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Improvaizen Quest XXI.V Dirty Kubo Two Electric Bogaloo.
Char sheet coming up with new stuff!

You are Sosuke Aizen. A bunch of young, fresh faced Shinigami have just Volunteered for your project. You think they are doing it because they find you attractive. Or that Yourichi did this as a strange gift.

The problem is, that your plan must remain discreet. These four look like they might want to spill the beans about "Being captain Aizen's special forces!" the second they get out the door. Then again, you think you know how to word this. Then you realize something. "Execuse me girls how rude of me. Forgive your captain, it's been a long day. Would you ladies like some tea?" You ask, to which they all give a enthusiastic yes.

Now is the time you choose your special projects route. You can mix and match some of the routes or combine them if you want.

>> "how would you feel about learning abilities and skills that nobody in the soul society knows, and if you used indiscriminately could cause problems?" COSMIC ROUTE
>> "How would you ladies feel about cross training in secret with several different squads to become masters of many different things SF route
>> "So how would you feel about gaining great powers at potential cost of your humanity and life?" VIZARD ROUTE
>> "how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!
>> COMBO ROUTE! Pick two and combine
>> "how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!
I shall stay by the choice of gods
Oh almost forgot an option! How clumsy of me
> Mysterious Box full of kubo and exile unless combined!
Mix and match I see.
>> COMBO ROUTE! Pick two and combine
>> "So how would you feel about gaining great powers at potential cost of your humanity and life?" VIZARD ROUTE
>> "how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!
> "How would you ladies feel about cross training in secret with several different squads to become masters of many different things SF route
> "So how would you feel about gaining great powers at potential cost of your humanity and life?" VIZARD ROUTE

Special force Vizards a go!
(To clarify I voted previous thread too)
> COMBO ROUTE! Pick two and combine
>"How would you ladies feel about cross training in secret with several different squads to become masters of many different things SF route
> "how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!
Oh well now this complicates matters.
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At this time, I would like to discreetly unsheathe Jikan Kiba if possible.

I already voted last thread, but now that we can combine routes:..
>Mysterious Box full of kubo and exile unless combined!
>"how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!

You know I can't not open the box, Shud.
>>> COMBO ROUTE! Pick two and combine
>> "how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!
>> "How would you ladies feel about cross training in secret with several different squads to become masters of many different things SF route
You added an option after I posted >>38819719.

>> "So how would you feel about gaining great powers at potential cost of your humanity and life?" VIZARD ROUTE

> Mysterious Box full of kubo and exile unless combined!
>> "how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!

> Mysterious Box full of kubo and exile unless combined!

I still say these girls would make shitty vizards and would be terrible test subjects for it since they are obviously giddy blabbermouths.
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I have nothing to do with this thread in anyway, but I saw that image and must reply with this.

I don't know why
Rolled 50 (1d100)

>> COMBO ROUTE! Pick two and combine
>> "how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!
>>Mysterious Box full of kubo and exile unless combined!
>> "how would you feel about learning abilities and skills that nobody in the soul society knows, and if you used indiscriminately could cause problems?" COSMIC ROUTE
>> "how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!
>obviously giddy blabbermouths.
But anon, that's what the masks are for!
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Folks, let me tell you what.
I bet you didn't know it but I am a quester fag too
and if you care to I'll make this fair
cause this quest is just for you
Now you've run a pretty good aizen guys but give this op his due
I'll give you more options and a few more boxes
because I know some of you are new.

You are given the option to pick 3 and combine
You also get these two new mystery boxes!
>> MYSTERY BOX (Smells like fire and brimstone)
>> MYSTERY BOX (It has non euclidian geometry... You think..)

You can only use two mystery boxes to make these sf!
>Mystery Box
>Comms Route
>That song

Does it hurt, being so based?

and I have no idea which box to pick, my hype thrusters have fired to hard and have exploded.
>> MYSTERY BOX (It has non euclidian geometry... You think..)
> Mysterious Box full of kubo and exile unless combined!
Rolled 94 (1d100)

>>> MYSTERY BOX (It has non euclidian geometry... You think..)
>> "how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!
>> Mysterious Box full of kubo and exile unless combined!
>> MYSTERY BOX (It has non euclidian geometry... You think..)
> Mysterious Box full of kubo and exile unless combined!
>> "how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!

This is literally everything I ever wanted.
Wait so are we revoting again?
> "So how would you feel about gaining great powers at potential cost of your humanity and life?" VIZARD ROUTE
>Mysterious Box full of kubo and exile unless combined!
> MYSTERY BOX (Smells like fire and brimstone)
>MYSTERY BOX (It has non euclidian geometry... You think..)
>Mysterious Box full of kubo and exile unless combined!
>"how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to some unusual places" Comms route!
Shit, that's me. Meant to reply to >>38819853, of course.
Yes. I didn't feel you guys had enough options, so I allowed for what would have happened if you directly went back. Your choices matter, but at this point in the game, you guys need more than just four options. So I am giving you more!

Also you unsheathe Jikan Kiba, just in case.
>Keeps it unsheathed for the rest of our lives
>Fuck, I meant to take two steps there, fuck, rewind!
That's probably what our future self who gave us the crypto-book did.
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Here, Shud.
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Oh god. I can't wait for the sequel. Also sorry. Here have something of appropriate size.

I think we got our votes on. From what it looks

This correct?
Yes, sounds great.
Even if one is 'Exile' Box.
We abolished our limits though, so we should have just a little issue.
But muh vizard... ;_;

Also, for some reason only a handful of the original voters revoted.
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I think so, yep!
I changed from Vizards to comms once I realized that Taman wants Vizards to be hard.
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it was missing vizard votes. Of the original batch they were clearly outnumbered by comms too.
Also, Comms has a lot of straight up utility.
We'll make vizards once we get some strong people around us to put them down if they go haywire, right now the only ones who can do that are other captains and most of them wouldn't hesitate to rat us out. So just chill for a while bro, it'll all go according to plan.
I'm sure each box has its challenges. The trouble with Vizards is that we directly risk killing them by even attempting it.
Well, we could do them one by one and I'm confident Aizen alone could handle one. Failing that we have Kaname AND Kisuke who'd back us up.
On top of that, we could head to HM to do it since the vizard candidates would be pretty embroiled in our conspiracy anyway and have a plethora of arrancar not to mention Aintza ready on standby.
I'm not comfortable with going to HM often, as a Captain more eyes will be on us now, and far more attention will be payed if we vanish and pop up. And while Aizen is likely strong enough to take on a vizard, I don't think it wise to explain any weird spiritual pressures that may be felt when the thing goes apeshit.
Getting hype for Taman's results.
We can just go do an expedition with everyone's knowledge that takes us to HM. Say we're heading out for research or whatever.
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2 Suspicion points gained!

You look at them You then look around your office. You haven't swept for bugs today. "Noren Mekuri " you say sweeping the room revealing a few weird devices. You then take your zanpakto and destroy them. "First things first. This will require discretion. No talking about this special project." You say in a firm yet polite tone. The girls nod. But they still seem excited.

"how would you like to out invent R&D and take some trips to the real world to study unusual forms, unusual magic and things that would make others shudder. Doing this, you will have done what nobody in the soul society has done before. And in doing so you will out hidden enemies, and fight opponents other than just strictly hollows." You say.

The girls suddenly get serious and look at each other. Then look at you. "Were in!" The pink haired one says raising a thumb up. "Splendind. Pretend like the special project is nothing special. We will need a few others, but I don't know who yet." You say. "So keep an eye out." You say and they nod. "Also, all training for this, will be outside the soul society. We will be taking frequent trips to exotic locations." You say and look at each other. "You mean like a vacation?" The blonde asks. "More like a work trip." You say. They nod and leave.

You look outside. Nobody else is there.

>> Check the time
>> Go talk to Hiyori about these girls
>> Write in
>> Go look around the barracks
>> See if Hiyori would like to go to lunch
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Rolled 24 (1d100)

>> Go talk to Hiyori about these girls
>> See if Hiyori would like to go to lunch

The first two can be done at the same time even.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

> Go talk to Hiyori about these girls
> See if Hiyori would like to go to lunch
>Check the time
No time for presents, we much get to lunch on time!
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Seconding and rolling for Anon's benefit.
You don't want to arrive fashionably late?
Rolled 43 (1d100)

But anon, to arrive fashionably late you need to know what time it is!
Rolled 93 (1d100)

You know, it would be interesting if Jikan Kiba developed an unlockable ability such that we had an extremely accurate universal clock in our heads. Mundane, but highly useful.
You open up your presents!

You open your grandfather's first. It's a book, it looks like a journal. Also is a key with a note. "Souske. You might want this more than I do. The key is to a safety deposit box in a place called switzerland in the real world. Doing things there, well, aren't cheap." He says. You wonder about that as you open up what your captain gave you.

It's a book! With two spa passes. And the book looks like Kirio's science/Kido Journal. It also has a note.

"Dearest Sosuke,
You will always be my favorite pupil, and will always be in my heart.


PS-- You better Visit with Hiyori when you get the chance. Here is a permission form!"

You then open Roses gift. And you chuckle at the note. It's a box with a false bottom made of seki seki. Inside is some tea.

So you can hide your good stuff better. Also invite me over for tea more often, We barely get to hang out except when we go out of town every other month."

You look at your strange book again just to be certain about it. The second time you look at it however, it makes slightly more sense. It also hurts your brain because you realize that this book is of dark magic that few in the mortal or afterlife world would know. Aintza might know the origin of it.
+1 Suspicion point!

Oh shit, is Monk secretly a lovecraftian abomination?
Oh god, it's the Necronomicon!
While Necronomicon is neat, turns out Rose is super chill. We really should take him up on his offer.
But Free Level Of Cosmic Techniques? That shit is tight.
And taking Hiyori to the spa? Doable.
I think that was the permission for Kukaku to shoot us to the Royal Realm, but the spa's not a bad idea, either.
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You get up and go talk to Hiyori.

"Hey shorty get over here!" You say while she is sparring with your tall armored friend of Kanames. Hiyori stops and walks over. "Not you the one in the armor dumb dumb." You say causing Hiyori to shout explitives. "I kid. Hiyori we got actual business. Also you want to come with me to lunch?" You ask. Hiyori smiles "if your buying!" She says "Only if you can be polite." You say and she crosses her arms. "I have no idea what you are talking about sosuke, I am the deifintion of a refined lady of class and character." She says

. Causing several shinigami to laugh. "That's why Captain Unohana barred you from Shinigami Woman's Club meetings I am sure." You say and she does a flying kick at you. Which you summarily grab. "NOPE!" you shout and she does a little growl. "So let's talk!" she says. You tell her about your four new friends. "Actually they are good shinigami. Kirio recruited them three years ago personally. She said she needed more decent women soul reapers in here. Said it was like a sausage club." She says and you look at her. "Okay so the sausage club isn't true. She did say she needed more good female soul reapers. One of them was supposed to replace you as third seat Suzuki something or other." Hiyori says. "Huh. I am thinking of putting them on a special project." You say. Hiyori shrugs. "If it will keep them from distracting my combat class, I have no problems with that." She says. "Alright. What time is it Hiyori?"

"About 10:45"

>> Get Ready for Lunch
>> Write in

Also sorry for pause, had a phone call.
>> Get Ready for Lunch
>You know, Hiyori, I'm really glad the old man let stay in Squad 12.
>Get ready for lunch
Rolled 4 (1d100)

>>write in
"I have something from Kirio, I will show it to you at lunch, since you tried to kick me earlier," said with a shit eating grin.
I expect violent retaliation.
>Get Ready for Lunch
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Also I choose to believe the missing word is 'you', not 'me'. Taunting Hiyori is fun
Rolled 91 (1d100)

>>> Get Ready for Lunch
>You know, Hiyori, I'm really glad the old man let stay in Squad 12.
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Kek second
These two. Then get ready for lunch.
Sure, I can live with that correction.
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"I am really glad the old man let you stay in Squad Twelve Hiyori." You say causing her to attempt to squirrel tap you. Which you block. "Also I have something from Kirio. I will show it to you at lunch, since you tried to kick me earlier." You say with a sly grin. Hiyori looks back. "Oh so if I was successful you would have shown me now? I will have to aim better next time." She says. You shake your head.

"Be back here in twenty we got people to go get." You say and she nods.

You go in to your flat and change to a nicer shiakasho for lunch. You also put on your nice scarf that you just got and bring some tea for Rose.

When you get outside, Hiyori- looks cleaned up. Your not sure how she got to look like this, but she actually looks dignified.

>> Hiyori, why are you so dressed up
>> Splendid. Let's get going hiyori
>> Retreat to your mental palace and see if any illusions are present
>> Ask if she wants to stop any place before lunch
>> Write in
Rolled 4 (1d100)

> Retreat to your mental palace and see if any illusions are present
> But seriously, splendid. Let's get going hiyori
> Ask if she wants to stop any place before lunch
>> Retreat to your mental palace and see if any illusions are present
>> Hiyori, why are you so dressed up
> Splendid. Let's get going Hiyori
> Ask if she wants to stop any place before lunch
I really need to stop trying to use my tablet. Ugh.
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>>> Splendid. Let's get going hiyori
>>> Ask if she wants to stop any place before lunch
>>> Hiyori, why are you so dressed up
>> Retreat to your mental palace and see if any illusions are present
>> Ask if she wants to stop any place before lunch
>> Write in
"Did you do something with your hair?"
>Splendid. Let's get going hiyori
>Retreat to your mental palace and see if any illusions are present
>Ask if she wants to stop any place before lunch
Geez, guys, let's not put her down after she went through all that effort.

Goddamnit, I think I understand a little what you mean about posting on tablets now, Shud.
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You retreat to your mental palace. It's grown quite a bit over the years, looks very dignified and palace like. Jikan Kiba has grown also, but not much. She still very much is a girl. Who is running around screaming "PANIC!" She is also waving her clock over her head and running around like mad. There is also a pillow fort. That say's "No body snatchers allowed."

"I take it this means it's not an illusion." You ask. "No. Wait are You The real Sosuke?!" Suigetsu asks you. "Yes it's me old friend. Why did you take apart furniture do build a fort?" You ask and he sighs. "It's for fun mostly." He says. You laugh and exit.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY LIEUTENANT?" You say running up and grabbing Hiyori in a comical Fashion. Hiyori then does a bicycle kick to your chest. Still remaining very professional and lady looking. "Oh. Splendid it's you Hiyori." You say and her eyes furrow. "OF COURSE IT'S ME YOU JACKASS! WHAT YOU THINK YOUR LIEUTENANT IS INCAPABLE OF LOOKING LIKE A LADY?" She says. "Not anymore." you say and you swear you see smoke fume from her ears. "Let's go. Anywhere you want to stop before we go to the hibachi place?" You ask. "Not really. I got all my errands done earlier." She says.

>> Go Get Rose first
>> Go Get Kaname First
>> Go Get Yourichi first
>> Go Get Kisuke First
Being nice to Hiyori when she deserves it is something I can back.


oh my
>> Go Get Yourichi first
This is something my aussie lady friend refers to as "The Banter."

Hiyori would probably think something was out of place if you didn't do it.
Pick up Kisuke first.
Because of reasons.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

>>> Go Get Yourichi first
Rolled 26 (1d100)

>Go Get Yourichi first
Then lets grab Rose
Fair enough.

>Go get Yoruichi first.
Kisuke last, in case he's preparing anything for the anniversary at the last minute.
>Go Get Yourichi first
Yeah, my aussie friend is the same way, friends are dicks to eachother down there and it's pretty much tuesday. I call her princess and she calls me dog and there is no end to the amount of shit we fling at eachother but holy fuck if we don't share a laugh when either of us does something stupid. Feels damn good too, being able to be honest.
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You swing by Yourichi's place. She looks out. She then looks at Hiyori. "I like what you did with your hair Lieutenant." She says and Hiyori smiles. "Told you She'd know it was me." She says and you give Hiyori says and you shake your head. "I didn't make any bet with you." You say and she smiles. "Because I would win." She says. Yourichi hugs you and comes outside. "So who are we going to go get next?" She says. "Rose." You say and Yourichi nods.

Along the way there, Captain Hirako Shinji stops dead in his tracks. "HIYORI WHAT THE HELL?" And Hiyori stops, turns and leaps into the air "I AM GOING TO LUNCH YOU DUMB ASS!" she shouts as the two begin, what you have for the past 15 years referred to as their special friendship. Which consists of assault, battery and humiliation. Hiyori getting called a midget, Shinji being called mentally handicapped but this time, Shinji seems to be focused in on the fact that Hiyori is dressed up. "Oh hey Aizen, Gratz on getting Captain!" He says. "You all going to lunch for your promotion?" He asks "It's an informal thing." You say and Shinjii looks a bit taken back, "Then why is snaggletooth all dressed up?" He asks causing the fighting to break out again as you and Yourichi look on. "Well I asked her to dress nice." You say and Shinji pauses. "Oh."

>> Invite him along
>> Continue as normal
>> Invite him along
Rolled 86 (1d100)

>Invite him along
>"But try not to rile Hiyori up too much, don't want her only set of good clothes getting dirtied"
>Dodge Hiyori's inevitable attack
>>Invite him along

If it's informal, then what is a +1 to us.
This is a fine post.
"Shinji, do you have lunch plans?"
"You want to come along?"
"Just try to not rile up Hiyori too much, don't want her only set of good clothes getting dirtied." You say.
Hiyori does a weird move you have never seen before, which you are barely able to escape if you haven't mastered flying.

You arrive at Rose's quarters and he looks out. "Yeesh! Half the captains of the soul society are going to be at this lunch!" He says in a joking matter. "Hiyori." "Blondie." They exchange. "We're going to go get Kaname next I assume?" Rose says. You nod.

You go to pick up up Kaname who is actually fairly clever with the banter, saying how wonderful Hiyori looks. When you ask how he can tell he says that she smells like she is wearing perfume. Hiyori does seem in pleasant spirits though.

>> Go stop by the furniture shop for the appointment time
>> Go directly to Kisuke's.
Well done sir.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

>Go stop by the furniture shop for the appointment time

>Blind man compliments looks
>> Go stop by the furniture shop for the appointment time
Kisuke needs time.
>> Go stop by the furniture shop for the appointment time
You quickly stop into the furniture shop and get a slip for the appointment/delivery time. It takes you a little bit of time, but Kisuke probably needs time.

Afterwards your group of 5 captains and a Lieutenant (which scares some people) walk to Kisuke's door. Which you knock upon.

He comes out, with Soi Fon on his arm. She seems really pleased. "Congratulations Sosuke, or should I say Captain Aizen." She says getting a smile to come out of Yourichi. They hug briefly. "Good to see you again Hiyori." Soi Fon says, causing Hiyori to smile proudly. "So where are we going to lunch?" Kisuke asks. "The Hibachi place." And the group departs.

When you arrive the place is fairly busy, but no officers or anyone in particular is there. You are able to get a table just for your group in the back, which is quite nice.

>> Write in who you wish to talk to first
Rolled 20, 31, 7 = 58 (3d100)

Almost forgot
mysterious rolling. muahaha
>>Talk to Shinji
Also forgot to write in +15 respect from Shinji for asking him to come along.
Why not listen instead of talking? It might be interesting.
Oh, do we get a loyalty/respect paste in soon?
Tomorrow. I should probably get some sleep soon. Actually.
Pause on that.

Tomorrow we start up again.
Talk to Yoruichi? Though listening instead of talking might be interesting too.
Alright, but we'll hold you to that loyalty chart.

Also, pasting this upgrade idea for this thread.

Two Ranks in Nacho Night [60 exp]
A rank in Cosmic Techniques[50 exp]
Hogyouwarts [40 exp]
Also, investing every third or fourth Nacho into Nacho Night would keep us continually becoming more powerful with our nachos.
Is there a limit on leveling Nacho Night?
Yes 10.
Alright, a fair limit.

Also, to the thread, >>38821570 had us say to Hiyori we had some stuff from Kirio to show her. It'd be rude to not tell her, once the acrion resumes of course.
Listen to Yoruichi.

We've apparently been shacking up with her for fifteen years IC but we hardly know what she's been up to OOC.
Talk to Yoruichi, I guess. I was going to say Kisuke, but maybe save he and Soi-Fon for last.
I am okay with this, as I said earlier, but after these three things, dump EVERYTHING into Zanpakutou. You don't want Jikan Kiba to be violated by Muramasa, who Ouetsu just told us about, do you? Didn't think so.
I too would support working on Zanpakutou. Jikan Kiba's under-leveling seems particularly glaring.
I get the feeling her powers will be worth the leveling. Its nice that both the Zanpakutou get along so well.
We should get male black cat and name it Kaede
Can we make Vizard cat?
What? Why that name?
She has maple somewhere in name
Kaede means maple
So are we ever going to see a non-canon reason for Yoruichi never using her sword, I wonder?
She decided that swords are for pussies
Sadly she forgot that she is in fact, a pussy
Maybe her zan is what allows her to shape-shift. I don't think that has ever been explained.
>yfw Yoruichi's zan is the one Ouetsu called "a bit pervy"
Good ol' Bump
Anyone causing trouble in that restaurant is going to have a very bad day.
So her mask is definitely going to have cat-ears, right?
We should combine her with dog hollow
Too bad it's monkey vs dog in japan instead of cat vs dog
So maybe fox hollow?
But Coyote is kill, anon.
While we wait, any ideas on our eventual next wish? Ultimate Cosmic Power? Dominion Over Dreaming? Always Beyond Suspicion? All True Names? My Final Form? Quincy King Annihilated? My Friends Invincible? My Domain Unassailable?
Heartless given hearts
I still vote for comprehension of all languages
It would be useful
So: understanding of tongues.

Maybe use a wish for runes?
So: Runes of power
Since its trading something of value for it. Unless that only needs to happen for the first level.
I think I would word this as Understanding Of Hearts. That way, we could choose who to provide hearts and probably gain other benefits besides.
Yeah but it won't work on writings
Unless we could make these books into youkai
And I am not sure it's wise idea
Unless we just do one as: understanding of speech
and one as:
understanding of writ
Huh? Are you suggesting we burn BOTH our remaining wishes on that?
well, its a use, and it has a low chance of turning round and biting us in the ass. The writing one would be super for our written puzzles though.
It's a rather poor use, especially considering our first wish.
yes, but a safe use. I'm all for going in the deep end on another wish, just have to be careful what we say. Monkeys paw and all that.
Total Soul Knowledge
Myself, Completely Omniscient (or Omnipotent)
Mastery of Hearts
Betting the second would bring powered-up canonzen upon us.
might be cool, but it also might end up with knowing everything about everyone you meet even if you really do not want to know it.

Second one has a good chance of giving you the worst migraine imaginable, since omniscient does not make you able to deal with it. Omnipotent is better, but i get the feeling that is a very common trap.
Last one could lead down a very dark road, depending on how anons use it.
Best Tea Ever
best wish ever
now i'm curious what would the effects of this as a wish be
We and everyone else indisputably knows that it was the best wish ever
Everything I Need
.. It would give you the best wish ever duh. Getting out the charts and stuff.
You mean it can grant free wishes

Loyalty/respect chart Combined
No Hiyori on the list?
Hiyori is at 90% That was an accident.
Kensei A SHIT. I bet he's just mad we monopolized Tousen's time. I'm guessing Kamen Rider is indifferent to us. I'm also really surprised that Unohana's that high.
You been fixing her back with massage and shit for 15 years. That builds up loyalty.
Would making her into Vizard fix her back?
Well, being on her good side makes her a little less intimidating. Just a little.
So the only shinigami who we could definitely jump in now are Kirio and Best Cat, while Rose and Best Bee are possibly close enough.
If i'm not mistaken, at least Rose and Kisuke implied they were already in on it, and Kaname's in on it, but none of them are above 95, so I don't think it requires 100 loyalty to do correctly. Not sure if Yoru or Soi know yet, though.
I don't think Kisuke wants to undergo the procedure anyway, but I am sure he would be very interested in it.
Rose is suprisingly loyal considering how little we did. I guess revealing Kiba to him solidified trust.
Unless something happened in the last 15 years we weren't told about, like Kisuke telling them, they don't know. Kisuke's definitely been jumped in.

Also, it seems like it may not be hollowfication experiments we've heard about so far.
Hey OP
How hard would be for us to make something imitating these seeds from this?
I was just talking about conspiracy, not Vizarding.
Who was Arquero Verde again?
The Hunter
Now he's a she and working on our botany project in land of eternal night
Alright so from last nights decision!


You decide to listen to your friends. Yourichi is mostly talking about how her lazy lieutenant was late with the paperwork again, which has Shinjii scowling. Namely how he has a Lieutenant named Love who has been pretty decent, but lately he has been lazy so he hasn't had time to listen to any new music. Rose starts to sympathize with Shinj and the two start to discuss music.

Kisuke and Soi Fon are doing almost disgustingly cutsie couple stuff. But then Kaname starts talking about the disappearances. This causes Kisuke to stop mid cutsie stuff and looks over. "Wait- could you repeat that." Kisuke asks. After Kaname goes over the disappearances, Kisuke then gives a strange look.

>> What's up Kisuke?
>> Shinnjii you hear any disappearance rumors?
>> Yourichi what is your take on this?
>> Talk about what this could be openly
>> Talk in code about what this could be
>> Write in
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>>> What's up Kisuke?
>> Shinnjii you hear any disappearance rumors?
>> Yourichi what is your take on this?
>> Talk in code about what this could be
Remind me exactly what the details were?
>"So who is up for Quincy hunting?"
>> What's up Kisuke?
> Yourichi what is your take on this?
> Talk in code about what this could be
Also, I find it hilarious how well Kiskue and Soi Fon are getting along.
Rolled 96 (1d100)

>> What's up Kisuke?
>> Shinnjii you hear any disappearance rumors?
>> Yourichi what is your take on this?
>> Talk in code about what this could be
Rolled 19 (1d100)

>> What's up Kisuke?
>> Shinnjii you hear any disappearance rumors?
>> Yourichi what is your take on this?
>> Talk about what this could be openly
>> Talk in code about what this could be
Why let me tell you!

People are mysteriously disappearing out of the rukongai, leaving no trace. Save clothing.
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Or at least the same signs of hollowification from canon (people vanishing and leaving only their clothes behind, etc.).
Well that sounds awfully like those vampire types doing. The hell they doing in SS?
>> Talk in code about what this could be
>>Clue Yoruichi in on it later when we're not in public
That's what my recollection was.

Yeah, not sure it'd be cool to tell Rose or Shinji right now. Hiyori maybe, and Yoruichi as part of getting her caught up later.
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Bount aint here right now.
>Yourichi what is your take on this?
>What's up Kisuke?
I'm not so sure we should talk in code unless it's a convincing one involving totally different but analogous things (Kisuke says he left the stove on or something, etc.). It might weird out Hiyori and Shinji too much if it's very obviously code-talk.
Oh yeah, I forgot that canon Aizen fed those saps to his Houg in addition to hollowifying other plebs.
Oh, also Soi-Fon could catch on that we're being shifty because she's a ninja, which would royally screw things up if she's not already in our conspiracy.
drop the code part from my vote. we'll just discuss later.

Probably after wiping out some bugs and getting bitched at for it.
Alright sorry for taking a little long. I have been cooking a ramen burger. Not easy.

Anyways, so it seems what you guys desire is

>> See yourichi & Shinjii's take
>> Ask Kisuke what's up
>> Discuss later so as not to arouse suspicion.
>> Discuss later so as not to arouse suspicion.
In the mean time,
>> See yourichi & Shinjii's take
Yes, indeed.
>> See yourichi & Shinjii's take
>> Ask Kisuke what's up
I thought that asking Kisuke and talking later kind of conflict? In either event I'd prefer later.
We can ask Kisuke what's up without flipping the lid on things, probably.

"What's up Kisuke?" You ask. "Oh nothing I just thought that was really odd, especially after that one case a few years back." Kisuke says being kind of vague. "Shinjii, as a veteran captain and Yourichi I'd like your take on this too." You ask them.

Shinjii stops his talking with Rose about music for a moment. "Well it is pretty strange, but I have never heard of anything like this before. Though if it's happening to civilians, who can say what's next?" Shinjii asks. Yourichi nods. "That sounds like something I read about when went to the library a few years ago." She says. Kaname then faces Yourichi "You mean the disappearences that happened forty years ago?" Kaname asks. "That's exactly what I was thinking" Yourichi said.

"Kaname and I are going to investigate this weekend." You say. "I am coming along." Kisuke says. "Me too." Rose says messing with some of his rice. "This kind of cooperation is a bit unprecedented among captains." Shinjii says. "You might want to keep someone informed." Shinjii says, and finally Hiyori speaks up. " Psshh. I can run the barracks while you're away." Hiyori says. "Mayuri wants to get some alone lab time in." Kisuke says. Kaname smiles. "The support you all are giving me is overwhelming. Thank you." He says

+15 Respect from Yourichi
+15 Respect From Shinjii
+15 Respect from Kaname

>> So Kisuke, how is everything?
>> Rose how is that new Lieutenant?
>> Hiyori thank you for covering for me
>> Shinjii thanks for the advice.
>> Write in
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>> So Kisuke, how is everything?
>> Rose how is that new Lieutenant?
>> Hiyori thank you for covering for me
>> Shinjii thanks for the advice.
You guys know what would be fun?
If we asked Yamamoto if he wants to come with us
>> Hiyori thank you for covering for me
>> Shinjii thanks for the advice.
>> "If you think that amount of cooperation is impressive, you're gonna love meeting the Arrancar I've been working with on my trips to Hueco Mundo."

Not really the last part, but I'd love to see the reaction.
Pretty sure he won't.
>+15 Respect from Yourichi

>Rose how is that new Lieutenant?
>Hiyori thank you for covering for me
Rolled 12 (1d100)

>> So Kisuke, how is everything?
>> Rose how is that new Lieutenant?
>> Hiyori thank you for covering for me
>> Shinjii thanks for the advice.
>>> So Kisuke, how is everything?
>>> Rose how is that new Lieutenant?
>>> Hiyori thank you for covering for me
>>> Shinjii thanks for the advice.
Maximum Overloyalty!
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All we need to do is introduce her and Aintza, fun will be had, Aizens will be exhausted, beds will be broken, and the annual bed jumping competition will be won by someone without pale skin.
Abolishment of Limits dude.

"Shinjii thanks for the advice. and Hiyori thank you for covering for me. "
You say and Hiyori smiles and goes back to her food in a prim and proper manner that is fairly disturbing. "Rose how is the new Lieutenant?" You ask and Rose smiles. "He's actually not incompetent and pretty good at his job." He says. "Though he is pretty reserved which can be fairly annoying at times." He says.

"So Kisuke how is everything?" You ask and he smiles looks at Soi Fon and then around. "Things are going well. We have an announcement, we were going to do it this weekend, but.." Kisuke says looking around. "Keep it quiet, but we're getting married." Soi Fon says.

>> Congratulations!
>> Have you set a date
>> That's great!
>> We'll keep it quiet
>> Write in
>>> Congratulations!
>>> That's great!
>>> We'll keep it quiet
Rolled 28 (1d100)


>> Congratulations!
>> Have you set a date
>> That's great!
>> We'll keep it quiet
>About time, Hey Yourichi who won the pool?
Hey now. Cats may be sociopathic little murderers, but they're adorable sociopathic little murderers and they *can* be quite affectionate and loyal.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

I remember when my cat gave me my first murder present, Shit is dawww worthy
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Seconding. Also rolling for this unfortunate anon's luck.
Ask if this means that Soi Fon will retract that essay she wrote about how he'd be a terrible captain
Never, with any of my cats in my life, have I received a murder present. Because I keep my house clean, and my yard tidy.
Perhaps she's wondering why you would frame a man before exiling him from the Soul Society.
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At least you can talk.. Who are you?
Winner winner chicken dinner. Writing.
Screened porch gets lizards and birds sometimes. My Maine coon literally bounces off the walls to snag the birds out of the air, and eats them, but usually he brings the lizards in as murderpresents.
What a wonderful little creature! The cats I had were lazy bums who got fur everywhere.

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Nobody cared who I was until I stuck my sword in them.
If I took your hillbilly braces, would your pants fall down?
Yup. Fourteen years and a bum leg have slowed him down a bit, but he's still sweet and kills vermin for me. And so fucking fluffy goddamn.
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"Congratulations! Have you guys set a date yett? We'll keep it quiet. By the way Yourichi who won the pool?" You ask causing Kisuke and Soi Fon to give a shocked look. Yourichi pulls out a small book. "That'd be Rose, with 15 years." She says. "Aww." Kaname says "You couldn't hold out until Old Man Yamma died?" Yourichi asks. "Okay guys cut it out. But we have set a date, this summer." Soi Fon says.

"That's great. I'll help out with the wedding if you guys need it." Yourichi says. "I'll chip in too." you say. "Also I got you guys this." You say handing them a receipt. "Oh wow! Were just talking about how Kisuke needed a new couch." Soi Fon says.

>> I do my best
>> Take care of the tab
>> Order a round of drinks
>> "This was a great lunch guys, but I gotta get back to work"
>> Write in
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Rolled 17 (1d100)

>>> I do my best
>> Order a round of drinks
>> I do my best
>> Order a round of drinks for the table
>> Excuse ourselves on the pretense of work, hint that Yoruichi should accompany us
gonna wait a little longer for answers.
>>> I do my best
>>> Take care of the tab
>>> Order a round of drinks
>>> I do my best
>> Order a round of drinks
>"So how would you all fell about giving me some people to make R&D?"
>> I do my best
>> Order a round of drinks
>>> I do my best
>>> Take care of the tab
>>> Order a round of drinks
>>> I do my best
>> Order a round of drinks
"I do my best" You say as you call over the waitress and order another round of drinks and quietly and quickly take care of the tab.
After a few moments, you realize that you need to get going soon. It's almost 12:30.

>> Excuse yourself and Hiyori, go back to the barracks
>> See if you can get Kisuke, Kaname and Rose to come over later to tell them about your project
>> Ask if yourichi wants to swing by later
>> Write in.
Can I have a sip of that
What are you plotting, anon?

Rolled 31 (1d100)

>>> Excuse yourself and Hiyori, go back to the barracks
>> See if you can get Kisuke, Kaname and Rose to come over later to tell them about your project
>> Ask if yourichi wants to swing by later
>> Excuse yourself and Hiyori, go back to the barracks
>> See if you can get Kisuke, Kaname and Rose to come over later to tell them about your project
>> Ask if yourichi wants to swing by later
Literally all three, but I think we might want to jump Yoruichi in before Kisuke, Tousen, and Rose show up.

Fifteen years is too long to hold off on that.
>> Ask if yourichi wants to swing by later
>> Excuse yourself and Hiyori, go back to the barracks
I'm gonna call yourichi if she wanna hang out and jar a drinking game with me
hold off on what anon?
>Excuse yourself and Hiyori, go back to the barracks
>Ask if Yourichi wants to swing by later

Not going to invite Kisuke without Soi-Fon after they're JUST declared they're getting married.
>>> Excuse yourself and Hiyori, go back to the barracks
>>> See if you can get Kisuke, Kaname and Rose to come over later to tell them about your project
>>> Ask if yourichi wants to swing by later
>Implying she wouldn't be there in the shadows regardless.

Anon, really?
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He means telling Yoruichi about the conspiracy.

Exactly the issue, since it would make clear that her fiance is hiding something very important from her that almost all her friends are in on but she isn't.
Rolled 32, 45, 13 = 90 (3d100)

She has her own things to do these days. She doesn't do too much of the shadow stalking, but she does it on occasion. Like probably this occasion if you asked Kisuke to swing by.

Oh. Almost forgot something.
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See >>38835359
It's about damn time we told best cat what we've been up to.
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"It's been wonderful. But Hiyori and I have to get back to the barracks. Kisuke, Kaname, Rose if you guys want to discuss our strategy for that investigation this weekend swing by later." You say and they nod in general. You then lean down next to Yourichi " And if you want to come by later that would be absolutely perfect." You say and Yourichi smiles.

You and hiyori get up and get outside and start walking back to the barracks. "That was great four eyes, thanks for the lunch." Hiyori says. "Thank you for dressing up for it." You say. "Eh it's nothing. I like dressing up occasionally." She says.

ROLL 3 d100 FOLKS!
Rolled 75, 83, 85 = 243 (3d100)

Awwwwwww shit!
Rolled 69, 99, 20 = 188 (3d100)

Rolled 39, 44, 96 = 179 (3d100)

Rolled 49, 47, 93 = 189 (3d100)

Kill quincy scum
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Rolled 16, 47, 2 = 65 (3d100)

Rolled 89, 29, 46 = 164 (3d100)

Eh, why the hell not. It's not like I can aspire to any better than mediocrity.
Rolled 78, 49, 49 = 176 (3d100)

I'm actually very proud of my above average all around rolls.

Yes I have low standards.
Rolled 21, 80, 42 = 143 (3d100)

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You hear something off in the distance and look to Hiyori. "I hear it too." She says. You hear screaming. Of children. The two of you flash step quickly towards where two children are being dragged by nefarious individuals in VERY FAMILIAR WHITE UNIFORMS

"Setzen Sie die Kinder in der Schattenzone ! Sie haben genug spirituelle Druck für den Ritus !" One of them shouts.

"You aren't taking any children on my watch." You say. "I didn't know you spoke German four eyes! who are they?" She says. "Dead."

>> KIDO (Call kido and roll for it
>> SUPER KIDO (Pick Storm, Fire, Meteor, Wind, Ice or Shadow)
>> Unsheathe your sword, tell them to cease
>> Beat them with your fists
>> Tag team with Hiyori (ROLL 2d100)
>> Write in
Rolled 38, 63 = 101 (2d100)

>>> Tag team with Hiyori (ROLL 2d100)
>> Beat them with your fists
Also how silly of me! Here is a picture of the kids.
Rolled 99, 64 = 163 (2d100)

>> Beat them with your fists
>> Tag team with Hiyori (ROLL 2d100)

No Orb here, bad publicity.
Rolled 37, 28 = 65 (2d100)

>> Tag team with Hiyori (ROLL 2d100)
Rolled 28 (1d100)

Ya know how spiking soul magic has effect on people?
Kill one of them this way and stun the other
That's a nice 99 there muscle wizard.
Rolled 12, 30 = 42 (2d100)

>Tag team with Hiyori (ROLL 2d100)
>Beat them with your fists

How can my future Second in Command possibly be this cute.
Rolled 4, 82 = 86 (2d100)

>> Beat them with your fists
>> Tag team with Hiyori (ROLL 2d100)
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>Beat them with your fists
>Tag team with Hiyori (ROLL 2d100)
I am going to be taking this party to a new location.

You guys have some time to strategize your attack.
Rolled 41, 88 = 129 (2d100)

>> Beat them with your fists
>> Tag team with Hiyori (ROLL 2d100)
Rolled 95, 67 = 162 (2d100)

Oh, mistyped my roll field.
oh shit
>gotta keep the canon train going.
Rolled 10, 31, 7 = 48 (3d100)


>>> Beat them with your fists
>>> Tag team with Hiyori (ROLL 2d100)
>>KIDO Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō
time to beat up some nazis for the sake of children's smiles
Rolled 45, 3 = 48 (2d100)

Discern which one is giving the orders. Use the attack Yamamoto used in canon where he just punches a guy with both fists and he explodes.
Hey jackass! you can't put them in the shadow realm yet, you haven't beat them in a children's card game!
Full incanted Hadou #12 to cover them in a net of kidou, then an unincanted Hadou #31 to set it all off. Anything that survives the surprise round, beat it to death with Hiyori.
Actually, scratch that. They're probably too close to the captives.
Confusing feinting manuver that distracts them from the kids, then we go for the guy shouting orders and Hiyori goes for the other one. Just knock them out exceedingly well so 2nd Div can interrogate.

That's a little too brutal, and might traumatize them.
We could just use our absurd flight skills and punch one into another dimension. Oh yeah. The momentum we can generate on a fully cocked back swing is likely absurd.
Lemme amend that. Kill one and capture one. We're pretty pissed off right now, looks like, so we may as well show these Quincy what happens when you mess with us.
>punch one into another dimension
"Yeah, you Nazis can go straight to Hell."

And then we punched them into Hell.
Rolled 57, 90 = 147 (2d100)

we do have hellfire kido, and demonology.... so punching them into another demension is totally possible for Aizen
Who says they didn't? You weren't there to see it, were you?
>literally hellfire punching a nazi to hell
i'm entirely alright with this.
>inb4 this allows them to ally with Lucifer who we know in meta terms already hates us for whatever reason
He does? Why does the Morningstar hate us?
Hellfire was green right?
we probably punched him in the dick in the future so hard he went back in time.
it also didn't help we probably fed his girlfriend to the hongyouku.
I don't know, but I do know that a while back, around our casual trip to Hell, Shud gave us a short list of ??? entities in Hell and how they feel about us, and the one that said "Lucifer" was next to REALLY HATES YOU.
I thought it was red and black, green is more like fel fire though....

I mean if we upgrade illusion magic it can be whatever color we'd want it to be.
We could just send him to Hel. Different realm entirely, presumably just as unpleasant. Or incinerate him entirely, that's fair too.
Now that would be interesting.
>accidently the ruler of hell
>necromonger rule applies
>all to add to part of the plot to do absolutely nothing.
Immolation is also pretty traumatizing, and I'm not sure if we can punch him to Hel (and wouldn't that cause trouble for our buddy Loki?), so I'm sticking with my vote that we just snap the neck of one and knock out the other.
What about grabbing him by head and burning it to ashes?
Yeah, okay, fine. If we can ash him really quickly, I'd be okay with that.
We can do illusions. Hide him behind a screen, burn him into dust, then incinerate the dust.
Not in front of the children!
We're very rampant with displaying our power. I vote we go with barefists and tag teaming with Hiyori.
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Alright at new party location! Here is the deal
Your strike will already be empowered by hellfire.


"Hiyori, you remember all of those small join manipulation classes you wanted me to go to?" You say and Hiyori smiles in a devilish way. "Yeah?" "I think we got some people for you to demonstrate on." You say. "Aww but my one nice outfit." She says. "Ill by you a new one." You say and she vaults of your shoulder and you charge forward and uppercut one of the Quincy into the air.

"Ich bin fast sicher , dass Sie sollten nicht hier sein. Es sei denn, Sie haben einen Todeswunsch ." You say and the quincy scatter into firing positions away from the children. "Get behind me guys. We're here to help!" You say. "I thought we were here to kick some ass!" Hiyori says pinning one of the people to the ground and breaking their arm. "That too."

>> KIDO (Write in number roll for it)
>> Super Kido (Write in type roll for it)
>> Unsheathe your sword and kick some ass
>> More Fisticuffs.
>> More Tag Team Action
>More Fisticuffs.
> More Tag Team Action
I see no reason not too.
Rolled 38, 97 = 135 (2d100)

>> KIDO (Write in number roll for it)
Hado Number 4 Byakurai
>> More Tag Team Action
Rolled 75, 55 = 130 (2d100)

>> More Fisticuffs.
>> More Tag Team Action

This is where Ulquiorra gets his love for only using his hands.

Canon!Aizen used his sword too much anyway.

Still dice?
Rolled 40, 30, 40 = 110 (3d100)

Contain our reiastu within an inch of our skin, and use that to form ultra-dense reishi brass knuckles.
>> More Fisticuffs.
>> More Tag Team Action
Rolled 14 (1d100)

>Tag team action

Later tonight is a night with my girlfriend, the love in the story has erupted in my heart. SO CAST THE DICE
Rolled 45, 65 = 110 (2d100)

>> KIDO:Kurohitsugi
>> More Tag Team Action
Rolled 79, 99 = 178 (2d100)

>More Fisticuffs
>More Tag Team Action
Rolled 38, 42, 12 = 92 (3d100)

>>> More Fisticuffs.
>> More Tag Team Action
>> KIDO Chantless #90 Kurohitsugi
My god the dice want us to beat the shit out of these Quincy.
Rolled 7, 91 = 98 (2d100)

I like that write in.
And another crit. Nice.
I don't care. I just want to reply with
>"Sie kammten in die verkehrte Umgebung, Nazi schweine."
But Nazis aren't a thing yet...
>More Fisticuffs.
>More Tag Team Action

Can't, Nazis don't exist yet.
I think you got that wrong, or maybe my german is as terrible as I think it is. To me that comes up as something about grooming nazi pigs, I get the nazi swine portion, but my ability to write german is really really bad haha.
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Crit Chain Continues!
Fisticuffs more tag team!
4 Nachos Gained!
1 Kubo Point gained!

"Hiyori!" You shout holding out your arm and she get's the picture and leaps towards you. You then throw her towards the Quincy. She then starts strangling a quincy with their own jacket. You then flash step up to a quincy, and upper cut them, then punch them to the ground. You set them aflame some how from this.

Hiyori doesn't seem to notice this as she is busy gouging out a quincies eyes who is screaming for his life. The Quincy however see this. And smell this. "Rückzug! Rückzug!" The lead one shouts and they open up a shadow and go through it, grabbing their wounded.

>> Go after them
>> Tend to the kids
Fucking fun nazis.

Just calling them pigs is fine.
to be fair, fuck the nazis and their faggot king.
the lot of them are shitter assholes and our duty is to light the lot of them on fire.
>Tend to the kids
>> Tend to the kids
>> Tend to the kids
fuck the quincies, we have to save our future second.
we will get a chance to properly murder the lot of them in the future.
>>Tend to the Kids

Let them retreat, they aren't going to get any information back that isn't already known.
>>> Tend to the kids
>> Tend to the kids
Taman, would we be able to research a faux-bow similar to what the quincy use, however it fires cero when used by an arrancar?

I want to give them a big fuck you.
I like you Anon
>> Tend to the kids
But send a Hell Butterfly to report a Quincy incursion to the Old Man.
That's a good idea.
We do have reishi manipulation. If we can get better at it, we'll be able to make powerful objects that can handle ceroes.
I forgot that was even a thing, good idea Anon
So did Kubo, from the way things seemed in the anime.
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You should talk to Grimmjow. Soon. Also he might like something other than bows for that.

>> Tend to the kids
You send out a hell butterfly to the old man reporting the incursion. "How are you guys?" You ask. The two kids look up at you. "They took something pink out of Rangiku." The boy says. "But it went back in after you punched the one guy." The boy says slightly more cheerful. "What's your name?" You ask.

"Gin. Gin Ichimaru." He says. A cold chill runs up your neck. Just as the Journal foretold. "Do you children have a place to stay?" You ask. "Not really." The girl says. "We're hungry." Gin says. So the kids had potential.

>> You kids can stay at my place, Hiyori go back put the squad on high alert
>> Hiyori, watch after the kids, I am going to go put the squad on high alert
>> Go inform your friends
>> Write in

Three more posts for tonight!
>> You kids can stay at my place, Hiyori go back put the squad on high alert
Also Send a hell butterfly straight to Old man Yama.
>You kids can stay at my place, Hiyori go back put the squad on high alert
>> Hiyori, watch after the kids, I am going to go put the squad on high alert

i feel this is something we should do ourselves.
>You should talk to Grimmjow. Soon. Also he might like something other than bows for that.

Can he make Cero Cannons? Why does that sound broken to me?

>> You kids can stay at my place, Hiyori go back put the squad on high alert

"I have tea, and a couch. A nice couch."
>>> You kids can stay at my place, Hiyori go back put the squad on high alert
Rolled 53 (1d100)

>You kids can stay at my place, Hiyori go back put the squad on high alert
>Use Tenteikura to let your friends know
He already did.
> You kids can stay at my place, Hiyori go back put the squad on high alert
> Write in
We should bring them to Hueco Mundo and start their training.
>>> Hiyori, watch after the kids, I am going to go put the squad on high alert
she is the perfect height for a baby sitter just make sure we tip her like one when its all over just to get on her nerves.
>> Hiyori, watch after the kids, I am going to go put the squad on high alert
For fucks sake guys we are captain
>> You kids can stay at my place, Hiyori go back put the squad on high alert

Man, I guess Gin training will start eventually. I'd recommend reiastu training, to up his potential.
this, god damn it guys.
>> You kids can stay at my place. Hiyori, when we get back I want you to look after them. I'm putting the squad on high alert.
>> Go inform your friends.
>>> You kids can stay at my place, Hiyori go back put the squad on high alert

We're gonna roll this damn ball into a strike!
>> You kids can stay at my place, Hiyori go back put the squad on high alert
>> Hiyori, watch after the kids, I am going to go put the squad on high alert
This is a good compromise.
tell her not to spend it all in once place.
>>> Hiyori, watch after the kids, I am going to go put the squad on high alert
Okay, sure, let's do this.
So did everyone forgot that we are captain?
Or is Gin already messing with us?
... Gin is like 12, anon.

We get to do what canon Aizen never did: actually raise these two up right.
We have to make sure the kids are secure, man, and maybe we want to investigate the scene more before any trace evidence vanishes. Besides, the role of Lieutenant exists largely for the sake of transmitting orders to the rest of our min- subordinates while we take care of important shit.
"Hiyori, take the kids to my barracks room, keep an eye on them. Anyone rolls around tell them what happened. I am going to go put the squad on high alert, we're going to do some patrolling. I want to think these guys are causing the disappearances." You say.

"Sosuke what the hell were they?"

"Quincies, our ancient enemy." You say. "What? I thought all the Quincy died!" HIyori asks.

>> Bring her in on what's going on
>> Leave her in the dark for now

You run to the barracks, flash stepping in on some training.

>> Write in what you will say
>> Be freaking smart about it.
If we are going to raise them in any way but timeskip they will end up as either insane or murderous weapons
/tg/ is good with brainwashings not parenting
>Write in
Not all things are as they appear Hiyori, you may find an enemy you thought was defeated was mearly biding it's time, waiting for you to show weakness.
>"Did they look dead to you?"
>"Enemy infiltrators were found in SS get ready for possibility of combat and don't panic"
I really like this one. For Hiyori's half, at least.
>"What? I thought all the Quincy died!"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Mayuri not had the time to wipe out the non-empire Quincy?
> Bring her in on what's going on
> Write in what you will say
"Ladies and gentlemen, indtruders in white using unusual powers have been detected in this area. Their identity is currently unknown, but are most certainly armed and dangerous. Secure the area, flush out any in hiding and stay safe."
We have actually done a good job with our pure daughteru Jikan Kiba. So I do believe we will do fine with them. So long as Shud writes well.
>>"Did they look dead to you?"
We can talk more on it later, not here.

I've found suspicious persons attacking civilians in the outskirts. They spoke German and wore white. I'm assuming the worst.
>>> Bring her in on what's going on
>> Be freaking smart about it.
This sounds good.
I support this
>> Bring her in on what's going on
But just the relevant parts. We may also want to check in on Hue Co. to ensure no similar incursions have been occurring there.

>Write in what you will say
"Moments ago, a number of Quincies appeared within the Soul Society through some manner of portal. When the Lieutenant and I engaged them they were in the middle of performing a ritual to remove reiatsu from two spiritually-gifted children: I believe these Quincy are also responsible for the recent disappearances in the Rukongai. While we were securing the children, the surviving Quincies fled through a portal. Their current location is unknown."

"As of now Squad 12 is on full alert, and when I contact my fellow Captains I expect other Squads will join us. Please remain vigilant and report back to Headquarters regularly. If you come into contact with any unfamiliar fighters with high reiatsu, avoid direct confrontation if possible. The Quincy use many dangerous techniques, and if this batch has not only survived this long but staged an attack on the Soul Society they are no doubt skilled warriors. If you are forced to engage send a contact report if possible, and use any advantage at your disposal."

"Support your allies, keep on your toes, and remember your training. That is all for now."
i like this>>38838277
"Did they look dead to you?"
"Well that one did after I strangled him."
"Not all things are as they appear Hiyori, you may find an enemy you thought was defeated was merely biding it's time, waiting for you to show weakness."
"The only one who was showing weakness out there was you." Hiyori says.
"Just watch the kids" You say

"Enemy infiltrators were found inside the Seireitei. Be ready for possible combat and don't panic. They wear white and use unusual powers. They have been detected in this area. Their identity is currently unknown, but are most certainly armed and dangerous. Secure the area, flush out any in hiding and stay safe." You say. The squad stops. "You heard the captain!" Third seat Katamari says. Several people start flash stepping out.

"Here we go again." You say aloud as you flash step out of the barracks back to the area.


I will answer some Q&A but I am running a 3.5 campaign as well. Or starting one. Also there will be more of a break inbetween chapters as I have to wait to get back internet for a while.
How large is the non empire Quincy people?
Are there any open seats in the 3.5 campaign?
>"The only one who was showing weakness out there was you." Hiyori says.

We're we not Nice GuyAizen, I would suggest flaring our reaitsu so hard she couldn't stand.

We need to call her out on it later.
What was colour of hellfire?
How fast will we be with maxed out flight?
Next thread when?
pastebin with all our character stuff when?
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I thought we found them in Rukongai???

Also, shit man, I was writing a short speech. Oh well.
How adorable are the kids?
Since Matsumoto didn't have her spirit particles harvested, is her potential now in Captain Class?
Will Aizen ever invent pizza rolls?
>We're we not Nice GuyAizen
Are you sure about that? I can't think of many not-nice things we've done to anyone but our most hated enemies.
in b4 she actually has aizen tier horrifying potential and thats exactly why aizen nipped that in the bud as the canon version.
>Will Aizen ever invent pizza rolls?

You are a fucking genius, anon.
That was supposed to read, "were we not" as in, "If we weren't"

We are Nice GuyAizen, obviously. As long as you don't piss him off he is a totally cool dude.
Ever played this game?
>3.5 campaign
What's it about? Or rather, what's the setting about, since you're just starting and probably don't have a party yet.
That's probably meant to be "Were we not Nice GuyAizen".

Because we seriously are. Romancing our top Arrancar and best cat? Actually endeavoring to deserve the fanatical devotion of our followers? Protecting people and trying to make Hueco Mundo a better place? That's like the opposite of ButterflAizen's MO.
CanonAizen was lonely, since he was too powerful for anybody to understand him.

Though I expect trusting so many people to bite us in the ass later.
What's Soi Fon's Loyalty rating towards Yourichi, just to put things in perspective.

Of this quest, who would you say is your most favorite character, besides Aizen?
'Round about two.
Sixty-Nine percent.
At worst we will have to kill these traitors
>Implying we won't crit on our inevitable seduction mid-combat roll

Anon, do you know who Aizen is, here?
I completely forgot about our seduction skill
We should use it on all captains
Crit Succeed on Old Man Genocide.Triggers his Bankai
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But she's Kisukesexual now, anon!
>"This, Sosuke Aizen, is how I show my arousal! Bankai!"

Well, that escalated quickly.
Aren't we all Kisukesexual?

Beating his Bankai means betrothal.
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You don't just shrug off the cat-scratch fever like that, anon.
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¿?100% unknown integer
That's too hard to call. Either Best Cat or Science Bro.
A lot of things. Basically the world as they know it is about to end. I was thinking about letting a bunch of people play a worm that walks/demi-lich/golem combo
Nope. I will check it out.
Sorry mang. And you did. Aizen is really fucking fast.
Purple as your reiatsu. Hellfire is always the same color as your reiatsu
Hiyori said it in a joking matter, she wasn't serious about it.
You don't want to know. This is hardest mode.
FML please no
That's loads of skeletons to seduce
Can we count each roll for ten million of them at once?
>>You don't want to know. This is hardest mode.

I am just going to assume that non-Empire Quincies are really just the new German Nation.
Are there any open seats in your 3.5 game?
>>38838827 (You)
FML please no

>"Sosuke Aizen, my Zanpakto has chosen you to bear my flaming passion, I am sure you are willing to accept this responsibility." Yammamoto said, casting his critical gaze upon Aizen with a single barely opened eye.

I never said I was good at writing.
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>mfw the entire Vatican and Catholic Hierarchy is Quincies
Email me at [email protected] There are some deity positions open. Basically you would be operating as a player in a 10,000 year old game of risk trying to use the normal players as pawns.
Holy shit, that sounds amazing. Good luck!
>Pope is actually butterfly Aizen level
... Maybe?

The mythology of how this game works is this-
The Quincy have been 'accidentally this religions god' for several years. Who believes in what makes things really important in this campaign.
I am far too okay with this.
So they got several religions under them, good to know
So I vote for pushing alliance of hollows and shinigami against Quincy menace
I have felling that this is going to be needed
Interesting. How did our diplomancing of the Living Quincy go, or are we still in the process of doing that?

Nah, man. We've gotta ally Living Quincy + Hollows + Shinigami vs. Reality/Existence-Destroying Threat that is YHVH.
You find out next chapter.
You can also use asguard, and one other realm you have been to has been really responsive!
>“I've seen things most Shinigami wouldn't believe, and done things many in the Sereitei might consider treason despite my best intentions. It began with a wish-granting Djinn named Aintza...”

>“... and after we dealt with the Warlocks I sent the Arrancar back to Hueco Mundo, where they've been continuing their work to improve their home.”

So how would that be as a synopsis for Yoruichi, do you reckon?
Do you think Yoruichi is the type to get huffy and ask if Aintza is prettier than her?

Would there be a correct answer to that question?
Anon, we'd be along this scale: achieve a threesome and have two queens or a world obliterating cat fight. And anything in between, this. IS THE KUBO WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR
Maybe, and perhaps.

>"No. To compare two women who are each themselves beyond compare is a meaningless endeavor."
Well as is, Aintza easily trumps best cat, so we must vizard Yorucat first. Yes.
Yoruichi would need to achieve enlightenment to have chance against Aintza
In truth she is stronger than we are now
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Yourichi would probably be jealous at first and ask to meet her. It depends on how you roll. Good thing Triumvirate is still available!

Does Aitnza know about Yourichi? Yes.
What does Aintza think about Yourichi? As long as she isn't dumb and ugly or using you.
Would there be a possiblitly of >>38839584 ?
So can we agree that becoming best buddies with Yamamoto would help most of our plans greatly?
Welp, I think everything needs to be put on hold so we can have a threesome with Best cat and Best genie.
It's possible. It's also possible that this train has long since derailed and become an out of control hovercraft. So anything is possible if you can actually steer the damn thing.
So how well do we understand hollowfication, and at this point can it be done with something resembling safety?
See, garnering favor with him is hard, but worthwhile.
If you actually want to do this, it might become a little easier if we get Unohana to 100% first, since she could give us at least some insight into Yama's old days.
You can make arrancar. With some work and help from Kisuke, you can make vizards. Sort of. It takes some asspull.

Look, nothing is impossible at this point. Just I really don't want to think about math hammering a transcendent vizard yammamoto.

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