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Sorry-we-goofed edition.
Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=lost+continent
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaptainOerSky
Ask: ask.fm/CaptainOersky
Character Sheet: Coming this thread.

"Alright ladies and gents, our guest today is going to show us a bit of his skill with the fist." The woman calls out loudly as she steps away from you and calls up a man from the sidelines. He's got a nose that clearly shows its been broken once or twice and didn't set correctly. "This chap here is an up and comer on the docks here and in Gaspard. Strong at the line and stronger with his fists. So, why don't you show him a few basics." The man nods his head and raises his hands, wrapped in thick straps of leather.

"Signori, you can use that hand of yours, if you want, we don't back down from a challenge." His words are gruff and his language is broken from his lips, barely finding its way to your ear through his thick beard.

How do we handle this gentleman?

>A) Go aggressively, hard and fast, for the knockout.
>B) Go slowly and methodically, trying to teach as you do so.
>C) Let him make the first move and counter.
>Go slowly and methodically, trying to teach as you do so.

We said we would.
>B) Go slowly and methodically, trying to teach as you do so
whoo quests up

He steps forward quickly, a huge lunging step that you can see him taking a full second before he actually gains ground on you. You swiftly step inside his feet and press your fist against his throat, swiftly but not hard enough to really do damage. "Don't show your motions so much, if you wind up like you're about to pull something your opponent is going to see it." He steps back and nods, raising his fists and this time lunges forward like a pouncing animal, his right fist swinging in wide and aiming for your temple. This is a much better attack.

"Good, that is a lot harder to defend against." His hand harmlessly bounces off your metal arm as he winces slightly from the sharp pain of the impact. You swing your right hand down on his clavicle, but not as quickly as you should have. He shifts and grabs your arm with his left, pulling you backwards as he drops onto his back, his boots trying to get up under your stomach.

You swing your body to your right, his feet passing harmlessly to your side, as you raise your left arm and swing down, pretty hard time time, on his ribcage. The wind blasts out from his mouth as you scuttle backwards onto your feet.

"Remember, students, the biggest part of fighting is reaction. Signori Rugerio was able to react to that dock-style flip with some real speed," the Professor's voice rings out across the grounds, where everyone is silently watching in appreciation. Your opponent gets back up on his feet and you can see a slight indention in his tight shirt, you've probably cracked a rib with that last hit.

He lunges at you, this time for a tackle.


>A) Raise your knee, lights out
>B) Grab his neck and pull him back into a choke
>C) Evade and get a grapple
>C) Evade and get a grapple
If he opens himself up for this he deserves to learn what will happen.
>A) Raise your knee, lights out
>>A) Raise your knee, lights out

You swing your knee up with not a bit of concern and feel his teeth click together forcefully. He rolls off your leg and slumps over to the ground on his side. A collective roar fills the training ground as the Professor laughs uproariously, "Get that lug out of my arena, he needs to learn the hard way. Good job, Signori." She claps her hands together and you bow your head.

A few more students come up and a few more students are carried out. At the end of an hour you are out of your jacket and even your shirt, standing there with only a sleeveless undershirt to cover your chest. Like this, everyone can see where your flesh has tightly wrapped around the smooth shoulder joint of your metal arm and they can even see a few tendons that disappear into the inner mechanisms of your arm.

The side of the area where the students came from is finally empty. All that's left is the Professor herself. She chomps down on a finely handcarved pipe and lets out a slow tendril of smoke from her nostrils. "Not bad at all, Rugerio. Looks like you've cleared out my best students." She points the pipe's stem at you, "But, are you ready to fight the teacher?" She taps out the nestleweed onto her hand and squeezes it, putting the embers out and putting it back in a pouch on her arm.

At her challenge everyone roars thunderously, looking forward to this clash of titans, as it were. She unhooks her suspenders and tightens the large leather belt around her waist, lowering into a grappling position and holding her hands in front of her. She's got extremely good posture like this, her balance is dead center and low.

>A) Accept her challenge
>B) Politely decline
>>A) Accept her challenge

You step forward and raise your fists but as you do so you heard a loud noise in the front of the compound. Everyone's head turns to the front and a few people run in, "We're under attack!" The courtyard quickly flies into disarray as people pull firearms out of their jackets, and a few of them grab heavy items lying around, chains, poles, anything they can get their hands on.

The Professor looks at you and as she does a voice pierces the halls, "We are here for Rugerio!" The sounds of a bullet hitting something metal and loud fills the air. You pull your shirt and jacket and, quickly buckling them up as the woman grabs your arm. "I think the Verducci have found where you are..."


"Miguel, bring us down slowly, good to be home." You stand up from the chair you've been sitting in for the past three days, it feels like, as you stretch your shoulders and back, looking around. The Gate Keeper at your side stands up, "Contact with the Aerodrome?" You nod and wave your hand, "Yessir, Captain."

A silver portal appears, the size of a book, and you speak into it, "This is Captain O'er Skies Andrio di Lorenzi, requesting permission to land." A voice comes through clear as a bell, "This is Bernardo Fugelli of the Sanza Serena Aerodrome, you are home early, Captain. Welcome back." You thank her cordially and adjust the heavy coat you wear as a mark of station and as armor before standing at the helm of the ship, looking out across the horizon through a glass window. Your mind is on the mission, of course, but drifts to Crezzia, your intended waiting for you in that greasy dive she works at with her father. When the two of you are wed, you can give her the niceties she deserves.

You idly rest your hands on your revolver handle.

>A) Check on your "guest"
>B) Think about the mission/life
>C) Write in
>>A) Check on your "guest"

"Pilot, take us down, but keep the armor and ports shut, I wish an audience with our exalted guest." You stride calmly from the helm and head down into the bowels of your ship, passing the bunkrooms and the storage chambers to the brig. You nod to the guard and relieve him of immediate duty, but order him to keep close in case you don't reappear in a few minutes.

You open the door cleanly and stride in, lighting a lantern with a nearby match and look down at the person on the floor. Their armor, formerly Aeroman's clothing of the Darrowan Military, is torn and ripped from the physical abuse he's suffered. His face is a blood-stricken mess and his hair is disheveled. "Get up, wretch." You stomp your boot on his broken hand, causing him to howl in pain as he contorts away from you.

"You won't be so proud," the man hisses out to you as he gathers himself, "Once the Guild hears about how you treated an official member, you'll hang for this. The Guild runs..." he starts before you kick him firmly in the face, chipping one of his teeth. "The Guild doesn't run Darrow! No Guild runs Darrow, and you would do well to remember that." He laughs, spitting out a bloody tooth. His laughter annoys you and you give him another solid kick.

The memory of his apprehension is firm in your mind. He just sort of appeared after you landed, knocked out your Lumen, and was found in the hold, trying to take something. He was well armed, with explosives.

"Now, we're almost at port, I'll give you one final chance. What were you doing here? Were you here to kill me? Or just to steal like a common bandit?" The man just grins with his broken and bloodied smile, "Guess you'll just have to turn me over to the constabulary, they'll take care of a thief like me." You know from his smile and your past experience he's right, he'll be bailed out and his crimes pardoned.

>A) Take justice into your own hands
>B) Continue interrogation
>C) Do the right thing and turn him over.
>B.followed by A.
>B) Continue interrogation
>C) Do the right thing and turn him over.

(Andrio's Character Sheet: http://pastebin.com/a5NQfdVB)

You grab the man by his torn collar and slam him up against the wall. "I know how to take care of a thief like you. Scum like you makes me sick, thinking you can cower behind your gang and scare me? Do you think I'm afraid of the Guilds? They can't protect you here." You throw the man against the wall, hard and as he gathers himself up you pull out your sidearm and point it down at him.

"Now, talk to me, bastard, what were you here for, who sent you, and why?" The man gasps in pain as he hacks up a mouthful of blood and looks up at you, pressing his forehead against your gun's barrel. "I know your kind," he mutters through his broken face, "You roar and act rough, but you're nothin' but a lapdog for the military. You won't kill anyone who they don't let you. See? That's the nice part of being in a Guild, if our roles were switched, you'd be dead days ago."

Regretfully, and with all the struggle you can muster, you know he's right. You are too honorable of a man to kill him like this. He deserves to go the proper authorities. [+1 Spirit, sheet reflect your current.]

You close the door and lock it behind you, putting your sidearm in its holster. "We'll have him arrested." You head back up to the helm and command the ship to be put into full landing mode. Your armor falls and the balloon deflates as you head back up topside and head out into the Aerodrome.

A few pleasantries and a chat with the constabulary nearby sees the man arrested. "Captain, the Admiral requests a report of your mission and delivery of the cargo in an hour." You nod and sign all the proper papers and issue the commands, having your subordinates to the work for you as you head down into Sanza Serena. A loud commotion catches your attention as people run to the waterfront, calling out, "a fight, a fight, guns are fired."

>A) Investigate this
>B) Leave it to the law and go see Crezzia.
>B) Leave it to the law and go see Crezzia.
>>A) Investigate this

You've got better things to do, you've been a soldier for a week straight, time to be a free man again. The bar is quieter than usual, probably because of the racket outside. Crezzia is standing behind the bar and when she sees you she runs out from behind it and leaps into your arms. You spin her around and she quickly embraces you before hopping back down to the ground, "It is so good to see you, Andrio. I'm glad you came home safely." You smile and nod, "Of course, Crezzia, I'm the best." You stride past her and sit down at the bar and look around, "Business is slow?" She shakes her head, hair bouncing at the vigor of her shaking, "No, it was packed until a few minutes ago. There's something happening at the Longshoreman's Guild, I think is what I heard. There are guns going off and I don't hear the officers. Maybe this is something Guild related?"

You shrug your shoulders, "That means it's none of ours." She sighs and pats your hand, "Andrio, the Guilds aren't all bad, my father wouldn't have this place if it weren't for the Verducci, we owe them a lot." You sigh and nod, "Yes, but I could have paid for this for you." She laughs, "It was long before you met me, love." You straighten your back at her words and look around, making her sigh, "Come now, Andrio, no one else is here. Father went to go look."

She leans forward and smiles, "It's rare, no? Us, together, alone..." You smile at her tone of voice and lean in, "It certainly is..."

A loud thud as the door is kicked open wrenches you backwards like a shock as her father appears, his face in a panic. "Crezzia, it's Tullio, the Verducci are after Tullio!" He sees you and rushes to you, "Andrio, thank the Mother you're here, it's your brother! The Verducci are out for his blood, you have to do something."

>A) Do something
>B) Let him handle his mess [-1 Spirit]
>A) Do something
>>A) Do something

You sprint out of the bar and get ready to push through the crowd. Tullio, it has been so long since I've seen you...You draw your sidearm and demand the crowd clear, and as soon as people see your coat of office they start to let you through. It's been so long. You can't let him get caught up in this Guild business.

~~~~~~In the Longshoreman's Guild~~~~~~

The air is thick with hot white steam from the discharge of several arms. Rifles and pistols fill the air with the sound of whizzing bullets and gouts of steam cover both sides in a veil of steam. You are sitting in the training ground, now empty except for you and the Professor. She's smoking again and looks at you, seemingly ignoring the sounds of battle outside. You look around nervously, wanting to get out there and do something.

She finally speaks up, "So, why are my Guildsmen out there dying for you? What do you have that they want?" You raise your left arm and wiggle the fingers, "I owe them for this. They made it for me and had it grafted onto my arm." She laughs, "A whole lot of brouhaha for an arm. How expensive is it?" You tell her your estimate and she blanches at the mention.

"Wow, you're in the hole for quite a bit. I bet they think you're trying to jump ship. How do you wanna resolve this?"

>A) Go out and fight them.
>B) Escape
>C) Turn self over
>>A) Go out and fight them.
fuck it i dont like being a lapdog for skyjews
I like being a lapdog for skyjews

"Give me a gun." She grins and holds her pipe between her teeth, heading over to a cabinet hanging on the wall, opens it and tosses you a musket. "It's all we've got left. Good luck out there." You hoist the heavy outdated weapon and look down the barrel, checking that it's clear and load the chamber with the ingredients that you would cause to react with the waiting vial of cheymical agent.

You head out to the front with the Professor, who keeps calm and leans against the wall down the hallway from the fighting, still smoking. "I'll be out in a bit," she says and waves her hand, "Go ahead."

You turn the corner to see a mess, a thick cloud of steam separates the two sides, who are both behind cover and firing at one another. A few lay dead or wounded on the floor and you raise your musket, load some shot, apply the catalyst and fire. The old dusty weapon thunders in your hand as it magnificently hits the wall with its tightly packed shot. It's no wonder these things were phased out for clockwork weapons.

"There he is! There's Rugerio! He's gone over to their side!" A voice calls out that you cannot mistake for anyone but the Master. The steam is leaking through the open doors and you can make out their silhouettes vaguely through the haze. "Just give yourself up and this will all be over." His voice calls out as fire begins to focus on him.

One of the men hiding behind an overturned table calls you over, it's the Aressen man from the swamps who you were drinking with last night. "You're an exciting man, Rugerio, and I think I would much like to spend more time at your side. Should we make it through this, let's see some real adventure together." He passes you his rifle and takes your musket, "You fire one of these like a shepherd, however. I know how to use it."

Now properly armed you take more shots down range, hitting a few men before you hear a voice pierce through the din, "I demand this cease by order of the Darrowan Air Force."


The Verducci men back up behind cover and stop firing, looking to your former Master for instructions. "Signori, this is Guild business, clearly covered under the Taretilla Articles." The demanding voice from before cuts in, "Articles that gave no permission to open street fights in broad daylight in the middle of a city. You may have your gang wars, but if you are to have them, you must have them outside of the city or with fewer than three people. You know this well. Now stand aside." Your Master's shadow remains stationary before stepping aside. The Longshoresmen keep their guns trained and through the shroud steps....

Your eyes burn like the fire of a hundred foundries as you grip your head in searing pain. Not now...now is a horrible time for your arm to be acting up. Why, you wonder as you roll onto your back, why does this happen so randomly. There is a vial on your belt, and you grab it, drinking down the liquid quickly and gasping as a hand touches your forehead. The voice is distant and quiet, then loud and brash. You feel consciousness slipping away as you hear your name muttered once.


You step through the steam and see Tullio, just as young and fiery as he was when you last saw him, but with a hand as dark as night. "Tullio!" You see him drop onto his back and grab at something on his hip, watching him drink it as you jump over the table he's hiding behind. His forehead is warm, you feel it under your hand and heft him up on your shoulder, his strength fading. "You, Aressen, help me." The man beside him gets him up on his shoulders as you carry him out. The Verducci man in command steps forward, "I cannot let you leave with him. He's our property. He owes us many thousands of gold coins in debt, more than you've ever seen, Captain."

You feel your anger raise and respond....

>A) Rudely, tell him off
>B) Ignore him
>C) Knock him out
Kick him in the jimmies.

"How much do those cost to get replaced?"
>C) Knock him out
this seems like an appropriate response to some trying to claim owner ship over some ones brother

You swiftly kick him in the groin and swing your left hand into his jaw and elbow into the center of his chest. He drops to the ground, wheezing in pain as he gasps out in surprise. You stomp your foot down on his face, putting him out for now. "Replace those," you say with a spit. The members of his Guild get close and raise their arms but you glare at them and say, "Go ahead, try it, see how well you get funded without the Air Force's support." They hesitate and ultimately back down.

A few minutes later and Tullio is laid up on a bed upstairs in the bar. Crezzia's father is sitting on a stool in the corner as you sit in the armchair and look at the both of them. He's sweating like mad, "Oh Mother...Mother save us. This is a nasty situation. Andrio, do you know what you've done?" You nod your head decisively, "Of course I do. I showed that uppity Guild lackey what's what. He had no right to do what he did." The older man wipes at his forehead, "Yes, perhaps not, but you've angered them. This is going to make your life very hard, and they may burn Tullio. He'll never work for a Guild again....what's worse, they could send a Collector after him." Even your steely nerves feel a twinge of concern at that. Collectors are pan-Guild operatives that are empowered to carry out Guild justice and collect Guild debts, no matter the tender, be it in blood or gold.

"I don't think it would be that bad. If he only owes them a few hundred I can pay that off without even troubling our mother for it." He laughs at your explanation as he tells you exactly how much your brother owes. The windows nearly shake, "WHAT!?!? 1,300 gold coins!?!" Your roar fills the room and the man in the corner nods, dabbing at his forehead again. You lean back in the chair, "That's....that's not insubstantial." You look at Tullio, who is beginning to stir.

Crezzia's voice comes up, "Andrio, there are some men here to see Tullio."


You stand up defensively and put your hand on your sidearm. Her father stands up and grabs your shoulders, "Please, Andrio, my son, please please, I know he's your brother, but you must think of your career, think of yourself." Tullio sits up and rubs his head, "Andrio? Is there something wrong?" His voice is dull and muddled, as if he were drunk.

Crezzia calls up again, "They are being very serious, Andrio."

You look downstairs and then back to your brother, then back again. Crezzia's father looks at you imploringly, "I won't give you up, but please, Adrio, do not make a choice you'll regret..."

>A) Give Tullio up (switch to Tullio)
>B) Escape (stay as Andrio)
We tried!
>>A) Give Tullio up (switch to Tullio)


Your brother sighs, "Tullio," he comes over to you and grabs your hand firmly, "I saved your life, but that's all I can do for you. I can't protect you against everything." You look up into his eyes and grit your teeth,

"Everything? Andrio, you can't protect me against a damn thing. Didn't save me from the Guild and now you want to play big brother on me? To hell with you." You jump out of the bed and pull your pistols back to your hip. Andrio looks down at the bed where you were, shaking with either rage or grief as Crezzia's father reaches out, "Hey, hey, Tullio, come on, he's done everything he can for you."

You feel the heat of your anger again before you head down the stairs. "Move aside, Crezzia," you order her once you reach the bottom of the stairs and open the door. Three men wearing the obvious markings of the Verducci stand in front of you, they look like Enforcers. "Rugerio, we need you to come with us."

You look back into their eyes and

>A) Go in willingly
>B) Resist them
>C) Write in
>>A) Go in willingly

i really want to leave this guild just so we can go and do our own thing and get money, fame, and women.

"Very well, I'm at your disposal." They nod and escort you to the edge of town where an extremely ostentatious steam-carriage is waiting for you. It's edged in all gold with extremely well worked metals and no shortage of heavily armed guards around it. The enforcers around you walk you up to it and quickly take your weapons from you before standing between you and the steamcar.

A window is raised and a voice emerges, "Tullio di Lorenzi, you are quite the troublemaker. We go to all this trouble to save you, and this is what you do? Run off to another Guild and risk a huge backlash from the King all for what? Freedom?" A match is lit inside the vehicle and you see a young man, no older than seventeen years, light up a cigar and drag on it once before breathing it out of his nose. "If it's all the same to you, I know a sunk cost when I see one. You've done some work for us, and it's paid down some of your debt, but all this trouble you've made just lets me know you're a liability to us. However, you're still protected by laws, and I honor the laws that govern our Guild." You nod your head and start to speak, but as you do so, one of the Enforcers hits you firmly in the stomach, driving the wind from you.

"Speak when spoken to, initiate. I do have every right to keep you working for us, or to send a Collector after your family, but I'm willing to make you a deal. I'll let you go from the Guild, no burn, no Collectors, no negative repercussions, on one condition. Your brother has made us look weak, and you know that can't be allowed. So, I want that bar burned, and I want his fiancee dead. You'll be protected from the law, I'll see to that, and in exchange, you get to walk as a free man. How does that sound?"

>A) Accept
>B) Refuse
>C) Try to bargain for (write in)
>B) Refuse
fuck this guy fuck and theses people im just done with this shit we look weak so kill some one can we just kill these people.

i was expecting sky adventures not politics
>>B) Refuse
"I wasn't even trying to leave the Guild, they were asking me over as a temporary instructor and were going to pay for my time.
>>B) Refuse
backing >>39906024
[Sky adventures soon, comrade.]

"No, thank you. I'm not interested in leaving, this whole ordeal was a misunderstanding. I was visiting for a temporary instruction session, nothing more, Signori. If I may offer an alternative?" The man nods, allowing you to continue, "I am a Captain before anything else. I am born to fly. Please, do not allow me to continue to disappoint in these cloak and dagger missions. I am not suited for it. Instead, let me do what I am most capable of doing." The man inside chews on his cigar for a few minutes before ashing it outside of the steam carriage.

"Very well. If you claim that's where you are best, then we'll put you where you're best. Your graduation mission is a failure anyway, the artifact was returned to the government without incident. Regardless, your Master is going to be unable to lead for a while, so we're going to relocate you and reassign you." He closes the window and whispers to a person inside the vehicle and after a few minutes opens the window again.

"Congratulations, Tullio, you're not a part of my Guild anymore, and you're not my burden to bear." A letter extends from the window, and an Enforcer passes it to you. "I've traded you for a rather spacious Aeroship to the Acronauts. You can use that letter to get to Luciana where they'll pick you up. Now, I never want to see you in another Verducci facility, or hear about you getting close to one again." He closes the window without another word as the Enforcers clamber into nearby vehicles and drive off.

You're free now, and head to the Aerodrome in a bit of a daze. It happened so quickly, and you were a bit shocked at how quickly you were let go and without incident.

~~~~A few hours later~~~~~

You step off the Aeroship and look around Luciana, the City on the Cliffs. Builds teeter tenuously on the sides of sheer cliff faces and when you look down you see that the Aerodrome itself hangs nearly half off into the sea.


A voice calls out to you, "Signori di Lorenzi, over here." You turn to face a young woman with an Aeroman's uniform on, the gauges and dials on her shoulder and arms marking her as an engineer or mechanic. She bows her head, "Welcome to Luciana, Signori, we'll be going to the training center where you can meet your contact. I'm Geraldina, Second-Service Engineer aboard the "Dauntless", and Sky-Ready of the Acronauts."

The two of you head off of the Aerodrome and down towards a carriage where she enters and you sit opposite her. The driver sets off at a pleasant speed as she looks at you, "So, I'm sure you're surprised you got transferred so quickly. The way I heard it from my superior is that you were an ill omen, but with your record, she couldn't refuse you."

You shrug politely, "I'm just glad to be free of the Verducci. Their schemes and ill deeds..." She raises her hands, "Nope, can't talk about your time with them. Part of the rules of the trade. A few more stipulations, can't show up to their property, can't serve with a member of their Guild, if you visit Sanza Serena it must be under guard by the constabulary, small stuff." She shrugs and looks at you, "Military man, huh?" You nod and ask her what gave it away. She smiles, "I can always tell someone who was trained to fly by the air force, you sit straight up and proper, like a soldier is trained to. Oerskies who were self-taught, or learned from outside sources, tend to "feel" the tiller a bit more." You nod, thanking her for what you will assume is a compliment.

Eventually you leave the carriage. "Alright, just a quick meet and greet and we'll be putting you to work, gotta get a return on you as soon as possible." She walks towards the small dome-roofed building in front of you and leads you into the hall.

A few dull conversations later you are sitting down in front of an older woman who shows you a list of ships. "These are all ships that are requesting Captains and pilots."


The Espada
Medium-Sized Galleon-Type
Medium Armed, Lightly Armored
Special Features: Piton cables, boarding bays.
Mission: Disrupt a rumored corsair group forming around the Ignatio Floatilla.

The Good Hope
Medium-Sized Skiff-Type
Medium Armed, Medium Armored
Special Features: Large storage bays, extensive mechanical and medical supplies
Mission: Land south of the Darrow-held beach in the Lost Continent. Explore as far as supplies will reasonably allow, retrieve whatever goods can be gained, return and profit for the Company.

The Martial
Small-Sized Galleon-Type
Heavily Armed, Negligibly Armored
Special Features: Rapid Deployment Balloon, Armor-Piercing Rounds
Mission: Go to the Iyakoan Confederacy and end the building conflict between the Baronies of Rustov and Lazlow in favor of the Baron of Rustov. This is a military mission alongside the Rustovan local forces.

She looks up at you and asks, "What's it going to be, Captain?"

>A) Mission 1
>B) Mission 2
>C) Mission 3
>>B) Mission 2
that large storage bay is what im rally after
oh man, they all sound so cool
I guess 1 gives us the best chance of finishing in time to pick another, so

"I'll go aboard the Good Hope. I've always wanted to see the Lost Continent." She nods and signs her name down on the mission request, has you sign yours, seals the order with a wax mark of the Guild and hands it to you. "The Good Hope is leaving the Aerodrome tomorrow night. Settle in tonight, make your last minute preparations tomorrow, and be ready to push off, they need you to fly, Signori." You nod and thank her, following Geraldina to your quarters where she leaves you to collapse on the bed in exhaustion.


[Finally we get to be on an Aeroship, I'm sure is the sentiment of everyone involved, myself included. We got way too deep in this politico stuff way too soon, not to say I don't like it, but we weren't grounded in the world yet for any of it to matter. So, we're going to take to the skies next time. Look at the Twitter for an update on when we'll be starting. Next thread is going to be Lost Continent #3.5, since this one was so short, and hopefully we can pick up some more steam.

As always, email is [email protected] if you want to help me by playing in the tabletop itself, I'm still looking for players, and thanks all for playing.]
thanks for running
Aww, we didn't get to say goodbye to the cute cheymist lady. Want to see her again
What do you mean by playing in the tabletop? This is based on an ongoing game?
[Mistress Minerva has not been seen for the last time.]

[This is based on a tabletop I'm building. All the mechanics, the setting, everything is based on that, and I'm running it as a Quest to keep me inspired as I work on it. I'm looking for people to beta test the game and have some fun with it.]
Huh, catching it live.

Captain, I love yourr setting and want to see more of it. Sadly, I'm usually asleep when you run. Ever thought of running much earlieer on Weekends so poor europeans like yours truly can participate?
[Glad to hear you like it. Actually, the Sunday game this week is going to start at 11 AM EST, so that's about 4 PM depending where in Europe you are (I'm using French time, I think). So, hopefully you'll be available for that. Also, if you want more and want to beta some mechanics, I'd be glad to have you join the tabletop group. Just let me know your hours and day preferences, and we can work something out.]
I'm pretty interested. Just send an email to that address for signup?
[You betcha]
Tempting. I'm on Berlin time, it's 6:50am here.
On EST too, so close to 1am

[I'll do my best to arrange a time frame we can all work with. Probably gonna be 1/week, but I think it'll be fun.]


[Just lemme know when's good, and we can figure it out. I've got one player already down. Sadly, that's gonna do it for me tonight, I have work in the morning. Later guys, hope to hear from you. ]
Goddammit, I missed it again. Looks like it's a life of archivefaggotry for this anon. Regardless, good thread.

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