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An ancient grognard dies. His family goes and bags all his stuff and tosses it in the trash.

Being a good samaritan I come to the rescue. What do I find?

Rolling for random treasure /tg/

Thread may start slow due to taking pictures and posting contents
>Did He Drop Any Loot : The Thread
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First up a copy of a Dune board game
Avalon Hill's game from 1979, but that's the '84 cover. Not a bad game, goes for a fair bit on ebay.
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It appears complete and looks pretty cool actually. I just don't know who I'd play against.
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Next up...

Lets look inside
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Oh man, this 1981 catalog sure is sweet. and older than 90% of /tg/

It also came with huge maps in great condition. Not sure what to use it for currently.
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The other maps
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Up next, what do I spy? An old Traveller box
Oh yay, the Deluxe Ed, I have that one.
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I dunno if its complete, I'll post 2 pics. First set of books.
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second books and other stuff
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Next up, some books to break this up.

Autoduel Champions is uncut with the counters inside, the other books are in great condition except Thieves Guild 6 has some scribbling on the front
The map, Introductory Adventure and Books 0,1,2 and 3 all came in the box, the rest is a bonus
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Bunch of Osprey books. Good for historical unit painting if you're into civil war.
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Appears to be unpunched too.
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Man, I miss big maps boxed up with RPG's that you could just plonk down for a city chase scene, work out factions running an area, figure out how long it takes to get from A-B and a nicely detailed world for ideas you can bounce around in your skull before putting an adventure together.
Modern RPG manufacturers are cheap, lazy cunts
All of this stuff seems to be in near-mint condition, it's remarkable. So far you're got a couple of hundred dollars worth of goodies here.
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the folded map is fucking huge
Rest in Peace Venerable Grognard.
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Holy shit, I'm totally hanging this on my wall
/tg/ has ruined me. I can't take anything with quest at the end seriously now.
Any actual Elfquest RPG books in there? That shit is rare.
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I hear you. Some are okay, some are bad wish fulfillment bs

More books btw

This is only the tip of the iceberg. I have 8 huge hefty bags worth of vintage boardgames and rpg shit. Its unfucking believable. This is why you should have an estate planner before you toss everything. If they put it on ebay they would've gotten some money.
Good that it's in safe hands again
What you've posted so far adds up to several hundred at least
Excellent sampling of late 70s/early 80s materials
Thats what you get for throwing out dead peoples stuff without having a look at it first.
10 bucks says the guy comes back as a ghost to whine at them.
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I guess we'll see. Going through it as we speak. I wanted to share with /tg/ because I've never had anything like this happen to me. I should go to the casino.
Harpoon shit? Now I'm getting jellymad.
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OH MY. THE MAPS ARE IN MINT FUCKING CONDITION. Getting excited the more I dig
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I think I'm the first person to ever open these up. Must've sat on his shelf for 30 years.
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>My Greyhawk maps look like they've been chewed on
>My Cyberpunk 2020 books are missing and I don't know where they are

>cries internally
>guy collected superb set of RPG/wargame materials
>never got to play a single one

You are bound by sacred tradition to honour the memory of this fallen grog and SCAN THIS SHIT.
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The second map
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A bag inside a bag? Its fucking heavy.
You are a really lucky man, you know that? Especially since you recognized the worth of that guy's stuff when his family didn't.
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And its loaded, and I mean LOADED with Epic 40k. This bag must weigh at least 10 pounds.
oh man, fuck you in the nicest possible way
Holy fucking jackpot
Jesus Christ OP, you hit the fucking jackpot. You stumbled on an oil well of nerd shit. I'm jelly as fuck.
Ah jesus christ you were lucky before but now you're a real lucky bastard. Any other heavy bags indicating miniatures?
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Fucking nice.
This image gave me a boner, no joke
Go by a lottery ticket.
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That was all just the first bag. I had to borrow a van to toss it all in the back. They're industrial sized trash bags. I'll be going through it for days.

Starting bag two, more books.
That middle elf is sexually confusing the shit out of me. Goddamn it, 80s.
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That's a fucking mother lode!
well at least I can say I have all those
this guy loved his cyberpunk that's for sure
They seriously threw all this shit in the fucking trash instead of giving it to a local charity? Shit, at the very least they could have given it to fucking goodwill, even if they'd turn around and try and sell some of it at stupid prices.
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It sure looks like it. The books never end. I wonder if these have been lost to the ages and I should scam them all for /tg/
whoever passed had impeccable taste

elfquest aside
At least anon rescued it and will love it
That's what our hobby is to our families - trash. I'm sure my parents would do the same if I got hit by a car tomorrow or something.
>I wonder if these have been lost to the ages and I should scam them all for /tg/
Actually anon all of those Cyberpunk 2020 books are easy to find as PDFs, as are several of the other ones you've posted. The real score so far are the Thieves Guild, Space Frontier and Harpoon stuff.
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His family was very wealthy. Guy was 60 years old and weighed no joke 600 pounds and hadn't worked since the early 90s after making millions in the stock market. All he did apparently was sit on his ass eating, collecting gaming shit, and playing MMOs for the last 2 decades.

Also, this android on the cover it making me aroused. I blame years of being on /tg/
Seeing all this unopened, unpainted stuff, I feel kinda bad for the guy.
Retards, man.

A lot of people don't realize old hobby shit is worth fat stacks if it's kept in good condition. Others don't care or imagine "nerd stuff" is intrinsically worthless.

If OP got permission to snag this shit he should send them some kind of thank you gift, given the boon he's received.

If he swiped it I don't care, you throw away valuables you don't get to complain when someone takes it.
following this
He lived the comfy life
Would you keep someone's old magazines? That's probably what they thought of the rulebooks, especially since they're obviously old. The miniatures at worst might have just seemed like broken toys, and at best they might have realized that they were old and assumed people probably didn't play that game anymore.
In before Anon finds the guy's collection of rockin' 80s porn that the family mistook for more nerd shit.

By the way, Anon, did you know this guy or his family? You must have at least known he was a greybeard if you knew that his trash would be full of /tg/ swag.
Maybe your family. My uncle played D&D back when he was a kid, my ma always thought it was a good hobby and most of my friends and relatives have either joined in on it or know how much it's a part of my life and how much money is behind it, if nothing else.
>Also, this android on the cover it making me aroused. I blame years of being on /tg/

I believe it was done by Hajime Sorayama who's done robot pinup art for years
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A moment of silence for the fallen grognard

Also OP you must honor his memory, run one of every game he left you or else the grognard's curse will be upon ye!
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>You must have at least known he was a greybeard if you knew that his trash would be full of /tg/ swag.

Nope. He lived down the street from me and in all the years I've lived here I can count on 1 hand the number of times I saw him. At 600 or so pounds and his advanced age he must've had one hell of a Con score to live to be in his 60s. He was pretty much a prisoner in his home.

They actually asked my mother if she wanted any stuff they were throwing out and this was all out at the curb and in trash cans. I hope I didn't leave anything behind.

Here's a James Bond spygame and some Forgotten Realms maps.
>my ma always thought it was a good hobby
Oh sure, mine did too. She would always say "at least he's not doing drugs".
My grandfather died and left me a bunch of old hunting and vintage gun magazines and manuals for rifles. I didn't have a fucking clue if it was worth anything to anyone.

So I looked it up. I made a bit over a grand after I sold it all. Most of it was bought by just one guy.
A statement like yours appers to 100% in threads like this.
But it is simply wrong. What do you expect your family to do with your hobby stuff? Keep it in your room, sealing it for eternity and letting it collect dust?
Do you think they put it into your coffin besides you?
How can you know that they threw away everything. Maybe they kept one or two things with high sentimental value.. something sealed and unpainted stuff certainly has not to them.

If you want to be save, have an inventory list with prices of all that stuff and tell your parents to sell it and not to throw it away should that case ever occur.
I remember someone's wife complaining about us spending saturday's playing.
I put it to her, we could be down the pub pissing away our money, watching sportsball, getting in fights, fucking drunken sluts and catching chlamydia

She's kind of cool with RPG's now
Yeah, he had no friends at all

just like myself ;_;
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An entire bag of badly painted epic stuff, looks to be Chaos/Imp infantry with an Ork Gargant tossed in for good measure. Spent a few minutes untangling shit since it was just tossed together.
Grognard stuff is oft of no value. The Goodwill is the good point where samaritans will and would be to do good.
Huh. These are probably of great interest to some people on this board.
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More books
this dude loved him some spy shit.
Dude! That game is super hard to find nowadays, you're really lucky if you have a complete set, even the 1984 version.

Found a box of SM Sniper Scouts there for 50¢.
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Does anybody want/need any of the spy/cyberpunk stuff? Anyone body here actually play it? I'd send it to fa/tg/uys for the cost of media mail + a few bucks for gas and a padded envelope to send it in.

Also, next bag has THIS
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This thread is depressing as fuck. This grognard died alone with no one to play with
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The life of a Venerable Grognard is a harsh and unrewarding one. May his legacy live on in the annals of /tg/
My Dynasty will follow me to the tomb, so that when i Arise, my army shall arise with me
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It has been, apparently long ago. I found ancient character sheets in various handwriting.

Check out this hero of the realms

Who the fuck just throws out like 50k of miniatures. Any battlefleet?
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>Park the Ranger
truly this man was quite the wit
>Lo thee, venerable warrior! Tell us your name, so we may hold it up for eternity!
>>Its park

I'd expect them to have it appraised like non poor retards
>Park Ranger

Interesting question popped into my head because of Anon here (but not enough to warrant a thread.)

If you die, what army would you want buried with you, while others go to your (hypothetical) children?
No sale on that copy of Dune?
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>6 bags to go

Oh hey Star Trek appears punched so he might have played it, even though everything else looks new and unused.

or maybe the counters came that way
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who else here regularly rolls up 2e characters on lined paper like this? [though this looks like it could be 1e?]
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> Park Ranger
I would only be buried with a single figure, the most heroic unit in my main army.

Necron's in my tomb, Nids to the kids. Hopefully one day they read up enough 40k lore to understand what I'm implying.
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On my death my family will naturally commission a painting of me as an Iron Warrior Warsmith and my children will feud over my models that weren't taken to the grave.

So marneus calgar. I'd bring my huge black templars force since it'll be good to have a crusading army in the afterlife.
Think the last time I did was sometime around 2003...

I don't do wargaming, and don't have many minis, but I would naturally have all my tabletop stuff put into several preserved anti-rot chests, and buried with me in a multi-room underground tomb, with a vague map airdropped into a randomly chosen nearby bar town.

my tomb will be guarded by robotically animated human skeletons. there may or may not be traps.

You're not dead, only sleeping for 60 million year and they are the locust scouring life from existence?

No, no, no Anon.

Necrons being the best hope for stopping the Nid invasion therefore now that the Necrons are dead they can go forth and conquer.
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On the 50k part, I doubt its close to that. Maybe 5k after all said and done.

What kind of family does that? Apparently ones where they can afford not to have a single working person in the household and can visit Europe for a month every summer.

More of the Stark Trek box
>Park the ranger
I wish I had the good fortune of having play a game with him.
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Can we see the rest of these character sheets? If they really are all different handwriting, I might be picking out a narrative for this poor guy.

He played, then something happened and he could never find a group again. After striking it rich, he continued to buy games that he never played, books that he rarely read, just to fill the void that his estranged party left.

>Rope of Climbing

tell me he had a sandwich of eating somewhere in there.
>This thread

This grognard's parents must have been like "Look at all this worthless nerd garbage. Into the dumpster!". Having all this wind up at the bottom of a landfill would have been a crime against humanity.

Hell, even apart from the entertainment value it has for turbonerds, they could have still sold it for a sizable chunk of change.
I would love to buy the GURPS Cyberpunk book off of you, as I am going to be running a campaign for that soon.

Email me at [email protected] if you want.

Its a real item
apparently this guy was rich, so his family probably has no financial worries. so why bother with some old books?
to be fair, the sandwich of eating would beat the hell out of something as generic as "ring of sustenance"

>Sword of stabbing
>Horse of riding
>Cloak of rain protection
>Bow of arrow shooting
>Pants of decency
>Shovel of dirt movement
>Towel of drying
>Water of thirst quenching
>Slingshot of rock flinging

I could go on. I could. But I won't.
On the one hand this is sad beyond words. On the other hand this is like a time capsule or opening some lost King Fa/tg/uys tomb.
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>Having all this wind up at the bottom of a landfill would have been a crime against humanity.

200 years from now, bold adventurers will fight black orcs for greyhawk maps in mint condition
Sorry, I missed that. Is it a good game? Fun to play? Should I be taking it to my LGS looking for old guys willing to play for nostalgia?

People want ridiculous amounts for it on ebay, I figure I should play it at least once or twice in honor of the dead guy.
>go to local estate auction
>get outbid on massive collection well-preserved ancient tabletop stuff
>Person who ended up winning it is some yuppie prick who bought it for his "nerdy" daughter
>Watch from where I parked as his not-seriously-even-interested teenage daughter fucks around on her phone as her dad throws the boxes into the back of his pickup, not even bothering to lower the hatch and slide them in.
>Could practically hear shit breaking five cars away.
If you enjoy the Dune universe and games with heavy strategy and player negotiation, it's amazing. It's long and has a steep learning curve, but it's rewarding. If you've heard of Diplomacy, Dune is in the same class with more theme and more rules.
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It also often gets played at conventions. There's a group in Memphis that plays every year at MidSouthCon.
>60 Year Old
That's people with money to burn for you. It's impossible for them to attribute any real value to anything.
>An ancient grognard dies.

Heart disease or diabetes?
Ambushed by Hobgoblins
Eaten by a grue.
>60 years old
>600 pounds
Maybe both!
I'd say Dubai is the ultimate example of that. Unimaginable amounts of money to spend, but they have absolutely zero taste.

I mean come on, who would ever think a car covered completely in gold would look good? And surprise, the end result doesn't!
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>pulled these of of this bag
What really got me was him just tossing the boxes into his truck. Like they were full of old running shoes or crushed soda cans or some shit. I can't even understand the mindset of someone like this. I'm not a broke motherfucker, either, I do make a decent enough living for myself. Why the fuck would you be something nice and well-kept and then immediately start tossing it around like "who gives a shit lol."

I stopped bidding because there was other shit I wanted to bid on and the price had gotten stupid. So it's even more appalling to me that he'd pay more than the shit would even be worth just to box it all up and hurl it into his truck bed like a bag of leaves.
I'm sure there are lots and lots of people who would accuse this guy of the exact same thing.
That's what happens when barbarians get rich.
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More stuff from the endless bags of goodness.

The top 2 games have definitely seen some playing time. Bottom left is stuff for the James bond game.

I love Judge Dredd.
My group is pretty into good old fashioned cyberpunk. It would be a real treat if you could send something interesting my way.
[email protected]
oh boy the old FASA star trek game where your starship 'character sheet' is like 4 pages worth of trackers
Rolled Nat One on a fort save, after a string of Nat 20s
Deep in Hades, even the souls of the eternally damned can hear the fury of my rustling. This is a rustling of the infinite. A rustling that cannot be unrustled. There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for the magnitude of this rustling.
Not sure why but this reminds me of a story. I was on a date with this one girl, like our third date, walking around downtown. Some guy was selling a bunch of D&D shit out the trunk of his car for not much money because he had joined the air force and was leaving soon, couldn't hang onto it all. Anyway I stopped to look and the chick was like "Who the fuck would spend this much on books and toys?" And the guy explained what they cost brand new, what they cost used, and how he was passing em on at not even a third of the typical used prices. She tugged on me like "Come on let's go this stuff is stupid."

I wasn't having it though. I chose the P&P. Bought a shit ton of books. After she was jokingly like "I'm seriously reconsidering whether or not I should even date such a huge NERD."

So I dumped her. And spent like 5 years single.

I know its real, its just the name that gets me.
You did the right thing anon.
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Under-rated post of the decade.
They don't seem worth it anon.
You made the right choice.
The tabletop or the women? Cuz I'm happily married now. But if I hadn't met this current lady I seriously doubt I'd even be dating someone today.
Should I go out to the van and get more bags /tg/?
fukken obviously. there's 47 posters watching
>So I dumped her. And spent like 5 years single.
Good thinking.
The woman of course, glad to hear you're happy.
100% yes. You're a historian.

Eh, you could have done worse. If you stayed with her and said, "lol deal with it" she probably would have accepted the whole thing after a month.
There must be more battlefleet gothic stuff to go with those corsairs.
Yes please, this is way better than any unboxing
Of course. What a question. Get all!
She would have been shopping for new dick that night.
oh fuck me now that is a story and a half. Well done mate, you made the right decision.
Yeah, maybe. Nowadays that girl is a huge stoner and goes to raves and posts selfies like five times a day, talking about PLUR and shit while also being one of the most petty and judgmental people I know. She wasn't like that all back then, so who knows how things would've turned out.

But I'm glad I picked the tabletop. Cuz I met some seriously cool dudes and made some awesome friends that introduced me to lots of cool shit. And up to that point I didn't really care about anything. I didn't really have a passion. All my hobbies I just kind of did because my parents started me in em as a child and my friends did them.
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Well done!
her womanly instincts were about to kick in, good job you dropped her when you did friend :^)
Is anyone else finding OP's story hard to believe?

I refuse to believe somebody was stupid enough to just throw all this shit away. Nobody who lived with an old neckbeard faggot couldn't have been that oblivious to not notice how much money he spent on all this shit and just decided to just throw it all out.

And why throw it all out anyway? No remembrance shrine? Who is this edgy?
Whenever some used Nerd as an insult, I think that they are ape-like levels of dumb.

I can see you using a negative trait associeted with being a nerd to insult someone. Like "You are such a nerd, you should go out more". Where the core issue is the person being a shut in. But when people simply say "You are such a nerd" as if that was, inherently bad, I just think to myself that they'll start beating fists on their chests and peeing on things to mark territory. Even girls.
Thanks OP for sharing the pictures. I'm glad you rescued that stuff. Somewhere there's a entire group of old grognards looking down and smiling that you rescued those items. Even if you don't game with them and sell some, at least they didn't needless get destroyed. (And yeah, I'm old enough that I remember when all of that stuff was 'new'. Been gaming and collecting since the mid to late 70's.)
apparently some old bitch of a wife who probably hated it all along anyway.
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you did good anon
Hauntingly accurate, but also
>Ninja'd loot, the thread
you don't know how vindictive family can get
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Next bag.

This guy FUCKING LOVED board games. And Cyberpunk. And games workshop, although I've found no GW books or Codexes.
This. Or, if no wife is there, some ignorant uncle or some other far away relatives just cleaning out the house.
Only a few months older than I am, and thieve's world was one of the greatest low magic settings ever.
It happens. Not so often just dumping it in the trash, though. But if you go to thrift shops you can always tell when someone died recently. I got a bunch of tabletop shit from a thrift shop, and a huge chunk of it had the name Gregory written in the cover in the same handwriting. A few character sheets and notes and stuff, too.

But yeah. I understand giving away the shit to a thrift store or charity joint. Not so much bagging it and dumping it.
Bury me with my army of Egyptian skeletons. Fuck yeah, pharaoh for eternity.
Go get all of the bags. GO GO GO!!!
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>Dudes wife said with a 600 pound man for 2 decades
>Kids had 0 interest
>Was wealthy

His family probably couldn't wait to get rid of him and collect the money. His son at least was an asshole in high school that always had the best clothes and a car at 16. Probably hated him watching him go from a fairly normal guy to someone they needed a forklift to get to the hospital
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What a sad story. Also that Scotland Yard game was cool when I was a wee lad
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nice thread
have you found any other record sheets or character art, OP?

things like this are amazing to find
>Someone on ebay wants $125 for that Yaquinto Swashbuckler game

my parents got me into grognardology when I was young, and my father still collects games

I doubt he'd want any of the stuff I've got (not rare or interesting enough) but at least he'd know what to do with it.
Welp, that was surprisingly depressing.

What did he do for a living?
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>If you die, what army would you want buried with you, while others go to your (hypothetical) children?
Closest 'children' relatives are inheriting my military service medals.
But I'd like to think my fellow grognards will load up my car with my corpse surrounded by necromunda mini's, high elves and character sheets. Then set it on fire and roll it down a hill for a resulting, explosive send off.
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Just have to leave this here, OP. Ya done good.
They'd be wrong.
>If you die, what army would you want buried with you, while others go to your (hypothetical) children?
My flesh will be used to bind my collected gaming notes, while my bones will be shaped into a set of dice.
I have left explicit, and probably illegal, instructions to have my skeleton cleaned, polished, and preserved in a lich's robe and propped upright in my DM's chair.
no wonder he went so deep in his hobbies then

I would too if I were in his situation
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Apparently he worked in the computer industry in the 70s and 80s and made a fucking fortune and got out before the 90s bubble burst.

Also the Swashbuckling game looks cool but apparently the rules are missing
Truly a man of good fortune.
Really? Because I think about when I was a kid and "nerd" was decidedly insulting, and not some fucking chic bullshit, you little cunt.
You did right anon. If she wasn't able to accept your interests, 'nerdy' or otherwise, you'd probably be miserable right now. Even my ex wasn't crazy about traditional games, but she accepted that I liked them and didn't give me shit for it.
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>you will never play board games with an ancient grognard
>too young to relate
Damn good stuff OP
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20 years early.
I always pop back into /tg/ at the best times. Good haul, OP.
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This one is really dusty. Must've sat on top of his stack of games for a decade or two
Sounds like kingdom of loathing.
doesn't exactly scream PLAY ME does it
That catalog was released 12 years before I was born and I'm old enough to drink.
Oh so he probably was one of those Microsoft Millionaires then. That makes me wonder how many others decided to use their money to live in decadent grognardary.
About a year ago, I moved across the country. In doing so, I packed literally every single thing i could fit into my economy hatchback SUV, and then swore to my parents that I would return to collect everything that I hadn't taken with me on this journey "soon".

When i arrived at my new home and finished unpacking what few boxes of belongings i had brought with me (including almost none of my gaming books, because space vs. necessities), I phoned my parents and let them know i was finally getting settled in.

>"That's good to hear your father and I have been cleaning out your room."
"What? I Promised I'd come back for those things."
>"Oh, you don't need all this garbage Anon. Do you know how many tiny men you had? Those weren't doing anything but gathering dust, so your father's dealing with them. Oh! and you left your copy of "who moved my cheese", so i'll mail that to you."

It's been a year, I haven't been back... I am legitimately afraid of the amount of damage my family did to my game collection in "cleaning up" my old room.
>Oh! and you left your copy of "who moved my cheese", so i'll mail that to you.
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>look up golf game
wow, that game is from 1966. No wonder its so dirty.

Send it to Spoony, It looks like it belongs in the black hole.
I used to work for an estate sale / household liquidation company back in highschool. This situation isn't exactly uncommon (though this loot definitely is).
I was able to pick up the redbox in decent condition (free) while I was with the company.
Anon I am here, I have coffee and time to listen to stories and watch your images. You have brought together /tg/ for a large story telling session. One of the best threads in a long time. Of course you should continue.
Some people shouldn't have children if they have literally zero interest or acceptance for their hobbies.
Lets swear a blood oath to be brothers and go back to deal with this.

Do you wish to be Eric, or Lyle?
An amazing haul OP. Good on you for saving it from the landfill.
She did. It's a self-help book she got for me. I can't begin to tell you how little I need it, but how much i know it would hurt her if i threw it away.
I know the book, I just thought that was hilarious.
Holy fuck dude.
Nice find.
And every day you spent too afraid to go back and stop them, another book was tossed. Another figurine dumped.
>how much i know it would hurt her if i threw it away
he already hurt you, not it is time for payback
Viking funeral.

Sure as fuck not letting any of you scavengers get it!
This is the kind of girl I wanna break her mind and rebuild her into a personal
>Eric or Lyle?
>What does Anon mea-
No, No no no no no.
Bad taste anon. I actually love my parents. I can deal with this, no matter how bad it is. I'll have to go back... well, fairly soon, but It will be resolved peacefully.

I know i'm weird, but i actually have a good relationship with my folks.
And here I just wanted my body encased in clear plastic and then vertically sliced in half to be used as a set of giant book ends for shelves full of gaming stuff. What was I thinking...
Nuh-uh. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, Anon. I'm above seeking vengeance for perceived slights.

I don't KNOW how bad it is... i just WORRY. For all I know, Dad took one of his spare hard cases used for carrying firearms and put my loose minis in there... maybe they just put them all in the basement. I haven't got the heart to ask.

Anyway: I have to go back there sometime this summer anyway...
yeah...i don't want this to be my future.

what is the point of having all this stuff but no group to play it with?
Remember when shaped rubber bands were a fad?
Yeah. Imagine how many kids went ballistic when daddy used one to hold a newspaper together or something.
It's kinda inevitable, at some point when you have kids, your kids will be into a thing you don't understand.
I have heard of this. I think this one has a race of Amoeba people you can play as. Other than that, I dont know much about it.
Might be valuable.
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Sorry for the delay.

Box contents. Unpunched. Also 2s10s in the box and a white crayon?
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You have chosen correctly sir
What's wrong with Elfquest? I've heard good things about the comic.
Why? It's the retarded dads fault
>a white crayon?
For filling in the dice, anon. You'd rub the white crayon over them and it will fill in the numbers, helping them stand out more. That's seriously oldschool TSR.
Someone needs to draw this...
>Explorers plumbing the depths of a incan temple.
>They rolls aside a great sealed round door
>In the gloom beyond, on a throne, sits a corpse: it's voluminous fat now mummified. the corpse is surrounded by RPGs, board games and 40k paraphernalia.
"This is the lost tomb of King Fa/tg/uy, Neckbeardiest of the grognardns."
Because breaking her mind and turning her into your willing slave/cocksleeve is hot?
This is true. And people often associate comic books and other stuff with cheap ass 4 color comics they remember basically being gaudy shit paper when they were kids. And it almost was in some cases.


Now some of it is potentially worth more than the car people are taking it to the dump in. (condition and title dependent. I remember talking to a guy who had all the original conan books and comics, and some other stuff, and his brother threw them away. I believe this was comfortably into the 10k mark at least? And this had occurred in the 80's or 90's, so the relative amount was more.)

Although ironically there would be some value in this stuff getting buried at the bottom of a landfill because a lot of it might manage to last a really long time. It would benefit future generations of archaeologists and stuff. Just not you know, anyone now.

People just don't realize that things change, and even if comics were still all cheap, other people value some comics. It's a lack of imagination or empathy combined with ignorance and bias. They are unwilling or able to imagine that someone else would place value on the object.
>White crayon
To fill in the numbers on the dice anon. they weren't painted then like they are now.
And a morally horrible /d/ worthy torture? Even just killing her would be better
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You learn something new every day

Nigga, did he have the other half? That shit is worthless without it.

I have like 6 of the old hardcolored books that i'm gonna have to leave behind when I move.

Is there any interest in volumes 1-7 skipping 2?
Here is to hoping they cremated his ass with them the magnificent basterd
The art is pretty ugly and never improves.
Yesterday, he probably posted on /tg/.

Tomorrow, it could be me.
>your kids will be into a thing you don't understand.

Its no problem not to understand why a kid likes something.
It becomes a problem if i don't accept that fact. Or even throw away stuff i think is garbage but others value without asking them first
Is there a way to leave my gaming goodies to 4chan?

I don't want my idiot family throwing away my stuff.
Ugly art, retarded story.

A woman (not meant as offense here) draw her shlick-fantasy into a comic book.
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Pickett's Charge is yet another unpunched game in his collection. Probably had it for 30 years and never played it once.
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Tomorrow it could be any of us anon
We could set up some sort of website with a lottery, the earlier you join the lower your number and the more likely you would be to get things you could check boxes of what you are into, so you don't get minis if you don't want. We could make a small fee or something to keep it up.
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I post only to honor this mans passing.
May he go to cleaner tabletops, where all the players have shown, and have brought all the snacks.
More like:
>I'm 25 and what is this shit?!
>have ignorant son
>have hateful wife
>have no friends

>only joy is ordering hobby related stuff and unboxing it and then look at it while it sits in the shelfs

i can almost see myself there ;_;
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Combots is actually pretty cool. Its got some very oldschool metal minis inside you apparently assemble and configure into death dealing machines.
>It's been a year, I haven't been back... I

No Anon the appropriate response was to go back RIGHT THEN.
Anon, I have RPGs I've never played and fully painted armies for games I've never played.

>feels bad man
>your husband is super into a hobby
>ignore it and (probably) belittle it as stupid
>throw it all out when he dies
what sort of logic
And further research reveals...

Combots is a boardgame that FASA produced and published prior to BattleTech. The tagline read "The Ultimate Weapon Is No Longer A Dream". In a very broad sense it could be regarded as a precursor to BattleTech.

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RIP Grognard.
At least his stuff was saved from the landfill.
>In a very broad sense it could be regarded as a precursor to BattleTech.
I have to go and do a thing now
Yeah, except that those are literally a fad subject. They were popular for a year (or was it two?) and then ceased to exist. And you could get a bag of 50 for about $3.

This would be more akin to throwing out someone's music or movie collection without pause, or chucking your kid's sketches on a whim. It's really common when you get one person (ie. parents) who have no artistic appreciation, and another (ie. child) who does. My mother may loathe tabletop gaming in all of it's forms (divorced my dad over 40k), and she always passive aggressively insults my interest in it, she still recognizes my interest the hobby. Several of my friends have lost tons of their stuff because their parents thought it was 'taking space'.
And coasters. Don't forget coasters.
I bet her hobby was shopping. I want more women in the hobby, but not the ones that are just here because it is the "in" thing to do. More girls with actual hobbies and interests would make the world a better place.

Isn't that one worth $600?
Not all marriages are happy. He made a lot of money in early computers. Single nerds with a lot of money can attract a certain kind of gold digger.

Anyway, thanks for the thread OP. Its super melancholy, but at least its not going into a landfill.
Fuck coasters.
Let's not say things we'll regret Anon...
>my childish habit of putting glasses wherever I want overrides your $500 table!'

fucking manchildren
I know you guys are all ready to be mopey and shit, but this guy was 900 pounds, didn't play the games he bought, and did nothing except MMOs until he died horribly and preventably. He was probably That Guy the way only rich fuck That Guys can be.
May you be cursed with group member who have the same attitude towards coasters as you do.

That seems like a fairly good idea, but you'd have to have some serious trust from anons around the /tg/ to start. If someone like Esh-esh, Golden Neckbeard or Scripty were to start some kind of /tg/ "pay a dollar, have a chance of winning a game/ minis/ whatever" lottery, I'd throw money at them, no doubt. But sending money to random anons is... eh.

3rd. Do it for the honor of the old gamer guy!
He was still "one of us". Besides were all That Guy to someone.
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Final salutes to the jolly pink giant!
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While going through this stuff and reading posts, I'm reminded that my friend's huge basement (where our group plays every week and stores our stuff) absolutely hates the hobby and sometimes gets annoyed when we're there. They're older too, so its not like she's chomping at the bit to go to bars or clubs or anything on weekends.

I mean, he's at home, he's not out drinking, she knows he's not cheating etc. pauses the game for a few minutes if she needs something, we've helped her with stuff around the house. You just can't please some people.

Apparently Swashbuckler is complete. I had to read the handy HOW TO STORE ALBUM GAMES chart in this Adventurer one and realized it was tucked inside.
I don't know how I feel about what would happen to my stuff after I'm gone. On one hand, just throwing it away would kill me twice. But the idea of having it get sold to someone else...rulebooks and stuff that's fine, but my miniatures are something I put a lot into. The idea of the Caliban Green being scraped off and painted over with another chapter's colors tears at me.
Or his was a lonely soul isolated by his age, body and family playing games that were accessible but ultimately unsatisfying as his true interest lay in getting round a table with cardboard and comrades. I feel sad for him Anon and you can't make me hate him.
>The basement hates the hobby.
You're friends house may be possessed anon.
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Indeed. I use a little plate instead.
>American Civil War
Why is everyone so interested in that damn war? Barely anyone died, and it wasn't exactly that historically important compared to the Franco-Prussian war. Don't get me wrong, if it happened nowadays it'd be fucking huge- but America was not a major player then, while France and Prussia were. And the F-P war contributed to a couple of other rather famous wars...
Some people just hate the idea of other people having fun and not being 100% serious all the time. I wonder what your friend's wife does for fun other than criticise other people.
Very true we all have our own views on how games should be played and we tend to label people with other views as that guy, for instance I generally run games with difficult encounters and don't mess with the dice at all and have been called out as that GM for both being trying to kill the players and not giving the bosses enough challenge depending on where the dice fall some people might also call me that GM for not fudging the dice to make things more balanced, but I like the idea that sometimes you overachieve and things go very well or you mess up and things go poorly.
Because a lot of people live in America.
>this guy was 900 pounds, didn't play the games he bought, and did nothing except MMOs until he died horribly and preventably.

That's what makes it sadder, anon. He made a fortune in technology and then declined into isolation, estrangement from his family, and health disorders that turned into a vicious cycle. But he still held onto his imagination as his solace, and that what his family threw onto the tree lawn until OP claimed it.
That thumbnail makes them all look bare chested.
>barely anyone died.
Mostly the aesthetic, I imagine, as well as the lasting cultural impact it has in some areas. It's something to romanticize, like our own War of the Roses.
Actually the American Civil War is very important to world history. It decided what would be the cultural driving force of America. Look at the year immediately following it and the results of said years. America was a sleeping industrial giant but the Age of Reconstruction as well as the age of American Imperialism woke that up and led America to becoming the World Hegemon it is today.
Bury me with my Orks. Then when I rise from my slumber, a green tide will flow in my wake.
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America has very little history to take from (in the grand scheme of things) so all the minor stuff is significant. It also impacted most US families in some way.
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Apparently some of them have been played (well used too) but 75% appear unpunched.

Bags are getting sparser, some of them only have a few games and a bunch of unrelated junk
>>American Civil War
>Why is everyone so interested in that damn war? Barely anyone died, and it wasn't exactly that historically important compared to the Franco-Prussian war

Because it set the stage for major changes in the way war was fought. Germany actually sent over a number of observers and learned quite a bit from that conflict. It was reflected in the way their troops fought in World War I.
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I'm from yorkshire and I don't know a single person who gives a monkeys about the war of the roses. I think it's more about the USA being such a young country with not much hard history.
Sorry, meant to put Friend's wife in there somewhere.

If the house was possessed we'd know by now. We do know his mangy old dog has a penchant for chewing on old lead figures if left out though.
Hail, oh Grognard.
Gone to the lands beyond Greyhawk.
May his table be always full and his 20's natural!
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Good show.
>living the life
Having dumped like 40 metal marines from ebay in non-acetone nail cleaner for the night makes me feel guilty now.
They were badly painted (pretty good for 2nd Edition stuff though), but it looked like the person put alot of effort into them.
Well, all things considered it looks like you still managed to salvage more than a few treasures.
>Barely anyone died
ur a tard
>Why is everyone so interested in that damn war?

Largest battle in the history of the Western Hemisphere happened during it at Gettysburg.

It decided the fate of a country that would go on to dominate the 20th century.
You should play CP2020 OP. It's fun 80s cheesy hairmetal Cyberpunk.
>>American Civil War
>>Barely anyone died
>>between 625,000 and 850,000 people died

The American Civil War is hugely important to the history of a the United States. Its effects are still being felt.
Only people in america care. Nobody else. In germany, it is barely even mentioned in history class.
O I am laffin
There's no accounting for taste. My father is from Manchester and is obsessed with it.
>conveniently omitting certain bits of history

Sounds about right.
This as well. The American Civil war and its aftermath is surprisingly a very important to World History.
>There are people on /pol/ right now that think the Civil War is still going on

And he got to live his life the way he wanted to and I bet was very happy about it aside from not having others like him near to play with.
>He thinks 625,000-850,000, or under three percent of the population, is a lot of deaths
Confirmed for American. Fuck, the English Civil War (which didn't kill many people at all unless you were Irish) killed more, comparatively.
What a great comic series

no seriously guys Elf Quest makes up some of the best Graphics Novels I've ever read.
Topest of keks. Into the Elf Folder you go.
Don't lie, Anon.

Fuckin' saved
There usually is only 1-2 hours of history class per week. 75% of the school books are filled with ww2 and related stuff.
The remaining time has to be filled with relevant things like egypt - greeks - romans - middle ages etc
All I've read of it is that Cerebus crossover but I have to say the art looks questionable.
Looks like we've reached the cap and thread dying.

I still have more bags in the van. Wat do?
Nobody cares about the damn WotR, anon.
What, not the fucking 30 Years War?
Post another thread?

The losses are a joke. Check out how many people died during real wars.
The thread will last for hours yet.
Keep going
New thread, obviously.

Or get in the fucking bag
It killed the most Americans. No seriously, I don't think America has lost that many soldiers in a war since.

In some ways it was like WW1 was for Europe. While WW1 was still more distant for America, the Civil War took place on US soil. Regiments were mowed down in the hundreds, since new weapons were still being used with old tactics. It was really bloody and brutal and close to home.

Post more stuff there are people that aren't here about history class.
Make a new thread, of course.
Compare it to the Revolutionary War and you'll see why Americans care. It's one of like 3 times we actually fought on our own turf. Won't happen again until Quebec finally rises up and kills all the Canadians.
>What, not the fucking 30 Years War?
>middle ages etc

it was mentioned. but almost anything outside of ww2 is up to the certain teacher. if he wants to focus on roman republic then he does. and then his class might never learn anything about China or Aztecs, simply because there is no time for anything besides the holocaust.

During my time in school i visited 3 different concentration camps. Each trip prepared with several school-hours of pre-info about that certain camp and each trip with several hours of talk after it.
Almost everything i know about history i learned because i read books in the library
Civil war
>750k dead

>17 million dead
>20 million wounded

u wot m8.
Well, the number of people killed is not always the best indicator of how historically relevant or important a war or battle is.

The battle of Towton for example changed almost nothing despite being the bloodiest battle on English soil.
Americans are selfish cunts with no knowledge of whats happening outside of their country.
>He thinks the 17th century is part of the middle ages
It has massive cultural significance to us you asshats

>being proud of massive European wars that killed Millions of white men and woman

Literal Eurocucks
Copy the L instead of drawing a new one
Yeah, I fucking hate Americans. They make huge sweeping generalisations about people from other countries.
>It has massive cultural significance to us you asshats
>being proud of massive European wars that killed Millions of white men and woman
If we want to say that wars with the highest death toll are the most important then other than WWI and WWII wars in china and the Mongol conquests are far more important than anything that happened in Europe.
Who gives two shits about the rest of it.

Hell our problem for the last 50 years is we've actually started to give a shit about the rest of the world.

Fuck you, and fuck whatever irrelevant slimy shithole you're from.
Because the losers were allowed to live and haven't shut the fuck up about it since.
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American causalities, not the allied powers in total. According to Wikipedia, the Americans only lost 116,708 soldiers.

Even then, where are you getting those totals? Wikipedia only counts 10 million as the maximum death toll for ALL countries on BOTH sides of the war. Where the hell are you getting 17mill?

>hur dur we can't decide who should run our country so shoot each other like typical amerifucks.


>the world standing against tyranny and genocide. fighting for freedom and the survival of all that is good
OP Please make a new thread. So we can stop this Civil war nonsense.
The Mongol conquest of China is one of the most important events in history.
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The next bag only had a handful of games, the rest was junk unfortunately.
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for fuck sake, someone archive this thread...this is gamer history,a nd OP, who is usually a fag, i now doing our precious /tg/ deity's work

what was the east statistic: 1/4 of all young men at the time died in the civil war?
it was two conscript forces slugging it out.
and, we got 'the scary us gubmint' out of it.

this is a very poignant thread...and the older you are, the closer you are to being the grognard OP speaks of...
cultivate your families, and choose wise mates

so we can pass ourselves on, and not be garbage sacks disposed of...
This is funnier than it really has any right to be.
Read the first three lines on the wiki.

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Can we go back to talking about the stuff OP found?
That's much better than this shit about "muh wars"
Forgot to clarify - Americans only lost that number in WW1. They did lose 750k~ in the Civil War, if you count both sides.
That's military and civilian, though. It's not fair to include the civilian losses because the Americans didn't suffer any.
WW2 could have easily been prevented, and we never should have gotten involved in typical Euro warmongering.

WW2 wasn't a war of righteousness, it was cleaning up Western Europe's shitty mess.
And please tell me how a Victory over the Axis powers would have been possible without the U.S.?
the first stat was about the civil war casualties you dingus.
>the rest was junk unfortunately.
Like what?
I agree I am just saying that there are a number of other wars in china the three kingdoms war, the an lushan rebellion the taipang rebellion and the chinese civil war all have more casualties than everything that involved europe other than WWI and WWII
> Deliberately hurting your mother

Now I always did like you, Byron, but you never did know when to shut up.

Even bad men love their mommas.
It was just a continuation of WW1, and anyway, even with a proper settlement at the end of it there probably would have been a war with the Soviets at some stage.
>romanticizing it to that bullshit degree
WW1 Was a post arms race dick measuring competition. WW2 was what happens when you let petty fucktards write the post war treaty for WW1, and the country you fucked over becomes bitter and relevant.
Fucker, we were talking about WW1, and you said first few lines of the wiki page.

>The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was over 37 million: over 17 million deaths and 20 million wounded, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history.
man...my typos suck ass...

the rest is junk?
literal junk or things which may have been game accessories?
You should still get the other bags. Might be some comics in there too.
>Gaming history being uncovered and protected for future generations
>People arguing over war casualties
For once, I am not happy with a /tg/ history lesson.
Stuff completely unrelated to /tg/, books, magazines etc
The Mexican revolution has an estimate of at least one million deaths.
Again ameritards believe themselves the center of the universe.
Nero didn't. And despite what those petty senatorial historians said he was arguably pretty nice.

No good books?
Friendly reminder that the US has lost less than 10000 personnel due to the wars in the middle east but have resulted in more civilian casualties than soldiers killed in the amerifat civil war.
Anything good? Also you should start a new thread soon, if only to escape the Civil War stuff.
Most people count the deaths caused by Spanish Flu as part of the War death toll, 'cause it was spread by the war or some shit.
What does that have to do with anything? I might as well ask you how you could have won WW2 without the USSR.
No, under three percent of Americans died in that war. For reference, over three percent of English people died in the English Civil War, and over half of Irish people died. And then in the 30YW, an ungodly amount of people were killed.
>Where's my cheese

Oh, my fucking god, I watched a video of that at trade school. I cannot describe the rage your words have inspired in me.
No one is saying that. The Civil War is just the war with the most loss of American life that the country has ever suffered, and it's remembered accordingly.
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Yeah, much better.
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All because of this

God tier trolling.

NEXT UP The pickings are getting thinner /tg/ my luck might be running out
American deaths in the Civil War: 750,000
American deaths in Vietnam: 58,000
Say to to my table and not online and see what happens.
Anon, please scan the rarer pieces in this glorious collection.
They must be added to the /tg/ collective! Please!
My parents once tossed out a set of books I picked up because they were 'taking up space', so I pawned my mother's jewelry and bought my stuff back.

They never noticed the missing rings.
Thats some nice cover art on Feudal.
What's your point, exactly?
That's kind of harsh. Couldn't you have tried to get some sort of reparation instead of selling their stuff?
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my typos are fuckign horrid. the statistic i was told was the the american civil war killed somethign like 1/4th of all men in the east US ages 18-21 or something, so, yeah, not everyone. read the full english, typos and stuff aside.

yeah, america hasn't really seen a devastating war, and has no real warrior culture.

i saw that casualties wiki a long time ago, an i must say china does have the lion's share of the worst wars.

funny 3 Kingdoms has the spot just under WWII...i am a huge 3 kingdoms fan.

has anyone archived this thread?
we are at 377 and falling...
Mexicans are only three-quarters people.
Everything is archived.

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Holy crap, is that an early print of FGU's Space Opera ???
This motherfucker
I've been considering building one of these tables. I currently have a 41 smart TV that runs apps and has all of it's ports right in the back, so it wouldn't be hard. I also have plexiglass I can put on top of the screen.

The only reason I haven't is because I don't have room.
The Three Kingdoms period killed over 30 million people in China. Why are you so interested in the Punic Wars?
no one gives a shit about some dead chinks

the more of them that die/have died, the better
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this thread is top level boss, i tell you.

also, OP has scored a verifiable museum of /tg/ history.
something epic has occurred.
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Oh my. One hilarious looking game, TWO character folders, a D&D program, AND A MYSTERY FLOPPY
I have no idea, but someone is trying to sell the same version on ebay for 100 bucks

Becuase the punic wars represent the peek of military strategy, with one of the greatest minds in history doing his best to defeat superior forces through nothing but wit alone. Some of the battles orchestrated by Hannibal are true art, and you ignoramuses claim they're less important because the body count was lower? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, ASIAN OBSESSED SCUM.
did you know the guy on a personal level, op?
The Cards underneath the D&D CD and Mystery Floppy are from the Project A-Ko RPG.
Im betting its a Chargen program

From 1982
Early 90's Ascii and and BBS pron for the win!
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could we see some of the character folder contents?
if you wanna see chinese die, you need to invest in asian military history

1: know thy enemy, if they are your enemy
2: Taiping rebellion lets you see Chinese Christians fight the rest of China, Boxer Rebellion has 8 other nations and chinese fighting the Chinese imperials/Boxers...etc.
3: i've never seen military reading degrade the education of anyone...

A man can dream, a man can dream.
Can modern computers even read floppies anymore?
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Except I haven't had a floppy drive in 6 years
Clearly we want to know what's on the floppy, the question is does your computer have a floppy drive?
good point

still, asian military history is part of the whole.
Anon you have a quest ahead of you.
This is the future, Anon. We have USB floppy drives.
How are you even going to read that floppy? Find someones grandmother who hasn't got a new computer in 20 years?
Nope. They literally never noticed the rings missing and I got my stuff back. When questioned about where I got the money, I told them I sold some stuff that wasn't important to me and that the books were, and asked them to not touch them again.
>Implying the Three Kingdoms doesn't have that in spades
They even made a huge shitty weeb game series out of it, anon.

He lived down the street. The only time I ever saw him after the late 90s when he started to get fuck huge was Halloween. He gave out the full sized candy bars. Who'd have thought.
Plenty of 3.5-inch external floppy drives for $10-15 on ebay

There are like 4, at least. I can think of 2 off the top of my head
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>this thread will get less votes than some mediocre quests
You can get a Floppy disk reader for £4.95 (not sure on the conversion here) +plus £3.98 postage on Amazon.
OP show us those Character sheets.
The dead elf in green already looks kind of like the lelf...
>shitty weeb game series
dynasty warriors is pretty damn fun, man
I am currently trying to find stores that might carry them without needing shipping so that we can get the floppy info sooner. Obviously a smaller computer store would be your best bet though start making calls OP.

Find me a smaller army encircling a larger one then. FIND ME ONE OF THE GREATEST TACTICAL MANEUVRES OF ALL TIME. Because that's what The Punic Wars are. The Punic Wars are exemplified by some of the greatest tactical maneuvres ever seen by man, and noone can match them, because so many of them were unthinkable before Hanibal did it.

So excuse me if I care more about the man whose battles would have made history regardless of their context than an entire section of Chinese history that you're glorifying.
Yeah, but is it one you've actually gotta install? I'd rather pay a little extra and not have to deal with the hassle, if so. And fuck these stupid picture captchas too, seriously. I miss just typing a word or two.
How do I vote? It happens so rarely I can never remember.
For the love of our lord Gygax, could you two just shut up and enjoy this glorious thread for just a while?
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fuck off
>>Go to suptg to upvote this
>>First time there in about a year
>>Have quests filtered here so I don't see them
>>See all the weeaboo shit quests in all their glory

How can anyone defend that crap?
Just go to the main page, it's the second thread from the top.
dude liked his rangers
Go to the general suptg archive, find death of a grognard (should be 2nd from the top) and you'll see a vote button next to it
That's two more stones than the enemy had, eh?

>21 quest threads filtered
>fighting a losing battle against [unrelated image] [inflamatory vague statement] and [stat me] threads

disappointed in ya, /tg/
uhhh, you left his name on the sheet. I guess it doesn't matter now that he is dead but still.
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>filters button on catalogue
>add filter
>main field is "quest"
>small field is "tg"
>check hide box
>don't need the ""
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Thats not his real name though. He must've had friends at some point playing.

Check out this authentic Japanese anime drawing in the corner of this sheet.
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These are d&d 3.0 sheets so Paul at least got a little gaming in since the year 2000.
Go away Eru Erufu. Your anime is terrible in almost every way.

d20 L5R ewwww
I hope the old man at least did some roleplaying on roll20 or some other virtual tabletop in his later years.
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>all these Japanese themed characters
>anime drawings on one

Fuck, maybe he posted on /a/
>misspell believe in the filename when its in the picture

no1care retarded namefagshit

No voting required
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3

Seems like it was a group in a campaign.

It looks more western cartoon than anime to me. And it seems more liekly that he just had a japanese themed game, and kept all of the player's character sheets.

Look at the handwriting/notes. They are all different.
Well it looks like he was playing L5R, which is a japanese themed game, so.
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Check this one

>GM Larry

Holy shit my neighbor was a secret DM
One of two things:

He either didn't believe it would be fragile("It's, like, hard-cover books and stuff, right? It'll be fine, I'm sure.") and did something stupid.

Or he and the girl's mother are divorced, and it was a token sentiment("Here, look at me, I just spent a stupid amount of money on this thing that you kinda, maybe, hinted you might like. I'm a good parent.") and he didn't really give a shit about anything other than waving his good-parent dick around.
You should bring this up to your neighbor man.
Find out about the guy.
His neighbor is the one who died.
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This is /tg/ history, we(you) must preserve this treasure for future generations of fatguys,
so that they may know what came before, started it all, and what might have been lost to time
You should see if you can find Paul Sampson from the other sheet, and tell him that your Larry died if he didnt already know, and ask about him.
This one is Paul again you should see if you can find him and learn more about Larry.
I can try to track him down if I have a city, and we can go ask him about Larry. Maybe hold a vigil or something.
Also is that another floppy last one was gray.
Never mind I am just stupid.
Ah, good old Rolemaster. I have missed you old friend.
I think this is the highest number of posts I've seen in a thread.
I have more stuff to go through later but after 4 hours I need a break.

May have a round 2 tonight if I find anything else super interesting like more GW stuff or funky books.
Find a usb floppy drive we must know what's on the floppy.
Thanks for sharing. You made the best thread I have seen here in weeks.
>single dick pick from Fat Larry to fuck with whoever got his stuff.
Gonna nth a scan request.

If OP made a shit_i_have_here.txt I'm sure /tg/ would be nice enough to figure out which items exist in .pdf form and which ones don't, and could figure out priorities (or OP could even sell shit to /tg/ people with a promise of an eventual scan attached so he doesn't have to spend years and years putting pamphlets on a flat surface and pressing a button).

Basically it'd be sad if all of this shit ended up in a SECOND ancient dead nerd's house to be thrown away for real this time.
I feel like that might lead to not so good things

'Yo sup stranger your amigo bite da dusto and I got his shit his fam just tossed it so I helped myself lmao but I found your character sheet and now I wanna ask about things'
It brought back a lot of good memories of my early rpg days, many years ago.

>RIP Old Grognard, the torch carries on
>mfw my laptop still has a floppy drive
That floppy is probably already broken, though. I doubt it was properly housed and it should be demagnetized by now.
I'm not sure what you don't understand about it being hot, anon.
The thing though is that even if they hop in because it's the "in" thing at the moment doesn't mean that they won't generate genuine interest in it while they're there. I know more than a few women (GF included) who are afraid to dive into certain hobbies because certain anons will give them "the quiz" and push them away.

"What? You didn't know this obscure fact? you're not a real fan."

"No, I'm just new, sorry for wanting to get into your hobby, I'll just leave I guess."

People probably started with this kind of quizzing shit to specifically keep away the fake hobby hoppers when 'geek is chic' hit, but they push away a LOT of girls who are actually trying to get into a game while they're at it.
I need this...

Maybe hit me up at [email protected] ?
Yeah. The quizzing thing is bullshit. The way to do it is just play. If they enjoy it you will notice.
>Telling people your real name on 4chan
Not that guy but who gives a shit? What are we going to do?
>mfw I have a huge box full of Amiga floppies
>Search for them so I can sell/show
>Brother took them
>Go get them
>mfw baby brother made curtain out of valuable pieces of the past.
I once (as a dude) got the quiz myself. I took it as a complement that the other dude didn't think I was a nerd, but I'm pretty certain the reality was he just had incredibly shitty judgement. It's fucking weird, though.
>I like playing lame, difficult, and stupid classes. I also like playing my games as RAW as possible, avoiding houserules pertaining to the mechanics as much as possible. Well, except in the case of logic holes and exploits... I'll houserule those out. The game's for enjoyment. You want grinding and powerlevelling? Go play a video game.
I would share this with /tg/ if its the case
>tfw diagnosed autismal as fuck
>tfw whenever I mention putting an rpg group together it ends up being 50% ladies despite my putting absolutely no effort to gender quota people in
>tfw don't have to sit at a table with /r9k/

If I can do it, you can.
Search him up and laugh at his dumb face on facebook?

I don't know, real names can be dangerous, especially since now everyone has an account everywhere with their name on it. They can't really be anonymous unless they always keep that mask on.
so, was he Paul Sampson or Will Skerrit?

i forgot the format

character name first?
what kinda name is Paul for a gnome?
OP here. If anyone paypaled me the cost of media mail + a few bucks for padded envelopes and gas I'd send em pretty much any of the cyber punk stuff. There might be more books eventually as well.

Someone already asked about the Gurps cyberpunk and I sent them an email.
Girls are always super interested in it. So are guys. People in general are interested in it, even those you wouldn't expect- I guarantee you lots of the jocks in your old schools would have loved to play /tg/ shit.
I'd hate for anyone to find out who I am. I've said some not-very-great things as a teenager. I guess the worst was calling Dragon Quest IX the best RPG ever, though, so it's not THAT (e.g. publicly being a /pol/ack) bad.
Where's your name from?
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Would you prefer David?
if this was /tg/ all the time... /tg/ would be a better place. more people need to start dying.
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>guy was an L5R fan
>some valkyries for him...
>People in general are interested in it, even those you wouldn't expect
Yeah, pretty much this.
>"so what are you doing this weekend"
>"nerd shit you don't care about, so can we talk about, like, another th"
>"like what"
>"oh can I get in on that it sounds awesome"
>"not it's fine you don't need to feign interest in this shit to be polite, now anyway like I was s"

Every time.
I can't believe this is still going. This is probably my favourite thread in a while.
>implying it's my real name
Besides find out I don't have a Facebook account?

Send me porn?

Fuck if I know.

Hell, I haven't used my real name online in a decade.

Sure Adrian. I believe you.
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I prefer Shmebuloc.
bad typo-ville.
also, i didn't refresh in time, for a dying thread, holy shit traffic!

>will skerrit
>gnomes are natural illusionists
>chucking your kids sketches

My drawings, my VHS collection and all my old school work...

Lets go for 550!

dude we're on page 9

it ain't happening.
OP, willing to part with that early Space Opera box?
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If you post faster it will
Do it for the dead Grognard.
His legend shall live on!
Boogie is still hilarious.

I can only post once every 30 seconds you fuck
Is it still an achievement if we're making banal posts against the clock?
yes, but you can try....

>shitposting this hard

Seriously, guys, if we can't do it on topic, it ain't worth it
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This is whats in it. Whatcha offering?
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Mfw you post no face.

i am wondering fi this will get aref save page on 1d4chan
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
Apparently, I have a user page on dandwiki, and that's what's on it.

Dates five years ago.
shipping + packing + gas?
you have to be an impostor, you use trope phrases.

it's gonna get something. This shit is TG history, that's for sure.



did a namefag just respond to himself? Jesus, what kind of cry for attention shit are you doing here diphole?

that's not me anon.

not like my writing style isn't a fingerprint....
I dunno if I can do that. The /tg/ in me wants to give to good causes, the guy who wants to go to a convention this summer needs money and some chucklefuck wants 100 bucks for it on ebay in about the same condition.

I don't know who the fuck you are anyways. I don't spend time learning every namefag on TG, it doesn't seem worth it.
Hey OP, if the guys got any other 40k minis, Orks specifically, would you be interested in selling them? I don't have any money on me right now, but for future possibility? I don't want any of the Epic stuff, or the huge units, but if he's got any smaller units or vehicles I'd like the possibility of getting them.
>samefagging and forgot to remove name.
>hahahahaha what a dickhead!
let me guess, you name fagged to try and shame a name fag. then dropped into anon?

c'mon, fess.

i am typically cool w anons...
>Anon is oblivious to the 'No, I'M Spartacus!' situation that is clearly developing
May your soul blaze across the stars, good grognard.
Out of curiosity, what state is OP in?

>assuming this whole thing hasn't just been one namefag replying to himself and trying to play it off.
I sold like 30 boxes and blisters of Orks for my uncle last year. The only thing I can see in the entire lot thats ork is the Gargant.
this gets me in the mood to go buy some old games...

then again, i own a red-box DnD and Hollow World...
can this be stickied?
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sure anon, speak louder, we'll beleive you.

well, enough, old games thread soon?
I was actually just doing this to make a shitty joke. I'm not this >>40305215 faggot.
i like you.

if stickied, i will leave, as it will go WAY past the 550 i am workin' on.
Bartosz replied a few seconds after bartosz replied. It's pretty obvious that they're not the same posters.
hey, !

don't make me post my collection only pics!

I have a friend who's been trying to get me to play 2e, but he can't seem to grasp the concept that you can play 2e with homerules to make the whole thing more generally functional


I think my favorite thing here is you're accusing me of having been the "fake you" because I made fun of it. Like, yeah, that makes way more sense than assuming I just like laughing at dumb fucks.
Drat. I just got into 40k and was hoping to get more Orks quickly to work on since I finished my first set of Boys
Kinda interested in the Cyberpunk 2020 books. Don't have the cash for them though probably
Maybe he has a 4Chan Gold membership?
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>new RPG: everyone is bartosz

where we try to collect as many dice and mini's as possible...
as one guy.
No one has a 4chan gold membership.

there's a one minute difference. They could easily be the same guy.
I agree with that idea.
Welp, we hit 550. I'm done here.
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nope, i have an impostor.


actually, I just realized... how is this still on the 9th page? is noone posting new threads or something?
They might all be on here
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true fact:

i don't lend out dice.
>too many thieves and cheeto-nurglings

and, so shall i.

if this gets stickied, by all means:

/tg/ is fairly slow. Threads can last awhile down here on page 9-10. It will die when US prime time hits and the quest spam hits.
>141 posters
What the shit.
>implying the quest spam ever dies

So, I'm curious. Not starting a fight or anything, legit curious.

Sure RP has been around since time before reckoning. Forum RP is brand new though. Video Game RP is brand new though. What exactly about quest threads qualify them as "Traditional Gaming" over what they seem to be: a BRAND NEW kind of gaming?
hey fake ass, bartosz left, or at least went full anon

>caught in the act.
Because Moot kicked them over here after all the other boards complained.
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Anon sent me a few bucks and will have this coming in the mail in a few days
It ebbs and flows like a cancerous tide. Late nights through early mornings it slows, especially during the week, then as night falls the faggots return seeking their waifus.
Pretty much this. /a/ can bitch way louder than we could ever dream of.

hmmm... moot isnt here anymore...
Nothing. It's just that people don't like them because they take up a large amount of space, and their subject matter tends not to be considered great.
Nah, I just forgot to remove my name.
They're RPGs in a different medium.

Also, "traditional games" is just a cluster of things that people more or less accept as being related. It doesn't actually mean traditional games.
Hey OP, anyway to contact you if we want to buy stuff?
I wish I could still do Touhou and FSN CYOA threads on /jp/ but a select few faggots complained when theres 60 different Touhou shitposting threads up at any one time. Don't want any one type of thread to dominate the boards my ass moot.
That doesn't mean his policies aren't still in effect due to inertia.

"starają" drań jest przesadzone, dupec'
[email protected] if you want anything specific let me know.
M8, I told you, I forgot to remove the name. I had it on to say >>40305428.
I will help
I'll put out a disclaimer, that some of the rare and more valuable box sets might go up on ebay to make some cash. The books are pretty fair game though.
Well, we're at 578 already, so you're a bit late.
In death...a member of project fa/tg/uy has a name. His name, was Paul Sampson.

...his name was Paul Sampson.

But it was Larry.
Completely understandable
>that merc outline

Be a man among men!

*then i rolled a crit on William Shatner

I get the Fight Club reference, but I don't get the Paul Sampson part.
Is he mates with Barry?
You're the real namefag, aren't you?
i do believe this thread shall make 600 before the void claims it.

anyone up for a good tally ho?
We can push to 600 friend

Tally ho
His name was Larry
This is shitposting at /v/ levels.

a name on a charcater sheet, above...

either he is the grognard or a guy who played with him, grognard may have been Larry.

this has gotten hilarious.
>having actually defined criteria
This board is basically RPG and genre fiction + anything that can be tangentially related to them AKA everything.

As for the 50k comment, epic and especially gothic go for insane prices on ebay and second hand sites. If you find for example a battlebarge, they go for 50 pounds a piece.
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bumping for justice.
His name was Park the Ranger
>not wanting 600

what kind of fatguy are you?

i shall play a Cyberpunk PC named Paul Sampson, and he is a computer-using fiend...
Isn't /tg/ about people that play /tg/?
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At least his legacy will stay with us. Like a true grognard.
Fucking stop it, you scrubs.
OP where did you go? Start a new thread and open more bags.
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>Bumping an bump limited thread
>for justice
>>Bumping a 500+ post thread.

Dude, your newfag is showing.
600th post!!

WE DID IT!!!!!

i shall be sure Park the Ranger lives again!
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why are you guys so grumpy?
I'm taking a break, might have more later
OP mentioned he''s got days worth of stuff to go through. I'm just going to assume he's asleep/taking a break.
The trench war they fought with Denmark in 1864 and the preceding three year war probably affected things too.
let it be known: /t/g is unlike the other boards....

somethign of value was lost,
something of value was passed on...

Half the people on here don't even play /tg/, although that's mainly because they can't get a group.
Fucking Redditards.
/v/ doesn't play games, /a/ doesn't watch anime, /tg/ doesn't /tg/.

honestly I'm looking forward to thread two. This has long since stopped being about OP's stuff, so it's gotta restart. No sticky plox.
Man I didn't think something would happen to make me miss the Civil War shit, but the memeshit is getting despicable.
I sure don't play /tg/. I just pirate rule books and flip through them in my spare time. My schedule is too erratic to play anything regularly.
>let it be known: /t/g is unlike the other boards....
Oh circle-jerk more. Most boards would react the same way to a similarly board-appropriate discovery.
No. That's a flimsy, newfag excuse for shitposting.
/a/ watches anime, they just watch seasonal shit which most people from other boards would hate.
wow, why are you on /tg/ then?

go back to the /v/ from which you came!
or, are you /pol/?

your'e bitter enough to be /pol/
No they're not. There's nothing RPG about them.
What's the oldfag excuse for shitposting?
Blaming Nazimod.
It's one guy RPing and a bunch of other guys jerking off to it while rolling.
eww, don't remind me.

well, i guess there will be no old games thread here, as we are on page 10 and dropping...

the dark deep void looks so pretty from here...
/d/ lite, except without the lite.
It's not actually an excuse.
No True Scotsman fallacy or "It's what we used to do back in the day" (Especially when that's a blatant lie).
I'm /tg/. I just haven't been in a group for nigh on a year now.
If you're in a bait thread.
I really hope some of this memeshit is trolling. At least OP's gone and it's too late to ruin the thread.
/tg/ is a containment board.

however, it's like this

"and i shall build in hell for us a heaven, a brave new world, a promised land..."

ive been gm for over a year now. hoping to get one of my players to start running something instead so i can get to play more than 1 session for the first time in like 5 years.
Does anyone on 4chan actually know how to use No True Scotsman?
Anyone who doesn't know how to isn't really a 4channer.
a bunch of semi-meme, trying to break the post limit before 10+, and one namefag and his clones

this is the after-party

(gonna roll up a Red-Box DnD PC tonight...)
(on lined paper)
I assume that your reading comprehension is so bad that you took that "or" as an explanation of option 1, rather than as option 2.
Well it's option 2.
Took me a minute to get that.
It's a GM and a PC, with the PC controlled by a crowd instead of a single person.

I don't like quests any more than you do, that's why I use filters, but that doesn't make me blind.
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>red box
>roll up
>lined paper

I think I just came.
No True Scotsman shaves or wears pants!

hey anon, name the PC's sword "Scotsman"
I wasn't complaining about you misusing it, it just reminded me that people actually misuse it like you described.
I prefer to think he is rolling up new characters, in another dimension.

i guess...

why not?
i'll even use Park the Ranger as an NPC (and hope he doesn't get rolled over, so i'll keep him as a side-NPC)

anyone guess if we'll hit 650?
>implying he's not rolling up a new life
It's the great re-roll in the sky.
If it keeps up like this we should get there easy.
so, my first roll-set:

15, 11, 6, 13, 12, 9

shall i re-roll?
>600 pound fat guy pounding his fists at Gygax's tabletop in the sky yelling about various editions of D&D

I can see it
1 more posts and were there.
>Does anyone on 4chan actually know how to use No True Scotsman?
Nice back-pedalling, m8.
Let's hope he didn't run a magical realm campaign. He'd take a few ones on his reroll if that was the case.
any one got a great idea for class?

this is red-box, so i'm thinking fighter or elf
(don't see ranger or gnomes)

go fighter. explain away the high str low con via being a 600 lb fat guy with rage issues.
Whatever man.

will do, so ,

shit, need gold for supplies...

less so if he uses a club. clubs are cheap yes?

are we still here?
OK, seriously, fuck you. I've been farming Grognard loot drops for weeks and all I've got to show for it is a lousy copy of some MERP shit that smells like cat pee.
Epic 40K and BFG are either shit-hard to find or they are collector's prices.
I've got a whole bunch of BFG minis. I should probably do something with them, like paint them or play with them.

Or make recasts and sell them for a small fortune
Which ones anon? I'm OP and may be down to trade.
Shit, damn. Recast them, you could make bookoo bucks.
oddly enough a re-caster was in the thread earlier

if you need tips...
Nah, I'm too attached to them to give them away. They're mostly Imperial Navy, a good number of cruisers (six or so?) with two battleships and a whole bunch of escorts that come in two flavours. Also a Chaos battleship/carrier thing and a few cruisers, and a Blackstone Fortress.

I'm not really comfortable with the idea of just casually making fakes and selling them, so I think I'll pass on that idea.

What's wrong with recasting stuff that no longer has real versions in production?
Yeah, breaking someone with pleasure must be horrible
The particular anon's fetishes might not be pleasurable to the average person.
Not this kudagra shit again.

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