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Hello and welcome to Lost In Time Quest! You are John Erin Perry, commonly called Jeppers (to your chagrin), and you’re the President of the Civil Engineers Association of Roanoke and surrounding districts. Of course, those surrounding districts seem to have taken a holiday, or maybe Roanoke has, and you find yourself, along with the rest of your small town, in another land and time. But now, you’ve got a job to do, and that’s taking care of Roanoke.

Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=ArtemisQM
Twitter: https://twitter.com/artemisQM


The first week after the grand war is finally over, and Roanoke is getting back on track. Almost literally. The railway bridge, still hanging out over the waters of the sea (or wherever Roanoke has been sent) has been extended, and is beginning a slow curve towards the shores of Hashan, off in the distance. Your plan for having an easy system of transport between your own land and that of the dorves is working remarkably well, and you know you could get it done within the month, thanks to the help of magic and dorven labor.

It’s not just the railroads that are making communication easier. You’ve set up the first radio over in Hashan, so you can talk with them and ensure that you can plan for future events quickly, without having to use boats or the train (when that’s complete).

>Congratulations! You can now influence production in Hashan!

Apart from that, Roanoke has many of its own needs to take care of, and it’s your job to allocate to them appropriate levels of priority. After all, you are the Rohvakin, as everyone likes to call you now. That, or Jeppers. You don’t know which one you hate more.

“Welcome to the Town Hall of Roanoke, please line up-” the security blinks as she recognizes your face. “Oh. Sorry, Jep. I think Mary’s free upstairs, if you want to talk with her.”

You nod your thanks and head along, pushing through the line of people waiting at the desk. Since you’ve decided to let the dorves stay, they’ve been working on plenty of their own projects, occasionally helping or hindering the humans in their efforts on the island. This leads to a few complaints, and so it’s up to the Town Hall to sort out the disputes and figure it all out.

Mary smiles as you enter her office. “Hi there, Jep! We’ve got quite a workload for this week.”

“First things first, legislature. We need to draft a basic constitution of rights for everyone here. It’ll take quite a while, especially if we want it to be fair for everyone, including whoever joins us in the future, but we can also settle for some basic laws so that we don’t have to deal with the townspeople complaining that the dorves are building through the night.”

“Apart from that, we’ve set up the radio between Hashan and Roanoke, so we can talk at any time if you want to get something from them. Might take a bit of bartering though, depending on what you want.”

“Apart from that, we also need to work on our primary sources of profits. Yeah, yeah, taxation sucks, but if we do get some actual money system going, it’ll be easier for us to buy goods from the dorves.”

“That’s about it. Catch ya later!”
writeinfag reporting for duty, let's get this party started.

You go to meet with the dorves of Roanoke, who now have very nice underground offices. You guess they’re even nicer than the Town Hall. Either way, they’re making themselves pretty comfortable.

Before you, they set out a few maps. “Johnerin, we’ve noticed that our warrens have begun to extend into ore-rich territory down below. We have begun mining operations, but we realize that this is your land, and we’d like to know what you want us to do with it.”

>Cease all operations
>Continue operations, keep the ore for yourselves
>Continue operations, give up (fraction) of ore to us

“Apart from that, we are also still in want of one of those paper mills. We realize that we are your citizens now, and we would be happy to both build and work in one, assuming that we collected our own share of the profit. You could sell it for enough to make everyone very rich men.”

“And finally, if you do require us, we can help out with any of your other projects, assuming you have some paper left to use for base materials.”
>>Continue operations, give up (fraction) of ore to us
>Continue operations, give up (fraction) of ore to us
They do have a right to at least part of it, and if they get something from it, they're more likely to continue.
I find it hilarious that the main industry of the mysterious island of Roanoke will be paper.

The sound of grinding and whirring fills the giant warehouse, but to your own ears and the ears of the CEA, it’s just wonderful background music to the Playground. Lathes now cover every square inch of the floor, all working on either making more of themselves (you’ve heard more than a few of the CEA joke about “I am become lathe” or “Unlimited Lathe Works”) or working on personal projects of the engineers. Still more sit silent, waiting for your own orders.

Joan and Michael walk up to you, with Joan scribbling away at a clipboard and Michael carrying what appears to be a small lathe-made injection molder.

They both smile as they see you. “Ah, Rohvakin, you’ve arrived.”

“Please don’t start that.”

Michael chuckles. “Eh, you chose the name yourself. It does sound kinda badass, like you’re out of the Elder Scrolls or something. Anyway,” he hands off the injection molder to you, “look what we made.”


“First one off the line. It’s not rated for steel, but I figure we could actually get some tin or aluminium, either from Hashan or mine it ourselves, and start making toys or some other goods. We could sell them pretty damn easily, we think.”

Joan nods. “Michael’s right. We’ve scaled up as far as we can right now, and we’re pushing it with the power situation, since it isn’t exactly built for lathes running night and day. They only manage because of all the magic we got the dorves to put on. I think we should either start manufacturing some goods to sell to Hashan, or more weapons-”

“Joan, you’re absolutely obsessed with your goddamn howitzers and mortars.”

Joan harrumphs. “They’re perfectly good weapons, and just what we need to take over this planet. That is the game plan, right?”
*sigh* dammit artemis either put up a fraction or put
at the bottom so we know what you want.
Still writing.

Richard grins as he hands you over a rifle. Or at least part of the rifle. You recognize it as the receiver for an AR-15, but not much more than that.

“Uh...What is this?”

Richard’s grin widens. “Give a guess.”

You inspect the receiver closer. “I’d say an AR-15 from your stockpile, but I can’t see any serial numbers oh no fucking way.”

“That’s right,” Richard cries with glee, “say hello to the first fully-automatic weapon made in this world! Jesus Christ, with the precision on those lathes it’s piss easy to build an upper! It takes a long time though, only managed to get this done late last night, with the lathe running for the past week! Wanted to make sure I didn’t rush and fuck it up.”

“Well then,” you hand back the reciever, “what’s your plan?”

“I still want to train the rest of Roanoke, you see. I’d also like to build more of these rifles, but I can’t, since I’ve only got so much five-five-six and I really don’t want to burn through that. So my top priority is getting a damn powder-mill up and running.”

“Nothing else?”

“Powder mill, militia, AR-15s. That’s all.”

>>Capitalism! (Currency and Taxes)
>>Full constitution (2AP)
>>Laws (1AP)
>>Influence Hashan (1AP)
>>Paper Mills (1AP, can't use Enhance)
>>Enhance! (1AP)
>>Create Goods
>>Make Injection Molders
>>Make Lathes Blanks are my body, stock is my blood
>>Make Howitzers (75mm)
>>Make mortars (60mm)
>>Powder Mill (1AP, can't use Dorves)
>>Train Militia (1AP)
>>Make AR15s (1AP)

>>Laws (1AP)
>>Enhance! (1AP)

>>Create Goods

>>Powder Mill (1AP, can't use Dorves)
>>Full constitution (2AP)
>>Laws (1AP)
wait on capitalism until we set up some jobs.
>>Powder Mill (1AP, can't use Dorves)
won't work, enhance is dorven, can't use dorves if powder mill.
>>>Capitalism! (Currency and Taxes)
get it out of the way
constitution first, laws later
>>>Powder Mill (1AP, can't use Dorves)
We should set up laws before capitalism, it'll reduce thieving.
>Full Constitution
vote so far
>capitalism 2
>laws 2
>constitution 3
>powder mill 3
>enhance 2
>create goods 1
Powder Mill, Locked in. Dorves locked.
Constitution locked in.

You have 1AP left.
Capitalism seems like our best bet. Laws are redundant with a constitution and Enhance! is now locked.
upon further reflection, we should probably start paying people.
eh, not redundant, they'll clear things up and cover what the constitution can't because they can change, but they can wait.
A constitution will at least give us a firm basis of what is and isn't a crime, as well as how our government is to be run. We can get to the nitty-gritty specifics later.
I gotta step out for like two hours. hopefully some lurkers come in to clear up any voting.
Then Capitalism is final.

Please choose your Constitution type:

>Freedom: To truly live, one must be as a bird.
>Order: To survive in an unknown world, cooperation is required.
>Autocracy: Many ideas stall all progress. Give the reigns to one who knows what they're doing.
>>Order: To survive in an unknown world, cooperation is required.
>>Freedom: To truly live, one must be as a bird.

Lurkers, I summon thee.
Reporting in!
>>Freedom: To truly live, one must be as a bird.
This is the obvious choice unless you want to extrapolate on any advantages of the different types.
Why you want to take away muh freedoms?
Freedom it is!

Please roll 2d100 for the week's success and the constitution's success. I'll take the best of three for both of them.
Rolled 40, 98 = 138 (2d100)

Rolled 52, 100 = 152 (2d100)

well we're off to a good start
Constitution crit success.

One more roll, see if you can crit the week as well.
Rolled 7, 68 = 75 (2d100)

...holy shit
the dice gods smile upon the constitution
I guess I'll roll again seeing as I already critted once.
damn. Oh well, we have a middling week.
Writing for this glorious thing.
Could the spirits of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson call out across the plains of reality in awe of our Constitution's wonder?

The week goes by reasonably quickly. First of all, the Town Hall, with the help of the abundant lathes lying around, starts making the first few coins. Luckily, the dorves are happy to share some of the metal they’ve recovered from underground, so now gold and silver fills people’s wallets, as opposed to just plastic. Of course, being a town full of engineers, coins are there more for the feel of the thing, as the CEA have actually made credit cards. They’re hella premium, made from steel and gold trim over the numbers, and people take to them reasonably quickly. The coins themselves are relegated for trade with Hashan, who also enjoy it.

The other parts of the week also go reasonably well. The powder mill was unable to be finished, due to an apparent accident with the dorves not understanding units of measurement, but that seems fixed and will likely be finished by next week all the same.

But then comes the constitution. In the space of six hours, you and a group of humans and dorves take inspiration from all Old World constitutions, and start to make one that’s better. More powerful. The perfect balance of power, so that each person may live their life as they feel, all while contributing to the cause of Roanoke. You were crying as you signed your name at the end of the piece, and many others were as well.

When you publish the constitution, in the form of a gold and silver plated obelisk in the centre of town, people are happy to see it. Rather than following the word of the law, people follow the spirit of it.

But the dorves.

Oh boy, the dorves. There has never been such thing as a truly democratic society in this world, as far as you can tell. And upon seeing it for the first time, they are all in awe...

>Congratulations! The Dorves swear themselves to you, and are happy to give up a fair percentage of their earnings so you may further your goals and make Roanoke number one!
>Dorven immigration increases! By 500!
Writing up next week. Chat about how much you love this quest.
>Could the spirits of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson call out across the plains of reality in awe of our Constitution's wonder?

The spirits of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson did not call out across the plains of reality in awe of our Constitution's wonder.

6/10 try harder next time.

but seriously this is pretty good, when do you normally do these threads?
Every weekend, usually, from Friday to Sunday.
Also, there are hidden bonuses to that Constitution of yours, mate.

It will be revealed in due time. Let's say anarchy won't be a problem.
already i'm back but my participation will be kinda spotty for the next hour, great stuff though art.
dammit artemis did you fall asleep right before I got back.
welp, artemis either fell asleep or crashed again, what do you guys think of building a giant city underneath the island?
what do guys think of pic related for our train?
(speaking of which we need to finish that railroad.)
Thread archived in case Artemis never comes back.
we're waiting for you buddy.
>Lathes now cover every square inch of the floor

I told you

I told you this would happen.

But you didn't listen.

You didn't listen and now it is too late.
they're like cats in dwarf fortress.
I regret nothing.
bump for hope.
You're back!
So you're continuing right?
(also what happened to you man? you crash or something?)

It was actually a bit of a family emergency. Apologies on my end, but I'm back for now, it's all good.

Mary grins as you enter her Town Hall office, “Hey there, Councilmember Rovahkin! How you doing?”

You shake your head as you sit down in the opposing chair, “See, I knew I shouldn’t have become one of the Councilmembers. People are just gonna start calling me by a title. At least Jep put me on a level field.”

Mary laughs, taking a sip from a glass of water in front of her. “Well, you were one of the signing members. That means automatic election to one of the most powerful people here in Roanoke. It’s not like you weren’t already making all the decisions anyway, with me being your pretty little figurehead.”

“Fair enough. Well, what can I do for you?”

“Right, so we can continue building the railroad, that’s a top priority for trade, and it’s probably also a good idea to actually set up a form of marketplace. Sure, Hashan needs our goods, and we need theirs, but imagine all the other civilizations out there, waiting for what we can give.”

“Past that, it may be a good idea to implement a form of universal education. The kids aren’t really learning any more, and the dorves themselves, while smart, don’t really know much about math or physics beyond what they were always told.”

“And, finally, you can always make a speech. It’ll raise moral, maybe get people to work better.”
>“And, finally, you can always make a speech. It’ll raise moral, maybe get people to work better.”
You're kidding, right?


A speech?
>You're kidding, right?
>A speech?
You're motherfucking Rohvakin, mate.

And it'll give you bonuses to your weekly rolls, if you choose to spend an AP that way.
That was supposed to be IC, to Mary. Sorry.
wait seriously? we're makin a fuckin speech than with our rolls we need all the help we can get.
Totally making the speech in rovahkin armor. Might want to put it out on twitter that you're back if you haven't.

It appears that, with the creation of the Rohvakin Constitution, the dorves are all very excited to be living in Roanoke. And with seven hundred of them, you’re sure that they’re ready to do some things themselves.

>Congratulations! You get another AP! That means you’re now at 5AP!

Of course, now that the Constitution lists all citizens free and equal, the dorven representative has now taken up an office in the Town Hall, just a ways along from Mary. He smiles as you enter, and says in Dorvish, “A pleasure to see you, Rohvakin. Here for the weekly report?”

You nod, and he hands over a clipboard, handling it rather reverently, possibly because of the paper upon it. “The main idea is that, now that there are more of us, we’d like to expand further underground. If we do, we’re more than likely to have to increase our mining efforts in the veins. Good for you, if you want the materials, but it’s possible you may want us for more work. Apart from that, we’ve heard word from Hashan that there will be the Noros-Soros, or the ‘north’ and ‘south’ meetings for all dwarves. Considering that we are actually a sizable number of dorves on our own, I think it’s entirely possible that we may actually join, to represent Roanoke. It’ll take a lot of time, and investment from you, but if we can pull it off then Roanoke can be recognized as its own hearthplace, thus worthy of notice and able to trade with the other hearthplaces.”
If we can't pull off the mysterious race image for all the humans of Roanoke, we should at least do it for ourselves, and maybe the CEA, to create the idea that Roanoke has otherworldly protectors.
Still holding out for managing it with pretty much all the ambassadors etc. that will be in contact with the other races.
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guys... we need to expand underground.
>I am Urist McRyan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a dwarf not entitled to the sweat of his brow? "No," says the man in Roanoke, "it belongs to the CEA." "No," says the Barrel in Hashan, "it belongs to the hearthplace." "No," says the man in Cliffcoast, "it belongs to the strongest." I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Dorfture. A city where the sculptor would not fear the censor; where the engineer would not be bound by petty morality; where the short would not be constrained by the tall! And with the sweat of your brow, Dorfture can become your city as well.
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...artemis have you disappeared again?
Looks like it.

Pretty shitty of him to do this over and over with no explanation. It would take him like 15 seconds to tell us he needs to go.
dude, family emergency tends to mean emergency, little more tolerance.
No no, you're right, I could've taken a half second to do it. I had mentioned yesterday that today would be shorter and more chaotic.

The CEA is chaos.

All the lathes now not just occupy the ground floor, but have started to migrate to a second floor above. That certainly wasn’t there before, and you can guess that it was only made recently.

Joan and Michael manage to make their way out of the mess, only to face you watching them. “This wasn’t meant to happen,” they both respond.

You wait for them to continue. They do so. “So you see, the dorves, not Hashan but our dorves, they wanted some new tools-“

Michael interrupts, “but the thing was, there were a lot of them, and sure we had a lot of lathes but to make enough tools for what they wanted, we needed-“

“More lathes,” Joan continues, pointing to the room, “and thankfully we’re almost done.”

“What are you making?”

Both of them look at each other, then bow their heads in shame. “No idea. But we figured that whatever it was, it would probably be complex, and we’d need more lathes.”

“So what are you planning to do with them?”

“Well, we’ve got some plans. For one-“

“Howitzers,” Joan deadpans. “And mortars. 60mm mortars.”

Michael shakes his head, and looks at you pleadingly. “Come on, we could probably make some breech-loaders to sell. Or even those toys I originally suggested! With the dorves digging out Roanoke, we’ve got quite a bit of supplies.”

“Anything else you guys want?”

“Uh…if we could get rid of these lathes in a nice and useful way, that would be nice.”
holy shit they really are like DF cats.
>All the lathes now not just occupy the ground floor, but have started to migrate to a second floor above. That certainly wasn’t there before, and you can guess that it was only made recently.

We must run while they are still distracted.

Bring only what you can carry.

We will start anew someplace else.

Bah. Get a slaughterer set up and all's good.
So, a recycling plant?
Shit, you guys are getting as overpowered as one of those SI fanfics that have them take modern shit in too.
so what do you guys think of eventually building pic related for fast-response combat?
Currently, you only have about 2600-700 citizens, and 700 of those are Dorves. To give you an idea, you're in the backcountry. The population of the world is pretty damn large, easily millions, possibly billions.
also, should we design for sleek and refined, or steampunk?
Sleek and refined gives of an angelic kind of look, where steampunk gives of kinda the same feel as the rovahkin armor.
I personally think steampunk just for that effect.

“Powder mill, more AR-15s, or train the town.” Richard shrugs. “Same as last time.”

You nod, and slowly walk away from the man holding two fully automatic rifles.

>>Continue Railroad
>>Build Marketplace
>>Enhance (1AP, paper)
>>Extend warrens (2AP, can’t use Dorves, gain resources)
>>Prepare for Noros-Soros (1AP)
>>Howitzers or Mortars
>>Trade goods
>>Give away lathes (to who?)
>>Powder Mill (1AP, to finish up)
>>Train Roanoke
Magitek a la FF6?
>>Give away lathes (to who?)
Gun guy.
>>Powder Mill (1AP, to finish up)
>>Prepare for Noros-Soros (1AP)
>>Build Marketplace
>>Prepare for Noros-Soros (1AP)
>>Trade goods
>>Powder Mill (1AP, to finish up)
>>Howitzers or Mortars
>>Powder Mill (1AP, to finish up)
>>Continue Railroad
>>Build Marketplace

If trhere's Kaiju's and shit Yeah, I can see having something that big but other than I can't really see why we'd need something like that.
for now the only things I really have an opinion on are
>>Continue Railroad
>>Enhance (1AP, paper)
we enhanced it last time and need to be consistent, and the sooner we get it built the better.
damn this is hard, we need to build up our AP stock.
>>Continue Railroad
>>Enhance (1AP, paper)
railroad for consistancy
>>Prepare for Noros-Soros (1AP)
>>Powder Mill (1AP, to finish up)
>>Howitzers or Mortars
Powder Mill is locked in as well as Education.
art, you forget your trip?
>>Continue Railroad
>>Enhance (1AP, paper)
>>Prepare for Noros-Soros (1AP)
vote so far
>polders 1
>education 3
>give away lathes 1
>powder mill 4
>Noros 4
>marketplace 2
>trade goods 1
>howitzers 2
>railroad 3
>enhance railroad 2
Assuming all highest votes are taken,
>powder mill 4
>Noros 4
>railroad 3
>education 3
are all locked, which leaves a tie-breaker vote between
>enhance railroad 2
>marketplace 2
>howitzers 2
as the fifth action.
That's not me.

Powder mill, locked in. Noros, locked in. Education, locked in. Railroads, locked in.

Please vote for your fifth action, please.
>enhance railroad
we did it for the first part, we should be consistent and build it to last.
Enhance railroad, I guess.
>>Howitzers or Mortars

Are we revoting?

I'll stick with the
You fellas ever heard of trainwiz?
>>Howitzers or Mortars

>enhance railroad
I have heard of Trainwiz, I've actually downloaded weels of lull, yet to start it.
be careful, i've actually pretty thoroughly boned my skyrim with extensive modding, i'm going to have to do a complete wipe and re-install if 'm going to play it again, from everything I've seen though wheels of lull looks awesome.
Writing for enhance.

Please roll 2d100, one for Noros-Soros, the other for the week.Noros Soros is in three weeks, and you can continue to do it if this goes badly or really well.
I know, I've been modding skyrim since it came out in 2011, and I'm still rather horrible at it. My game can't run for more than an hour (usually less) now without crashing.

It's fun though, brings me back to the game.

Also great quest, just finished reading the last 4 threads in the archieve.
Rolled 53, 26 = 79 (2d100)

any bonus's?
No, there were no speeches.

Someone else better roll.
Rolled 57, 32 = 89 (2d100)

Let's git to work
wait we can write-in speechs? ...give me a few minutes.
Speeches cost an AP. Which you didn't spend.
Rolled 13, 68 = 81 (2d100)

Rolled 42, 16 = 58 (2d100)

I'll throw in a roll, got no speeches
I would like to argue that you should've put it in the list then.
Damn, you guys rolled pretty poorly.

You did average for Noros-Soros (week 1/3) and slightly above average for the week.

Shit, I forgot?

Alright then, roll 1d20 to make a speech. For each point above thirteen, earn five extra points to one specific choice. This means you can earn another 35 points right now.

I'll boost your score by 2 if you write-in a good speech.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Yeah, well.

We still have a kickass Constitution.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

People of roanoke, these last few weeks have been a time of great change for us, yet still we press on. The dwarves of Hashan have proven to be excellent allies, and we are grateful for their help in the construction of many parts of Roanoke as we now know it, to survive in this land we must grow strong, and I promise you, that we will grow stronger than all those who oppose us, Roanoke shall never fall, and we will see to it, that it continues to grow, into a symbol of freedom for all those who wish it. This would not be possible without you. Thank you everyone, let us continue forward into the future, unafraid of what it may bring."
Can we give the speech in Rovahkin armor?
Would you rather apply the 35 to Noros-Soros, or the week in general?
the week in general, i'm not letting that damn railroad fall apart.
The week I guess.
the week
after all, you can't tell me it would be awesom to be the only civilization in the world to have a giant magic train.
Speaking of which what do the dorves think the track is for? they have no idea what a train is after all.

And the week goes by. The preparation for the Noros-Soros gets under way, though there is some slight stalling at the beginning as the dorves and humans figure out exactly what they’re doing, and how they’ll represent Roanoke to the world. By the end of it they have an idea, and something to show for it (being the paper), but they want more.

Now, of course, the week for everyone else went very, very well.

“And so, citizens of both Roanoke and Hashan, I’d like to present to you the first Rohvah-railway. Going straight from Roanoke to Hashan, it covers the fifteen miles and can do the trip in about ten minutes, and we’ll continue to work on improving that time so that soon a commute means nothing. So, I now declare that despite the water between us, nothing shall separate Roanoke and Hashan, or sever their allegiance. Thank you.”

With that, Mary cuts the ribbon, and people cheer as the first train, already loaded with passengers, heads off to Hashan. You also listen on the radio as Tsin-Chak says the same message to her own people, with their own train heading right on back.

Yeah, the train is now set up, and trade is becoming a lot more popular between the two cities, especially with the new Roanoke coins in circulation with non-citizens. The cards themselves remain within Roanoke, since the machines to get the number print of the cards haven’t been duplicated and given to those in Hashan to use.

Apart from that, the powder mill is now up and running, with the dorves from the mines showing some native stones with properties similar to saltpeter and such. Richard was certainly happy that he wouldn’t be left behind, though he’s working with some spellgineers to figure out a good way to make smokeless powder. Already paper is going up on the factory machinery.

Talking about machinery.

The school has been set up again, and kids are soon going back to school, actually excited for once.


And then there are the dorves, all lined up in the engineering class.

Each one has a lathe.

>Congrats! Your dorven citizens are Mediocre with Engineering! They now know basic principles that they can apply to magic!

Alright guys, I'm going to quickly write up all the options, but I can't run through the night today (since work expects me in early). Once they're written, I'll take the options and finish those off for tomorrow. Thank you for your patience!
so you're going to take the options now and write them tomorrow?
Gonna write it now, and you guys vote, and I'll collate and write it tomorrow. Hey, if you don't mind more sporadic posts, I could do this through the week, too.
some artemis, nother emergency?
Of course not. I'm writing it all out.

Plus I'm getting my website together for the book I'm publishing tomorrow, but *of course* you guys are more important than that.
>Publishing a book

Do tell.
ah HA! please elaborate!


The short synopsis is Sci Fi lord of the flies.

Here's the full synopsis: Humanity has discovered fusion energy, and has moved away from Earth to the rest of the solar system, building a new world on the back of clean power. But in spite of their efforts, the years of pollution from before, when fossil fuels were used in abundance, have taken their toll on Earth, and it’s building up to the next big mass extinction.

So a ship is built, the first ship capable of going As Fast As Light, crewed with the best and brightest to pilot it to a new planet where they hope humanity can rebuild.

And yet, even as they set out, it all starts to go wrong.

I can't reveal more, for many reasons, including but not limited to it's not published yet, but you should see it for $4.99 on Amazon, or the website itself.

Who the fuck needs to beg for money from Patreon when you can do something worth spending money on.
link to website. I am now interested.

[email protected]

Please email me there to know more.

And thus begins the next week of Roanoke. You’ve got plenty of things to do, and plenty of items on the itinerary that you’ll need to catch up on. First, you head along to Administration.

“Jep, we’ve got a problem.” Mary warns you, pulling you into the Town Hall council room. There, you see the dorven representative checking his toes for dirt, along with Mitch the farmer, Richard who’s putting together a revolver, and Tsin-Chak herself, who smiles on seeing you.

“Good morning, Rohvakin. It’s nice to see you again,” she says, indicating the empty seat beside her. “Come, let us get this meeting started. Oh, put this on.” she hands you the mask from your mech-armor, and you oblige, still wondering what’s going on.

“Alright. So, what’s it about?”

“Everything,” says the group sternly.

Tsin-Chak begins, “Well, there’s this.” she points towards the door, where you spot Dralich Hofnar quietly coming through the door.

nope, silent and mysterious as fuck.
Nod in welcoming. Say nothing yet.
Writing for this then, unless lurkers wish to join.

Nah I'm good with that.

As Dralich enters, you give him a nod, feeling surprisingly naked without the rest of your armor on, just the mask. He notices it too, and seems surprised upon seeing you, though he doesn’t recognize you for human, from what you can tell. After all, his entire complexion is much closer to a Middle Eastern appearance, much different from your own pasty white skin.

He sits down in the final free seat, looking around the table (where you notice that Richard, Mary, and Mitch are all wearing masks, all appearing to have something to do with their fields. You are more than a bit intimidated by the scarred remains of a rifle that litter Richard’s face, a gruesome mix that feels painful to look at, with springs and latches sticking out at awkward ends.

Dralich slowly coughs, and begins. “I have come...to reconsider. The United Clans would like your help.”

>We would be happy to help.
>What’s the problem
>Fuck off.
>We will listen, and than we will decide.
>What’s the problem
Writing for this, I guess.
Sorry I was eating I'm fine with >>40025314
Holy shit guys I just thought of something, let's refer to the other three with titles based on what they do
we are: Rhovakin
Mary is: Voice
Mitch is: Hand
and Richard is: Blade
Mary is: Peace
Mitch is: Preparation
Richard is: War
you seeing the logical progression?
>By the way, you want some lathes?
Wouldn't you Mitch be more like the Plow?
Eh, I kinda like hand better.
all we need to do is look at them when we address them.
It'll add to the feeling we're trying to give off.
sound good? hell they could be official titles.

"The King shits, and the Hand wipes."
>Blade Not AR-15
I'm thinking we should call them this if we have to talk to them or ask their opinion while Dralich is here, hell we might want to ask them anyway just so that we can name-drop to improve the feeling.
nnnnot what I was getting at...
Nobody else really knows what a gun is, it's more of a symbol for what he does than an actual direct correlation
You could call him the Receiver.
I really like the whole
Peace/preparation/war. thing though, it really gives off a feeling of what they do, and it establishes a solid connection.
The Trigger/Hammer
>doesn't recognize the quote
Unlimited Pleb Works
I get the quote, it just means something different from what I was trying to get at.
that's pretty good, still kinda like the PPW thing though.
I feel like naming Mary "peace" is only acceptable if it is done ironically.

You hum, the sound ringing out of your mask to create a low drone that rattles a glass on the table. “We will listen to what you ask of us, and we shall decide afterwards. Sound fair?”

Dralich nods, and begins his tale. “The United Clans of Cliffcoast, we’ve started to build a city of our own on the far coast. We...realize that we’re just doing what you had offered us in the beginning, without even the advantage of working with you...but you had killed my men. I was angry. Very angry. And I wanted to show you what humans could do...”

“And?” you prod.

“...Well, we do need help. You see...the forest that we’ve set up next to...there are...elves.”

Tsin-Chak and the representative both go silent. The other humans in the room just look at each other in confusion.


Tsin-Chak quickly says in Dorven, “Elves are strange beings, tall and pale creatures. In fact, they look like a taller version of you. Which may explain why Dralich here is even more nervous right now than when you were in your armor.”

Tsin-Chak seems to be correct; Dralich is very, very nervously looking back and forth from your mask to your exposed arms, both the pasty whiteness that affects all engineers everywhere, no matter your own native race.

Dralich continues, “Well, the elves have been stealing our children, and we’ll find their half-eaten carcasses on the edges of our city. The women and children are all scared for the lives, and to be honest, the men are too. We’d really, really appreciate it if you would help us.”

>Yes, but...
>No, but...
>Write In
>Yes, but...
>You will have to let us help you. We will not ask you to join us, but you must set aside your stubbornness, and let us help where we see we must.
>Yes, but...

The condition is teach us your magic.

So Flamenwerfers? Napalm? Helfiremissiles? I'm getting excited.
napalm could probably help us, but if these are like what I think they are, they might have an aversion to salt or silver.
Rocksalt shotgunshells. also Pic related given to each person loaded with it.
we're defiantly going to need a few rovah suits to help us with this.
Less impressive-looking than the Rovahkin suit of course, we have an image to maintain.Speaking of which the Rovahkin suit needs an upgrade so we don't have to downgrade the basic Rovah for effect.

You wish to go for both?

Please roll 1d20.

Rolled 3 (1d20)

Rolled 10 (1d20)

fuuuuuck where are the goodrolls anons.
also, phrase the magic thing as asking, not demanding, we'll help them even if they don't.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 3 (1d20)

That'll do pig. That'll do.
that'll do.
dammit /k/ stop copying me.
Hey you commented after me if anyone's copying it's you.
i meant the dice roll, my luck is shitty enough without somebody else doing the same thing.
Ah, okay sorry about the misunderstanding.

Hamburgers aren't exactly sandwiches captcha...
Well, somebody had to roll a roll worth something.
Oh, sure rub it in why don't you?

You nod. “I will agree. But I have my own terms that you will have to agree to. Firstly, you must let us help you. That is what you have asked us to do, and that is what we will do, and I’d rather not have you decide what you do or do not need help with.”

Dralich frowns, “What, you think we can’t-”

You push on, allowing the mask to send your words bouncing across the room, filling the space. “Secondly, you must teach us the magic of humans. I know humans for what they are, but not their magic, and I would like to learn your abilities.”

Dralich stands up at this, roaring, “Now hold on-”


The entire room shrinks back from you, especially Dralich. And slowly, he nods his defeat, and acceptance, of your help.
oooor that works to.
let the elf hunt begin.

But unfortunately, I'm barely awake and I don't want to write like shit.

This has been a good weekend, methinks.

Archive: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=ArtemisQM
Twitter: https://twitter.com/artemisQM

And for those who wonder about my book, I'll alert ya if you want to buy it.
Allright thank's for running and your book does sound interesting as hell. I'll keep an eye out for it the next time I go to the bookstore.

I know it's not published yet but it's on my reading list.
Thanks man! I really appreciate it! Have a nice night!
so is there a creature that acts like stereotypical elves? I remember reading a webcomic once were orcs acted like native American tribes and were herbivorous.

Things that are snobby and spoiled? You might be thinking of the orcs. Except more british than that.
i meant forest-dwelling guardians of the trees and all that shit,
but snobby british orcs sounds hilarious.
what about halflings?
anything like goliaths?
what sentient species are there?

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