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Part two for the night! hahaha.

and to answer >>38619592 no, thankfully.

Part one, while it's still up, is here!


[x] Bah. Boring! Give me a girl with some fire in her heart, yeah?

“Bah.” You say, waving a hand. “Boring! Give me a girl with some fire in her heart, yeah?”

Merlin shrugs. “I guess? None of the others have made any kind of first move though-”

“And you don't see me with any of them, do you?” You ask, grinning.

“I guess not.” Merlin says, contemplatively. “But I think we've wasted enough time. Let's go!”

You nod- though in this case, she means 'go to life support' where she gathers her gear- and you reclaim your helmet, turned in by Stasya when she walked down here before her flight. You haven't seen any of them- yet- though you're sure you will before you get airborne.

From the support shop, you head, quickly, through weather- Sunny and dry, thought there's going to be snow on the mountains, it's clear over all ranges, which suits you fine.

You're greeted by Stasya and Lilya in the hangar- both of them have identical flight suits- that look for all the world like Single piece swimsuits. “Girls!” You say, returning their hugs- one nice thing about having not gotten geared down after your last flight is there's nothing to put on- you're already wearing it all! “Those your new flight suits? Where's the arms?” You tug on the material of yours.

“This is the undersuit.” Stasya says, holding up a long jacket. “This is what we wear over it, then the vest over that.”

“What about a Gsuit?” You ask.

Lilya shakes her head. “The interface inside the fighter acts as one.” She says, then frowns. “Can we have our helmets painted too?”

Theirs are the Navy issue grey- not the colorful- and highly irregular- ones you, Merlin, and the twins have.

[] Sure! We'll get them painted up before we get back to the unit.
[] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
[] When you earn it, girls. When you earn it.
>[x] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
[X] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
>[] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
>[] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
>[] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
>[] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.

it will get them use to the unit
>[] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
>[] Sure! We'll get them painted up before we get back to the unit.
>[] When you earn it, girls. When you earn it.

Can't spoil them too much....
>[x] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
Can Slider paint with her tail? Also someone remember to archive the last thread.
>[] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
when we do things, we do it right



as long as it isn't our love life
>Only if you beat the twins.

>Have Slider paint a Shark being Harpooned.
>[x] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
What are their callsigns again?

Do they even have callsigns?
>[] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.

Can't give that away for free, give them incentive.

Besides having the design will be amusing.
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>Only if you beat the twins
This. Give them a rewarding incentive.
] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
This please
>[x] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
/tg/: terrible fathers who spoil their children
>[X] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.

Squadrony gifts for daughterus
this here
Indeed, at least give them incentive.
I wouldn't trust me with children, I definitely wouldn't trust anon with children. Not sure why you thought they'd make good fathers.
>implying our daughterus will not curb-stomped sharktwens
But fine, this may make the stomp more thorough.
Add this to my vote >>38619828
>Only if you beat the twins

This. Give them a rewarding incentive.
They have been nothing but good so far, not to mention they already shot down the twins

This >>38619810

Going for this as well so that we can taste sherktwanz tears >>38619810
>Only if you beat the twins
True, but painting your helmet is a certain right among pilots, I think

It's only fair, and the twins won't say it's a cheap shot.
This. Joining the bandwagon.
allahu akbar

Go for it.
>[] When we get to Poland, sure. We've got an artist or two in the unit.
>[] When you earn it, girls. When you earn it.

"Beat the twins in these practice flights and we'll have our squadron's arty people give you your paintjobs back in poland"
[x] Write-in

You nod. “Tell you what. If you beat the twins, I'll have one of the squadron do something real nice for you. Maybe a shark being harpooned, how does that sounds.”

The grin they give you is unnerving. You can only describe it as 'hungry'

“Ok, Papa.” Stasya says. “It will only be them?”

You're not sure, but you nod anyway. “Mhmm. I don't plan to get involved.”

She gives you a look, but smiles anyway. “Ok! We'll earn nice helmets, like yours. Will you watch?”

“If I can.” You say, motioning to Merlin, who's tugging her flight 'suit' on over an undergarment identical to the girls'.

“Do we have to both beat them?” Lilya asks. “or will beating them once be enough for both of us?”

[] You need to both beat themselves
[] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?
>[] You need to both beat themselves
Must show sherktwanz that they have gotten rusty.
>[x] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?
>[] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?
I got callsign for our daughterus:
Valkyrie and Angel.
or Valkyrie and Stripes, if you want to be 'funny'.
>[x] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?

>The grin they give you is unnerving. You can only describe it as 'hungry'
They truly are Warhound's pups.
>[] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?
Play nice with the Sherks, just once will be fine.
>[] You need to both beat themselves
it'd be too easy for you girls otherwise
>[] You need to both beat themselves
>[] You need to both beat themselves
it will be a good training exercise
>[] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?

Let's aim to teach them teamwork too
>[x] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?
>[x] You need to both beat themselves

>[] You need to both beat themselves
>[x] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?
>[x] Give Head-pats
We plan to sortie them as a pair anyway so it's a good training exercise.
>[] You need to both beat themselves

>"Don't underestimate the twins."
>[] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?

Plus, they already beat'em once
>[x] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?


their new call signs is Warpup 1 and 2
+1 for Teamwork
[] You need to both beat themselves
>[x] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?
>[] You need to both beat themselves
talking about two-fighter squadron, i keep reminded by Gelb.
Goddamn they got the most fancy entrance intro from all Ace Squadron.
>[] You need to both beat themselves
>[] You need to both beat themselves
The twins totally deserve this.
>[X] You need to both beat themselves
GELB! That shall be the callsigns for our girls!

Sounds German enough anyway.
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>Halley has admitted to sketching lewds but refuses to post them because he thinks they're shit
>Inb4 Our Girls managed to hit the twins with their missile at the same time.
To this day, I'm impressed with Gelb's flying. Tight, clean and precise, at blazing speed, in close quarters. They might not have been as bastardly as Wizard and Sorcerer, but those are some damn good pilots son.
Well, the twins have already had their ass kicked once, and dogfighting is tiring
they're still a part of our squadron, so I say we only need them beat once.
it is german
It's German for yellow.
[x] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?
Beat them once. Just once.
Not to teach them teamwork. Not to give the Sharks a chance to even up the score.
Beat them once, purely for that moment when the Sharks land, complain about beginner's luck...and then drop the bomb on them that "Actually, that's the second time they beat you"
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he must die then
>Beat them once, purely for that moment when the Sharks land, complain about beginner's luck...and then drop the bomb on them that "Actually, that's the second time they beat you"
but then we'd get no more art from him
>Gelb team flew SU-37s
>Gelb is German for yellow

Well played Nacamo, Well played.
Who's for calling the xfa-27s Drakes?

Also this.
Griffon or Shrike I'd say.
I like sticking with the smaller dragon type. Make sense if they are based off the Wyvern.
By all purpose, Gelb Squadron is reference for Yellow Squadron. same plane, same color, and even share same problem with maintenance.

Make this happen.
Don't forget to photograph their reaction.

I like >>38620370
Also, these idiots who don't link
Belka is literally the Strangereal Germany expy
The whole ROT, GRUN, INDIGO thing from the first B7R mission should have been the first tip

You know, there's rumors that Yellow 13 was a Belkan pilot...

Just call them Phoenixes
Might as well call back to AC2
Images stick out.

Also I think griffon sounds too much like Gripen.
that one rumor is attributed to this man
Since shooting him down earn you Yellow's SU-37 paintjob.
There is already a Phoenix missile. Don't think the navy would name a plane the same thing.
Has the first thread been archived?
sure they would, and suddenly, the navy accidentally orders too many of the wrong phoenixs and try to launch them from missile mounts because reasons
Plebs all.

Obviously the XFA-27 should be called the Z.O.E.
Just call it Apalis and get it over with
Not seeing it.
>Has the first thread been archived?
not yet from what I see on sup/tg/
Jesus christ it's like you people won't into proper AC
Call them Dragonets or something if you're so inclined
Hell, call them Goycos for all I care, that 4.5 million justifies it
apalis is an actual plane in AC.

the ZOE series of foes needed to be shot down in AC2 to unlock the XFA- 27

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You're a good man, anon
>Came in late for the thread because reasons
>daughterus about to go back in the cockpit
>daughterus about to whup sherks

they want to play
Thanks, now save this one as well before we forget.


we are bad parents
Sherktwins bout to get roflstomped.
It'd probably be better to do that after the thread is done, so the archive program doesn't accidentally miss anything.

Does suptg still update the archive every two hours, or has that been changed?
how is getting playmates for our darling little girls make us a bad parent?
No anon, the twanz are in a new wyvern, the daughterus are in the drakes
>Aw Yeah Scarface/Aurelia goes here
Thanks chaps
Still want some Forneus and FALKEN though
Also new entry for the Fronkbowl!

Russian, American, British, Japanese

All we need is Italy and German and we'll have all the major players of the second world war fighting for Fronk.


>Did anyone else imagine FDR, Churchill, Stalin and Hirohito fighting WWE style ?
...Damn. I wasn't clear
>Also new entry for the Fronkbowl!
yean nah, she ain't in the running for the Fronk, too late and she won't agree to the entry conditions terms so shes disqualified from running
>>Did anyone else imagine FDR, Churchill, Stalin and Hirohito fighting WWE style ?

fem! stalin, fem! churchill, fem! hirohito and fem! FDR fighting for fronk?
>I am a Real American.gif
>Rowdy Roddy Piper theme?
>Nikolai Volkoff or Zangief?
I hear Wittman gates the Bishop family and everyone in it, let's go bother her.
naw. But Jake needs to meet Hessler
MF and Scribbler: Aw Yiss
is this someone from PJ quest? 'cause I haven't read that. describe this Hessler.
You know you have done something wrong when your own countrymen dismiss you.
>Frank and Wittman meet
>Hit it off pretty well
>Frank tells Wittman who he is
>Wittman has a mental breakdown between her hate for ALL Bishops and seemingly every witch's neet to be with Frank.
Rikishi is Samoan, not Japanese.
I like this scenario
>It's not like I like you or anything you medal seeking glory hound!
Replace that with

Hessler commands a Panzer unit with the Wehrmacht. We've run into her a couple of times in PJs.
>WWF with witches
Vince paying the big bux for the heal witches
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The Silver Tiger.
Scribbler pls

>Inb4 Hell-in-a-cell/Coffin hybrid match
just wait until it reaches the attitude era. also ECW would be a fucking blood bath.
Is that scribble a Sugoi Sukoi?
I like. I shall have something to look forward to when I start reading PJ in 16 hours.
Apparently so.
Also, for that pun,
you have forced my hand!
He really does...just to have him catch some kind of break.
did we lose Ghost again?
He's been spoiling us with quick updates as of late, wouldn't be too worried.
>Having this little faith in the Ghostdiva
>Laughing Grabacr pilots.gif

He'd probably have a field day complaining about Wittmann though.
Try using Planefag's old summoning ritual?

But replace the Colt and Nambu with a Tomcat and brown skin girl with hips.
Son, when you also following BlackJack GuPQ, occasional slip like this is nothing.
Speaking of, you need to do some art for that too MF.
Just as planned.
They can bond over wittmanbitching and then make out
Just wait till I catch you in the channel Scribbler!

I'm gonna make more suggestions

Also this thread needs your wiesel-chan.
>and then make out ontop of Wittman while fucking her
>Implying Wittman isn't bound and gagged while dangling on top of a croc-infested pool
nah, she's just bound and gagged on top of Jake's penetrator
[x] I don't think they need that much humbling in a day, just beat them once, ok?

You grin. “Just beat them once, ok? They don't need to be depressed twice in a day!”

Stasya nods, and Lilya hugs you as an answer- which you suppose is her way of communicating that she understands. You're still glad she's talking, as rare as it is.

They both mount up, and within minutes, the XFA-27's turbines start to spin up, the rising whine very similar to your wyvern's.

Meanwhile, the twins come out, watching the two smaller fighters start their taxi from inside the hangar- which is technically against regs, but you're the only ones in here. You'll have to talk to the girls all the same- it's ok here, but back in Poland, there's too much risk of FOD.

“Pity, you know.” Alyssa says. “I mean, about how hard we're going to school your kids.”

“Should I call you the professor?” You ask, mockingly. “Is school in session?”

“Who is that, Dre?” Clarissa asks.

“Fuck if I know. Good luck, you'll need it.” You respond.

“Yeah, sure we will. Hope you're ready to deal with crying girls. Go buy icecream.” Alyssa says, slipping her helmet on and heading for her Wyvern.

“Can we go now?” Merlin asks, practically bouncing in place. “I wanna fly!”

You laugh- you've never seen her like this, at least not in recent memory. “Anxious, kiddo?” You ask.

“Excited.” She corrects. “C'mon!” She seizes your wrist and tugs you towards the wyvern.

>Sticking your dick in retard

Come on anon.

This guy has the right of it.
>Go buy icecream
I guess we'll have to get some for the sherks after they're wrekt...
>Who is that, Dre?

Also ghost, these are just for the US, right? Japan still has shindens and F-1's for their navy right?
Wittman is tied up and has to watch while a *real* German gets Jake Penetrations.
pool should be infested with sherks and sloidah
made from Joe's Milk?
Inb4 Merlin has a techgasm over the link
inb4 the awkward moment is overshadowed by the wyvern's fronkgasm
Okay, I'm changing my suggestion croc to this.
Japan has F-14s.

I think there were some mumblings about them having Corsair IIs or Crusader IIIs too.
I like
>all of these post about tying Witmann
don't make me post that art again.
afaik, Nips have Shindens for multipurpose (somehow, they're supposed to be VTOL, unless Ghost ignored that bit of AH fluff), and F-14Js or similar for Navy
You laugh and follow her, climbing up and releasing the locks on your helmet before putting it on. The VDNI clicks into place- with just the helmet, there's nothing really there, just a faint sort of feeling of being in a large, empty room. Which, to be fair, could be because you're in a large, mostly empty hangar.

You sit down and start buckling in, leaving slack in the straps to adjust after the VDNI probe is in. That's one of the few manual controls in the fighter that's new- there's a covered center console toggle for the VDNI system, one that's not present in the Skyfox. You hit it and listen to the faint whirr of the servomotors as the probe adjusts for your helmet, then plugs in.

Merlin, as opposed to Laika, is a ball of all kinds of wild emotions- there's excitement, fear, joy, sadness, love and hate, all available. “Woah.” You say to yourself.

“Huh?” Merlin responds. “Frank, what?”

You shake your head, the VDNI probe now connected to your helmet on the end of it's cable- leaving you free to look around, for as much as you actually need to. While the skyfox uses a more limited system- you control the fighter with your mind, but you still see purely out of your eyes- the Wyvern uses a much more comprehensive system, one that lets you 'see' as if the fuselage of the fighter wasn't there. As Merlin's sensor arrays start up, their feeds begin to overlay themselves in your vision, then blink out as she cancels the feeds, leaving the basics.

I can back this! Seconding!
“Bit different.” You grunt.

You can feel Merlin working through the startup- both your turbines start to whine as they spool up, and the sluggishness of the fighter starts to bleed away as it comes to life.

You, like the girls, taxi out under your own power.

“China lake tower, this is Warhound.” You call- selecting other channels is a lot like talking to people in a group, you think. You just kind of think about wanting to talk to them, and get the channel you need. “Flight of one, requesting runway clearance.”

“Warhound, tower. Clear for Runway two-six. We'll hand you over to AWACS control once you're up.”
the controller responds- things, fortunately, are pretty laid back here.

“Roger. Runway two-six.” You say, turning for the southern runway and lining up.

“So where do we want to go?” Merlin asks. “There's the desert, but I think that's where your girls are going with the twins, and then there's the ocean range, out by San Nicholas.

[] We'll use the Tonopah range
[] We'll go out over the ocean range.
According to the Model kit, the Shinden II has both a conventional and SVTOL variant; the SVTOL has larger, adjusting wingtips and hovers via some creative thrust vectoring.
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So we're basically Machine Head, but in a jet.

I can get behind this.

>[] We'll go out over the ocean range.
>[] We'll use the Tonopah range
>[] We'll use the Tonopah range
Too early to go feet wet, I reckon.

Ghost, can you confirm this? I kinda forgot about these birds when we discussed this yesterday, to be honest.
>[x] We'll use the Tonopah range
Lets watch the girls push the Sherks shit in.
>[] We'll use the Tonopah range
Keep our distance and just spectate and get used to the wyvern
>[] We'll use the Tonopah range
>[X] We'll use the Tonopah range
Make us proud daughterus.
>[] We'll use the Tonopah range
Time to see some aerial harpooning.
>[] We'll use the Tonopah range
"I kinda wanna see their duel anyway"
[] We'll use the Tonopah range

Time to watch and cheer on the daughterus from the sidelines.
It'll be like a father at his kid's soccer game.
But with multi-million dollar jets and missiles.
>[x] We'll go out over the ocean range.
>[] We'll use the Tonopah range
let's see how nicely they play together, and it will give us a chance to do tracking on them.

>wild emotions
>in b4 it's the wyvern
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I haven't read Tonkers '89 in a while, but I thought Wittman was no longer an issue.
>[] We'll use the Tonopah range
Spectate the fight.
>>[x] We'll go out over the ocean range.

Think we're more like to be over land in Poland.
We were just getting to the point where we could work shit out with her then Maus went MIA.
We got assigned back to Germany, Wittman is now our temporary CO. She's a Lt.Col. now.

She's also even more of a gigantic bitch.
Its on indefinite hiatus but Jake is now under Wittmann's command causing alot of headaches.
Do iiiiiittttt

The STOVL/VTOL/whatever variant is the one we see in AH (and through asset recycling, Infinity), as seen at various points through here:

[] We'll go out over the ocean range.
Complete with embarrassing cheers, i presume.

Lolno. Girl try to block our initiative to reconnoiter enemy line because 'it was too much risk'.
>Work shit out

By which you mean "Completely snap over her absurd hesitance and stupidity and beat her to death with the tank", right?
we decided to go back to germany after new toys because Arabia sucks, Japland doesn't need our help, and we'd be useless in Vikingland.

Unfortunately, some brass idiot decided to embed us in Wittman's unit... under her command. She still hates us.
>[x] We'll go out over the ocean range.
Rather have open space to push things.

And I'm passing out, Good run as always Ghost!
Maus is probably not coming back to TW89, at this rate.
Seems kinda petty to me. Wittman being a bad CO doesn't justify wanting to dangle her over a pool of crocs.
>Having this little faith in the Maus
It's like you don't have faith in the Planefag, bruh.
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Maybe sometime i need to draw one where Top and Sushi doing her...
He's said its not dead and he'll come back to it eventually, though who knows at this point.

I just want to roll ARSCOM into battle and fuck Wittman on top of our tank afterwards.
He's not planefag.
eh, its just that one anon who has a murderboner for her, the rest of us think she can be greatly improved with the application of a good hard dicking
I figure. I'll just headcanon that Jake got transferred and is actually doing work.

Dude do you not remember what she did when she was under our command?
Sadly >>38621688 is probably right. The longer things go on the harder it will be for him to write it in the same universe unless Ghost has been leaving him stuff to do.

I agree. I don't hate her, I also think its funny that they are treating her like she treated Jake.
Yeah, poor crocs, have to eat her.

Joking aside, for me she is mixed bag, she is shown as waaay to careful and kinda inflexible when situation needs her to do something bold.

I don't really hate her but in other hand i cannot say i like her.
no, but her threatening us and our carrier if we even so much step out of line where her orders are concerned followed by her completely disregarding and ridiculing our input after she specifically asked for it does.
Define 'us' I just want nothing do with her. Cold professionalism is all she is getting.

[] We'll use the Tonopah range

>Merlin, as opposed to Laika, is a ball of all kinds of wild emotions- there's excitement, fear, joy, sadness, love and hate, all available. “Woah.” You say to yourself.

Should we be worried?

Also looking back, I find it funny how Merlin and Frank (especially Frank) changed since the beginning.
I remember that she didn't get anyone killed.
Sweet baby Jesus, you people can't just talk to her about your problems with her command like a normal human being?
It's less of her just being a crap CO as as it is about leading Jake to think Frank was killed in combat being a glory hound to prove her point. And doing it with a shit eating grin.
It's primarily because her poor performance as a CO is directly intertwined with her disdain for Jake - She's unfeasibly terrified of risk and losses and hates even the slightest whiff of anything she interprets as "Heroics".

It's caused her to do some pretty nasty shit to Jake personally and has caused her to *grossly* misuse the new super prototype tanks Jake has as an offensive asset.

It's bad enough that her own fellow German tank witches basically have little but contempt for her.
only if you draw witch cock
>love and hate
That reminds me, what the hell could Merlin hate? This scares me.
Okay, so you guys have talked to her about it, and she was a gigantic bitch about it.

Get the rest of the unit's cadre behind you, then go talk to her again. If it doesn't work, then go to the brass and request a transfer.
>talk to her about your problems with her command like a normal human being
how are we supposed to do that when she ignores what we say before she twists a perfectly reasonable statement we make into something about glory hunting?
It takes a severe lack of empathy and intelligence to do that to a person. Her CO no less.

Quest is frozen before we could do much and like >>38621828 said we can barely talk to her.
>The flight goes pretty much as planned.
>Frank lands the plane, tries to unlatch the canopy.
>"I'm sorry Frank. I can't let you do that."
>It's not the Wvyern. It's Merlin.
>I remember that she didn't get anyone killed.
It's because her previous CO's went and got killed (in a war! Shock! Horror!) that she's utterly unwilling to take any sort of risk, no matter how reasonable or justified.

And her insinuation that Jake is a mad glory hound for losing a tank under heavily classified circumstances, during WW3 no less, is frankly nothing short of petty, spiteful grudge-keeping.
We'll just rock our wings at them.
>I remember that she didn't get anyone killed.
It was mentioned that while we were in Arabia her unit took a pretty severe mauling.
>And Kenji was NTR'd. Swordings ensued.
Longsheet, Her sister to a lesser extent.
yea, it was a long shit alright.
Yeah but I was under the impression the feelings were in the present not all the person's feelings ever. So right now there is something she hates at this moment.
No shit, sherlock.
|I kid
And was that a direct consequence of her being overcautious?
Okay, twisting Jake's words and accusing him of gloryhounding is definitely bitch-tier.
>The thought of loosing Frank?
>People trying to separate her and Frank?

Herself. Duh.
>And was that a direct consequence of her being overcautious?
It was a direct consequence of her being on the front lines of WW3, like Jake.

The point is that claiming Jake losing a tank, just as she's lost men and tanks, somehow makes Jake a mad glory seeker is utterly hypocritical and displays a startlingly tenuous grip on reason.
>And was that a direct consequence of her being overcautious?

I don't know if it was stated. Like we said the quest got frozen before we learned much.
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We aren't going into combat.
We are in the states.
In a plane built for the two of us.
Pls no. Haddn't thought of that.
Screw you anon.

Not getting Santa's chocolate cake
Whatever her reasons, it's still a major sore point between Jake and the rest of the unit, having her doing everything in her power to hold the leash at critical moments.

But we'll never really get a full resolution to the whole thing until TONKS WHEN MAUS?
Tonks never. It's dead.
>Meanwhile Panzerhexen is drinking the blood and tears of anons wanting Tonk witches of any kind
I guess we still have Merc Hessler side stories
Not really a big loss, unlike TW89, nobody really talks about his quest.
>Screw you anon.

Frank is such a nice guy.
Kenji's pretty nice too.
Everyone is so nice to me.
This is kinda nice.
I wish I could fly a striker...
Is Frank going to be okay?
Longstreet is going to send me away.
Frank is going to die without me.
I can't be selfish and think about just Kenji.
I need to be less selfish.
I'm such a bad person.
comparison between Monty and Wittman crossed on my mind, but then i doing severe injustice to man because at least Monty didn't afraid to throw his men if it means victory.
Anon Stahp. Just... Sta--
>Insert crying Ushio Okazaki here

You will not defeat me, Anon. I will break Ghost's record of driving me to drink during his last 3 quests.
Frank actually died.
Tabitha had to save him for me.
I have to get stronger.
I have to get stronger for Frank.

Why am I getting so tired lately?
Maus should just give the TW89 rights to Merc. I'm sure he's seen enough ShackTac to come up with good tank combat.

Not just saying this cause I want Hessler and Jake to happen no siree.
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I didn't give you permission to make me feel this way
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ExcAigaLith Mk V is firing its burst nukes
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why you do this to me
I don't know, I really like the tough, brutal side of groundpounding that Maus brought to his quest that I don't think Merc would easily be able to maintain.
Anon pls

You know you want to

Anon I share your pain
I agree.
The last Hessler side story was pretty brutal actually.
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You sir, can fuck right off
I don't need these feels
Hessler needs healing Dick
Hessler needs the Discarding Sabot
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Oh god, oh god my heart.
Actually, does she know that Frank actually DIED? Like...I can't imagine that she would deal with that well at all. Hell, I'm surprised Frank dealt with it as well as he did. I wouldn't be surprised if Ice/Slider...conveniently withheld that little tidbit
She probably didn't. Remember when Fronk went MIA over Tanana?
Ice wouldn't want a repeat of that.
Early PJs actually had alot of groundpounding if I remember correctly. I see what you mean though.

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You called, sir?
frank knows he died

im actually waiting for frank to just break down for a moment or two.
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Remember. For someone to be healed, someone must first be hurt.
Rejoice, anon. Your wish will finally come true.
>Not posting best Ichiro Mizuki-sama
>Laughing Dinosaur Empire.gif
And that Overlord tanks battle was quite bloody too.

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>Authorize deploying BEST FORTRESS to avenge Belka
>Ace Combat: Sons of the Grey Men intensifies
I don't want people dyeing from hype overdose!
Get out of here Kirei,go back to Cinderella Girls with 346 Producer-san

But how can they be able to evolve from GETTAH RAYZU??
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Never thought I'd get to use this, but..
You made it relevant
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>infect Frank and Merlin with getter rays

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P-san, Rin wants a word with you.
I wasn't just talking about the combat, actually. The thing about Tonk Witches that I liked was that there was a kind of emotional and visceralness to it. A lot of witches got had heavy emotional baggage, and they got bruised in ways that made it really believable and engaging to me, Whittman's apex bitchyness aside.
heil belka
>When Project Aces? WHEENNNNN???!!!

>That's the plan.gif
Just be happy it's not Young
a witched hopped up on getter rays....nope fuck this I am out!
i still want franks bimbo ex-girlfriend to make an appearance.
We need our Ryoma
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Have more belkaball to compensate
>she wants to get back together
>Frank says, "Sure, if you can fight the witches off."
Hilarity ensues. Popcorn and moonshine, courtesy of Mav.
>Frank's ex makes an appearance
>Everyone in Spellcaster tells her to piss off.
>Shin HELLCOW and Black Getter TRIATH when
>Great Mazin-Rufus when
Hey, at least Getter!Fronk will not only be able to survive the inevitable witch snoo snoo, but also please all of the girls AND jets.
>Nein, just visiting!
Oh, Belkaball
I await for this moment so dearly.

Or better yet, his daughters do it. by clutching to his sides.
>Rejoice, Puchis, your wish will come true
Puchimas FALKEN soon.gif
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I head puchis
>she wants to get back together

>I won't forget the way you're kissing
>The feelings so strong were lasting for so long
>But I'm not the man your heart is missing
>That's why you go away I know
>Michael Learns to Rock
dammit Manga, you're reminding me of my age.

>Oh my sleeping child, the world's so wild
>But you build your own paradise...
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It is always time for Puchis!
MangaFag, Anon, I love you. No homo.
did ghost die?
A cup of 90's to you too, anon.
Epic battle scene bro. Prob gonna be a big post with the thread ending.
It's been over an hour since his last post
i hope.
I recalls liking New Kids on the Block when i still a child.
I am pretty old by myself.
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Ghost is ded, post lewds!
[x] We'll use the Tonopah range

“We'll head for the desert.” You say. “Can you get us a vector for Tonopah? We'll stay high, try to watch the twins and the girls duke it out.”

You can feel amusement through the link. “Like that's going to happen. The twins have no idea what they're in for.” She says.

She flips off channel, but you know shes talking- it's like a muted conversation, from far away, but you can hear it. If you concentrate, you can make out parts of it- you're already turning for the vector when she gets back to you. “Take vector zero four zero for Tonopah range, and watch the restricted airspace over the nuclear test site.” she says.

“Think you can find them?” You ask. “No telling where they are, and it's a big range.”

She laughs- again, amused. “You don't know what I'm capable of now, do you?” She asks. “I'd show you, but it's...” She pauses, searching for the right word. “Distracting.”

“Right. Just find them for us.” You say, smiling.

The Wyvern is an order of magnitude more powerful than the skyfox, and knifes through the sky incredibly effortlessly. You'd like to really cut loose, but up over civil airspace- and land- that's not an option, and you have to fly straight and level to the range.

“Ok.” Merlin says, as you cross into the range. “We're tied on to Nellis control, they run the range for the most part. There's a control AWACS up, callsign Bunny, who has eyes over the entire range with the ground radar. I'm splicing in satellite coverage with the last arkbird pass, too.” She says, then you can feel her start to concentrate.

“Got 'em!” she says, triumphantly. “Frank, they're about sixty miles away, heading zero-two-zero. Angels thirty. I don't think they've started their engagement yet.”

1/4 (I think)
I'll admit to liking Diana King, Moby, 90's Daft Punk and Savage Garden.

... Dammit, where's my Pogs
“Let's go watch.” you say, rolling onto the indicated vector and kicking in your burners. The power of the turbines thunders through you- it's a good feeling, wild, kind of like riding your motorcycle, only more so. It's going to be addicting, you realize.

The girls break just as you turn on to your heading, splitting apart. The Twins head to the north, while your girls head south-eastish, towards the controlled airspace near the Nevada test site, though they're rolling towards the west in a broad, looping turn even before the controllers on Bunny issue their first warning.

“There's the twins.” Merlin breathes, directing you to look low and to your one o'clock- they're screaming in low, following the terrain, trying to stay hidden. “I don't think the girls see them yet.”

They don't- but they react instantly when the twins pop up at an angle for a good head-on AMRAAM shot. They split, though you note that it's not a classic split- whichever one the twins attack, the other can turn to attack them. It's a thatch weave- performed at supersonic speeds, with a closure rate of nearly mach four.

The twins, perhaps confident in their greater combat experience turn into the attack, using their speed advantage to attempt to get a shot in on whoever the left side XFA-27 is- only to have the girl on the right twist her fighter around, using the canards and thrust vectoring, and line up directly on them, probably looking for a gun shot. The twin's shield shimmers to life, but they snap their wyvern away and plug in their enhanced afterburners.

The girls, though, don't seem inclined to let them go. While the XFA-27 isn't as fast as the wyvern- on paper- in practice, with witches at the controls, it's still plenty fast, and the girls close the gap- though they have to fly higher and use the terrain less than the twins, who keep their Wyvern defensive and right on the deck, using the mountains to their advantage.

“They're good.” Merlin says- though you've seen the girls make enough mistakes that you've realized they're going to need practice. Still, they're good enough that one splits off- angling for a different point while the other attempts to cage the twins into the trap.

The twins are better than that though- they've been in combat as long as you, and instead break into their pursuer, forcing her away. She reacts quickly, though, the XFA-27 looks like, because it's as much lighter than the wyvern as it is, it can climb faster and accelerate better. The other, now separated by ten miles, starts a wide turn to get back into it.

You pick out an orbit nearby, falling into a racetrack pattern almost by instinct- it's easy, mindless, and leaves you free to watch.

The second XFA rejoins on the fight in a slashing gun run- you don't know what they're quipped with, but the twin's shields light up and they break off the tail of the one they were pursuing to get away from the guns of the second.

The twins, defensive now, attempt to break away- and are forced off by a pair of simulated missile shots that tear- one each- from the girls' fighters.

You laugh. “They're screwed now.” You say, and you can detect Merlin nodding.

In close, the wyvern- while it's able to turn better than either of the two fighters- just doesn't have a chance. Between their VDNI and their lighter fighter's ability to out accelerate and out-climb the Wyvern, the girls demolish the twins in a knife-fight.

80's here anon.
“I think that's enough.” You call, just as the girls make their final pass. “Good kill, girls.”

They respond on a private channel- just you, them, and Merlin.

“Did you see, papa?” Lilya asks. “Can we have painted helmets now?”

You laugh. “I think you earned them, yeah.” You respond. “How's your fuel?”

“Low.” They answer. “We'll have to be heading back now.”

“Low? Already?” You ask.

“Partial load.” Merlin explains. “We've still got fuel, if you want to stay and work through the systems.”

The girls- and the twins- are already breaking for the west, heading back to china lake. You watch the twins going, the girls taking up position on either side of them, above and behind- though they've got more discipline than you, you think. You'd have done a victory roll.

[] Yeah, let's hang out.
[] Nah, the fun part's over, let's pack it in.
And New Radicals, Smashing Pumpkins, Tears for Fears, classic Madonna...

That's it I'm looking for a NES emulator and playing DUCK HUNT later.
>[] Yeah, let's hang out.
>[x] Yeah, let's hang out.
Still need our practice.
>[] Yeah, let's hang out.
>[x] Yeah, let's hang out.
>[X] Nah, the fun part's over, let's pack it in.

No point in staying since we can't really cut loose in this area.
>[] Nah, the fun part's over, let's pack it in.
we have to strike while the iron is hot

also the callsign for the girls is and should be warpup 1 and 2
>[] Yeah, let's hang out.
>[] Yeah, let's hang out.

Might as well-we did come up to practice
>[x] Yeah, let's hang out.
>[] Yeah, let's hang out.
Us and Merlin quasi-psychic time
I can actually remember buying a SNES and Sega-CD as a kid in store, new.
Bless you anon. Lewds summon the diva.
>[] Yeah, let's hang out.
we are here to practice and acclimate to the wyvern

>[] Yeah, let's hang out.
lets follow them a bit before having our own fun.
>[] Yeah, let's hang out.
Gotta get used to the new interface here.
>[x] Yeah, let's hang out.
Lets head out over the ocean and push the Wyvern to the limit.
>[] Yeah, let's hang out.
>>[X] Nah, the fun part's over, let's pack it in.
Must protect daughterus from butthurt sherktwanz.

>the last arkbird pass, too
>[] Nah, the fun part's over, let's pack it in.
You can rub it in their faces when we're on the ground, kids.


>Suddenly Segata Sanshiro
>Implying they need protecting form sherktwanz.
>[x] Yeah, let's hang out.
Merlin and Wyvern time
[] Nah, the fun part's over, let's pack it in.

I want to see the twin's reaction to the girls.
I remember getting an Atrari 2600 and playing that till my hands bleed.

Here, Have a 80's nostalgia trip.

>Must protect daughterus from butthurt sherktwanz.
I'm sure maman will step in and scare of the sherks if they get rowdy
>She laughs- again, amused. “You don't know what I'm capable of now, do you?” She asks. “I'd show you, but it's...” She pauses, searching for the right word. “Distracting.”
>froths at the mouth
>[] Yeah, let's hang out.
>[] Yeah, let's hang out.
[] Yeah, let's hang out.
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Are you okay there, buddy?
probably in need of fresh caffeine intake.
fluff pls
>Hans, your coffee sucks. I'm not taking any of this crap!
>I'm not your mother you asshole! Make your own damn coffee!
>Hey! Wake up!
>Belka is under attack!
Merlin was always lewd. She just couldn't express it so well before. Now she's in control of the situation.

She has no idea what she's doing. The little voices in her head are really helpful though.
>[] Nah, the fun part's over, let's pack it in.
You fools. They will lewds our daughterus. Lilya and Stasya are not for lewds, unlike Merlin.

Merlin has been lewd for some time now, Anon. One day we will find her sword-fighting Kenji as foreplay for holding hands and cuddling inside the Wyvern.

Derp. The Grey Men swapped my numbers.

Oh, hey, I knew I forgot something. Thanks.
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Perhaps a quick tl;dr will jog your memory
Good thing you censored that shit anon. Das lewds to the max.

>whispered merlin
Merlin, Tuatha de Danann when?
we better not find them in our wyvern - they have a room for that nonsense

Also, I'm sure maman would absolutely destroy the sherks if they tried to lewd daughterus
Who says they will lewd?
Who says they won't scar for life

[X] Yeah, let's hang out.
>Also, I'm sure maman would absolutely destroy the sherks if they tried to lewd daughterus

Then they move to lewd Rex.
a pity you are 3 minutes late to vote, voting window is 15 minutes anon
Try checking twitter.
Screw you anon for suggesting that.

>pomf! =3
>waah, what are we gonna do on the kitchen table Kenji?
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>Obviously cooking dinner together as a couple
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>>Isn't it obvious, Sam-chan? We're going to eat.
>>Kenji produces sammich
>>He hand-feeds Merlin
>>also a callback to early SWQ when Young used sammich to fish for Lynette under the table
>dat spoiler
Romantic candle lit home cooked meal?
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Good on you
Have a yukipo
How were the archives?
I like how everyone is going on about Kenji and Merlin cooking together and having a nice meal when it's been established Kenji's cooking is almost a weapons grade bio-hazard.

They can go out to eat.
Hue on the pun

>You will never one like this in your life, ever
Well it's not like Kimiko-nee-sama or even Grandma would give out tips for him you know.

There's also Grandpa and Grand-Uncles Young and Ian to think about.
Merlin can cook.
>Grand-Uncle Young
>All his tips involve either bouncing or shooting a pistol into the air.
>That's the plan.gif
It's not like those two didn't solve anything
Kenji accidentally lets slip about visiting the parents.
Merlin squeezes his hand.
Quietly kiss after dinner.
yes, but she has a hard time keeping Kenji from ruining food before she's finished cooking it when he's in the kitchen with her.

no wonder why Kenji shakes things so often in the kitchen
>[] Yeah, let's hang out.
>All his plans are bold, extravagant and shouldn't in theory work.
>In practice they work out flawlessly.
About 15 minutes late to the party, anon
Assuming they won't spy.


Fun. Innerdastin'. Waitin' for more fuggin' PLANEFAG

Have a Map. The Roundish lake in R-4808N is Groom.
>In Young's mind
>Kenji, he is A GNOME
>Quattro glasses go here
>sherk-twins try to lewds the daughters
>Maman stops them
>She leaves them to Frank's wrath.
>His angry glare even worries Tarin.
Planefag is back
[x] Yeah, let's hang out.

“Yeah, let's hang out.” You say, holding your racetrack course. “Ask Bunny where we can go play and won't be bothering anyone.”

“You know, if I was one of the twins-”

“I'm glad you're not one of the twins.”

Merlin laughs. She calls up the AWACS, who sends you off to the east- way off to the east. “We'll be bordering R4808N.” She warns, “So be careful.”

You nod, turning the wyvern towards the indicated airspace.

The sky here is blue and clear- and, more importantly, all yours. You start working through the wyvern's performance, bit by bit- everything works, and what's more, it's like it wants to work with you- everything is so easy to learn and simple, you almost wonder if you'll need more than one flight.

“Frank/” Merlin calls, a warning note in her voice. “I've got a bogie, nine o'clock high. High speed, angels... call it twenty.”

“Hi Squid!” Lakia calls over the open net. “Let's play!”

“We've got the fuel, Frank.” Merlin says. “As long as we don't spend too long doing it.

[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
[] Nah, we need to head back. Sooner we land this thing, sooner we can get back to the front.
>[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
"Who the heck teach you that? Its Rex, isn't it?"
>[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
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>[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.

>[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
Haha Pierce, finally!

Check his twitter mate, we've been messing about for six months now
fug, I guess it didn't attach. Let's try again.

>[X] "u wot m8? i'll wrek ur gabber, cunt"
>[X] It's on!
>[x] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
>[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
>[X] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
Yup. Merlin is so lewd.

>“Hi Squid!” Lakia calls over the open net. “Let's play!”
Muh kokoro. So cute. Ghost did not disappoint.
Not appropriate. She has no legs and is bound to a chair.
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>[x] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
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>[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
>[] Nah, we need to head back. Sooner we land this thing, sooner we can get back to the front.
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>[x] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
I fear this will have MAJOR SCARRING on Laika mang.
>[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on, CHAIRFORCE.
>[x] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
inb4 we get our asses kicked.
fuck i forgot i was making a joke about how the air force is lazy
wrong quest scrub
>dat pic

I know. Just pointing that out.
>[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
For the love of Christ don't say this, its fucking retarded.
>[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on
You want a desert airspace duel?
Because this is how you get it
Forgot about the "Laika is wheelchair-bound" thing
Changing >>38623610
>[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
anything but shit, fucks sake anon what are you thinking?
>[x] Nah, we need to head back. Sooner we land this thing, sooner we can get back to the front.
"I've got a busy schedule of killing Dreadnoughts and terrorising Russian pilots. So how about you enjoy your small-time number of kills."
so make sure to delete your first vote then anon
i forgot about the wheelchair i dont follow PJ witches.
I was responding to >>38623531 waiting for planefag bruh.
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I knew I kept this pic open in a tab for a reason
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>[] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.
We got this

Nothing at all. Just making the normal air force joke.

See: >>38623635
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And this too!
Well maybe you should
It's standing at just as long as SW89S1
Good luck, and may the archives be with you


Pixel's gone afk or something but I'll point him to you when he comes back
Bro you should know, posting Hate's pic will summon him...
you know what would be funny? if laika takes the joke and runs with it as a badge of honour.

funny and daaaw.
Silly Anon. You're not Sentinel, you're Anon!
im gonna need my scuba gear for the archive diving im going to be doing then.
<<Time to dive into the fireworks!>>
Emmerians pls go
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I bet you believed the 8492nd was real too, didn't you?
fuck i need sleep its 3:39 am here and im going to bed.
<<The ID signal is Galm team. The reinforcement is Galm!>>

Step up anon
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Heh, maybe fly over that small town and make the locals wonder what the heck the military is doing, what with their writing weird shit in the sky again
<<That kind of pilot, they call a Demon Lord>>
Christ I need AC in me now
Writing weird shit, you say?

Fucking hell.

I need to re-sharpen my Ace Combat knowledge again.
That's what she said
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Start with the basics
Have a map
That kind of plane, they call 765 PRODUCT PLACEMENT
It's just so... much... BELKA...

>Belka tears were shed
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Uh yeah, am i talking to customer service?
You see, i purchasing this map from your store and uh... i notice there are some... typos...on countries name. So uh... can i get some refund?
Typos? In glorious Belka? You must cannot read
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Hallo friend
Yuo seek returning service ja?
Must come to clay with tank and aircraft to confirm typo
Will be over soon
Do not resist
I'm still waiting for a Takanya or Yayo puchis badge you know.
Is professional map of good standing. Cartographer of much renown. Not good enough for you then can go get scrap of paper from osean cheap wares maker.

Please to return produce map and thank you come again.

long live belka
Watching the two girls calling 'frank' papa, melts your heart doesn't it?
>Meanwhile in B7R
>What's wrong Valk?
>I have the urge to slap some Belkans right now...
You dare questioning customer? CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!

Oh yeah, okay then. Uhh... can you give me exact time?

Thats it, i taking my business to somewhere else!
Come to Aurelia, we've got all that you need
we hope you are of enjoyings our custmer service

long live belka
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Was this the .jpg you were looking for?
Bruh do you even Clannad Afterstory
just let him be happy
It is better that he learns of the truth, anon,
so that he appreciates what he has left to him
I was enjoying this day until you showed me that video. Now I can never enjoy my boobies destroyer ever again.

I hope you enjoy holding my beating, bloody heart in your hand, anon.
[x] What'd you call me? Oh, it's on.

“What'd you call me?” You ask, pretty sure you heard something, but not sure enough.

“Squid!” Laika repeats, happily confirming your suspicion. “Squid squid squid squid!”

“Who... taught you that?” You ask. Oh, Rex is gonna get it.

“Willy!” She responds. “And he said some other things and I'm bored let's playyyyyyyyy.”

“You're on.” You respond, breaking into her and going head to head in the merge. She's using an XFA-27- the dagger-shaped fighter screams past your left side, already starting it's turn onto your tail. You break into the turn, your control over the wyvern matching hers- while she's been flying with VDNI the entire time she's been flying, this is no doubt the first time she's ever stepped foot inside an XFA-27.

You feel bad about thinking that as soon as you do. You amend the thought to 'this is the first time she's ever flown an XFA-27', which seems to work much better.

The nose of her fighter pivots down, the wings sweeping back as she dives in under your turn- you respond by rolling the wyvern over and turning back into her as she comes over the top in an Immelmann. Seeing you've come about again, she breaks away her canopy passing within meters of yours as she screams by.

You dive under in a split S, using the little bit of extra energy imparted by gravity to sling yourself around- she broke away while you were in the dive, her afterburners blazing as she sought separation by diving into the weeds, hugging the mountains and ridges, her wingtips clearing them by meters.

>“Willy!” She responds. “And he said some other things and I'm bored let's playyyyyyyyy.”

laika, daddy's disappoint.
She keeps descending, to the point where her exhaust starts kicking up a dust trail across the desert landscape- close enough that ground effect should be sucking her right into mother earth. It's a statement of her control that it doesn't- and against a normal pilot, it'd be a sure thing. She's too low almost for conventional radar to track, the backscatter of the ground making her practically invisible.

To anyone, that is, except Merlin, who tracks her with the cold precision of a bird of prey.

You hit the afterburners, feeding fuel and air to the wyvern at a colossal rate- and you watch as the indicated airspeed continually sprials up, breaking mach 2 in the time it takes to overtake her and prepare a shot.

She breaks at the last second, hurling her little fighter away from your tracking reticule and up into the open air, where she turns again into you. You respond in kind, turning into her and chopping your throttles to idle. The wyvern shudders as you jam it's nose skyward, airspeed rapidly bleeding away as Laika shoots past you- then you stall, falling tail-first towards the desert.

Through it all, Merlin is serene, her emotions almost unreadable, except for her total, complete, unwavering faith in you.

You roll the wyvern around, starting to feel as the nose tips over, and you open the throttles wide again, arresting your slide and rocketing after Laika again.

Now on her tail, you're careful to keep separation- enough that she can't pull any of the basic tricks. To her credit, she doesn't try, instead launching her XFA-27 skyward, trying to use it's superior rate of climb against you.

But at full blowers, you're able to keep up with the move, switching over to IR missile select and firing two- then selecting guns and witholding as she continues to climb out. The range computer complex records the hit- you drop your nose and pull away as she levels out. “Awww man!” She says, the first either of you have said over the open channel. “Best two out of three?”

“We're way low on gas, Frank.” Merlin warns, and you nod.

“Sorry kiddo. We're headed back to the barn. Join up on me, huh?” You say.

“Ok, ok....” Laika responds, her fighter diving down before rolling out and joining on your wing.

“So, about calling me a squid...” You say with a grin.

“Yeah?” She asks.

“You said that was Captain Peirce that taught you that?”

“Mhmm.” She says.

“Oh, good.” You say, grinning.


“Oh, no reason. Just wanted to make sure, actually.” You say.

You set down at china lake a little under an hour later, just as the fuel warning lights up on your console, Laika's XFA-27 just behind you.

She doesn't follow you to the hangar, instead taxiing towards another one- that'd explain why you hadn't seen that fighter before, though you wonder who else is here that needs a VDNI equipped light fighter.

You settle the wyvern in it's spot and help Merlin shut everything down, a task that takes no time at all- and hardly involves anything from you as she handles the shutdown checklist, multi-tasking and rapidly bringing the Wyvern's systems down.

There's a Humvee waiting for you outside- and as you deplane, a fuel and ordinance crew moves in. Admiral longstreet meets you on the ground. “How'd it go, son?” He asks.

[] Well, I don't regret it, I'll say that much.
[] it's... different. Sir.
>[] it's... different. Sir.
[x] Well, I don't regret it, I'll say that much.
>[] Well, I don't regret it, I'll say that much.
>[] it's... different. Sir.
>[X] It's... different. Sir.
>[X] it's... different. Sir.
I wonder who the third XFA-27 is for?
>[] Well, I don't regret it, I'll say that much.
>[] Other
"You know sir, after that spin up there... I think we can move that schedule up and get me back on the front faster."
>[X] Well, I don't regret it, I'll say that much. But, it's... different. Sir.
>"Still a bit strange, but it feels right"
>[] it's... different. Sir.
The First Time always feels different
>This dogfight
>[x] it's... different. Sir.
>[] it's... different. Sir.
yup, we'll get used to it eventually
>[] Well, I don't regret it, I'll say that much.

>“Oh, good.” You say, grinning.
>“Oh, no reason. Just wanted to make sure, actually.” You say.
"Merlin, lets find the biggest 'NAVY' mug we can get and send it to Pierce'
Is "Well, I don't regret it" a negative phase or a positive one? It seem like it could mean that it is good but could be better or that we've glad that we go VNDI.
Both of these phrases could go either way depending on how they're delivered, yeah.
[X] Well, I don't regret it, I'll say that much.
>[X] Well, I don't regret it, I'll say that much.

But said in a good way.
I can't tell if Frank's happier or less happy with this new way of flying. Like, sure it's definitely better for him and he can pull more from the Wyvern, but just the overall experience

Here you go. He thinks it'll be addicting: >>38622903
i wonder if merlin sensed his boner
I'm more scared about the wider implication of some of these things.

He's Sensing the emotions of his crewmate. That kind of tech is scary yo.
>Fronk finds using VDNI is addicting.
>Fronk feels a lot more tired.
>The only way for him to replenish his mana is through VDNI.
Advanced interrogation techniques

only applies to those with VDNI equipped right now though
>>Fronk feels a lot more tired.
Except VDNI means he uses less effort, and is less strained and drained, and as a result, is less tired...
>tech is scary yo
It's like you don't even believe in Newtypes anon
[] Well, I don't regret it, I'll say that much.

“Well,” you say with a grin as Merlin climbs out of the Wyvern, having taken longer to disconnect and gather her things, “I don't regret it, I'll say that much.”

Admiral Longstreet nods. “Good, glad to hear it. Cos the situation's changed, we can't give you a couple days.”

“Sir?” You ask.

“I'll explain on the way back to the BOQ.” He says, indicating the humvee.

“So what's going on?” You ask.

“The reds are throwing a lot of their reserves into the fight at the front since the Germans and Polish were able to make that push on Minsk. The air situation hasn't improved or gotten worse, but with all their AA assets the reds have been able to limit it to a ground fight. They want you at the front to help out with SEAD.”

“SEAD? You gotta be shittin me.” You say, incredulously. “I'm not trained to fly that!”

“It's not as hard as it sounds.” He responds. “I flew it for three tours in southeast Asia. Besides, you're not flying SEAD, you're escorting the SEAD birds. They've been getting attacked by the remains of the soviet air in the area, and it's hurting them pretty bad.”

It's a little more palatable- not much, but a little. “Your commander will have more for you when you get back to Poland.” He says. “Right now, though, that's what you're headed back into.”

You nod.

“Alright, son.” He says, parking the humvee outside the BOQ. “Get some sleep and some chow, then get back to the flight line. We'll be getting your planes ready for a ferry flight. If I don't see ya again, it's been something else.” He holds out his hand- you return the offered handshake. He chuckles. “I don't think I could live your life, son. Too strange for me.”

“Me, too, sir.” You say, getting out of the Humvee- and hearing the girls approaching form the door, where they've probably been waiting since they got back here.

"Me too."
He was playing on the addiction.
ANd that's it! haha. bit of a marathon run, not the longest we've ever done in terms of page count, but the longest we've done in a long time in terms of time- almost 11 hours! haha.

really wanted to avoid getting us stuck at china lake for more than a thread or two- had to shuffle some things around, but it's no big.

As for other news, no weekend thread this weekend or probably next, since i've gotta cover a coworker's vacation. Extra hours, woo. Raikov 4 has kinda stalled, though I'm plugging away at it, so we'll see how that goes.

Anyway, that's it guys, we;ll be back next Tuesday, so till then cheers!
Cheers boss, thanks for Laika vs Frank.
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Thanks for the thread bro.
I can finally sleep
>Russkies pushing back on Minsk
>suddenly, images of Hessler's unit being smothered by t-90's come to mind

Thanks for the thread boss.

Also, does this mean Laika and the girls will be coming with?
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Thanks for the run, man
It was a fun run. Cute Laika, lewd Merlin, daughterus harpooning sherks... And best of all I don't have to get drunk tonight! Thanks, Ghost!
Still, there are severe lack of cuteness when Laika, Merlin, Staysa and Lilya rounded together in one place.
Challenge accepted. After finishing the lewd and non-lewd stories I promised you guys, I'll go write a sleepover story featuring the VDNI girls.
Manga, this is China Lake. They probably had a suppression system up to avoid the obvious meltdown.
>After finishing the lewd and non-lewd stories I promised you guys
Your not fapfic are you?

I hope not, he's fucking useless
are you fapfic
thanks for the thread boss, would have liked some more downtime with our daughters though, and please tell me we'll get to see what happens when we tell the twins who they are in the story, too many times you've said we'd see an event and then gloss over it and skip it.
You're not that one anon mentioned in the PJ thread are you? Swear there was one who was allegedly writing lewds who wasn't Fapfic
because that shit is not as important as you want it to be
Sweet run too Ghost. I mean, damn son, 11 whole hours. You must be feeling fuuucked
Zippo why aren't you in the channel
I had no idea it was still running
No, I'm the Philippines anon from the previous few threads, the Flip who keeps getting plastered post-thread because of all the feels mickey that Ghost, Merc, and Feelthy like to slip into my coffee mug when I'm distracted by cute. The one who promised Bree and Charlie smut (halfway done), non-lewd Robin, and maybe Jess if I feel like I can handle her.
Bruh, #swq runs 24-7
Seriously, drop by. We'd love to hear from ya
Ah yeah that guy. Looking forward to seeing your stuff
Go back to Ayala man
Good luck Kuya
nice get
Thanks. Back to looking up tasteful metaphors for swords and scabbards.
>Not balisongs
>not bolos
>Laughing Katipuneros.gif
I blame Merc making Charlie a sword smith gnome. Oooh, look at Red's katana. It's so long and hard. It's bigger than Pierce's Seax. It went through Raikov just like...

Fuck, I will need to get drunk to write that shit. Damn it, Ghost. At the very last minute, you snatch my victory and turn it into defeat.

I'm starting to think you just want to drink and I'm a happy excuse! hahahaha.
Needs more Basi

And some gin-pomelo
I'm starting to think that, too. God, there goes my liver and my life...
Probably has been said before but Merlin hasn't stuttered much since the operation.
As most anons point out, she's growing up and moving on.

Better put in some sisig with that drink kuya
>she's growing up and moving on.
Not really, more like a switch was flipped, its really fucking jarring and disorienting the difference in her speech patterns from before the op and now.
So you're saying Merlin is Elisa and Ursula?
No idea who they are and no not saying that at all.
...some obscure Metal Gear spinoff reference?
alter-egos of a child prodigy
Maybe having this kind of contact with a fighter and with Frank has done something positive for her.
well that can't be it as she changed right after she had the surgery
Rehab through mind-melding?
Maybe she's already had contact with us while we were unconscious.

What's wrong with a non-stuttering Merlin again?
Nope, she stopped stuttering and being shy and meek immediately after the operation, you can tell when they first talk in the hospital, its glaringly obvious, its one hell of a big change in her character out of nowhere
Is it really that big? Her stuttering used to go away entirely when she was in our back seat, and she'd been getting even better after we got the new interface for her.

Maybe you can't into details?
Nothing is wrong with it, hell she was working towards getting rid of her stutter before and during the presidents ball, then Ghost suddenly forgot several months of character development and regressed her.

The thing thats drawing my ire is how jarring and sudden and dramatic a change is, she's an entirely different person now.
Yeah, when she was in our backseat, and in the plane, now though, before we even get dressed in the hospital she's running around full of energy and more like Laika than Merlin.
See >>38625478 and maybe actually read the threads
I can into details anon, its why its so glaringly obvious and a big change, if I couldn't or didn't read the threads I wouldn't have picked up on it, so why don't you take your own advice and maybe you won't make such a big fool of yourself.
she just had a major surgery that essentially changes her perception of the world, and she has been getting better since the presidential ball where she you know had a nervous breakdown after we vanished for like five minutes

this is the culmination of that, its not hard, sorry your broken bird got fixed
>she just had a major surgery that essentially changes her perception of the world
Uhh I don't think you know what VDNI is anon.

It's merely an interface for the plane, which with her magic changes things yes, but not her perception of the world, it didn't replace her eyes or ears...

>and she has been getting better since the presidential ball where she you know had a nervous breakdown after we vanished for like five minutes
Only after she got worse at the Ball, she's been the same stuttering wreck until Bridgitte took a more active role in things in Europe.
That you can't tell that she's been gradually getting better since that time speaks a lot about you specifically.
Thank you Ghost for running for all but the last three or so hours of my night shift. Really helped me staying awake and aware for it.
Maybe she's not stuttering anymore because the VDNI is simulating the feeling of being inside the Wyvern, making her brain think she's in the plane and thus removing her stutter?
That you're now a psychologist just based on some anonymous text speaks a lot about you to as well...

haha, well, you're welcome, but all I'll say other than that is don't get used to it! I'm no questbot, like Merc is!
Doesn't work like that, its completely inert when not used, when not plugged in its just that, a series of sealed and closed plugs not being used.
>I'm no questbot

You thought you threw me off the trail when you moved, but I know Ghost, I know.
Get out of here S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Well a lot of your brain damage is easily visible within your posts, much like how Merlin's character development is pretty visible over the last year this quest has run. I guess I'm pretty good at reading into things.
I can't really explain it very well but the bottom line is, it is there, she can feel it and this started right after the operation. The VDNI definitely has something to do with it.

I'm not saying it is a bad thing but the sudden difference between before and after just worries me a little bit.
Thanks for the thread, so about how does Merlin feel about her and Frank/

I thought the twins will be more shocked at Frank adopting kids?
they probably think its a big joke that we're dragging out
Damn, I meant Kimiko and Frank.

How does Merlin feel about that can of worms considering the other factors?

Has Kimiko even dated before?
How badly does Frank want to eat a chocolate cake right now?
I'm disappointed that the girls didn't had a chance to eat Santa's cake.

Also the girls wants Spellcaster's stoackings.
Probably not, if what little we've seen of kimiko nee-sama can show, she probably spent the majority of her formative years training to be the ideal wife.
They got cake.

Santa put it in a to-go box for them.
though we've not heard of it since
Obviously it was eaten off-page.

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