like spirit talking. He could be "gifted" with the ability to see and speak to the dead. Seeing as he is pure, and super awesome to be around, I would imagine that the restless dead would be receptive to him.
I agree with that as well, but I hoped to improve our odds by gaining more troops and allies. We have the Turn ability and I think we could upgrade it in a way to make it wonderful for combat.

If we could do it for monsters I would be down for that as well.

Something like an aura of Command or Presence.

... we have a lot of good starting stats I'm sure we could combo them some how.

I thought about leaving that fight in the hands of the commander, like that time with the splicers.
We screwed the pooch on this one. We could have gotten him OBEY
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Perhaps. But better strategy would be good to. Like with the battle we are about to have.
It's never to later, just will be harder.
Rolled 9 (1d100)

A bigger boon would be needed I think.
File: Defense.png (241 KB, 699x600)
241 KB
241 KB PNG
Rolled 23 (1d100)

Action 1
Divide our forces into two armies, one to guard the north, another to guard the south. Both will be lead by either of our commanders respective. I suggest the north take Richard who is experienced in defending walls, and the south take the Commander who has led open battles before.

The south is slightly guarded by the river to the southwest, and our settlement of Hunter's Bend with its garrison to the southeast. The north is more open.

Have our hero architect and our best builders available prepare a wall of defenses to the north of us as fast as can be, earth and stone walls from our quarry, steak moats with water, any kind of advantageous ground we can get. The enemies coming from the north will either have to smash through our defenses and armies or go the long way around where we can bleed them with arrows and funnel them into chokepoints.

To the south will require some of the more open field and heavy fighitng, for that we'll merely need to rely on the mettle of forces. Luckily our garrison army in forest southwest will be able to sally forth to the aid of our forces, where hopefully the enemy may not be expecting them.

I would like some heavy cavalry to hide there in wait, when the battle needs them most we'll send a signal and they'll smash into the enemies flank where we might pincer them.


I want both of our commanders, and Valeria to look over this plan and make changes or suggest soemthing entirely different. Richard and the unnamned are the real military commanders among us.

War Action:
Rally and ready the troops for a fight, get everyone armed and in positions/formations selected by our Commanders, decide which forces should be in which army and get everything ready for the invasion.
Rolled 33 (1d100)

Maybe a minor form of obey...

>please!!!!: you always mind your manners and never accidentally offend other races regardless of their customs, activate when asking somebody to do something your pleads are better understood.
Rolled 73 (1d100)

Vote. Use thread survival boon on to help.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Vote; probably too much for one action but after we built/earned the settlement I would think we are close to having 2 basic actions.
The golem lady may not like us taking stone (Our quarry is near her iIrc, if not a part of the garden).

Another fun thing we could do, depending on the enemy type, is lead the monsters on an attack to them.

Otherwise a solid plan from what I can tell.
NO! We shale not defile the garden!
We can talk the girl in to getting over the quarry.
Wait. Sorry miss read your post. I thought you suggested leading the enemy to the garden. My bad.
All good.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Don't forget to loot the fallen enemy. There any way we can harvest the blood of the enemy to sell to the vampires?

"Hay count, we are under attack. You got anything that can be used to harvest and/or collect the blood that will be spilled and the blood of our enemy once they fall? We could give you a good deal for it if you do"
... please don't delete things with rolls, it kills civs way to quick.

Also to loot we would need a raid action or do it next turn.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

Ooh I like this. We get more out of battle than loot and corpses. Now if only there was something we could do with the bloodless body's. I'll think of something
He didn't delete a crit its fine. Just don't do it agin it's bad luck.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Ok, so for the bloodless bodies. First we have our evil dead rase as manny as they are able to (do the dead they rase last? Or is it temporary). Then we strip all of them of everything. Weapons armor everything. Then the next part takes a bit of prep work.
We will dig a wide shallow hole. Only 6 inches deep but wide enuf to hold all the enemy's dead. We set up a bond fire and pile the body's on it. We take the dirt and grass we dug up and use it to make a border around the fire so it dose not spread. We lite the fire. Because the bodies are drained of blood they will burn well. We won't even need to add much fuel to the fire because the body fat will supply all the grease the fire needs to turn all but bone to ash. Once the fire and cooled we have what ever guys we have that are most ok with doing this task collect all the bones from among the ash. Those bones will later be sold to Mort. The ash will then be collected and used for fertilizer on new farms because I don't thing adding it to the farms the fae messed with are a good idea.

There that's is efficient as fuck.
I like it, but we will need to know of the out come from the fight. Also we should keep some bones for Dave and by some I mean a few carts worth, big guy and all.

Then there's the blood drain, that would probably be magi who could do that and I doubt the vamps would care to waste time on the fight for the extra blood. After all I'm sure there's easier pry and our agreement for blood of our people.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Sorry, it wasent a crit tho, if I remember it right genie dose not care about deleting non crit rolls.

But we where able to loot the hides and bodies of the monsters in the great hunt. So why not something like that here?

What are the odds of the vampires having some magic thing that can collect spilled blood in battles. Or something like
"Excuse me count, we are under attack, do you have any devise magical or not that can extract blood ether from that which is spilled in battle or from a fresh corps? Also could you tell us some of the ways to preserve blood? We may be getting a lot of it and I would hate to see it go to waist."
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Who is Dave?
Why won't the vamps lend a something that can do that. The need blood and have a way of preserving it so it can last. He is all about isolation so building a stock pile of blood would interest him.
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Trip dubs confirm vamps have a way of collecting blood that we can use.

So manny dubs and trips involving this >>37550472
action and the discussion of it. wow. If I remember right that dose mean something. Something good for example
Rolled a 3.
There are 3 posts including this one in regards to the above action and the discussion of it that ended in 99.
There is some serious causality in this action.

>captcha Dentl
Rolled 39 (1d100)

I would just like to point out that you post ranting and raving about trips and dubs and odd number connections was the 222 post of this thread. Truly there has never been more causality.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Backing. Do we know who or what is attacking?
>Dave ( massive skeletal monstrousity) by the way he is a nice guy so long as you bring him a bone he'll let you past otherwise he'll kill you and take you for whatever your good for.

It's the effort for gain. Yes they will need blood, much like we need food. It's just a matter if it will be worth their time to harvest.

Nope, both parties are unknowns.
Nope, we just know they are invading.
Rolled 12 (1d100)

But they need not put forth much effort. Just let us use a thing. We are the ones doing all the work.
Consensus bump
That's assuming it's a thing we can use and it's a thing that's in this world. For all we know nothing can do that or will will miss fire and kill our people.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

It probably won't be a weapon. More like a suction thing you stick in the fresh dead and remove the blood.
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Where would such a device come from? Is there a vampire using his immortality to study and invent?
Somewhere in Moldovania I bet there is.
Ever wonder just how old is Dr. Volk?
I wounder what would happen if we end up playing a magic civ attacking the apoc world.
Pwnt by swh. Or duelfist. Or viczar. Somebody will come along and bring the pain
Rolled 10 (1d100)

I wonder when this game day will start and why it takes forever for me to post anything.
Lots of behind the scenes traffic after moot decided to retire

That or his leaving also took away the lifeforce of 4chan
Rolled 66 (1d100)

pity you didn't.

Troops dispatched northward to construct crude defense...project was rather too large with what was sought and even without that problem there was only so much that can be done.

meanwhile forces were dispatched south.

While moving out troops reported scouts were slinking around.

Forces dispatched...your gonna need to figure out how your gonna divide your forces.

>Turn 17
>>>>>>A. Scavenge for supplies.
>>>>>>B. Try to improve the base
>>>>>>C. Try to improve weapons.
>>>>>>D. Research technology.
>>>>>>E. Research Magic
>>>>>>F. Explore in a direction/something.
>>>>>>G. Scavenge for raw materials.
>>>>>>H. Your choice
Reserves: 5
Currency: 0
>Pop 2000
>Military 1200
>>>>>>>Food: Below Average
>>>>>>>Water: Average
>>>>>>>Morale: Low
>>>>>>>Medicine: Low
>>>>>>>Health: Low
>>>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>>>Fuel: Poor
>>>>>>>Tech level: Barbaric
>>>>>>>Reputation: -

>>>>>>Infrastructure: Warehouse. Keep. Fired Farms. Hovels. Well. Fishery.
>>>>>>Power: Windmill
>>>>>>Weapons: Reserves.
>>>>>>armor: Hides. Metal(limited)
>>>>>>communications: Word of Mouth.
>>>>>Technology: Tanning. Drill Mastery. Crude
Where can i read the rest of the threads from the beginning?
If we can I would like to leave the divide up to the heroes or commander. They would know what fits their fighting style better.

... hehehe 4 now.

The pastebin has a lot of the thread numbers if that helps.
Up top.
>Forces dispatched...your gonna need to figure out how your gonna divide your forces.
We have two brillian commanders, surely they are more than capable of handling that?
Rolled 47 (1d100)

FUUcking shit that was a pain the ass.

Never got that much trouble from 4chan before...

Sh-shut up.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

What's the rules on genie multiple post? Anything cool happen?
The slow posting on 4chan is really pissing me off.
Rolled 66 (1d100)

I believe before we start forming the armies, we need to gain information and understand who we are fighitng.

Have Ashly go to the vicinity of the enemy scouts and
>Activate: Awestruck Aroma

Then have our unammed commander and

on the enemy scouts under the influence of the awestruck aroma

We'll get these scouts to come to our side, and then figure out who sent them and why they are here.

War Action:
With the scouts turned to our side, have them divuldge all they can about the approaching forces and have Richard activate
>Identify: Able to determine rough stats and other info from target. Including possibility of turning them and weaknesses/strengths

To tell us the strengths, weaknesses, and military capacity of the enemy army. In war plans may be useless, but planning is indispensable.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Include tree time! Vote
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Huh, linked 66's. Interesting.

Problem is we had people vote for splitting of the troops before we knew who we are fighting. So we kind of have to.

By the way can't use action like that. Most of the time anything we gain would have to be used next vote. So we could have one action be north scout their enemy and south do the first action as a war action.
No, we have to have two armies, we leave the actual composition of the troops to our commanders because being actual military commanders they are competent enough to decide what is an appropriate amount of force and composition.
Rolled 38 (1d100)

Let the general and commander figure out the divided of our guys, they are master strategists after all.
Rolled 58 (1d100)

You only have one officer type(you) while possessing a mere two advisers whom you can ask for council.
Alright, then let's have our commander decide.

Honestly, as a Didrickson Richard was not only expected to be able to lead a force of men but also did lead them during the previous fantasy civ quest.
>I believe before we start forming the armies,
Sorry, but the wording made me believe you wanted something else. Which last action was forming of the armies into two focus for north and south.

The problem of the current action still stands. Unless something has changed we would have to word the action differently. Otherwise we waste a turn on units we don't have yet.

I think it's because of Richards back ground is why people think we do. After all he was a noble that was well educated.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Linking the dubs

Have Ashly go to the vicinity of the enemy scouts and
>Activate: Awestruck Aroma

Then have our unammed commander and

on the enemy scouts under the influence of the awestruck aroma

We'll get these scouts to come to our side, and then figure out who sent them and why they are here.

War Action:
Have our Officer and Two Advisors convene together to prepare for the division of our forces.

Richard might be an advisor, but he has lead armies in battle before and been victorious, and he'll be expected to do so again.
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Linking the dubs

Have Ashly go to the vicinity of the enemy scouts and
>Activate: Awestruck Aroma

Then have our unammed commander and

on the enemy scouts under the influence of the awestruck aroma

We'll get these scouts to come to our side, and then figure out who sent them and why they are here.

War Action:
Have our Officer and Two Advisors convene together to prepare for the division of our forces.

Richard might be an advisor, but he has lead armies in battle before and been victorious, and he'll be expected to do so again.
Woops, sorry for double post.
Rolled 11 (1d100)

He can but he doesn't get any special heroic bonuses for it.
Rolled 85 (1d100)

I can't wait for the moment a post rolls a 1 and a 100 from double posting.

That's good to know.

Anyways looks like we would like the smart war hero(es) to divide the troops as they see fit. Then see about turning the scouts.
Rolled 1 (1d100)


Fatepoint time. . .
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Fatepoint request.

Also critfishing.
Can we spend 2 fatepoints to make this a success? I promise I'll buy back the next one.
Rolled 74 (1d100)

Fuck. Could 2 points remove the post completely?
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Fuck. Could 2 points remove the post completely?
I back the spending of 2 more points.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Burn 2 I get more later damit.
Rolled 46 (1d100)

hm...that would only make it an ordinary success.

IF you burnt two.

If you decided to consume 3 it would become a great success.

Basically burning a fate point boosts the success rating by 1.

For crit fails this will nullify the penalty.

You can also burn fates/buffs to harm the enemy too by the way...
Rolled 4 (1d100)

I was wondering if that would be better.

I vote f up the enemy with a fate point and save our cirt fail.
But we'll still not know anything about our enemy nor will our armies be organized.

I find defeating them in pitched battle far more satisfying than buying lightning to fall from the sky on them.
It's all about the win my friend.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Actually it works by decreasing whatever their action was gonna be.

Only boons will allow for lightning falling from sky bullshit.

Anyway earlier i meant using a fate point for crit fail will remove the bonus fail.

It is still considered a failure.
Also we are currently fighting a two front battle. That is no good and we should finish this quickly.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

Well I like not getting killed. When it comes time to attack something we will plane everything and do it how you want. But right not I say burn 2
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Burn 2. Also crit fishing.
Alright. Backing burning 2 fate points, one to stop the crit fail, another to hinder the enemy.
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Burn 2. Also crit fishing.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

One last crit fish
Rolled 84 (1d100)

By the power of causality which binds us all this will be 100
Rolled 39 (1d100)

By the power of causality which binds us all this will be a 100
Rolled 29 (1d100)

FUck you 4chan this is bullshit.

Awestruck Aura activated.

Turn activated
Acquired 2 units of Scouts. One barbaric One civilized.

According to the scouts the kingdom to the south aims to expand.

While the forces to north plans to raid.

...You have to decide how you want to divide your forces. They may merely offer advice.



Forces have mobilized. From the South they head Northeast.

While the Northern forces head Southwest.

>Turn 19
>>>>>>A. Scavenge for supplies.
>>>>>>B. Try to improve the base
>>>>>>C. Try to improve weapons.
>>>>>>D. Research technology.
>>>>>>E. Research Magic
>>>>>>F. Explore in a direction/something.
>>>>>>G. Scavenge for raw materials.
>>>>>>H. Your choice
Reserves: 5
Currency: 0
>Pop 2000
>Military 1200
>>>>>>>Food: Below Average
>>>>>>>Water: Average
>>>>>>>Morale: High
>>>>>>>Medicine: Low
>>>>>>>Health: Low
>>>>>>>Armaments: Average
>>>>>>>Fuel: Poor
>>>>>>>Tech level: Barbaric
>>>>>>>Reputation: -

>>>>>>Infrastructure: Warehouse. Keep. Fired Farms. Hovels. Well. Fishery.
>>>>>>Power: Windmill
>>>>>>Weapons: Reserves.
>>>>>>armor: Hides. Metal(limited)
>>>>>>communications: Word of Mouth.
>>>>>Technology: Tanning. Drill Mastery. Crude
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Sorry about these postings anon but 4chan is giving me hell making it hard to do properly.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

6 post of the id 99 by the power of causality the crit fail is become 99!
What kind of a commander can't even organize his own forces?

Alright, gonna work on some war plans thanks to Delim's pastebin.

Barbarians and civilized, how interesting.

Is there anyway we can open up parley to the civilized forces to the south? Strange that they'd attack preemptively.

"Under the banner of which kingdom are we in the presence of?" states the representative to the southern forces, the white flag of parley having beeen raised.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

We have a key that can make a door where there is none. It has unlimited uses. How big can the door be? What if we make a big long door with each portal opening where the army's charge. So the 2 armys attack each other not us.
Rolled 9 (1d100)

Even out, have the high defense units that are good for holding the line go north squad. Hoping they will give up quickly so we can fall back and ready to take on the main south focuses.

Scourge, knights should go with commander followed by units that work with his Stealth for hit and run attacks. If they are expanding we need to be ready to cut supply lines.

I say leave the battle planing in the hands of the commander. 1 fate point to reduce losses.

Action + war action: North hold the lines and make the raiders earn this fight. Richard see about getting a commander unit or a strong squad with you Identify turning chance. South squad is in your hands commander.
Rolled 6 (1d100)

H... How big is each army?
Rolled 15 (1d100)

"Prepare to be vanquished by the order of King Masu!"

"We shall free this land from your warlord's disgraceful clutches. Onward for Glory!"

Hard to say the barbarians don't keep to organized ranks and the south they only just started deploying their troops.

From the looks of it its anywhere from a few hundred to a couple thousand.
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Request help from vampires.
Where are the trade towns and merc camps in relation to the coming army's? They would thin the numbers
Rolled 10 (1d100)

If the barbarians keep to their route they will run right into them.

The other group on the other hand...not so much.

As for help from the vamps...that will cost you dearly.

Especially if you want it rushed.
"Tell your king the warlord is further up north, this is a settlement and we're BEING attacked by the warlord right now.

If you can help us defeat him we'll be in your debt."
Well there is the $25, unless that did get used to make the trader hero.
Rolled 12 (1d100)

It's not used yet. I can be used for anything now
Rolled 2 (1d100)

That ain't enough for a hero.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

What is
Well that peddler squad has a lot of things stacked on them. Plus the fluff that was made for it.
Rolled 23 (1d100)

To buy one.

Problem with hero is the difficulty it takes for promotion...

Money wise it ain't gonna be cheap either.

Hence why that unit is considered 'special'.

You still have 2 other major challenges before official hero.
Well once this war has ended they will get a lot of work hours in.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

"Nice try Warlord we know you are a bunch of traitors who turned on their own king! Why would we dare deal with you?"
Rolled 66 (1d100)

can we do this
Would it burn the magic in the key out?
It's not a portal, just a door. If we had that key ... hehe the fun of them rushing our main gate and going into a lake would be great.
>Clearly a settlement, offering not only safe passage and assistance, especially being attacked by barbarians
>You must be the warlord!
I don't even. This is rediculous. . .we might have our moments, but NPC's and factions never cease to amaze me in their stupidity.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

We don't know that. It might work by portal
It's the history of our main guy that is unknown to us and they don't know about the raiders most likely. Otherwise I'm sure they would be hitting way harder.
Rolled 69 (1d100)

The larger the door the more exhausted the key will be for a length of time.

As for it being possible if you burn the key entirely out...


might be possible.

They heard about your leadership and origins.

I'm getting REALLY angry at 4chan eating up my posts today. Time to rewrite everything. . .
Rolled 19 (1d100)

You have no idea anon I have never SEEN 4chan be this bad.

Like ever.

Its especially brutal for me considering there is a bunch of shit I need to post and its all getting fucked.
For me it's been post and wait for it to say "connection problems". Once it says that my post shows up a few seconds later.
I really want to make that battle plan, but also I have to go to work in ten minutes, so I can only wish the best of luck to the rest of the crew to get us through this or come up with a good plan.
Rolled 28 (1d100)

Faulty 4chan battle boon?
Also the civilized guys fighting us, how much are there?
Rolled 20 (1d100)

What do our advisers advise?
Rolled 6 (1d100)


Hundreds to a few thousand hard to tell overall as some of them are holding back.

They aren't sure but advise putting your best defensive units towards those who are going right at you while making sure to somehow discourage the other still.
Rolled 46 (1d100)

"Hey Ashly, how good are you and Ted with animals? Snd by animals I mean the monsters near the mining complex.

The reason I ask is if you are able I would like you to get mischievous with the enemy and cause the monsters to attack them."

Holding out hope for the adventurer to come up and help in some way.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

"...animals," asked Ashly.

"...I prefer plants," stated Ted.


"Well...what about monster plants?"

"...hm those be good too."


"So that is a no unless they be monstrous."

I would do that but 4chan be hating like a mofo.
Rolled 7 (1d100)

To bad, they are going near that undead fill forest. How would you feel about setting up pranks there to play with them or maybe a trap to hold them off?
Should we just wait for 4chan to stop fucking up?
We're past the bump limit, need a new thread soon or tommorow, after 4 eaten posts to just post this fucking thing I'm losing my patience anyway.
Ouch, my problem has just been a waiting game.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

I knows your pains all too well.
Well see everyone later and hopefully with a working 4chan.

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