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Welcome again to the Tauren Civilization quest! When we last left off, the royal baby had (quite literally) been ripped from our lands by a Fungal intruder who was quite a douche. As such, the drums of war begin their oh-so familiar call. The time for vengeance has come
Welcome back to the land of the living, Civvie!
Sorry about being late, computer crashed and just general bullshit happened.

>Map and Stats incoming
It's ok, not your fault
Computer running slow, expect a slight delay
You know I'd quite forgotten it'd be tonight. Good thing I checked.
well thats lucky
Typing from a laptop, computer has completely shit itself. Most likely won't be able to access for a few hours.

>Population (Minotaurs) 5820
>Population Growth 215
>Population (Awaken) 595
>Population Growth 45
>Population (Minotaurs) 1965
>Population Growth 105
>Population (Awaken) 275
>Population Growth 35
>Population (Minotaurs) 940
>Population Growth 115
>Population (Awaken) 195
>Population Growth 65
>Population (Human) 1140
>Population Growth 130
>Population (Minotaurs) 275
>Population Growth 65
>Population (Awaken) 80
>Population Growth 30
>Population (Human) 275
>Population Growth 65

Glad to see you back Port.
I hate myself right now. If y'all would like to cancel I completely understand.
Not seen this. lurking it till I get a feel for whats happening.

Also sucks bout your PC OP, least you got a craptop to keep the signal alive right?
So I assume it pretty much pooped itself completely? If that's the case I'll guess we'll just do it another evening.
I still have the laptop.

An anon! Thank you for stopping by! Sorry for the horrible condition I'm currently in, I normally put on a much better show.

we forgot that we reached 10 threads last time
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So, if we're still on for tonight, then eight actions and four tech with the rolls please!
Everything is late, so therefore the Fungal infection event will be delayed a turn.
Rolled 13, 69 = 82 (2d100)

>This look promising
See new heros in the arena
I will save the lucky roll for a future action, but due to this not happening yet, you won't get this as an action.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Send reinforcements to the jungle colony. It all ends here.
Rolled 13, 21 = 34 (2d100)

Lets save it for when we REALLY need it
Make a VERY large boat, maybe one that can fit a Colossus
Send an army to kill the Mush-shits and get the child back
Rolled 45, 58 = 103 (2d100)


Make crossbow bolts and musket bullets out of Sophite
Upgrade the gliders
Research fighting in the jungle
Rolled 8 (1d100)

my last action of the turn
Retry the Elite Soldiers program
its safe to say, that this turn was my worst I've EVER HAD
Rolled 31, 55, 8, 32, 26 = 152 (5d100)

Expand the militia
Build more colossi
Spread anti-Mush propaganda
Invent ballistas to put on the ships
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>A1: Heroes
>13: Complete failure!
Nobody goes to the arena as of late. People have seen too much blood as is, and would rather spill whatever it is Fungals have than red. As such, few fighters actually get to do what they want and mostly sit around doing fuck all.
>A2: Boat
>13: Complete failure!
>"You do realize how much wood we would need to make a boat large enough to hold our army, right? Why would we cut down our main export when there is a perfectly good land-bridge right over there?"
The carpenters idle in confusion as to why you want this, and any attempts to make a boat quickly end in several dead Tauren.
>-50 to invasion forces
>A3: Reinforcements
When the troops start to get going over to Cuth, there are a few, issues. For one, the walk is far longer than expected, taking several days to even begin to see the settlement. As such, some of the more, excitable, tauren and humans are left to their own devices. The end result is several tauren and human men and women setting up a pole to more or less tease others on.
>Strippers invented!
>A4: Army
>21+5=26: Below average failure!
The strippers become a huge hit in the Army, and soon little progress is made due to many troops stopping to get a good performance from their favorites. Then orgies.
>A5: Elite soldiers
>8+5=13: Complete failure!
The vets of the Army, pissed at how quickly the greens are distracted, spend time amongst themselves discussing tactics and the like. That is until a red-headed human comes over with a flirty look in her eyes.
>A6: Expansion
>31+5=36: Failure!
All the NCOs and anyone who commanded respect have left with the main army force, and recruitment officers are overwhelmed with requests to join. These recruits have no idea how to wield a weapon, and just make a mess and break weapons when training.
>A7: Colossi
Despite all of the crap going on, many masons have set to work on making more of their beloved Colossi.
>+5 Colossi!
Not very good...
Rolled 67 (1d71)

I wonder if you can do dice that aren't d12's and stuff. I'll give it a try.
>the only lucky roll is one that we won't be using
There is no god
what made you think that? the only god there is is RNGesus, and he frowns upon us today
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>A8: Propaganda
>8+5=13: Complete failure!
It seems like the people don't enjoy you telling them why they should hate the Fungals, seeing as how they ripped open the queen, stole the royal baby, and have been general pricks.
>War enthusiasm: Frenzy!
>R1: Sophite
>45+5=50: Average!
The idea of using Sophite as an ammunition is kicked around a bit. When it is properly tested though, nothing special is found about the little red bolts and balls. They do seem to fly a bit farther though.
>R2: Gliders
>58+5=63: Success!
The Aeromancers, seeing how ineffective it would be to try and use air in a densely packed jungle, decide to take to the skies for a better fight. They get some help from the engineers, and make a glider fully capable of carrying heavy cargo, like rocks!
>Early bombers invented!
>R3: Jungle Survival
>32+5=37: Failure!
Turns out the Jungle is different from the Wastes. Any known survival techniques (Light a fire, erect a stone wall, dig underground) prove horribly ineffective in the muddy underbrush. At least from what messengers from Cuth report. They do say that clearings seem to help though.
>R4: Balista
>26+5=31: Failure!
Ship mounted weaponry is an interesting idea to the sailors, seeing as how most of your current weapons involve fire and a wooden ship wouldn't be ideal for that. As such, some mount massive crossbows on the ships, though the range is pitiful at sea.

>Cuth incoming.
well shit, i wanted the bullets to have the same properties as the sword, that it can cut thought almost anything
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There is a way you can get this, but your current technological level prohibits their proper usage.

>Population (Minotaurs) 85
>Population Growth 10
>Population (Awaken) 10
>Population Growth 0
>Population (Human) 85
>Population Growth 10

Necesito rollos por favor.
Rolled 29 (1d100)

>Rolling for time.
Rolled 80, 61 = 141 (2d100)

Try to gain increased housing by building up the trees
Try to find out about the plants here, one type comes to life, there must be other interesting flora
Time for what?
Anon still lurking. too busy being crippled by laughter to even think of playing.

This is hilarious stuff. talk about a dark time for the moomoos. I haven't seen this much dicegod hate in years
Rolled 3, 10 = 13 (2d100)

I guess there are two(?) actions left so I shall take them.
Build gliders in Cuth
Try to capture a shroom again.
Yeah sorry I had to change computers. This is moi.
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>A1: Housing
>80: Great success!
The sand becomes thick and mushy every day when tide comes in. It can get anywhere and everywhere. Up hoof crevices, between toes, under nails, and into housing. As such, some have taken to, quite literally, building up. They simply cut down the tallest trees, tie them up, then prop them up and build houses and platforms on top of them. Soon following this roads are built between the platforms with planks and vines.
>Ropes invented!
>Stilts invented!
>Elevated housing invented!
>+5 to biological growth in Cuth!

>R: Plants
>61+5=66: Success!
Concerns about other normally completely harmless plants suddenly sprouting legs and possibly eating babies spurs continuous scouting efforts. Reports come back of mystical beings carved of wood with glowing green, orange, or blue eyes wandering among the vines, ignorant to all the death around them. More disturbing reports follow suit, as some speak of shambling, things, that have growths coming out of them where heads or appendages used to be. When they are around, all is quiet, and any animals hide out of fear.
>Dryads discovered?
>Undead discovered?
Glad to see you're enjoying this good sir.

Considering how bad the rolls have been, I will be merciful and allow a single reroll as y'all have got one action left in Cuth. Sorry for the confusion.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

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Take that atheists.
I'll let port do it
what is it for though?
I'm just saying this now, the >>39853458 wasn't just for you. El niño is still out there.

I guess for gliders since I don't want more kids to die :(
El Niño?
All right we'll capture some shrooms.
>A2: Shrooms

A patrol sent out to look for suspicious activity comes across an odd sight. A single Fungal, appearing to be resting under the shade of a tree. The creature's eyes (or what you hazard a guess are eyes) are closed, and it sits completely still. The captain is called over, and the decision is made to capture the bastard. After grabbing a vine, a tauren gets a running start, jumps into the air, and slams the mush against the hard tropical trunk. Startled, the creature struggles against the bulk of the soldier. The rest of the squad moves up and restrains it's appendages with more vines, then carry it back to Cuth. When they set him up on a stone stripper pole, they begin questioning.
>"Who are you? Where is the baby?"

It takes a moment for the creature to get it's bearings. It opens it's wretched mouth, then garbled speech comes from the hole.


The captain looks over to his warhammer carved with the death rune, then grabs it.

>"Rookie, grab this thing's leg and be prepared to cut it off."

After the rookie does this, he brings it down on the Mush's foot. Rot spreads from the crushed bones, and a blackness creeps up the stalky leg. Before it can reach the main body, the leg is cut. With a sadistic grin on his face, the captain repeats.

>"Now, where is the baby?"


Any further language is too heavily mixed in with cries of agony, and soon the thing is left with a missing leg.

Prisoner list:
>Elf Queen
Now that is intriguing.
Holy shit, that was intense
can the captain be a hero?
For a 100 I damn hope so :^)
If he can be could we give him a Russian name for no particular reason?
We could use an action for it too if it's required.
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That was fun.

Glad you liked it Port, thanks for letting me write it.

If you would like him to be, and I would need a name.

I like this idea.

>Population (Minotaurs) 6035
>Population Growth 215
>Population (Awaken) 640
>Population Growth 45
>Population (Minotaurs) 2070
>Population Growth 105
>Population (Awaken) 310
>Population Growth 35
>Population (Minotaurs) 1055
>Population Growth 115
>Population (Awaken) 260
>Population Growth 65
>Population (Human) 1270
>Population Growth 130
>Population (Minotaurs) 340
>Population Growth 65
>Population (Awaken) 110
>Population Growth 30
>Population (Human) 340
>Population Growth 65
You gotta be kidding me they're gonna infest the baby? Well thats a krumping. And a burning the earth and salting the ashes.

I haven't even followed the thread and I can tell that won't end well if it happens.
That sounds great.
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Rolled 32 (1d100)

Infection will be the least of your guys' worries if you don't get your hands on that baby soon. I've been tracking a lot of civs separate from the ones you know of. If I had my computer I could show a screen, and the Fungals are huge in this New World.

>To: The King Brakla
>My king, I have received new information on where your child may be. I have performed a (rather fun) interrogation on a Mush, and he spoke of a "Big Cap" to the east and mentioned a "Joining" with the "Mother." It is my recommendation, as a soldier, that we hurry the fuck up before the baby is gone. Enclosed with this is a bit of the Mush's flesh.
>Sincerely: Milomir.

Yes please.
Obviously we need to hammer out operation Fuck Baby Snatchers.

If there was ever a time for a proper blitzkrieg we got it.
I suggest we first send scouts to find it, then we start dropping the biological weapons on them with the gliders, then we send in a strike force (some heroes) to save the baby.
This is me I suck at remembering my name and my dice.
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Hello again!
I just re-bought this today, and I happen to be quite a history buff. I can confirm that the blitz is devastating.
If you do choose to go with >>39854489 and blitz, then I will have quite a bit of fun with this. Also, the Death rune doesn't need a weapon to work.
That would be noice.
Totally okay with supporting a blitzkrieg and scouting out the way. This is about saving the baby and causing as much pain as possible to them for daring this..

Plus if what you hinted at is what I'm thinking it is pulling it off will garner allies, or at least parties looking for meatshields against the fungus. It'd be good to know the players at least.
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This war can go two ways, I recommend fighting smart. I was going easy on you guys previously.

Scout em out. You'll find them.
Rolled 11, 81, 96, 48, 83, 46 = 365 (6d100)

Send for the extraction of the baby, before any large-scale fighting happens
Retry Boat-Crossbows
after the Extraction, put death runes on rocks and send the gliders in and drop Death Bombs on them
See what happens when you combine Sleep and Sophite
Build something with the steam engine
If this an anon, please get a name, it helps Civvie count out actions and vote, and if this is Port, REMEMBER YOUR NAME DAMN IT
Oh alright I'll put one on. I was keeping it off since I've been poking around multiple threads and namefaggery is not always welcome.

Barely know the rules here though...
This is so tense. After we've done some killing I suggest we spray everything with the biological weapon.
Dont worry, just make sure you turn your name off for the other threads,
Do we have confirmed actions for the other 4 actions and 2 research?
No shit the last thing you want is these things doing an Ork with their fungal nature.

Can do. But I'm honestly at a loss of what to do for actions and thinkery. I need to pour over the pastebins and see what you've cooked up already.
Rolled 6, 29 = 35 (2d100)

I'll do two actions real quick.
Have colossi trek to Cuth, standing to defend it should the fungi attack
Make a sacrifice to the god(s) and ask for their assistance.
Well that sucks.
Rolled 14, 20 = 34 (2d100)

well shit
>A7 And A8
Reroll for these
>Add one to the team Civvie, looks like we got another regular
We're screwed
>fuck sake
You have your 2 researchs left ,Port
Rolled 40, 37 = 77 (2d100)

Yeah I know I was just thinkin'.
Research glider bombing strategy
Research gliders that use a small engine to go even higher and quicker.
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I will type this separately.
Aww, I was gonna have fun describing the vivisection. Would you like heroes with this?

>A2: Elite Soldiers
>81: Great success!
After their fun with the girls (and boys) is done, the vets sit down and proceed to get shit done. They properly organize themselves into squads, establish a chain of command, and more or less become a separate fighting force from the main army.

>Special forces established!

>A3: Boat-Bows
>96: Amazing success!
William, having set sail for Cuth before the main army, notes the giant crossbows.

>"Oi, ya do rrealize t'at we've got boom-sticks now, rright?"

After deciphering his speech, the crew assemble a ramshackle mag-crossbow. Upon firing, it nearly sinks a nearby ship after the ammunition sails through the air.
>Cannons invented!

>A4: Death from above
>48: Average!
This will follow the extraction in a separate post.

>R1: Sophie and Sleep
>83+5=88: Great success!
>"Daddy? I did something...I'm not sure if it's good..."

A small voice wakes William from his bunk, and he sees little Sophie. After realizing what this means, he flips right the fuck out.


>"I snuck onboard, I was afraid of being alone..."

After making sure no one was awoken by his screaming, William slams his head against the wall several times, the follows the pale girl to the deck.

>"I put the shiny rocks together!

She picks up the sword William had with him, now glowing a bright orange. Giving it a few swings, William finds it to be incredibly light, able to cut through anything (including Sophite!) and fires concentrated bursts of fire when swung upwards!
>Slephite invented!

>R2: Steam engine
>46+6=51: Average!

A single caravel is late to set off, as it's captain had wanted to outfit his ship with a, as he described it, "spinning wheel to propel us forward like a mighty arrow!" It works, oddly enough.
>Steam ship!
Good ideas, bad rolls, well one was alright, but not good
Slephite is awesome
>"Oi, ya do rrealize t'at we've got boom-sticks now, rright?"
what do you mean by "Would you like heroes with this?"
If we want heroes to extract the baby.
If they can shift it further in success I'm all for the gamble. You'd need good stealth experts for it to work best though, the whole point is to save the child before we liberally paint them a nice shade of murder.
Yep. I recommend sending Catherine for the stealth and dat angry mommy strength (if she's well enough) and our new Russian captain buddy.
>A5: Colossi
>6+5=11: Complete failure!
>"Sir, you do realize how massive these things are, right? If you want to send them over, they'll have to go one at a time, and they'll be slowed by the army."
The masons soon poke enough holes in this strategy to make Swiss cheese. Nevertheless, A Colossus is sent onto the bridge, but it's ponderous form is too much and it crushes the stone under it's weight
>-1 Colossi!
>The bridge has been partially destroyed!

>A6: Sacrifice
>29: Below average failure!
Before he leaves for Cuth, Brakla has the Mages conduct a small sacrifice to please the spirits. When the ceremony commences, all lights flicker out, and a cold, empty presence enters the room.
>"Fools...The whole lot of you. The Fungals are creatures beyond your capability of fighting. It's good for me though, I get a nice helping of souls. May you forever fail in your efforts. Sincerely, the Spirit of Death.
The presence then leaves, making everyone feel alive once more, only slightly more terrified.
>A7: ?
>A8: ?
>R3: Strategy
>40+5=45: Average!
>"We drop heavy rocks, what more is there too it?"
The Aeromancers seem to be a bit air-headed when it comes to strategic thinking. They see bombing as a tool, rather than an art.

>R4: Planes
>37+5=42: Average!
Powering the gliders is a novel idea, and some of the more mechanically inclined Aeromancers strap steam engines to the bottom of their gliders. When they attempt take off, they do fly a bit faster, but soon drop off to the ground due to how fucking heavy the engines are.

This will be in the extraction post(s)
Rolled 15, 52 = 67 (2d100)

Repair the bridge.
Interrogate another fungi. Try to capture a leader.
we need A7 and A8? Ill let eather Port or Dapper do it, ive done half already
Oh god dammit! These fails man.

Also nice vote of confidence Civvie. Maybe we should look into making an alliance to fight the fungal axis guys? He's hinted that they're not only massive but he won't hold back in interest of continuing the game. Any potential help against them might be the tipping point.

Seriously my guts telling me we're gonna do a david and goliath but we ain't got a sling for the party.
Well the Bridge is fucked, but the capture went alright
We have help from the Humans and i think the Deep Ones and the Halflings
Real question is can you count on them when push comes to shove?

It might be worth taking an action to scout out farther and see if theres anyone looking for allies against the mush themselves. The real problem I'm worried about is the damn fungus brains can infest and infect troops in the fighting. Its like fighting the undead kind of. Every loss we take is fodder for them to toss at us.

I might be overthinking it but if I was in charge of a race of insane mushrooms that can take over their enemies and my enemies want to rumble...
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I like you. You're like Sleeper but instead of glorious conquest and blood for the blood god (which is so much fun) you politic and diplomacy (which is also fun because accents).

The humans are currently with the Army, the Deep Ones gave advice, and the Halflings fucked off to their little hidey holes.

>A7: Bridge
>15: Complete failure!
Seeing as how a bridge with the structural integrity of paper is a poor thing for an army to be traveling on, a few Geomancers attempt to repair it. What follows can best be described as a pile of Colossi face down in the water being crushed by piles of rock while the Geomancers have a drug-fueled drunken orgy on top of it.

>A8: Interrogation
>52: Average!
Milomir, seeing as how his previous interrogation went so well, manages to capture another with gratuitous amounts of vines, fire, and a zap of lightning. When he and his patrol return to Cuth, they follow the same procedure.

>"Right, I'm gonna cut straight to the point. Are you a leader? Tell me or I'll start choppin' limbs."

The fungal looks up, cap pressing against it's back.

>"No leader. None. Mother above all. Serve alone."

He(?) doesn't seem to want to talk. A swift hammer strike to the right arm gets him to spill more.


Milomir was a bit slow on the cut, and the Fungal screeches in agony as it's insides turn to a mushy black paste.
Good point. We should probably approach the tree-people and ask them for help.
We can trust the humans, read the old threads, you will know we can trust them, we already fought like 2 wars with them
Sounds troubling
Agreed with you and Dapper, but i Think the war has already started
Had a bathroom break, typing up the infiltration and subsequent bomb dropage.
Thank you, remember the change with the 69
Good to know the humans are in our corner at least. I didn't expect the deep ones or the halfings though. which is ironic because I'm anonfag'n the low fantasy human civ and those halfings are downright psychotic.

I know the wars started alright. They did that when they took the royal child. They've made their intent fully known by it.

We just have to find allies to support us in the war effort, even if it means making deals with races we'd normally be repulsed by. I'm fully willing to say the fungals are on verge of going mushroom apocolypse on everyone if we can't win this somehow.

This'll take if I'm right guile and deals ontop of ruthless battle tactics. Even worse I have this sinking feeling that a few races have all but been fully assimilated by the fungal borg already. They're large enough to have multiple "queens" controlling them... It's going to be bloody no matter what and if we fail they'll likely infest the world.
First the White Beasts, Then the Elder Gods, Then the Snow-Elves, Now Mush-pocilypse,
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>A1: Infiltration
Catherine had set out on the land bridge before the army had even arrived, fueled with rage to get her child back. The crude stitching in her stomach pained her with each passing step, but she was able to make it to Cuth in about a week's time. When she met the captain Milomir, she was able to decipher his thick accent and made a plan to get through the Jungle. Heading out on a small two-man canoe, they approached the, city, if you could call it that, of the Fungals. The creeping mass of biological matter formed into mockeries of buildings as the two made their way into the bulbous mass. Miraculously they weren't detected, and made for the biggest building they could find. After finding a small opening, they crawled inside (after a short debate of who should go first) and emerged covered in mud, bits of shroom, and other bits and bobs. The room was massive, dwarfing most structures in Drozen. Large ivory tendrils wandered about, focusing on a small capsule in the center of the room. Inside a dark bloch floated, surrounded by a teal liquid. A large creature, twisted into a feminine figure by various fungal growths, clawed at the tank, desire in her empty eyes.

>"My child..."

>Part two incoming
Well shit this sounds bad
The best part is if my worst case scenario is correct Civvie is currently having the mush in progress of said mush-pocilypse! Which is why I'm worried about finding every ally we can. If we don't they'll be even more enemies to fight with shrooms sticking out of their skulls.

Plus fighting them directly will be a nightmare, the more ways we can push it into total victory the better. And being a total politican about it if we do rally an alliance of races across the known world we will be seen as heroes and saviors and be in setup to potentially gain much. maybe even trigger political win for the continent founding a permanent alliance or federation.

oh snap its on.
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There is no politics in point blank annihilation.
Oops responded wrong, anyway yeah we should ally with everyone but the mush pretty much. Mush is kill. Petition to use "Motherfungers" as a racial slur.
'MusherFungers' is better
I like it.


Crawling forward at a snail's pace, the tauren and human edge closer, careful not to make a wrong move. When they near, the pale glow of the tank becomes apparent, and an outline can be made out. It takes the form of a small baby, with cracked horns, a human face and torso, tauren legs, and small pieces of fungi growing out of odd crevices in it's body. Catherine lets out a small gasp as she realizes what it is, and she and Milomir duck to avoid the creature's quick gaze. The young woman soon stands up, moves over to the tank, and breaks it open with the tip of her spear. The liquid bursts from the hole, knocking back the mockery of life as Catherine grabs the body and proceeds to run the fuck away. After recovering from shock, Milomir gets up and follows her, both heading for the hole from before. Ducking inside, they manage to just barely make it out before the creature's cries reach their ears.


>Part three incoming
Worst case scenario is worse. There is a reason they smashed and grabbed the baby, and the Borg are a decent comparison, but on a smaller scale.

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He's already got the ideas I think sadly. He really wants to kill us with this.

Also thinking on why they'd take a child it comes down to either

>Bio-Warfare prototype, they need to learn how to adapt to the tauren and humans better to destroy them quickly.

>Political nightmare, the loss of the child would cause quite the mess.

>Literal baby biobomb, set us up the bomb. they'd let us take the poor thing back and its a literal fungal viral bomb we'd take right to the court none the wiser.

Or something even more insane he's cooked up. Theres this weird vibe of...trans humanism almost, like they are hell bent on well.. in their own demented way uplifting the other races to fungal greatness. And as a result gaining our own humanoid traits. this one seems obessed with having a child of her own... I'd have to see more of this demented story play out to figure out more honestly. Kind of a neat idea though. Post organic society of robots but the robots are all mushrooms and rather insane.

I like giving ideas, information was meant to be free and haunting your dreams!
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As the two run for their lives (and possibly the lives of their entire world), the sounds of several Fungals emerging from the biological mass where the ground used to be. The two barely manage to jump into the canoe and begin paddling before the distinctive sounds of rocks falling from gliders whistles through the air.

>"Heh, rright on time..."

Soon, the stench of death rips into the air, filling everyone's nostrils with the smell of "get the fuck out right now you motherfucking sons of bitches." The rotten black mass roars through the fungal jungle, turning any living matter into more of itself and then desolving. What is left, from what Milomir can see, are the skeletal forms of beings, animals and sapient, and the ruins of what look to be ancient buildings. As the gliders begin their second run, a tentacle strikes from the ground, ripping them out of the sky and crashing to the surface. The cries of the gliders as they're ripped to pieces by the feminine creature echo into the pair's ears. They make their way down the river, exhausted by the night's work. As the arrive in Cuth, they see William's ship sail into the harbor. The man and young elven girl step out and see them.

>"Sophie, cover yer ears...THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING?"

So many beautiful ideas. Thank you again.
That last bit was cute
See Dapper, you're giving him ideas!
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The struggle is real.
Rolled 33 (1d100)

>Population (Minotaurs) 95
>Population Growth 10
>Population (Awaken) 10
>Population Growth 0
>Population (Human) 95
>Population Growth 10

Thank you. I appreciate it.

>Captcha: Find the burrito
>Valid choice: Hot dog
This offends me as a Mexican
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Its 2am, dont care

Two actions and a research please!

Really, I fell only VERY slightly sleepy, ive been up later, like that time i was up till 5am
Rolled 13 (1d100)

Try to figure out what they did to the baby and how to cure it. Maybe by interrogation and any mages stationed there.
I know DM fuckery 101. You might crib a note or two but you'll stay to your original ideas unless I stumble across a glaring plothole. First step to having a good time is keeping your players on their toes and terrified of the future during the bad times. You gotta get your kicks somehow behind the screen.

That said welcome! I am a font of nightmares and awesome at the same time. Besides they way the behave I wouldn't be surprised if I was actually on the money with that last guess. Fuckers are weird with a capital W. They'd make a great race in almost any setting.

Eitherway I'll hush up with my horrible brainstorming for their sakes. hehe. old habits die hard I used to DM myself.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

Please let us reroll this one :(
Rolled 85, 54 = 139 (2d100)

Cure the kid
Anti-Mush Defences
Thank you for all the contributions, as well as joining in. Always glad to have new players.

Considering how you just managed to make it past the living flesh of a race, I'll let this slide.
well well well
I'll back this one myself if we can vote on things.

I got time left to keep going but I need to sleep period in an hour or two. work at the crack of dawn sucks but its steady pay.

I wonder if we can figure out a way to create...well less dangerous death runes, if we could create totems strong enough to kill their spores but weak enough to not kill the troops we'd negate one of their best advantages over us. magic work like that here?
Totems! Thats an idea for new magic!
>A1: Cure
>Consensus=+ 5
>85+5=90: Amazing success!
Catherine goes right up to William, clutching what she assumes to be her child in her arms.

>"We were rrescuing my child, dipshit. Sophie, shield your eyes. Now, somebody help me cure this little bundle of love."

Taken aback by the grotesque sight before him, William vomits a bit to the side, then returns his attention.

>"So t'ats what ye get when a Tauren an' a Human fuck...Right, let's try and fix the lit'le bugger."

William takes him to the the Hydromancer of Cuth, one of the few mages that came with the initial settlers. As the woman looks him over, she mutters a few words, then runs her hands over the tiny form. At her touch, the growths begin to fall off, one by one. All except for one on the child's arm come off.
>The child has been cured!

>R: Defenses
>54: Average!

William, thinking that it would be a bad idea to fuck with Catherine at this point in time, decides to speak with Milomir on how to properly defend the settlement against the Fungals. After a short debate on whether or not to use stone or wood, walls are built up with death runes carved in and painted in strategic places. Nothing is touching that wall and living.

Thank you for your time, and if you would like to join us next thread, we normally play on Sundays at 5:30 PM EST, though occasionally we get special days like this.
I was waiting for you guys to come up with this idea.
I don't like the one on the hand, that's going to be important to the story later, isn't it?
>Population (Minotaurs) 6250
>Population Growth 215
>Population (Awaken) 685
>Population Growth 45
>Population (Minotaurs) 2175
>Population Growth 105
>Population (Awaken) 345
>Population Growth 35
>Population (Minotaurs) 1170
>Population Growth 115
>Population (Awaken) 325
>Population Growth 65
>Population (Human) 1400
>Population Growth 130
>Population (Minotaurs) 405
>Population Growth 65
>Population (Awaken) 140
>Population Growth 30
>Population (Human) 405
>Population Growth 65

Y'all know the drill

Depends on how quickly you can deal with the Fungals.
Totally. Needs to be examined further in the future. Thats very important.

I'm surprised they didn't already actually. Totems are one of the hallmarks of rune magic alongside etching weapons and arms and masonry work. Very strange indeed. Heck with some work healing totems could be brought to aid the fight.

Tricks making them work for only your side.
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This guy, this guy right here.
Rolled 10, 2 = 12 (2d100)

Try to repair the bridge again.
Invent totems.
Well fuck.
Rolled 71, 40, 96, 95, 97, 21 = 420 (6d100)

Send Army to kill the Mush, at the end of the turn
make more swords out of Slephite
Put less potent Death runes on Canon balls and Ammunition's
Repair Bridge
Totems and Runes Research Division
Totems and Runes Research
Dont worry I got dis
Port, I don't know what you did, but RNGesus hates you. You good sir are a comedy goldmine.

You sure you want to attack the Mush?
get rid of that action, and use to the roll for A2 or R2 plz
I really don't want to attack the mush yet. I wish I had a map to refrence here but I'd want to explore and see if we can survivors of the mushroom onslaught.

Seriously man what are you thinking even with a 71 I don't think we'll manage such a feat. Those might be better spent on finding allies and stalling the mush for a moment..

Then theres the damn baby powered doom clock WTF DOES IT DO!?! Gah I'm just paranoid here. Maybe. Do we even have a good head count on the mush?
Gah its dapper here! sorry!
Mushrooms don't have heads.
I forgot my name too.
Anyone got the last Actions?
>A2: Swords
>40: Average!
William, after talking with Sophie, sends a message to Brakla, who is traveling with the main army.
>"To: King Brakla
>"Right, so we may 'ave a problem. The Sophite (I hope I've told you of this) appears to take a while to make, and all Sophie said about making it was "smash rocks together."
>A3: Death Runes
>96: Amazing success!
After seeing how effective the Death runes were against the Fungals, a few masons etch death runes into the ammunition of the settlement. Upon testing these, they have the same effect as the bombs from before.
>Death rune bolts invented!
>A4: Bridge
>Consensus+Port's comedic value=+10
>95+10=105: Port and Shamed, you have both the best and the worst luck I've ever seen.
Brakla receives word from the back of the army that a decent chunk of the bridge had collapsed behind them. After giving a brief sigh, he conjured a massive ball of lava and dumped it right into the ocean. The end result is a ridiculously smooth black bridge of obsidian, stretching from the coast of Gorric to the rest of the bridge!
>Bridge repaired!

>R1: Totem Division
>97: Amazing success!
Milomir, after seeing how utterly devastating the Death runes were against the Mush, establishes a section of Mages and masons dedicated to finding new ways to create totems or other objects to use with runes! Their headquarters is a small shack.
>+5 to future Totem and Rune research
>R2: Totems
>21: Below average failure!
The first result of this new division is, more or less, a massive bloody hole in the side of a house.

I will save the 71 roll. And I would give you a map, but my computer is still recovering from the near death experience it had.
Thank you for the save, Great GM
And with the luck, its not like i'm lucky and hes not, we share out luck, some days hes luck and i'm not, i'm luck and hes not, or we're both got no luck
Rolled 40 (1d100)

My skipped action
Shore up the defences of every city with the new Anti-Mush walls
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I made a rough drawing of the world at large. No hate please.
wasnt the bridge between the halfling isles and the mainland?
I think so but I'm also an idiot. I have a bad sense of geography.
plus Civvie, we need your good map making skills back
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Map that's a little outdated. From the beginning of the last thread.
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>A1: Defenses
>40: Average!

Word of the new Death runes carved into the walls spreads to the mainland by way of a drunken sailor accidentally firing off a cannon shot that went up into the atmosphere, hung around for a bit, and then dropped down dead center in Drozen. After the initial panic died down, the Runes were carved into the walls surrounding all cities.

>Pic related.

I'll make an updated map once my PC revives. Speaking of which, do you guys mind if I have you emails? I would like to better coordinate this rather than hoping everyone is on at once.

Gracias senor Port.
you already have mine, so that good on my end
Rolled 60 (1d100)

Other half of the actions and research please!

>Rolling for Fungals.

Thank you again for that.
[email protected]
Got it, expect an email soon in the future from me. Anything else do not open for fear of PC death.
"Soon" means most likely tomorrow,
got it, email sent
if you'rw woundering why i have your email, for coming up with ideas that Civvie doesnt hear, so he doesnt get ideas
...You magnificent bastard.
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So shall we continue? Also did Dapper leave?

>Bonus Bulldog
Still here. brains going downhill though so I'm kinda lurking a lurka-durka and shit.
its 3:20 for me, If i didnt end now, it would be soon
Lets finish this Turn, then end
Alright, glad to know. Let me know when you're all ready to call it for the night.
4:20 here.
Legalize crystal fucking weed.
Alright, final turn for the night!

Four actions left, two techs, and then Cuth.
I don't think crystal weed is a thing...
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Since I did the other half, Ill let Port and Dapper do the rest of the mainland ones
I can believe this is a thing, cause internet
Thing is I'm too new to even know what the hell we need done. All I know is we're in the middle of shroom apocolypse and shits hitting the fan.

Want to see if ports hilarious dice luck continues?
Sure! And be sure to read the archives of the previous threads to catch up, but go wild for the final rolls!
Hell Yeah!
Port, roll!
Rolled 100, 82, 56, 94, 19, 94 = 445 (6d100)

Recruit people for the militia.
Send troops to Cuth.
Stack up on the new swords, the cannon balls, gliders, any military equiptment we need to replenish basically.
Send word to all the other peoples that we might be invaded soon.
Research the biology of the mushrooms.
Make awesome-r totems
Oh I will alright. this has been a good time. Plus your tongue in cheek writing that jumps between dead as fuck stonecold serious and herpa derpa fun times is awesome.

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Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

Civvie's going to take a while to write those rolls
And by the Laws of The Thread, the bad luck has shifted to me
Oh joy
Should we use the saved 71 for the Biology?
Maybe. I don't know if it could be better spent in Cuth maybe.
Good idea
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>A5: Army
>100+5=105: RNGESUS!
The surge in primal warrior spirit burns brighter than the sun with your people. The word soon spreads of the royal baby's safe return (holy crap this march is taking a long time), and, now knowing that they now don't have to hold back, many, many, MANY citizens sign up for the army. They then proceed to begin a march of their own. Only difference is they quickly catch up, and learn of strippers. This leads to even more people joining up.
>+1000 to Army size!

>A6: Marching
>82+5=87: Great success!
The man atop the crow's nest on William's ship spots the mass of people marching on the bridge, and soon alerts the others. By his estimate, the troops will arrive in (next thread!)

>A7: R & R
>56+5=61: Success!
After going through so many broken weapons (most notably a series of cannonballs fatal to the touch), everyone sets to work on resupplying the main force. Cannonballs, bolts, bullets, swords, armor, all of it.
>Full resupply!

>A8: Spread the word
>94: Amazing success!
The human army, which as of late has been sitting outside the walls doing fuck all, is alerted to the current situation. They also begin marching because "Hey, having all of our forces on one fucking bridge can't possibly go wrong!" On top of this, runners are sent to alert the "other clans" to this new development. The Deep Ones are told, though they seem indifferent as they, quote "No fear Fungals. They no go in water." The Halflings refuse to come outside the icebergs for one reason or another.

>R3: Biology
>19: Complete failure!
The Fungal prisoner has a decent chunk of his flesh ripped off with a sword, is stitched back together with vines, and then is thrown back into his cell. Upon examination, the Fungal body parts bind to the Tauren, turning him into a horrid creature begging for death. At least it was quick...

>R4 incoming.
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ANd I was about to go to sleep and read this on archive. Damn you!

Least we got a serious army on the march. I'm starting to feel more confident in our odds of a real victory over the mush. Shame about that bit with the mush, god that stuffs infectious. Far as I care we burn it with and death runes the rest of it.

Congrats Port you made epic happen!
Agreed, well done Port
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>R4: Totem
>94+5=99: Amazing success!
After multiple drunken mishaps, the boys and girls of the T&R division manage to stop killing each other with Death runes and create the exact opposite! A simple circle with a cross in the middle not only heals minor wounds, but it also provides nutrition for the person carrying the select object.

>Healing rune invented!
>Food rune invented!

Along with this, another rune is developed with the ability to grant the user's weapon a massive, earth-shattering miniature earthquake!

>Earthquake rune invented!

Glad to see this. I appreciate all of this and am honored to be your GM.
That's it for tonight! Any questions before we pack it up?
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Oh you
I'm glad I can take part in it too. :3 My friends don't like roleplaying games, and this is the first time I've done this sort of thing. It's very enjoyable.
First, I like the name

Second, glad I could be of service.
Why the hell are you so good at this Yakko?

Also so many uses for these new runes. siege rune, ultimate special ops surivial runes and self healing troops? Fuck. The Hell. Yes. I mean god damn you play these right and you can get 100 mush for a single soldier. I like dis alot.

Anyway night. I seriously need sleep.
I going to start DM-ing for some friends, so that will be fun
Nope, all good, just remember to start with Cuth on the next Thread
actually, when will the next thread be?
I dunno why I'm good, personally I think I'm crap compared to the others (Blorp, the Cyclopes, etc.)

Goodnight buddy. Hope to see you next week!

Next thread will most likely be next Sunday at 5:30 EST. HOWEVER, that is subject to change on whether or not my D&D group will be able to play on Saturday, so check in at 5:30 EST that day. If there isn't a thread up, assume that we'll be playing Sunday, and if there is hop right in.
Thanks, night!
Goodnight everybody!

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